#gilbert blythe x shy reader
elizabeth-of-avonlea · 2 months
Dating Gilbert Blythe
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Pairing: Gilbert Blythe x fem!reader
Warning: sfw, fluff
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English isn't my first language, so don't be too harsh if you see grammar mistakes
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Gilbert is a calm and quiet person, so he doesn't show love the way other boys or girls would
It doesn't mean tho that he doesn't love you
It's so obvious that he does
Constant watching
You sometimes feel someone watching you in class, and you don't need to turn around to know that it's Gilbert
Sometimes, he zooms out while looking at you
"Gilbert, are you alright?" asks Miss Stacy
Only then Gilbert snaps out, making others wonder what happened, while only you know the truth
He loves letters
Writing or receiving
If you both can't see each other for some reason, exprect a letter after an hour of being separated
He loves your letters
It doesn't matter how small they are, like little notes in class about the most random topic ever. He will cherish them
He collects every letter or note in a small box (Like Marilla did)
He's such a gentleman
Opening doors for you, helping you put on your coat, helping you take it off, making breakfast, and other gentleman stuff.
He has two different smiles
The smirk
And than cute little shy smile
The smirk is when he's confident and just being himself
The cute, shy smile is when he realises how much he loves you and what a fool he is for you
Picnic dates
Study dates
Baking dates
Or sometimes you both ride a horse together in the evenings
Kisses are VERY important to him
Kissing your forehead in the morning, your cheek if you're asleep, the knuckles of your hands when departing for a while
Kissing your lips is a rare occasion
Not because he doesn't want to, but he just cherishes these kinds of kisses too much. He doesn't want the worth of them to sink because you both kiss too much (which you do)
Bash adores you and was rotting for both of you since the beginning
He's a tease towards Gilbert
Gilbert can never escape his jokes and teasing words
Gilbert loves to see you play with Delphine
He genuinely could just sit for hours and watch you being all squishy with the little girl
But aside from that, he was worried when you weren't sure if you wanted to go to college
There would be too much distance between you if you didn't
The letters would arrive late
But you eventually did go to college
He was so happy
It's a secret, but he carries his mother's wedding ring in his pocket. Just in cas:)
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ooo-yeah-baby · 1 year
Wandering Eyes
Yan!Gilbert Blythe x f!reader
I only write sfw, not proof read, noncon hugging/forced hug, feel free to send requests
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Gilbert has always been nice. He has always been well liked and popular. There have never been noticeable flaws in him. 
You didnt know him very well. It's not like you were strangers, you just never really got a chance to talk to one another. Which was why it was so weird when you began to notice him stealing glances at you *every so* very often. 
The glances quickly turned into staring. You thought there was something wrong with you at first. Maybe you had something in your hair or your clothes were messed up. As it continued happening you began to think you were being conceited. 
But you could feel his eyes burning the back of your head. Especially that day. 
At lunch you sat with the other girls in your little nook, whispering about unimportant topics. You sat by the window. 
It got to the topic of boys, like it always did. You didn't have much interest in the conversation. It usually began with someone bringing up a boy and Ruby saying how sad and handsome he his. You decided it was best to just tune it out this time around. 
Of course when you're not paying attention to one thing you're paying attention to another.
Gilbert. You could see him peeking at you from the space in the sheet that Dianna and Anne had put up. "Why was he staring? What did he want? Its creepy." You fidgetted with your dress as you tried not to make it obvious that you were uncomfortable. 
Suddenly you felt a hand clasp yours. 
"Are you okay, y/n?" Anne said, bumping you from your panicked state. 
"Huh? Oh- yeah. I'm fine. Thank you, Anne," you smiled and squeezed her hand. 
Truthfully, you were irked.
After school you hurried to get your things and ran after Gilbert. 
"Blythe!" You yelled as you approached him. 
"Y/n?" He said turning to you, a light blush reaching his cheeks. "W-what is it? Is everything okay?" 
"No. It's not." You stopped in front of him. "Why do you keep staring at me?" You lunged directly into the topic. "Did I do something? Do you have something to tell me? If you do then say it!" 
Gilbert was flustered. It took him a moment before he sputtered something out. 
"No! You didn't do anything!" He grabbed your hand, tracing his finger around your palm as he looked at it. A shy smile grew on his face. 
"Then why are you staring at me?" You quirked a brow, now being more confused than ever. 
"Well, I guess there's no use hiding it." He shrugged. He intertwined his fingers in yours and began walking, of course you followed, warily, he was practically dragging you.
You got a ways away from the school before he finally piped up. "Y/n, you aren't courting anyone? Are you?" He asked. You felt his thumb rub against the back of your hand. You shook your head in response.
You could see his eyes twinkle. "Well... I'd like to," he swallowed mid sentence, "court you." 
"What?" You stopped walking. Gilbert looked worried. "Gilbert, I'm flattered but... I mean, we don't even really know each other."
You felt his grip on your hand tighten. For a second Gilbert looked panicked but he brushed it off with a nervous laugh and a smile. 
"Of course we know each other! We've been going to school together for years." He rubbed the back of his neck. He could tell you weren't budging and that he was making you uncomfortable but he also didn't know if he'd ever get a chance like this again. 
"Gilbert, I'm sorry but I can't court you. Now, please, let go of my hand." You began to pull back your hand but he wouldn't let go. 
"N-no!" He pulled you closer to him and grabbed your free hand. His breathing became erratic. "You don't mean that. I mean, how could you mean that? I've never done anything wrong. How could you not like me?" 
"Gilbert you're scaring me!" You struggled in his grasp but he pulled you in for a hug.
"Y/n I love you." 
"Gilbert you're delusional! We barely know each other!" You squirmed against him but he wouldn't budge on his hold.
He didn't respond. He was hugging you so tight that you could feel his body heat. His breath brushed the place between your neck and the shoulder of your dress. 
"Gilbert if you don't let go I'm going to scream." You spoke firmly as you pushed on his chest. 
He didn't let go though. Maybe he was testing whether you'd actually do it. Maybe he didn't hear you, too wrapped up in the feeling of him having you in his arms, wrapped up in him. 
He didn't want to let go. 
"Scream then." His grip tightened as he waited for your response. A smile grew on his face after basking in the few seconds of silence. 
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js-a-writer · 1 year
Gilbert Blythe X fem!reader? Fluff and if its possible maybe you could write the reader more extroverted..?
Thank you so much for my first request. This is going to be a friends to lovers, I hope your okay with that. I still tried to make it where reader was extroverted, if it's not to your liking just message me and I will fix it or remake it for you. 😊🙂
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Y/n has had the biggest crush on Gilbert for what feels like FOREVER!! But Gilbert just can't get the hint. She has tried everything from flirting to even hand holding!
Y/n has never been afraid to speak her mind and go for what she wants, she has always been a bit more extroverted but no one ever seemed to mind.
Gilbert had always loved that about Y/n, her never fearing to stick up for herself (and others) . You see Gilbert had had a crush on Y/n for a while to but he never acted on it in fear that it would ruin their friendship, and he couldn't bare to have that happen. So he convinced himself that all of her flirting was just playful banter shared between friends and that her holding his hand was also completely platonic. His friends had noticed that he was crushing hard, and they tried to convince him to simply just ask her out. But his excuse was always the same, having you as a friend was better than not having you in his life at all.
One day Y/n had just gotten sick of his foolishness and decided that she was going to make the first move. Well the first real move.
She walked to school that day with her head held high, ready to tell Gilbert how she felt. As she was waiting at the path they always meet at to walk to school together, she wondered, what if Gilbert didn't like her back, what if this ended horribly and Gilbert never wanted to be her friend again. But she pushed those thoughts deep down and decided that this was better than keeping those feelings to herself, even though she had been hinting for months.
When Gilbert had finally showed up Y/n took a deep breath ready to face this feeling head-on. "Well goodmorning Y/n are you ready to go." Gilbert asked with a sort of pep in his step. She hesitated before responding, "Uh.. Yeah, let's go." Gilbert was shocked, she had never seemed so shy before and certainly never seemed this nervous. But nonetheless he ignored it and they started making their way towards school.
A few minutes go by without a word said from Y/n. She was deep in thought battling her thoughts telling her that she needs to do this, and she has to be confident about it. "Hey, Y/n are you al-" "Gilbert I like you. I really really like you, and I was wondering if you would want to go on a date with me?" She said abruptly stopping Gilbert's sentence. Gilbert stood there shocked, he would have never imagined that Y/n had feelings for him. But he brought himself back to reality just in time for Y/n to start walking away.
"Y/n, wait! I like you too, I think I might even love you." Gilbert said hoping she would turn around. "Then why didn't you tell me?!" She asked curious to find out why Gilbert had been hiding his shared pining for so long. "I was afraid you wouldn't like me back." "Are gou serious?! I've been hinting at you for months, Gilbert months! I was flirting with you and holding your hand. I did everything in the book to try and get you to make the first move, but you never did. How did you not notice?" Gilbert was shocked. So all those compliments and all the teasing, the hand holding, the cheek kisses, they weren't just friendly gestures, they were real. He hesitated for a moment thinking of what to say next until he acted on the first thought that crossed his clouded mind. He stepped forward grabbed her by the waist and kissed her!
He had finally kissed her! Of course she kissed back and she was so happy, Gilbert had liked her back and now he was kissing her! When they had to break the kiss, because unfortunately they need oxygen, Gilbert picked her up from the waist and spun her around, her dress flowing underneath her. When he finally set her down they stared into eachother's eyes for a moment. Pure joy and admiration pooled their pupils and they could both tell. "I love you too." She says breaking the blissful silence. Gilbert was overjoyed with this news. He picks her up again a spins her around shouting "You love me! I love you! We love eachother!" As she giggled at her lover. "Put me down!"
When he finally put her down he looked into her eyes for a moment before asking the inevitable. "Y/n, would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" She looked at him for a moment. "Was that not already established when we kissed, or said 'I love you'... Yes! Gilbert Blythe, I will be your girlfriend." And they sealed the statement with a sweet and loving kiss as they walked hand in hand to school.
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I loved writing this imagine. I hope you like it and Gilbert was very oblivious! 😉
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budgiesunset · 2 years
Advice || Reader x Gilbert Blythe.
Requested by: Anonymous
•Summary• When YN sees Gilbert getting closer with Anne YN assumes the worst breaking up with Gilbert and Leaving.
•Warning’s• Angst, fluff, happy ending, not proof read, bad grammar, Arguing parents, sort of dumb reader, overthinking
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You where lying on your bed deciding on what to do next.
When you saw Gilbert and Anne talking you just wanted to crawl up into a ball and disappear.
It was no secret that Anne had feelings for Gilbert but you didn’t think that she would try and take him.
If you had to be honest you where scared Anne was beautiful, smart and wasn’t scared to speak her mind.
while you on the other hand where shy and had gotten use to being forgotten about that was until Gilbert had taken an interest in you and you started going out together and he would walk you home.
He had helped bring you out of your shell.
So after seeing him interact with Anne you knew what you had to do so you left your room walking down stairs putting on your coat, beanie, scarf, gloves and slipping on your shoes.
When you arrived at Gilbert’s house you where terrified to do this but after taking a deep breath you approach the door and knocked.
“Y/n. What are you doing here? Is everything ok?” He asked.
“We can’t see each other anymore Gilbert.” You said looking him in the eyes.
“What are you talking about Y/n… did something happen?” Gilbert asked trying to see if you were joking about that and didn’t truly mean it.
“Gilbert you don’t have to pretend I saw you and Anne today. I wish you two every happiness I really do… Goodbye Gilbert Blythe.” You said turning away and walking off. Before he could explain.
You knocked on the door of the Cuthbert’s home. “Oh hello Y/N what a pleasant surprise, Anne is in the barn working if you’re looking for her.” Ms Cuthbert said once she opened the door.
“Thank you” you said quickly before walking towards the barn.
“Y/N.. what are you doing here? Is everything alright?” Anne said seeing you walking into the barn with red puffy eyes.
“I broke up with Gilbert” You said looking down.
“WHAT? WHY? What happened?” She asked dropping the pitchfork and walking closer to you.
“Why do you sound upset. I saw you both this morning.. so I broke up with him so you could be together. I hope you both are happy- excuse me I have to head home.” You say turning around and running off.
When you arrived home you where greeted with your parents arguing but once the noticed your presence they told you to pack a suitcase because you would be staying with your grandparents in Charlotte Town for a couple days.
Once you finished packing you walked back downstairs being met by your parents yet again arguing before ushering you into the carriage joining you after a couple of minutes.
Gilbert knew he screwed up the moment you said you saw him with Anne. But since you left before he could explain he didn’t get to tell you that he was just asking for advice on how to be a better boyfriend.
But it really started to sink in when he saw Anne and Diana walking towards his house.
“Gilbert we have a massive problem!” Anne said as Gilbert opened the door the two girls pushing past him. “After Y/N was at my house saying that she saw you and me talking she told me that we could be together and then apparently Diana saw the Y/L/N’s getting in to a carriage and heading towards the train station with suitcases… Don’t you realize we must have upset Y/N so bad that now she’s leaving Avonlea!” Anne blurted out
“ANNE! Calm down they wouldn’t just leave Avonlea ok.” Diana said in an attempt to calm down her friend.
“Wait… What do you mean you saw them leaving?” He said sinking into his chair feeling his stomach drop as if it fell into a bottomless pit.
“We have to do something. We have to-“ she was cut off by Gilbert getting up.
“I just remembered I have stuff I have to do.. umm- I will see you guys on Monday.” He said pushing the girls out the door before shutting it on them. He turned his back to the door before sliding down the cold wood. Warm tears slid down his cheeks his breathing picked up and he slowly got up and walked towards his bed lying down shoving his face into his pillow.
The next morning it was Saturday and he woke up extra early quickly changing his clothes and grabbing his coat and hat as he rushed at the front door and headed towards the train station.
when he arrived he got on the first train to Charlotte Town. Remembering you saw that your grandparents live there and you normally stay with them after your parents had huge fights. He even visited you a couple months ago so he remembered the way particularly well.
When he arrived at the house he knocked on the door to be greeted by a maid. “Hello can I help?” She asked looking curiously at the boy who stood on the steps.
“Umm.. Yes, I’m looking for Y/F/N.. is she here?” He said looking up at the old woman.
“And who should I say is calling?” The maid asked.
Knowing you probably won’t answer if he said his name He said “a friend.” The maid nodded before closing the door and walking off.
When you opened the door you were surprised to see Gilbert “Gilbert?.. what are you doing here?” You asked ready to slam the door in his face.
“Y/N you never let me explain. I was asking Anne for advice on a date that I had planned and needed an opinion on from one of you friends” he said taking you hands in his and rubbing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb.
“w-what?” You croaked out.
“I would never cheat on you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.” He said looking deep in to your Y/E/C eyes.
You pulled him into a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around your waist while resting his chin on the top of your head placing a kiss to your forehead.
“I love you Gilbert Blythe”
“I love you too Y/F/N”
••••• AN: hey I know I said I would write this like two weeks ago but I have had serious writers block followed by several anxiety filled days and then it’s week I has the honor of having tonsillitis for the 4th time in a span of 2 years so that was fun. But anyway I hope you liked this. Love you guys❤️
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plxnetrae · 4 years
Quiet | G.B.
Gilbert Blythe x Fem!Reader
summary: Y/N goes to school with her friends Anne and Diana, but soon becomes quick friends with someone else even against the girls judgement.
genre: fluff
warnings: bullying, billy being a creep, shy reader
request: yes / NO
word count: 940
A/N: I feel like there is not enough Gilbert content on tumblr so, here you go! Hope you like it and enjoy!
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     Y/N was not nearly as excited as Anne was for school. She had been here longer than Y/N so she had gone near the middle of the school year. Y/N on the other hand had not been here tell school was well and over.
     “M-maybe i could just stay here?” Anne shook her head at Y/N, “No! I swear school is quite delightful!” Even with the reassurance from Anne, Y/N was still nervous, though she was always nervous about everything. Even talking to people was a struggle.
     Against her better judgement, Anne walked her along a dirt road to school. Y/N just walked in quiet whilst Anne blabbed on. Eventually they met up with Diana, she too joined them on their way.
      Once the school building was insight Y/N began to panic, again. Anne saw her backing and quickly grabbed her. “No. Come on Y/N!” Diana grabbed the other arm and they dragged Y/N to the river. “You put your milk in the river for lunch.” Diana clarified. Y/N only nodded before putting the jar in.
     After they were done with that they headed through the doors. Y/N went straight to the coat rake, putting her hat and jacket up. Once again her friends dragged her. This time to a group of girls.
     Before she could even get a hello in the girls had started asking questions. “Who’s this?” “Why is she with you, Anne?” “Yes, why is she with you as well Diana?” 
     Y/N tried to talk, but was interrupted every time she did. So she opted to stay quiet while Anne and Diana answered the questions for her. Finally everyone started going to their seats before the teacher got here.
     Y/N sat next to Anne while Diana was on the other side near the window. The teacher eventually showed up and looked around the classroom tell he set eyes on Y/N. “I presume you are the new student?” She only nodded a reply. 
     “I expect you not to fall behind your peers.” He said and again she nodded. All eyes were on her and she could tell. “Can you talk?” The teacher teased making a blush sprout upon Y/N’s face while everyone laughed. She looked down as the teacher went on with his lessons. 
     As the teacher dismissed for lunch, that's when the teasing began. First it was Josie, "Mr. Philip's is right. You don't talk. Can you even talk at all?" All the girls laughed making Y/N more red. She quickly headed outside away from the girl's torment.
     As she was getting her milk from the stream a boy came behind. "Hello beautiful." The voice rang out and once again Y/N blushed. Not because she was flattered but, because all she wanted to do was sit alone and eat lunch in quiet.
     Silently, Y/N tried to maneuver around the boy but to no avail. He just simply continued talking, "My name's Billy. Who might you be?" His voice disgusted the girl. Without saying anything she tried once more to move past him.
     "Hey!" Billy grabbed her arm harshly. "It's rude to not answer. Or maybe you're just mute. Can't talk can you?" The more he talked, the closer he brought her to him. By now Y/N was slightly trembling.
      "Billy!" A deep voice called out, "Let go of her!" Billy groaned before turning around. He made sure Y/N was behind him so she couldn't see the other boy.
      "This is none of your concern Blythe." The Blythe boy just shook his head and stepped towards Billy tell he was right in front of his face. "I said. Let. Her. Go." His voice was deep and fueled by anger. With that Billy let go of and stomped off, but not before giving Y/N a glare.
       She still does not dare look up at the young man now standing as close as Billy once was. “Hello there,” the Blythe boy said, making Y/N look up from the grass. “My name is Gilbert. Can you tell me yours?” He smiled down at her trying to comfort her which just made her more embarrassed. Even so, Y/N swallowed and talked as much as she could. “M-my name is Y-Y/N.”
     Y/N swears his smile got even bigger, “That’s a lovely name.” The little confidence she had left her at the comment, so she looked back down at the grass. “You’re very quiet aren’t you?” Gilbert chuckled at you. You heard whispering and looking over to see Josie, Ruby, and their group staring at you.
     Ruby looked like she was on the verge of tears which made you feel guilty for some reason. Gilbert saw what you were staring at along with your expression, “Don’t mind them.” You turn back to him on the verge of tears yourself. “Ruby says she has ‘dibs’ on me.” He scoffed before looking back at your teary eyes.
     “T-that’s stupid.” He laughed with a big smile making you join along. Once he was finished he just looked at your smile. “I like your smile.” He said it and warmth spread through Y/N. She went quiet again at that. He leaned closer, “Hey, don’t go quiet on me now.” 
     Y/N smiled again, “I-i’ll try.” He nodded, beaming down at you. “Come join me for lunch, will you?” Again she nodded, but then decided to actually respond. “S-sure.” With that he took you away and that’s how you became best friends maybe even a bit more than friends.
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reidandweep · 5 years
Confident Confessions
Gilbert Blythe x Reader (female)
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A/N- This was requested by @spacemochi-x​ a few months ago and I have just been so busy with university and moving that all my requests were left behind. I’m sorry but the newest season has given me lots of inspiration.
Word Count- 2637 words
Warning- Angst and Fluff!
Request- I was wondering if I could make a Gilbert Blythe request where the reader is Anne's and Diana's friend and has major feelings for Gilbert but is too shy to tell him. She was telling Diana and Anne about them and got slightly carried away and started fangirling but when she saw the look on Anne's and Diana's faces she stops and realized that Gilbert was standing behind her and totally freaks out. He tries to talk to her later but she keeps avoiding him until he's had enough and shows up at her doorstep and forces her to confess and then he kisses her because he sees how shy and worried it is?
Love. Anne described love in words that Y/N wished she could. The young girl was a lot shyer than her friends and peers. Even though she had moved to the small town over a year before, Y/N was still very reserved. She was quickly taken under Anne and Diana’s wing. Silently following their adventures of story-telling and slight bouts of mischief. Y/N talked when necessary in front of her classmates and peers, but it seemed that when Gilbert Blythe was ever close, she became even more quieter than usual.
The young teens were scattered across the classroom; conversing in pairs and groups as they all enjoyed their lunches. It was a wet and dreary day in Avonlea; but that didn’t stop the laughter and joy that radiated from the young boys and girls.
As they all conversed, Y/N sat silently to the side of Anne. Her nose deeply buried in the book she held. Her eyes flying across the pages as she could not help but let a small smile grace her lips as she read the story that blossomed on the pages.
“His eyes have not left you for an awfully long time.”
Y/N lifted her head to look at Anne. The red-haired girl and the brunette were already staring back at Y/N; waiting for a response.
“Excuse me?”
Diana let out a small chuckle.
“Anne and I have noticed that Gilbert has done nothing but stare at you the majority of the lunch hour.”
The girls made sure to keep their words quiet.
“Oh Y/N. He’s been staring at you whilst you read. He looks at you as though you are the only source of light in the room. It’s quite romantic.”
Y/N was alarmed at Anne’s words. Her friends were unaware of her feelings for Gilbert. They hadn’t found out. Had they?
Ever so slowly Y/N turned her gaze back to her book. Only this time she could not help but to glance towards the direction of the boy that held her heart in his hands.
True to Anne and Diana’s words, there Gilbert sat, staring at Y/N in a way she had only seen once before. Gilbert looked at her the same way her grandparents looked at one another before they both sadly passed. With complete and utter euphoria.
Gilbert quickly noticed that he had been caught staring. Never one to back away or become shy, he ever so slightly raised his hand; sending the girl a small wave.
A squeak emitted from Y/N’s throat as she hurriedly shoved her face back in her book.
Before any more could be said or done, Miss Stacy re-entered the room to continue the day’s lessons. Halting any further questions or looks from Y/N’s friends. However, it could not stop the sneaking glances that Gilbert sent Y/N, as the girl herself tried her hardest not to look over at her dashing classmate.
“There’s nothing wrong with just admitting you like him Y/N. I have never seen Gilbert act that way with anyone else before.”
The school day had passed, and the three young girls were walking slowly home through the woodland area that graced the path between their homes.
“I do not like Gilbert Blythe.”
There was no belief behind her words. It was obvious to all that how Y/N felt for Gilbert was different to the other boys in Avonlea. She was indeed quiet- but could hold a conversation when needed. However, when that conversation included Gilbert, that was not the case. She would shy away, fidget her hands, and stutter her words; to the enjoyment of Josie-Pye and Billy who teased the girl of her actions.
Anne halted her steps, causing Diana and Y/N to do so as well. Placing her hands onto Y/N’s shoulders, Anne held her friend in a strong but loving grip.
“Y/N. You cannot run away from every twist and turn in the road that is life. Telling Gilbert how you feel can bring you fulfilment and a level of joy and splendour you have never experience before.”
Y/N’s head bowed to the ground. Fidgeting with her hands as her nerves began to increase.
“But what if I lose him?”
Diana and Anne couldn’t help but feel for their friend. The pair quickly moving to hold her in a comforting embrace.
“You could never lose Gilbert Y/N. Anne’s right. You don’t see the way he looks at you but everyone else does; even Ruby. Haven’t you notice she has ceased her advancements on Gilbert?”
Y/N shook her head.
“All of us can see what you two have. All of us except you. You refuse to see.”
Frustration filled Y/N’s body. Pulling away from her friends embrace, she moved to face them. Her back facing the direction of which they just travelled from. With her arms twisted across her torso, Y/N huffed at the sky; cursing whatever god or being had made her feel such a way.
“I do not refuse to see; I refuse to acknowledge. Other than you two, my dearest friends, and my grandparents, the only other person I have felt true comfort and acceptance from is Gilbert. My own mother and father couldn’t accept me for my shy nature. I like being quiet. Gilbert doesn’t force me to talk. He doesn’t pressure me to participate if I wish not to. But he always makes sure I know that he cares.”
She became more and more frustrated. Pacing back and forth along the path, Y/N’s voice rose in agitation.
“When my grandparents fell ill, I began to do poorly at school. Gilbert noticed. He tutored me every other day for weeks until they got better I caught up with you Anne. I never thought I’d be able to keep up with you in school, but Gilbert helped me do so. We spoke about his father and my grandparents. About life, Avonlea, our friends. And when life gets too loud, I know I can walk the short walk to Gilbert’s, and he is there. That we can sit in silence and I don’t have to say anything because he knows. He knows how grateful I am for him to be my friend. I cannot lose that. So, can we please drop the subject matter?”
Y/N ceased pacing and looked at her friends. Confusion instantly replacing her frustration as she stared at Anne and Diana’s shocked expressions. Quickly noticing their gazes were directed behind her, Y/N turned around.
It was Y/N’s turned to be shocked as the boy she was just fawning over slowly walked towards her. Before Gilbert could get any closer to the girl, Y/N picked up her skirt and bolted in the direction of her home. Leaving behind her belongings, her friends, and Gilbert. Their calls for her to return slowly fading into white noise as she focused on running home.
Gilbert came to a halt between Anne and Diana.
“Did you hear all of that?”
Gilbert looked towards Anne.
“Yes, I did.”
In perfect sync, Gilbert received a whack on both arms from the girls either side of him.
“Then why aren’t you running after her?”
Gilbert huffed at their words. He knew that if he ran after her that she would panic even more.
“If I go now, she will over analyse and think I followed her out of pity. If no one has heard from her by supper, then I shall discuss the matter at hand with her.”
And with his words Gilbert left Anne and Diana alone. The two girls watching as he briskly walked home.
“I so do hope Y/N does not overthink and she allows herself to fall into these feelings she feels.”
Anne linked her arms with Diana as they two began to walk home.
“So, do I Diana. So, do I.”
As Gilbert assumed, no one had heard of Y/N all day. She had failed to arrive for her story writing with Anne and the other girls. She had also falsely told her mother that she was feeling unwell and would therefore be skipping tea. The young woman sat in her room, perched on her windowsill, as she read the book in her hand. Her grandparents leaving to attend the monthly town meeting. The only person left in the house was herself.
A knock at the door startled Y/N from her reading. Slipping on her housecoat and footwear, she grabbed the candle that sat perched on her desk. Carefully walking down, the steps, she peered through the window of her living room.
Y/N huffed out a breath of annoyance. Moving towards the door, she slowly opened the wooden structure, peering through the small crack she had allowed.
“Good evening Gilbert.”
Gilbert lifted his head at the sound of her voice. A small smile gracing his face.
“Good evening Y/N. Would it be a bother if I were to enter?”
Y/N didn’t necessarily want Gilbert to enter at that moment. Not after what he had overheard earlier that day. But her grandmother and grandfather would roll in their graves if she did not allow the boy to enter. It had started to rain heavily, and Gilbert was already soaking wet.
Without a word Y/N opened the door most the way; giving Gilbert room to enter. Once the young man had done so, Y/N began to take off his coat and hat. Gilbert did not argue against her actions as he knew his attempts would be futile. In awkward silence, Y/N gathered Gilberts wet outerwear and moved to hang them by the fire to dry. As she went to collect a blanket to help warm her classmate, Gilbert removed his shoes, not wanting to get the Y/L/N residence covered in mud and water.
Y/N gestured for Gilbert to sit by the fire as she placed the blanket in his hands; not a single word being uttered from her lips.
Gilbert politely thanked the young woman. Watching her take her own seat by the fire; catching onto the fact that she purposefully sat in the furthest seat away from him.
The silence continued, and continued, and continued, until Gilbert could take no more.
“About what I overheard earlier this afternoon, I-“
“I wish not to talk about it, Gilbert.”
Gilbert closed his mouth at her words. He could tell Y/N felt extremely uncomfortable speaking about the subject. The young woman sat in an unlady like manner: her arms folded across her chest, her feet tucked under her knees, and her gaze refused to look anywhere near Gilbert’s direction. Gilbert did not wish to make Y/N upset, but he knew that if the matter wasn’t addressed then she would not speak to him for a very long time; maybe never again.
Wrapping the blanket tightly around himself, Gilbert stood from his seat. Walking towards Y/N’s direction, Gilbert grabbed the footstool and placed it by Y/N’s side. The young woman tensed up. Placing himself down on the seat, Gilbert took his time; not wanting to overwhelm her.
“What you were saying earlier-“
“You weren’t meant to over hear that Gilbert.”
Gilbert felt the guilt creep up through his veins and the tears that gathered in the corners of Y/N’s eyes.
“If I knew you was standing there, I would not have said what I did.”
Gilbert cleared his throat. Straightening his back, he sat up straight, determination knocking down the guilt.
Tears gathered in the corners of Y/N’s eyes. She mustered up the courage to look Gilbert in the eyes. She could see his worry and guilt. He need not worry. It wasn’t him that made her cry.
“Me saying what I said out loud made it real. It confirmed how I have always felt for you Gilbert. I was afraid for you to know and I still am deathly afraid. That conversation I had with you those mere months ago confirmed that how much you mean to me Gilbert and I would never want to lose that.”
Gilbert couldn’t help the adoring smile on his face. Even though he had heard all that she had said earlier on that day, hearing her say it to him as she stared into his eyes meant the most.
“I love you.”
Shock was evident on the young girls features. Her mouth agape as Gilbert raised from his seat and crouched in front of her. Slowly but surely, Gilbert moved his hand to hold Y/N’s own. His fingers slowly caressing hers. They both felt the butterflies swarm their stomachs and rouge paint their cheeks.
“You, Y/F/N Y/L/N, besotted me the moment I saw you walk through Charlottetown. I was grabbing supplies for Bash when you walked past the window. I was so enamoured that my money slipped from my hands and fell across the floor.”
Y/N grasped Gilbert’s hand; laughing in disbelief.
“You saw me before I started school. I had just moved here when I visited Charlottetown.”
“I thought I had seen a ghost when you walked in that first day. Slowly but surely, as the days moved on, I fell in love. I love you Y/N. Whether you or not you say-“
“I love you too.”
Neither could hide their gigantic grins spreading across their faces. Gilbert did not want her to feel pressured but she had said the words so loud and so confident, he knew the choice was her own.
The excitement and joy flowed through Y/N’s veins, causing the girl to leap from her seat and into Gilbert’s arm’s knocking the boy to the floor. They held each other in a tight embrace as they both fell into a fit of laughter. Joy and love bathed around them.
Ultimately, the laughter ceased, as they stayed entwined together on the floor. Y/N’s face above Gilbert’s as she slowly moved it closer and closer to his own until-
The lock on the front door started to turn. Both Y/N and Gilbert sprang to their feet. Taking seats on opposite chairs.
“Y/N dear, we’re home-“
As Y/N’s grandparents walked into the room, they were surprised to see Gilbert sat across from the young girl. Neither adults missing the blushes and frazzled looks on the two young adult’s faces.
“Oh, hello Gilbert, what a lovely surprise. What brings you here so late?”
Y/N shot up, pulling Gilbert up as well.
“He was just about to leave Nana. He came to inform me what I had missed at study this afternoon. He hasn’t been here long.”
Gilbert stayed silent during the exchange.
Y/N’s grandparents smirked at one another.
“Well okay then. Thank you very much Gilbert. Y/N’s grandfather will see you out. Y/N may I have a word please.”
Gilbert quietly said his farewells to both Y/N and her grandmother. As Y/N’s grandmother lead her to the kitchen, her grandfather walked Gilbert out the door, shutting it behind the pair.
Gilbert turned to say farewell to the older gentlemen.
“Yes, sir?”
Y/N’s grandfather smiled at the polite young man.
“I’m saying it now, but you’ve always had it. You have our blessing. We trust you to keep treating her well and loving her as you have.”
Gilbert smiled once more. Shaking his head in disbelief.
“Thank you sir. I promise you I will.”
Y/N’s grandfather smiled back at the boy.
“I’m sure you will. Now get home before you freeze to death. See you in the morning.”
And as the elder man walked back into his home and Gilbert walked the path to his own, Y/N sat in her kitchen with her grandmother watching from the window.
“You finally told him?”
Y/N turned her gaze from Gilbert and towards her grandmother.
Y/N’s grandmother held the girl tightly in her arms; placing a kiss onto her head.
“I am proud of you.”
Y/N’s mouth quirked up at the sides.
“I’m proud of me too.”
978 notes · View notes
justauthoring · 6 years
Defensive // Isaac Lahey
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Request: Could I please have an Isaac Lahey x reader where the reader was turned by Derek around the same time as Isaac, but instead of being arrogant and rude like Erica and Isaac at first, the reader is still shy and quiet but more confident? And Isaac steps in and defends the reader from some guys at school harassing her? Sorry if it’s confusing.
Requested by: @books-netflix-and-pizza​
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
Word Count: 1,029
“Come on!”
You sighed, feeling the sleeve of your jacket being pulled, causing you to stumble back slightly in response. You glanced around the hallway, desperate for some help, but these idiots had caught you after school, and no one else was here now.
You seriously regretted staying late to study for the chem test.
“Why are you always so closed off?” One of the boys asked, his friends laughing in response.
The truth was, you didn’t even really know who these boys were. You could maybe name one of them, and you knew you’d seen a few of them in class or in the hallway. But you had no idea what they wanted with you, or why you seemed to be their target.
Panic arose within you when you felt another one slip his hand onto the collar of your jacket, pulling it back. You hadn’t had an idea of what they wanted at first, but you’re pretty sure you did now. 
“Hey!” You screeched, finally raising your voice as you spun, ripping the boys grip off of you. He only laughed mockingly down at you, one of the other six boys, now behind you, catching you by surprise and pulling your jacket off before you could stop him.
You suddenly felt vulnerable, exposed. Your hands immediately came up to cover yourself as the boys poked fun at your embarrassment.
You usually didn’t like to show off a lot of skin. It was for no reason other than you just weren’t comfortable with it, or your body for that matter. You could almost always be seen with jeans or leggings, and a hoody or a jacket. Your rarely showed your arms, or dresses, skirts or shirts. It was just who you were and who you’d always been.
This wasn’t the first time you’d ever been teased for it. But usually it came from the other girls - calling you prude or modest. They didn’t like you for the way you dressed, and that was it. As simple as that.
Boy generally steered clear of you. You imagined it was because you were closed off, and recently, you were seen with either Boyd, Erica or Isaac by your side. You knew a few students had even seen you be picked up by Derek Hale after school.
Could that be why?
“I bet your fun in bed,” one of them whispered, growing dangerously close. You shuddered in response, suddenly feeling cornered and alone.
“Yeah,” one of them laughed, nodding, “why don’t you show us, Y/N?”
You knew damn well that you could just use your strength, your werewolf powers, to fight off these boys. They were no match for your enhanced strength. But unlike the change Erica, Boyd and Isaac had seemingly gone through, you were just as insecure and shy as you’d been before the bite. And you also didn’t completely trust yourself.
What if you lost control?
“Don’t be such a prude!”
“Show us how naughty you really are!”
Sucking in a deep breath, you backed up against your locker, your eyes desperately searching for a possible escape route. 
There were none.
Instant relief flooded you at the familiar voice. All heads turn and through the bodies surrounding you, you saw Isaac. He looked anything but pleased, hands shoved into the pockets of his jeans as he glared at the six boys cornering you, and you, with your enhanced hearing, could hear the hint of a growl leaving his throat.
“What do you want, Lahey?”
Stopping a few feet before the boys and you, Isaac shrugged. “I’d like you for you to step away from Y/N,” he explained, “then, i’d like you to leave her alone.”
One boy, Jack, the one name you remembered and seemingly the leader of the group, laughed mercilessly. He squared his shoulders, trying to seem bigger and taller then he actually was as he stepped up to Isaac. “Yeah?” He chuckled, “and what are you gonna do about it, Lahey?”
You flinched. As soon as Jack finished speaking, Isaac didn’t waste a second before he grabbed the boys collar and slammed up against the locker next to you. You instantly shuffled away, watching with wide eyes as another one of the boys ran up to defend Jack only for Isaac to press a hand against their chest. 
It was seemingly then that the boys realized Isaac was a lot stronger than they looked, and the ones that weren’t trapped in Isaac’s grasp, backed away.
“Now,” Isaac spoke, voice sharp. “Promise me you’ll leave Y/N alone.”
“I-I promise,” Jack stammered, fighting the tight grip Isaac held on him. “I promise!”
The moment he did, Isaac let the two boys, them immediately falling to their knees as Isaac turned to you. He asked if you were okay through his eyes, to which you nodded and then the boys hand was on your lower back, guiding you out of the school and into the parking lot.
“Thank you,” you whispered, once you were sure you were far from those boys. “If you hadn’t come-”
“Exactly,” Isaac interrupted, stunning you. With parted lips and narrowed eyes, you turned to Isaac, raising a brow. “If I hadn’t come, what would have happened?”
“Why didn’t you defend yourself?”
Biting your lip, you glanced at your feet. 
“I know you could’ve easily done it, Y/N. So, why?”
Taking a deep breath, you blinked, shaking your head. “I was scared.”
“Scared?” Isaac exclaimed, baffled. “Of what?”
“I’m not like you or Boyd or Erica! These powers scare me! And i’m scared i’ll lose control, hurt someone... kill someone. I... I-”
“Okay,” Isaac soothed, stepping forward. “Okay, it’s okay.” In the next moment you felt Isaac’s arms wrap around you, pulling you against his chest. “I understand that you’re scared, but that’s why you need Derek to help you. Teach you how to control yourself.”
With a deep breath, you nodded.
Leaning back, Isaac sent you a soft smile, opposite to his usual cocky behaviour. With a smile of your own, you slipped your hand into his own, squeezing. “Thank you,” you repeated, nodding at him. “Seriously.”
“It’s no problem.”
let me know what you thought? remember, reblogging always helps!
requests are open for Gilbert Blythe and Peter Kavinsky!
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imagineaworlds · 6 years
You’re Good For Us -- Gilbert Blythe
Written By: @golden-alie
Request: “I have one! Can you do one where the reader is an orphan and knew Anne? Then the reader gets adopted by Bash and Mary and develops a crush on Gilbert,,,, but Anne tells the reader not to? Sorry if that didn't make sense at all.” — @typicaltrashbagg
Warnings: None.
Pairing: Gilbert Blythe x Orphan!Reader
Word Count: 1,045
Listen To: Air by Shawn Mendes
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I never had a family. I was born after my father’s death, and my mother died in childbirth. Outside of them, I had no one. My grandparents were dead, and I had no aunts or uncles. So it was to the orphanage for me. I grew up in orphanages for most of my life, going between some potential families, but none of them “fit”. Everyone insisted it wasn’t my fault, but the older you get the less families want to adopt you. At some point, I just faced the fact that I was never getting adopted. Until they came in.
A couple… a strange couple walked into the orphanage hand in hand. The women of the house gasped quietly as they came in, but Mama— the woman who owned the orphanage— greeted them kindly. All of us were watching from the staircase, peeking between the railing posts.
Mama asked them if they were looking for a boy or a girl. Either. Baby, I presume? No. Oh? We want someone who’s a bit older… someone who can keep our… son… company. Well, we have plenty of boys who can help around the house. No, no, someone who’s social, someone who can be his friend.
Mama smiled and turned to the stairs. She called my name, and in a state of shock I met Bash and Mary. That day they adopted me. When I went home with them, they introduced me to their “son” Gilbert. Really, he was just a boy my age whom lived with Bash and Mary. He was kind to me, and we quickly became friends.
For nearly a month I begged to go to school. I had never been to a real school before, and I was eager to experience it. However, Gilbert warned against it, said that I should get used to the town first, maybe meet some of the neighbors. For some reason I felt that he was protecting me from something… but I listened to him, and we walked around to different farm houses on a Saturday to say hello. Most were friendly to me until they found out it was Bash and Mary who had adopted me.
Before heading back home, Gilbert wanted to introduce me to one of his friends. On the walk there, he told me about this girl Anne Cuthbert and her parents. At the time, it hadn’t even occurred to me that it was the Anne Shirley I knew.
Gilbert knocked on their door, and a woman covered in baking flour greeted us. She introduced herself to me as Marilla Cuthbert. We were invited in for a cup of tea as we waited for her brother, Matthew, and their daughter Anne to return from the stables. Marilla questioned me about Bash and Mary, and unlike the others, she was comfortable with their names. I suddenly understood why it was Gilbert was friends with the Cuthberts. They were certainly more kind than anyone else I had met so far.
Our conversation quieted as a man with gray hair and wrinkles came in. He stuttered over his name as he introduced himself as Matthew Cuthbert. Then, running up the steps came their daughter Anne. It wasn’t until she peered around Matthew that I realized who it was I was looking at.
“Anne?” I interrogated with shock. A smile brightened on the red head’s face as she ran to me. I embraced her in a tight hug. “Oh, Anne. You have no idea just how glad I am to see you.”
Anne laughed happily in response, then she looked to Gilbert. “How is it you’re here?” she asked me in wonder.
“Mary and Bash have adopted me.”
Anne jumped with joy. Before either Marilla or Gilbert could question how we knew each other, Anne was pulling me upstairs to her bedroom. We talked the afternoon away. I wanted to know everything about her life in Green Gables… everything about Gilbert…
“I have to tell you something.” This grabbed her attention. “But you must keep it a secret.” Anne nodded. “It’s been such a short time since I’ve been adopted… and, yet…”  I checked the door to make sure no one was eavesdropping. I whispered, “I think I have a crush on Gilbert.”
Anne’s smile faded. “What?” I repeated my secret. “No. You can’t.” I was suddenly taken aback by her response, so I questioned it. “Well, Ruby has dibs on Gilbert. So you musn’t tell him.”
Of course, I had met Ruby earlier in the day. She was a girl my age with beautiful blonde hair and freckles covering her face. What I didn’t understand was how someone could call “dibs” on another person. Even more confusing was how Anne would allow such immature notions to fill her head. Anne was never like that. But before I could say any more, there was a knock at the door. Cautiously, the door opened to reveal Gilbert who was blushing deeply. He said that it was time to go, Mary was cooking dinner, and we were expected home nearly an hour ago. Anne freed me from her room after one last hug, then I followed Gilbert out of the Cuthbert’s home.
On the trail home, I studied Gilbert. After a few minutes, he caught me, and I decided to ask him. “Gilbert,” I began to catch his attention. Then I grew shy, “What’s your opinion of Ruby?”
He shrugged, “I have nothing against her. But I wouldn’t say we’re friends. Why?”
I shook my head. “What about Anne?”
Gilbert nearly froze in his tracks. His voice cracked, “She’s one of my best friends.” He shook off whatever else he was thinking. “Why are you asking these things?”
“I don’t know,” I lied. We continued on quietly for a bit longer. “Gilbert,” I started again. “Can you be truthful? What do you think of me?”
A small smile crept onto Gilbert’s face. My heart fluttered as he grabbed my hand, and then even more so when he kissed the back of it. “I think you’re wonderful. I think you’re beautiful… smart, funny— everything. You’re good for us.” His answer told me everything I needed to know about this stupid “dibs” business, and Anne’s attempt to push my feelings for Gilbert away.
anne with an e family: @peggy1999
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peterpparkrr · 7 years
clear-imagines Masterlist
Archie Andrews x Reader
You’re such a cliche
Quality Time
Social Media AU (dating)
Wrong side of the tracks
Enemies to Lovers Headcanons
Cheryl Blossom x Reader
It almost killed me
Private Dance
Social Media AU (dating (reader is a messy artist (part 1) (part 2))
Social Media AU (dating and reader is a photographer)
Betty Cooper x Reader
She’s Perfect (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)
Social Media AU (dating (reader is a photographer)
Asking out Betty Headcanons
Social Media AU (Betty teasing reader about his glasses)
Veronica Lodge x Reader
It’s a quintessential rite of passage
Best Kisser
Focus On Me
Social Media AU (dating)
Jughead Jones x Reader
Forsythe Jones, what the hell is wrong with you?
Traitor (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Social Media AU (camera shy)
Social Media AU (dating)
Kevin Keller x Reader
Social Media AU (best friends)
Sweet Pea x Reader
Independent Study
Only You
Toni Topaz x Reader
Social Media AU (dating)
Veronica Lodge x Cheryl Blossom x Reader
There’s No Hiding Now
Hermione Lodge x Reader
The Wrong Time
Betty x Veronica
Study Session
Veronica Lodge x Chuck Clayton
Riverdale Crew x Reader
Social Media AU (being friends)
Social Media AU (they always steal your phone)
Truth or Dare
Social Media AU (being Jughead’s sister and a photographer)
Social Media AU (going on a trip with Archie and Jughead)
Social Media AU (photos from Pops)
Social Media AU (lgbt+ of Riverdale)
Riverdale Crew
If the Riverdale crew had SnapChat (Part 2)
Riverdale crew Instagram posts about Carrie
Veronica Lodge’s Instagram (Part 1) (Part 2)
William Magnusson x Reader
Honesty is the best policy
Eva Mohn x Reader
Do you want to make out? (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Jonas Vasquez x Reader
Just dance with me
William and P Chris x Reader
Headcanons for being best friends with William and Chris as a gay girl
Yousef Acar x Reader
Fake Boyfriend
Elias Bakkoush x Reader
The start of something
Isak and Even x Reader
Evak’s Best Friend Headcanons
Chris Schistad x Reader
I’m not telling you
Skam France
Manon Demissy x Daphne Lecomte
Are you a lesbian?
Peter Parker x Reader
Wake up call
Criminal (Part 1) (Part 2)
You’re the Spiderman?
I was just trying to catch up
There’s something I need to tell you (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Be Cool
Get Out!
Jubilation Lee (Jubilee) x Reader
You weren’t supposed to hear that
Bruce Banner x Reader
In Person
Steve Rogers x Reader
Life Drawing 101
Growth Spurt
Avengers x Reader
No One is Alone
Warren Worthington III x Reader
I’m not normal
Scott Summers x Reader
Please Stay
Jean Grey x Reader
I’ll protect you
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Complications (Part 1) (Part 2)
The Mechanic
Dating Bucky Headcanons
Thor x Reader
Drinking Games
Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Prank War
Potential Serial Killer (Part 1) (Part 2)
Shuri x Reader
Can we be best friends?
Bruce Banner x Tony Stark
And They Were Roommates: Headcanons
Rogue x Reader
Stephen Strange x Stark!Reader
It had to be you
Changing the Tide (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Star Wars
Poe Dameron x Reader
Babysitting (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
Finn x Reader
Cold Hands
Rey x Reader
Dance With Me
Rose Tico x Reader
More Than Fine
Han Solo x Reader
Harry Potter
Queenie Goldstein x Reader
Snow Fight
Fem!Kowalski x Queenie Goldstein
Teddy Lupin x Reader
Ron Weasley x Reader
Ginny Weasley x Reader
I’d do anything for you
Remus Lupin x  Reader
Social Media AU (dating)
Can I pick? (Slytherin!Reader)
Next Gen Fancast
Marauders Era Fancast
Edmund Pevensie x Reader
I thought you hated me
Stranger Things
Jonathan Byers x Reader
Dating Jonathan Byers Headcanons
Greatest City in the World
Social Media AU (dating and both being photographers)
Steve Harrington x Reader
Morning After
Later, Harrington
Dating Steve Harrington Headcanons
Nancy Wheeler x Reader
Dating Nancy Wheeler Headcanons
Jonathan Byers x Nancy Wheeler
What happens now?
Mike Wheeler x Jane Hopper
Laser Tag
Doctor Who
Doctor x Reader (11th)
Surprises are cool, right?
13 Reasons Why
Alex Standall x Reader
Mercy (pt 1) ( pt 2) (pt 3) (pt 4) (pt 5) (pt 6) (pt 7) (pt 8) (pt 9) (pt 10) (pt 11) (pt 12) (pt 13)
Nico Minoru x Reader
Anne with an E
Gilbert Blythe x Reader
Tom Holland
Trust Fund Baby
Finn Wolfhard
Social Media AU (Dating)
181 notes · View notes
frost-queen · 6 years
Teach me ( Reader x Gilbert)
Requested by: @panic-at-top, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt, @alex--awesome--22, @mrs-blythe72, @fandomnerdsarecool
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Being the youngest sister isn’t that easy, and especially not when there is only one school. You had to go to the same school as your sister Ruby and all the others of her age. Even though you were just one year and a half younger than him, you felt like someone who fell out of the boat. There was one girl who was the only one older than the others but that was a whole different thing, everyone looked up at her. No one ever looks up to the youngest one, you felt like the littlest duck in the class.
Most of them threated you as child, they forgot you were just one year and a half younger than them. This also meant that you sometimes had a hard time with keeping up with their pace, your brain couldn’t handle some mathematics or difficult words. It frustrated you that you had to keep up with their pace or everyone would laugh at you. Your sister tried to help you out as much as she could but even she wasn’t a school wonder.
The only one who was super smart was Gilbert Blythe, it was as he was wasting his time at school because he could learn everything all by himself and still score high. You admired him a lot and had wondered a lot to ask him for help, but you were afraid that he might laugh at you for being dumb or something. You decided to postpone that thought until you were at the brink of collapsing under the books.
You were in you room laying on your bed with four books scattered all around your bed. You kept turning page after page from different books as you wanted to understand what today’s lesson would be about. you started to panic a bit once you only saw difficult words and strange drawings that was supposed to look like math. You sighed loud and just closed every single book one by one, - “This is hopeless…” – you said to yourself as you pushed the books off your bed, you didn’t want to look at them again.
The books fell with loud thuds on the floor as your sister Ruby entered the room. – “Y/n are you almost…” – she paused her sentence as she saw the books scattered all over the floor. – “Are you at war again with your books?” – she said as she came in and started to collect them. – “Maybe…” – you replied as you watched her place the books on your desk. – “Why don’t you ask for help?” – Ruby asked you as she took your hands and pulled you up from your bed.
You sighed soft as he didn’t want to admit it that it was getting harder for you. – “I’ll figure something out!” – you called out and Ruby gave you a look as she didn’t believe you. – “If you need me, just shout, Y/n…” – she leaded you towards the door as it was time to get to school. Before she pushed you out of the door, you quickly rushed back into your room and grabbed 2 books from your desk.
Ruby closed the door behind you as you were standing next to her again, you looked brief at the books in your hands and placed your head on them as you hoped you could follow during class. Both of you rushed downstairs and you placed the books in your basket and seated yourself down the table to have a quick breakfast. Your mother moved her hand over your hair as she gave you a quick kiss against your forehead.
Ruby looked quick at the clock and jumped out of her seat, still having a piece of bread between her teeth. She took it from between her teeth and spoke fast, - “We have to go, Y/n!” – she then placed it back and putted on her coat as you got up and dragged your feet to your coat and basket. Your mother waved the two of your goodbye as Ruby waved happily back.
On the way to school Ruby was telling you all about how much she adored Gilbert and if he would notice her new hair look. You acted like you listened, but you were panicking inside that you hoped you wouldn’t be tested today. Miss Stacy was a wonderful teacher but the things she sometimes explained seemed like a foreign language to you. The closer you get to school, the more it felt as you wanted to run away.
Ruby ran towards her friends as you knew they didn’t like it when you were there when they talked about ‘mature’ things. You sighed deep as you started to make your way over to the school building as the boys were playing football, you seated yourself down against the wall and just stared in front of you. Gilbert who was playing with the boys paused for a moment and walked over to Billy. – “Blythe we are playing! Why are you pausing?” – Gilbert just sighed and explained to him that he thought it was a good idea to invite you over. – “You serious? You want Y/n to play with us?” – Gilbert nodded soft as he looked brief at you.
“No way!” – Billy called out, - “Football is for boys, not for little girls!” – Gilbert sighed deep as he was a bit disappointed in his behaviour. – “Fine than I’ll just go over to her and talk!” – Gilbert than walked away as Billy called out his name again because now he had a player less. You had to blink a few times as you saw Gilbert walk over to you. – “May I?” – he asked you as he pointed at the spot in front of you.
You nodded soft, still confused that he would come over to you. If Ruby saw this, she would have squealed loud and shout in your ear that you had a moment with him. you watched him sit in front of you as you felt nervous around him. – “how are you, Y/n?” – he asked you as you swallowed deep to avoid any high-pitched tones. – “Go... good, how are you?” – you replied as you were glad it came out in a reasonable tone.
He chuckled soft as he noticed the books in your basket, - “Are you studying these?” – he asked you as he took a big heavy book from your basket to examine the cover. You nodded shy as he frowned at the cover, - “Y/n this is way too hard for you…” – he said calm as he kept looking at the cover and back. You started to get a bit angry that he thought you were dumb or something, so you grabbed the book from his hand and placed it back. – “I am very smart!” – you shouted back at him.
He was surprised for a moment but soon chuckled again as you exclaimed that. – “I never doubted that Y/n…” – he said soft as you still felt like he was ridiculing you. – “My uncle gave me this book to help me out with studying because he thinks I need it since I can barely follow or anything…” – “you need help with studying?” – Gilbert interrupted you as you hated yourself for telling him that. – “No…” – you replied bossy as he chuckled again at your behaviour.
“Y/n, you can be honest with me?” – he said soft as he lowered his head a bit, to look at you clearer. You tried to keep your lips sealed but you knew you were collapsing underneath all those fancy words and difficult problems. You sighed deep after some moments, - “Gilbert can you help me study? I …I … I feel like the walls are closing in on me, … I barely understand a subject fully as we are already on the next one…” – you let your head fall in the palms of your hands as you felt ashamed for being so dumb.
Gilbert pulled your hands down as he gave you a sweet smile, - “Y/n I would love to help you study… but why didn’t you ask me before?” – you shrugged your shoulders soft as you had no idea why you were ever afraid of calling for help. – “I’ll help you out but first…” – he started as he moved his hand towards your basket again, - “No more difficult books!” – he took the big heavy book and placed it on his lap. You wanted to say something, but he paused you by speaking again, - “Even I don’t understand this book, Y/n so I don’t think you are dumb or anything but this…” – he picked up the book again and showed it to you, - “This is way too hard…”
You smiled soft at him as you felt relieved that Gilbert would help you study. – “I’ll pick you up after school!” – he called out as he stood up and reached his hands out to you, you took them and let him pull you up. – “But…” – you started but he shushed you by placing his finger against your lips, - “No but’s, I’m picking you up after school and we’ll study at my place… I know we won’t be disturbed there.”
You gazed at him for a moment as he removed his finger from against your lips, the school bell than rang and Gilbert smiled sweet at you as he made his way over to the entrance. He paused halfway as he looked back at you, - “Are you coming Y/n?” – he called out as you blinked a few more times and hopped towards him. Gilbert chuckled soft and waited for you to walk inside.
During class you tried to pay as many attentions as you could, after a while you thought your head would explode from all the unknown words that would swirl around your mind. Miss Stacy asked everyone to gather around the table as everyone rushed quickly to get a good spot. Everyone was faster than you and you were standing in the back as you couldn’t see anything with all those taller people in front of you. Suddenly you felt someone pull you towards him and push you to the front, you looked over your shoulder and saw Gilbert standing behind you with his hands on your shoulder.
He gave you a quick wink as it made you swoon inside, you then looked back in front of you as you had a good view of the table. Gilbert kept standing behind you and if he noticed that you couldn’t follow he would whisper the explanation of it short to you by using simple words. You started to understand it more as Gilbert whispered the easy version in your ear, his breath sometimes tickled your skin as you thought it felt nice on your skin.
During lunchtime Gilbert stayed inside as he was looking for good books in the teacher’s room. He kept looking at each book and scanning each cover if it would be a perfect book to help you study. He barely had time to eat as he wanted to help you out, he kept biting from his bread in between movements. By the time lunchtime was over he had collected six or seven books, he walked out of the teacher’s room and arranged with Miss Stacy that he could borrow them.
For the rest of the time you tried to keep up with everyone’s pace but you felt the walls closing in on you, you felt like giving up at some point but then you remembered that Gilbert was doing his very best to help you, you couldn’t give up on him now so, you pushed yourself to continue even if you only understood half of it.
School was finally over, and you walked with your sister home as your head was full of weird words and difficult sketches of math problems. You didn’t tell Ruby that Gilbert was coming to pick you up at your house or she would have asked, you to come along and that was the last thing you wanted. She would only get in the way and besides you wanted some alone time with Gilbert as you had a small crush on him but never dared to engage on that out of freight of Ruby.
As soon as you got home, you collected all sorts of books and placed them in your basket. You barely took off your coat and ran back downstairs with a heavy basket full of books. Your parents frowned at your behaviour as you only told them that you were going to play with a friend. Ruby found it weird that you were waiting in the hallway, you were sitting on a bench in the hallway as you waited for Gilbert to arrive.
You heard a knock on the door and called out that it was your friend as you opened the door a bit and before Gilbert could walk in you rushed outside and pulled him back with you. He didn’t have the chance to say goodbye to your parents as you were already walking back towards the woods with him again. Gilbert decided to let it rest as he figured it had something to do with Ruby, he noticed your basket full of books and chuckled soft as he thought it was cute how much effort you putted in it.
During the walk the basket got too heavy for you to carry as it almost fell out your hands. – “Allow me…” – Gilbert spoke as he helped you lift the basket again and took it from you. He placed it in his left hand as the weight didn’t do him anything, you gasped soft as you admired his strength. – “We’re almost there, Y/n” – he said soft as he suddenly took your hand and leaded you under a low hanging branch. You felt yourself blush at his touch as you saw the top of his house already in sight.
Gilbert welcomed you in and took your coat, you seated yourself down as he walked back in with your basket. He placed it on the table and then walked away, he came seconds later with his own stock of books. – “Are those all for me?” – you asked him soft as he seated himself next to you, - “Yes, and I expect you not to know any of these in one day so, if you don’t mind I think we’ll need to come together a lot more…”
You started to blush again as you looked nervous at the table, - “I don’t mind…” – you replied soft as Gilbert was already picking a first book, you frowned at the cover and knew this was going to be hard for you, but Gilbert helped you a lot. Soon as you were already half way the first book, Gilbert got tired of sitting down so he had leaded you to his living room where you were laying on his carpet next to the fire place. Slowly you started to understand things as Gilbert was excited for you, you were laying in front of him on your stomach as he laid the same with the book in his hand.
After a while as you both were a bit tired of studying, closed Gilbert the book and placed it next to him. – “I’ve we keep up this pace, I’ll think I’ll have to get more books as I never want this to end…” – you smiled shy as he started to run his fingers through his hair, - “Let’s take a break than?” – you suggested as you seated yourself better.
You wanted to grab the book and Gilbert noticed it as he moved his hand towards yours, before you touched the book he let his fingers get in touch with yours. You looked nervous at him as you let him move his fingers through yours. He was touching them in a gentle and soft way as your stomach started to tingle. You had to supress a squeal as you didn’t want to sound like your older sister Ruby, you just pressed your lips together as he finally placed his hand in yours and pulled your hand close to him.
“I’m really grateful that you asked me to help you study, Y/n…” – he said soft as it sounded like a whisper, you licked your lips soft as you heard wood crackle beside you. – “I’m glad I did…” – you replied as Gilbert took the book again. You frowned as you thought you were going to take a break, he held the book close to his face as you only saw his eyes. – “Gilbert, I thought we postponed our study session…” – you said to him as you moved your head closer to him and lowering his book with your finger.
Gilbert saw that you were close enough now and he dropped his book on his lap and grabbed your face. He pulled your face closer to him as he pressed his lips onto yours seconds later, you were shocked for a moment but let him kiss you as you felt yourself surrender under his love. He pulled away moments later and looked shy at the book on his lap, he only looked up when you called out his name and placed your hand on his knee.
“I liked that very much…” – you replied uncertain as you had no idea how to react on a kiss. Gilbert chuckled soft, - “Me too, Y/n… me too…” – you took his hand again and watched the fire dance on the wood as Gilbert turned himself better, so you could let your head rest against his shoulder. You did, and Gilbert let his head rest against yours, - “Can we study again tomorrow…” – Gilbert asked you as he enjoyed this moment. – “I’d like that very much…” – you replied as you pulled yourself closer to him.
Gilbert smiled in instant as he couldn’t wait to see you tomorrow and the days after to help you study and perhaps sometimes steal a kiss from you as he loved you very much. He never knew he did, but this experience made his mind clear about his feelings towards you.
Check out my AWAE masterlist to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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justauthoring · 6 years
A Walk Home // Gilbert Blythe
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Hiaa first of all love your writing omggg anyway so can I possibly ask for a Gilbert x reader where the reader on their way home from the small hut in the forest with Anne and she runs into Gilbert, and He, in all his chivalry compliments the reader because she has a flower in her hair (she forgot before he said that) and he walks her home, and she kisses him on the cheek but he grabs her hand gently before she goes and kisses her. Again, love your writing it’s absolutely amazing 💕💕
Please don’t plagiarize my work - I spend a lot of my time writing, copying and pasting destroys that. If you want to repost my work. please ask first - but even then I might say no.
Word Count: 1,044
You waved goodbye to Anne and Diana, a wide smile on your lips as you slowly shuffled back. The three of you never stopped waving goodbye to one another, giggling in absolute enjoyment, until you were completely out of their sights.
The moment you were, you spun around, skipping along with a certain giddiness bursting within you. Spending time with Anne and Diana, and sometimes Ruby in that little clubhouse of yours never failed to fill your heart with warmth. While you’d always been friends with Diana, Ruby and the other girls, Anne had brought a new meaning to the word friend ever since meeting her.
You finally got to express yourself in ways you hadn’t even known possible before.
Plus, Anne was the only one you were able to talk to about your friendship (and maybe more than that) with Gilbert Blythe. The two might be enemies as she liked to say, but she didn’t believe in the whole dibs thing that the other girls did, and she listened to you without any judgement. It truly was amazing and enlightening.
You’d always had a crush on Gilbert, and been exceptionally close, but you could never really talk about it or openly show it before. Mainly because of Josie (and the other girls) and the way they’d treat you if they ever found out. And partly because you didn’t want to hurt Ruby’s feelings.
But now, with Anne as your friend, you finally had someone to talk to about it.
Gilbert was the only kind boy in class. Well, that wasn’t exactly true. Charlie and Moody had never been rude, but they also didn’t ever speak out against Billy and his goons. Gilbert had only ever been chivalrous towards you, and stood up against Billy’s bullshit.
You could truly go on about Gilbert forever, but tried to limit as best as possible so as not to annoy Anne. But even when you couldn’t see him or talk about him, he was always in your thoughts. And if it wasn’t that, it was sneaking glances at each other in class, or meeting up after school to spend some time together. It was visiting him at his house to help him around the house with his father, and spending hours just talking.
You were pulled out of your musings by the sound of a familiar voice. At first you’d believed it to be Anne, thinking maybe you’d left something back at the clubhouse. But when you turned, you found the familiar and kind eyes of Gilbert Blythe and an instant smile lit up your features.
“Gilbert?” You called, slightly baffled by the sight of him. The boy slowed to a stop in front of you, slightly out of breath as you met his eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“I was just heading home when I saw you,” he explained, his eyes softening. His eyes caught sight of something as you furrowed your brows. “Your flower,” he explained, stepping forward slightly to touch one of the petals gently. “It looks quite cute on you.”
With a soft blush, you brushed back a strand of lose hair that had fallen from your braid, smiling gently. “Oh,” you nodded, having completely forgotten that the flower had been in your hair. “Thank you.”
Gilbert grinned, “it’s no problem,” he nodded, then, “I was also wondering if you’d like a walk home?”
The offer wasn’t unlike anything Gilbert had offered before, but still your eyes widened slightly in surprise. You rose your head, glancing behind you at the way you were meant to go before turning back to Gilbert. “You don’t have to,” you shook your head. “We live in opposite directions, plus it’s such a long wa-”
“I don’t mind,” Gilbert interrupted, a dazzingly handsome smile falling on your lips.
You hesitated a moment longer, debating. You felt slightly bad having Gilbert go through all that trouble for you, but it was better than walking home alone. Plus, it was always nice spending time with Gilbert...
“Sure,” you nodded, “i’d love if you’d walk me home.”
And so Gilbert did. 
The walk was around twenty minutes, but luckily it wasn’t winter, so it made the walk home easier. And as usual, you and Gilbert talked about nothing and everything at once. Once you got into the ease of things, it was always so easy talking to Gilbert.
He was incredibly smart, and the two of you shared interests in a lot of the same things. Plus, Gilbert never minded listening to you talk, no matter how long it took. He would just listen, his eyes on you with a certain focus, and wouldn’t question you or judge you.
It always made the time you spent with him wonderful, but painfully short. 
Before you knew it, you’d arrived home. The both of you slowed to a stop just before the steps to your front door, turning to each other as Gilbert finished laughing at a story you’d told.
There was a moment of silence, the both of you not wanting to say goodbye just yet. But you knew that if you waited outside for too long, your mother would be wondering where you were and she’d start peeping on the both of you, which would only embarrass you later in the evening.
So, with another soft but bright smile, you stepped forward, pressing your lips against Gilbert’s cheek. You’re not sure where the sudden confidence came from, but it felt like the right thing to do.
“Thank you,” you nodded with a heavy blush, leaning back on your feet. Gilbert, slightly dazed, nodded and you turned to leave. But just before you could, a hand caught your wrist, pulling you back. A gasp left your lips in response, and suddenly there were hands cupping your cheeks, and lips pressed against your own.
The action bewildered you, but you definitely didn’t mind. After the shock faded, you returned his kiss gently, pulling back a moment later with a shy smile. Gilbert mimicked your smile, but with a bit more confidence as he tucked back the same strand of hair that had fallen from your braid before.
“I’ll see you on Monday?” 
“Yeah,” you coughed, slightly stunned, “i’ll see you Monday.”
let me know what you thought? remember, reblogging always helps!
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frost-queen · 6 years
You found me ( Reader x Charlie)
Requested by: @romantvc, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt
A/N: Darling what have you done with me! Charlie has taken over my heart and I’m glad he did. He is the cutest curly haired boy and I hope he get’s more screentime in S3. + Why aren’t there any good gif’s of him like zero to be precise.
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Charlie Sloane one of Gilbert Blythe’s friends was a quiet, secure boy. He was loved by everyone but there was only one that he loved: “Y/n.”
He’d never had a real conversation with you, only a few good mornings and goodbye’s in the passing. He hated it that he was so shy to talk to you. He hated it that he was never going to be enough for you, you were so loved by the others and he was like a wallflower. He was mostly the one you would notice in the background of the happening.
You would think a cute, curly haired boy would get more attention with the girls, but he wasn’t Gilbert and he didn’t expect himself to be. In some ways he wished he was more like his friend, Bold to talk to the girl he likes. The only thing Charlie could do or wasn’t shy to do was admire you. admire you from afar and hoping, dreaming you would one day be his girl.
Gilbert had tried to give him as many advices possible. “Just tell her how you feel, Charlie?” – Charlie would just shake his head “not happening what if Y/n doesn’t like me back, I don’t think my heart can take it.”
Gilbert would just sigh for the hundredth time “Fine than just write down whatever you feel.”
After a lot of complaining to Gilbert and ignoring his feelings, Charlie finally decided to write how we felt about you on little notes.
He wasn’t going to give them to you but the feeling he had by writing those things down gave him enough satisfaction.
Mr. Phillips walked in the classroom with Miss. Lynde by his side. Everyone frowned at the sight of her, it was unusual for her to be here.
“Listen up class …” – Mr. Phillips started but Miss. Lynde interrupted him and pushed him a bit back, making her the centre of attention.
“My dear children I am proud to tell you that we will be playing the annual Christmas play.” – She folded her hands together and started to laugh soft at the thought of another fantastic Christmas play.
The classroom started to fill with whispers as they got louder. Miss. Lynde calmed everyone down as she showed everyone the scripts.
She walked over to every desk and placed two scripts at every seat, you smiled as you received yours and whispered cheery with Jane.
The boys either frowned or acted all silly by receiving the script. Miss Lynde made her way back to the centre of the classroom “Now children there are a few leading rolls, so I want everyone to do their best to get a roll.”
“You can find the leading rolls at the first pages of your script” – she pointed with her finger to some scripts in the air as everyone started to open the first pages.
Charlie let his eyes roll over the words, he stopped at the word “Fairy Queen.”
His face started to light up as he leaned on his hand to stare at you. “Gilbert don’t you think Y/n would be the most beautiful fairy queen ever.”
Gilbert looked over at you and then back to Charlie “Well why don’t you tell here that?” – Charlie frowned “Don’t be silly Gilbert I could never do that.”
Miss. Lynde awoke him from his fantasy dream about you. “I want you to all partner up and practise the roll you’d like to take. And may the best win.” – she wrinkled her face soft as she seated herself behind Mr. Phillips’s desk.
Mr. Phillips rolled his eyes as he watched her sit down at his seat, he then cleared his throat and spoke loudly “For all those happy boys thinking they could take the part of the prince should stop there since I will be playing the Prince.”
A few boys sighed, as others threw their script angry at there desk. Gilbert got up and pulled Charlie with him.
“Now go pair up with Y/n.” – before Charlie could react, Gilbert had pushed him in your direction bumping into you.
He immediately froze as he felt his body touch yours. You turned around smiling “Charlie do you want to practise together?”
Charlie was still frozen and wished he could disappear. “I … I …. I” – was the only thing that slipped out of his mouth.
“Is everything alright Charlie?” – you placed your hand on his shoulder, Charlie felt his knees shake, screaming to him to get the hell away.
Gilbert noticed Charlie wasn’t responding so he walked over to the two of you to help him out. “Y/n Charlie would love to practise with you.” – Gilbert patted Charlie on the back, you sighed out of relieve for a moment you thought Charlie didn’t want to.
Charlie felt his palms sweat, he placed his hand in his pocket feeling his little notes to comfort him.
You wanted to take his hand to lead him to a place to practise but Charlie did something you’d never expected. Before your hand could touch his he spurted outside. Without looking back, without saying anything he just ran out ignoring you and Gilbert calling out his name.
Gilbert could punch him right now, Charlie had the perfect moment and he ruined it by running of like a scared little boy.
“Did … did I do something wrong, Gilbert?” – you asked him concerned, thinking you did something to scare of Charlie.
Gilbert widened his eyes “No Y/n no you did nothing wrong. Charlie just…” – he sighed again “Charlie is just a bit nervous that’s all.”
You looked at the door that Charlie had just run of. “I didn’t mean to scare him away, I just hoped we could practise together. You see Gilbert Charlie is … Charlie means something to me.” – Gilbert frowned a bit as you sighed again “You see even though we don���t talk that much, I have this feeling, this feeling that makes me happy every time Charlie is around. Does this make me sound like a crazy old lady?”
Gilbert shook his head while smiling “I know the feeling, you can have such a strong feeling about that one person even though you don’t interact that much.” – Gilbert looked brief at Anne and smiled soft.
Gilbert then placed his hand on your shoulder “Don’t worry Y/n I will get Charlie and make sure he’s alright.” – you nodded, and Gilbert ran outside to look for Charlie as you walked over to Jane to practise with her.
Gilbert had found Charlie quickly, he was looking at his little notes and crumbled a few of them in his hand. “I’m an idiot, she must think I hate her or something. I don’t deserve this!” – Charlie threw a few of the notes in the water.
“Charlie stop!” – he heard behind him. Gilbert ran quickly to his side and stopped his hand from throwing the second row of notes in the water.
“Let go Gilbert, I made a fool of myself. Y/n hates me!” – he tried to pull his hand free from the tight grip of Gilbert’s.
“No, she doesn’t!” – Gilbert’s voice was soft and full of compassion, he took the notes from his hand and placed them in Charlie’s pocket. “Just talk to her and it will surprise you how much she likes you, Charlie.”
Charlie blinked a few times and finally after months of gushing about you. he admitted that it was time to have a proper talk with you, hoping a love relationship would come out of it.
“oh no” – Charlie quickly gathered his little notes that were soaking wet. He looked at them and sighed deep, all those lovely things he wrote about you were vanished away like it was nothing.
“Charlie” – Gilbert started as he took the wet notes from his hand and placed them somewhere next to him “You don’t need those notes to tell her how you feel. What you feel for her comes from in here.” – Gilbert pointed at Charlies heart “That could never be washed away by some water.”
Charlie pulled Gilbert close for a hug “Thank you Gilbert, for making me believe again.”
The next day the entire class was gathered around at the stage where the Christmas play would be.
Miss. Lynde had made Diana the Fairy queen, you were a bit disappointed but also very proud of here that she got the part.
Billy got to play the owl, Father Bentley got the role of the fair dame, Josie played the boy and Miss. Lynde gave herself the role of Queen Victoria.
You got a part as one of the fairies alongside: Ruby, Jane, Tillie and Minnie May. You weren’t the fairy queen, but you were happy with a smaller part as a fairy.
Miss. Lynde was practising with Minnie May and her classmates there singing talents as Minnie May walked out holding her fingers in her ears to stop the dreary singing of her friends.
Cole painted the most beautiful décor you could ever imagine as others started crafting the background.
You were backstage painting some wooden trees as Charlie approached you. “Uhm Y/n do you need some help?” – Charlie stood there a bit nervous and awkward.
“Of course, Charlie” – you made some room, so he could sit next to you. he grabbed a paint brush from the pot of paint and started to help you.
“Y/n I … I’m sorry for running of like that.” – you smiled at him “Don’t worry about it Charlie, I forgive you.”
He chuckled soft as he kept painting. You looked at his profile, seeing his cute curls and dimples when he smiles.
you added some more paint on your brush and started to paint the leaves green as it was his time to admire you. He watched as you focused on the painting, he licked his lips soft as he wished he could kiss your sweet and oh so soft lips.
“I think you will be the most beautiful fairy Y/n” – Charlie held his one hand in his pocket again, feeling the little notes. He then took a deep breath and released his grip on them, he didn’t need them anymore. He wasn’t afraid anymore to tell you how he felt.
You started to blush as you felt your face glow with heat “Thank … thank you Charlie.”
Charlie tried to be as bold as Gilbert, so he started to move his hand to you, you felt his fingers touch yours and you flinched a bit at his sudden touch. Charlie quickly pulled his hand back thinking he made a mistake as you grabbed his hand and tangled your fingers around his.
He looked from your entangled hands to you. this was the feeling he had longed for so long, a part of his dreams and hopes had come through. Things could only be better now from this point on, Charlie had finally spoken to the girl he fancied and to his surprise she liked him back.
Check out my Masterlist   for more Anne with an E imagine’s and many more.
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frost-queen · 6 years
Brave enough ( Reader x Ruby Gillis)
Requested by: @alex--awesome--22, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt
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It's a feeling growing old with time, like a restless in the leaves calming down.
You and Cole had been best friends since the beginning of time, you were very glad to know anyone as sweet and caring as Cole. He had told you about him liking boys and you told him on your turn that you liked Girls, Ruby Gillies to be precise.
There was something about her that made you feel like a little child in a candy store. Her sweetness would make you swoon inside as her smile could change the world for you. You started to get fond of the colour red as it was her signature colour. You would spot every red colour as it reminded you of her in instants.
You wanted to tell her how you felt about her, but Ruby had eyes on someone else; Gilbert Blythe was her dream boy for who she had been crushing on for years. You knew Gilbert never liked her back, but she just wouldn’t stop obsessing over him. Lucky for you, your best friend Cole would always cheer you up as you felt down after seeing Ruby gushing about Gilbert.
“Cole, how can I find happiness when the person I love is in love with someone else?” – you were laying in Cole’s bed as he was sitting up straight near your waist. – “Y/n, you will find love someday!” – he called out as he stared at you, your head was laying on his pillow as you sighed soft and turned your back to him.
“Hey! Don’t ignore me!” – Cole called out as he grabbed his other pillow and threw it against your head. You growled loud at the impact of the pillow as you turned your body more away from him. – “I mean it! Don’t ignore me Y/n!” – he called out again as he threw the pillow again against your head.
You turned your head to him as you stuck out your tongue at him, you then removed the pillow from under your head and threw it against his face. You laughed hard as Cole didn’t expect it, he didn’t let you laugh long as he threw the pillow again towards your head. – “It’s on!” – you called out as you seated yourself to your knees and started to hit him repeatedly with a pillow in the head.
Feathers falling out of a pillow, as if time's standing still. They fell in slow-motion as you and Cole kept trying to hit each other, soon his entire bed was filled with feathers. Both of you laughed loud as Cole fell with you. – “I haven’t laughed in such a long time…” – you said between your laughs as Cole kept laughing.
“Plan succeeded!” – he called out as he tried to stop laughing, he had to wipe some tears away that escaped his eye from laughing to hard. Both of you lay next to each other letting soft laughs escape your lips as you tried to calm down. – “Thank you, Cole!” – you said to him as you turned your head to him, - “always Y/n!” – he replied as he touched your nose brief with his finger.
You giggled soft as you wrapped your arms around him, he kissed your sleep soft as he rested his head against yours. – “Do you think she will ever get over her insane obsession?” – you whispered soft as you thought it was hopeless that Ruby would ever stop obsessing over Gilbert. – “I’m sure she will…” – he replied not knowing the exact outcome, but he still wanted to give you some hope.
“I know your lying to me to make me feel good, but I appreciate it, very much…” – you said to him as you knew he was being nice and careful with you. He also knew that Ruby’s obsession could go on for years. – “Hey, don’t think about it too much…” – Cole said to give you some comforting words as he knew they wouldn’t do you any good, but he still wanted to say them.
You breathed out slow as Cole felt bad for you, he wanted to see you happy so badly, but he knew Ruby was a hard case in letting things go. He knew he couldn’t do this on his own, he needed help and none other than Anne and Diana’s.
They were best friends with Ruby, so they could help him the most, you had closed your eyes in the meantime that Cole was figuring things out as you rested against his chest. – “I’ll promise Y/n, I will take care of you…” – he whispered at you as he watched you sleep against him. He took a deep breath as he stared at the ceiling, knowing what he was going to do was going to be a hard thing to do.
Ruby was known for having a long obsession and having a hard time with taking a step back from it. Cole knew this was going to be a hard challenge, but he wanted to push it to the limit to see you smiling again. You’ve been sad and depressed lately, knowing that you could never have a chance with Ruby. You knew she was going to be obsessed with him until her death and that you were doomed to keep waiting for her hopelessly.
Your life would pass you by as you never enjoyed it but only being constantly worried about Ruby. That was not the life Cole wanted for you, he wanted you to live each moment with the person you love and enjoying the little things in life. Loving her was red to you, red from her significant colour and red from the blood representing the pain in your heart for not having her.
Cole had figured out an entire plan as he also finally fell asleep against your head, he was going to make sure that you would be happy soon. The next morning was Cole already letting his plan go through his mind for the hundred time. – “With Diana and Anne this must work?” – he said to himself as he was walking towards school, you were already at school as you were almost always the first one at school.
You enjoyed it that you could watch your classmates arrive and you also loved the peace and quiet before they would disturb it with their chattering and playing. Cole had promised Anne and Diana to wait for them half way the journey to school as he was eager to talk to them. He arrived at the spot and leaned against a tree, looking curious around for Anne and Diana.
They arrived minutes later arm in arm as he greeted them, - “Anne! Diana!” – he called out as he hugged them both. – “What did you want to talk about?” – Diana asked him as Cole moved to the middle of them, they started to walk again, and Cole explained to them about you and Ruby.
“Y/n likes Ruby?” – Anne called out, - “That is so sweet, I already think they are perfect for each other!” – Anne smiled bright as Diana shook her head, - “Yes but don’t forget that Ruby is madly in love with Gilbert, so I think she would be a problem to convince her to let go of her obsession and look past that.” – Anne nodded short as she had to admit that Ruby was going to be a lot to handle.
“I know I’m asking a lot from you, but I just want Y/n to be herself again…” – Cole spoke soft as Anne and Diana listened closely to him. – “I mean she deserves all the love in the world, but Ruby is just a hard thing to achieve. Diana placed her hand against his arm as she smiled soft at him, - “Don’t worry, we can do this!”
Anne made herself larger as she nodded firm at Diana’s comment, - “Yes, Ruby will drop her useless obsession in no time!” – “I’d like to believe that…” – Cole spoke after her, - “We can do this!” – Diana said again, encouraging everyone, - “We can do this!”
The rest of the time they discussed what to do and how they would let Ruby drop her stupid obsession over a boy who she could never have. They knew they had to be harsh but also inspiring. You lifted your head as you saw something red in the corner of your eye, Ruby had arrived, and you couldn’t supress a blush. She looked even more beautiful than ever, her red dress was burning through your eyes as you kept gazing at her.
She noticed you sitting down and waved ladylike at you, you blushed again and waved shy back at her. You quickly turned your head as your face was burning up from blushing, you knew she was just being friendly to you but to you it seemed as a proper interaction with the love of your life.
Cole, Diana and Anne arrived minutes later as they noticed Ruby near the stream, they rushed over to her as they were ready to confront her with the truth. – “Ruby!” – Diana called out as she smiled bright at the sight of them. – “Diana, Anne and Cole good to …” – she was cut off by the three of them who grabbed her arm and pulled her alongside of them to a more secure place.
“What is going on?” – she called out as she let them pull her away, - “Diana?” – she said as she was confused to what was happening, a worried expression showed on her freckled sweet face as she got concerned. They finally stopped and cornered her in seconds, - “Gilbert doesn’t like you!” – Cole called out as he looked over at Anne and Diana who nodded soft that this was the way to convince her.
Ruby’s eyes blinked a few times as she couldn’t believe her ears, - “I beg your pardon?” – she said soft as Diana noticed her eyes getting watery and slightly red. – “Gilbert doesn’t like you because he likes Anne!” – Cole called out, - “What?” – Anne snapped at him surprised as she didn’t see that coming. Cole gave her a soft nod as he wanted to focus on Ruby again. – “Wha…” – she couldn’t finish her sentence as her lip started to tremble already.
“We’re sorry to tell you it like this but we just want you to know so you can move on?” – Diana said calm as she moved her hand to her arm, touching it soft as Ruby’s eyes started to cry. Cole nodded, and Anne kept looking confused in front of her, still hearing the words of Cole in her mind. Diana nudged Anne as she awoke from a confused trance, - “Right Anne?” – Diana raised her eyebrow at her as she nodded still fussy from her previous thoughts.
“But… but…” – her lip trembling more as she looked at each of them, - “I know Ruby it’s hard to accept but trust me there are other people out there that love you.” – Diana spoke as she gave Cole a look, who nodded in approval. – “Who would love me?” – she suddenly cried out loud as they felt a bit guilty for letting he cry like that. – “I know a person from who you will never expect it?” – Cole said soft as he hoped she would give you a chance.
“Who?” – she said soft as she wiped some tears away, the three of them looked scared at each other for now was the time to tell her your name. – “Y/n…” – Cole said soft and then quickly looked at the ground. – “Y/n?” – she repeated confused, - “She … loves…me?” – Ruby pointed at herself in disbelieve. The three of them nodded and Ruby wiped some more tears away as she moved Diana and Cole aside so that she could pass through.
They watched her walk through them as they were clueless to what she was planning, Ruby walked slowly over to you wiping the last bits of her tears away. – “Ruby?” – you called out confused as you watched her approach. She ignored you and pulled you up to your feet, wrapped her arms around you in seconds. – “Thank you for loving me…” – she whispered soft to you as you slowly wrapped your arms around her.
You can’t remember much more but you know it happened quiet. So quiet
Check out my AWAE masterlist to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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