#give me the timeline @DreamWorks
sarilolla · 5 months
Now I'm thinking about Pop Trolls and what happened with them... I love making it clear in my fic that what happened with the Bergens affected them, to various degrees.
Small ramble? I guess? It's not completely cohesive
In Hanahaki, they make peace with the Bergens, but most older Trolls are still anxious around them, and only Bridget and Gristle actually know where the village is and they never go in.
In Different Beat I'm at a bit of limbo, I can see them helping Bridget which would help King Gristle and it dominos into the Bergens being happy, but there won't be a positive relationship between the two species.
In Experiment Pop... well, Bergens are genuinely huge bad guys there, and there's no way the Pop Trolls would ever willingly interact with a Bergen. There's more trauma than just Trollstice, and it affects the newer generations too meaning they can't fully get away from what happened.
I have more aus that I haven't posted but Bergen relations are spotty or bad there too, so... I guess I just think they should have been affected more
So it's all different, which is the joy of aus, but something I don't like is how glossed over the trauma of Trollstice is in the movies and the series. How long were the Pop Trolls captured and eaten? The franchise doesn't give us a definitive answer, but from context clues I would say a decade or two at the bare minimum. The first movie starts with the story where it's shown the city is built around the Troll Tree. They wouldn't get such an established city in so little time, I refuse to believe that. Trollstice was so integral to them, that the adult Bergens in the beginning of the first movie seemed like they had had a Troll their entire lives. I refuse to believe the Bergens showed up between BroZone breaking up and Rosiepuff being eaten
I want to say that realistically, the Pop Trolls were captured for 80-130 years. It may seem like a lot, but it is what makes most sense to me (feel free to debate me on that and provide your own speculated timeline). The timeline just... doesn't work properly? We don't have any set points to look at, except that in the first movie the escape was 20 years ago, and between World Tour and Band Together a month has passed. This makes it so I can fuck around with the timeline as needed, but they could have given me more to work with. So the only timeline I am working with is that at the escape, the Pop Trolls had been stuck with the Bergens for nearly 130 years, the whole Music schism happened almost 200 years ago (and while they were with the Bergens there was a generation or two who didn't even know other Trolls existed), and the Strings were made around 250 years ago? But that also doesn't fully fit with how a society evolves, so might have been even longer between all of this?
Anyway... Back to the Pop Trolls and how the Bergens and Trollstice affected them
I love making jokes in my stories about how desensitized the Pop Trolls are to death and destruction of their home. I love writing other Trolls' reactions to that. It's fun and morbid at the same time. Like the other genres can be as pissy as they want about Pop's attempted takeover so many years ago, but in a cynical way, they got their karma... Other genres had places to be safe, evolve in their own time, no huge threats, but the Pop Trolls lost that, and you can't tell me that wasn't lost for a long time
I firmly believe the Pop Trolls don't have an actual cemetery, but rather a field of flowers planted in remembrance, a Memorial. Flowers planted for the ones lost, but no bodies buried with them. Just a flower representing who they were and what they meant to their loved ones (which brings in my headcanon that flowers and flower language is a big part of Pop Troll culture). It's just in the past 20 years they actually have had bodies to bury, and those are few and far between
...I had a point to this ramble, I think. I think Trollstice and Pop Troll history is my fictional roman empire, it has genuinely gone in and out of my head since the first movie. It just hits hard
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probablyaseamonster · 2 years
No but Me and My Shadow would’ve done SO MUCH for little me like
My kid self had so many horrible takes. I was a massive NLOG and I was obsessed with “the darkness”. It took me until my late teens to realize that I could be a badass while also being my sunny af self.
Shadow Stan would’ve made me realize SO MANY THINGS about myself, and maybe even help me realize my bisexuality (although Hiccup from HTTYD and Jack Frost were doing that as well, god I was so cringe)!
I could’ve blossomed into myself so much quicker if I’d had this influence in my late childhood, especially considering the fact that so many of the tropes in the movie are ones I eat up nowadays. It could’ve become tied with HTTYD for my favourite movie, and change me into myself so much quicker than I did.
But no, we got Mr. Peabody & Sherman.
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aquaquadrant · 2 months
thoughts on the new character bios/interviews that the dreamworks twitter posted below the cut, as promised
so right off the bat, i’m trying to figure out when these interviews took place. it seems to be along the lines of a ‘where are they now?’ for the nublar six, so it’d be long enough after their rescue for them to be settled back in their lives. in terms of exact timing, my guess would be it’s 2-3 years before the time frame of chaos theory, and here’s why.
ben’s part mentions him starting college. if he was 14 during JWCC, he would be around 17 at the time of JW fallen kingdom (ie. during the epilogue scene) cuz it’s 3 years after JW. this would make him roughly 21 during chaos theory cuz it’s supposed to be around the same time as JW dominion (i think so, anyway, could be misremembering), which is 4 years after fallen kingdom. while it’s possible ben delayed his start at college bc of the whole ‘was stranded on dinosaur island for a while’ thing, starting at 21 seems pretty late. so this would most likely indicate the interviews were closer to the timing of the epilogue scene, maybe a year or two after (putting ben at 17-19).
more evidence: darius’s part portrays him as fairly well-adjusted and mentions him traveling to give talks, as we saw in the epilogue. we know that at the start of chaos theory, darius has been isolating himself for an unknown amount of time following brooklynn’s supposed death. i doubt ‘the dino times’ would’ve been able to get ahold of him for an interview.
final point: kenji’s part mentions his relationship with brooklynn and that “all is good in casa de kenji.” so like, it’s very unlikely brooklynn is ‘dead’ yet LMAO
the only thing that snags at me is sammy’s part saying she has her own ranch now. if this interview took place a couple years before chaos theory, she wouldn’t be older than 20. that’s a pretty damn young age to own and operate your own ranch- but since she comes from a family of ranchers, it wouldn’t be impossible. perhaps her family purchased some additional land for her to manage a smaller herd and they stay in close business with each other (providing surplus calves as replacement heifers for sammy’s herd, for example). either way, we stan a strong independent businesswoman.
also there’s the fact that they didn’t make one for brooklynn, when theoretically she would’ve still been alive at the time these interviews were done. but i think the dreamworks team might’ve just been concerned that ppl would confuse the timeline and use it as proof brooklynn is alive (full disclosure: i fully believe brooklynn is alive but ofc the show wants us to still think she’s dead) so i could see them leaving her out just for that reason.
now that the timeline junk is of the way, here’s more random thoughts.
yaz doesn’t seem to have returned to her career as an aspiring pro athlete (seems like something the interviewer would’ve mentioned if she had). this feeds my headcanon of her retaining permanent damage to her ankle quite well. also, the trauma. sammy’s part says they “don’t have time to keep worrying about all that running for our lives stuff.” maybe that’s part of it: yaz decided to just settle down and enjoy the quiet life on the ranch. good for her!!
kenji opened up a climbing school?? that’s random as fuck but i’m here for it. on the surface, it seems like the kinda thing rich tourists would sign up for- y’know, the ppl who travel to exotic places around the world to climb shit. but it’s actually a super useful skill to have in a post-dinosaur world, and kenji knows all too well how important these kinds of skills are for survival. so for me, it’s a choice that reflects the maturing he did during his character arc.
i’ve seen some ppl speculating that yasammy might’ve had a breakup/relationship issues. i sincerely hope that’s not the case- at the time of the interviews, they seemed to be in a very committed relationship, but since that was prob a couple years ago i guess there’s a chance something could’ve happened after. fingers crossed i’m wrong and we’ll just get loads of wonderful yasammy content in the show🤞
i’m curious what ben went/was going to college for. considering the epilogue slated him as researching with mae on mantah corp island, i wonder if he’d pursue some kind of neuro/psych/animal behavior thing.
yaz anxiety mention! god please let the show delve into all the PTSD these kids must’ve brought back from the island.
every new bit of info we get has me so excited like can the show just drop already 😩⚰️
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artist-emerald · 6 months
If they make another Trolls show for after the events of Band Together (which they are totally going to do, this is DreamWorks after all) I hope it follows the movie canon and not the show canon
Allow me to explain:
The Beat Goes On
Trolls 2: World Tour
Trolls 3: Band Together
These are our main sources (holiday specials thrown in where needed)
We can consider the canon consistent from the first movie, through The Beat Goes On, and a majority of the way into World Tour. However, there is a point where the timeline splits, and that is when Branch first confesses his feelings to Poppy in their big fight in World Tour.
Trollstopia was entertaining, but it was definitely messy. Absolutely 0 Broppy, amongst other things. But one big thing that the show did give us, a multiverse, courtesy of the Funk Trolls.
Trollstopia is a timeline where Branch hadn't confessed his feelings for Poppy yet so they're still friends. But in the Holoday in Harmony special, we still get to see 2 characters from Trollstopia make an appearance. Showing that the events of Trollstopia still took place in the movie timeline, with some differences most likely.
So if another show is made, I find it very hard for them to continue using the alternate timeline for it and not the movie timeline because the relationship development between Poppy and Branch is just too strong to ignore again.
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chaos-and-sparkles · 4 months
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Fic Commissions?
*puts on hat*
So yeah, after some nudging from my friends and bc I could really use the funds, I'm officially opening writing commissions!
For context, I go by Chaos_and_Sparkles on ao3, and you can find my fics here :D
How to Commission:
You can reach out to me for a commission by DMing me on Tumblr or via Discord (@star_rynight)!
We can discuss more about the details, and I can give an expected timeline.
Mention the word count range, fandom, ship, the prompt/idea you want, and the ao3 tags that would apply so I can get a feel of the story.
Since I'm juggling college, it can sometimes vary and may be up for discussion, but generally I will take up to two weeks to write the first 1k words, and a week per 1k words after that. I will however take twice as long for NSFW fics as I do for SFW fics (I'm asexual and sometimes sex-repulsed, so believe me when I say this is for the quality of the writing more than anything else).
I'll give regular updates, and snippets if you like, of the fic's progress
You'll have to pay half the amount upfront, and then I'll start working on the fic! Currently I only accept PayPal.
Once the fic is done, it'll be posted to my ao3, as a gift fic to you. If you want the fic sent privately and not posted, DM for further discussion.
$10 USD per 500 words for SFW
$12 USD per 500 words for NSFW
Fandoms and Fav Ships:
Spider-Verse (chaipunk and chaipunksong, occasional ghostflower and spiderdads)
Hamilton (jamilton and lams)
Good Omens (ineffable husbands, qpr ineffable husbands)
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (glimbow and glitra)
Marvel (depends on my mood, I do enjoy some frostiron tho)
Sherlock (ACD canon and Sherlock and Co. specifically) (johnlock, qpr johnlock)
Encanto (no ships)
ATLA (all ships welcome)
JJK (Anime) (sukuita, itafushi, nobamaki and satosugu)
Assorted Disney Movies
Assorted DreamWorks Movies
Greek Mythology and Lore (patrochilles, persades, anything with odysseus)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians (percabeth, solangelo)
These are just my favourite ships, ofc, I'm still up for writing others!
So... yeah! :D
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jessidogg · 4 months
Hi! I wanted to ask if I'm allowed to request something? Can you give me your opinions on what Floyd's and JD's lives were like between the band breaking up and Floyd getting kidnapped, because I feel like they don't explain as much about that as they do with Spruce, Branch, and Clay. Anyway, if you want to do this, thanks, if not, then that's okay too, and could you recommend someone who might be willing to try?
Me Rn: Wait-- someone is ACTUALLY asking me to blab about BroZone for the next 15 minutes?!! YASSSS!! *fistpump*
I was actually just thinking about this a few days ago myself and it's definitely hard to know for sure. John Dory and Floyd are both AMAZING characters, and I don't know what BroZone would be without them, but we just don't know too much about their characters yet to really know what they might have done or been into during their lives outside of the band.
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John Dory did mention living on the Neverglade trail or sumptin' lol, so maybe he liked hikes (wuttt?!! ahsnioefosoj) or maybe there's some hidden meaning in therreee that I'm too dumb to figure out XDDD hellppp 💀💀 I do think John Dory did not find Rhonda until after he left BroZone for sure tho, and that since he didn't have his bros she kind of took their place for entertainment and something to love and such. So there was that. JD does also seem like the type of guy to explore and see what he can find. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he found out about all the other different kinds of trolls before Branch and Poppy did! (who out there rlly loves the new ship DawnDory?!! Omigosh, I don't rlly ship them, but I think they would be HILARIOUS ex's!!)
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Floyd is definitely harder because he seems to be pretty chill. Maybe he traveled for his new solo singing career or something-- I mean, that would make sense to why in the world he would be at Mount Rageous for absolutely no reason :DDD I think he was pretty successful with that career tbh, I MEAN TROYE SIVAN'S VOICE IS SOOOO--- UGH I CANTTTT 😭😭🤩
not as good as JT's. But close.
All I can really tell about Floyd tho is that his style definitely went from classic boyband-ish to emo/punk for some reason sometime during those 20 years 🤣 Good thing he really looks good in that styleeee ♥️♥️♥️
The thing we have to remember is that this is a cartoon movie and that we can't expect all the answers (tho to me it's way more than a cartoon movie and I want ALL THE ANSWERS CUZ TROLLS IS MY LIFE) Heck, DreamWorks seems to be overwhelmed with all of the timelines and such in that movie... I believe it's times like these when we use that amazing blessing that God has lavished upon us:
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I'm sure all of y'all out there in the Trolls Fandom are doin' plenty of that, lol. KEEP IT UP!!
thx for the question tho! I hope I answered it pretty well, and I totally take suggestions!! Love y'all! HEARTS!! ♥️♥️♥️
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maribatshipper · 2 years
I'm so happy to see Disney addressing Periods, considering it doesn't like to make dirty jokes or things like that, but I think Dreamworks should have a turn. Dreamworks isn't shy to making adult jokes. Disney doesn't normally touch them with a twelve foot pole.
I want Trollhunter Trolls to ask about Periods! I want Akiridions to ask humans how they make babies, because apparently kissing is Akiridion version of sex.
I want to see Astrid being Clearly on her period, and Hiccup being the husband material he is and supporting her.
I want to know if Fiona from Shrek gets her periods while an ogre, or if it's just a human thing.
I mean, DreamWorks is always making Dick jokes, let's make some Period jokes.
I want to see a girl wake up on her second day of period and grip her abdomen for a second before brushing it off and going about her day.
I want Megamind to be the boyfriend/husband material he is and support Roxanne Ritchi during her periods.
I want Jack Frost to help little siblings getting period products for their big siblings in the supermarket.
Or even Puss In Boots giving his Mama chocolate or whatever they can get in that timeline for Women.
I want Wizard boys to be freaking out over their girlfriends periods and trying every spell to get rid of it because the Period is hurting their girlfriends, and that in turn hurts the boys, either because they don't want their girls in pain, or their girlfriends are more terrifying on their periods.
Or Girlfriends supporting girlfriends. Fathers supporting daughters! Sons supporting mothers! Give me Jim Lake Jr getting his mother Period Products!
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prpfs · 7 months
Howdy! I’m a 25 yo enby looking for another fandom roleplay! I’m semi-lit/ lit. I prefer longer replies. On a good day I’d really hope for a reply that could potentially break discords word count, but I also understand that sometimes it can be hard to have full para replies. Just try not to give me one or two sentence responses and if you can, please try and match reply length as much as you can, and I will do the same for you!
I roleplay in 3rd person, as it’s hard for me to roleplay in other POV’s. I’d prefer my partner do the same! Id prefer my partner be 20+, any younger and I’d be very uncomfortable as I enjoy playing out darker/heavier subjects. Though I do enjoy my fair share of fluff as well lol.
The roleplay can be either long term or short term, again just talk to me and we’ll figure it out.
As for the fandom- I know this is probably a long shot finding others my age who share the same level of enjoyment of it, but, I’m looking for a trolls roleplay. Yes the dreamworks movie. I know lmao, but hear me out. The movie dropped some more lore on branch and we get to meet his brothers, but there’s a huge time skip from Brozone breaking up to present and I think it would be interesting to explore that timeline from the brothers pov.
I guess that’s specifically what I’m looking for here, someone willing to have fun and explore that timeline with me!
If interested, please leave a like and I’ll reach out!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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blade-that-was-broken · 3 months
It kinda gives me life how much variety there is between what ages the bros were when the band broke up. Cause some people set JD as like 20 when it happened and like others set jd as a teenager and according to the trolls band together tiktok page jd is in his late 20s in band together so that means he would be like 9 years old max in cannon when the band broke up.
Personally looking at the flashback I think John Dory looks around 12 years old like he’s still got rosy cheeks and a baby face.
based on the magazine images the band started with just Bruce and John so like they’re basically the same age maybe 2 years between them. Then Clay joined so there’s probably a bit of a bigger gap between him and Floyd. Maybe like 3-4 years younger according to the band together like band page that dreamworks put out Floyd was originally referred to as the baby in the band before he out grew it and Branch joined.
So assuming that what dreamworks put out is legit in cannon JD was 9 when the band broke up, Bruce was 8ish Clay was like 6-7 Floyd was like 4 probably and branch was a few months old. Unless of course JD and Bruce are like fraternal twins or something with John being a few minutes older, which they might be considering they started their careers at the same time.
Troll aging is wild and it’s crazy to think that they could have been this young but tiny was sing dancing and driving at 1 month old so they age at weird rates.
The most wild part about this is that Bruce would have 13 kids at like 28-29 years old which is wild but might be the case cause all his kids look basically the same age and who knows how many sets of twins and or triplets he has.
Wow. Okay that was so much. I’m not entirely sure how to respond to that 😂
Frankly I don’t think the writers actually pay that much attention to time lines and continuity. I could be wrong but that’s just kind of how I see it. Timelines and concepts seem convoluted at best and I don’t particularly mind - as it’s aimed at kids - but I can understand why people might get a little frustrated.
Troll aging is unpredictable and absolutely WILD even if you go with older ages. Personally, I usually have JD being about 16 when the band break up. And as much as the others being younger and leave seems insane to us, it seems like with trolls, they can, at least generally can take care of themselves. I try to balance human realism and the troll surrealism a bit which is why I don’t generally use those ages of 9 and under. But I also don’t do exact human realism cause well, I just don’t.
I guess everyone does things a little differently and you’re right! It’s totally interesting. I think the Vacay people are probably more prone to having a bunch of kids than trolls. But idk maybe you’re right and Bruce and Brandy had a bunch of sets of twins and triplets and whatever.
Conclusion - Troll ages and maturing rates are absolutely wild and unpredictable lol
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lumiidragon · 2 years
i think the reason people like Feathers is that she has a fairly appealing and cute design compared to the other new dragons introduced in T9R, which unfortunately isn't saying much, she's still pretty bland compared to the dragon designs from the films and previous TV series. i really wish they had leaned into the feathered serpent inspiration more for the Featherhides. i also agree that the Flood Fang is one of the better designs in T9R, though i still think it could use some tweaks to fit better into the HTTYD universe. i don't blame the people who worked on the show for these issues, i'm guessing Dreamworks probably didn't give them enough time or budget to make the show as good as it potentially could have been.
also the Bubblehorn is slightly edited model of a dragon from Rescue Riders, which is why it looks like... That.
I think the real killer in Feathers's full potential, along with the other dragons, is frankly the style.
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If I knew nothing about TNR and I was shown this, I would have guessed that this came from a little kids series closer to Rescue Riders than the actual HTTYD line. The style is way too cartoony and blocky and it just doesn't match to the HTTYD style, even the older, less quality styles of the series (no hate towards the series of course because it's my soul and blood, but we can't argue that for obvious reasons, it can't hold up against the movie's graphics).
This blocky and cartoony look sadly makes the design suffer in terms of HTTYD-relations. As its own series, I feel like it's fine. Of course, since this is a continuation from the original HTTYD timeline and not a spin-off like Rescue Riders, it's hard not to constantly compare, but I also feel like it's the nature of things as well.
Now, I totally agree that Feathers's design is much more appealing that the others, especially Wu and Wei... She has much more personality and her abilities are frankly just more interesting. Thunder is just a Toothless copy, Wu and Wei are painfully predictable, and Plowhorn is just "the beef" of the group.
Of course, with all of this said, I'm still not crazy over Feathers like the bulk of the other fans are, but I'm not saying that I dislike her, either. If I'm going to be completely honest, it's Thunder I want to like the most. Night lights are familiar and enjoyable, but TNR's night lights are.....not. That, and no one on this green earth will convince me not to hate the fact that Thunder looks so much like a night fury cop-out instead of like an actual mix between two subspecies, especially since there would be more light fury genetics added to the gene pool at this point and would be overtaking the night fury ones by now.
Sorry for this getting a little long and rambly!
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deathandthemaiden23 · 4 months
Bro idk who's around me rn idk who's really still here in this fandom idk who will even see this or read it and i dont wanna get into it (proceeds to get into it) but ive been on a grand fucking expedition to confront past trauma and shit lately which whoopeee what else is new for what basically amounts to a dreamworks adult obsessed with the grim reaper from shrek specifically i think there's probably an actual good reason this is my biggest blorbo yet (which by the way, my good bitches, is truly saying something) beyond "big scary wolf sexy" but like anyways its been a hot fuckin second of me just sort of existing in purgatory with basically only this character to keep me real company the whole time chipping away at fanfic and makin doodles here and there while trying to solve the great big fuckin mystery of hey pal is there any particular reason you spend most of your free time fantasizing at length about being loved and cared for by literal fuckin death but um i kinda sorta had been making peace lately with the very real possibility that probably the only reappearances from Death we'd see going forward in this franchise would kinda just be relegated to stuff like being a playable character in that dumbass mario kart game they made recently that they had the audacity to charge $50 for the version with him in it and I was immediately prepared to shell out the fuckin money regardless anyways tldr this is my longwinded way of saying bless harvey fuckin guillen for supposedly saying he wants to reprise his role as perrito in shrek 5 and specifically mentioning he wanted to know more about his backstory including the near death experience he had in the sock that he still wears like ok let me be clear im not getting my hopes up for shit im super excited about the idea of harvey and everybody reprising their roles for future shrek installments but i know shit be disappointing sometimes and it just be like that sometimes blablabla alright nothing is set in stone in this cursed ass timeline we're in bbbbbbut
✨️H O W E V E R✨️
I cannot help but think in some kind of weirdly jaded optimism that surely dreamworks would not fucking let the absolute furry cashcow that Death is go to fucking waste if they're bringing shrek back to the big screen it just seems incredibly fuckin stupid this big fuckin bastard gave everyone a boner when last wish dropped to the extent that i actually didnt know anything about last wish going in to see it in theaters the first time knew nothing of the plot who was in it whatever right THE ONLY FUCKIN KNOWLEDGE I HAD OF LAST WISH PRIOR TO SITTING DOWN AND WATCHING IT WAS "OH I GUESS THERE'S A WOLF CHARACTER AND EVERYONE WANTS TO FUCK HIM" LMFAO UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE FUCKIN YEAR RIGHT LOL anyways if dreamworks doesnt seize the opportunity to give him at least one more like visible cameo appearance anywhere in whatever they can squeeze out of the shrek franchise after it was dead (lmfao) for like years (the puss in boots show is little known to anyone sadly and also it seems vaguely noncanonical if that makes sense stuff gets said on the regular in that show that just seems too batshit even for shrek standards) I'll genuinely like die of shock the entertainment industry is chock full of companies just like dreamworks always achin to get their hands on another iconic character they can squeeze money out of ad infinitum and like i dont want that to happen with Death I dont but also... please just let him show up at least one more time dreamworks throw this bitch a bone im begging you you will make so much money i promise u the thirsty tumblr fans are no joke we'll bankroll your ass to the moon and back
I feel it would be remiss of me not to offer some form of content after all this impassioned war and peace length solilioquy about the scu (shrek cinematic universe) so here's an old WIP from forever ago im like 90% i havent posted here (if i have oh fuckin well tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) its a lil scene from chapter 2 of my death fic where he gets caught redhanded picking flowers for his crush because he's a dork ass loser and wants to impress her without coming on too strong lmao like bro she's so into you just go for it
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yo-aroleplayfinder · 7 months
Bitches be shopping
Howdy! I’m a 25 yo enby looking for another fandom roleplay! I’m semi-lit/ lit. I prefer longer replies. On a good day I’d really hope for a reply that could potentially break discords word count, but I also understand that sometimes it can be hard to have full para replies. Just try not to give me one or two sentence responses and if you can, please try and match reply length as much as you can, and I will do the same for you!
I roleplay in 3rd person, as it’s hard for me to roleplay in other POV’s. I’d prefer my partner do the same! Id prefer my partner be 20+, any younger and I’d be very uncomfortable as I enjoy playing out darker/heavier subjects from time to time, and it’s simply just a comfort zone thing too. Though I do enjoy my fair share of fluff as well lol.
The roleplay can be either long term or short term, again just talk to me and we’ll figure it out.
As for the fandom- I know this is a long shot finding others my age who share the same enjoyment of it, but, I’m looking for a trolls roleplay. Yes the dreamworks movie. I know lmao, but hear me out. The movie dropped some more lore on branch and we get to meet his brothers, but there’s a huge time skip from Brozone breaking up to present and I think it would be interesting to explore that timeline from the brothers pov.
I guess that’s specifically what I’m looking for here, someone willing to have fun and explore that timeline with me!
If interested, please leave a like and I’ll reach out!
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borealisblog · 3 years
"Wow the new Rise of the Titans movie Avenger Endgame looks g..."
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Now let me say that I really REALLY enjoyed watching this movie okay?
I've been a fan of the franchise since its beggining back in 2016. I have never been so moved by a story and its characters as such as this series did as a whole.
In all my life so far, I believe I've never felt this much attached to a character before. Jim Lake Jr. had and always will have a special place in my heart. I related to him in so many ways that it would be impossible for me to do him justice in this single post!
To see the series end breaks my heart but I will always be thankful that it came into my life. As for that, I wish to give my most sincere thanks to the entire team that has been behind the whole franchise, to, of course, its one and only creator and genius, Guillermo del Toro and, to the late Anton Yelchin. May you rest in peace.
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That being said, I only need to bring up one particular aspect that kinda left me bitter:
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The Avenger Engame-ish ending.
They. all. deserved. a. happy. ending.
Jim. deserved. a. happy ending. IN. HIS. TIMELINE.
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I have nothing against time travel okay but the whole idea of KILLING OF TOBY IN ORDER TO GO BACK IN TIME TO THE DAY WHERE HE AND JIM FOUND THE AMULET BUT THIS TIME IT'S TOBY WHO GETS CHOSEN... How is this suppose to fix everything if not to repeat the same story again except this time it's Toby who get the main role and also end up in the same exhausted shape as Jim throughout the movie in the end but anyway i guess?
I mean sure everyone they have lost are alive again and Toby gets to be the hero instead of the "lame emotional support role" I can understand the idea behind this plot but...
It... it just doesn't fit I don't know.
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And if i may add something about Jlaire. It's cool that they get a fresh start and all but I dont feel like their relationship will be as powerfull as it was in the original plot.
I mean:
Jim introducing Claire to Trollmarket after their battle in the forest against the goblins
Jim making THE promise to Claire that he would get her brother Enrique back from the Darklands on his own if he had to.
Claire standing by Jim's side, telling him that they will save her brother together right after their Roméo and Juliette play
Jim turning into a half troll. Claire loving and supproting him regardless of this major change, ready to follow him everywhere.
That's what made Jlaire special to me.
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All in all, I just feel like the story has been rebooted unecessarly and the whole series plot was pointless in the end.
Again guys, I am not saying that I didn't like the movie! It was still very good!
I just believe it didn't get the proper ending it deserved.
Now to end this post on a more positive note, here is a list of my kudos for the movie <3
The GORGEOUS animation! All hail the Dreamworks team for that!
The INCREDIBLE score! Thank you Jeff Danna for your work!
The Pacific Rim hint was simply delicious.
The FREAKIN None Shall Live instrumental from Two Steps From Hell in the final confrontation between Jim and Bellroc with the Amulet soaring in the sky like it did back in Part 1 during the forest battle. MMMGLOORYYY!
Claire. Fair. lady. Claire.Nuñez. What a queen.
Actually Queen Aja. She's definetly queen material
Nari, sweet bean that you are.
AAAAarrgh and Toby. TRUE. WIGMANS.
Douxie, precious magic boy.
*SPECIAL KUDOS* Walter Strickler being, in the end, the best man we all deserve.
In the end guys, the only thing we need to remember from this incredible journey is this:
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technogeekmituna · 3 years
Man, that ending really just ruined my emotional state, and I've been in this weird mood of "That didn't happen, right?" to "DreamWorks really can't handle series ending movies, huh" to "Jim wouldn't give up the amulet like that without a plan" to "I'm bitterly happy it concluded, but I'm so frustrated that I have a headache because that ending leads to a complete loss of everything they learned and accomplished"
I dont understand the writing. I saw Guillermo credited as a writer, and I'm wondering if the directors are to blame then. Cause while the plot was pretty cohesive, it felt like some stuff was rushed or kinda like brushed over so everything could keep pace together. Like, after the first act of the movie everything started to feel a little disjointed, and then, like, I feel, like, the time traveling element is a bit... nonsensical. We already established what would happen if Jim decided not to take the amulet. Draag took his place and the Eternal Night happened and the world essentially ended, because Jim needed to become the Trollhunter.
Like, I can't understand the logic why Jim would let go of everything he said was meant for him and lead to him, it was all purposeful because he was meant to be the Trollhunter. He died for that realization, literally and figuratively (in the mental state to become more.)
You can't-- The writers can't just expect that ending to make any sense when Jim is the only person to remember anything but he reset everything to EPISODE ONE.
And also, why and how did everyone just assume Jim meant he would go back to prevent everything by going back to the beginning instead of, like, a couple days prior or a year prior or something
What does him going back to the beginning, giving Toby the responsibilities of the amulet-- Actually, hold on, what does Toby have now that he didn't at the beginning of the series now that time got retconned after a hard fought good ending that got restarted? Everything got a fresh start soo.... whatever Toby acquired or learned or accomplished in his character arc the first time around doesn't exist. Not to mention what does the amulet see in Toby now?!
The amulet wouldn't choose Toby just because Jim told him to take the canal. Jim doesn't have that authority. The amulet would have found a way back to Jim or something. Nothing against Toby, but, like, I don't think he would have the fortitude or capabilities to endure what was required of Jim to become the Trollhunter.
Nothing would play out the same. Everything is different standing at the divergence of Toby hearing the amulet. It's automatically a doomed timeline, lmao. I'm sorry, but??
I hate what happened with Nomura. That was really uncool how they took her out. Like, I get how they wrote her death and I guess that reads fine, but it was not executed well. It was too quick, too sudden, unworthy. Just poor.
I don't think Strickler needed to sacrifice himself because it was for nothing anyway. I mean to be fucking fair, what did they think highly explosive human made bombs were going to do against an ancient wizard wielding a giant titan of ice?? It was to be expected that it wouldn't work. Yes, yes, they were doing all that they could, but after all they'd encountered with magic and shit you would think they'd be a little smarter about their choices. It was just unnecessary. And while I did cry, especially because I felt bad for Jim and his mom, I have to ask what the fuck was that with his dad? Why did Barbara bring that up for it to go nowhere? No insight, no plot push forward, no revelations, just the same we've been told before and a "We don't give up no matter what" line.
I loved the fight with the two titans. It was good and well executed and hard-hitting. Nira died and her death was for a reason, a purpose.
Toby's death was impactful and sad, and he did stay by Jim to the end. It was for a purpose and it written well to work.
But Trollhunters have never had a good relationship with handling character deaths, imo. They're too fast to move on or the pacing sucks or it's like out of nowhere and done and now we stew with that death. Like, they hit emotionally, but more so because we loved those characters, not really because they died
I absolutely hate retconning deaths. It's a psych out. It ruins the mood. It makes it pointless. It pads out time. It's exhausting unless handled right and with a purpose.
The ROTT ending was baaaad. To be clear, Jim starting completely over was questionable and confusing and skeptical, but what made it baaaad was him giving Toby the amulet. I need context. I need an explanation. Why? What's the difference now? What will change? Will anything change? What's the new outcome??
Like, if they had used the last couple of minutes to breeze by everything again to catch us back up to the retconned ending to show what would happen with Toby being the new Trollhunter, then I might not be as sour and salty and bitter and other nasty flavors of mood.
But you can't tell me everything will play exactly as it did before. Absolutely not. Character arcs lost. Character development undone. Character relationships will be different. Big, impactful choices will differ or not exist at all or have vastly different outcomes. Nothing will be the same, and nothing will be better for this.
I just. Don't. Understand. I know some things were cut, but I don't see how those things would make the writing for the ending better unless things cut were explicitly on the ending and we're missing severe context for Jim's decision.
Sigh. Whatever. I'm gonna fucking pout and try to be 76% content with what we got.
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evilwriter37 · 3 years
Thoughts on dragons the nine realms?
I have a lot of similar thoughts to @kingofthewilderwest. He put it very well. Basically, I’m gonna give it a chance. The synopsis has me curious - I’m genuinely excited. I’m kind of nervous of course, wondering if there’s even a good story and characters there, or if this is just a cash grab. But this show would be able to do what the other Dreamworks Dragons shows couldn’t, because it’s not adhering to a canon movie timeline. The writers have more free range for their creativity, which I think is cool.
TLDR: Skeptical, but excited
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aevyk-ing · 4 years
Wizards trailer analysis
 -Since that woman looks familiar, I wonder if they just took all the background character designs and put them in medieval clothes.
-Also, horses! I bet we’re going to see a lot of horses.
-Little Archie flying towards the tower.
-The castle design is like: “We need a bigger keep.” “How big.” “Emmm...”
-Something’s wrong with Merlin’s color scheme here. A white-glowing armor doesn’t go with a green staff. Someone has to change. He looks a little off too. Maybe it’s the eyes.
-Does Douxie want to be a wizard or does he want to be a “Merlin-like” wizard? Maybe he hasn’t discovered his powers yet.
-One of the aesthetics that I love for wizards is the “working around floating objects”.
-So the staff is like the symbol of the most powerful wizards. I’ve always preferred when wizards don’t channel their magic through objects (like wands), but are just like throwing sparkles with their hands. 
-They trust Douxie enough to give him the restaurant keys. But, for what I’ve seen, he seems to be a quite worthtrusty and nice guy.
-Is that a salamander? I think it’s a salamander.
-It’s quite interesting that none of the different teams encounter other creatures during their patrols. The Trollhunters have never seen a salamander but I bet Douxie has seen (and fighted) some goblins. And where did he send that poor salamander? To other realm?
-So this is Arcadia post-battle. What was Douxie doing in the restaurant? Was he asked by his boss to come and check if everything was ok?
-Archie is going to be fluttering around a lot, isn’t he?
-At first I thought Merlin had emerged from a sewer and I’m not sorry for thinking that.
-“TIM* I* *T**NAL” “Time is Eternal”, I suppose. It looks like the box where I store my glasses, LOL. And is all that energy coming from the box and filtrated with the magnifying glasses?
-I’m saying that those “arrows” in the timeline are fixed points, maybe the ones that mark the beginning and ending of a... an Age. Also, they’re inside a tower, so my guess is that Archie will bring Toby and Steve there, where they’ll reunite with Claire and Merlin. And, speaking of Claire, her armor is so scrached. That, and Jim being inside that cocoon, seems like they’ve just survived some kind of battle.
-Merlin’s TARDIS magnifies his magic with that solar system model with a magic ball to open a portal... through time and space... to Camelot. But why is the castle floating over water?
-But the portal is unstable and absorbs some of them to Camelot near some ruins.
-Ok, I had to watch it a couple of times, but Jim has that shard in the Amulet when he gots up from the... ecstasy cocoon. Hope we can see what happened through a flash-back.
-Oh, the castle is built OVER water. That would be so humid.
-Arthur’s throne is so weird, like some a hydra surrounding him. And he has a little throne for Morgana, huh? Also, the design of the floor is so intricated, with the compass marking Camelot as the North... what’s on the other sides?
-Didn’t see Lancelot at first. Yep, he’s the spitting image of Steve.
-Poor Jim. Now I want to know what he’s doing in a cage and where are they carrying him.
-There’s eight orbs in that door and the central piece is just like the one of the Amulet.
-Are they Blinky and Dictatious from the past? Part of me wants them to have a Frasier/Niles kind of relationship, but just a little nod.
-Is Arthur making a distress call... with Excalibur? Or absorbing energy to fight with it? Also, the group is fighting Morgana clones with Shadow Staffs?
-I hope we get to know some of the knights, like Galahad and Lancelot, individually, instead of referring to the mass of knights. And are they fighting Gumm-Gumms? I thought that was the Trollhunter’s job. Speaking of that, where’s Deya? (I suppose she was the Trollhunter then)
-Douxie is using his staff to... let’s say wake up something or open some door. I don’t like the look of that yellow torch.
-Speaking of yellow things... what are those?
-Ok, so Jim’s armor looks scratched too. I fear it has something to do with the Amulet’s magic.
-Morgana commanding her clones. And the “bob” was her bangs. I hope this scene is more like Morgana is just doing her own business when the group appears. And I want to see Claire overpowering her clone by taking her Shadow Staff.
-That’s what I was talking about! Just shoot magic with your hands! Hope there’s some backstory of how Claire has got better with her powers and if they’re corrupting her.
-Morgana is the definition of elegance here.
-I’m really sorry, but the floating skull opening its mouth is giving it Megamind vibes with the “presentation!” scene. But, hey, it’s still DreamWorks and del Toro worked on Megamind too!
-That guy is so creepy, like the knight guarding a cursed death tree.
-And he has Akiridions by his side? My bet is they’re from Akiridion 1 to 4. And they appear to have different magic that, combined, is just as powerful as Merlin’s.
-I have to say that I love Steve’s screams.
-Those talking heads must guard the entrance of an important cave or a passage to Camelot, but is a little difficult to find a storyline in all this. I think that, after travelling to Camelot, they are brought to Arthur, Jim is imprisoned and they have to go back to the road to find... someone or something. Maybe Morgana, or the TrollMarket.
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