#gets on my last nerve for REAL
kaustic · 7 months
the whole “i can spot a narcissist thing instantly after meeting them” thing is SOOO weird. like. i get having a bad feeling about someone but i swear some people call someone a narcissist to explain being a judgmental bitch. like, no honey, she isn’t a narcissist, she’s had a really bad day and is frustrated.
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visionthefox · 5 months
Sams Earth
I guess is a rant? but im getting a bit bothered? with how Earth fans act like we, those who dont like her, just hate woman? or any famale character? and,ok, yes! yes yes! SOME people are way too rude, way too hatefull over an OC in a RP channel.. some need to calm tf down.. but putting everyone in the same bag is tiring me..why I dont like her? short: -bad way to introduce your new character- not natural- unlike the last 2. -her way to be showed was -for some cute- funny- yet soon annoying as she being unable to read the room was not fun to see..specially with KC. -she did NOT asked how the others felt about being caller brothers by a complete stanger. by that point. -This is personal - very personal - but she cannot be "the person with emotional intelligence/ready and prepared to give therapy" at the same time that she is not able to understand the actions of others, nor read the room still .
(Like someone who dreams of being a therapist? It's very very VERY bad. In fact - it's a rule! that therapists CANNOT do the job for the family. The family bond creates a preconception on both sides that nullifies the effectiveness of the therapy)
yet the fans act like we all just hate her just to hate her, and "no one else got this level of hate!" sorry? BM wasnt liked until he showed to be a chaotic evil one and even so. I BET there's ppl who dont like him. The dislike ppl felt was different.. one friend of mine did find her annoying, yet also found her to be stone in the way for Sun's development! but we both can agree on something. we dont hate her because she is a famale character. We dislike her early use. rn she is ok.in my eyes. I dont hate her- I get her character- I just never liked how she acted at SOME moments. pushy. is the words I give her. pushy. and once again. she can be a male for all I care- KC is also on my list as "wasted potential".old Moon is the "idiot" - New Moon? is also staring to be disliked.. so is not her "gender" is her use.she had fans WISHING for her- she was taken with love even with how terrible her fist intro was..(stolen models are NOT ok to use!) idk I felt like saying this out loud im getting a bit annoyed with some fans. but I guess is how we word ourself that can trigger her fans.. so I guess is 50-50. idk, can yall tell me if Im actually wrong here?
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d-andilion · 2 months
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wellfedfemme · 1 year
in desperate need of a better camera so i don't have to post tummy vids in like 240p lmao 😭
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dashiellqvverty · 9 months
i do think the amount of comparisons between black sails and ofmd - both favorable and unfavorable tbh - is a little out of hand lmao like even before the flint vs stede poll there was a lot of it and its like. they are completely different shows with completely different goals. i just saw someone call ofmd a "black sails ripoff" and honestly what the fuck are you talking about. is black sails a pirates of the caribbean ripoff?? is there only allowed to be one television show about pirates and everything else is a copy?? or is it just the fact that there are also gay characters in it? im just like there are PLENTY of real and good criticisms why does it always come back to this. let them exist separately
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
watching the last of my buddy cole archive videos from the most recent batch paul sent over and this one is a rehearsal video for champagne soul. initially i was like "oh this is going to be the exact same show i saw yesterday" since it's all the same material, and yeah that's true, but also it's just scott performing to an audience of exclusively paul bellini holding a video camera and them bantering back and forth occasionally. like i just get to see this behind the scenes video of paul and scott hanging out and working on a performance in 1993 and i find that very sweet
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leofrith · 11 months
acv hate on my dash and i can't even be mad about it because they make some good points 😶
#like yes it was extremely fucking weird to have us play as a viking with all the violence that entails#while conveniently sidestepping any real consequences for that violence or contending with the results of that violence#because you're too afraid that lingering on it for too long might make your protag look bad#it's like they suddenly decided that their audience is too stupid to deal with moral ambiguity. in the moral ambiguity franchise.#this is once again drifting towards my forever argument that making these games rpgs was a mistake#or rather making these games *half-assed* rpgs was a mistake#and weakens the narrative bc there's never any meaningful follow through for any decisions#including some of the decisions that we the player don't even get to make ourselves#like i think having a set narrative would eliminate a lot of the problems with this game's writing#because they clearly weren't willing to take the rpg elements all the way#also just... make it smaller. there's too many arcs and too many diversions from the main narrative#which while a lot of them admittedly have some fun character moments they probably should not have been required to advance the main story#and with no mission replay or ng+ it's just so prohibitive to replay unless you're like me (deeply mentally ill and in love with eivor)#the point being that dissonance has always bugged me about this game. i could fix her i could fix her i could fix her#anyway. hi i'm gonna go do that ask game now ajdgjhdsf#the nerve pain last night was making it difficult to be on the computer. tbh it also is right now but we soldier on 🫠#ky posts text#ac.txt
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dramarants · 1 year
I've said this before but as much as I was screaming at my screen, this is an opportunity for ttj to raise roots somewhere that not only includes the love of his life but also relationships without ridonkulous power imbalances among a supportive community and a new way of life outside the expectations set upon him since birth. who knows, maybe he'll choose to embrace his devil god fate lord knows the tension would not only be palpable but sexy af or maybe he'll become the supreme ultimate botanical sword master but he finally gets to be an active agent of his own life, choosing people, values, and goals for his own future, and hopefully, his journey (and lss's own growth returning + learning her identity) will reunite them knowing they're stronger, happier, and simply uplift each other when together. ttj's enduring love surmounted death and five centuries of agony to bring him to her place in the immortal realm, now it's up to them to figure themselves out and truly make it their home.
#till the end of the moon#I can see ttj becoming a devil god who's more devoted to his space goddess heiress/overseeing mortal trials than wreaking havoc#or embracing the cang jiumin persona to continue to fight fate itself and defeat the devil god with lss#whatever it is I see a transformation which could foster healthier yet equally passionate love and fulfillment down the line#with room for classic ttj unhinged dramatics ofc hehe#just gotta wait for the fluffy mushy pursual scenes that should come in the meantime bc w/o them my nerves might kill me 🙃#or maybe lovelorn/yearning lyx visuals will get me through#LMAO either way cackling at my irritation w/ this devil business parting them in a drama about a girl conflicted about loving a devil god#and my weird faith that this show ends happy - for all I know lss ends up killing ttj for real & I'll live the rest of my life hollow??#like he loves her till his last breath thinking it was really unrequited & she lives on in guilt/grief for the greater good till her time?#or he regresses and rages against her denial and ends up destroying the immortal sects and they lose each other?#I don't see it but#how fucked up would that be??#omg what if he sacrifices himself protecting the immortal realm bc he's learned to love the world as she does 😭 like a bittersweet ending#okay I'm rambling and stressing myself out more - bottom line: ttj might have some growth and maybe lss too#ranting#edit: the way I was correct and incorrect in the worst ways
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ottiliere · 2 years
draw more bro strider smoking meth
I am not a dog...
Tumblr media
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angelsdean · 8 months
probs won't hit post limit bc i spent a good chunk of the day watching smallville
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tottymatsuno · 1 year
I can’t edit this so excuse me but y’all remember their one actual character song from the banned first episode or naw
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doebt · 2 years
Being a private person irl feels so weird after my yrs of blogging
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queenofnohr · 2 years
“this game will put words into your character’s mouth as if emet-selch is the most tragic character ever, but won’t let you say one good thing about Zenos”
maybe it’s because there’s nothing good to say about Zenos
and I don’t mean that in a mean way because I do like Zenos and I do, like, recognize the tragedy of his situation but also like
while you’re free to make up anything about your WoL you like
the only canonical interactions you have with Zenos are him wanting to fight you, projecting his feelings onto you without caring if they’re actually true or not, and body-snatching you. sure he helped you out at the end of EW and you can like infer meaning and shit but also to your WoL he came to be rewarded with a fight
like whatever your personal feelings toward emet-selch are, your WoL did have like. actual interactions with him. like for one thing he only tried to fight you one (1) time. 2 you saw a monument to his grief in the form of a whole entire location you can walk around in. 3 you spent time with him before he absolutely lost track of his morals and ideals because of said grief over losing his entire world (non-figuratively speaking). 4 he’s helped you multiple times (warrior of light trial, literally everything in elpis, when you summon him & Hyth in ultima thule, I had one more I feel but tbh I forget so whatever idc enough) without any gain for himself
like. you, personally, don’t have to like emet-selch & u can be the biggest Zenos stan in the world and still like. Acknowledge there is precedent for thinking kindly upon one and perhaps not so much precedent for the other within the information that your WoL would canonically know within the bounds of the game.
it’s just a stupid comparison to make like you can be mad for your fav without making it into a whole like……. Thing
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lyekisses · 2 years
truly dreading work today!!!
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dykexenomorph · 2 years
thinkin about goncharov and folk tales and the basic human urge to create art and stories and spread them around like wildfire
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origami10 · 2 years
Taking all my restraint to convert this email to appropriate business language instead of “You moved that meeting forward on me without telling me so I ‘missed’ it, and now three months later you’re inviting me to a follow-up meeting to talk about improvements made to WHAT completely unrelated task you didn’t think maybe you ought to mention to me MORE THAN ZERO TIMES???”
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