#gh yasuhara
witchhuntress · 13 days
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Gene T_T
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Chapter 19 of Anew is up! 
Chapter Summary: Mai, Naru, and Lin find out in a rather unfortunate way that the link between Mai and Naru is rapidly evolving. 
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rotenpk · 2 years
(DJ Khaled voice) ANOTHA ONE
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xxe123spiderfreakxx · 3 years
I like that I have reconciled my love of certain uh "het" relationships by big braining they are lesbians (or t4t natch) and it works even better. bc I see two people that really like each other and act like lovesick loving fools and I'm like ik the court wants me to see man and woman but it's more. it's at least queer. the way they love and express that love feels queer. i.e., t4t. u know?
like ik some of my other gh fans are like jaded and gay in their 20s and are like ah shit shipping mai and naru is kinda embarrassing??
if u just think of naru as a lesbian it'll set u free mon frère i swear
i like multiple gh verses of like. masako and mai are girlfriends. naru is a he/they and maybe he smooches yasu idk. gene and mai as a power nonbinary couple? werk diva. while i can see taking that quote of naru about how he liked that all the girls hung on gene bc he wanted quiet and space as some indication that hes aro, im a little. eh. about it bc it's weird to me when people only perceive/headcanon aromanticism in very introverted and antisocial characters. especially as someone who had a sexuality awakening later in life and had multiple reshufflings of gender (also on/off struggling trusting/bonding with people) like...people can change their minds about that stuff? and that's an annoying stereotype anyway for aro people. so. if you think that about naru I mean fine as long as you're not consistently doing that with characters of naru's archetype. <3
my thing is i just put my whole badussy in ace lesbian naru bc calling him mai's gf is so beautiful to me
im sus for venting gn <3
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eyeliner-vampire · 5 years
So I finished Ghost Hunt again
and I just realized
This is not just a cute panel to end the manga. The way they are positioned, everyone looking back as if they’re looking at someone. At us. Because they are.
Right here, at this moment we are Mai.
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We see the mischevious Yasuhara with a rare smile. What are you doing all the way back there?
We see John’s openness, how he angles toward us. We won’t leave you behind.
Takigawa’s ‘just-checking’ posture. It’s like he’s waiting for Mai to run up to him, to hug him. I’ll always be here.
Ayako with the classic head tilt. Don’t go making trouble back there.
Masako, the closest to us. Her smile is warm if a little sad. Let’s walk together.
Lin, the fact that he’s turned back at all is a call to how much he cares. I see you.
Naru’s smile, the smug peek over his shoulder. I know you will follow.
This isn’t a group ‘goodbye’. This is a group ‘until next time’ and it’s hitting me right in the feels.
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Ghost Hunt Vol.6
“What about you, Yasuhara-san? Are you okay?”
“Well… it seems like I hit something hard...”
“Is it painful?”
Yasuhara-san looked directly at me.
“It’s terribly painful.”
Uh-oh. Was he joking or was he serious? Either way, immediate action was necessary.
I love Yasuhara 😍💖
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carrotcouple · 6 years
The Time It Takes To Fall In Love (AO3|ff.net)
It takes a while for them to fall in love.
“Don’t you think it’s about time you made a move?” Gene asked her, crossing his arms. Mai snorted and kicked her feet wildly.
“I’m trying to! That’s why I’m talking to you, aren’t I? So tell me, I don’t think the mother is the culprit but it’s kind of obvious at this point that she killed her son. She says it herself.” Mai put her hand to her chin and frowned. “It sucks that Yasuhara isn’t here to gather data for us. Madoka is really good at it, but Yasuhara is on a whole new level.”
“Yes, that boy has a different set of smarts. Anyways, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about you confessing to my idiot scholar of a brother.” Gene said pointedly. Mai let out a strangled cry as she looked up at the older twin, her face scarlet.
“I’m sorry? We’re in the middle of a case!” Mai snapped. Gene chuckled lightly.
“I mean it. He actually told you to stay put in this carefully sealed up and protected room with Masako while the rest of them go running around. At this point you and Masako are actually stronger than Matsuzaki san, so why the hell did he do that?” Gene asked, waving his arms dramatically to emphasize his point.
“Because we’re young and stupid?” Mai deadpanned. “Gene, can we quit talking about this and instead work on the case?”
“Boohoo, you’re no fun.” Gene pouted. Mai rolled her eyes. “Alright, there are four people in this stage. One, a mother who is emotionally distraught over killing her son and tries to chase anyone she can out of this house. Two, a quiet father who hasn’t done much since we’ve entered this house. Three, the child who has strangling marks on his neck who refuses to speak at all and only draws on the walls. And four, the maid who has a stronger presence than the child.” Gene held up his finger. Mai’s eyes widened.
“Maid? What maid?” Mai cried out.
“Come on, Mai. The maid in this house.” Gene sighed.
“There’s only one maid in this house and that’s the girl who cleans up our beds.” Mai said with a frown.
“Mai, pay close attention, you and Masako are the only ones who have ever interacted with the maid and Matsubara san never introduced a maid even though he introduced the cook?” Gene said, poking her forehead with his index finger as if he were talking to a child. “I thought you had already realized this.”
“Masako and I conversed with a ghost!” Mai shouted, getting to her feet. “We never even realized it!”
“That’s right. Now the real question is, why is she dead? Quite simply because she was killed. Maids back then knew everything. She witnessed something she wasn’t supposed to and therefore was silenced.” Gene grinned.
“She said something weird to me and Masako on the second day.” Mai said in realization. “She said that her Master was a cruel person and she pitied the Young Master. At first I thought she meant that Matsubara san was a strict person and his son who’s studying abroad had to grow up with that. But she didn’t mean them!” Mai’s eyes widened in horror. “The father, Gene. It’s the father! He’s been quiet since we came here but that’s not because he’s a tame spirit but because he’s an oppressive one, someone who brims over with malice and anger but doesn’t lose his temper easily.” Mai faltered, sudden fear filling her lungs. “Everyone’s in danger! Gene, I have to go!”
“Be careful!” He told her. “And also don’t forget what I told you.”
Mai started awake, surprising Masako.
“Mai, what is it? Did Gene tell you something?” Masako asked.
“Masako, remember when you told me you felt anger from the master’s bedroom the moment we entered this house?” Mai asked Masako. Masako nodded.
“We assumed it was the mother but the only anger the two of us felt from her when we encountered her was anger towards herself.” Mai said urgently. “Another thing, the maid...she’s not alive.”
Masako flinched visibly.
“M-mai, everyone is-” She said in fear.
“Let’s go!” Mai grabbed the flashlight on the desk and Masako dashed after her. As the two of them ran, Mai suddenly remembered the words Gene had told her. She flushed. How could he talk about such things at such a dire time?
“Do you have everything?” Naru asked her and Mai sighed for the fifteenth time. Surprisingly, he was acting like a mother seeing her child off on their first overnight field trip. Mai quickly checked through all of her documents in front of him, making sure to show him that she had her passport and student id with her.
“I have everything, Naru. Stop worrying, Ayako and Bou san would have laughed at you if they were here.” Mai chuckled. He grabbed the top of her head with one hand in a solid and painful grip.
“The only reason I’m concerned at all is because you’re going on my recommendation and you have the habit of getting yourself into trouble no matter the circumstances.” Naru said coldly and Mai shivered, had the temperature gone down? She wanted to laugh at him, was he embarrassed that he was showing concern for his receptionist - scratch that - friend?
“Honestly, you should have taken Madoka with you. Forget that, I’ll book at ticket right no-” He started, turning and Mai grabbed his arm hurriedly.
“Naru, I’m fine, Yasuhara is going to pick me up from the airport.” Mai reassured him.
“That’s what worries me more. He’s resourceful, but he’s going to do something strange. I’m sure of it. Listen to me, I personally recommended that you study there under my name as Doctor Oliver Davis, don’t you dare do something stupid.” Naru growled.
“I understand!” Mai laughed. “You’ve grilled this into my head for the past one month.”
Naru glared at her.
“It’s a pity Masako decided to study in America instead.” Mai sighed as she waited for the security check to start. Until then she was sitting next to Naru. “Oh well, at least I’ll be studying with Yasuhara.” Mai shrugged.
“I expect that you will return as an educated investigator so you won’t make immature remarks on the cases we take.” Naru said, crossing his arms.
“I’ll be sure to study well. Honestly, Naru, you’ve arranged things so perfectly, there’s no way I won’t study well!” Mai said happily. “Oh there goes security, I’m off.” Mai got up and was about to go when Naru grabbed her arm.
“You have everything?” He asked her. Mai sighed again.
“Yes, Naru. I have everything I need.” Mai said firmly. She smiled at him and then decided to take Gene’s advice. She was leaving for a couple of years after all. “Hey, Naru, I like you.” Mai smiled. Naru’s face went from stern to cloudy.
“Mai, I’m not Gene.” Naru said simply. Mai shook her head.
“I know you’re not Gene, Naru. I like you.” Mai said.
“Mai, you’re projecting Gene onto me because he’s go-” Naru said, sounding very logical.
“Naru.” Mai cut in. “I would never project Gene onto you. I loved him once and he’s himself. He’s not you. And I love you now and you’re not him. I like the you that’s arrogant, tea obsessed, unfriendly but also kind and sweet.” Mai grinned. “You’re not Gene in my head. Never insinuate for even a moment that I would confuse the both of you. I’ve known the both of you for three years now.” Mai’s smile softened. “I really like you, Oliver Davis. Consider that, alright?” She pulled her hand out of his grip and then walked towards security, leaving Naru sitting there silently.
She stepped onto the flight and then realized she hadn’t said goodbye to Naru and neither had he said it to her. She smiled as she settled into her seat and prepared to sleep. Well it was better that way, anyways.
“So you did it,” Gene murmured.
“Yup, I did.” Mai grinned. “It wasn’t as difficult as I imagined it to be. I don’t mind if he doesn’t answer, I’m just happy to get it off my chest.”
“That’s good.”
“Are you going to stick around or are you going to stay with Naru?” Mai asked Gene.
“Well, considering my wavelength matches with you more than it matches with him at the moment, I might as well stay with you and make sure you studying right.” Gene laughed.
“Oh shut up,” Mai hissed good naturedly.
“Mai dear, would you like some snacks?” Luella asked her and Mai put her pen down.
“I’d love some.” Mai said. Luella was smiling secretively and Mai wondered what was for snacks. Naru had arranged for her to stay at his parent’s house given that despite the tuition scholarship, she didn’t have the money to afford staying in the dorms or staying in her own apartment. Luella and Martin had been absolutely wonderful to her and she had told them about the cases she had taken with the Japanese branch of SPR. Talking about Gene had been painful, but it had gotten easier. Luella liked to surprise her by making Japanese food or celebrating Japanese festivals.
Mai walked into the dining room and gasped when she saw Naru sitting in one of the chairs. So that was what Luella and Martin had been hiding from her all week! Suddenly Mai remembered her confession to Naru before she had left and insecurity filled her. It had only been a year and a half since she had left Japan and while it still surprised her that Naru didn’t come home for Christmas, she had been somewhat grateful for it.
“Naru, you didn’t tell me you were coming!” Mai settled for a roughly accusing tone, hoping to shake off her nerves.
“I was going to,” Naru said pointedly. “But Mother and Father said not to.” Naru shrugged and sipped on his tea. Mai’s gaze shot to Luella and Martin. Martin managed to look the least bit guilty but Luella was sparkling in excitement. Oh, now it was obvious. They had totally realized over the past one and a half years that Mai was in love with Naru.
“Mai dear, go ahead and sit down. I experimented making taiyaki today.” Luella said. Mai slowly took a seat, noting that she had been forced to sit across from Naru. This was not happening to her today.
“So,” Naru said, looking up from his tea. “Is Mai any good at her studies at all, or are all her emails to me forged?”
“Hey!” Mai cried out.
“Oh no, don’t you worry. She studies a lot. Yasuhara helps her out quite a bit and recently Jonathan has been helping her out too.” Martin said very seriously. Mai choked on her taiyaki.
“Jonathan?” Naru asked her.
“He’s someone in my classes.” Mai said, shrugging nervously. Gene was going to have the time of his life teasing her about this.
“But if I’m correct, Jonathan asked you out, am I right?” Luella asked confused. Naru’s eyes were still on her but Mai didn’t dare to look up at him. He was totally going to make some comment on how she shouldn’t allow romance to disturb her studies.
“I rejected him!” Mai said quickly. “He said he just wants to stay as friends.” Mai took a sip of her tea. “And anyways, Yasuhara is a human shield well enough.”
“Ah,” all three of the Davises said in a weird understanding tone. Mai sighed to herself.
Yasuhara, you are being seen as a terribly strange person.
“After we finish up, could you please take Mai out for a walk, Noll?” Martin asked. “She doesn’t usually go out unless she needs to buy something or when she’s going on her runs.”
“Ah, no, it’s totally fine. Naru must be tired after his flight!” Mai said hurriedly. Naru gave her a look.
“It’s alright,” Naru said simply. “Or are you too scared I’ll ask you questions you can’t answer?” He smirked. Mai growled.
“I’ll go.” Mai snapped.
Luella smiled to herself.
“I can’t believe I let you rile me up.” Mai groaned, putting her hands to her face.
“It’s in your nature. You’re easy to anger.” Naru said. Mai snapped her head up to glare at him. He was looking straight ahead. It was rare of him to be simply walking next to her, no file or book in his hands. Mai turned to look back at the street.
“How are everyone back at home?” Mai asked.
“They are doing fine. Takigawa fell off the stairs in the last case however, thanks to his own stupidity.” Naru said simply.
“He fell off the stairs?” Mai asked. “How?”
“He didn’t expect there to be a covered mirror at the end of the staircase, saw a minute bit of his own reflection, panicked and fell off the stairs.” Naru shrugged. “The height of stupidity.” Although Mai found the story funny she pitied the Monk.
“Oh don’t say that. Anyone but you would be startled by that.” Mai said, defending the man who had become somewhat of a father figure to her.
“Yes, people who don’t use their brains properly. Even if it had been a ghost, the first thing he should have done was use a counterspell.” Naru turned to give her a look. Mai rolled her eyes.
“Looking down on people as usual, I see.” Mai chuckled.
“If anything, I just think everyone’s guard is up since we don’t have Hara san, Yasuhara and your instinct around anymore. Although the three of you are inexperienced and young, I suppose you give a sense of stability to the older members?” Naru said looking thoughtful.
“Don’t let Ayako ever hear you say that, she’ll never shut up about it.” Mai gave him a smile. “It’s nice of you to say that.”
“While I admit it is difficult without a spirit medium to discern the number of spirits in a place before we dive in, I never said I was having any problems.” Naru said with a straight face. Mai groaned.
“As always, you have a terrible personality!” Mai sighed.
“Did you expect that to change?” Naru asked her.
“No. No, I didn’t.” Mai laughed. “Actually, it’s a relief to see that you haven’t changed much.” Mai linked her hands behind her back. “Have you been in touch with Masako?”
“Yes, I have been.” Naru nodded. “Have you been in contact with her?”
“Of course! We talk on the phone every two days and send emails to each other whenever possible.” Mai grinned. “The two of us are very close.”
“I see. How are your studies?” Naru asked.
“I knew you were going to ask this! Have some faith in me!” Mai sighed. “I’ve been studying well, Yasuhara helps me whenever he’s free. The two of us practically live in the library on days we have classes. Why don’t you visit and ask my professors? I haven’t done anything to taint your name.” Mai said firmly.
“I’ll drop by then.” Naru nodded. “Would you arrange for me to meet Yasuhara tomorrow? It’s difficult to get into contact with him lately.”
“I’ll do that. Oh but you should be careful, Yasuhara’s nosy weirdness has increased drastically.” Mai grinned. Naru gave her a blank look, but Mai could see the dismay in his eyes. Mai burst out laughing.
A certain Jonathan saw Taniyama Mai walking with a dark haired man, laughing brightly and the man smiling ever so slightly.
Naru stayed for about a week, teaching one class at the University, working in the library and using Mai and Yasuhara as his personal slaves. He talked with all of Mai’s professors, and while the reports were all positive, it still left Mai terribly embarrassed. He treated Mai and Yasuhara to dinner and the two of them had shaken in terror the entire of dinner wondering why Naru was being as nice as to treat them to a meal.
Yasuhara and Mai decided to see him off at the airport.
“I won’t be coming back to England for quite a while, at least not while the two of you are still here. I expect to see the both of you as expert investigators when you return.” Naru said firmly.
Both Yasuhara and Mai nodded firmly, resisting the urge to salute him like an army general.
“Also Mai,” Naru turned to look down at her and Mai suddenly felt like she was being glared at. “Romance is a waste of time and gets in the way of your studies.”
“I knew you’d say that!” Mai shouted. “I have nothing to do with Jonathan! In fact, he’s started being less obvious with his affections! It’s seems Yasuhara’s weirdness finally got to him.”
Naru didn’t say anything but just waved as he walked off.
“He likes you!” Gene cackled.
“Shut up before I use a counterspell on you!” Mai snapped.
The one to pick her up from the airport was surprisingly not Ayako or Bou san. It was Lin. He smiled when he greeted her and explained that Naru currently had taken John, Yasuhara, Ayako and Bou san on a case and he had been sent to pick her up. He took her suitcase and put it into the car.
“You’ve gotten taller and you grew out your hair.” Lin observed.
“Luella didn’t want me to cut it.” Mai fingered her ponytail.
“Luella’s advice is good advice.” Lin smiled.
“She also told me to send homemade chocolate to Naru every Valentine’s day.” Mai deadpanned. Lin laughed softly.
“Well her advice is usually good advice. When it comes to the twins though, she sometimes gets over excited.” Lin said.
“She’s a wonderful person, I’ll miss her terribly.” Mai admitted.
“Maybe Naru and you can visit her together during vacations.” Lin said with a teasing smile.
“Oh no, Lin, don’t you start.” Mai sank in her seat. “I had that enough coming from both Martin and Luella.”
“You should talk to him about it. He’s no longer a child, he will listen to you seriously.” Lin said.
“Nope, he’s the one who has to make the first move. I already made my move.” Mai said, looking out the window and observing the familiar scenery go by her. She was home.
“Would you rather I took you home or would you like me to take you to the case site?” Lin asked with a knowing smile.
“Well, what did Naru ask you to do?” Mai turned to look at him with a smirk on her face.
“To take you home.” Lin chuckled.
“Well, guess who’s going to the case site.” Mai laughed. They didn’t take too long to arrive at the site. Mai got out of the car and the moment she entered the large house Ayako, Bou san and Yasuhara were on top of her. She was tired and jet lagged, but the absolutely furious but fond look on Naru’s face was worth any amount of exhaustion.
Masako moved into Mai’s house as a housemate. She wanted to start anew next to Mai and the two of them spent several nights laughing over crazy recipes and talking long into the nights about Naru and John who had shown some very clear interest in Masako since she had returned. With Masako, Yasuhara and Mai showing clear results of their training it was becoming to become a lot more fun to take on cases and Naru also started touching on some big cases as well as long as they weren’t under the eye of the media.
“Mai, we’re having dinner on Saturday, I’ll have Lin send you the details.” Naru said when Mai started to head home.
“Huh? Alright, I’ll let Masako know I won’t be home that day.” Mai nodded. It wasn’t unusual for Naru to take her, Yasuhara and Lin to dinner, although it seemed to be a new development, one that had Mai and Yasuhara violently shaking in their boots when they were studying in England.
On Saturday, when Mai arrived at the family restaurant dressed casually she was surprised to see only Naru there. She slid into the seat across from him.
“Where are Lin and Yasuhara? Are they going to be late?” Mai asked.
“They won’t be coming.” Naru said simply. Mai’s jaw dropped. Had they rejected an invitation to dinner from the evil dictator? Were they asking to die? Things were going to get stormy in the office on Monday. Naru sighed heavily. “Wipe that look off your face, I can tell exactly what you’re thinking.” Mai flushed, chuckled and then looked down at the menu in front of her. “It seems you have misunderstood today’s meeting.” Naru said, sounding amused.
“Huh?” Mai looked up at him.
“This is a date.” Naru said without changing the expression on his face even a little bit. Mai dropped the menu.
“Huh?!” Mai backed up against the board partition that made their own tiny private booth. Now that she thought about it, there were only two glasses of water and two menus.
“Calm down,” The amused smile was still on his face but it was also soft and almost shy. “This is my answer to what you said at the airport.” Naru’s face suggested every single word he was saying was serious. A strange look crossed over his face. “Unless you don’t mean those words anymore?”
“No! No!” Mai shot back into place. People in other booths turned to look at them and Mai blushed. “I...I still mean those words. Thank you.” Mai said. She still wasn’t able to process what was going on. Did this mean he liked her back? Really?
“While I don’t like announcing things to everyone, you may tell people you wish to that we are dating, if you are ready for commitment.” Naru was looking at her straight in the eyes and Mai could see insecurity on the great Oliver Davis’ face. Mai felt her heart soar and she beamed widely.
“I guess that means you’re my boyfriend then, Oliver.” She tilted her head and Naru looked startled for just a second to have heard his proper name from her mouth at such a moment.
“I guess so.” Naru replied. “Hurry up and order what you want, also I would rather you tell my parents instead of me. They will be...over excited.” Mai laughed.
“Of course.”
“I told you that he liked you.”
“Shut up, Gene.”
A/N -  I hope you guys liked it. It's actually the first ever Ghost Hunt Fanfic that I've ever written and liked enough to post! I honestly believe that they won't dramatically fall in love, there aren't going to be any blushy or teary confessions, it just kind of happens. I also cannot name stories at all.
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incorrectgh · 7 years
Mai: Hey Yasu, can you pass the salt?
Yasuhara: Can you pass your classes?
Mai: ... too much salt.
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frenchcirce · 7 years
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infinitexmuses-m · 3 years
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@starlightofdream​ asked: Muse rankings for muns with more than one blog and/or a multimuse blog: 26. most to least affectionate Send a number and I’ll list my muses in order of…
Most to least affectionate (GH muses only otherwise we’d be here all day)
Mai Taniyama
Eugene Davis
Ayami Morishita
Yasuhara Osamu
Thomas Simmon
Noriko Morishita
John Brown
Houshou Takigawa
Dianne Simmon
Ayako Matsuzaki
Masako Hara
Lin Koujo
Kazuya Shibuya
Kei Ubusuna
Sylvia Simmon
Kaneyuki Miyama (Urado)
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amynchan · 3 years
a few words for the WIP meme! love; red; rain; laugh.
Oof, I had to use only the root word for these guys because otherwise the post length would have been unbearable! XD Here's what I found in my WIP folder!
[BNHA] Mina and Sero AroAce Living Together oneshot
Love makes people happy. Well… love makes… other people happy…
For someone who likes to talk about love so much, it’s like you don’t have a lot of your own!
She knew romantic love wasn’t for her, and yet…
[BNHA] Let Me Count The Ways skeleton
Her love had always pushed her. Love for her parents had started her on this journey. Love for society and the safety of others had pushed her ideals into a transformation. Love for him… Her love for him dragged her through her lowest moments, forced her to acknowledge the sheer amount she could love, and pushed her ever higher.
10-25 DnD Session
When not amused by her boss’s love life, she spent her mealtime attempting to maintain peace between the two bards—Westra and Mog—and keep Lady Rowena from losing her temper.
[PM] grow stronger grow more peaceful
Please stay with us; we’d love to have you as a part of Iron Town!
She had grown well, with a love of her parents and of the forest.
The community he’d lived with now knew how to respectfully ask for passage through the forest, and the growing generation had cultivated a love and respect for the forest that their parents had been missing when they’d arrived.
[OG CHAPTERED] Caught with Honey
“I love you, mama,” said Jackie.
“I love you too, honey,” said mama.
Baby sister love me?
“I love you, baby sister,” declared Jackie.
“I love you,” said papa.
“I love you,” she said back.
And then this woman would love her.
Her reality was that even though she knew she would never be seen as more than a filthy possession by those people, she still hoped for the day they would hold and love her like any parent would for their precious child.
CH 1
But I love to listen.
Martha's team p much
I see magic in my friendships, and also in the one I love the most.
Have I told you I love you today yet?
[GH AU CHAPTERED] The Unnatural Chapter 5
I love being looked after sometimes, I really do, but I’m not really sure why ‘looking after’ me also means I have to get dragged into the base by my arm the instant I open the door.
This Yasuhara person sounds like someone I would love to be friends with.
Who had no idea that the Unnatural that had been bothering them at work the whole time had just wanted someone to love him.
[BNHA] Mina and Sero AroAce Living Together oneshot
His red eyes looked like they were glaring death into the chives he was cutting, but Hanta knew better.
[HxH] Letting Colors Paint My Skin writing
Alluka’s pale red looked like a drop of paint.
Instead, they never noticed the disappearance of Killua’s pale electric blue from their skins, and Killua didn’t mourn the loss of red and yellow-brown as he made his escape.
Even through the foundation and concealer the child could see her grow red with fury.
White lines criss-crossed all over, some of them falling over unnatural red patches of skin.
CH 1
He wondered how much of her expression was hidden behind her red mask.
It was a red canvas that stretched from her cheekbones to her eyebrows, allowing those beautiful blue eyes to shine through.
It had been soft to the touch, red as her mask, and the right combination of elegant and modest that he had not seen before.
Martha's team p much
Tiny Tom was a large man, stood at 6’5” whenever anyone could get him to stand straight, stacked powerfully with a shock of red hair on the top of his head, and somehow always in a state of drunkenness.
Martha paused in what she was doing to give each of her squad as stern a gaze as she could muster with red dusting her cheeks.
[OG CHAPTERED] Caught with Honey
Of course, the wind and rain held no power over brave Jaqueline Robbins.
Outside, the rain pelted against the cabin window.
9-13 Beauty corrected to submit
Rain can slam itself harshly upon the ground, only to raise itself in a glorious and magnificent dance, and then come to rest once more.
The rain is beautiful.
[BNHA] Mina and Sero AroAce Living Together oneshot
“What a lovely couple, able to make each other laugh like that,” she bemused, turning to her husband with a smile.
The boisterous laugh on the other end settled that fear quickly enough, though.
Martha's team p much
The young man only huffed when Tiny Tom let out a laugh from the belly at that one, probably remembering the face of the woman from the night before.
[GH AU CHAPTERED] The Unnatural Chapter 4
I look over at Shou-shou and he’s trying not to laugh out loud either.
He takes a deep breath, that kind of breath you usually need after a good laugh anyways, and turns towards the incoming Banisher-researcher duo, his face instantly becoming more serious.
Send me a word (or five) in my ask box and I’ll post the sentence it’s in from my WIPs.
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ginger-bread-cow · 5 years
Yoooooo time to answer @shellsan ‘s inquiry.
1. Mostly romance related because I’m trash lol
- I really like characters sacrificing themselves for one another. (Such good fodder for angst AND fluff.) I also like when after aforementioned sacrifice, one wakes up in the hospital with the other next to them, looking awful. Person in hospital bed then says something to the effect of “you look like shit”. Argument ensues from there because.
- accent obsessions
- when a character has something in their hair/on their face and the other removes it tenderly? GOOD SHIT.
- falling into arms
- when the more oblivious of two characters is smacked head on with a realization of their feelings. (Yesssss)
- Held gaze
-leave the two lovebirds alone: one character is bothered by the teasing the other couldn’t care less. (teasing is so fun to read, it makes me smile like an idiot.)
- being an asshole to protect the other ones feelings
(Okay that’s the end of the Romance tropes)
- intentional misleading
- Aquainted with emergency services
- Can’t spit it out (great angst fodder)
- Chaotic Stupid
- Deadpan Snark
- does not know their own strength
-FALNDERIZATION (i HATE this more than words can convey)
- unreasonable jealousy
- conflict via simple miscommunication
- Fundamentalism
- I’m a man, I can’t help it.
- unhealthy/abusive behaviors being portrayed as romantic
(Basically anything that excuses bad behavior)
3. I’ll read all three, it just depends on my mood. (Although I gravitate towards canon, canon divergence, after the series end) I specifically like disability aus, usually deaf/hard of hearing ((bc I’m hoh, sooo))
4. Midevil Aus. I like Victorian ones, and other history, but midevil ones drive me nuts. Also crack aus.
5. Ghost Hunt, Miraculous Ladybug, Mystic Messenger, MHA/BNHA
Ghost Hunt: Mai x Oliver, Takigawa x Ayako
ML: Love Square, Luka x Marinette, Kagami x Marinette, Chloé x Marinette (I have no excuses) , Gabriel x Nathalie
Mystic Messenger: 707 x Mc
MHA/BNHA: Uraraka x Bakugo, Kirishima x Bakugo
Ghost Hunt: Mai, Takigawa, Oliver, Yasuhara
ML: everyone sans Lila (Kagami and Marinette are my top 2)
Mystic Messenger: 707, V
MHA/BNHA: Dabi, Shinsou, Kirishima, Toga, Twice
ML: Kitty Section members
MM: V, Jaehee
BNHA: Dabi, Twice, Shinsou
9. Depends. I gravitate towards multipart fics, usually on the longer end. (Not absurdly long though.)
10. In order x, m, teen
11. I don’t look at tags unless I’m filtering them out so
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My newest chapter of Anew is up...after many months of silence. 
Chapter Summary:  
This recent case has been a dud so far. No activity whatsoever. Where there are no developments in the case, Mai finds that is not true in her relationship with Naru. Somewhere between their argument at the hospital and this case, Naru had done some thinking.
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seoulsborne123 · 7 years
Mai, shut up!
Ok rewatching some episodes of GH rn and for real the opening scene of episode 14 of the anime always makes me cringe and I'm just so confused.
So Mai enters the office and starts doing a monologue exposition about the case while there's absolute silence in the office. Like... what were Naru and Yasuhara doing?! Was Naru just aggressively rolling his eyes and face palming that he was unable to retort a reply? Was Yasuhara just super bewildered he couldn't speak?
But then when she emerged from the kichenette wondering if there was a client, Yasuhara turns to her like he was surprised she was even there.
It's super weird.
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eyeliner-vampire · 5 years
A Year In Review
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WHERE SPIRITS DWELL : A short video of Gene waking in the spirit realm.
Odds and Ends FF | AO3 A Love Story FF | AO3 Technical Difficulty FF | AO3 Letters of Inconvenience FF | AO3
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Ghost Hunt Fandom Survey Results Part 7: Cases and Characters
Hello all, here are the results for the favourite and disliked cases and characters of the Ghost Hunt fandom~
What are your favourite cases? [125 responses]
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The Bloodstained Labyrinth - 97
Forgotten Children - 63
Forbidden Pastime/A Forbidden Game (Ryokuryou High School) - 60
Silent Christmas - 51
The Cursed House (Yoshimi family case) - 45
The House in which Nightmares dwell/Nightmare Dwelling (Agawa family case) - 45
The Doll House - 42
The After School Hexer/After School Curse (Yuasa High School) - 38
Ghost Stories in the Park!? - 34
Old school building case (Mai's highschool) - 21
None/I don't have a favourite case/I don't know. - 5
The first case isn’t a fan favourite, but the Bloodstained Labyrinth is very popular as expected. :D
Which cases do you dislike? [125 responses]
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None/I don't have a favourite case/I don't know. - 89
Old school building case (Mai's highschool) - 9
Ghost Stories in the Park!? - 9
Forbidden Pastime/A Forbidden Game (Ryokuryou High School) - 7 
The After School Hexer/After School Curse (Yuasa High School) - 6
Silent Christmas - 5
The Cursed House (Yoshimi family case) - 5
The Doll House - 3
The Bloodstained Labyrinth - 3
Forgotten Children - 2
The House in which Nightmares dwell/Nightmare Dwelling (Agawa family case) - 1
The majority of the respondents don’t seem to have any cases they dislike. The amount of votes for each case are very little.
The first case is one of the most disliked cases, along with Ghost Stories in the Park. To my surprise, the sequel gets the least dislikes. I wonder why?
Who are your favourite characters in Ghost Hunt? [125 responses]
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Naru (Kazuya Shibuya) - 104
Mai Taniyama - 93
Monk (Houshou Takigawa) - 81
Osamu Yasuhara - 76
Gene - 64
Koujo Lin - 60
John Brown - 56
Madoka Mori - 44
Ayako Matsuzaki - 44
Masako Hara - 42
Seigi Hirota - 17
Chiaki Kasai - 3
None - 2
Tomoaki Sakauchi - 1
Yuuko Takahashi - 1
The italicized characters were submitted through the Other text field.
Naru is the fan favourite, as expected. Mai and Monk are much loved as well.
The results are somewhat similar to the Japanese popularity poll in Da Vinci December 2011 (additional characters aside), though Monk’s popularity seems to be almost comparable to Naru in Japan.
Who is your most favourite character in Ghost Hunt? [125 responses]
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Naru (Kazuya Shibuya) - 46
Mai Taniyama - 33
Osamu Yasuhara - 12
Monk (Houshou Takigawa) - 8
Koujo Lin - 8
John Brown - 5
None - 5
Masako Hara - 2
Gene - 2
Seigi Hirota - 2
I can't choose one - 2
Here is a comparison of the results of the previous question with the most favourite characters. The respondents could only pick one character, and some clearly had some trouble with it...
Naru takes the crown again and Mai remains the second favourite. Monk drops down to the fourth place. Interestingly he received more votes in the previous survey, than in this one. So did John.
Sadly, Ayako, Madoka and other minor characters didn’t get any votes...
Who is your most disliked character in Ghost Hunt? [125 responses]
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None - 71
Seigi Hirota - 27
Masako Hara - 11
Mai Taniyama - 4
Madoka Mori - 3
Gene - 3
Ayako Matsuzaki - 2
Jeffery Griffith - 1
Hideharu Matsuyama - 1
The following answers from the text field were not counted as they were unclear or mentioned multiple characters.
Other text field:
Ubusuna or Minami
that teacher
I dont really have anyone i dislike as a character, because i like how everyone was written; if we're going by the character personality and attitude, form the ones above, i would chose hirota, but its jot like i hate him, he just annoys me. From the series as a whole, i think i would choose that one teacher in yasuhara's school. (Im sorry it got so long g.g)
A small majority of the responders does not seem to have a disliked character.
Masako was long assumed to be the most hated character in GH fandom, but it is Seigi Hirota who takes home the unfortunate crown of being the most disliked character.
Hideharu Matsuyama is the teacher from the Ryokuryou high school case.
Jeffery Griffith is the twins' biological father. He was mentioned in the short story His Reality.
Previous part: Fanwork Preferences
Next part: Relationships
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