#ginny barnes
stitched-mouth · 1 year
I’m in my era of writing smut with murderers
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ourloveisforthelovely · 7 months
Bad Ideas (Part 16)
Regulus Black au
Summary:  It started as nothing now it’s something. Voldemort has been defeated but that doesn’t mean the wizarding world is still a good place to be.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating : M
Link to Part 15
“I know you hate me but you better go check on your wife. She looks as freaked out as you are.”
Regulus ran a hand through his hair.
“I mean, yeah, neither one of us was expecting this. We talked about kids but there wasn’t any timeline on it. You’re right. I do need to talk to her. Do me a favor and keep that trap that you call a mouth shut.”
Sirius dramatically put a hand on his chest.
“Me? Trap? How rude.”
Regulus shook his head and started for the steps.
“Sirius, it's me. I have known you longer than anyone else in my life. You are a big mouth.”
Sirius frowned as Remus walked in.
“Moony, am I a big mouth?”
Remus looked up from the mail that he was reading. He obviously hadn’t heard anything that was going on. The fact that he wasn’t laid out on the floor told Regulus that Remus didn’t hear the whole “baby” conversation.
“Yes, Sirius. You are a big mouth.”
Sirius looked offended as Regulus turned to leave the room. He stopped before turning back to his brother and making the motion to “keep his mouth shut.”
Sirius blinked after him while Remus raised an eyebrow.
“I mean it, Sirius.”
Regulus commented before leaving the room. Remus, meanwhile, turned back to his boyfriend.
“Do I want to know? Is it really that good?”
Sirius just stared at him blankly before faking a laugh.
“Well…yes…but I can’t tell you…don’t make me.”
Remus was silent a moment before speaking in his normally calm reserved tone.
“Does it affect me?”
Sirius looked thoughtful. Would he be able to keep his mouth shut? This bit of information was too good not to share with someone. Even if Regulus did threaten to slit his throat. Given Regulus’ current mood, Sirius could see that happening too.
This is why Regulus is always mad at me!
Sirius thought before groaning.
“Yes, but I can’t tell you. Don’t make me.”
“You lied. Now tell me.”
Remus replied. If something was going on with you, he needed to know. You were the closest thing that he would ever have to a daughter and if something was wrong Remus wanted to fix it.
“I can’t, Remus. Stop.”
“Sirius, you know that I won’t say anything.”
Remus added.
“Okay, Y/n is pregnant with twins.”
As soon as Sirius uttered that sentence, he looked around as if waiting for Regulus to appear out of nowhere to kick his ass. Remus, meanwhile, stood quietly himself.
“Did you say what I thought you said?”
Sirius nodded wildly.
“Sure did. Look, Y/n seems nervous about it and Regulus…well, you know him. Please don’t say anything or they will never talk to me again.”
Remus held a hand up.
“I won’t say anything. Wow, I was not expecting that news. It isn’t a bad thing. I only expected Y/n to not rush into…”
“I guess my brother isn’t as good at pulling out as he thought.”
Sirius added with a smirk. Remus gave him a frown.
“I did not want to think about that. Thank you. I suggest not making that joke to James when he finds out.”
Sirius’ mouth dropped even more. He did not even think about James! His best friend was about to have his already complicated life rattled even more. Sirius knew that James was having a hard enough time coming back to life to find his children adults. The last thing James knew he had twin one-year-olds. Now here he sat with twin adults who were busy with lives of their own.
“Fuck, what am I going to do?”
Sirius questioned. Remus sat down and scratched his head.
“My suggestion is to not look at him like you are looking at me. You look like you are in pain and guilty about something. Dead giveaway, mate.”
Before Sirius could say anything else, James came into the room. He noticed Sirius’ guilty expression while Remus was just busy being Remus.
“So…what’s going on?”
James questioned. Sirius made a few random squeaking noises before taking off out of the room.
“What’s with him?”
James questioned, looking after his best friend. Remus looked up from his book.
“No idea.”
Regulus walked into the bedroom where you sat on the bed with wide eyes. He closed the door behind you before coming to join you on the bed.
“So, this is really happening?”
You groaned.
“Looks like it.”
Regulus was quiet for a moment before taking a breath. He wasn’t sure how you were so calm. Regulus was ready to start pacing the room while having the biggest panic attack known to man.
“Am I a big jerk because I’m about to panic?”
You shook your head.
“No, because I’m about to panic too. Regulus we are in trouble. We aren’t just having one baby like most normal people…no, we go for the gold and have two.”
“Sirius said that we had to make a litter. I nearly punched him in his face.”
You turned to your husband and blinked a few times.
“And you didn’t? I admire your self-control. What are we going to do? We haven’t even talked about kids?”
Regulus was quiet again for a moment before taking your hand in his.
“We’ll figure it out. We aren’t having to worry about that stupid Voldemort situation anymore. Lucky for us, you are a healer and will know when the kids are sick. I’m sure they make some kind of book that I can read on what to expect. I do hope there is no pictures of the whole being born part…please don’t make me look when it comes time for that.”
You giggled at the sheer panic in Regulus’ voice.
“There are plenty of books and no, I won’t make you look. I actually prefer that you don’t. I would like to preserve what good memories you have of that part of my anatomy. It’s going to be a lot of work, love. We will have the kids and be working through your furry little problem now and haven’t gotten that mastered yet. I’m afraid adding twins into the mix may be extremely difficult.”
Regulus groaned and laid back on the bed. For once, he wasn’t hyper-fixating on his newest condition. His worry instead was on you.
“Fuck. It will be fine. If Remus can function then so can I. Neither of us has been really healthy lately.”
He grumbled as you turned to look at him.
“That’s how I didn’t realize that I was pregnant. Neither of us have been sleeping normally. I have been eating a ton of shit food. We have both been stressed and that causes issues with a woman’s cycle.”
Regulus stared at the ceiling for a moment. He absolutely hated the realization of what he was putting you and the babies to be through. None of you deserved going through all of this hell right along with him.
“Whatever you are thinking, stop.”
Your voice pulled Regulus from his thoughts. You had turned to look at him sadly.
“It's kind of hard not to. You shouldn’t have to be dealing…”
“It's just the way things are. I love you and I don’t care what you are.”
Regulus reached out and pulled your body down against his.
“You are one in a million, sweetheart. Look, I know you’re nervous and I’m about to freak the fuck out but it will be fine. We will figure this out. I think my worry is what if I end up being like my father?”
Your eyes rolled up to Regulus’ face. His grey eyes were focused on the ceiling. While you had never met Orion Black, you wanted nothing more than to kick the man in the ass. There was nothing good that you could say about him.
He never treated Regulus right.
You frowned at the thought. While Orion never really treated Sirius right either, Regulus had it worse. Regulus was the second son. He was the son that Orion didn’t exactly want. Orion wanted a daughter for the second child. When Regulus came along, Orion really had no use for him until Sirius said a big “Fuck you” to the Black family and peaced out.
Thinking of your in-laws was enough to make you want to bring them back from the dead, kick their asses, then put them back in the ground. It was their own stupid fault that they didn’t see how wonderful Regulus truly was. They didn’t see him for anything other than being an heir. They didn’t see how much he truly strived to please them.
“It's their loss.”
You thought before stroking your finger over Regulus’ perfect jawline.
“You will never be your father. The fact that you are even worrying about it tells me that you won’t be like him. Too bad they can’t come back. I would sure love to kick both of their asses.”
Regulus immediately shook his head.
“As tempting and as entertaining as that sounds, I don’t want my pregnant wife kicking my horrible parent’s asses. Granted, it would be fun to see but they know a lot of dark magic.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I know a lot too. I’ve gone up against Voldemort. Walburga and Orion Black would be a day in the park.”
Regulus was quiet a moment.
“Okay, fair. Good god woman, you are cocky.”
“That's why you love me.”
You replied before laying your head back on Regulus’ chest to simply enjoy the silence. What you didn’t see was the dark frown coming back to Regulus’ face. He wanted to make damn sure that you didn’t see his brooding.
Was he happy that you were pregnant? Maybe? Possibly? Regulus was positive his feelings would change after the first healer appointment but for now, he was wrecked. Regulus never planned on having children. At 18, he was too focused on being a death eater and living up to his crazy family’s expectations.
Isn’t this nice? They get what they want after all.
The dark thought made Regulus frown. He remembered telling his mother years ago that he wanted nothing to do with children or a family when Walburga went on a rant about preserving the Black family name/legacy. Walburga had laughed at his response. She assumed that her son was just being an angsty teenager. After all, that was what Regulus was. He was the angsty quiet teenager while Sirius was the one spreading the “eternal joy” of his presence around.
Regulus tried to keep repeating your words in his head. Orion probably cared less when Walburga was pregnant. He probably responded with an “okay” when she told him the news. Orion probably didn’t feel the panic that Regulus was feeling. He probably didn’t worry about how his children would turn out or if he would be a good father. Instead, Orion’s thoughts were…
“She’s pregnant. I did my job.”
Regulus couldn’t exactly understand that line of thinking. Even though he wasn’t excited about what was about to happen to the two of you, he wasn’t dreading it either. Regulus didn’t see it as some sense of duty.
Once I calm down, this will be just fine. I’m sure I will be happy about it.”
Regulus took a breath as you wrapped your arms a bit more tightly around him.
“We might as well tell everyone. You know, get it over with.”
You commented before sitting up and stretching. Regulus moved to stand up and fix his now disheveled hair.
“Sirius took it well…I guess. I threatened to slit his throat if he said anything else to anyone. How did Harry and Ron take it?”
You chuckled.
“We were all on the shocked side. No one was really upset, only shocked. If they were upset, I would tell them to shove it as they are having kids too.”
“Yeah, we were all having sex at the same time. That is an uncomfortable thought. I wish I didn’t think of that.”
Regulus muttered, looking grossed out. You laughed and wrapped your hand through his.
“Well, you can go ruin my father’s day and tell him. That will bring you some joy.”
Regulus immediately looked thrilled by the aspect of totally shutting James Potter up.
“What are we waiting for?”
Walking downstairs, it took all of the control that you had to not laugh at the thrilled expression on Regulus’ face. Everyone sat in the kitchen when the two of you walked in. Your attention instantly went to Sirius who was drinking water to keep himself quiet. Raising an eyebrow, you knew exactly what your god father was up to. He was trying to keep his big mouth shut.
“Love, you need to check him out. I am concerned that he has some kind of disease or something. This is his 13th glass of water in less than an hour.”
James said while giving his best friend a confused glance. Lily meanwhile, stood up with a smile.
“Did you hear Harry’s good news?”
You pressed your lips together.
“I was the one that took the pictures so, yes. How does it feel knowing that you are going to be a grandma?”
Lily blinked a few times.
“I didn’t expect it at my age but here we are.”
You moved to get a drink of water before shooting Regulus a smirk.
“Ginny isn’t the only one having a baby, you know.”
James decided to join the conversation.
“Hermione is too.”
“She also isn’t the only one having a baby.”
James and Lily looked at each other clearly confused.
“Who else is there?”
James questioned. Remus put a hand on his face as if muttering “Merlin help me.”
“Me. I’m having twins.”
It took all that you had to not choke with laughter at the stunned expression on your parent's faces. Sirius took a deep breath.
“Thank Merlin! I mean…that you told them. Twins are nice too. I’m going to stop talking. You two can carry on.”
James and Lily kept looking between Regulus and yourself unable to get words out. Ginny perked up from her seat.
“I took the picture!”
James blinked rapidly clearly taking the information in while Lily smiled.
“What a surprise! Are you okay? How are you feeling? Twins? I love twins… obviously, because Harry and yourself are twins…how exciting!”
James turned to Regulus who was smirking.
“Are you two fucking with me? You both are good at that.”
Regulus looked up from the whiskey that he was sipping.
“We were all apparently having sex at the same time. Surprise, grandpa.”
@geeksareunique @jessyballet @knreidy1 @justfinishthis @fific7 @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @siriuslyceleste @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @rubyroscoe1 @dumbbunnys-safes @i-love-scott-mccall @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @s-we-e-t-t-ea @readtomeregulus @iluvthe-marauders @woohoney @abaker74 @regulus-black-223048 @saramaple @missgorldafirst @millies0bsimp @dumybitch @stelleduarte @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @bennyberry @f4iryluvy @panpride @haroldpotterson @mentally-unstable-hoe @goldensunshineshit @padf00ts-l0ver @marichromatic @ravenhood2792 @play-morezeppelin @authoressskr @emiwrites3reads @knight-of-gleefulness @summer-novak @rogue-nyx88 @shaylybaby2032 @coffeeaddictednymph @livshifts @ell0ra-br3kk3r @ad-astra-again @regulusblackswhorecrux
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braveclementine · 2 months
Chapter 4
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Warnings: Angst, Main Character Death
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
James Rupert Rhodes United States Air Force October 6, 1968 Now Protecting Us From Above
You laid your flowers down in front of the simple but clean gravestone at the Long Island National Cemetery. The flowers were a dark blue and roses.
"Hi James." You whispered, tears coming up in your eyes again. You had been a hot mess ever since you had gotten back from the HYDRA base. "I. . . I came to see you. I just wanted to tell you how much I miss you. It's like there's this huge hole missing in my heart. I just wanted. . . I wanted to tell you that I love you. So very, very much. I wanted to tell you that you deserved more than what you got. You deserved more than what I could give you."
You wiped your face and choked out, "I'm carrying your baby now. Yours and Tony's. He's really happy, I hope you're looking down from Heaven and can see how happy he is. You and I both know he always wanted to be a father."
You tears had trailed all over your face and you wiped them away from your chin and cheeks, "Sorry for being such a hot mess. I just really. . . really fucking miss you. You're supposed to. . . you're supposed to hold your child James. I want. . . I wanted you to be able to hold your child."
You hunched over on your knees, openly sobbing now as you hugged your arms around your chest. Tony knelt down from where he had been standing behind you, wrapping his arms around you.
"Let it all out." Tony whispered. You could feel his own tears sliding down his rugged cheeks. "Let it out. It helps."
And you did. You sobbed, cried, and even screamed about the unfairness of this cruel world. It wasn't fair. Wasn't fair at all, no.
When you finally settled down, you got to your feet shakily, turning, and burying your head into Tony's firm, warm chest.
Stephen crossed the graveyard, carrying two cups of hot chocolate in his hands, handing them to the two of you silently. You sniffled, eyes pink, nose red, cheeks burning red.
"Come on." Stephen said quietly, taking both yours and Tony's hands into his own. "Let's go home."
Elizabeth Hope Clementine Maximy July 22, 2003 To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure -Albus Dumbledore
You stood between Clint and Loki in the fourth row at the funeral. Her parents and five brothers sobbed in the front row. Her mother rocked back and forth in her seat, clutching her arms to her chest. Her father had his head tilted back proudly, letting his red rimmed eyes leak tears. Her brothers varied from being to complete messes to being extremely stoic.
Hogun sat in his chair, head hanging as he stared at the ground. Sif sat next to him, a worried expression on her face, a hand on his shoulder. Fandral sat on the other side of him and Volstagg was next to Sif.
Minerva Elizabeth sat on Wanda's lap, as Hogun looked in no position to hold her. He didn't even look like he could hold himself together.
Vision was in his human form and his eyes were tinted red from the tears he had shedded. And they say he had no feelings because he was a robot! The audacity of people.
Pietro looked just as bad as Vision, sitting between Jessie and Katherine who were both openly crying. Katerina was curled up against Heimdall. They had still gotten married, but they had not made a ceremony of it.
You stayed behind after everyone was long gone, which was hours as her mother seemed unable to leave the gravesite. It took her father finally almost lifting her off the ground to carry her back to the car that it was just you- and Loki who stayed adamantly by your side.
You had picked up yellow roses, reminding you of her Hufflepuff side. Loki stayed back by the chairs as you approached the freshly dug grave.
"H-hey." Your voice already cracked as you knelt down in front of the grave, adding the yellow roses to the bouquets and bouquets of flowers that were there. "I just want to apologize. If. . . I'm so stupid. I should've known they were going to kill you. I should've known. . . I should've saved you. I'm so sorry. I'm the worst kind of person. I could've gotten you out, I just known I could've."
Salt water splattered onto the fresh soil. "I'm sorry. Forgive me."
You heard Loki's footsteps approach, crunching over the frozen ground. He knelt behind you, pulling you into a hug. He said nothing of comfort or disregard for your words. He was simply there, a calming presence for you to cling to.
You sat there, apologizing and crying until your nose was throbbing red and your fingers were stiff with cold. Only then did Loki say anything.
"You're freezing my Queen. Come, we need to get you somewhere warm before you get. . . what is that term? Frostbitten?" Loki said, careful not to touch your skin, lest he make you colder than you already were.
You wiped your frozen tears as he led you to a coffee shop.
The two of you sat underneath a TV which was playing the news. Loki ordered two Loki Frappuccinos (Grande Green Tea Frappuccino with no classic syrup. made with sweet cream. 3 pumps brown sugar syrup. extra Carmel drizzle and mocha cookie crumble topping.)
Loki held your hand as you took in stuttering sips from your drink. His eyes flickered up to the TV and he kept them there for a moment. His attentiveness to the TV made you listen in.
". . .say that the hospital was fully aware of what they were doing, getting bonuses for each shot that they administered."
You turned around to see a red-headed news caster on the TV outside a familiar looking hospital.
"The shot in question was disguised as a DTaP shot," The news caster continued, "However, in reality, it was a shot to sterilize women. This comes after the Supreme Court had passed the newest child policy law stating that for every woman-man soulmate bond in a family, there should be a child equivalent to that. This shot was given to every female passing through the hospital as a patient, save one, Mrs. Marvel, the Avengers soulmate."
You turned back around in your seat. You gave a bitter laugh, "She always was right."
Loki turned his attention to you. "Who?"
"Elizabeth." You whispered. "Why the hell do the sweetest people have to die?"
"Do you know how Elizabeth would've answered that question?" Loki asked, a small smile on his face.
You shook your head.
Loki pulled out his phone and said, "when you're in a garden. . . which flowers do you pick?"
You looked at him as he opened up the phone, "The best ones."
He smiled, "Exactly."
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You laughed though you had tears in your eyes, "Yes, this looks like something she would say."
Loki put the phone away, taking both of your hands into his. "Y/N."
You blinked. He never called you by your name.
"Y/N. This is painful. This is one of the most painful feelings you will ever go through. But you are strong. You are one of the strongest women I know, and I grew up amongst Valkyrie and Sif. This hurts now, yes. But watch. See. You will move on. You will laugh again and you will smile again. You will come to a point where all that you will feel is overflowing love. Our children's laughter will bring delight into our lives. Time moves on. This sorrow feels overwhelming now, but we continue. We put one foot in front of the other. Slowly, oh so slowly, we move forward. We don't forget, but it fills our body in a different way. I love you Y/N. I love you very much. I want you to know that. I want you to know that everyday, I am here for you."
Tears just streamed silently down your face as you stared into Loki's earnest blue eyes.
"I love you too Lokes." You whispered.
Loki smiled, squeezing your hands, and leaned back. "Now, we finish these delicious drinks that were named after me and we head home. How does that sound?"
"Actually. . . there's one more thing I want to do before we go home."
Loki stood silently by your side as moved slowly through the Barnes and Noble, looking for what Elizabeth had talked to you about.
"I want my daughter or sons first stuffed animal to be something magical." Elizabeth whispered. It was just the two of you, sitting in the backyard by the pool. She was sitting in front of you, her legs in the actually water while you were curled up in a lawn chair, Lucy on your lap.
"Of course you do." You said with a light laugh, bouncing your leg slightly. "Let me guess, some Harry Potter magical creature?"
Elizabeth grinned over her shoulder, "You know me so well Y/N. Probably Hedwig, you know, the owl. Something he or she can cuddle with. Of course, I'll spoil them silly with all sorts of animals. But I really would like the first one to be magical. Their first one."
"Here." You said softly, picking up medium sized, extremely fluffy, owl. "This is it."
Loki took your hand, paying for the toy, before you headed home.
You headed upstairs, wondering exactly where Minerva would be.
As you walked through the house, you couldn't even tell that a bomb had gone through it. It seemed all the same as it had been before. Except in a little off room, a small shrine had been set up for Rhodey.
You found Minerva sleeping in the girls' room that Tony had set up, in a crib that was placed next to Lucy's.
You bent over Lucy first, picking her up to hug and kiss her. Her pink rabbit was still in there and you smiled, thinking of all the good memories.
Then you put her down, leaning over Minerva's crib. "Hi Minerva." You whispered, putting the owl down next to her. You giggled quietly, seeing that it was almost as big as her. Minerva's small hands pulled it to her as she snuggle into it.
You laughed a little, making sure both baby monitors were on, before you left the room, leaving the door open so that you could get in an out without any problems.
As you headed down on the first floor, you heard a scream.
You full out sprinted, joined by T'Challa and Bucky in the hallway. "What happened?" T'Challa asked.
"I don't know."
"Stay here doll." Bucky warned you and you skidded to a stop, watching them run off.
You hurried back to the children's rooms, pacing in and out of the rooms, watching over them until Steve came up to you. He looked worn out, tired, and full of sorrow.
"Steve? What happened?" You asked.
Hogun the Grim October 23, 949 Their Love Lives On In Death
He was buried next to Elizabeth at the request of Thor, though Sif wanted him buried in New Asgard 'where he belonged'. But Thor argued that it was obvious that Hogun was dead because of his love for Elizabeth and that he should be buried next to her. Fandral had convinced Sif, and now we were here.
The flowers that you brought were blue, laying them down at his grave. You stood by Thor's side as he talked to Hogun. Told him how much he enjoyed his comradeship over the years, how much it meant to him that Hogun stood by his side for hundreds of years. How he respected Hogun in his fighting ability and his friendship. And how he hoped that he and Elizabeth were dancing in the stars now.
Loki stood there too, a few paces away from the two of you. Thor finally put an arm around you and the three of you silently made your way back to your house.
You went to the kitchen when you got back, making a pot of tea, taking it out into the backyard.
Ginny and Buster were running around, Steve tossing balls and Frisbees for them to catch. You smiled at him, but didn't join him, sitting on one of the lawn chairs that you had by the pool, though the pool was covered up for winter.
You wrapped your blanket around you tighter. Everything seemed a little quieter now. The house seemed emptier. It was. . . peaceful in a way.
You watched Steve tackled Buster to wrangle a ball from his mouth, laughing. A smile came to your lips.
Loki was right. You would all move on eventually. 
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ginnxtonic · 5 months
when you’re an american soldier in ww2 whose nickname is buck/bucky and you get taken captive by nazis, are presumed dead, and have an intense bordering on homoerotic relationship with your best friend who you later reunite with in a pow camp
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cassieb1617 · 2 years
Feeling up for writing! Anybody any ideas or requests? 💗
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Time to Fanfic (or how long did it take me to start reading fanfic for specific fandoms)
Hunger Games (Katniss x Peeta) A few days after finishing Mockingjay
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Buffy x Spike) A few days after binge watching the series + reading up to season 11 of the comics
Harry Potter (Harry x Ginny) After listening to The Ringer podcast on the Harry Potter books, years after rereading the books
Bucky Barnes Some time between Infinity War and Endgame
Eternals (Druig) A few days after watching Eternals
Matt Murdock After Spiderman No Way Home
A Court of Thorns and Roses (Feyre x Rhysand) A few days after reading A Court of Wings and Ruin
Criminal Minds (Spencer Reid) 10 minutes after binge watching the first season
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mrvlmagic · 2 years
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No Weird Stains
Author: SquarePeg72 Rated: Teen & Up Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Ginny Weasley Fandom(s): Harry Potter, Marvel Word Count: 1,101 Prompt: Invisibility Cloak - String Lights Summary: Harry’s warning when Ginny borrows the Invisibility Cloak surround the activities of Bucky and Ginny’s day.
Read stories from the entire collection here!
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cloudybarnes · 11 months
bad idea right?
Pairing: theodore nott x reader
Summary: after theo breaks up with you, he pledges to make things right and do anything necessary to win you back. however, you are determined to make him work if he wants to win you over again aka part two to new beginnings
Word Count: 2.3k
a/n: LONG AWAITED PART TWO WOOHOOOO also this could be read as a solo instead of a part two if you really wanted, but here's part one in case you wanna read that as well ;)
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“Please don’t tell me you got back together with him!” Ginny groaned. She sat on the edge of your bed as Hermione braided your hair for the night. 
“No, I didn’t get back with him. I told him if he really wanted to prove it to me, then he could.” 
“So you’re thinking of getting back with him.” She said disapprovingly. Hermione chuckled from her seat in the bed behind you. She was working on doing dutch braids in your hair. 
“I think it’s fine, Gin,” Hermione said. “It’s not as if she’s going to jump back in bed with him.”
You waggled your eyebrows teasingly to Ginny. She gasped and swatted your shoulder. “That’s so not funny, (Y/N/N). Just because you think he’s sexy doesn’t mean you should get back with him.”
Theodore broke up with you very unexpectedly. He barely even had a reason for breaking up with you, which left you heartbroken and devastated. You were in bed for a few days, had a good cry, and then you were back. 
Theo had tried to mend the broken bond between your relationship, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to take him back that easily. Your ego was high, and you knew you would be kicking yourself if something like that happened again right when you took him back. 
“Don’t worry, Ginny. If he really wants me back, he’s gonna have to work for it. He knows that.”
“Alright,” Hermione said as she tied off the end of your hair. “All finished. Your hair’s gonna look so good tomorrow.”
“Theo better be drooling when you see him,” Ginny said, “if not, I’ll give him a different reason to drool.” She made a motion of punching her fists together, insinuating she would punch him in the mouth. 
You chuckled. “Hopefully there won’t be any blood drawn. I don’t think he’d really wanna go through all the trouble if it just got him a busted lip.”
“Oh no,” Ginny grinned, “it would be more than just a busted lip. I’ve got five brothers, I’m known to throw a mean punch or two.”
“Lights out girls!” The prefect yelled as she knocked on your bedroom door. 
Ginny rolled her eyes. “Alright, I’ll see you guys at breakfast. But for real, if Theo tries anything you know I’m right there for you.” 
You smiled, grateful to have a friend as awesome as her. “Yeah, Gin, I know. Thank you.” 
She smiled, “night guys.”
You two said your good nights as Hermione moved from your bed to her own. 
“What do you think he’ll do tomorrow?” You asked Hermione as she shut off the lights. You pulled the covers close to your body, waiting for her response. 
“I’m not sure,” she replied, getting comfy in her own bed. “Hopefully something sweet. He’s got a lot of making up to do if he wants to get back on our good side.”
You smiled softly, “yeah, you’re right. Night, ‘Mione.”
✰  ✰  ✰
The next morning at breakfast, the owl dropped a letter in front of you.
“What’s that?” Ron asked, his mouth filled with food. 
Ginny slapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t talk with your mouth full. Honestly, you act like you were raised in a barn.”
“We were raised in the same house, you know.” He pointed. 
“What a shame that was,” she replied. 
You chuckled at their banter, and ripped open the seal on the letter. 
“What’s it say?” Hermione asked. 
You scanned over the words before you read them aloud. “It says,
I hope you know how much you mean to me. I was a fool to break things off with you. I only hope one day you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me. 
Forever yours,
“Forever yours?” Ginny squealed. “That is so romantic.” 
Hermione raised her brow quizzically. “Weren’t you the one telling her not to get back with him?”
Ginny rolled her eyes. “I can have mixed feelings about this. He breaks her heart but then he writes her a love letter. It’s got me confused, okay?” 
You chuckled. “I think it’s cute. It’s not gonna win me back, but it was an alright effort.”
“Oooh, what a burn,” Harry chuckled. “Poor bloke must��ve forgot how stubborn you are.”
You shook your head with a smile, “nah, he didn’t forget. If I know anything about Theo, he’s just getting started.”
“So, (Y/N/N),” Ron said, “do you want to get back with him or what’s going on with this?”
You shrugged. “I mean, obviously I still love him. It just sucks what he did and I don’t think he should be able to get off the hook that easily. He shouldn’t be forgiven for breaking my heart just because he writes a little letter.”
“I love you for that,” Ginny said as she nodded her head. 
“Hey, (Y/N/N).”
Looking behind you, you could see Enzo give a sheepish smile and a small wave. 
You grinned, “Hey Enzo, how are you? Sorry about yesterday, by the way, Theo’s a little crazy sometimes.”
He chuckled and awkwardly rubbed his hand through his hair. “Yeah, I’ve noticed. But, yeah, no, Theo and I are all good. He apologized last night and told me all about his plans to woo you.”
You chuckled with a roll of your eyes. “Go figure.” 
“Yeah,” he smiled, “anyway, I just wanted to come by and resume how we were before, you know, the whole break up thing, and drop off this book I think you’ll like.” 
Enzo pulls out a book from his satchel and hands it to you. 
“Coraline?” You asked as you flip it around and skim over the synopsis. 
“Yeah, it’s kind of spooky and psychological which I think you’ll really enjoy.”
You grinned up at him, “that’s perfect. Thank you, Enzo.” 
He sent a tight lipped smile, and nodded before turning away and walking back to the slytherin table. 
“I like Enzo,” Ginny said with a dreamy look on her face. 
You rolled your eyes with a smile. “Go get him then. He’s a sweetie.” 
“You guys and those Slytherin boys,” Ron shakes his head with a scoff. “Not even that cute, I’ll tell ya.”
“Oh, what?” Ginny asked sassily, “like you’re cute?”
“I think Ron’s cute,” Hermione winked at her boyfriend. 
“Ugh, barf,” Ginny said. 
The bell rang. You all stood to gather your things for first class. 
“We’ll see you guys later,” you smiled as Hermione and you walked out to your shared first class. 
“That was a pretty cute letter,” Hermione said as the two of you started walking down the hall. 
“Yeah, I think it was sweet, but like I said, he can’t win me back that eas-“
“Excuse me?” Someone tapped your shoulder. 
Stopping, you and Hermione turned to see a younger Slytherin boy, presumably a first year, standing before you. 
“Uh, yes?” You asked confused, “do you need help with something?”
“Um, Theodore says I have to carry your satchel and books for you.” The first year stood awkwardly. 
“Oh, uh, that’s okay, you really don’t have to.” You blushed, a little embarrassed that Theo would make a first year cater to you. 
“I have to.” He said adamantly. “Theodore said he’ll set me up with this hot girl I like if I carry your books for you.” 
Hermione snickered from next to you. You turned back to her, a bewildered smile on your face as you tried not to laugh.  
“Well,” you said as you handed the young boy your satchel. “I can’t be the one to stop your true love, now can I?”
The boy grinned as he held on to your satchel as well as his. 
“Theodore is crazy,” Hermione remarks as you continue walking to your next class. The boy followed behind the two of you all the way to your first period. 
As soon as your classroom came into view, you could see Theodore standing there with a bouquet of flowers in hand. He grinned a devilish thing as he saw you approach. 
“I’ll meet you in there,” Hermione said with a knowing smirk. 
You walked up to Theo. He was beautiful as ever, but even he knew that wouldn’t get him anywhere. 
“Hi (Y/N).” He smiled at you then turned to the kid. “I’ll take it from here. I’ll have my guys put in a good word with Maizy for you.”
The kid nodded his head and smiled as he ran off. 
Theo threw your satchel over his shoulder and held out the beautiful assortment of flowers towards you. “For you, to say I’m sorry for being a douchebag and an idiot and a stupid motherfucker. All in the words of Draco by the way. Never knew how much he liked us together.” 
You chuckled and grabbed the flowers out of Theo’s hand. “Thank you.”
He smiled and shoved his hands in his pockets. “So, have you thought about what I said yesterday?” 
You sighed. “Of course I’ve thought about it Theo. Just like I’ve thought about how much you broke my heart when you dumped me.”
“Okay, I deserved that.” 
You chuckled. “Yeah. Thank you for the flowers, Theo. And… I still care about you, I just need time to figure this all out. I can’t just forgive you that fast when you broke my heart, just  last week!”
Theo sighed, “I know. I know! Fuck! I know I fucked up, baby, but I am going to do everything I can to win you back. I’ll wait for you. I’ll wait as long as it takes, baby, I swear it to do. The boys are down my back yelling at me for how hard I screwed everything up. They think I’m stupid, and I think I’m stupid too for letting you go. I promise you, I will do everything it takes for you to trust me again, mi amore.”
Your eyes softened. Theo knew exactly how to make your heart soar. 
“No, baby,” he shook his head. “You take your time. I’m gonna be here whenever you decide if you want to forgive me or not. Hopefully you decide you do want to forgive me.” He chuckled awkwardly. 
You matched his awkward laugh. “Well, thanks again for the flowers. They’re very pretty.” 
Theo smiled and nodded before turning around and walking away. 
✰  ✰  ✰
Later that night, you sat in the library studying for your Herbology final. Ginny and Hermione offered to help you study, but you knew you’d be here too late to want to burden them. 
As you flipped through the pages of your herbology book, you tried your best to take down any notes that you thought would be important. 
Your stomach growled. 
“Knew that was inevitable.” 
When you looked up from your textbook, you could see Theo sheepishly smiling as he held two trays from the cafeteria. 
“What was?” You asked with a smile. You cleared some papers to make space for Theo to sit down. 
He grinned and placed the trays on the table as he took his seat next to you. 
“Knew you would forget to eat while you studied for this exam.” 
You chuckled and peered over to see what Theo brought you to eat. Ham, potatoes, and stuffing from the dining hall. 
“Thank you, Theo. That’s really sweet of you.” 
He slid a tray closer to you, and you eagerly picked up the provided fork and dug in. 
Theo chuckled as you scarfed down your food. “Pretty hungry?”
You nodded as you finished chewing. Theo smiled to himself and started to take a few bites of his potatoes. 
“You’re being awfully sweet to me, Theo.” 
“Haven't I always been sweet to you, darling?”
“Well, yes. But that was before.”
Theo sighed. “I know I screwed up royally. I’m trying to make up for my mistakes. I’m still the same boy I was just a few months ago. I had a lapse in judgment and that cost me the best thing in my life.”
You frowned. “Theo…”
“Don’t you miss me, (Y/N/N)?” Theo shifted to face you straight on. He nervously leaned forward on the table, staring into your eyes, waiting for your response. 
“…of course I miss you, Theo. How could I not? You’re everything to me, and I’m just so scared of something like that happening again.”
“(Y/N),” Theo started. He tentatively grabbed your hands in his. “I promise you, with everything in me, if you decide to take me back I will never hurt you or disappoint you ever again. You have my word mi amore.” 
You were conflicted. You miss Theo like crazy. You couldn’t help it. No matter what you said to your friends about him having to work hard for you, it tore you apart every time you saw him knowing you still weren’t together. You missed being his. 
“Okay,” you said. 
“Okay?” Theo’s face lit up. “You-you’re giving me another chance?”
“Yeah,” you softly smiled, “I miss my boy.”
Theo grinned and yanked you toward him, engulfing you in a hug—one you’ve been waiting days for. You missed him. You missed being held by him. 
You held around his neck tightly, scared to let go. You never realize how much you craved his touch when it was gone.  
Theo buried his face in your hair, breathing in your scent. “God, I’ve missed you.” 
You smiled and pulled back. Theo smiled back at you. Slowly, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his in a warm, longing kiss. Your hands rested on his cheeks, his on your waist as you kissed with all the love stored up between you. 
When he pulled away, Theo stayed close with his forehead rested against yours. “I promise you baby, I’m here for good.” 
“You better be.” 
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whoopsyeahokay · 2 months
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October Sun
summary: you hadn't been sure what to feel after demanding Ajay bring the others. bring everyone. it'd been reckless, stupid. Wally you had figured had been fine, perhaps even Ajay too, but everyone? it had either been the dumbest thing you'd ever done or the smartest. thankfully, you'd learned enough about the others to know what topics to avoid and which to use to your advantage...
pairing: Wally Clark x fem!reader
warnings: eventual smutty smut smut. and mad spoilers. and obvious Canon divergence. very involved, very dense plot.
bon reading, frens
You sat in the dining room, the French doors closed for privacy. Your family was in various positions around you as they helped you study the pile of file folders your mother had exhumed from the enormous wooden chest in the basement.
The dining room itself was large yet cozy, eclectic, lived in; it was where your mother brought her clients for readings and spiritual counsel. A round table took up the middle of the room; a tea tray and plates of finger foods were placed in the center where a hokey crystal ball normally sat. Shelves along the back wall were stuffed with books from the Barnes & Noble witchcraft section, boasting titles like, "A Witch's Guide to Garden Magick," and, "Spells & Incantations for a Better Life."
The plum-colored ceiling was decorated in constellations that Andrew had painted the week before your mother began marketing herself, and the wood floor was covered in a layer of Persian rugs thrown here and there that had absorbed the heavy musk of the incense your mother burned during sessions.
It was a beautiful room, to be sure, and you hated every inch of it. All the frivolous bits and bobs that encouraged people to believe a lie mocking you from their perches. Portraits of people who meant nothing to your family; taxidermized crows and owls and foxes. A mounted stag's head, because why not? It added to the rustic, sorcerous atmosphere.
"What about Rhonda Botezatu?" Ginny inquired around the stem of her cigarette holder. She was done up in a silk kimono, purple hair peeking out from beneath a bronze turban. An homage to Old Hollywood starlets who'd aged into roles they'd rather die than assume. Her thin fingers and wrists were bedazzled with chunky costume jewelry, but her neck remained bare. Apart, of course, from the delicate silver pendant she rarely removed.
You couldn't help smiling at her. She was absolutely marvelous.
"Rhonda..." You began, trying not to peer down at the notes. "Died April 1964. Murdered by Alfons Manfredo, the guidance counselor. She was really into Beatnik Culture and was going to study Engineering at UC Berkeley." You wilted, looking down at the yearbook photo paperclipped to Rhonda Botezatu's dossier. Rhonda stared up at you, the hint of a smile on her lips, clever eyes bright beneath layers of eyeliner and mascara. Your heart lurched.
"I used to watch her and her younger sister, Daria, when she was a child. Her parents were neighbors." Ginny divulged, using her cigarette holder to point out the window as if to indicate the exact house. "Her older sister, Yetta, was a pain. Refused to babysit; too busy husband-hunting, but Rhonda was a hoot. Questioned everything." Ginny chuckled, rolling her eyes, "Pecked at me all day, asking this and that. Couldn't shut her up unless I put on a record and let her dance out all that energy." Her eyes went distant, a fond expression settling into her features. "Precocious. Would've changed the world if she'd been given the chance."
Your mother huffed, hovering over you as she rifled through the mound of documentation. "You skipped Janet Hamilton."
"Ooh, that idiot," Ginny slumped forward dramatically, an impression of being utterly disgusted by something. Your mother cleared her throat with intention, eyes narrowed in distaste. Ginny sighed and rolled her hand regally in your direction, "Alright, chicken, tell us what you know about her."
You stifled a giggle into the back of your hand, sharing a fond look with Andrew at Ginny's antics. "Okay, Janet. She died in 1960, but...I didn't see how...did I miss that?" You asked, scanning the sheet of paper you'd pulled from the dossier.
"No, sweetheart," Nanna assured, "There's no record of it that I ever found. Of course, by the time I started gathering information, a lot of time had passed." You could tell she was trying very hard to search her memory. Unfortunately, however, it seemed she kept finding only blank spaces.
"It was an accident of some sort," Ginny piped up. "Broke her neck somehow. Falling down the stairs, I think."
Nanna frowned, shaking her head at herself, "I vaguely recall some mention of it...honestly, you'd think I'd remember." The laugh that bubbled out of her was strained, tinged with disbelief. "She was my math tutor." A glance at Ginny to confirm, "I could've sworn it happened right before I started middle school."
"Don't look at me," Ginny scoffed, "Maybe you should scribble it down before you forget to again." She looked at Andrew, roping him into the joke, "You need to get your mother checked out, Drew, before she starts forgetting your birthday."
Positioning her reading glasses just above the tip of her nose, Nanna plucked the paper from your hand, adding, in beautiful cursive, a note about Janet's death. "You did forget his birthday last year..."
Ginny took a quick sip of her sherry, rushing to defend, "Oh pish, I did not. I told you, the gift was delayed." And then, as a side note, "Poor Reggie really is losing his mind," though she didn't sound worried about her old friend cum antique dealer. Rather, it was a pitying statement of fact, said in the manner most elderly people use when discussing each other's senility. She put her sifter down and whipped a taunting stare at Nanna, "You know, Babbigail, had either of you listened when I suggested you try the Sudoku, you wouldn't be losing your marbles quite so early."
"Oh, baldercrap," Nanna retaliated, "I'm just as sharp as I've always been!" She narrowed her eyes, mock-accusing, and presented to the room, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were cheating."
"I wouldn't put it past you to use spells all willy-nilly for your benefit."
Nanna winked at you when Ginny scoffed, outraged, straightening her spine and puffing out her chest, "Oh, how very dare you! My own sister!? Implying I would ever turn my back on the Circle!" She lifted the back of her bejeweled wrist to her brow, "Judas!"
You and Andrew dissolved into fits of laughter at the theatrics. Ginny and Nanna bickered often, always making a show of it for everyone's entertainment. It was one of many reasons that you were glad you were all under the same roof, even when it got crowded sometimes.
Behind you, your mother wasn't as amused by the performance, scoffing as she patted your head, reminding you to, "Focus, sweetheart, you only have two days to memorize all of this." She flashed an annoyed look between Nanna and Ginny, "If you two are finished, maybe we could get back to it?"
Ginny sagged sideways against the back of the chaise longue, waving dismissively with her cigarette holder, "No need to get worked up, Alice. The girl has plenty of time to sort all this out." Still, she gestured for you to move on to the next student.
Bernadette King, died in 1969 after tragically falling from a height in the old gymnasium. Then Dawn Burton, died in 1972 by accidental electrocution. Next was Yuri Vyarheychyk, a transplanted Belarussian boy who'd somehow fallen head-first into a kiln during a pottery lesson in 1978, succumbing to severe burns before the ambulance had arrived.
"Are you guys sure I should go there?" You asked, face twisted in concern as you absorbed the seemingly endless pile of information on the table, evidence that too many awful things had transpired at Split River High before now. "It sounds kinda dangerous."
"You'll be just fine," Ginny said, "You're too important. The Awen won't let anything happen to you." It sounded like something a great-aunt was obligated to say, those reassurances that you were the 'most specialist of special children.' In a world where you'd witnessed something profoundly horrific take someone you'd considered more special than yourself, your great-aunt's statement was of little comfort.
Nanna reached across the table and petted your hand affectionately, tacking on, "You have nothing to worry about. We've all attended and we're just fine. Your sister actually really enjoyed herself."
You gave her a tight smile, "If you say so," then accepted the next dossier Andrew pulled out of the pile.
"We're getting into the 80s, now." He informed, eyes twinkling as he stared over your head at your mother. "Starting with the totally hunky football star—"
"Don't start," Your mother warned. You could feel the look on her face, something eye-twitchy and vexed.
Andrew snickered, rising to the challenge, and tapped his finger on the photo clipped to the front of the folder. It drew your attention down to a face that—your breath caught, an unusual warmth blossoming within you as you took in the young man grinning up at you from the photo. The print in the top right corner said his name was 'Walker Clark'. He was...hot. Like center-of-the-sun hot. Soulful, brown eyes, kissable lips, hair swept back in a perfect 80s poof.
Andrew whistled, long and punctuating, forcing a blush to rise on the arches of your cheeks. "I think girly's got a crush," He ruffled your hair obnoxiously, "Aurora had the same reaction when we put her through the paces. 'He's so hot, oh my god,'" He mimicked in a high falsetto, "'If I could see ghosts, I'd literally ask him out, I don't care.'"
"Rory had to do this too?" You wondered, eyes never wavering from Wally's handsome face.
"Of course she did, chicken. Everyone has to. Even your grandmother had to and she can't see ghosts." Ginny explained.
"But why? If Nanna and Rory can't see ghosts, what does it matter?"
Nanna smiled sweetly at you, "Understand, dear, abilities don't always manifest fully at an early age like yours did. Before Aurora entered high school, her empathy was very subtle. Then, in her junior year, out of the blue, she could identify each ghost without batting an eye. If the Ciorcal of the Craft allowed it, I bet she would've had whole conversations with them without needing to see or hear them."
You knew Aurora's empathy was acute, how she could wield it like a weapon or a gift depending on her mood. You'd never tell her, but you found it pretty remarkable. Almost envied her for it. Your life would be much easier if you couldn't see the dead.
"That's why we do this, chicken. It's a contingency, just in case our powers manifest late or they mature faster than we have time to do something about it." Ginny elaborated and it made sense. Similar to Aurora and Nana, Andrew hadn't had any indication that he would develop Connectedness until much later, but now he gleaned incredible things from objects on command.
You didn't realize you'd been staring at Wally's photo the whole time, not once looking up to acknowledge those around you, until Nanna leaned over and voiced, "He was very handsome, wasn't he," obviously having been observing your predicament, "And so respectful. His mother and I were in a book club together with some of the other moms from the school." Suddenly, her tone shifted, turning solemn, "Bea was hard on him, though. Drove him to be the best." She sighed, "I really felt for him."
You listened with half an ear, more interested in pondering what Wally had felt about the pressure his mother supposedly put on him. Had he been equally as motivated? Or had he buckled under the weight of expectation? A tiny sliver of your soul yearned to have the chance to ask him, ignoring for the moment the Rule that your whole family lived by.
"Come on, sweetheart," Your mother's voice interrupted your thoughts, "we have a lot to go through and 2004 is going to be tricky." She flipped open Wally's folder, thus forcefully removing his face from your line of sight, doing for you what you hadn't been able to do for yourself. You exhaled a shivery breath, swallowing thickly as you accepted the first of three typewriter-typed pages. Your mother pointed to the third line of the second paragraph, "Alright, let's start here..."
Ajay had smuggled you into the school and up to the roof, managing to keep you from being caught. There had been one close call when Barry had treaded around a corner, flashlight up, demanding to know if anyone was there when your sneaker had squeaked against the linoleum. You'd watched in fascination as Ajay had manipulated his ghostliness to his advantage. He'd marched right up to Barry who, as a living person, had been unconsciously driven to avoid the invisible obstacle, his brain having fed him some rationalization or excuse that had sent him on his way. Piece of cake.
Presently, you stood near the roof's edge, fidgeting nervously as Ajay helped two people over the raised side of the portal, one after the other. You gulped, your heart beating faster and your palms clammy as you took in who they were. Rhonda Botezatu and Charley Morino. Fuck...shit... Instantly, you regretted telling Ajay to bring everyone. God, could you get more stupid!? This was such a bad idea, your mother's voice reverberating inside your skull threats of squalls and storms and ill-fated summonings. Despite the desire to stand your ground and do this for Simon, your soul trembled in despair, unable to shake the feeling of failure after years and years of being told not to let them know you can see.
You squirmed under Rhonda and Charley's attention, your eyes flicking up to their faces and then back down to your shoes as your nerves began to fray. God, Simon, you fretted, I hope it's worth it. 'It' being all the possible repercussions you could face should anyone discover what you'd done. And the more who knew what you could do, the more it was likely that someone would find out.
As you contemplated your friend, a shadow flickered over Rhonda's shoulder. A there-and-gone impression of movement that had wobbled like hot air rising from a desert road. You squeezed your eyes shut and opened them again, seeing nothing to indicate what you'd witnessed had ever occurred.
"Isn't that the chick Wally was hung up on a couple of years ago?" You heard Rhonda ask Charley as they approached. Strangely, they moved as if they intended to make room for someone else between them, but, as you checked on Ajay's progress at the portal, you didn't see anyone else emerge.
"I'm not sure..." Charley answered her, openly studying you through slitted eyes; suspicious, cautious, clearly unsure what he thought about you. Still, he emanated a warmer, more welcoming aura than Rhonda who was all attitude and cool eyes. "If it is, we owe him a massive apology."
Rhonda didn't seem to agree, "She'd better make it up to him. Took him forever to stop sulking."
You were both pleased that Wally's friends had his back and cowed at the reminder that you'd basically gaslighted him in sophomore year, and Rhonda seemed keen to hold that against you. Surreptitiously, you kept peeking behind Rhonda and Charley, willing the universe to be kind and deliver Wally's fortifying presence to you. With him beside you, you felt you could handle Rhonda's cutting remarks and Charley's weighted stare.
As if on cue, the connection began to rumble and roll inside you, rising with more interest as you felt Wally get closer, and your heart started to pound for an entirely different reason.
"So," Rhonda started as she stopped two feet in front of you, arms crossed and expression tightly controlled, "You can see us."
You didn't know what else to say apart from, "Yep," wincing as it fell out of your mouth.
Rhonda's glare turned lethal, "And you didn't think that maybe you should try and help us?"
"Oh, no, wait, that's right, you decided to help Ajay and leave the rest of us to rot, is that it?"
Charley reached out and touched her arm, sending her an expression of warning before returning his attention to you. "I am curious about why you decided now was a good time for a big reveal?" He asked in a roundabout way, tone sprinkled lightly with denigration.
That, at least, was a simple answer. "Simon's in trouble and I want to help get him out of it."
"Right," Charley looked at Rhonda, briefly seeming to cast behind her, then looked back at you, "The o t h e r living person who can see ghosts. Are you guys part of the same coven or...?"
As sarcastic as he sounded, you sensed his genuine interest and decided to expand on—wait, "Simon can what?"
Ajay's words from earlier flew out of the ether and into your head: "Everyone just got over Charley keeping Simon a secret." Well, fuck me sideways. At the time, you'd been too distracted by the fact that Ajay knew about you and Wally. Then that, of course, had been eclipsed by Ajay's purported friendship with Aurora that she'd never bothered to disclose. With all those thoughts vying for attention, your brain had swiftly filled in the blanks about Charley and Simon with something that made enough sense to keep you from poking at it. Charley, you'd guessed, had kept Simon a secret like most teenagers keep their crush a secret from their friend group. To avoid getting teased.
Thinking about it now, you realized that was the second-most idiotic thing you'd ever come up with after encouraging Ajay to give you an audience with a bunch of ghosts you were supposed to avoid like the plague.
"Are. you. fucking. k i d d i n g. me!?" You dropped into a crouch, top half folded over your knees as you dug your fingers into the back of your head, wholly and utterly defeated by the endless siege of fuckery that had been unleashed since last Friday.
"We'll take that as a 'no'," Rhonda remarked, sounding as though she was checking her cuticles. "So, what are you? A necromancer or something?"
"No," You said miserably into your knees. You rose, rubbing your temples as you tried to process everything while simultaneously explaining, "And I'm not a witch, either, so you can forget about that coven bullshit."
You were getting riled up, angry, confused; Simon could see ghosts, too? Seriously? That could have made the conversation you and he had had on the swings a helluva lot easier, dammit. But, nooo, he'd kept that to himself. And, honestly, fuck Aurora, too, because you'd spent the last three years of your life on edge and constantly alert when you could've, maybe, given fewer shits?!
Another odd, shadowy flicker distorted the air almost directly in front of you but you ignored it, your frustration gaining momentum because, fine, yeah, you hadn't said anything to Simon either, but what the fuck anyway—!
Just as you were about to scream into the void, a warm, calming sensation swept over you, the familiar scent of Wally's cologne and the pomade he used in his hair curling under your nose like a cartoon wafteron. You tilted your head up, eyes immediately locking on his, and the tension seeped out of your muscles. Wally's steps were measured, his jaw tight, shoulders squared as if he was fighting to control himself from jumping on you.
Right. Ajay had insisted that you and Wally act as if you'd never interacted. Earlier, it'd been easy to agree, the connection subtle and at ease; now, you weren't so sure. The syrupy-slick sensation lulled you into a dreamlike fog, transfixed by Wally's closeness. You watched Wally's throat bob when he swallowed, eyes drifting to his lips before slowly tracking back up to meet his heavy-lidded gaze.
"Hi..." You said, voice catching as Wally neared.
The others observed with assorted expressions of confusion and intrigue, Rhonda asking, "Whaaat the hell is happening?" to which Charley replied, "I have no idea..."
Ajay explained on your behalf, tone entirely put-upon, "It's the cRaZiEsT tHiNg. I noticed it before. Like they have some kind of mYsTeRiOuS cOnNeCtiOn drawing them together..." Glimpsing at him, you saw Ajay's features had flattened, his demeanor projecting exactly how done with everything he was, yet you couldn't find it within yourself to care. Wally was right there, gazing at you with soft eyes and a lopsided smile.
The flicker appeared again, though, unlike before, an almost physical energy came with it, arcing outward from its source into your front, forcing you back a step. A look of alarm spooked Wally's face. He lurched forward a step, simultaneously bringing his hand up as if to place it on something.
What happened next happened so quickly that you almost didn't catch it. As soon as Wally's hand made contact, a featureless silhouette popped into existence. You couldn't make out who they were, could hardly register anything as you stumbled backward another step in surprise, the back of your leg hitting the low ledge that lined the roof. From there, gravity took over, pulling you down as you teetered precariously over the wrong side of the ledge. Everyone reacted at once, Rhonda and Charley reaching out, Ajay yelling and grabbing the silhouette, and Wally—
"No!" Wally shouted as he leapt forward, grabbed you by the front of your sweater, and hauled you tightly against him before you plummeted several meters down onto the concrete below. He whirled around, planting himself between you and the ledge, his nose in your hair, heart hammering under your palm, panting from the adrenaline rush. His embrace was viselike, keeping you together as a jolt of fear shot through you.
"Are you okay?" He asked, eyes the size of saucers as he cradled your face in his big hands.
You peeked helplessly up at him, a lump in your throat and pressure behind your eyes, Jesus Christ, you'd almost joined them in the afterlife...but that wasn't the thought that blared in your head like an air raid siren.
"Do it again." You commanded, breathless, gripping Wally's arms and encouraging him to turn around. "Touch whatever you just touched again."
He blinked at you, dumbfounded, obviously not understanding what the hell you were on about.
"Whatever you just did," You instructed, "do it again," placing your hand on his shoulder to show him what you meant. Although he continued to stare at you like you'd grown a second head, he released you and moved back. You marveled as he stepped forward a few feet, picked his hand up, and then placed it down seemingly in midair. Except it wasn't midair. It was a shoulder that became visible under the weight of Wally's hand.
He shot you a peculiar expression, eyebrows drawn in doubt, "Uh...like this?" And then he stepped aside.
You gasped, going very, very still as your mouth fell open and your eyes bulged, a single, quivering utterance tumbling out of you. "Holy shit."
Everyone, including Wally, watched you in wonder, completely oblivious to the miracle that had just occurred. Everyone including—
also available on AO3!
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random dead poets headcanons - modern au
i feel like all i do is crank out headcanons and not actually write (even though i definitely have a dps fic that needs updating…) anyway heres dps headcanons
i always start with neil and i think its cause he’s my baby and i like to think i just #get him anyway - neil love gilmore girls. a lot. i know next to nothing about gilmore girls so i couldnt tell you who his favorite rory boyfriend is but he will die on the hill that lane and dave deserved to be together
knox has run through the most phones because he always drops them in the toilet - he keeps loads and loads of rice, not for eating, but just in case he needs to make a last minute apple genius bar to fix his phone - its worked like 25% of the time
meeks works at a barnes and noble. he clocks so many hours there because he just loves working there. his barnes and noble has two floors.
neil and ginny host the tonys watch party every year. its one of those things thats always a fever dream. the best but also worst party was the 2017 tonys when great comet was up against dear evan hansen. if you so much as mention great comet to either of them, they will either devolve into crying, longwinded ranting, or put the entire album on and explain it to you
charlie is a gleek. a diehard gleek. he relates to santana on a spiritual level and can quote the iconic santana/quinn hallway fight verbatim in his sleep as well as her rant to kurt
todd has the job stability comparable with trish from austin and ally. he only gets a steady one when meeks recommends him for barnes and noble. they work all their shifts together. its incredible.
the poets have a quizbowl team at their favorite bar - each of them have their knowledge strengths and they have an ongoing win streak of four weeks (which at their bar, the prize is free drinks. so. do with that what you will)
pitts is an avatar: the last airbender purist (i mean who isnt tbh) and self-identifies with the earthbenders
cameron becomes THAT film nerd who swears tarantino is his god and that pulp fiction is the greatest movie of all time but he doesnt actually believe that - his favorite movie is the obscure animated film “we’re back! a dinosaur’s story” (1993)
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ourloveisforthelovely · 8 months
Bad Ideas (Part 15)
Regulus Black au
Summary:  It started as nothing now it’s something. Voldemort has been defeated but that doesn’t mean the wizarding world is still a good place to be.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating : M
Link to Part 14
The following weeks were some of the longest of your life. It was harder than you expected getting Regulus used to the new changes that his body was going through. While you were well versed on what to expect, that didn’t mean that you were necessarily ready to see the man that you loved going through his new personal hell.
Thankfully, you had Remus in your corner. You had never been more thankful to have him in your life. When Regulus’ temper was going off of the charts and the smallest thing seemed to tick him off, Remus seemed to know exactly what to do or say. Multiple people in the house (Sirius in particular) had a knack for getting on Regulus’s last available nerve. There had been many days that you had to simply tug Regulus out of the room before he tried to rearrange his older brother’s face.
You had to have many talks with Sirius about easing up on Regulus when he started to get annoyed.
“Sirius, I know that normally he would just give you a snarky response but now it's different. Just give him some peace.”
You felt as if you had that conversation with Sirius at least once a day. After you had that conversation, you were calming Regulus down. Once you got Regulus lying down with his head on your lap, you could usually soothe whatever was raging out of him.
“Do you want to talk about what you are feeling?”
Regulus lay with his head on your lap. Your fingers were delicately tracing through his hair playing with each little curl.
“I don’t know what I’m feeling. One moment I’m happy then the next I want to scream. I know what is happening with me, Y/n but I don’t like it. This wasn’t supposed to happen…not to me.”
You were quiet a moment before speaking.
“I know you are struggling, darling, and I can’t pretend to know what you are going through. Sometimes things happen that we don’t expect nor can we adequately prepare for.”
Regulus was quiet a moment before his grey eyes rolled up to your face.
“Crap storms happen.”
You thought back on that conversation sadly. When Regulus commented on crap storms happening, you couldn’t help but note the venom in his voice.
“We will make it.”
You said as you filled the cup in front of you with water.
Your internal brooding was interrupted as Ginny came in with Harry, Ron, and Hermione behind her. All four looked happy so you decided to push your inner hell back. Your brother and friends had been a huge source of emotional support for you over the past few weeks. They deserve to speak with the normal version of yourself from time to time.
“Hey, what are you all into today?”
You asked, sitting down at the table. Ginny grinned before looking at Harry with a wide smile.
“We have some news!”
Hermione nodded, eagerly.
“Both of us do. Ginny, do you want to tell her?”
Ginny grinned.
“Hermione and I are both pregnant!”
You couldn’t help the smile that automatically spread to your face. It was only a matter of time before someone decided to take the next steps in building their lives.
“Really? Wow, this is surprising! Congratulations!”
You said happily before forgetting your tea and moving to hug all of your friends. Harry gave you a bigger smile before squeezing your hand.
“We all want you to be godmother to our kids. It only makes sense.”
Harry was relieved to see a genuine Y/n happy smile on your face. It seemed like it had been so long since Harry had seen you smile.
“Of all the titles that I have, I think that one will be my favorite.”
You said, cheerfully.
“How far are you both?”
“About 8 weeks.”
Hermione said. You chuckled.
“We all really do everything together, don’t we?”
Ron sat down laughing to himself.
“I think Minerva will be retiring when she gets a load of this news.”
You mentally envisioned poor Minerva McGonagall running to her calendar and making a big red X on a date in the future.
“I don’t think she can handle going from the Marauders to us to our children. She will take up drinking. I really wish that I could be a fly on the wall when she gets this news. Hey! I have a great idea! So, at the hospital, we have the machines that the muggles use to have a look at their baby while still on the inside. Would you lot like to have a look at the babies?”
Ginny was practically running to the door before saying yes. Hermione nodded eagerly too as you stood up and grabbed your bag.
“This will be fun.”
You said to Harry and Ron before following your friends out. With the past few weeks that you had, you could definitely use some light-hearted fun.
Half an hour, you sat running the monitor over Hermione’s stomach. Watching your normally serious friend’s face light up was enough to bring complete joy to your soul. Ron sat at her side with an awe-filled expression on his face.
“There is the baby’s head and look at those little feet.”
You said. Seeing the happy expressions on your best friend’s faces was a reminder of why you did what you did. It wasn’t all putting people back together after catastrophic accidents. There were also those small happy moments that you would remember for years to come.
“I have never seen a more beautiful blob.”
Ron commented, mesmerized. In all of his years, Ron had never felt more like his father. If it hadn’t been for the muggles and their technology, he would never have been sitting here getting a look at the baby on the way.
“Give it a few more weeks and you will be seeing cool stuff.”
You murmured before squeezing Hermione’s hand. Leaning back in your chair, you looked between Ron and Hermione with a smirk
Ron questioned as you shrugged.
“I was right.”
Hermione chimed in. You chuckled before pressing your lips together.
“That the two of you would end up together and have kids. I told you both in first year and you both called me mental.”
Ron and Hermione both laughed at that as Harry sat down.
“She did tell you both.”
“Yeah, yeah…you were right. Congratulations.”
Ron said in a cocky tone before leaning down to kiss Hermione’s forehead. Ginny meanwhile was busy looking at the screen.
“Hey, Y/n, can I try? You make this look fun.”
You glanced over your shoulder making sure the lot of you were alone in the room as Hermione sat up.
“Sure, why not? Here try it on me. You have already seen what a pregnant woman looks like. I’ll give you a go with an empty uterus. This is what it will look like when we are looking for other problems.”
You lay back and instructed Ginny on what to do.
Ginny questioned. You poked your head up noticing the stunned expression on your friend’s faces.
“Why the hell are you lot looking like that?”
Harry’s mouth dropped as he looked closer at the screen before turning back to you.
“You’re not exactly…empty.”
Ginny carefully turned the monitor around. Your mouth dropped at what was most definitely a baby. At that moment your world came screeching to a dead ass halt. This was the absolute last thing that you EVER expected!
“Give me that!”
You half yelled before taking the probe from Ginny and copying her once gentle movements.
“Bloody hell.”
You choked out as Hermione clapped her hands together.
“You’re joining our club!”
You had hardly heard Hermione as you moved the probe over your stomach. There was no denying that you were pregnant.
“Is that a second one?”
Harry stammered. With those five words, your shock was magnified by a million times….two…twins…that you had no idea about.
“Yes, Harry. That is a second one.”
You commented. Ginny and Hermione were busy chattering about how happy they were to have you in their “circle” now. Harry and Ron gave each other a careful look before Harry moved to sit beside you.
“Didn’t you have any idea?”
You ran a hand over your face as you considered Harry’s question. Thinking over the past few weeks there were signs. You had been extremely tired and sick to your stomach but you had accredited that to dealing with Regulus and his new condition.
You immediately winced thinking about how you were going to spring this news on Regulus. He had already been through so much over the last bit. Add being the proud new dad to twins was going to most likely be the “straw that broke the camel’s back.”
“I just thought it was the fatigue from dealing with Regulus and working so much. Oh shit, Harry, I have to tell Regulus. He is not going to handle this well. With everything that’s going on…now this.”
Ron appeared a bit annoyed.
“If he is man enough to have sex with you then he is man enough to be father. If he starts shit, I’ll take him out back and beat him.”
You didn’t have the heart to tell Ron that Regulus would wipe the floor with his face.
“Thanks for the offer, mate, but I don’t want him to kill you. I’m sure that he will be fine after the initial shock wears off. Hell, the shock hasn’t even worn off for me so I can’t really speak for him.”
Ginny came to join you on the bed.
“You know, love, as much as I want to be an aunt…if you feel this isn’t right for you…there are options.”
You squeezed Ginny’s hand before shaking your head.
“I know. I’m sure I’ll be fine once I process this a little more appropriately. Look when we get back I need you lot to do me a solid and not let it slip.”
Arriving back home, you tried to act like it was just a normal day. Maybe you could trick Regulus and everyone else into thinking that you were just tired.
“It's good to have a dream, Y/n. He knows when the smallest thing is off.”
You frowned at the little voice in your head. Regulus could pick up when your mood was off even if you were being a master at hiding it.
“So, where have you been?”
You nearly screamed the moment Regulus wrapped his arms around your waist.
“I was at the hospital. Hermione and Ginny wanted to see their baby. Oddly enough, there is a machine for that.”
“Apparently everyone was having sex at the same time.”
Regulus commented before moving to sit on the couch. He didn’t look up right away. When he did the expression on your face made him raise an eyebrow. You hadn’t moved from your place by the door and were looking at Regulus as if you were expecting him to go to pieces at any moment. Over the past few weeks Regulus had gotten used to you looking at him carefully but this time…this was just weird.
“Yeah..looks like it.”
You replied, internally cringing. Little did Regulus know how right he was.
“So, what's with you? You seem off.”
Regulus questioned as Sirius walked in and plopped down on the couch. He didn’t notice the weird expression on your face.
“Oh…nothing…just tired.”
Sirius looked up at that comment. He looked at you carefully.
“Yeah, I’m not buying that.”
Regulus said. Sirius was busy looking between Regulus and yourself. He hadn’t really experienced an argument between the two of you and really didn’t want to start today.
“Sirius, are you seeing this?”
Regulus questioned.
“What’s wrong, sugar?”
Sirius questioned, sounding like his normally jovial self.
You are going to have to tell him. It's better to just drop the ball.
You thought. As much as you didn’t want to listen to the “voice of reason” in your head, you knew that you needed to tell Regulus. The longer you waited the more annoyed he would be when he found out that you had been gatekeeping that information so secret.
“I need you to keep an open mind.”
The expression on Regulus’ face told you exactly what he was feeling. He was now on edge. Were you about to leave him? Was there something more happening that he didn’t know about?
“That depends. Y/n, you know that you can tell me whatever it is. Did you accidentally kill somebody? Like Fenrir Greyback, perhaps and I didn’t get a swing in?”
You shook your head.
“No, love. I know better than to off him and not let you do some kind of damage. I want you to look at this and tell me you see.”
You handed Regulus the sonogram picture and watched him frown as he looked it over.
“Baby A…Baby B…looks like someone is having a baby. Hermione and Ginny are having babies.”
“They aren’t the only ones.”
You added as Regulus’ eyes went wide. He looked up at you before looking back down at the pictures.
Regulus was dead silent for a moment. He ignored Sirius who gasped in total shock.
“We’re having a baby?”
“Yes, we are having a baby. We are having a baby!”
You nearly yelled. Regulus’ mouth dropped.
“What is this baby A and baby B thing? Is it different angles…or is this what I’m thinking?”
“It's twins. Please tell me that you aren’t angry.”
Regulus didn’t say a word for a moment. To say that he was stunned was an understatement. Was it a bad time to be having a baby? Not, necessarily. There was no longer a dark lord on a death mission. Was it inconvenient due to Regulus’ current condition? Yes.
“Hell, I don’t know what to do with a baby! I was the baby! What the hell am I going to do with two of them? What if we lose one?”
Regulus’ head was going into a tailspin but he forced that to stop the moment that he focused his attention on your face.
“I can’t hurt her…not now…now like this."”
Regulus forced his inner turmoil away as he quickly moved to wrap his arms around you.
“How could I be angry about something like that? I did help get you into this predicament. Everything will be just fine. I’m only shocked.”
You were instantly relieved when Regulus’ voice resumed his normally calm tone.
Regulus nodded.
“Of course. I guess it's safe to say that we were all doing the same thing at the same time too. Why don’t you go wait for me upstairs? I would like to have some privacy with you.”
You kissed Regulus once before leaving the room. The moment that you walked out, the soft smile on Regulus’ face vanished and was replaced by a horrified expression.
“What have I just gotten myself into?”
Regulus thought as Sirius came to join him.
“You have to be the most extra person that I have ever seen. The two of you just had to go and make a litter.”
Regulus didn’t move for a moment before running a hand through his hair.
“I really hate you right now.”
@geeksareunique @jessyballet @knreidy1 @fific7 @dumbbunnys-safes @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @siriuslyceleste @justfinishthis @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @rubyroscoe1 @readtomeregulus @i-love-scott-mccall @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @iluvthe-marauders @woohoney @abaker74 @regulus-black-223048 @saramaple @missgorldafirst @millies0bsimp @dumybitch @stelleduarte @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @bennyberry @f4iryluvy @panpride @haroldpotterson @mentally-unstable-hoe @goldensunshineshit @padf00ts-l0ver @marichromatic @ravenhood2792 @playmore-zeppelin @ell0ra-br3kk3r @rogue-nyx88 @ad-astra-again @regulusblackswhorecrux @livshifts @coffeeaddictednymph @authoressskr @emiwrites3reads @knight-of-gleefulness @summer-novak @wontlookaway @shaylybaby2032
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nincompoopydoo · 8 months
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*:・゚✧*:・゚  nincompoopydoo // MCU MASTERLIST
loki laufeyson
⋆ debris and misery [series - on hiatus]: Loki crashes on Sakaar and into your home. you don’t take it lightly when you find there’s a massive hole in your roof. ⋆ to catch someone's eye: During the celebration of Frigga as the Queen of Asgard, Loki finds himself slipping away from the events to the palace courtyard. To where you unfortunately found yourself stumbling towards an escape from your parents. ⋆ in another timeline: stranded on Lamentis, the event of the impending apocalypse seem to mend the fire and fury between you and Loki as deeper feelings begin to come to light. ⋆ for the sake of us: Loki dies (The beginning of Infinity War) and is sent to a place unknown to him, with never ending fields of Asgardian flowers. there, he meets his Sigyn, his late wife. he hadn’t seen her for years ever since her unexpected death of an unknown illness that no Asgardian technology could cure.
sam wilson
⋆ trouble man: you and Sam Wilson are neighbors. never spoke a word a to one another but somewhat developed an unhealthy crush on each other. as a series of unfortunate events that began with the burning of spaghetti, you find yourself entangled in a mess of the appreciation for Marvin Gaye and your fear of cockroaches with the very man himself. ⋆ coming home: Sam’s coming home. ⋆ snowed in: you get a visit from your hot neighbour on Christmas day.
bucky barnes
⋆ whiskey: you’re waitressing at your father’s bar filled with the 107th’s drunk soldiers. In the midst of chaos, you catch the attention of a certain sergeant that goes by the name Bucky. the both of you then realize that one can still find happiness in the middle of a great war.
steve rogers
⋆ pretty beautiful: after the events of Sokovia, Steve and Sam are both on the run, along with Natasha, seeking for a safe house. thankfully, Sam knows the perfect place. ⋆ promises: platonic! you find an unexpected visitor at your doorstep during spaghetti night.
agent jack thompson
⋆ steps of the fire escape: Jack spends the last minutes of New Year’s Eve looking for the morning paper and his cat, Ginny. turns out, Ginny has a knack for discovering those who are spending the last day of the year alone. ⋆ you're gonna be fine, kid [series]: you get shot and the annoying Jack Thompson maybe you’re only hope at surviving after all.  ⋆ knucklehead: where Jack and reader are pissed at each other because you wouldn’t stay off the field and put yourself in danger during a mission while Jack was being a total prick about it although the two of you refuse to admit you love each a little too much. ⋆ pretty confessions: returning to the SSR, golden hour in the midst of New York’s traffic may just lead to some pretty confessions to a very pretty woman in Jack Thompson’s passenger seat. ⋆ unbelievable: you’re strong-witted, frank and independent, and Jack finds it a little unsettling, yet he refuses to admit that he probably adores you a little too much after that one incident at the office. ⋆ babysitter: Jack Thompson finds himself babysitting Daniel and Peggy’s baby daughter. and then realizes he has forgotten how to change nappies. ⋆ baby emergency [babysitter part 2]: you, the Sousa’s neighbour, mistakenly arrive at their doorstep, thinking it was pie night rather than date night. Yet, the sight of a dishevelled, troubled and somewhat handsome Jack Thompson convinced you to help out with baby Nancy. ⋆ call me trixie: you, an aviatrix is partnered with Jack Thompson on a SSR mission.
daniel sousa
⋆ just a gunshot wound: you were badly injured from a mission and Daniel Sousa, your fellow colleague was not the biggest fan of the outcomes of the mission. yet, things get a little heated up, in a bad way, but it may have gave Daniel the courage to act on something he had always wanted to since forever.
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Random Ships I Like In No Particular Order:
* Loubbie- Lou Miller x Debbie Ocean- Ocean’s 8
* Sabina x Elena- Charlie’s Angels (2019)
* Macgyver x Riley- MacGyver (2016)
* Magnum x Higgins- Magnum PI (2018)
* Shoot- Shaw x Root- Person of Interest
* Rizzles- Rizzoli x Isles- Rizzoli & Isles
* Wondercheetah- Wonder Woman x Cheetah- DC
* Camren- Camila x Lauren- Fifth Harmony
* Blackhill- Natasha Romanoff x Maria Hill- Marvel
* Xialing x Katy- Shang-Chi
* Peggy Carter x Dottie Underwood- Agent Carter
* Supercorp- Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor- Supergirl
* Daniela x Carla- In The Heights
* Mira Harberg x Laurie- Irma Vep
* Judy Hale x Jen Harding- Dead To Me
* Florence x Madeleine- Gunpowder Milkshake
* Ronance- Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler- Stranger Things
* Eleanor x Drea- Do Revenge
* Harlivy- Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy- DC
* Wenclair- Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair- Wednesday
* Meddison- Meredith x Addison- Grey’s Anatomy
* Emily x Stephanie- A Simple Favor
* Mercymaker- Mercy x Widowmaker- Overwatch
* Akko x Diana- Little Witch Academia
* Dovesso- Professor Dovey x Lady Lesso- The School for Good and Evil
* Cassie Lang x Jentorra - Quantumania
* Spideypool- Spider-Man x Deadpool- Marvel
* Superbat- Superman x Batman- DC
* Batman x Catwoman- DC
* Princess Audrey x Wonder Woman- DCAU
* Jon Stewart (Green Lantern) x Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)- DCAU
* StephCass- Stephanie Brown x Cassandra Cain- DC
* DinahBabs- Black Canary (Dinah Lance) x Oracle (Barbara Gordon)- DC
* DicKory- Nightwing (Dick Grayson) x Starfire (Koriand’r)- DC
* Wondermagic- Wonder Woman x Zatanna- DC
* Daphne x Velma- Scooby-Doo
* Cassie Dewell x Jenny Hoyt- Big Sky
* Choni- Cheryl Blossom x Toni Topaz- Riverdale
* Bechloe- Beca Mitchell x Chloe Beale-Pitch Perfect
* Khalopatra- Kleopatra x Frida Khalo- Clone High
* Talia Burns x Margot Fairmont- First Kill
* Question x Huntress- DCAU
* SuperWonderBat- Superman x Wonder Woman x Batman- DCAU
* Wonderhawk- Wonder Woman x Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)- DCAU
* Dana Scully x Monica Reyes- X-Files
* Barbara (Barbie) Handler x Gloria- Barbie
* Julethief- Carmen Sandiego x Julia (Jules) Argent- Carmen Sandiego
* Seven Of Nine x Raffi Musiker- Star Trek
* Larissa Weems x Morticia Addams- The Addams Family
* Swanqueen- Emma Swan x Regina Mills- Once Upon A Time
* Alicia Florrick x Kalinda Sharma- The Good Wife
* Danny James x Cable McCrory- Bull
* Kim Possible x Shego- Kim Possible
* Peachline-Princess Peach x Mayor Pauline- Mario
* Gelphie- Elphaba Thropp x Glinda Upland- Wicked
* SamBucky- Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes- Marvel
* PeggyNat- Peggy Carter (Captain Carter) x Natasha Romanoff- What if?
* Maxine “Max” Baker x Abby Littman- Ginny & Georgia
* Ashrah x Nitara- Mortal Kombat
* Johnshi- Johnny Cage x Kenshi Takahashi- MK
* Barlissa- Barbara Howard x Melissa Shimmenti- Abbot Elementary
* Cabenson- Olivia Benson x Alex Cabot- Law & Order SVU
* Caroljess- Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) x Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman)- Marvel Comics
* Bishlova- Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova- Hawkeye
* Chlonette- Chloe Burgeois x Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Miraculous Ladybug (in theory)
* Clawdeen x Draculaura- MH (Gen 1)
* Teleanor- Tahani Al Jamil x Eleanor Shellstrop- The Good Place
* Hanamusa- Jessie x Delia Ketchum- Pokémon
* Jemily- Emily Prentiss x Jennifer “JJ” Jareau- Criminal Minds
* Mellivia- Olive Pope x Melody “Mellie” Grant- Scandal
* Malvie- Mal x Evie- Descendants
* Mileena x Tanya- Mortal Kombat
talk to me abt them if you want :)
couldn’t fit all the tags lol
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abybweisse · 6 months
Ch210, Spoiler page and thoughts
The title page has been leaked already; I've seen it elsewhere here as well as on Discord. It's almost everything I was hoping for this chapter, represented in one image.
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There are some things to point out, and I was hoping to post some thoughts before I'd even seen this spoiler, because my thoughts were already pondering a possible situation like this: that the chapter focuses on Finny going berserk... perhaps in ways we've never witnessed before.
I was also hoping we'd get the new reaper confronting Doll, but I really don't know if he will.
But back to Finny. In the cover art, you will see that there's a lot of blood on him and his clothes, but I don't think it's his own blood. His eyes suggest he's in berserker mode. I suspect we might finally get a better glimpse of what it was like the day he escaped from the drug facility. Previously, I'd wondered whether Sebastian had killed the staff and just skipped over the one remaining test subject -- either he lives or he doesn't. But since we now have a situation where Finny has to force his way out of another locked down facility -- and this time he's also trying to save friends and other children, something he couldn't do last time -- we might get scenes that look like a reenactment of that drug facility escape.
In ch209, we see Finny running off, away from Snake but also towards the approaching staff. We know he will have to fight them, and it might be mostly empty-handed. This is no problem for him, especially when he's in a frenzy. He might grab and throw whatever he can, but this time it might be more about crushing people with his hands, as he might have done at the drug facility. This fighting style could look more like Sebastian crushing the heads/bodies of bizarre dolls on the ship... but with less-graceful movements.
Scenario: He gets through the staff that have entered the underground lair, then anyone in the way upstairs, in the barn. Then he's back outside. Is he going to head to the main building to attempt to save the other kids, or will he only be able to focus on himself and the four top students? Either way, at some point he's going past a brick wall when lights shine on him, and that's what we see in the cover art. It might be a flashlight/torch, but it could also be a spotlight from a sniper tower. The top students did warn him before that the fences were reinforced, and that guards were stationed at lookout posts to shoot down attempting escapees.
When he was at the drug facility, he was being kept in a cellar of some kind, and it looks like it was designed so the kids couldn't easily climb out, but he somehow did, perhaps by jumping and grabbing hold of the rim of the hatch. Or maybe he somehow climbed up whatever grips he could reach. It seems he killed the man sent to shoot him and dumped his body down into the cellar. Here, Finny might actually climb up one of those lookout towers, kill the guards, and toss them down to the ground. Or he kills them -- maybe one -- merely by tossing them down.
This sort of action could allow Yana-san to give us glimpses of the previous escape in parallel to the escape scene now. Panels next to each other or even split panels, showing then and now, as it all unfolds. A bit like when he envisioned old scenes of the drug facility exam rooms and surgical equipment as he and the others looked around and found Ginny's body and the dissection table. But this time it might be like an onslaught of comparison images, representing the jumble of memories and current moments in Finny's head, as this all happens.
And we might even see him literally tear down the fencing. 🤔
Oh, and FYI. Today is the Ides of March... and Snake's birthday (though in-universe it's Dec 9th)....
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strawberryforks · 9 months
new to this whole fanfiction thing and these are the characters i know i would enjoy writing about! send scenarios you’d like me to write and i will happily do so! that being said, happy new years! <33 red highlights are my favourite characters (feel free to psychoanalyse me based on my type in fictional men baha)
the vampire diaries — damon salvatore, stefan salvatore, klaus mikaelson, rebekah mikaelson
outerbanks — jj maybank, john b routledge, rafe cameron (regrettably), pope heyward
marvel — peter parker, bucky barnes
dc — jason todd, gar (beast boy from netflix’s titans)
station 19 — jack gibson, victoria hughes
grey’s anatomy — derek shepherd, mark sloan, jackson avery
macgyver — angus “mac” macgyver
the 100 — bellamy blake, john murphy, raven reyes
the hunger games — finnick odair, peeta mellark, even the primreaper if you ask really nicely
call of duty — simon “ghost” riley, john “soap” mactaviah, kyle “gaz” garrick
stranger things — steve harrington
one tree hill — peyton sawyer, lucas scott, nathan scott
supernatural — sam winchester, dean winchester, castiel
my life with the walter boys — alex walter, cole walter, issac garcia
misc. — chat noir (mlb) draco malfoy (harry potter), harry potter (explanatory), dash (dash & lily), carl gallagher (shameless), lip gallagher (shameless), marcus baker (ginny & georgia), gilbert blythe (anne with an “e”), killian jones (once upon a time)
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startanewdream · 2 years
Inspired by this art, only I thought let's make this more emotional. Or how Minerva McGonagall receives the news about James Sirius Potter's birth.
The message comes in the early hours of the morning, before she leaves for breakfast. A short note, attached to a barn owl.
Professor Headmaster, if there is no trouble, would you join me for a drink at The Hog's Head tonight? — Harry.
It's funny how she still recognizes his handwriting after so many years; it's the "g", Minerva thinks, there's something very specific about this letter and the way Harry curves it.
She scribbles a quick note in answer, then ties it to the owl's leg. It's a beautiful creature that reminds her suddenly of Harry's white owl, whose wings were once harmed—and then Minerva heard what happened to the owl a few years later. Harry had looked so nervous about the state of the bird...
She shakes her head; age is making a fool of her again, too lost in memories. She dispatches the owl and tries to focus on the present.
It's after seven when she leaves the castle grounds to walk to Hogsmeade; it's a slow walk, and Minerva tells herself she will just floo back to Hogwarts later—she is getting too old for this walk, maybe this is a sign—
Hogsmeade is quiet on that Friday night; she thinks about how busy it will be the next day, with a school trip to the village — she'd heard the students talking excitedly, discussing what they would be buying—and that makes her steal a glance to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes down the street. She will need to warn the caretaker to be more careful than usual for the next week.
The Hog's Head is as busy as ever, which is to say full of shady people sitting by themselves, mostly covered; she sets a mental note to remind the Head Boy and Head Girl to watch out that no student wanders here. Then she looks around; in a dim corner, Harry is waiting for her, and he stands up when he sees her.
There is always a mingle of happiness and strange nostalgia when she sees him; except for the joy in his green eyes, he barely resembles that eleven-year-old boy that joined her house—and if she thinks further, to that baby she once delivered to a family that didn’t deserve him, there is only proud as she sees how well he’s grown up.
Harry is a fine man. Not because of his work as Auror, not because he defeated Voldemort, not even because of all those things he faced so bravely; but rather because he is a simple, fair, noble guy who believes in doing the right thing.
And he looks very well, if only slightly tired, as he shakes her hand.
“Hello, Professor,” he greets, smiling (when Harry smiles, and that’s Minerva once again being dragged by her own memories, he looks a lot like Lily). “I took the liberty of asking for your favourite.”
“Gillywater,” she says approvingly, watching the drink on the table as she joins him. 
“Not Rosmerta’s, but it is still good enough—or so Aberforth tells me.” He throws her an embarrassed look. “I am sorry for asking you to come here—this is the only place reporters aren’t pestering me these days.”
“I believe a bunch of reporters here would disband Aberforth’s business.”
“Oh, his goats keep them away,” Harry says fondly. “You look good, Professor.”
“I look older, you can say it.”
He laughs. “We are all older.” He lowers his voice conspiratorially. “Don’t quote me on this, but I found my first grey hair.”
Minerva has silver hair for long enough to just find his concern amusing, but she doesn’t smile. Harry is evidently happy tonight, teasing and carefree, very different from what he looked like when he was her student; it reminds her of another young boy she once taught, but that is the problem: that boy was forever young. He never spotted any hair other than a dark one that was never tamed.
She sips her drink, admonishing herself for being so sour.
“Finding one grey hair is okay,” she says when she can trust her voice. “The problem is when you do not find any other colour.”
“That’s true; Ginny said I looked dashingly mature—and it’s bound to worsen in the future, I am sure.” His words seem ominous, but Harry looks nothing but glad.
“If you have any issues with grey hair, I don’t recommend a teaching career for you.”
“Maybe in the future—Professor Potter rings nicely, doesn’t it? Would you hire me?”
“If not, will you jinx the post?”
Another laugh. “No, I will understand. I was never the most disciplined student.” He looks around. “And I promise not to start another clandestine club.”
“That is a relief. I am too close to retirement for such emotion.”
He blinks. “Are you serious?”
She sips her drink again. “It’s been a thought. I’ve been at Hogwarts for more than 50 years — seven generations of students—”
“I thought you would stick around for an eighth one.” He fumbles in his pocket until he finds a picture. “I cannot imagine Jamie not being taught by you.”
“Here.” And he shows the photo of a crying baby, all wrapped in a blanket, safely held by his parents. Harry and Ginny look tired but they are beaming in the picture; but her attention is all drawn to that newborn baby.
Babies should look all the same, not distinct features until a few months later, but she swears he looks exactly that baby she once dropped at his aunt’s house—and then there is a fierce desire to protect this innocent child, to not make the same mistake again because she will be damned if that child doesn’t get all the love he deserves, all the love his parents should have shared—
Harry is watching her rather expectantly, and Minerva breathes out again. Harry survived, Harry is fine now—and the baby, Jamie, will never share his father’s fate.
“James,” she repeats, not minding how her voice sounds muffled. “That’s a nice choice.”
“There was no other option for Ginny and I.” Harry sighs contentedly as he looks at the photo. “He is such a loud baby, and he’s keeping us all night awake but he sleeps nicely during the day—he’s growing well and—”
Harry sounds so proud—not, he sounds bewildered as if he doesn’t believe still he gets to be this happy, to live this life—
“And this is the most recent photo,” he adds, then showing her another picture; in this one she can spot the baby’s dark hair.
“Potter hair,” she says warmly, finger stroking the photo. 
“I think it’s a bit lighter,” he says. “It looks almost red under the sunlight. And his eyes… I thought it looked a bit like Ginny’s, but she said they are hazel.”
“Professor,” James would say, his grave voice betrayed by the glint of mischief in his hazel eyes, “how can Filibuster Fireworks be against school rules if they weren’t even invented when Hogwarts was founded? I am sure that’s what you call a ‘loophole’, so you see, we cannot get detention—”
She inhales deeply. “Congratulations to you and Ginny. I am very happy for you.”
“Thanks.” He watches her. “We are christening him this Sunday, at the church in Godric’s Hollow. We would be very happy if you were there—so you can meet him, hopefully only eleven years sooner than you thought.”
Minerva smiles. “With such a namesake, I am sure this will be the last time I will find any peace in his presence.”
“Oh,” Harry grins. “Actually, two namesakes. We named him James Sirius.”
Minerva takes a generous sip of her gillywater. Retirement sounds almost nice, but she cannot let anyone inherit such a challenge. “I hope you get used to grey hair, Harry,” she notes. “You will get them sooner than you think.”
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