#girl education
selkie-on-land · 4 months
I realised something today about the wonderful gender oppression forced on girls. 🥰.
I have never been told that lying is morally wrong.
I was told lies are ugly on a girl, it's not pretty to see a girl lying, you're a girl it makes you ugly if you lie, etc.
I shouldn't lie not because it's wrong (except if you are trying to survive), I should not lie because it makes me a girl ugly, and obviously my whole purpose as a girl in the world is to be pretty.
My grandma used to tell I don't like liar girls while looking at me. In random moments, I knew it was for me to suddenly came out ALL the lies she imagined I've done but it never worked because I never quite understood what she meant, why she said those things. After a few, I realised it wasn't just her, just every allistics are ''communicating'' like that. If you can call that communication.
Now that I'm thinking about this, she said those things when I wasn't behaving like the perfect servant in pink bows that I was supposed to be. And apparently, my ''boyish'' behaviour were the signs that I did something bad so I was hiding it and lying. I was just trying to survive a an autistic in a allistic world and as a girl in a boy and man's world.
The worst thing is she's also autistic but had internalised so much of the oppressor that she became one.
She changed through years, now she's a complete different person but still.
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"I am Malala" by Malala Yousafzai book recommendation by Rachel Sylvan
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rupak77 · 2 years
Humanity✨ Be Kind. Be Human. Take care of our planet Earth 🌎 There is no planet Earth 'B'.
What is the greatest gift someone could give you? Me seeing people doing humanity.. A human belongs to Humanity only. Helping others, Spread love ❤ Be respectful to others. Someone can give me respect, love and support me in taking care of our planet. Because of pollution, I have been suffered alot. Being healthy and getting clean water, air, land, is my basic right, which I also deserve as…
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environmentmindset · 14 days
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Gyaan Kanya Shakti by Mobius Foundation
Gyaan Kanya Shakti is an empowering initiative spearheaded by the Mobius Foundation focused on enhancing educational opportunities and personal growth for young women. This transformative program is dedicated to providing girls with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to thrive both personally and professionally.
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educategirls · 24 days
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khushi156 · 2 months
The Gyan Kanya Shakti Initiative for Girls Education by Mobius Foundation
The Gyan Kanya Shakti Initiative by Mobius Foundation focuses on empowering girls through education. It aims to provide quality education, resources, and opportunities to underprivileged girls, fostering a brighter, sustainable future for them and their communities.
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cimagecollege · 4 months
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skvisionorg · 5 months
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mahi85sharma · 5 months
Importance of Girl Education in India
The issue of girl education in India has remained a matter of immense importance over the years. Education is widely acknowledged as a pivotal tool for empowering girls and women, capable of catalyzing transformative changes not only in their lives but also in their families and communities. Despite notable strides forward, numerous challenges persist for girls in India when it comes to accessing education, leading to many being unable to attend school or complete their studies.
The significance of girl education in India transcends mere academics; it has the potential to address a myriad of social issues such as poverty, gender inequality, child marriage, and population growth. Education equips girls with critical thinking skills, enhances their economic opportunities, and empowers them to make informed life choices. Educated girls are more likely to postpone marriage and childbirth, thereby yielding better health outcomes for themselves and their offspring. Additionally, they are better positioned to contribute to their family's income, thus aiding in breaking the cycle of poverty.
However, despite the evident benefits of girl education, significant challenges persist in India. Cultural norms often dictate that girls prioritize household duties and marriage over pursuing education, while financial constraints prevent many families from sending their daughters to school. Furthermore, a notable gender gap persists in terms of educational enrollment, completion rates, and literacy levels.
Both governmental initiatives such as the 100 School Program and non-governmental organizations are actively working towards improving access to education for girls in India, resulting in some progress in recent years. Nonetheless, there is still a considerable journey ahead to ensure that every girl in India has the opportunity to access quality education and realize her full potential.
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Despite the recognized importance of girl education in India, numerous obstacles hinder its widespread achievement. These challenges include:
Social Norms and Cultural Beliefs: Traditional beliefs often prioritize girls' domestic roles over education, leading to lower enrollment rates.
Poverty: Economic hardships prevent many families from affording education, with girls often being the first to drop out to assist with household duties or due to early marriage.
Safety Concerns: Particularly in rural areas, safety issues such as long travel distances and fears of harassment deter girls from attending school.
Lack of Access to Education: Many girls reside in areas with inadequate or absent schools, limiting their educational opportunities.
Child Marriage: Widespread child marriage practices result in early dropout rates among girls.
To surmount these challenges, a comprehensive strategy involving the government, civil society organizations, and communities is imperative. Measures may encompass expanding school accessibility in rural locales, providing financial incentives to families prioritizing girls' education, increasing the recruitment of female teachers, and enhancing safety measures such as improved lighting and transportation. Successfully overcoming these hurdles is paramount to realizing maximum girl education in India.
Numerous ideas and initiatives can be instrumental in enhancing girl education in India, including:
Expansion of School Infrastructure: Constructing additional schools, especially in rural areas, facilitates easier access to education for girls.
Enhancement of School Facilities: Upgrading school infrastructure by providing amenities like clean water and sanitation facilities creates a more conducive and safe learning environment for girls.
Recruitment of Female Teachers: Increasing the hiring of female educators fosters a supportive and inclusive classroom environment, encouraging girls' participation and retention in schools.
Girl Education Programs: Implementing targeted initiatives like Gyaan Kanya Shakti 100 School Program directly address the specific needs and challenges faced by girls in accessing education, furthering their empowerment and educational opportunities.
Collaboration with NGOs: Partnering with non-governmental organizations like Mobius Foundation Focusing in girl education facilitates the implementation of effective strategies by leveraging their expertise and resources.
These strategies, when implemented by the government, civil society organizations, and communities, can collectively advance girl education in India. However, sustained commitment and collaboration from all stakeholders are essential to ensure that every girl in India receives access to quality education.
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In summary, the significance of girl education cannot be overstated in shaping a more prosperous world. Educating girls not only empowers them individually but also triggers profound ripple effects across families, communities, and societies at large. It fosters heightened economic growth, fosters enhanced gender equality, yields superior health outcomes, diminishes poverty, stimulates greater civic participation, facilitates improved family planning, and bolsters literacy rates.
Investing in girl education transcends mere moral obligation; it stands as a strategic investment capable of delivering substantial returns in terms of social and economic advancement. Ensuring universal access to quality education for every girl is paramount, granting them the opportunity to realize their utmost potential.
Looking ahead, prioritizing girl education emerges as a fundamental pillar in constructing a brighter future. This necessitates unwavering commitment and concerted action from all stakeholders, encompassing governments, civil society organizations, and communities. Together, we can forge a world where every girl thrives, contributing to a more promising future for all.
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linyarguilera · 9 months
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midgeo · 10 months
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youthhelpingtrust · 1 year
The Impact of Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Andolan on Girl Education in India
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (BBBP) Andolan, launched by the Government of India in 2015, is a nationwide campaign aimed at addressing the issues of female foeticide, promoting the importance of girls' education, and ensuring gender equality. Over the years, this initiative has made significant strides in transforming the landscape of girl education in India, positively impacting the lives of countless young girls and their families.
Addressing Gender Imbalance
Improving School Infrastructure
Financial Incentives and Scholarships
Changing Mindsets
Reduction in Female Foeticide
Community Engagement
Measurable Progress
Inspiring Role Models
Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao Andolan has made commendable progress in promoting girl education in India. By addressing deep-rooted gender biases, improving school infrastructure, providing financial incentives, and engaging communities, the initiative has played a vital role in empowering girls and their families.
While challenges remain, such as ensuring the quality of education and reaching marginalized communities, BBBP has laid a strong foundation for a more inclusive and gender-equal India. It is a reminder that investing in girls' education is not only a moral imperative but also a key driver of social and economic development. As the campaign continues to evolve and expand its reach, the future of girls in India is brighter than ever before.
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rachel-sylvan-author · 8 months
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"Under a Zambian Tree : Dora Moono Nyambe's Quest to Educate Her Nation" by Dora Moono Nyambe and Joseph Schmitt
footprintsofhope.net ❤️
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blackwomenrule · 17 days
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inspirementor · 1 year
some inspiring quotes by Malala Yousafzai:
These quotes reflect Malala Yousafzai’s dedication to advocating for girls’ education and her belief in the power of education to bring about positive change in the world. “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.” “We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.” “Let us pick up our books and pens. They are our most powerful weapons.” “When the whole…
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sweethysteria · 21 days
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