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spottinghistory · 1 year ago
Historic site of the week: Gettlinge
Gettlinge, a village in the southwest of Öland, Sweden, is renowned for its Viking stone ship burial ground, a part of the UNESCO-designated Stora Alvaret. The burial site, dating from 1000 BC to 1000 AD, features Bronze Age barrows and Viking stone ship burials, with some standing stones predating the Viking era, offering valuable insights into the region's ancient history.
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kommabortsig · 2 months ago
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paganplaces · 2 years ago
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Viking stone ship at Gettlinge
The Viking stone ship at Gettlinge in Sweden is an ancient burial monument that dates back to the Viking Age.
Read more at: https://paganplaces.com/places/viking-stone-ship-at-gettlinge/
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rabbitcruiser · 4 years ago
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Clouds (No. 349)
Grave Field, Gettlinge
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skifferrok · 6 years ago
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Ön med sina overkliga träddungar är inte bara ett uppehälle, det är också en undanflykt. Här finns ett hålrum vi inte längre vill besitta - och det är mycket ensligt. Allt oftare ser jag får på bete, väderbitna ynglingar bland fähus; gamlingar som staplar sten. Dåtiden tränger sig närmre ju mer framtiden glider mig ur händerna. Vad blev av den värld som inte var utelämnad till samtidens nycker? Stigen till ett värdigare liv är allt för igenväxt och kantad av ihåligt leende pragmatiker. Det är en smärtsam insikt att jag inte kan skingra gråvädret som besatt öborna jag inte känner - och verkligheten som driver oss till underkastelse.
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years ago
September 16, 1919
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Lawrence ‘Larry’ Dobkin was born in New York City and went on to become a successful character actor and director with a career spanning seven decades. 
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Dobkin was a popular performer during the Golden Age of Radio. His voice was used to narrate the classic western “Broken Arrow” (1950). He was one of five actors who played detective Ellery Queen in “The Adventures of Ellery Queen.” In “The New Adventures of Nero Wolfe” (1950–51), Dobkin played detective Archie Goodwin opposite Sydney Greenstreet.
"The few of us who are left..." Dobkin later said of his radio days, "...keep telling each other that we never had it so good."
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He started screen acting in 1946 with Best Picture winner The Best Years of Our Lives.  
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From 1960 to 1985, Dobkin was a busy TV director. He directed episodes of Desilu series’ (or series’ filmed at Desilu) such as “Star Trek,” “The Real McCoys,” “My Living Doll,” and “The Andy Griffith Show.” 
His film performances include Never Fear (1949), Sweet Smell of Success (1957) and North by Northwest (1959).
Dobkin was recognizable for his bald head, so he wore hats in two of his three appearances on “I Love Lucy.”  Oddly, he was not cast in “Ricky Thinks He's Getting Bald” (ILL S1;E34)!
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MAX: “Just caught this dame with her hand in the till!”
Dobkin first played Max, the diner counter man in “Ricky and Fred Are TV Fans” (ILL S2;E30) in 1953. When Lucy needs change for the payphone, she helps herself to the cash register while Max and the policeman are glued to the boxing match on the diner’s TV.  Busted! 
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In “Equal Rights” (ILL S3;E4) Dobkin played Xavier, who is either the maitre’ d or headwaiter of the unnamed restaurant where the Ricardos and Mertzes  dine. It is unclear if Xavier is his real name, or if Desi is just ad-libbing based on the first name of his former employer Xavier Cugat. Ricky bribes (tips?) Xavier to make Lucy and Ethel wash dishes to pay for their meals, a common TV and movie trope of the time. 
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XAVIER: “What are you trying to do? Skip out without paying?”
Although this is an Italian Restaurant, Dobkin does not attempt an Italian accent. The part might have been better cast with Louis Nicoletti, one of the show’s regular Italian-American performers, who plays a policeman in the episodes final scene.  
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Also in 1953, Dobkin did an episode of “Our Miss Brooks” starring Gale Gordon. The series was filmed by Desilu Studios. 
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COUNTERFEITER: “As you Americans say: No Overhead!”
His third and final appearance on “I Love Lucy” was as a counterfeiter in “Paris at Last” (ILL S5;E18), where he does show of an accent. His shady transaction outside the American Express office gets Lucy into a pile of merde!  
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In early 1957, he guest starred on Desilu’s “Whirlybirds” and “The Danny Thomas Show” featuring Mary Wickes. 
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Although he was never seen, he was part of television history from 1960 to 1963. Preceding the closing credits of each episode of the landmark ABC television network series “Naked City”, he could heard saying "There are eight million stories in the naked city, and this has been one of them."
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In April 1959, he did a day on Desilu’s “The Ann Sothern Show.”  In November, Lucille Ball played Lucy Ricardo on the series’ season two premiere.  
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In 1959 and 1960, Dobkin did two episodes of the anthology series “The Westinghoue-Desilu Playhouse” introduced by Desi Arnaz, who also acted as Executive Producer. 
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A series that grew out of “Westinghouse-Desilu Playhouse” was “The Untouchables.” Wearing a toupee, Dobkin played Dutch Schultz on three episodes of the series in 1959/60.  
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Dobkin was nominated for an 1968 Emmy for playing Dr. Gettlinger in "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Goodnight,” an episode of “CBS Playhouse”.
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A 1998 live recreation of “My Favorite Husband”, billed as "Lucy's First Sitcom: A 50th Anniversary Reunion," featured Dobkin and “I Love Lucy” veterans Doris Singleton, Shirley Mitchell, Janet Waldo, Peggy Rea, and Roz and Marilyn Borden. Suzanne LaRusch play Liz Cooper and Dwayne Hickman (TV's Dobie Gillis) played her favorite husband George.
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He recorded excerpts from "Laughs, Luck.. and Lucy" by Jess Oppenheimer for the “I Love Lucy" DVD release.
He had one daughter, Debra Dobkin, by his first wife, Frances Hope Walker. 
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In 1962, he married actress Joanna Barnes (above); they had no children. Dobkin married actress Anne Collings in 1970 and had two children. 
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On October 28, 2002, Dobkin died of heart failure at his home in Los Angeles. He was 83 years old.
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renewolf99 · 3 years ago
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Panorama Gettlinge grafveld #swipeleft⬅️ #panorama #zweden #öland #grafveld #gettlingegravfält (at Gettlinge gravfält) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfikBYgMAM4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gianlucalabruna · 4 years ago
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Öland #contaxt2 #streetphotography #landscapephotography #windmill #öland #nordiclandscape #viking #stoneship #gettlingegravfält #blackandwhitephotography #analogphotography #filmphotography (at Gettlinge gravfält) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJVqAW0ruyv/?igshid=d39f8jy4q1yv
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billiela · 4 years ago
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#ancient #burial #ground #wind #mill #mobilephotography #snapseed #latergram (på/i Gettlinge Gravfält) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDO7jQEA50YCTPcEJTsww8BOQTeRiWHbJOX4U00/?igshid=quz99v7c7pi9
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maneinatt · 7 years ago
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Långe Jan Lightouse
Gettlinge graveyard
Mysinge Hög, Öland island, Sweden
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architectingstories · 7 years ago
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Öland Gettlinge | Viking stone ship burial site | Tiger Moses | Flickr
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paganplaces · 2 years ago
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Viking stone ship at Gettlinge
The Viking stone ship at Gettlinge in Sweden is an ancient burial monument that dates back to the Viking Age.
Read more at: https://paganplaces.com/places/viking-stone-ship-at-gettlinge/
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rabbitcruiser · 4 years ago
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Clouds (No. 351)
Grave Field, Gettlinge 
Carl X Gustav's Wall, Sweden (eight pics)
Ottenby Nature Reserve, Sweden
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skifferrok · 7 years ago
Han Enslig Skall Gå: Black Metal som öländskt kulturarv
*Isgärde syftar i det här blogginlägget på bandet och inte platsen på Öland med samma namn, dock är bandnamnet med största säkerhet en direkt referens till platsen.
I våras blev jag nyfiken på om det fanns några öländska metalband, efter en state/city/province-sökning via metal archives uppenbarade sig en anspråkslös lista på fem band, överst stod Isgärde*, genre: Black metal. En ny sökning, den här gången via webbläsare och debutalbumet  (och i skrivande stund enda albumet) Jag enslig skall gå uppenbarade sig. “Hoppas det här är bra.” tänkte jag förhoppningsfullt, för att kort därefter inse att en av låttitlarna nämnde Gettlinge Gravfält, vilket ligger precis intill min hemby. “Nu måste det här vara bra.” och det var det. Nyligen ledde mig livet till startandet av den här bloggen och kort därpå en intervju med Somath, mannen bakom Isgärde. Nedan följer några av de tankar som föddes ur utbytet.
“Man kan säga att startskottet för mig var just idéen om att göra en melankolisk, atmosfärisk och rå musikresa som tillägnas Öland. Öland var alltså inspirationen för Isgärde. [...] Jag älskar naturen och kan inte hitta samma känsla någon annanstans.” Berättar Somath, han poängterar också det positiva i att ön är relativt folktom. Som jag tolkar det, bekräftar hans ord mina tankar om att Jag enslig skall gå porträtterar en annan sida av ön, kanske främst vinterhalvåret. Samtidig bär albumet på lika mycket skönhet som den öländska sommaren. Den är det dånande havet och kraxande flyttfåglar, det kala Alvaret och disorna i dimman, den bitande vinden och fornlämningar i månskenet.
Av personliga skäl har Somath valt att inte publicera sina texter, som varken är skrivna på engelska eller svenska. Något som lätt kunnat ses som ett dålig försök att skapa mystik kring projektet, mitt intryck är det motsatta. Somath förklarar att han tolkar Öland i toner “Utifrån mitt egna perspektiv.” och inte känner något behov av sprida sina övertygelser “Jag är ingen missionär.” Fram träder bilden av en musiker med både integritet och ödmjukhet, som låter musiken stå på egna ben och vet att den är kapabel till det. Musiken kräver inga förkunskaper eller förberedelser, bara din uppmärksamhet, något du som lyssnare gladeligen ger albumet. Det förmedlar inte bara känsla och atmosfär utan låter även som black metal bör, med sin råa avskalade ljudbild.
Trots alla mina lovord har jag sällan återkommit till Jag enslig skall gå, men när Somath konstaterar “Jag älskar naturen och kan inte hitta samma känsla någon annanstans.” blir anledningen uppenbar. För mig som levt i längre perioder på ön finns en påtaglig och samtidigt esoterisk känsla, den har formats av livet i min hemby och dess omgivningar. Isgärde är samma känsla förkroppsligad i musik och när jag tänker på Öland tänker jag på Isgärde, som olika sidor av samma mynt.
Min förhoppning är att många fler ger Jag enslig skall gå en ärlig chans, den är ett värdigt stycke kulturarv, med förmåga att både väcka och befästa den där otvivelaktigt öländska känslan.
/Mattias Niklasson
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years ago
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Grave Field Gettlinge, Sweden (No. 5)
Gettlinge burial ground is an ancient monument in Södra Möckleby parish on southern Öland. The burial ground is one of the largest on Öland, with a length of almost two kilometers. It is located along the island's western road between the villages of Gårdstorp, Gettlinge and Klinta.
The burial ground was described by historian Johannes Haquini Rhezelius in his "Monumenta runica", from 1634. He drew of the ship's setting in his travel diary. Carl Linnaeus examined a tomb in 1741. The landscape depicter Abraham Ahlqvist wrote about the place in 1825. He was particularly interested in the two three-metre-high stones in Klinta.
The line of prehistoric cultural remains begins north of Gettinge village. Many have been destroyed by quarries or by treasure seekers. In the burial ground there were about 250 graves. Today, more than 200 remain. Most of them are stone settings from the Late Bronze Age and Iron Age. In square or round stone circles, stone coffins with unburned skeletons have been found. The northern part of the field is most diverse. The large limestone slabs there have been erected to mark the significance of the site. On an impressive, 30-meter-long ship's settlement, which consists of 23 erected granite blocks next to each other, there are about twenty bowl pits. Bowl pits are a recurring motif on stones from the Bronze Age.
Around 1900, 15 graves were examined in Gettlinge. They were only men's graves, some contained weapons but most were looted. The best preserved tomb consisted of ten limestone slabs and a double layer of covering stones. The deceased had been laid in the grave along with his dog, two spears, a shield and spurs. This tomb form is from the first century after Christ. The burial ground was utilized for 2000 years from 1000 BC to 1050 AD.
On the west side of the island there are several burial grounds. The largest, with about 300 graves, is located in Ås at Ottenby. Another large field is located at Mysinge.
Source: Wikipedia
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years ago
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Grave Field Gettlinge, Sweden (No. 3)
The earliest settlers in Öland built early Stone Age wooden huts; the best examples of such excavated prehistoric dwellings are found a few miles to the east present village of Alby. Archaeological excavations conducted over a period of years in the latter 1900s have revealed evidence of bear, marten, seal and porpoise, but also elucidate Mesolithic hunting and gathering technologies through discovery of bone spears, elk antler harpoons and flint. These earliest inhabitants would have crossed the Kalmar Strait from the mainland toward the end of the last ice age, before the glacial cap had fully melted, and thus provided an ice bridge. The settlements of the Stone Age are key resources on Öland that led to the UNESCO designation of the Stora Alvaret as a World Heritage Site.
The principal evidence of life in the Gettlinge area from 1000 BC to 1000 AD is derived from the gravefields themselves. The Gettlinge Gravfeld is situated near the coast highway and contains some Bronze Age barrows as well as the more prominent stone ship burials, making it one of the largest gravefields on Öland. These burials span the late Bronze Age, Iron Age and Viking Age. Some of the individual standing stones are thought to predate the Viking era. Numerous artifacts have been recovered from gravefields elsewhere on Öland, including bronze chains and a bone needle case.
Viking graves have also been found at the Hulterstad Gravefield as well as the extensive Strandvalle Gravfeld, both on Oland. These findings imply that Gettlinge was a link within a chain of Viking settlements concentrated on the southern coasts of Öland, although most Viking settlements were actually found on the southeast of Öland having better access to the open sea.
Source: Wikipedia
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