#ghovie theories
ask-sister-solaris · 3 months
Yall I had a big brain moment
But also if you haven’t seen RHRN then do not read this.
Primo Secondo and Terzo are all confirmed to be full brothers
But secondo and Terzo and three months apart. That meant the woman who birthed Secondo would have been pregnant with Terzo and Secondo at the same time? Which obviously is impossible.
Which could feed into the Copia and Terzo are twins idea. I’m not sure how far apart Copia is from Terzo though, however this could be a huge possibility. I also acknowledge that Nihil could have just got another woman pregnant because he couldn’t wait for his prime mover to be able to have children again.
We have seen how young Nihil was with women from the Kiss The Go Goat chapter though that was just a kiss.
We saw in RHRN Nihil truly truly loves Imperator, he chased her through any condition and clung to her car because he wanted to prove his love. Which would suggest his other sons are to a prime mover and the only children that were birthed out of love was Terzo and Copia.
But it also seems Nihil was an absent father most of the time leaving his eldest sons to take care of the younger ones. Maybe Terzo and Copia aren’t twins but they have the same mother instead? Would also explain why while primo and Secondo got to peacefully give their titles to their predecessors, Terzo got dragged offstage. Because he wasn’t ‘fully’ part of the bloodline in Nihils eyes. He didn’t deserve to pass down the title it had to be taken from him.
Also nihil did NOT like the fact Terzo was getting to cocky. Reminded Nihil of how he was when he was younger.
There’s also the problem of Nihil not seeing Copia as part of the bloodline, perhaps out of hate of Copia being younger and more able, or that Copia was nothing like the previous Papas. But Imperator is so determined to actually secure Copia in place because she knows after his papacy comes to an end he will take her place.
I also think that Imperator KNEW about her condition early on. Maybe that’s why she drove off a cliff to try and end her suffering (but it didn’t work) so she uses her remaining time to try and get copia ready, I also believe she felt guilt about killing Terzo her other son.
Who knows this is just a theory
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hibernaldream · 2 months
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The first horseman, a conqueror with a bow and crown, rides a white horse, which scholars sometimes interpret to symbolize Christ or the Antichrist; the second horseman is given a great sword and rides a red horse, symbolizing war and bloodshed; the third carries a balance scale, rides a black horse, and symbolizes famine; and the fourth horseman rides a pale horse and is identified as Death. (Britannica)
Winter is coming.
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osiris-iii-bc · 3 months
I really didn’t want to make theories, but…
If I am right and this is the second The Exorcist reference:
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Then we have this:
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Are you thinking what I am thinking?
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popialover · 3 months
Theories & Questions
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1. It was revealed that Copia has a twin brother towards the end of the film, which means that copia's brother is the new papa. What if his brother looks exactly like pre-plastic surgery copia? What will the face paint look like? Will he have a completely opposite personality?
2. Tobias legit told us that Copia was a twin when he was introduced in the chapters. The three other papas names were numbers in Italian, and Copia translates to "copy." If copia's name means "copy," then is the next papas name going to be a number? The new papa is papa #5, Does that mean that his name will be Quinto? Maybe his name will be the #6, "Sesto" because technically Nihil is papa #1 not papa zero.
3. Even after watching RHRN, I am a hardcore believer in the resurrection of Terzo. The Jim defrock advertisement with 6:16 on it is too coincidental for it not to be true. "John, whom I beheaded, has been raised from the dead!"
I am literally so excited to see all the new things from Ghost, I love this band. Not to mention THE GHOVIE WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!! I totally cried, the ghouls were awesome, papa was his charming and goofy self.
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dr0wnmyselfinwhiskey · 3 months
No one asked for this, but I need to get it out of my system, so here are my thoughts on Rite Here Rite Now (mostly in regard to the lore and what I noticed during the movie, as far as I can remember). This turned out way too long, you’ve been warned.
Seestor must have known for quite a while that she’s gonna die, and prepared for Copia to take over her position
Maybe she invited Mr. Psaltarian to overlook the orderly transition and keep an eye on C when she’s gone. That might also explain his grumpy attitude towards him, I bet playing nanny to a 50+ year old autistic man isn't exactly Psalty's idea of a dream job
Would also make sense if the additional coffin in “Tax Season” was meant for her
Speaking of “Tax Season”, where Copia plays ‘Driving Miss Daisy’. Could that be another hint that Psaltarian is supposed to be the calm and wise character guiding the now ‘widowed’ Copia? Interesting parallel
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Another thing about Psaltarian (now that we know his name is written like that): most of the Psalms stem from King David, who, among a lot of other things, is considered the patron of the Meistersinger (master singers) and in the Dies Irae announces the approach of the Final Judgement 👀
Anyway, Sister’s illness was kept hidden from Copia, or maybe he knew but deliberately ignored the signs, and I loved how this was solved visually by having Sister sitting in a baroque chair in all shots from Copia's perspective, but in the counter shots from her perspective you can see the back and the backrest of the wheelchair 💔
During the father-son-conversation between Nihil and Copia (I didn’t cry, you cried), Nihil tells him how he always wanted to entertain people, and he can even do that after he died and then says something like "Do you think I imagined it like this?". Perhaps this indicates that Nihil, now that he's reunited with Sister in the afterlife, is ending his stage career for good and Miasma will be retired from the set list? I hope not, but to me, it sounded a bit like that. Overall, the movie felt to me like a farewell to many characters, especially Sister and Nihil, whose story is concluded by the scooby-doo-esque part during MOAC
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Would also fit the overarching theme of the film: letting go, not clinging too much to the ephemeral, coming to terms with the fact that everything in this world is subject to change (a beautiful message, tbh, I totally wasn’t crying about that 🥺)
Speaking of change, I guess by now everyone and their aunt got the hint that Copia is apparently a fucking twin?!?
With this new information, can we just talk about how cruel Copia's naming is? It literally means "copy"? Hello?? Seestor, wtaf?!
Anyway, going by the visuals provided, I’m leaning towards fraternal twins (one blonde, one dark-haired) and there are a lot of theories about who the twin could be
I’m not a fan of the Defroque theory, because I just don’t see how he would be the frontman of the band, as he has an assigned actor with his own face and voice. But on the other hand, I was certain he would play a bigger part in the Ghovie, since he was featured in the JHKM Video and in the teaser-thing they did for Download. But he wasn’t even mentioned?
I love the Terzo theory, although I don’t think that one very likely, given TFs reluctance to repeat things. BUT, I always thought Terzo and Copia looked quite alike, and they are around the same age. And we’re talking about a fictional satanic cult here, there would certainly be ways to bring him back from the dead, so why not?
However, I think this twin storyline is the perfect opportunity to introduce a completely new character, like they did with Copia back in the day. Imagine the door opening and a man standing there with Copia's old face. And Frater Imperator is like ????? (But that might also be just my love and nostalgia for his old look speaking, OG Copia is my babygirl, I don’t think TF will pull that off, again because he doesn’t like to repeat things and C’s old mask was changed for a reason, so why go back?)
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TF also said in an interview that he doesn’t want to just have Papa after Papa after Papa. What if the new guy is something else? A bishop? They also wear mitres. Or the whole shadow in the door thing is just TF trolling us again? Or the Romulus & Remus reference was meant literally and Copia and the new guy will try to kill each other? Damn, I’m so excited for whatever that silly swedish man has cooked up in that silly head of his! 🫶
Just one last thing I noticed because on my second viewing I paid close attention to the backstage set and all the trinkets and knick-knacks. Whenever Sister, Copia or Kevin looked at one of those control monitors or TVs, there were VHS boxes in frame. Most of them were titled after the chapters, I saw a “Meanwhile in Dublin” one, and “Tax Season”. But there was also one titled “Ghost in the Trees”. My research only brought up a song from the band “Thee Oh Sees” from 2008, but I couldn’t really make any connection to something Ghost related. Maybe it’s just a song that TF likes that has “Ghost” in the title?
Okay, I think that's it for now. Maybe I'll do an update when RHRN is available digitally, maybe not. This has already taken way too long for nobody to read it anyway.
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copiousloverofcopia · 6 months
What if the Ghovie comes out June 6 at 6am?
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imperatorcopia · 3 months
hey have we thought about the possibility of papa v. not existing. that copia won't be able to find anyone worthy of the papa v title / anyone who sings and performs well enough for his tastes? And then maybe copia has to resume being the main performer/singer as well as being the frater imperator?
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katiecanblog · 3 months
Some Ghost theory rambles:
I read somewhere that it's never actually mentioned that Primo is a brother to Secondo and Terzo. There was a theory that he's actually Nihil's brother and that the next Papa will be Primo's son.
But will there be a next Papa? T has said that he was getting bored of Papa after Papa which is why he had Copia introduced as a Cardinal first.
They keep hinting that Copia's time is up and there's subtle (or not so subtle) hints that he's going to die. Saltarian (however you spell his name) wheeling that display coffin past his bedroom. That religious recreation photo of him with the Ghouls where people were theorizing that Swiss was going to kill him. Etcetera. But let's not forget that all of the previous Papas were ultimately killed on Imperator's orders. Would she kill her own son? I don't think she would tbh. So if not her, who? Who would be behind killing him?
Based on T saying that it was getting boring with Papa after Papa after Papa, maybe there won't be a new Papa. Maybe the Emeritus bloodline will end (by death), Imperator will be overthrown, and a new system will take over. Will it be the Ghouls who do it? Is the next leader going to be a Ghoul King? A Dark Heirophant? (Maybe not, as that stands for tradition) A High Priest? (Too similar to the ex-Ghoul's band name, Priest) A Messiah? Antichrist?
Or you know, we could just be getting Papa Emeritus V.
I have a feeling the Ghovie is going to really further the Chapters' storyline along. But I've been wrong when it came to Ghost before.
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dewdrops-whammy-bar · 5 months
*rips the bong of autism* What if the Ghovie is just a 2 hour livestream of Copia duct taped to a wall of screens begging for his life/death and the audience has to vote on whether to kill him and end his suffering or let him live as a puppet whose sole purpose is to entertain. Wouldn’t that be fucked up huh
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ask-sister-solaris · 3 months
Hold up
Hold up
Hold up
Ghovie spoilers ahead
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Right so I have a theory.
Right. Stay with me on this *jingles keys* stay with me okay
So Copia is now Brother Imperator, correct? Sister Imperator died and passed the title onto him right? But he’s Nihils son. So I thought (after the film) that he’d be Brother Emeritus, but then I realized that the Imperators watch over the papas, who are Emeritus’.
Copia may have been papa but now he’s here to guide the next papa. To teach them. So whomever is the next papa will be guided by Copia just as Nihil was Imperator, aswell as Primo, Secondo, Terzo and Copia. We see how persistent that Nihil was. He wanted to fix his relationship with Sister Imperator, his prime mover. Now I can’t say for certain if she’s the mother to ALL of the emeritus brothers, but it would make sense for Copia to be the emeritus brothers half sibling. As in one of the chapters we see how reluctant that Nihil is to admit Copia is indeed his son.
HOWEVER in the film he’s perfectly content with admitting that he is copias father and Imperator is his mother. I like the detail that only family can see the deceased spirits of the imperator and Emeritus families. Nihil finally steps up as a father to copia, to teach him that sometimes the end is the beginning of something new. Imperator also knew her time was coming. She could only go so long, and she didn’t want her only son to die, so she decided to give him the title of Brother Imperator, Head of the Clergy.
It’s heartwarming to see that Imperator and Nihil finally admit Copia is their son, and judging by the way he acts, he regrets having his sons killed. I also thing that silhouette at the end could have well been Terzo brought back. Well it could be any of the emeritus brothers but it was too short to be Secondo or Primo. From the shadow we saw atleast.
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copias-rat · 3 months
anyways, here's some of my theories, so tell me what you think :)
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osiris-iii-bc · 3 months
I’m slowly trying to get back on track with the big boss plans, so here are some ramblings about the future Papa and reasons why my theory is that we’ll have a cat-Papa (spoiler alert):
Apparently, Copia has a twin, and we can see that one has dark hair and the other has blonde hair. Copia's hair is more light brown-ginger, so he might have been blonde in his childhood (it is possible: I was platinum blonde as a child and now I’m light brown). Do we expect a black-haired Copia 2, then? And what if the black-haired twin is Terz-
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What could the twin's name be? Incolla (Copia + Incolla = Copy + Paste)? Ricopia? Carbone (Copia Carbone means a perfect copy of something).
I hope they are different, or at least have different characteristics and completely different personalities. They could even be heterozygous. (Most likely, he would be a pre-surgery Copia… or maybe he had a different surgery, so he’s different anyway).
I’d love the new Papa to be a perfect opposite of Copia: evil, full of himself, confident, power-driven. It would be interesting to have a Yin Yang dynamic. I’d love to have a darker era, with the comeback of the religious themes and looks, in music and atmosphere (in the flashbacks there were some scenes from the old eras and an eclypse) but I’d be surprised if it happened, given the family-friendly direction the project has taken.
Bu yet… we have more than one reference to the Roman history (the coin with Copia’s bloody face and the Roman she wolf breastfeeding Romolo and Remo) so not all hopes are lost.
The cat-Papa theory:
There was really no need to have a cat tree so visible in the backstage background when we know Copia is the rat-Papa. And the Cats-like jump in Dance Macabre… what if the new Papa debuts with a song called “Cats”? And he tries to dominate Copia like a cat would with a rat?
This leads me to a very self-indulgent wish:
Since Ghost albums are thematic, I’ve always loved the idea of a predators-themed album. Think about the puns: Preda-tour (eheh), and among predators, cats are the most destructive…
It’s good to dream.
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sporkgoblin · 3 months
At the theaters for the GHOVIE!!!!! Very excited and veryyyyyy nervous
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something-rlse · 3 months
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battlevann · 3 months
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dear-alii · 6 months
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She's warning her son. And after that, she returns to the underworld. Is Sister dead? Is she going to die? Is the film reference related only to the warning? I think so.
(And also, I don't like to think about losing mothers in this world or the other)
(But Karras and Blatty and the medal. The mom was already dead. Karras fell.)
(...and Karras didn't die, he just went to a mental ward, and his name was Legion, for they were many.)
Papa has to die yet. Sister is giving him a warning. Pazuzu appears, as Lucifer:
"Lucifer, whispering Silently into your mind [...]Don't you forget about dying"
So, maybe he's going to die in the movie...
Look for the scene of Father Karras' dream (The Exorcist).
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