#ghost eyes tapas
kittzuxp · 7 months
I need these three to be put in a room and interact with eachother.
(Also i just realized all 3 of em are blue coded. Like, blue is a big part of their lore/design)
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Multiple Births
Round 1 Poll 13
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Read Ghost Eyes
Read Hooky
Submitted context (possible spoilers) and propaganda below the cut
Ghost Eyes octuplets : C'mon now. They were raised in a church in the woods. They used to do wolf roleplay. Their parents are murderers. Their family is haunted by mysterious beings. The only other teens they know are each other. THERE ARE 8 OF THEM!!!
Dani and Dorian : honestly one of most accurate sibling depictions of all time: funny, heartwarming, tragically bittersweet all at once. their dynamic and how they are always there for each other even when they have (very realistic) fights reminds me of my own siblings. wytte twins forever!!
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autumnalplague · 1 year
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This has never happened in the comic... yet
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bitterishvices · 1 year
HEY finger game posting am i tripping or was the opening originally a different verse of ‘you are my sunshine’.
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because this is. not an actual verse of the song. and i distinctly remember that it WAS because i looked it up and FOUND THAT IT WAS
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retrospectislame · 10 months
me: hm, im really in the mood for a webcomic right now... wonder which one i should read
the hundred or so webcomics im subbed to but have yet to read: finally! hes gonna read one of u-
me: *starts to reread webcomic that ive read 10+ times*
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a-p3r50n · 2 years
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just some ghost eyes characters-
characters are nOt mine- they are made by mr. circus papa from a comic called Ghost Eyes on i think webtoon and tapas-
characters left to right- mattias, carmelo, luther, emilio, tobias, rudolph.
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waaanderingluna · 1 year
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🥀 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖑𝖊: 𝕶𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖆𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖉 𝕰𝖞𝖊
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hauntedestheart · 8 months
Security Footage - Ghosts
One of Trevor & Andy's misadventures, a more detailed account of the sort described in Security Measures - Ghosts
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"Beach day!" Andy exclaimed, letting out a whoop and charging down the sand towards the water. Trevor followed behind him, shaking his head affectionately at the sight of his boyfriend dashing about like a golden retriever let off the leash.
The two college boys were something of a mismatched couple- Andy was a textbook hunk, a tall jock with muscles to match and an outgoing personality, whereas Trevor was a mid-sized twink who was exactly as shy as he looked. But the two of them were childhood friends who, after a body-swapping incident that Trevor was still embarrassed about, put aside their differences once they realized that they were actually deeply in love with each other.
It was their three week anniversary, which Trevor thought wasn't a big deal but Andy insisted that every moment of their relationship was important ("I wanna make up for lost time," he said) so the two boys had made the ninety minute drive down to the beach for a romantic picnic on the sand, just the two of them. Truth be told Trevor didn't love the beach, but he loved Andy, so he just smiled and nodded as Andy chattered on about how excited he was.
(Besides, he got to watch his hunky boyfriend get soaking wet in swim trunks, so it's not exactly like he was suffering.)
The two of them set up their blanket and nibbled on the tapas Trevor had prepared for a bit before Trevor sighed and told Andy to go swim- he was making more eyes at the water than he was at his boyfriend. The bigger boy grinned apologetically, gave Trevor a peck on the lips, and then tore down the sand and dove into the water.
Trevor reclined on the blanket and watched as Andy paddled out deeper into the waves, his powerful body pushing him out against the surf far deeper than a homebody like Trevor would have dared to venture- he got the sense that there was no way his boyfriend would let the trip end without the two of them taking a dip together, so he resolved to enjoy being dry while he still could. The calm called to him and he let his eyes drift closed for a moment, lulled into relaxation by the gentle crash of the waves and the warm kiss of sunlight on his face, and for once he felt like he could let his guard down.
His peace was interrupted when a strange sort of chill ran up the back of the young man's spine and his body gave an involuntary tremor- a strange sensation to encounter on a warm day in the sun -and something about the feeling gave Trevor a sense of unease. Whatever the intrusion was it had made his skin tingle and tugged at something deep down that felt vaguely familiar for some reason.
"Damn it!" someone whispered.
Trevor's eyes flicked open in a confusion only to find that he was alone with none of the other beachgoers anywhere near him- but he was certain he'd heard a voice right in his ear. Had he just imagined it? Despite his growing suspicions nothing nearby seemed amiss, so he shook his head and tried to put the nerves out of his mind.
An easy distraction presented itself in the shapely form of Andy, who had finished his swim and was making his way back over towards their spot. He rose from the sea like he was on an episode of Baywatch, glistening drops of water cascading down his muscles and swimsuit clinging sinfully to every curve of his lower half, and his body had bounce in all the right places as he sauntered across the sand.
Trevor's first instinct was to avert his eyes, look away in shame before anyone noticed him ogling the gorgeous college stud, but then he remembered that he didn't have to do that anymore. That hunky man over there was his, out and openly, and he had nothing to be afraid of anymore. So instead of shrinking back he let his eyes devour the full course meal in front of him with gusto, and he savored every crumb.
Andy stopped right in front of Trevor and gave a cocky little wink and popped his pecs when he realized he was being admired. His smile was brighter than the sun, and Trevor was so enamored that didn't even mind that his soaking wet boyfriend was dripping water all over him.
Andy gazed down at Trevor with excitement. "You gotta get in there, it feels amazing!"
"Don't mind if I do!"
Trevor's forehead furrowed in confusion- again, it sounded like someone had just whispered something right beside him, and he was about to mention it when something strange caught his eye. A cloud of pale blue hung in the air, translucent but too solid to be merely a trick of the light, and for a split second Trevor thought he caught a glimpse of a smiling face.
Then, before he could react, the wispy mass dove straight for Andy's face.
Andy gave a small yelp of surprise, which turned out to be a mistake because the apparition shoved itself into his open mouth and slid down his throat as if it were some gelatinous mass, disappearing down his gullet effortlessly despite its large size. He swallowed instinctively and gulped the strangeness down, then a moment later he gave a small burp and wisp of something not-quite smoke puffed out of his mouth.
There was a queasy expression on his face as the young man's hands went to his midsection, clutching at himself as if he could feel something strange sliding around behind his abs, and his stomach began to gurgle. To Trevor's ears, it sounded like laughter.
"What the fuck?" Andy managed to sputter out, gritting his teeth as if his insides were tightening up, and then his chest jerked forwards, seemingly against his own will. He glanced down at his body in confusion, then up at his boyfriend with a look of fear on his face, then eyes crossed and he sank to the ground.
Andy's hulking body dropped like a sack of potatoes but thankfully the sand prevented his collapse from being too rough, and instantly Trevor was by his side. He quickly confirmed that Andy was still breathing, but that all he could do before his boyfriend began to convulse wildly and he was left to watch in terror.
Andy's body seemed to have lost control over its pronounced musculature, each individual muscle tensing and flexing as if they were moving on their own and making it appear as if his body were fighting itself. He jerked around wildly, limbs flailing as he waged some kind of war internally, and their uncontrolled movements sent him rolling over onto his stomach. Then he started humping the ground, hips flying up and down wildly with his big ass thrusting as he mashed his crotch into the sand, and grunts issued from somewhere deep within him. It was hard to tell if those were groans of pain, or of ecstasy.
He flipped over onto his back again, giving Trevor a look at his handsome face scrunched up with exertion, then with a yelp he gave one mighty hip thrust that sent his entire body airborne for a moment. When he hit the ground again he went still, with only the heaving of his massive chest to show that he was still alive.
"Andy? ANDY?" Trevor patted at his boyfriend's face, frantically trying to revive him, but before he could succumb to full blown panic Andy's eyes shot open.
The hunk bolted upright so rapidly that Trevor had to stumble backwards to avoid being slammed into, and then he lifted his hands and stared at them with a strange expression on his face.
"I'm in?" The young man asked, seemingly in disbelief of something, and he opened and closed his fingers a few times like he was experimenting with their movement. He took his hands and placed them on his chest, pressing into the meat of his pecs to test how solid they were, and the answer apparently delighted him because huge grin broke out on his face. "I'm in!" He cheered, then both of his hands flew down and clutched at his crotch. He cradled the prominent bulge in the front of his wet swim trunks, fingers rolling slightly as he probed at his genitals, and his eyes widened and his grin got even bigger. "Oh yeah baby, I'm back in business!"
"Back in business?" Trevor's heart began beating double time- something was wrong. He squinted at his boyfriend, watching as the young hunk began patting his hands all up and down his body like he was feeling it for the first time. "What are you talking about? Andy, you're not making any sense. What just happened? Are you okay?"
"Me? I'm just peachy!" Andy's face turned and he leered at Trevor, lecherously, and Trevor's stomach turned. His sweet boyfriend had never once looked at him like that- like he was nothing but a piece of meat. "I'm feeling better than ever. In fact, why don't you lean in and give me a smooch, sweet cheeks?"
Andy reached for him, lips puckered, but Trevor shrank away, taken aback by how his boyfriend was acting. His behavior was different, his way of speaking was different... a thought crossed Trevor's mind. It seemed impossible, but given what had happened between the two boys in the past, the impossible might be the usual.
"You're not Andy, are you?" Trevor ventured cautiously, watching from a safe distance as Andy squeezed at his pecs like a fruit vendor inspecting produce to see how fresh it was. "You're someone else inside of him."
Andy (or, what appeared to be Andy) stopped in his exploration of his body and look of surprise crossed his face, which then melted into a smirk. He rose to his feet and shook himself out, stretching his arms and legs the way someone would when slipping on a jacket for the first time and wanting to get a feel for it, and he whipped around to face Trevor.
"Oh, you're a smart one, aren't you?" He cackled, and his eyes flashed neon blue for a moment. A familiar chill ran down Trevor's spine. "Well I'm afraid your boyfriend isn't here right now, I'm just a friendly ghost taking his meatsuit for a spin. You don't mind, right?"
Trevor's mind reeled. "A ghost?"
"Oof, he's a big boy, isn't he?" The ghost rolled Andy's shoulders backwards, shifting his bulk around awkwardly for a moment as he settled in to his borrowed form. He lifted his arms into a double bicep pose, whistling in admiration as he watched the huge muscles flex, and he bounced them up and down. "I don't normally get to take over stallions like this, usually I can only get control of old people and weaklings. But this!" He took his fist and pounded at his abs, smiling at the meaty sound of flesh on flesh. "This is primo real estate baby. I hit the fucking jackpot!"
"This can't be happening..." Trevor muttered to no one in particular. The ghost nodded emphatically in agreement.
"You're telling me, I can't believe it!" The ghost's face (well, Andy's face) was lit up with excitement as he puffed his chest out, petting his hands appreciatively down his stolen physique. He was practically trembling with excitement, hands flying everywhere as if he couldn't decide which parts of Andy's studly form he wanted to molest first. "After I couldn't take over you I thought for sure I'd have no shot with the big guy but nope, his body sucked me in like a hoover! He was practically begging to be taken over!"
Why would Andy be weak to- Trevor pondered for a moment, and a sinking feeling came into the pit of his stomach when he made the connection. He vaguely recalled reading something about side effects to the swap spell he'd used several weeks ago to take over Andy's body, and this must be one of them. This is bad.
"You need to get out of him right now!" Trevor demanded, gathering together all of the authority he could muster, but he knew he had no sway in the situation- normally he loved how ripped his boyfriend was but at the moment it was a disadvantage because if it came to force the ghost could easily use Andy's body to pulverize him. But still, he had to be strong for his boyfriend and at least try to protect him.
Predictably, the ghost just laughed at him and shook his head. "No, what I need to do is get out there and have some fun! I can't let a stud like this go to waste!"
To illustrate his point he yanked down his shorts and Andy's cock and balls came flopping out, the tools hanging out in the open air, and the ghost whooped with glee at the sight. All of the attention the spirit had been lavishing upon Andy's body was starting to cause a reaction and his penis was already plump with blood, creating a rather obscene sight- and from experience, Trevor knew that this "problem" was only going to get bigger.
Trevor's eyes darted around nervously, acutely aware that his boyfriend's naked body was now on display at a public beach. "Put that away, somebody is going to see!"
"Somebody? I want everybody to see!" The ghost wiggled his hips from side to side and his new dick whipped through the air with gusto, eager to obey its new master's command, and the ghost seemed almost hypnotized by the movement. Trevor couldn't blame him- but he had to try to stop him.
Thinking quickly, Trevor grabbed the blanket out from beneath himself and attempted to wrap it around Andy's body so he could conceal his boyfriend's nude form from prying eyes, but the ghost took a big step back out of reach and the smaller boy wound up faceplanting in the sand instead. He somehow managed to get tangled up in the fabric, incapacitating him and making so all he could do was stare up helplessly.
He saw his boyfriend's body looming above him, a pillaring tower of muscle with bronzed skin gleaming in the sun, and when viewed from beneath Andy's manhood seemed almost impossibly massive. Andy's handsome face smirked down at him and he gave a cocky little flex of his muscles and it was one of the hottest things Trevor had ever seen, but in that moment, all it did was fill him with thread.
"Fleshies just don't get it- you're on this planet to have a good time, there's no room for shame! And your boy here has nothing to be ashamed of..." The ghost placed one hand on Andy's now hard cock and he shivered, giving one long, agonizingly slow stroke of the shaft before dropping it. "But I don't wanna blow my load too soon, I have a full day of fun ahead of me with my new toy!"
He bent down and pulled Andy's swim trunks back up, struggling for a moment as he tried to stuff his oversized boner into the shorts and only partially succeeding as the full outline of his hard cock was still plainly visible as it strained through the wet fabric. The ghost placed his hands on his hips and smiled down at his handiwork, then turned his attention back to Trevor.
"Chin up fleshie, you'll get him back!" He winked at the still prone boy. "After I'm done with him, of course. And look at the bright side! You get to watch me walk away." He turned and smacked his ass, his borrowed bubble butt bouncing up and down as he jogged away down the beach.
Trevor lay there, sprawled out on the sand, and watched as a ghost ran off to do god-knows-what while wearing his boyfriend's face. For a moment he felt powerless- poor Andy was going to be completely humiliated, or worse, and it was all Trevor's fault.
Then he untangled himself, grabbed his bag, and set off in pursuit. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he was going to save his boyfriend no matter what.
Hopefully this is a one-time thing, he thought to himself... naively.
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seeminglydark · 5 months
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A New Mil-Liminal comic update is Finally Here! I'm beginning to add some new scenes that aren't in the book, and give more background on Caro's teenaged life, post Sully. Read it on Webtoon or Tapas.
SNDTRK is The Background by Third Eye Blind
What is Mil-Liminal?
Hopeless romantic Jonathan O'Sullivan struggles to find his place in his charismatic partner's fast-paced life. Superstar Caro Greene, voice of the smash-hit horror podcast Mil-Liminal, is always on the move, and Johnny is finding it harder and harder to keep up. Can he figure out a way to pull himself out of the background of Caro’s life, all while dodging the supernatural trouble that follows them both wherever they go? Mil-Liminal is a horror-comedy love story about compromise, long distance relationships, and learning to balance the ghosts of your past with the demons of your present.
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nayru-s-clay-tablet · 10 months
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Link used Puppy Eyes! They have no effect on Ghirabat...
Read the comic from the beginning on Tumblr, Webtoons, Comicfury, or Tapas!
New to the comic? Check out the About page!  
❤︎  Many thank yous to my lovely patrons! You and your support help keep the comic going!  ❤︎
⭐ Patreon ⭐ Triforce of Power Zine ⭐ ToP: Ghost Stories Zine ⭐ Ko-fi  ⭐
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mistydeyes · 1 year
OHey Hey how are you? Well, I've been reading your blog and I really, really liked it so I decided to make a small request (okay, I'm new here on your page, but please don't take me into consideration). Could you do something related to the 141 mission in Brazil? (I'm Brazilian 🥹) I would really like that, and being a little more specific, Ghost meeting the reader during the mission (the reader being addicted and finding them by chance) if it's not too much to ask, could you add something a little warmer and also cute? Have a great day and stay hydrated, kisses 🥰🫶🏻🫶🏻
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summary: When Simon and the rest of the 141 find themselves in Brazil, they don't have time to enjoy the tourism as you need a helping hand in the bar.
pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x gn!reader
warnings: swearing, alcoholism, mentions of bodily fluids
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"It's like we're on holiday," Soap joked as they got off the helo and their boots met the tarmac. "Don't forget the mission," Price corrected, slapping the sergeant's back lightly. The air felt like a dry heat that enveloped them in a comforting blanket. "Why don't you usually pick beautiful locations like this, Cap?" Gaz asked as the group meandered through the picturesque streets of Paraty. Ghost followed in the rear as he kept a watchful eye on the crowds of residents and tourists. He nodded along with the conversation until it came on the topic of a meal. "We haven't eaten since the base," Soap moaned as he began to peek into every restaurant, bar, and shop that looked like it housed some food.
"I like this restaurante," Soap said, showing off his minimal conversational Portuguese. The group rolled their eyes as they noted the location appeared to be a pub of sorts, neon glowing signs of liquor bottles reflecting in the window. "Of course, you would pick this one," Ghost muttered under his breath as he entered the place. For a tourist-packed city in the summertime, it was surprisingly empty with a few patrons scattered about. The men took a seat and Price greeted the bartender in almost perfect Portuguese. "You sound like a natural," Gaz commented as the man returned with a round of drinks for the group. "Now remember we're here on business," Price again reminded before taking a large sip of his beer. The group shared in this moment of solace as Ghost gingerly sipped on his glass of rum. The voices of his teammates were softly drowned out as he looked over and saw you.
On the contrary to the men sitting next to you, you had been there since the bar opened. The bartender served you the occasional drink, always accompanied by a glass of water, yet only one of those glasses remained constantly empty. As you threw back another drink, you ignored the bartender pushing over a glass of water and some tapas over to you. "Me deixe só!" you rudely responded as you flicked your hand towards him. As you sucked on the ice from your beverage, you looked over to the group of men talking casually to the left of you. You clicked your tongue against your teeth as you noted their distinct accents that gave the tourist appearance. "You should tell one of them to buy me a Caipirinha," you loudly joked to the bartender as he rolled his eyes at you. You put your head on the cold counter as you could feel the liquor begin to hit your system. The room spun lightly and your body slowly slipped further and further off the chair you were sitting on.
You shut your eyes as your subconscious braced you for the floor but instead, you were met with the comforting grip of someone helping you back up. As you turned your head to see the individual, you were met with the dark brown eyes of a handsome early 30-something. "Thank you," you giggled but congratulations were said too soon on your part. A second later, you couldn't hold the insatiable urge to vomit on the ground. The bar filled with a mix of swears and shouts as Simon shuffled back and out of the way. "Hora de você ir" the bartender shouted, an effective way of saying 'get out here'. You slumped on the ground as you slammed the door. Your apartment was adjacent to the bar and you tried to get back up and walk to it. You fought through the spinning visions until you heard the bar door open behind you. "Whoa hold on now," the man before said as he held your shoulder. You looked back up to his brown eyes before he put a water bottle into your vision. "Drink it," he offered, "you're gonna need it in the morning."
You laughed as they helped to stabilize you and your haphazard water-drinking abilities. "What's an attractive group like you doing here?" you flirted, switching over to English as his group didn't seem the type to understand Portuguese. "Business," the man replied and you giggled as you continued to sip on your water. "Well you came to the right place," you continued to flirt, "you got to save me." That got a laugh out of him as he sat on the ground. He watched you like a child as you finished your water slowly. You sheepishly handed it back to them before straightening up and beginning to make the trek across the cobblestone street. "They gonna be okay?" his friend asked, exiting the door upon seeing your walk of shame. The man from earlier held his friend back as you walked. "They'll be alright," you could hear him say as you dizzily turned back around. "Hope you come by again, belo, you know where to find me," you winked. 
Later that night as you were nursing your hangover, you turned the packet of paracetamol found in your pocket. "Bartender gave me these. Take them - Simon" you read and despite your pounding head, you wondered if this was a sign you'd see him again.
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concord-and-cliches · 10 months
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A seemingly arbitrary kidnapping. A lost child with a missing eye and an untold story. An unexpected sentience. What is it that connects these strands of fate? Also, there's catgirls, so that's cool.
No More Chasing Ghosts is an upbeat story about death, tragedy, and the people left behind to make meaning out of the meaningless.
You can read my currently ongoing urban fantasy/comedy/drama webcomic on Webtoons, Tapas, or with page transcripts on Comicfury! You can also read pages uploaded in bulk on Tumblr, starting from HERE!
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kittzuxp · 1 year
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Intro post!!!
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About me
Hi hello, you can call me kittzu/kittz/dream/drem or dremzyzz. I use They/she/it/he or autoí/auth/autó/autós prounouns!! Also i am greek🇬🇷🇬🇷
I am a minor‼️‼️ DONT BE WEIRD.
My fav colors are black, red and lavender :3
My fav animals are cats, frogs and bats :33
Yk what. I. Am. Done with gender. Genderfluid, lesbian and aspec (probably aceflux, aegosexual and demiromantic) . If u don’t like it FUCK OFF WHAT R U DOING HERE
I can be pretty shy sometimes but always open to making new friends!! (・・;)
Dnis/ do not interacts: z00s,p3d0s, homophobes, transphobes, n3cr0s, TERFS, MAPS, racists, xenophobes, anti-therians, anti-furries, radqueers, proshippers, 'superstarights' etc and any hate groups in general.
Also @/guess-who-69 sorry
4 more info click here
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Fandoms & interests
I like reading (warriors) and drawing, but also browsing the tube. Oh and comics can't forget about those (currently reading homestuck)
I am in a loooot of fandoms but not really active in them cuz… most of them are dead..
BUT!! I have a couple of things that are currently rotting my brain (fandoms I'm hyperfixating on + active fandoms)
Brain rot real
Stardew Valley [foams at the mouth my brain is rotting]
Twomp/ the world of mr plant
Mob psycho 100
Homestuck [NEW!]
Ghost eyes
Sally face
The song of achilles
Ouk an lavois para tou mi ehontos (if you know this one lets get married/j)
Lacey games
Clan gen (warriors fan game by @/officialclangen)
Diary of a wimpy kid [doawk fanfics: Dysfunctional perspective, Rodrick's secret on the loader diper subreddit]
Unfamiliar (comic by lavendertowne pls go read it)
Webtoons(/tapas) [Jackson's diary, Castle swimmer, Your wings and mine <- go read these they're awesome]
Ramshackle [The webtoon & yt series]
God troubles me!
An extremely goofy movie
The Boiled One Phenomenon (PHEN-228 is my pookie ❤❤)
Salad fingers
Minecraft (the game)
Helluva boss
South park
Deltarune & undertale
The amazing digital circus‼️
Fionna and cake
Stranger things ☹️☹️ (I'm trying to not to associate the actors with the characters as to not ruin the show 4 me. I will be boycotting s5 tho)
Sonic prime
Sr pelo’s content in general [spooky month and the mokey series]
Saiki k
Good omens
YuB (a youtuber, please go sub to him he’a so silly)
Love, Sam (indie horror game)
Former yandere simulator fan. After the shit with yandev happen i don’t support any of his content anymore.
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Socials & tags
My discord is: forknifeistrash#1419
My wattpad: apersonyoudontknow7
My Ao3: Kittzuxp_the_pidgeon
My Artfight >ω<
Sideblogs: @lovrclan-gen @ask-lovechild-au-twomp
I don’t use it very often, but i’m also on the twompcord and clan gen server. I’m not active on the servers tho..
Tags i’ll use:
Kittzu's headcannons = pretty self explaintory, headcanon I made
Kittzu's Mr plant plushie = he's here!!!!
kittzu's argos plushie = i am legally forced to put this tag under the mr plant one.
kittzuxp = reblogs and posts (fast reblogs do not count)
Kittzu’s enderman plush (i have an enderman plush, if you want any related content, i’m sorry for advertising i just love ‘em so much)
Kittzu's creeper plush (i also have a creeper plush!!!)
Kittzu doodles = any of my art
Kittzu answers asks = do I need to explain?
storytime with kittzu = me sharing my memories and expiriences with the world. I want to leave a mark that i was here and that my existance is not forgotten. Philosophical much?
kittzu's ocs = working on a masterpost abt my ocs but there's this tag too
And then just general tags of any fandom i want the post to be abt
(I might tag your username if i don’t mention you in a post, so beware)
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[🔼by @/oxceen]
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A Robot and a Girl - Part 1
I've been working a lot on polishing things up for this series, including doing a full rewrite of all three chapters of the first story in this series.
So let's start things off with a bang.
You'll also be able to read this over on Fiction Press, Ao3, and Tapas.
Edit: Unfortunately, because Tumblr has somehow become even more broken, posts with certain images can't register in their tags! And Tumblr removed the ability to have line breaks without having to code them in HTML by hand a long time ago. So, unfortunately, the Tumblr version of all of these stories are going to be without those linebreaks! Which sucks! THANKS STAFF!
The stylus shifted about in D'Anna's grip as she trailed along the pages of her notebook. Her knuckles stood out against her dark skin, gold-alloy joints smoothly shifting with every curve and line. She followed along the edges of the coat in her memory. The image lay over the page before her eyes, like a digital ghost.
It had been difficult to get it out of the tower security systems. Tanu had tried to piece it together as best they could. Lines of loose code bled into the image of the man, roughing up the edges of his coat. 
But still, she sketched them in. A little flourish of her own. She kept her focus on the notebook in her hands-
The light panels overhead flickered, and the trams rumbled down the center of the corridor. The door beside her opened and shut as people moved past along the side of the transport lane.
-and the security door across the way.
Every flash and tone of the signal light ran ahead of the next wave of sound as it crashed through the corridors like a current. Passengers rode past on the transport lanes. Cargo runners raced somewhere over their heads. And people gathered at the lane crossings. The rumble of the trams faded down the corridor, the crossing gates opened, and the crowd rushed away. The signal flashed again as another wave gathered-
D'Anna glanced back and forth from her sketch to the crowd. 
-the cargo runners racing by-
There he was. Stepping right into the crowd as the lights changed-
-and the crossing gates opened. D'Anna watched as the man approached the door across the corridor. Circuits silently whirred to life in her eyes, tracking the man as he unlocked the door - scratching down the code as he punched it in - and slipped inside.
It looked like the info she'd gotten from Tanu was right on the mark-
She brushed her thumb over a name she'd written on the same page, Rosi.
She'd made a promise, and she planned to keep it…
She tucked everything away, the gates sliding shut behind her as she crossed to the other side.
-now she just had to stay on him.
D’Anna’s breath turned to fog in the cold air of the hall as she trailed her mark.
The man tugged his coat tighter against the cold, the steam of his breath glowing in the cold lighting of the panels overhead. Dark green spread across his shoulders, a stark contrast to the pale gray that wrapped his arms and waist. It wasn’t too uncommon to see on an engineer’s coat… But she could see a white synth-silk scarf poking out over his collar.
That kind of fabric wasn’t cheap. Hardly something she’d see on an engineer this far down in the city. He was owned, whether he admitted it or not. That scarf was as much a collar as a comfort, paid for by his patron. But who paid him didn’t matter-
Another door slid open with a click, the engineer more focused on pulling his data card from the lock and tucking it away than on the hall. D’Anna followed close behind him as he stepped through.
Too close. Dammit, she was too close!
The door failed to close when it should have, the engineer’s heel grinding to a halt on the concrete floor.
She had to be quick. Think of something…
D’Anna tucked her hands away in her pockets as he turned, quickly speaking up, “I’m sorry, sir. I would have announced myself sooner, but my employer prefers discretion.”
-what mattered was the job.
With a cautious frown, he looked her up and down, nervously adjusting his scarf.
If he knew she was lying, he didn’t show it. He was too twitchy for her liking…
He kept glancing at her wrap-tunic, eyeing the synth-silk with a thoughtful tug of his scarf.
Sometimes it paid to keep a few of her old things.
His voice was low and ragged, “What sort of work, ma’am?”
He waved a hand over a sensor by the door, shop tables lining the wall next to him lighting up all at once. The light was just as cold as the hall, old metal arches casting shadows along the curved ceiling of the narrow shop. A pair of mech tables formed an island in the center of the room, their mechanical arms and cables neatly folded away.
It seemed innocent enough, a mechanics shop like any other. And yet, it felt wrong. It was too clean and put together, almost like a showroom. What was it hiding?
He chuckled as he looked back at her, waving to the selection of parts that sat neatly on his table, “We can work with whatever you might need: Mechanical, Cybernetic, even Mechatronic.”
Every piece had its place like he was proud of his work. He probably was. But it wasn’t good enough. Come on. If he could just show her where he could be keeping them…
“A mech,” she said, earning a pause from the man as he looked at her more carefully. “It’s my employer’s understanding that you’re in supply.”
The engineer frowned in thought as he picked an eye from the table, the gold-alloy iris shining under the light as he turned back to her. She stared at the eye as he rolled it in his hands, thankful for her tinted glasses.
“Well, that depends,” he started, slowly turning his back. He tossed the eye behind him, inquiring over his shoulder, “What model?”
D’Anna caught it on reflex, her joints glinting in the shop lights. She did her best to ignore the gleam in his eye and the self-satisfied smile on his face. He was getting a little too curious…
“An RC-N unit,” she said, keeping her voice gentle as she set the eye back in its place on the table.
“Workhorse,” he mused. “Now why is an expensive android like you coming here? And all for a mech that’s easy to order anywhere?”
“As I said, my employer prefers discretion,” D’Anna said with a frown. “And a workhorse isn’t the only model they’re looking to get, even if you’d have to reset their cores.”
She was pushing him, but if he took the bait…
He hummed thoughtfully, striding over to the far end of the wall as he spoke, “Very well, miss…?”
“AT-S-039,” D’Anna lied, earning a chuckle from the man.
“Tower staff, hmm?”
“Yes, sir.”
“I see why your employer would wanna keep things quiet,” he said, eyeing her over his shoulder as he rummaged for his tools. “Folks up in the towers have reputations to uphold.”
“Yes, they do,” D’Anna said, her eyes scanning around the shop as she approached a tool chest embedded into the opposite wall.
“Well-” the engineer said as he came up behind her, core resetter in hand, thumb waiting on the trigger. “-you’re in luck, ma’am. I came into an RC-N unit recently.”
She heard the tell-tale click and crackle of electricity, spinning around in time to block the prongs of the resetter with her hand. Lightning arced from the three metal prongs, surging up through her arm, and into her shoulder as it threw her back. She slammed into the drawers behind her, shoulder screaming from the impact. She clutched at her arm, limp and numb from the jolt. Her hand was smoking…
“Took the shock to your arm and not your body. You’re pretty quick,” he hummed, giving the resetter another crackling click as he loomed over her. “Now, why are you here?”
She groaned as she tried to flex her fingers, “Looking for someone…”
D’Anna cried out as she slammed her arm into the drawers, shocking some sensation back into the limb.
The engineer just shook his head with a ragged chuckle, “No one else here but us. Not that it matters.”
Sparks arced across the triple prongs as he lunged for her.
One good jolt, and she’d be out like a light. She’d have to be quick.
She jabbed him in the arm - alloyed knuckles slamming into muscle - and sent the tool clattering to the floor. She surged up from her place on the ground. Her burned hand ached as another punch to the button of his chin sent him stumbling back into the mech table, head rattling.
“You…!” he sputtered, leaning against the table as his head spun.
She closed the gap in a single lunge, stepping like a boxer as she hooked an arm under his ribs. With her whole weight, she yanked him up and drove him back down onto the floor. She hauled him up by shirt and scarf, her joints whirring as she held him tight. He grabbed her wrist as he tried to stand, his feet scrambling against the floor. But she wouldn’t budge.
“You’ve got a storage space somewhere, don’t you, sir. Somewhere out of sight,” she kept her voice a soft-spoken threat, knocking his footing with a firm shake that ripped his collar.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” the engineer snapped, looking back at the tool chest embedded in the wall.
“It’s behind there, isn’t it, sir?”
She shook a yes from him before she threw him onto the floor again. She grabbed his collar and dragged him back over to the worktable, harshly propping him against its leg.
She yanked off his scarf, the man groaning as she tied his hands to the table, “W-Wait. Wait!”
“Don’t worry sir,” she dismissed him with a shake of her head. “I’m sure you’ll get yourself out in an hour-”
-maybe three, if she was being honest. But now-
D’Anna sighed and rose to her feet, her eyes scanning over the walls and floor as she approached the tool chest.
-she had a door to find.
She frowned at the wall as she looked it over, muttering under her breath, “Now, how do you open…?”
She could see the way the tool chest moved, her eyes picking up the grooves it left behind.
But she couldn’t find the lock…
She closed her eyes as she ran her hands along the sides of the chest, focusing on the contacts in her palms. As her hand trailed halfway down, she felt it, a gentle signal pinging against her palm.
“Data lock,” she hummed, feeling out the interface. She looked back at the man, still struggling against his scarf as she spoke, “Your card’s the key, isn’t it, sir.”
It wasn’t a question.
His data card wasn’t hard to find. No one’s was really…
She paused as she pulled it from his pocket, a softer green than his coat. But it was the emblem etched into the plastic circuits that caught her eye. A white oval with two flattened sides, three diamonds cut out along its center. 
She knew it well.
“Mr. Archer,” she said with a frown, curling her hands into a fist. “Now why is he funding a chop shop?”
“Wouldn’t know,” the engineer coughed, trying to get the wind back in his lungs.
“Yeah, you do,” she said, rolling her eyes as she walked away.
“Who are you?” he asked, staring at her as she looked back.
“I don’t really know myself, sir…”
She could feel the circuits firing as she tapped the card, the tool chest sliding out along the wall.
The room beyond was lined with storage stalls, five of them full. The back of the room was some kind of loading bay, the sounds of the transport lanes just beyond its rolling door. Each mech was held firmly in place with straps, their heads hanging low, without power.
D’Anna clenched her fists as she walked down the line, the lights flickering on overhead.
Just how long had he been running like this?
“Most of these are archer mechs, combat models,” she muttered to herself, frowning in thought.
She stopped at the last stall before the loading dock, running a hand over the scorched metal of the mech’s chest plate. 
They were an RC-N model, exactly who she was looking for… 
The engineer had pulled out their power cell, leaving it on a small table built into the stall. With a grunt, she pulled open their chest plate and slotted it back inside. Its circuits flickered to life as she twisted the cell into place. She could hear their systems warming up as she closed them back up.
“Rosi?” she asked, stepping back as their eyes came online, pulsing as they regarded her.
“You–” their voice box crackled. “You…know my name?”
She gave them a small smile as she undid the straps, “Somebody missed you a lot when you disappeared. Sweet lady asked me to find you.”
As the last strap came off they stepped free of the stall, arms turning and clicking in sturdy shoulder joints.
Rosi tested and flexed their hands after being bound so long, tilting their head inquisitively as they spoke, “You know Cole?”
“I’m gonna get you back to her,” D’Anna said, meeting their eyes as they studied her.
They clenched their hands at their sides, looking around at the other stalls.
“What about them? What will happen to them?” they asked, watching as she studied the other models.
“I’ve got a friend that can take them in-” she ran a hand along the chest of one of the archer mechs, their body brand new. “-I won’t leave them behind.”
“Do you mean that,” Rosi asked, towering over her as they stood at her side.
She took their hand in hers and squeezed until her nerves ached, the servos in her knuckles whining.
“I give you my word, Rosi. They’ll be safe,” she said softly.
Rosi stared at her for a long time, longer than most would be comfortable with.
It was a look that asked too many questions. A look that held thought behind it. It reminded her that even a machine like them, a workhorse, was alive.
“You surprise me,” was all Rosi said.
D’Anna gripped the hem of her coat, thumb trailing along the once white synth-silk, long since dyed red.
She looked back at them with a smile, irises glinting as she spoke, “That’s a good thing, Rosi, thank you…” she rubbed her hands together with a small chuckle, “Now, let’s get the rest of ‘em online, shall we?”
The Gardens were always warm, humidity dripping from the solar shaft’s machinery. Greenery grew along the walls, vibrant in the sunlight that spilled in from above.
The air rushed past D’Anna as the corridors of the city opened up into the Gardens’ wide open spaces, sunlight glinting off her glasses. She shaded her eyes as she let her circuits adjust to the natural light.
“So it’s morning already?” she muttered to herself, knocking her glasses up as she kneaded at her brow.
She would never get used to seeing so much growth outside the Towers. Vines and branches wound their way around metal and concrete, cleaning the air for the rest of the city. But that wasn’t all it did.
She could see people tending gardens mounted on the walls, picking fruits and leaves that thrived in the sunlight. Flowers bloomed in planters along the path she was walking, an absolute riot of color. She could see traders setting out their wares, gardeners gathering their harvest, and engineers readying their equipment.
“Looks like a smuggler drop’s coming,” D’Anna hummed, glancing up at Rosi beside her.
Rosi gave a sage nod, then tilted their head in confusion as they spoke, “Smuggler drop?”
She nodded towards the massive airshaft that dominated the space, climbing towards open sky.
“You’ll see,” she said. “We should hurry, we don’t want to get in the way, trust me.”
They looked back to their fellow mechs, the other four giving Rosi a questioning look. And Rosi just splayed their hands in a small, helpless, gesture.
D’Anna frowned in thought as she looked around, circuits whirring as her eyes scanned around the space. She let out a soft sigh as she found what she was looking for, a yellow diamond marked on the nearby wall. She laid a hand over the marker, the paint still pretty new, and turned till she found the next.
This wasn’t where the path was last time she was here… She’d have to ask about that later.
She waved for Rosi and the others to follow, tucking her hands away as her eyes traced from one diamond to the next. The gardens continued to hum with activity. The tension building to an event she knew all too well. She continued to follow the trail, her eyes scanning about
Her eyes scanned about, racing along the trail until she found a familiar sight. Hidden in the branches and vines was an alcove, a small door marked with that same golden yellow beckoning her. She could hear the rumbling overhead, the electric hum of engines.
Bell tones rang out all around the shaft as several aerial craft started their descent. Their atmo-drivers whipped the wind into a frenzy as they hovered. Men and women barked orders, machines creaked and groaned, landing pads sliding out from where they’d been hidden amongst the green.
A young woman’s voice crackled out all around the Gardens, “Starting the clock, ninety minutes.”
The crews clicked on their watches, small screens flickering to life. And all counted down-
The moment a craft landed, the smuggler crews went to work, opening panels and pulling their contraband from their hiding places.
Others opened their cargo bays as they descended, barkers leaning out to announce their wares.
Mechanics raced out to meet them, trading work for whatever they had to offer.
-counting down the small window till sector security took notice.
D’Anna flashed a small smile as she watched everyone go to work, bringing goods to trade and sell.
Before she came here, she had never seen anything quite like it. She’d hated the chaos back then, but now she could see the beauty in it. The people here were full of life, brimming with ideas. Now, she could hardly imagine any other sight that brought a smile to her face quite like this.
She turned to Rosi and the others, one hand still in her coat pocket while the other tapped against the door.
“That-” she said with a nod to the organized chaos around them. “-is a smuggler drop.”
Himari was probably hard at work already.
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inspiredwriter · 2 months
*Una Tarde en la Casa de las tortugas punk*
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Swift 2012, Stelany 2012, M.C. 2012, Amoly 2012, Ghost 2012, Abigail 2012, Rebel 2012 and Callie 2012 :*sentados en la sala viendo la televisión*
Stelany 2012 :*susurra a Swift en el oído*Swift, estás seguro que los chicos vean mi ojo Rosa soy un poco tímida quien me lo vea🥺😣👁️💓💕💗
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Swift 2012 :*acaricia a Stelany en la cabeza* no esas timina Cariño ya te conté ayer Estoy seguro quiero chicos te sorprenderán de ver tu ojo 😏🥰👁️🩷💘❣️💖*toce*¡chicos pueden tomar su atención! 😄😤
Ghost 2012 :*se cruza los brazos* ahora qué vas a decir Swift sabes que no trabajaremos en nuestro día libre 😒😡💢
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Abigail 2012 :*acaricia Ghost en el onbro* Está bien amor no te enojes de tu hermano 🤗☺️💓💖💘*besa a Ghost en la mejilla* Mmmuah~😚💋💞💝🩷adelante Swift, puedes seguir😉🙂
Swift 2012 : gracias es que mi chica tiene algo muy Genial que mostrarles 😁😘💓💘💝💕❣️*abraza a Stelany del onbro*¿verda mi pastelito de fresa y chocolate?😏😚💘❣️💖💞
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Stelany 2012 :*se sonroja* Oh claro cariño que los mostraré😳😊💓💞💘💕*se para del sofá enfrente de los chicos* bien chicos yo decides algo importante voy a mostrarles Pero no quiero que se vayan a reírse mi 😅😤💦
Amoly 2012 : está bien Stelany, nunca nos vamos a reír de ti 😀☺️💕💓*toma la mano de M.C.* cierto mi beisbolista🥰😏💓💖💕
M.C. 2012 : Si, prometemos no reírte ahora Déjanos ver qué tienes importante y tal vez sea algo radical 🤩😎✨
Rebel 2012 :*tapa la boca a M.C con la mano* solo muestranos de una vez para que se calle 😒😡
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Stelany 2012 : está bien solo tranquilos chicos 😃😄*se quita el fleco de cabello* qué opinas de mi ojo Rosa no se ve genial😅☺️👁️🩷 siempre me llcubrí con mi fleco de los díez años es que me dio vergüenza de que alguien me viera y quería sorprenderlos 😉😁👁️✨
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Amoly 2012: Wow, Stelany, this is not a contact lens, but your real pink eye😲👁🩷✨ This is super cool, because my right eye is also heterochromic😃🤩👁✨
M.C. 2012: Woah, that looks really awesome, you two should definitely do a selfie😃😆📱💥
Abigail 2012: Ah, Stelany, how could you be shy about such a beautiful thing, heterochromia is very rare😃☺👁✨ Right, Ghost?😘💗💘💕
Ghost 2012: ...Huh, nice😌😏👁✨
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Callie 2012: Oh my Gosh, Stelany, this is so adorable!🤭🥹💝💖💕 I'm inspired to make you an outfit to match your pink eye🤗👗👁🩷💖💗💞
Rebel 2012: Good idea, Calls😄🥰💘💝❤💕 *Strokes Callie's head*
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bloodyraremedium · 4 months
Random pieces of media I haven't really talked about but would wholeheartedly suggest!
The Good Place - self-centered woman is mistaken for a good samaritan and gets sent to heaven. that's all i'll say. it's so good please please please watch it [show on netflix]
The Book Of Mormon - two mormon kids get sent to uganda. it's a super satirical play written by the kids who made south park and the music is so good like actually... if i would recommend a song it would be Hasa Diga Eebowai. [musical on broadway]
36 Questions - a woman goes to her ex's house to ask him these questions to try and get back together. the music is great too! if i would recommend a song, it would be Our Word. [podcast musical, spotify]
Marionetta - a girl stays in a mysterious circus to escape death. very digital circus-esque now that i think about it... beautiful art! [webcomic, webtoon]
Ghost Eyes - A boy from a super religious family goes to public school for the first time (warning, VERY dark topics) very messed up but very well written [webcomic, tapas and webtoon]
Psyche - A super perceptive man who wants to solve crime but doesn't want to be a police officer pretends to be a psychic [show, amazon prime]
Extraordinary Attorney Woo-young-woo - An autistic lawyer joins a prestigious law firm. from what i've heard it's a very good represention of a person with autism [kdrama, netflix]
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