#giovannis 30
dcbinges · 4 months
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Action Comics #14 (1939) by Fred Guardineer
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
i do think a don giovanni production bracket specifically would still be a fun idea. cause then everyone involved is at least starting from the same place of Liking The Opera In Question
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bocadosdefilosofia · 1 year
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«Para Spinoza, la libertad era una perfecta racionalidad. Para Leibniz, espontaneidad de la inteligencia; para Hegel, aceptación de la necesidad. Pero todas estas definiciones se refieren a una libertad última ubicada in interiore hominis, dentro del hombre. Ninguna de ellas tiene en cuenta la libertad externa, la condición de ser libre o no libre en relación con los demás. Y la libertad política es eso: una coexistencia en libertad con la libertad ajena y una resistencia a la falta de libertad. Existe, por tanto, una enorme diferencia entre libertad interior y libertad de querer, por un lado, y libertad exterior y libertad de hacer, por otro. Con la filosofía nos ocupamos de la primera, y con la política, de la segunda.»
Giovanni Sartori: La democracia en 30 lecciones. Taurus, págs. 67-68.  Madrid, 2009
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sins-of-the-sea · 9 months
What's Attractive About You?
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"My glare?!!?"
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"It's sexy!!~"
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"It's powerful!~"
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"You're talking nonsense!! Nonsense, I tell you!!"
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"All right. That is 100% truth, right there."
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"You flatter me!~"
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"Well, Arabic names are incredibly beautiful. Yours especially when you include more than just your laqab.~"
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"I'll take it."
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"My handwriting?!?!"
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"That's hilarious because you're less legible than Phoebus, the actual ship medic."
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"Maybe they like his chicken-scratch hanzi."
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"My handwriting?!?! Why not my smile, or my eyes, or my hair, or SOMETHING, come oooooon!!"
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"Your scent is not enough?"
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"I do have an intoxicating manly musk."
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"Oh, hey, there is actual truth in this one! Every time someone wants Guy for more than just to warm up the bed, it's because they were drawn to his painting skills, or his flute music, or his fencing and ballet!"
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"I never thought my accent would be of any note, it's not the typical Parisan French, and you can smell the Ladino in how I pronounce anything!"
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"That can be attractive!"
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"I guess so!"
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"Ohh, that's sweet! It's nice Phoebus is appreciated fo-
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"Wait a second, his face is the same as mine! Why does Phoebus get the cute face and not me?!?"
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"I think in this case it's a matter of wanting the Nice Jewish Boy over the Wild Rakehell Libertine."
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"We still have the same face!!"
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No comment.
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motyleurojeniie · 1 year
Wraz z rozpoczęciem roku szkolnego, zaczynam dietę 𝒈𝒊𝒐𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒊'𝒔 𝟑𝟎. Moim celem na te 30 dni jest - 6 kg
waga początkowa: 47.15 kg
𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏
zjedzone 𝟓𝟏𝟒/500
• 3 plastry pomidora [11 kcal]
• brownie z malinami ze Starbucksa [387 kcal]
• trochę spaghetti [~115 kcal]
spalone ~𝟏𝟐𝟎 (trening od chloe ting 15 min)
kroki - 𝟏𝟒,𝟓𝐤
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(Wiem, że lekko przekroczyłam limit, ale nawet dużo spaliłam, wiec postanowiłam dać ja zielono :})
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angelkarafilli · 1 year
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Depiction of the Battle of Vercellae-Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.Oil on canvas, Irregular painted surface.1725–29.Venice
Metropolitan Museum of Art,New York City
The Battle of Vercellae, or Battle of the Raudine Plain, was fought on 30 July 101 BC on a plain near Vercellae in Gallia Cisalpina (modern day Northern Italy). A Germanic-Celtic confederation under the command of the Cimbric king Boiorix was defeated by a Roman army under the joint command of the consul Gaius Marius and the proconsul Quintus Lutatius Catulus.The battle marked the end of the Germanic threat to the Roman Republic.
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princessofmistake · 3 months
La bestia che Giovanni aveva risvegliato in me non si sarebbe mai più addormentata; ma un giorno non sarei più stato con Giovanni. E allora mi sarei ritrovato anch'io, come tutti gli altri, a voltarmi e a seguire ragazzi di tutti i tipi lungo Dio sa quali strade buie, per finire in chissà quali luoghi oscuri? Con questo spaventoso presagio sorse in me un odio nei confronti di Giovanni che era potente come il mio amore e che era nutrito dalle stesse radici.
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yamujiburo · 5 months
As far as I know there's no source for his age. Curious to see what everyone else thinks!
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perfettamentechic · 11 months
30 ottobre … ricordiamo …
30 ottobre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2021: Bert Newton, Albert Watson Newton, conduttore televisivo e attore australiano. Newton era noto per le sue collaborazioni con il presentatore Graham Kennedy e successivamente con il conduttore Don Lane nei rispettivi spettacoli di varietà e per le apparizioni con moglie, la cantante Patti Newton. Newton ha iniziato la sua carriera nelle trasmissioni radiofoniche, principalmente come…
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requinoesis · 4 months
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I was in a long burnout during these times, slowly recovering. I was inspired to update the design of Roberto's family, my great hammerhead shark from the sharkfolk universe that I'm slowly creating, I hope you like it! Here are some details that I thought about them, maybe they will change in the future with new adjustments. 🦈✨
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⭐Joanne Marama "Jojo" - She is the mother of the family and maintains a triamorous relationship with her two husbands. In a surprising turn of events, she became pregnant with both of them simultaneously, thanks to the characteristic of female sharks having two uteruses, allowing fertilization by different males. Professionally, she works as an eco-architect and is 56 years old.
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⭐Fernando Marreto "Fer" - He is the first father of the family and father of Lorenza and Marcela. Hyperactive and enthusiastic, he presented Roberto with his old bass. Professionally, he is an environmental engineer and is 55 years old.
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⭐Alejandro Martielle "Ale" - He is the second father of the family and father of Milena and Roberto. Calm, serene and compassionate, he presented Roberto with his old acoustic guitar. Professionally, he is a marine biologist and is 57 years old.
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⭐Milena M.M. "Lena" - One of the old sisters, she is expecting a baby! During her maternity leave, she creates small jewelry to distract herself. She taught Roberto how to make jewelry, and he developed the habit of giving his friends bracelets and necklaces that he made himself. She is 30 years old.
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⭐Lorenza M.M. " Enza " - The other older sister, mother of Francesca and Giovanni, often asks Roberto to take care of her nephews. She is 30 years old.
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⭐Marcela M.M. “ Marcy ” – The closest sister, always giving Roberto life advice, should have been born at the same time as him. However, when she was born, Roberto remained in his mother's womb for another two years. She is 20 years old.
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⭐Roberto M.M. "Rocky" or "Beto" - Finally, we have our beloved great hammerhead shark! Although he is the youngest, he is the tallest in the family. They thought that Roberto had some health problem that affected his height, but in the end, it is just a curious legacy of his ancestry. If you want to know a little more about Roberto, you can see here.
*O M.M. it would be an abbreviation of the surnames: 'Marreto de Marama' or 'Martielle de Marama'.
(I promise to answer the questions sent to me in my inbox at some point)
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dcbinges · 7 months
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Action Comics #12 (1939) by Fred Guardineer
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hymntothenight · 2 years
thinking about giovanni’s room again
anyways here’s this
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vinceaddams · 1 year
Early 18th (and late 17th) century fashions are so under-utilized in vampire media and I think it's a damn shame.
I don't actually think I've ever seen a single image of a vampire character in an early 18th century suit. Hardly any movies set in that era either, and hardly any historical costumers who do it. (Even my beloved gay pirate show set in 1717 takes nearly all of its 18th century looks from the second half of the century. Not enough appreciation for baroque fashion!!)
Yes I love late 18th century fashion as much as anyone, and 19th century formal suits are all very well and good, but if you want something that says old, dead, wealthy, and slightly dishevelled, then the 1690's-1730's are where it's at.
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(Retrato del Virrey Alencastre Noroña y Silva, Duque de Linares, ca. 1711-1723.)
There was so much dark velvet, and so many little metallic buttons & buttonholes. Blood red linings were VERY fashionable in this era, no matter what the colour of the rest of the suit was.
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(Johann Christoph Freiherr von Bartenstein by Martin van Meytens the Younger, 1730's.)
The slits on the front of the shirts are super low, they button only at the collar, and it's fashionable to leave most of the waistcoat unbuttoned so the shirt sticks out, as seen in the above portraits.
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(Portrait of Anne Louis Goislard de Montsabert, Comte de Richbourg-le-Toureil, 1734.)
Waistcoats are very long, coats are very full, and the cuffs are huge. But the sleeves are on the shorter side to show off more of that shirt, and the ruffles if it has them! Creepy undead hands with long nails would sit so nicely under those ruffles.
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(1720's-30's, LACMA)
Embroidery designs are huge and chunky and often full of metallic threads, and the brocade designs even bigger.
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(1730's, V&A, metal and silk embroidery on silk satin.)
Sometimes they did this fun thing where the coat would have contrasting cuffs made from the same fabric as the waistcoat.
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(Niklaus Sigmund Steiger by Johann Rudolf Huber, 1724.)
Tell me this look isn't positively made for vampires!
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(Portrait of Jean-Baptiste de Roll-Montpellier, 1713.)
(Yeah I am cherry-picking mostly red and black examples for this post, and there are plenty of non-vampire-y looking images from this time, but you get the idea!)
And the wrappers (at-home robes) were also cut very large, and, if you could afford it, made with incredible brocades.
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(Portrait of a nobleman by Giovanni Maria delle Piane, no date given but I'd guess maybe 1680's or 90's.)
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(Circle of Giovanni Maria delle Piane, no date given but I'd guess very late 17th or very early 18th century.)
Now that looks like a child who's been stuck at the same age for a hundred years if I ever saw one!
I don't know as much about the women's fashion from this era, but they had many equally large and elabourate things.
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(1730's, Museo del Traje.)
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(Don't believe The Met's shitty dating, this is a robe volante from probably the 1720's.)
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(Mantua, c. 1708, The Met. No idea why they had to be that specific when they get other things wrong by entire decades but ok.)
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(Portrait of Duchess Colavit Piccolomini, 1690's.)
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(Maria van Buttinga-van Berghuys by Hermannus Collenius, 1717.)
Sometimes they also had these cute little devil horn hair curls that came down on either side of the forehead.
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(Viago in drag Portrait of a lady, Italian School, c. 1690.)
Enough suave Victorian vampires, I want to see Baroque ones! With huge wigs and brocade coat cuffs so big they go past the elbow!
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mrcavill88 · 1 year
My night in Hollywood
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Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Chris Evans x Henry Cavill x Male reader
Summary: Your first film role definitely has its ups and downs. A large pay check? Good. A kickstart to your career? Even better. But a night with three of Hollywoods leading men? The absolute best
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, daddy kink, pet names “little boy, baby, doll”, ass slapping, stripping, nipple playing, breeding kink, dick sucking, handjob, unprotected sex
Who knew being famous was so tough?
I’m constantly being bombarded by fans desperate for an autograph. The Hollywood life seems glamorous, and that it is, but not without its downside. The upside? All the hot actors in Hollywood, oh how I loved seeing a sexy man on screen. I recently landed a role on a film with some of Hollywoods leading men and holy cow was it a joyride. I walked into the hotel I would be staying at for the shooting of this film and who do I see as soon as I walk into the elevator? Henry Cavill, Sebastian Stan, and Chris Evans.
The scarlet color on my face is noticeable as I instantly start fanboying over the three buff men. “Hello there, you’re y/n right? I’m Henry, pleasure to meet you love”. He stuck his thick hand out and I shook it with much ebullience. I took my spot in the elevator, right in between Sebastian and Chris, feeling so small next to the 6 feet men.
What was in reality 30 seconds felt like 3 hours in the elevator. Sweat building up on my forehead as the men continued to spark conversation with me. My words fumbled and completely shaky. We reached my floor and I bolted out the doors and hastily walked to my room and instantly shut the door. I was a mess. My chest popping in and out of my body, a noticeable bulge in my tight pants. But as I went to change my clothes, a small envelope slid through my door.
“Reservation at Giovanni’s Italian cuisine for two, 7:30 pm at the luxury suite.
My baby y/n, please join me tonight for dinner, I would love to get to know you. See you soon, Sebastian”
I was fucked. Butterflies pacing through my stomach as the feeling of love and affection enveloped my soul. But was I gonna pass up this opportunity? Hell no. I checked the clock and it was currently 6:00, “how the hell did he reserve the place so quickly?” I thought. I rushed into my luggage and picked out a loose blue and white striped button up and white kakis which kinda showed off my ass.
I got into my car, put my sunglasses on and started driving to the restaurant. “What if he doesn’t like me?” “What if this is all a joke?” Thoughts filled my head as I headed to the restaurant, making me more nervous than I already was.
I walked in and it was the most classy restaurant I have ever been to. Red velvety floors covered the place with beautiful floral arrangements and classical music. “Reservation with Sebastian at 7:30, in the luxury suite,” I said to the hostess. “Right this way please,” she replied as we walked up the extravagant stairs into the luxury suite. She opened the door and
There he was
Waiting for me in a tight black polo shirt that complimented his rippling biceps, and jeans that were definitely, tight. “H-hi Sebastian,” I said with a trembling voice. He walked up to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “Hey y/n, I’m so happy you came tonight, I hope you like this place cause I really wanted to have a great time tonight, please sit.”
I sat down in the expensive chair and couldn’t help but notice the beautiful view from the window. “Wow! This place is so nice, I can see the whole city from here!” Sebastian grabbed my hand. “Yeah it’s nice but I think I like what I see from here more,” biting his lip. I instantly started blushing, biting my lip to try and calm it down but the redness of my cheeks just got more obvious. I was completely fucked, in a desperate way to change the subject, “So, I wanna try this ravioli they got here, I heard it’s amazing”, I said trying to change the subject. “Yeah let me order, I already know what I’m getting”.
Sebastian ordered our food and I was set for the best date, and the first date, of my life. Who knew a celebrity could be so down to earth and so cordial? But of course, the physical and, sexual appeal was crazy as the Romanian man was extremely romantic.
“Oh, well I’m stuffed, we should get going. This food is pre-paid so don’t even worry about it. Should I take you home?” “Oh thanks but I drove here so I think I’ll be fine,” I answered. “Are you sure?”, he asked with a serious somewhat dour look on his face. “Uhm, actually, maybe you should,” I said nervously hoping he wouldn’t be offended.
We cleaned up and left the restaurant, he took me into his expensive car and started driving back to the hotel. Something felt off, he was being extremely seductive and touchy, grabbing my thigh and rubbing my chest. Did I like it? Of course.
I walked into the hotel and entered the elevator with him just to see two familiar faces once again, Chris and Henry.
“Oh y/n! Great to see you again! Looks like you’ve had some fun with my friend Seb huh?” Chris said with a funny expression. I couldn’t help but nod and gulp as I entered the elevator with the three men.
We were going up and all of a sudden, Sebastian presses the emergency stop button. I was completely confounded, not knowing what was going on. I tried to push the button again but the three men cornered me in this godforsaken box.
“What does this little boy think he’s doing?” Henry asked as he stroked my hair. I started to sweat, and slightly panic. “W-why’d you stop the elevator?” I said hoping this just was some kind of stupid joke. I reached for the button again until Sebastian covered my mouth with his large hand and pinned me up against the wall.
I didn’t even have time to say anything before my clothes started coming off. They started kissing and biting my body relentlessly and I couldn’t help but moan and whine. “Oh baby I wanna fuck you so bad,” Sebastian said as he and Chris started removing my shirt and pants, leaving me in my tiny little spandex.
“Lay in my lap doll,” Henry said gesturing toward me. I felt so exposed and fragile in the moment. “Count” he said as he smacked my ass cheek. I screamed and jolted a little at the surprising pain and arousal that came from it, “o-one” *SMACK* “t-two” *SMACK* “t-three”. One slap quickly became 15 as Henry continued slapping my ass cheeks until they were bright scarlet and my cheeks were soaked in tears.
“What a good boy you are, now let daddy make you feel good,” Sebastian sad as he grabbed my and gagged my mouth. I was in heaven. Henry started twisting and teasing my nipples as Chris shoved his fingers in and out of my hole. Sebastian rubbing up against my body and his dirty talk made me more aroused than I should’ve been. Cock twitching and my skin soaked in sweat. “Daddy!” I whined as my body was being violated by three sexy men. “Oh the things you do to me baby, now open up for daddy”.
Sebastian whipped out his 10 inch cock and teased my hole making more unholy noises leave my mouth. And all of a sudden, *THRUST* his dick was sliding in and out my hole at a rapid pace. Henry shoved his dick into my mouth and started fucking my face. I moaned on his dick sending vibrations up his cock. “Ugh f-fuck baby you’re so naughty. In the midst of all this sexual pleasure, Chris shoved his dick in my hand. “Come on baby, make me cum,” he said as I started jerking him off.
I was gonna lose it, my body completely drowned in pleasure. “D-addy, I c-can’t take it! I’m gonna c-cum daddy!”. “C-come on baby, w-wait for your daddies, don’t be a s-selfish little b-boy”. At those words, my cock shot a load of cum onto Sebastian’s broad chest. Sebastian felt my hole tighten around his cock and came in my hole, filling my walls with his warm and sticky baby batter. I was completely cum drunk. I collapsed onto Henry’s chest. The three men held me in their strong embrace as the night neared its end, nothing could have ruined this night, except the fact that we were in a damn elevator.
Thanks for reading everyone hope y’all enjoyed it! (I know it kinda sucks)
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goosterbold · 6 months
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TONIGHT! Okay so we landed you in the clink, but look it's not all bad, Bucky! We can have a little sing along! Or I can tell you some cool facts about birds. No? Well maybe we can sing a shanty. Think Giovanni knows any shanties? It's Shipwrecked 64!!
8:30 PST, 10:30 CT, 11:30 EST
P.S. Maybe Olivia knows one- Frankie @friendlyfrankenstein
catch us here
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blueiscoool · 3 months
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Rome is Building an Eight-Story Underground Museum – But Treasures Keep Getting in the way
Rome, as it’s often said, wasn’t built in a day. And nowhere is that more evident than its state-of-the-art Metro Line C, an ambitious project meant to help relieve the Italian capital’s renowned traffic hellscape and celebrate its rich archeological history with a unique-in-the-world underground museum.
The €700 million line ($757.7 million) was originally envisioned for the Catholic Jubilee of 2000 as a vital link between Rome’s San Giovanni Cathedral and Vatican City’s St. Peter’s Basilica, making it easier for visiting pilgrims to collect indulgences by walking through the churches’ holy doors. Rome’s major basilicas open their holy doors only during Jubilee years, allowing Catholics from all over the world to make pilgrimages to the city to walk through them, symbolizing an openness to receive mercy and reconciliation.
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But the 2000 dream never happened, thanks to a series of problems ranging from a corruption scandal in the city government and the sheer number of archeological objects – 40,000 in all, from petrified peach pits to pottery and vases and even the walls and mosaics of Emperor Hadrian’s 2,000-year-old military barracks – found with each shovel full of dirt during the initial preparations.
Now the hope is to have the line’s showcase Piazza Venezia stop, featuring an eight-story underground museum, ready in 10 years, according to engineer Andrea Sciotti, who is in charge of the metro museum complex. This will allow them to open around the Jubilee of 2033, which will mark 2,000 years since the death of Jesus Christ.
“It’s true, 10 years seems like a long time, but we aren’t just dealing with the engineering issues,” Sciotti said inside the construction site. “This station will be judged as the most beautiful in the world … we don’t have to rely on museum items being brought in, the museum station is in its original context in ancient Rome.”
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Displayed where they were found:
During the initial phases of work carried out in the last five years, Sciotti said all of the artifacts were removed from the site for restoration. Each will be placed exactly where it was found inside the metro museum, which is being dug some 85 meters (280 feet) deep, encompassing eight stories below the modern city of Rome.
Over the millennia the modern city has been built over covered ruins. Only around 10% of ancient Rome has been excavated, with the rest still buried some nine meters (30 feet) below the current city, according to Rome’s tourist bureau. The city dates back to the stone age and construction work is notoriously hampered by the discovery of ruins that are too plentiful to even excavate and are often reburied to preserve them. Even simple infrastructure work, like sewage repairs, have to be attended by archeologists who have the power to stop the work if something is found.
There will be 27 escalators, six elevators and 66,000 square meters of archeological exhibit space. Ancient walls found during excavations will be placed “in situ” in the modern station and the ancient Via Flaminia that ran through the ancient city to the nearby Roman Forum and Colosseum.
The station’s three main entrances will connect the three museums around the square: the Vittoriano, the Palazzo Venezia and the outdoor ruins of the Roman Forum anchored by the Colosseum at the far end, which has its own metro station that will also feature museum and exhibit space.
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Several of the archeological sites will have access points from inside the metro museum, meaning commuters and tourists alike can exit the station by rambling through historically significant ruins like Hadrian’s Auditorium, which was discovered when the initial archeological investigation into the project started and was meant to be the location of the station entrance. Since then, they moved the site and excavated the ruins, which are currently only visible looking down from street level.
‘Top down’ excavation system:
To secure the site as they dig, engineers are using a “top down” excavation system, which has never been used in Italy but was an integral part of the Jubilee line in London. Cross walls and diaphragms are being buried deep into the soil to form the perimeter of the underground complex, with the dirt taken out recycled and enhanced to be used in the building materials, Sciotti said.
The train tunnels themselves are not the issue since they will be more than 100 feet below ground.
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The Venezia station museum stop is not the only treasure on the new line. In 2016, archeologists working on the site of the Porta Metronia (previously known as the Ambra Aradam) station found a 39-room complex that spanned more than 9,700 square feet that has been incorporated into the underground station, which will open by the end of 2024. In 2025, the new Colosseo-Fori station, complete with a four-level underground museum to showcase artifacts including 25 archaic wells unearthed when it was built, will also open after activation tests, meant to begin in October, are completed.
The entire 26-kilometer C-line will be Italy’s first fully automated driver-less subway system and will reduce road traffic by 400,000 vehicles a day, meaning CO2 emissions will be reduced by some 310,000 tonnes a year, according to the WeBuild group, which is the main contractor for the project.
The original plans from the 2000 Jubilee have been modified to eliminate several stations in the historical center that would have simply been too difficult to excavate.
By Barbie Nadeau.
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