#ggah i love them
noxx-33i · 6 months
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twt wanted them as lil fishies and so i deliver
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datastate · 2 years
it really does fuck me up that kai never asks for anything more than what he's given, because all he's been given is seemingly more than what someone like him 'deserves' anyhow... for sara's parents to love him at all, to go so far as to trust him, is more than enough. everything they've offered him, are treasures he'll cherish. he loves them so much. even if he feels their trust is misplaced, wasted on him - he offers them his trust.
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with the entire full cast of greasers doing ggah, did they do anything funny/ different? when you're sitting close to the stage can you hear anything they say to each other?
you can definitely hear them, especially because they’re usually just saying/yelling stupid stuff in character to each other LOL
when dally is speaking at the beginning of the song (“as the gloopiest, gooiest, grimiest grease in the land…etc.”), daryl is on top of the car and is throwing some of the gravel around and jason is looking up at him and always flips him off or says fuck you..i love it LOL. something that i thought was so funny last night was when darry and dally are talking before GGAH, jason was going over to daryl and (i have no idea how to describe this), but he was like mocking them and being like “mememememe” about what the guys were talking about…and making a hand motion like they were talking..TRYING MY BEST TO DESCRIBE IT BUT ITS HARD SO HOPEFULLY U GET THE GIST LOLOLOL.
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mikexfaisty · 2 months
could write multiple fanfics on the idea of “darrel has to stop himself from smiling in ggah”!!! how do u think brents characterization/acting of darrel is?
haha please do. and tag me so i can read them! i have so many fic ideas and a lot are darrel centered. and i have to say, i wasn't a big darrel fan until i first saw the show! and i think a lot of that has to do with brent and the script.
not sure if that it's partial brent breaking and partial maybe even darrel wishing he could almost join them. i think he misses how carefree and relaxed (to an extent) he could be as greaser. but he had to grow up.
brent's overall is very stoic. besides him i've only seen victor, who plays more angry/annoyed. but brent's darrel, you can see he's tired and unhappy that he can't break out of tulsa. there's a line from ritfr "taking care of family is feeling overrated" brent and jason share this look every time and soda almost looks ashamed. but he loves his brothers!! titt is my favorite song in the show and i think brent does a wonderful job singing and acting out darrel's emotions in this song!
noticed a couple little things today! like right after the slap brent kept whispering "pony, pony" as if he was trying to apologize. also when the greasers enter in runs in the family two-bit runs by and says "hi muscles" and darrel glared at him lol.
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lamentablesbian · 3 years
just finished Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World. Mr. Sáenz how did you distill the concept of love into a book, not once, but TWICE?
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the-ria · 3 years
ggah your femcr art OWNS my HEART i love them all so much !!! ur art style is. mwah
AAAAA comments like these is what makes me want to keep going and keep making stuff- thank you so much!! <3
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idk how many different Steve’s you have seen or if you remember, but do you know if they all do the same jumps/flips
like in GGAH renni does a little jump where he kicks in the beginning and they tell Steve and then at the end he does a like a turning straddle going across the stage (when ace and two bit do their assisted lift/jump) there’s also the jump where he’s like folded in half in all the trailer footage which I’m assuming occurs during the drive in
the same question for any ace’s you’ve seen (although she does so many things in the air I don’t think I could tell either)
i’ve only seen renni and jordan as steve so i cant speak on what ryo and henry do, but jordan did different choreo than renni!
they each have their own moves that make the character unique to them that i really love! i dont remember exactly the moves jordan did, but i know they weren’t the “normal” ones renni does!
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what are some of the ways brent jason daryl individualize their verses in ggah? like what are some of the different ways uve seen tjem perform it/ how do they differ it? also how angry or annoyed do darry and dally usually play their exchange before the song?
for the darry/dally exchange beforehand..i’d say it’s usually just mild irritation,,,definitely more so from darry. dally is more irritated in “ugh here he goes again” way and darry is more irritated in an overprotective sort of way!
for their verses,,they usually play it the same every time i’ve seen them! i’ve seen different actors for two-bit & darry, so i can talk about their differences, but i’ve only seen jason as soda! jason definitely plays it extremely confident while still being goofy…which is so perfect for soda!!!
brent darry definitely is pretty serious in his verse, but still has a little fun with it! dan darry was being a little bit sillier and more like he was playing along with the greasers (while still being strict) which i really loved!!!
daryl two-bit just has soooo much energy! all the two-bits do this same little dance on the hood of the car while they sing the verse, so they’re all usually pretty similar in how they play it! i think daryl has the most easy swag to him. jordan played it cool too, almost like he wasn’t really trying, & henry was pretty similar to daryl’s iteration!
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What is your favorite song in terms of choreography?
What is your favorite dance move that you think is cool or satisfying to watch? It doesn’t have to be from the song you chose in the previous question
friday at the drive-in is just so good, it's THE dance number in the show,,,basically why the song exists. i loveeee love love watching that number. grease got a hold is also just so much fun. every number has such good choreo i wanna say all of them LOL
there's a move in hoods turned heroes when soda sings "got some heroes in the making and the greaser reputation ain't the burden that it used to be" where they like, pop their knees in?? idk how to explain it LOL but i love it sooooo much. there's also a weird little leg move jason does during ggah when they sing the last "but we've got something to prove" that goes along with the instrumental that is so satisfying to me!
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mikexfaisty · 2 months
ooo yes any specific small details u noticed abt darrels performance and ggah is always interesting!!
I saw Victor last two times and after seeing Brent today, I really noticed how different they play Darrel. Like Victor argues with Soda just as ggah starts and he is super pouty in his corner. But Brent's Darrel really just observes, and almost has to stop himself from smiling.
Also I really love Darrel's joy in hth! Like he practically rips the newspaper out of their hands and excitedly swats Soda's arm. I hate that it's like one of the only moments we see him really happy.
Ohhh! And a moment I loved that I really never noticed before right after Johnny's death! So Dally yells "that's what you get for saving people you little punk" and Soda always moves to comfort him. Dally always recoils/pushes back which sends Soda (and really everyone) away. But this time Darrel moved quickly in between them and put his hands up to protect Soda and it was really sweet and sad.
Also Brent's hair is getting so long and I love it lol
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