Ever since I became aware of Undertale i knew/know that some people here are simps for the lazybones that is sans thy skeleton. But ever since yesterday( or at least when i was checking a blog who's pretty prominent in the 'Bitty Bones' au stuff ) i now know a certain trend some people tend to use for their boney fantasies - 'Bara' sans. And then I had an idea. After a night and a morning passed with me brainstorming in the seams, i now have made a semi-sh1tpost, semi-genuine response AU to that trend :
The 'When Skeletons eat Bonemeal' au.
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[The pic features a height comparison of post and pre growth spurt sans with other characters + me. Also yes, I am that short ( I'm 5'4-ish?)]
The basic idea is the following :
In another post-true pacifist world, Flowey tries to to a lil' trollin' by poisoning sans with a poison lasted ketchup bottle with a poison that Flowey made himself, but sans knew before hand, so he decided to swap an ingredient with magic liquid(-ish) bonemeal. On top of that he knew what would come out of it, which is a fcking growth serum AND he was secretly getting tiered of being the second to shortest person of the cast, he just didn't expect the side effects. Those side effects being the end result of 22 ft, clothes being effected, energy, power and magic multiplication, sudden medium burst of productivity, constant fever and slight mutation. Now the rest of the UT cast, along with a newly free [from thy void] Gaster, Dess from Deltarune and lil' ol' me, has to deal with a big ass skeleton.
Oh, the multiverse, omniverse( multiverse of fandoms w/multiverses ) and the webscape( the internet if it was a world of it's own and where 4th wall entities like me( viewers, content creators, gamers, players, ect. ) usually reside in ) are also sorta involved, which explains why core!Frisk, @ranboolivesaysstuff and fcking Charlie slimesicle have a cameo here -
[context of the cameo doodle - it's a protentional bit were i was unexpectedly visited by some MC-youtubers and i had to explain what the fck is up. During said explanation i accidently made a size pun, which made Charlie amused, in an annoying way. What did our gloopy glunkus guy do next - he bothered me for more size puns while trying to make his own. I also hid in a tree at some point and pretty much claimed it as a resting spot.]
So yeah, an undertale au with a giant/tiny sorta theme, which is also a response to the 'Bara sans' concept.
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dnptheinfinity · 2 years
can’t believe its not even 3 pm yet wtf
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i-am-beckyu · 9 months
Anon with the mer prompt here (different person from the sizeshifter instincts one btws) (i guess you can call me ^_^)-
Hope you feel better and that you have the time and energy and right vibes for writing soon <3<3
That poor human would have their mind blown if their friend (I'm also imagining roommate) turned out to be a mer, and then doubly blown when they find out about the borrower. rip to them bc they'd prbly have to cover for all the trouble and shenanigans caused by the other two
but then imagine the borrower goes out the ocean with the mer and their nervous abt it at first for so many different reasons but they trust their friends and they go out on a boat and see the ocean and just stop. bc it's hard to properly comprehend that makes even humans feel small then they look down and see their mer friend happily swimming in the water
all of the other mers would prbly go to the boat and assume that the borrower was a human pup or something
also just curious, do you like the qsmp? there's so much potential for g/t stuff within it but almost nothing abt it
- ^_^
Hello ^_^ !!! Nice to have a name to anon :3 How are you?
Sorry to take so long to get to this but my brain has been fried the last few days being unwell. Literally still sick but I went to work today (This is probably a terrible thing since we've been busy all morning but money >)
Absolutely the humans mind would be blown. I mean this person you've been living with for how long can sprout flippers? Like what!? And then you've just had a tiny stalker watching you and living off you to survive? *Faints* (or maybe not idk that sounds funny to me lol)
But the borrower going to the ocean would be so good because first of all I don't think many borrowers actually know or realise how big the ocean actually is. Like it's huge! Unless a borrower actually learnt enough info about the ocean and how it works, I think a borrower would just imagine an ocean to be a slightly bigger lake.
So for a borrower to see this massive body of water that stretches beyond the horizon and know how dangerous it is would be a terrifying experience and I think it would take a lot of coaxing from the human friend and mer to convince them to even get close to the water considering borrowers (at least I think so) wouldn't typically know how to swim. The mer friend could change that of course but I can def imagine the borrower just clingy to their mer or human friend in the water afraid of being swept away. (I also think if giant mers appeared the borrower would just hide because-my gosh there are giants bigger than humans?!?!? *also faints*)
The giant mers would def wanna see the miniscule human but like the human friend I think would be protective of the borrower but also realise what it feels like to be the borrower and tiny mer when meeting the mers in their ginat form because it would be their first understanding of what its like to be in their position. So nerves would 1000% be there.
And then of course you have the tiny mer oblivious to how terrified their friends are, just more happy to be in the ocean with both parts of their family in the same place :3
And I know bits and pieces of the qsmp but I don't really keep up with the storyline all that much. I did for a bit (Chayanne and Tallulah my beloveds) but I think that's just more of cause I enjoy Wilburs part on the smp. But I have a close friend that often updates me about major events that happen lol. So I don't mind if you wanna ramble about it but chances are I'll be lost on plot and a majority of characters and their roles 🙃
Thanks for sharing ^_^ anon!!!! much love and have some lollipops :3
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ixsanacer · 1 year
Thank you so much for the follow up. Sweat was phenomenal. Your ginate arts are always A+++++. I just want to say you are such a blessing to this tiny fandom. xxxx
Thanks! I’ve honestly held on to this message for awhile cus it’s good encouragement. <3
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huidol · 3 years
threw a block of cheese at ben and his first instinct was to open it and eat it
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lady-ragnvindr · 3 years
So like, I had an exam today and I was having the h o r n i e s t brainrot while waiting for the invigilator to just take my paper.
Okay so, everyone knows that Diluc is a very stoic person. Or so they believe.
Personally I think Diluc is an absolute baby. A bratty baby. So picture this-
You were at work, with piles upon piles of paperwork just staring at you tauntingly. A heavy sigh escapes you at the silent whimper that echoed in the otherwise empty office. You peel your eyes from the papers in your hand, and stare directly infront of you.
Diluc's perfectly round ass and dripping hole on full display as lubricant drips down his thigh. His tiny hole clenching painfully around the ginat dildo stuffed into him. His lips are swollen, having to stretch so much to accommodate the huge thing.
"Having fun over there?" You tease, watching his hole clench visibly at your low voice, "Cumslut," you tease.
Standing up you stalk around your desk, eyeing the bunny rope digging into his skin, bags of flesh starting to pool out around his muscular form. It really was a beautiful sight. His long cock decorated red and swollen, the nerves bulging from the sides as he tried so hard to be a good boy for you. Holding himself back from cumming exactly as you told him to. Not like he could anyway, not with that pretty pink bow blocking it.
Trailing a finger along his spine you reveled watching his body convulse from a ghosting touch. A desparate whine humming from deep inside his chest.
He was on his knees, bent over the wooden floor with his hands bound the same rope tied intricately around his entire body. You came and stood directly infront of him, lifting his chin with the toe of your boot, you stared down into his bloodshot eyes. His mouth opening and closing like a fish as big fat tears rolled down his cheeks.
You couldn't help the bubbling giddiness in your chest. The warmth exploding in the expanse of your body. He was so desparate and weak. On his knees with tear faced and absolutely broken.
A devilish smile graced your lips, "Such a good boy," you humm, lolling your foot left and right, his face resting on your shoe following the movement but he never dared to break eye contact. You knelt, cupping his chin in between your fingers, "Taking your punishment so well," you cooed, tugging on the free end of the rope around his cock. He choked, eyes squeezing shut and teeth digging into his bottom lip. You hummed, kissing away the fresh tears.
"If you'd been this good from the start," you whisper into his ear, ghosting a nail over the protruding veins, "I would have fucked you into oblivion by now," you nibble on his ear, tugging the rope farther and farther. He sobbed quietly, fingers desparately grasping your shoe, his eyes practically screaming for mercy.
He couldn't ever live with the humiliation of anyone ever heard him, not like you'd let him live. His sweet moans are for your ears only.
"Master pl-ease, I'll- i'll be go-" he got cut off by the moan that escaped him. His eyes snapped to yours and he paled when your expression darkened.
*knock knock*
"Y/n? I've got some files that need your signature. Can I come in?" The low sound of your colleague sounded from the other side of the door. You gripped his face by his cheeks, lips forced into a deep pout as your dark eyes stared into his, "Now what if I tell her to come in?" You whisper, only for him to hear.
Diluc stares helplessly into your eyes, trying to shake his head, to bed you not to. Your eyes narrowed at him and you stood up, staring down at the man. You place the toe of your boot under his chin again, forcing him to sit up.
"Y/n? You in there?"
"Yeah I'm in here," you say easily, as if you didn't just make the uncrowned prince of mondstadt cum all over the floor. "I'm coming in then-"
"Just leave the papers at the reception, I've got enough on my hands already," you growl, prowling over to the redhead.
You hear your colleague say something and then walk away, but you pay that no mind. Right now, all you can think about is breaking your little bitch so badly that he can't even remember where he is.
-Meow anon
Take care of yourself and have a great day :3
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baka-monarch · 4 years
Ok so like that post you reblogged was cute and all but it make me think of ways giants could justify killing tinies or keeping them as pets.
Like, "They're eviler than us. We have bigger hearts and a larger capacity to love" or "Our brains are much bigger than theirs, they're basically animals"---
Everything I touch turns to angstggfbbdgbnc
This is just every single g/t fearplay scenario in existence-
It's either: the giant thinks their being merciful by keeping the tiny "safe" and not thinking about any of their actions- not even paying attention to the fact that the tiny probably wants to leave, because it doesn't matter to the ginat because they're being "oh so merciful and kind for taking this tiny in"-
Or: they treat tinies as lessers on purpose- thinking of themselves as better because they're bigger. They don't care about they're actions because they don't care about the tiny
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hypexion · 7 years
Un’Goro: Neutral Common Reveals
This game has a lot of neutral commons. It’s good that they are simple.
Ravasaur Runt Common Minion 2 Mana, 2 Attack, 2 Health Battlecy: If you control at least 2 other minions, Adapt. Beast
A tiny Adapt minion. Ravasaur Runt follows on nicely from the various 'summon two 1/1s' cards that are avalible, and will often end up as a card worth more than two mana.
Ginat Wasp Common Minion 3 Mana, 2 Attack, 2 Health Stealth, Poisonous Beast
A generic keyword mashup. Giant Wasp actually represents a massive rarity collapse, since the last time this combination appeared, it was an Epic. This wasp could be useful to deter big minions.
Stubborn Gastropod Common Minion 2 Mana, 1 Attack, 2 Health Taunt, Poisonous Beast
A reactive approach to big death minions. Stubborn Gastropod isn't too sturdy, but there's a good chance it will kill at least one minion.
Sated Threshadon Common Minion 7 Mana, 5 Attack, 7 Health Deathrattle: Summon three 1/1 Murlocs. Beast
Sated Threshadon is a card you can use if you want more Murlocs. Like, more that is reasonable. Not actually that useful for the Shaman quest compared to other options, given the cost and Murloc delay.
Emerald Reaver Common Minion 1 Mana, 2 Attack, 1 Health Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to each hero. Beast
Emerald Reaver is a scaled down Shadowbomber. Also a beast. There's a tiny chance of it being useful for the Hunter quest, but I wouldn't bet on it.
Giant Mastodon Common Minion 9 Mana, 6 Attack, 10 Health Taunt Beast
This isn't a dinosaur! It's a big statpile. With Taunt. Giant Mastodon: truly a card that is just there.
Nesting Roc Common Minion 5 Mana, 4 Attack, 7 Health Battlecy: If you control at least 2 other minions, gain Taunt Beast
Nesting Roc has conditional Taunt, on a full statted minion. And the condition isn't that hard to meet. This makes it marginally okay against aggro decks that have ignored the board to go face.
Pterrordax Hatchling Common Minion 3 Mana, 2 Attack, 2 Health Battlecry: Adapt. Beast
Choose from three of nine exciting (?) three mana minions with Pterrordax Hatchling! Just don't pick Taunt, since you'll get a two mana minion. Probably a bad card, but not the worst Arena pick.
Sabertooth Stalker Common Minion 6 Mana, 8 Attack, 2 Health Stealth Beast
Dies to cheap AoE. If it doesn't, I guess Sabertooth Stalker might be useful as a bigger Strangletorn Tiger.
Ultrasaur Common Minion 10 Mana, 7 Attack, 14 Health Beast
Ultrasaur is a big dinosaur. Maybe give it Taunt for protection?
Igneous Elemental Common Minion 3 Mana, 2 Attack, 3 Health Deathrattle: Add two 1/2 Elementals to your hand. Elemental
Another Elemental activator. Igneous Elemental could also be used to help along the Rogue quest, as the 1/2 Elementals all have the same name.
Fire Plume Phoenix Common Minion 4 Mana, 3 Attack, 3 Health Battlecry: Deal 2 damage. Elemental
It turns out that when you cut a Keeper of the Grove in half, a Phoenix comes out. Probably not playable, since the body and damage are weak.
Stormwatcher Common Minion 7 Mana, 4 Attack, 8 Health Windfury Elemental
Stormwatcher is this set's terrible filler Windfury card. What am I mean to say!?
Volatile Elemental Common Minion 2 Mana, 1 Attack, 1 Health Deathrattle: Deal 3 damage to a random enemy minion. Elemental
Volatile Elemental packs a nasty reaction in the form of three damage to an enemy minion. This makes it slightly harder to clear while maintaining a board.
Rockpool Hunter Common Minion 2 Mana, 2 Attack, 3 Health Battlecry: Give a friendly Murloc +1/+1. Murloc
Rockpool Hunter makes another Murloc slightly better. Ideally used on buffer Murlocs, to help keep them alive.
Eggnapper Common Minion 3 Mana, 3 Attack, 1 Health Deathrattle: Summon two 1/1 Raptors.
Kind of bad. Eggnapper dies to pings, and two 1/1s won't really make up for that. Haunted Creeper was really good, you know.
So many cards, and many are filler. But some may see play. Outside of Arena, even.
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