#ghost or possessed dragon
c-c-v · 1 year
Heehhhh it's about 130 when I post this, on mah bday, tired and junk, the idea of this at the time was something but then exhaustion after drawing Morro's Dragon(I just call it Nightmare-) and I don't nearly have enough canvas room to really work it in but either way, dunno Morro having like both dragons was a neat idea to meh, and I'm sorry I have to give ya half ass shit but hey it something, anyway imma sleep now night:D
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kunshokunsho · 1 month
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:( ;)
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bumblingbriars · 3 months
When rgb has “Egon” somewhere in the title you know you’re gonna get one of the most insane stories of the cartoon
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awkwardosthe3rd · 1 year
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Dog possession (For a campaign I am running)
I have been getting into making really quick headshots for NPC icons - been getting pretty good at rendering quick headshots I'd like to think.
Sadly I can hardly show off any cuz most are still to come up in the game and some players follow me here :T
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clonerightsagenda · 4 months
I noticed in the Adventurer's Bible that Laios dislikes ghosts and assumed it was because they're just dead humans, hardly monsters at all, but the anime reminded me that it was his idea to visit the graveyard because there was a ghost there. I guess the possession made him dislike ghosts, the same way he was afraid of living armor for a while. Shame he can't overcome this by eating a ghost. Guess sorbet just won't cut it.
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emerald-cloud23 · 6 months
If anyone has any kind of content with Cole and Lloyd doing stuff together please let me know. Always happy to encounter things of my favorite and my comfort doing stuff together👍
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artemis-ches · 29 days
is Lucanis wearing a hand-knit sweater ? under his cool ass demon-eyed leather armor ? a brown hand-knit sweater ? am i dreaming ?
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grilledcheese-savage · 9 months
Ok guys, I know I’ve been doing a lot of polls recently, but i accidentally drew his ghost scar on his still ghost body on my keychains and I wanna know if I should keep it or not. DO THE POLL ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BUYING MY KEYCHAINS.
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azaisya · 1 year
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Casting web!
(my high level NPC wizard got possessed and it was supposed to be a boss fight but then the fighter disarmed him and chucked his wand off a cliff and made the whole fight significantly easier. It was great)
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penguuthegentoo · 1 year
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He always used to gush to Mama that he was gonna be cool and edgy just like Papa… but not like this
Never like this…
If this is what comes with being edgy he’s not sure he actually wants it anymore
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In which Marshall experiences genuine despair for the first time….and not the last.
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hammert-fitzerald · 8 months
Speedpaint giratina
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bloo-the-dragon · 11 months
Are cryptids commonplace in your AU, or is Bloodmoon the only one?
There are yes! This is a world setting where cryptids and other faery folk are more well known to exist (including mers and my own personal race of flower people i'm calling Florans which are semi fae folk- more on that later as i have a little original thing i'm working on ;D)
In some parts, especially urban places people would still assume they are a myth as most cryptids arn't all that open about their existence (and for good reason hunters are a very real thing still) but there can be whole communities of them living in towns or villages where they can either blend in with humans or live in relative peace away from them
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Songs to repeat in your head if you're ever possessed. It may not kick them out but at least they'll be as miserable as you!
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midisdying · 2 years
Writing is great.
I get to creat anything I want with words and my thoughts.
That also means that sometimes while going through my files I find unused things that I either completely forgot about or have absolutely no memory of writing.
Like these gems
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I would love to give you the context or an explanation but I possess neither
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thedeadthree · 2 years
tagged by the darlings @chuckhansen, @multiverse-of-themind, @yennas, @leviiackrman, @blackreaches, @florbelles, @belorage, @adelaidedrubman, and @dihardys to take this loveliest uquiz for the loves! ty so much! (and saw @risingsh0t do this as well!)
TAGGING: @griffin-wood, @queennymeria, @marivenah, @aartyom, @swordcoasts, @celticwoman, @inkrys, @rosebarsoap, @jackiesarch, @shellibisshe, @confidentandgood, @jacobseed and you!
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They're the kind of person who can be kinda appetizing as a sort of add-on to other meals, but is generally too much for their own good. Whether it comes down to some kind of overconfidence, self-pity, their lone-wolf nature, or their want for attention, it's always something that makes them seem not too bad at first but can become grating as time goes on without proper development. Can also be the kind of "problematic fav" where they're a character who you know is an issue but you love them for their strengths anyway. Also could be the type who you use to contrast against someone who actually gets that aforementioned character development.
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Probably they are crucial and healthy for the plot, but lets face it; you'll never find an angstier SOB anywhere else. World weary, spiteful, and perhaps even sadistic, their main goal is to make sure that everyone will taste the sourness that pervades every aspect of their own pathetic lives
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Everyone's favorite who lightens up almost every situation they touch. While they might not be the most "interesting" character, as to say, the story wouldn't be the same without them. They are what it means to be baby and don't deserve a single bad thing that comes their way. Of course, that makes them the perfect target for angst. Go figure.
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Somewhat of a controversial type, with both their fans and their haters. They can have a bit of a sweet side with some prodding, but can be rather strong and off putting for most people's tastes. Don't let anyone else's opinion get in the way of how you see them; after all, there are worse characters to get obsessed with.
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A blend of all sorts of things that all point to one clear direction; a direction that only you know where it's headed. In other words, they're oddly specific, and well suited to be in whatever situation you have them in but pretty much nowhere else. Maybe they'll only resonate with you and truly nobody else understands them, or maybe they're just that type of person who scratches that itch where nobody else does.
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emerald-cloud23 · 6 months
I wonder.. Could Cole's golem form be inspired from when he possessed the snow in possession while they were climbing up the wailing alps? It's a very short scene but they're sliding down the mountain in their mechs, Zane is trapped in his and Cole decides to possess a snowball and turns into a snow monster to catch the mech and his friends before they fall off the cliff
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