#girl who’s so stupid she needs to rely on her dreams to tell her when she has to go to the bathroom…….
livvyofthelake · 11 months
well the good news is that if the last things you do before falling asleep are read a bit of a children’s fantasy book and then think about your guys, you do get to have dreams about your guys in a fun fantasy setting! the bad news is that all of that goes out the window once your bladder realizes it has control over your dreams and turns them into a hellish nightmare until you realize you have to wake up to pee. it happens.
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melswifeasf · 2 years
Can I please request Sam Carpenter x femreader
Sam and the reader were super close before Sam left Woodsboro for five years, Sam tried to talk and apologize to the reader, but reader keeps her distance from the older Carpenter girl. The two eventually reconnect at the end of scream V, reader goes to NY with Sam and Sam kisses Reader in the lobby instead of Danny.
In secret
Fandom: Scream
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x reader
summary: you’ve been in love with Sam for as long as you can remember. the sad part? you could never tell her that.
Words: 4535
Warnings: kind of bad writing because this is my first time writing in second pov. kinda angsty but fluffy at the end. mentions of injury and blood.
Notes: thanks for the request! im not sure if i got carried away but i hope this was kind of what you wanted to see! pls keep the requests coming, i love writing for Sam. thinking about writing smut next, pls send requests if you have any:)
(not proofread)
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living in Woodsboro your whole life had never been your plan. you always planned to leave as soon as you finished high school, get into a good college - or any college, really as long as it was out of California. the plan had been made with your once best friend, Sam Carpenter, she wanted similar things as you. the two of you had been best friends since middle school, having been in the same classes and you both shared the pain of losing one of your parents.
you had lost your mother to cancer and you might as well had lost your dad as well, he hadn’t gone a single day sober since the moment her heart monitor flat lined.
Sam had been the one to help you through it all, inviting you to her house almost every day so you wouldn’t have to go home to a drunk dad who would cry as soon as he saw you considering you were the spitting image of your mother. she was your best friend.. even if you were in love with her since the moment you landed eyes on her, as long as she was by your side you had accepted only being her best friend.
you knew about her dad and why he had left, although she never told you who her biological father was, she had told you about why her dad had left and how, much like your dad, her mom drowned herself in alcohol. she wasn’t around much though, spending most weeks away on business trips and leaving Sam with a debit card so she could buy whatever it is she and Tara needed.
you were both damaged but maybe that was what brought you two closer. it was in your junior year that you two decided to go to the same college, hopefully dorm together and leave your lives in Woodsboro behind. you made sure to help her with her grades even while she was in trouble with the law and taking any drugs she could afford. you stuck with her through all of it, how could you not? she was the girl of your dreams and you’d do anything for her.
you quickly realized the sentiment was not returned. the morning of Sams eighteenth birthday you had gone to her house to celebrate with her. you had gotten her chocolate chip pancakes and a smoothie, her favorite breakfast but when you arrived all you saw was a crying Tara and her mother with a ghost of a smile on her lips. Sam had left. without you. your plan to leave together had worked for her, she just didn’t leave with you. she left alone and she left you behind to deal with your own pain alone.
you hated Sam from that day on. maybe you were pathetic for not leaving, maybe it was stupid that you relied on another person so much but the only reason you wanted to leave Woodsboro was if you got to leave with her. otherwise there was no point, you’d be just as lonely as you are now, possibly even more.
so you stayed. settled as a real estate agent, you were liked by most in the town considering who your mom was so it was easy.
yet it wasn’t.
Sam left you behind but she took away a piece of your heart, a piece you needed to be happy again.
you tried dating, went on a couple of dates with a cute blonde and it worked for about a year until it didn’t. she was nice and practically the perfect girl but she wasn’t Sam. she wasn’t the girl who would hold your hand during class because you would get anxious around so many people, she wasn’t the girl would know how to hold you at night so you wouldn’t feel smothered but still feel safe. she didn’t know how you liked your coffee or what your favorite flowers were.
she just wasn’t Sam Carpenter and you loathed that.
you just wanted to move on with your life, be happy with someone else because you knew you’d never get her back.
but you were wrong yet again.
Tara was attacked by a ghostface, you had heard about it from Mindy and Chad. you still kept in touch with the group, having been there when Sam would babysit them. Tara had been the one to keep in touch with you from the beginning, she had told you that you were always welcome in her home even if Sam had left. you never took her up on that offer but that didn’t mean you didn’t make conversation with them if you saw them out in public.
the distinctive smell of bleach and latex made you sigh as you sipped on your coffee. you had gone to the hospital to check on Tara but once her friends were there you decided to step out and give them some space, you didn’t want to be the one adult in the room that made them all filter their words.
you didn’t want to leave yet, not until you told Tara that you were there for whatever she needed. maybe you should have left though.
a familiar girl with dark brown eyes and dark hair approached you in the waiting area. she was the same and yet different, her once completely black hair now had highlights and she seemed to dress differently now, her number jackets and boots long gone as she had on a simple green jacket.
Sam looked shocked at first, her eyes wide as she took in your body once, twice and finally they settled on your face.
you’re sure she thought the same about you, the once timid and shy girl long gone.
“y/n..” she whispered and took a step closer.
“hey” you said curtly as you refrained yourself from taking a step back.
“i-..” Sam spoke but cut herself off seemingly speechless. you almost chuckled.
“it’s fine, Sam. i should go” you said beginning to turn around so you can leave but a hand on your arm stopped you from doing so.
“wait. please.” there was a certain desperation in her voice you had never heard from her that made your heart rate pick up and a lump to form in your throat.
you sighed as you turned back toward her, you raised a brow to signal for her to continue with whatever it is she wanted.
“im sorry, y/n. i really am, i didn’t mean to hurt you” the girl said softly and her eyes were beginning to shine but you didn’t care.
“like i said. it’s fine. i really need to go though” you said not giving her a second to respond or even react as you turned back around and began walking away.
the sound of the news channel was in the background of your kitchen as you made yourself dinner. it had been a day since you saw Sam and you hadn’t spoken to Tara or anyone else since.
Mindy and Chad had been texting you updates but you hadn’t responded to any of them. it’s not that you didn’t care because truthfully you cared for those girls with everything in you but you couldn’t face Sam. besides, there was nothing you could do to help them other than drag them down, you would just be putting yourself in danger and having to add to their worries.
the smell of tomato sauce filled your sense as you mixed it, the pasta was already cooked and sitting in the strainer as you finished heating up the sauce. you weren’t very hungry but you also didn’t want to go to bed on an empty stomach.
as you continued to stir the food a faint crash echoed throughout the house. you stopped, you head snapping up with furrowed eyebrows. you kitchen was facing straight to the living room but it was empty, the only noise coming from it being the television that was still on.
you frowned as you reached for the remote and began turning the volume down. you stayed frozen for a second but it remained silent. you rolled your eyes, it was most likely just in your head. you didn’t turn the volume back up but you remained stirring the pot, once you thought it was enough you turned the stove off and moved the pot to the side.
as you moved to grab a plate to serve yourself, a sudden hand grabbing you by the hair made you instinctively grab onto them. you began to panic, your heart beating so fast you could quite literally hear it. you tried to wiggle out of their grip but they were too strong.
“let me go!” you yelled as you tried to kick them but you were doing so blindly and every time your foot connected with their leg, it didn’t make a difference. suddenly they let you go, throwing you onto the floor in the process. you breathed shakily as you turned to see who the hell was in your house but instead of being met with another person you were met with the sight of fucking ghostface.
your eyes widened and you slowly moved away from them as you tried to remember where you left the big knife. shit, it was in the sink.
ghostface tiled their head to the side, waiting for some kind of reaction from you. you couldn’t find a way out of this, if you moved he’d kill you but if you didn’t he’d still kill you. you took in a huge breath and looked down at his legs, without a second for regret you brought your foot down onto his leg as hard as possible and stood as he bent down to hold it.
you quickly moved to the sink where you expected to see the kitchen knife but it wasn’t there. tears began to form in your eyes causing them to blur and you were petrified. there was no way out of this, your phone was charging in your room and you didn’t own a gun or any sort of weapon that could help you.
a sudden sharp and dull pain on your back made a scream ripple from your throat. the blade entered you for a second time near your shoulder before you turned around. you tried to kick them once more but they swiftly grabbed your leg and stabbed you on your thigh making you cry out in pain.
your body fell to the floor as you clutched your leg in pain. there was blood. so much fucking blood and it was coating your hands making you begin to hyperventilate. ghostface lifted his knife about to strike you again and you coward down as you held your hand up. you wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of pleading for your life so you didn’t, instead you swallowed your tears as you waited for the knife to enter your body one last time.
but it never did as your front door swung open to reveal Sam Carpenter in all her glory with Dewey behind her, he shot twice hitting ghostface before he ran away. Dewey quickly went after him whilst Sam rushed toward you. she bent down and held your leg to try and stop the blood.
“i think i’m dying” you said with a slight laugh, you were losing too much blood and you were starting to feel light headed. you wouldn’t be able to hold on much for longer.
“no, no you’re not. the ambulance is coming, okay? your gonna be okay” Sam said quickly trying her best to reassure you but you shook your head a small sob escaping your lips.
“it hurts so much” you cried as you felt your back gushing blood.
Sam had tears in her own eyes and her lip was trembling. you couldn’t make out her hand but you felt it shaking against your leg as she applied pressure to it.
“i love you, y/n. okay? you don’t get to leave me because i fucking love you and i can’t lose you. not now” Sam cried and shook her head.
you attempted to laugh but instead your body felt as if it were running out of oxygen as you coughed. you could make out the taste of blood in your mouth and knew it was over.
“five years too late, Sam” you attempted to joke but the look on Sams face made you realize your words hurt her even more. you frowned, “i love you too” you confessed softly, your hand reached for the girls face but you realized how much blood was on it so you stopped yourself.
Sam shook her head, “im so sorry. i’m so fucking sorry for leaving. i should’ve taken you with me, i should’ve given you the option to come. i..” but her words were slowly fading, just like your conscious.
a faint beeping noise lulled you awake. your mind was foggy and you could make out the distinct smell of bleach and latex. you were at the hospital.
you could feel a hand on your own stopping you from moving it and you could feel an oxygen mask on you. it took you a second to be able to open your eyes, they felt heavy and parts of your body felt sore. there wasn’t pain necessarily - although you assumed you were pumped full of drugs so the pain was pretty minimal to what you should be feeling.
slowly your eyes fluttered open. it was blurry at first but they steadily cleared and you looked at the weight on your hand.
she had her head laying on the bed with her hand securely holding yours. she was in a hospital gown herself causing a worry to fill in the pit of your stomach.
“Sam” you said and squeezed her hand in order to wake the girl up. she did so after a couple of seconds, she lifted her head her eyes filled with sleep until she realized you were awake and she quickly wiped the sleep away.
“y/n. how are you feeling? are you okay?” she asked quickly moving closer to you. she looked exhausted, her eyes had huge dark circles under them and they were slightly red. you weren’t sure if that was from crying or just plain exhaustion.
“im okay” you said with a gentle smile, a wave of relief washed over Sam. she was still holding your hand tightly almost as if she were to let go you would slip away. “but what happened to you?” you quickly asked with furrowed brows.
Sam sighed softly, “ghostface attacked Tara and i. turns out the love interest always is the killer” she chuckles.
your eyes widened, “so your boyfriend..?” she nodded.
“him and Amber. he lured us to the house and well..” she trailed off motioning to her body. you shook your head, you never thought it would be Amber. you never really stopped to think who it could be but you definitely didn’t think it was Amber.
“how’s Tara?” you knew how close her and Amber were and you can’t begin to imagine how she must be feeling.
“she’s okay” Sam nodded, “she’s resting now. Chad and Mindy were attacked too but they are recovering as well” she said.
a soft sigh escaped your lips. this was all so fucked, they were all still kids and they didn’t deserve to be dealing with this bullshit. especially not from their own friend.
“what about you?” you asked worriedly looking at her body for a sign of where she had been hurt.
Sam smiled gently and waved you off, “i’m fine. just a stab wound” she said as if it were no big deal.
“Sam, what the hell. that’s not nothing, are you okay? where was it?” you hurriedly asked and began to sit up but quickly winced at the pain in your back.
Sam stood up immediately and held you down, “stop. don’t do that. the doctors said he didn’t hit any major arteries but you still need to take it easy.” she said making you nod.
until you remembered about your leg, you quickly removed the blanket to reveal it bandaged up, you lifted it slightly and let out a sigh of relief.
“your legs fine too. you’ll probably just need a bit of therapy” Sam said and grabbed the blanket to put it back over your lap.
a fluttery feeling spread across your chest, Sam was here. she was here and taking care of you when she was probably in pain as well. you shook your head with a soft smile and moved your body slightly to give her room. “lay down. being stabbed isnt for the weak” you joked earning a low chuckle from the older Carpenter girl. she listened to your words and laid on her side so she was facing you.
it was silent for a second, the only thing that could be heard was your heart monitor and the faint chatter from outside the room.
you had almost forgotten how beautiful Sam was. although you feel stupid for thinking that considering she had always been the most beautiful girl you’d have ever met. even after five years she still had the power to pull a smile on your lips with just her presence. she still gave you butterflies and that damn giddy feeling in the pit of your stomach. she was the only one who could make you smile even though you went through something so traumatic.
“can i ask you a question?” you said lowly. Sam nodded. “why did he come after me? i just mean.. i’m not really a part of your lives. maybe Tara’s life but i’m not really a part of the group or anything” you said slightly confused. besides, it’s not like you were related to any of the original ghostface victims.
Sam glanced down at your hands that were playing with her hair. she was nervous. you could tell by the way she wouldn’t meet your eye and the way her breathing began to grow heavier.
“i told Richie about you when i first met him. he had asked me if i had ever dated anyone and even though i hadn’t.. i said i dated you” she shrugged as if it weren’t a big deal.
you couldn’t help but smile, “why?”
Sam finally looked at you, “i don’t know” she shrugged again, “i always had a crush on you and we were so close that it almost felt like we were together” she continued.
she was playing it down but you could tell everything she was saying meant a lot to her.
god you felt stupid. this whole time you thought your love was one sided, you thought you were the helpless lesbian in love with her straight best friend when this whole time her feelings were recuperated.
Sam seemed to take your silence for being uncomfortable as she spoke again, “i’m sorry.” she shook her head and looked back down at your hand. “that was stupid. i shouldn’t have, we were best friends and i-”
you placed your hand under her chin and leaned forward to press your lips against hers in a soft kiss.
it was everything. the fireworks, the explosion of butterflies, the feeling of coming home.
it all made you smile and your teeth hit Sams causing you both to pull away with a slight giggle.
“i loved you too by the way. i thought you were straight so i just never told you” you said making Sam snort out a laugh.
“you thought i was straight? are you serious? do you know how many times Tara called me out for checking you out?!” she exclaimed making your eyebrows raise.
“oh? you were checking me out miss Carpenter?”
Sam rolled her eyes not able to control the smile on her lips, “whatever. i have no shame in it, you were hot” she shrugged making you laugh again.
“you weren’t alone in that”
you both fall silent, your hands intertwined in the middle of your bodies. this was weird, after five years of being alone you now had the girl of your dreams. it was surreal and almost didn’t feel real but Sams touch was grounding you. this was real. she was real and she loved you. just as much as you loved her.
Sam bit her lip nervously, “i’m sorry for leaving you. i never meant to hurt you. i thought that by leaving i’d be protecting you and Tara but i was obviously wrong” the girl said in a low voice. her eyes were lowered and you felt your chest tighten at the sight.
“Sam. stop. i understand now, maybe i didn’t before but i do now. although i don’t get why this all happened” you confessed a little confused.
at your words Sams head snapped up to look at you, “you don’t know?”
“know what?”
one year later
never in your life did you think you’d be here. in New York dating the girl you’ve been hopelessly in love with and living with her and her sister. even when you were still friends, you never thought being together would ever be a possibility.
funny how that sounded now.
Sam had asked you out on a date a week after you were released from the hospital and it went great. it was as if she never left and there wasn’t a five year gap since you last saw each other. even though you were both different in some ways, having grown and matured into adults, you still complimented one another in all the best ways.
two months later Sam and Tara decided to move to New York and Sam had asked you if you wanted to go with them. she didn’t want to lose you and the difference between New York and California was too much. of course you accepted. there wasn’t anything keeping you in Woodsboro anyway.
the three of you moved into a three room apartment, you and Sam shared a room and you put up an anonymous flyer for a fourth roommate. that’s how you met Quinn. she was… interesting to say the least.
things were going great, Tara was going to school and although she wasn’t dealing with her shit as well as she should be, she was doing well for everything she went through. Sam pushed her to open up a lot but you tried to convince your girlfriend to give her space, she’d open up when she felt ready.
Sam was going to therapy, even though it wasn’t easy. you had to do a lot of convincing for that to happen.
Chad and Mindy were attending school as well and they were all as close as ever.
you still did real estate but you decided to go to school and major in something that had to do with law. you still had ptsd just like everyone else and maybe that was what pulled you toward the law side of school. either way it felt like the only way to be able to protect yourself and the people you love.
much like other Friday nights you spent it on the couch finishing up some last minute studying. Sam had therapy until a little later and considering the weekends were the only time you could spend time together, you tried to study whenever Sam was busy.
but your plans to make dinner with Tara to spend quality time together did not go according to plan. Tara had gone out with Chad and Mindy to a frat party, originally she had told you Sam was cool with it so you didn’t find a reason to alert your girlfriend about her whereabouts. turns out teenage girls lie quite a lot.
once it slipped out from Quinn, Sam grabbed your arm and pulled you with her to get Tara.
you didn’t care to protest, you found angry Sam hot so you simply followed the girl around. thank god you did considering you got to witness her tase a guy in.. his most intimate area.
you simply followed along even whilst Tara stormed away angrily and had to listen to her bash your girlfriend for simply worrying. you didn’t step in though, it wasn’t your place and you were well aware of that. you and Sam had only been together for a couple of months and although you were a part of Tara’s life for years now, it just didn’t seem right.
but that did not mean you didn’t step in when some bitch spilled her drink on Sam. you immediately pushed the girl back, about to swing a punch but Chad held you back making you even more mad.
now people were bringing their stupid conspiracy theories into the mix and Sam had been on the receiving end from a lot of people’s anger.
you sighed softly as you slowly walked down the steps. Sam was sitting on the last step with her face buried in her hands. you were silent until you were standing in front of her.
“hey” you said gently making her look up. you smiled sadly, “i’m sorry baby.” you whispered and reached for her hand. Sam shook her head.
“im so tired of this” she confessed with a tone of exhaustion in her voice. you understood what she meant completely.
“i know but we’ll get through this. we have to” you said. maybe you weren’t the best at comforting people but you weren’t sure what else you could really say. nothing you said could change the way other people viewed Sam or how Tara was simply acting like a teenager. “what can i do?” you asked as Sam began to stand. she shook her head, a detectable look in her eyes that you knew all too well.
you felt her hands on your waist and she slowly walked you backwards until your back hit the wall. “oh?” you chuckled amused.
Sam only smiled as she leaned in to press her lips against your own. you let the kiss happen, happily accepting her tongue in your mouth as you placed your hands on your girlfriends waist. she was desperate and you could feel her grip on your waist slowly tighten.
you sighed blissfully into the kiss, her soft lips moving hungrily against your own. but the more the kiss continued the more light headed you were becoming so you pulled away, her chest heaving.
“you smell like cherry coke” you said as your forehead was placed against Sams. you felt her body shake as she laughed and pulled away from your touch.
“you don’t like it?”
“oh no” you waved her off. “i love it. better than any perfume you own” she laughed with a shake of her head.
the sound was like music to your ears and it was your favorite noise in the world. a smile tugged at your lips. “i love you, Sam. i’ll be here with you every step of the way. okay?”
“okay” she confirmed softly.
and you were. from that day on you kept your promise.
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Out of Hell
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x Reader, oc x Reader, Melissa x Joe
Warnings: Adoption, sex work, drugs, alcohol,murder, disgusting men, homophobia, hints of molestation, absent fathers, shit fathers, pregnancy, character death, bullying, let me know if I’ve left anything out. Unedited
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.5 Pt.6
My inspo for Y/n is Maria Brink the lead singer
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I was sixteen, I dreamed for a life too out of reach a life of the white picket fence before I stood on the corner and sold myself to the streets. My mother needed help and I was all she had so that became my life until college, my father was a no good man who touched who he shouldn’t and then he left.
I had already become a mother to a child I couldn’t care for with no choice but to give her up for adoption with the name Maria. The hardest decision I would ever have to make and unable to hold her for dear life before she was passed over to parents who could raise my darling.
The world let me go, my mother and I were never the same when I got back from the hospital she had given up on me just as everyone else and just as I would myself. I was only fifteen when Maria was born, I was only sixteen when things took place how was I too know how cruel the world really was?.
Liam was fifteen when his father killed his mother so he turned to drugs for comfort before the drugs took over and he was left alone. His father kicked him out after he came out of the closet and the world seemed to shun him out so he gave up on himself too.
He began sleeping on the very corner I stood almost nightly, that’s where I met him we were just two kids with a bad run at life. He smiled up at me patting the ground beside him “I’m Liam” he introduced “Y/n” I spoke quietly as I took a seat.
That night all we did was sit and talk as people passed by throwing dirty looks our way little did we know how life would turn out. We would meet at the same corner each night and talk we would plan out our lives, I no longer wanted to use myself and he didn’t want to depend on drugs.
Out of Hell we would climb
We would go from club to club for a while chasing an imaginary high we could never achieve always ending up somewhere else. Like doing coke off some womans boobs in a cramped up apartment full of men gazing at us like we weren’t just people.
It took some time before we got there, we both got part time jobs working at a bar for my uncle, I sang ignoring the mens hungry stares. Liam waited the tables staying by my side throughout everything with the kindest smile I had seen.
I’m not sure if we would tell our past so easily
Out of hell we would climb
We both wanted better, more than the bar we wanted to go to college and we worked tirelessly to get there where we met Melissa. I had accidentally bumped into her at the gates causing her to quickly turn our way with a fist ready “I’m sorry” I apologised softly.
Something in her eyes changed as she lowered her fist and smiled “Melissa Schemmenti” she nodded “Y/n Y/l/n and this is Liam Davids” I introduced. “Pretty name for a pretty girl” she flirted with a wink before a guy came towards us wrapping an arm around her shoulders “this is my boyfriend Joe”.
I hated him already with his stupid smirk, Liams hand wrapped around my own while I rested my head on his shoulder. We stood and spoke for a few minutes more before Joe dragged Melissa away with a promise to catch up later.
The redheads eyes never seemed to move from me even when her attention was on her so called boyfriend that was checking every chick that passed by out. He disgusted me in a way I doubt Melissa ever could the way he just existed nauseated me, smug prick.
Melissa’s life hadn’t been kind to her either after her mother passed when she was nineteen her father couldn’t look at her anymore. Her younger sister Kristen-Marie relied on her, Nonna did all she could for her granddaughter’s but Melissa had always been out of reach.
Melissa had never been like the other girls not one for frilly dresses she had been bigger than the other children so she made sure to hide herself. She knew how to throw a ball and to land a punch it became her, she embraced different as much as she could but looking around made her shrink back.
Her differences disgusted her
The people around her didn’t help, children were harsh their words harsher as they cut deep into Melissa’s skin, she couldn’t change who she was but she could hide, she would pretend.
She couldn’t stand the feeling of some guys hands on her body, their lips on hers no she enjoyed women. Beautiful women with soft skin and bright smiles.
“Someone has a crush” Liam sang as we entered my dorm
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niphredil-14 · 2 years
Uneart My Heart Ch 5 (Jason Todd/Reader)
Summary: While Alfred and Dick care for the comatose Y/n, she has some interesting dreams Warnings: none? Let me know if I should add something here Word Count: 3.1k Taglist: @mxsmwndr SERIES MASTERLIST
“We are not moving her here just so you can feel like you’ve cleared your conscience, Alfred.” Batman stood, long strides carrying him out of the room, Alfred right behind him.
“But, Sir—"
“The hospital has it covered, besides, she tried to kill The Joker. That draws way too much attention to us.”
“Sir, Master Jason would want—"
“It doesn’t matter what he would want! He’s dead! Dead people can’t want anything.” Bruce had stopped walking, slamming a fist into the wall beside him, rattling the various photos, paintings, and memorabilia scattered on it. His chest was heaving, shoulders shaking, yet as quickly as his outburst had come, it was gone, leaving Bruce a blank canvas of stone, unreadable, distant, unemotional.
“Master Bruce.” The bat made no sound, yet neither did he make an effort to walk away. Alfred stepped forward, placing a hand on the man before him, who in the moment, looked almost like a child again, who even after losing his parents and being of the disposition that it’s better to be alone, relied on him. “Regardless of how you process loss, which is rather unhealthily, might I say, that girl loved Master Jason, and he loved her. Now, as far as I’m concerned, that practically makes her family, and we are the only home she has now. You cannot just abandon her because of a little risk, or because it is hard to imagine her trotting around here without Jason at her hip, no matter how painful the image is. That girl needs us, and we cannot just leave her in the hospital. Bruce had turned to look at Alfred, then to the portrait of his parents hanging behind him, his eyes softer, sadder. He sighed, meeting Alfred’s eyes and giving him a defeated half smile.
“Well, we don’t want Harley or her goons going in and trying to finish the job, do we?” At that, Alfred smiled, and squeezed the shoulder his hand had been resting on.
“No, Sir, that we do not.”
 Several pieces of medical equipment had been added to her room in preparation for her arrival. A heart monitor and feeding tubes were the main tools, but there was also a tray with an extensive first aid kit and some other medical doodads. It had been a couple of days of making arrangements and plans for her and her treatment, though they passed quickly. And when she had been brought back to the manor, they quickly fell into their routine changes for her. Their minds had been made up, they lost one, they would not lose another. Bruce had almost instantly gone back to being an emotionally closed off hermit after his talk with Alfred, who delved headfirst into caretaking, with the assistance of both Dick and occasionally Barbara. They took shifts watching, caring for, and entertaining her. It was Dick in the room with her then.
“I should have come to meet you when I found out that you had moved in here, I’m sorry that I didn’t. Jason used to talk about you sometimes, when we would patrol together, asking for advice about some girl he had a crush on in his class. He didn’t tell me your name, but when I heard that a friend of his was moving in, I figured that it must have been you. He used to ramble on and on about how pretty you were, how you were one of the only kids in his class who were nice to him, about how he was trying to learn all the constellations and their myths, because he knew you liked them and he wanted to impress you.” Dick spoke to her sleeping form as he pressed the small syringe to her skin, taking a blood sample, then placing it aide as he untied the tourniquet that rested about three inches above the puncture, his rambles never quieting. “What you did in the store was really brave, stupid too, but honestly, I probably would’ve done the same thing if I was in your place. I should have been better to him, I was supposed to be his big brother, but I was too mad about the fact that Bruce had replaced me, and that wasn’t fair to him. I’m glad that he had you, he deserved to feel loved.” He paused for a minute to take a breath and look at the girl. “Well, I’m gonna run down to the cave really quick to get the results on your blood, and then I’ll be right back.” And with that he left the room, returning minutes later. “Okay, so, everything’s normal with your blood for the most part, you could use a bit more of a few different vitams, but that’s not anything you need to worry about.” Having finished checking up on her health-wise, he settled down at her desk chair, glancing around her room. He didn’t mind helping Alfred care for the kid, he had regretted how he treated Jason, feeling that he should have been there for him more, that he should have been a better big brother. And so, in that moment, looking at the state of the girl, he had resolved to do his best to protect any child that Bruce was stupid enough to let so close. He didn’t have much time to ponder this promise before the door creaked open and Alfred strode in.
“Ah, Hello, Master Richard, Miss Y/n. I assume you’ve already checked her vitals and did the blood test?”
“Yup, just got back.”
“Very good, I can take over for a bit, if you’d like, Sir.”
“Sure, is there anything you want me to do in the meantime, Alf?” The old man smiled.
“I’d be very much obliged if you could switch to laundry from the washer to the dryer, and then put in the next load.”
“You got it.” Dick said, placing his hands on his knees and pushing up from the chair, bidding the butler and the girl goodbye as he closed the door behind him. After hearing the click of the door falling into place, Alfred took a seat on the side of the bed, gently picking up her hand and grasping it in both of his, resting in his lap.
“Oh, my dear, I am so, so unimaginably sorry. I never should have had you go out that day.” He spoke, looking down at the pile of hands. “None of this ever should have happened to you, or to him, you both deserved so much better, Miss.” Sighing, his eyes shifted from her hand to her face, seemingly peaceful in her rest. “However, I know that nothing I can say can undo what has happened, so I suppose I shall just move you a bit so you don’t get any bedsores, alright?” He knew that he wouldn’t be receiving any response then, but nonetheless he let silence sit in the air before standing and repositioning her, bending her arms and legs before returning her to her previous resting position. Moving over to the chair that Dick had previously occupied, he sat, looking at her, grief writhing in his eyes. “I wonder if you dream, or if perhaps you’re conscious and just unable to move or open your eyes. If you are able to hear me, then please, Miss Y/n, don’t stop fighting. We need you more than you know, please wake up.” His voice was quiet, barely audible, as if he was praying for mercy on her behalf, sounding as if it was himself he was speaking to. “If you are dreaming, though, I hope that they’re lovely and peaceful.”
 She stood, surrounded by darkness, for quite some time, unmoving, staring into the abyss. Time seemed nonexistent. It was only her and the shadows, until it wasn’t. Emanating from every direction came that piercing laugh, and her stagnancy quickly transformed to sprinting. Forward, backwards, east and west. Direction, much like time, didn’t seem present in her void, but she ran nonetheless, the cackling unending and inescapable. It went on for longer than she thought her sanity could stay intact for, and maybe it hadn’t. It was entirely likely that the laughter was not what had caused the breaking of her mind, but what had signaled what had already shattered. Though a void filled with that ear-splitting sound was far from the best place for introspection and philosophy, so she ran, and continued to run, until she came to a door, and the laughter vanished. It was silent for several moments, or so it seemed, before quiet muffled music began to play from the other side. It was rap, some up-and-coming Gothamite’s SoundCloud , she presumed, and it was comforting, not because it sounded particularly great, but because it was Jason’s favorite. He wasn’t very particular about music, not really disliking any kind, but unknown Gotham rap was definitely his favorite. Feeling too many emotions than were identifiable, she knocked twice on the door, receiving no response. Looking back around and finding only void other than the door she took her chances and pushed it open. She hadn’t even noticed the tears until his thumbs had wiped them from her cheeks. Looking at her concerned, and gently pulling her into a hug. The small trickling of an afternoon shower had turned to a hurricane, and she collapsed into his arms, holding him as tight as she could and sinking to the floor, wailing into his neck, as he soothed her, whispering sweet nothings and positive affirmations in her ear until her eyes had dried. She was in his room, though it seemed much more occupied than she had recently remembered. Looking around the room, everything was in its place, yet dislodged enough that she could tell it was being used, the lights were off, except for two small lamps, one on his desk, and the other on his bedside table, adding just enough light to the evening rays brightening the room. A small candle was lit, too, as it usually was. Jason had somewhat of an obsession when it came to scents. She never asked, but assumed it came from his childhood. Living in a dump, and spending most of his time on the streets, he must have had to put up with a lot of nasty smells, so it really was no wonder why he burned so many homey-smelling candles. Nothing in the room combined could mean half as much to her as the boy she was kneeling with, who had pulled back from her hold to try and get a good look at her, only to have her arms tighten around him even more as she buried her face into his chest.
“Y/n?” He called, squeezing her against him. “What’s wrong?” She raised her head, meeting his gaze, full of love and worry, and couldn’t help thinking that something was missing, but she couldn’t place just what.  
“I,” She stuttered. “I don’t know. I just, I, uh.” She paused. “I just really need you right now, so please don’t let go.”
“Okay, I won’t, I’m here, I’ve gotcha.”
 It was like most days for them, Jason sat at his desk with a textbook and notebook open in front of him, his mind locked away from outside stimuli, and her, sprawled out on his bed, thumbs spamming the buttons on the portable console. They weren’t interacting, but they were together, not needing words and attention to find love and comfort in the air surrounding them. Their focus remained on their own activities, save for whenever the other one of them made some grunt, groan, or cheer. It was peaceful, just being, just feeling each other’s energy. Until boredom seeped in. Another level completed, of the same repeated tasks and strategies had her placing the console beside her, propping her feet up on one of his pillows, and tilting her head backwards to gaze at him. He was scribbling quickly, then pausing for a minute or so to read and ponder, then scribbling away again. A smile spread on her cheeks, sweet and peaceful at first, then devilish mere seconds later. She moved stealthily, quietly, and slowly before her attack. Grabbing a pillow in each hand, she braced herself. Then, when she felt the perfect moment had arrived, she threw one directly at the back of his head, and ran at him just after, swinging the other one at the side of his head. He moved quickly, ducking to dodge the second pillow, and grabbing the first, swinging it back at her, a look of smug determination on his face. He landed the hit, causing an ‘oof’ to leave her, followed by giggles. They both froze, staring at one another, waiting for the faintest movement to signal their opponent’s next attack. If asked, neither could tell what that cue had been, but as suddenly as it had first begun, it had started up again. Pillows swinging and feathers floating, the flurry of movement only stopped every few minutes for a few seconds before they were back at it again. Dodging one of his attacks, she lunged at him, pillow held tight to her chest, and tackled him to the ground. Pinning his hands beside his head, she spoke between laughs,
“Surrender!” Chuckling, he swiftly tucked one leg around hers from the inside and brought his knee up into her side to roll her over. Sitting on her stomach, he pinned her hands. A triumphant smirk plastered on his face, cockiness dripping from his voice, he said,
“Nah, you might wanna though.”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” She snarked. The smirk on his face only grew into a sadistic smile. He shifted her wrists above her head so that he could hold them with one hand, and slowly, he moved his free hand down to her side, curling his hand into a fist, save for his index and middle finger, which extended stiffly.
“Last chance.” He teased his voice low and gravelly, his breath warm against her cheeks. Realization dawned on her, her eyes shooting wide open as she began to writhe and wriggle, a failed attempt to free herself from his grip.
“Don’t you dare, Jason!”
“Hm.” He hummed. “That didn’t sound like surrender to me.” And with that he dug his fingers into her side, tazing her. Her body shook, shivers running up and down her spine like electricity.
“Eep!” She yelped, wriggling around to no avail.
“Just say you give up and I’ll stop.” He said, his voice light with enjoyment.
“Never!” She exclaimed. He released her wrists and brought his second hand to her other side, just under the hem of her risen shirt, and begun mercilessly tickling her. “Ah! Fine! Fine! I surrender! Stop it!” She laughed. His response was immediate, removing his hands and rolling off her to lay on the floor by her side, laughing with her.  When they both had calmed, and her breathing had slowed, she reached over and flicked him on the cheek.
“Hey!” Jason exclaimed, with no real heat in his voice.
“That’s what you get for being a dickface.” She said, lightheartedly, with no real vice either.
“Fair enough.” He chuckled, and they returned to laying in peace.
 She wasn’t sure how much time had passed since she had first found him, but she couldn’t remember a time that she had felt so at peace. They laid, half sitting, half reclined on his bed. She had her head resting on his shoulder, her arms encircling his torso. He had one arm around her, coming to rest in front of him where he held a book, reading aloud to her.
“It was in the spring of the year 1894 that all London was interested, and the fashionable world dismayed, by the murder of the honorable Ronald Adair under the most unusual and inexplicable circumstances. The public had already learned those particulars of the crime which came out in the police investigation; but a good deal was suppressed upon-“ His voice carried on, but she was more focused on the sound of it, and of the feeling of it reverberating throughout her whole body than she was on the words he was speaking. Shifting ever so slightly, she looked up at him, his face soft and serene, the combination of the warm lamplight and his long lashes painting shadows on his cheeks. His downcast eyes waltzing across the page, blinking slowly, roughly every other sentence.
“Jason?” He stopped reading and turned his head to look at her, their faces almost touching, their breaths gently fanning each other’s cheeks. He smiled, waiting for her to continue. Rather than say more words, she moved her arms from encasing his torso to bracing herself on his chest, sitting up slightly so that she hovered just slightly above him. He made no movement of protest as her face inched closer and closer to his. Tilting his face upwards and just a smidge to the left, he let the book fall from his hands when their lips met. Her world was nothing save for bliss up until that kiss. It was nice, at first, but then it all came crashing down. He was warm, but all she could remember was a pair of lips, feeling so similar to his, yet icy to the touch. And she remembered. Pulling away from her, he cradled her face, wiping her tears away again. He looked at her wide eyes, staring down at him in despair, streaks of tears running down the mound of her cheeks. And he knew. His face morphed into a sympathetic smile, pressing another quick kiss to her lips, still holding her face.
“Oh, Baby.” His voice rang with sadness, as if he was losing everything too. “You should wake up.”
“No, please, I love you. I don’t care if this is real or not, I love you.” She begged, the tears gushing from her eyes.
“I love you too, but you need to go now. I’m sorry.” Though he wasn’t crying s much as her, there was a soft misting of water in his gaze, as he held her tight.
“Please, Jay, just a few more minutes. I’m not ready to lose you again.”
“Is anyone ever ready, Y/n?”
“Please, please, just five more minutes.” She begged, holding his wrists as she leaned into his hands.
“Five more minutes.” The serenity had been chased from the room by desperation and fear, she fell from his hands to his arms, pulling him tight into her own. Her face pressed against his cheek, sobbing uncontrollably. He matched her strength, mimicking her hold as he pressed his face back against hers. Turning his face to the side, he slanted his lips against hers, doing his best to steal away her pain and replace it only with his love. Caressing her cheek when they pulled apart, he gazed at her sadly, and her vision blurred and faded into darkness.
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softandcutewhynot · 2 years
things i wrote at 15(ish) that are just textbook compulsory heterosexuality
When I say I like someone, do i really mean it? Everytime I’m exausted or depressed I tend to find myself a reason to keep going. Today’s reason is a poor fucker who’s only fault is being kinda cute and treating me kindly. In my head I have this distort picture of being a couple. If i’ll have a boyfriend everything will finally go right in my life! I could vent, he could comfort me, we could have fun and do all those things couples do. I don’t even know if i would like being in a relationship.. it looks like a full time job. We’ll have to go on dates, text for every stupid thing, and i don’t have time to fit a boyfriend in my schedule (especially a long distance one)
I think i was barely out of middle school when i wrote this.. you go girl get it I guess
So really, it was never about him as much as what he represents -the male gender maybe, maybe society, maybe just an imaginary hierarchy I made up-, and even then it was not really about that as much as my incredible need for approval to be someone I always had all the rights but never the courage to be.
Conclusion about me not giving two fucks abou the guy I liked for one year getting together with another girl. In highschool
Or maybe I never liked him in the first place. Quite the plot twist if you ask me, finding out that it was yet another boy I relied in hope to be fixed, making the amount of real people I genuinely liked up to zero if we don't count all my confused feelings for girls I am way too much comfortable with, you can hug her without fear of judgment while your two pair of boobs press together and she slaps your butt and you, touch starved piece of shit, are wondering how much time you can squeeze out of this soft creature before it's annoying/creepy/inappropriate.
The closet is literally made of glass. Also highschool.
I prayed that time. I prayed every night to be saved from my own sadness. I prayed that someone would save me by falling in love with me and showing me I was not worthless. Boy after boy I obsessed with them, their presence constantly on my delusional mind, because if there was a hope, even a small one that I could have one ally I was sure to be on my side and tell me that I am beautiful and the most wonderful thing ever happened to him then you could have been sure I would have gripped that hope with my claws and teeth. God never gave me a boyfriend.
Recalling my lonliness in middleschool where I picked and chose boys to obsess over.
I wonder if it's wrong that my dream is to slay men with a flip of my tangled, unkept hair when I pass near them. I wonder if this need of being the cause of a boner it's my desire to win the system at its own game or me being already part of the game and losing. I wonder what it feels like, to be so beautiful people want to fuck you. Do you feel powerful? Or do you feel like a piece of meat waiting to be beaten?
Just trying to understand why I so desperately needed to bee seen as something attractive to men, and asking myself if that would have made me happy since I grew up fat and ugly and thus i never had such experience
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unhingedx · 1 year
I don’t know how to explain how deeply being abandoned affects me. It seriously triggers so many internal wounds from countless experiences. And all of them i would self soothe by cutting myself. When I’m left alone, when the people I rely on stop caring, it brings up flashbacks of my parents and past partners doing the same thing. Im 12 again wondering why my dad bullies me and doesn’t make an effort to connect with me or know anything about me. I’m wondering why he wishes I was someone else. I’m 17 again hyperventilating alone in my room late at night after everyone’s asleep. I press blades into my skin to feel something. To prove that I have a reason to be miserable even though my mom tells me otherwise. I am empty. I can’t believe I would be so stupid as to think someone would be interested in me. Why does every boy flip a switch on me a break up with me entirely out of the blue? It must be something wrong with me. I’m still 17 and I don’t think I ever go to bed without crying so hard I pass out. I’m 17 and I cut myself so that maybe I can show myself the love I deserve from others by making sure I heal without infection. I’m 17 and I stop looking both ways when I cross the street. I’m 17 and I hold my head under the bath water just to see if drowning myself could be an option. Im 17 and I tell my mom I need help and she tells me “you’re not going to be one of those depressed girls who’s cutting themselves” with the most disgusted look on her face. I’m 17 and know now that my mom thinks I’m disgusting. Just wait until you’re 20, kid, and your mom has real reasons to hate you. I’m 20 because that car never hit me. I’m 20 because drowning isn’t that easy. I’m 20 because I couldn’t cut deep enough even though I still keep some blades around to make sure I have my own version of a cigarette when I feel an emotion. I’m 20 and I find out again that even as I’m learning who I am, I am still unlovable. I am still unworthy of direct communication. I am still a disposable toy to be used and thrown away and I am still stupid enough to think that being a toy will earn me love. I am 20 and now own sharper tools. I’m 20 and think 17 had a good fucking point. 17 just didn’t cut deep enough. Im 20 and try. Im 20 and think I can do better. Im 20 and it isn’t fucking working and it didn’t fucking work and then the phone rings and I go back to work. Im still 20 and I’m in my childhood bedroom. It’s late again. Im crying again. Im rejected again. I can’t open up to anyone I’m around again. I know where the bleach is kept and I make the decision to drink it. All I have to do is get up. All I have to do is stop crying and stop convulsing so hard I can stand up. It doesn’t work. I hyperventilate and pass out again. I have dreams of shadow people and never tell anyone. Any of it.
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4/5 Dark Hero's Sorrow
Disgusted by her unreliable vassal, Girl Laharl decides to restore her former body on her own.
(Note - The game switches between he/him and she/her for Girl Laharl. In-story, most people who encounter Laharl continue to use he/him, while she/her tends to come from the narrative summaries. As Laharl is extremely uncomfortable in the feminine form, he/him and Prince seem to be preferred by him.)
Food Coma
Etna: Ooooh...So full...I can't even move.
Flonne: Me too... When I'm full, I usually fall asleep and start snoring…
Laharl: Hey, [Player]. These two are hopeless. I guess I'm just going to have to rely on you for now. There is only one way that this cursed body will be restored to normal! ...The Dark Assembly!!
The place known as the Dark Assembly is one of the Netherworld's many awesome features. You can go there and get your wishes granted. But be careful. The Dark Assembly is a place of cutthroat competition between powerful demons of different political persuasions. It isn't as simple as a genie in a lamp granting you three wishes.
Laharl: Alright, [Player]. Let's head to the Dark Assembly and bribe the Senators. It's best to bribe the highest ranking Senator possible.
Girl Laharl has temporarily become your partner! Girl Laharl will now fight alongside you as a Companion.
Stage 1 - With Girl Laharl 1 Stage 2 - With Girl Laharl 2 Stage 3 - With Girl Laharl 3
The Ultimate Bribe
Laharl: Listen up, [Player]! As their name suggests, demons are the embodiment and source of all things evil. A good demon should never wash their hands after using the toilet. They should steal their crush's clarinet and lick it, draw unflattering sketches of their teachers during class... They also play video games for 100 hours every day and never ever share their snacks... Tell me, are you scared? So, I hear you ask, what kind of bribe could possibly tempt a demon....?
The trick is to be sly about it.
???: ...I hope no one sees me. If I am discovered, it would be a huge scandal. I, Lord Axel, aka the most popular dark hero, need to be respected by the Netherworld. If I get caught, my little hobby may get found out, and that would be a real scandal.
Tumblr media
Axel: ...Finally, the end is in sight! I've finally got my hands on a fantastic machine that can get rid of those stupid pixelations! I'm now finally free to spread my wings and soar!
Laharl: Oh sure! Men all over the world dream about being able to remove those pesky pixels! The Senators are no different.
Stage 4 - A Dog-Eat-Dog World
Boss - Axel: It's SHOW TIME!!
The End of the Dark Hero
Axel: Did you two hear what I just said?! Aargh, no! I've been dreaming of this for years! Now, all hope is lost! Hatred courses through my veins! I'll get you for this!
At this point, Axel begins crying tears of fury... Axel then declares that he will one day take his revenge on [Player].
Laharl: Hmph. In the Netherworld, the strong eat the weak. If you want to hate someone, you should hate yourself for being so weak.
(※ Note: This is a crime in the human world!)
Laharl: Alright, [Player]. Haha! Now, we're ready to bribe some Senators! To the Dark Assembly!
0 notes
sierraraeck · 4 years
The Better Kisser
BAU x Bi!Fem!Reader
Emily x Bi!Fem!Reader
Summary: After finding out that you haven’t had very many kissing experiences, the team realizes you’re the perfect candidate to judge who the best kisser on the team is.
Category: Fluff
Warnings: As you may have guessed, lots of kissing.
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: Just a little something that popped into my head that I just needed to write. This is technically an AU where the members of the team are Hotch, Rossi, Spencer, Penelope, Derek, Emily, JJ, Luke, and Tara. Everyone is single.
It was true. You hadn’t kissed very many people. You decided long ago that it wasn’t really in the cards for you, dating and kissing and relationships, that is, so yeah. You weren’t what one would call an ‘experienced kisser.’ Your friends had teased you for it, but you’d always shrugged it off. It wasn’t something to be ashamed of.
You’d never thought it’d be something to be grateful for either, until tonight.
It’d been a long, hard case, and everyone was dying to get out of the stupid office, and away from those stupid files, so that you could all finally relax, maybe even have some fun. You’d only been with the team for about three months, and it was like an entire whirlwind throwing you this way and that. You also hadn’t gotten to know the team too well either, considering how busy you all constantly were. Your first week on the job, they went out for drinks after a case, but you were so exhausted that you left after the first round.
There hadn’t been time, or energy, since then for the team to spend quality, relaxed time together. That’s why tonight was extra exciting.
“You’re telling me that throughout all of highschool, all of college, you haven’t kissed more than two people?” Derek asked incredulously. You couldn’t fully remember how you’d all gotten onto the subject, except that you had. You were sitting on Garcia’s squishy couch, littered with colorful pillows and all sorts of stuffed animals. Garcia had decided that instead of going out to a bar, you were all going to go over to her place, minus Hotch and Rossi who tapped out early.
You shrugged. “Nope. I had one boyfriend and one drunk kiss, both of which were bad experiences for me. I’ve kind of avoided all of that since then.” You explained, “Plus, when would I have time for that? Between my college studies and getting into the FBI, then BAU, I didn’t really have free time.”
“I mean, sure, I guess,” Derek continued, “but come one. There had to be guys falling at your feet!”
You laughed. “Not all of us have that kind of draw, Derek.” He nudged you, and you nudged him back with a wink.
He was right, though. You were stunning. Even when you just put your hair up and wore sweatpants, there was just something about you. You would probably look good in a trash bag. But men were not just falling at your feet. Even if they were, you wouldn’t notice, putting all of your energy into chasing your dreams instead. You thought that was a very reasonable, and responsible, thing of you to do.
Plus, you’d done the whole boyfriend thing, and weren’t really interested in trying it again. Well, not as interested as you were in trying the whole girlfriend thing. And your first day on the job, a certain badass brunette caught your eye, and was even the first one to make you really feel like part of the team. You were finding it harder and harder to resist her pull.
“Yeah Derek,” JJ chimed in, drawing your attention back to the conversation, “Not all of us can rack up eight phone numbers and five make out sessions in one night.”
“What can I say?” Derek beamed, pride shining in his eyes. “I’m a great kisser.” Emily snorted. When Derek glared at her, she pressed her lips together and looked down. “What?”
“Nothing,” Emily sang, shaking her head with an air of mischief.
“No seriously, what?”
“It’s just that if you read girls half as well as you claim to, you might wonder if that’s always the case.” Derek’s jaw hung open, and Emily smirked at him with unabashed confidence. You stared at her and her piercing eyes, and you couldn’t help but admire how sexy she was when she was confident, smug even.
“Wow, you’re gonna go there?” Derek asked, feigning hurt disbelief, “And how would you know that?”
Again, Emily shrugged and nonchalantly stated, “Because I know how women act when they kiss me. And trust me. They’re actually enjoying themselves.”
Some ‘ooh’s radiated throughout the room, and based on the look Penelope had plastered to her face, things were about to get good.
You watched in amusement as Derek sat up a little straighter, “Is that a challenge?”
“If you want it to be.” Emily’s brows shot up.
“Alright, you’re on,” Derek nodded, determination radiating off of him.
“Well, I don’t know how strong either of your games are,” Luke spoke up, glancing quickly over at Spencer who was just observing the whole encounter, “but I think I could take on both of you.”
“No you could not,” Tara sneered from beside him.
“And you could?” Luke challenged.
Setting her glass down, Tara replied, “Yes.”
You giggled at the thought of the four of them having a kiss-off, just imagining how utterly chaotic that would be due to all of their extraordinarily competitive natures.
“Oh my god, this is going to be so fun!” Penelope squealed. “Now we just have to figure out who’s going to judge!”
“We can’t really use one of us because some people might be biased or recognize the kisser,” Emily casually stated. It took a moment for you to realize what she’d just admitted to. Who on the team has kissed before? But before you could really start thinking about it, you noticed that everyone’s gaze had slowly turned to you.
“What is happening right now?” you questioned, looked between them.
The five of them exchanged excited, knowing looks before training their attention back on you. Then you got it. “Are you serious?”
“You’re the only one who hasn’t kissed one of us!” Derek explained, as if it were obvious.
“You mean…” you trailed off, but again couldn’t complete the thought before someone interrupted.
“Come on, it’ll be fun!” Penelope promised. “And you seem like you’d be a very neutral judge.”
“Not to mention,” Tara added, “You’re a pretty blank slate since you haven’t really kissed anyone.”
“Don’t worry though, we’ll show you a good time,” Derek assured with a wink.
Heads nodded. You were a bit worried that there would be some hurt feelings by the end of this, but they were all adults, and the appeal to kiss all of them, along with their eager faces, became enough to convince you to say yes.
“Yes!” Derek exclaimed. He looked pointedly at Emily, “It is so on.”
She just rolled her eyes. “Pen, do you have a blindfold?”
“A what?” you asked.
“Well we can’t have you getting biased on us. This has to be strictly about kissing.” Hearing her explain it with such reason hampered your growing nerves a bit. Like you’d said, you hadn’t kissed very many people and you were worried how much better they were going to be at it than you.
You reminded yourself that this was more about them than you, and tried to use that to calm yourself down. You were about to be kissed by some of the most attractive people you’d met. This was definitely not a bad place to be.
While Penelope rummaged through her belongings to get a makeshift blindfold, Luke convinced Spencer to join and JJ decided to participate.
Pretty soon, they had you seated in a chair, another one across from you, waiting for whoever was going to go first, while Emily explained some ground rules. “We are going to go in rounds. We will each kiss her and then after every round, Y/N will eliminate one of us based on the number in the round we kissed her so she doesn’t know who it is. No touching. You can’t use your hands in any way, this has to purely be about the kiss. And kiss however you normally would, no matter what that means for you.”
“No hands?” Spencer questioned. You were still surprised that he’d agreed to join, let alone ask a question like that. Luke gave him an odd look from behind while Emily confirmed the rule.
“Your hands might give away who you are, and again, this is just about the kiss.”
“Alright, alright, let’s just get started,” Derek complained, as Penelope tied the blindfold behind your head.
Now that you couldn’t see, you relied on your hearing to figure out what was happening. You heard some shuffling and disgruntled whispering, then you heard the chair across from you slide across the floor toward you. You waited anxiously as the person leaned in and pressed their lips to yours.
Their lips were plush and soft, but the kiss seemed a little too forced. It was a bit excited and you could feel their smile as they started pulling away. It was a pretty good kiss, definitely better than your previous two, despite the fact that it only lasted a few seconds. You couldn’t help but try and guess who it was, thinking it was either Penelope or Tara.
The next person who sat down completely blew the person before them out of the water. It was a much longer kiss and the person even swiped their tongue across your bottom lip for entry. You weren’t really thinking as you gave them access, the heat in your body starting to rise. You just hoped that your face wasn’t giving any of that heat away, so you were almost grateful that the person pulled away.
There was a bout of silence, which made you feel a little awkward, but soon enough, you heard the cushion squish down across from you. Their knee knocked yours, as you assumed they crossed their legs. Being a profiler, you were very used to picking up on body language with your eyes, making it kind of fun to try and pick up those same behavioral cues with all of your other senses. This person, you could tell, was very hesitant. You couldn’t say you were surprised when the person really only pecked you on the lips.
Number four in the line up started out pretty good, but you felt them start shaking or something halfway through. You quickly realized that they were laughing and you pulled back. You couldn’t help but smile when you asked, “Why are you laughing?”
Up until then, they had laughed pretty silently, but once you called them out, they just full out chuckled. “I’m sorry!” Tara unapologetically said through more laughs. “I couldn’t help it. I blame Luke.”
You laughed with her as you playfully shook your head. “You were doing so well up until then!”
“I know!” she agreed.
“I guess this means you’re out?” you half questioned.
Tara gave an over dramatic sigh, but you could hear the smile in her voice as she stated, “I guess so.” As she walked away, Luke gave a small ‘ow,’ and you assumed she’d hit him. You wondered what about this was Luke’s fault? Had he said something to her?
Either way, someone took her spot across from you. They wasted no time leaning in and putting their lips on yours. The kiss started out slow and gentle, like they were easing you into it. But gradually, as you both became more used to the other, it picked up pace, your mouths starting to move in sync. It felt like all of their energy was focused on you and exploring your mouth with their tongue. It was by far the most passionate kiss you’d experienced, and you tried to hide the pout from your face as they pulled back, chasing their lips for only a second before remembering there was an audience, and a competition.
Person number six was … good. You couldn’t really describe it. They used, what now seemed to you to be, a medium amount of tongue, for a medium amount of time. It was a good kiss, you weren’t saying it wasn’t, it just didn’t have any quirk or something unique that stood out. It was just … good. You knew Tara was out, so you tried to guess who that person could be. You thought maybe JJ, or possibly Luke, but you couldn’t be sure.
The final person who kissed you was intense. They had plump, captivating lips, but the way they kissed verged on overwhelming. They were also a little sloppy in their movements, and it was like you could tell they weren’t fully invested. Distracted, maybe? Again, not bad, but nothing like some of the other kissers.
The air was hot and heavy as Emily spoke up. “Okay, we’ve all gone. You know Tara is out, she was number four, so who else from this round would you eliminate?”
You pretended to think about it, even though it actually wasn’t that hard to pick. “I think it was person number three.” The person who just sort of pecked me, you thought, but didn’t say.
The players were now down to five, and they went in the same order as they had before, minus person number three, who you guessed was Spencer, and Tara.
This round made you even more confused about who was who than the round before. The excited one you guessed was either Luke or Penelope, the intimate one you thought was Derek, the passionate one you thought was either Luke or Emily, the average one you thought was JJ, and the sloppy, intense one you had no idea about.
By the end of that round, you eliminated person number one, the overly excited, verging on too hard kisser.
The next round was a no brainer. The intimate kisser, Derek you thought, upped his game. He kissed you for longer, used a bit more tongue, but was still somehow gentle. If you thought he’d upped his game, you weren’t prepared for person number two. They also upped their game, keeping your mouths molded together for longer than before, something you were more than happy about. You couldn’t quite place exactly what it was about their kiss, maybe that it seemed so perfectly balanced, incorporated the perfect amount of everything, or something else, but they were absolutely magnetic. It sent electric waves through your body, making you feel a little tingly. You felt sort of bad for the average kisser, most likely JJ, because they had to follow that up. And finally the sloppy kisser, who you still couldn’t place. They didn’t up their game at all. If anything, they felt more distracted by the minute, and pulled away earlier than the rest.
“Person number four,” you stated when Tara asked who was getting eliminated.
It was now down to three; the intimate kisser, you predicted Derek, the passionate kisser, either Luke or Emily, and the average kisser, probably JJ.
There was some shuffling, a faint whispering, a small ‘ow,’ and then Tara spoke up again. “Now that there are only three left, as long as you are okay with it, they want to use their hands.”
You tried to downplay the excitement you were feeling with this new rule, but you were sure their trained ears could hear it in the way you said, “Yes, that’s good with me.”
The seat across from you suddenly became occupied, but before anything could happen, Tara quickly jumped in. “Wait. Y/N, you can’t use your hands.” When you pouted a little, she explained, “Well if you did, you’d definitely know who is who, so…”
You sighed, but agreed, waiting in anticipation for the person across from you to touch you.
It started soft, their long fingers brushing over your cheeks as they leaned in. Soon enough, though, the entirety of their hands were firmly cupping your face and pulling you ridiculously close, close enough to feel some of their body heat. It was intimate, and again made you feel like the most important person to whoever those lips and hands belonged to. You rubbed your thumb into your palm, wanting nothing more than to reach out and touch them, but you knew you couldn’t. Your sole focus was on them, them on you, and you had to say it was one of the best kisses of the night.
That person made you feel like the most important person in the world, but the next person kissed you like you were the only person in the world. They started out by tucking your hair behind your ear, then slowly sliding their fingers back into the loose strands. As they started to kiss you, they moved their other hand behind your head, cradling the back of your neck. The person before them had captured your focus, but this person erased any thoughts your mind was capable of forming. You couldn’t think about anything other than the way their tongue moved against yours, and the shiver they sent down your spine as one of their hands traveled the length of it, coming to rest just above your hip, strong, confident fingers pulling you closer. It was a moment you never wanted to end, and one that left you in a cold shock when it eventually did.
You almost didn’t even want the last person to kiss you because of how you knew it would never come close to what you’d just experienced, but a competition was a competition. The third person kissed you similarly to how they’d done before, good but nothing special, their hands resting comfortably on your hips.
When it was all over, you asked, “Can I take off the blindfold now? I know who the winner is.”
“Sure, but announce who first,” Tara suggested.
“Okay,” you agreed. “The third person got third, the first person got second, and the second person was the winner. Can I take the blindfold off now?” you asked again. You were eager to find out who was who. When you didn’t get an immediate response warning you not to, you stood up and quickly ripped it off to quite the amusing sight. Spencer looked as bright as a cherry, Penelope looked shocked but proud, Tara was smirking, Luke’s eyes were the size of beach balls, JJ looked indifferent, Emily was smirking, and Derek looked like he’d just been shot. “So are you going to tell me who was who?”
Without answering, Emily took two large strides toward you and placed her lips back on yours. One of her hands slid back into your hair while the other rested above your waist, and you smiled into the kiss. Of course it was you, you thought. When she pulled away, you were both smiling like idiots, and she gave you a single eyebrow raise as you both turned to look at Derek.
“I got third?” he asked, still in a state of bewilderment.
“What?” you asked, just as shocked as he was. “I thought you got second.”
Emily snorted. “You thought Spencer was Derek?”
What?! You spun to face Spencer, the person you were sure got out the first round, and he was still blushing like he’d been out in the sun for far too long. “You took second?” He nodded nervously. You beamed at him, causing him to return a shy smile, then look down at his fiddling hands. “You’re a really good kisser,” you complimented.
Derek repeated, “I took third? Emily, I guess I kinda get,” she rolled her eyes at that, “but Pretty Boy?”
You shrugged, and Luke jumped in, though not nearly as harsh as Derek had been. “Yeah, I took fourth, but Spencer got second?”
You offered him a cheeky smile, remembering how distracted he felt while kissing you, and the not-so-subtle glances he constantly made at Spencer all the time. You took the opportunity to encourage whatever was going on there. “He did. Like I said, he’s a good kisser. Very intimate, like I was the only one on his mind. You should try kissing him sometime. Might help you feel less distracted.” You winked and Spencer looked like he wanted to evaporate. Luke, on the other hand, was just staring at Spencer, and you could see the gears spinning in his head. He finally mumbled a ‘what the hell’ before pulling Spencer to him by the back of his neck. Spencer seemed immediately surprised, but recovered quite quickly, no hesitation to his movements after the initial shock. They kissed each other probably exactly how they’d just kissed you, Spencer’s hands cupping Luke’s face, Luke’s hands resting on the back of Spencer’s neck and lower back. Although, you’d have to say that Luke looked a bit more focused than he’d been with you. You laughed while some of the other members hooted. This was something that’d been a long time coming.
When they pulled away, Luke nodded. “Y/N, I definitely agree with you.”
Spencer smiled, and playfully nudged Luke as he said, “Y/N, I also agree with you.”
“Hey!” Luke exclaimed, but he was smiling the brightest he had in a while.
Derek was still a mess, not enjoying the moment as much as he usually would’ve, and asked, “What did I do wrong?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong,” you assured, “You’re a good kisser, but there’s just nothing too special about it. It’s kinda just…”
Emily and Derek looked at you expectantly before Emily got it. “Wait. Are you calling him average?”
She looked way too excited for the occasion, but she was right. He was just kinda average. You nonchalantly admitted, “I guess.”
Derek let his hands fall to his sides with a slap, his mouth still hanging open. Emily’s lips curled up into a sly smile as she placed a hand on Derek’s shoulder. “It’s okay. Not everyone can be as good as me.” He shrugged her hand off his shoulder, and she held out her hand. Derek reached into his back pocket producing his wallet, and grudgingly slapped a crumpled $20 into her open palm. You gawked at them, not realizing that they’d placed a bet on their skills.
Emily returned to your side, closer than she’d really ever stood to you before, and gave you a smile that seemed on the shyer side for her, biting her lip as she peered at you through her lashes. You mirrored her shy smile, pressing your lips together as heat quickly spread to your cheeks. You turned back to the rest of the conversation that demanded your attention, people wanting to know why you eliminated them. But you couldn’t help glancing over at Emily every now and then, and couldn’t hide your joy when you saw that she was gazing back.
Who knows? Maybe that night was going to be the start of two great relationships in the BAU.
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neomedievalist · 2 years
request: date and kagami.explori- kidding.kidding.
anwyay for the serious request: date post-game having nightmares abt saito and all that couldve gone wrong (like, him shooting hitomi)
Date gives the command to Aiba, and it feels like his heart rips in two.
He wants to look away, but he can't. His eyes are glued to Saito. Saito, in his body. Hitomi struggling, the gun to her head, the fear in her eyes. Will he fail to protect her again? "Initiating self-destruct sequence." Aiba speaks as calmly as she can. He knows how much this hurts for her, too.
And Date looks, as if in the mirror, as his own head--Saito's head--is blown to gory pieces.
Gasping for air, Date shoots upright. Taking heaving breaths, he looks around him.
A dream. He's back at his apartment.
He looks around himself, trying to ground himself and regulate his breathing. It looks like he fell asleep watching tv; it's tuned to static. He reaches around for the remote, but can't find it, so he just presses the button on the tv. Running a hand through his hair--he still expects it to be longer than it is--he turns around, and spots Mizuki, sleeping soundly in her bed. His heart clenches for a moment. He's so glad she's okay.
Date moves into the bathroom, then stops. He almost doesn't want to, but he looks at himself in the mirror. Scraggly black hair, unshaven. Bony face. Visibly older.
...It's going to take a long time for this to stop being weird.
For a second, he sees Saito's maniacal grin staring back at him, and he shakes his head to get rid of the vision. His thoughts are spiralling. He usually doesn't allow himself to think about things too hard--it's how he copes. Move on to the next case, worry about that instead. He can't do that with something so personal as his own identity.
His identity... Who is Kaname Date, really? It's as if the ‘him’ from before six years ago, and the him from the last six years are fighting. He’s still the same soul, the same personality, the same consciousness, so it shouldn’t matter, should it? He’s gotten everything back, so why does he feel so empty? Things can’t ever go back to the way they were before the New Cyclops Serial Killings. He won’t ever be the same.
The mirror looks back at him silently.
Why is it, that when he looks in the mirror, he expects to see Saito's face? Though he has regained his memories, it's not like the past six years meant nothing to him. He lived as Kaname Date, in the body of Saito Sejima. That's a fact. Now that he remembers who he was before then, well...
Hitomi. Iris. How can he return to them after he'd abandoned them like that? After he'd caused them so much pain? He'd like to think that he's mature enough to handle this logically. He knows the facts. For God's sake, he just had this conversation with Mizuki...
...but he can't help but feel responsible for everything. He killed Mizuki's parents. Saito wanted revenge on him, so he went after the people Date cared for most. He should never have gotten attached, he should have done something. If things were different, Mizuki wouldn't...
Date locks eyes with himself in the mirror again.
...Mizuki wouldn't want him to think this way. She would call him a stupid idiot, and ask how that made any sense at all. ...He remembers her calling him her hero, though he doesn't know...how he remembers that, exactly.
He cares for her more than he ever expected to. This change has been a shock for her, but to her credit, Mizuki has adjusted well. She treats him the same as she did before with his new appearance. Mostly. He can tell. On bad days, or when she catches his reflection out of the corner of her eye, there’s something there. The wariness of a stranger in your house you don’t recognize.
The poor girl has gone through so much, and Date just keeps causing problems for her... if he were the 'him' six years ago, he'd think he needed to move far away to protect her.
But he knows better now. Mizuki needs him. And Date needs Mizuki. They've come to rely on each other as family, and Date is done turning his back on family.
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girlwithwolftatoo · 2 years
The devil and the flower -chapter 7
The devil's smile
Words: 3784
TW: Family abuse
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"I want to play another game."
Albert narrowly missed dropping the tray when he heard those words welcoming him the next day. Again he wore the full mask, the one with the angry or sad face, but when Violet spoke to him he instinctively brought a hand to his face, unsettled.
Like other times, the man planted himself at a distance, sitting with his back against the wall and his eyes fixed on the girl, who was eating strips of bacon. 
"So what do you want to play?" he asked. Violet finished chewing.
"I want to play Liar," she said. She tilted her head slightly, not sure if the other was paying attention to her "Can you play it?"
Albert tilted his head too, and squinted his eyes. He had been thinking about one thing all morning, and his mind was a little slower than usual.
"Show me," he asked, interlacing his fingers. 
"Well... a person tells two stories, one is true, and the other is not" Violet explained "If the other player guesses the one that is true, they earn a point, and when they collect a number of points they can demand a prize... which the other cannot deny them" she added, with a tremor in her voice. She couldn't just rely on her good luck, last time it was a miracle to have won, otherwise she'd still be crawling to the toilet every time she needed to.
"Hmmm..." growled Albert "And what kind of stories must you tell?"
"Whatever they are, but you mustn't cheat" added the girl "It's very important... to tell the truth in the end."
Those words sounded almost like an epiphany, a bridge rising between them and uniting them under the same idea. Silence reigned for a few seconds, tense, icy, and finally Albert sat up, taking a couple of steps towards the mattress.
"And what are you going to ask me if you win, Violet?"
"Well..." she looked at the tray, food was not something that satisfied her, she consumed it only out of necessity, for survival "I don't know... how about a blanket? It's cold down here."
The man cocked his head to the side.
"Done" and went to the door.
"What will you ask for?" asked Violet at the drop of a hat. Albert didn't answer, closed the door (this time all the way) and silence once again devoured the basement.
Violet finished her breakfast and immediately, picked up the phone. She dialed, as if that was the key, the number she found carved into the wall, and waited while silence was the only thing coming from the speaker.
"Vance? Bike boy? Paperboy?" she asked, nervous "It's Violet, the one in the basement...with the Grabber." 
"Please, I need someone to help me, if you know something about the Grabber that I don't..." her hand began to tremble "Please don't leave me alone..."
She was beginning to lose hope, she was very stupid if she believed that those dreams, or visions, or whatever they were, would be there for her....
The communication was garbled, voices running over each other against static and a waiting beep. Violet made one last attempt:
"This is Violet Gilles, I'm in the Grabber's basement, if you can hear me I beg you to help me."
"You are alone..."
"You are not alone..."
"Violet Violence!"
"Vance?" she shrieked "Vance! Can you hear me?"
"Violet like-the-flowers..."
"Violet Gilles..."
"You're not alone."
"He doesn't like to lose"
"He listens to the phone"
"Violet Gilles..."
"My father said that..."
The beeping wounded her eardrum, and Violet let go of the speaker, eyes closed as she emitted a groan of pain. When she opened her eyes again she found herself in the basement, only the roof was gone, and down it fell the black-flaked snow. 
After getting up from the mattress, she picked up the speaker again, looking around.
The whisper of static was cut off by a new voice.
"Are you Violet Gilles?"
"Yes... who are you? Why can' t I see you?" she asked, searching with her eyes for her caller.
"Sorry, I still don't know... it's complicated, you know? I mean, I see you, but... it's really weird."
"Do you remember your name?"
"I remember... my sister" the voice continued. Of all the ones she had heard so far, that one was the saddest, disappointed "I thought she might find me, because her dreams...showed her things..."
"You had a sister..." then Violet paled. She already knew who the boy on the other end of the phone was "My God...Finney Blake?"
The poor boy had disappeared a few weeks ago, she still remembered the scandal. The Grabber had been very active since early fall, and two boys had disappeared in the span of five days.
"Yes... Finney..." muttered the voice "My father said that... the Gilles were bad people..."
The hand holding the speaker tightened.
"And you believed him?" she asked, a little resentfully.
"I don't know... I never met you, I mean... I never talked to you, but the kids at school... Robin talked to me... told me you were nice... that you didn't seem bad..."
"Ah, well...never mind. Finney, do you know anything about the Grabber that might help me?"
"I never went out, I was close...the phone helped me."
"Yes, yes, I'm in the same circumstances, but if you were close..."
"My sister dreamed about you" Finney interrupted her. Violet frowned.
"I beg your pardon, your sister...how do you know?"
"Sometimes she and I...talk to each other...like you and me now...It's all gray and ash is falling..."
"Ash?" Violet understood then, that wasn't black snow "Yes... it's the same here."
"I wish I understood, surely Gwen would know."
"Well but, you said your sister dreamed about me, did she tell you what she dreamed?"
"Yes... well, she didn't mention you, she mentioned a girl..."
"And how do you know it was me?" 
"Because she looked just like you." 
The girl tilted her head, at her feet was not the tray, but the cord connecting the speaker to the phone, long and stretching all over the floor, like some sort of plastic snake.
"Finney, what did your sister say about me?" she asked, nervously. There was no answer. "Finney, you have to help me, if the Grabber wins I don't know what he'll do..."
"Violet, I..."
The place shook, as if hit by a tornado, and the girl nearly tripped.
"Finney, please!" she pleaded.
"On the wall there's a series of numbers..."
"I saw it, it's from a bike lock, so what's that?"
"It's the one that locks the front door..."
"No! I'm not going out again!" a second tremor caused the front wall to fracture. "Anything else?"
"I'm sorry, I can't think of..."
"Please! I don't want to... I don't want to die! I don't want to end up like...!"
She interrupted herself. Blood was gushing from the cracks, so dark and so repulsive that Violet covered her mouth and nose with her free hand.
"I'm going to die, aren't I?" she concluded "I'm going to die here."
"We all thought so" Finney muttered, sounding more and more distant "I was close...I thought it would be over...when... he...found me...and then...killed him..."
"What? Who found you?" Violet began to bellow against the speaker "Finney! Who found you?"
"The man... he was looking for... the children... his brother... Max..."
The call cut out, Violet found herself with her back pressed against the wall next to the phone. Her legs ached from the awkward position she had been left in, and she rolled onto the mattress with a groggy mind. 
He unhooked the garment and passed it between his fingers, hesitating. It could be cotton, or maybe polyester, it was a calm, heavenly blue, without any pattern, with blue buttons down the front and the skirt with a slight flounce, feminine, demure, but jovial, and he stroked the edge of the skirt for long seconds before continuing to walk down the aisles. As he passed by the underwear, he grabbed a pair of panties on the fly and hurriedly hid them in his pants pocket.
After paying for it, he placed the dress on the passenger seat of the van, well stretched out, and drove back home while his mind involuntarily created beautiful scenes; it was a beautiful dress, and very practical too, it could be worn to church for mass, although he never attended such things, it could be shown off on a walk in the park, at an outdoor party....
Yes, she would surely like it. It was a good dress.
The door opened as the sunset lights streamed in through the small reinforced window, and Violet straightened up on the mattress, just to denote that she was alert. Again, the smiling half of the mask covered Albert's face, exposing his forehead and eyes.
"I... brought you something," he said, moving closer until he was a few steps from the mattress and tossed a sort of little square package. Violet unwrapped it, glancing sideways at the man, it was a short-sleeved, round-necked dress with buttons down the front, simple but pretty. 
The gift puzzled her, and for several seconds she contemplated the garment without knowing what to say.
"I saw it and thought... it would look good on you" Albert was still in the same place, clasping his hands. The girl looked at him again, what kind of man was that? 
"Thank you" she mumbled for saying something. She noticed then that, on the mattress, rested another smaller, pearl-colored garment, which turned out to be a pair of panties. Albert looked away as soon as Violet took them.
"Don't think wrong, I figured you'd need them."
"So...what happened to the others?" she asked. Albert didn't answer, in fact he remained with his eyes conveniently fixed on the window.
"You said..." he commented suddenly, as Violet placed the dress on the mattress, carefully folded "that you wanted to play. Let's do it, shall we?"
Before Violet could say anything, Albert sat down opposite her, his legs stretched out in such a way that it was almost comical, and the young woman had no choice but to imitate him.
"Well, shall you start?" he asked. Violet sighed.
"My first story..." she said, turning her imagination a little "is that one day, on my way to school, I came across a white rabbit. I bent down to pick it up, and when I did, another rabbit appeared, and another."
"Turns out a magician had crashed nearby, and all his rabbits had escaped from the car."
To her surprise, Albert laughed, it was a disturbing, almost painful laugh.
"That can't be the real story" he concluded between chuckles "There are no magicians in this town."
"Maybe he was just passing through, and you can' t cheat" Violet pointed out "You have to hear both stories before you choose"
Albert snorted, but didn't look angry.
"Okay, Violet."
"My second story is..." several memories popped into her mind, none of them were entirely happy "one Christmas, when I was little, my father's family came to have dinner with us, and Grandpa brought a cut of meat, the biggest I'd ever seen, and it was fresh. When we asked him where it was from he said, 'It's reindeer! We ran over it on the way over.'"
This time Albert didn't laugh. Violet folded her hands in her lap.
"Well, those are my stories," she concluded. 
"The second story must be the real one" Albert said without hesitation "Too bad about the reindeer."
"That's right" the girl nodded "Now it's your turn."
"Ah, let's see... My first story is that when I was a teenager, my sister caught me stealing her beauty magazines. She wanted to accuse me to dad calling me a pervert, but I was just using them to sell to some boys at school" he gave out a sort of cough that simulated a laugh "My second story is that the first time I drank, I ended up so drunk that I reacted two days later and I had arrived in Wyoming. Okay, that's it, what's the real one?"
She could feel the blue orbs riveted on her, on her face, it was uncomfortable, as if at any moment, if she said the wrong thing, he might jump on her and rip her to shreds. She pretended to think about it, just so she could shy away from his gaze.
"I think the real story is the second one." 
"Really? Why?"
"Because you don't have a sister."
She said it without thinking, and when she realized her words, she paled. Albert tensed as well, and his body leaned forward, menacingly.
"How are you so sure of that?" he asked in a low, leisurely voice. Violet moved back a little.
"I..." she stammered. Damn it, her brain wasn't capable of making up any lies, and for a time that seemed like forever, Albert remained in that same position, lurking. Finally, however, he backed away with a sad sigh.
"Yes, I don't have a sister, never did" he repeated, playing it down "You don't have any siblings either, do you, Violet?"
"No, sir."
"You live alone, with your grandmother" he added, squinting. Violet cocked her head to one side.
"How do you know?"
It almost sounded like a dare. The girl decided to go for the most natural.
"You read it in the papers."
Albert nodded. She was thoughtful, she didn't remember hearing anything concerning her new whereabouts two years ago, when the local paper made her and her shattered family their main course, but she could always have been wrong, she stopped reading them after all that....
"Tell me, what happened to mom and dad?" asked Albert. Violet hugged her knees, uncomfortably.
"Why does that matter?" she replied, defensively. As usual.
"I guess something happened to them to not being here, searching for their little girl..." 
"Is this some kind of joke? Everyone knows" she spat "The big story in this damn town before you..." she interrupted herself, it wasn't a good time to try her luck again "I mean... before all those kids disappeared"
Albert nodded, ignoring Violet's mention of his actions.
"Well, newspapers sometimes get things wrong or hide things" he inquired "I was just wondering if... you'd tell me the whole truth, Violet?"
Why did those words make her feel threatened? Was it the way he said it, in that falsely calm voice, or those eyes that didn't accompany the fake smile on that frightening mask? Violet looked at her arms, hidden by the thin fabric of her nightgown, having already lost count of the scars that once marked them, and sighed.
"Death brings grief to people" she said "When someone departs, the living carry the grief, and share it with others. But it's not always like that, no one feels sorry when a drug addict, or a criminal dies. And that's what my father was."
She remembered with contempt the psychologist she was forced to visit, until old Mrs. Betsy decided on her own to ask the woman to cancel future appointments, claiming they had no case; that was one of the very few times Violet agreed with her, reliving horrible moments didn't make her feel better, much less when that smug woman behind her desk was trying to convince her of something that wasn't true.
"Maybe people would think he was a good man, he worked hard and we lived without lacking anything, but when he was at home, it was hell. He would get mad about everything, when things weren't just the way he wanted them, if I got a word wrong on my homework, if I forgot to put the slippers away on the right shelf, if mom served his coffee too hot or colder...and then he would scream"
She could still hear it, because it was always the same: something would happen, something that no one would have given it more importance than necessary, and then Mr. Gilles would stand up, looking at Violet, or at her mother, a gloomy face that preceded the storm, and then he would start insulting them endlessly, as if he only knew words of hatred for them. And then the silence, not the silence of peace but the silence of punishment, one that Violet suffered most often, and which led her to hide in that corner of her house to cry and dig her nails into her flesh, hating herself for being a bad daughter.
"Mom and I would do everything together, so he wouldn't get upset, but it was getting harder and harder. He would get angry about everything, even if we got sick. Then he started going out with his friends, every Friday after work, and he would come back on Sunday afternoon, that's when we were happy."
She recalled how, waking up on Fridays, she felt as if a colossal weight would leave her, for she knew that, back from school, her mother would have prepared something delicious to eat that they could enjoy without worrying about not putting the tablecloths on the table or using the right glasses, and they could listen to loud music, and eat dinner in front of the TV, and laugh and talk about whatever.
"But as I got older, things got worse. My father began to fear that I would become... a slut or something, and he was stricter than ever, and one day..." her whole body felt strange, numb "one day he found me talking to some boys from school, in the music store." 
Her voice trailed off, if someone had told her then that that day would mark the rest of her life, she would have believed it without hesitation, but never as it really happened. Self-absorbed, she didn't notice that Albert released a little distance.
"Did he hit you?" he asked in a tremulous voice.
Violet shook her head shyly, nodding. It was a single blow, dry, straight to the face, and the teenager had been left lying on the floor as a hail of curses rained down on her.
" He left the house right then and there, my mother just looked at me. I think...it was the first time she had ever looked at me like that, like she felt guilty. I remember she went out after she sent me to bed, said she was going to the drugstore, and when she came back in the evening... well, she told me she ran into him" she added, spitefully "She didn't tell me much, just that... that she hated him, but I think she said that because she had drunk, I remember a bottle of alcohol, more or less. Saturday came and my father didn't come back, we weren't surprised, Sunday came and he didn't come back either. My mother said that if he didn't come back by Monday, she would call the police, but it wasn't necessary..." then her face darkened "The police called us and we went to an address. I didn't go in, but my mother did. They had found my father early Monday morning, he was dead."
The image of her mother, returning from the police morgue, was one she treasured with great affection. She remembered the woman holding her in her arms and whispering the words that had made her most blissful in her entire life, and when they returned home, they both smiled and cried, not in grief, but in relief.
"Those were the best weeks of my life" Violet continued "I thought we were finally going to be happy, because we were free of that bastard... And then one afternoon, I came home from school, and I saw a patrol car outside our house..."
She had thrown her backpack on the ground, running after the car, shrieking, desperate. It was the last time she could see her mother up close, and the beginning of a new nightmare.
"It turns out the bastard had a lover, and she told the police she overheard my mother threatening to kill him the same night he disappeared. There were other witnesses, and since he died when he fell into a ditch, well... Anyways, the newspapers told all about it. Damn Mrs. Betsy was furious, she was saying Mom was a liar for saying in court what my father was, and then...the jury found her guilty, they thought she was a desperate woman who lost her mind when she saw her husband with somebody else, and that's why she did it."
Violet had not been able to attend any of the trials, because she was still a minor, and followed the gruesome story like everyone else, through the newspapers. She learned to hate them, the reporters, the cops, the lawyers, those people who looked at her and whispered, and then told the story to their sons and daughters who didn't hesitate to harass her, the murderer's daughter, the devil's daughter....
"She's in state prison, and I haven't heard from her, Mrs. Betsy said if she tried to call or write me she was going to prevent her from getting through to me. She was sentenced two years ago, she has forty-eight years to go" she added with a bitter smile "This town felt sorry for a lying, abusive son of a bitch, but not for my mother, not for me."
When was the last time she talked about it? Never, as far as she could remember, because no one was going to understand her, not that stupid doctor who treated her like the unfortunate daughter of a criminal, not any of the idiots who lived in the town; now, she felt as if she had just spit poison, the sour taste that burned her insides had left her body, and after that came the tears, carrying away the vile residue that stained her soul.
Violet felt a hand on her face and startled. Albert's thumb caressed her cheek, and the man's eyes also glistened with weeping.
"Don't cry" he whispered softly "Don't cry anymore... Listen, I... I won't let them hurt you again, ever. No one will ever hurt you again, Violet..."
It was a siren song, but they were also the kindest words she had heard in years, and Violet let out a whimper as her tears redoubled. Albert, with trembling hands, held her by the nape of her neck and drew her head to his chest in a sort of embrace, and stroked the short, dark hair for long minutes.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
A family man
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Summary: What happens when Steve is not happy with his decisions?
Pairing: Steve Rogers x fem!reader, Sam x Reader (platonic), Bucky x Reader (platonic)
Characters: Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton
Warnings: angst, language, pregnant reader, heartbreak, abandonment, Daddy!Steve, angry Sam (yes, he can get angry too), Sam & Bucky being good friends, fluff
Catch up here: 
Part 1 - No, you won’t Part 2 - Some kind of love
Divider by @writeyourmindaway​
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“Goodbye, Steve Grant Rogers, my love, my heart, my everything…”
It’s a new beginning for you. You left your old life behind to start a new one.
When you sit on your front porch, watching the sunset you run one hand over your belly. “Only four months left, baby girl,” you whisper holding back the tears. “One day I’ll tell you about your father, the hero who saved the world more than once.”
“Y/N,” Sam watches you stare into the distance as you do so often lately. “We should talk about a few things. Bucky and I need to tell you something.”
“You’re going to marry,” you tease, giving Sam a wink. “We all know it’s a matter of time,” Sam sits next to you, laughing at your words. “You’re a good team.”
“A great one,” Sam exclaims. He slings one arm around your shoulders to offer comfort. “Buck and I will be on a mission for two or three weeks. Wanda will come around and check on you to make sure you’ve got all you need.”
“I’m a grown woman, you know,” Bucky nods, still, he’s worried to leave you alone. It’s the first time since Steve left that he and Sam can’t be around. “I depended on you way too long. We are friends, and I appreciate all you have done for me as Steve…,” your voice cracks and you need to wipe a few tears away.
“Nothing will change, doll. Sam and I will come around as often as we can. While we are away, Wanda will take over,” Bucky smirks when you roll your eyes. “Don’t talk back, Y/N. We are family, this means we will suffocate you with love…”
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The moment Steve stepped onto the platform and didn’t see you he knew; just knew he made the wrong decision. 
Whilst the quantum realm particles sent him back in time, all he could think about was the sadness in your eyes when you stood your ground against him.
Steve knew you played a role. He knew that you cried yourself to sleep that night, but he didn’t find it in him to crawl back to you.
Instead, he stepped onto the platform the next day, straightened his back, and looked his friends straight in the eyes.
Sam held his gaze but Bucky, well Steve’s oldest friend, the one he promised ‘till the end of the line’, looked away.
The world he found on the other side of time isn’t the one he wanted to live in, but Steve had no other choice – right? He burned all the bridges days ago, lost the woman who always loved him unconditionally for a dream.
“I can’t stay, Peggy,” Steve tried for six months to adapt to a life with Peggy, but he soon realized, there is no love on both ends. 
Steve stuffs his hands into the pockets of his suit, shuffling on his feet as he feels something dig into the palm of his hand. Waking up to reality is cold, hard, and heartbreaking. Even worse when you find a positive pregnancy test in the pocket of your suit. 
With shaking fingers Steve looks at the test in his hands, choking out a sob.
“How?” he whispers, wishing he never left you. “Doll—oh god, no. You’re all alone, my love.”
Steve doesn’t know Bucky hid the test he stole from your bin to make his best friend see – someone is relying on him. 
“You’ve got to go, Steven,” Peggy whispers, gently cupping Steve’s cheek. “I know you believed we belong together, I did so too. But,” Steve gives Peggy a cracked smile, nodding silently. “If she’s with your child, you can’t leave her, Steve. You should’ve never left her for me.”
“I know, Peggy. I was a fool believing that I belong anywhere but by her side. I want to be a father,” Steve chokes out. “I still got time left.”
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“Where do you want me to put this?” Wanda watches you place a picture frame onto one of the shelves at the nursery. “That’s one of Steve and you,” she whispers, not missing your pained expression.
“He’s her father, Wanda,” you swallow the lump in your throat, looking at a framed ultrasound picture. “One day my baby girl will ask me about her father, and I want her to know about him. He left me, not her. I was not enough, not my girl.”
“Y/N don’t say things like that,” Wanda watches you place another picture frame onto the shelf you nod, knowing it’s the ugly truth. “Steve didn’t know what he got when he had it.”
“Do you think I should get a dog?” you look around the room, watching Wanda hold back the words stuck on the back of her tongue. “Don’t, Wanda. I know you want to assure me I was enough, but I wasn’t. If not, Steve would be here.”
“A dog would be great. I always wanted to have one,” Wanda smiles when you tell her you grew up with dogs. “Aw, I’m jealous, Y/N.”
“Don’t be,” you laugh. “Most of the time they chased after me and stole my food,” you grin, remembering your dogs. 
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“Fuck,” Clint snickers at Sam’s outburst. “You’ve got to be shitting me, Steve! You left! Six months ago, you left your girl and now you are back in town and ask me about her whereabouts!”
“Sam let Steve explain why he’s back,” Bucky eyes his friend warily, knowing he must’ve found the pregnancy test. “Why did you come back, Stevie?”
“I regretted my decision the moment I heard Y/N close the door behind her. I was just too stubborn to admit that I can’t be without her,” Steve huffs. “I tried to make things work with Peggy but had to admit, she’s not the woman on my mind.”
“Great for you,” Sam is not amused. “I mean, you left Y/N six months ago for another woman. Now you come back here and intend to do what?”
“Get my girl back and raise my child with her,” Steve puffs his chest when he gets the pregnancy test out of his pocket. “Something tells me that a friend wanted me to know I am going to be a father.”
“It was for sure not me,” storming out of the room Sam slams the door shut. “Y/N deserves better…”
“You must understand, it was Sam helping Y/N to keep ongoing. He was the one driving her to the first ultrasound as I was away on yet another mission. Sam was the one seeing your baby first,” Bucky huffs. “I thought you would find the test before you leave. I had hoped you would change your mind not come back months later…”
“I had to give Peggy and me a chance, Buck,” Steve doesn’t believe his own words. “Shit, no. Maybe I was just afraid to come back and find Y/N in another man’s arms. I didn’t think that she’s pregnant with my child.”
“I mean,” Bucky huffs. “You are adults, had sex, unprotected if I recall right according to your naughty confessions and you wonder she got pregnant?”
“That’s not what I mean, Bucky…”
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“I like the colors,” Sam looks around your almost finished nursery. Wanda did a great job,” you nod, looking at the kittens Wanda painted on one of the walls. “The kittens are cute.”
“Wanda’s idea. The tree and the family were my ideas,” you painted a family of bears under a tree. They are having a picnic. Sam smiles when he sees a ladybug sits on the little bear's nose. “What do you think Sam?”
“Hmm…” you watch Sam nervously chewing on his lower lip, not meeting your gaze. He seems to hide something from you. “We need to talk, Y/N.”
“Is it Bucky? Did he get hurt? Or one of the others? Sam?” Wanda’s eyes widen and she grasps for your hand when Sam tries to tell you Steve is back. “Sam, just tell me what’s going on.”
“He’s back,” Sam chokes out. You blink a few times in confusion, look at Sam for confirmation before your legs are about to give in. “Shit, Y/N.” Sam catches your fall before you can hit the floor. “Wanda, a chair and a glass of water.”
“Y/N, no…”
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“Is this a joke, Sam? This isn’t funny, you know,” you sniffle. Wanda offers you a glass of water whilst Sam tries to calm you. “I finally adapted to a life without Steve. He can’t just come around after he lived a life with Peggy to check on me. I don’t want to see the ‘old’ Steve.”
“That’s not what I meant, Y/N,” Sam kneels next to you, gently squeezing your right hand. He looks up at you, giving you a soft smile. “He came back.”
“I don’t understand, Sam. Why would he come back? It’s not as if anything he wants waits in our time. Peggy is centuries away, just like the other Bucky,” Wanda watches you slump into yourself, not wanting anyone to see you are still  heartbroken. “What does he want?”
“I am afraid he wants you,” Sam whispers, hand gently holding yours. “I told him to fuck off or something.” you laugh, squeezing Sam’s hand. He barely curses but if he does, Sam looks adorable. “I mean it, Y/N. You don’t have to see him.”
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“Doll,” Steve sighs when you don’t open the door. Sam and Wanda guarded your house like hawks, didn’t let Steve get even close to your new home for over a week. 
Today, Sam had to go on a mission and Wanda went for a grocery run so Steve took the opportunity and sneaked toward your house the moment Wanda left.
“Please, baby girl. I…I need to talk to you.”
“Why?” weakly you press the palms of your hands against the door. “I tried to move on and almost didn’t break down anymore only for you to come here and ruin my life once again.”
“Y/N, please. I know I fucked up, okay. Leaving you for a woman I barely knew was cruel, stupid, and the worst thing I ever did in my life. Please, let me at least see your face,” Steve begs, knocking at your door. “Please, doll.”
“You don’t deserve to see me,” you choke on your words when you turn your back toward the door, resting your back against the cool wood. “I don’t know why you came here, Steve. I am not enough…never was.”
“No, Y/N. I was never enough. I am a weak and pathetic coward, doll. It was me not deserving you but, please open the door,” your hands shake when you turn around to unlock the door. You take a deep breath before you face the man leaving you behind.
“What do you want, Steve? I don’t think there is anything I can offer,” you shriek when Steve kneels to wrap his arms around your waist. He peppers soft kisses to your swollen belly, sniffling your name repeatedly. “Steve…”
“Sam didn’t let me come here. Wanda was the same,” he pants, face nuzzling your belly. “Please, I want to be a better man for you. I will give the shield to Sam. From now on I’ll do anything to be the man you deserve. I want to be a family man,” you don’t know what to do as Steve is too strong for you to fend him off.
“Why now? When you left you were sure that you want to spend your life with Peggy, not me,” you sniffle, wiping a few tears off your cheeks. “Is it because you got to know I’m pregnant? Does Captain America feel responsible for the poor girl he impregnated? Is it your guilty conscience telling you to come here and take care of the disposed of girl you left behind?”
“Oh-Y/N,” Steve sighs, finally looking up at you. “I should have never left you, doll. I hurt you so deeply that you believe you never meant the world to me. I am so sorry, baby girl,” he whispers, getting up to wrap his arms around you.
Steve buries his face into your hair, inhales your scent deeply. He runs one hand over your back to soothe you when you start to cry. 
“I love you so much, doll. How can I explain to you that I don’t know why I left you for Peggy? I don’t know how I could do so, but I regretted my decision the moment you closed the door behind you. I should’ve stayed but I was too blinded by my past to see my present.”
“You will leave again,” sobbing you hide your face in Steve’s chest. I was at my apartment a few days ago. I couldn’t forget about the shirt on the floor and your pillow. I…I sleep with your pillow to smell your cologne.”
“Sweetheart,” Steve’s heart breaks when you start to shake in his arms. “I hate myself for hurting you. I swear, I left to come here before I even knew you are pregnant. I told Peggy we will never work out. I never had sex with her.”
“Steve,” Sam storms into the house, Wanda, and Bucky hot on his heels as you hold tight onto Steve for dear life. “I told you to leave Y/N alone! Can you not for once think about someone else than yourself?”
“Sam,” Bucky places one hand onto Sam’s shoulder to calm his friend. “Look,” Bucky whispers, pointing toward you in Steve’s arms. “Let them talk things out. We can still kick Steve out when Y/N tells us so. It’s on her to decide if she wants to give him a second chance or not…”
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Five years later...
“Daddy, daddy!” your daughter runs after Bucky, laughing as he acts as if he’s scared. “Look, I hunt Uncle Bucky and he’s scared,” Steve laughs watching Natasha Sofia run after his friend. “I bet I can catch Uncle Sammy too.”
“I know you can, sweetheart,” you smile, watching your five-year-old daughter chase after your friends. Sam runs slower to make sure Natasha can catch him, faking he’s too slow to run away. “Just don’t stumble again, Nat.”
“I won’t mommy! Daddy showed me how to run faster than Uncle Sam,” Sam makes a face, looking at Steve. “To your left, Uncle Sammy…” Natasha squeals, finally catching up with Sam.
“How do you feel, doll?” Steve runs one hand over your huge belly, humming as you close your eyes to enjoy his touch.
“How are Sam jr. and Bucky jr.?” Bucky asks. “Can we finally decide on a name? “Maybe we can name both after me.”
“I want one to wear my name,” Sam interjects. “Now let Y/N rest a bit before she agrees to name both after me.”
“Hey! I never agreed to name my boys after one of you,” pointing toward both men you narrow your eyes. 
“We can make more and name them after our friends,” grinning Steve looks at you, something dirty in mind. “Just saying, we can always have more kids.”
“You’re lucky if I ever let you touch me again.” you huff. “I got one daughter chasing after our friends. A baby boy sleeping in his crib and two baby boys in my belly.”
“Doll,” your husband grins, hands running over your baby bump again. “I can’t help myself; I love seeing you full of my babies.” Steve whispers something dirty into your ear, making you giggle. “I’ll check on Steve jr. and you can sit here to enjoy our baby girl’s birthday and I’ll be right back.”
Watching Steve walk into your house you smile. Over the last five years, he showed you that he deserved a second chance. 
The first months after he came back were difficult to you. You needed time to adjust to life with Steve being around again. 
“He changed for you,” Bucky bounces your daughter on his leg, smiling as his friend carries your baby boy out of the house, smiling widely. 
“I know. He became a family man for me…”
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theodore raeken: missing persons
( okay so i kinda had an idea ,, and then went through the whole teen wolf timeline to see if it would work ,, so here it is !!
theo’s backstory !! it started off way more messy headcannon format & then it got kinda a real story vibe ,, def thinking about making it an ao3 one shot eventually )
TW: very sad & hurt my feelings
don't imagine:
eight year old theo raeken...
who sleeps at his best friend scott mccall's house almost every single night, stiles is almost always there too.
theo and his friends where they all watch movies together until ungodly hours of the morning. stiles loved star wars, theo will never forget that. they had gone as luke, han and chewy for halloween that previous year. melissa went as leia. scott has always been more of a indiana jones fan himself. theo would watch either, anywhere where harrison ford was theo didn't mind being.
in this little trio, who were all raised in the mccall house, where they were given eveything they needed. sometimes when theo thought about her, when he needed to remember the good things in life. he never quite knew how she managed. expecially with scott's dad who floated in and out of the picture.
yet, it always was melissa who gave scott extra lunches to take to school because theo and his sister, who were often forgotten by their parents usually were left to fend for themselves and a fourteen year old girl rarely had the funds or mind to give a growing boy a nutritious lunch. these packed lunches always with the crust off because that's the way theo liked it. melissa always remembered.
theo had three favorite places: scott's bedroom, the corner next to his bed where theo's blow up mattress was. the bridge in which tara and he crossed everyday on their way back to raekens from school. his final place was actually beacon hills elementary.
theo always liked school. theo was good at school. he didn't realize this until mellisa had pointed out an exceptional report card. he didn't think it was much of anything to be proud of.
he liked recognizing big words from english class and novels that would help him when his mom watched jeopardy. she would watch the show every night. sitting in a daze in the raekens dark living room. not paying much mine to the eight year old, until he started blurting out the answers to her favorite show. she beamed at him. he loved his mother's smile, she had the same dimples as tara.
so yeah, when a seventeen year old theo raeken spent months filing the names of anyone ever involved in the mccall pack, current members, deceased and ones that just fell out of beacon hills. he remebered some names.
theo raeken grew up in beacon hills, and beacon hill wasn't to big of a town.
theo rembered issac lahey a quiet boy who had been in his thrid grade class, jackson whittemore who was a grade older than them and everyone knew him because he was was offered a spot on the middle school lacross team, he knew erica reyes who he rembered for her epilepsy and it made him hate himself a little less for being the king of the heart condition, he even remebered names like derek hale- who was in the same grade as tara. theo even rembered the name malia tate as she was small girl who did go to beacon hills elementary, who was always startled and always walked a bit faster than everyone else through the halls. or even lydia martin, a girl stiles had a crush on. she talked to theo a lot, lydia used to call him teddy, he didn't know when it started but he let her do it purely to spite the fact that lydia gave theo a nickname and never bothered to acknowledge stiles.
theo rembered all of them, i mean for years of his life all he had to rely on was his memory to make sure it was real.
though during the line memories turned bitter and he was left with the sour taste of resentment.
so it was weird to think despite it all, that year was one of theo's best. he never felt like he belonged. sure he had scott and stiles before but gaining friendship & being labeled as an "inseparable trio" by the sheriff station deputies, whenever they rang havoc through their office made theo's mouth crack a toothy grin. he felt like he had a family.
that was until the air started getting colder in beacon hills. theo started hearing the voices. though, even so much later in life he never could quite pin point how it started, like his brain couldn't truly decipher what was going on. some of it felt like dream, though the dreams and the thoughts. sometimes they didn't feel like his own and made him so scared he would leave the day feeling nauseous.
though this all came in spurts. his birthday was that november, and that was magical. he spent the weekend with stiles and scott, theo's mom actually made the point to bring the three of them bowling. the boys pitched in on buying theo a big millennium falcon lego set because he was always doing things with his hands, something he picked up not being so most athletic of the bunch. they also got him big poster of han solo just to spite him. he blushed and yelled at them for stupid gifts but they knew by the smile on his face he loved them.
he loved so much because despite the fact that they were poking fun at him ever so lightly, they were good natured and they held thought. they really thought about theo enough to know what he liked. he never had that before.
so the voices started getting louder again around christmas time. it was weird for theo, the happiest time of the year filled him with such excessive dread. it didn't feel right. theo's life changed that month.
then one day scott and stiles get sit down because something tragic happened. tara raeken is dead. the details are fuzzy and they don't really understand how, seeing as these boys are just in fourth grade. they are horrified, it's one of the only other times they've experienced death besides with stiles mom. though claudia stilinksi was sick, sometimes sick people die. learning about tara left a bad taste in their mouth. she was young.
they try and call, bike past is his house. they don't hear from him. they go to her funeral, scott and stiles, high on anxiety attached to their parents just trying to sneak a peak of where their best friends may be. he's gone, that's the conclusion they come to, he's gone. they don't know how it could have happened, they just know that he isn't there. why wouldn't he be there?
they try and talk to the raekens but haunted by their daughters death, they paid less attention to theo than before. they barley give them a straight answer, melissa explains what grief can do to a family and not to blame them but is equally suspicious.
just take a minute to think, while scott and stiles are scared and searching for their best friend, theo raeken, barley nine years old is given a heart transplant. alone in a dark and cold sewer hidden deep under beacon hills, horrified and a failure, that's what the dread doctors tell him. a boy who keeps quiet, does what needs to be done and has to survive. doing absolutely everything he can to be kept around, the second he heals (which theo recognizes is abnormally fast) the doctors are straight out of beacon hills.
the doctors eventually find his parents too, who leave beacon hills, he doesn't exactly know what happened to them. he doesn't everything he can not to think about the possibilities. he hopes he has a chance, survival instincts flourish but the ideal of living isn't quite the same as surviving.
one day, the doctors inform him he has absolutely nothing to go back to, he figured this he just be didn't think they would actually tell him. they never told him much.
they are far away from beacon hills- much farther than he assumed. he has no sister, and his parents are gone.
he is alone, and he is finding out that now, he has one more secret to hide. the poor boy has claw and fangs and often thinks about using them to rip himself apart, i mean he deserves it right? he just watched his sister die, to go down with the last living part of her, his own heart.
while theo is expecting his fate, stiles and scott and stuck in months of confusion. missing posters of the boys face are strung up everywhere they can reach, once his parents are gone. they know they need to do everything they can.
mellisa feels like she's been punched in the gut, so she helps her boys. she calls every hospital in the county, and then she starts reaching out to some of the bigger hospitals in the state. spreading word of a missing nine year old like wildfire. she spends nights after her shift arguing with noah stilinksi, he has been looking to. he tries to bargain logic with her.
"yeah it's strange he never said goodbye, he wasnt at the funeral- it's weird, yes, but his parents left too. their daughter just died melissa. maybe they didn't want to stay."
melissa knows, yeah that makes sense. theo had to of just moved with the raekens but something about it doesn't feel like it makes sense.
he would have said goodbye to her. she knows it.
other people in beacon hills were actually thinking the same thing, something wasn’t quite making sense.
those other people being some who can sense unrest in supernatural frequencies. a family who makes it their business to monitor the supernatural. the hales.
though, talia hales supernatural concerns didn't often revolve around fourteen year old girls who drown, shes curious. the girl, was in dereks grade. the mother in her falters but it doesn't get strange until the police reports reveal the fact that the girls heart was gone, she was found. gaping chest wound, lying in the river.
so she starts to suspect somethings wrong. she's seen the raekens case, something about it doesn't make sense. sure, the death of a teenage girl is overwhelmingly tragic but there isn't much to investigate. though talk of the raekens is getting loud, she comes to find out this is because of the raekens youngest, who was nowhere to be seen days before the funeral.
she knows the hunters are back in beacon hills. so wonders if the two correlate. so she starts asking questions.
talia, with her daughter in tow see two boys standing outside the sheriffs station, stopping people when they walk in to show they a poster. it's theo raekens missing poster, though there isn't much official about it. it seems like the sheriffs department couldn't issue anything official, so as she walks up to the boys seemed to have made dozens of copies themselves. there information seems formal enough.
she catches their anxiety heighten as talia hands the poster over to laura who stands behind her.
the taller one raises a brow, "have you seen him anywhere miss?"
she smiles, "miss hale- you can call me talia though. this is my daughter laura. we haven't seen your friend but we'd like to help..."
the taller boy nods, "well, i'm scott. that's stiles. how could you help?"
talia hale lies easily, "i've heard about what happened to the raekens and it sparked my concern. i have a friend, local sheriffs station who is awfully good with the police dogs. if you have anything that your friend owned i might be able to call i'm a favor."
a few days later, stiles had found her in the same spot as last time with a small black sweater. she smiled and told him she would do her best to help these two boys. not sure if her intrest in the case was supernatural based or because she didn't want these boys, who smelled like anxiety and exhaustion to fall down the hole of loss themselves. she wasn't sure where investigating theo’s disappearance themselves would leave them, she didn't want them getting caught up in the supernatural spiderweb of beacon hills.
though, talia hale looses scent and momentum on the case. literally and metaphorically. she finds herself near some suspicious tunnels, leading right under beacon hills but scent falls short. she's frustrated, and the time since his disappearance is lengthening but her families needs become increasingly concerning.
she's listens, she likes to know what's going on. so when she hears her sixteen year old whispering a bit more with her kid brother she raises suspicion. she doesn't trust peter like she used to, not after getting involved with the desert wolf.
paige dies months after that, dereks heartbroken and talia is trying to put together pieces of a story that turned her babies eyes blue. to young. beacon hills doesn't quite understand how another student is dead, with no previous medical history. this, the death of paige she knows is supernatural.
kate argent moves to town and in months, the hale house is burned to the ground. inside, theo raekens black sweater. tucked away in a room, where news clippings and missing posters caught fire the fastest.
so with no surprise, another tragedy is unleashed and it's the talk of the town. memory of theo starts to fade, like most things do in beacon hills. it's not anybodies fault but it still stings. though, theo million miles away hasn't felt much of anything latley.
it's been a little over a year. he hasn't cried in the past three months. he won't let himself. nobody is going to find him. he isn't going to het out. so he puts up his walls, as many as he can. he just has to stay alive a little bit longer. make something worth taras sacrifice. they had started to kill off more of the chimeras, more of their science experiments. he can't get killed, he can't do that to tara.
theo was always a fast learner. theo always liked school. theo was good at school. this wasnt exactly the same as math class at beacon hills elementary but he was picking up skills quickly. theo didn't quite recognize himself after that year. he wasn't that same boy, and that had to suite him just fine. he never had much of a choice in this. he just chose to try and keep her heart beating for as long as he could.
so theo raeken adjusted, he had to.
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kelpiemomma · 2 years
since i have very kind readers, have some juice. story snippets for the three current WIPs below the cut.
Fire at Will - you’re gonna carry that weight
“We are going home, and we are telling Ingo.” Emmet instructed as he helped Akari back to her feet. She was wobbly and coming down off an adrenaline high again, but Emmet could no longer stand by and watch. He admired her bravery but it was now verging on stupidity and re-traumatizing her.
“No, it’s fine, we don’t need to tell him yet! Not yet!” Despite her physical weakness she still argued with him, but Emmet wasn’t allowing it. Not today.
“Yes, we do. We need to tell him, and we are telling him today. This is not an easy battle for you, but do you think it is easy for me? Do you think I enjoy seeing you hunched over like you’re trying to turn into a Shelmet?” Akari was silent, looking away mulishly. For all her shyness, she could also be incredibly stubborn. Emmet had a rough idea of how she’d been treated in Hisui, could understand where her reluctance to rely on others came from, but he couldn’t entertain her any longer. “You are afraid, and that is okay. But I cannot support you from beside Arceus, and you need support that is not your pokemon battling for you.”
Jumping the Rail
"She's fine." He finally said with a sniff. Elesa laughed in delight and elbowed Akari.
"That means he's proud of you." She said with a wink. Akari grinned at her and then at Emmet. Despite the expression he could see turmoil in her eyes- despite Elesa's acknowledgement, she doubted the words. There was a slight downturn in the corner of her smile, how she looked quickly down at the food in her hands. Emmet sighed. She was doing better, and he had promised to do the same.
“She is improving well. Each battle is better than the last and she’s figuring out how to read her pokemon’s movements quicker. One day she might be an actually proficient battler instead of a survivor.” He rolled his eyes as he spoke, sighing like giving a compliment was like pulling a nail.
He bit his cheek to hide a grin at the way her face lit up.
“Do you think he pulled a muscle saying that?”
Arms Outstretched
“Man, it’s been so long since I got to show anyone around! The last person was Koga from Kanto, sometime last year, and that was with Cynthia hovering over me. Probably for the best, honestly. The dude’s kinda bonkers about his poison types and I absolutely would’ve said something wrong; did you know he makes his own poisons and antidotes? You know what that means, right? It means the dude’s been poisoning himself for years. I can tell, I think it’s done something to his brain. I can’t even say it’s damaged because he’s smart as hell, but like, really. Poisoning yourself? That’s a dedication I don’t think even I could have.” She hopped into the driver’s seat once they were settled, put on her seat belt, and pulled out into traffic while barely looking at who else was on the road. If Ingo weren’t so tired he’d be terrified of her driving and what it might mean for his safety, but at this point death was nothing but eternal sleep and he would welcome it.
She continued talking without waiting for any sort of response from the Unovans. Something about her voice soothed part of Ingo and he quickly found himself drifting off to sleep leaning against the window. There were no strange dreams- there hadn’t been for a few weeks now. The last one… the last one had been when he’d promised he’d help the girl. She had said something, something that even when he’d written it down in his new journal… he couldn’t remember. His hand had felt blocked, like something was preventing him from writing down what she had said. Without being able to write down and see what had happened the memory of it vanished. The lack of dreams felt oddly like a punishment.
NICHE NICHE NICHE FIC you all may never even SEE but i adore this part
“Did you put-”
“Pecha berries in it, yes Miss Akari. I know you are partial to them.” He stirred the stew gently, only glancing up when she made a small noise of upset.
“What are you partial to?” She asked, gaze intent and slightly disapproving.
Oh, Sinnoh. Even though he was cooking he should have realized-
“I have no preference, Miss Akari. I simply enjoy my food as it is.” Ingo responded and hoped that would be the end of it. Naturally, his wish was unfulfilled. He was used to it at this point.
“You can enjoy it as it is but there has to be something you like more than the rest! Is it an oren berry? No, I bet it’s a leppa berry! You enjoy something spicy, don’t you?” She made a face at that, like the idea of him enjoying a spicy berry personally offended her. Ingo struggled to keep a straight face and turned his gaze down to the pot to hide his amusement.
“No. I suppose, if anything, I enjoy a good aspear berry, but I believe that comes from having spent so much time in the Alabaster Icelands. Given that they can heal frost, it is best to learn to enjoy a berry that can save your life.”
Akari grunted, accepting the answer. She didn’t seem thrilled by it. The Warden knew he had to do something.
“I suppose,” Ingo said after a moment, “that I also enjoy… the memory that comes along with an aspear berry. It is nothing concrete but… I remember sitting beside someone and eating something sour. The shape their face made had me in stitches from laughing so hard. They did not enjoy sour things, but sometimes I could fool them into eating or drinking something sour… sometimes they did it knowingly because they knew it would make me laugh.”
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palbabor-writes · 4 years
Pairing: Shigaraki Tomura x puppy!girl OC
For: @kazooli​ 
Warnings: sex pollen, tw.dubcon, tw.unbalanced relationship, tw.blood/gore, unrequited feelings, puppy!reader, established OC, NSFW/18+only
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Word Count: 3681
Notes: the is part of the Evil Exchange! i had a lot of fun with this concept & am so glad i got to take part! this fic does have an established OC & while she is not named, she does have physical descriptions that are not neutral.  
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[ 2:15 am, Monday morning ]
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He shouldn’t have taken you along. You don’t belong here. 
Your quirk isn’t equipped to deal with something like this [ or is it perfect? since all of your senses are acutely attuned to him, your lips open, tongue heavy between your teeth, drool pooling under your jaw and down your neck, your eyes gleaming with an unnatural sheen as you try to hump against his leg like a bitch in heat ] and you have little in the way of melee attacks, or a true defense. No, all you have is your pretty blonde hair, floppy ears that prick each time you hear him, and that incessantly wagging tail that sticks out from your pert little ass, like a goddamn antenna. You’re absolutely too pure for this, too fucking saccharine, and too damn nice to be here.
Fuck. This was a mistake.
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[ 72 hours before the mission ]
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“It’s in that old warehouse, the one by the docks.”
“Which one? The images that we have show multiple buildings.”
“The fuck do I know? You only wanted me to ask around about the place. If you wanted me to do the damn job for you, you should have said.”
Shigaraki narrows his eyes at Dabi’s hunched back, doing his best to remind himself that they’re already low on funds, on members, and they can’t afford to lose anything else. Not now, when they’re literally scraping along the bottom of the barrel, yanking out whatever dregs they can find and trying desperately to make them stick.
“Did they give you a time?”
“For the exchange? Yeah, said they’re gonna be down there around 1am.”
“And the date?”
“Date?” Dabi questions, whipping his dark head back to Shigaraki’s impassive face, arching one dark brow. 
“Yeah,” Shigaraki intones, a half concealed snarl lifting his cracked lips. “The date for when this is all going to take place. We can’t send someone down there every night, hoping it’s the correct time. They’ll be noticed.”
“Said they wanted it to be this Monday, something about shelf life. Apparently this shit is better when it’s fresh. Sells quicker, is more effective.”
“How much did they agree to hand over?”
“Fucking–look man, I didn’t grab a cup of coffee with them, or ask if they wanted to go get some lunch. I told them our terms, they agreed and gave me the location, ‘date’ and time. What did you want me to do? Paint their nails? Suck em’ off? If you’re wanting to get into the drug trade, maybe ask a few more questions yourself. Not leave them to middlemen. You act like you wanna be a leader, so fucking act like–”  
A quiet knocking breaks Dabi’s tirade and both men turn toward the closed door.
“What?” Shigaraki snaps, raising a hand to his neck, scritching his long nails against the scars that he finds. It’s a shitty habit, and he knows it gives his agitation away, but he doesn’t care. The sooner Dabi loses his temper and fucks back off to the streets, the better.
The door creaks open and your golden head pops around the corner, hair falling into the empty air as your dog like ears waggle, listening, testing the safety of the room. Your eyes shift from Dabi’s bristled form to Shigaraki and the moment they alight on his stony expression, you smile. 
“M-mister Tomura, um, the others… well, we were talking and heard Dabi shouting… uh, they… I mean… I was wondering if you’ve assigned anyone to the new mission? The one you mentioned the other day?” 
Dabi snorts and you toss his lanky frame a glare, ears flattening along the side of your head. “Yeah, I bet you wanna know who’s going with Mister Tomura. Got news for you girly, it’s prolly not gonna be you.”
Your quivering pink lips are about to form a retort when Shigaraki’s voice croaks out. “Enough. Tell the others we’ll discuss this later. Dabi, don’t you have some recruits that you’re supposed to show me?”
The flame user waves a lackadaisical hand and stands, inky head cocked toward your pouting face, letting his sharp gaze linger against your angry expression. “Soon boss. Told you already, quality takes time. Not that you know that, since all you seem to attract is freaks, like this one.”
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[ 21 hours before the mission ] 
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 “You’re really taking her?” Toga asks, twirling a small knife between her splayed fingers. “I mean, isn’t she kinda lacking in… experience?”
“She’s the only one who can smell out any fakes. I don’t trust these guys. They might try to offload a lower grade product to us.” Shigaraki explains, tucking the battered case of quirk destroying bullets back into his jacket pocket. In the last 24 hours things have gone from bad to worse, what with the news that Twice couldn’t replicate the serum, and the potential, permanent loss of Kurogiri. He’s not about to add double crossed by some two bit drug dealers to that list.
“You want me to give her some weapons? A knife or something? I’ve got plenty of extra. Can’t ever have too many and besides, I like her. And I know she’ll bring them back, safe and sound. She’s such an obedient girl.”
That’s an apt word for you. Maybe it’s an after effect of your quirk, or the puppy-like way you act around him [ with that permanently blissed out smile and thumping tail of yours ] but your swift, unquestioning compliance always makes him think of an over eager pet. 
“She’s malleable, and that’s what I need on this mission.”
“Ah! You saying I wouldn’t be?”
“Tch. You wouldn’t even try.”
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[ 7 hours before the mission ]
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He’s taking you. 
It hadn’t been some kind of dream, he’d really shown up in your doorway, with his red eyes glowing in the low light, his sharp jaw tensed, and told you that you’d be accompanying him. Just you and him, together, alone, on a mission where he’d need to rely on you. Could trust you, would talk with you.  
As soon as he left, you’d flopped back against the ratty mattress that sat in the middle of your room, trembling fingers already shoving the elastic lining of your shorts down, letting you thumb a quick circle over your throbbing, distended clit. In seconds you’re leaking all over your hand, mind whirring, picturing how he’ll look as he walks beside you, listening for the bite of his voice, imagining him telling you what a good girl you are. He’ll be so pleased, so happy with you. Oh, the things he’ll say to you. 
Look at you, you did so well. 
Thank you. Thank you for coming on this with me. 
I can’t wait to take you [ bend you over and ] with me again. 
I can’t wait to [ fuck your little pussy until you’re screaming for me ] get you home safely.
You did such a good job.
I wouldn’t have [ until you’re cumming all over my cock ] been able to do it without you.
You’d make the perfect apprentice, you know?
You really [ such a greedy little bitch ] would.
You’re perfect [ look at how you’re taking me. i’m gonna fuck you stupid, you dirty slut ] and I’m happy that you’re here with me.
That I found you.
Your release builds swiftly. Making your feathery tail ripple over the tattered sheets and your ears tremble in the chilly air. You feel you’re catching alight. It’s too much, and you hate that you’re not taking your time, but you can’t hear his voice as well now. 
The memory of it is fading as Mister Tomura pads away from you, down the long hallway that leads to his room. 
You remind yourself to listen more, as your fingers pinch and twist at your shuddering clit, to memorize every detail of him. You want to see him every time you close your eyelids and be able to picture him again each morning. To wash yourself in that hazy vermillion of his eyes and the timbre of his voice. 
It’s too soon, but your toes are already curling, your back is arching, welcoming the rush of wetness that slips between your shaking thighs. You feel lightheaded, but your dulled senses does nothing to mask the giddiness that keeps bubbling its way out of your chest. 
Tomorrow. Mister Tomura is taking you with him tomorrow.
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 [ Mission begins: 1 am, Monday morning ]
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 “Um, Mister Tomura… do you want me to go in first? That way you can–”
“No, they know I’m coming.”
“Oooh! So there’s no need for surprise!”
The dark buildings along the wharf are slowly peeking into view and Shigaraki peers over at your grinning face, his red eyes watchful under the dark hood of his jacket. You look happy, a little too happy. You’re the best choice for this mission, but he can’t shake that uneasy feeling that keeps nagging at the back of his mind. 
Eager is one thing, but you’re practically vibrating with excitement. That tail of yours won’t stop lashing back and forth and each time he sees your ears twitch and your head snap up to his, he’s reminded that you’ll need to be looked after on this. Unlike the others, you don’t have an affinity for combat or a quirk that gives you any kind of advantage in a fight. Nevertheless, you’re a member of the league and that connection affords you certain privileges. 
Unless he has no other option, he won’t abandon you.
As the two of you step toward the fifth warehouse, you lean closer to him, your shoulder brushing against his obsidian jacket, a quiet huff of air falling from your parted lips. “This is it,” you tell him, mismatched eyes blinking up at his impassive expression. 
When he says good, you almost snatch at his arm, and you try to hold back your panting breaths, to not let them slip out, but you know he can see, he can tell. He always can. You feel his sharp gaze passing over you, and sense his blistering annoyance when you subconsciously lean into him a little harder, rubbing your clothed shoulder against his.
“You ready Mister Tomura?” The question leaves you on a whisper and you bite your lower lip into your mouth, wanting him to say yes, wanting him to tell you what a good job you’ve done, finding the location like this. That he’s ready for anything as long as you’re by his side.
“Step back,” he murmurs, lifting three fingers to the door as he shoves it open, the metal wheels screeching into the static quiet of the night.
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[ 1:45 am, Monday morning ]
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“What’s wrong with her?” Shigaraki demands, releasing the throat of the leader of this de facto gang, sending him crashing across the grimy floor of the warehouse.
“I– koff, koff, I d-don’t… fucking know! She just… shit… sniffed the stuff and started shaking.”
“What’s in it? I’ll give you five seconds.” There’s no time for this and if you’re having some kind of reaction to the drugs, he’s honestly not sure what he’s going to do with you. A villain hospital is out of the question and sensei’s doctor can’t be located. Shit.
“It’s… it’s got some kinda quirk enhancing property… I don’t think that–”
“Five,” Shigaraki begins, stepping over the gristled remains of the others, his red shoes bright against the pools of darkening blood.
“What!? You can’t be serious! Look, man, I’m not the one who manufactured them! I–”
“Oh my God, oh m-my…. look, he said something about increasing the instincts. Making the user less–”
“Libido! It increases libido! I think… no! No! Please! Don’t you–Keep the fuck away from me, you freak! Don’t–I’m trying to tell you! Come on! Please! I don’t–”
Shigaraki lets the man struggle, watching his fruitless scramble across the floor; hands flapping against the gritty concrete with loud smacks, and feet slipping. He looks like a fish on a line. 
“None of those things let me know what’s in the drug,” he informs his prey, blood slicked shoes stepping down, trapping the man under his heel, halting his frantic motions.
“That’s not… not… Y-you said you’d give me until five?”
“Did I?” Shigaraki asks, a wide grin cracking over his face, one hand lowering, fingers splayed, reaching. “Looks like I lied.”
The man’s shrieks quickly turn into deep throated garbles as the decay of Shigaraki’s quirk races up his body, reducing him to a mass of shattered bones, hollowed teeth and gushing ichor. Pity, Shigaraki thinks, wiping his bloodied hand against his dark pants and twisting back to your trembling form. 
You’re whimpering, your voice catching as you try to gulp down a few breaths and your tail is flat, its usual golden hanging lusterless in the darkness. When he steps closer, your head lifts and he can see the hopeful prick of your floppy ears. Your cheeks and the line of your neck are flushed, creating a burst of dusty pink that blends perfectly with your flaxen hair. You look like a doll, tiny and shivering in the cold, your puppy-like features wilted under the weight of the drug that’s coursing through your bloodstream.
“M-Mister T-T-T-omura,” you whine, one hand lifting, straining for him. “I-I feel… I feel… hot. It… it’s too warm. I think I’m… I don’t know if… if I–”
“Can you walk?” He cuts right to the chase, not liking that shimmering line of desperation that’s laced within your words. You look like you’re about to fall to pieces, but he needs more information. He can’t help you, he reasons, pushing down that inner voice that’s screaming for him to step away from your curled body, if he doesn’t know what’s wrong. 
“D-dunno…” you stammer, licking your pastel tongue across your lips, making them slick, pouting them forward. “I don’t… I don’t feel so good.”
“I know,” he reminds you, kneeling in front of you, placing himself within your reach.
In hindsight, it was a stupid move. He knows better. It could have been avoided. He should have paid more attention, not underestimated your tenacity, your want.
Your fingers are under his shirt before he can blink, and before he can breathe, you’re coiling your way into his lap, forcing him to fall to the ground, pressing against him until he’s sure there’s nothing else of you he can hold. “M-Mister… please… p-please! Mister Tomura! Make it go away!”
He tries to shove you off, carefully lifting fingers away, pushing at you with eight digits, hoping you’ll stop squirming. But it doesn’t work and the wet lap of your tongue catches him utterly by surprise. He stiffens under you, his arms falling to his sides, neck rigid, vermillion eyes wide, but you don’t care. 
Mister Tomura smells so nice this close. 
It’s a musty scent, sticky and clammy, but oh, there’s something else under there. Something that makes you think of slickening skin, the rub of your fingers, and the tacky drip that sometimes falls from between your legs. It’s too much; it’s making you feel woozy and your hands shake as they reach for his face, but you want more. You need more.
“Is this ok? I-Is this alright Mister Tomura? Can I pet you? Please?”
There’s no reply. So you continue, lacing your hands into his pearlescent hair and lowering his lips to yours. He feels rough against your soft lips, so you dip your tongue out to loosen him up, poking until he gives you a halfhearted press, the hot exhale of his nose passing over your pink tinted cheek. “That’s right Mister,” you repeat, encouraging him to let you taste more, rutting your hips against the stiffened plane of his upper thigh. “Let me take care of you, Mister Tomura. Can I be your good girl? Hmm?”
When your fingers pad over his crotch, he groans and his back arches. You pull away, awed by his reaction, hoping he’ll be looking at you, imagining how pretty his eyes will look when they’re lit up with the want of you. But his head is turned and his jaw is set in a foreboding clench. “Mist–Mister Tomura?” you blurt out, hands grabbing at the sides of his face, forcing him back to you.
The dark look he fixes you with makes your heart pound and you can tell your tail is wagging furiously behind you. You like it when he looks at you like that. He likely thinks it’s cold, uncaring, but you know. You know the truth, that he wants you. 
Everything inside of you is clattering, rattling at you, screaming out that he wants this. 
“I see,” you begin, your hips picking up their pace, hoping he’ll let you slip your rapidly dampening pants off. “You want me too, right? You want me to help you with that.” Here you pause, lowering one hand to trace up the curve of his clothed cock, cupping at it until he’s gritting his teeth, showing you a bright line of white. “I can do that, Mister. I’ll do anything for you, anything. Just let me be your good girl, ‘kay?”
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[ 2:24 am, Monday morning ]
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He’s pushed you back, but not too far. Not far enough that your delicate toes can’t reach him. 
It hadn’t taken much to work his black jeans open, just a quick flick of your wrist and a sharp tug and then there he was, his tip red, beads of pre-cum frothing against his slit, weeping downward. Delicious, is all that you could think, and your lips were around him before he could stutter forward. He makes the cutest sounds when he’s shoving past the ring of your mouth, but it’s gotta hurt his hands when he’s clawing them along the ground like that. 
He should relax.
Once you’d worked him over, hungrily slathering over his dripping cock head, and greedily felt him pulse against the flat of your tongue, you’d shifted off of him. He gasped when you let go, and you thoroughly enjoyed the pop that all that wetness made in the still air. 
When you slid your pants over the curve of your hips he’d stood, but maybe this drug had given you some kinda super strength besides that fire that was thrumming in your veins, because after you’d trapped him between your spread knees, he hadn’t struggled since. 
Maybe he’ll like this? Or this?
It’s really just a guessing game now, and even though Mister Tomura isn’t the most enthusiastic player, he is a reactive one.
The mess of your saliva quickly lubricated the arch of your foot and his copious pre-cum and you run it up and down his straining length, pressing the other forward when you hear him grunting, his hips bucking upwards, helping you. 
“You like this Mister Tomura?”
You’re still waiting on your good girl and you hope you’ll do something that ekes it from his clamped lips. But you can wait, after all Mister Tomura likes when you work hard, when you do your best for him. 
He lets out a yelp when you speed up and you laugh, so happy that he’s happy.
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[ 2:56 am, Monday morning ]
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“Mister! Mister Tomura, please! It… ah… it hurts again. C-can you p-put it… mmm… in… inside me?”
It’s the third time you’ve asked him that question, but he’s not listening to you anymore. Instead, he’s shoving you down, lifting the round globes of your red smacked ass and tracing the heavy tip of his cock over your leaking slit. He presses forward and back, slicking himself with your milky release, tacking your arousal all over him. At some point, something broke within him and you’re still exalting in the heady feel of him over you. 
“M-Mister Tomu–”
“Shut up. If you call me that one more time, I’ll stop right now. Just leave you here, naked, all alone and unprotected,” Shigaraki threatens, reaching around for your swollen clit and giving it a sharp pinch. You quake under his hands and he watches as your puppy ears fall and your tail brushes against his sweat slicked chest. “Imagine what would happen if someone came along and saw you like this? Saw you panting and humping the floor. You look like a fucking dog. Like some loose bitch who can’t think of anything other than the feel of someone’s dick. You want this? Huh?”
He grabs at your golden hair and pulls you upwards, forcing your spine into a u shape, watching as your tongue flops out of your mouth, as your drool falls down your chest. The tiny buds of your breasts do little to catch the saliva, so most fall on your trembling hands and you let out a piteous whine, hoping he’ll show you some mercy. Hoping he’ll fuck you until you can’t think. 
“Answer me.” His voice is iron and you shudder, ass wiggling as you gasp out his name and a chorus of yeses. When his tip aligns with your entrance, it sends a jolt of electricity across your heated skin. 
“Want me to call you a good girl?” he asks, pushing until his bulbous head is just tucked inside that first ring of pink muscle, grunting as you try to take him deeper, your cunt ravenously clamping around him.
“Y-yes! C-C-Call m-me that! T-Tell meee!”
“Then promise me you’ll never touch me again. Promise me you’ll never come near me. Tell me I’ll never have to look at that simpering face of yours and I’ll tell you what you want to hear.”
“B-But Mister… I mean… but… T-Tomu-Tomura. I-I can’t do that. I l-love you!”
“That’s too bad,” Shigaraki hums, jerking his hips forward, feeding you another tantalizing inch of his cock, watching as your viscid arousal gushes outward, coating the flesh of your inner thighs and staining his curled thatch of pubic hair. 
“Because I don’t love you.”
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goldensstateofgrace · 4 years
Dream Of How You (Tasted) - Chapter One -
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(So... my first Series!!! I’ll be working on this a lot, and i want you to know it’s not gonna be perfect because I’m not perfect and my writings definitely not perfect, so bare with me on this journey please!! Who’s ready for some Camgirl!y/n??)
A story about Y/N becoming a camgirl because she needs the money but also because she gets off on the praise she gets from total strangers. She enjoys helping other’s get off while doing so herself. When talk about a one on one session with a guy who always watches her streams becomes reality, what happens when she finds out it was her crush/best friend all along?
I hope you guys are excited!! bc I know I am!! Hope you enjoy, happy reading!!
(Also, i picture Harry as long haired harry, but you can picture him however you’d like!!!)
Word count: 1.7k (4 pages) (i promise the other chapters will be longer!)
Y/n didn’t know college could be so expensive, her job at the coffee shop on campus just wasn’t cutting it anymore. She needed to find something else to help pay for school and her rent. 
She’s in her second year of uni, all the book costs and the rent for having an apartment so close to campus is outrageous. She tried to find a second job to help with the money problem she was currently having, but couldn't find anything that could work around her classes and coffee shop schedule. 
Her best friend, Harry, tried to get her a job alongside him at his job, but again the schedule didn’t work for her and they couldn’t change it. So now, she's stuck trying to find something to do so close when she needs to pay her rent. 
It was outrageous how much the rent was for a one bedroom apartment close to campus, it’s a thousand - some dollars a month just to be close to campus, but that’s including her light and water bill so she can’t complain too much. 
Harry had offered to let her move in with him to cut down the cost, so she could save some money for school. But she declined because her boyfriend at the time didn’t feel comfortable with it, only to find out on their one year anniversary that he had been cheating on her for a while. Asshole. 
Nothing has been said since, but she wished he would. Moving out of her apartment would help so much, but she didn’t want to ask. 
Lost in her thoughts she didn’t even notice Harry walking beside her, as she walked across the courtyard to class. 
“Why so glum” he nudged her in the side with his elbow, startling her out of her thoughts. She slaps in on the arm, chuckling, “Harry! Don’t do that!”
“You didn’t answer the question, What’s wrong? And don’t give me the ‘Nothing im fine!’ thing you do,” he says, mimicking a higher pitched girly voice, chuckling once he was done. 
“Heyy! I don’t sound like that you twat!” you backhand his abdomen making him rub his stomach area as he grimaces in slight pain. 
“But” she starts, “i’ve just been struggling again, i tried looking for a job but, just like last time the schedule didn’t line up with any of my classes or with when i was working at the coffee shop.” she says, huffing in annoyance. 
Harry nods his head as she talks, listening to her, wishing he could help in some way. He tried before, but she turned him down, she didn’t even tell him why. He figured it had something to do with that cheating ex of hers. 
“Y/n, if you need help, all you have to do is ask. I’ll always be her to help you in any way I can,” he tells her, his eyes flickering over her face, showing nothing but seriousness, a drastic change from his happy light hearted self he was just a few minutes ago.
She casts her eyes away from him, focusing her eyes on the pavement under her feet as she walks. She doesn’t say anything for a while, but eventually she looks up at him, tears filling her eyes. 
“I know” she nods, “Thank you, Harry. You don’t have to, but thank you,” she says, the tears in her eyes threatening to spill down her cheek but they don’t get the chance as she wipes them away before they do. 
Harry wraps his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his side and placing a kiss to her head, “I may not have to, but i want to.” he mumbles into the top of her head. 
Her arm wraps around his middle as they continue to walk to their second class of that morning, “Thank you.” 
“You know what you should do?” Harry's friend Niall says as y/n, Harry, Niall and y/n’s friend Amy sit around a table in the coffee shop having lunch. Y/n quirks her eyebrow up as she takes a bite of her turkey sandwich, motioning him to go on.
Y/n had just got finished telling them about how she was in search of another job, and about how she needed the money to pay rent soon. 
“You should do only fans, or p*** h**, they make lots of money and that way you get something out of it other than stress and tiredness.” he says, making her almost choke on her sandwich. 
“W-what!”  y/n says just as Harry says “Dude! No!” 
“What’s the big deal? Lots of people do it, and you don’t even have to show your face. You could even go by a different name!” Niall reasons. 
Y/n was shocked by his suggestion, but she wouldn’t lie and say she was put off by the idea. Nobody would know it was her, and he did have a point about her not having to go by her own name. 
She couldn’t believe she was actually considering this but, you have to do what you have to do. 
“yeah uh” she clears her throat, “good suggestion Ni, but i think i’ll just stick with trying to find a job near campus” she says, chuckling as she takes another bite of her sandwich. 
“eh, it was worth a shot,” he laughs, before the conversation steers to assignments everyone had to get done and ones they’ve already done. 
After they all finish eating they sit around talking for a little bit before Y/n and Harry had to head for their last class of the day. 
As they walk to class, Harry’s arm that’s thrown over y/n’s pulls her into his side, “You know Niall was coming from a good place, right. He didn’t mean to offend you or anything,” he says, making you look up at him with your brows furrowed in confusion. 
“yeah , i know. I didn’t take any offence to it, but…” she trailed off, “What?” harry asks, motioning for her to continue as they walk past a group of people blocking the sidewalk. 
“Would it be so bad? I mean he had a point about me not having to show my face or use my actual name” she said, her eyes flicking over his face for some kind of clue into what he thought of it all. 
Harry doesn’t say anything for a while, it’s just as they were about to walk into their class that he pulled her to the side and let their other classmates go in first, “I don’t have a problem with it, it’s your body, you have the right to do whatever you want with it. If you decide that that’s what you want to do to make the money you need i’ll support you 100%, if not i’ll still support you, no matter what,” He tells her, looking into her eyes with nothing but seriousness splayed across his face. 
Y/n nods, standing up on her tiptoes and reaching her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, “Thank you, Harry. I honestly don’t know what i’d do without you!” she mumbles into his neck as his arms wrap around her waist pulling her impossibly closer to his chest. 
“I don’t either honestly” he laughs, pulling away from her with a huge contagious smile across his face, only making her laugh and smile too. 
“Come on, let's go to class,” he said, throwing his arm back around her shoulder and leading her through the classroom doors. 
It was later that night, y/n couldn’t sleep. Her thoughts running wild with what could happen if she did decide to become a camgirl, or whatever it was called these days. 
She was laying in bed, trying to find out more about what comes with being a camgirl, what she needed to do and what other people were looking to watch. 
She had found a girl, her page consisting of videos showing off her curves and sexy lingerie, along with videos of her using toys on herself. All of the videos have over thousands of views, y/n decided that she would message the women who went by ‘daddiespet20’. 
Rewrote her message so many times she lost count before she finally found what she wanted to ask and sent the message,“Hey! I’m y/n, i was wondering if you could maybe help me, i’ve been looking into getting into only fans. Could you maybe help me with some questions I have?”
She waited a while for a reply back, along with going down a tiktok rabbit hole, laughing at the stupid tiktoks Harry posted the other day. Her phone finally pinged with a notification, she quickly pulled the notification bar down to see it was a reply from the women she had messaged, “Daddiespet20: Hi! Yes ofc, ask away.”
She honestly wasn’t expecting to get a reply back, thinking the women must have thousands of people messaging her all day every day. 
Y/n quickly wrote out a message of the main questions she wanted answered, “Thank you sm! It’s only a few questions, 1: does the amount you get paid rely on the amount of views you get on each of your videos?, 2: how did you gain your audience, and keep them interested in what you were putting out?, 3: Do you have any tips on where to start (seeing as I'm new to all of this)?”
The woman answers all of y/n’s questions with no problem, along with telling her some tips on how to get started and how to gain followers. The conversion ends after messaging back and forth for almost an hour, y/n’s walking away with all the information she was looking for plus more. 
Talking to her really helped y/n come to the decision that this is what she was going to do, she was going to make videos of her showing off her body and pleasuring herself. Never in a million years did she think she would come to this just so she could keep a roof over her head and stay in school. 
Now all she had to do was buy some sexy lingerie and some toys, well more toys. What? She’s not a prude!
 It was getting late so she decided she would go to bed and figure everything out tomorrow, along with ordering her underwear and the toys online. She definitely didn’t need anyone from school seeing her by that stuff. God, she could just imagine the embarrassment she would feel if that happened. 
Feed back is highly appreciated!! Hope you enjoyed 🥺🥰
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themafia-terrapins · 3 years
Into the night.
A/N: You should read the post before this to get an understanding of this AU. Fair warning, this is pretty long. Enjoy! 💚
Disclaimer: mention of child abuse ahead. Be warned!
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Cold. Merciless. Dangerous. Mysterious.
They were the only words that many used to describe the Hamato Clan. No one wanted to mess with them in fear of what they would do, countless stories were told of those who had double crossed them and in result, hadn’t lived to see the next day. The most feared gang caught in a dark and ruthless world of crime, violence, blood and lust. Others wanted their wealth and power but not everything is what it seemed to be. 
The cold breeze hit Leonardo’s face, as he gulped down air quickly into his lungs. He was sure those horrid nightmares would have stopped, it had been almost 11 years for God’s sake. Cursing under his breath, he knocked down the tub of medication which rattled on the floor. The view of New York was beautiful from all the way up here and as frantically as he tried to focus on it, those poisonous thoughts blazed through his mind and he had no power to control it. 
“Father please don’t leave again” The young teen cried, trailing helplessly after the rat who swore angrily. Being only 13, he wasn’t able to grab those supplies that his brothers needed. They were forced to rely on Splinter but he would hardly help them. They were lucky if he even brought down the bare necessities for them to survive on. 
“How many times do I have to tell you leave me alone?! Enough!” Splinter growled, loosening his tie as he made his way to the sewers steps. But Leo had to try for his brothers, he couldn’t look at their pain anymore. He couldn’t go back empty handed, to witness Raphael put up a brave front despite actively bleeding and bruised practically everywhere on his frail body. He couldn’t see Donnie on the verge of another panic attack because he didn’t know how to fix them. He couldn’t bear to see Mikey trying to hold it all together but breaking down in the bathroom , when he thought nobody was listening because he couldn’t live in this nightmare. 
“R-Raph is hurt and we don’t have any more bandages” Leo spoke timidly, trying to sound clear and confident but his voice trembled. Splinter stood still and the turtle could already smell the sour whiskey from his clothes. It had been a bad day, he presumed. Whiskey was only drunk whenever a loss was incurred. And that usually meant he wouldn’t be home for days, much o the turtle’s pleasure. 
“What have I said about speaking back?!” Splinter bellowed, his arm whacking Leo backwards until his shell hit the tunnel. The side of his shell had already been damaged due to constantly training day and night to perfect the routine Splinter had set them. But an audible crack had been heard and a small gasp left his lips, already seeing a trickle of blood roll down his skin staining the previous bandages. He hadn’t even time to register the pain until Splinter loomed over his body, his eyes black and dangerous. 
“Father I’m-” Leo’s breath hitched in his throat, tears prickling his eyes painfully watching his hand raise slowly. ‘Not again, please not again’
“You’re absolutely hopeless, you hear me?!” Again Splinter punched the turtle, laughing each time when the terrapin recoiled in pain. Leonardo held his tongue, scared to further anger the drunken rat. Every slap, punch and kick was taken without a sound because the punishment for wincing was double the amount than the beating now. And he wasn’t so sure his shell could take anymore.
“Look at you! You expect to take on my legacy acting like a pathetic little girl?! Get out of my sight before I finish you” With one swift punch to Leo’s jaw, Splinter left to go topside. He could hear his evil voice cackle on the phone to one of his partners in this mysterious business he refused to utter a word about.
“Why do you hit us so much? What did we ever do to you?” Leo sobbed quietly, curling into a little ball on the floor. The punch on his plastron seared throughout his body, burning in hot white pain. Yet it must be nothing compared to what his brothers were going through. They were awaiting Leo but the eldest could barely move, let alone walk to their home. 
Home, usually described at being comforting and loving but he hadn’t felt any of these emotions since they moved in. He used to yearn for a mother to come and take their pain away but as he grew, that dream slowly died as hope in him also began to wither. 
Maybe one day things would be different...
Blaring traffic shocked the turtle out of his trance and with a shuddering breath, he took several deep breaths. He l
“Why must I be reminded of such memories?” Leonardo sighed, his hand drifting over his temple to soothe the dull ache. No matter how long it had been, the wound from his past was still fresh. They say time healed all pain so why did his still hurt? Some nights it was bearable and some nights it felt like he was being suffocated in his mind, slowly driving insane.
Physical pain definitely was a lot more tolerable than verbal, even now he could still hear the echo of Splinter’s voice reprimanding him whenever he failed. Those stabbing words ringing louder and louder in his ears, berating him for being stupid and weak. Laughing at how his ridiculous attempt of leading a team. Leonardo never wanted anything more than to make Splinter proud but during his years, he realised that it was never going to happen.
Splinter only cared for himself and Leo, along with his brothers, were merely pawns in his cruel game.
But now was not the time to dwell on these matters, things had to be done and completed. His phone rang jarring him out of his thoughts and he picked it up rather reluctantly.
“What is it, Silas?” His assistant/companion spoke quickly, picking up the disinterest in Leo’s voice. He was never one for sugarcoating his feelings or emotions, if the boss wanted something done it was pronto.
“Beast is requesting dinner with capo and the mob. Your presence is required, sir” Holding his urge to groan, the turtle glanced down at the lights that decorated the buildings of New York. They were so beautiful but he couldn’t even take the time to appreciate it, reality had called and with great reluctance he had to answer.  
Beast... what was there to say? He was a snob, ignorant, extremely wealthy but lacked any common sense or values. Leo’s patience was practically non existent whenever he communicated with him. While he provided a great reference for other business partners, Beast himself was on thin ice with the brothers.
“Dinner at... 1am?” Leo scowled, looking at his watch. Beast, while had been an average business partner, had constant demands and ideas that were completely absurd. The brothers were tiring of his constant requests and awful timing.
“I did not suggest the convocation at this late sir” The assistant began but Leo interrupted him, wanting to end this conversation. 
“Be that as it may, unfortunately I cannot attend. Cancel my plans for tonight, I have a reconciliation to attend to and the conference will take up most my time” He ordered, observing the bonsai trees that stood on the balcony. One thing he grew to adore was his plants, they were simple and with enough care and love, blossomed into something gorgeous. 
“I don’t think Beast will be pleased with the rejection. He only wants a few words with the mob and especially you, Capo” Silas tried to reason but the terrapin was adamant.
“Enough. Reschedule this meeting tomorrow at 11pm sharp. Am I understood?” Leo commanded and Silas nodded, already writing it down in his notepad.
“Crystal. Enjoy your night sir” ‘Unlikely’... Hanging up, the blue cladded turtle inhaled a deep breath to collect his thoughts. Cancelling the meeting is a mistake but there were bigger fish to fry tonight. Other duties lay heavy on his mind and with a turn of his heel, he left his safe haven. 
As he entered his room, a young woman appeared at his door. Her heels echoed on the polished marble floors, grinding on his last nerve. God he really didn’t want to deal with her right in this moment. Her eyes settled on his and her face lifted into a small smile, one he did not mirror back.
“Katherine, what brings you to my quarters? Surely you’re old enough to understand you cannot barge in whenever you please” Leonardo watched as the young woman quickly stepped back, picking up the heavy discomfort that lay in the air.
“My apologies Leonardo. It’s Raphael, he said that you guys are attending a conference tonight but it’s our 3 month-”
“I fail to understand how this is my problem” He was quick in letting her know, he hadn’t the time to listen to her. Truth be told, he would never understand why Raphael stuck with her. She caused more pain and grief than anything to him.
“Okay... but could you tell me at least why?” She cocked her head and Leo turned, his face set in a hard frown.
“That is between me and my brothers Katherine. I do not appreciate when people interfere in my business. That much should be painfully obvious” His tone was calm but the harsh voice was clearly heard.
Opening his cupboard door, the small picture of Eva caught his eye. A small pang of sadness washed over his body before getting a grip on himself, refusing himself to succumb to the weakness. Eva was the past yet it seemed no matter how long the years had gone by, the yearn was as strong as ever. He wondered if he would ever be free from the shackles around his heart that locked tightly in his chest.
He had to accept that no matter how much he hoped on a wishing star or to the sky, she simply was not coming back. On the side showed a glass mirror, outlining all the features on his face. Sleep hadn’t come to the turtle much recently, he was lucky to get 4 hours and that was on a good day.
“You know you can just call me Kiki like everyone else” She raised her brow as he grabbed his navy blue velvet suit, the unreadable facial expression plastered on his face while his dark sapphire eyes burned into hers. Still standing at the doorway, she felt almost scared of him. Despite being with his brother for around 8 years, she never felt like she knew Leo. No one did, he kept to himself and only showed his true colours to those he cared about.
“Katherine, if that is all you have come to say then I highly suggest you leave me be now. It would not bode well for you to overstep your boundaries” With an almost snarl, he walked forwards and closed his door. 
“Would you like some champagne, Mr Hamato? It’s the one you specifically requested, Dom Pérignon” The waiter asked and Leo nodded his head, flicking through the newspapers as he awaited the rest of his brothers to join him. This meeting was better suited to the office, he didn’t need any extra ears or eyes to listen in on the information discussed between them. 
“God, I need a drink” He could hear the brute’s voice carry through the halls and into the meeting room.
“Right away boss” Greyson, his assistant spoke and vanished to make his preferred alcoholic beverage.
“What is the occasion, dear brother? As much as I like to spend time with you, I’m assuming you haven’t called us for fun” Donnie sat down, his ankle resting on top of his thigh as his attention diverted to his brother. Delicately folding the papers up and placing them to the side, Leo eyed his younger brother with a smirk. 
“Always straight to the point Donatello. And you’d be correct, I’ve called this meeting to discuss our next steps” He spoke authoritatively as the turtles settled in their seats, glancing at the board which held ideas and secret plans.
“Did ya cancel tha meetin’ with Beast tonight?” Raph asked, eyes skimming at the tablet. That was very unlikely of the leader, he was the one always nagging to keep up with business meetings and such. 
“Yes, I’ll be damned if I have to listen to another lie of his again. He cannot speak clearly and I have no time for beating around the bush. Once we’re done with this proposal, it will be a big relief to have him off our backs” Leo sipped his wine, flicking through his notes. A few names picked up but on the whole, everything seemed relatively calm. But there was no resting, they couldn’t afford not to be on their guard. Trouble was brewing on the horizon, he could feel it in his body. 
“Fuck sake, how many times do I have to tell you I hate when you organise my notes like this” Mikey sighed irritably as his brothers smirked, looking at each other with amusement. 
It was a running joke that Mikey couldn’t hold an assistant down for more than 2 months. Perhaps it was his picky way of being organised or that he had a short temper and hated his things being out of place, they didn’t know. This new assistant fumbled with the drinks, paling as his boss shouted his displeasure. 
“What happened to Donetti Licata?” Donatello asked, chuckling at his younger brother expecting another childish story about organisation as it as had been the story before. 
“Fired him. Caught him screwing Mia in my bed. Which reminds me I really need to employ someone who actually has a working braincell” Mikey spoke nonchalantly while his brothers looked at each other wide eyed.
“Oh... shit. M’sorry Mike, that must’ve been hard” Raph murmured, surprised at how well his little brother was taking the whole thing. Almost... too well in his opinion. Amelia had been the light of his life, his love at one point. They both brought out the best in each other but perhaps it was simply a mirage to the toxicity that lay just under the surface.
She wasn’t the Amelia he fell in love with and as he came to grips with that, the idea of losing her forever felt absolutely scary to him. He tried everything to put their relationship on track but it was Amelia who refused to partake in anything.
“Hmm? Oh.. yeah. It was tolerable once I beat the shit out of him. I can’t ever believe I trusted the fucker....” Mikey leaned back on his chair as another glass of wine was placed in front of him. Yet the lump in his throat felt unmovable, rendering him breathless. 
“Don’t tell me ya still wit’ her Mike. Yer deserve better than that” Raphael’s hand ached to knock some sense into the terrapin. Even if she would countlessly cheat on him, which she probably had done, all she had to do was flutter her lashes and sweet talk him. And just like that Mikey would forgive her in that second. In his eyes, Mia could do no wrong. She had Mikey on a leash but of course, he was oblivious to it all.
“You still with Kiki?” Mikey retorted, venom in his words while his eyes glared at his brother. Raphael’s frown deepened, holding his gaze. While he knew it was in the heat of the moment, he wished Mikey could see the damage Amelia was doing to him. Kiki was different only because Raph knew her past, knew that she was damaged too. How could he, of all people, leave her hanging alone?
“Children, behave. What do we do about these last few payments? I’ve talked to Xavier and he’s saying Gomez hasn’t responded to anything. It’s high time we pay a special visit, he’s got to know who exactly he’s messing with here” Donnie rolled his eyes at the quarrel and adjusted his glasses, raising them closer to his eyes. Leonardo seemed to be in deep thought for a few seconds before looking at his family again.
“If that’s the case then I want you and Mikey to check it out tomorrow. Me and Raph will deal with Beast, we all know how dramatic he likes to get when he doesn’t get his way” They all knew the last time they messed with Beast, how he threatened to take his money away and leave them bankrupt. Regardless of his filthy money, the turtles were not affected without it.
Years of investing and saving up had allowed them to live luxuriously. They had everything they ever wanted, Beast was just a liability to them. They needed him to increase potential business partners. To be able to stay at the top, they needed to associate with people at the top. If that meant doing business with idiots who couldn’t hold their ground and lacked any sense of morals and values, then so be it.
This was the mafia, after all. Nothing was pretty here.
“He’s clearly trying to inherit the property, why not just kill him altogether” Mikey pointed out, leaning back on his chair but Leo shook his head.
“Too risky. He may be a fool but he’s a smart one. He has plenty of connections with others, much powerful than the ones we have. We’ll keep him on the side but don’t turn your eyes, he will strike when least expected. Once we secure this deal, you can unleash all your anger on him. For now, we stay in his good books. However long that may be” He grimaced at the thought of the meeting they were supposed to have instead of this one. How long the turtle brothers would remain on his good side was unknown but hey, only a few more months of his bullshit and it was home run. The brothers continued to talk about upcoming events and nearing the end of the meeting, they all grabbed their belongings. 
“Wait a sec, Amara’s coming here tomorrow?” Mikey read out the small note on the board and Leo nodded, finishing off his wine. 
“Yes, well technically she’s visiting but we needed some help around here and she agreed to stick around for a while” She was a close friend to the turtles, meeting them after they newly escaped Splinter’s clutches. She had found them at a time when they were barely breathing and even without knowing who they were, she nursed them back to health. They all were indebted to her. Throughout the years, she went back to Italy since her father was part of their own mafia but her loyalty to the turtles never wavered. 
“At least we get ta see a new face ‘round here. But goin’ back ta before, I can’t wait ta finally kill that bastard” Raphael cracked his knuckles, unbuttoning his vest. He never was one to take orders from people, he was incredibly stubborn and arrogant to take commands from someone else. He barely followed Leo’s on a good day, let alone someone who continually threatened him and his family. If it were up-to him, he would have Beast’s head on a silver platter and sent directly to his team 
“All in due time brother. For now, let’s focus on getting our money back and dealing with Beast”
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