#gita jackson
corvidinthewoods · 10 months
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really like these two excerpts from the article Gita Jackson just published. i find myself worrying about what’ll happen going forward both on the likely harassment of Somerton (dont do it, did you even watch the video? Hbomberguy literally said not to do it). They’re right, the social repercussions are and likely will be plenty enough punishment. getting mad at that dude forever wont be truly productive, much fun as it may be in this moment. the bigger issue is the environment that let him and others thrive.
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elrondsscribe · 10 months
One other thing!
Gita Jackson, one of the MANY talented and insightful writers ripped off by Him Whose Name We Speak No More, has this to say:
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Agreed 100%! I’ll be damned if I let you hoes run around with impostor syndrome after this.
Write the thing. Make the video. Do the thing. Whatever. Be honest, credit your inspiration, try and add a little something. That’s the bar.
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yusuke-of-valla · 10 months
Oh shit before I forget. Gita Jackson (who wrote one the articles plagiarized in the Attack on Titan video mentioend by Hbomberguy) has a worker-owned gaming (and also other things) news site with a couple other former Kotaku journalists called Aftermath
If you want to support ad-free independent games journalism, it's $7 a month for unlimited access to articles so like. Check it out! Throw some money their way if you want.
She recently interviewed developers on making a game set in Palestine too if you want to try a couple of articles and see them
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dipstick-university · 12 days
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Gita Jackson at XOXO Festival
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brahm0051 · 9 months
गीता सार
यान्ति, देवव्रताः, देवान्, पितृन्यान्ति, पितृव्रताः। भूतानि, यान्ति, भूतेज्याः, यान्ति, मद्याजिनः, अपि, माम् ।।
अ. 9 श्लोक 25
पवित्र गीता जी अध्याय 9 श्लोक 25 में साफ लिखा है कि भूतों को पूजोगे तो भूतों की योनियों में जाओगे और पितर पूजोगे तो पितर योनि में जाओगे । फिर क्यों आप श्राद्ध कर्म, पिंड दान आदि करते हो? ये मोक्ष मार्ग के विपरीत क्रियाएं हैं।
अधिक जानकारी के लिए पढ़ें पवित्र पुस्तक
"हिन्दू साहेबान ! नहीं समझे गीता, वेद, पुराण"
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bestmothertournament · 6 months
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grandmagbignaturals · 4 months
challengers whipped
Movie About Perfect Bodies imo not trying to write an essay but putting a cut in just in case. spoilers follow.
So the movie opens on Sweat. before the fucking warner brothers logo even, is shots of Art ant Patrick sweating, high def and up close. water basically hitting the camera.
When the boys see Tashi for the first time she is Perfect. Not a hair out of place. Her dress fits perfectly, all white, not a stain or spot. You think, yeah that's tennis. But there's contrast all around her. Nobody else in the whole movie is as put together as her.
And the movie puts forward, slowly, that that's deliberate. The first time the audience sees Tashi she is putting herself together so that she looks good before Art wakes up, at 5:30 (we don't know until the end of the film she didn't sleep).
And yes, part of this is the fact that she's Zendaya and nobody else on the cast is Zendaya but the whole movie is so Not Hollywood in the way it depicts bodies. We expect to see Zendaya exercising without sweat, arching one perfect eyebrow, because we expect that from movies in general.
When we see the boys dripping with sweat in the opening shot, then the logo plays, and then we see Tashi rubbing ointment into her scarred knee, we're told "bodies aren't hollywood perfect"
Then Art does physio. And at this stage it's easy to think "okay we're doing a recovery from injury thing, sure. the scars make sense."
But the whole thing, Art and Patrick have these really awkward, human bodies (and I think they leaned into the casting on this. Both actors are beautiful, but they're not conventional exactly. Sorry boys.)
Tashi has a body that exists to be photographed. Even in that trailer shot, where she sits on the bed and they leap to make out with her neck, she is arching her back and sitting primly in exactly the way she wants to. She knows what she looks like and she's using it as a tool.
and it'd be easy to leave the reading there. Tashi is image obsessed. Sure. That's sure the spin that Patrick puts on it when he's taunting her about her relationship.
But when she says to him in the back seat of his car "what else am I supposed to want" I think that's real vulnerability. When she says to him in her dorm room (which is nowhere near as put together as she normally is. That room is a private part of her that she doesn't show off, the side that's human and messy), "what do you want me to be for you" that's a real question, that's vulnerability. It's both "I only know how to play roles, I don't know how to be myself" and "Here and now I'm showing you myself and you're rejecting me and I knew I was right to never show that to anyone".
The one thing that let her be both herself and perfect was tennis. When she screamed COME ON at the end of her match at the beginning of the movie, she was devastated because her moment of perfect communication with her opponent was broken.
When she screams it at the end it's like vindication. The guys communicated a whole thing using tennis. And it was imperfect. They were making mistakes left and right figuring out that communication.
But the key thing is, during that communication, that tie breaker, Tashi has let go of her careful posturing. She's actively looking between them, like the rest of the crowd. She's uncomfortably bouncing her knees, she's visibly tense. In public. Except for her injury, that doesn't happen.
I think Tashi's a character who has this ideal self that she's constantly trying to fill, and she can never really be that person because she doesn't live in a perfect world and she's a human being with needs and a human body. And her whole schtick is that those things are possible to overcome. Patrick's whole thing is that you don't need to overcome them. if you lean into the demands of your body you'll enjoy yourself and also win.
And they're both wrong. And tearing Art apart to prove their points. Art, for the record, wants to indulge his body but feels shame about doing so, and about not knowing how to, so he follows instructions from whoever is giving them.
And all of this is taught to us in the conversation about the time Patrick taught him to jerk off.
Anyway. I thought the smudges on Patrick's windshield when he's driving Tashi around were a cinematic genius stroke if you're wondering how normal i was about watching that movie.
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Geeta chapter 15 verses 1-4 clearly mention that a true guru is able to explain all the parts of an inversely hanging world🌏 tree
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the thing about getting obsessed with a bible compliant book is if you want to deep dive into the world you actually have to know things in the bible. this is so unfair my ancestors are rolling in their graves.
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potatoesandsunshine · 2 years
gotta say tho i do not remember solas as a particularly thoughtful guy
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tacticalhimbo · 10 months
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fave comments from hbomberguy's newest video
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since this is my most popular post here. regrettably. i'm amending the original and making it worth something.
that is why i am reminding you all:
don't watch this. don't watch his comeback don't give this asshole the attention he craves. he's a racist. he's a transphobe. he's a misogynist.
he is not worth the time, nor the effort. nothing he says is genuine. he lost all credibility, has stolen so much from so many people, and i doubt he would ever genuinely put the work in to rebuild it.
instead, check out the work of queer video essayists who actually care about their craft and/or have been ripped off by somerton:
or check out the work of jes tom, one of several prominent individuals that somerton has stolen work from:
and the work of gita jackson, who has made an atricle about what little options the creators somerton profited off of had (and likely continue to have):
also just... remember that while we have the privilege to have our laughs about something like this, many don't.
make sure that you aren't writing off this, or the ongoing predstrogen situation here on tumblr, or any similar situations, as something light-hearted. as something entertaining. respect the spaces of those involved in any "social media controversy", especially if they are part of a marginalized group.
their safety is more important than our entertainment ♡
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ilovecharts · 8 months
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Friends, hello. Perhaps you've been wondering what your old pals from I Love Charts have been up to for the past ... decade or so.
Well, would it interest you to hear that one of the things we got up to was making an audio-first production company, Charts & Leisure?
Yeah, I agree — that's only marginally interesting. But one of the podcasts we are making, in fact launching, this very week might be interesting to you.
It's called Never Post, and it's a member-supported, employee-owned podcast about and for the internet. We want to talk about how we love this place and are frustrated by it and want to be good community members within it.
Never Post's host is the internet's own Mike Rugnetta. You know him!
It's produced by deeply brilliant people (with experience at The New York Times, Spotify and other such places), one mysterious anonymous producer and me, Jason Oberholtzer, for whatever that is worth.
We have two episodes up! Please consider giving a listen.
Episode Zero is a special table-setting roundtable conversation about creating independent media with Gita Jackson (Aftermath), Alex Sujong Laughlin (Defector Media), and Rusty Foster (Today in Tabs). You know these people!
Episode One is a proper episode format, covering the disappearance of tween-specific fashion trends, and the epidemic of Posting Disease plaguing social media. Bijan Stephen is on that one and you know him too!
I hope you all have been well. It's nice to be here with you. I hope this show helps.
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wendynerdwrites · 9 months
If I didn't think Somerton was a scumbag before...
According to Gita Jackson, one of his biggest plaguarism targets, he's done exactly nothing to reach out to them or other victims. According to Kat, Hbomb's editor/researcher, he has not reached out to them about contributing to the fund. You'd think if fixing his mess was his main priority, he'd have done THAT before making a video.
This twit spent years stealing, launching harassment campaigns against his critics, dolling out misinformation that targetted women, lesbians, transmascs, NB's, WWII soldiers, Bisexuals, Asexuals and SURVIVORS OF THE GODDAMN AIDS EPIDEMIC while fetishizing Nazis and blowing smoke up the ass of a CEO scumbag. Oh, and setting himself up as a representative of the queer community despite going out of his way to shit all over about 85% of it.
How do we think the victims of his plagairism and harassment felt? Their mental health probably suffered severely when they got trashed and labeled as bigots when they tried to defend themselves and their work.
There is no way Somerton did not know he hurt people when he took active measures to do so.
He did not take active measures to actually fix things. He couldn't even be assed to provide a link to HBomb's fund for his victims in his video description.
He should not hurt himself. No one ever should. And I dont want to see harm come to him. Just earned comeuppence. DEATH or self harm doesn't fall into that category. I wish him a full recovery.
But aside from that, I also wish for all of his ill gotten gains to go to all he has hurt. I wish for him to leave the internet permanently. I wish for him to never be allowed into the fields of media study or entertainment again and be laughed out of the room if he ever tries again. I wish for an investigation into his "film studio."
The fact that he opened his so called apology talking about his self-harm/su*cide is sheer manipulation. He minimized his actions throughout his so called apology, blamed his misinformation and bigotry on his partner, and put his patreon up again. and anyone who buys that "It's so you can unsubscribe!" line is a moron. All he has to do to make sure people who hate him now arent charged is to shut it down completely. But instead, he makes his ex-fans do the work for him. And we know why.
The man's first priorities in his so called quest to make it right isn't to reach out to his victims, help with their funding, or even raise awareness of the funds for them. It was to film himself downplaying and making excuses for his actions and to reactivate his Patreon.
If that doesn't tell you who he is, I don't know what to tell you.
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nelyastudies · 3 months
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intro post since i've gained many new friends 😊🌻
name : nell (as in, eleanor from hill house or nelyafinwë from the tolkien books). you can call me by my older nickname too
age/gender: mid-20s / girl i think
currently studying: medicine, in clerkship
hobbies: reading, singing, listening to music, cycling, swimming
this blog serves as a logbook, mini journal, and to do list for me. sometimes i will put some hobbies stuff on the dash (listed under the cut). i hope in this community we can support each other and win our goals together 🥰
🌼 biarkan ilmu memuliakanmu 🌼
beloved media of mineee
books: we have always lived in the castle, shirley jackson. the silmarillion and the lord of the rings, jrr tolkien. rebecca, daphne du maurier. giovanni's room, james baldwin. a thousand splendid suns, khaled hosseini. i am the messenger, markus zusak. picture of dorian gray, oscar wilde
movies: everything everyone all at once, gampang cuan, lord of the rings, nagabonar, crimson peak
musicians: onew🌻, aespa, jonghyun, taemin, dua lipa, the weeknd, lucky daye, kaytranada, chrisye🌻, KLa project, franky&jane, gita gutawa🌻, dato' siti nurhaliza, janet jackson, shinee, florence and the machine🌻, hozier, marina, red velvet, gg, f(x)
musicals: elisabeth das musical, rebecca das musical, der besuch der alten dame, next to normal, mozart l'opera rock
scents: matcha latte, mykonos. forbidden garden, layr perfumery
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companion-showdown · 5 months
Family Feud Nominations, Who is the Best Doctor Who Family
If I've missed a character out of one of the families let me know (within reason, I imagine all these families are massive in the EU, so prioritise tv or significant characters)
Currently, the only rule is no families may inculde anyone who is even ambiguously The Doctor, it'll get super complicated super fast imo
Any characters, eg River, who can link up multiple different families to create a single massive family unit will be treated on a case by case basis. If it is possible to pick one of the smaller family units that they are a part of to include them in while not including them in any of the others (in a way everyone will agree at least makes sense) they will be included in that family only, otherwise they will not be included
Please bare in mind when you are nominating that I am hoping to keep the number of nominations under 64 to run this as a mini-tournament. This is not a hard rule so if nominations do exceed 64 its not a big deal, just something I'd like everyone to bare in mind
Foreman-Campbell (Susan, David, Alex)
Chesterton-Wright (Ian, Barbara, implied to be married after they leave)
McCrimmon (Jamie, Heather, V.M.McCrimmon, various others)
Waterfield (Victoria, Edward (father))
Lethbridge-Stewart (Kate, The Brigadier, Doris (Brig's wife in Battlefield), Archibald Hamish (TUAT), Gordon (Kate's son in Downtime), Kadiatu, The Great Intelligence, Lucy Wilson)
Grant/Jones (Jo, Cliff, Santiago (Jo's grandson in Death of the Doctor))
Smith (Sarah-Jane, Lavinia (aunt), Brendan Richards, Luke, Sky, Mr Smith, K9 (they are her family and I will not be hearing otherwise), Barbara, Eddie (parents in Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith))
Leela, Andred, Veega, Rayo
Adric and Varsh (brothers)
Nyssa, Tremas, and Kassia (daughter, father, step-mother)
Jovanka (Tegan, Vanessa (aunt in Logopolis), Colin (cousin in Arc of Infinity))
Turlough (Vislor, Malkon (brother in Planet of Fire))
McShane (Ace, Audrey (mother), Kathleen (grandmother), Liam (brother))
Tyler (Rose, Jackie, Pete, Tony (baby mentioned in Journey's End), no I will not be adding the metacrisis to this list)
Another Smith (Mickey, Rita (grandmother))
Harkness (Jack, Grey, parents, Alice Carter (daughter), Steven Carter(grandson))
Isolas (Fear Her)
Jones (Martha, Francine, Clive, Tish, Leo, Leo has a baby as well, Adeola Oshodi)
The Family of Blood
Redfern-Smith (Joan, John (various), possible dream children and grandchildren)
Shafe Kanes (from Utopia, Kristane, Beltone)
Mott-Noble-Temple (Donna, Sylvia, Wilf, Shaun, Rose)
The Adipose
Pond-Williams (Amy, Rory, River, Brian, Anthony, Amy's aunt and parents)
Owens: (Craig, Sophie, Stormageddon Dark Lord of All)
Gillyflower (Mrs Gillyflower, Ada)
Paternoster (Jenny, Vastra, Strax)
Oswald (Clara, Ellie, Dave (parents), grandmother, and I'm going to say Danny makes the cut, Orson)
Potts (Bill, Mother, Moira (foster mother))
O'Brien-Sinclair (Graham, Ryan, Grace, Aaron (Ryan's father))
Khan (Yaz, Najia (mother), Hakim (father), Sonya (sister), Umbreen (grandmother))
Lewis (Dan, Eileen (mother), Neville (father))
Swarm and Azure
Bel, Vinder and their as yet unborn child
Sunday (Ruby, Carla, Cherry, many many foster siblings)
The TARDIS and Lolita
Little House of Cwej
The House of Lungbarrow (Grandfater Paradox, Qenceus, Inocet, various cousins, Irving Braxiatel, Maggie Matsumoto, Ulysses, Penelope GAte, Anna Joyce)
The House of Dvora (Morbius, The War King, Thessalia, Romana, various others)
Langer (Clyde, Carla (mother), Paul (father))
Jackson (Maria, Alan, Chrissie)
Chandra (Rani, Haresh, Gita)
The Wu Diaspora (Cindy Wu and her clones)
Munmeth and Mutmunna (Medicine Man)
Ada and Alice Obiefune
Who (Susan, Barbara, Louise)
Jones-Davies (Ianto, Rhiannon, Johnny, David, Mica)
Summerfield (Bernice, Issac, Claire, Jason Kane, Peter, Wolsey, Keith, Rebecca, Cousin Eliza, Benedict I-IV, Christine)
Miller (Lucie, Pat (aunt))
Schofield (Hex, Cassie, Hilda)
House of Witforge (Narvin, Lenaris, Helico, Narvin's father, Rexin)
Faction Paradox
Pollard (Charley, Louisa, Richard, Margaret, Edward Grove, The Sound Creature)
Mesh Cos, Lon Shel, Julian White Mammoth Tusk
Cooper-Williams (Gwen, Rhys, Anwen, Geraint, Mary (Gwen's parents))
Chenka (Liv, Tula, Kal, Garlon Rosh)
Sinclair (Helen, Albie, Trev Bailey)
Proctor (Cleo, Jordan, parents)
Nominations will be open until Midday Friday (03/05, 12:00 BST (GMT/UTC +1)), I will try and give a more specific time then
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fellatitledthemf · 6 months
Rating Pjo character because I can and I'm bored
If you gonna hate, ok. If you gonna agree with me, cheers. If you gonna kill me, ok.
I'll be rating by personality, how are they written, and my personal opinion
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Percy Jackson: 6/10
-Harry Potter premium
- He's that type of overpowered mc that's dumb as shit and only gets serious 3 times in entier serie to defeat villain
- When we're already talking bout Harry, really like how Percy didn't let bullyinh and shi slide unlike Harry, very nice
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Annabeth Chase: 8/10
- I ABSOLUTELY love how hor traumas are written, perfect.
- Very realisticly crush. Went from brother figure to romantic feelings, heeps thinking there's good in him. She was just a kid, you can't blame her.
- her demidog power: smart
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Thalia grace: 6/10
- didn't got much if her character
- I didn't like how at first she was "I know Luke he would never" and then throw him of cliff in the end
-like how she joined hunters, nothing much to add
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Stolls: 7/10
- mischievous twins who do pranks 24/7 gita be my favourite gender
-were actually kind of funny in last olympian
- Fred and George if happy end
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Clarisse la Rue: 8/10
-proud to say I never hated her for "bullying" Percy after how Ares treats her
-were nice written character in general
-had all rights to be jelous at Percy, her relationships with Chris and Silena are top tier
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Luke Castellan: 9/10
-Had all right to turn evil. Amazing antagonist
- I'm ace..BUT
-I LOVE when character actually try fixing things instead of continuing being puppets
-would really wanna give 10/10 but no because of his crimes
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Grover: 10/10
-friend everyone needs
- nah bro everything 10/10 for this bro
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Bianca di Angelo: 2/10
-died in most dumbass way
-brother's figure more important than life
- 2 because it adds to Nico's character
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Ethan Nakamura: 8/10
- joined Kronos to fix unjustice, had rights to
- realized it was wrong, tried fighting against Kronos
- died a hero
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Silena Beauregard: 5/10
- betrayed camp, tried fixing it, dead
- stayed loyal to Charles, that deserves some credit ig
- I'd too, join Luke if I had a chance
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