#give me jay versace
minhosimthings · 1 year
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Je Te Veux:A Jay Fic
Chapter 1: Sugar Bowls and Handsome Strangers
Summary : Lee Y/N, youngest daughter of the Lee empire which rules of South Korea, meets a stranger one night at a party. Only fate knows what happens to both of them.
Pairings: Fem!Reader × RichHeir!Jay, includes rest of Enha. Mentions of Itzy, stray kids and other groups in the coming chapters!
Warnings: Mentions of food and alcohol, mention of bullets, reader fantasizing about Jay's fingers, Reader wears a dress and a sports bra.
A/N: This is my first work everyone! I don't have much experience in these things so please give me mental support. I'm just a delusional girl in my Jay era.
No poet, musician, lyricist, author, scriptwriter or painter could explain the love you had for Park Joengsaeng. And yet here you were standing in your garden,trying to deny your feeling for him as you ramble to your older brother.
You had met him at a nice little party hosted by your filthy rich parents. You were bumbling off on your own by the dangling lanterns when you noticed another boy fiddling with his glass of Champagne. He had a black Burberry suit on with an emerald brooch stuck to his breast pocket. And he looked like the most handsome person in the crowd of rich people and their snobbish children. After all, your parents were the owners of the biggest jewelry company in South Korea and quite frankly, the entire world. All of these old men and women and boys and girls dressed in silk and chiffon were the owners and heirs to luxurious companies. You had known every person at that party because of forced introductions from your parents, but still you had never seen this peculiar boy standing at the christmas tree all on his own. He looked simply dressed compared to all the other boys there, who were dressed in suits of reds, greens and purples with pearls hanging from their trousers and their necks. But yet, he stood out and looked more sleek than anyone else. And in a flash, his eagle- like eyes pierced yours and you were slightly startled. Who was this mysterious stranger and why did he make your soul leap up? You quickly looked at your Jimmy Choo heels and then at the skirt of you green Versace dress which your mother had finally allowed you to wear. The dress wasn't anything immodest. It was a half shoulder cotton dress, sparkly and knee length which attracted many teenage heirs who flirted shamelessly with you. Thankfully you knew how to get rid of them with your quick tongue and sharp wit, which your mother despised and you father was proud of. Although you thought that perhaps it was your brother, Heeseung who scared them off. Ah yes your brother. Mr Lee Heeseung, heir to the golden empire of the Lee Family which has been handed down for centuries. He was a charming young lad who had girls swooning over him 24/7. Unfortunately for them, he had a girlfriend, Shin Yu-Na of the silk empire of the Shin family. She was sweet, beautiful and the greatest future sister in law you could ever wish for. Your brother always had his gang of six heirs around him. They were his best friends from childhood as your parents were partners with their parents. You had met all of them and were on first name terms. Well, all except for one. Park Jay on the vast Park empire of weaponry and alcohol. He had a younger brother Park Sunghoon, who you were already friends with. But Jay was, invisible to say the least. You had never seen him in person and had only known him from what your brother spoke of him. Even your parents had never seen him. But you weren't curious. You were always focused on your writing career and plus, you had your brother's friends with you too. You mind snapped back to reality as your mother called you over to the champagne table. You looked to see where the stranger was but he was gone. Shaking your head, you led your way towards your parents, your brother, his friends and Yuna. All of then were sitting with their fancy suits and dresses and raising their glasses filled with bubbly alcohol to their mouths. You sat down next to Heeseung and Yuna and joined the conversation. Heeseung looked at you and remarked "Ah Y/N you've finally graced us with your unholy presence."
You playfully slapped his arm and turning to Yuna, you asked "How are you Unnie? How's Ryunjin Unnie?" Yuna answered "You brother has been spoiling me awfully after forgetting our anniversary. Ryunjin's fine. She's focusing on dance for now." You nodded and looked down the table to see Sim Jayeun or Jake, the eldest son of a vast empire of fuels, talking to your father. Next to them were Kim Sunoo and Yang Jungwon, step brothers who ran the cotton buisness in the country. Further down the table were Park Sunghoon and Nishimura Riki who was the youngest son of a Japanese empire who ruled over the ocean and its belongings.
Slowly you turned your head towards your father. You watched as from the shadows behind your father's chair emerged a boy in a black suit. It was him! The mysterious stranger! He slowly smiled at you and Heeseung as he made his way to sit next to Sunghoon, but not before giving a warm hug to your brother and muttering "it's been a long time brother". Heeseung and Yuna beamed at him while you looked at him more clearly this time. Gosh he was handsome. You wondered absent-mindedly of his age when Yuna leaned in and said " It's Jay. Thank god he came. Heeseung was dying. He's your age Y/N. And he's handsome. Might wanna think about something with him ya know?" You flushed red as you got up with everyone else to head to the dining table to for dinner. You locked your arms with Sunoo, who was probably the closest to you and questioned "Sunoo, why have I and hundreds of other guests here, never met Jay?" Sunoo looked at you with his fox eyes, smirked and answered "He's a mysterious man noona. The only people here who have met him more than one time are Heeseung hyung and Sunghoon hyung. They say he's shy and likes to keep to himself. Even I have only met him on three occasions. He is attractive though and your age, if you still want a ring on your finger." Sunno giggled under his breath and you playfully slapped his arm and went to sit down somewhere and pounce on your food. Unfortunately as you reached the table, Heeseung called out to you, motioning to a seat between him and Jay. "No, Oh no I can't sit next to him! I'm gonna puke" Your brain started on its anxious train of thoughts again as you sat down next to brooding man with dark hair and piercing eyes. You tried to avoid his gaze, but still couldn't help but look at his handsome arms and fingers that could keep you up all night. He ate his food with such grace that you thought he must have been brought up by a ballerina. You didn't try to talk to him and instead scanned the table trying to catch the eye of someone you know. You thankfully caught the eye of Jake and motioned subtly towards Jay as if to say 'help me'. Jake, however only smiled and proceeded to put mashed potatoes on Riki's plate all the while taking about how thin he's gotten. You rolled you eyes at the Mama bird Jake moment and instead reached across for the sugar bowl to top your tea with. As you sipped on the warm liquid, a soothing voice cut across and asked "May I please have the sugar bowl?"You looked to your right at Jay, who was looking at you with those beautiful galaxies in his eyes and extending a hand towards the sugar bowl. "Oh" you stole your eyes away from his and took the sugar bowl "Of course." You handed him the wooden bowl as your hands brushed against his and smiled as he thanked you and gave you a small smile. As dinner finished and the sugar bowl moment still lingered in your brain, you father called you and your brother and his six companions (including Jay) over to the wine fountain where their parents were also present. You walked along with Jungwon and stood next to Yuna and your mother as everyone engaged in small talk. Your brother took you in hand and guided you over to Jay who was staring at the skyline from the large glass windows. "Jay. I want to introduce you to someone. This is Lee Y/N, an aspiring writer and my younger sister" Jay turned to you and looked you up and down, as if checking a dress on a mannequin. He extended his hand and you shook it, taking note of the scars that decorated it.Turning to you, Heeseung said "Jay is the heir to the Park family and he's your age. He barely comes to see me because apparently his work is his lover." He shot Jay a smirk while Jay looked on nonchalantly. "He also wanted to be a writer you know? I wonder what happened to that dream." Jay furrowed his eyebrows and said "That dream is impossible to accomplish with what I do everyday. Plus, didn't you wanna be a car mechanic when you were younger hyung?" Heeseung chuckled and replied "That's exactly what Y/N says whenever I bring up her writing career."
Yuna came over soon and putting her hand on her boyfriend , she said "You mother is asking for you Seungie. Why don't we leave Jay and Y/N to chat for a while?" Heeseung nodded and left with Yuna by his side, but not before both of them threw you devious smirks.You awkwardly picked up two glasses of wine from a tray and gave one to Jay. He muttered a thank you and stared out the window again at all the bulidings. In an attempt to make conversation with him you started with the sentence "So, how are liking the party?". Jay looked at you as you mentally slapped yourself for asking such a boring question, but you couldn't think straight whilst admiring his visual. His stunning eyes and his glamorous hair, styled in curls and his eagle like stare put you in a bit of a temporary limbo."It's nice. Never been to one outside of my parent's parties actually. I usually just stay in the corners until everyone leaves and then I stuff myself with food up in my room", he confessed and you heart took a turn as you said "Me too actually. I just attend for the alcohol and to judge everyone's dresses". You hoped that he hadn't taken those last words in a wrong way but he chuckled and smiled. "Surprisingly you do the exact same thing I do." He sipped his wine again and you took in those beautiful fingers again wondering what they would be like inside of you. "So Y/N," Jay leaned against the window "I might ask you a boring question but what are your plans for the future?" You stole your eyes away from his lips ( with much difficulty) and replied in what you hoped was your normal voice "Well, as my brother mentioned, I do have plans to be a writer. I interned a bit as an editor at a publishing company. But my parents have hopes that I will run the designer part of the company one day. They seem to think I have a good eye for fashion, but in all honesty, I just know about a goose egg's worth about it." Jay's mouth twitched a bit as he asked "Did you choose the dress and shoes yourself?" "Yes. This is one of my most favourite dresses but unfortunately for my mother it's too 'distracting'. Thankfully she let me wear it." You took note of the small smiles Jay gave you in between sentences, which you hoped was him saying 'hey this conversation is interesting'.
Your brother soon came to get you as you had embarked on the very interesting topic of emeralds and sapphires with Jay."Hey lovebirds. The party's over and everyone's left. Well almost everyone" he said glancing over at the 5 boys trying to stack wine glasses. Your heart leapt again on hearing the word 'lovebirds'. Jay however looked unbothered as he kept his wine glass on the table and made his way to hug Heeseung again. "I'll see you tomorrow brother. Hopefully in better clothes. Miss Y/N" He said bowing to you. You bowed back as he took your hand and kissed it. Yep if you weren't in love earlier, you certainly were now. Jay made his way to the door with Heeseung's arm around him and you slowly made your way to Sunoo and the rest of the boys, all the while admiring Jay's broad shoulders. "I don't care what my parents say. I'm crashing here tonight in Heeseung hyung's room." Sunghoon stretched and put his arm around Sunoo, who started blushing like crazy. You smiled warmly at Jungwon who smiled back and glanced at Sunghoon and Sunoo, who you knew had a crush on the former. "Well if you all are gonna sleep here, shouldn't we ask our parents first?" You questioned Jake, who was busy wiping a stain on his white blazer. "You're right and we have already done that Y/N. All of them are getting drunk in the cellar now. I expect they won't wake up tomorrow that soon to discuss deals again." He wiped the sweat on his forehead and continued "I had hoped Jay would stay but seems like Heeseung hyung is already dropping him off." You don't know why but that sentence made you weirdly sad. "Noona, noona look what I can do" Riki's voice rang in your ears as he tried and failed to do a handstand. He stood up and looked at you with puppy eyes as Jake chuckled and whispered "He's had five drinks and he's already drunk. Kid has the lowest tolerance I've ever seen". You smiled to yourself and called Jungwon to take Riki upstairs to the guest bedrooms as Riki muttered something along the lines of "I can take care of myself Jungwon hyung. Let go". You prepared to go upstairs yourself as the oak doors opened and Heeseung and Jay stepped back in. You froze at the sight of Jay's messed up hair and his slightly opened shirt. Heeseung wore a proud look on his face and said "Well I managed to convince mr grumpy here to stay the night cause we need to discuss buisness tomorrow anyway so Y/Nah would you please take him up to the guest bedroom next to your room?" You threw a glare at Heeseung as he innocently smiled and pushed Jay towards you. "Of course. Come on Mr. Park." You guided him upstairs and showed him to the brown oak door next to the blue one with your name carved in. "There you go Mr.Park. I'm sure you'll be comfortable. Ring the bell if you need anything". You pointed towards the tiny golden bell attached to the door as Jay smiled and said "Please Miss Y/N. Call me Jay. Thank you for your kindness. I'll see you tomorrow." He threw you a wink and quickly shut the door as you went into your own room and kicked the air as you mentally fed yourself the delusion that Jay was definitely your soulmate.
The next day, you woke up in your bed and tossed around on your red pillows for 5 minutes before getting up and walking sluggishly to the bathroom. You definitely only had two glasses of champagne and a glass of wine last night but your head said otherwise. It was still 7:48 by the time you got out the bathroom and into your sports bra and gym shorts. You went down and were greeted by a very quite hall. You usually got up early to take a run around your garden and work out before heading to breakfast with everyone else. You made a mental note to remind Heeseung of his promise to play basketball with you today. You heard snoring noises from the other guest bedrooms and assumed that it was all the parents and their heirs crashed out from last night's party. Passing by Jay's room (and ignoring the urge to open it like those K Dramas you watch) you noticed it was locked from the outside. Your family's mansion had a unique key system where you could figure out when it was locked from the inside and when it was locked from the outside. Shrugging it off, you made you way downstairs, drank your very sweet coffee, ate a banana half heartedly and made your way out the doors. The bodyguards were still there and they smiled as you greeted them. You always had a great relationship with your bodyguards. Being the daughter of one of the most powerful people in South Korea meant that a sniper could be roaming anywhere. Your bodyguard, Chan, was six years older than you and a great father figure. He was always by your side and had even took two bullets for you once.
You started your run from the marigold bushes and decided to run to the koi pond today, five times more than what you had run two days ago. Plugging your ear buds in you put on the 5 Star Album (go stream it again and again) and picked up the pace as the beat of the song got faster. You had reached your favourite sycamore tree when you noticed a man doing push ups by the great chestnut trees. Curious, you abandoned your run, stopped your songs and silently creeped up and hid behind another tree. Then you recognised those beautiful curls of hair of Park Jay. That explains the locked door of his room! You admired his agility for a solid five minutes while staring at his biceps which were visible from the tank top he was wearing. While wondering how his arms would look wrapped around you, his eyes caught yours just as they did the night before. He got up from his position and exclaimed, with a smile, in that soothing voice "If you're done staring, you can come out from behind the tree, Miss Y/N". Startled, you bounced out from behind the tree and awkwardly stood there. "I'm sorry. I was on my run and usually no one's awake by this time. Bit surprising you got up this early from last night's party" You hoped that your reply was enough to satisfy him. He shot you a grin and said "Well I was just about to pack up and head back. But seeing as you're here, might you want to head back with me?". Your heart was going to explode like it does in cartoons when a character is in love. You muttered a small "yes" and waited as Jay packed up his bottle and yoga mat. You took note of his shoulders again. God, he looked like Achilles and Hercules combined.
The walk back to the mansion was surprisingly calm. You ambled across the grass and Jay walked in his usual collected manner, both of you not speaking a word to each other. You shot him tiny glances now and then and hoped that he hadn't seen you creepily staring at him every moment. You reached the mansion as your bodyguards opened the doors and you were greeted by loud chatter as everyone was happily breakfasting. You cringed and tightened your shoulders, thinking about how your parents would react to your sweaty self arriving at their front door, accompanied by your brother's best friend's sweaty self. Jay, trotted slowly towards Heeseung, grabbed a glass of water, muttered a 'your sister caught me in the garden' and disappeared upstairs. After he was well out of earshot, you mother, Sunoo and Sunghoon all said at once "What were you doing with Jay, Y/N?",whilst wiggling their eyebrows. Surprised at their syncronicity and annoyed at the question, you simply replied "I was out on a run to the koi pond and I spotted Jay doing pushups and then we walked back to the house together after sweating our asses off. Happy?" You glared at your mother and ran off upstairs to take a shower and change into much better smelling clothes. Reaching your door, you noticed a pink sticky note stuck on top of the carving of your name. On it was written, in loopy handwriting "Sorry for leaving you alone to deal with that. Wanna have a glass of afternoon wine to make it up to you?". It was signed 'Jay'. Your heartbeat ran an entire marathon as you entered your parchment covered room and went directly to the shower. You picked up your coffee scented shampoo and ran the lather through the strands of your hair. Wearing your tank top and bell bottoms, you went down to finally fullfill your rumbling tummy. Reaching the now, clean table with only one plate (yours) present, you picked up your fork and gorged on the scrambled eggs.
The rest of the morning went in a breeze as you (im) patiently waited for afternoon to arrive. Jay and the rest of the boys and your parents went off to the main hall to discuss buisness while you, Yuna, Riki and Sunoo, who had thankfully escaped from the meeting went out. Sunoo and Yuna went to buy earrings and you and Riki got stuck at the arcade, trying to win some fake gold coins (which upon learning that they were Taiyaki coupons, Riki became more determined). After Riki finally won the Pac-Man game, both of you sat down to take a breath and sip on your melted slushies. "So noona, what's going on between you and Jay Hyung?" Riki innocently sipped his drink while looking at you with his cheetah like eyes. You gave him a sour glare and said "Nothing's going on between me and Jay. We literally just met last night and fate was just cruel to me today that I had to meet him in the garden" Riki gave you a confused look and replied "But, doesn't Jay Hyung like you? He always drooled over pictures of you which he saw in Heeseung hyung's photos. Eh I don't know. I'm too young for this." He took a big sip of his red slushy as you sat there, dumbfounded and wanting to burst into a thousand paper pieces.
That's it y'all. The next chapter will probably be out in a while cause I also have some college work to do too. But I will release it from the grasps of my notes app soon. Look forward to it!!!
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nothingbutroses · 1 year
I’m tryna switch lanes like I’m Jay Versace.
Eat everything on my plate like I’m Jay Versace.
Mama, I’m ‘bouta take off like…
(muted adlibs + moment of silence)
I’ve been working too hard, only God can stop me.
I used to want it all ASAP like Fergie Ferg.
I used play that Will.I.Am solo tape, forreal.
I only wanna spread love because I know it hurts.
I pray for the ATL like he pray for Paris.
If that came off as insensitive; I’m too embarrassed.
I didn’t think it. God linked it to my dome; I copied.
I’ve got a mental rolodex of XXX properties.
I’m tryna speak to Cass Banks like Jesus at the well.
Ven aqui mi amor y dime como te sientes de verdad.
I’m fraud; I only speak Spanish using Google translate.
I spent 31 years under a mask mandate.
Covered face in all my photos; You can’t take my soul.
Unknown, but I move like a Knowles-Carter.
I’m like Money Mayweather-How I keep my guard up.
Still dodging raindrops;
Tear ducts all scarred and dried up.
Still thinking left but know my rights like the Magna Carta.
Demons in the market, I don’t have a soul to barter.
I’m trying to give the Lord my all like a young Martha.
Martha, Martha, marry me and wash my feet.
If that came off as insensitive, *delete delete*.
I keep a core filled with medicine inside my treats.
Inherited Earth; Although, the Memphis years were bleak.
I’ve got a mill-i-on thoughts to drop before I leave.
I’m like a young Tom Brady playing second string.
Kcuf it, mask off; Bet you’ll see far as my dreams.
I feel like falling in love with this current stream
of consciousness.
Jehovah-Jireh; Confidence.
They wanted me to stop,
but look at me now,
acknowledging this honest gift
while showing you a scene from my screen.
Is it obvious? I am an anomaly
blessing the economy with new wealth.
You know, I’m tryna switch lanes, only to help.
The garments are regarded as high quality.
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lyrics2world · 2 years
SOS Lyrics - SZA
SOS Lyrics – SZA
SOS Lyrics by SZA is the latest English song with music also given by Jay Versace.SOS song lyrics written by SZA, Jay Versace, Gabriel Samuel Harderman, Rob Bisel. SOS Song Details Song: SOS Singer: SZA Lyrics: SZA, Jay Versace, Gabriel Samuel Harderman, Rob Bisel Music: Jay Versace SOS Lyrics Last night I cried Give me a second, Give me a minute Nah, Lil’ b!tch, Can’t let you finish Yeah,…
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elibeeline · 4 years
Fuck this decade, we're going back to 2015. Can i offer some vines? A black and blue or white gold? Proud of Leo Dicaprio getting that oscar amirite
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jayflrt · 3 years
Id say heeseung uses 3-in-1 bc it further contributed to heeseung being "just some guy" and that's hot. He's so normal that's so sexy. He probably used to smell like axe ugh.
And also I wanted to say sunghoon especially predebut skater Hoon but then I realize he's pretty sensitive about these lol .
NOT AXE 💀 im punching the air rn i dont want him to smell like axe i want him to smell like VERSACE 
omg sunghoon gives me the vibes that he rlly takes care of himself :’’) so it’s down to jay jake and ethan lee 👁 
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
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My Two First Loves.
Homecoming Part 2: The Dance.
A/N: I’ve read a multitude of books. And this one is becoming one that I thoroughly enjoy. So; Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. Contains suggestive content, brief violence and strong language. You know? The usual from me. 😁 | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Characters: Isaiah Harris (LI) and Kailah Price (MC) | All Characters: names (except MC) are property of Pixelberry. | All Characters are 18+.| Current Word Count: 2,885 words.
Song and Story Inspiration: If I Knew-Bruno Mars, Gorilla-Bruno Mars Too Good To Say Goodbye-Bruno Mars and Versace On The Floor-Bruno Mars. Okay! So I have a slight obsession with Bruno Mars! Deal with it! 😏🙃
It’s Eastridge High’s Homecoming Dance Tonight!
And Kailah was all but excited about it. She barely got any sleep the night before. Why? Because of everything that happened the night before at the game with Isaiah.
He went completely ghost on her. All that day and part of the night before until her eyes got way to heavy; she texted him. She had to make sure that he was okay. Hell; she needed to make sure that he was okay. Whether he showed up to the dance or not; didn’t matter to her. She just wanted him to be okay.
With the dance starting at 6pm sharp and it being 3:30 that afternoon; she couldn’t back out even if she wanted to. The reason: she and Isaiah had campaigned to be Homecoming King and Queen. So, she really had no choice. She HAD TO go. With Bruno Mars blasting through her wireless speaker she forced herself to get ready. She was drop dead gorgeous! Her copper colored off shoulder gown; hugged her curvy 5’9 frame perfectly. Her matching clutch, heels and jewelry set her outfit off, perfectly. And although she was ready to go; she was still waiting on Isaiah to text her. She was still worried about him.
“‘Cause what’s we got’s too good to say goodbye, goodbye! (Don’t you give up!) Girl won’t you listen? (Don’t you give up!) It’s you that I’m missin’! (Don’t you give up!) Take my hand, I wanna go, I wanna go (All the way) If we’re gonna fight, let’s fight for better days! I know we’re gonna make it! This is the chance! Let’s take it!”
That part of the song was stuck in her head; as she, her sister MacKenzie and her dad made their way to the school. She wasn’t gonna give up him. Even though it felt like the world already had; she wouldn’t. She couldn’t! She was determined to make sure the world saw what she saw in him. Once they got there; they were greeted by Principal Jennings; Jaylen and his mom.
“You girls look fantastic! Those dresses are stunning!”, Mrs. Jennings told them. “Yes, you two look just gorgeous! Don’t they son?”, Principal Jennings asked Jaylen.
“Yeah dad. They look just beautiful.”, he said about them even though his eyes were only on Kailah.
“Thank you all! I’m proud of both of them! They were able to clean up perfectly!”, their dad beamed with pride.
Their dads remark caused both girls to roll their eyes.
“Why don’t you kids head on in? The festivities is going to start soon.”, said Principal Jennings. With that their dad was gone.
Knowing it would probably be the only time that he’d get to talk to her; Jaylen asked Kailah, “you got a minute?”
She shrugged and said, “yeah, sure.”, as he pulled her aside as everyone else entered the auditorium.
“Okay seriously; what is your deal? I have texted you constantly since last night and all I’ve gotten is nothing but radio silence.”, he told her.
“Gee! I don’t know Jay. What reason could I possibly have to ignore you?”, she replied with a question of her own.
He groaned as he asked, “are you seriously still pissed at me for what happened after the game, last night?”
She stared at him and said, “ohhhhhhhh not just you. I’m pissed at Coach. At The Cheer Squad. And let’s not forget the rest of the team! Thanks to you lot; I have no idea if he’ll even show up tonight!”
“You haven’t heard from him at all?”, he asked her. “No! Not a word! I’ve texted him and nothing! Not that I blame him. If I were him; I wouldn’t want to come around anybody either.”, she replied.
It was clear to him that she was aggravated. “Kai, I’m sorry, alright? I wasn’t trying to be a jackass last night. I just got caught up in the moment.”, he told her as she rolled her eyes at him. “You have every right to be pissed at everyone. Especially me Kai. You know me better than that. I didn’t think last night would effect him or you like it has. Had I known that he wouldn’t be here; I wouldn’t have accepted that ball, I swear!”
She looked at him and knew he wasn’t lying to her. “You’re lucky I like you as much as I do.”, she told him. “Does that mean you’re not pissed at me anymore?”, he asked her.
“Ohhhhhhhh I’m still pissed at you!…just not as much as I was.”, she replied.
He chuckled and said, “I’ll take my blessings where I can get them. So, you really haven’t heard from him?” She shook her head no.
“Again; I’m sorry Kai. If he doesn’t show up tonight…I’m officially the winner of ‘the jackass of the fucking year’ award”, he told her.
“Yup!”, she said to him.
He shook his head and said, “you weren’t supposed to agree with that Kai!” She merely shrugged.
That’s when Brandi and the rest of the Cheer Squad walked in. “Brandi’s here. I better go.”, he told her. She nodded at him.
“Kai, will you be okay?”, he asked her.
“No; but I guess I’ll manage.”, she replied with shrug.
“He’ll be here Kai, don’t worry.”, he told her with a small smile.
“I hope so. Anyway, I gotta get to my table; I’ll see you later Jay.”, she said to him before she made her way to her table.
There was still no sign of Isaiah. And the longer she waited; the more she worried. She scanned the room and saw Mack sitting with her friends. It was hopeless or at least it looked that way.
“Looking for me?”, a voice all too familiar asked her. It was him. She was happy to see him. “Nice of you to show up! Where have you been?”, she asked him as he took his seat next to her.
“I was…out. Yeah that’s it! I was out.”, he told her.
“You could’ve texted, you know?”, she replied.
“Geez! I’m sorry mom! To make it up; I’ll do the dishes tonight!”, he said to her. It made her smile to see him. And he looked great too. He was decked out in white tuxedo jacket with a white dress shirt and black slacks and he had his dreads pulled back.
“Damn! You look good girl!”, he told her.
“Thank you! So do you!”, she replied.
“Oh I know I’m good looking! But thanks for noticing!”, he said with a wink.
She chuckled and rolled her eyes before asking him, “are you okay, Isaiah?” He looked at her puzzled and asked, “yeah I’m fine, why?”
“Because I’ve been texting you since last night and got nothing. No response.”, she replied.
“Ohh that…yeah I’m good. At this point; I should get used to being passed over. So, it’s whatever.”, he told her.
“Isaiah—“, was all she could say before he interjected, “Kailah…I promise you. I’m fine. Now we have a couple of titles to win!”
She smiled softly at him and said, “Kai.” He looked at her confused and asked, “Kai?” “Yeah it’s what everyone calls me. So, you might as call me that as well.”, she told him.
“Ohhhhhhhh well…in that case; since we’re establishing names; you wanna start calling me daddy?”
His devilish wink and smile put her mind at ease; and made her blush and they also made the butterflies in her stomach flutter. That’s when the night got underway. After celebrating the win at last night’s game; it was time to announce who was Homecoming King and Queen.
“Now can have all 8 couples join me on stage?”, Principal Jennings asked the couples sitting at the reserve tables.
“You ready?”, he asked her as he stood up holding out his hand to her. “So ready!”, she told him.
As they walked up to the stage; all eyes were on them. Once the couples joined Principal Jennings and Vice Principals Gomez and James on stage; it was time to announce the winner.
“It’s an honor to have you all here.”, said Principal Jennings. “Now for the couples who don’t win; do not fret! Because; you will be apart of the King and Queen’s court. But! I wish good luck to everyone. And now the results! As voted on by their peers; the winners of this years Homecoming King and Queen are…”, he trailed off as he opened the envelope with the winning names.
He looked puzzled as he read the envelope. “Is it me or does old man Jennings look like he’s having an aneurysm?”, Isaiah whispered to Kailah.
“I have no idea.”, she replied.
Even Jaylen was concerned about his dad. ���Dad? You okay?”, he asked his father.
“My apologies everyone! I’m definitely fine. Just a little bit shocked; because the winners are: Isaiah Harris and Kailah Price!”, he said as he recovered. The auditorium went silent.
“No wonder the old bastard had an aneurysm! We just beat golden boy and his girlfriend!”, Isaiah snickered.
She chuckled at him and said, “you’re such an idiot!”
“Maybe. But at the very least; I get to be the idiot who’s a Homecoming King!”, he shot back at her. The room soon erupted with thunderous applause for them after everyone came out of their shock.
“All this applauding for little ole me!”, he said in feigned shock. “Ummmmmm…you forget its for me too!”, she said to him. “Ohh yeah! You are here…I guess”, he teased her. She hit him in the arm before they went to be crowned.
As they walked over; they passed by Jaylen and Brandi. “Don’t worry golden boy! There’s always next year!…ohhhhhhhh wait!”, he snickered at him; Jaylen just stood there fuming.
“Stop it Isaiah!”, she told him.
“Me?! Stop?! Ohh no! I’m gonna milk this for all that it’s worth!”, he replies. Once they received their crowns and sashes; it was time to face the crowd and another round of thunderous applause.
“Ladies and gentlemen. Your Homecoming King and Queen!”, Vice Principal Gomez announces to the crowd.
“Y’know…I could get used to this.”, he whispered to her. “Get used to what? Being Homecoming King?”, she asked. “No. Yes. But no. What I meant was: I could get used to having you on my arm.”, he replies. She chewed the inside of her bottom lip in an attempt to hide her blushing.
“Now if the King, Queen and their court will join me; it’s time for the official pictures for the school paper.”, Vice Principal James said.
“I’m sorry…did you say pictures? As in me and Kai together?”, Isaiah asked with slow smile spreading across his lips. “Why yes I did, Mr. Harris. There will be pictures of you and Ms. Price together. And pictures of the two of you with your court behind you. Now come! The photographer is waiting!”, she said to them.
“Did I mention how much I’m gonna LOVE tonight?”, he said to Kailah.
She rolled her eyes with a giggle and said, “no but; I bet you won’t stop saying it from now on.”
He flashed that trademark smirk at her; as they were soon ushered to where they were to have their pictures taken.
The pair looked great in front of the camera. They had a chemistry that seemed so natural. Like they had been together for years. As they were having their photos taken; Jaylen watched the whole entire thing with clear jealousy written across his face.
After all photos were taken it was time to dance! And of course; the King couldn’t wait to dance with the Queen especially when; it was a chance for him to rub it in Jaylen’s face. And when Gorilla by Bruno Mars started playing; Isaiah got happy. Now he might not have been able to have the type of dance that he and Kailah shared at the GOGO club; he took her to. But! As long as it made Jaylen even more jealous than he already was; Isaiah was happy.
Especially when he decided to show off a bit and dip her in his arms. When he did; he winked and smirked directly at Jaylen, which infuriated him even more than he already was.
After a few more dances and moves the two decided to take a break. With her going off with her sister and him grabbing something to drink.
“Fruit Punch! Could use some gin instead of ginger ale, but I’ll take it.”, he said to himself. That’s when Jaylen decided to confront him.
“I bet you’re real happy!”, Jaylen sneered.
“D’awwwwwwwwww! Poor little golden boy! Are you mad?”, he asked with a snicker. “Why don’t you have that pretty little girlfriend of yours give you a lap dance? It might loosen you up a bit!”
“Fuck you, juvie!”, Jaylen growled.
“Ooh! Big words from such a big boy! Whatcha gonna do, golden boy? You gonna hit me?”, he asked.
“I should. You deserve to have your fucking teeth knocked out!”, Jaylen snapped at him.
Isaiah raised an eyebrow and said, “is that so? Well I’ll tell you what, golden boy! I’ll let you get one free shot in. But I warn you! I won’t be held responsible for what I do to you afterwards!”
With that; Jaylen swung and the fight was on between them. The two traded blows in front of everyone until the chaperones and school faculty pulled them apart. While Brandi ran to Jaylen’s side; Kailah ran to Isaiah.
“What is the meaning of this?!”, Principal Jennings demanded to know.
“Ask the bitch you call a son! He’s the one with the problem!”, Isaiah growled.
“The only problem I have is you! I fucking belong here! You don’t! You belong in jail or even better the morgue for that fucking matter!”, Jaylen shouted back at him.
When Isaiah flipped him off; Jaylen broke loose and swung wildly. But instead of hitting Isaiah; he inadvertently hit Kailah.
Isaiah caught her before she could hit the ground; that’s when her sister went berserk. Yelling at both boys for being irresponsible and that if anything happens to her she’d have their heads.
And the only thing the boys did was blame each other.
“This is all your fucking fault, juvie!”, Jaylen yelled at Isaiah.
“My fault?! That’s funny! I’m not the one who fucking hit her!”, Isaiah shouted back at him.
When finally she came to a few seconds later; she was dazed but otherwise fine.
“Jesus Christ! Don’t ever do that again!”, Isaiah told her. “Now you know what it’s like to worry about someone.”, she told him.
After he helped her to her feet; she asked him, “Isaiah…what happened?”
To which he replied, “you might wanna ask golden boy that question. Seeing as how he’s the one who hit you.” She looked to be in shock but when she looked at Jaylen; she saw the guilt written across his face.
“You hit me?”, she asks him. “Kai I swear it was an accident! I would never hurt you! You know that!”, he told her.
“I believe you Jay. I know you would never hurt me. Not on purpose anyway. So I’m not mad at you. Like you said; it was an accident.”, she replies.
When she looked up at Isaiah; he had a small relieved smile on his face. “Thanks for catching me before I hit the ground.”, she whispered to him.
“Anytime. Why don’t get you outside for some fresh air?”, he said to her. She nodded and they walked outside to the stars.
“Sooooo…a fight huh?”, she asked him. He let out a humorless laugh and said to her, “definitely not my finest moment.”
She scoffed, “I’ll say. I should kick both your asses!”
“That is an ass kicking I will happily take. Twice!”, he told her. She smiled softly at him.
“I wanna make it up to you. How can I do that?”, he asked her.
After thinking about it for a second; she looked up at him and said, “you could always kiss me.” He blinked at her and asked, “I can do, WHAT?”
She just rolled her eyes at him as her response. “Now I know he hit you but; he didn’t hit you that hard.”, he said to to her.
“Isaiah…shut up and kiss me!”, she demanded.
“The Queen has declared it! So shall it be!”, he replied before kissing her.
It was a kiss that started out sweet and innocent but soon turned hot and heavy. With her arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around her waist. They savored the taste of each other’s mouth. The kiss was broken when; his right hand tangled in her hair and gently pulled her head back exposing her neck to him. She shivered as he softly kissed his way down her neck. Feeling his stubbled chin graze against the soft flesh of her neck; sent chills racing after each other down her spine. He only stopped because he wasn’t sure how far she was willing to go.
“What’d ya say we get out of here?”, he whispered in her ear. “I was wondering when you were finally gonna ask.”, she replied.
Soon they were on his bike and riding off into the starry night.
@txemrn @lucy-268 @choicesficwriterscreations
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memoistore · 4 years
All The Looks From Beyonce’s ‘Black Is King’ Visual Album
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Social media has gone into meltdown following the release of Beyonce Knowles’ new visual album ‘Black Is King,’ via Disney+ at midnight PST.
The project was written, directed, and executive produced by Beyonce, and features appearances by JAY-Z, Kelly Rowland, Naomi Campbell, Tina Knowles-Lawson, Lupita Nyong’o, Blue Ivy, and more.
‘Black Is King’ is based on the music of ‘The Lion King: The Gift’—the companion album Beyoncé made for Disney’s live-action film, of which Beyoncé voiced adult Nala.
In the film, dance sequences, Lion King samples, and footage of Black families around the world are interspersed with sequences in which Beyoncé traverses a beach, reciting details of a generations-spanning spiritual journey
The visual album was filmed across several locations including New York, Los Angeles, South Africa, West Africa, London, and Belgium.
As we’ve come to expect from a Beyonce project, the costumes are just as impressive as the visuals and the vocals.
This first look is Valentino Haute Couture leopard needlelace jumpsuit embroidered with sequins and rhinestones which sets off my jumpsuit, animal print and bedazzling senses all at once.
The jacquard leopard cape we see in the sketch didn’t get a look in here, and I really wish it did.  As it would’ve added a regal air to this already powerful image.
A-Morir, who provided a few of the accessories for this film, created the rhinestone accented shades. Christian Louboutin heels completed her look.
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This next tulle black gown custom made by Timothy White is perhaps the most iconic look thanks to the homage paid to Egyptian queen Nefertiti via her braided updo/crown.
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d.bleu.dazzled® by Destiney Bleu is known for her rhinestone accented pieces.  This shimmering bodysuit and skirt from the Californian-based designer, was style with a necklace by Area, and another pair of shade by A-Morir.
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Riccardo Tisci’s choice of prints for Burberry went way beyond the brand’s signature check to cow motifs for Spring 2019.  Looking like a warrior about to go into battle, the mini dress paired with a matching corset was styled with metallic silver Christian Louboutin shoes and a Ram horn headdress.
Are we about to see a cow print resurgence?
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We then cut to a more serene setting which sees Beyonce wearing a custom white gown by Wendy Nichol.
This look instantly reminded me of the vintage Alexander McQueen dress Kim Kardashian wore to the 2020 Vanity Fair Oscar Party, as it has the same dreamy, ethereal quality.
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This Lace by Tanya embellished fringe design had me thinking back to Lizzo’s Atelier Versace dress worn to the 2020 Grammys.
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This Mary Katrantzou Fall 2019 look is among my favourites for the colours, tumbling ruffles, feather accents and the darker hair colour, which I much prefer over the blonde.  I think she looks much younger and fresher with this hue.
This isn’t the first time the singer has favoured the Greek designer.  As Mary created a look for Beyonce which she wore during the Global Citizen Festival concert.
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Mary Katrantzou Fall 2019
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Area created this colourful webbed fantasy for their Fall 2019 collection, which Beyonce brought to life in this film.  The styling kept the look true the vision of the designer and film’s aesthetic prowess.
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Area Fall 2019
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For one of my favourite performance in this film, the singer wore a Loza Maléombho graphic, black-and-white ensemble was styled with a gold hardware including a grill.
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There was more animal print to be had in this cheetah print gown, which could fit right on set of ‘Coming To America,’ as well as the Wearable Art Gala, and any music awards ceremony or premiere.
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Oversized hats are still on trend according to Beyonce. 
This Marta Jakubowski  x Jo Miller hat provided plenty of shade for her breath-taking royal blue Alejandro custom off-the-shoulder design. This feels like a Joan Collins “rich b!tch” moment.
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In my mind, this sugary pink embellished ruffled swimsuit what Diane Ross wears when lounging by the pool.
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There were more black ruffles to be hand in this layered creation which is almost upstaged by the braided crown.
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Sipping high tea with Mama Knowles-Lawson, Beyoncé wore a dramatic Erdem floral-printed tiered gown styled with Anabela Chan earrings and an array of accessories that give the look an edge.
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Erdem Fall 2019
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This Marine Serre Fall 2019 catsuit will be the most recognisable piece here, due to the brown design adorned with the brand’s hallmark crescent moon motifs as a repeated print.
The print proved to be a important factor in the octopus-style dance break.
More to follow…..
Credit: Beyonce.com/Trav
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from Red Carpet Fashion Awards https://ift.tt/2CX8G83 via IFTTT
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dearinfj · 5 years
MBTI Types as Jay Versace vines
Mom: So, when Kareem jumps off the bridge, can you jump off the bridge?
Kid: Mom, you want me to jump off the bridge, don't you?
Mom: Mhmm.
Mom: Why did you get in trouble today for cheating on a test?
Kid: Am I supposed to answer that question or did you just answer it cuz I don't know what to say.
Friend #1: Jay, you don't even care. What if I died?
Friend #2: Then you would have a funeral...
Friend #1: I mean, like, what would you do?
Friend #2: I would go to the funeral?
Teacher: Class, if you could take one thing from a burning house, what would it be?
Student #1: My spiderman.
Student #2: My barbies.
Student #3: The fire- what?
Server: Okay, what will you be having?
Customer: I'm gonna have the steak.
Server: How would you like your steak?
Customer: On a plate?
Server: No, how do you want it cooked?
Customer: On a stove?
Server: Get out.
Server: Welcome to iHop, what would you like today?
Customer: Why would you just ask me a question like that? Y'all giving out free pancakes, you know why I'm here.
Student: Miss Clarke, if I do good, can you please play my mixtape after class? It's called 'Fifty Shades of the Ghetto' and I promise you, you will not be disappointed.
Guy #1: Bro, I really don't like you, yo.
Guy #2: First of all, watch yo mouff, cuz I'm from Atlanta.
Guy #1: Okay? What, you wanna fight in Atlanta? What?
Dog spelt backwards is God, so that must mean, the Lord is my Shepherd.
Have you ever walked upstairs and then felt somebody following you up the stairs but you ain't want to turn around cuz you ain't wanna see a demon? I- *anxious breathing*
Person #1: Ooh, I like your accent, mmm, where you from?
Person #2: I'm Liberian.
Person #1: Oh, my bad. *whispers* I like your accent, where you from?
Killer: Give me the knife so I can kill you.
Girl: No, say "Can I borrow it?"
Killer: Can I borrow it?
Girl: Here you go. *hands killer the knife* *screams and runs away*
Parent: Why is your report card on the ceiling?!
Kid: You said bring my grades up.
Parent: I did say that; let me see. *looks up at report card*
Somebody gon' say, "he could probably fit a whole quarter up his nose." That is a lie. Wait. *stuffs one quarter into nose* Oh my God.
Kid: Mom, I refuse to go back to school after what my Principal just said to me.
Mom: What did he say?
Kid: "You're expelled," like how dare he??
Kidnapper: Hey, get in the van.
Kid: Put it in a poem.
Kidnapper: Roses are red, my name is Dan, I have a gun, get in the van.
Kid: *giggles* Okay!
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miss-bookworm · 5 years
jonny-versace replied to your post: they knew gaynor was leaving for quite some time,...
The stuff with a Eliza and Jai was so rushed, it made me even more grateful for how well Seb’s exit was handled
same. like megan just drops that on jai, doesn’t even consider that maybe eliza could stay with him or they arranged shared custody or something and then jai is just okay with everything and lets them go. i don’t know, it’s a pretty big decision, they could give them at least a week to have some proper discussion
i really am grateful they gave seb’s exit more focus and depth
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traktivist · 5 years
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Link in Bio - free slow jam mix! 🎧 #Repost @undiscoveredsf ・・・ Check out this dope Filipino Slow Jam R&B mix featuring old school AND new school Fil-Am artists. Everyone from DNH and Innerlude, to AJ Rafael, Jeremy Passion & Jeff Bernat, to H.E.R., SoSuperSam, & JamieBoy! S/O @TRAKTIVIST for putting this one together! https://soundcloud.com/traktivist/6thr3e Playlist: Travis Atreo - Love Song Jocelyn Enriquez - I Didn't Know Love Would Break My Heart Brian Puspos - Starting Line Buffy - First Love AJ Rafael - Without You Cardi B & Bruno Mars - Please Me Jeremy Passion - Lemonade esta. & Kay Franklin - Off You Estrella - Show Me Bruno Mars - That's What I Like Moira Dela Torre & Nieman - Knots Anatalia V. & The Filharmonic - Til the End of Time Cover Racella - Margarita ft. Matt De Guia Jeff Bernat - Miles in Between ft. Joyce Wrice Avant - Lie About Us ft. Nicole Scherzinger Jocelyn Enriquez - Kailanman Far East Movement - Lovetron ft. Travis Garland H.E.R. - Best Part ft. Daniel Caesar JamieBoy - Trip (cover of Ella Mai) The Filharmonic - Location ft. Will Jay (cover of Khalid) Albert Posis - Everlasting Gabe Bondoc - You're It Liane V - Reasons Melissa Polinar - Meant to Be AJ Rafael - We Could Happen Bruno Mars - Versace on the Floor KAI - It Might Be You (RIP AC Lorenzo) Emmalyn - Phone Off Tracy Cruz - Flowers and Candy Jeremy Passion - We Can Jocelyn Enriquez - You Are The One Forte - Give My Love To You Jessica Domingo - Honey Skies Jules Aurora - The Silver Lining Rocky Sandoval - Throne Eclipse Far East Movement - Rocketeer ft. Bruno Mars SoSuperSam - A Little Wrong H.E.R. - Could've Been KAI - Say You'll Stay August Rigo - Just Drive Drop N Harmony - Never No Never Lea Salonga - Nandito Ako One Voice - When U Think About Me Innerlude - All I Can Pinay - Next Time #filipino #filipinos #filipina #filipinas #pinoy #pinoys #pinay #pinays #opm #slowjams #randb #mixtape #undiscoveredsf #filipinoamericans #filipinoamerican #filipinx #filipinamericans #filipinamerican #filipinomusic #philippines #discoverphilippines https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ZYz0YAnEJ/?igshid=er8bkppdbrme
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sundaynightnovels · 6 years
URL Title Game
Was tagged by the wonderful @inexorableblob for this really creative game! (also my URL is heinously long what were u thinking????!)
Rules: Spell out your URL with song titles, and then tag 10 people
I hope you don't mean to spell out with all English songs, because my URL is hellishly long and I don't have that many English songs on my playlist right now (I'm Chinese trash remember?)
I'm gonna do a compromise by answering in alternately english and Chinese songs! Buckle up for a long ride!
S - 说散就散(shuo san jiu san) by JC
It's a huge hit right now and it's bound to turn into a classic. All that feels!!! The duet version is also really good!
U - under the water by the pretty reckless
There was a time when I was really into this song. It just brings out so much FeeeeeeEEEEEELLLS clawing out of your chest and then the drums come in and...
N - 那些你很冒险的梦 (na xie ni hen mao xian de meng) by JJ Lin
One of the JJ lin classics. If you listen to Chinese music, you should know this!
D - don't threaten me with a good time by p!atd
The title so aptly describes my social life. You want me to go out??? You think that I'll have fun??! I'll regret if I don't??? Please. Don't threaten me with a good time.
A - 安静 (an jing) by Jay chou
Another Chinese classic. I have a short story about this one. The song title literally just means silence. one day my playlist was on shuffle and I waited so long for the next song to play, but I couldn't hear anything. So I kept raising the volume and then I chanced a glance at the title of the song playing and it was this one. I mean, I guess it's not wrong... It's a silent song...
Y - young blood by 5sos
Just because when I was on internship, someone kept playing this song in the bg. It's a good song though.
N - 你给我听好 (ni gei wo ting hao) by eason chan
I've mentioned this on another tag / post before, but I absolutely absolutely love this song!!! And it's one of the songs in jun's not-yet-created character playlist too. It is beautiful. Listen to it!
I - in case by demi lovato
That entire album was a gem, and this was one of my favourites from it.
G - 光年之外 (guang nian zhi wai) by g.e.m.
It's the Chinese ost for the Hollywood film passengers. I was never interested in the film (it looks like a mess tbh), but at least they got a great song out of it from the Chinese version.
H - high hopes by kodaline
I've mentioned it once & I'll mention it again because it's stuck in my head right now! This song is actually meant to be one of the songs in teng's currently-nonexistent playlist haha.
T - 体面 (ti mian) by Kelly Yu
It's a beautiful song for a drama I think? I'm not sure, I didn't watch it. There's hankyung (if u know kpop or suju) in the drama apparently because he makes an appearance in the mv, so...
N - night changes by 1d
Slightly cringey (but creative) mv aside, I really like this song. It's just such a pleasant song to listen to
O - 我们的爱 (wo men de ai) by FIR
Tbh there's not many Chinese characters that begins with 'o' (except for like... Vocables kinda things, like exclamations...) so wo is closest alternative.
This song is another huge classic in the 2000s, and just watching the mv gives me all the feels. I love this band and their music!!
V - versace on the floor by Bruno mars
The first song I could think of, and also... Its a pity how versace has been bought over by Michael kors. The song doesn't have the same ring to it if he sang about MK instead.
E - 耳朵 (er duo) by li rong hao
I don't actually listen to this song much, but there aren't many Chinese words that start with an E. Also, I love this singer-songwriter. Apparently he plays all of the instruments and (of course) sings all of the lines in all of his songs! & produces and writes everything as well. That's incredible!!
L - last hope by paramore
This song is salvation. Its so poignant and the lyrics are so relatable, I love it.
S - 十万毫升泪水 (shi wan hao sheng lei shui) by Tanya Chua
This song is so heartbreaking. And of course its a great song!
Phew, I feel like that took a thousand years to do. Right now I'm going to tag the longest freaking urls I see in my mutual list so be warned!!
@incandescent-creativity @writingwordsanddrawingpictures @things-waiting-to-be-written @lady-redshield-writes @pens-swords-stuff @cookiecuttercritter @elaynab-writing @gettingitwrite @katywritesbooks @leave-her-a-tome
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surra-de-bunda · 6 years
The ain’t no nigga verse is definitely my favorite. That and “I shot ya” It made me fall in love with her entirely. Her girly look with a hood Tom boy voice. Plus she looked great in those video😍. Natural looking beauty and dark skinned. I bet she had every light skinned girl intimidated. But anyways what’s your favorite feature of hers?
Yeah that verse bodied all the niggas on the track too and she was a teen. Foxy at her best is not only a threat to light skinned women but most niggas as well. She was a better lyricist than Kurupt when they were together. She also made Jay hot at the time. There’s a reason Biggie wanted Foxy over Kim and told Jay he wanted to trade girls. Biggie knew.
“Thug niggas give they minks to chinks, tore down
We sip drinks, rockin’ minks, flashin’ rings and things
Frontin’ hardcore deep inside the Jeep, mackin’
Doin’ my thing, fly nigga, you a Scarface king
Bitches grab ya ta-ta’s, get them niggas for they chedda’
Fuck it, Gucci sweaters and Armani leathers
Flossin’ rocks like the size of Fort Knox
Four carats, the ice rocks, pussy bangin’ like Versace locs pops
Want ta the creep, on the light raw ass cheeks
I’m sexin’ raw dog without protection, disease infested, uh!
Italiano got the Lucciano
I gets down, fuckin’ with Brown Fox extra keys to the drop
Boo, I’m Jingling Baby
I got crazy Dominicans who pay me to lay low, I play slow
Roll with The Firm, Mafioso crime kingpin
It's all real nigga, what the deal? I shot ya…”
My fave features of hers: “What’s ya fantasy remix”, “Bang Bang”, “Release Some Tension”, “Traces of My Lipstick”, “Touch Me Tease Me”…I feel like I’m missing a few.
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monderi · 6 years
Which songs reminds you of Monderi?
Hmm, tbh I held off of answering this specific ask bc there’s a lot and I’m bound to forget some of them and I wanted to remember as many as I could. But since I can’t keep holding off of answering, I’ll just give you what I have atm (this list is always growing)! forgive me majority of this list is kpop bc that’s 99.9% of what i listen to nowadays
In no particular order, the songs that remind me of Monderi:
Best Friend by iKON (both the original and Suhyun’s cover of the song)
Adore You by iKON
Soulmate (feat. IU) by ZICO
Shine by Pentagon
Thinkin’ About You by SEVENTEEN
Kind of Love by Seungkwan (of SEVENTEEN)
Missed Connections by DK (of SEVENTEEN)
Crazy For You by Mindy Quah (cover by Jun of Seventeen)
I Understand by Jun (of Seventeen) [Thanks Chinese cover]
Oh My! by Seventeen (both Korean and Chinese version)
Take Care by Highlight
Say Hello by DAY6
I’ll Try by DAY6
Better Better by DAY6
Baby It’s Okay by DAY6
Beautiful Feeling by DAY6
When You Love Someone by DAY6
The Feeling by BTOB
All Ears (I’ll Listen to Everything) by Youngjae (of GOT7) & Park Jimin
Hello Tutorial (feat. Seulgi of Red Velvet) by Zion.T 
Love by RM (of BTS)
Pretty U by Seventeen
Live Your Life by DAY6
Stay With Me by Jay Park
Love Maze by BTS
Magic Shop by BTS
Moon by Jonghyun (of SHINee)
I’ll Give It To You by iKON
A Little Happiness (Little Fortune) by Hebe Tien
All About Him by Popu Lady
Tong Hua (Fairy Tale) by Guang Liang
Forever Young by Blackpink
Lights Down Low by MAX & gnash
I Like Me Better by Lauv
Beautiful (feat. Camila) by Bazzi
Written In The Stars (Wendy of Red Velvet) by John Legend 
Serendipity by Jimin (of BTS)
8 Letters by Why Don’t We
What Lovers Do by Maroon 5
God is a woman by Ariana Grande
Paris In The Rain by Lauv
Chivalry Is Dead by Trevor Wesley
Like I’m Gonna Lose You (feat. John Legend) by Meghan Trainor
All of Me by John Legend
Best Part (feat, H.E.R) by Daniel Caesar
Everyday by WINNER
Paris by The Chainsmokers
Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers & Coldplay
All We Know by The Chainsmokers
There For You by Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan
Versace On The Floor by Bruno Mars
Naked by Taeyang
Dimelo by KARD
Ride On The Wind by KARD
Trust Me by KARD
All I Wanna Do by Jay Park
V by Jay Park
Knockin’ On My Heaven’s Door by KARD
Me Like Yuh (feat. Hoody) by Jay Park
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acsversace-news · 6 years
LOS ANGELES—For Carlin James, playing Christopher, the brother of Andrew Cunanan (Darren Criss), in “American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace,” is one of the highlights of his acting career so far.
The Long Beach, California native considers it an honor to get cast in the recent installment of Ryan Murphy’s true crime anthology series, which garnered praise from critics who cited the entire cast’s performances and collected 18 nominations in the 69th Primetime Emmy Awards.
James talked about the challenge of “being part of a mixed, Filipino-American TV family that contradicts the model-minority stereotype (understatement).”
He added, “Not to mention, working with Jon Jon Briones and Joanna Adler (who played Modesto and Mary Ann Cunanan, Andrew’s parents). Are you kidding me? Those two are A-plus talents and gracious, amazing people. Just watching them work made me a better actor.”
The Fil-Am’s other credits include numerous TV shows and commercials, including ABC’s “The Middle,” Netflix’s “Dear White People” and the CBS shows, “NCIS” and “Criminal Minds.” Among his recent projects are “Brampton’s Own,” “Broken,” “Turner Risk” and “Indivisible.”
How would you describe your journey as an actor so far? It’s been a rough journey, but one I’m so happy to be on. I’ve struggled, failed and been terrible so much throughout the past few years. But I’m at a point in my life where I can look back and be grateful for all those life-lessons. In my mind, I’m always behind, so I feel like I have a lot more to do to get where I need to go.
How do you prepare for an audition? Any good luck rituals, etc.? When I know I have an audition coming up, it hangs over my head like a cloud. Not in a bad way, but even if it’s a few days away, it’s something I can feel. I start working pretty late at night, and realize I get the most done between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. I do have a terrible sleep schedule, but it’s something that works for me. I have this weird thing about running my scenes in the shower, too. I swear by it. Every job I’ve ever booked was due to an awesome solo shower-rehearsal.
What is the most frustrating part of trying to land roles in Hollywood? When I was starting out, it was frustrating not even getting the opportunity to read for certain roles. But now, the most frustrating part of trying to land roles is getting out of my own way. Life and bills happen, and sometimes, I can’t help but think about how booking the job can help with that. I forget that if I just relax, trust myself and enjoy the process, then all else will fall into place.
How do you handle rejection? Much better than I used to! I always say the hardest part wasn’t hearing “No” because that at least leads to closure. The hardest part is working so hard and investing so much time, energy and emotion, and hearing back nothing at all. And that’s usually how it goes. Over time, you accept it and realize there’s only so much within your control. So we do our best in the room, leave it there, and then move on to the next one… like Jay-Z.
Have there been times when you almost gave up? I never gave serious thought to giving up. Announcing to my family and friends that I was going to pursue a career in acting was big for me. There was never a Plan B, and I couldn’t face them and say, “I give up.” I’m competitive and being told that it would only happen in my dreams may or may not have also played a part in it.
Seriously though, I’ve cried, bled and broken a bone. And I’m pretty sure I’ve gone halfway crazy because of this career-choice. Except Pop-A-Shot (electronic basketball game). I’m really good at Pop-A-Shot.
Do you, as an actor of color, feel that opportunities for minority actors are improving or getting worse? And do you think that the inclusion rider (mentioned by Frances McDormand in her best actress acceptance speech in this year’s Oscars, which is added to an A-list actor’s contract to ensure that the casting and production meet certain levels of diversity) is helping? Absolutely. I feel that opportunities for minority actors are getting better. If you watch a ’90s TV show and then watch a TV show from today, you can’t truthfully tell me it’s not. As a Fil-Am actor myself, I won’t say we’re where we want to be, but I think we’re making good progress. There’s a lot of diverse talent out there building up their resumes and, eventually, they will get the recognition they deserve.
As for the inclusion rider, I can’t say I know for certain its effect just yet. But it can only help. Story is king, and as long as it’s told accurately, I’ll be happy. It’s when you show a group of friends in the ’90s set in New York City and there’s not one POC (people of color), that’s kind of unbelievable.
What’s your stand on whitewashing in Hollywood? I won’t lie. It doesn’t bug my friends and family so much. But for me, it hurts to see it. So much of what we do as actors is dependent on us being comfortable with who we are as people, as real-life, vulnerable human beings. So when I see it happen, it sometimes feels like my self-worth is being slapped in the face. Dramatic, I know. I’m an actor.
This is not a new thing though, and Hollywood is starting to take notice, so that’s good for everyone. We can focus on the problem, but that’d be too easy. I’m just glad that things are getting better, and solutions (such as the inclusion rider) are being talked about.
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angxii · 6 years
The Rundown In The Morning
Tuesday October 16th, 2018
Ending Song: Sailing Not Selling (Lucci Lui)
Angie: Whats up people, Good Morning, Good Morning...we hope your early morning commute to wherever the fuck you going is a safe one. Streetwalkers should be counting they stacks from the night by now.
PJ: (laughing) they got to get they bag too
Angie: I’m sayin. I’m not knockin they job. (Laughs) no but seriously, all you guys, everybody out there, at the end of the day, are hustlers. You got to make your ends meet, don’t be an ass, don’t be lazy, get up, and get to work and stay working. Doesn’t matter what you do. We all hungry out here and everybody gotta eat.
PJ: you preaching this morning. That’s the truth.
Angie: alright we got that positive energy out of the way, This is your fabulous host Angie Formerly known as BLAQUEPUSXXY AkA Queen of Gutta Rap and I’m along side my partner and crime, the Divo’, Fashion extraordinaire...Picasso Jonte also known as...(drumbrolls)
PJ: you too extra (Laughing) let’s just keep it simple...PJ.
Angie: I was trying to give you a good intro.
PJ: you giving me a headache instead with all that drum rolling. It’s too damn early.
Angie: (cracks up) you need a pick me up.
PJ: And you need a come back down.
They both start laughing as the crew laughs as well.
Angie: Well it’s a good morning PJ! Let me tell you why.
PJ: Let me know bae...
Angie: Versace is having a boy one. We didn’t know what she was having this whole time. In the Promo ad for love and Hip Hop She let it slip, but anyway, congrats are in order for her. When is she having the baby tho?
PJ: There was a report that she was in labor already.
Angie: (shocked) for real? Oh, wow, isn’t it a little too early tho?
PJ: Yea, I don’t think she is due just yet.
Angie: ok this is new. We will definitely keep her and her family in our prayers.
PJ: (Gives her a look)
Angie: What?
PJ: If Brim is apart of that prayer, I don’t want no parts.
Angie: oop! Whet?! What you talking about.
PJ: There’s some tea bags in the mist. Would you care for some? I have a lil box full.
Angie: oh my god. What are you about to tell me? It’s too early for this.
PJ: Sources are saying that Brim is partying more, in and out of strip clubs, there was one source, a female lady rather, who said she saw him leaving the club with 3 of the strippers that work with her.
Angie: 😳🤭 YOU LYIN.
PJ: That’s what’s in the streets.
Angie: Noooo, I was rooting for Brim! This can’t be true though. Now I did hear shit about the partying. I’ve seen him at a few, but the most he does though is drink and smoke. Now I’ve seen him with a group of guys that have girls within that group, but I never thought anything of it because some of his friends may be single and you know how that goes. But this??? Damn I hope it’s not true. DONT LET IT BE TRUE LAWD!
PJ: Sip on it girl. (Clinks his cup of tea with hers)
Angie: I got to marinate on this a little bit. Alexa play “Damn” by Tiffany Bleu. (Laughs) No, jokes aside, we will be right back, enjoy some Tiff Tiff..
Radio Rotation: “Damn” (Tiffany Bleu)
Angie: Hello, we are back! (Laughing) we just really trying to get our life right now. PJ over here drooling over some new eye candy that’s joining Season 3 of Love and Hip Hop. Who’s new?
PJ: Demetrius Cartier’s brother Nehamiah is among the newest man on the Season. We seen him a little on Season 2, fresh out of the joint, and making hits. “Say AH” is my shit.
Angie: He’s a cutie too.
PJ: Yes Gawd.
Angie: I can’t wait to see how this plays out. Dem has been through some ups and Downs with Estonia. So to see him having to mend that and then mend things with his brother...it should be interesting. He’s managing him right?
PJ: Who?
Angie: is Dem managing his brother?
PJ: Yes. It’s confirmed. And he is no longer managing Estonia.
Angie: I’m rooting for them too. They can be so great. Like Jay Z and Beyoncé great, my opinion.
PJ: Hmmm. Maybe Oprah and Stedman great.
Angie: I’m not about to play with you. Hahahaha. This fool said Oprah and Stedman. I’m so dead.
PJ: It’s the truth. Another fresh face but familiar to the spotlight is Sophia, Supersleaz’s sister. I’ve always liked her better.
Angie: (shakes her head) I like them both. Selena is just upfront and more real. I don’t think she likes the attention as people think she does. She’s about her fans and that husband of hers. Sophia is more of a face girl to me. I’m not knocking her talent. I just think she’s more of a socialite and of course she is gorgeous too. She’s the more like...
PJ: Prettier one?
Angie: I don’t like you. (Laughs) no they are both sexy as fuck. You hating right now. We will be right back y’all (Laughing) Rachel give us the weather please...
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adrianna-m-scovill · 6 years
Ticket to Ride (Barson fic)
This is stupid, and ridiculous, and pointless, and I don’t care because I needed a distraction during work today and this idea did the trick ;) Basically, it’s Barba speaking almost exclusively in song lyrics while he removes some clothing. 
No real smut. Maybe I’ll write a more serious version of this scene at some point, but this one is just...fluff :) 
Around 1800 words, song list included at the end.
Also on AO3
Benson walked into the quiet, dark apartment. She shucked her jacket and hung it on the coatrack, kicked off her shoes, and dropped her purse on the table. She unbuckled her gun belt and put it on top of the bookcase, out of habit, even though she knew Noah wasn’t home.
Her bedroom door was closed, but there was light painting the carpet beneath it, and she frowned as she headed in that direction. She turned the knob and pushed the door open, stepping into the room.
Barba was standing in the middle of the floor, fully dressed in a suit and tie—everything but shoes. She stopped in the doorway, surprised. “Um…hello,” she said.
“Hey, baby,” he answered, and she didn’t miss the mischievous twinkle in his eyes.
She narrowed her own eyes, looking him over. “What’s wrong with you?”
He spread his hands. “I like New York in June, how about you?”
“It’s April,” she answered. She pushed the door closed and crossed her arms. “How much have you had to drink?”
His lips twitched, but he didn’t quite smile. “The second you walked through the door I caught a buzz.”
She made a sound of exasperation. “It’s been a long day. What’s your plan, here?”
“I’ve got two tickets to paradise.”
“Well, I’ve got one ticket to sleep.”
“You’ve lost that lovin’ feeling?”
She glared at him, putting her fists on her hips. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”
“Does anybody really know what time it is?”
“Did your multilingual button get stuck on song lyrics?” she asked.
He almost laughed at that—she could see him struggling to keep his expression composed. He reached up and loosened the knot of his tie with one hooked finger. “I’ll give you half a point for that, but that’s the last clue you’re getting,” he said, cocking an eyebrow.
“Clue to what?”
“The games people play.”
“I’ve been in these clothes for eighteen hours, the last six bent over my desk doing paperwork. Six hours, Barba. I’m sweaty, sticky, tired…”
“Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be.”
She hesitated. “Did you really just quote Nirvana?”
He narrowed his eyes. “Here we are now, entertain us,” he said, pulling his tie over his head and tossing it toward the chair.
She felt a pleasant flutter in her stomach, an automatic response to the heat in his gaze. “What are you doing?” she asked, although she thought she was finally catching on.
“Dirty deeds done dirt cheap,” he said.
She laughed, although her humor was still mixed with a significant dose of annoyance. “If quoting AC/DC is your idea of romance…” she said, shaking her head.
He shrugged out of his blazer and dropped it over the back of the chair. “You’re in my heart, you’re in my soul. You’ll be my breath should I grow old. You are my lover, you’re my best friend. You’re—”
“I get it,” she laughed. “You don’t have to quote the whole song.”
His fingers were at his suspender clips, and he was looking at her, silent. Waiting.
She lowered her arms to her sides. Her irritation and tiredness were sliding away. “Rod Stewart?”
With a small smirk, he unclipped his suspenders and flipped them over his shoulders. “You’re my brown-eyed girl,” he said, with a wink of encouragement.
“Uhh,” she said, trying to think. He untucked his shirt and started unbuttoning it. “You know I’m bad at this,” she said.
He paused with his fingers on the last button of his shirt. “I need a lover that won’t drive me crazy,” he said.
“Hey, now, careful,” she said, and he chuckled softly. She walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, once more crossing her arms. Her annoyance was purely an act, now, though. “Mellencamp. Or…Benatar?”
He pulled off his shirt and threw it toward the chair. “Tonight’s the night. It’s gonna be alright.”
“More Rod Stewart? Did you just sit around listening to the oldies station?”
He lifted one foot and peeled off his bright-colored sock. “I like that old time rock and roll.”
“Hmm,” she answered. “Bob Seger, and you’re just giving me easy ones because you want to get naked.”
He smiled, removing his other sock. “I bet you thought that I was soft and sweet.”
She snorted. “Hardly,” she teased.
“Thought an angel swept you off your feet.”
“But I’m about to turn up the heat.” He unbuttoned his fly.
“Is this Adam Lambert?”
“I’m here for your entertainment.” Unzipped, slowly.
“How do you even know that song?” she asked.
He slid his trousers down his hips, and her heart was pounding in her chest. Desire was burning, hot and low in her belly. He lifted one foot, then the other, pulling the pants off. He slung them over the chair and looked at her, standing in his boxers and undershirt.
“I heard it through the grapevine,” he said, and she laughed.
“Marvin Gaye?”
He pulled his undershirt up over his head and offered her a sheepish smile. “Do ya think I’m sexy?” he asked, and she laughed again, holding out a hand.
“Come a little bit closer, you’re my kind of man,” she said.
Grinning, he added, “So big and so strong?” He walked toward her, stopping between her knees, and said, softly, “Jay and the Americans.”
“Really? I don’t even know who—” She stopped, her breath catching in her throat, as his fingers went to the top button of her shirt. She swallowed, holding his gaze.
“It’s okay if you love me,” he said, quietly, holding her gaze as he unbuttoned her shirt. “It’s okay if you don’t. I’m not afraid of you running away, honey, I’ve got this feeling you won’t.”
“Tom Petty,” she managed. He slid the shirt over her shoulders and she pulled her arms out. He tossed it over his shoulder in the direction of the chair, and she smiled. “I want you, show me the way,” she muttered. They both knew she wasn’t good at this game, but that didn’t matter.
“Peter Frampton,” he said, and she got slowly to her feet. He didn’t back up, and they were close, their bodies almost—but not quite—touching. They were eye to eye, heart to heart, toe to toe. He reached down without looking and unfastened her trousers. “Do you wanna make love? Or do you just wanna fool around?” he asked, his voice low as he pushed her pants over her hips.
“Is that a song?” she asked breathlessly as the trousers pooled around her ankles. She stepped out and kicked the slacks aside. She was standing in her bra and underwear, and socks.
“My eyes adore you,” he murmured, lifting a hand to tuck her hair behind her ear.
She smiled and said, “Four Seasons. Which you know I know, since you dragged me to see Jersey Boys.”
Smirking, he reached behind her back and unhooked her bra with a twist of his fingers. “Tell me what you want, what you…” He paused for dramatic effect and raised his eyebrows. “…really, really want,” he finished.
“You did not just quote the Spice Girls?”
He grinned at her, but he didn’t remove her bra. She was so caught up in her desire, wrapped in the heat between them, that it took her a moment to understand that he was waiting for permission. She could barely remember the bad mood with which she’d arrived, or the tiredness. The light in his eyes had given her a burst of energy, and his arousal, caged only by the thin material of his boxers, had awakened an answering ache of desire inside of her.
“Let’s just kiss ‘til we’re naked,” she suggested, and she saw his surprise. A small frown creased his brow. “Ah, I stumped you,” she murmured. “Thank Rollins for a little ‘Versace on the Floor,’ huh?” She reached up and stripped off her bra, dropping it to the floor.
He tipped his head, covering her mouth with his, and she stepped closer, pressing up against his body. His fingers slid into her hair, and she accepted his tongue willingly—eagerly—into her mouth. Her hands went to his waistband, but she hesitated. After a moment, he broke away from her mouth and pulled back to look at her.
“I didn’t earn it yet,” she said, and his lips curved into a smile.
“Baby, let’s lay down and dance?” He could tell that she didn’t know the answer. He considered. “I wanna rock and roll all night?”
“Okay,” he said, and she was laughing as he once more claimed her mouth. She sank back onto the bed, and he followed her down, his lips on hers and his hand in her hair. He moved his mouth to her jaw, and she tipped her head up so he could kiss her throat. She shivered beneath him. “I wanna kiss you all over,” he murmured against her skin. “All over again, ‘til the night closes in.”
“Um,” she said, trying to think of lyrics as she slid her hands over the warm skin of his back. “I’m so excited?”
He laughed, lifting his head to look down at her, his eyes sparkling with humor. “You are so beautiful to me,” he said, softly.
“What was the one about making love?”
“Do you wanna make love, or do you just wanna fool around?”
“Both,” she said, and he grinned. “Raf?”
“I love you more today than yesterday,” she said, holding his gaze. “But…”
He was still smiling. “Not as much as tomorrow,” they finished in unison, and he lowered his head. He hesitated, his lips hovering just above hers, and asked, “Does this mean you’ve traded in your ticket to sleep for a…ticket to ride?”
She was still laughing when he kissed her.
  Song list:
“Hey! Baby,” by Bruce Channel
“How About You,” by Frank Sinatra
“Drunk on You,” by Brett Eldredge
“Two Tickets to Paradise,” by Eddie Money
“You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling,” by The Righteous Bros.
“Does Anybody Really Know What Time it is,” by Chicago
“Games People Play,” by Joe South
“Come as You Are” and “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” by Nirvana
“Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap,” by AC/DC
“You’re in My Heart,” “Tonight’s the Night,” and “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy,” by Rod Stewart
“Brown Eyed Girl,” by Van Morrison
“I Need a Lover That Won’t Drive Me Crazy,” by John Mellencamp
“Old Time Rock and Roll,” by Bob Seger
“For Your Entertainment,” by Adam Lambert
“Heard it Through the Grapevine,” by Marvin Gaye
“Come a Little Bit Closer,” by Jay and the Americans
“Breakdown,” by Tom Petty
“Show Me the Way,” by Peter Frampton
“Do You Wanna Make Love,” by Peter McCann
“My Eyes Adore You,” by The Four Seasons
“Wannabe,” by The Spice Girls
“Versace on the Floor,” by Bruno Mars
“Baby, Let’s Lay Down and Dance,” by Garth Brooks
“Rock & Roll All Nite,” by KISS
“Kiss You All Over,” by Exile
“I’m So Excited,” by The Pointer Sisters
“You Are So Beautiful,” by Joe Cocker
“More Today Than Yesterday,” by Spiral Starecase
“Ticket to Ride,” by The Beatles
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