#ghostbusters of gotham city
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ecandjamesvpjournal · 1 year ago
“I’m sorry.” Michael said with a surprise, “What did you say?” “I said, that I might be on Bruce Wayne’s sh*tlist.” Danny said. Michael Johnson, a scientist who had a Ph.D in Parapsychology, Psychology, and Historical Studies (along with Quantum Mechanics, though that was on a bet once), was in a state of shock. He knew Danny was insane, but this…
Danny was gonna be the death of him.
Michael just shook his head, “Look man, I’d be careful. Vlad isn’t the only one that is holding secrets.” Danny looked a bit concerned, but intrigued. “How do you mean?” he said, keeping his voice low. Michael looked around his office, making sure that his colleagues didn’t hear what he was saying. “You didn’t hear it from me, but rumors persist that Batman and Bruce Wayne are one and the same.” he said, keeping it down, “Now these are rumors mind you, and not everyone believes them, like my colleagues. But it can’t be a coincidence that Mr. Wayne showed up after disappearing for a undisclosed amount of time long ago, which then followed but days later the arrival of a vigilante detective in a weird looking bat suit.”
Danny was sure that Michael seemed a bit off his rocker, but the connections between his new boss and the legendary Batman… it couldn’t be just that. Just a coincidence. Michael continued, “Then, there are the additional rumors floating around about Bruce working for a few years in the location of the legendary League of Assassins. A group that has been the bane of Ghostbusters, ever since we figured out that they’ve been the ones using ectoplasm to reincarnate themselves.” “You mean reanimate?” Danny added. Michael shook his head in a ‘kinda’ motion, moving it side to side, “Kinda. To explain how they do this, requires you to be here to see the visual aids to help explain what that’s kinda a bad idea.”
Danny thought about how it could be a bad idea, until he realized what Michael was saying about the LoA. “Oh no.” he said, realizing the horrific truth. Michael nodded, humming ‘mmhmm,’ to indicate what Danny was thinking was just as bad as what Michael was indicating.
“Partially how I know about some of this is because of Bruce’s adopted son, who was helping us in occult affairs against the L.O.A, when he was hurt. Thankfully, Ra’s Al Guul left behind some blueprints, diagrams and notes. Using that and your parent’s method of handling ecto-contamination, we were able to make our own Lazarus Pit.” Michael said. Danny ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “And preytell, why?” “Because, Bruce’s adopted son, Jason Todd was under the same ecto-contamination that’s found in either liminal,” he paused, whispering, “like you,” causing Danny to jolt a bit before remembering that Michael knew of his secret, “or those that have been reanimated using the Lazarus Pit.”
“Try and take a gander at what’s wrong with Jason Todd?” Michael said. Danny, sensing something, looked over his cubicle wall, seeing Jason Todd standing there, his eyes reflected light like a nocturnal animal. It was eerie, even for a halfa like him. As he slowly turned towards Danny, Danny ducked as Michael. “Anyways, the only reason I don’t tell anyone is three reasons. Reason the first, who would believe me that Bruce Wayne and Batman are the same person. Reason the second? Word would get around and particular people might go after him… like his rogue’s gallery, or even a few Feds.” he said, as Danny snuck into the men’s bathroom. “And your third reason?” Danny asked. Michael was silent for a moment, before replying, “Like you Danny, I wouldn’t sell out THAT truth to the public. Not even for a lot of money.”
He smirked, knowing that Michael understood what Danny did, and the good he’s done. He always reminded him, especially after the events that “were in flux” as he said, that “You’ve done good Danny, and it doesn’t matter if you’ve gone and done bad things in one possible future. If you have the ability to fight for a better future, do so, with the morals that you’ve carried with you into battle.” “So, what would you do if you did meet him?” Danny asked.
Michael couldn’t help but smirk, “Oh y’know, shake his hand, maybe a pat on the back and thank him for what he’s been doing.”
"Mr. Fenton, please explain to me again, why are you here?"
Danny leans forward with keen eyes, downright murderous. "My godfather who owns VladCo. Hates Wayne enterprise and hopes to surpass them in this years competition, so I took it upon myself to make sure you're winning, Mr. Wayne."
Mr. Wayne massages his forehead with a sigh.
"What are your motivations?"
"To see that man realise I helped bring his doom, to know that I am the reason he's going down. Maybe some tears too?"
(This was, of course, only after the proper interview where Danny had revealed his connection to VladCo.)
(Bruce was going to hire the boy anyway, but now? Now he will make sure danny doesn't turn into a villain either.)
(If danny saw Mr. Wayne put his file into the 'suspect villain' folder from the reflection of the glass behind him. He simply shrugs and deals with it later. Really, he should have expected that.)
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deadsetobsessions · 1 year ago
Gotham rained a lot more than Amity ever did.
Danny could not help but appreciate the differences. From the way the city itself curled around her inhabitants to the weather, Gotham was far darker than Amity ever managed to be.
Still, there were similarities. The screams, for one. In Amity, it was ghosts, their victims, and whichever ghostbuster of the day rocking up to rock each other’s shit. Another similarity? Danny’s inability to not get himself into troublesome shit, because he could never ignore a cry for help.
That scream was a cry for help if he’s ever heard one.
Danny cursed himself as he slipped through the alleyways, strides becoming smoother and agile than he normally walked like. He stuck to the shadows, the prickling of ghostly senses and honed vigilante instincts guiding him towards the scream. It was a man, getting stabbed by a guy in a red helmet.
Danny maintained that he was new here.
Which is why his foot connected solidly with Red Helmet's... red helmet.
"Motherfuc-" Red Helmet shouted as he was punted several feet away.
"Holy shit dude, are you good?"
Danny helped the guy up.
"Thank fuck! Back up! What took you so long?! Boss is gunna be so pissed if we're late!"
Hold up. Boss?
“Black Mask, asshole! We gotta go before he decides to cut off our limbs!”
Danny yanked the guy to the side just as a bullet ricocheted off the rusted fire escape.
“You’re not going anywhere.” A mechanical voice growled behind them.
“Oh fuck, Red Helmet guy.” Danny muttered.
“Shit, ya gotta run, tell boss I got caught.” The injured goon- because it was now apparent to Danny that the guy was working for someone dangerous- said. Danny appreciated the thought, but he only intervened because the guy was getting stabbed.
“Uh,” Danny hesitated. Clearly the guy had the wrong idea.
“Don’t make a move, unless you want your fucking heads blown off,” Red Helmet guy- wait, why does he feel liminal?- raised his guns. “Why don-”
Red Helmet guy was cut off by the thud of the now unconscious goon.
His helmet tilted down and then back up at Danny.
“Guess it’s just you and me,” Helmet guy sneered out. “Better tell me everything you know about Black Mask, or else you’ll get a taste of what he had.”
Danny held up his hands even though he knew he could just let the bullets phase through him. The smart thing would be to absolve himself and not get in the middle of two criminal���s beef as a civilian.
Danny’s full name, however, could have been Danny ‘Dumb Decisions’ Fenton. So, Danny practically interjected himself like an overexcited puppy at a doggy daycare.
“Okay, no need to get bloody. But uh, I have a question.”
Red Helmet cocked his head and mockingly gestured with his gun. “Sure, why not.”
Danny let as much of his midwestern accent into his voice as possible. “Who’s, uh, Black Mask?”
Red Helmet paused. Then he sighed. “You’re not from here, are you?”
“No…? I’m, uh, new in town.”
Red Helmet lowered his guns, and for some reason, Danny could tell that he was exasperated.
“Why would you even get in between a fight, dumbass? I have a gun! I coulda killed ya! He’s a criminal’”
Danny protested. Rude! “In my defense, you were stabbing him! You’re a criminal too, you know!”
“That makes it worse! You-!” Red Helmet paused. “Wait, do you even know who I am?”
Danny let his gaze wander down to the red bat-shaped logo on the guy’s chest. “Uh… Red Helmet… bat-guy?” He hazarded a guess.
“Oh my god, you’re an idiot.”
Danny gaped. “Excuse me?!”
“You heard me,” Red Helmet put his gun back and planted his fists on his hips. “You’re an idiot. Who gets in between a vigilante and the goon of a crime lord.”
Danny crossed his arms, leveling an unimpressed look at Red Helmet. “I’ve never heard of a vigilante killing someone, Red Helmet Bat-Guy.”
“It’s Red Hood.” Red Helmet sighed, walking closer. “And I wasn’t going to kill him.” Danny scoffed.
Danny relaxed, sensing the truth coming from Red Helmet guy’s liminal aspects.
“He’ll die looking at your ugly mug,” Danny sassed. “You’re gonna get him to a hospital, right? I’ll go with you.”
“Are you midwesterners all this trusting? What if I was the goon and this guy was the vigilante?”
Red Hood hiked the goon over his shoulder in a fireman carry. Danny followed after him.
“He’s the one that told me to go running back to his boss, Red Helmet.”
“It’s Red Hood.”
“That doesn’t look like a hood.”
Danny grinned as Red Helmet grumbled. How interesting! Maybe he won’t miss Amity as much as he thought he would!
“Ugh, fine, I guess someone’s gotta watch your dumb ass so you don’t get mugged.”
“I can take care of myself!”
Hood grunted. “I guess that kick wasn’t half bad.”
Danny beamed at him. “Thanks!”
Danny chucked a chimichanga at Red Hood.
“Wait a minute, you’re a crime lord! Being a goon was way less illegal than being a vigilante crime lord!”
Red Hood cackled at him.
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emacrow · 1 month ago
Starlight Toy Galore and Repair Center
"So this is what B wanted us to go under cover and investigate on?" Dick said, looking around the very colorful space theme background toystore.
There were several dozen children running around, some from the streets playing in a playground section, having the time of their life, trading with the owner with their own old broken toy for his toys.
Damian already betrayed them and got sucked into the extra cute extra fuzzy what seemed to be an off-brand of baby alive, blob aliens in another section where there was a bunch of other aliens like toys.
Dick is struggling to keep a hold onto Tim with all of his strength, considering he is eyeing at the awesome looking tech section with a coffee stand corner for adults and parents to chill while the kids play around.
The reason why they were here was that This store wasn't here before 9 months ago and only just got in their radar when a mini green smiling husky three legged puppy with a blue bow toy Keychain of one of hostage in Joker's torture on live to Gotham City spontaneously tripled in sized to a massive adult husky and process to mauled the joker alive in live tv. The sobbing hostage refused to give his toy Keychain close to his chest as he kept mumbling that Milly saved his life once more.
The owner was Danny Nightingale, a very, very tall blind man with extremely long black and white hair in multiple braids with toy crystalized flowers that moved, a frosty blue crown on his head covered in flowers as well. A gentle slim giant of a man who offers a variety of unique, wacky yet creatively fun toys not even for sell but as a trade.
They were supposed to grab a toy for analyzing! Not run around playing with everything!!
And there goes Tim.
Dick sighed as he pressed fingers between his nose before looking up to a section that had a bunch of mini glowing green animals-keychains in a circle rack.
What caught his eyes was one little baby elephant with a circus theme that reminded him too close of zitka.
He couldn't look away, nor could he stop himself from gently picking the Keychain.
A little cute button on the head top garment on the elephant that he pressed lightly.
A tiny, cute elephant noise came with a tiny sprinkle of water squirt out the elephant trunk with a tiny light of starlight rainbow shimmer, which made a smile grow on his face.
Dick ended up trading his bat burger stamped coupons, already walking out, seeing that Tim and Damian were already out with their toys in hand.
Tim was typing on a new tech gimmick toy that looked like Ghostbusters ripoff with glowing humaniod ghosts, and damian fascinated with a a jar full with a swirling bat like blob with a tag that said I am gimgim, thank you for adopting me.
"Well.. B didn't specifically have to give him the toy to analyze." Dick said out of thought before two pair narrowed eyes look back at him, holding their toys closer to their chest.
Dick narrowed his eyes back at them, holding his newly named zitka Keychain in his hand.
Part 2 here <-
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1mlei · 5 months ago
An unknown entity is tormenting a city (Gotham, Metropolis, etc, doesn't matter) and at this point nearly the entire Justice League is on location. And they are loosing, badly. The flaming green robot should have been easy enough for the entire JLA to take out, but none of their attacks have any effect, they can't even touch the robot, who is capable of devastating amounts of destruction. At this point the heroes have shifted their focus to rescue and evacuation efforts, while the JLD members present are scrambling to figure out how the hell to fight a being from the Infinite Realms. The idea of summoning someone from the Realms to help is brought up but ultimately dismissed as an absolute last resort, the risk of summoning something even worse being too great.
The robot is hovering in the sky, his mechanical face somehow morphed into a mocking grin as he looks down at the heroes. His arms morph into massive blasters, and the heroes hurry to get the area as clear as possible, then brace for impact. Except, nothing happens. And then, a loud metallic clang sounds. On the ground in front of the heroes lies the body of the robot, or what remains of it after falling 50 feet. They notice it's missing it's head. As the heroes look up to where the robot had been hovering a moment ago, they see a person flyi- no, just standing there. A regular looking kid with black hair, wearing an oversized ghostbusters hoodie and jeans, is standing on the roof right behind where the robot had been hovering. But what everyone can't help but focus on, is the decapitated head of the robot he's holding upside down in his hands.
Everyone there stares at the kid in... relief? trepidation? Mostly in disbelief, they watch as the kid looks at the head in his hands (there's a small flicker of something bright green sticking out of it) then down the side of the building at the body below. The kid lets out a pleased hum that is only audible to those with super-hearing, then turns around and walks out of sight.
The heroes are quickly snapped out of their trance and all hurry to get up to the roof, but in the 0.2 seconds it took them to get there the kid had disappeared, robot head gone with him.
They are later unable to find any clear footage of the kid, or any other clues on how to find him, he's simply vanished without a trace. .....
Danny had been busy studying for an upcoming exam, when he was rudely interrupted by Skulker being annoying outside. Phasing through his wall and invisibly flying over to take a look he finds several city blocks that have been levelled to the ground, and a Skulker hovering in the sky grinning down at his handiwork as if he's done something special. Danny is frustrated at being interrupted for this, and doesn't have time for a long, drawn out battle right now, so he lands on the roof behind Skulker and walks up to him silently. He quickly grabs the head of Skulker's suit and yanks, effectively decapitating him and making the body of the suit fall down on the ground. He checks to make sure that Skulker's actual blob of a body is in the head, then that the suit on the ground is fully powered down. Satisfied, he hums and walks away, turning invisible once more and flying back to his apartment, where he puts Skulker in a thermos for a time-out. Then he sits back down and begrudgingly opens his textbook to where he left off, unaware of the heroes collectively having a breakdown.
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DPxDC prompt: Hobby
"Think I'm getting butterflies, but it's really Something telling me to run away" Sub Urban & Bella Poarch
The years go by, and the Anti-ecto Laws that don’t recognize ghosts even animals are still there. And Danny is so tired of it. Even worse, ghost studies are becoming popular. And Danny’s getting sick of it. And he really needs a break. In general, the castle of good old Pariah Dark is potentially a good place to exist, right?
Well, Danny ends up in a perfectly normal civilian family ('cause of СPS or else) in Gotham.
The city is filled with fear, death, and also ectoplasm, which is fine, because it allows Danny not to run into the Ghost Zone for energy for his core. In fact, it’s really strange why so few ghosts are formed in such a comfortable place.
So, a new family. Although the head of family is a billionaire, Danny really wants to give them a chance. Even if he break out in a cold sweat when Bruce looks at him. Well, Fenton blames his past experience. Fuck you, Vlad. Waynes are really nice. And thanks to this adoption he'll be far away from Amity Park, safe from GIW, maybe finally feel like a human being. even if he's not.
So, Danny wants to know about them a little bit more. He has already noticed that Damian collects katanas, Tim is all about hacking, and Jason is obsessed with guns, and Bruce..hm, maybe he need to ask to find out:
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Oh, that's explains a lot. Of course highly intelligent ghosts are afraid to settle in a city where one of the wealthiest people is a ghostbuster. That’s why there are so few ghosts in Gotham. Danny is such an idiot that he didn’t realize it before. Gothamites are odd. What if it's especially popular among local rich people? Even if it's not, according to rumors that Bruce’s a Batman's sponsor, Danny sure as hell screwed up. Hm, perhaps he should try to escape to the Infinite Realms through one of the Al Ghul's Pits if this guy Constantine will not answer to his call in a few more minutes.
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write-or-run · 8 months ago
Jack and Maddy as Justice League consultants
As the world's foremost experts on ectobiology the Fentons are an invaluable resource, and their activities probably count as vigilantism, but The JL never invited the couple as official JL members. 
Officially this is due to the Fentons being so specialized in ghosts and ectobiology. The Fentons are brilliant scientists, that much is indisputable. With their skills in biology, radiology, and engineering they managed to quantify a form of magic and pioneer a whole new field of study. 
It's just that they can get a little… absentminded. 
This ends up a moot point when Fentons (believing that the JL was about to invite them to join) state that they intend to focus on studying ghosts. But don't worry they would be happy to help out with any ghost problems!
edit: got rid of the duplicated paragraphs, Super embarrassing!!!
The League first became entangled with the Fentons when a young sorcerer named Nicolas Edgar Nolan, more commonly known as Nick Necro, launched an attack on the members of the Justice League. He sought revenge on Giovanni Zatara for rejecting him as a student when the stage magician discovered that Nick had become involved with a dark cult. 
Nick had managed to get his hands on a gauntlet that allowed him to create gremlin-like servants by sacrificing the lifeforce of other creatures. (Unbeknownst to him, the artifact's original owner, known only as the Overlord, was locked away within the gauntlet. With each additional minion the Overlord gains more influence over the user) The dark sorcerer had sent these creatures to attack the Justice League, thereby leaving Zatara without his allies. 
The artifact is eventually identified by Zatara as the Gauntlet of Tyranny, one of many curios that could be found in the Infinity Realm. Due to the gauntlet’s nature, its creations had the same properties as those of the Infinity Realm’s denizens, making them very hard to defeat. 
At least they were, until a couple of crackpot graduates from the University of Wisconsin-Madison came blasting onto the scene. 
Like everyone else in the world, the recently married Fentons were paying close attention to broadcasts about the latest alien invasion. Of course the couple were able to recognize the ghostly origin of the minion’s powers, and the pair immediately packed up their home-made ghostbusting equipment and set out on the most important cross-country trip of their life! (Unfortunately there was no way for them to fly out as the airport security refused to let them bring their blasters onboard)
Since Zatara’s main place of residence was in Gotham, that's where Nick Necro focused his attacks. It's also the direction that Jack and Maddy’s prototype Fenton Finder points them towards.
The Fentons make their way to Gotham with a trail of defeated minions and property damage behind them. Along the way they encounter Flash, Hawkwoman, and Captain Atom. The Fentons supply the heroes with their prototype ecto-based weaponry. Unfortunately the scientists don't wait to explain anything so the heroes are left to figure out who that couple was and how the gadgets work.
Flash is given a glowing baton that pops the minions on contact. Unfortunately it’s battery cant hold a charge and Flash has to keep repowering it with his lightning. 
Hawkwoman is frustrated when the hard light ecto-blade keeps fritzing out, but discovers the nth-metal of her mace stabilizes it. 
Captain Atom gets a giant tuning fork to his confusion. Eventually he figures out that by channeling his power through it the nearby minions are forcibly gathered at the fork’s end, and he can take them all out with one blast.
Upon arriving at Gotham the Fentons make their way to the city’s last operating clinic, arriving just in time to save doctor Leslie Thompkins. Together they fortify the clinic and set up a shield that keeps out all ghostly beings. 
Poor Batman hasn't gotten a break all week. A mystery enemy had been ambushing members of the League. By the time they identified the culprit as Nick Necro the man had been able to gather enough forces to launch a siege against America's largest cities, with a special focus on Gotham due to it being the home of Nick’s target, Giovanni Zatara. Now some unknown vigilanties were setting up base in his godmother's clinic. Sure the couple claim to want to help, but Batman didn't get this far by trusting people at face value. He interrogates them about everything,  why are you here, how do you know so much about the attackers, what are your devices, etc…
The Fentons are thrilled that this bat-themed fellow is so interested in their work and are happy to gush about it in between shooting minions. Batman is immediately given full access to their makeshift lab and equipment without so much as a thought to security or safety.
Baman begrudgingly teams up with the Fentons but will definitely do a more thorough (re: invasive) investigation on the Fentons later. But for now they cooperate to make a device that neutralizes the Gauntlet of Tyranny.
And that’s how it all started.
On one hand Jack and Maddie now have a support system of fellow scientists and vigilantes. On the other hand they are now heroes in the DCU.
Occasionally Jack and Maddie end up on comic book flavored adventures (I'm watching clips of Batman the Brave and the Bold while coming up with this). When they're gone the Fenton kids are usually looked after by their parents' work friends. Mr Terrific, Atom, Swamp Thing, Barry Allen, etc. At some point 12 yr old Dick ends up babysitting 6 yr old Jazz and 4 yr old Danny.
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doamarierose-honoka · 9 months ago
Batman is back with a vengeance. Three years after HBO Max and Cartoon Network first announced Batman: Caped Crusader — the adult-oriented animated series that was eventually canceled by the since-renamed Max streaming service, only to then be picked up at Prime Video — the new Batman TV show is about to hit the small screen. Set in 1940s Gotham City, Caped Crusader is described as "a reimagining of the Batman mythology through the visionary lens" of executive producers Bruce Timm (Batman: The Animated Series and Batman Beyond), Matt Reeves (The Batman and The Penguin), and J.J. Abrams (Alias and Lost).
"We are beyond excited to be working together to bring this character back, to tell engrossing new stories in Gotham City," Timm, Reeves, and Abrams said when announcing the series in 2021. "The series will be thrilling, cinematic and evocative of Batman's noir roots, while diving deeper into the psychology of these iconic characters. We cannot wait to share this new world."
Below, ComicBook is shining the Bat-Signal on everything we know so far about Batman: Caped Crusader, including the voice cast, release date, and the rogues who will populate the first solo Batman animated series in more than a decade.
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Where Can I Watch Batman: Caped Crusader?
To watch Batman: Caped Crusader on Amazon's Prime Video, you'll need either a Prime Video subscription ($8.99 per month with ads, or $11.98/mo for ad-free) or an Amazon Prime membership ($14.99 per month with Prime Video ads, or $17.98/mo with ad-free Prime Video).
Batman: Caped Crusader Release Date
All episodes of Batman: Caped Crusader will premiere Thursday, August 1st, on Amazon Prime Video.
How Many Episodes Is Batman: Caped Crusader?
Batman: Caped Crusader season 1 consists of 10 episodes. In 2023, Prime Video announced a two-season order for the new series.
What Is Batman: Caped Crusader About?
The official description: "Welcome to Gotham City, where the corrupt outnumber the good, criminals run rampant and law-abiding citizens live in a constant state of fear. Forged in the fire of tragedy, wealthy socialite Bruce Wayne becomes something both more and less than human — the Batman. His one-man crusade attracts unexpected allies within the GCPD and City Hall, but his heroic actions spawn deadly, unforeseen ramifications."
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Who Voices Batman in the Batman: Caped Crusader Cast?
The Batman: Caped Crusader voice cast includes Hamish Linklater (Midnight Mass) in the title role as Batman/Bruce Wayne, Christina Ricci (Yellowjackets) as Catwoman/Selina Kyle, Jamie Chung (Gotham) as Harley Quinn/Dr. Harleen Quinzel, and Diedrich Bader — a DC veteran whose credits include episodes of Batman Beyond, 2006's The Batman, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, and the Max adult animated series Harley Quinn — as Two-Face/Harvey Dent.
Announced cast members in as-yet-unrevealed roles include Mckenna Grace (Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire), Toby Stephens (Percy Jackson and the Olympians), Reid Scott (Venom), Dan Donohue (For All Mankind), Gary Anthony Williams (Hailey's on It!), Jason Watkins (The Crown), John DiMaggio (Futurama), Krystal Joy Brown (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power), Michelle C. Bonilla (9-1-1: Lone Star), Eric Morgan Stuart (Fallout 4), Tom Kenny (SpongeBob SquarePants), and Minnie Driver (The Witcher: Blood Origin).
Batman: Caped Crusader Villains
A cast announcement video revealed Linklater's Batman voice and the Dark Knight's rogue's gallery: The Penguin, Catwoman, Two-Face, Harley Quinn, the pyromaniac Firebug, Natalia Knight (in the comics, a reformed career criminal with photosensitive skin known as Nocturna, the mistress of the night), the phantom criminal called Gentleman Ghost, and Clayface (the Golden Age Clayface of the 1940s was Basil Karlo, a once-famous character actor and makeup expert turned costumed killer). Caped Crusader reimagines Dr. Harleen Quinzel as Asian American — and Bruce Wayne's psychologist. Here, her alter-ego as the jester-costumed Harley Quinn is independent from the Joker, who is noticeably absent from the roundup of Batman characters.
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Batman: Caped Crusader Characters
Batman – A cold, remorseless avenger of evil, seemingly more machine than man. Forged in the fire of tragedy, every fiber of his being is dedicated to the eradication of crime. (The Batman suit is influenced by the character's earliest appearances in Detective Comics, by creators Bob Kane and Bill Finger, with longer, narrow ears, a collared cape, and with black gloves rather than the original purple.)
Bruce Wayne - To the public at large, Bruce Wayne is a shallow dilettante, apparently wasting his parents' vast fortune on frivolous pursuits and hedonistic pleasures. In fact, he's an elaborate facade, carefully constructed to divert attention from his activities as Batman.
Selina Kyle / "Catwoman" – Selena Kyle is a blithe and pampered heiress whose family lost their fortune after her father was imprisoned for embezzlement. Despite having the silver spoon yanked from her mouth, Selina refuses to quit living in the lap of luxury and becomes Catwoman as a "fun" way to maintain her lavish lifestyle.
Dr. Harleen Quinzel / "Harley Quinn" – Despite a personable and bubbly demeanor, Dr. Harleen Quinzel is a brilliant psychiatrist who treats some of Gotham's elite. However, as Harley Quinn, she is a different person, entirely. A creepy, quiet, calculating menace who secretly dispenses her twisted justice to the truly despicable among her elite clientele.
Commissioner Jim Gordon – Former beat cop close to retirement, Gordon was hired to play along with the corrupt system and run out the clock till he can draw a pension. But they've sorely underestimated Jim Gordon. His unassailable character brings him into conflict with dirty cops and crooked politicians, alike. Not to mention, he has to reckon with a deranged vigilante beating up Gotham's criminals.
Clayface – Thanks to his "unique" facial features, screen actor Basil Karlo has been forever typecast as a B-movie heavy. Frustrated by the limitations his appearance put on both his career and personal life (he fell hopelessly in love with his co-star), Karlo turned to an experimental serum that promised to change his face. However, not only does this serum ultimately disfigure his face, but it ruptures the last of his sanity – creating the tragic, vengeance seeking villain, Clayface.
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Batman: Caped Crusader Creators
Batman: Caped Crusader comes from Warner Bros. Animation (My Adventures with Superman, Bat-Family), Abrams' Bad Robot Productions (Lovecraft Country, the Star Trek films) and Reeves' 6th & Idaho (2022's The Batman, The Batman – Part II). Along with Abrams, Reeves and Timm, Batman: Caped Crusader executive producers include head writer Ed Brubaker (DC's Batman comic, Gotham Central), James Tucker (Justice League Unlimited), Daniel Pipski (The Penguin), Rachel Rusch Rich (Castle Rock), and Sam Register (Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part One and Part Two).
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ecandjamesvpjournal · 1 year ago
DP x DC x GB Story Idea
Gotham has had its fair share of crime in the city, but few know of its troubles with supernatural forces… except for the Bat Family. While they usually handle the League of Assassins and others who dabble in magic, it’s not long before Bruce hears word that a new paranormal group pops up called the Ghostbusters. At first, it appears that the Ghostbusters are a bunch of con artists, before the BatFam and League of Assassins find themselves facing the Ghostbusters. It’s only when Red Hood notices the Ghostbuster in black, with white trimming. On it, is the name tag “Fenton”. Something about Danny makes his soul stir.
“Members of the League of Assassins, I hearby demand by the powers vested in me by the Gotham City Police Department, the Gotham City Historical Society, the EPA, and even both the Justice League and JL Dark, to depart from this or any other reality, at once.” the grey-ish tan jumpsuit wearing Ghostbuster said. He re-adjusted his glasses before looking at the Head of the League of Assassins, Ra’s Al Guul. “Fools, all of you are fools. First the Bats, now these hacks.” The one with glasses looked offended. As the assassins started to surround them, the five of them moved back to each other, forming a tight circle, facing them.
“Alright guys, Alpha 47-B!” he said, as they all powered up. The female briefly glanced at the one with glasses, “I thought we were gonna name it something clever.” “Sure, but you try coming up with a name that doesn’t telegraph to the villains.” he replied. As they surrounded them, Ra’s smiled at them, no sneered at them. “I don’t know what you were expecting, but this’ll be the-“
“THROW EM’!” glasses exclaimed. The five of them threw the energy from the strange gun-like devices. While it wouldn’t exactly do damage to normal people. Those within the League were affected enough to quickly retreat, including Ra’s Al Guul, who didn’t expect this. “You should’ve listened,” the one known as Fenton said, “We did warn you.”
Ra’s disappeared before it got worse. After all of that, they deactivated the device before they looked around. “So what do we do?” Fenton asked, as glasses re-adjusted his glasses again. With a smile, he brushed something off his name tag that had the word “Smith” on it. “Simple Fenton,” he started looking around, “We need to find the source of their ectoplasm and deactivate it.” “But where is it?” the female with the short haircut said, whose name tag was “Bazaar”. Smith shrugged, “Unless someone knows what the League uses to re-animate their assassins. Like the Batman!” he exclaimed, quickly looking around for them, only to be met with silence, and slight bouts of darkness.
The young man who looked Winston, but younger, had the name tag “Zeddimore”. “Hey man,” he said patting Smith on the back, “the Batman is just a myth, nothing more.” “Oh yeah, then who has defeated the League of Assassins?” Before Zeddimore could answer, there was a cough, like someone clearing their throat. The five of them turned towards the now visible Batfamily.
Smith was the first to speak, “Ok, um hi. Sorry to bother you sir, but you wouldn’t happen to notice a place where there is tainted ectoplasm?” Batman just raised an eyebrow at them, to which Smith continued, “Well, while it does have re-animation properties, most tainted ectoplasm tends to cause bouts of anger, a inhuman savagery, and other weird side effects.” Immediately, all of the BatFam turned towards the Red Hood. Smith looked at him, then pulled out an unusual device. Smith got close, the pointed the device at him, which whirred and blinked, and the arms raised to the full position.
“Well, that’s different.” Smith said, looking at the PKE Meter.
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fordarkisthesuede · 1 year ago
May I please ask for a character description of Jackie lant? I honestly don't feel like combing through every page of the fics she's in (I'm sorry if that came off as rude) I want to draw her but don't know if I made shit up or it was written (I'm bad with words I'm sorry) I also really want to draw her jack-o'-lantern outfit, if you have the time or want to if not, thank you for your time
You're asking about my girl?! My precious darling daughter?!
Pfft, no problem, baby-cake! Let's go!!!
Full Name: Jacklin "Jackie" Olivia Lant
Age: 26
Birthday: 🦂 November 2nd (Day of the Dead)
Height: 5'4" without shoes (John is a known 6ft tall for comparison)
Cup size: Just barely a C
Build: Dress size 6 (US measurements)
Eyes: Brown; frequently described as "autumn leaves".
Eyelashes are short and almost invisible without makeup, so she frequently uses a brown mascara.
Hair: In the fiery orange range of red-heads (don't forget the yellow-y bits!); curl level is 3C (tight corkscrews). Currently a bob style like this:
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Fun fact, her hair was modeled after my friend Maddy :)
Eyebrows: small and yellower than her hair so is frequently filled in with light brown pencil to a straight shape like this:
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Face: more round than oval; no visible scars
Skin: Caucasian; has freckles across her nose and cheeks + on shoulders and peppered along arms
Tattoos: none
Scars: bullet wound on left-hand abdomen above the hip, circa Dr. Crane in AtBoM; right-hand calf has a three-inch vertical scar from a childhood bike accident; outside of thighs have several horizontal scars from self-harm as a teenager .
Favorite clothes are autumnal colors and patterns; she favors orange, yellow, brown, and black, but will wear white and owns two pairs of worn blue jeans she wears frequently. Occasionally wears green accent pieces (favors Goosebumps slime green). Dislikes wearing blue tones outside of faded jeans. Never wears solid reds. Loves plaids, ripped pants, and Beetlejuice-style stripes. Dislikes Uggs, loves boots of all other kinds, flat sneakers, and black chunkier-style heels with straps. Can and has worn stilettos, just doesn't like having to skirt around grates in the city. Can wear any and all dress and skirt styles, but prefers knee-length or shorter.
Favorite clothing item: black zip-up hoodie with pumpkin orange skeleton torso print - the zipper goes all the way up through the hood to seal the face, and the hood-face print is a jack-o-lantern!
Her original "costume", from down in the secret chamber beneath the mausoleum in AtBoM (when she's trying to get every party-goer to help her take down Dr. Crane, who used that place as a hideout), is very reminiscent of Samhain from the old Ghostbusters cartoon:
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That said, her "official" villain look is undecided, since we never had to really go that route. Her official weapons at the time were a sawed-off shotgun, a classic revolver, and backup in the form of her great-uncle's mob ties, but I'll also add in mace and brass knuckles, because it's Gotham and she always has those in her purse.
I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing what you come up with!!!
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yami268 · 2 years ago
List of Heinz Doofenshmirtz's Enemies (Other than Perry the Platypus and his brother)
Grunkle Stan
The Entire Town of Springfield
The Belcher Family
Jerry Seinfield
The entire city of Gotham
The Ghostbusters (Especially Peter Venkman)
The Care Bears (It’s not that he doesn’t hate them or anything. He just can’t deal with feelings)
Emperor Belos
The Entire Town of Wartwood
Chris McLean
Paulina Phoenix
The Entire City of Gotham
The Scooby Doo gang
Benson from Regular Show
Anti Fairies
Any characters and their multiple iterations (regardless of whether they’re good, bad, or otherwise) from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise
The main cast of Friends
Gabriel Agreste
Hawk Moth
Bob Pataki
Cave Johnson
Feel free to add your own.
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queenofthequillandink · 2 months ago
Apparently adding onto these DPxDC posts is what's getting my creative writing brain going lately.
Danny tells Damian a lightly sanitized version of events as Danny Fenton The Civilian would remember them. He'd prefer to keep the lying to an absolute minimum and Damian deserves to know. He's usually calm when stuff like this comes up; being a Gotham citizen is a lot like being an Amity Park citizen. You just get used to handling shit. Danny's so used to Damian taking things in stride that sometimes, he forgets his boyfriend is just a civilian.
So Danny expects a calm admonishment about being more careful walking home, maybe an insistence on letting Damian call him a cab or an Uber the next time they're out and about late.
He's not expecting his boyfriend to go full Ghostbusters on the situation.
"Damian, I'll really be fine. Got kidnapped by some bogus cultists, the Batclan showed up and kicked ass, all cultists are now in prison awaiting trial. How many cults can one city have?"
"There are 63 individual cult or cult-like sects identified as operating within Gotham City limits," Damian replies, serious as he is with most things. Damn, Amity only had 18 last time he checked. Though it's a much smaller city, so that's probably why. "Even if you think it's foolish, I would prefer you wear this charm. I took the time to have it affixed to an accessory I thought you would like."
Danny does like the braided leather cuff bracelet Damian's presenting. Unfortunately, the small metal amulet inscribed with runes is the real deal, instead of being new age bullshit that Danny wouldn't have a care in the world about keeping on. Trust Damian to find the one spiritual shop in the city that knows its stuff. The bracelet hums with power he can already feel itching all over him from here, and he hasn't even touched the stupid thing yet. Damn, it makes Danny feel like a complete asshole to turn down the gift Damian clearly put so much thought into.
"Babe," he says gently, putting his hands on Damian's wrists. He can't grip any closer to the bracelet. "I appreciate it, I really do. But I'll be fine. You don't need to worry."
Damian frowns harder. "It won't hurt you to wear it." Unfortunately, false. "You can't just keep it on for my sake?"
Would that I could, Dames. Danny looks away, a little ashamed of the card he's about to pull. But desperate times. "It, uh. It reminds me of my parents, actually," he admits softly. "They had stuff like this all over the house. I'd prefer not to be reminded, if I can help it." The worst part is, it's not even a lie. They were more into the high-tech side of ghost hunting, not the occult, but the buzzing, unwelcome feeling sets his teeth on edge and reminds him of the home defense system that shot him 7 times out of 10 when he tried to enter his parents' house.
Damian sucks in a breath through his teeth. Danny hasn't divulged much about the home life he and Jazz are running from, but Damian knows enough to know how touchy a subject it is. Reluctantly, he draws the offered bracelet back. "My apologies. I did not mean to remind you of darker times."
"Hey." Danny smiles slightly, reaching out to touch Damian's face. "It's okay, you didn't know. But I'm serious, you know. One-and-done kidnapping. You don't have to worry."
Damian scowls, looking away. "You cannot promise that.
Danny kind of can. He can escape pretty much any Rogue in this city whenever he wants to. Penguin's guys have unknowingly had him three separate times, with the longest capture lasting exactly 37 seconds.
But he can't say that, so he just turns Damian's face back to his, gently. "Hey. I'll take other precautions, okay? I'll always call you when I get home. I'll let you pay for a ride when it's a late night. Is that okay?"
"I suppose it will have to do," Damian huffs, folding his arms.
"Okay, good. I know you're worried, and that's fair. And I really appreciate the thought. Maybe I can take the bracelet without the charm? I do like it, you were right."
As Damian unhooks the amulet and stuffs it in his pocket, Danny breathes an internal sigh of relief. Damian's just got to let his mother hen instincts out, be overprotective for a little bit, and then things will go back to normal. He can handle a week or two of hovering! And he gets this cool new bracelet too.
Damian's first attempt at getting an anti-possession charm on Danny may have failed, but he doesn't come away from the conversation empty handed.
At first, he worried that the strange reluctance to wear so harmless (to Danny's knowledge, at least; Constantine does good work, no matter how obnoxious he is) a trinket was a sign of the King of the Dead's influence even now.
But his pattern of speech hadn't faltered or changed and the awkward shame and embarrassment of his reveal was real, as far as Damian can tell.
No, far more interesting is the revelation that Danny and Jasmine's parents are somehow involved in ghosts and the occult. Could they be the reason that the King of the Dead is interested in Danny as more than a one-time vessel?
Damian has been trying to respect Danny's privacy and not pry into his past. Richard says it's an important part of a relationship, to trust a partner to reveal their personal secrets when they're ready. Unfortunately, it appears that Danny's past has just become case relevant, and that makes it fair game as far as Damian is concerned. He'll just have to make the intrusion up later, once Danny is out of the King of the Dead's clutches for good.
DP x DC Prompt.
>Danny had a problem. He thought he handled it well. He couldn't tell his civillian boyfriend of his half-dead status.
He definitely couldn't let him find out by being summoned by some culty wannabes who wanted to rule the world.
Easy solution: Volunteer to be the sacrifice, turn his eyes green, and act like a Royal prick and powerful being. Get rescued by one of Gothams 50 vigilantes. And claim no memory.
Boom, secret identity underwraps.
He didn't expect everyone to treat him so fragile after.
Damian also had a problem. That problem, being his civilian boyfriend, was obviously possessed by a spirit of the ghastly ghost king and was utterly clueless about it.
And it was all his fault.
Danny Fenton was the next June Moore/ Enchantress. Except he was hosting one of the most powerful beings in the universe.
And that lovable idiot had no damn idea about it.
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ao3feed-harleyquinn · 7 days ago
who you gonna call?
by Metalotaku not your daddy. that's for sure. Words: 5003, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 49 of Adventures of danny fenton in gotham as schrodinger Fandoms: Danny Phantom, DCU, Gotham City Sirens (Comics), Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M Characters: Danny Fenton, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas, Riko Moriyama, Kate Kane (DCU), Helena Bertinelli, Harleen Quinzel, Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Jaina Hudson, Renee Montoya, Koriand'r (DCU), Mister Toad, Colin Wilkes, Luke Fox, Tim Drake (DCU), Ted Grant, John Constantine, Zatanna Zatara, Jason Blood, Harper Row Relationships: Helena Bertinelli/Renee Montoya, Pamela Isley/Selina Kyle/Harleen Quinzel Additional Tags: Ghostbusting (Ghostbusters), Marshmallows, Bruce Wayne is Danny Fenton's Biological Parent, Selina Kyle is Danny Fenton's Biological Parent, sleep over gone wrong, the dark arts are always apart of girls sleep overs via https://ift.tt/MzuBZNT
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 13 days ago
who you gonna call?
by Metalotaku not your daddy. that's for sure. Words: 5003, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 49 of Adventures of danny fenton in gotham as schrodinger Fandoms: Danny Phantom, DCU, Gotham City Sirens (Comics), Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M Characters: Danny Fenton, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas, Riko Moriyama, Kate Kane (DCU), Helena Bertinelli, Harleen Quinzel, Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Jaina Hudson, Renee Montoya, Koriand'r (DCU), Mister Toad, Colin Wilkes, Luke Fox, Tim Drake (DCU), Ted Grant, John Constantine, Zatanna Zatara, Jason Blood, Harper Row Relationships: Helena Bertinelli/Renee Montoya, Pamela Isley/Selina Kyle/Harleen Quinzel Additional Tags: Ghostbusting (Ghostbusters), Marshmallows, Bruce Wayne is Danny Fenton's Biological Parent, Selina Kyle is Danny Fenton's Biological Parent, sleep over gone wrong, the dark arts are always apart of girls sleep overs via https://ift.tt/v74VjFS
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babylove007 · 2 months ago
Favourite Lego Sets [Filter: Priced High to Low]
Starwars Venator Class-Star Destroyer Lego Set (Looks like Halo Sword) $849.99
Disney Castle
Lion Knights Castle
Grand Piano
Loop Coaster 
***The Botanical Garden***
Ninjago City Markets 
***Batcave Shadow Box***
Batman The Animated Series: Gotham City
***Motorized Light House***
Ninjago City Gardens
Ghostbuster ECTO-1
Snow White and the Seven Drawf's Cottage
NASA Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle - LRV
Twilight The Cullen House
Eldorado Fortress
Batmobile Tumbler
Airbus H175 Rescue Helicopter
NASA Space Shuttle Discovery
Porsche 911 RSR
Megapolis City Anniversary 
Optimus Prime
Audi RS Q e-tron
Porsche GTA 4 
Trevi Fountain 
The Enchanted Tree House (Obviously)
Travel Moments
Temple of the Gold Idol
Source Dragon of Motion
Freight Train
Adventure Camp Tree House
Mateo and Z-Blob the Knight Battle Mech
Red London Telephone Box
Dragon Stone Shrine
Passenger Airplane
Ski and Climbing Centre (Because Inner Tubing)
Hokusai - The Great Wave
***Tranquil Garden***
Seaside Harbor with Cargo Ship
Space Rollercoaster
Elemental Dragon vs The Empress Mech  The Little Mermaid Royal Clamshell
Santa's Post Office
Blacktron Renegade
***Fountain Garden***
Modern House
Jungle Explorer Helicopter at Base Camp
Alpine Lodge
Castle Bed and Breakfast
Police Prison Island
Spring Lantern Festival
Apartment Building (With Palm Tree)
Double Loop Stunt Arena
Lunar New Year Ice Festival
Cargo Train (Also why is our bus driver on the boat?)
Kawasaki Ninja H2R
Police Training Academy (4x4 hellur wild life conservation officer/game warden at myself)
Holiday Main Street
Zane's Ice Dragon Creature
Firefighter Aircraft (Looks like Orange Air Ambulance Passenger Charter, hi Uncle Stephen!)
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The Thug Bitch was the last of the Doll Palace Gifs. I'll just leave that one where it is. lmao
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DPXDC prompt: What makes ghosts ghost?
Danny begins to think that his parents brought them to hunt in Gotham for a reason when, flying near the City in his "invisible mode", he overhears the local vigilante Batman:
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~ Detective Comics (2016-) #1000 ~
If this is true, should Phantom warn a colleague about ghostbusters? Oh ancients, do birds and bats know that their serial adopter is dead? Or are they no longer human either, or have they never been?
These thoughts gave the boy a headache.
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yesungsh27 · 6 months ago
Daftar Game yang Diangkat dari Film
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Daftar Game yang Diangkat dari Film
Industri video game sering kali mengambil inspirasi dari film-film populer, menghasilkan berbagai judul yang memungkinkan pemain untuk menjelajahi dunia yang telah mereka kenal melalui layar lebar. Berikut adalah daftar beberapa game yang diangkat dari film, mencakup berbagai genre dan era.
1. Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009)
Diangkat dari karakter Batman yang terkenal, game ini membawa pemain ke Arkham Asylum, tempat para penjahat Gotham berkumpul. Dengan gameplay yang memukau dan cerita yang mendalam, game ini berhasil mendapatkan pujian kritis dan menjadi salah satu game superhero terbaik.
2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003)
Meskipun tidak langsung diangkat dari film, game ini berlokasi di universe Star Wars dan menawarkan pengalaman RPG yang mendalam. Pemain dapat memilih jalan cerita mereka sendiri, berinteraksi dengan karakter-karakter ikonik, dan menjelajahi galaksi jauh.
3. Jurassic Park: The Game (2011)
Game ini mengambil latar belakang dari film Jurassic Park dan menawarkan pengalaman naratif yang mendalam. Pemain harus menghadapi berbagai situasi berbahaya di pulau Isla Nublar, berinteraksi dengan karakter dan dinosaurus dari film.
4. Ghostbusters: The Video Game (2009)
Game ini berfungsi sebagai sekuel spiritual dari film Ghostbusters. Pemain dapat menjadi anggota baru tim Ghostbusters, menggunakan berbagai peralatan untuk menangkap hantu. Dengan humor yang mirip dengan film, game ini telah menjadi favorit di kalangan penggemar.
5. Mad Max (2015)
Berdasarkan film Mad Max: Fury Road, game ini menawarkan dunia pasca-apokaliptik yang luas untuk dijelajahi. Pemain dapat mengemudikan kendaraan kustom, bertarung dengan musuh, dan bertahan hidup di lingkungan yang keras.
6. The Lord of the Rings: Shadow of Mordor (2014)
Mengambil latar dari trilogi The Lord of the Rings, game ini menggabungkan elemen RPG dan aksi. Pemain mengikuti cerita Talion, seorang ranger yang memiliki kekuatan supernatural, dan melawan pasukan Sauron.
7. Transformers: War for Cybertron (2010)
Berdasarkan franchise Transformers, game ini membawa pemain ke planet Cybertron, tempat pertempuran antara Autobots dan Decepticons berlangsung. Dengan gameplay yang menarik dan cerita yang kaya, game ini berhasil menangkap esensi dari seri film dan kartun.
8. Resident Evil Series
Dikenal sebagai salah satu franchise horror paling terkenal, Resident Evil memiliki banyak game yang diadaptasi dari film. Meskipun game pertama dirilis lebih awal dari filmnya, franchise ini terus berlanjut dengan berbagai sekuel dan spin-off.
9. Avatar: The Game (2009)
Berdasarkan film blockbuster Avatar, game ini menawarkan pengalaman menjelajahi dunia Pandora. Meskipun tidak sepopuler filmnya, game ini memberikan pandangan yang menarik tentang lingkungan dan budaya Na’vi.
10. The Godfather: The Game (2006)
Mengambil inspirasi dari film klasik The Godfather, game ini memungkinkan pemain untuk masuk ke dalam dunia mafia. Pemain dapat menyelesaikan misi, membangun kekuasaan, dan menjelajahi New York City era 1950-an.
11. Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)
Berdasarkan film aksi Kingsman, game ini menawarkan pengalaman aksi yang penuh gaya dan humor. Pemain dapat berpartisipasi dalam berbagai misi yang diilhami oleh elemen dari film.
12. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Diadaptasi dari film yang diangkat dari novel Roald Dahl, game ini mengajak pemain menjelajahi dunia ajaib Willy Wonka. Dengan gameplay yang berbasis teka-teki dan eksplorasi, game ini cocok untuk pemain muda dan penggemar cerita.
Game yang diangkat dari film sering kali menawarkan pengalaman yang menarik dan memungkinkan pemain untuk terlibat lebih dalam dengan cerita dan karakter yang mereka cintai. Meskipun tidak semua adaptasi berhasil, banyak dari game ini memberikan kesempatan untuk menjelajahi dunia yang telah dikenali melalui medium yang berbeda. Dari aksi hingga petualangan, ada banyak game menarik yang bisa ditemukan di daftar ini, menjadikan pengalaman bermain semakin bervariasi dan menyenangkan
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