#dude gets turned into a ghost has a dragon gets possessed etc
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bumblingbriars · 9 months ago
When rgb has “Egon” somewhere in the title you know you’re gonna get one of the most insane stories of the cartoon
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fic random prompts for Vox Machina based on weird thoughts i've had about them
power swap
body swap
the one that has magic is now very stressed out bc its temporarily gone and life without it is HARD possibly paired with the one who never had magic is accidentally fucking shit up by having it temporarily
cursed object
cursed object that does something that's a bit fucked up but kinda funny when you think about it
make them poly
everyone has to trade weapons or classes for the day to see how the other side of the equation or party works
so you've been turned into an animal by (friend/enemy)...
spell went super weird and now there's (insert chaos here)
technially the potion was made right, but like the gorgon scales were from east fantasyland not west fantasyland and that... had some consequences
poison in the food / for extra spicy, poisoned group meal
kidnapped and/or tortured and all hope is lost/feel the others aren't coming and then BOOM they come through the wall like the koolaid man to save the day
drunken hijinks
accidental superpowers for a bit
demonic possession
that one dude who died didn't (yay)
that one dude who died did, but apparently ghosts are a thing
turns out the bard can seduce the whole team
your dead parents have been reanimated by (evil doer) to mess with you pyhologically. (Get free therapy walloping them back to undeath?)
major unexpected weather event puts the group in danger and someone has to be stupidly heroic (and/or the adult)
Everyone's had a bad time and their worst qualities are on show, the fighting is tearing the group apart. Someone has to be the Adult.
Altered state (drugs, altered reality with spell or tech, drunk, head injury)
The one that dislikes being vulnerable needs reassurance when they are
Fake family where the characters have like 0.02 seconds to make up a convincing reason that character A and B are the parents of C (D, E, etc). Even if A is a gnome and C is a goliath.
fake wedding that's actually a heist, but we actually had to marry to get the crowd to cher loud enough to cover the sound of the explosion and now it's awkward in the group
The Adults in the group start using subtle behaviour management responses to misbehaviour (even if it means someone puts someone on timeout mid-battle, and gives like stickers for good behaviours) "If you don't stop fighting I'm turning this art around and there'll be NO fighting dragons today!" as a legit threat
Someone thought to be uncaring or comic relief has one on one moments where they really connect with the others and bring them out of darkness
The louder they laugh, the harder they cry (little fucked up but keep them laughing so they'll never know)
So you have at least 23 children out there across the land and you're being chased for alimony...
Fuck it, everyone gets wings for a fi for no real reason
Soulmate au, but there's a price like... if you know who it is but refuse them, you start to die slowly. or if they've been spelled/other, it can warp the name/symbol or maybe where the name is is where they will hurt you the most and yours is over your heart, you expect heartbreak but no they stab you
You have to explain to your patron deity how being in a Gnomes Gone Wilde pamphlet is, in fact, missionary work of the highest order
One of the party does something horrendously sacriligious in the temple and now the cleric has to deal with it
Someone argues directly with a god and tells them to fuck off, either it goes exactly how you'd expect or they get gifted for their gall
the Cleric has decided that you only get one heal a week bc they're tired of your shit, and the times they break it
you have an injury that no one else needs know about bc you don't want to bother them... and that works until you half-die in your evening meal
mixed a potion of No Sleep and its been four days, the others are concerned
the We Love you You Depressed Bastard so lets get you showered fic
ye olde first aid course for dummies
the rogue uses stealth to try and sneak as much off a party member as they can before the target notices. You wish the goliath had noticed before the loincloth came off, but... you're just that good. [additional: You manage to get several shirts off before your target notices, and that's funny but now you're concerned these people have no self awareness and need to have a talking to]
A teammate is basicaly a disney princess and the plants growing in her wake make general household cleaning a problem
Grow plants with magic? Yes Gardening? It's on fire and you only planted daisies, what happened?
You're the tank and think people should just let you be the shield. Here's a few times they didn't and you realised they cared, but are also stupid bc they're small and got hurt and now you have to be worried about them.
Party tricks with your powers/weapons and/or competitions in the party
So you accidentally adopted a baby during a quest... Bonus: the baby has powers and its terrifying, but you all asume levitation is like, normal, bc no one is a parent
Someone unexpected gets pregnant (and it might be a demon or something with fifteen rows of teeth but you knt it booties all the same)
You use your animal speak abilities for EVIL
Someone's hiding a secret ability [bonus: its mundane as hell, so they assume everyone can do it but surprise, its low level magic eg. like they can just KNOW how to make something after tasting it once, or they've never broken a bone despite falling out of trees a lot, or they can soothe any infant handed to them instantly, or their singing makes plants grow but they assume its because speaking to them helps them feel lush etc]
Everyone's singing except the bard, what kind of spell is this?
Everyone gets to just go absolutely apeshit, as a treat, against the villain of their choice
Someone slipped a cursed amulet in your pocket and now mildly inconvenient things are happening
Super mega group friendship powers activate e.g. there's something one of them can only activate with their group involved, focused or touching
Group tattoos/marks Bonus: the hangover style wake up with new tattoos and a giant weretiger in the bathroom that the bard doesn't recall seducing... but isnt oposed to trying (again)
Platonic soul bonds that are images you match with others your group of adventurers is symbolised by (insert image here)
The alternate time opportunity One o you gets the chance to change their fate at a pivotal moment in their life... everything shifts to a new timeline, but its clunky. So vague memories of someone they're supposed to be, a different world, come back in dreams
Shared nightmare
Monster of the week shennanigans
Someone gets bitten or injured by something that begins to change them and the others need to take a perilous journey to save them / get the antidote
using magic outside its intended purposes eg don't try this at home kids
Suubus/Incubus/Siren nonsense... and the bard is offended, but wins everyone back anyway
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dreamsanddreams88 · 4 years ago
We bought chickens AND bunnies at the same time, really hectic,I was tryna cuddle the bunnies but they would bite sometimes. At one point, in AC origins game trying to hide in a house full of Roman ppl from one of the phylakites that was killing everyone indiscriminately, very scary. I was female character, did the cool thing where i cut ropes on a chandelier and rode the other rope up onto something, one handed. Then i was in airport with alex, we had gone to Japan but then I got freaked out cuz of Corona and we both forgot towear masks
I was in a thrift store and didnt like any of the stuff I grabbed so I went to put it back n leave cuz I was only on lunch break anyway, the shop girl made snide remark about my hair needing to be dyed? She was like, thanks for coming in, come back when ur hair doesnt suck or something. I said fuck you and your orange hair, cuz it was dyed red and faded, but I stuttered n she made fun of it. But then she followed me cuz we all had to go to some meeting? N she was a little nicer. Sat at these tables waiting for alex, we were about to see a show with a drag queen. It was in a mall or something
Was at west again but getting lost, then was back in 4th grade maybe? Looking for new class? Then I was starting to date alex but someone else like jenna was in the room with us, he was spooning me but trying to be secret, jenna thought we were fucking, also I took a shower w him but needed another one, I had taken like 3 showers that day. I was staying w my family somewhere in hotel maybe. Then saw this girl I thought maybe was his ex katie, creeped on her instagram she actually was mixed black girl w blonde hair, was cheerleader n basketball player, really badass and mean. Brian lemaster was in there somewhere. Ar some point I started drinking juice boxes filled with milk before remebering I was lactose intolerant
Dreamed I was signing up for a matchmaking service to get married? It was via snail mail, and it was all girls who were mostly indian I think, or maybe bosnian. One girl was named Imina and sent me some of my writing that she edited, I found it very snooty and rude. Also had accepted someone else before seeing I had a letter from her. Also something with different video games that were scary, but all took place in the same house. One was 5 nights at freddy's themed, one was victorian ghosts, etc.
Was going on charter bus with work and other ppl, were leaving my old house. Kept forgetting my earbuds, went back in to see maids deep cleaning the whole place. Bus went out into cold winter wilderness? I made friends w bus driver, guy looked like william h Macy a little bit. Then i was Rey, kylo ren had captured me and was gonna make me squirt bleach into my eyes so I'd be blind, fought him off and escaped thru the back of a cupboard. He was on island surrounded by stormy sea, freezing cold, and big blocks of calcium formations kept crumbling into it. Force ghost Luke Skywalker appeared to me to tell me death was real but I could escape. Then I was with jenna or sarah, went to hotel looking 4 my parents, nice old ladies were telling me they saw my lost mittens or something? I brushed them off super rude
Was in big house with mafia family. Lots of cars n helicopters falling out of sky, crashing thru glass ceilings. Trying to leave the house, calling business guy when a car falls on him owned by one of the mafia guys. Smthn with a chef from the house, hes really strict when teaching kids how to cook, indian food cant have lemon juice in it? I was licking the glaze off raw chicken and salmon
Was in Laos in war zone, Belgians were bombing the shit out of it and these rare plants called dragon plants were burning, it was way sad. Then it was xmas at parents house but also dads bday, had to help mom take down all xmas decor temporarily until we could open dads presents. Also I didnt trim my zucchini plants and one was like 12 feet tall. Then at work taking break on some huge metal train. Also something about being in some state or royal building, running or hiding from someone
Was with alex in old doornbos house, he was asking me who was in my "network" meaning who had I slept with. I said a bunch of people and he got mad, I was high and tried to explain it was in the past not current. Then I was in theater at the high school across the road, had an improv scene with abby thomas but hadn't rehearsed at all. Went to rehearsal, everybody from hs was there, dawson was teacher, saw shelby drive past. Then smthn about walking bay in the mountains, were super high up in the snow and saw other ppl walking dogs
Something about having traded bodies with ian brauer when we were younger? Or not even traded, I had somehow accidentally possessed him and then had to go to school and pretend like I was him, and then only when I concentrated really hard I went back to my own body which was passed out on the floor of my room.
In a school, had brought imhotep back 2 life n he brought back his gf so we tried running and hiding. Then he was darth Vader and he caught me. Then dream about being on wild ferris wheel kinda ride with mom and Lauren who was sometimes aunt ellen, then in a family of talking dolphins whose step mom was a whale, the dad was joking about how him and the mom might perish at the bottom of the ocean. Then something about a demon possessed lady
Scary dream 1st where I was out walking at night in the forest, looked kinda like lower area of ECOS. The light in a street lamp didnt work, had to use flashlight. Alex showed up with bay who was now a white shih tzu, a frat guy in skeleton costume ran over to scare us. Then I lived in this village/tribe, everyone had hotel rooms kinda. I was back in town going to everyone's rooms, my mom had a room next to mine but she was gone somewhere. Then we were playing guitars, I picked up someones weird acoustic base to try and play. Then I got invite from JC, him and his friends were having a joint wedding in 2026, invite looked like DND character sheet. I was in the forest when scary evil ash cloud exploded out from the ground, kinda like in neverending story or moana. Ran back to village and was safe inside this like, sacred circle? It meant that I was actually the next in line to be the tribal chief. The tribe purposely kept everyone's parentage a secret so it was like the whole village was our parents, but this meant my dad was this one rando young guy who wasnt even the chief? Anyway he hugged me and it was emotional. It meant I had this prophetic duty to defeat these creepy evil eels like in the little mermaid. The water/ocean was this weird quad, with each quadrant being a different depth and color blue. I had to scuba dive to the bottom on a certain date to fight them, matthew/mikey was gonna hold my breathing tubes or something? If I tugged twice he could pull me back up.
In world where mr bean guy was a king n had lots of bodyguards, he was taking on corrupt religious mormon police like in Utah who rode camels and abducted like 500 people for slavery.
Had private teacher lady for something, 8 of us. I couldnt concentrate on test. She gave me spare key to let her dog out, i go in her house and the skylights are open and room full of snow. Then she has dinner party with me, snape, Adonis, michelle/jenn, and a doctor. Ends in screaming match, I'm mad cuz Michelle keeps flirting w Adonis by dropping shit on purpose and making him pick them up. Then I go to doc about weird vaginal discharge and being depressed, hes kind of a quack and doesnt help or listen. Then I was trying to get job at restaurant but all the servers had been at the party and thought I was crazy. Also smthn bout seeing a concert and shawn goggins was in it, jc and elliot were there and I started laughing at him about how that was a girl he cheated on me with but she turned out to be a trans man so he had sex with a dude
I was in world like video game level, in a class w people. Started in weird castle that had secret passages, and then onto these floating balloons above black holes. Tried to jump from one to the other without falling, very scary. Then with alex in a hallway, waiting for some event to start. We climbed up to ledge where there was like a gem/ring stockpile, I started stealing them. Mcgonagall was there and saw us, I was too afraid of heights to climb down. Then event was starting but it was some creepy cult wearing animal masks, I had to pretend like I knew what was happening
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