frost-queen · 6 years
Sweet child (Reader x Gilbert)
Requested by: @to-hurt-and-comfort, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt
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You had just moved to Avonlea in the hopes to give your one-year old child a better home. You were pregnant at a very unusual age, you don’t like to talk about the father since he left you as soon as he found out that you were pregnant. He tricked you into sleeping with him and broke your heart once you were pregnant, it made you wonder if he ever loved you.
The only good thing about your past was your one-year old child: Lily. You had named her after the first flower you saw on your trip to Avonlea. You were very conflicted about her name, but you had found the perfect name for her. “A new start, a new life!” – you thought as you held her in your arms.
You parents were ashamed of you and had thrown you out of the house once they found out about Lily. You really didn’t care since they never really cared for you. You wanted to continue your education, but you could never take Lily with you. You had heard from some people that you could hire a nanny and so you did.
You hired a nanny to look after Lily as you are going to school. Sometimes you missed the presence of a man in your life but then you remembered the tragedy of your child’s father that you were glad he wasn’t around. The two of you were happy and were perfectly fine on your own.
You were preparing the final details for the nanny to look after Lily. – “If she cries you have you to give her this.” – you handed her a little toy. You then started to run around the room searching for all sort of things to give her. – “Don’t forget to feed her every three hours!” – you heard Lily squeal as she was sitting on the ground, underneath a blanket.
“Oh, sweetheart” – you said soft as you picked her up. – “Mommy is going to miss you too.” – you kissed her little hands soft as you nearly started to cry, it was the first day in months that you had to leave her alone. You gave Lily to the nanny as you had to go to school. – “Be a sweet girl…” – you kissed her forehead as she started to reach out to you with her little hands.
You swallowed deep as you had to leave her, - “I’m going to miss you so much!” – you whispered at her as you kissed her little hands again. You then took a deep breath and made your way outside, as soon as you left Lily started to cry soft, knowing that you were leaving her.
You heard her cry as you closed the door behind her, for a moment you thought about running back inside and forget about going to school but you couldn’t. you had to think about your future, your education was going to help you a lot in the future and Lily as well. You bit your underlip as you tried to hold back your tears. – “I’m sorry…” – you whispered as you grabbed your necklace in your hand that had her name on it.
You kissed it brief as you felt your heart break for leaving her alone, for so long. You took a deep breath and tucked it away for no one to see. – “First day of school, here I come!” – you said proud as you started to walk towards the woods.
The whole time you were walking towards school you tried to think of Lily as little as possible, knowing that you would cry your eyes out. – “You are going to have a great time and when you get home Lily will be waiting for you!” – you said to yourself to encourage yourself. You noticed you were close as you saw several children of your age walk in the same direction.
You paused for a moment as you saw the school building, several children were playing outside. Some boys were throwing a ball at each other as some girls were walking together and giggling alongside each other. You took a deep breath and made your way in.
The teacher was already setting some things ups as she noticed you. – “Ah, you must be Y/n?” – you nodded shy as she signalled for you to come closer. You walked over to her and she placed her arm around your shoulder. – “Now, Y/n you will be sitting over here.” – she leaded you to an empty seat, you seated yourself already down as she smiled soft. – “You can play outside for a few moments if you like?” – “can I stay inside, please just for the first day?” – you asked her as you felt quite nervous.
Miss Stacy nodded soft and made her way over back to her desk to continue preparing as you looked around the classroom, admiring the looks of it. Suddenly a boy walked in and walked straight to Miss Stacy. – “Miss Stacy, I wanted to ask you something…” – he paused halfway as he noticed you sitting down. He frowned and walked over to you. – “Good morning are you new here?” – you looked up and met up with his hazel brown eyes.
You nodded shy as he started to smile soft. – “Gilbert Blythe, and you are?” – he extended his hand to you and you shook it happily. – “Nice to meet you Gilbert, I’m Y/n!” – he smiled soft as he looked at you. – “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” – you started to blush soft at his remark as he left your desk again and walked over to Miss Stacy.
Soon all the other students walked in and all frowned at you as they had never seen you before. They started to whisper at each other as you tried to ignore their staring. Grabbing your hidden necklace gave you the strength to keep going. Gilbert had noticed you grab for something hidden around your neck and found it cute that you did something like that.
“Who the hell are you!” – a blond girl said as she slammed her hands against your desk, startling you for a few seconds. – “Y/… Y/n.” – you stuttered short as she kept glaring at you. – “Josie Pye remember the name as I rule this school!” – she moved her head closer to you as you backed away, swallowing soft. – “I know everything and if you ever cross me, well…” – she gave you a devious smirk as she pulled her hands of your desk.
You breathed again as she walked back to her desk. She was someone you didn’t want to piss off. During class Gilbert kept looking at you as you were all standing around Miss Stacey her desk. You were standing on the right of him with several people in between, Gilbert moved his head more to the front to look at you. You had noticed it and looked shy back, you weren’t the only one since Josie had also seen it and threw some dagger looks at you.
During lunch Josie’s jealous kept progressing as Gilbert walked shy in your direction. – “Can I sit with you, Y/n?” – he asked you shy as he looked at the ground. You said a soft yes as Gilbert seated himself down next to you. He then reached into his basket to grab something. – “Would you like an apple? there from my Orchard.” – you nodded soft as you took the apple from him, your hands touched and both of you started to blush.
You tasted the apple and was surprised by the sweet taste of it. – “This is really good!” – you said between your bites. Gilbert smiled sheepishly as he felt himself fall for you. The two of you kept talking about anything and everything. You told him almost everything, you kept Lily a secret to him since you really started to like him, and you didn’t want to scare him away.
“You know Y/n that subtle thing you did when you grabbed… I think a necklace, or something is really sweet.” – you gasped soft as he had recognized your subtle move. He noticed you felt shy about it and apologized. – “I didn’t mean to upset you… I just thought it was cute…” – Gilbert bit his underlip soft as he felt nervous for asking. – “It’s alright…” – you replied shy as you placed your hand on his shoulder.
Josie who was sitting further away with Ruby, Prissy and Jane kept glaring at the two of you. – “That little tramp is here one day and already get’s her dirty hands on Gilbert!” – Ruby whined soft as she felt her heart break, since she liked him. – “Don’t worry Ruby, I’ll teach her a lesson! There has to be something about her that I can use to mock her!” – Josie had wrapped her arm around Ruby who kept whining like a little child.
As school ended you said goodbye to the people that you had befriended today as you were glad to see Lily again. Little did you know that Josie intended to follow you home, - “Where are you going?” – Jane would call out as Josie followed you, Josie turned around and gave Jane some cold dagger looks for almost exposing her intentions. Jane immediately stopped talking and walked over to Prissy and Billy to walk home with her siblings.
Josie kept following as she moved from tree to tree, hiding out for you. She was determined to find a dirty secret about you and expose it to the others. You kept walking without your knowledge of Josie following you, you took your necklace from it’s tucked position as you kissed it soft again. – “Just hold on for a few more moments, Lily mommy is almost home…” – you said soft as you continued walking.
Josie pretended to vomit as she saw you kiss some necklace and say some unknown words. – “She’s so weird!” – she said to herself as she kept following you. You ran to the front door as you were on your property. You swung open the door and took Lily in your arms from the nanny. – “I’ve missed you so much…” – you said as you took her little hand, her fingers wrapped tight around your finger as she squealed happy that you were here.
Josie had sneaked up to the window and tried to look inside, she saw you kissing a child as a grown up started to put on her coat. She noticed the person was heading for the door, so she ducked away but still close by. – “She was a sweet girl, Miss Y/L/n!” – the nanny said as you stood in the door opening with Lily in your hands. – “Tomorrow same time?” – you asked her as she nodded soft. – “You have a beautiful baby, she is so kind and has a heart of gold.” – the nanny said before walking away.
“Hear that Lily, she thinks your wonderful, but mommy already knew that!” – you gave her soft kisses at her belly as she started to laugh sweet. Josie gasped for a moment as she couldn’t believe her ears that you had a child, her shocked face turned in seconds into a devious one as she had found the perfect way to mock you. – “That’s what you get for flirting with Gilbert!”  - she said between her teeth as she watched you walk in again.
The next morning you said again goodbye to Lily as you made your way back to school. You were hoping to see Gilbert again as you felt yourself drawn to him, he was different than other boys you’ve met and certainly not someone like the father of your child. You walked into the class smiling but soon stopped as everyone looked at you.
“If it isn’t Y/n or should I say mother of a little baby!” – everyone gasped as they couldn’t believe it. – “Y/n is a mother?” – Ruby asked her confused. – “Yes, I saw her yesterday with her child, I knew Y/n was a little tramp and look at this!” – Josie laughed hard as some students kept staring at you or your stomach finding it hard it process that you have a child.
Josie got almost everyone to laugh with her as she kept mocking you for having a baby at a younger age. You kept looking at everyone as they kept laughing at you, you then locked eyes with Gilbert who was looking at you but different than the others. He was looking at you as he wished you had told him before.
You couldn’t take it anymore, so you ran outside as tears started to stream down your face. – “I’m never going back!” – you shouted as you kept running away. Gilbert reacted in seconds as he saw you ran away, he clenched his teeth and gave everyone a piece of his mind as he had enough of their mocking. He then grabbed his coat and started to run after you, hoping to comfort you.
You kept running and crying as you felt like your events from the past repeated itself. You thought you could have a new life, but it fired back at you as now everyone was laughing about you being a young mother. You were thinking about leaving Avonlea again as you couldn’t handle the mockery and the taunting.
As soon as you got home you dismissed the nanny and took Lily in your arms. You fell to the ground and kept crying as you pulled her close to you. – “I’m sorry Lily… I’m sorry!” – you felt guilty for throwing away your future, but you couldn’t handle it anymore. Josie’s outing hit you hard as it felt like you were being punched in the heart. Lily kept squealing as she tried to comfort you, she felt that you were sad and wanted to cheer you up.
She touched your face soft with her little hands and you started to laugh soft between your tears. – “What would I do without you…” – you said soft as you kissed her forehead soft. You froze once you heard a knock on the door. You got up thinking maybe the nanny had forgotten something but as you opened the door with Lily in your hands you found Gilbert at your doorstep.
You freaked out and wanted to slam the door in his face before he could see Lily, but he slammed his hand against the door, preventing it from closing. – “Y/n wait… I’m not here to laugh at you!” – you stood hidden behind the door as Gilbert tried to open it further. – “I wanted to make sure that you were alright…”
“I’m fine so you can go now!” – you called out as you kept preventing him from opening the door further. – “Y/n can I please come in, I don’t mind that you have a child.” – Gilbert sighed deep as he ran his hand through his hand. – “Can I please come in! I want to make sure you are alright!” – you opened the door slowly as Gilbert could now see you and your child.
To your surprise reacted Gilbert to your child in a sweet way, he tickled her soft as he greeted her. – “Hello little one.” – you kept staring at the display as Gilbert than looked at you. – “What’s her name?” – “Lily.” – you replied as you leaded him inside. Inside you leaded him to the living room as Gilbert placed his arm around your back. – “Are you alright?” – you nodded soft and placed Lily on her blanket.
You then took his hand and seated him down next to you. – “Gilbert I’m so sorry, I …” – Gilbert stopped you as he smiled soft at you. – “you don’t have to apologize. Josie was wrong to out your secret like that!” – he started to get angry again as he thought about the events from earlier. “She had no right to do that and I don’t mind that you have a child, Lily is quite cute.”
Gilbert gave her a funny look as she started to squeal happy. You laughed soft at the kindness of Gilbert around Lily. You kept talking with him some more as suddenly Lily started to cry, you kneeled beside her and let your finger go over her arm. – “Your hungry aren’t you sweetie?” – Lily kept crying soft as you got up and made your way over to the kitchen but before you left the room you turned towards Gilbert.
“Do you mind watching her for a few moments, I have to prepare her bottle, but it won’t take long?” – Gilbert nodded as you left the room. Gilbert than placed himself on the ground next to Lily as he took her on his lap. – “No need to cry Lily” – he said to her in a sweet voice. – “Mommy is preparing diner.”- Lily started to stop crying as Gilbert held her in his arms, she wrapped her little fingers around his finger and Gilbert started to smile bright at her cuteness. – “You are just as cute as your mother.” – he whispered to her as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead. Lily then stopped crying and Gilbert placed her little feet on his lap as he held her tight around her waist. He started to make funny sounds as he lifted her not high in the air and placed her down on his lap again, still holding her.
Lily started to laugh as Gilbert kept moving her up and down while pressing his mouth against her tummy, making a ticklish feeling inside of her. You heard the sounds and decided to have a quick look, you stood in the door opening almost crying as Gilbert was playing so sweet with your child.
Gilbert had noticed you and stopped playing with Lily as he picked her up and made his way over to you. – “she’s a real sweetheart!” – Gilbert called out as he gave her an Eskimo kiss against her nose. – But so are you!” – Gilbert then placed a kiss against your cheek as you felt yourself blush.
Lily started to reach out for you as Gilbert handed her over to you, you took her and kissed her forehead soft. – “Y/n please don’t stop with school!” – Gilbert suddenly asked you as he kept stroking Lily’s arm. – “I liked it having you around and it would be a shame if you left because of Josie.”
“I want to stay but… the others…” – you replied shy as you sighed deep. – “I will gladly fight them of if they ever mock you or Lily again.” – Lily squealed again as you placed her better on your arm. – And…” – Gilbert suddenly looked shy and started to play with his sleeve. – “If … if I may … I would like to spend some more time with you and Lily?” – he lifted his head shy as you stared right into his hazel brown eyes.
“I would like that… very much.” – you said, and you only noticed you were crying as Gilbert wiped some tears away. Gilbert then kissed your sleep as he pulled you close, it was like Gilbert’s presence was what you were missing all those years and you weren’t ashamed to show him the real you with Lily.
Check out my Masterlists to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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