frost-queen · 4 years
State of mind (Reader x Gilbert Blythe)
Requested by: Anon, Forever tag: @grey-girl​, @missmelodramatic​, @spxce-frxckles​, @babyplutoszx2​, @fandomnerdsarecool​, @be-patient-be-good​, @coupsnflower​, @hsmtmts-stranger-things-stan​
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You couldn’t help but think of a better world. A better world for girls where they aren’t told what are suited for them and what not. It was your mothers fault that you thought of such things. She and other ladies all over Avonlea held secret gatherings, speaking of ways to change the oh so typical man world. Your interest in it began when one of those gatherings were held at your mother’s house. Your father had gone away for business, making it the perfect time. You sat on the stairway, watching all the ladies enter. You recognized Diana’s mother, Tillie’s mother and even to your surprise Jane’s mother. You watched them enter and be welcomed by your mother. When your mother had led in the last lady, she turned towards you. – “Y/n be a dear and go play upstairs…” – your mother said, motioning to you to get up. It was then that your mother noticed your little sister of five, playing between the coats. – “Poppy!” – your mother called out, pulling her from behind the coats. – “Take your sister with you!” – You got handed your little sister as your mother sighed loud. – “Mother…” – you started but swallowed your words back in at your mother’s voice. – “It won’t take long. This is important for mommy.” – you nodded, taking Poppy’s hand. – “Come Poppy, we can play with your dolls.” – you said to her while getting up the stairs.
With a glimpse over your shoulder, you saw your mother head into the living room. Poppy and you were playing in her room as you weren’t paying much attention. Poppy called it out as she presented a doll before you. – “Poppy!” – you called out, moving the doll out of your face. – “I’m thirsty…” – she whined out as you sighed soft. – “You will have to wait… we can’t go downstairs yet…” – you spoke as Poppy stuck her tongue out to you. – “Thirsty!” – she called out again, making you sigh even louder. – “Thirsty!” – Poppy shouted for a third time, throwing her doll into the air. You watched as she got up, circling around you while chanting; - “Thirsty, thirsty!” – Closing your eyes for a moment, you had to hold back any senses of yelling at her. Poppy kept chanting it out as you started to get agitated. – “Alright!” – you blurted out, jumping up. – “I’ll go see what I can do.” – you shot Poppy a glare as she gave you the most innocent smile ever. – “Stay here!” – you ordered her, before shutting the door behind you. Just outside her door, you took a breather. You loved your sister, but she could be very persistent from time to time. With a deep inhale, you made your way quietly down the stairs. In the hallway, you could hear your mother’s voice and someone else’s. As quietly as you could, you moved closer to the door that stood open on a shriek.
“What future will we give our children?” – you heard Ruby’s mother call out as you stood at the door, hiding. Peeking inside, you saw them all sitting down in a circle. Surrounded by treats and books. – “We are as much equal as our husbands!” – You heard your mother speak as it startled you a bit. You kept standing at the door, eavesdropping as you were captive by their thoughts. Their talk of equal rights and a chance for girls to speak their minds without being told it is out of her place, made your heart fluster. Imagine a world where being a girl isn’t less valuable. Not only being there to provide for the men but more. You jumped up, hearing that they were getting up. Without thinking you hid between the coat rack, pushing several coats before you. A moment later, opened the door, leaving loud chatter into the hallway. You held your breath as some coats moved away. Luckily, your father and mother had many coats from themselves already hanging there. You so hoped your mother wouldn’t find you between the coats. With the closing of the door, you breathed again. You heard some footsteps, presumably your mothers. Then her loud voice, echoed through the hallway. – “You can come down my loved ones!” – she shouted loud up the stairs. Once the coast was clear, you moved your head from between two coats, peering into the hallway.
Hearing Poppy run upstairs made you jump out of your hiding place. You waited for her to stomp down the stairs with loud thuds. – “Thirsty!” – she reminded you, making you roll soft with your eyes. You extended your hand to her, leading her into the living room.
You sat down at your desk beside Tillie at school. Miss Stacy had just finished writing something down at the blackboard, turning towards you all. – “I’d like to know what some dreams are of you…” – she spoke, folding her hands gently together. – “Dreams? Like what we dream of at night?” – Moody asked her, raising his hand. Miss Stacy shook her head with a smile. – “I meant what are things you want in your life. What would you want more than anything in the world, it could be everything…” – Miss Stacy noticed the frowned expressions on her students, making her exhale soft. – “Let me give you an example…” – she started to walk around, holding her finger against her cheek. – “If I could do anything in the whole wide world… I would like to…” – she kept thinking as Tillie and you giggled as she walked past you. – “Join the circus?” – She exclaimed making everyone laugh loud. Miss Stacy laughed as well, seeing everyone laugh. – “Really?” – Moody said as Gilbert shook his head. Everyone laughed even louder at Moody’s comment as he didn’t get it. – “She made a joke!” – Gilbert told him as Moody sheepishly chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. – “But you all understand where I was going with… so let’s give it a try.”
Miss Stacy looked at each sides, seeing that everyone avoided eye contact with her. Afraid to go first or be ridiculed by their dreams. – “Alright! I would like to make it clear that whatever your dream is, none of you are allowed to make fun of it!” – Miss Stacy’s words reassured some as Paul slowly got up from his seat. Everyone turned their heads towards Paul, seeing him nervously hold his head down. – “I…I…I…” – he started, fumbling his shirt nervously. Josie and Jane snickered loud as Miss Stacy shushed them. – “It’s alright Paul…” – Miss Stacy told him, glaring at the girls for laughing. – “I… I would like to become…” – he continued, swallowing soft. – “A policeman!” – he spoke, shooting his head up to look directly at Miss Stacy. – “And I’m sure you will!” – Miss Stacy encouraged him. Paul smiled goofy, looking around him as everyone clapped loud. Billy patted his mate on the back whilst Paul seated himself down again. Diana shot up, glancing nervously at Anne. – “I would like to do another play some time…” – Diana spoke, sitting down directly afterwards. – “I’ll speak to Miss Lynch about that… who knows what we can arrange.” – Diana smiled as Miss Stacy gave her a proud smile. Gilbert got up with a clearing of his throat. – “I want to become a doctor…” – he spoke, letting his eyes drift away towards you. You clapped loud for him, smiling him encouraging.
Ruby jumped up with a squeal. – “I want to get married someday!” – she squealed out, making Miss Stacy chuckle soft. – “I’m sure you will Ruby…” – Ruby then seated herself down again. Josie followed her movement with a sigh. – “I have no dreams because I have everything I want!” – as quickly as she stood, she sat down. Miss Stacy blinked confused, turning her attention to anyone to fill the sudden silence. You locked eyes with her as you bit your lip nervous. Miss Stacy motioned gently to you to get up and speak. With trembling knees, you pushed yourself up. – “I…I…” – you started but cleared your throat nervous. Looking around, you saw everyone’s curious eyes fixed on you. – “I… I … want to travel the world and…” – you started to silence your voice to a bare whisper, seeing everyone look at you. – “and… be as bold as Miss Stacy…” – you added, your cheeks turning red with a blush. – “Well I feel honoured Y/n!” – Miss Stacy said, smiling proud at you. Her soothing voice made you smile up to her. – “You want to become like her?” – Josie pitched in, getting up again. You turned back towards her with a big swallow. – “What is so wrong with that?” – you questioned, seeing Josie scoff. – “And travel the world? don’t be absurd!” – she laughed out.
Miss Stacy tilted her head a bit, keeping herself on the background. She wanted to see where this was going before interfering. – “It’s not absurd! It’s not because you are so small-minded that we all are!” – you spoke to her with a bit more confident. – “Small-minded?” – Josie repeated between clenched teeth. – “At least I know my place!” – she slammed her hand against the table, starling those around her. – “Your place?” – you rephrased with a question, wanting her to enlighten it more. – “A woman’s place is with her husband, by his side, where he is. Not being so reckless as to travel around!” – Josie spitted out. Miss Stacy folded gently her arms, curious to how you would respond to it. She noticed Gilbert shooting her glances to stop this before it get’s out of hand. She calmly held her hand up to him, telling him to wait things out. – “Women aren’t defined by their husbands!” – you shouted back at her. – “We can do as we please! There is more to the world then obeying men!” – Your fist started to tremble from rage as you had enough of this small-minded, brainless talk. – “Well talking like that won’t make anyone marry you!” – Josie mocked out with a witty smirk. It made all the girls gasp loud as Gilbert had enough of this. – “I’d marry her!” – you suddenly heard someone yell out from the other side. Glancing over to your side, you saw Gilbert standing up, his hand firm on the table. – “I’d marry her in a heartbeat!” – he confessed, making you gape with a blush at him.
Gilbert came walking over to you, taking your hand when he was near you. – “I would marry her and even encourage such thoughts as she is right…” – Gilbert gave your hand a little squeeze, giving you a shock to breathe again. Josie scoffed, folding her arms furious. – “So, shut up Josie!” – Gilbert spoke to her, making Josie gasp loud. Miss Stacy couldn’t help but snicker, seeing Josie being silenced. Josie sat grumpy down, knowing she was beat. Gilbert inhaled deep, turning more to you. – “You would?” – you whispered to him, curious if he was only helping you out or speaking the truth. – “More than anything, Y/n…” – he whispered back, entangling his fingers with yours. – “So, don’t go handing out your heart to anyone else…Y/n, I would very much like to marry you in a few years…” – Gilbert confessed, not caring if anyone could hear him. You gasped surprised as he brought your hands to his lips. – “I’ll wait for you…” – you replied, smiling lovingly at him.
Check out my AWAE masterlist to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
148 notes · View notes
frost-queen · 6 years
Am I losing you? (Reader x Gilbert)
Requested by: @mrs-blythe72, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt, @alex--awesome--22
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Only love can hurt like this!
Gilbert and you were best friends for as long as you could remember. He was the moon to your sun, the leaves to your tree, the air to your lungs. You couldn’t imagine life without him, it was no surprise that you started to fall in love with him. Gilbert was a wonderful person who constantly putted you before himself, he would always check first if you were alright before checking up on himself.
You were the one thing in his life he couldn’t life without, if he would ever lose you, he knew he would break apart and probably cry his eyes out and slowly die. Gilbert and you had found a special place deep in the forest, hidden from others. There was a magical place by the left end of the forest where a huge willow tree stood. It’s low hanging leaves almost touching the ground as you and Gilbert spent many hours hiding behind the leafy curtain.
It had become your meeting spot and if you couldn’t find each other you knew that was the place the one would be. The two of you were glad that you found that magical place as it felt you were on a different place, sometimes far away from your life troubles. You were waiting patiently behind the leafy curtain of the willow tree as your hair blew gently with the wind.
You let your hang back as you listened to the leaves moving from the wind, for a moment everything was perfect. It was quite warm underneath the leaves and the wold around you moved peacefully. You heard some branches snap and it disturb the harmony in your ears, you tilted your head back to the front as branches kept being snapped.
You heard some distant mutter and seated yourself better as you expected Gilbert to arrive, it was only when you heard another voice you started to feel nervous. The other sound was softer than Gilbert’s that you could recognise anywhere but this… this new voice made you curious to why Gilbert would bring someone else to your special place.
You tried to look between the low hanging leaves of the willow tree as you saw Gilbert’s shoes with next to him a new pair of … girls shoes? You frowned deep as it showed wrinkles on your face as you didn’t expect a girl. You noticed a hand moving towards the leaves as it moved it out of the way, to make an opening. – “Y/n?” – you heard Gilbert say confused as the girl came standing next to him, peering through the curtain of leaves.
You ignored his look as you turned your gaze to the girl in seconds, - “Ruby!” – you almost shouted. – “What the hell are you doing here?” – Gilbert ignored your question and gestured to Ruby to enter, she walked in and stood in front of you as you looked up to her. – “I think I asked you a question?” – you said slightly judgemental.
Gilbert also walked in and smiled at Ruby who looked confused at him. – “I thought you said you wanted to show me YOUR special place!” – Ruby emphasized as she let her eyes go quickly to you. You were still confused to why Ruby would be here with Gilbert as he casually continued the conversation like you weren’t there. – “I didn’t think she would be here?” – he said to her as he took her hand.
You gasped loud as you saw Gilbert take her hand and Ruby stroking it soft, - “Gillie can’t you make her go away, I wanted to be alone with you so we can …” – at the last part she winked at him as you felt your jaw drop to the floor, you were offended that they talked about you like you weren’t there and that Gilbert might have something with Ruby.
Gilbert couldn’t supress a dirty smile as he squeezed her hand, he then sighed and lowered himself to the same height as you.  – “Y/n uhm can you maybe leave?” – you were totally blown away by the way he said it, he said it like you weren’t important anymore. – “Why? I was here first!” – you snapped back as you weren’t going to let Gilbert talk to you like that. He sighed again as he looked brief over his shoulder up to Ruby who was tapping her foot impatient against the ground.
“Y/n come on… just this ones go home!” – Gilbert slightly raised his voice as you got up to your feet, furious that he would chose her over you. – “Are you really kicking me out, for her? What are you dating or what?” – Gilbert also got to his feet and wanted to react, but Ruby beat him to it, - “Yes, so you better be gone in a few seconds or Gillie here will have to use force.
You gasped in an unbelievable tone as you gave her a mean glare, - “For your information! This is MY special place and not yours so, you can’t tell me what to do!” – you had moved closer to Ruby as you pointed her back with your stern finger. – “Enough!” – Gilbert shouted, - “Y/n just go home!” – you felt powerless that Gilbert chose his new girlfriends side instead of yours.
The realisation started to kick in as you had to hold back your tears, you swallowed the knot in your throat down as you held your head high and walked out but not before bumping hard against their shoulders. You threw the curtain of leaves open and walked out like you could care less but inside you were crying.
They both rubbed the pain area as they both seated themselves down and enjoyed each other’s company. You tried to stay strong but half way your lip started to tremble and your knees shaking, you fell to the ground as you grasped the dirt tight. – “How could he do this to me?” – you looked away angry as you pressed your lips together preventing you from crying.
You felt betrayed, abandoned, empty and rejected. The one person that you loved with all your heart had just send you away from your special place and wanted to spend it rather with Ruby than with you. Your lip was trembling so hard that you couldn’t control the tears that started to roll down your cheek like a water fountain. You started to cry out loud as your body moved up and down in shocks from the intensity.
“Gilbert! You stupid… stupid… Gilbert!” – you cried out loud between your breaths as you tried to gasp for air. You felt frustration come up again as you pulled yourself to your knees and just started to scream as you pushed your fists deeper into the dirt. You heard several birds fly up from their hiding place as they were startled by your screams.
Your body started to shake again, and you let yourself fall on the ground again as you pulled your knees close to you, laying in a foetus position. You felt saver as soon as you were crawled up, you kept sobbing as you felt your heart go dozy and cold. You wanted to hate Gilbert for what he did but that huge part of you that still loved it, wouldn’t allow you to hate him. Your heart didn’t mind turning your hatred towards Ruby as she was the cause for everything.
“I hate that blonde tiny cockroach!” – you cursed loud as you got up to your feet, you didn’t want them to find you like this. You started to move towards your house again as you kept cursing underneath your breath several hateful things about Ruby. You didn’t know how you got home but somehow you were laying in your bed. You kept staring at the ceiling as a black mist pulled itself over your heart, making you all feel cold and sad.
It was the final drop! Your heart couldn’t take anymore as it had shut itself down from every happy feeling in your life. It made you all dreary and sad, you barely smiled or interacted with others. At school you avoided everyone as you hated everyone for being so happy when your heart was smashing in by Gilbert’s words.
Hate followed you gently as you saw Gilbert and Ruby in the distance being all sweet, you couldn’t bear to look at them as you turned your head to the ground. The ground was more fascinated than to watch your heart tear more open. You let yourself slide against the school building as you noticed Gilbert tried to break himself from Ruby’s grip.
Ruby kept trying to grab his arm as he kept pulling it up until she couldn’t reach it anymore, you didn’t give it much attention. Gilbert came walking in your direction as Ruby kept trying to stop him, - “Ruby let go! I’m just going to talk to Y/n…” – Gilbert kept saying as he kept moving his arm, so she couldn’t take it. – “No! you’re not! Gillie please stay with me…” – she kept begging him as he got slightly annoyed by the nickname ‘Gillie’, it made his name sound like a girl’s name and a variant of her last name.
Gilbert could finally escape Ruby’s constant calling for attention as he made his way over to you with his head low. He was running several conversations in his mind as he wanted to apologize for last night. – “Y/n?” – you slowly lifted your head at the mention of your name, but you quickly rolled your eyes at the sight of Gilbert. Gilbert wanted to sit himself down in front of you as you replied in a cold tone. – “Don’t bother!” – you got up yourself and started to turn your body, ready to leave as Gilbert paused you by stepping in front of you.
“I have a feeling you are still mad… and … and you have every right to be…” – Gilbert started as you looked at him with dull, sad eyes. – “Clearly!” – you snapped back and pushed him aside, he watched you walk past him as he grabbed your hand. – “Y/n I just want you to listen to me?” – “and I want you to leave me alone!” – you snapped at him as you pulled your hand out of his grip. – “Besides I think your Girlfriend is calling for your attention!” – you said with a look as you flipped your hair back and walked away from him.
Gilbert didn’t know what else he could do so, he let you walk away as he felt his heart break. He never meant to hurt you and now your relationship seemed beyond repair. He took a deep breath as he started to make his way back over to Ruby. – “Gillie!” – she squealed as she jumped into his arms, covering his face with soft kisses. Gilbert just let her be as his thought were drifting away towards you.
For the rest of the day you avoided Gilbert and his attempts to mend things with you. Gilbert felt you slip through his fingers as he tried to desperately hold on to you. He had never felt so lonely in his life no matter how many times Ruby overwhelmed him with kisses on his face or held his hand. He closed his eyes for a moment as he tried to hold himself from crying, - “Gillie?” – her voice pulled him back from his silent moment as he pressed his lips hard together at the mention of that stupid nickname.
He rather heard you call him ‘Gil’, that always seemed to light up his heart whenever you called him that. He turned his head slowly towards her as she started to play with his hair, - “Is everything alright Gillie?” – he felt a punch in his stomach as he heard that nickname again, - “I’m fine Ruby… I just …” – Gilbert looked up and noticed you walking inside as he found his opportunity to say he’s sorry for his behaviour. Ruby kept gazing at him as she waited for the rest of his sentence, - “I just… need to … do something…” – and without a warning, he got up and ran inside to talk to you.
He saw you near the blackboard as you were about to grab the blackboard cleaners to dust them off as you suddenly felt someone pull you to the teacher’s room close to the blackboard as you were being pulled by your arm. You were being pushed inside as you turned around angry that someone dared to grab you like that, Gilbert had closed the door behind him and stood his ground before the door.
You turned your head away at the look of Gilbert as you had no interest into talking to him. Gilbert moved a bit closer as he started his apologize, - “Look Y/n… I’m sorry for how I reacted yesterday. I should have never make you leave with pressure and force…” – you pressed your lips hard together as you hoped he would say something else. – “Can you please forgive me?” – he begged you as he tried to grab your hand.
You pulled your hand back at the touch of his as he was completely clueless, - “Y/n I said I was sorry why are you still angry at me?” – you had to press your lips harder together as they almost started to look white but you knew if you didn’t do it, your lip would started to tremble and you didn’t want to cry in front of him. – “I thought we could be friends again?” – he said soft as he hoped an apology would do it. You moved away from him as he offered you his warm hand, Gilbert scoffed loud as you ignored all his attempts to mend things.
“What is wrong with you? How long can you hold a grudge? I said I was sorry why can’t you accept it like a normal human being?” – Gilbert yelled at you as he kept waving his hands angry around, you tried to hold back your tears, but it was getting harder and harder as you could already feel your lip tremble soft. – “Y/n! do you want me to beg more? Am I supposed to get on my knees and beg for your forgiveness? Is that it? – he snapped at you as you couldn’t control your tears anymore.
Tears started to roll down your face as Gilbert hardly noticed and kept going, - “You are the one that is being distant and all? I want to be your friend again, but you seemed to not want it anymore? Why are you shutting me out!” – his yelling echoed in your ears as you started to cry harder, Gilbert suddenly paused as he noticed you crying.
You wiped some tears away, but it was no use as they kept streaming down your face, you ran past Gilbert and swung the door open, rushing outside. Gilbert called out your name, but you were too far gone to hear it. Gilbert let his head fall back against the wall as he pushed his fist against him, he had no idea why you were reacting like that, but he wasn’t going to up that easily.
He rushed outside and when he didn’t notice you on the school perimeter first he started to slightly panic. He felt arms go around his back as he looked down and saw the red sleeves of Ruby around him. – “Is everything alright Gillie? You have been acting strange?” – he cringed at that nickname again as Ruby moved in front of him. – “I thought it was…” – he said soft as he looked over Ruby’s shortness, - “but now I’m not so sure…”
You kept running blindly toward the only place you felt save, the willow tree. You forgot for a moment that Ruby had invaded your sanctuary with her presence as you needed to support of the willow tree. You arrived at the willow tree and moved the leafy curtain aside as you rushed inside and crawled up against the bark. The wind was making the low hanging leaves move gently back and forth as you couldn’t take it anymore, you wanted Gilbert to stop loving Ruby and love you, but he kept thinking you were still mad about how he behaved.
It did still bother you, but it wasn’t the big issue, seeing him happy with Ruby was as you had hoped many months that it maybe could be you. You started to cry even more at those thought as you knew he could never be yours. Your heart had fallen to pieces as you felt like you had lost everything, you didn’t hear the approaching footsteps as you could only hear your own crying.
You suddenly heard your name and saw a vulnerable Gilbert in the leafy curtain, you quickly wiped your tears aggressively away as you didn’t want to talk to him. You wanted to get up and leave as Gilbert noticed it so, he quickly walked in and pulled you back to sit down as he held your wrists. You tried to pull your hands back as Gilbert kept holding them.
“Y/n… stop I… I … just want to know what is going on with you?” – he called out as you heard some desperation in his voice, you turned your head away from him as you didn’t want to look at him, it hurt too much. – “Y/n… let me help you… whatever is bothering you, we can overcome it together?”
“Not this time…” – you said soft as you slowly dared to look at him with your puffy, red eyes. – “Tell me? Y/n I get the feeling I’m losing you and that there is nothing I can do about it?” – you let your eyes go down to your wrists as he was still holding them. – “Please, tell me?” – he lowered his head, trying to look in your eyes as you heard his voice break.
You took a deep breath as you had to tell him eventually, you kept looking down as you were afraid of his reaction. – “I … I … I’m acting like this because of …” – you paused for a moment as Gilbert squeezed your hand soft, letting you know it was alright to continue. – “Ruby…” – you said soft and Gilbert stopped squeezing your hand and looked at you with big eyes. – “Ruby?” – he repeated.
You felt stupid for ever telling him this as you knew he was going to laugh at you. – “I know Ruby was a little harsh yesterday but normally she isn’t like that.” – Gilbert said soft as he tried to justify her actions. – “I don’t think you understand Gil… bert!” – you snapped back at him, - “Ruby is the problem! Because… because…” – “How can Ruby be the problem, I know she acted harsh yesterday but that doesn’t mean she is responsible for your behaviour?” – Gilbert still didn’t seem to get it as you now wished you had kept your stupid mouth shut.
“Just forget it!” – you replied harsh as you pulled your hands back and crossed your arms, so he couldn’t grab them anymore. – “No, Y/n we are going to get to the bottom of this because I won’t lose you over some indifference.” – Gilbert called out loud as he started to get frustrated. – “Indifference?” – you spitted at him, - “This isn’t about that!” – “then what is it about?” – Gilbert called out frustrated as he moved his hands in the air.
“Because I love you!” – you suddenly shouted at him, Gilbert’s jaw dropped to the floor as you got up furious. – “It’s about you being with Ruby! I can’t stand to look at the two of you while my heart Is breaking into a million pieces but what should you know?” – you started to pace angry around as Gilbert still couldn’t believe that you said that you loved him.
“And yes, yesterday’s action was the final drop for me as I didn’t know who you were anymore!” – you were on a roll as you wanted to let out all those frustrations and anger. – “I don’t think we can be friends anymore as you and Ruby are together it’s too painful for me!” – Gilbert suddenly awoke from his trance as he also got up and was wide awake, - “What? No, … no, you are not ending our friendship over this!” – he called out at you.
“So, you don’t care how much it breaks me?” – you raised your eyebrow in a sceptic way as you couldn’t be friends with him while he was dating Ruby, it was just too painful for you. – “Gillie?” – both of you suddenly heard and Gilbert snapped as Ruby popped her head between the leaves. – “Enough! I’ve had enough of hearing that disgusting nickname!” – he screamed out as it startled you, Ruby started to breath quick as she cried in seconds.
Gilbert held his hands against his face as he didn’t know anymore, he was losing you and his heart couldn’t take it, but he also felt relieved for finally telling Ruby how much he hated that nickname. Ruby let go of the leaves and started to run away. He groaned loud as you were shocked by his reaction. You had never seen him snap like that and especially not against Ruby.
You thought Gilbert was losing his mind as you wanted to give him some space, you had told him about your feeling towards him and you knew nothing would change his mind as you didn’t feel needed anymore. You started to make your way to the entrance as you walked past him, Gilbert noticed it and freaked out. – “Y/n! don’t you dare leave me!” – he called out as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him. You bumped against his chest as he suddenly pressed his lips onto yours, you panicked and wanted to pull away, but Gilbert wouldn’t let you for some reason.
He released his lips soft from each other as he wanted to kiss you more passionate. You knew this was wrong since he was still with Ruby but every fibre in your body kept being pulled close to him, like his body was a magnet. You copied his movement as you wanted to feel his lips onto yours, you couldn’t let go of the feeling that busted inside of you.  
You felt his hands go around your body as he pressed you closer to him, you squealed soft as he pulled you closer. After what seemed ages for you he released his lips from yours and you could finally breath again. Gilbert rested his head against yours as you tried to catch your breath, - “What have you done?” – you said soft as you didn’t want to be known as the one who tore them apart. – “I think it’s obvious Y/n?” – Gilbert said in a sweet tone as you were surprised his anger had disappeared.
“I know … but … why?” – you said soft as Gilbert moved his hand to your chin and let his thumb rest there. He started to smile bright as you were getting worried he might have lost his mind. – “I thought it was obvious, Y/n?” – you frowned deep as you really thought he had lost it. – “You love Ruby… why would you kiss me?”
Gilbert let his thumb go briefly over your lips as you kept gazing at him, - “I think knowing that I was losing you made we realise how much you mean to me… more than Ruby…” – you gasped soft as you started into his hazel brown eyes. – “Gil, please don’t taunt me…” – he started to chuckle soft at that specific nickname as it rolled over your lips. – “I’m not, Y/n … I’m choosing you!”
You gasped again as he chose you over Ruby, you thought he loved her, but it seemed to him that he loved you more than her. – “I love you Y/n!” – he called out in such a sincere tone that it made you shiver, - “I love you too…” – you replied as he started to smile soft and tilted your head, pressing his lips back onto yours.
Check out my AWAE masterlist to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
173 notes · View notes
frost-queen · 6 years
Teach me ( Reader x Gilbert)
Requested by: @panic-at-top, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt, @alex--awesome--22, @mrs-blythe72, @fandomnerdsarecool
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Being the youngest sister isn’t that easy, and especially not when there is only one school. You had to go to the same school as your sister Ruby and all the others of her age. Even though you were just one year and a half younger than him, you felt like someone who fell out of the boat. There was one girl who was the only one older than the others but that was a whole different thing, everyone looked up at her. No one ever looks up to the youngest one, you felt like the littlest duck in the class.
Most of them threated you as child, they forgot you were just one year and a half younger than them. This also meant that you sometimes had a hard time with keeping up with their pace, your brain couldn’t handle some mathematics or difficult words. It frustrated you that you had to keep up with their pace or everyone would laugh at you. Your sister tried to help you out as much as she could but even she wasn’t a school wonder.
The only one who was super smart was Gilbert Blythe, it was as he was wasting his time at school because he could learn everything all by himself and still score high. You admired him a lot and had wondered a lot to ask him for help, but you were afraid that he might laugh at you for being dumb or something. You decided to postpone that thought until you were at the brink of collapsing under the books.
You were in you room laying on your bed with four books scattered all around your bed. You kept turning page after page from different books as you wanted to understand what today’s lesson would be about. you started to panic a bit once you only saw difficult words and strange drawings that was supposed to look like math. You sighed loud and just closed every single book one by one, - “This is hopeless…” – you said to yourself as you pushed the books off your bed, you didn’t want to look at them again.
The books fell with loud thuds on the floor as your sister Ruby entered the room. – “Y/n are you almost…” – she paused her sentence as she saw the books scattered all over the floor. – “Are you at war again with your books?” – she said as she came in and started to collect them. – “Maybe…” – you replied as you watched her place the books on your desk. – “Why don’t you ask for help?” – Ruby asked you as she took your hands and pulled you up from your bed.
You sighed soft as he didn’t want to admit it that it was getting harder for you. – “I’ll figure something out!” – you called out and Ruby gave you a look as she didn’t believe you. – “If you need me, just shout, Y/n…” – she leaded you towards the door as it was time to get to school. Before she pushed you out of the door, you quickly rushed back into your room and grabbed 2 books from your desk.
Ruby closed the door behind you as you were standing next to her again, you looked brief at the books in your hands and placed your head on them as you hoped you could follow during class. Both of you rushed downstairs and you placed the books in your basket and seated yourself down the table to have a quick breakfast. Your mother moved her hand over your hair as she gave you a quick kiss against your forehead.
Ruby looked quick at the clock and jumped out of her seat, still having a piece of bread between her teeth. She took it from between her teeth and spoke fast, - “We have to go, Y/n!” – she then placed it back and putted on her coat as you got up and dragged your feet to your coat and basket. Your mother waved the two of your goodbye as Ruby waved happily back.
On the way to school Ruby was telling you all about how much she adored Gilbert and if he would notice her new hair look. You acted like you listened, but you were panicking inside that you hoped you wouldn’t be tested today. Miss Stacy was a wonderful teacher but the things she sometimes explained seemed like a foreign language to you. The closer you get to school, the more it felt as you wanted to run away.
Ruby ran towards her friends as you knew they didn’t like it when you were there when they talked about ‘mature’ things. You sighed deep as you started to make your way over to the school building as the boys were playing football, you seated yourself down against the wall and just stared in front of you. Gilbert who was playing with the boys paused for a moment and walked over to Billy. – “Blythe we are playing! Why are you pausing?” – Gilbert just sighed and explained to him that he thought it was a good idea to invite you over. – “You serious? You want Y/n to play with us?” – Gilbert nodded soft as he looked brief at you.
“No way!” – Billy called out, - “Football is for boys, not for little girls!” – Gilbert sighed deep as he was a bit disappointed in his behaviour. – “Fine than I’ll just go over to her and talk!” – Gilbert than walked away as Billy called out his name again because now he had a player less. You had to blink a few times as you saw Gilbert walk over to you. – “May I?” – he asked you as he pointed at the spot in front of you.
You nodded soft, still confused that he would come over to you. If Ruby saw this, she would have squealed loud and shout in your ear that you had a moment with him. you watched him sit in front of you as you felt nervous around him. – “how are you, Y/n?” – he asked you as you swallowed deep to avoid any high-pitched tones. – “Go... good, how are you?” – you replied as you were glad it came out in a reasonable tone.
He chuckled soft as he noticed the books in your basket, - “Are you studying these?” – he asked you as he took a big heavy book from your basket to examine the cover. You nodded shy as he frowned at the cover, - “Y/n this is way too hard for you…” – he said calm as he kept looking at the cover and back. You started to get a bit angry that he thought you were dumb or something, so you grabbed the book from his hand and placed it back. – “I am very smart!” – you shouted back at him.
He was surprised for a moment but soon chuckled again as you exclaimed that. – “I never doubted that Y/n…” – he said soft as you still felt like he was ridiculing you. – “My uncle gave me this book to help me out with studying because he thinks I need it since I can barely follow or anything…” – “you need help with studying?” – Gilbert interrupted you as you hated yourself for telling him that. – “No…” – you replied bossy as he chuckled again at your behaviour.
“Y/n, you can be honest with me?” – he said soft as he lowered his head a bit, to look at you clearer. You tried to keep your lips sealed but you knew you were collapsing underneath all those fancy words and difficult problems. You sighed deep after some moments, - “Gilbert can you help me study? I …I … I feel like the walls are closing in on me, … I barely understand a subject fully as we are already on the next one…” – you let your head fall in the palms of your hands as you felt ashamed for being so dumb.
Gilbert pulled your hands down as he gave you a sweet smile, - “Y/n I would love to help you study… but why didn’t you ask me before?” – you shrugged your shoulders soft as you had no idea why you were ever afraid of calling for help. – “I’ll help you out but first…” – he started as he moved his hand towards your basket again, - “No more difficult books!” – he took the big heavy book and placed it on his lap. You wanted to say something, but he paused you by speaking again, - “Even I don’t understand this book, Y/n so I don’t think you are dumb or anything but this…” – he picked up the book again and showed it to you, - “This is way too hard…”
You smiled soft at him as you felt relieved that Gilbert would help you study. – “I’ll pick you up after school!” – he called out as he stood up and reached his hands out to you, you took them and let him pull you up. – “But…” – you started but he shushed you by placing his finger against your lips, - “No but’s, I’m picking you up after school and we’ll study at my place… I know we won’t be disturbed there.”
You gazed at him for a moment as he removed his finger from against your lips, the school bell than rang and Gilbert smiled sweet at you as he made his way over to the entrance. He paused halfway as he looked back at you, - “Are you coming Y/n?” – he called out as you blinked a few more times and hopped towards him. Gilbert chuckled soft and waited for you to walk inside.
During class you tried to pay as many attentions as you could, after a while you thought your head would explode from all the unknown words that would swirl around your mind. Miss Stacy asked everyone to gather around the table as everyone rushed quickly to get a good spot. Everyone was faster than you and you were standing in the back as you couldn’t see anything with all those taller people in front of you. Suddenly you felt someone pull you towards him and push you to the front, you looked over your shoulder and saw Gilbert standing behind you with his hands on your shoulder.
He gave you a quick wink as it made you swoon inside, you then looked back in front of you as you had a good view of the table. Gilbert kept standing behind you and if he noticed that you couldn’t follow he would whisper the explanation of it short to you by using simple words. You started to understand it more as Gilbert whispered the easy version in your ear, his breath sometimes tickled your skin as you thought it felt nice on your skin.
During lunchtime Gilbert stayed inside as he was looking for good books in the teacher’s room. He kept looking at each book and scanning each cover if it would be a perfect book to help you study. He barely had time to eat as he wanted to help you out, he kept biting from his bread in between movements. By the time lunchtime was over he had collected six or seven books, he walked out of the teacher’s room and arranged with Miss Stacy that he could borrow them.
For the rest of the time you tried to keep up with everyone’s pace but you felt the walls closing in on you, you felt like giving up at some point but then you remembered that Gilbert was doing his very best to help you, you couldn’t give up on him now so, you pushed yourself to continue even if you only understood half of it.
School was finally over, and you walked with your sister home as your head was full of weird words and difficult sketches of math problems. You didn’t tell Ruby that Gilbert was coming to pick you up at your house or she would have asked, you to come along and that was the last thing you wanted. She would only get in the way and besides you wanted some alone time with Gilbert as you had a small crush on him but never dared to engage on that out of freight of Ruby.
As soon as you got home, you collected all sorts of books and placed them in your basket. You barely took off your coat and ran back downstairs with a heavy basket full of books. Your parents frowned at your behaviour as you only told them that you were going to play with a friend. Ruby found it weird that you were waiting in the hallway, you were sitting on a bench in the hallway as you waited for Gilbert to arrive.
You heard a knock on the door and called out that it was your friend as you opened the door a bit and before Gilbert could walk in you rushed outside and pulled him back with you. He didn’t have the chance to say goodbye to your parents as you were already walking back towards the woods with him again. Gilbert decided to let it rest as he figured it had something to do with Ruby, he noticed your basket full of books and chuckled soft as he thought it was cute how much effort you putted in it.
During the walk the basket got too heavy for you to carry as it almost fell out your hands. – “Allow me…” – Gilbert spoke as he helped you lift the basket again and took it from you. He placed it in his left hand as the weight didn’t do him anything, you gasped soft as you admired his strength. – “We’re almost there, Y/n” – he said soft as he suddenly took your hand and leaded you under a low hanging branch. You felt yourself blush at his touch as you saw the top of his house already in sight.
Gilbert welcomed you in and took your coat, you seated yourself down as he walked back in with your basket. He placed it on the table and then walked away, he came seconds later with his own stock of books. – “Are those all for me?” – you asked him soft as he seated himself next to you, - “Yes, and I expect you not to know any of these in one day so, if you don’t mind I think we’ll need to come together a lot more…”
You started to blush again as you looked nervous at the table, - “I don’t mind…” – you replied soft as Gilbert was already picking a first book, you frowned at the cover and knew this was going to be hard for you, but Gilbert helped you a lot. Soon as you were already half way the first book, Gilbert got tired of sitting down so he had leaded you to his living room where you were laying on his carpet next to the fire place. Slowly you started to understand things as Gilbert was excited for you, you were laying in front of him on your stomach as he laid the same with the book in his hand.
After a while as you both were a bit tired of studying, closed Gilbert the book and placed it next to him. – “I’ve we keep up this pace, I’ll think I’ll have to get more books as I never want this to end…” – you smiled shy as he started to run his fingers through his hair, - “Let’s take a break than?” – you suggested as you seated yourself better.
You wanted to grab the book and Gilbert noticed it as he moved his hand towards yours, before you touched the book he let his fingers get in touch with yours. You looked nervous at him as you let him move his fingers through yours. He was touching them in a gentle and soft way as your stomach started to tingle. You had to supress a squeal as you didn’t want to sound like your older sister Ruby, you just pressed your lips together as he finally placed his hand in yours and pulled your hand close to him.
“I’m really grateful that you asked me to help you study, Y/n…” – he said soft as it sounded like a whisper, you licked your lips soft as you heard wood crackle beside you. – “I’m glad I did…” – you replied as Gilbert took the book again. You frowned as you thought you were going to take a break, he held the book close to his face as you only saw his eyes. – “Gilbert, I thought we postponed our study session…” – you said to him as you moved your head closer to him and lowering his book with your finger.
Gilbert saw that you were close enough now and he dropped his book on his lap and grabbed your face. He pulled your face closer to him as he pressed his lips onto yours seconds later, you were shocked for a moment but let him kiss you as you felt yourself surrender under his love. He pulled away moments later and looked shy at the book on his lap, he only looked up when you called out his name and placed your hand on his knee.
“I liked that very much…” – you replied uncertain as you had no idea how to react on a kiss. Gilbert chuckled soft, - “Me too, Y/n… me too…” – you took his hand again and watched the fire dance on the wood as Gilbert turned himself better, so you could let your head rest against his shoulder. You did, and Gilbert let his head rest against yours, - “Can we study again tomorrow…” – Gilbert asked you as he enjoyed this moment. – “I’d like that very much…” – you replied as you pulled yourself closer to him.
Gilbert smiled in instant as he couldn’t wait to see you tomorrow and the days after to help you study and perhaps sometimes steal a kiss from you as he loved you very much. He never knew he did, but this experience made his mind clear about his feelings towards you.
Check out my AWAE masterlist to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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frost-queen · 6 years
Sweet child (Reader x Gilbert)
Requested by: @to-hurt-and-comfort, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt
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You had just moved to Avonlea in the hopes to give your one-year old child a better home. You were pregnant at a very unusual age, you don’t like to talk about the father since he left you as soon as he found out that you were pregnant. He tricked you into sleeping with him and broke your heart once you were pregnant, it made you wonder if he ever loved you.
The only good thing about your past was your one-year old child: Lily. You had named her after the first flower you saw on your trip to Avonlea. You were very conflicted about her name, but you had found the perfect name for her. “A new start, a new life!” – you thought as you held her in your arms.
You parents were ashamed of you and had thrown you out of the house once they found out about Lily. You really didn’t care since they never really cared for you. You wanted to continue your education, but you could never take Lily with you. You had heard from some people that you could hire a nanny and so you did.
You hired a nanny to look after Lily as you are going to school. Sometimes you missed the presence of a man in your life but then you remembered the tragedy of your child’s father that you were glad he wasn’t around. The two of you were happy and were perfectly fine on your own.
You were preparing the final details for the nanny to look after Lily. – “If she cries you have you to give her this.” – you handed her a little toy. You then started to run around the room searching for all sort of things to give her. – “Don’t forget to feed her every three hours!” – you heard Lily squeal as she was sitting on the ground, underneath a blanket.
“Oh, sweetheart” – you said soft as you picked her up. – “Mommy is going to miss you too.” – you kissed her little hands soft as you nearly started to cry, it was the first day in months that you had to leave her alone. You gave Lily to the nanny as you had to go to school. – “Be a sweet girl…” – you kissed her forehead as she started to reach out to you with her little hands.
You swallowed deep as you had to leave her, - “I’m going to miss you so much!” – you whispered at her as you kissed her little hands again. You then took a deep breath and made your way outside, as soon as you left Lily started to cry soft, knowing that you were leaving her.
You heard her cry as you closed the door behind her, for a moment you thought about running back inside and forget about going to school but you couldn’t. you had to think about your future, your education was going to help you a lot in the future and Lily as well. You bit your underlip as you tried to hold back your tears. – “I’m sorry…” – you whispered as you grabbed your necklace in your hand that had her name on it.
You kissed it brief as you felt your heart break for leaving her alone, for so long. You took a deep breath and tucked it away for no one to see. – “First day of school, here I come!” – you said proud as you started to walk towards the woods.
The whole time you were walking towards school you tried to think of Lily as little as possible, knowing that you would cry your eyes out. – “You are going to have a great time and when you get home Lily will be waiting for you!” – you said to yourself to encourage yourself. You noticed you were close as you saw several children of your age walk in the same direction.
You paused for a moment as you saw the school building, several children were playing outside. Some boys were throwing a ball at each other as some girls were walking together and giggling alongside each other. You took a deep breath and made your way in.
The teacher was already setting some things ups as she noticed you. – “Ah, you must be Y/n?” – you nodded shy as she signalled for you to come closer. You walked over to her and she placed her arm around your shoulder. – “Now, Y/n you will be sitting over here.” – she leaded you to an empty seat, you seated yourself already down as she smiled soft. – “You can play outside for a few moments if you like?” – “can I stay inside, please just for the first day?” – you asked her as you felt quite nervous.
Miss Stacy nodded soft and made her way over back to her desk to continue preparing as you looked around the classroom, admiring the looks of it. Suddenly a boy walked in and walked straight to Miss Stacy. – “Miss Stacy, I wanted to ask you something…” – he paused halfway as he noticed you sitting down. He frowned and walked over to you. – “Good morning are you new here?” – you looked up and met up with his hazel brown eyes.
You nodded shy as he started to smile soft. – “Gilbert Blythe, and you are?” – he extended his hand to you and you shook it happily. – “Nice to meet you Gilbert, I’m Y/n!” – he smiled soft as he looked at you. – “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” – you started to blush soft at his remark as he left your desk again and walked over to Miss Stacy.
Soon all the other students walked in and all frowned at you as they had never seen you before. They started to whisper at each other as you tried to ignore their staring. Grabbing your hidden necklace gave you the strength to keep going. Gilbert had noticed you grab for something hidden around your neck and found it cute that you did something like that.
“Who the hell are you!” – a blond girl said as she slammed her hands against your desk, startling you for a few seconds. – “Y/… Y/n.” – you stuttered short as she kept glaring at you. – “Josie Pye remember the name as I rule this school!” – she moved her head closer to you as you backed away, swallowing soft. – “I know everything and if you ever cross me, well…” – she gave you a devious smirk as she pulled her hands of your desk.
You breathed again as she walked back to her desk. She was someone you didn’t want to piss off. During class Gilbert kept looking at you as you were all standing around Miss Stacey her desk. You were standing on the right of him with several people in between, Gilbert moved his head more to the front to look at you. You had noticed it and looked shy back, you weren’t the only one since Josie had also seen it and threw some dagger looks at you.
During lunch Josie’s jealous kept progressing as Gilbert walked shy in your direction. – “Can I sit with you, Y/n?” – he asked you shy as he looked at the ground. You said a soft yes as Gilbert seated himself down next to you. He then reached into his basket to grab something. – “Would you like an apple? there from my Orchard.” – you nodded soft as you took the apple from him, your hands touched and both of you started to blush.
You tasted the apple and was surprised by the sweet taste of it. – “This is really good!” – you said between your bites. Gilbert smiled sheepishly as he felt himself fall for you. The two of you kept talking about anything and everything. You told him almost everything, you kept Lily a secret to him since you really started to like him, and you didn’t want to scare him away.
“You know Y/n that subtle thing you did when you grabbed… I think a necklace, or something is really sweet.” – you gasped soft as he had recognized your subtle move. He noticed you felt shy about it and apologized. – “I didn’t mean to upset you… I just thought it was cute…” – Gilbert bit his underlip soft as he felt nervous for asking. – “It’s alright…” – you replied shy as you placed your hand on his shoulder.
Josie who was sitting further away with Ruby, Prissy and Jane kept glaring at the two of you. – “That little tramp is here one day and already get’s her dirty hands on Gilbert!” – Ruby whined soft as she felt her heart break, since she liked him. – “Don’t worry Ruby, I’ll teach her a lesson! There has to be something about her that I can use to mock her!” – Josie had wrapped her arm around Ruby who kept whining like a little child.
As school ended you said goodbye to the people that you had befriended today as you were glad to see Lily again. Little did you know that Josie intended to follow you home, - “Where are you going?” – Jane would call out as Josie followed you, Josie turned around and gave Jane some cold dagger looks for almost exposing her intentions. Jane immediately stopped talking and walked over to Prissy and Billy to walk home with her siblings.
Josie kept following as she moved from tree to tree, hiding out for you. She was determined to find a dirty secret about you and expose it to the others. You kept walking without your knowledge of Josie following you, you took your necklace from it’s tucked position as you kissed it soft again. – “Just hold on for a few more moments, Lily mommy is almost home…” – you said soft as you continued walking.
Josie pretended to vomit as she saw you kiss some necklace and say some unknown words. – “She’s so weird!” – she said to herself as she kept following you. You ran to the front door as you were on your property. You swung open the door and took Lily in your arms from the nanny. – “I’ve missed you so much…” – you said as you took her little hand, her fingers wrapped tight around your finger as she squealed happy that you were here.
Josie had sneaked up to the window and tried to look inside, she saw you kissing a child as a grown up started to put on her coat. She noticed the person was heading for the door, so she ducked away but still close by. – “She was a sweet girl, Miss Y/L/n!” – the nanny said as you stood in the door opening with Lily in your hands. – “Tomorrow same time?” – you asked her as she nodded soft. – “You have a beautiful baby, she is so kind and has a heart of gold.” – the nanny said before walking away.
“Hear that Lily, she thinks your wonderful, but mommy already knew that!” – you gave her soft kisses at her belly as she started to laugh sweet. Josie gasped for a moment as she couldn’t believe her ears that you had a child, her shocked face turned in seconds into a devious one as she had found the perfect way to mock you. – “That’s what you get for flirting with Gilbert!”  - she said between her teeth as she watched you walk in again.
The next morning you said again goodbye to Lily as you made your way back to school. You were hoping to see Gilbert again as you felt yourself drawn to him, he was different than other boys you’ve met and certainly not someone like the father of your child. You walked into the class smiling but soon stopped as everyone looked at you.
“If it isn’t Y/n or should I say mother of a little baby!” – everyone gasped as they couldn’t believe it. – “Y/n is a mother?” – Ruby asked her confused. – “Yes, I saw her yesterday with her child, I knew Y/n was a little tramp and look at this!” – Josie laughed hard as some students kept staring at you or your stomach finding it hard it process that you have a child.
Josie got almost everyone to laugh with her as she kept mocking you for having a baby at a younger age. You kept looking at everyone as they kept laughing at you, you then locked eyes with Gilbert who was looking at you but different than the others. He was looking at you as he wished you had told him before.
You couldn’t take it anymore, so you ran outside as tears started to stream down your face. – “I’m never going back!” – you shouted as you kept running away. Gilbert reacted in seconds as he saw you ran away, he clenched his teeth and gave everyone a piece of his mind as he had enough of their mocking. He then grabbed his coat and started to run after you, hoping to comfort you.
You kept running and crying as you felt like your events from the past repeated itself. You thought you could have a new life, but it fired back at you as now everyone was laughing about you being a young mother. You were thinking about leaving Avonlea again as you couldn’t handle the mockery and the taunting.
As soon as you got home you dismissed the nanny and took Lily in your arms. You fell to the ground and kept crying as you pulled her close to you. – “I’m sorry Lily… I’m sorry!” – you felt guilty for throwing away your future, but you couldn’t handle it anymore. Josie’s outing hit you hard as it felt like you were being punched in the heart. Lily kept squealing as she tried to comfort you, she felt that you were sad and wanted to cheer you up.
She touched your face soft with her little hands and you started to laugh soft between your tears. – “What would I do without you…” – you said soft as you kissed her forehead soft. You froze once you heard a knock on the door. You got up thinking maybe the nanny had forgotten something but as you opened the door with Lily in your hands you found Gilbert at your doorstep.
You freaked out and wanted to slam the door in his face before he could see Lily, but he slammed his hand against the door, preventing it from closing. – “Y/n wait… I’m not here to laugh at you!” – you stood hidden behind the door as Gilbert tried to open it further. – “I wanted to make sure that you were alright…”
“I’m fine so you can go now!” – you called out as you kept preventing him from opening the door further. – “Y/n can I please come in, I don’t mind that you have a child.” – Gilbert sighed deep as he ran his hand through his hand. – “Can I please come in! I want to make sure you are alright!” – you opened the door slowly as Gilbert could now see you and your child.
To your surprise reacted Gilbert to your child in a sweet way, he tickled her soft as he greeted her. – “Hello little one.” – you kept staring at the display as Gilbert than looked at you. – “What’s her name?” – “Lily.” – you replied as you leaded him inside. Inside you leaded him to the living room as Gilbert placed his arm around your back. – “Are you alright?” – you nodded soft and placed Lily on her blanket.
You then took his hand and seated him down next to you. – “Gilbert I’m so sorry, I …” – Gilbert stopped you as he smiled soft at you. – “you don’t have to apologize. Josie was wrong to out your secret like that!” – he started to get angry again as he thought about the events from earlier. “She had no right to do that and I don’t mind that you have a child, Lily is quite cute.”
Gilbert gave her a funny look as she started to squeal happy. You laughed soft at the kindness of Gilbert around Lily. You kept talking with him some more as suddenly Lily started to cry, you kneeled beside her and let your finger go over her arm. – “Your hungry aren’t you sweetie?” – Lily kept crying soft as you got up and made your way over to the kitchen but before you left the room you turned towards Gilbert.
“Do you mind watching her for a few moments, I have to prepare her bottle, but it won’t take long?” – Gilbert nodded as you left the room. Gilbert than placed himself on the ground next to Lily as he took her on his lap. – “No need to cry Lily” – he said to her in a sweet voice. – “Mommy is preparing diner.”- Lily started to stop crying as Gilbert held her in his arms, she wrapped her little fingers around his finger and Gilbert started to smile bright at her cuteness. – “You are just as cute as your mother.” – he whispered to her as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Lily then stopped crying and Gilbert placed her little feet on his lap as he held her tight around her waist. He started to make funny sounds as he lifted her not high in the air and placed her down on his lap again, still holding her.
Lily started to laugh as Gilbert kept moving her up and down while pressing his mouth against her tummy, making a ticklish feeling inside of her. You heard the sounds and decided to have a quick look, you stood in the door opening almost crying as Gilbert was playing so sweet with your child.
Gilbert had noticed you and stopped playing with Lily as he picked her up and made his way over to you. – “she’s a real sweetheart!” – Gilbert called out as he gave her an Eskimo kiss against her nose. – But so are you!” – Gilbert then placed a kiss against your cheek as you felt yourself blush.
Lily started to reach out for you as Gilbert handed her over to you, you took her and kissed her forehead soft. – “Y/n please don’t stop with school!” – Gilbert suddenly asked you as he kept stroking Lily’s arm. – “I liked it having you around and it would be a shame if you left because of Josie.”
“I want to stay but… the others…” – you replied shy as you sighed deep. – “I will gladly fight them of if they ever mock you or Lily again.” – Lily squealed again as you placed her better on your arm. – And…” – Gilbert suddenly looked shy and started to play with his sleeve. – “If … if I may … I would like to spend some more time with you and Lily?” – he lifted his head shy as you stared right into his hazel brown eyes.
“I would like that… very much.” – you said, and you only noticed you were crying as Gilbert wiped some tears away. Gilbert then kissed your sleep as he pulled you close, it was like Gilbert’s presence was what you were missing all those years and you weren’t ashamed to show him the real you with Lily.
Check out my Masterlists to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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frost-queen · 6 years
7 minutes in heaven ( Reader x Gilbert)
Requested by: @callmegilbertblythe
Forever Tag: @hanbinwsrt, if you’d like to be a part of my forever tag let me know.
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You’ve never been to any kind of party in your life. Yes, you’d been to some small gatherings where your parents were but never a ‘real big’ party. You were more than thrilled when Diana gave you some big news.
“We can really go?” – Anne said overwhelmed. Diana nodded “Yes aunt Josephine has invited the entire class to her party!”.
You and Ruby grabbed each other’s hand and squealed at the thought of going to a real party.
“The entire class?” – Josie spoke as she stepped in between of you and Ruby. “Yes” – Diana replied as she held her hands together.
“I can’t believe your aunt would invite our entire class, there are obvious people that aren’t … classy enough” – Josie looked at Anne like she was nothing.
Ruby and you crossed both your arms and scoffed at her. “I guess you’re not coming then!” – Diana also crossed her arms and looked at Josie stern.
“I never said that!” – Josie scoffed “I was merely pointing out the truth”.
“no one asked you for your opinion, Josie” – You snapped back at her “So you either apologize to her or you’re not coming along.”
“You can’t be serious?” – Josie really wanted to be at that party, but she would never apologize to Anne. So, she was left with no choice but to apologize so she could still go to the biggest party ever!
“Fine” – she snapped “I’m sorry Anne”. Ruby and you giggled behind her since Josie never apologized.
“Thank you, Josie,” – Anne replied as she took a small bow.
Josie then rolled her eyes and walked away, stepping between Ruby and you and bumping hard against each of your shoulders.
Diana took some envelopes from her basket and walked over to you “Y/n will you help me hand these out?”
“I’d love to, Diana” – you replied as you took a part of her stack of envelopes. “Alright You hand them out outside and I’ll do it inside”.
You nodded and started to walk outside to hand everyone an invitation to the party.
You first approached Moody who stopped near you to grab the ball.
“Moody” – you spoke “Diana’s aunt Josephine has invited the entire class to her party”.
“She did?” – Moody replied as he had picked up the ball and held it under his arm.
“Yes, here is the invitation” – you handed Moody one envelope and he gladly accepted it.
“Thank you, Y/n,” – Moody patted you short on your shoulder “I can’t wait”.
You then continued to hand out some invitations. You’ve given out almost every invitation but there was still one person that you needed to give one. Gilbert Blythe.
You saw him sitting on a bark with a book in his hand. You were trembling as you approached him.
You’ve like Gilbert for a long time, he’d never like you back. Why would he? You were just an ordinary girl.
“Gil …. Gilbert?” – you tried to stop your voice from stuttering. He looked up from his book and frowned as he saw you standing in front of him.
“Y/n?” – his voice was soft and sweet “Is there some….” – you interrupted him “Here’s your invitation!” -  you held the envelope in front of him, not making any eye contact with him.
“Uh … Thank you Y/n” – his hand trembled a bit as he took the envelope from your hand.
“What’s it for?” – he asked you confused as he examined the envelope.
“Diana’s party” – Gilbert gave you a confused look “I mean not Diana’s party, her aunt Josephine she has invited the entire class to her party. It’s said to be a big party, I wouldn’t know of course since I never went to any …” – you noticed Gilbert was having a hard time following you. “I’m talking to much again, Am I?”
“Just a bit” – he replied as he measured it between his fingers.
You laughed at bit shy “Sorry”.
“No need for that” – he replied as he placed the envelope on his leg.
You wanted to walk away again but he cleared his throat which made you stay put a little longer.
“Uh … Will you be there … at the party?” – he asked you trying not to stutter or make a fool out of himself.
“Me? Uh … of course … I mean the entire class is invited so…” – you bit your lip soft, you always did that when you were nervous.
“Right … Obvious” – he replied as he laughed sheepishly “I knew that…”
“I’ll see you then, goodbye Gilbert” – you spoke quick as you waved him goodbye and walked away.
You stopped as you were around the corner and breathed deep out.
“Idiot that you are” – Gilbert said to himself angry as he opened his book again “Of course Y/n is going to be there, so is the entire school”
He sighed deep and cursed at himself for being such an idiot.
You walked back inside straight to Diana “All handed out! – you said cheery as you stopped by her side.
“Good thank you Y/n, I knew I could count on you” – She placed her hand on your shoulder and smiled.
A few days past as finally the day of the party arrived. You had meet up with Diana, Anne and Ruby at Diana’s house.
“Is this dress good enough?” – you asked Diana nervously as you showed her your dress.
“More than perfect, Y/n” -  she replied as she looked to you from behind Anne, who’s hair she was doing.
Ruby walked into the room “Can you help me out with my bow, Y/n?” – you walked over to her and started to fix her bow.
“How is that?” – you asked her as you held a small mirror in front of her.
She laughed shy as she saw herself in the mirror, it was the first time she ever looked like this. That could be said for all of you, you wore all the most beautiful dresses and Diana had done everyone’s hair.
Ruby her hair was braided together, Anne had little flowers in her braids and your hair had curls in her it that was being held together with a bow.
When Diana was finished with Anne’s hair she looked at the three of you and almost cried “You are so beautiful”
The three of you smiled shy and moved a piece of your skirt around.
“Let’s go then, we can’t be late for the train” – Diana grabbed her hat and tangled her arm around Anne’s, she tangled hers around Ruby’s and you around hers.
Diana aunt Josephine lived in Charlotte’s town which meant everyone had to travel by train to get there.
The train ride was an adventure on its own. The first time all of you travelled alone without any parents to supervise.
“how will the party be?” – you asked Diana as she sat before you. Anne and Ruby were playing a little handclap game to pass the time.
“Aunt Josephine’s parties are always unforgettable and life changing. I’ve only been to a few when I was smaller, but I remembered how everyone talked about it.”.
You started to dream away. Hoping, wishing that your first party was going to be one you wouldn’t forget.
The nerves started to kick in when the conductor whistled to let everyone know they had arrived in Charlotte’s town.
“I’m so nervous, I could jump out of my skin” – Ruby squealed as she walked next to you.
“Me too, I wonder if they play any games?” – you squealed also as you grabbed Ruby’s hand trying to control your nerves together.
A man opened the door and accepted your invitations that Diana and you had handed out at school a few days ago.
All four of you followed the man inside and immediately you all gasped. “This is even better then I imagined” – You squealed as you pinched Anne’s hand tighter.
“I absolutely agree Y/n, no words can describe what I feel right now” – Anne replied as she pinched your hand back.
“Diana my dear” – Aunt Josephine said as she held her arms open, Diana ran towards her and hugged her aunt.
Aunt Josephine then looked at the three of you. “Anne, Ruby and Y/n welcome” – she bowed her head light and the three of you curtsied.
“Come … come” – she said as she pushed the four of you to the actual party “The party is over here”.
Immediately when you walked into the huge party room, several people placed a flower crown on each of your heads by the entrance.
You all looked at each other and giggled as you felt all like princesses.
Anne, Diana and Ruby all ran towards Tillie, but you kept standing where you were. You had locked eyes with Gilbert who was sitting next to Cole across the room.
He smiled shy at you and you acted all shy and almost bumped into someone else as you tried to hide your goofy smile.
“There you are, Y/n” – Diana said as she took your hand and dragged you towards the others.
Gilbert had followed your movement as Diana dragged you to the other girls, he thought you looked more beautiful than ever. Not that he didn’t think you were beautiful without the fancy dress and flower crown. Your new outfit made you just stand out that little more.
The party was going very well, you’ve danced with Anne, Diana and Ruby and tasted the most exquisite food.
Aunt Josephine stepped on a small stage and she cleared her throat and stumped her cane a few times against the floor.
Everyone stopped talking and looked over at her. “I’d like to thank you all for coming, this party has been going very well by now but let’s have some fun”.
Everyone started to look at one another and frowned. “who’s ready to play some games?” – Aunt Josephine called out loud.
Everyone started to cheer and clap their hands as they were excited to play a game.
“Quickly everyone in a circle” – she ordered as she motioned a circle in front of her with her hands.
Everyone started to sit down or rush towards a good spot, bumping into each other and pushing a way through the crowd.
As they were all seated, Aunt Josephine stepped inside the circle and placed an empty bottle in the middle.
“Are we going to play truth or dare?” – Moody asked as he had raised up his hand.
“Even better, 7 minutes in heaven” – she replied as she winked at him.
Everyone started to whisper to each other. What was this game? And why did it look like aunt Josephine was having a blast.
“The rules are simple if the bottle points at you, you have to have 7 minutes of heaven with the one who turned it” – she started to explain.
Moody raised his hand again “What do you mean by 7 minutes?”.
Everyone started to murmur as they also had no idea what she meant by that.
“well Youngman, it means you will go inside the closet” – she pointed at the door of a small room. “and in there you and the chosen person will have 7 minutes of heaven, so you can do whatever you like. You can give each other a kiss in there” – all the girls started to giggle as the boys made themselves larger.
“or you can just have a nice talk or tell a secret, you can really do whatever you like”.
Everyone then started to look at each other and whisper.
“Alright who’s up first?” – aunt Josephine spoke, clapping her hands together that startled everyone.
“how about you Youngman?” – she pointed at Gilbert. “M… Me?” – he stuttered as he pointed at himself.
She nodded and gestured to him to spin the bottle. Gilbert cleared his throat soft as he reached for the bottle with trembling hands.
He rotated the bottle with his hand and waited to see where it would stop.
Everyone crawled a bit closer as they were all eager to know where the bottle would stop and then it stopped. It had stopped on an unusual place, Gilberts eyes widened as he gaped at the bottle that was pointing towards you.
You also gaped at the bottle and it was like you were frozen, you were awoken from your trance when aunt Josephine pulled you up and walked with you to Gilbert who she also pulled up.
“Enjoy” – she said winking as she pushed the two of you in a to small room that could never fit two persons.
You stepped on Gilberts foot as he bumped into you, the room was so small you were pressed against each other with inches of spare room.
“Sorry” – you muttered as you apologized for stepping on his foot.
Gilbert tried to give you some space since he felt nervous being so close to you, so he moved backwards a bit but quickly bumped against the door. You were standing close to him, so you were pulled forward and bumped against his chest as he moved back.
He quickly grabbed your shoulders as you almost lost your balance “You … You alright? … Y/n” – he asked you nervous.
“I … I think so” – you replied back moving a bit back, making Gilbert fall forwards.
This room was definitely too small for two persons. It made you wonder if this was done on purpose.
“Hang on” – Gilbert spoke as he held you tight by your shoulders, figuring out a good position to which both of you could stand steady.
“There” – he said after a few moments of struggling to not step on your foot or squeeze you against the wall.
“There” – you replied soft back. The only light in this tiny room was a small electric bulb that hanged on the ceiling.
It gave you enough light to see each other but not clear enough to see anything around you.
“So …” – he started holding his hands nervously against each other.
“So …” – you replied as you bit your under lip.
“How … How are you … enjoying the party Y/n?” – he asked you as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“Its … its nice” – you replied looking shy at your feet or the darkness for you couldn’t see anything but Gilbert.
“Oh, let me fix that for you” – Gilbert spoke suddenly as he raised his trembling hands towards your head.
You backed your head a bit when you saw him come closer to you, “I’m just going to fix your crown” – he spoke as he noticed you backed away.
You stopped moving and let his hands touch your head as he placed the flower crown in the good position on your head.
“Perfect” – he said as he smiled like a fool.
“Thank you, Gil….” – your eyes widened, and you immediately corrected yourself “I …I mean Gilbert”- you bit your under lip again as Gilbert played shy with the end of his shirt.
“Y/n … - Gilbert started but he was interrupted by a sudden stomp from the door against his back and Gilbert fell against you.
His lips fell onto yours as he fell forward, you were being smacked against the wall behind you as you felt Gilbert lips touch yours.
Your eyes looked shocked as Gilbert still had his lips onto yours, Gilbert also looked shocked at you, but the room was too small for him to change position.
Gilbert then closed his eyes as his hands supported him by pressing against you, you did the same as you felt a little spark inside of you. The kiss was now more natural and not forced anymore.
“uh … time’s up, children” – aunt Josephine spoke as she tried to open the door more of the small room, but Gilbert’s body was in the way.
Both released yourself from the kiss, Gilbert couldn’t stop smiling as you couldn’t stop blushing.
“Are you alright in their children?” – Aunt Josephine spoke again as she tried to pop her head between the door.
“Were fine” – Gilbert replied to her, he then looked at you “More than fine, actually”.
You blushed again and looked shy as the ground.
The two of you squeezed yourself through the door. “There they are” – aunt Josephine spoke as she helped you out of the closet.
You both shared a quick look before you seated yourself again.
“So how was it” – Diana asked you curious as Anne and Ruby nodded in confirmation.
“Let’s just say it was unforgettable” – you then looked over at Gilbert as he was staring at you. Once he saw you look at him, he smiled like a fool and played with the end of his shirt.
Diana was right aunt Josephine’s parties were unforgettable and life changing
Check out my Masterlists to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
487 notes · View notes
frost-queen · 6 years
Soft Universe ( Chubby!Reader x Gilbert)
Requested by: @highlightsomeoneslife Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt
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You and your brother; Moody were the ones that never stood out. Moody thought of himself that he was a disaster ever since he almost made Miss Stacy lose her job, he just wanted to look at the electric thingy as he accidently dropped it and glass scattered around on the floor. You on the other hand thought that you were never smart enough.
It ran in the family to think so little of you, it might have something to do with everybody thinking so little of the two of you or not paying enough attention to you. You were a little chubbier than your other classmates and that was clear to you that it didn’t gave you any boy attention. Tillie was also a chubby girl and she had zero interaction with the boys who only gave it to your friends who looked prettier.
Your best friend Ruby looked past your appearance as she loved you for who you are. She always gushed to you about Gilbert, but you never mind as you admired him. You worshiped him like a God, you wanted to be more like him. He was very loved, smart and social while you were almost none of those things. Whenever he said something smart you wished deep down that you could be as smart as him one day.
You and your brother were like the black sheep of the school, Moody was clumsy and could never follow with everything that happened and just let it overwhelm him as you were equally clumsy and was the one that people easily looked past. You were almost never invited to anyone’s house or playtimes as they never wanted you around.
In time you got used to it that people looked past you and that you were doomed to be the black sheep of the class alongside your brother. You and your brother were each other best friends as you hardly had anyone else. On school days you would walk with him to school and at school you would talk to Ruby, but she also had other friends. It was possible that you had to sit alone as Ruby was sitting with the other girls.
You and Moody had just arrived at school as he saw the boys already playing football, - “Alright I’m going to play sis. What are you going to do?” – Moody spoke as he was eager to play with them but wanted to make sure that you were alright. - “Probably talking with Ruby…” – you replied as you looked around for Ruby. You saw her talking to Anne and Diana as you took a deep breath, glad that Josie wasn’t with them.
She had a habit of calling you out and making you the main attraction to laugh at. Moody gave you a quick hug before he ran over to the boys, you took another deep breath as you started to walk towards Ruby. – “Good morning Ruby!” – you called out as he turned around to face you, - “Oh, good morning Y/n…” – Ruby turned her body again to Diana and Anne as you stood behind her a bit lost.
You looked nervous around you as she was ignoring you again, you then noticed Gilbert arriving and a silly smile appeared on your face as you noticed everyone greeting him. – “There is Gilbert!” – Ruby called out and she took Diana and Anne’s hand leading them to him to greet him. You watched them run past you as you followed them curious, you knew he would never greet you but still you wanted to see him.
A group had formed around Gilbert as they greeted him, you wanted to join the group as suddenly a person pushed you back. – “Move chubby!” – you were being pushed outside the group as you looked at the devious grin on Josie’s face, - “You really think you can be a part of us!” – she laughed in a mocking tone as you looked ashamed at the ground. – “Nobody wants you here chubby!” – Josie spitted at you as she pushed you hard.
You tripped over your own feet and fell with a loud thud to the ground, it made her laugh even harder as she turned her body to close the small opening in the group. You seated yourself down as you looked at your elbows that looked red from the fall. – “Are you alright?” – you suddenly heard from in front of you.
You looked up and noticed Gilbert pushing Josie aside to look at you clearer. You freaked out for and tried to pull yourself up as Gilbert came closer to you, extending his hand to you. You ignored his helping hand as you stood firm on your feet again, - “I… I’m alright… no need to worry about me…” – you said soft as you looked at your own feet, your hands folded together.
“Are you sure Y/n?” – Gilbert asked you as he tried to look at your face, you nodded soft as you bit your under lip soft, - “I’m alright… thank you …” – you stuttered soft as you lifted your head to find him smiling soft at you. – “Gilbert!” – Ruby called out as she grabbed his arm and started to lead him again to the group.
You sighed disappointed as you lowered your head and turned your body to walk away. Gilbert couldn’t stop Ruby’s pulling so he looked over his shoulder to you as you looked at the same time over your shoulder. You gasped soft as he smiled soft at you for looking at the same time, you quickly turned your head again as it was turning red. Gilbert looked one more time over his shoulder to you but this time you didn’t look back.
He sighed soft as he had hoped you would look at him again at the same time. Gilbert was again the centre of the group as he hoped to talk to you more, he never had to chance to get to know you. He only knew you as Moody’s sister and he wished he could discover another side of you than the one everyone gives you.
Gilbert didn’t think you were at all clumsy or stupid, he just thought you were misunderstood. He hated it that everyone formed your personality for you, you were none of those things to him. You walked over to a spot where you could sit down and watch Moody play. You waved happily at your brother as he paused the ball underneath his foot to wave at you.
He mouthed an ‘are you alright?’ as he heard Billy shout at him to pass the ball to him. You gave him a soft ‘yes’ as you didn’t want him to worry, Billy kicked the ball from underneath his foot as he got inpatient. Moody moved his hands in the air as he couldn’t believe that Billy would do that, he then lowered his head and putted his hands in his pocket as he walked over to you.
“Not playing anymore?” – you asked him as he seated himself next to you, - “I guess not…” -  he replied as he gazed in front of him. – “I thought you would be with Ruby?” – he asked you on his turn, you shook your head soft as he already knew the answer. You sighed loud as you placed your arm around his and rested your head against his shoulder.
“I don’t think we are meant to be more than what they think of us…” – you breathed out soft as Moody placed his hand on yours that was around his arm, laying on his lap. – “I know … I’m so glad I have you Y/n … I wouldn’t know what to do without you.” – he squeezed your hand soft as you gazed in front of you, knowing that without Moody you would be lost.
Gilbert had finally escaped the group as he noticed you and Moody sitting down, he bit his lip soft as he felt sorry for the both of you. The others shouldn’t treat you like that, it bothered him that they thought so little of you. – “I’m going to show them all how great Y/n is!” – Gilbert said to himself as it became a mission for him. He heard Miss Stacy ring the bell and he rushed inside, you and Moody got up and walked inside together.
You seated yourself down as Miss Stacy started to explain today’s topic, she asked the class a question and Gilbert answered it in all his glory. – “He’s so smart…” – you said dreamy as Ruby was gazing at him from next to you. – “I know isn’t he dreamy…” – she added as she kept gazing at him. – “I wish I was that smart…” – you said soft, - “Like that is ever going to happen, stop dreaming Chubby!” – Josie suddenly mocked at you as she turned herself around in her seat.
You gave her a look as you tried to ignore her remark but deep down it bothered you. You suddenly froze as you heard your name, - “Y/n can you tell me what happens when I combine electricity with gas?” – Miss Stacy asked you and everyone looked at you as they were eager to know if you could answer this.
“This is going to be fun!” – Josie said grinning as she was glad that she could see you fail, all the colour in your face had disappeared as you saw everyone stare at you. You started to rub your sweaty hands together as you could only hear your heartbeat in your throat. – “… … …” – you opened your mouth, trying to get words to come out but nothing happened.
Moody was giving you a terrified look as he hoped you wouldn’t be laughed at, Gilbert on the other hand had clenched his fist as he whispered soft at himself, - “Come on Y/n … you know this…” – you looked around terrified as you locked eyes with Gilbert. You felt more at ease as he gave you some encouraging looks, you took a deep breath and managed to speak. – “Fire…” – you replied still uncertain that your answer was right.
Miss Stacy smiled bright as she told you the answer was correct, you widened your eyes as you couldn’t believe her. Gilbert got up from his seat and started to clap loud to you, Moody followed his lead as he was very proud of you. You looked confused at them as you had never had an encounter like that, soon Ruby, Diana and Anne followed his movement as he encouraged them to clap for you.
You started to let soft laughs escape your mouth as you were never this proud at yourself. Even Miss Stacy clapped for you as she was very proud of you, Josie was the only one who was sitting grumpy in her seat. Moody jumped out of his seat and rushed over to you to cheer with you. – “Y/n! you did it, you proved them wrong…” – he called out as he wrapped his arms around you.
“I … I couldn’t have done it without Gilbert’s encouraging looks, …” – Gilbert heard his name and smiled soft as he seated himself down again and looked in front of him still smiling. Miss Stacy calmed everyone down after some moments and Moody walked back to his seat as you felt the excitement flow through your body. You were glad that Gilbert looked after you, you thought the world of him and now seeing him help you was like heaven on earth.
As it was soon lunch time you were the topic of the day, everyone was amazed that you gave the right answer for the first time. Most of the time you blabbed something unknown as you couldn’t handle the attention. – “Y/n!” – you heard behind you as the last people were congratulating you, you looked over your shoulder and saw Gilbert coming in your direction.
“Gilbert!” – you squealed as you were surprised that he would walk up to you, the boy you looked up to for so long just walked over to you and only you. – “Y/n!” – he called out again as he was near you, - “You were amazing … I knew you could do it!” – you smiled shy at him as you started to fumble your dress. – “Chubby over here just got lucky!” – Josie scoffed at you as Gilbert gave her a filthy look in seconds.
“Shut up, Josie!” – he shouted at her as you looked embarrassed at the ground, you looked at your size and had to hold back your tears as you didn’t like to be called out like that. – “Please Gilbert we both now, chubby over here is pathetic!” – Gilbert clenched his jaw as he made a fist, - “Say one more word and I’ll punch you!” – Gilbert yelled at her as she raised her eyebrow in disbelieve that he would ever dare to touch her.
Gilbert faked that he would punch her as she ducked down and looked shocked back up as she saw his hand not even near her. – “Get the hell out of my face before I hit you for real!” – Gilbert yelled angry at her as she started to run away. He breathed a few times to calm himself down as you had started to cry soft. Gilbert heard you and turned his head in seconds towards you, - “Y/n … don’t believe a single word she says!”
You shook your head as you wished her words wouldn’t hurt you, but they did. – “She’s right…” – you answered soft and Gilbert had to hold back, - “No!” – he shouted at you, making you jump back a bit out of fright. – “You are not! Y/n you are a smart beautiful girl!” – “Beautiful!” – you cut him off as he was surprised by your little outburst. – “I am not beautiful, I am the opposite of beautiful!”
“No, you’re not!” – Gilbert grabbed your shoulders as he was trying to make a point, - “Y/n you are beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! And … and if you ever say that again about yourself than you are telling me that I have a bad taste is girls…” – you gasped soft as you couldn’t believe a single word he was telling you.
“Y/n you are beautiful, remember that!” – he said calm as he looked with his hazel brown eyes at you. You smiled faintly at him as he started to rub your arms soft. – “will you believe me now, Y/n?” – you nodded soft and he smiled bright at you. He then placed a soft kiss against your sleep as you blushed underneath his touch.
Check out my Masterlists to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
120 notes · View notes
frost-queen · 6 years
Love confession (Reader x Gilbert)
Requested Private by: @shines-in-the-night-for-you, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt.... @melliflovs
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Tell me how do people know what is love?
You and Gilbert had been best friends ever since you were small, when Gilbert met Bash you immediately considered him as your friend. You felt a bit intimidated by the two boys as you were the only girl around the house. You visited Gilbert’s every day to help him with the feminine chores, you loved the both, but you could use some female help around the house.
When you found out Bash was going to Marry Mary you were thrilled to have another female around the house. She could help you around the house and you could talk to her about girl stuff, you could tell Gilbert everything but not everything like all those lady things you couldn’t tell him. He would never understand them and maybe think weird of you.
After the wedding you and Mary got close and you considered her as a big sister. You were like her little sister as she was glad to have you in her life, you could tell her everything. The only thing you were afraid to ask her was what it feels like to be in love, you were starting to develop a crush on your best friend Gilbert, but you needed to be sure.
Mary was hanging up the laundry outside as you watched her work from the porch, both Gilbert and Bash were working on the field so you they couldn’t interrupt your conversation with Mary. You bite your lip soft as you were debating with yourself if you should ask her about your crush, Mary kept hanging up the laundry as she took pieces of clothing from the basket on to the rope that was hanging just above her.
You took a deep breath as you started to set your feet in motion, there was no turning back now. You shuffled nervous towards Mary as she didn’t notice you, - “Mary?” – you said soft as she paused for a moment and looked at you, - “Yes Y/n!” – you walked even closer to her as you were now standing next to her. – “I … I have to ask you something… uncomfortable…”
Mary paused her movement as she frowned at you, - “Is this about your period again Y/n?” – you quickly shook your head as she continued, - “You know it’s perfectly normal for a woman to have those days…” – “No! it’s not about that!” – you interrupted her as you waved your hands desperately in front of you. Mary frowned again as she had no idea what you wanted to talk about, - “What is it then Y/n?”
She took another piece of clothing as she pinned it on the rope, the wind blew soft as it moved some clothing against your skin. – “It… it’s … about … love…?” – you said soft, afraid of her reaction, Mary let a soft laugh escape her mouth as he looked at you with a smile, - “I see, who is the lucky boy?” – you started to move nervously on your feet as you were afraid to answer the question.
“Gilbert…” – you said with your lips pressed together, Mary didn’t understand you, so she moved her hand to her ear to hear you better. – “I’m sorry?” – she said calm as you looked shy at the ground, you moved some dirt away with your foot as Mary tilted your head to her. – “You can tell me Y/n…” – you looked into her warm eyes as you took another deep breath.
“It’s Gilbert…” – you repeated louder for her to hear, Mary smiled soft as she kind of knew already. You lowered your head again after the confession as the wind blew some clothing over your head, stroking your hair. It blew back as Mary tilted your head again, - “What do you want to know, Y/n…” – she took your hand and leaded you to the porch where you could sit down.
“What is it like … to be in love?” – you asked her nervous as you had seated yourself down, you started to fumble your dress nervous as you felt uncomfortable talking about your feelings. Mary laughed soft again as she looked at you, - “Y/n … that is a question that has many answers, but I can give you some advice.” – you thought you asked a stupid question as Mary looked smiling in front of her. – “You and Bash… how does it feel for you?” – Mary smiled again as she looked at the clothing moving around from the wind. – “It’s hard to explain… it’s as if you couldn’t think without the other. You feel whole whenever the other is with you and he makes my heart go all fussy and warm…”
You looked at Mary with admiration as you wished you could have that as well, she noticed it and chuckled soft. – “So, Y/n does Gilbert make your heart go warm and fussy?” – you started to blush and avoided her eye contact as you felt nervous at the sound of his name. – “I think he does…” – Mary replied in your place.
“Why don’t you tell him?” – “No!” – you cut her off as she smiled again at you, - “you’ll have to tell him at one point?” – she raised her eyebrow soft at you as you let out some annoyed sounds that you didn’t want to tell him. – “What is wrong with not telling him, this way our friendship is saved and there is nothing weird between us.” – you called out as you looked at the moving clothing in the distance.
“I know it will be better if you tell him…” – Mary placed her hand on your shoulder as you slowly turned your head towards her, - “for the both of you and who knows maybe he loves you back?” – you sighed soft as you lowered your head again, - “I hope so…” – Mary took your hand that was laying on your lap and squeezed soft in it. – “It will…”
You wanted Gilbert to speak to you with love in his words as you desperately wished he could be yours, but you don’t know how he feels about you. Unless you tell him, the truth and face the consequences.
Bash and Gilbert were working on the field in the meantime as Gilbert suddenly paused. – “Bash can I ask you something?” – Bash nodded as he kept moving his tool over the dirt on the ground. – “It’s about … you know…” – Gilbert made some movements like it was normal what he was talking about, Bash paused for a second and looked at Gilbert’s behaviour? – “unless you tell me what it is, I have no idea what you mean Gilbert?”
Gilbert sighed as he was afraid to speak out the word, - “You know… love…?” – he quickly looked shy at the ground as he was preparing himself for Bash’s laughter. Bash paused again and raised his eyebrow as he heard the word love. – “Are we finally talking about that?” – he teased him as Gilbert rolled his eyes, - “Can you for once leave your silly comments behind and focus on what I want to know?”
“Alright… alright… what do you want to know?” – Bash had thrown his working tool on the ground as he held his hands brief in the air. Gilbert sighed as he started to move his shovel nervous around in the dirt, - “What … what does it feel like to be in love…?” – Gilbert gave Bash some disturbing looks as he warned him not to laugh at him.
Bash held his hand up again to show him that he wasn’t going to laugh, - “Good question Blythe? I don’t have a good answer to that…” – “What do you mean?” – Gilbert cut him off as he threw the shovel on the ground, - “you and Mary are in love, I suppose you should know how it feels then?” Bash nodded soft as Gilbert had a point, Gilbert placed his hands in his pocket as he thought Bash had given him a stupid answer to his question.
“Alright let’s see…”- Bash started as he scratched his cheek, - “being in love means that you will sacrifice anything for the other person, you also want to protect them at all cost, you feel empty without them and she makes my heart beat faster every time she is near. Her kiss feels like a soft cloud as I long for it every moment…” – “alright… I think that’s enough detail…” – Gilbert cut him off as he casually waved his hands in front of him.
“Hey! You said you wanted to know what it feels like to be in love, kissing is just a part of it…” – Bash replied as he laughed soft at Gilbert’s behaviour, - “I know… I know…” – Gilbert replied as if he wasn’t present anymore. – “So, who is she?” – Gilbert looked at Bash in seconds as he looked scared at him. – “Come one Blythe… who is the lucky girl?”
“… no … no one…” – Gilbert stuttered as he looked nervous to anywhere but Bash, - “I don’t believe you!” – Bash teased him as Gilbert gave him an annoyed look. – “Come one Gillie, tell me…” – “you know I hate it when you call me that!” – Gilbert called back as he pointed his finger stern at him.
“then make me stop by telling me who it is… Gillie!” – Gilbert clenched his jaw as he felt frustration come up, - “Gillie tell me?” – Bash kept teasing him as Gilbert was losing his control, - “It’s Y/n!” – he suddenly shouted, and Bash stopped teasing him. – “You happy?” – Gilbert mocked back as he turned his body away from Bash.
Bash came walking in front of Gilbert, - “actually yes…” – Gilbert gave him a playful push as Bash kept laughing loud. – “Seriously Gil, you should tell her!” – “Have you lost your mind! I can’t do that!” – Gilbert shouted back as he ran his hands through his hair. – “I can’t …” – he repeated soft as he looked at his house in the distance.
“You never know how she feels if you don’t tell her?” – Bash told him as he placed his hands on his shoulder. – “Your right… but I don’t want to ruin what we have!” – “you won’t!” – Bash interrupted him as Gilbert sighed soft. – “Just tell her, you’ll feel better…” – Gilbert sighed again as he knew he needed to tell you. – “Alright I’ll tell her, on one condition! You never, ever call me Gillie again!” – Gilbert gave Bash a stern look as he nodded quick, - “Sailor’s honour!” – he called out as he held his one hand in the air.
Gilbert took a deep breath as he started to make his way over to you, you also took a deep breath and got up. Mary watched you leave as she wished you the best of luck, she already knew he would probably like you back as she noticed it subtle.
You and Gilbert kept walking towards each other without the knowledge of the other. Both of you frowned as you saw each other in sight, you kept walking over to him as Gilbert was equally confused. – “Y/n?” – Gilbert said as you called out his name at the same time, both of you laughed soft at what happened.
“I need to tell you something!” – both of you spoke at the same time and you laughed again, - “You first…” – Gilbert said to you as he was nervous to tell you first, your face showed scared wrinkles as you didn’t want to tell him first. – “No please you go first…” – you said as you looked shy at the ground, Gilbert gasped soft as he didn’t want to tell you how he felt.
“alright… we’ll tell it on the count of three?” – Gilbert suggested after a long silent pause, you nodded soft as Gilbert looked shy at you, - “One…” – Gilbert said soft, - “Two…” – you replied after him as you felt your throat go sore. – “Three…” – Gilbert said soft and nodded to you to tell it.
“I love you!” – both of you called out, both of you then frowned as you heard a confused confession between the shouting. – “You love me?” – both of you said at the same time as you started to laugh again, - “I suppose we do…” – you replied nervous as Gilbert was still laughing from your synchronisation. – “Now that we cleared that up, Y/n may I kiss you?” – you looked shocked at him as you didn’t expect it, but you nodded soft.
Gilbert took a piece of your dress in his hands as he pulled you closer to him. – “I’m going to kiss you now…” – he told you again as he hoped you wouldn’t stop him, you replied his remark by closing your eyes. Gilbert moved his head closer to you as he placed his lips against yours, he felt your soft lips onto his and his heart started to beat faster with every touch.
Your heart wants all warm and fussy as Gilbert kissed you sweet, you moved your hands to his neck as he placed his on your waist. Both of you pulled away after some moments and kept gazing at each other. – “I think I know now what it feels like to be in love and I never want the feeling to go away…” – Gilbert said soft as you licked your lips soft, - “me neither” – you replied and placed your lips against his again.
Check out my Masterlists to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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frost-queen · 6 years
Not on my watch! (Reader x Gilbert Blythe)
Requested by: @for-ahsoka 
Requests are open! -> check out my idea list to see what movie’s or serie’s I do. you can always ask me something that is not on the list.
Check out my masterlist for all my imagine’s so far.
Platonic means: (of love or friendship) intimate and affectionate but not sexual. 
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You were sitting on the train that headed towards Charlotte’s town. You’ve just moved back to Avonlea. You grew up here with Gilbert when you were a child but left when your father found a new job somewhere else.
The wind was leaving a soft cold feeling on your skin as you were staring out of the window.
You awoke from your thoughts when the train stopped and steam released itself from underneath the wheels.
You got up and rushed out of the train. You waited on the platform to see a familiar face when some people stepped aside to show you Gilbert.
“Gilbert!” – you said, jumping into his arms.
“Y/n, it has been to long” – he replied, as his arms were around you.
“It has” – you said as you released yourself from his grip.
Gilbert smiled at you “I remember when you were this little” – he said, holding his hand near his knee’s”.
You crossed your arms and looked mean at him “I wasn’t that little!”.
Gilbert replied your expression by doing the same. Both of you then loosened up and laughed as hard as you could.
“I’ve really missed you Y/n” – he said as he placed his arm around you and started to walk away with you.
On the way home, Gilbert talked about his life here for the past years and you listened closely.
You told him then about your life oversea while he listened closely and laughed at your small jokes.
“I think you are going to love school Y/n” – he smiled at you, as his arm was still around you.
You looked at him and frowned “how do you mean? Are there any cute boy’s?” – you teased him.
“Sadly, I’m the only one” – he teased you back. “Oh well, your better than nothing” – you replied with a smirk.
Gilbert was shocked by your comment “Y/n, your breaking my heart” – he then pretended to be stabbed in the heart.
You laughed at his actions “Don’t worry Gil, you’re the best thing in my life” – you then placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
he smirked and twirled you around as both of you had stopped walking for a moment.
Gilbert walked you home and when you got inside he gave you a few lessons about the rules at school and requirements.
“Always bring something to share with other’s” – Gilbert said, while he was walking around as you sat on a chair taking note’s.
“Sharing food, check” – you said, after you had written it down and pointed with your pencil to him.
Gilbert looked at you brief and smiled. He then kept walking back and forth “Girls and boys are separated”
“Separated” – you said soft as you wrote it down.
Gilbert kept listing rule after rule, while you were writing them down with a lot of concentration.
Gilbert noticed it and said, “Last but very important, Gilbert is extremely cute and smart”.
He watched as you wrote it down whiteout thinking, he had to hold his laughter to not set you of.
“Cute and smart” – you repeated soft, you then frowned and looked at Gilbert “Oh, that was very smart of you taking advantage of me”
Gilbert replied shocked “I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
“Ha Ha, very funny Gil” – you replied as you threw your pencil at him. He avoided it and laughed “You missed me!”.
“Did I?” – you replied with a smirk and started to chase him.
Meanwhile rain started to pour outside, making a ticking sound against the window as both of you fell on the bed, still laughing.
The next day Gilbert was already waiting for you outside.
You greeted him and walked beside him towards school. As you were walking you listed the rules Gilbert told you last night in your mind.
“Don’t worry Y/n, I’ll stay by your side” – he said as he saw you focus on the rules.
“I know you will” – you said as you placed your head, short against his shoulder.
Finally, you had arrived at the school and you watched several boys running around outside while some girls placed their milk in the small stream.
You took a deep breath and followed Gilbert inside.
Gilbert helped you hang away your coat as someone approached him from behind.
“Who do we have here?” – the boy said, as he was leaning with his arm against the wall.
You wanted to say your name but Gilbert answered first.
“This is Y/n” – he said gesturing to you “Y/n this is Billy” – he added as he did the same to Billy.
“Nice to meet you Y/n” – Billy said, taking your hand “And may I say what a beauty you are”.
Billy moved your hand towards his lips but Gilbert pulled your hand away.
“What is wrong with you Gilbert?”  - Billy asked him, annoyed.
Gilbert just rolled his eyes and leaded you away from him. You were totally confused about what just happened.
“Gilbert” – you asked him soft as you stopped him “Is everything alright?”.
“I’m fine” – he snapped at you. you were surprised and took a step back, Gilbert then saw your reaction and sighed “He just needs to keep his filthy lips of you”.
You stepped closer to him again and placed your hand on his shoulder “It’s alright Gilbert”.
He took a deep breath and placed his hand on yours “You’re right, noting to worry about”.
Mr. Phillips entered and everyone sat down, you sat on the other side a bench before that of Gilbert’s. this meant he could keep look at you.
Mr. Phillips called out your name that it was your turn to read out loud. You got up and took your book in your hand.
“Nice bottom” – Billy suddenly said, as he stared at your bottom.
Everyone giggled but Mr. Phillips demanded order at once.
Gilbert looked behind him to give Billy a mean stare. he replied it with a laugh and Gilbert turned around again, clenching his fists.
“Proceed Y/L/N” – Mr. Phillips said, once everyone was quit.
You started to read out loud, Gilbert kept looking at you with admiration but that would be interrupted soon by Billy.
Billy made some whistling sounds as you sat down, you ignored him while Gilbert was moving annoyed in his seat.
“Mr. Andrews” – Mr. Phillips called out “keep quit and even a frog can whistle better then you”.
You chuckled soft at his comment and Billy crossed his arms annoyed that he got called out.
Gilbert didn’t had the time to laugh because he kept paying attention to what he said about you.
As soon as it was lunch break, Gilbert rushed to your desk before Billy.
“Come on Y/n” – he said as he pulled you away by your hand.
“Gilbert calm down” – you said as you struggled to release your hand from his tight grip.
“Gilbert stop!” – you shouted, Gilbert stopped and let go of your hand.
You sighed “I don’t understand anything of what is happening?”
Gilbert took a moment to take a deep breath and spoke soft “It’s about …” – he started but got interrupted by Billy.
“Y/n, my beauty, you are an amazing reader” – Billy said as he pushed Gilbert aside and placed his arm around you.
Gilbert felt rage come up and clenched his cheek.
You took Billy’s arm from you and smiled awkward at him “Thank you, I guess …”
“Can I walk you home today, Beauty?” – Billy asked you, as he stared at your lips for a moment.
“I don’t think so” – Gilbert said angry, stepping in front of you and holding your hand tight behind him.
“My, my are we a little jealous Blythe?” – Billy scoffed.
“Just stay away from Y/n!” – Gilbert shouted as he pushed Billy on the floor.
“Afraid I might steal your girlfriend Gilbert?” – Billy scoffed again as he got up.
you noticed Gilbert was on edge so you quickly grabbed his hand and turned him in your direction.
“Don’t listen to him Gil, he’s trying to get under your skin”.
“Yeah Gilbert, be a good boy and listen to your girl”
Gilbert clenched his fist and punched Billy right in the face “If I ever see you around Y/n again, you’ll regret it!”.
Billy quickly got up and rushed off to his friends.
Gilbert stared angry at Billy’s direction for a few moments. You stepped in front of him and placed your hand against his cheek.
“Gilbert” – you said soft.
He crossed his arms and looked at you “He was flirting with you Y/n!”
“oh, was that what he was doing, I thought he was auditioning for Mr. I need attention” – you said, giggling.
“It’s not funny Y/n” – Gilbert replied, looking away and lowering his arms.
You moved his head to you with your hand and smiled at him “You now I only have eyes for you Gil”.
He smiled faintly back and placed a soft kiss on your cheek “I knew you wouldn’t fall for someone like him”.
You chuckled back “You know, seeing you all protective is kind of cute”.
Gilbert playfully rolled his eyes and pulled you close for a hug.
Check out my Masterlists to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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frost-queen · 6 years
Sugar sweet kiss (Reader x Gilbert
Requested by: @dreamphaeorie, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt
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Because of Gilbert going to school and Bash being unable to maintain the property on his own, Gilbert had decided to hire someone to help him out.
He was running around the house making sure everything was in order as Bash kept looking at him with a cup of tea in his hands. “How about you get of your lazy ass and help me out?” - Gilbert teased him as he walked in the room with a huge pile of tools.  
“Just calm down, Blythe” - he chuckled soft “your skinny legs can’t keep up.” - Gilbert rolled his eyes as he placed them down. He then stopped breathing for a moment as he saw a man walk towards his house. “He’s here, Bash come one!” - Bash almost choked on his tea and placed it quickly down, following Gilbert on foot.
“Good evening sir” - Gilbert extended his hand to the man as Bash came to his side. “Good evening mister Blythe, it’s a pleasure to be here.” - the man shook Gilberts hand and then Bash’s as Gilbert introduced him.
“I’m very grateful that you are letting me help you on your farm” - the man said as he shook Gilbert’s hand again. “Father?” - they suddenly heard and Gilbert looked passed the man to see a girl of his age run towards them.
Your hair was tied together and you wore a simple plain dark brown dress. The man turned around afraid of their reaction and tried to scare you away. “Y/n not now! Go back!!” - you paused for a moment and noticed both Gilbert and Bash looking past your father to get a look of you.  
“May I ask who that is?” - Gilbert asked him curious as he pointed into your direction. The man sighed deep and signalled for you to come closer. “Father?” - your father placed his arm around you as he looked at Gilbert.
“Mister Blythe I'm so sorry this is my daughter Y/n.” - Gilbert looked over at you and you hid your face behind your father. - “She is all I have and I couldn’t leave her alone since I need the money to provide for her. I brought her with me because I hoped that you could let her stay with me. She … she can also help you out Mister Blythe, Y/n is very good with outside and inside chores.” - Gilbert started to frown a bit as he looked over at Bash. “You … you don’t have to pay her or you can even take some money from my loan to comprise but please I can’t leave her and I hope that you still want me to work for you because I really looked forward to it but I understand if you want to hire someone else.”
Gilbert stopped your father from rattling on and on as he looked shy at the ground. “It’s alright uh...?” - Gilbert gestured to the man - “Arthur” - he replied nervous. - “Arthur I’m not sending you away because you are taking care of your daughter.” - Gilbert then looked over at you trying to look at your face that was hiding behind your father’s back.
“You can work here as well, Y/n was it?” - you nodded soft as Gilbert smiled at you. “I believe bash could use some help indoors as well as outdoors.” - you giggled soft as you saw the tall, dark man shake his head out of protest that Gilbert called him helpless.  
“Why don’t we take further matters inside?” - Gilbert showed his hand to his house and motioned to follow him. You stepped away from behind your fathers back and followed the boy inside.
So, every day you and your father came to the farm of Gilbert, helping him out with chores and duties. In the beginning you packed your own lunch with a self-made pastry or piece of pie. Gilbert told you soon after he figured it out that he would provide for lunch but you still kept bringing your own made pastries or piece of pie.  
You helped your father as much as you could outside and helped Bash with the indoor chores. Gilbert sometimes helped you out but only after school or on the weekends.
“You think Mister Blythe will learn a lot today father?” - you asked him as you held a balk in the right position. - “I bet Darling” - he replied as he held the other end tight. The both of you each held one end of the balk and laughed at each other for being a fool. “and who’s going to hammer the balk on the right place?” - you asked him while laughing.  
“Alright Y/n alright. You’ll let go and I’ll carry the balk in the middle as you make sure it gets hammered into the right position” - you nodded and let go of the balk, making your end fall on the ground with a loud thud. Your father then moved to the centre of the balk, supporting it as you grabbed the hammer.
“Now just slam the support points into the balk” - you held the balk in the right place as you hit it with your hammer and then you moved over to the other end and did the same. “Done!” - you exclaimed as you wiped some sweat of your forehead.
You father hugged you out of joy and you noticed Gilbert had arrived back from school. You waited for your father to approve that you could go to him and he nodded as he knew what you meant.
‘Mister Blythe!” - you shouted as you waved over to him, Gilbert frowned soft but then waved happily back as he saw you run towards him. “Y/n good to see you!” - Gilbert pulled you close for a hug as you blushed between his arms.
“How was school Mister Blythe?” - you asked him as he placed his arm around your shoulder, leading you inside. - “Y/n you now you can call me Gilbert!” - he chuckled soft as you called him so formal. - “Sorry old habit” - you replied.  
“But school was great” - he noticed you lower your head so he squeezed your shoulder soft “Don’t worry Y/n, you’ll go to school one day” - you smiled faintly at him “I hope so” - you whispered back to him. “I hope so...”
“Morning Bash!” - Gilbert greeted him as he took of his coat, you waited outside because you didn’t want to enter his house without permission. He stepped back outside as he had a bucket and a basket in his hand. “Come on” - he motioned to follow him to the apple orchard.
You followed him happily as you took your basket in your hand that was standing near the house. Both of you then climbed each some trees, picking the bright red apples. After an hour or two, Gilbert decided to take a little break, seating himself down between the trees.
Since you always had some self-made pastry or pie with you, Gilbert and you invented a little game that each of you have to bring something and let the other one tasted it with your eyes closed. - “Me first!” - you squealed as Gilbert closed his eyes soft, waiting for your pastry.  
You took a piece out of your basket and moved it closer to Gilberts mouth. - “open up” - you said soft as Gilbert opened up his mouth, you leaded the pastry to his mouth and he took a bite from it.
You watched him eat carefully as he opened his eyes again. “Blueberry pie?” - he asked you as you nodded soft. Gilbert cleaned his hands and moved closer to you. “Your turn” - you closed your eyes and Gilbert smiled soft as he stared at your lips for a moment.
He quickly then cleared his throat soft as he was staring to long, he then grabbed his pastry and you took a bite from it. A piece almost fell out of your mouth so you moved your hand underneath your mouth in an instant, trying to catch the fallen piece. - “Apple pie?” - you answered still with your eyes closed. - “Absolutely right Y/n.”
You smiled proud as you opened up your eyes again. Gilbert started to lean on his hands behind him as you moved closer to him. - “Are … are there any girls at your school?” - you asked him nervous as you fumbled your dress a bit.
“Girls?” - Gilbert replied frowning. - “Yes, you know... tell me more about them?” - Gilbert seated himself better as he started to talk. “Well, there is this one girl in school; Anne she has this fiery bright orange hair. She's really smart, she has beaten me a couple of times during the spelling bee.”
Gilbert started to smile as he spoke of Anne, you wished now you never asked because it was easier to be oblivious about it than knowing the truth. “Oh, and one time she hit me in the face with her slate!”  
You gasped loud as you covered up your mouth. - “Why would she do that?” - “It was my fault actually.” - Gilbert continued. - “I don’t believe you, did you do something?” - you asked him back.
“I might have called her carrots and pulled her hair...” - you couldn’t believe your ears that Gilbert would do something like that. - “I just did it to get her attention.” - he replied quick as he saw your expression.
“She sounds like a wonderful girl” - you looked quick away from him, avoiding his gaze. “She is...” - he replied, he then noticed your behaviour and quickly added. - “But not like that! I like her as a friend nothing more.”  
He kept looking at you, hoping he didn’t say something wrong because he really liked you, he didn’t want you to think he likes Anne. - “Y/n, I didn’t mean to upset you?” - Gilbert tried to move his head in front of your eyes, to meet up with them. You got up and dusted of your dress. - “Why would I? You have every right to like whoever you want. I mean who would even want a girl that can’t read or anything like that when you can have a smart one.”  
You started to walk away as Gilbert jumped to his feet, rushing in front of you. “Y/n I … I really didn’t mean to upset you.” - “Just forget I ever asked anything …I have to get back to work anyway...” - you walked passed him, back to your father to continue working.
Gilbert watched you leave as he sighed deep, running his hands through his hair. “Y/n I didn’t mean it.” - he whispered to himself. - “If only you could see that I like you...”  
The next days you tried to focus on your work instead of thinking about Gilbert. You father noticed that you spend less time with him as you did before. - “Did something happen, darling?” - you shook your head soft as you were working on the field.  - “it's unusual for you to not talk to Mister Blythe?”  
“Everything is fine between us, Father...” - you spoke soft as you kept working, your father took your working tool from your hands. - “Just talk to him, I know you like him and it’s obvious that he likes you too.” - “Father!” - you called out annoyed but he would just laugh at you. - “Go to him!”  
Your father pushed you towards his direction as you took your basket in your hand and walked over to him. Gilbert was working in the apple orchard as he noticed you walking over to him. “Y/n?”  
You took his hand and placed him down in front of you. - “Mister Blythe …. Gilbert!” - you correct yourself as you saw him give you the same look he gives you, whenever you call him Mister Blythe. - “I’m sorry I acted like that... I … I just really like you and I couldn’t stand it that you talked so fond of that girl.
Gilbert grabbed your hand as he gazed into your eyes. - “Y/n I told you Anne is just a friend...” - “I know...” - you replied “but still it bothered me...” - Gilbert chuckled soft at your subtle jealousy.
“All forgotten!” - he exclaimed as he placed his basket on his lap, you frowned a bit but knew exactly what he was going to do. “You … you first” - he called out nervous as he moved his hands around the handle.
You smiled soft as he closed his eyes to taste your pastry to which he had to guess which one it was. You moved a freshly baked cookie towards his mouth as he took a bite. - “uhm definably a cookie!” - he spoke with a full mouth. - “Correct!” - you exclaimed as he opened his eyes and laughed sweet.
“My turn...” - he said soft as you closed your eyes, Gilbert came closer to you and instead of letting you taste a pastry, he moved his head closer to you with trembling hands.
He paused for a moment right in front of your face, looking at your beauty. He breathed out slow as he placed his hands next to you on the ground. He then got closer and lifted your head a bit with his lips as he pressed his lips against yours.  
You opened up your eyes, shocked once you felt his lips against yours. You tried to pull away shocked but Gilbert pulled you closer, not letting you escape his kiss. You could taste your sweet cookie’s taste on his lips as you followed his movement perfectly.  
“It’s you I like Y/n” - Gilbert said soft once he pulled away, licking his lips soft to feel your touch on his for a few moments longer. - “I like you too Gilbert!” - you called out laughing at him. Gilbert then placed his arm around you as he laid you down next to him to look at the sunlight between the trees.  
Check out my Masterlists to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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frost-queen · 6 years
Love Lockdown // Part 2 ( Reader x Gilbert)
Requested by: @the-almond-dinger, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt
A/N: Prepare yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions. 
Read Part 1 here!
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Gilbert’s words still haunted you. “If Ruby is truly your friend she should understand that some things can’t be controlled like my feelings for you! Y/n I want you and I know you want me too so, Ruby should accept that!” - your heart was falling for Gilbert but you could never have him without shattering your friendship with Ruby Gillis.  
You've tried to push him away as hard as you could but he just kept coming back. Gilbert was in love with you and you hated to admit that you loved him as well. Ruby would be devastated if she ever found out that Gilbert loves you, and she would definitely die if she knew that you loved him back.
You loved Ruby with all your heart so you chose her happiness above yours. If you kept pushing Ruby at Gilbert he might change how he feels about you and develop feelings for Ruby. This way she could have the love she wanted and deserves while you stayed on the background slowly dying.
It had been a few days now since Gilbert confronted you about your feelings and you hated it that he found a weak spot in your armour. You never told Ruby and you were never planning on telling her, she was too valuable for you to do that. Keeping your feelings hidden was the hardest thing to do and those feelings would be tested in every possible way you could imagine until you would break.
“Y/n do you think Gilbert hates me?” - Ruby asked you curious as you were sitting alone in Anne’s clubhouse. You nearly choked on your apple as she mentioned the name Gilbert. You started to cough hard as you tried to prevent yourself from choking to death. - “Why would you say that?” - you replied with a high pitched, sore voice after being sure you were safe from choking.  
“I get the feeling he keeps avoiding me?” - Ruby sighed deep as she placed her hand under her chin, supporting it as she looked at the ground. You coughed a few more times before you walked over to her and seated yourself down next to her. - “He’s not avoiding you... he’s... he’s just busy?” - you said to her uncertain if it will satisfy her. Ruby puffed as she kept looking at the ground. - “And I still think he hates me!”  
You sighed deep and placed your hand on her knee. - “He doesn’t hate you, trust me. He … he just …" - “Can you talk to him?” - Ruby interrupted you as you suddenly felt your heart drop. - “I... I... Ruby I …. can’t …" - you replied, biting your lip so hard that it started to bleed, making that fussy feeling inside of you disappear and change into pain. - “Y/n!” - she begged you. - “Just ask him how he thinks of me?”  
“No!” - you got up, startling Ruby who was confused to why you were suddenly so angry. - “I’m not talking to … him!” - you shouted as you clenched your fists. Ruby also got up and started to whine like a little child. - “Y/n please do it for me! How can I know how he feels about me?” - “No!” - you shouted back, - “Ruby I’m not talking to him.” - you avoided his name because you knew if you spoke his name those sleeping butterflies would wake up and jump around like crazy.
Suddenly Ruby got angry and walked up to you. - “why are you so afraid to talk to him? I thought you said you didn’t know him that much so now is your chance!” - you huffed annoyed at her. - “I’m not asking him about how he feels about you! That is just wrong and weird, I mean who even does that!” - you tried to come up with reasonable arguments to avoid talking to Gilbert.
“I thought you were my friend?” - Ruby shouted at you, making your heart crack open. You calmed down and walked over to her slowly. - “Of course, I am but some things you can’t ask of me, Please can’t Anne or Diana do it?” - Ruby sighed again as she seated herself down. - “I wanted you to do it Y/n, you know all about my love for him...”
You sighed and seated yourself down next to her. - “Ruby I love you but I can't do it! Not alone.” - you replied soft, knowing that if you were close to Gilbert your armour around your heart would break in seconds and let all those hidden feelings out. Ruby suddenly smiled bright as she turned to look at you. - “Why are you smiling like that?” - you asked her as her smile was freaking you out. - “What if someone comes along with you?”  
“No! Ruby no!” - you replied as you shook your head. - “I’m not going with another girl to ask Gilbert how he feels about you.” - you felt your heart jump as you had called him by his name, you slightly cursed underneath your breath for calling out his name. You felt those shivers in your stomach that makes you all happy and pressed your nails in your knee to supress it again.  
“And what about a boy? What if someone like Charlie or Moody comes along with you.” - Ruby was at the brink of losing her patience. - “You can even ask Billy if you like, all I want is to know how he feels about me!” - “Alright!” - you shouted losing your patience, - “I’ll ask all three of them and see who wants to go with me but that is the last thing I do for you!” - Ruby gave you a half smile, half annoyed face that you didn’t want to do anything for her anymore.  
You got up and made your way over to the opening. - “I’ll ask him tomorrow but now I’m going home!” - Ruby gave you a soft alright as she was already daydreaming of Gilbert telling you that he thinks she’s beautiful, smart and the love of his life. You looked one more time back and left the clubhouse.  
“Where did I get myself into?” - you said to yourself as you let your hands slide down your face. - “I hope Billy comes along, I know he wouldn’t do anything if Billy is by my side!” you kicked some rocks away with your feet as you know asking Billy was going to take a lot of effort. - “Y/n?” - you suddenly hear behind you, you freaked out as you looked over your shoulder and saw Gilbert running up to you.  
“Y/n! Have you told Ruby already?” - he shouted as he jumped over branches and running as fast as he could to you. You freaked out and looked around desperately to where you should hide. - “Wasn’t I obvious last time! Stay away from me!” - you shouted back as you started to climb a big tree. - “You can’t run from me forever!” - Gilbert shouted back as he noticed you were climbing a tree so he ran even faster.
You climbed the tree until you were sitting on a big branch, out of reach of Gilbert who was standing at the ground. - “What are you doing? Get out of that tree!” - Gilbert shouted at you as you placed yourself better and tried not to fall out of the tree. - “No! Not before you leave me the hell alone!” - Gilbert growled loud and started to climb the tree as well. You started to panic again as you had no way to escape him now, you moved further up the branch as you moved closer to the tip of the branch.  
Gilbert had reached your branch in seconds and seated himself down where you were sitting seconds ago. - “Y/n why are you doing this to yourself!” - Gilbert shouted as you as he tried to come closer to you. - “Are you deaf, leave me the hell alone!” - you shouted back as you kept moving forward. You felt the branch snap soft as you gasped and immediately froze.
You wrapped your arms around the branch as you were afraid to fall. Gilbert had also heard the snap and moved further almost touching you. - “Y/n this is insane! Just crawl back to me and I’ll bring to safety!” - “No!” - you shouted as you heard the branch snap again. - “Just get of the branch!”  
You were laying down on the branch with your feet towards Gilbert as you had your arms wrapped around it. Gilbert didn’t hesitate and grabbed your dress from behind and pulled you towards him. You kept your hands around the branch as Gilbert kept pulling you to him by your dress. - “Y/n let go!” - he shouted as he kept pulling you closer.  
You shook your head as you heard more cracks. - “Y/n the tree isn’t going to hold us any longer!” - Gilbert shouted desperate as he tried to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer to him. - “I’d rather fall than be close to you!” - you felt his arms go around your waist as you bit your lip to bleeding again, supressing those shivers from feeling his touch around you. - “Don’t be ridiculous!” - Gilbert called back as he moved his body over you to reach your hands, he then grabbed both your hands and pulled them loose from the branch.  
You felt your heart beat rapidly as Gilbert laid on top of you, releasing your grip on the branch. You tried to fight of his grip by pulling your arms back around the branch but Gilbert was stronger than you and pulled your hands back. You felt the branch underneath you snap and in seconds you and Gilbert were on the ground. You fell with your body on the branch as Gilbert fell on top of you and bounced of you once you hit the ground.
Gilbert crawled to his feet and rushed over to your side, ignoring the sudden pain in his back. - “Y/n are you alright?” - he asked you concerned as you slapped his hand away. - “Y/n just let me help you! I can’t believe you are so stupid to do something so dangerous just because you are too afraid to show how you really feel about me!” - you crawled to your feet as Gilbert shouted at you.  
“I don’t have feelings for you!” - you shouted knowing that was the biggest lie you ever told. Gilbert clenched his jaw as he moved closer to you. - “This is going to kill you Y/n you can’t keep those feelings hidden it will tear you up from the inside!” - Gilbert kept coming closer to you as you backed away. - “Don’t make me scream!” - you shouted back as you wanted him to leave because he was slowly piercing through your armour and you couldn’t let yourself love him.  
“Just stop this insanity! Ruby can shove her dips up her ass! Doesn't she notice how much this is tearing you apart... I mean Y/n climbing into a tree to avoid me?” - Gilbert raised his eyebrow at you as you started to bite your lip again. - “Stop!” - you screamed out as you felt your blood boil, - “Just stop! I can't take it anymore!” - you started to cry out loud, falling to your knees.
“Why is it so hard for yourself to let you be happy?” - Gilbert screamed at you as he had enough of seeing you crumble to pieces just because you pick Ruby’s happiness over yours. You kept crying out loud as you held your hand in front of your mouth, shaking your head. Gilbert couldn’t watch you fall apart anymore, he shook his head angry as he bit his underlip firm. - “You leave me no choice but to tell Ruby about this!”  
“No!” - you screamed out as tears kept streaming down your face. - “Gilbert don’t!” - you tried to grab his foot but he just pulled it away. - “I can’t watch you tear yourself up, Ruby is not worth it.” - Gilbert then walked away as he heard you scream out behind him. He closed his eyes as he tried to hold back his tears. He loved you so much and he couldn’t stand by and watch you tear yourself apart just because Ruby likes him.  
It was breaking his heart that he couldn’t be with you and that you kept pushing him away. You kept crying out loud as you felt yourself slip away. Every inch of your body was exploding with guilt, love and pain. You couldn’t take it anymore, you couldn’t supress your feelings anymore. It was killing you from the inside, ripping every inch of your heart apart.
The next day you felt miserable, disgusted and alone. You couldn’t go to school, not with Gilbert telling Ruby all about your feelings for him. You couldn't face both of them, it was better if you just disappeared for a few days just until your emotions were steady again. You were crawled up beside you bed as you saw a faint apparition of Gilbert in your mirror. He was smiling at you as his eyes showed you sadness.  
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry for everything... I’m sorry.” - you shouted at his apparition as it held his head in a slanting way. - you kept looking at his apparition as you started to cry again. - “I’m just so tired... so tired...” - you said soft as you felt your body go numb. Your outburst had taken all the energy out of you, all you could feel was the numbness of your emotions.  
Gilbert noticed Ruby walking alone on the school property and took his chance to talk to her. She froze as she saw Gilbert running towards her. - “Gilbert!” - she squealed as Gilbert stood in front of you. - “Not now Ruby I need to talk to you about Y/n!” - “Y/n?” - Ruby repeated confused as she kept looking at him. - “Did she ask you what you think of me?” - she asked him curious?
“What... No!” - Gilbert called out angry. - “Ruby I know you have that stupid dips on me but I love Y/n not you! And Y/n loves me back but she can’t because of YOU!” - he shouted at her as he pushed her a bit back with his hand. - “Me?” - Ruby called back, - “Y/n loves you, how dare she, she knows I like you and...” - Gilbert grabbed her shoulders tight as he looked angry at her. -  ”Really Ruby! What on earth is going on with you? What kind of a friend are you that you don’t even notice how much it is tearing Y/n apart by hiding her feelings for me!”  
Ruby just kept staring at him as Gilbert continued. - “You should have seen her yesterday, Ruby she was … Gosh Ruby I don’t know how to get this in your head but I love Y/n and I want to be with her but you are preventing her from loving me and I can’t take it anymore how much it is breaking her.” - Gilbert almost started to cry again as he thought back of what happened yesterday.  
“Y/n is falling apart?” - Ruby asked him on a soft tone as she felt guilty for not seeing it, she was so busy with thinking what Gilbert might think about her that she forgot to pay attention to you. Really pay attention. Gilbert nodded soft as he let go of her shoulders. - “Please Ruby let go of your desires and let Y/n be happy for once... She has scarified so much for you! Don’t you think now it’s your turn to do something back?”
Ruby wiped some tears away as she knew she couldn’t keep doing this, you were breaking apart and that was the last thing she wanted. She couldn’t control Gilbert’s heart and she knew that. In some way she was disappointed that he didn’t like her but some other part of her was happy that Gilbert loved someone really special.  
“I … I give you my blessing to love Y/n, I will no longer have dips on you. For Y/n because she deserves the love that you are willing to give her.” - Gilbert hugged her as he whispered a thank you to her. - “Let’s go find Y/n and tell her about it.” - Ruby said as she wiped some more tears away. Gilbert looked confused at her. - ”I thought Y/n was with you?” - “No, I haven’t seen her all day?” - Ruby replied as it started to sink in that you weren’t here.  
Gilbert gasped soft as he tried to push the worst scenarios to the back of his mind. - “I ... I … maybe she’s at home? I hope she is...” - Gilbert said soft as he started to walk in the direction of the woods. - “Wait!” - Ruby called out as she ran after him. - “I’m coming with you!” - Gilbert nodded soft and let Ruby tag along as they walked towards your house, hoping you were there.
You were still crawled up on the floor as Gilbert’s apparition had disappeared again. “Don’t leave me!” you cried out, - “Gilbert just don’t leave me!” - you knew you couldn’t escape your feelings anymore, you wanted him more than anything in the world. “I can’t shake it off...” - you whispered to yourself - “I can’t … I just want to pain to go away...” - you buried your head between your legs and started to sob again.
Gilbert and Ruby were soon at your house and knocked desperately at your door. Your mother opened up the door and looked surprised at the sight of two children. - “Ruby?” - she called out but Gilbert interrupted her. - “I’m so sorry Miss Y/L/n but is Y/n home?” - “Yes, she is upstairs why...” - Both Gilbert and Ruby rushed past her and ran upstairs. - “Y/n!” - Gilbert shouted as he was running up the stairs.
You heard your name and lifted up your head. - “I’m losing my mind... I can hear him in my mind...” - you wiped some tears away but jumped out of fright as your bedroom door swung open. - “Y/n!” - you heard again as Ruby and Gilbert came in your vision. They both sighed out of relieve as they found you on the floor. - “Y/n thank God, I thought something had happened to you!” - Gilbert wanted to wrap his arms around you but out of habit you pulled your body away.  
“Y/n!” - Ruby said soft as she kneeled in front of you, placing her hand on your knee. you were surprised to see Ruby together with Gilbert. A sudden jealous feeling overwhelmed you as you pushed her hand away. - “You finally got what you wanted!” - Ruby almost started to cry at the sight of you. your eyes were bright red from crying, your lip had little wounds on it and your nail prints were visible on your knee.
“I never meant for this to happen Y/n, I’m sorry... I’m a terrible friend for not noticing how you feel. I was so busy with myself I forgot to pay attention to the most important person in my life... You!” - Ruby cried out as she placed her hand on your knee again. - “I talked to Gilbert and I told him you can love him... it breaks me to know that I am the cause of your pain! If you still love him, you can have him.”  
Gilbert was quiet the whole time but after Ruby’s confession he crawled closer to you. - “Y/n I would like to be mine... if you still want me because I can’t live without you! Y/n I was so worried about you, my heart was breaking knowing that you were breaking.” - you looked from Ruby to Gilbert as you kept staring at them. - “I … I can love him?” - you asked Ruby as you couldn’t believe your ears. They both nodded and you exhaled deep like all that pain and bad emotions left your body.  
You reached your hands out to grab Gilbert’s hands, you took them and placed them around your waist as you wanted to feel his touch. Gilbert followed your movement and moved closer to you as you pulled him close for a hug. Gilbert moved his hand from your waist to your opposite shoulder as he felt your hair under his arm. - “I love you Y/n!” - he whispered at you.  
“I love you too...” - you whispered back and you felt yourself lighter as you could finally say those words, you had found the light to fight off the shadows, Gilbert was your light that you were afraid of finding in the darkness but now you have and you felt yourself turn again into the happy girl from a few weeks ago.
Gilbert released himself from your grip and gazed at you as he thought you looked more beautiful than before. - “Y/n may I kiss you?” - he asked you as Ruby squealed soft. You looked over at Ruby for approval as she nodded soft. You just closed your eyes and waited for Gilbert to kiss you, Gilbert moved his head closer to you as he lifted your head a bit up with his lips. Are firework exploded inside of you as Gilbert pressed his lips onto yours.
After some hesitation you followed his movement as he pulled you closer and started to kiss you more passionate. Suddenly you felt the urge to pull him closer to you so you let your hands go to his neck and pressed his closer onto your lips as he was surprised for a moment. You kissed him like there was no in the room and Gilbert followed your movement gladly as he had longed for this moment.
Ruby awoke you from your intense kiss as she coughed soft. Both of you pulled away, looking lovingly at each other. - “I think I’ll leave you two alone...” - She started to get up as you paused her by taking her hand. - “Thank you, Ruby!” - you called out as Gilbert kept holding you tight in his arms. She nodded and left your room. Gilbert then kissed you again as he wanted to taste your lips again. You let him pull you up as he placed you down in your bed.  
the two of you kept kissing each other passionate as you felt every inch of your bones shiver from his touch. Gilbert couldn’t control himself anymore and kept kissing you as he couldn’t get enough of your lips. You had to push him away to breath as he laughed at you. - “Sorry I got carried away.” - you also laughed at his remark and took his arms as you wrapped them around your body. Gilbert gladly took you in his arms as he laid down just resting with you in his arms. - “I love you so much Y/n!” - He called out as he let his finger slide against your cheek. - “I love you too!” - you replied as you buried your head in his armpit, falling asleep.
Those intense weeks made you exhausted and you have finally found peace. Gilbert pulled you closer to him as he let you rest, he placed his head against yours and closed his eyes feeling the love of your embrace.
Check out my Masterlists to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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frost-queen · 6 years
Badass girl ( Reader x Gilbert Blythe)
Requested by: @astralstephen
Request are open, check out my Idea list for inspiration or my masterlist for a full list of my imagine’s.
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It had been years since you’ve been back to Prince Edward Island.
Your family had to move abruptly because the bullying got too much for you, they rather left their home to see you smile again then life there for the rest of their life knowing their little girl was hurting.
You’ve always loved Avonlea, it was and always will be your home and when your parents told you they’d move back. You were more than thrilled, thrilled to see your friends again: Cole, Diana and Gilbert.
You were daydreaming on the train that stopped in Charlotte’s town. Your parents were sitting across from you and your little brother was entertaining other passengers by making funny faces to them.
“Chester will you please, leave the other passengers alone!” – your mother said, trying not to put up here angry face.
Chester sighed and stack out his tong after your mother turned her head.
You shook your head as your eyes met your brothers and he laughed childish.
“Are you looking forward to go back Y/n?” – your father asked cautious, thinking you might be still upset about the last time you were here.
You nodded “Yes father, I am quite pleased to be back.”
For the resting moments you stared out the window, seeing the tree’s past by while a soft breeze touches your skin.
Finally, you had arrived at the station in Charlotte’s town. A carriage was awaiting your arrival with your uncle at the steering seat.
“Rupert! good to see you” – your uncle said, waving his hat in the air to get your attention.
“Good to see you too, Brother” – your father replied as he climbed on the carriage to hug him.
You smiled as your father kept hugging his brother, seeing your family all together made you happy.
“Let me get that, young lady” – Your uncle said, as he jumped off the carriage. He then picked up your luggage and gave you a quick wink.
He turned around to the back of the carriage and almost bumped into Chester.
“Well my, is that little Chester?” – he said, over exciting. “You have grown.”
Chester smiled proud as your mother stepped beside him and placed him on the carriage.
Everything was loaded in and everyone was seated. Your uncle signalled the horse to start walking. You could feel your heart beat faster every time you got closer to your home.
The next day came sooner than expected. You were in your room getting dressed to go to school.
You wore a white top with puffy sleeves, the bottom was printed with little flowers with pink and blue petals.
This dress was the newest fashion in your other home town, but in Avonlea it was not known so you were eager to show all your friends your new dress.
You rushed down the stairs to eat breakfast, Chester came running in the room with your hat.
“Chester give me my hat!” – you said firm, crossing your arms. Chester would just stick his tongue out to you and you got furious.
“Mother!” – you said, desperately.
She sighed and took your hat from Chester “This is not a toy” – she said to him, pointing the hat to him.
He sat down, with his arms crossed.
“Excited for today Y/n?” – your father asked you, as he lowered his paper to look at you.
You nodded as you took a bite. Your mother gave you a quick kiss on the forehead before you rushed outside.
You placed your hat with a blue bow on your head and started to walk towards school.
Every minute you came closer to the school, you had an uneasy feeling they might bully you again but those thoughts soon made place for your friends.
A smile appeared on your face as you saw the school building in sight.
You took a deep breath before the school building, and walked in with your head held high.
As soon as you entered several heads turned into your direction, you held your breath for a moment awaiting their reactions.
“Y/n!” – you heard from behind some girls, and you saw Diana pop up her head from behind a ginger haired girl.
“Diana!” – you replied, cheery and you started to walk towards her.
You hugged Diana, and for the first time you felt like home again.
Cole and Gilbert had already rushed by Diana’s side once they heard your name. they weren’t the only ones because half the class came closer to get a good look of you.
You released yourself from Diana’s hug and Cole stood smiling before you.
“Good to see you Y/n” – he said as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Good to see you too Cole” – you replied, smiling.
Someone behind Cole cleared his throat and Cole stepped aside to show Gilbert.
“Gilbert” – you said soft, relieved to finally see his face again.
He also wrapped his arms around you and hugged you the longest of them all.
“You look beautiful” – Gilbert said, once he released himself from your hug.
“Thank you” – you said giggling and twirled around one time.
“Looks like someone got hot” – Billy suddenly said, popping up his head between Cole and Gilbert.
Both rolled their eyes at his comment and you gave him a mean glare.
“You were always beautiful to me” – Diana said, placing her hand on your shoulder.
You turned your head to her and smiled.
“Come meet Anne” – She then said cheery, leading you to the same ginger haired girl you saw before sitting down next to Diana’s seat.
The girl laid her braids perfect and stood up, reaching her hand out to you “Anne, and please spell that with an E”.
You shook her hand, “Nice to meet you Anne”, “with an E” – you added smiling.
Anne smiled back and you wanted to talk to her more but you were interrupted by a spank against your bottom.
Everyone in the classroom gasped and you turned around furious to find Billy laughing like an idiot.
“Do that again, I f*cking dare you! You disgusting excuse of a boy!” – you said angry, poking you’re finger against Billy’s chest.
Billy grinned and took your finger of your chest “Oh sweetheart are you threathe- “he said, moving your finger from side to side. He couldn’t finish his full sentence because you punched him right in the face.
You could hear everyone gasp or hold their breath as they watched Billy being punched by you and fall on the floor with a bloody nose.
“What the hell Y/n” – Billy said as he laid down on the floor, covering up his bloody nose.
“I warned you!” – you shouted at him.
“She’s insane!” – Billy shouted at the other boys, to get some back-up.
You clenched your fist as he said that, your face started to get red from angriness and you wanted to lash out again to him but something was holding you back.
You felt 2 arms around your shoulders, you quickly looked back and noticed Gilbert was holding you down.
“Gilbert!” – you said, still angry “Release me now, so I can teach him a lesson!”.
“I don’t think so Y/n” – Gilbert replied, as he tried to hold you down.
You kept squirming and it was getting harder for Gilbert to hold you down. He then placed his arms in a more secure position and wrapped them around your waist.
Diana was standing next to you, trying to place her hand on your shoulder “Just calm down Y/n”
You were still waving around with your arms as Cole noticed Gilbert smiling from behind you.
“Is anyone seeing this, she’s out of control” – Billy suddenly said again, as he was now sitting down a few feet away from you.
Cole clenched his fist and walked over to him “Do you want to have a black eye too?” – he said angry, poking his finger against his chest.
Gilbert couldn’t hold you down anymore so he decided to do the first thing that popped into his head.
“Alright let’s go Y/n” – he said, before he picked you up and dragged you outside.
Once you were outside Gilbert placed you down but didn’t let go of you. he feared that you might storm inside again.
“I had him!” – you said angry, as Gilberts hands were around your waist.
“I know Y/n but we need him alive” – he replied, chuckling soft.
Your cheek had turned red out of frustration and Gilbert placed his hand against it.
“Just calm down Y/n, Billy has learned his lesson”
You took a deep breath “I’m calm” – you said soft.
Gilbert looked at you with admiration. “Y/n is a total badass, I think I love her even more now” – he said to himself.
Cole came rushing outside “Mr. Philips has arrived and askes everyone to take their seats”
Both of you nodded and Gilbert looked at you “If I let you go, will you promise me you won’t do anything heroic?”
“I can’t promise you anything but I will try” – you replied with a wink.
Gilbert slowly lifted his hands from your waist, while he kept an eye on your movements.
“I’ve missed you boy’s” – you said as you tangled your arms around theirs.
“We’ve missed you too Y/n” – they both said, smiling at you.
Check out my Masterlists to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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frost-queen · 6 years
Two sides of the same coin (Reader x Gilbert)
Requested by: @mixed-fandoms-girl, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt
A/N: I putted an open ending to it so if you’d like to have this a part two, I’m always open to continue this story.
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You are a huge traveller, you and your parents travelled the world since your father was a sailor.  you’ve been to the edge of the world and back, letting all the different cultures be a part of you. Your father loved to discover new parts of the world and meet new people. You joined him on his travels because he wanted his family close to him, that was the only thing he couldn’t miss.
After years and years of travelling your father had his share of travelling and decided to settle down in his hometown of Avonlea. You’ve never been to his hometown because he left it when he was in his mid-twenties.
You've only heard stories about it and were very thrilled to meet new people and to grow up in your father’s hometown. The three of you were waiting on the station to get the train towards Charlotte’s town. It was very early so not many people were on the station.  
“How long until the train gets here, father?” - you asked him curious as you kept rocking back and forth on your feet. He chuckled soft at your curiosity. - “The train will be here any minute.” - your father just finished his sentence as you heard the train’s engine in the distance.
You were nearly jumping out of your skin of excitement as the train stopped at the station and steam released itself from underneath the wheels. Your father took you and your mothers' hand as he leaded you to a place to get onboard.  
Several people got off the train and your father leaded you first on the train, still holding your hand. You leaded your parents to an empty spot near the window as you seated yourself down, looking through the window. You watched as the conductor whistled loud and steam freed himself again from underneath the wheels.
You felt the train go in motion as you held your hand against the window, smiling bright. The train started to move faster as the view passed by in seconds. Your parents started to talk to each other as you kept staring outside the window, enjoying the fields pass by.  
Soon you arrived in Charlotte’s town, you were amazed by the little town. It looked like any other town but it had its own charm. Your father made sure you had some transportation to your new house in the woods.
Your new house was different than any other house you had lived in, it was cosy and laid between the woods. It even had a little field to it so your father could harvest his own greens and vegetables. The ride to Charlotte’s town to your new house took several hours but you enjoyed every minute of it.
Your mother would start signing foreign songs that she picked up during your travels, you started to sing along as your father whistled the tones. On your way you passed several people and you all greeted them by waving to them.  
They all looked curious at your carriage as the three of you were singing foreign songs and having the time of your life. After another half an hour as you started to go past more inhabited places. You saw some girls and boys your age and waved happily at them, some would just look at you confused as others waved happily back.
Soon the three of you arrived at your new house, - “We’re home!” - you father exclaimed as he helped you of the carriage. - “Home...” - you repeated soft as you let the view slowly go inside your mind. Your father suddenly picked you up and placed his arm around your mother. - “My two favourite girls!” - he kissed each of you on the cheek as he made his way over to the house, still holding you under his arm.  
Inside the three of you immediately started to settle down by cleaning the place and making it your home. The three of you worked until late in the night. You stayed home for two more days, preparing the last bits of your house.
Your father had informed your new teacher Miss Stacey about your travels and that it was going to be your first time you went to an actual school. On your travel's you learned a lot from local teachers but only for a few days before moving to the next place.
Your father also told her that you were quite nervous and maybe shy in the beginning. Miss Stacy assured him that she would make it as comfortable for you as she could. She even suggested to pick you up and walk together to school.  
You gladly accepted the request, this way you could get familiar with your new teacher. It was finally the day that you would go to school. You were more nervous this morning than any other days but your parents assured you everything would be fine.
Miss Stacy knocked on your door, letting you know that she had arrived. your mother opened the door and invited her inside. - “Ready Y/n?” - Miss Stacy said cheery as she saw you. You nodded shy and gave your parents a quick kiss before walking outside with Miss Stacy.
“Don’t worry Y/n first days can always be scary but I promise you, your classmates are very nice... some more than others but...” - you looked terrified for a moment and Miss Stacy laughed soft. - “But it’s nothing for you to worry about!” - you loosened up a bit as you listened carefully at her stories.
You noticed you were getting closer to school as you saw more people of your age walk in the same direction. You sank a bit deeper in your shoes as you saw some classmates point at you and whisper to each other. Miss Stacy noticed it and placed her arm around your shoulder. - “Why don’t you wave to them?” - you swallowed soft as you waved shy at some classmates that kept whispering about you.
A blond girl started to laugh as she pulled some friends alongside of her. You bite your lip nervous as you thought you did something wrong. - “That’s Josie Pye!” - Miss Stacy whispered at you. - “A true princess if I say so myself.” - you giggled soft at her remark as you kept walking towards school.  
As you passed some boys you saw them nudge each other and point towards you. You tried to smile and wave at them as they waved happily back trying to catch your attention. And then a certain boy walked passed you, he was walking all alone wearing a white shirt with a brown vest over it. - “Morning Miss Stacy.” - He waved happily and Miss Stacy greeted him back. - “Morning Gilbert.”  
The boy than noticed you and frowned short as he looked at you from head to toe. - “Morning Miss.” - he then greeted you as he bowed his head soft. You started to blush as he called you Miss. - “That is Gilbert Blythe a very descent boy and quite a charmer.” - Miss Stacy whispered at you as you watched the boy walk further.  - “He sure is...” - you replied soft.
As you walked inside the school building all your classmates were running around or talking to each other. Miss Stacy walked in with you by her side and everyone stopped running or talking to each other. You noticed them all stare at you as Miss Stacy walked to the centre of the class, asking everyone to sit in a circle.  
They all seated themselves down as others kept staring at you, you kept standing nervous outside the circle. Miss Stacy extended her hand to you as she was sitting with the others. - “Class I want you to all meet Y/n.” - all their heads turned towards you and you swallowed deep.
“Come Y/n” - Miss Stacy signalled you to join the others in the circle. You started to make your way slowly towards the circle, seating yourself down next to Miss Stacy. - “Now...” - Miss Stacy continued, - “Y/n’s parents are travellers so this means she has been all around the world. Y/n maybe you would like to tell your classmates about your adventures.”  
You nodded soft and Miss Stacy motioned to you, to get on your feet so everyone could see you. You cleared your throat soft before starting. - “Hello everyone My name is Y/n but you all knew that...” - some classmates started to laugh as Miss Stacy told you to go on. You took another deep breath as you started to tell them about your travels.
“My father is a sailor and has travelled around the world with me and my mother. We’ve been to the edge of the world and back. We've been in contact with many different cultures and people.” - your classmates all listened closely as you kept explaining your adventures to them.
“What was your favourite place?” - a red-haired girl with braids asked you curious as other girls next to her nodded in approval.  - “Well...” - you replied “I’ve I had to choose definitely Trinidad.” - some girls gasped as the same boy from earlier that called you ‘Miss’ widened his eyes.
“Gilbert has also been there!” - A short girl with a red dress squeaked as she looked over at him. You looked at the same boy that she made eye contact with, you saw him try to come up with words as Miss Stacy called out his name. - “Gilbert Blythe! Maybe you would like to tell us something about your experience there?”  
Gilbert tried to find the right words as he was still blown away that your favourite place was Trinidad and that you shared the experience of travelling just like him. “Uhm … Yes...” - he said soft as he got up. You seated yourself down as it was Gilbert’s turn to speak now. - “Uhm well yes... Trinidad was...” - Gilbert started to explain to everyone as he was still overwhelmed by you.
You listened closely at his story as you kept looking at him. As Gilbert was explaining things he kept looking frequently at you as he only had eyes for you. Gilbert seated himself down again after his story and Miss Stacy continued with the lesson of today.
You noticed Gilbert staring at you so you smiled bright at him, he replied your action with a smile of his own as he couldn’t keep his eyes of you. During the rest of the lesson he kept looking over at you without your knowledge. There was something about you that couldn’t keep Gilbert away from you.
As Lunch time finally arrived everyone got up and rushed outside or to their usual place to talk. You grabbed your basket and seated yourself down on the boy’s side of the class, underneath the window. Gilbert had watched you sit down and quickly grabbed his own lunch and made his way over to you.
“Is...is this seat taken?” - he asked you nervous as he pointed at the spot in front of you. You shook your head soft as Gilbert placed himself down. - “So, you have been travelling as well?” - you asked him curious as he looked shy around him for a second. - “Yes” - he replied looking back at you.
“So, Y/n Trinidad is your favourite place?” - Gilbert asked you curious as he looked short from the ground at you. - “Yes, it is...” - you replied with a smile. - “That is my favourite place as well. Did you try the spices?” - he started to bite his underlip soft as he moved his hands to your shoes.  
“Oh, have you tried them as well?” - you laughed soft. “I only tasted a piece but it felt as my mouth was on fire.” - Gilbert chuckled soft as he remembered his time that he tasted it. - “You should have seen my father. He tasted one and was jumping up and down from the intense burning on his tongue... my mother wanted to give him some water but ended up pouring the bucket with water all over him.”  
Gilbert and you laughed together at your story as Gilbert started to play with your shoelace without his knowledge. - “I wish I could have seen it.” - Gilbert wiped his face brief from laughing so hard that a tear started to escape his eye corner. - “Yes, it was very funny.” - you laughed as well as you placed your hand on his arm.
Gilbert looked at your hand brief and licked his lips soft as he kept playing with your shoelace. - “Anything else you did there, Gilbert?” - you asked him again as you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. - “Well...” - he replied with a smirk “I can talk all day about Trinidad but I don’t think we have the time for it.”  - you pouted your lips soft as you thought it was sad that you couldn’t talk with him all day.
“But you know...” - Gilbert started “You can always come home with me and meet Bash, I’ve met him on the boat that I worked on and he just to live in Trinidad.” - “Oh, that would be wonderful.” - you exclaimed as Gilbert looked at you with his heart eyes. - “I would like that very much.”- you whispered soft as Gilbert noticed he was playing with your shoelace the entire time.  
“It’s a date then!” - Gilbert suddenly exclaimed but immediately covered up his mouth with his hand as he had just called it a date. You looked shocked at him for a moment for calling it a date. - “I ... I mean it’s not a date, date you know just ….” - Gilbert started to stutter as he tried to fix the words that he just said.
You giggled soft and moved closer to him, - “it’s a date then.” - you then kissed him on his cheek and Gilbert froze for a moment, feeling his cheeks turn bright red. You got up and walked away to place your basket back in its place as Gilbert moved his hand slowly towards his cheek.
He touched it soft and giggled soft at your touch, looking all red from blushing. He then cleared his throat soft, hoping no one saw him. Gilbert got also up and made his way over to his desk as Miss Stacy walked back inside the classroom.
Check out my Masterlists to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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frost-queen · 6 years
Unconditionally ( Reader x Gilbert)
Requested by: @rasperrymilk, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt
Special Thanks to: @panic-at-top for giving me a perfect idea to why Gilbert would be jealous. (Mwah)
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Love is never easy, and often comes at a great cost and the relationships that seem the strongest... are the most tragically, torn.
Your parents were well-known appreciated people in the society. They were close friends with the Andrews, since they used to go to school together. Ever since you were little they would bring you along to their gatherings. This was how you became close friends with Jane and Billy Andrews.
He was like a big brother to you and you were like his little sister. Few people knew of course that you knew each other since you were little. Both of you have grown up in time and times of fun and games were far behind you.  
Billy gained a cocky side that you wished he never developed, he could sometimes be rude to others and you hated that side of him. You and Jane on the other hand grew into beautiful girls that were ready to become a lady.  
You were more mature than Jane since you had a boyfriend, the one and only Gilbert Blythe. In the beginning it was really awkward as he would stare at you secretly and trying to catch your attention. You were oblivious at first to why he would seek out every opportunity to speak with you.  
One time he was waiting for you in the woods to walk home with you as Ruby saw you standing with him, she started to cry and ran off making you feel guilty since she had dips on him. After the incident you tried to ignore him as much as you could.  
Gilbert wasn’t used to putting the extra effort to get your attention but the more you tried to keep him away, the more his feelings grew stronger. You thought it was sweet that he didn’t knew when to stop and one day he took your heart by storm. He had run to your house in the middle of the night, soaking wet because he couldn’t control his feelings anymore.  
Your mother opened the door in her nightgown as she opened it to find a soaking wet boy, desperate to see you. “I need to speak to Y/n” - he would breath out quick, making your mother frown “it’s the middle of the night, young man! Y/n is asleep.”
“I have to speak with her!” - he would demand again. “You’ll have to come back in the morning” - your mother started to close the door in front of him. Gilbert wouldn’t give up and walked back into the rain, searching for some stones. Throwing them one by one against your window.  
You awoke from a ticking sound against your window as you made your sleepy head over to the window. Your eyes widened as you saw a soaking wet Gilbert standing in the rain. “Gilbert!” - you would scream as you opened your window “Are you insane it’s the middle of the night!”  
“Y/n I have to speak with you.” - he would shout over the rain. “Please Gilbert go home before you catch a cold!” - you started to get wet as well, “I can’t! Not before I tell you something.”  
“Go home!” - you shouted back as you moved your head from out of the window, ready to close it. “I love you!” - Gilbert suddenly screamed out, making you pause whatever you were doing.
He started to breath heavily again as he awaited your answer. “I love you Y/n!” - he shouted again, thinking you haven’t heard him the first time. You didn’t reply and Gilbert thought this was the end until he saw the front door swing open with you running towards him.
You jumped right into his arms, feeling his wet, cold body against your skin. Gilbert couldn’t stop smiling as he let his fingers run over your wet face. “I love you Y/n” - he called out again.
“I heard you the first time Gilbert!” - you pulled him closer by his shirt and pressed your lips against his. Feeling his wet, soft lips move perfectly with yours. Releasing every emotion out of your body that felt like exploding firework as you kissed him.
Ever since then, the two of you were inseparably. Ruby was angry in the beginning for taking her crush but she soon accepted it as she saw how happy the two of you were.  because he loved you so much he could get jealous around the other boys, especially when he saw you having some small talk with Billy.
“Why were you talking to Billy?” - Gilbert would growl at you as he had his arms crossed. “Where does that come from?” - you would reply, frowning to why it bothers him. “I asked you a question Y/n?” - he started to raise his voice a bit. “Why would you talk to a bully like Billy?”
“Gilbert!” - you called out “Billy may be rude sometimes but he’s still a friend of mine!” -  you turned your head away from him, angry that he acted like that. “Why on earth do you want to be friends with someone like him!” - Gilbert replied annoyed that you talked to other boys, especially someone like Billy.
You got up angry “I have no idea what has gotten into you but you have no right to decide who my friends are!” - walking away angry as Gilbert also got up and walked after you. “Don’t walk away from me!”- you heard him shout to you, you ignored him and kept making your way out.
“Y/n!” - he shouted again, you turned around angry “Go home Gilbert!” - you shouted back at him “I’m not in the mood for this, so go home!”
“why are you defending him?” - Gilbert jumped in front of you, making it impossible to walk away from him. “I’m not! Gilbert do you even hear yourself?”- you tried to make your way past him as he grabbed your arm tight.  “Is there something going on between the two of you?” - his grip on your arm tightened without his knowledge.  
“Are you crazy, Gilbert I love you!” - you shouted so loud, making sure it got in his head. “Then why are you always together? You think I don’t know that you visit his house almost all the time! - it was your turn to grab him tight “Our parents are friends Gilbert Blythe, I’ve known Billy ever since I was little is that a crime?”
“Yes, I’ve seen the way he looks at you Y/n!” - you started to get enough of this useless fight “Gilbert you are seeing ghosts, there is nothing between Billy and me!” - Gilbert let go of you and the look in his eyes frightened you “I will make sure of that!”  
“Gilbert!” - you shouted as he started to run towards Billy’s house. “Gilbert Blythe come back this instance!” - you shouted again but Gilbert kept running, ignoring your shouting.
You started to run after him, hoping you could stop him from doing anything stupid. “Gilbert!” - you shouted again between your breaths as you tried to keep up with him. Nothing could stop him now from getting his revenge, revenge that Billy spend more time with you than any normal person.
You knew a shorter way to Billy’s house so you disappeared and ran as quickly as you could to get to Billy’s house before Gilbert. He didn’t even notice you were gone until you suddenly jumped in front of him. “Gilbert don’t do this!” - you begged him as you tried to prevent him from going any further.
“Get out of my way Y/n!” - he shouted at you, pushing you so hard that you fell on the ground with a loud thud. You were afraid of him, afraid of the raging desire in his eyes that you had never seen before. “Gilbert, I don’t know who you are anymore” - you whispered to him so soft you were afraid that if you said it louder he would explode.
Gilbert kept staring at you on the ground as you were frightened of his actions. He growled soft as he walked past you. You followed his movement and jumped a bit as he walked close to you.
As Gilbert was out of range you started to cry, getting up and running back to your own house. Anne who happened to see the entire display gasped soft and ran after Gilbert, hoping she could mend the things between you.
“Gilbert!” - she shouted at him as she grabbed his arm, preventing him from barging into Billy’s house. Gilbert didn’t expect to see Anne “Let go of me Anne!” - he shouted at her as he tried to free himself from her grip. “Not a chance Blythe!” - she called back, how mean Gilbert looked at her she wasn’t going to be scared away that easily.
“Don’t you love Y/n?” - she said in a calm voice, Gilbert would just keep pulling as she shouted again, startling him “I asked you if you love her?” - “Yes!” - he screamed out.
“Then why? Why did you push her away? Gilbert you should have seen the look in Y/n’s eyes.” - the realisation started to slip slowly into his mind as Anne continued. “She’s was afraid of you Gilbert!”  
Gilbert started to breath loud “A... Afraid? Y/n is afraid of me?” - “Gilbert I would have been afraid of you if you looked at me like you looked at Y/n!” - “is … is … she alright?” - his Jealousy disappeared as snow before the sun, a guilty feeling overwhelmed him as he felt sorry for reacting so hard against you.  
“She was crying Gilbert!” - Anne spoke soft as she placed her hand on his shoulder. Gilbert buried his head between his hands “Please don’t let it be true, please tell me I can fix this Anne?” - he begged her, afraid that he had lost you forever.  
“Go to her and apologize, please Gilbert repair this before it is too late” - Anne hadn't even finished her sentence as Gilbert ran passed her to repair his relationship with you. He ran faster than he had ever run before, hoping you would forgive his blind jealousy.
Slamming his fist against your door, hoping you would answer. “Y/n open the door, please!” - he would shout as he kept pounding his fist against it. “I’m sorry Y/n!”  
You wouldn’t answer the door so he looked around quickly to find something to get inside. It was then that he noticed ivy crawling up to your window, wrapped around a wooden frame that went all up until right under your window.
He rubbed his hands quick together before grabbing a frame and pulling himself up. Gilbert had to concentrate really hard to where he placed his hands and feet. Pulling himself quicker up to your window as the ivy scratched his hands.  
“Y/n!” - you heard as a muted sound from outside, you lifted your head to find a Gilbert hanging just outside your window. “Y/n open the window please?” - his muted voice sounded a bit louder this time as he knocked against the window.
You got out of bed and walked over to him, opening the window with red, puffy eyes. “How did you get up here?” - you looked at him confused as he was holding on to the ivy framed wall. “Are you insane!” - you shouted as soon as you saw how he got up “Gilbert that’s dangerous!”  
“I don’t care Y/n, please listen to me” - he spoke quick as he felt some wood crack underneath his weight. You crossed your arms angry “I have nothing to say to you!” - turning your body away from him. “Y/n please I’m sorry, I never meant to hurt you. Can you please forgive me?” - the cracks underneath his started to sound louder as he was afraid to fall. “Damn it, Y/n I love you and I’m sorry for overreacting. I would walk through fire for you because Y/n I love you unconditionally.”  
The cracks underneath started to get louder and more frequent as he felt himself slip away. “Y/n!” - he called out as he looked down, feeling the bar that supported him, break.
You grabbed his arm before he could fall as he had his hands tight around your windowsill.   “Gilbert!” - you called out concerned as you tried to pull him inside. He tried to place his foot on a secure position to help you pull him up but his foot would just slip, making you almost fall out of you window. Both of you held your breath as you tried to hold on to him and he looking out that he wouldn’t pull you down with him.
“Place your foot on the ivy frame wall!” - you called out as you tried to hold him up. He started to move his foot to a frame on the ivy wall and placed it down.
“On the count of three!” - you said between your breaths.  ”On three I want you to jump up so that I can pull you inside.” - “It’s too dangerous Y/n?” - He would call back to you, you saw the fear in his eyes.
“Do you trust me? Gilbert do you trust me?” - you started to feel him slip away as you needed to act now. “More than anything in the world!” - he shouted back at you, hoping you forgave him for every single mistake he made.
“one...” - you said, tighten your grip around him. “Two”- Gilbert replied as he placed his foot in position, lifting his body as bit. “Three!” - you screamed as Gilbert jumped up. You pulled him inside with every strength you had, making him fall on top of you as you fell to the floor.  
Gilbert didn’t even check his own condition, he quickly lifted himself from you as he examined you “Are you alright Love?” - his voice trembling, hoping he didn’t hurt you too much.
You seated yourself better as you felt a numbness in your arms. “I’m alright, I’m alright” - you breathed out quick. Gilbert didn’t hesitate and pressed his lips against yours.  he had just stared death in the eye and he wanted nothing more than your sweet touch.  
“y/n please forgive my mistakes” - he breathed out as he held his forehead against yours, arms wrapped around you. “I never meant to hurt you or Billy, I came as soon as Anne made me see what really is important. You!”  
“Anne?” - you asked him confused, “yes, she made me realise what I was doing was wrong. I don’t care that you are friends with Billy since childhood, all I care about it that you forgive me and still love me?” - a certain sadness appeared in his dark hazel eyes.  
“I never stopped loving you Blythe!” - you whispered to him as you cupped his cheek “I love you and I always will!” - pressing your lips against his again, feeling his emotions consume you.  
You could never hate him because you love him unconditionally and with all your heart.
Check out my Masterlists to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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frost-queen · 6 years
Apple orchard ( Reader x Gilbert Blythe)
Requested by: @astralstephen
Check out my Masterlist for a full list of all my imagine’s so far.
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You were never afraid to get your hands dirty, unlike other girls.
So, when you overheard Gilbert talking about that he needed help at his apple orchard.
You were thrilled to offer your help.
You shuffled in the direction of Gilbert, you wanted to offer your help but he was surrounded by the other boys and you were afraid what they might think of you.
Suddenly Gilbert stood up and walked away, in your direction.
All your rehearsed lines were now swirling around in your mind, you tried to get out of this situation when Gilbert kept coming closer and closer to you.
You stood frozen before him when he almost bumped into you.
“Sorry Y/n” – he quickly said as he made his way past you.
You bit on your under lip and whiteout thinking you grabbed his arm.
Gilbert looked again at you and frowned, “I volunteer!” – you blurted out, leaving Gilbert confused.
“Uh … volunteer for what? Y/n” – he asked you frowning again and turning his body more towards you.
“Uh … For uh … you know …” – you stuttered. You were so confident and had it all thought trough but when you were now face to face with him. It seemed at lot harder to ask him.
You tried to avoid eye contact. It was then that you noticed you were still holding his arm.
You squealed and released your grip of his hand. Gilbert laughed at bit when he saw you being anything but yourself.
“So, Y/n are you going to tell me what you are going to volunteer for or …” – he asked you, trying to figure out what you were speaking of.
You took a deep breath and said a few encouraging words in your mind before you spoke. “I overheard you need help at your orchard and I wanted to offer my help” – you then looked down and played with a piece of your skirt.
Gilbert suddenly looked surprised “Oh … Well in that case, sure”.
You lifted your head quickly and started babbling “Is it because I’m a girl that you think I’m not strong enough or is it because it’s not really lady like to help …”.
Gilbert shook his head as he thought it was funny how you heard the wrong answer.
He grabbed you by your shoulders and you immediately stopped talking.
“Y/n” – he said looking deep into your eyes “I said It’s okay, you can help me”.
“Wait what” – you replied confused “Are … Are you sure?”
He nodded and let go of your shoulder’s “We’ll start after school, so this means you will have to walk with me home”.
You laughed awkward “Not a problem at all Gil … I mean Gilbert” – you corrected yourself immediately.
He laughed soft and started to walk towards his desk. You also turned around to avoid that anyone could see your red face.
School soon ended and Gilbert was already waiting for you outside.
“Ready Y/n” – he said as he saw you approach him, you nodded and walked beside him.
As Gilbert was explaining everything to you about his orchard, every word he said made you think it maybe was a bad idea.
You’ve worked before on your parent’s little farm but you never worked on an apple orchard as big as Gilbert’s.
You were apparently looking terrified because Gilbert stopped you by placing his hand on your shoulder.
“Are you alright Y/n” – he asked you concerned.
You nodded soft and started to walk again.
Gilbert looked at you as you walked further, he frowned short before he sprinted short to keep up with you.
“May I ask why you want to help me Y/n?” – he said slowing down from sprinting and walking again beside you.
“I heard you needed help, so I offered it” – you said, looking in front of you.
“Is that the only reason?” – he replied with a smirk on his face.
“Well my parents are in Charlotte’s town all day and I didn’t want to be alone”
Gilbert smiled as he had another answer in mind. “That’s all Y/n?” – he asked you again as he moved his head closer to you, to avoid a low hanging branch.
“uhhu” – you replied short, trying to cover up your blush as you felt his head move closer to you.
“Alright then” – he answered as he walked past you, he then stopped and moved a branch that was hanging at the same height as you face away.
You walked past him with a soft smile, he then released the branch and started to walk next to you again.
You were amazed by how big his orchard was. There were rows and rows of apple tree’s.
Most of the apples had a bright red colour as others were still a bit pale red.
The red apples stood out of the green tree’s and immediately caught your eye.
“This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen” – you said, letting your eyes rush over ever tree.
“You picked the best time to see them” – Gilbert suddenly said as he stepped beside you.
You kept gaping at the orchards beauty when Gilbert cleared his throat soft.
You turned around and saw a smiling Gilbert with 2 baskets’ in his hands.
“How I love the view of seeing you looking over my orchard, we do have to work”.
You started to blush and rubbed the back of your head “Of course”.
Gilbert leaded you to the first row of apple trees and placed a ladder against a tree.
“Watch me” – he said as he started to climb the ladder. You watched his every move as he moved further up the ladder.
When he was at the top he looked down to where you were standing, he held his hand above his eyes to block the sunlight for a clear sight of you.
You did the same to see him clearer. Gilbert chuckled soft when he saw you standing on the ground with a basket in one hand and the other just above your eyes.
He grabbed a bright shiny red apple and wiped it a bit clean with his hand.
“Everything alright?” – he heard you call out. A smirk appeared on his face and he placed his hand around his mouth to make his voice louder.
“Catch!” – he called out as loud as he could, he then dropped the apple.
Down on the ground where you were standing you heard a faint ‘catch’ over the wind howling and immediately dropped your basket as you saw something fell down.
You were slightly panicking, you held your hands in front of you and moved from place to place to determine the place the apple would fall.
The apple was close to touching the ground, you gasped and dived a few steps away from where you were standing. You fell on the floor with a loud thud as the apple fell perfectly in your open hands in front of you.
“Y/n are you alright” – you heard Gilbert shout over the sound of the wind.
“I got it!” – you shouted back as you jumped on your feet and proudly held the apple in the air.
Gilbert sighed out of relieve. He enjoyed it that you’d help him but if anything would have happened to you while working he would never forgive himself.
He quickly rushed down the ladder as you were dusting off your dress.
“I got the apple” – you proudly showed Gilbert.
Gilbert moved the apple out of his sight and pulled you close for a hug.
You were shocked and surprised. You felt Gilbert’s arms go tighter around you and his face being buried deeper in your shoulder.
You placed your arms around him and felt his muscles loosen up.
He then released himself from your grip but still held his hands on your shoulder “Are you sure you are alright Y/n?” – he asked you concerned.
“I’m fine Gilbert” – you said, placing your hand against his chest.
“Good” – he said short as he quickly released his hands from you.
“One apple to go” – you said proud placing the apple in the basket “Like a million more to go” – you added laughing.
Gilbert chuckled soft and climbed back on the ladder.
This went on for hours, Gilbert climbing the ladder since he wouldn’t risk it that you could fall.
While you caught the apple’s that fell and placed them in the basket.
After some moments the two of you made a little game about it. The trees were the one’s birds would nest in and the apple’s that fell were little birds.
This made you do your best a million times harder, since you didn’t want to let a ‘bird’ fall.
Halfway the orchard you were all dusty and dirty from diving around to grab the apple’s.
Gilbert on the other hand still looked good, except for some twigs that were hanging in his hair and on his clothes.
“Still doing okay Y/n?” – he shouted to you, as he dropped another apple.
“Never better” – you shouted back as you fell with a loud thud, holding another caught apple in your hand.
Another few hours later, you felt your arms go sore and almost your whole body was covered in bruises.
Gilbert noticed you weren’t as alert as you were in the beginning. He quickly scanned the apple trees that still needed to be done and climbed down.
You grabbed a full basket and placed it with the other full basket’s as you saw Gilbert climb down.
“On to the next one?” – you asked him, wiping some sweat of your forehead.
Gilbert dusted of his pants and watched you walk already towards the next tree.
He quickly rushed over to you and stopped you “I think we’ll call it a day, don’t you think Y/n?”
You looked at the trees that still needed to be done “But were not done yet”.
“I know Y/n” – he said, holding your shoulders again “But you’re too tired to move on”.
“I’m not!” – you said a bit annoyed, you pushed his arms of you and started to walk towards the ladder to move it.
Gilbert shook his head and stopped your hand from touching the ladder “We are taking a break Y/n” – he said firm, looking into your eyes with a stern look.
You couldn’t argue with Gilbert, since this was his orchard and home “Fine” – you said, disappointed.
Gilbert nodded and grabbed a few baskets, you did the same and stocked them in the barn.
Exhausted, Gilbert leaded you to a hammock that was hanging between 2 trees with the most beautiful flowers in it.
He helped you climb in it and sat next to you. the hammock gave you a nice view of the apple orchard.
You saw the trees that still needed to be done and sighed. You wanted to help Gilbert so bad and seeing the undone trees made you feel like you had failed him because the work isn’t done.
Gilbert noticed it and placed his fingers on your chin to turn your face towards him. “You can always help me out tomorrow?”
Your eyes lit up and you squealed “I can?”.
“Sure, you did an amazing job Y/n, you’re the fastest worker I know”
You squealed again and wrapped your arms around him.
“Calm down Y/n” – Gilbert said as you made the hammock swing harder back and forth.
“Sorry” – you replied, biting your under lip.
Gilbert stared at you for a few moments. He always thought your lip biting made you cute and he was happy he could spend the day with you. and you alone.
He sighed and laid himself down holding one arm over his face.
you were still sitting up straight as you felt an arm pull you down. Gilbert pulled you down to lay next to him.
Your movement made the hammock swing slightly.
Both of you stared at each other as the hammock swung slower and slower.
Minutes later your eyes were closed and you were sleeping. You were so exhausted you fell asleep in moments.
Gilbert was still awake but he felt his eyes getting sleepy, he looked at you through his sleepy eyes and placed his arm around you.
In your sleep you pulled yourself closer to him and your head was cupped in Gilbert’s armpit.
He smiled at you one more time before the exhaustion took its toll on him.
Both of you were sleeping in each other’s arms as Marilla was searching for Gilbert.
She had knocked on Gilbert’s door to give him some bread. When he didn’t answer the door, she started to search for him on the field.
She finally noticed someone laying down in the hammock near the apple orchard.
As she came closer, she noticed not one but two persons were sleeping in the hammock.
She was now standing over the hammock as she saw you and Gilbert sleeping together.
Your head was still cupped in his armpit as his head was laying against yours. His other arm was around your waist, so that he was holding you tight.
Marilla smiled and it reminded her of her young day’s when she and Gilbert’s father had slept there as well.
She placed the basket of bread close to the hammock and placed a note on it.
she then looked at the two of you one more time before she moved away without making any sound.
Check out my Masterlists to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
368 notes · View notes
frost-queen · 6 years
Conflicted (Reader x Gilbert ft. Billy)
Requested by: @voguesbrokenhearts, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt
A/n: how this took a dark turn, i’m so sorry (teehee) hope you still enjoy it.
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“look I saw you two!” - Billy shouted at you as he was sitting at your porch. - “Other things are happening, life has gotten over it!” - you shouted back at him as he got up. “So, so you're not denying it that I saw you almost kissing Gilbert. “
“Billy just stop!” - you held your hands up because you had no interest in the hundredths fight of this week. “No Y/n, not until you explain things to me.... why out of every person Gilbert?” - Billy came closer to you as he started to grab for your hands furious. “Tell me! Tell me that you still love me, Y/n!”  
Billy had grabbed your hand tight, squeezing it as you kept stuttering. “I....I... I” - “Just say it! Say that love me!” - you tried to free your hand from his grip by twisting your wrist but billy’s grip was firm, making your wrist all red. “I don’t know what I like anymore!” - you shouted back pulling you out of his grip.
“No, no say that you love me! Y/n I need to hear it from you!” - as soon as you released yourself from his grip, he grabbed you tight again, making you face him. - “Billy I can’t do this anymore, please!” - you started to cry at his aggression. “Don’t say things that you don’t mean!” - Billy started to grab your face tight as you started to cry, afraid of him. “Billy this isn’t working, I can’t do this anymore please.”  
You started to push him away as he tried his best to hold on to you. “You have to let me go! I don’t love you anymore!” - Billy immediately let go of you as he felt his heart break in a thousand pieces. He kept staring at you with tears in his eyes and some anger. “Get out of my sight you, filthy trash!” - he shouted at as he pushed you away from him.  
You fell to the ground and crawled quickly to your feet as Billy kept scaring you away. “I said out of my sight!” you didn’t look back at him as you ran through the woods, escaping his rage.
There was a time that you loved Billy with all your heart but lately you felt like there was something missing and Billy couldn’t fill it up. His anger issues and arrogance got the best of him, it changed him in someone you didn’t love. In time your love for him started to fade away, Gilbert was the only who noticed the changes around you.  
You were quieter than normal, more on edge and depressed. He was the only one who listened to you and started to care for you. He never expected to fall in love with you but it just happened and you started to fall for him as well.
At the time your feelings for Billy were as good as gone and you wanted more than anything to be with Gilbert, that was why you were planning to break up with him but Billy found out before you could explain things to him. He had seen you and Gilbert almost kiss, which leaded him to the actions of earlier.
You kept running through the woods, breathing heavily and pushing every low hanging branch out of your face as your vision was blurry from crying. You fell a few times on your knees as you pulled yourself up, scared that Billy was still chasing you. You've never seen him so angry and it frightened you.
Billy was capable of many things and you knew all too well which ones. You had no idea to where you were running, you just kept going and going until your feet couldn’t carry you any longer. You fell to your knees as you fell over a branch, scratching your knee that started to bleed.
You pulled your knees closer to you as you buried your head between your knees, crying out loud. You heart told you that you did the right thing, releasing yourself from Billy as your mind told you it was a stupid thing and that Billy was going after either you or Gilbert. If Billy was angry, you better stay away from you because he showed no one mercy.
“He’s not the one!” - your heart kept shouting at you as your mind kept shouting at you. - “Go back and ask for forgiveness before it’s too late.” - you screamed out loud, making several birds fly away out of fright.  
After an hour or so you pulled yourself up and dragged yourself to Gilbert, you thought he deserved to know that things are over with you and Billy and that he might come his way to beat him up or so. Your face was all red from crying, your wrists were cherry red from his grip and your knee was bleeding but you didn’t care anymore.  
You didn’t care if Billy came after you but he better kept his hands of Gilbert, if there was one person who he wanted to beat up or scream at, it had to be you. You were the one that ended things, not Gilbert.
Gilbert was just walking towards his house as he noticed you in the corner of his eye. He quickly looked again as he noticed in what state you were. Gilbert dropped everything and ran towards you, afraid of how you looked. - “Y/n?” - he shouted as he made his way over to you.
You started to cry again as Gilbert was near to you, - “What happened? Y/n tell me!” - he placed his arm around you as he started to lead you inside. - “I … I broke up with him...” - Gilbert abruptly paused you and moved in front of you, holding you by your shoulders. - “You did what?”  
“I … I broke up with him. I couldn’t take it anymore, Gilbert!” - you started to cry again and Gilbert wanted to take your hand but when he touched your wrist you jumped back from the pain, it was then that he noticed your bruises and bleeding knee.  
“Y/n! Did … Billy did this to you?” - Gilbert tried to supress his sudden rage but you could still hear it in his voice. “I’m fine!” - you called out between your tears, - “I just came to warn you that Billy might come after you!” - “Let him come, I will gladly punch him for hurting you!” - Gilbert couldn’t hide his anger anymore and he started to pace around you, controlling his rage to punch something and Billy’s face most of all.  
“Gilbert please” - you tried to catch his attention as he kept pacing around you. “Promise me when he gets here, you will avoid him.” - Gilbert suddenly stopped pacing and walked in front of you again. “I can’t, Y/n not after what he did to you!” - you wiped some tears away as you grabbed his hand. “Promise me!”  
Gilbert sighed deep and for a moment you thought he was going to give in but he didn’t. - “I’m sorry Y/n but I can’t, not anymore.” - you took a few deep breaths knowing that you couldn’t change his mind. Gilbert than leaded you inside to take care of your knee.
Billy was stomping his way over to Gilbert’s house. “I got cheated on, broken up.” - he shook his angry. “This is not my day! And someone is going to pay for it!” - Billy kept marching angry as he was figuring out ways to make you pay. “No one cheats on me! Especially not Y/n!”
Meanwhile Gilbert had practised his doctor skills on your knee and wrists. You had no idea what was coming your way. It was like Billy’s rage hang in the atmosphere, everything he passed by started to feel dreary and afraid. Several animals crawled back in their home’s as Billy passed them, flowers started to shrink at his aura as he stepped close to them.  
Even the sky started to get grey, giving you a sign that danger was coming your way. You noticed the weather change and got up, leaving Gilbert’s house. Gilbert knew what you were going to do so you blocked the door behind you, preventing him from leaving.  
“Y/n open the door! Right now!” - Gilbert shouted as he kept pounding against the door. “I can’t let others get hurt because of my mistakes!” - you shouted back as you made you way over towards the woods. - “Y/n!!!” - Gilbert shouted as he kept turning the doorknob and punching his fist against the door.
You wiped your tears away as it felt like you were walking in slow-motion towards him. Billy was close and once he noticed you he paused for a moment. You kept walking over to him as Billy also got into motion again. “Y/n!” - he shouted, making you jump out of your skin.
“Billy it’s over. Leave!” - you shouted back as he was close to you. - “You think you can leave me like that!” - Billy grabbed your hand tight and you immediately felt the stinging from before. - “Billy I’m not yours and I will never be!” - you shouted at him which made him grab your face tight, squeezing your cheeks together. - “You want to say that again! Y/n you are mine or no one’s!”  
You kept trying to pull your face away as he kept grabbing you tighter in every spot; your face, wrists, hair, … - “Where’s your Gilbert now!” - he kept his face inches away from yours, intimidating you as you kept struggling against him.
“He’s right here!” - you suddenly heard from behind you. Billy’s eyes widened for a few seconds as he held you tight. - “Gilbert walk away!” - you shouted at him, trying to keep him save.
Gilbert ignored you and turned his attention to Billy and only him. “Hands off her!” - he shouted so loud it made you shiver. Billy laughed cocky as he pushed you to the ground and made his way over to Gilbert.
“You’re going to pay for this!” - Gilbert shouted as he pulled his fist back to punch him. Gilbert’s punch hit Billy in the face, making him fall on the ground with just one punch. Gilbert jumped on top of him and punched him again several times as Billy couldn’t move.
“Gilbert!” - you shouted as you made your way over to him, trying to pull him of Billy. You kept pulling his arm back as he kept pulling it back to his face. “Gilbert that’s enough!” - you shouted and just like that Gilbert stopped punching him and got up, wrapping his arm protective over yours as Billy tried to recover from the punches.
“If I ever see you around Y/n again, your death!” - Gilbert shouted as he pulled you closer to him, you buried your head in his neck as Billy got up slowly. Billy looked one more time at the two of you before disappearing.  
As he left you started to cry again and Gilbert comforted you soft. “It’s alright Y/n. He won’t hurt you anymore.” - you nodded soft and wrapped your arms around him as he touched your cheek soft.
“Y/n look at me.” - Gilbert said soft as he lifted your head to meet up with his hazel brown eyes. “know that I love you.” - his voice sounded like he was convincing you that he wasn’t going anywhere and that he still loved you.  
“I ...I love you too, Gilbert.” - you replied soft. Gilbert then pressed his lips against yours, hoping he could kiss away your pain and fear.
Check out my Masterlists to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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frost-queen · 6 years
Only we know ( Reader x Gilbert)
Requested by: @delicately-written, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt
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It's funny how you can call dips on someone, claiming that person as yours even though you don’t speak to him. This was the case Ruby Gillis, she’s had a crush on Gilbert ever since she laid her eyes on him, calling him dips. Everyone knew about it and tried to uphold it, no one can talk to him because she has dips on him.  
You always thought it was a silly thing to call someone yours and never talk to him. You still remembered the day that Anne got called out for talking to him, Josie really scared her that day with ugly threats and all.  
Ruby was a hopeless romantic, who dreamed of marrying Gilbert. Even Gilbert knew about her dips on him, he tried to act clueless around her because he thought it was funny how much effort she tried to put in it. Even though his heart belongs to someone else.
You and Gilbert had been dating in secret for months now, you both were in the stage that you sometimes slept at his place whenever he felt lonely. No one could ever know about this, especially Ruby. She is a very emotional girl when it comes to things like this.
The both of you wanted to avoid her water fountains and Josie’s scolding for ignoring her dips so you decided it was the best to keep your relationship a secret. This whole act did come with a share of adventure and lying to everyone.
 You knew Gilbert would be waiting for you in the woods to walk with you halfway to school. You kept looking behind you constantly to see if any of your classmates are following you. As you came to the agreed spot, you couldn’t find him at first.  
“Gilbert?” - you whispered, thinking if you spoke to loud someone could hear it. “Gilbert? Where are …" - you suddenly felt a force pull you back, into a ticker part of the woods. The force smacked you against a tree, looking around desperately if anyone hasn’t heard you.  
Gilbert had hidden himself behind some trees and had pulled you to his side, leaning over you as you were standing against the tree. “Morning Y/n” - that cute little smirk of his, curled up as he looked at your lips. “Morning Gil” - you replied as you wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him closer to you.
Gilbert then moved his head closer to yours to meet up with your lips, kissing them passionate. He moved his hands to your hair as you pulled his body even closer to yours. He softly licked his lips, feeling the last bits of your touch as he had pulled himself away. “Tastes just like cherries” - he would exclaim as he touched your lips brief with his finger.
You shook your head as you thought it was funny how silly he could be, “Come one pretty boy we have to get to school!” - you moved passed him and looked around quick, hoping no one was walking down this path. “I think were safe” - you whispered to him as he was also looking around.
“Come on then!” - he made his way past you, extending his hand to you as you grabbed it tight. Gilbert pulled you with him as he tried to make his way back to the pathway.
Moving some branches away, you made your way to an unknown part of the woods. Because the main path would be too dangerous to go on, the two of you chose to walk different paths that normally nobody would walk. Giving you that extra little time together.
“What do you think Miss. Stacey would teach us today?” - you asked him curious as he helped you over a fallen tree.  “Probably something magnificent as always” - he replied back as he leaded you of the fallen tree, catching you in his arms.  
He paused for a moment and just stared at you, you frowned at him “Why are you staring at me, Gil?��� - you asked him curious. - “If I stare now at you long enough, it might help me control my urges to kiss you later.” - you playfully shoved him as he pulled you close again for another kiss.  
You felt him smile underneath his kiss as you heard in the distance the talking of three familiar voices. In seconds Gilbert pulled himself away as he was stung in his lips, pushing you away from him.
You quickly looked around and jumped right into some tick bushes a few feet away, as you dived right into the bushes you felt the little twigs scratch your skin, landing on your back with a loud thud.
Gilbert tried to find a hiding place for himself as the three voices came closer. You had tucked yourself away between the tick leaves and twigs, feeling your hair stuck on a few. “Gilbert?” - he suddenly heard as he was facing with his back to the path.
He turned around awkward and saw Anne, Diana and Ruby standing in front of him. “What are you doing here?” - Anne asked him as Gilbert scratched the back of his head. “uhm you know Anne, just walking to school. Alone!” - he added nervous.
Ruby started to giggle soft at the shyness and awkwardness of Gilbert. “I’ve never seen you around these parts of the forest?” - Anne moved closer to him as she narrowed her eyes. Gilbert started to stutter “Well, I … I … I was just … exploring!” - he added confused.
“I also love exploring” - Ruby squealed in a high – pitched voice, making Gilbert look at her with a weird look in his eyes. “Well I guess we should be going, Gilbert do you want to walk with us?” - Diana asked him curious. “Miss. Stacey hates it when we are late.”
“Uh … actually I … was... “- he stuttered as he rubbed the back of his neck, looking brief at the bush you had jumped in. “Please walk with us Gilbert?” - Ruby squealed again as she nearly jumped out of her skin of excitement.  
“Come on!” - Diana started to pull him with them as he kept looking back at the bush you were hiding in. “But … I … I” - it was no use, since the girls already started to pull him alongside. As you heard there talking fade away in the distance you tried to crawl out of the bush.  
You felt your head being pulled back as your hair was stuck on some twigs, you growled soft as you tried to free your hair without being scratched more than you already have. Finally, you managed to crawl out of the tick bush with a lot of pulling, falling over and being scratched.  
“Next time HE can jump in the bushes!” - you shouted annoyed as you removed some leaves and twigs from your hair. You sighed as you noticed the scratches on your hand and felt them all over your face. Your expression soon turned sad as your time with Gilbert was interrupted, those precious moments that you could be free to love each other were taken from you.
You fixed your dress quick as you started to make your way over to school. “Stupid dips!” - you cursed underneath your breath as you stomped annoyed further.  
Gilbert had already arrived with Anne, Diana and Ruby by his side. He wished he could have stayed longer with you because now he had no idea how you were feeling or if you were alright, and not to mention he had to listen to the constant attempts of Ruby to ‘flirt’ with him.
You arrived moments later and were still a bit annoyed that Gilbert just left you there, you know he got dragged away but still he could have at least tried any harder.  
“Y/n?” - you heard Diana call out to you as you were hanging away your coat, she gasped as soon as she saw the scratches all over your face and hands. “What happened?” - she asked you concerned as she let her fingers move over the wounds.
You flinched back as soon as she touched them “that hurts Diana” - you called out as little child. Gilbert had pushed some people aside as soon as he heard your voice and saw the scratches on your face. he mouthed a quick ‘sorry’ as you gave him an annoyed look.
He knew he never should have left you alone in those bushes, he wanted to overflow you with kisses and make sure that you are alright but he couldn’t because of Ruby’s stupid dips.
“You need to get that checked out!” - Diana replied as she started to drag you over to Miss. Stacey. As you walked past Gilbert he followed your movement with every concern showing in his hazel brown eyes.
“No, I'm fine!” - you called out as you pulled your hand out of hers. Diana started to frown at you “But Y/n …" - “I'm fine, I promise. Diana” - you placed your hand on her shoulder to make sure that you were fine.  
Anne and Ruby had joined Diana’s side as they noticed you were full of scratches. “Y/n what happened?” - Anne almost screamed at you as she tried to touch your face. “I’m fine Anne” - you called out as you pulled your face away.  
“What happened?” - Ruby asked you in her soft, quite voice. “I fell.” - you sighed as Gilbert couldn’t control his urges any longer. No one noticed him quietly making his way over to you as you were surrounded by the three girls.
Gilbert walked straight over to you and pressed his lips against your cheek “meet you after school!” - he whispered to you. Not only you but the girls around you were shocked that Gilbert had just kissed you on the cheek.
He started to frown as everyone stared at him with confusion or disbelieve. “Why is everyone staring at me?” - he asked you not understanding what he did wrong. “You … you’ve just kissed Y/n on the cheek!” - Anne said soft as her lips hardly moved.  
Suddenly the panic started to hit him and he looked at Ruby, hoping she wouldn’t be crying or making a scene. Ruby stood frozen on the ground as he noticed that she was going to burst out in tears any second.
“Ruby I … I … I can explain!” - you moved in front of her as she looked at you with the saddest big eyes. “Are you together?” - she said soft, trying not to break into tears. - “yes” - you replied soft as Gilbert placed his hand on your shoulder. “Ruby were so sorry, we wanted to tell you but...” - Ruby stopped him from talking as she held her hand in front of him.
“Are … are you happy?” - she asked him - “The happiest I have ever been” - he replied, pulling you close to him and placing a soft kiss against your sleep. Ruby then started to rub her tears away with her sleeve “I’m happy for you!”  
“Wait?” - you replied confused “You … you’re not angry?” - Ruby just shook her head in response.  ”Yes, I am sad that Gilbert and I never will happen but I’m also happy that he is with someone as special as you.” - both of you couldn’t stop smiling and Gilbert pulled Ruby close for a hug “Thank you Ruby.” - he then placed a soft kiss on her forehead, making her all blush.  
“You should be kissing Y/n you silly” - she giggled soft, pushing him into your arms. “Your absolutely right Ruby!” - he replied as he let his finger slide against your cheek before kissing you.
Check out my Masterlists to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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