#gideon caldwell
acealistair · 1 year
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tagged by @swanfey to make some ocs in this picrew! just made as many as i plausibly could lol
from left to right:
finch (high elf/tiefling arcane trickster rogue), cosette dupont (human archfey warlock), ruya karim (wood elf/drow grave cleric/rogue), gideon caldwell (human kensei monk), and lyrie aldavir (half-elf swashbuckler rogue)
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captainpondlilly · 1 month
Every once in a while, Caldwell and Emily will bring up books and it will remind me they're Locked Tomb fans. Love that.
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menciemeer · 1 year
The thing about Hannibal's punishment of Mason is that Mason was delighted the entire time.
Hannibal could have done absolutely anything he wanted after murdering all of Mason's bodyguards and spiriting him back to Wolf Trap. One assumes that Hannibal doesn't carry his insane psychedelic mixture with him everywhere--the fact that he uses it on Mason implies that he had an opportunity to go to his office or his house. He could have disappeared Mason into his basement if he really wanted to. His plan is hardly discreet--even if he didn't want to kill Mason without Will, there's any number of fun surgical activities he could have got up to while Will was making his way back home.
He doesn't, though.
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Mason has a great time being Hannibal Lecter's victim. "I am enchanted and....terrified," he says, but the terror doesn't truly seem to bother him. He says it playfully, and with laughter. His fear is only one aspect of his experience, and his enchantment is the thread that runs much closer to the surface.
The only complaint he offers the entire time, in fact, is "I'm hungry," and he seems more than content with Hannibal's proposed solution to that problem. (I suppose "a taste and consistency similar to that of chicken gizzard" might not be complementary--I wouldn't know; I don't carnivore.)
It's sweet, actually, and horrifyingly sad, the way he interacts with Will's dogs. "I just love your dogs," he says, and he genuinely seems to enjoy feeding them and petting them, but the story he tells about his own dogs is, well--
I adopted some dogs from the shelter once, two dogs that were friends. I had them in a cage together with no food and fresh water. One of them died hungry. The other had a warm meal.
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The question, then: What was Hannibal getting out of this? He was more than willing to let Will kill Mason. He would have let Mason die happy--the happiest, maybe, that we ever see him. Hannibal's decision to paralyze him reads more like whimsy to me than like a continuation of his plan to bring Mason to Wolf Trap--I honestly think he expected Will to kill him. And he didn't suspect Will of being a double agent yet; leaving Mason alive is a much riskier choice than killing him and hiding the body. (And, in fact, it's a choice that ends up having consequences down the line.)
"I employ an ethical butcher," Hannibal says, in Coquilles. On the face of it, the statement is absurd, but through S2, between Gideon and Miriam and Mason and even James Gray, it starts to make sense. It seems much more important for Hannibal to be able to exert control over the subjective experiences of his victims than for those experiences to be painful, in particular. Even Gideon, fresh from his own amputation, seems to be mostly bothered by just the idea of eating himself.
I'm fiercely curious about all the murders we don't see, about Cassie Boyle and Jeremy Olmstead and Andrew Caldwell--and, and, and. It's hard to imagine that he managed to do everything he did humanely--but then again, in Naka-choko, he says, "Apart from humane considerations, it's more flavorful for animals to be stress-free prior to slaughter." --Implying that humane considerations is actually something he thinks about. If anyone could manage to cut someone's lungs out and keep them comfortable the entire time, I suppose it would be Hannibal.
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The really interesting thing, for me, is the way all of this breaks down in Mizumoto and S3. Gutting Will wasn't about exerting a lofty control over Will's experiences--it was about making Will hurt in the way that Hannibal was hurt. Then, slitting Abigail's throat--and then, much later, bludgeoning Antony to death, slowly enough to allow him to allow him the faint hope of crawling towards the door.
Those are, to my memory, the times when we see Hannibal actively trying to cause pain (--and not in the middle of fighting for his life). The striking thing about them is of course that all of them are inexorably bound up in Will and his feelings about Will.
There's something perversely delightful to me in the idea that Will awakened a particular kind of cruelty in Hannibal, parallel to the kind of cruelty Hannibal awakened in Will. Every time Will imagines killing Hannibal, he imagines Hannibal calm and even pleased by what's happening to him. Will's brand of bloodlust goes outwards. He wants to rip Randall Tier's mechanical suit off his body and kill him with his hands--make him die afraid. He wants Clark Ingram to fight back before Will murders him.
Hannibal's sadism, on the other hand, seems to have a very specific target. "Did you think you could change me?" Hannibal asks, standing in the bloody wreck of his own kitchen, while Will gasps and hurts and struggles to hold his guts together. Well--didn't he?
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vievecorcityevents · 12 days
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The suspects have been chosen after a tension filled morning. These five suspects are led to the hangman's nooses to hang...
Divya Effendi
Daphne Blackwood
Atlas Westwood
Max Rogers
Joanna Vörös
As their bodies thrash in the air, the one who struggles the longest is the only ONE of them starts to transform into that familiar monstrous Creature.
It is... Atlas Westwood.
The townspeople gasp in shock, but they are also glad to have caught one more killer and they hope Atlas was the last one...
Unbeknownst to them, there is still ONE MORE in their midst. One more who has gone by undetected for so long. And now that the town's population has dwindled down by such a significant degree, he can complete his task of ridding Phantom Creak of the living before moving on.
As the night descends and the sun rises the next morning, the final killer has done the job of killing every last individual in town. He looks down as his blood soaked claws transform back into human-shaped ones and a smile spreads across his lips as his eyes shift to the dying face looking up at him.
The last killer left standing is Leon Blachedone.
FINAL VERDICT: The town of Phantom Creak is no more and THE VICTORY GOES TO THE MURDERERS!
OOC Info:
The suspects have been listed in order of who received the most votes in this round. This concludes the murder mystery portion of our Spirit Event! Thank you to everyone for playing such an amazing game~ This event will officially end at September 8th, 11.59pm EST. We've moved the timing a little later to give us all more time to start more event-related threads if needed! :)
Players will find more information behind the different plot elements in this section under the cut. While not everything was revealed, we all did a great job at piecing together so much information!
Gideon Caldwell - Gideon Caldwell is the 20 year old son of Sarah Caldwell. He was sickly as a child and his mother spent a lot of her efforts making sure he got well. After turning into a monstrous Creature by accidentally drinking one of Sarah's concoctions a few months ago, Gideon became out of control and only managed to regain his sense of self with further help from Sarah's continual experiments. The Cure-All was the thing keeping the monster at bay. His venture down into the hidden temple allowed him to gaze upon the glowing bowl within and the Creature inside gained more control and gave him a mission -- to kill others as sacrifice and to spread the creature's curse far beyond Phantom Creak. He turned Leon Blachedone, Artus Westwood and Atlas Westwood into fellow monsters at random and entrusted them to further the temple's agenda by killing more people... Gideon was eventually hung by the townspeople of Phantom Creak and died before his (or the Creature's) vision could be realised.
Sarah Caldwell - Sarah Caldwell is the 50 year old apothecary in Phantom Creak. She lived all her life in this town and has been experimenting on townsfolk with her various remedies and medications, a majority of which were not life-threatening. That is until she decided to experiment with some plants she found in a hidden temple deep within Phantom Creak's mines. She tried her best to keep Gideon under control while finding a cure for him and she was so close. It was just that the creature inside Gideon was stronger... Her research at the hands of Vivian Ambrose was instrumental in figuring out what happened after she was also put to death by Phantom Creak's townsfolk...
Maanika Sarkar - Maanika Sarkar is 26 years old and came to Phantom Creak about 3 months ago. She fell pregnant with a lover's child and to escape the scrutiny of society, she decided that a small mining town was the place to go. She approached Sarah Caldwell early on wanting to get rid of the child, but was persuaded not to and had been taking remedies from Sarah to help with her pregnancy ever since. She comes from the city of Oseford which is about a 1 week ride from Phantom Creak by horse carriage. She befriended Gideon Caldwell and she was one of the few people he would willing tell his problems to. She tried to contact her lover in the city to help sponsor Gideon's move out of Phantom Creak, but she never heard back from him. Maanika refuses to believe that her lover would abandon her and still hopes to see him in Phantom Creak one day...
Ezekiel Voss - Ezekiel Voss is a 60 year old miner who has been in Phantom Creak for all of his life. He is old friends with Sarah Caldwell since they were both original residents of the town and treats her and Gideon as family as he has none of his own. He uncovered a hidden temple beneath the mine a few months ago and was fascinated by it. He initially kept it a secret from everyone, but eventually took Sarah down there to show it to her. He was the one Sarah called for help when Gideon was accidentally turned into the Creature and he has tried to help the Caldwells as much as possible. When the authorities came knocking on his door, he was unable to lie in good conscience and brought Sheriff Fleischer and Deputy Blachedone down to the temple. This was an especially integral decision as he was already suspecting that Gideon had something to do with the first murders. Ezekiel was eventually hung by the townspeople of Phantom Creak...
The Underground Temple that Ezekiel Voss found deep beneath Phantom Creak belongs to an ancient religious order that was buried under the earth for millennia and was eventually forgotten by the world. It worshipped a long-forgotten deity and its followers used the altar inside the temple to keep a monstrous aquatic Creature from wreaking havoc on earth.
The glowing bowl in the temple room was filled with the Creature's essence and the slimey plants that grew around its rim that had thousands of years to evolve into what made its essence digestible and contagious in Sarah Caldwell's concoction... The leafey plants that grew around the glowing bowl and outside in the rest of the temple were the last vestiges of protection that the ancient deity left behind to protect the temple and its surroundings from the Creature. It would have stayed trapped in this bowl forever had Ezekiel not found the temple and brought Sarah down to investigate...
The Creature is an aquatic monster from ancient times and said to be the temple deity's arch nemesis. It was sealed in the temple by the deity and their followers many millennia ago.
What Gideon Caldwell turned into was a weakened and smaller version of the Creature's original form. This is why it took some time for the Creature to take over Gideon's body. The take-over process was also being hindered by Sarah's attempts to cure her son with the Cure-All which was working to a significant degree. The mixing on these two essences in Gideon's body is what allowed Gideon to transform into a monster at will, but only at night.
It was only after Gideon visited the temple with Ezekiel that the Creature was able to get into his mind even more sway his thoughts. It was after this that Gideon received a new mission in life -- to kill others as sacrifice and to spread the creature's curse far beyond Phantom Creak. Every kill the monsters committed, even when they did not know it, would allow them to become stronger and stronger.
Gideon was able to infect others by dripping his own blood into a human's open wound, but this is only possible in his transformed state. This blood is what allowed these individuals to also transform at will at night and their minds This was how he infected Leon Blachedone, Artus Westwood and Atlas Westwood and these individuals were chosen by him at random to carry on the work... He came about this information after he visited the temple and the Creature was able to speak with him more clearly.
The message the randomly chosen murderers received on the night they were attacked...
You have been selected to be a MURDERER! As you walk home alone after the sun has set, you are ambushed by a large Creature with slimy skin. You attempt to fight it off and it overpowers you easily, but not before you manage to cause it to bleed in the scuffle. The creature retreats and you get up, bruised and battered and you find that some of its blood has entered your open wound which is somehow miraculously healing! What happens next is some of the most excruciating pain you have ever experienced in your life. Your body starts to bend and stretch and your skin starts to peel to reveal that same sliminess you felt on the creature before! You are turning into one of them! When the pain is finally over and the transformation is complete, you uncurl your monstrous form and look up, only to see that same Creature that attacked you staring back at you. They knew exactly what they were doing when they attacked you and now you are one of them... The Creature turns and leaves you behind to wander in your new form. It is only when the first faint light of the sun starts to show that your body goes through that same excruciating pain to return you to your human form. As you lay there on the ground after the transformation, trying to come to terms with what happened, you come to the consensus that you need to keep this a secret from the townsfolk lest they find out and kill you in cold blood...
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vcteashop · 16 days
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It's been a hell of a day in Phantom Creak! Day 2 The sun rose to the discovery of 3 more bodies. Chris was found outside the hotel, where he'd been spend time with Arjun the day before. Judas, was found outside the brothel he was to protect. Lastly, Sarah Caldwell the towns apothecary was found outside of her house. There was no fourth victim and apparently two of our murderers now know who each other are.
Residents of Phantom Creak began digging into the life of Sarah Caldwell and her son Gideon. The previous day's investigation revealed that Sarah had been making a "Cure-All" and that she had been drugging her son because he was always a sick boy. Finally, the local popo were able to get Ezekiel Voss, the miner, to take some folks to the old ruin that they had found deep in the mines where a strange ruins remained. Magical and weird the troupe collected sketches of the runes and lettering before returning back to the surface. The town put it to a vote and Ezekiel, who had been hiding crucial information and Ayumu were both killed. Neither of which were the murderers. Vivian found Sarah's journals and started reading through them learning of how she and Ezekiel had gone to the ruins. Sarah had collected a sample of a mystical plant and the slime. She brought it home and started to experiment when her son accidentally drank some of the experiment leaving Gideon greatly altered. It explained how he was a danger and that she'd done her best to fix him using the cure-all to stop the creature transformation but he stopped taking them and so the murders began. Gideon was likely one of the murderers leaving 1 of 4 revealed.
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fundiepredictions · 9 months
What happend in 2023
A overview of all the things that happend in 2023
Jeremiah&Hannah Duggar (Wissmann) announced the birth off Brynley Noelle on christmas day 2022
Lincoln Bontrager announced during a concert that he is in a relationship with Susanna (maybe Helferich)
John&Alyssa Webster (Bates) announced that their baby boy will be named Rhett Alan Webster
Nathanael&Katrina Wissmann (Sahlstrom) announced they are expecting baby #1 in august
Zach&Whitney Bates (Perkins) announced they are expecting baby #5 in august
Jill Rodrigues announced that her son Timothy and Heidi Coverett are courting
Hailey James Clark was born to Katie&Travis Clark (Bates)
Jill Rodrigues suffered a miscarriage
Jessa Seewald announced she suffered a miscarriage in december
Trace&Lydia Bates (Romeike) announced baby #1
Jackson Bates proposed to Emerson Wells and she said yes
Justin&Kristen Young announced baby #5, a boy
Rhett Alan Webster was born to Alyssa&John Webster (Bates)
Zach&Whitney Bates (Perkins) announced baby #5 is a girl
Edwin&Francesca Morton (Tuggle) had their son, Adam
Jill Rodrigues announced that her daughter Renee is courting a mystery men
Trace&Lydia Bates (Romeike) announced their baby is a boy
Susanna Wissmann and Drew Jerred got engaged
Jesse&Anna Maxwell (Graig) are expecting baby #1
Lillian Scout Morton was born to John&Cambell Morton (Roberts)
Kaylee&Jonathan Hill (Rodrigues) announced their baby is a boy
Trace&Lydia Bates (Romeike) announced their baby will be named Ryker Cruise
Rachel&Alan Businitz (Wissmann) announced they are expecting a rainbowbaby in september
Chad&Erin Paine (Bates) announced they are expecting another miracle baby
Matthias&Michelle Wissmann (Kingery) are expecting their 3th in july
Gunner Forsyth was born to Austin&Joy Forsyth (Duggar)
Apperently Josiah&Lauren Duggar (Swanson) had a 3rd child, a boy
Mary Maxwell and Samuel Hook got married
Lincoln Bontrager and Susanna Helferich got engaged
Nora Duggar was born to Jed&Katey Duggar (Nakatsu)
Apperantly Christopher&AnnaMarie Maxwell are expecting baby #7
Owen Wissmann was born to Matthias&Michelle Wissmann (Kingery)
Dietrich Sanders was born to Dorothy&Noah Sanders (Morton)
Susanna Wissmann and Drew Jerred got married
Gideon Daniel Hill was born to Jonathan&Kaylee Hill (Rodrigues)
Paul Morton got engaged to Helena Mucciolo
Theodore James Wissmann was born to Nathanael&Katrina Wissmann (Sahlstrom)
Josie&Kelton Balka (Bates) announced they are expecting baby #3
Lily Jo Bates was born to Zach&Whitney Bates (Perkins)
Erin&Chad Paine (Bates) announced their 6th child will be named William Gage
Lincoln Bontrager and Susanna Helferich got married
John&Esther Shrader (Keller) announced they are expecting #14
Jessa&Ben Seewald (Duggar) announced they are expecting #5*
We finaly learned the name of Duggar-Caldwell #4, it's Justus
Jill Dillard released her book
Ryker Cruise was born to Trace&Lydia Bates (Romeike)
Ruth Bourlier (Wissmann) had a miscarriage
Audrey Ann was born to Rachel&Alan Businitz (Wissmann)
Paul Morton and Helena got married
Esther Marie was born to Christopher&AnnaMarie Maxwell
Timothy Rodrigues proposed to Heidi Coverett who said 'yes'
Bobby&Tori Smith (Bates) announced they are expecting #5
Jackson Bates and Emerson Wells got married
Maverick James was born to Justin&Kristen Young
William Gage was born to Chad&Erin Paine (Bates)
Jeremiah&Hannah Duggar (Wissmann) announced they are expecting baby #2
Edwin&Francesca Morton announced they are expecting baby #2
Nathan&Nurie Keller (Rodrigues) announced they are expecting baby #3
Lawson&Tiffany Bates (Espensen) announced that they suffered a miscarriage earlier this year
George Augustine was born to Jessa&Ben Seewald (Duggar)
Susanna&Drew Jerred (Wissmann) announced they are expecting baby #1
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fundieinfoplace · 1 year
Do you have any info or confirmation on the rumored Caldwell-Duggar #4 or Swanson-Duggar #2 & #3?
Jim Bob confirmed in Joy's baby video that Gunnar was indeed #30 and being the 15th boy and that Nora #31 is the tiebreaker. So here's the breakdown
1. Mackynzie Renee Duggar oct 2009
● Baby M #2 Duggar
2. Michael James Duggar june 2011
3. Marcus Anthony Duggar june 2013
4. Israel David Dillard april 2015
5. Meredith Grace Duggar june
6. Spurgeon Elliott Seewald nov
7. Henry Wilberforce Seewald feb 2017
8. Samuel Scott Dillard july
9. Mason Garrett Duggar sept
10. Gideon Martyn Forsyth feb 2018
11. Garrett David Caldwell Duggar june
12. Felicity Nicole Vuolo july
●Asa Matthew
13. Ivy Jane Seewald may 2019
●Annabell Elise
14. Addison Renee Caldwell Duggar nov
15. Bella Milagro Swanson Duggar nov
16. Maryella Hope Duggar nov
17. Grace Annette Burnett Duggar jan 2020
●Halleli Grace
18. Evelyn Mae Forsyth aug
●Baby C
●Baby Seewald #4
19. Evangeline Jo Vuolo nov
20. Brooklyn Praise Caldwell Duggar feb 2021
21. Fern Elliana Seewald july
●River Bliss
22. Madyson Lily Duggar oct
23. Daisy Marie Swanson Duggar april 2022
24. Truett Oliver Nakatsu Duggar may
25. Collin Gene Caldwell Duggar june
26. Frederick Michael Dillard july
27. Charles John Burnett Duggar sept
● Baby Seewald #5
28. Brynley Noelle Wissmann Duggar Dec
29. Ezra Robert Swanson Duggar May 2023
30. Gunner James Forsyth may
31. Nora Kate Nakatsu Duggar may
Mackynzie, Meredith, Maryella, Madyson, Gracie, Ivy, Fern, Felicity, Evangeline, Addison, Brooklynn, Bella, Daisy and Brynley (before Nora)= 15 girls
Michael, Marcus, Mason, Charlie. Israel, Samuel, Frederick, Spurgeon, Henry, Garrett, Collin, Ezra, Gideon, Gunnar and Truett= 15 boys
So Caldwell #4 is a boy with my chosen Placer name of Collin Gene.
Swanson #2 is a girl named Daisy Marie.
And Swanson #3 is a boy with my chosen Placer name of Ezra Robert. Also here's a recent picture of Lauren Pregnant with her third
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duggardata · 2 years
There is an Unaccounted–For GrandDuggar!
Forsyth #3 is #30, But We Only Know About 29.
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So, so many of you sent this in. Thank you! I am so happy to finally have an updated GrandDuggar count. Thank you, Jim Bob! Thank you, loyal readers!
[ Link to the Video at the Relevant Part (~5:30) ]
Up until Joy's video, we know about 27 GrandDuggars—25 Already Born (Mackynzie to Charlie), and 2 In Utero (Duggar–Wissmann #1 and Forsyth #3). It was also widely–speculated that Siah + Lauren and Joe + Kendra quietly added to their broods this year. Knowing that there's 30 GrandDuggars, and three unaccounted–for, Duggar Data now considers Duggar–Swanson #2 and Duggar–Caldwell #4 to be "confirmed" births. (See This Post for more information.)
Alright, so that brings us to 29 Known GrandDuggars. Here's a full list, in birth order—
(1) Mackynzie Renee Duggar–Keller 2009
(2) Michael James Duggar–Keller 2011
(3) Marcus Anthony Duggar–Keller 2013
(4) Israel David Dillard March 2015
(5) Meredith Grace Duggar–Keller July 2015
(6) Spurgeon Elliot Seewald November 2015
(7) Henry Wilberforce Seewald February 2017
(8) Samuel Scott Dillard July 2017
(9) Mason Garrett Duggar–Keller September 2017
(10) Gideon Martyn Forsyth February 2018
(11) Garrett David Duggar–Caldwell June 2018
(12) Felicity Nicole Vuolo July 2018
(13) Ivy Jane Seewald May 2019
(14) Addison Renee Duggar–Caldwell November 2, 2019
(15) Bella Milagro Duggar–Swanson November 8, 2019
(16) Maryella Hope Duggar–Keller November 27, 2019
(17) Grace Annette Duggar–Burnett January 2020
(18) Evelyn Mae Forsyth August 2020
(19) Evangeline Jo Vuolo November 2020
(20) Brooklyn Praise Duggar–Caldwell February 2021
(21) Fern Elliana Seewald July 2021
(22) Madyson Lily Duggar–Keller October 2021
(23) Duggar–Swanson #2 c. March 2022
(24) Truett Oliver Duggar–Nakatsu May 2, 2022
(25) Duggar–Caldwell #4 c. May 26, 2022
(26) Frederick Michael Dillard July 2022
(27) Charlie Duggar–Burnett September 2022
(28) Duggar–Wissmann #1 Due Before Forsyth #3 (See Note)
(29) Forsyth #3 Due May 23, 2023
Note—We don't know when Hannah is due; however, we can be all–but certain that her Due Date is before Joy's. Joy is due on May 23, 2023, and she announced on October 5, 2022. Hannah announced before Joy, on August 30th. Theoretically, the very earliest one can announce a pregnancy is Day 29. (That's the day the woman would be expecting her period, but it didn't start.) It's highly unlikely Jer + Hannah announced that early... But, even if they did, Hannah's Due Date would be May 8, 2023, which is earlier than Joy's.
If Forsyth #3 is #30, there's 1 Unaccounted–For GrandDuggar—so, let's go over the possibilities for whose child it is or how this can be explained.
This Post is really long, so... After the jump!
Could Joy Be Expecting Twins?
No. Per Joy's YouTube video, her OB confirmed via ultrasound that her current pregnancy isn't twins. Also, if she was expecting twins, Jim Bob wouldn't have described her baby as #30. He would have said #29 and 30, if he knew it was twins, or just #29, if he didn't.
Could Hannah Be Expecting Twins?
No. Jer + Hannah haven't shared much about their pregnancy, but they've shared enough to know it's not multiples. In the Pregnancy Announcement, Jer referenced a "precious little baby"—not babies. And in the Sex Reveal, Hannah wrote: "We cannot wait to meet our sweet baby girl"—not girls, or a boy and a girl, or whatever.
Could Lauren or Kendra Have Had Twins?
Probably Not, though we can't definitively rule it out. The Car Seat Photo featured one car seat, not two; and the Baby On Lap, Stroller, and Nursing Photos featured one baby, not two. That said, we don't have any evidence that proves they didn't have twins.
Could Some Else Be Pregnant?
Yes. And, if they are, they must be due before Joy—otherwise, her baby wouldn't be #30, theirs would. Joy is due May 23, 2023. So, the Unaccounted–For GrandDuggar is due on or before May 22.
Who is the other pregnant Duggar? Well, let's start by determining who is isn't...
Joy and Hannah's Pregnancies are known, so it's not them.
It's not Anna. Josh is in prison, and has been since December 9, 2021. She had Madyson on October 23. Even if she'd somehow managed to get pregnant between October 23 and December 9, she would've delivered by now.
It's not Abbie. She'll be <40 Weeks Post–Partum in May 2023.
It's almost certainly not Jill, since she would've had to conceive again within 8 Weeks of Freddy's Birth.
Irish Twins are rare, even for Predictor Families, so it's unlikely to be Katey or Kendra, who both gave birth in May 2022.
That just leaves Jessa, Jinger, Lauren, and Claire. Out of that group, Lauren is probably the least likely to be pregnant now, since she just had Baby C in or around March 2022. If she gave birth again in May 2023, that would be a very, very short—unusually short, even among Predictor Families—child spacing, which seems unlikely. (Especially in light of the longer gap between Bella and Baby C.)
Jessa, Jinger, and Claire remain. Of those three, Claire is definitely the likeliest candidate, as she's very overdue (~4 SDs) for Pregnancy #1. Jinger is also currently overdue, but less overdue than Claire (~1 SD)—plus, she seems to have jumped off the quiverfull bandwagon. That just leaves Jessa. If it's her, she's early—but, only by 3 Months. (Seewald #5 is currently forecast for August 2023.)
Whoever it is, they probably aren't that far ahead of Joy. Currently, it's Duggar–typical to announce a pregnancy at ~94 Days Along. If there was an announcement today, that would correspond to a May 6, 2023 Due Date. And if they were due on the latest possible date, May 22nd, they won't be "late" to announce until November 18th.
Could Someone Else Have Secretly Given Birth?
(Note—I'm talking about another "secret birth" on top of the now–known secret births of Baby C and Duggar–Caldwell #4.)
Probably Not. This would imply that the Unaccounted–For Grand has been born as of today, November 1, 2022. Right away, we can rule out a number of Duggars—
It's not Hannah. She hasn't been married long enough to be on Baby #2. (She and Jer tied the knot on March 26, 2022.)
It's not Joy. She said that this is Baby #3. If she'd had a secret birth, she'd be on Baby #4, not #3.
It's not Abbie, Jill, or Katey, since they are all <40 Weeks Post–Partum, and we're sure that their latest baby was their 2nd, 3rd, and 1st, respectively. (No chance they snuck in a secret one.)
It's not Kendra. She had Brooklyn in February of 2021 and she's believed to have given birth again in Late May 2022. There's no way that she's given birth again since May, 5 Months Ago. And, likewise, there's no way that she squeezed another pregnancy in between Brooklyn and the May 2022 Baby. There simply aren't enough days. It's not possible.
It's probably not Anna. While it's not impossible, it's a really tight timeline... Like, really tight. She would have had to get pregnant within <7 Weeks of Madyson's Birth, which is completely at odds with her typical spacing. If it did happen, M8 probably arrived in August, maybe Early September.
It's probably not Jessa. She is still active on social media, so it's pretty unlikely that she wouldn't have announced a pregnancy.
That leaves Lauren, Jinger, and Claire. Out of the group, Jinger is probably the least likely suspect. While she doesn't share her girls' faces on social media anymore, she just shared a Halloween photo that shows two toddlers with no infant in sight. As for Lauren, it is possible she's had 2 Children since Bella; however, it would require two really close spacings, since that's 2 Children in 28 Months. As for Claire, it's definitely possible she's had a baby by now. (She got married in February of 2021.) But, is she the type to not announce anything? I'm not so sure about that.
Could Jim Bob's Count Include Annabell?
Probably Not. Jim Bob + Michelle lost their 20th Child, Jubilee, at ~20 Weeks, but don't include her in counting their own 19 Children. Annabell was also an ~20 Week Loss. It doesn't make much sense that they'd count Annabell and not Jubilee, but we also can't rule it out. It's possible, but unlikely, that that's what's going on.
Ultimately, the most likely answer is that there's another Duggar on the way, due shortly before Forsyth #3, and it’s Claire’s, Jinger’s, or Jessa’s. However, we can't rule out the possibility of Lauren or Kendra having twins, or of Anna, Jessa, Lauren, Jinger, or Claire having a "secret birth," or of J.B. including Annabell in the list of GrandDuggars. Also, maybe Jim Bob just can’t count… But, probably not. He seemed sure.
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fundieshaderoom · 2 months
Major Fundie (and Adjacent) Bdays in July! (PART 1/2)
It is already July 9, so several of these birthdays and anniversaries have already passed, but I included them.
July 1
Becky Keilen Forman and Brent Keilen turned 38.
Susanna (Wissmann) and Drew Jerred celebrated a year of marriage.
Luca Olligies was born!
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July 3-
John Burnett turned 66.
Christina Caldwell turned 45.
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July 4-
Patricia Noyes turned 75.
Kelton Balka turned 29.
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July 5-
Hannah Williamson turned 25.
Kaylee Rodrigues Hill turned 23.
Gideon Hill turned 1.
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July 6-
Jim and Bobye Holt celebrated 37 years of marriage.
Kristen and Justin Young celebrated 10 years of marriage.
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July 7-
James Duggar turned 23.
Frederick Dillard turned 2.
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July 8-
Deanna Duggar turned 61.
Samuel Dillard turned 7.
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July 9-
Tessie Rodrigues turns 17.
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July 14-
Guinn Seewald turns 50.
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July 15-
Stephen Wissmann turns 31
Sofia Rodrigues turns 9.
Paul and Morgan Olligies celebrate 8 years of marriage.
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femslashrevolution · 2 years
Popular Pairing List Update
The following pairings have more than 10 recent posts in their pairing tag, and are therefore too popular to be posted on Rarepair Thursdays:
Andie Bustamante x Liv Rooney (Liv and Maddie)
Bernadetta von Varley x Petra Macneary (Fire Emblem)
Bess Francis Till x Miss Audrey (Snowpiercer)
Carson Shaw x Greta Gill (Amazon A League of Their Own)
Darcy Olsson x Tara Jones (Heartstopper)
Dorothy Gale x Ruby (Once Upon A Time)
Ei x Yae Miko (Genshin Impact)
Gideon Nav x Harrowhark Nonagesimus (Gideon the Ninth)
Jester Lavorre x Yasha Nydoorin (Critical Role)
Ji yeong x Kang Sae byeok (Squid Game)
Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Sarah Alder x Tally Craven (Motherland: Fort Salem)
Taissa Turner x Vanessa Palmer (Yellowjackets)
The following pairings have been posted less frequently recently, and have therefore been removed from the popular pairing list:
Abby Holland x Harper Caldwell (Happiest Season)
Aino Minako x Hino Rei (Sailor Moon)
Alyssa Greene x Emma Nolan (The Prom)
Amae Rali x Elida Al Feyr (Vagrant Queen)
April Stevens x Sterling Wesley (Teenage Bounty Hunters)
Asahina Aoi x Ogami Sakura (Dangan Ronpa)
Bernadetta von Varley x Edelgard von Hresvelg (Fire Emblem)
Bonnie Bennett x Nora Hildegard (The Vampire Diaries)
Carrie x Flynn (Julie and the Phantoms)
Charlotte Murchison x Mary Anning (Ammonite)
Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley (Scooby Doo)
Debbie Ocean x Lou (Ocean’s Eight)
Elphaba Thropp x Glinda Upland (Wicked)
Elsa x Honeymaren (Disney Princesses)
Gwendolyn Briggs x Mildred Ratched (Ratched)
Max Baker x Sophie Sanchez (Ginny & Georgia)
Michael Burnham x Philippa Georgiou (Star Trek: Discovery)
Neopolitan x Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
Nyssa al Ghul x Sara Lance (Arrow)
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kaylabully · 2 days
" We Made It Song by Annie and the Caldwells Melvin Joseph Mary John Matthew Mark Luke Judah Elijah Isaiah Jonah Isaac Jacob Ezra Jude Ezekiel Zachariah James Noah Joah Joshua Joe Noel Peter Cain Hoseah Abel Adam and Eve Abraham Levi David Gideon Silas Eli Samson Samuel Ananias Israel Jeremiah Jericho Joel Amos Micah Malachi Caleb Joses Josiah Jethro Asher Jesse Koa Gabriel Shiloh Zacchaeus Julius Phinneas Toby Milo Esau Benjamin Felix Elias Tobias Apollonos Hosea Rufus Barnabas Matthias I don't know who's name to call on but Lord Jesus Christ Paul I'm gonna call on him Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus we thank you lord we're all here at the Church tonight so glad so glad we made it lord There Was A Shooting Outside But we're so glad we made it There's No Power Pastor Perry but so glad we made it There Was A Family On Their Way Down South And They had a Crash but so glad we made it There Was A Bombing Threat Attack At Taylor Swift Concert but so glad we made it There Was A Shooting Outside Pennsylvania Donald Trump Was Hospitalized Right After The Assassination but so glad we made it I'm so glad we made it so glad we made it so glad we made it so glad we made it thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus "
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acealistair · 1 year
Can I interest you in some OCs?
For anyone interested, this is a list of my D&D and Dragon Age OCs with links to their tags, fics, playlists, etc. Hoping to become more proactive about posting/talking about them on here!
Anyone is always, always, always welcome to ask questions or simply talk about them! <3
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D&D Characters
she/they/he | high elven tiefling | arcane trickster rogue | active
general tag - art tag - ao3 works - toyhouse page - pinterest board - playlist
she/her | fallen aasimar | college of whispers bard | active
general tag - art tag - (more links coming soon)
Csilla Savik
she/her | orc | circle of stars druid | active
general tag - art tag - toyhouse page - pinterest board
Datura Nanthi
they/them | yuan-ti | order of the mutant blood hunter | dormant
general tag - art tag - toyhouse page - pinterest board - playlist
Lyrie Aldavir
she/her | half-elf | swashbuckler rogue | retired
general tag - art tag - ao3 works - toyhouse page - pinterest board - playlist - ship playlist
Ruya Karim
she/her | drow/wood elf | grave cleric of anubis/inquisitive rogue | retired
general tag - art tag - toyhouse page - pinterest board - playlist - ship playlist
Cosette DuPont
she/her | human | archfey pact of the tome warlock | BG3
general tag - art tag - toyhouse page - pinterest board - playlist
Gideon Caldwell
he/him | human | way of the kensei monk | oneshot
general tag - art tag - toyhouse page - pinterest board - playlist
Jubilee Myrefall
she/her | tiefling | monster slayer conclave ranger | oneshot
general tag - art tag - pinterest board - playlist
note: active = i am currently playing this character in a campaign | oneshot = this character is exclusively used for one-shots | dormant = i am waiting to use this character again in a campaign | retired = i will likely not play this character again but still like talking about them
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Dragon Age Characters
Jeirey Tabris
she/her | li: alistair | primary timeline
general tag - art tag - ao3 works
Khallia Hawke
she/her | li: fenris | purple hawke | primary timeline
general tag - ao3 works
Izelle Lavellan
she/her | li: cullen | diplomatic | primary timeline
general tag - ao3 works
Heva Aeducan
she/her | li: leliana | secondary timeline
general tag - ao3 works
Wren Hawke
she/her | li: anders | red hawke | secondary timeline
general tag - ao3 works
Aavir Adaar
she/her | li: josephine | secondary timeline
general tag
Nialiss Mahariel
she/her | li: @tiniestmagneto's leivi tabris | multi-warden au
general tag - ao3 works
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brothertonyghost · 9 days
" We Made It Song by Annie and the Caldwells Melvin Joseph Mary John Matthew Mark Luke Judah Elijah Isaiah Jonah Isaac Jacob Ezra Jude Ezekiel Zachariah James Noah Joah Joshua Joe Noel Peter Cain Hoseah Abel Adam and Eve Abraham Levi David Gideon Silas Eli Samson Samuel Ananias Israel Jeremiah Jericho Joel Amos Micah Malachi Caleb Joses Josiah Jethro Asher Jesse Koa Gabriel Shiloh Zacchaeus Julius Phinneas Toby Milo Esau Benjamin Felix Elias Tobias Apollonos Hosea Rufus Barnabas Matthias I don't know who's name to call on but Lord Jesus Christ Paul I'm gonna call on him Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus we thank you lord we're all here at the Church tonight so glad so glad we made it lord There Was A Shooting Outside But we're so glad we made it There's No Power Pastor Perry but so glad we made it There Was A Family On Their Way Down South And They had a Crash but so glad we made it There Was A Bombing Threat Attack At Taylor Swift Concert but so glad we made it There Was A Shooting Outside Pennsylvania Donald Trump Was Hospitalized Right After The Assassination but so glad we made it I'm so glad we made it so glad we made it so glad we made it so glad we made it thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus "
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howlgrowlsnarl · 1 month
Stonecutter Media to Release Mystery Thriller LYVIA’S HOUSE in North America This October
LYVIA’S HOUSE Directed by: Niko Volonakis Written by: Patricia V. Davis Starring: Tara Nichol Caldwell, Joshua Malekos, Danielle Octavien, Ann Marie Gideon, Andrew Diego, Deborah Tucker, Brit Zane, Cami Oh Produced by: Patricia V. Davis Executive Produced by Pete Davis, Nicholas Levis, Joni Cuquet Cinematography by: Cody Martin Edited by: Niko Volonakis Music Composed by:…Stonecutter Media to…
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vievecorcityevents · 15 days
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The fourth day comes after the town finds one of the monstrous murderers... They know there are more on the loose and they are wondering if killing Gideon Caldwell would have made the rest angry. This morning, they find 2 more bodies...
These victims were all found with deep injuries on their bodies and the townsfolk know exactly what sort of creature killed them... It was confirmed with Gideon's death that a murderer will turn into a monster upon death, but these two new victims are well and truly human...
The list of victims are as follows:
Louis Holt
Naz Ulusoy
2 murders took place instead of 3, which means that a murderer tried to kill another one. All the three remaining murderers now know each other's identities.
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moviereviews101web · 2 months
Lyvia's House - Release News
Lyvia’s House – Release News LYVIA’S HOUSE Directed by: Niko Volonakis Written by: Patricia V. Davis Starring: Tara Nichol Caldwell, Joshua Malekos, Danielle Octavien, Ann Marie Gideon, Andrew Diego, Deborah Tucker, Brit Zane, Cami Oh Produced by: Patricia V. Davis Executive Produced by Pete Davis, Nicholas Levis, Joni Cuquet Cinematography by: Cody Martin Edited by: Niko…
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