sophiebernadotte · 11 days
If anyone wants to continue or get involved with the folding project we started years ago, I have three accounts available that are just collecting dust. The names are:
Just send a message if you want to get access to one of them :)
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petalparker · 3 years
GWENDOLYNE MAXINE STACY, better known as GWEN, is the daughter of Helen Stacy and NYPD Captain George Stacy. She is currently an undergraduate majoring in biochemistry at Empire State University.
Face Claims: BLACKPINK Rosé, Elle Fanning
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POSTS (gstacy)
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liked by peterparkour and 1,389 others
gstacy hacked by her bug boy 😎
gstacy peterparkour you're lucky you're cute >:(
↳ peterparkour but u love me 🥺
↳ gstacy unfortunately
↳ peterparkour fortunately*
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liked by harryosborn and 1,183 others
gstacy and i'd walk through fire for you, just let me adore you
peterparkour hey, that's my line 😤
POSTS (missstacy)
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liked by harryosborn and 1,982 others
missstacyy i might be overdressed but at least i'm failing my midterms pretty
harryosborn says the high school valedictorian 🙄
pbparker dw babe, you'll do great ❣️
↳ missstacyy not when i didn't get any studying done bc of you
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liked by pbparker and 1,282 others
missstacyy pbparker hi, ily
pbparker i love you too 🥺💖💕💗💞💖💗💕
harryosborn awww... someone pass me a shot
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frost-queen · 6 years
Teach me ( Reader x Gilbert)
Requested by: @panic-at-top, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt, @alex--awesome--22, @mrs-blythe72, @fandomnerdsarecool
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Being the youngest sister isn’t that easy, and especially not when there is only one school. You had to go to the same school as your sister Ruby and all the others of her age. Even though you were just one year and a half younger than him, you felt like someone who fell out of the boat. There was one girl who was the only one older than the others but that was a whole different thing, everyone looked up at her. No one ever looks up to the youngest one, you felt like the littlest duck in the class.
Most of them threated you as child, they forgot you were just one year and a half younger than them. This also meant that you sometimes had a hard time with keeping up with their pace, your brain couldn’t handle some mathematics or difficult words. It frustrated you that you had to keep up with their pace or everyone would laugh at you. Your sister tried to help you out as much as she could but even she wasn’t a school wonder.
The only one who was super smart was Gilbert Blythe, it was as he was wasting his time at school because he could learn everything all by himself and still score high. You admired him a lot and had wondered a lot to ask him for help, but you were afraid that he might laugh at you for being dumb or something. You decided to postpone that thought until you were at the brink of collapsing under the books.
You were in you room laying on your bed with four books scattered all around your bed. You kept turning page after page from different books as you wanted to understand what today’s lesson would be about. you started to panic a bit once you only saw difficult words and strange drawings that was supposed to look like math. You sighed loud and just closed every single book one by one, - “This is hopeless…” – you said to yourself as you pushed the books off your bed, you didn’t want to look at them again.
The books fell with loud thuds on the floor as your sister Ruby entered the room. – “Y/n are you almost…” – she paused her sentence as she saw the books scattered all over the floor. – “Are you at war again with your books?” – she said as she came in and started to collect them. – “Maybe…” – you replied as you watched her place the books on your desk. – “Why don’t you ask for help?” – Ruby asked you as she took your hands and pulled you up from your bed.
You sighed soft as he didn’t want to admit it that it was getting harder for you. – “I’ll figure something out!” – you called out and Ruby gave you a look as she didn’t believe you. – “If you need me, just shout, Y/n…” – she leaded you towards the door as it was time to get to school. Before she pushed you out of the door, you quickly rushed back into your room and grabbed 2 books from your desk.
Ruby closed the door behind you as you were standing next to her again, you looked brief at the books in your hands and placed your head on them as you hoped you could follow during class. Both of you rushed downstairs and you placed the books in your basket and seated yourself down the table to have a quick breakfast. Your mother moved her hand over your hair as she gave you a quick kiss against your forehead.
Ruby looked quick at the clock and jumped out of her seat, still having a piece of bread between her teeth. She took it from between her teeth and spoke fast, - “We have to go, Y/n!” – she then placed it back and putted on her coat as you got up and dragged your feet to your coat and basket. Your mother waved the two of your goodbye as Ruby waved happily back.
On the way to school Ruby was telling you all about how much she adored Gilbert and if he would notice her new hair look. You acted like you listened, but you were panicking inside that you hoped you wouldn’t be tested today. Miss Stacy was a wonderful teacher but the things she sometimes explained seemed like a foreign language to you. The closer you get to school, the more it felt as you wanted to run away.
Ruby ran towards her friends as you knew they didn’t like it when you were there when they talked about ‘mature’ things. You sighed deep as you started to make your way over to the school building as the boys were playing football, you seated yourself down against the wall and just stared in front of you. Gilbert who was playing with the boys paused for a moment and walked over to Billy. – “Blythe we are playing! Why are you pausing?” – Gilbert just sighed and explained to him that he thought it was a good idea to invite you over. – “You serious? You want Y/n to play with us?” – Gilbert nodded soft as he looked brief at you.
“No way!” – Billy called out, - “Football is for boys, not for little girls!” – Gilbert sighed deep as he was a bit disappointed in his behaviour. – “Fine than I’ll just go over to her and talk!” – Gilbert than walked away as Billy called out his name again because now he had a player less. You had to blink a few times as you saw Gilbert walk over to you. – “May I?” – he asked you as he pointed at the spot in front of you.
You nodded soft, still confused that he would come over to you. If Ruby saw this, she would have squealed loud and shout in your ear that you had a moment with him. you watched him sit in front of you as you felt nervous around him. – “how are you, Y/n?” – he asked you as you swallowed deep to avoid any high-pitched tones. – “Go... good, how are you?” – you replied as you were glad it came out in a reasonable tone.
He chuckled soft as he noticed the books in your basket, - “Are you studying these?” – he asked you as he took a big heavy book from your basket to examine the cover. You nodded shy as he frowned at the cover, - “Y/n this is way too hard for you…” – he said calm as he kept looking at the cover and back. You started to get a bit angry that he thought you were dumb or something, so you grabbed the book from his hand and placed it back. – “I am very smart!” – you shouted back at him.
He was surprised for a moment but soon chuckled again as you exclaimed that. – “I never doubted that Y/n…” – he said soft as you still felt like he was ridiculing you. – “My uncle gave me this book to help me out with studying because he thinks I need it since I can barely follow or anything…” – “you need help with studying?” – Gilbert interrupted you as you hated yourself for telling him that. – “No…” – you replied bossy as he chuckled again at your behaviour.
“Y/n, you can be honest with me?” – he said soft as he lowered his head a bit, to look at you clearer. You tried to keep your lips sealed but you knew you were collapsing underneath all those fancy words and difficult problems. You sighed deep after some moments, - “Gilbert can you help me study? I …I … I feel like the walls are closing in on me, … I barely understand a subject fully as we are already on the next one…” – you let your head fall in the palms of your hands as you felt ashamed for being so dumb.
Gilbert pulled your hands down as he gave you a sweet smile, - “Y/n I would love to help you study… but why didn’t you ask me before?” – you shrugged your shoulders soft as you had no idea why you were ever afraid of calling for help. – “I’ll help you out but first…” – he started as he moved his hand towards your basket again, - “No more difficult books!” – he took the big heavy book and placed it on his lap. You wanted to say something, but he paused you by speaking again, - “Even I don’t understand this book, Y/n so I don’t think you are dumb or anything but this…” – he picked up the book again and showed it to you, - “This is way too hard…”
You smiled soft at him as you felt relieved that Gilbert would help you study. – “I’ll pick you up after school!” – he called out as he stood up and reached his hands out to you, you took them and let him pull you up. – “But…” – you started but he shushed you by placing his finger against your lips, - “No but’s, I’m picking you up after school and we’ll study at my place… I know we won’t be disturbed there.”
You gazed at him for a moment as he removed his finger from against your lips, the school bell than rang and Gilbert smiled sweet at you as he made his way over to the entrance. He paused halfway as he looked back at you, - “Are you coming Y/n?” – he called out as you blinked a few more times and hopped towards him. Gilbert chuckled soft and waited for you to walk inside.
During class you tried to pay as many attentions as you could, after a while you thought your head would explode from all the unknown words that would swirl around your mind. Miss Stacy asked everyone to gather around the table as everyone rushed quickly to get a good spot. Everyone was faster than you and you were standing in the back as you couldn’t see anything with all those taller people in front of you. Suddenly you felt someone pull you towards him and push you to the front, you looked over your shoulder and saw Gilbert standing behind you with his hands on your shoulder.
He gave you a quick wink as it made you swoon inside, you then looked back in front of you as you had a good view of the table. Gilbert kept standing behind you and if he noticed that you couldn’t follow he would whisper the explanation of it short to you by using simple words. You started to understand it more as Gilbert whispered the easy version in your ear, his breath sometimes tickled your skin as you thought it felt nice on your skin.
During lunchtime Gilbert stayed inside as he was looking for good books in the teacher’s room. He kept looking at each book and scanning each cover if it would be a perfect book to help you study. He barely had time to eat as he wanted to help you out, he kept biting from his bread in between movements. By the time lunchtime was over he had collected six or seven books, he walked out of the teacher’s room and arranged with Miss Stacy that he could borrow them.
For the rest of the time you tried to keep up with everyone’s pace but you felt the walls closing in on you, you felt like giving up at some point but then you remembered that Gilbert was doing his very best to help you, you couldn’t give up on him now so, you pushed yourself to continue even if you only understood half of it.
School was finally over, and you walked with your sister home as your head was full of weird words and difficult sketches of math problems. You didn’t tell Ruby that Gilbert was coming to pick you up at your house or she would have asked, you to come along and that was the last thing you wanted. She would only get in the way and besides you wanted some alone time with Gilbert as you had a small crush on him but never dared to engage on that out of freight of Ruby.
As soon as you got home, you collected all sorts of books and placed them in your basket. You barely took off your coat and ran back downstairs with a heavy basket full of books. Your parents frowned at your behaviour as you only told them that you were going to play with a friend. Ruby found it weird that you were waiting in the hallway, you were sitting on a bench in the hallway as you waited for Gilbert to arrive.
You heard a knock on the door and called out that it was your friend as you opened the door a bit and before Gilbert could walk in you rushed outside and pulled him back with you. He didn’t have the chance to say goodbye to your parents as you were already walking back towards the woods with him again. Gilbert decided to let it rest as he figured it had something to do with Ruby, he noticed your basket full of books and chuckled soft as he thought it was cute how much effort you putted in it.
During the walk the basket got too heavy for you to carry as it almost fell out your hands. – “Allow me…” – Gilbert spoke as he helped you lift the basket again and took it from you. He placed it in his left hand as the weight didn’t do him anything, you gasped soft as you admired his strength. – “We’re almost there, Y/n” – he said soft as he suddenly took your hand and leaded you under a low hanging branch. You felt yourself blush at his touch as you saw the top of his house already in sight.
Gilbert welcomed you in and took your coat, you seated yourself down as he walked back in with your basket. He placed it on the table and then walked away, he came seconds later with his own stock of books. – “Are those all for me?” – you asked him soft as he seated himself next to you, - “Yes, and I expect you not to know any of these in one day so, if you don’t mind I think we’ll need to come together a lot more…”
You started to blush again as you looked nervous at the table, - “I don’t mind…” – you replied soft as Gilbert was already picking a first book, you frowned at the cover and knew this was going to be hard for you, but Gilbert helped you a lot. Soon as you were already half way the first book, Gilbert got tired of sitting down so he had leaded you to his living room where you were laying on his carpet next to the fire place. Slowly you started to understand things as Gilbert was excited for you, you were laying in front of him on your stomach as he laid the same with the book in his hand.
After a while as you both were a bit tired of studying, closed Gilbert the book and placed it next to him. – “I’ve we keep up this pace, I’ll think I’ll have to get more books as I never want this to end…” – you smiled shy as he started to run his fingers through his hair, - “Let’s take a break than?” – you suggested as you seated yourself better.
You wanted to grab the book and Gilbert noticed it as he moved his hand towards yours, before you touched the book he let his fingers get in touch with yours. You looked nervous at him as you let him move his fingers through yours. He was touching them in a gentle and soft way as your stomach started to tingle. You had to supress a squeal as you didn’t want to sound like your older sister Ruby, you just pressed your lips together as he finally placed his hand in yours and pulled your hand close to him.
“I’m really grateful that you asked me to help you study, Y/n…” – he said soft as it sounded like a whisper, you licked your lips soft as you heard wood crackle beside you. – “I’m glad I did…” – you replied as Gilbert took the book again. You frowned as you thought you were going to take a break, he held the book close to his face as you only saw his eyes. – “Gilbert, I thought we postponed our study session…” – you said to him as you moved your head closer to him and lowering his book with your finger.
Gilbert saw that you were close enough now and he dropped his book on his lap and grabbed your face. He pulled your face closer to him as he pressed his lips onto yours seconds later, you were shocked for a moment but let him kiss you as you felt yourself surrender under his love. He pulled away moments later and looked shy at the book on his lap, he only looked up when you called out his name and placed your hand on his knee.
“I liked that very much…” – you replied uncertain as you had no idea how to react on a kiss. Gilbert chuckled soft, - “Me too, Y/n… me too…” – you took his hand again and watched the fire dance on the wood as Gilbert turned himself better, so you could let your head rest against his shoulder. You did, and Gilbert let his head rest against yours, - “Can we study again tomorrow…” – Gilbert asked you as he enjoyed this moment. – “I’d like that very much…” – you replied as you pulled yourself closer to him.
Gilbert smiled in instant as he couldn’t wait to see you tomorrow and the days after to help you study and perhaps sometimes steal a kiss from you as he loved you very much. He never knew he did, but this experience made his mind clear about his feelings towards you.
Check out my AWAE masterlist to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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