#ghost azrael skin
nekucreates · 9 months
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Ghost Azrael skin goes hard! It also heavily reminds me of Higgs from Death Stranding <3
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bluegiragi · 4 months
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don't keep him waiting!!! (full vers on patreon)
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amikoroyaiart · 2 years
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Grim Reaper
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pluvillion · 1 year
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Ritual of the Dark "a drop of blood is all i need. don't worry, this won't hurt."
and it happened. i found his skin ported to gmod, the symbol on his cape, and a church interior. everything just clicked. the lighting was a piece of cake because almost any colour worked well with red.
now, don't you dare run aware from him or he'll use you as sacrifice next. you have been warned.
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wakatshi · 2 years
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i want him
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konigbaby · 3 months
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ghost's azrael skin is one of the hottest things i've ever seen
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emiliamildner · 8 months
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Finally, the first Six Fanarts piece - Simon “Ghost” Riley from the Call of Duty franchise. I should’ve probably painted the classic outfit but the Azrael skin is my all time favourite. 
I didn’t expect to be so excited for this challenge, this is so different than my regular art but I love it already. A BG3 character is next!
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mistyresolve · 1 year
| Sunder - Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader (Edited)
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Word Count - 2.2k 
Summary - Y/n is caught of guard when they discover a stray soldier had stuck around after his mission. Curiosity piqued, they decide to stay and talk with Ghost to figure out why he never went home.
Warnings/Tags - Fluff, Angst, Explicit language and description, Mentions of death (including a child and his family), Ghost is morally grey in this one
A/N - sometimes writing about Ghost makes me sad :( also i don’t know if this is fluff or angst my apologies 
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You hadn’t expected anyone to be lingering in the 141 barracks with most of them having left for home after their recent assignment. You expected all of them to return home actually. But Simon Riley was slouched on the couch in the common area. 
He was still in his gear, save his bulletproof vest and gun. The zipper to his black tactical shirt was undone, the chain to his dog tags peeking out from beneath the fabric. His mask was lying on the couch beside him, and he had yet to wipe off the black paint, faded from wear and time. It still lined his eyes and smeared down his cheeks. Not a single light was on but you could still make out enough to recognize it as him with the help of the moonlight leaking in through the windows.
“Oh,” you jumped, the stack of mail in your hand flying up to cover your eyes. The mail you collected for both Price and Gaz as they requested, and you came here intending to just leave it on the table in the commons room for when they return. You were a close friend of Gaz’s and spent every Friday night at their barracks playing pool or cards with him and whatever other member wished to join in that night. You’ve met Ghost a couple of times and played a game of cards with him a handful of times. He won poker every single time, his ability to bluff and lie always floored you. He’s taken hundreds of dollars from you. 
Not a single one of those interactions has he ever removed his mask. 
You waved the envelopes in front of your face, your eyes squeezed shut for added reassurance, “I’m just dropping off some mail for Gaz and Price,” you told him. If only to make sure he didn’t think you were trying to sneak in thinking everyone was gone and snoop. This time when you dropped the mail from your face, your eyes were on the floor. 
He huffed a laugh, the sound deep and reverberating. There wasn’t a hint of humour in it, “You can look up. I’m not going to bite,” he lilted. He sounded exhausted like he was latching onto consciousness with a death grip, forcing it to remain with him. 
You hesitated, turning the thought over in your head. He knew that you knew if you so much as thought about revealing his identity he would hunt you down and string you up to use as an example. 
You dragged your gaze up the length of his body. He was pure muscle and long limbs. He wasn’t built with cosmetics in mind but with the need for unbridled strength and power. His broad shoulders and chest were on display as he rested his arms on the back of the couch. He devoured the space. He looked like he was made too big for this world. 
You lingered on his face for longer than you’d like to admit. He’s always caught your attention but you had your reservations as to why you never actively pursue him. He didn’t seem like the kind of man you’d take home to meet your parents for Christmas. He didn’t seem like a man capable of something like love. He always left you with the impression that he was a ticking time bomb. His humanity held together by sheer will and spite. 
But looking at him now, nil the mask, he looked so mundane. He wasn’t at all like his many nicknames and reputations. He wasn’t Azrael, an angel of death. He wasn’t the Grim Reaper. The scars on his skin were evidence enough that he was capable of pain, injury, and eventually death. 
He wasn’t Death because it was Death that stalked him; It followed him into his sleep and it hovered over his shoulders as both his ally and foe. 
Without the mask, he was just like everyone else. He was also handsome. The type of handsome someone has to grow into. Hard lines and dark features. The oily black paint and dark room made it harder to distinguish every one of his features but you didn’t need to see them. Now, a small part of you wished you had tried your shot with him. 
“I thought everyone went home?” you placed the mail on the table, sorting through them by person so you had somewhere other than him to look at. 
“They did,” he quipped. His patience was evidently thinned, not by you, but by something else. 
The inquisitive side of you perked up, ears turning in on him. You eyed him from your spot at the table and your attention snagged on the glass in his hand, the amber liquid inside tilted to one side, “Everyone including you,” you specified. 
He leaned his head all the way back on the cushions, his face pointed to the ceiling, “No. Not me. I usually don’t.”
“Hmm,” you moved the kitchen and opened the fridge to find the sparkling water you left at the bottom. The can cracked and fizzed and the faint smell of strawberries and pomegranates wafted up, “No one you want to see back home?” it wasn’t that uncommon for someone to not want to return home, some people joined just to get away from it. Maybe he was one of those people.
“Nope,” he popped the p, his head rising back up to look at you. He wasn’t much of a talker to begin with but this was different.      
“No movies at the theatre you were looking forward to?” Since there wasn’t any source of entertainment at the base most of the soldiers raved about the movie theatres once they got back from leave. Although, the thought of the man sitting in front of you going to a theatre and eating popcorn was laughable. 
“I’m more of a show kind of guy,” he followed you with his eyes as you made your way to the couch opposite him. 
“How was the mission?” you went for the elephant in the room. Gaz had stopped by your office on his way to the air stripe, he sat with you for an hour to discuss the mission. You knew the result of the mission, but you had a feeling that even Gaz was leaving bits and pieces out. Leading you the conclusion that something had gone awry.  
“A success.”
Okay. Not really what you were looking for.
“I would expect nothing less from you and the 141, and you don’t usually come back to base until you’ve done your job. That’s why I didn’t ask if it was a success,” you tilted your head at him, “And if it was a success why are you not celebrating? Instead, you’re sitting in an empty barracks, in the dark, drunk. So, tell me, How was the mission?” 
“I’m not drunk. I’m drinking,” he pulled at the syllables with his tongue, emphasizing each one. 
“Hang me on a technicality,” you deadpanned, he needed a little pushing, you just had to be careful not to poke any bruises when doing so.   
“I don’t need a psychologist to be psychoanalyzing me and writing ‘unfit for work’ all over my file,” His teeth flashed white in the dark as he snarled. He was never this volatile, not that you’ve ever witnessed anyway. He was like an injured animal back into a corner.
“I was a counsellor, not a psychologist. I didn’t make diagnoses, I just listen and give advice where it’s wanted,” you reply, referring to your old civilian job before joining the force and working with the soldiers here. You had shifted career paths to health promotion and providing resources to anyone who came and asked for them. You were passionate about it, and wanted to help every last one of these soldiers. The only issue was that not many of them wanted the help, and Ghost fell into that category, “Whatever is going on in that head of yours, I can assure you I’ve heard it before. If not worse. Besides, I’m off the clock. Nothing you say will be repeated or recorded. Nothing anyone ever says is.”   
“Have you cornered anyone else from the 141?” he looked at you from beneath his brows, suspicion creeping in on him. 
You shrugged. The truth was that every member of the 141 has visited your office at one point or the other. All except him. He was on your radar but you were going to wait until he came to you. For now, you were extending a hand towards him. Whether he took it now, later or not at all was entirely up to him and you’d back down the moment he expressed that he had no desire to open up.   
You waited, folding your legs underneath in a show of, I can wait for you all night.  
He was completely still, his gaze glazing over in thought, in remembrance. There was a long moment of silence, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was the kind of silence that was making room for something else, something heavier, “They killed a little girl. She couldn’t have been older than eight,” he finished the last of his drink, “Didn’t want her to talk, so they shot her in the head and left her body for us to find. I stepped right over her and I still couldn’t even look at her face. Seems like the world’s greatest sin, right? Killing a child like that,” his gaze dropped to his feet, “But I’ve been thinking…I would have done the same if it meant protecting a mission. Seems like a pretty good trade to me, a single life to protect the rest,” He poured himself another half glass of whiskey in preparation to nullify whatever feelings were bubbling up, “I’m really, uhh,” he cleared his throat, “I’m really no different from the men and woman I’ve killed. We go out there and believe we’re doing the world a favour, but who’s to say we aren’t the villain in their story?”      
“You have to make some of the hardest decisions a single human has to make, and no, it’s not fair. Sometimes there is no right answer, no better option. You sacrifice every part of yourself for the sake of peace. So of course you’re going to lose in the end. Even if the mission was a success, you still lose. There are no winners in war, Ghost,” You pulled one of the decorative pillows to your chest. It was a harsh truth, but it was one that you wholeheartedly believed, and he didn’t need pretty or sugar-coated words. 
Devastation rang as you noticed his expression. He had been expecting you to hate him for his confession. Be disgusted with him. This man thinks he’s fighting this war by himself, that’s he’d completely alone in this world. To think he’s been dealing with these thoughts and feelings by himself. Ruminating over them till there is nothing left but self-loathing and abhorrence. 
“You’re not the monster you think you are. Maybe a little fucked up, yes, but who isn’t in this line of work?” 
He was quiet, his mouth a thin line as he contemplated your words. You could see he was listening, hearing you, but he didn’t necessarily believe you. That was okay though, you weren’t expecting him to. He’s tormenting himself for so long that cracking through that kind of damage would take time. Either way, you formed a metaphoric bridge to him, and gave him an alternative. 
His shoulders loosened after a long while, “I’m not going to become a regular,” he stated, meaning this kind of conversation was not something he planned on making a norm for himself and he wasn’t going to be showing up at my office anytime soon or very often.  
“That’s a real shame, I quite like your company,” you tossed the pillow to the side, stretching out your legs before standing up to leave. 
You were just picking up your can of sparkling water when he said, “Stay.”
It wasn’t a question or a demand, but rather a submission. He didn’t want to be alone right now. Knew that he needed someone else's voice to drone out his thoughts. 
You slowly slid back into the couch, understanding what he was needing at this moment. Inside your head, you jumped into the air and clicked your heels together, “And do what?” 
He sighed and his eyes fluttered shut, “Just talk. About anything. Not this, but anything else.”  
You pondered for a second, “You know, I’ve always wanted to see what you looked like under that mask. It’s been one of life's greatest mysteries.”
His eyes popped back open, a smile tugging at his lips, the hint of a dimple appearing, “Not a word to anyone else, you hear me?” 
“A word about what?” you feigned ignorance.
His smile grew the slightest bit, “Exactly.”
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A/N - I used Ghosts Azrael skin religiously on MW 2019 
Tag List - @thychuvaluswife ❤︎  @shuttlelauncher81 ❤︎ @lostinsideourminds​ ❤︎ @purplefishingline​ ❤︎ @v1naco  
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kaledya · 2 months
Reply to your Overlords Meeting arc !
First damn ! Second thank you !! 🌸 Third, let's answer 🌸🌸
I had a lot of fun writing the dialogues, they are all cocky more or less powerful beings and its always funny to work with that kind of characters! I'm so glad you like it so much !!
Zestial and Alastor was nice to do ! And it was a little bit more work to do Zestial way of talking ! I think Zestial know things nobody knows or at least have very good instincts and can understand secrets hidden in way people behave. And more, he is curious!so of course, this talent is always sharpening!
I like the quote you use for The Tournament ! Its pretty much that yes !!
Yes I loved that part when Lolicia comes behind Alastor and everyone is like "what is that ?!" and then what they think are tentacles are filaments and she makes Alastor shine a bit with aura!
*Lolicia make him look cool as hell.*
Alastor : fuck yeah my investment. *put sunglasses on. Metal music.*
Yes ! Only Vox can keep Val in line (and he needs to be careful) Yeah glad you notice ! Vox buy information from Serenity she is the best access for knowing things !
Ah yes the ending of this chapter with Serenity and Lolicia starring at each other.
S : By the way, your domain might by in danger. L : are you talking to ME ?
Vox and Alastor angst is my vibe. Vox really indeed choose the worst guy to fall in love with ! But in the same time its sad and sweet and unhinge ?
Ahah you dialogue about Serenity and Lolicia, and Lolicia finding the thread between her and Alastor.
(Its my dad okay?!) Excellent.
Thank you for liking it!
I'm happy you like how I write Serenity ! But you give so interesting subjects and doodle about her that I think it was natural to write her !
Lolicia could ask to Alastor about the purple cord between him and Serenity. But could Alastor give an answer that seem logical (as he doesn't know that the Luck Demon is his daughter ?) And honestly the episode 6 is WILD enough but it could be interesting perhaps later... *think of it.*
I'm glad you like the song of Vox and Al ! The fast part of the song where Vox almost rap was a challenge but interesting to do. In theme in my was "ghosting" like "ghosting people" ! That is why the song is called A Ghost ! Thank you for liking it so much !
For the questions you will have answer soon. The only thing I can assure is: "chaos and plotwist and wtf!?" *crying*
I'm so happy you liked Abaddon and his brothers and sisters ! I didn't do Azrael cause I did a doodle once but perhaps I will do them again.
It was a bit hard doing Jophiel and Michael but at the end it was okay I suppose. For Michael the head could have been more long and masculine? I don't know. And Jophiel was cute but a bit flat.
Ahah you like him in his little box ? I like him too. He is so sweet and I put all my soul in the detail of that ring. But it always hard to not fumble the skin of Constantine. I think it was a bit too beige here. But anyway !
Seeing the version with Lolicia in a ring box would be amazing ! I will be waiting patiently and probably forgot and then be so shock to see it ahah.
Thank you !!!
Thank you for the congratulations  !🌸 I respect you too for sure. And I just like to write. Its my thing !
I'm glad you like the summer theme for Lolicia ! The swimsuit is modern but I wanted to be from the 30s but I didn't like it.
But its okay ! I will soon draw a bunch of doodle of Human Addolorata soon so I will probably find a way to put her in a 30s swimwear this time !
Thank you very much for your kind words! But again, if you art was not that beautiful and your idea great I would not have been strike by inspiration ! So thank you!
Good late afternoon almost evening for me ! Good moment of the day, any moment to you too !
Take care 🌸🌸🌸
I really loved it, it is so much fun to read such dialogues!!
-And god yes Zestial I forgot to mention in my previous message but how did you write those dialogues?I had to use translations for those dialogues while reading, old English burns my brain.
And yes, Zestial is exactly as you described and I love these aspects of his personality so much.
Lmao yes. Lolica is sometimes literally the physical form of the saying 'behind every successful man there is a woman'.
She increased Alastor's charisma a lot with her wonderfull entrance.
I take off my hat for Ms. Lolicia 🎩🎩🎩
The reaction of the Lolicia there was so good
And the dialogues you wrote summarize this very well lmao 😂😂
Yes Vox definitely fell in love with the last person he was supposed to fall in love with and definitely unhinge Now he moves on with his life acting like a toxic Ex
I really liked it!! I especially love the way you write inner thoughts!!
Yes there was some doodles But you wrote it really SOO well, I loved how you conveyed her personality so well!!
Yes. Even if she asks yes, Alastor cannot give her a correct answer. He can only mention that there was a conversation between them years ago.So there will only be more questions in mind.
I'm seriously looking forward to it I wish I could teleport to the future *Crying on the floor*
Seriously, the rap battle between Vox and Al was awesome and the name Ghost fits perfectly.
-I thought Michael and Jophiel were great too, there was no problems!!
-Seriously, the details on both the box and the ring were amazing!!! 10/10, and I thought Constantine's skin tone was beautiful!!Thank you so much for the fanart again!!
-I hope you like the my ver of art of Lolicia in ring box
I'm still having trouble with the colors of the lolicia, but I hope the colors are right and I gave her a dress with red and gold embroidery, I hope you like it!!
Seriously it was so much fun to draw!!
Always ! And you deserve more!!
And I'm so glad to hear that you respect me!!
And you are seriously a great writer!!
I really liked the summer art, it had a beautiful composition and the colors were beautiful!!
Maybe the swimsuits in the 30's were very plain and that's why you didn't like them, but the current swimsuit is a really good choice!
I'm really happy to hear that you love my drawings and ideas!!! It's an honor to receive praise from a creative person like you!! ❤️❤️
I wish you a good day too, take care of yourself!🌸🌸🌸
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captain-mj · 1 year
Roach asks Ghost to dress up as Predator. Primal kink.
I love predator so much, Predator 2 was my favorite movie as a kid (my mom was worried about my mental health). I love the Yautja so much and the idea of Ghost dressed up like that got me feral, foaming at the mouth, fucking crazy
I can offer no money but if anyone wants to draw Ghost dressed as predator, I'll start crying and send you the tears
It had taken forever to get the costume. The mask fit perfectly over his face and the rest of the outfit, the armor and the fishnet, fit a bit snug but perfect. Roach was already hiding somewhere, so how he looked would be a completely surprise. He barely looked human, but Ghost liked it. Using his scythes from his Azrael skin, he put them again his back.
Then, he started hunting Roach. Following tracks and broken twigs to his prey.
Roach hadn't hid very well. Mostly because he was impatient. Ever since he had made the comment to Ghost that the monster in predator was hot and Ghost joked they were probably the same height, Roach had been desperate. He currently was furiously fingering himself, so horny it made him stupid.
Ghost's footsteps made the slightest sound and Roach quickly ran away from the sound. Judging by the harsh sound of Ghost in pursuit, he wasn't bothering to muffle his footsteps at all, it wasn't the smartest idea. The sound disappeared but Roach kept moving for another minute. He eventually did stop though, turning around.
Ghost was gone.
Roach panted and tried to catch his breath. His heart raced.
Giant hands grabbed him, one over his mouth and one around his waist. Ghost dragged him so his feet only dangled above the ground uselessly. He didn't speak, just shoved Roach's face, rather gently so the bark wouldn't hurt his face, directly into a tree.
Ghost bent down slightly and grabbed his ankle, yanking it up so one of his legs was pulled almost straight up. His other foot had to stay firmly on the ground to prevent him from falling. The strain in his thighs started to hurt but Ghost's gloved hands grabbed at him, exposing his hole and the tip of his finger slipped in slightly.
Ghost grunted and slid the front of part of the gear up so he could grab his cock. Roach whimpered and he struggled, trying to kick him away but between the position and Ghost's strength he couldn't really fight back. He felt him shove into him and let out a silent scream. He understood why he held him like this though. The angle meant it felt like Ghost was deep in his stomach, breaking him open.
Roach scratched at the wood helplessly as Ghost started to fuck him hard. No chance to adjust or prepare. He slammed right into him, leaving Roach to scramble and learn to take it.
Ghost leaned down, nosing at his neck before breathing him in. The cold mask stared down at him and Roach's dick twitched. His eyes were filling with tears and he tried to grab on to Ghost's shoulders instead. Ghost shoved him off like he was nothing and fucked him harder for the inconvenience. Eventually, he moved so Roach's leg was hooked over his shoulder and he wrapped his free hand around his throat, choking him.
Roach held on to his forearm, feeling the metal under his nails. He let himself start crying because he knew Ghost liked that. Ghost immediately sped up, hitting his prostate with the accuracy you'd expect from a sniper. Slammed right into him over and over and over.
Roach sobbed and his back arched, silently wailing. His mouth opened and throat convulsing against Ghost's hand.
Ghost growled in his ear before forcing him to arch further, moving his leg so the ache in his thighs would stop. He didn't pause his assault on his body though before letting go of this throat and slapping his ass hard. Roach whimpered and hid in his hands, feeling his body start to tense. Right when he felt himself get close, almost at his release.
Ghost pulled out and let Roach crumple to the ground. Roach looked up at him, bewildered. Ghost's boot lightly tapped him, clearly wanting him to lay back. He obliged, legs spreading of their own accord.
Roach lifted his hands and shakily signed. "Please."
Ghost laughed. Cruelly. He moved closer and crouched, grabbing his face. "Little prize. What should I take from you?" His hands traced down Roach's chest, enjoying the frantic panting.
Roach shook his head and tried to push his hand down to his cock, desperately needing to come. He was so hard and so close it wouldn't take much.
Ghost flicked his hand away and settled between his thighs again. He pulled him closer and thrust back into him, groaning.
Roach sighed in relief and Ghost shoved his knees to his chest, happily fucking into him. His cock made a small indent in Roach's tummy and it drove them both crazy. He tried to fight back just a little and received a backhand for it before Ghost grabbed his chin again.
Roach was so close again. He rocked his hips back and groaned, body spasming around Ghost. Two fingers hooked the side of his mouth before forcing him to open it. Ghost found a harsh rhythm and kept thrusting while his fingers explored his mouth.
Roach came hard, shivering. He quickly closed his eyes and whimpered against him.
Ghost kept thrusting into him over and over again before coming deep inside him.
Roach shivered and fell limp. Ghost pulled him into his lap, not pulling out. "I think I'll take all of you as a prize."
Roach nodded lazily and smiled, kissing the nose of the mask. He couldn't quite see Ghost's eyes, but he didn't mind. He signed "Love you"
"Love you too, Roach."
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bluegiragi · 1 year
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check in.
early access + nsfw on patreon
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costilyev · 2 years
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dumb doodle because i saw Ghosts Azrael skin and it reminded me of Higgs… so i wanted to doodle ghost with the gold mask lol
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azraellytired · 1 year
-When they call her name
A story about my thoughts and feelings of my deadname.
Sometimes I still hear her name. I used to turn to answer when it was said.
I’d feel like such a fool, answering to a dead girl's name. I’d always say afterwards that one day I won’t turn when they call her name.
I hear her name echo around me, reverberating against the walls and bouncing back into my ears, filling my senses with a sense of joyful grief. Yet I’d still turn when someone said her name.
It’s like a bell calling out for me. Like a whistle getting the attention of a dog. And in the end i'm always the fool who fell for the tricks of a king.
That girl died years ago is what they said. I personally think she’s always been dead. A rotting, walking corpse driven by the strings of those around her.
They saw a lively child while I saw her for who she truly was. She was a corpse, with flesh hanging off her bones. Blood would leak from her heart and teeth would fall from their sockets.
I do not mourn that girl, because she never truly lived. Even if she breathed and walked and slept and ate, that was a dead little girl who didnt know why she didn't want to fit in.
Sometimes they still call her name. Sometimes they forget she’s dead. Some are in denial.
One woman said she’d get a tattoo with her initials on it and not mine. Because she is the one in her heart, and not me.
Some people pretend that I'm her. I haven't been her and never will be her. That girl is six feet under and yet they still call her name and get angry when I don't respond.
Some people have her name. I used to look when they said her name even if it wasn't about her. It would always catch me by surprise every time, like a shock to my system. Like being dipped into ice cold water after standing in a desert. It leaves me shaken and confused.
I know they’ll all rue the day I don’t respond when they call her name.
I don’t think everyone understands. They still hold tight onto that girl's skeletal hand where flesh had peeled off and drained her of her blood.
But her bones are rotting, her eyes have melted, and her brain has been turned to mush. The worms ate away at her pristine skin and her hair has disintegrated into dust. Yet they still hold onto her as if she’ll come back and say she's okay. But that girl's rotten soul fills the room with that rotten smell that leaves me gagging.
But despite her rotten appearance her name still is spoken with such ease you’d think she still breathes. As if her lungs haven’t collapsed and her tongue isn't full of holes.
I feel like they see her in me. But we’re as different as night is from day. We’re as similar as a fly is to a worm. It’s like saying rocks and water are the same thing.
But one day, I suppose something changed. Perhaps it was a blessing, or a gift from whatever otherworldly being is out there. But I did not turn when they called her name.
I guess this means she really is dead and gone, and that I no longer have to worry about her sour ghost following me around. It’s like her spirit finally moved on into the afterlife peacefully, with no argument. She got what she wanted, she’s finally nowhere and nothing at all. And I got what I wanted too.
After years of pain and a rotten stench in my nose;
I no longer answer when they call her name.
My names Azrael (or Azie for short) and I’m transmasc with family down in the south who don’t quite understand who I am. I express my feelings and emotions by writing them out in short stories such as this.
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blnk338 · 1 year
not gonna say much about what im planning bc it's not definite and i don't want to spoil it
but i hope you like ghost's azrael skin ;)
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rawstfish · 1 year
THE only skins i ever liked for Ghost so far in MWII was this Azrael skin (re used from mw19 ofc) and classic Ghost.
They need to give more skins to Gaz, Nova, Chuy, and my everyo other homie that gets sidelined over boring characters
Ghost always gets a bunch of skins, and they are usually some of the best skins CoD puts out. Like I LOVE Ghost's wetsuit skin, it's so fucking good.
I always think Gaz could use more skins because he's my fav. He has gotten a lot more in MW2. In MW19, he only got like 3 skins. I do wish they put his soccer skin in MW2.
Chuy got lucky and is one of Codes fav, so he has a good amount of good skins. Same with Gus, Roze, and Gromsko.
Nova and the others, though... not so much. The motherfucker who keeps getting all the skins is König, and they all suck. I don't like any of his skins.
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konigbaby · 3 months
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having ghost's azrael skin in codm is probably my biggest flex <3
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