#give ethari his husband
aaravos-the-bug · 4 months
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was going through my photos and found this. PLEASE NO IM TOO TIRED FOR THIS RIGHT NOW IM GOING TO GO CRY INYO MY PILLOW
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apogean-tides · 1 year
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An educated guess >> I defend my thesis in the tags
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ask-runaan-anything · 7 months
Where did you learn to kiss?
Did you realize that you were gay before Ethari or when you met Ethari?
I may keep my feelings to myself more than the average elf, but I do have them. I knew what I liked before I met my husband.
As for kissing, there is a difference between learning a skill and perfecting it. I'm sure I learned the way most elflings do - by peeking at grownups when they're distracted. Naturally such distraction has never happened to me, due to my awareness and dedication to duty at all times.
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applesaucesea · 2 years
I finished watching season 4 of The Dragon Prince..!
It’s something.. to say the least. I’ve cringed more times then I can count and wanted to slap the characters on multiple occasions. But also it was nice to see how many grew during the 2 year gap in more ways than one. Like Soren, Rayla, and Ezran.
A lot happened in those 9 episodes but also it left many things unanswered and have me curious. But around the last few episodes it helped build up different aspects that will probably be revealed in the upcoming season.
Anyways. Not great at this stuff but I just wanted to share. I might add on to this, I might not. I feel like I’m being to harsh. But don’t get me wrong there were some great moments. Pulled an all-nighter so my brain isn’t working. Didn’t want too but things happened and life sucks so.
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S7 Runaan
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I gotta look at him. I gotta look. What's he got
His hair is still dungeony. He hasn't redone it. Is he expecting to meet Ethari soon and he just wants his husband's hands in his hair again, like always? Is he grossed out by his dungeon hair and doesn't want to touch it? Is he ashamed of his long assassin hair? (put it in a bun, sir!) Has he just. forgotten it's there. Dork.
His hair is waiting for Ethari, that's all there is to it.
HE HAS A SHIRT. MY BOY. Runaan deserves dignity. It looks like a very Moonshadow shirt, navy blue and gray with swirls all over it. He's rolled up the sleeves, which is extremely hot of him. And it is a bit short at the waist, too (thank you TDP for that visible slice of Runaan's hip).
Headcanon: this is Lujanne's Rayla's own shirt and it's nice and tight and a bit too small for Runaan's tall rangy body but he'll take it because it's soft and comfy and better than nothing.
Runaan isn't carrying his bowblade. We know Rayla has it, somewhere. Which means he is choosing not to carry it/be seen with it, in Katolis. He's making a choice to come with empty hands instead of a weapon, hoping not to be stabbed or shot on sight. Good luck with that, my man, they will NOT be happy to see you. But what else can you do to begin your amends?
I think Rayla might still have it somewhere, ready for him to use in a sudden moment of danger, but he could be doing the same thing Viren did with his staff. Viren didn't want to pick up the relic staff again because of what it represented to him - his own self, darker, harder, and making choices that hurt people. Runaan's bowblade has the same kind of weight. He may have it close to hand, but he may not want to touch it, let alone wield it, anytime soon.
That's not to say he won't be forced into a situation where using his bowblade would make things better - but also worse. I mean, this is TDP.
The situation that's giving him this pose may be that exact situation already. He's recovered his Hard Assassin Eyes here, even though his hands are empty and Rayla is actively guarding him with her swords. They've run into someone, or something, that's threatening them, and Rayla has to take point on defense. And Runaan is letting her, at least in this specific moment.
Who have they met? Judging by events earlier in the show, it could be Amaya again, which would add the whole layer of an Amaya vs Rayla repeat showdown at the Banther Lodge. At this point, Amaya and Rayla have hugged and become friends, nearly family. But Amaya's whole job when the assassins came was to try to save Harrow - and she wasn't in time. Being back at this location would probably put her in a very particular mood, and I don't think it'll clash well with Runaan's presence. Not at all.
Will I be getting my long-wished-for fight between Amaya and Runaan? Even if it's interrupted and no one is truly hurt, I would LOVE to see them go at each other. Their tactics are so different, I just want to see a silly lil skirmish, plssss.
Pure speculation here, but it's possible that Amaya and Janai flew Ezran to Katolis to help - since their hotcats are here with him against what looks to be human architecture. And then Amaya departed from Ezran's location to the Banther Lodge, possibly for supplies for the wounded and survivors. Leading to this second screenshot serving as Amaya bringing Runaan back with Rayla, and we get to see the mixed expressions of these characters. Callum's in particular - Rayla would not be parted from Runaan willingly, so she could still be standing beside him, possibly arrested with him, and Callum has to stand behind his brother the king and see her trying to defend the indefensible, her stabby dad who killed Ezran's stabby dad.
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I'm adding a few more grains of sand to the scales in favor of it being Runaan because of this other screenshot from S6, which turned out to be him facing down Viren - another adult who helped ruin his life.
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Anyway, whatever happens here, we will see it in four months! FOUR MONTHS UNTIL RUNAAN WITH A SHIRT Y'ALL AAAAHH
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detectiphoenix · 8 months
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A silly little Viravos-centric Pokemon AU where Viren is a Pokemon Professor, and Aaravos is a near-immortal Mythical Pokemon disguised as a human ~
I'll be tagging all art in this AU #phoenix's tdp pokemon au, so if the content bothers you, please block said tag! On the other hand, if you decide to make art/content of this AU, please use said tag 👀
Typed out tidbits underneath the cut!
Is "The Fallen Star"
Can appear as either his draconic Pokémon form or human - can also sprout horns and a tail if comfortable
Likes living as a human. Likes creating rumors about himself more
In his many years of life, has mastered fluent human Standard speak, but can also communicate telepathically
Horribly enamoured by the cute little Professor who thinks he's on top of the world
Commands the easiest gym in the region, but boasts an impressive combat threat outside of gym battles
Celebrated for having extremely deep connections to her Pokémon
Favorite part about being a gym leader is giving new trainers their first badge
Pokémon enthusiast!
Is very serious about his "catch-em-all" mission
Met Rayla when they were both trying to catch the same Pokémon
Acknowledges his last name is the name of the tree, and won't stop talking about his fate being to be a Pokémon Professor
Wanted to stay with her father to help him with his research, but he convinced her to stay with Soren for the time being
Determined to be a Pokémon Professor one day
An expert with her items and consumables
Cheers every time a trainer engages her in battle
Is almost old enough to get his starter Pokémon, but isn't sure if he wants to be a trainer
Sneaks treats to all of the Pokémon under his watch
He thinks he's being sneaky, but everyone knows he's sneaking treats and no one says anything because all of the Pokémon adore him
Defends his title with pride and a bright smile
Popular for his natural charisma, even outside of his region
His great-grandfather was a Pokémon Professor
Pip, a Talonflame he raised from a Fletchling, is his star fighter
Despite being the newest member, is considered to be the most difficult challenge of the four
Often described as having a threatening aura during battle
After battle, however, her kind nature is clear
Got the Pokémon
Determined to be the Champion one day
Wants to make her dads proud (they're already proud)
Began her journey saying she would only fight using stronger Pokémon to increase her chances at becoming the Champion, but gets extremely attached to every Pokémon she catches
Used to be the region's Champion, before retiring to spend more time with his husband and adopted daughter
Isn't that old, but has enough funds from his championship that he is able to live comfortably without a job
Still assists his husband, Ethari, with his Battle Items Shop
The trainer that will run up to you and engage you in a Pokémon battle
Determined to be the Champion one day, or at least a cool gym leader in his home region
Very suspicious of that guy who keeps spending time with his father
Likes to travel across regions and bring his father Pokémon that don't appear in their home region
Has spent the vast majority of his life researching "The Fallen Star"
Believes Aaravos to be a researcher as passionate as himself in the same field
Wants to be the first to discover "The Fallen Star", sees Aaravos as frustratingly intelligent competition
Needs reading glasses to read, but despises wearing them
Would have found "The Fallen Star" already, if not for an insufferably attractive individual's meddling
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transrunaan · 1 year
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Wow, they mentioned the diamonds before? No way!
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Only three? That's so easy! 😃
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The diamonds! It looks like a pretty crown I hope that skywing elf is nice and welcoming!
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Oh no:( We don't have a startouch elf who is available, that's really sad
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Corona of the Heavens? And it looks like a tower in a frozen place! Could it be the Frozen Sea?
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Great! They can kill Aaravos (I mean imagine keeping his coral prison as a souvenir, weird right?) and also save the moonshadow elves!
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eerna · 2 months
Any hopes I can hear why you hate runnan? Legitimately curious about it tbh
Sure!!! I think the Runaan-Ethari-Rayla family unit is horribly written and it's because the writers can't commit to a consistent theme with them. In the first few episodes we learn Runaan is Rayla's dad, but also her commander, and he has raised her with the Moonshadow assassin ideals engraved in her blood. She is nothing, she is no one, she is a vessel of justice and vengeance, she is going to kill an innocent child before the night is through and that is totally chill. However, she fails to kill her first target and he kicks her out of the team because she isn't displaying the mental fortitude expected of their tribe. Okay, we learn that he is not messing around, he isn't gonna indulge in soft parenting or an emotional connection, and we see a bit of his soft side in how he speaks to Rayla so we can assume he does care about her underneath all the sternness. He is her commander and she will listen, but he loves her. Of course, she is a teenage girl so she disobeys, and the next time they meet she is telling him that their mission is wrong and they should retreat because the humans are gonna help them fix the situation. His response is to try to kill her for betraying the mission. He doesn't give her a chance to explain herself, he doesn't stop and think, he just goes straight for killing her. So what we are supposed to read him as is a harsh, distant father figure who loves Rayla, but has his doubts with her fitting in with their society, and the moment she does something out of line with his expectations, he is willing to sacrifice her to keep the ideals of that society alive. It is a textbook toxic parental tragedy!! Wonderful!!! Except no. Not really. Somehow we get from this to Rayla being 100% chill with him as a parent and consoling him when they meet again. He feels really bad about the time he tried to kill her and that is enough for them to solve all their issues. Nothing about how Rayla sees herself as a failure because of the way he'd raised her, nothing about how she had to unlearn his toxic ideas about feelings and weakness. It is all magically solved.
This extends to Ethari as well. He cut Rayla off entirely because she survived a mission that killed his husband. Rayla is so thoroughly cut off from her family and her society that they are physically unable to percieve her - there are literal books written about the horror of such a punishment. Excuse me, but if your gut reaction to your child surviving an accident that killed your spouse is "Oh that little asshole betrayed him!!!" and you decide to put her through hell over it, then you have some serious issues. Which is FINE!! If we are telling a story about a family messed up by societal expectations, that is totally fine!!! But again we are not. Ethari is supposed to be sympathetic, he and Rayla part on a positive note and she accepts her punishment. This is mentioned once after but only in the context of making Rayla fall for Callum, and then it is never discussed properly. Rayla spends 2 years doing god knows what and when she returns she no longer has bad feelings about any of this.
What I am saying is: Runaan and Ethari are absolutely horrible people and the worst of fathers, but the story treats them as regular dads who just have some small issues their daughter can get over instantly. They are supposed to be complicated, but also inoffensively adorable, so they get the worst of both worlds. I am a big fan of problematic, toxic families where everyone still loves each other, but you gotta have a coherent arc and a complete theme in mind while writing them. Rayla should have brought her bio parents back bc they are the only people in the world who could understand how she feels, having been cursed the same way themselves.
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moon7shine · 2 months
I was seeing some debate over Rayla choosing Runaan over her parents and I wanted to give my thoughts. Yeah Lain and Tiadrin clearly care about Rayla but they cared about their duty more. They barely even acknowledged Rayla and only really snapped out of it when she brought up the dragon prince. Also if you look at the end credits with Rayla and her parents, Lain and Tiadrin are always in their dragon guard uniform meaning that they were probably gone a lot. Runaan on the other hand was only focused on Rayla and it's the thought of his husband and daughter that snap him out of it. Again with the end credits there are end credits with Rayla and Runaan where Rayla is even younger than she was when Lain and Tiadrin left in Bloodmoon Huntress. Yes Lain and Tiadrin were her biological parents but Runaan and Ethari were the ones who raised her. Choosing Runaan was the best choice, Lain and Tiadrin were ultimately at peace they succeeded their goal and knew their daughter was ok. I am glad that Rayla got closure with her parents though, she deserved it.
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starlling-writes · 2 months
When the Lotus Rises Again
Ethari notices that there is a flower suddenly floating in the pool of assassin lotuses.
Rating: Everyone
Pairing: Runaan x Ethari
Words: 486
— — —
I was sure I was dreaming when I saw a flower—his flower—floating in the lotus pool. I had come to visit yet again; to reminisce about the last time I saw him, kissed him. I was sure it was simply a hallucination.
But the next day I went back and it was still there. And the next day. So I asked someone to meet me at the pool on the day after, and they could see the flower floating too.
“How?” they asked. “What does this mean?”
As if I had answers.
Word spread through the grove. As did speculations. I kept away from it all, though. The sudden possibility that he was alive left my chest heavy. I couldn’t bring myself to believe it yet. Not fully. I couldn’t stand to have new hope only to have it be ripped away if this was actually a spell gone awry, or he can’t—or doesn’t want to—come home.
I tried to distract myself with work, but he still dominated my thoughts. I wondered if I’d turn around and he’d suddenly be there, so I kept checking behind me. The only thing I found myself capable of focusing on was making things for him. New arrows. A dagger. A set of matching bracelets for us to share.
Restless nights made time blur. It felt like ages since his flower started floating again.  The longer nothing happened, the more the old pain started to dig its claws back into me.
“Where are you?” I whispered to the flower late one night. I reached out, traced one of the petals. The moon came out from behind some clouds, its light dancing on the silvery metal. I looked at the sky. “May you be keeping him safe,” I beseeched the moon.
With a soft sigh, I looked back to his flower. But a reflection caught my attention. My breath stilled in my chest. It was Rayla.
I was happy to see her, though disappointed it was only her. “One moment. I’ll cast the spell.” I closed my eyes and took a slow, steadying breath, finding the gaps in the magic that binds her as a ghost. Then I offered her my hand.
But she didn’t take it. The hand was too large to be hers. Fingers too calloused in familiar spots…
My eyes flashed open. There beside me was the one I’d been longing to see for an eternity. “Runaan,” I choked through tears. He was here. Alive. His hand was in mine and he’s home now. I instantly threw my arms tightly around him. His warmth, his touch, his scent—they were finally not just a memory. I pulled back enough to kiss him.
“Apologies for returning like this,” he said, then pressed his forehead to mine. “But I wanted to make sure you were the first who saw me.”
“You’re here. That’s all that matters.”
— — —
A/N: I thought it would be a cute idea that, when Runaan and Rayla go back to the grove, they have a moment where Rayla steps back and tells Runaan she can't enter with him—otherwise he'd be a ghost, even to Ethari. He's surprised his husband went through the ritual, but Rayla tells him about how their last interaction went, and how he did break the spell shortly to talk to & see her briefly. Which gives Runaan the idea to surprise his love :3
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aaravos-the-bug · 2 years
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the way i started tearing up seeing this scene again.
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apogean-tides · 1 year
I love how ruthari subverts common couple themes...
The pet name "heart" was given to the supposedly cold killer and "guiding moon" to the bleeding heart.
I love how 'guiding moon' insinuates that Runaan frequently seeks council with his husband on matters of the heart.
While Ethari refers to Runaan - specifically his hands - as his heart because he wears his selfless actions on his sleeve.
When Ethari says the line "My heart goes out with this one" it's as if he has given a piece of himself away. This implies that Ethari feels incomplete without him and thus gives incentive for Runaan to return home safely.
*ugly sobbing* and then he didn't come ho-
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hazy-summer-sky · 6 months
Rumor has it that if you talk about mentally ill Ethari, I will come scuttling towards you with a WIP
Thanks to @no-cinnamon-for-synonym for posting about this earlier and sending me into a frenzy writing some of my fic, here’s a short sneak peek at a bit of it!
CW under the cut: s*icidal ideation, hallucinations, severe depression, hurt no comfort (yet)
“Are you really going to ignore that?” Ethari jumps at the question, nearly sending him tumbling off the ledge he’s sitting on. He turns around to see Runaan standing a few feet away, crossing his arms.
Surprisingly, Ethari just rolls his eyes and says, “You’re encouraging me to go towards danger now? That isn’t like you.”
“I am trying to get you out of danger.” As Runaan sits down next to him, Ethari returns to sitting with his feet dangling off the ledge and staring at the churning river beneath him. He seems far too calm for someone talking to their dead husband. “There’s only one reason you would come here of all places, alone and in the middle of the night.”
“You don’t know that. Maybe I was just looking for lunablooms and happened to stop here for a rest.” Runaan gives him a look, and after a moment Ethari lets out a frustrated sigh. “You should not even be here. I took my medication today, so can you please stop haunting me for once?”
“I cannot just leave you here, Ethari.” At this, Ethari laughs incredulously.
“Oh, now you cannot go? You never had any trouble leaving when you were alive!” Ethari lets out a strained breath through his teeth. He clutches at his chest, his fingers pulling the fabric of his shirt taught around him.
Runaan gives Ethari that exasperated look again. “You know that is not—“
“What, do you not remember how restless you would get between missions waiting for something ‘useful’ to do?! How you would go out and train more than any of the other assassins, how you would choose to take on as many solo missions as you possibly could?!” Ethari is on his feet now, shouting down at Runaan. “Did you forget how quick you were to accept the Katolis mission despite it being transferred to your team at the last minute, and how you lied about Rayla being sixteen so that you could have the team of six the Dragon Queen wanted?! You’ve always wanted to leave!” The hallucination just watches sadly as Ethari’s temper cools. “Rayla was always so excited when she got to go with you, too…” Ethari wipes his eyes and whispers, “Was being with me really that terrible?”
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Full Thoughts on TDP Season 5
Under the cut, because there are many of them!
Starting off with things I liked:
Rayllum! It was so good to see them on the same page again, and they have a perfect balance between deep, romantic devotion and the shared laughter and gestures of best friends. Their dynamic this season was my favorite iteration of them so far
Janai and Amaya were wonderful as well. I was really bracing for Amaya to leave for Lux Area without telling Janai and a whole bunch of drama to ensue, but no! They communicate! They trust each other! It's so refreshing!
Side note: Lux Area was gorgeous the detail in every shot of the city and Bookery was so good. I want to live there. I will take on the night creatures if need be
I hoped we'd get an apology from Amaya for Rayla, and I'm really glad they took the time to put it in the show instead of a short story or anything like that. It was also cool to see Amaya recognizing the similarities she and Rayla share and acting as more of a mentor to her, I hope we see more of them together later on
The reoccurring message that oftentimes the best way to be strong is by going to other people for help- first Amaya's story, then Rayla trusting Callum, then Zubeia's talk with Avizandum. It's a very good moral
That whole thing with Soren and Elmer! Breaking the cycle of cruelty! I love Soren so much
Callum using dark magic again. I thought I would hate it if that happened, since we've seen a corruption plotline with him and with Claudia already, but the way it was done sort of added a good sense of realism. I like that Callum isn't a Perfectly Moral Mage just because he can do primal magic; it feels deeper and more complicated if he has to recognize that the easier, darker choice is always there, and sometimes he won't be able to resist it, but he has to try each time anyway
So many little moments that I'll probably be going into in separate posts because the dynamic between the characters was on fire. It was so good to see the team really working together, their chemistry was so good
Things I wasn't as much of a fan of:
The problem with the show really relying on people to read all the supplementary material is still present. I was pretty confused about who Kpp'Ar was until I looked him up on the wiki, and again, people who didn't know about Soren getting sick as a kid from the Book 2 novelization really wouldn't have gotten his part of the dream sequence. It doesn't ruin the show or anything but it does make it a little confusing at times
The plotline with the coins is starting to feel a little drawn-out. Runaan's presence would bring up enough complications between Rayla and the rest of the group that he needs enough time out of the coin to give that the weight it deserves, and I'm really hoping he gets out next season so we can have at least season 7 to go into that. Also, Ethari needs his husband back
As good as it was to see rayllum back together, I do still think we needed a scene of them actually talking things through. I'm sure it'll appear in a Reflections story at some point, but again, you don't want your show to lean that heavily on the bonus material
This is more of a nitpick than anything else, but the characters' faces in the early episodes felt really stiff. They'd be having a monologue where you could really hear the emotion in their voices, but their faces just... didn't really move
And finally: too many crabs. This is not a flaw with the season this is just because I personally am freaked out by crabs and I've never been so horrified in all my life as when the true nature of Finnegrin's ship was revealed. It'll haunt me forever
Overall I liked it a lot, and I'm really excited to see where it goes next! Claudia feels like she's on the very edge of the point of no return, if she hasn't already crossed it, and it'll be very interesting to see how she reacts to the loss of her leg and (most likely) the loss of her father next season. I'm also very excited for the nova blade, that sounds like a gorgeous piece of weaponry and seeing whoever wields it (my money's on Rayla) fighting Aaravos is going to be epic. This season has definitely ratcheted up my investment in the show, which I'm very excited about
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what if when we see ethari again he has just adopted a whole child like I just find that funny there isn’t a real reason I wanna see this just because if you’re rayla or runaan they haven’t seen him in about two-three years so they come home expecting a very sad man like bordering on inconsolable man and they just see him actually decently happy for a man who lost everyone he loved then they just see this whole child doing chaos and being what would have been the only light/happiness in ethari’s life besides his work and I don’t think he’d enjoy that as much with his family presumably dead
and ethari just deserves to have something make him happy he doesn’t deserve to be super sad for three years like he’s still of course gonna be sad even if he has the child because y’know HIS HUSBAND IS “DEAD” let him have a chaotic child to come home to instead of a cold and quiet house that will only serve to remind him his adoptive daughter and her parents who were also his friends are gone and his husband is dead (to him at least) he doesn’t even have his pets like give him some sort of happiness please
at least give him a new pet rayla needed the others
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platinumrosetail · 9 months
Thxs for responding!!
Could I request a Ethari x Runaan x Male reader?
Perhaps Reader could be immortal and get his head chopped off by someone, and ofc since he’s immortal he would just reattach it. I’m curious on how you think Runaan and Ethari would react to this!
(This is my first time ever requesting something, so I apologize if I did something wrong)
Ooooh, interesting and funny, also no you’re fine don’t worry 👍.
Characters: runaan, ethari.
Warning: noob author, male reader, mention of head getting chopped off, and others.
You were the husband to tunaan and ethari, you didn’t know how you got in the relationship with the two as it just happened but you weren’t complaining at all as you love the two and they too love you the same as well
(I couldn’t think of how you three met as the fever I had recently kinda still fogged my head plus I didn’t really have any good ideas either 😅 sorry but hey yall can pick out how you three met I guess)
You were talking to some elves, at first they were on guard of you because you’re new/human (I didn’t know which species you wanted the reader so I tried to leave it optional 😅) but you were able to lower their guards and become friends with them.
The thing you were talking about was your adventures before settling down with runaan and ethari, and how you were immortal cause of a mishap on one of those adventures of yours.
The elves didn’t believe you and wanted you to give a demonstration on how you’re immortal by taking a weapon to the neck.
Ethari and runaan was coming to get you for supper only to see you getting your head chopped off like a criminal on a guillotine making them freak out on their comrades killing their husband for no reason that their aware of.
Though they were stopped dead in their tracks when your headless body got up went to your head and put it back where it rightfully belongs.
Ethari was stuttering and runaan was looking stunned, you had to explain that you became immortal and can reattach your limb if it was to be cut off after one of your adventures before you met them. You would’ve told them sooner but you kept on forgetting to, ethari scolded you for scaring him and runaan; who said he wasn’t scared but you two beg to differ, about you and to only do that when necessary which best be important and not to show people that your immortal.
(A/n: hope y’all like it!! I had a bit of a fever in the middle so I kinda couldn’t get to finish it until now so yea 😅. Anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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