#gibbs and ziva
zibbs-forever · 2 years
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coppertophomegurl · 11 months
Every crime show has an episode:
A high school reunion murder
A killer with diplomatic immunity that still gets arrested through some outrageous loophole
There's always an episode where a psychic comes forward to help. Everyone will be extremely wary of the psychic except for one person. And the psychic will end up being correct.
Murderous twins. They're often separated at birth. All the investigators will make a joke about it being twins and then are SHOCKED when it actually does turn out to be twins.
Killer child. Literally just a little kid that kills (usually another little kid)
An episode that villianizes people with DID. (sometimes the writers do a 2 for 1 special and make one of the "alters" a different gender so that they can both villianize mentally ill people, AND make transphobic jokes 🙃)
Sleepwalking murderer
Murder by proxy via hypnosis. Similar to the psychic, most of the team will be very skeptical.
Someone finds a body in a time capsule
Some killer that just got like WAY too into Dantes Inferno
Murder victim that has multiple families/wives
Murder at a roller derby. This episode will usually give off big sapphic vibes
Feel free to add more!
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giadin-a · 5 months
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Ncis Fanart I participated in the NCISverse competition since I wasn't selected, I decided to share the drawing with you.
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goldenhourchapman · 7 months
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#true love
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bethnaberrie · 5 months
leroy jethro gibbs was really out there in 2005 running a team of highly trained federal agents queer kids with daddy issues
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withlove-amber · 7 months
Peaches and Cowboy
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gibbs x reader
This does take place before Jack Sloane appears in season 15
Peaches. (Y/N) only had to thank one Leroy Jethro Gibbs for that nickname. He insists it’s because she’s so sweet and kind. But, she’s pretty sure it’s because of her perfume. He calls her that only when they’re alone, neither of them want to ruin his reputation. 
Her head was down on her desk, with paperwork covering every inch of her desk. Gibbs was growing concerned, because she was looking paler by the hour. Once Tony headed to interrogation, Ziva was checking out a lead, and Tim was getting an update from Abby, he made his way over to her desk. That’s when he smelled her perfume, peach with just a dash of vanilla. “Hey, peaches, you feelin’ okay?” Her head instantly rose from her desk, and she sleepily responded, “Yeah, just a headache the size of Texas. I’ll be alright. Just need to drink more water.” He was still concerned, but ultimately said, “Okay, let me know if you need anything.” “Will do, hun.”
The day went by and by the end of it, she was very excited to go home, make some soup, and crawl into a warm bed. Gibbs had the same idea, but because he was still concerned, he offered to drive her home. She was hesitant at first, saying she didn’t want to be a bother. But he insisted. And she damn near fell asleep during the ride home. She was so out of it, she didn’t even notice that it wasn’t her house. It was Gibbs’ house. Fair enough, they only live a street away from each other. She only noticed something was different when the front table was in a different spot than it was in her house. He led her to the couch, and told her to make herself comfortable. As she did, he disappeared into the kitchen. He reappeared a few moments later with two bowls of soup, water for her, and a beer for him. She felt a little bad that her friend was taking care of her, but ultimately felt so grateful that he cared enough about her to do so. 
They ate in comfortable silence, and after finishing her soup, she started feeling incredibly exhausted. To no shock, he noticed that she was starting to fade. He took the dishes back into the kitchen, and when he returned to the living room, found her half asleep, curled up on the sofa. He gently pushed her hair away from her face, and gently laid a blanket on top of her. He whispered, “Goodnight, peaches.” She responded with a half-hearted mumble that sounded similar to, “Goodnight Jethro.” And with that, she fell into a very blissful sleep, where she dreamt of a very familiar silver-haired, steely-blue eyed man. 
Cowboy. Gibbs only had (Y/N) to thank for that nickname. She calls him that only when they’re alone, neither of them want to ruin his reputation. It was a slow day, the team didn’t have a case, so they took the day to catch up on paperwork. Sometime in the afternoon, they all took a break (minus one silver-haired boss), and took turns guessing what their favorite movie genres were. Lastly, it was (Y/N)’s turn. She correctly guessed that Ziva hasn’t watched a lot of movies, Tim’s favorite is action-fantasy, and that Tony’s was classic films. But Gibbs, she had a hard time figuring his out. But ultimately, she correctly guessed he likes westerns. Specifically, black and white westerns. “Yeah I see it, cowboy. It fits.” And with that, that’s how he became “cowboy”. Just with an afternoon distraction from the mind-numbing paperwork they had all been busy with all day. The rest of the day went by in a blur. They all said their goodbyes and went their separate ways for the night. Sometime in the evening, (Y/N) found herself in Gibbs’ basement, drinking bourbon out of an old glass, talking with not her boss, but her friend. 
“Why’d ya guess I like westerns?” “Because, you have this air of authority about you, your house is bare besides furniture, you have an old TV, and you build boats in your basement. Plus, at night, you smell like bourbon.” “Wow.” “Yeah… it’s one of my favorite things about you.” “What is?” “Everything. It’s just so you.” He leaned over and wrapped her in a hug. She swiftly accepted his hug, and held him tight. They spent the rest of the night laughing and talking about anything and everything. Not a lot of people know, but Gibbs can be very talkative with the right person. He also smiles his beautiful, soft smile quite a lot. But only when he’s with her. Only when he’s with his “peaches”. And when she’s with her “cowboy”, the sun will never be able to outshine her smile.
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fictionalcraze · 7 months
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" I may not be your father, But will always be your dad"
I have always loved this quote.. One of the reasons I love Gibbs so much is because of the kind of father figure he was to his team.. He may have lost his biological child but he found himself so many children along the years and gave them the kind of father's love they never got from their own father's... He once again found a child to love in his team and in return they found a dad.. I think this is what made ncis so special and beautiful... People choosing eachother and loveing eachother despite not being blood.. family is indeed not just DNA... Gosh.. i miss this man so much...
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benedettabeby · 8 months
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Photos Ducky has in his office 😭❤️
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earanemith · 9 months
Calling the Tiva fandom!!
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i know a lot of us have moved on to other fandoms or moved on from Tumblr all together. I had for a while as well but Ive been back for a couple of months.
This is a calling to everyone who is still in the ncis Tiva fandom actively posting or just watching. Id love to follow you!
Please reblog or reply so Ill know you are there
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theoceanandthestars · 5 months
Friendly Lies
A/N: This is my first post/story, I’ve written before on Wattpad but never committed to writing but I feel like this is something I can actually commit too. Let me know any NCIS requests and I’m hoping to open up my writing to other fandoms soon too. This is definitely a testament to my ability to yap. Apologies for any mistakes :)
Also, I know the timelines probably don’t match up in terms of Gibbs knowing Tobias etc and Tobias having another daughter, or maybe they do, I don’t know but I thought it was a fun idea so belief will just have to be suspended. ;)
NCIS y/n fanfic, slight y/n x tony dinozzo, tony dinozzo x reader
Word count: 1969
Summary: Fornell’s daughter, Gibbs' Goddaughter, is an FBI agent working a case with her father and Godfather and decides to help get her dad to leave McGee alone after he found him asleep on the sofa with his ex-wife (I loved that episode so much) at Tony’s expense.
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You’d only known Tim, Tony and Ziva for a few weeks but already you knew you’d be great friends. After only knowing them for 5 minutes the day you ended up sharing a case with both your father and godfather, you were making plans to hang out with them. Your godfather, or your Uncle Gibbs as you preferred to call him, was of course more than happy to see you and be working with you, although the protective dad act from the NCIS and FBI agents had driven you slightly insane. Although you loved the rare times when you and your father shared an FBI case, that time had made you nearly want to quit, which had driven you straight to Gibbs’ team, who were more than welcoming and friendly to you.
Now, you sat on Ziva’s desk, chatting to her and McGee while your father and godfather interrogated a suspect and Tony watched.
‘And that’s why your dad hates me’, concluded McGee after explaining to you what he described as the ‘incident’ between your dad and his ex-wife Diane.  Both you and Ziva had been laughing the entire time he told the story.
‘I’m sure he doesn’t hate you, Tim’, you smiled at him ‘he’s only mentioned it a few times.’
‘A few?’ Tim asked in horror, causing Ziva to snort in laughter. This topic had taken up a good 20 minutes and it had clearly been playing on his mind for a long time before that.
‘Look if you want me to talk to him I can’ you offered, trying to ease Tim’s obvious panic, but your offer only seemed to send McGee into a further state of pure anxiety.
‘No, absolutely not, that would only add to it.’ He spoke moving his chair slightly as it was currently situated next to Ziva’s desk where you were congregated. As Tim moved you gaze shifted to DiNozzo’s desk and an idea popped into your head.
‘McGee, I’m sure y/n’s right, Fornell can’t be holding on to a grudge for that long.’
‘He brings it up every time we see him!’ Tim insisted.
‘Hang on’ you quickly said jumping up from Ziva’s desk and captivating both agent’s attention, ‘I think I know how to get my dad to forget about you and Diane.’
‘First of all there was no me and Diane’ Tim quickly insisted, causing the pair of female agents to roll their eyes as they failed to hold in their laughs ‘But what’s the idea because I will do anything to make him stop bringing it up?’. Both agents’ gazes were fixed on you as you moved from Ziva’s desk to sit on Tonys.
‘Oh you wouldn’t have to do anything McGee, it would be all me’, you smirked as the two agents watched eagerly, ‘this isn’t entirely selfless though, remember when Tony told Gibbs and my dad that I’d been sleeping with an NCIS agent to try and piss them off? And it took me weeks to convince them he was just trying to mess with me and them?’, the two NCIS agents nodded, smirks growing on their faces as they pieced together what you were planning to do, ‘well I think it’s time I get Tony back for that, don’t you?’.
Just as you said this your father and Gibbs reappeared into the room and as they did, you got up from Tony’s desk and made a beeline for them, meeting them just in front of Gibbs’ desk.
‘Dad, Uncle Gibbs I need to talk to you’ you said, grabbing their attention in the most serious and anxious voice you could muster, grabbing one of their hands in each of yours, ‘I know this is really important and I want to be honest with you both’ you took a deep breath to highlight your nervousness. At this point you had captured your father’s and Godfather’s attention, squeezing their hands as you raised your eyes to meet theirs you finally said, ‘I’m pregnant.’
Now Ziva and Tim were clearly shocked and impressed by your lies, hiding their laughter surprisingly well and instead adorning looks of shock and intrigue. Your father and godfather on the other hand, with hands still held by yours, were looking at you with such pure shock your father had turned slightly white. Before they could even utter a word, you quickly continued, ‘and its Tony’s’.
At this revelation, McGee and Ziva quickly turned so that Gibbs and Fornell couldn’t see the laughter that was daring to burst out. The silence was quickly broken by a synchronised ‘WHAT?’ from the two men who held your hands. Their gazes had turned harsher, but you knew that if you wanted this to have the best effect you had to really milk it.
‘I know we haven’t known each other long’ you stated looking them both in the eyes, but were quickly interrupted by your father half shouting, ‘How did this happen?’, quickly followed by Gibbs’ ‘I’m sorry what?!’
Before you could think of an answer though everyone’s attention was diverted in the sound of a voice, Tony’s voice, ‘hey boss. Fornell.  You look like you’ve seen a ghost, what did y/n do? Tell you she’s pregnant? I told you she was sleeping with an NCIS agent.’, as he Tony laughed at his own joke, Tony sauntered towards his desk, but only for a second before Fornell was on him, pinning him to the wall. Tony’s face quickly shifted to panic and confusion, his eyes scanning the room.
‘You got my daughter pregnant!’, Fornell shouted.
‘What? No’ DiNozzo squeaked out as Gibbs removed Fornell from him, freeing him from the wall. You quickly shifted your eyes to where Tim and Ziva were still at Ziva’s desk, attempting to contain their laughter. You knew you didn’t have long before the two of them blew the prank, but you also knew that the damage would be done soon enough and you would have got Tony back and your dad would definitely forget about finding McGee and Diane on the sofa asleep together.
Suddenly Tony rushed over to you seeking some sort of explanation or help but before he could squeak out another word, you grabbed his arm hugging it slightly and turning the pair of you to face Gibbs and Tobias.
‘Me and Tony are in love, dad, you can’t stop our love’ but as you got to the end of your sentence McGee and Ziva had burst into full belly laughter, causing you too to crack and lean on Tony as you couldn’t stop laughing. As the three of you continued to laugh, Gibbs only rolled his eyes at your antics, shaking his head slightly and letting out a slight chuckle. He knew that DiNozzo had told Tobias that you were sleeping with someone at the agency to piss him off and he also knew that your dad had practically become a helicopter parent for a week after he had done so.
As Gibbs moved back towards his desk, you patted tony on the chest before calming yourself enough to say, ‘you should have seen your face’. Quickly, McGee walked behind you both to return to his desk, slapping Tony on the back as he continued to laugh at Tony’s expense. He stopped by your side quickly whispering to you how he was now free from any comments about Diane. Your gaze then shifted to your father who still stood in front of you both, surprisingly quite but glaring at you both.
‘Gotta keep you young dad.’ You smiled at him, kissing his check and moving back to Ziva’s desk, the pair of you still giggling and smiling. Your dad however, kept his gaze on Tony, glowering at him, as Tony seemed to continue to shrink under his glare, still looking stunned and scared. Finally his gaze shifted as Gibbs called him telling him to go down to autopsy to see Abby with him.
At first he didn’t move, continuing to stare, before finally moving when he heard his name shouted by Gibbs. ‘I still don’t trust you DiNozzo.’ Tobias said, finally moving towards Gibbs’ desk, his gaze remaining on Tony until they were out of site.
At this point you, McGee and Ziva all began to laugh again with the same force you did when your dad had pinned Tony to the wall.
‘I did not think you would take it that far’ commented Ziva, ‘I admire your commitment’. You smiled at her amongst the laughter but couldn’t respond as tony too moved towards Ziva’s desk, where McGee had now joined you and began to stare at you all.
‘Not funny guys, I thought I was going to die!’, Tony’s statement only caused more laughter though, as his hand reached his neck, fiddling with his shirt collar even though your father had only grabbed his shoulders. Finally you spoke through the laughter, ‘I told you I was going to get you back Tony and McGee needed by dad to lay off him about the whole thing with my ex stepmother, so really I was just helping a friend’ you smiled a sickly sweet smile at him before the phone at his desk began to ring causing Tony to quickly scurry over to his desk, grabbing the phone before answering.
‘Yes boss?’ he questioned into the phone, as you high fived Tim and Ziva, ‘right away boss’, followed by him quickly grabbing his things after he put down the phone. ‘Gibbs says Abby’s matched the ballistics from the gun, wants me and Y/N to bring in the suspect.’ He stated as he continued to gather his stuff. As you listened, you quickly grabbed your bag that was sat next to Gibbs’ desk, but before you could leave Gibbs and your father returned, arguing as they walked.
‘I’ll go with DiNozzo Gibbs’ your dad argued, his gaze landing on Tony, at which point Tony swallowed.
‘No you’re not’, Gibbs deadpanned.
‘Then, I’ll go with them both’ he stated as he moved towards the pair now standing together with their bags, but not before Gibbs grabbed his shoulder directing him towards the director’s office and repeating ‘No you’re not’.
As you and Tony turned and began to walk towards the elevator, he quickly began to argue with you. ‘You know your dad is going to kill me, right?’ he questioned as you pressed the elevator button, your gaze shifting to him.
‘No he won’t’ you dismissed, ‘but he won’t trust you for a while, just like how he’s been hovering over me for weeks after you told him I was secretly sleeping with someone at your office, or like how he constantly brings up that time he found Diane and McGee together asleep. I guess it’s just time for you to get a taste of what we’ve been putting up with for years now.’ You smirked as the elevator reached your floor and you stepped inside, turning slightly as you watched Tony’s face change from looking like he was about to argue, to just giving up.
‘You know’, he turned to look at you, smirking, fully grasping your attention, ‘if you were to sleep with anyone in this office, I’d be the perfect guy. You’ve already told your dad and although he’ll keep glaring at me and probably wanting to kill me, he’d never suspect that we were actually sleeping together.’ He said, waggling his eyebrows at you as you chuckled, and he reciprocated your laughter.
As the elevator doors, reopened on the ground floor, you turned away from Tony, shaking your head slightly and rolling your eyes , before simply stating, ‘In your dreams DiNozzo’ before walking out of the elevator, not missing Tony’s whispered reply, ‘oh you bet’, before he followed you out to find your suspect.
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thestarwarslesbian · 8 months
Tony: I just realized something, all of us have a bad childhood. Gibbs (not looking up from his book): Yeah I know. Ziva: What do you mean, you know? Gibbs: Look at you! McGee: (looking at himself and the others up and down): What do you mean, look at us? Gibbs: Look at how you stand. People who had good childhoods don’t stand like that. Tony: Like sluts? Gibbs: NO-
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zibbs-forever · 2 years
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Sooooo cute ✨✨✨
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Gibbs Has A Wife?
Leroy Jethro Gibbs X Fem OC/Reader
Word Count: 971
Warnings: Mild language, fluff, pregnancy…
Prompt: Gibbs has been knee deep in a case all week and hasn’t been home to you or your son, so you head to NCIS to talk to him yourself…
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Angry wasn't even a way to begin how I felt. Livid, we are getting closer. Royally pissed off, that is how I'm feeling.
I swaddle the baby, a hand on my growing bump as I storm off the elevator. I saw his silver hair from where I was coming and his team looked at me confused. I stand at the front of the bullpen when he looks up.
"Leroy Jethro Gibbs, I'm this close to being your fifth ex-wife." I grit out.
"Gibbs has a wife?" Tony asks.
I knew who they all were. Gibbs was fond of each one yet, he wanted to wait awhile before introducing me. He had a blast on teasing them. Jethro stands slowly,  paling once he realized how screwed he was.
"I'm nine months pregnant, we have an eleven month old and I have a job. Yet, I've taken care of every dirty diaper this week, every time he’s got fussy, I got him calmed. I've fed him, I've cleaned the house and made dinner every single night. Yet, you can't show up to have a meal with your goddamn wife? The mother of you two babies. One I spent over twenty hours in labor with and I'm dreading this next one." I snap.
"Y/N/N, honey...calm down. I'm sorry. I've been caught up in a case. I should've called." He says softly and I narrow my eyes.
"If you knew how much I wanted to put my foot up your ass, you'd stay the hell away from me." I snap.
"I know your mad and I'm sorry." He says softly, resting his hands on my hips.
I glare at him, reaching a hand up and slapping him in the back of the head. He smiles nonetheless, rubbing my belly as he stops our little girl from kicking.
"I'm more than mad, Jethro." I snap.
"I know, and I'm sorry. I'll make it up. Ziva, come here. Meet your god-son, Leroy Jackson Gibbs. Let Tony and Tim meet him too, but keep an eye on those two. Mostly Tony." Jethro says, taking our son away from my arms.
He places a kiss on his head, smiling softly down at him before handing him to Ziva who smiles and softly coos at him. Tony and Tim stand, going to stand around Ziva as they smile down at Leroy.
Jethro grabs my hand and guides me towards the elevator. He presses the emergency stop button and we were left in the dark. He cups my cheek, but that doesn't stop me from glaring up at him.
"I love you and I'm sorry, honey. It won't happen again." He murmurs.
"I know it won't because if it does, I'm leaving your ass." I snap and he chuckles.
"I love you." He murmurs, caressing my cheek as he leans down.
I huff, looping my arms around his neck. He knew what buttons to push and when to push them. That made me mad, and this time I blamed that on my hormones.
"I love you too, bastard." I grumble.
He chuckles, slanting his lips over mine. It was soft and slow, the two of us wrapped in each others embrace. God. I've missed him. We pull away and I slap him in the back of the head once more.
"What was that for?" He grumbles.
"Your daughter is kicking my ribcage and bladder." I grumble.
"Turn around." He murmurs.
I do as told, his chest against my back. His hands rub my belly before he lifts my stomach. I moan softly, my legs nearly giving out from how good this felt. I lean back against him, closing my eyes. He kisses the side of my head.
I could stay like that forever. We stayed like that for several minutes before he slowly let my belly down. I turn around, pulling him into a hug.
"I missed you." I murmur.
"I missed you too, honey. I'm sorry. I promise I'll do better or at least call.” He says.
We pull apart, but he grabs my hand and we head back to the bullpen to see Tony holding Leroy.
“I’m your Uncle Tony. I will teach you all the best movies to watch. There are some really good old ones that I’m sure you’ll enjoy. Ziva here will tell you all the good books and McGeek…he’ll probably teach you to game.” He rambles.
I smile, looking up at Jethro who looks down at me with a soft smile. I look back at them, putting my other hand on my stomach. Jethro moves behind me, lifting my stomach again as he rests his head on top of mine.
“Mrs. Gibbs, he’s got your hair…but he has Gibbs’ eyes.” Ziva says.
“I know. He’s going to be breaking all kinds of hearts with those eyes. And please, call me Y/N.” I say.
“Be glad he only got bosses eyes, it’s a good thing he got your looks.” Tony teases and I giggle.
“Stop flirting with my wife, DiNozzo.” Gibbs warns.
“He wasn’t. Calm down, Jethro.” I say.
“You’ve got another one in the oven it seems. Do you know the gender and name yet?” Tim asks.
“Oh yes. It’s a girl this time. We are going to name her Caitlyn Shannon Gibbs.” I murmur.
“A-After Kate…” Tony trails off.
“Yes. In honor of Kate…she was a good woman. And Jethro’s first wife, Shannon.” I murmur.
“Little one has woken up again it seems.” Jethro says as our little girl kicks away.
I grimace, rubbing my stomach as Jethro continues to hold it up. I suck in a breath, slowly exhaling.
“Y/N, are you alright?” Ziva asks.
“This one is definitely going to kick asses, that’s for sure.” I chuckle breathlessly.
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chevaliermalfets · 1 year
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television-overload · 3 months
Random NCIS/X-Files headcanons that only 2 people besides myself would possibly care about:
Ducky Mallard definitely knows Dana Scully from her time at Quantico. He lectured in at least one of her classes, and thought she was a bright student. He vaguely follows her career once she becomes an agent, and has been consulted via phone call on occasion for some of her strange cases. Sometimes he relays stories about one of the X-Files cases to his NCIS colleagues, and everyone assumes he's exaggerating some details. They see each other about once a year when the medical examiners from all federal agencies get together for a conference.
Abby Sciuto knows Fox Mulder from online chat rooms (which she got into through her ex-boyfriend, Richard "Ringo" Langly, who she met at a rock concert). She takes a special interest in any of Mulder's work dealing with the occult. Sometimes Mulder joins Abby for bowling with her church bowling team (which is coincidentally from Scully's church. He likes to gossip with the nuns about his lovely partner and gets all embarrassed when they take an eager interest in his love life.)
In college, Timothy McGee was a subscriber of the Lone Gunmen and sent in several articles to be published in their magazine. His expertise in hacking puts him on their radar as an up and coming hacker prodigy, and they exchange the occasional correspondence. McGee plays online video games with them once a week.
Tobias Fornell refers to Mulder and Scully as "those weirdos that worked in the basement" and claims that none of Gibbs' cases would ever come close to the crazy stuff he heard come out of that office. He does say Gibbs would have liked Scully. Redhead.
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pxmlx · 11 months
I am finally able to watch NCIS again! After Kate’s death watching the show was almost impossible for me, I couldn’t move past it and the only thing I could do was rewatch the 2 first seasons; but finally!! I am nearing the end of season 3 and I’m so excited to finally catch up with the series 🥹
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