#gg 2x04
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Who: Evan Mock as Akeno “Aki” Menzies What: Enfants Riches Déprimés Japanese Buffalo ‘66-print Long-Sleeve Top - Sold Out Where: 2x04 “One Flew Over The Cuck’s Nest"
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autumnrory · 11 months
was keiko agena potentially leaving the show that they made such a big thing of lane going to korea just to be back again in a few eps
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dylanlila · 1 year
luke is sooooo sad about max and lorelai not working out (that's why everything's on the house)
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 2 years
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I'm crying. This is one of the most beautiful shot of them <3333
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Gossip Girl Reboot 2x04: Quotes
- “I’m gonna take you behind the scenes of moments that looked perfect but were actually painful. Curated instead of experienced. (...) for the truth about how hard “marking it look easy” is on the people who love you.” (Julien)
- “Well, I used to use it to perpetuate a whole bunch of lies to help people feel bad about themselves. But now I’m trying this thing called honestly, you know? Pulling back the façade. Exposing the lies beneath.” (Julien)
- “I simply thought I would extend it as a sort of interpersonal olive branch to repair whatever wrong foot she and I got off on. (Kate) - Right, because telling someone their husband is cheating on them always makes them like you.” (Wendy)
- “First he shuts down in bed, and now he’s lying to us. My spidey senses are tingling, Hope. And not in a good way.” (Max)
- “I felt that chill from here. (Audrey) - Okay, so it’s not just me. (Julien) - No. No. He’s definitely avoiding you. Just like old times!” (Audrey)
- “Are they on the agenda? (Monet) - It’s just one simple question. We don’t need an appointment for that. (Shan) - Have you ever heard of precedence? If we do it for you, we have to do it for anyone. And we do not do things for anyone. Do I look like Cupid for poors? Kindly move along. (Monet) - The lower steps are getting bold.” (Monet’s minion)
- “Queen D, I know your dress code said only designer khakis, but Matches, Mr. Porter, and Essence sold out in my sample size, so I had no choice but to Rag and Bone. I kneel before thee as a sign of remorse. It’ll never happen again.” (Student in front of Monet)
- “They’re expecting to be excoriated. (Monet’s minion) - Were you actually serious? (Monet’s minion) - What.. When am I ever not? Yes, I mean, too many restrictions is turning people against me. (Monet) - If you want what she has, you have to rule with an open hand. Not an iron fist.” (Luna)
- “Hey, it’s fine. He’s just a guy. No. He... iIt’s just a distraction from all the shit in my life. It’s not real.” (Zoya)
- “I mean, who’s even paying for them? Make-a-Wish?” (Monet)
- “Luna, what would you do? (Monet) - Recast?” (Luna)
- “As promised, I’m here taking your questions about love, loneliness, and the moments in between. Questions are open.” (Julien) 
- “So if you want someone to hate... (Zoya) - Right. Here’s the thing. Why give you his phone number when he’s just going to say no? Haven’t you heard I’m benevolent now? I’m sparing you pain.” (Monet) 
- “If she won’t give it up, we’ll just have to take it.” (Shan)
- “Ooh. This comment’s interesting. “Have you ever been interested in someone who was unavailable?” (Julien) - Trick question. Is anyone ever emotionally available? (Luna) - Do dead men count? What? No way I’m alone here.” (Audrey)
- “You say a word of this to anyone, I’ll have you all exiled to Exeter. All of you.” (Monet)
- “I want fresh ginger tea. And when I say fresh ginger, I mean make it yourself.” (Monet)
- “Besides, it’s your word against mine, and your word means nothing anymore.” (Grace)
- “Dating before Valentine’s Day is just a game of musical chairs. Seats swap, partners change, and options are eliminated.” (Gossip Girl)
- “Being liked is awful.” (Monet)
- “I had to see more. (Max) - Just be honest with us. (Audrey) - We can get through anything if we’re honest with each other. (Max) - From the two people who secretly tailed me, violated my privacy, and tried to break into my phone? Is that the kind of honestly you mean? Yeah, that’s what I fucking thought.” (Aki)
- “Dad! Have you no sense of decency or discretion?” (Monet)
- “That’s not it at all. I’ve just... I’ve just been a little messed up lately, and... (Shan) - And you wanted me to feel as miserable as you do? (Zoya) - Well, maybe I’m miserable because I’m keeping a fucking secret I shouldn’t be!” (Shan)
- “Your privilege has afforded you the ability to live your life as a proud, out, young Black woman in a country where none of those things come easily. But they come easily for you because of me. So you have no right to question how your father and I live our lives, just like we have never... questioned how you live yours. My only regret is that you chose a public place to make a mess. But that is what you are growing into. A mess.” (Monet’s mother)
- “Even I didn’t see that twincest coming.” (Luna)
- “The parents are the true monsters. The kids are simply modeling their behaviour.” (Kate)
- “What if I don’t want to be loved? Love only exposes you to trouble. Isn’t it better to hate and be hated? (Monet) - No. Not at all. (Luna) - I want to be loved. (Monet) - Me, too. Me fucking too.” (Luna)
- “There’s no such thing as a love story. Because for it to be a story, it would have to have a beginning, a middle, and an end. And love doesn’t end. It changes. It grows. It dims, and it dies. But even then, it’s never over. It lives in your shadows, waiting to wake you in the middle of the night... to tap you on your shoulder when you least expect it. A splinter you can never get out. Each love is a crime that haunts us and we pile up crimes as we go. And while we tell ourselves we’ll never get caught, we know we always will. It’s only a matter of time till we commit our next crime. And this one, we swear... will be our last.” (Gossip Girl)
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nicascurls · 1 year
Here we go: My ideas on how Glenda acquired the prosthetics for Nica.
For @losersclubisms
So, here’s what I'm thinking, and we’re gonna need some further background on the twins for this (all my own headcanons). We know from 2x04 that both twins wanted to go into show business for a career but what I'm thinking is that where Glenda is a lot more confident and extroverted, Glen is a lot more introverted and shy so they both wanted to go into show business but different aspects of it. Glenda wanted to go into acting and performing whilst Glen was always more fascinated by the behind the scenes stuff, sets, special effects etc, with their main interests being mechanics and engineering that is done behind the scenes. 
This brings us to the escape plan, since Glenda was the only one of the two who knew about Chucky being inside Nica and the plan to kill Tiffany, they were in charge of the technicalities of the escape whilst they asked Glen what they could do in terms of making the prosthetics for Nica. (Nica herself was the one to come up with  the main plan, as we know from her saying “I have a plan if you’ll help me” when she first meets the twins and Fiona stated in an interview that Nica had known about Kyle since Cult and had the idea to contact her). 
Originally, the plan was that Glen was going to get the prosthetics to Nica when they got her out of the room, but the new security system and the power going out threw things off course, so they had  to text Glenda to get the prosthetics instead. 
The prosthetics ended up not being the most ideal because A, there was only so much Glen could do in terms of getting the right materials and building the prosthetics without raising questions from people, and B, the risk of Tiffany or the guests finding out about them once they were at the house, hence why the prosthetics seem more robotic so Glen had the cover story of it being a school project. 
In terms of money, we know that Glenda was in contact with Jennifer Tilly’s accountant. I believe that part of that would probably be that both twins claimed financial independence and took any and all money they were entitled to as soon as they were old enough, hence why they didn’t live with Tiffany. So that was how Glen was able to financially support the project. 
With all that, I accept Luna’s idea of GG making Nica better prosthetics in Season 3 since the twins are ‘dead’ and Jennifer Tilly is on the run. They don’t have to worry about questions, since they will be hiding somewhere as the doll and any money spent will just be assumed to be Jennifer where she is still on the run, leaving GG free to make proper prosthetics for Nica, with opposable thumbs. 
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mego42 · 3 years
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204 // 414 for @foxmagpie
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riosnecktattoo · 3 years
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mbop123 · 3 years
#whoever I saw earlier say it’s a travesty we never got to see them on Beth’s neck - this is brio's first ever touch ERASURE! how could you forget the neck yank and gun foreplay!!!
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Hands, on neck, with yank. And gun. Check. Thank you 1x07.
I lost my mind for a second there. Please send all complaints to my lingering migraine.
Also it technically happens again here:
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And another time?!??? What else am I missing?
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Who: Emily Alyn Lind as Audrey Hope What: Gucci Velvet Horsebit Detail Tailored Blazer - Sold Out Where: 2x04 “One Flew Over The Cuck’s Nest"
Worn with: Strathberry bag
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autumnrory · 11 months
the way lorelai snaps at rory who is trying to have a conversation about the huge deal that is breaking off an engagement and the emotions that come with it as if lorelai didn't push rory about the need to wallow after her breakup with dean lol
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apocalypto-sane · 3 years
Me as a brio shipper throughout the run of this show: 
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peachraindrops · 3 years
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juuuuunaaaaaooooo · 2 years
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Ass : Ok
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Boobs : Ok
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Neck : Ok
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Gossip Girl Reboot 2x04
Honestly the episode was ok in itself. 
Luna has perfect as always.
Grace’s scandal was unexpected. 
Oh and no, Audrey, Aki and Max are still together and it was obvious from the beginning of the episode that Aki wanted to make a surprise to Audrey and Max. 
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blizabrth · 3 years
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2x04 / 4x09
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