frost-queen · 6 years
Brave enough ( Reader x Ruby Gillis)
Requested by: @alex--awesome--22, Forever tag: @hanbinwsrt
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It's a feeling growing old with time, like a restless in the leaves calming down.
You and Cole had been best friends since the beginning of time, you were very glad to know anyone as sweet and caring as Cole. He had told you about him liking boys and you told him on your turn that you liked Girls, Ruby Gillies to be precise.
There was something about her that made you feel like a little child in a candy store. Her sweetness would make you swoon inside as her smile could change the world for you. You started to get fond of the colour red as it was her signature colour. You would spot every red colour as it reminded you of her in instants.
You wanted to tell her how you felt about her, but Ruby had eyes on someone else; Gilbert Blythe was her dream boy for who she had been crushing on for years. You knew Gilbert never liked her back, but she just wouldn’t stop obsessing over him. Lucky for you, your best friend Cole would always cheer you up as you felt down after seeing Ruby gushing about Gilbert.
“Cole, how can I find happiness when the person I love is in love with someone else?” – you were laying in Cole’s bed as he was sitting up straight near your waist. – “Y/n, you will find love someday!” – he called out as he stared at you, your head was laying on his pillow as you sighed soft and turned your back to him.
“Hey! Don’t ignore me!” – Cole called out as he grabbed his other pillow and threw it against your head. You growled loud at the impact of the pillow as you turned your body more away from him. – “I mean it! Don’t ignore me Y/n!” – he called out again as he threw the pillow again against your head.
You turned your head to him as you stuck out your tongue at him, you then removed the pillow from under your head and threw it against his face. You laughed hard as Cole didn’t expect it, he didn’t let you laugh long as he threw the pillow again towards your head. – “It’s on!” – you called out as you seated yourself to your knees and started to hit him repeatedly with a pillow in the head.
Feathers falling out of a pillow, as if time's standing still. They fell in slow-motion as you and Cole kept trying to hit each other, soon his entire bed was filled with feathers. Both of you laughed loud as Cole fell with you. – “I haven’t laughed in such a long time…” – you said between your laughs as Cole kept laughing.
“Plan succeeded!” – he called out as he tried to stop laughing, he had to wipe some tears away that escaped his eye from laughing to hard. Both of you lay next to each other letting soft laughs escape your lips as you tried to calm down. – “Thank you, Cole!” – you said to him as you turned your head to him, - “always Y/n!” – he replied as he touched your nose brief with his finger.
You giggled soft as you wrapped your arms around him, he kissed your sleep soft as he rested his head against yours. – “Do you think she will ever get over her insane obsession?” – you whispered soft as you thought it was hopeless that Ruby would ever stop obsessing over Gilbert. – “I’m sure she will…” – he replied not knowing the exact outcome, but he still wanted to give you some hope.
“I know your lying to me to make me feel good, but I appreciate it, very much…” – you said to him as you knew he was being nice and careful with you. He also knew that Ruby’s obsession could go on for years. – “Hey, don’t think about it too much…” – Cole said to give you some comforting words as he knew they wouldn’t do you any good, but he still wanted to say them.
You breathed out slow as Cole felt bad for you, he wanted to see you happy so badly, but he knew Ruby was a hard case in letting things go. He knew he couldn’t do this on his own, he needed help and none other than Anne and Diana’s.
They were best friends with Ruby, so they could help him the most, you had closed your eyes in the meantime that Cole was figuring things out as you rested against his chest. – “I’ll promise Y/n, I will take care of you…” – he whispered at you as he watched you sleep against him. He took a deep breath as he stared at the ceiling, knowing what he was going to do was going to be a hard thing to do.
Ruby was known for having a long obsession and having a hard time with taking a step back from it. Cole knew this was going to be a hard challenge, but he wanted to push it to the limit to see you smiling again. You’ve been sad and depressed lately, knowing that you could never have a chance with Ruby. You knew she was going to be obsessed with him until her death and that you were doomed to keep waiting for her hopelessly.
Your life would pass you by as you never enjoyed it but only being constantly worried about Ruby. That was not the life Cole wanted for you, he wanted you to live each moment with the person you love and enjoying the little things in life. Loving her was red to you, red from her significant colour and red from the blood representing the pain in your heart for not having her.
Cole had figured out an entire plan as he also finally fell asleep against your head, he was going to make sure that you would be happy soon. The next morning was Cole already letting his plan go through his mind for the hundred time. – “With Diana and Anne this must work?” – he said to himself as he was walking towards school, you were already at school as you were almost always the first one at school.
You enjoyed it that you could watch your classmates arrive and you also loved the peace and quiet before they would disturb it with their chattering and playing. Cole had promised Anne and Diana to wait for them half way the journey to school as he was eager to talk to them. He arrived at the spot and leaned against a tree, looking curious around for Anne and Diana.
They arrived minutes later arm in arm as he greeted them, - “Anne! Diana!” – he called out as he hugged them both. – “What did you want to talk about?” – Diana asked him as Cole moved to the middle of them, they started to walk again, and Cole explained to them about you and Ruby.
“Y/n likes Ruby?” – Anne called out, - “That is so sweet, I already think they are perfect for each other!” – Anne smiled bright as Diana shook her head, - “Yes but don’t forget that Ruby is madly in love with Gilbert, so I think she would be a problem to convince her to let go of her obsession and look past that.” – Anne nodded short as she had to admit that Ruby was going to be a lot to handle.
“I know I’m asking a lot from you, but I just want Y/n to be herself again…” – Cole spoke soft as Anne and Diana listened closely to him. – “I mean she deserves all the love in the world, but Ruby is just a hard thing to achieve. Diana placed her hand against his arm as she smiled soft at him, - “Don’t worry, we can do this!”
Anne made herself larger as she nodded firm at Diana’s comment, - “Yes, Ruby will drop her useless obsession in no time!” – “I’d like to believe that…” – Cole spoke after her, - “We can do this!” – Diana said again, encouraging everyone, - “We can do this!”
The rest of the time they discussed what to do and how they would let Ruby drop her stupid obsession over a boy who she could never have. They knew they had to be harsh but also inspiring. You lifted your head as you saw something red in the corner of your eye, Ruby had arrived, and you couldn’t supress a blush. She looked even more beautiful than ever, her red dress was burning through your eyes as you kept gazing at her.
She noticed you sitting down and waved ladylike at you, you blushed again and waved shy back at her. You quickly turned your head as your face was burning up from blushing, you knew she was just being friendly to you but to you it seemed as a proper interaction with the love of your life.
Cole, Diana and Anne arrived minutes later as they noticed Ruby near the stream, they rushed over to her as they were ready to confront her with the truth. – “Ruby!” – Diana called out as she smiled bright at the sight of them. – “Diana, Anne and Cole good to …” – she was cut off by the three of them who grabbed her arm and pulled her alongside of them to a more secure place.
“What is going on?” – she called out as she let them pull her away, - “Diana?” – she said as she was confused to what was happening, a worried expression showed on her freckled sweet face as she got concerned. They finally stopped and cornered her in seconds, - “Gilbert doesn’t like you!” – Cole called out as he looked over at Anne and Diana who nodded soft that this was the way to convince her.
Ruby’s eyes blinked a few times as she couldn’t believe her ears, - “I beg your pardon?” – she said soft as Diana noticed her eyes getting watery and slightly red. – “Gilbert doesn’t like you because he likes Anne!” – Cole called out, - “What?” – Anne snapped at him surprised as she didn’t see that coming. Cole gave her a soft nod as he wanted to focus on Ruby again. – “Wha…” – she couldn’t finish her sentence as her lip started to tremble already.
“We’re sorry to tell you it like this but we just want you to know so you can move on?” – Diana said calm as she moved her hand to her arm, touching it soft as Ruby’s eyes started to cry. Cole nodded, and Anne kept looking confused in front of her, still hearing the words of Cole in her mind. Diana nudged Anne as she awoke from a confused trance, - “Right Anne?” – Diana raised her eyebrow at her as she nodded still fussy from her previous thoughts.
“But… but…” – her lip trembling more as she looked at each of them, - “I know Ruby it’s hard to accept but trust me there are other people out there that love you.” – Diana spoke as she gave Cole a look, who nodded in approval. – “Who would love me?” – she suddenly cried out loud as they felt a bit guilty for letting he cry like that. – “I know a person from who you will never expect it?” – Cole said soft as he hoped she would give you a chance.
“Who?” – she said soft as she wiped some tears away, the three of them looked scared at each other for now was the time to tell her your name. – “Y/n…” – Cole said soft and then quickly looked at the ground. – “Y/n?” – she repeated confused, - “She … loves…me?” – Ruby pointed at herself in disbelieve. The three of them nodded and Ruby wiped some more tears away as she moved Diana and Cole aside so that she could pass through.
They watched her walk through them as they were clueless to what she was planning, Ruby walked slowly over to you wiping the last bits of her tears away. – “Ruby?” – you called out confused as you watched her approach. She ignored you and pulled you up to your feet, wrapped her arms around you in seconds. – “Thank you for loving me…” – she whispered soft to you as you slowly wrapped your arms around her.
You can’t remember much more but you know it happened quiet. So quiet
Check out my AWAE masterlist to find all my imagine’s for Anne with an E
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