justine1268 · 7 days
Exactly!! He's still dealing with a lot and it's so recent, I want them to take their time. Even if the time between the first and second movies is like, a few years, I want them to wait until their relationship has really settled.
I think he should be able to enjoy it to the most of his abilities and as you said, post-partum depression isn't something I want added to the mix of everything he's going through.
I love the idea of them getting their egg once they've gotten a bit older. Branch would have become warmer, more in touch with his emotions and just more peaceful and relaxed in general. Poppy also would've become a bit calmer, more stable and wiser with time. Just, you know...more life baggage and experience.
Their lives would've fallen into a rythim that they're both doing great with too.
Branch would DEFINITELY want to plan that out. He plans every single thing he does in a day, he obviously will want to be as ready as he can be to have a child. He can never really be prepared enough and for everything, but he can be WAY more in a context where they control when they get children.
I want them to have that sense of security!
Genuine Question About Broppy getting Children In The Future... (long rant incoming)
Am I the only one who really wouldn't like an accidental/"surprise"/ unexpected/unwanted/unplanned/unintended Broppy child in future canon and who isn't really all that overjoyed about the idea of them having one in the future in general? I want to know.
I kind of feel like the only one because I haven't seen anyone else be so genuinely confused as to why the first situation is such a widespread and beloved thing in the fandom. If you do, please feel free to let me know what you find so appealing about it, because I'm not so sure I understand in all honesty and I want to get it.
I want to say that I really don't mean to come across as rude or hateful towards anyone who created Broppy children that would fit into the current canon who were unplanned! I just want to give my own perspective on it and why I personally feel iffy about that scenario.
A lot of my opinion here is also related to my personal attachment towards the ship itself. It's the first one I've had and for more than 7 years at the time of writing this, they've consistently been part of my life during this time. It's the ship I've been invested in the most.
The reason why I'm worried about this is because in Shrek, an other DreamWorks franchise, him and his wife had unexpected children. If they decide to make an other story like this:
Branch and Poppy is one of their few romantic relationships from ongoing franchises and a very popular one at the moment, so it could be with them.
There's a multitude of reasons why I rather have them want and desire a child before it happens and also to have it be almost a last part of the franchise addition. Like, one of the last things we get out of their relationship.
If it happens accidentally, depending on the context, it could likely be because they weren't careful. I feel like this is especially out of Branch's character. We know one of his major traits is making things the safest possible, he's hectic whenever something could be trouble. I think he probably would put action to avoid getting an unwanted egg as much as he could. We know Poppy can be kind of reckless, but she listens to Branch now and I don't think she is enough to not do any prevention and roll with it. She loves to throw herself head first into danger, but when she truly thinks she'll be okay. If she knows her own safety or well-being are really at risk, she takes it more seriously.
Obviously, putting characters through tough situations is the whole point of a storyline, but when it comes to them getting a child, it is something that (I'm assuming because we don't really know much about that yet) they CAN or at least should be able to control so...I think they should.
I don't want them having a toddler to get in the way of their relationship. I want lots more of just them two. A toddler, unless they don't show up for much, would take up a lot of moments that would otherwise be only with them. I want to get a lot more moments of solely them and focusing on their relationship with each other before a baby comes in!
Their characters, if, let's say, an infant or egg is with them during most events of a movie, I believe would be reduced to having to meet their needs. They're now tied down to needing to care for them and they lose that freedom they currently have. They'll have to be like "Ah, no, can't do that, got a baby." I don't want that.
I find it still way too early in canon for them to have children and that they should really be able to enjoy their time together and with their loved ones for now. Considering all Branch has gone through and the years he spent alone, being at such a low point, I don't want him to have the added responsibility, stress and worries of a parent so soon. I want him to be able to just have good times and hang out with his friends, girlfriend and family.
Both him and Poppy are so busy already, not to mention Branch is a person who really needs alone time. Give him a baby and that's going to be a whole lot harder.
It doesn't even seem to me like it's something they want in the future for now. Branch wants to marry Poppy, we already know that, but neither of them have ever mentioned wanting to have kids someday. Poppy already works with little trolls and loves it, but she has never said she wants one herself someday. Branch doesn't seem like it's crossing his mind. All he wants is to be Poppy's significant other.
I don't want a "surprise" Broppy kid and not know what went wrong or why it was so. If it's like Shrek, they'll leave that part ambiguous and I am not going to be happy about that. If they're going down that road, I at least want to know if they were intending on being careful at all. (Obviously brought up in a way that's appropriate for PG content).
Kids being raised by parents who didn't want them to arrive isn't ideal to me. Yes, parents can have regrets on deciding to have children in a way down the line and it doesn't mean they'll do a bad job, I agree the ship would make awesome parents, but it can be a lot more difficult thanks to that.
Look. I love the idea of them having little ones someday, I really do! I just wish it to happen way later on in the timeline than now, and most of all, I seriously want them to intend and want to have a baby before they do (we'll likely know if it's accidental, since, like I said, they did that in Shrek).
Scenarios I'd appreciate in canon:
1- They get married or just engaged in whichever next installment we'll get or stay only a couple and have a child or children that they planned on having years later.
2- They adopt a child/children which they either stumble upon or meet at an orphanage. They still look like their own, their colors being a sort of mix between Branch and Poppy's possible colors and being pop trolls (honestly, my favorite idea for a Broppy child).
3- It arrives at least a couple years after their romantic relationship has started (either still a committed couple, engaged or married), it wasn't intended or expected at all, from an unknowingly failed appropriate prevention method. They would be suggested the opportunity to abort, but they choose to keep their egg/eggs that resulted and raise them.
Scenarios I don't want:
1- It's a Shrek The Third 2.0 where it's left very ambiguous what happened with any time jump or none.
2- Unwanted egg from not trying to prevent it, no time jump at all. They have to raise their child/children as the early official couple they are now.
3- A baby/babies they didn't want and weren't careful for with a truly effective method, years or not after they're made official.
4- The child wasn't really wanted from both sides. Either one of them wasn't actually happy about the idea.
If we mostly get content of them out of the newborn stage (between about 5-18 years old), we get to know them once they already have built a personality. The child also has some amount of autonomy so the parents won't have to impose as much and we can still get only them both interacting pretty often. Kind of like in How To Train Your Dragon where Nuffink and Zephyr were already kids when we met them.
I think that's the idea I'd enjoy the most. Branch and Poppy wouldn't be tied down as much(also yes I'd want to see them getting older. Something so bittersweet in seeing a long time ship of mine age together...chef's kiss with that.) I'd get attached to the child a lot more easily as a character and I'd just love to see how the couple handles their youth.
Like I said: I do see lots of positives. I love the idea of them getting a child to build sweet, deep bonds with. The idea of caring, super invested dad Branch makes me melt. Him getting through that has something that can beautiful and powerful considering his story. It adds another person for him to love. A lot of wholesomeness and emotions to be explored! It can bring more to his relationship with Poppy as well! A supportive dynamic that's always ready to advise each other and to work through when it gets harder...yeah. It's simply great! It's a good foundation for a child to grow up on.
I just have some preferences for how it happens. Thank you for reading my long opinion piece!
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justine1268 · 7 days
Hello sorry for an ask. I am very sick, my asthma is at its maximum level, my nose freezes, I have no medicine or food. I am in bad shape financially, I am a black disabled, who uses multiple medications, I pay for my food and lodging
Unfortunately I do not have all the resources to keep me safe, that is why I need your help, whatever you can contribute to me will be of great help.
Oh my- hello! Don't worry, you're not bothering me at all!
All I can do is try to spread this! I'm sorry to hear about your condition. Sending all the hope for you!
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justine1268 · 8 days
Genuine Question About Broppy getting Children In The Future... (long rant incoming)
Am I the only one who really wouldn't like an accidental/"surprise"/ unexpected/unwanted/unplanned/unintended Broppy child in future canon and who isn't really all that overjoyed about the idea of them having one in the future in general? I want to know.
I kind of feel like the only one because I haven't seen anyone else be so genuinely confused as to why the first situation is such a widespread and beloved thing in the fandom. If you do, please feel free to let me know what you find so appealing about it, because I'm not so sure I understand in all honesty and I want to get it.
I want to say that I really don't mean to come across as rude or hateful towards anyone who created Broppy children that would fit into the current canon who were unplanned! I just want to give my own perspective on it and why I personally feel iffy about that scenario.
A lot of my opinion here is also related to my personal attachment towards the ship itself. It's the first one I've had and for more than 7 years at the time of writing this, they've consistently been part of my life during this time. It's the ship I've been invested in the most.
The reason why I'm worried about this is because in Shrek, an other DreamWorks franchise, him and his wife had unexpected children. If they decide to make an other story like this:
Branch and Poppy is one of their few romantic relationships from ongoing franchises and a very popular one at the moment, so it could be with them.
There's a multitude of reasons why I rather have them want and desire a child before it happens and also to have it be almost a last part of the franchise addition. Like, one of the last things we get out of their relationship.
If it happens accidentally, depending on the context, it could likely be because they weren't careful. I feel like this is especially out of Branch's character. We know one of his major traits is making things the safest possible, he's hectic whenever something could be trouble. I think he probably would put action to avoid getting an unwanted egg as much as he could. We know Poppy can be kind of reckless, but she listens to Branch now and I don't think she is enough to not do any prevention and roll with it. She loves to throw herself head first into danger, but when she truly thinks she'll be okay. If she knows her own safety or well-being are really at risk, she takes it more seriously.
Obviously, putting characters through tough situations is the whole point of a storyline, but when it comes to them getting a child, it is something that (I'm assuming because we don't really know much about that yet) they CAN or at least should be able to control so...I think they should.
I don't want them having a toddler to get in the way of their relationship. I want lots more of just them two. A toddler, unless they don't show up for much, would take up a lot of moments that would otherwise be only with them. I want to get a lot more moments of solely them and focusing on their relationship with each other before a baby comes in!
Their characters, if, let's say, an infant or egg is with them during most events of a movie, I believe would be reduced to having to meet their needs. They're now tied down to needing to care for them and they lose that freedom they currently have. They'll have to be like "Ah, no, can't do that, got a baby." I don't want that.
I find it still way too early in canon for them to have children and that they should really be able to enjoy their time together and with their loved ones for now. Considering all Branch has gone through and the years he spent alone, being at such a low point, I don't want him to have the added responsibility, stress and worries of a parent so soon. I want him to be able to just have good times and hang out with his friends, girlfriend and family.
Both him and Poppy are so busy already, not to mention Branch is a person who really needs alone time. Give him a baby and that's going to be a whole lot harder.
It doesn't even seem to me like it's something they want in the future for now. Branch wants to marry Poppy, we already know that, but neither of them have ever mentioned wanting to have kids someday. Poppy already works with little trolls and loves it, but she has never said she wants one herself someday. Branch doesn't seem like it's crossing his mind. All he wants is to be Poppy's significant other.
I don't want a "surprise" Broppy kid and not know what went wrong or why it was so. If it's like Shrek, they'll leave that part ambiguous and I am not going to be happy about that. If they're going down that road, I at least want to know if they were intending on being careful at all. (Obviously brought up in a way that's appropriate for PG content).
Kids being raised by parents who didn't want them to arrive isn't ideal to me. Yes, parents can have regrets on deciding to have children in a way down the line and it doesn't mean they'll do a bad job, I agree the ship would make awesome parents, but it can be a lot more difficult thanks to that.
Look. I love the idea of them having little ones someday, I really do! I just wish it to happen way later on in the timeline than now, and most of all, I seriously want them to intend and want to have a baby before they do (we'll likely know if it's accidental, since, like I said, they did that in Shrek).
Scenarios I'd appreciate in canon:
1- They get married or just engaged in whichever next installment we'll get or stay only a couple and have a child or children that they planned on having years later.
2- They adopt a child/children which they either stumble upon or meet at an orphanage. They still look like their own, their colors being a sort of mix between Branch and Poppy's possible colors and being pop trolls (honestly, my favorite idea for a Broppy child).
3- It arrives at least a couple years after their romantic relationship has started (either still a committed couple, engaged or married), it wasn't intended or expected at all, from an unknowingly failed appropriate prevention method. They would be suggested the opportunity to abort, but they choose to keep their egg/eggs that resulted and raise them.
Scenarios I don't want:
1- It's a Shrek The Third 2.0 where it's left very ambiguous what happened with any time jump or none.
2- Unwanted egg from not trying to prevent it, no time jump at all. They have to raise their child/children as the early official couple they are now.
3- A baby/babies they didn't want and weren't careful for with a truly effective method, years or not after they're made official.
4- The child wasn't really wanted from both sides. Either one of them wasn't actually happy about the idea.
If we mostly get content of them out of the newborn stage (between about 5-18 years old), we get to know them once they already have built a personality. The child also has some amount of autonomy so the parents won't have to impose as much and we can still get only them both interacting pretty often. Kind of like in How To Train Your Dragon where Nuffink and Zephyr were already kids when we met them.
I think that's the idea I'd enjoy the most. Branch and Poppy wouldn't be tied down as much(also yes I'd want to see them getting older. Something so bittersweet in seeing a long time ship of mine age together...chef's kiss with that.) I'd get attached to the child a lot more easily as a character and I'd just love to see how the couple handles their youth.
Like I said: I do see lots of positives. I love the idea of them getting a child to build sweet, deep bonds with. The idea of caring, super invested dad Branch makes me melt. Him getting through that has something that can beautiful and powerful considering his story. It adds another person for him to love. A lot of wholesomeness and emotions to be explored! It can bring more to his relationship with Poppy as well! A supportive dynamic that's always ready to advise each other and to work through when it gets harder...yeah. It's simply great! It's a good foundation for a child to grow up on.
I just have some preferences for how it happens. Thank you for reading my long opinion piece!
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justine1268 · 1 year
Hexy and Gexa get to properly meet {Arcane fan stories series n.5, story 3}
Gexa felt quite sorry for the other girl when she got locked up in the interrogation cells. She was going to defend her so she wouldn't have to go through worse for no reason.
Before, though, she wanted to finally properly meet her. Especially if she thought to be on her side..
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It was dark in there, but some light still came out of the window. I could only hear faint sounds, it wasn't too reassuring. Why was I here and was that girl going to help me?
Footsteps went closer to the door and I saw four shadows at the bottom of it.
The door loudly opened with creaks and clanks. Next to the guard who opened it, there she was. The expression on her face showed loads of comprehension and empathy, especially her eyes. I didn't let my guard down for much, though, what if she was going to go against me? What if she was not as good intentionned as she seemed? But what if...maybe...
"Uh, hey...this all really sucks, I uh...I'm going to tell them you did nothing wrong. I'm on your side. You don't deserve to be thrown in Stillwater, at least not for that." Her quiet voice echoed through the cell.
"Hm....thank you." I crisped my eyes. I didn't want to sound rude, but I was still analyzing this new person, so I answered quickly.
To my surprise, what I had was a kind smile in return. Maybe I could worry less?
"I spoke with the sheriff, it's in their code and obligations to interrogate you. They shouldn't be too hard on you." She leaned her head and shrugged.
"Yeah? Hopefully they aren't." I was so scared, how would my parents feel? Could I even tell these people everything? I'd be supposed to get back soon..
The girl sat down on one of the benches. She seemed to not have a worry and to be completely comfortable. I was only nervous. I paced around the metal floor.
"My name is Gexa, by the way!" She gave me the information with a soft voice.
"Hexy." I decided facing her wouldn't be so bad, after all, so I stopped walking in front of her.
"Okay. I'm glad I can finally meet you!" She saccaded out positively.
My eyes got wider. No one had spoken this kindly to me in months. It was always harsh rejections, angry comments and critiques, being pushed away from anyone. If she turned out misleading me, so was it, I wanted to accept that kindness.
I turned around and slowly angled myself towards her and stopped in my tracks. She seemed surprised to see the two scars on my face. They were easily noticeable, that's for sure.
I looked at her at bit more. I didn't bother to notice at first, but...she was gorgeous. At least, to me she was.
"I like your eyes!" The realization hit me right after. Had I REALLY just said that?!
Gexa giggled to herself. "Thank you, I guess!"
"I'm so sorry I said that! I'm sorry!" I pushed my palm onto my face. I was so angry at myself.
"No, it's alright!" The girl waved her arms down twice.
I looked at her with a disapointment smile and walked towards her more. She stopped smiling as wide and stared with large eyes. Was i scaring her? She stood there so I guessed sur was not?
I barely noticed I was right in front of her. Was I imaginating things or was I breathing harder than before? Being in this damp cell, while my eyes were starting to fall on their own, maybe made me hallucinate.
She kept her attention on me.
"I hope you get out of this fine."
I found myself back to how I felt minutes ago. I realized she took me out of my earlier thoughts during the last few minutes. Was she really grabbing my attention that much? "I hope so too." I went besides my new acquaintance and leaned against the wall. I suddenly felt my face get warmer.
How was that happening? I got my head down so that she wouldn't see it. I didn't know her, why was I acting like this?
Was I really seeing my walls slowly crumble for this stranger? One thing was for sure, I wanted to get to know her already.
A huge creaking sound caught us both by surprise. The door opened and we both froze To pay attention.
A tough looking enforcer with pink hair, tougher looking than me, stood in front of the door. Her expression didn't appear cold when she saw Gexa. "Oh, hey!" She turned to me and looked me up and down in once glance. "You gotta get to it kid. You can both follow me." She waited for me and Gexa and we went to a dark room with little lighting, except for one big light that really hurt my my eyes once I sat and had it in my face.
I leaned as far as possible from it. There was a tall woman with a badge on her uniform. She started asking me questions right away.
"So, do you know why noxian soldiers were running after you?"
"I'm from Ionia and my people are at war with them. They have chased me once before, maybe because they thought I was too close to their border. Maybe they think I'm a threat because of that now. I don't know."
"Okay, so you are saying that there was no real reason why they were chasing you?" She made sure she understood what that meant.
"I mean...yeah, I didin't volate any of their rules." The way she spoke was a little off to me. It seemed like she found was she was saying ridiculous.
"Now, Gexa, do you have any information to give on this?" The sheriff asked.
"Yes, I was there when it happened, actually. She did not cross any border and was not near camps."
Neither was she. Now that I thought about it, I wondered why she didn't also get interrogated, considering that she was in the same situation as me.
"Okay. Well, for that, there isn't much I can do. However, if there is a witness who says you did nothing wrong on this occasion, then there is no proven reason why we should get you in Stillwater." The woman raised her bright eyes towards someone in the back of the room.
"The case can then be closed. No need to take it to our council." The way the enforcers' leader spoke made it seem like that council wasn't all that great.
"You can now leave and get back home. We don't have anything else related to this case to talk about." She was now warm and kind. I felt relief fill me completely. I looked at Gexa and smiled back at her.
As I walked out again, Hebosa immediately raced to me. He was all good, so I was not worried about him. I could only pay attention to the girl I just met. I really wanted to get to know her. She was the kindest person I met in a long time. I wanted to see her more after this.
I decided to let her know everything before I could check on my family, I wantet to crash in this city more often from now on. "I'm going to have to go see my family. I would have already gone back by now. Thank you for helping me!"
"Of course!" She smiled kindly. " The sheriff is very kind and she treats everyone well. Her second is a little rougher and harder to get to, but she also has a lot of good once she gets to know someone."
"Yeah, I realized that. I'm most likely going to come back here soon." I got my hand out so we could shake.
Gexa took it and she had that caring expression again.
"See you soon, then!"
"See you around!"
She flew away with her owl and I went back on track, not being able to stop smiling.
First meeting in a trial cell was not a very good first impression, but she knew the truth and she didn't seem to care too much.
It was maybe the start of something great for me and I couldn't wait to find out.
0 notes
justine1268 · 1 year
A Job For Jinx {Arcane fan stories series n series n.4, story 2}
Gexa walked nervously down the streets of Zaun, holding brown bags of food. Maisa also carried bags in her claws, flapping behind her.
"Jinx!" She called again and again. She did not want to call this name out. No one wanted to, it was a death sentence for some people.
But at the moment, it was the only name she knew that was avaliable and might accept to do this.
That said, she did not come unprepared, wearing her bulletproof vest that covered her upper body under her cloak.
"Jinx!" She yelled again, her voice resonating in the alley. After that last call, an other sound echoed from above. This time, something climbing down towards her.
Gexa rose her head and hasard when she noticed the face of the woman she was calling starting at her nonchalantly.
She froze immediately and gulped as she examined her.
"Most people never ask for me to show up." Jinx did seem a little intrigued. She dropped in front of the turcoise haired girl and Maisa screeched.
"No, no, hold it, girl." Gexa calmed the bird down.
Jinx analyzed the pair again. "What's the meaning for this?"
"We came to give food to families here. I can't stay here for long because I have to go somewhere else soon. You were the only person we could go to at the moment." Gexa's voice rang with concern and worry.
Jinx was surprised someone cared about the undercity like that.
"I know some really need it and I thought you'd maybe have the heart to do it. After all, you only attack Piltover. I can get you the currency here if you want to-"
"No." Jinx quickly responded. "The fact that you asked for me to show up is enough to know you really want this."
Gexa was happily surprised. The blue haired girl suddenly slammed a smoke bomb towards Gexa, making her and her owl jump in the air.
When she could see clearly again, the bags were gone and she got to quickly catch a manical grin and chuckle on the gadgeteer's face before she disapeared in the darkness of the city.
Gexa leaned against a wall and sighed in relief.
Now, Jinx had something to do for a while.
0 notes
justine1268 · 1 year
Big Sis Of The Underground {Arcane fan stories series n.3, story 1}
This is the first time I make a first person point of view story! Hope you like it!
When I first met her, I thought all that Vi had was a tough exterior, that she wouldn't ever show emotion or be sentimental. But as I got to know her, I quickly realised I was wrong. Still...I wasn't sure. Until I fought beside her for the first time.
I couldn't handle it anymore. I was too exhausted. Hexy had already escaped. The opponents had way more energy than I could handle that moment.
I am not a fighter, I don't have to handle much most of the time.
I had to leave. I sent looks to the others to let them know I had to stop. They saw I couldn't keep going much longer, only to make sure I got out okay.
The chem-punk I was holding back had been trying to harm me for too long. He was starting to get closer and closer.
To my surprise, it wasn't Caitlyn who stepped up to help, nor Ekko. I saw Vi's gauntlets hit the man's face and him faltering.
I kept pushing and hitting him back so that he wouldn't get to me. I started to feel my breath shortening and my arms getting numb. I couldn't do much anymore. Vi finally pushed him back far enough.
I felt my legs soften and I dropped as slowly as possible on the ground. I could see Vi making a concerned face towards my direction before I closed my eyes. I probably passed out, because there is a gap in my memory.
I woke up. I heard the sound of calm and slow heavy footsteps towards me. I opened my eyes and I saw Vi crouching in front of me with the same conern as before in her eyes. She didn't have her gauntlets on anymore. "Hey, you awake?" She asked me quietly.
"It's over, kid" she quickly mumbled under her breath. "I'll be right back." She softly rubbed her large hand on my knee, got up and went to Caitlyn and Ekko, who were both laying on the ground like me, full of wounds.
After getting them to safety, she walked back up to me. "I'm going to get you with the others, okay?" She still spoke with a soft and reassuring tone.
"Yeah, yeah, do it!" I managed to husk out and nodded my head to let her know I wasn't worried. She smiled lightly, got her arm on my back, grabbed mine and pulled me up.
As we were walking, she kept making sure I was good to keep going. "I'm sorry you have to do things like this...I know you don't like to fight...but it's the way down here."
I was surprised to hear her say this. As I sat down again, she checked me again. "Do you need anything?" She seemed ready to do anything.
"Yeah, Hexy will have it when she's back. I can wait." I knew she was probably on her way back.
"Alright. If you do need my help, tell me." I nodded. It was like I didn't feel hurt anymore. Vi's presence felt much different than usual. I never felt like that before. I felt like I was safe, like I was protected and supported.
Was that what it feels like to have an older sibling?
She kept her attention on me for a couple more seconds, smiling lightly but warmly and with worry. "I hope you know I'm always there to defend you if you want it."
I smiled and almost teared up. How did she make me feel like this, sheltered and loved. I was so surprised, but I welcomed it.
Once we could all leave, I stopped a moment. "Hey, Vi." She stopped quickly and turned around. "Yeah?"
I went forward and embraced her. She was surprised at first, but returned it with a bear hug.
"Thank you." I wanted to make sure she knew I was very glad she helped me.
"It's nothing, kid. I just want to help."
Then, from this day I knew that even if Vi doesn't always seem like a person who can be sensible...she is the first one to jump in to be there when she likes you.
0 notes
justine1268 · 1 year
Hexy Bio {Arcane fan stories series n.2}
Hexy was born in and grew up in Ionia, but stays in Zaun most of the time. She knows a lot about plants and loves to care for them. She can make potions and recipes to heal many things, but she can also make amazing meals with them. People like to make the joke that she is a plant herself, because of her dark green hair. She doesn't really care for it, however. She uses a staff to carry the things that she needs for her daily tasks.
She grew up in a family of falconer farmers, so she has her own rough-legged hawk named Hebosa. He is not the easiest bird and likes a lot of time on his own like most birds of prey, but he certainly can be quite defensive of Hexy and lets himself be manipulated. That is most likely because she raised him herself.
Hexy found herself in Zaun quite unexpectedly. She was traveling to the east of the First Lands when she found herself chased by noxians, despite trying to avoid them. Coincidentially, someone else was traveling to Ionia. A zaunite. The zaunite also happened to be a falconer, but accompanied with an owl…that carried her?
Why a falconer in Zaun? There was no reason to have a bird of prey there other than figthing sewer rats and robot-people.
As the zaunite landed to pause her travel, Hexy did not see her in front of her while she was running from the noxians. They bumped into each other, both of their birds got upset.
Before the both of them could speak, they only saw each other's face before they both had to flee from the noxians and never saw each other again. That is…until Hexa had to escape to Zaun. The attention from the noxians in the dual cities got her caught by the Piltover enforcers from a misunderstanding. When she could get back to her full senses, she found herself surrounded by a tall lady with a gun, a pink-haired woman with giant gloves…and a girl about her age with an owl.
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justine1268 · 1 year
Gexa Bio {Arcane fan stories series n.1}
Zaun - Freljord
Gexa (pronounced Jexa) is my new character I made for Arcane. She is a 16 year old girl from Freljord raised by Braum and visits Piltover and Zaun to aid people who live harsh lives in the undercity and catch up with the people she knows there.
She has turcoise hair that is split normally, semi-long and wavy and dark emerald eyes that inspire love and understanding. She wears a hooded cloak, under it a bulletproof vest and thick pants covered in buckles on her waist and hips to carry things when needed. She has fireproof boots. She also wears a huge falconer's gauntlet for her owl Maisa.
Gexa doesn't fight for most of the time. She only does if she needs to defend herself or someone who she cares for deeply or if it is the only way to respond to something. Otherwise, she thinks it is not worth it. When she does, She uses a staff she learnt to master thanks to warriors where she is from.
She is good friends with Ekko and Caitlyn. She also knows of the sisters, but she tends to be a little hesitant towards Violet. With Jinx, it's a whole other story. The manic girl LOVES to mess with her…and trauma dump.
That's right, Gexa is well known as the therapist of Zaun, Freljord and Ionia.
She makes it her mission to be a ray of warmth, wisdom and care for the people who she judges worth it. People often call her the moon crescent of Runeterra, because of the arc shape of her travels and the fact that she travels by night.
Does she think Jinx can get better? Not really, but she decides to listen to her anyway when she doesn't have something else to do. Jinx often spends countless moments crying on her shoulder, opening up more easily than she could with anyone else. She developped a certain fondness for her over time and if you asked the spontanious girl to attack her, she's one of the only people she will refuse to be violent against when she's not having a bad episode.
Gexa, having grown up in the Freljord with Braum, has known both the good and the bad in the world. She has seen war, but she has seen the beauty that humanity can have. She might have been born in Zaun or Piltover, which is why she visits the cities often. She has two homes, one in Freljord herding poros and elkyr with her owl Maisa and one in Zaun, with the firelights.
She met Maisa when she was a little child. She was a tiny chick with barely any duvet and her eyes still closed. When looking around to find any trace of the parents, no sign ever showed up. She decided to take care of her until she could fly and got a local falconer's help. To everyone's surprise, she grew bigger than any other bird she had seen before.
On the day she was able to leave, Maisa decided to stay with Gexa. They have a very strong bond for an owl-human pair, Maisa lets her rescuer show her affection, as she tries to, the owl way, and reciprocates. One day, when Gexa was walking up a hill and fell down a cliff, Maisa was so strong she grabbed her back and carried her for a long time.
Nowadays, Gexa and her team up like one, gliding in the air to travel. The girl wears a mask made of her owl friend's shedded feathers to seem like she has an owl's head when they fly. It serves as a way to stun people, not excpecting there to be two. All they see is one large hybrid until they secretly separate. It also serves to protect Gexa's identity if she ever needs to.
Just for fun: She is a biromantic demisexual.
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