#get transfemmed idiot
scrumpentertainment · 10 months
boo. egg time.
hits intruder with the transfem beam
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transgwender · 1 year
you know what? fuck you
*domesticates you*
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impel-clown · 4 months
Transfem Sanji comes back to visit the Baratie and while Carne and Patty are bothering her about whether she's brought back any new spices, Zeff is in crisis. Because as long as the restaurant has been open, he's been very clear that women will never work in his kitchen. It's just not gonna happen. He smacks his kitchen staff. He's vowed to never hit a woman. It will just never work. But what? He's supposed to just Not cook with his own daughter? At the same time, he doesn't want Sanji to be under the impression that Zeff doesn't think of her as a woman because he lets her cook in his kitchen. Truly its a dilemma for the ages.
The idea that Zeff could just- Not hit any of his staff no matter their gender doesn't occur to him until day 3 of Sanji's visit
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certifieddudette · 6 months
In honour of today I will be looking at trans people to make sure they are as visible as possible! :3
Yay transes!!,
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t4transsexual · 5 months
all trans women and femmes are beautiful and if youre a trans woman/femme who reblogs this and says "uhhhhhh no actually im not im the only one this doesnt apply to" this goes extra for u actually
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sevicia · 7 months
I have been looking at other blogging platforms for a few days now with the intention of putting all my OC stuff in there instead of having to constantly switch between main blogs on here, because I still want to have all my stuff here.
I doubt I'll leave, mostly bc all my mutuals are here but also largely because this is the one site where I see stuff like fundraisers or different news about world affairs, all in the same place and with sources provided (most of the time, and if not I can just Google). If I ever do decide to leave I will probably look into setting up an RSS feed, but that doesn't work very well for issues I don't already know about.
I don't use Discord much because I'm kinda bad at like, consistently DMing people. And also it's very confusing to me since I used it the most during 2018 and then almost never again and a lot of stuff has changed since then?
Still, my Discord username is "corpsegrindinman" in case anyone wants 2 add me. OK goodnight
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vampire-nyx · 7 months
I Need to find people that talk about transfem issues and trans women specifically as a group that Aren’t infected with the baeddel poison
It really shouldn’t be the case that not wanting to be around people who are harmful and dangerous to me as a transmasc means I never get to see transfem centered discussion
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alittlemxchievous · 8 months
I’ve always considered myself straight but that photo is so hot
✨✨ I'm a girlfagthing, so its always kinda gay to think I'm hot. ✨✨
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ajdrawshq · 1 year
playing Q2 n watching Akechi get affectionately suffocated by some guy in a bear costume. this game knows exactly what i want
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lina-transverse · 2 months
Queer discourse on this site of fun cause it just turns into mostly White Queers just saying the same things over and over and no one is capable of understanding nuance or willing to consider the others point of view cause they're more concerned with "winning" the argument. Which is stupid and pointless because arguing is for idiots.
Y'all know we're on the same side right? There's no point in having discussions over 'who the most oppressed' is when it's obviously black and brown queer people, especially transfem black women.
This is a fact.
Do y'all even remember back in the late 2010's when the only time "transgender" or "transfem" trended n this site was when another black or brown sister was killed?
Do y'all even care about them? I've seen tons of posts for Pauly Likens which is great, but where's the outrage for Shannon Boswell, shot to death in the street while police denied said shooting even happened? What about Tayy Thomas and River Goddard, just children who were killed by their partners? Where's your rage for TK Hill, shot outside his hair salon? Or Africá Garciá, homeless and shot to death in a dirty street.
Last year 320 trans people were killed. Three-hundred and fucking twenty.
Of those deaths, 94% of them were transfem/ trans women and over 80% were black and brown people. Many were sex workers or homeless. Lots of them were degendered by the media and police in death. Even more deaths are unreported either due to degendering or their bodies not being found. So many of these people (again, mostly black and brown transfem's) are violated and horrifically tortured by their tormentors.
If your discussion of transphobia doesn't include black and trans people, if you cannot recognize this simple fact, then you're no ally to the trans community.
Community means you look out and support those that are the most vulnerable; it means you show the fuck up and speak the fuck up when you hear racist shit. It means you ABSOLUTELY DO NOT call the cops on a homeless person, it means you look out for those that have less than you, the disadvantaged and disenfranchised. White queers have white privilege! We still benefit from our whiteness (especially in the US) so fucking use that shit!
Get your heads outta your asses and actually be a part of your community instead of whinging and whining and wringing your hands helplessly while ignoring the ACTUAL dangers trans people face.
I'm gonna close this with a quote from a friend of África Garciá that perfectly encapsulates how the world views transfem's.
“A lot of trans women are on the streets and are made invisible because many people believe that their lives are worthless,” LeQueen, a trans artist and friend of García’s, told the paper. “They don’t give them the ‘spotlight’ that they deserve, and those men take advantage of that. They think, If I kill her here, no one is going to care.”
Source 1
Source 2
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butchmartyr · 7 months
sometimes i get so frustrated about how many transmisogynistic users get reblogged despite their reliable-to-the-point-of-predictability episodes of vitriolic hostility against transfems or absolute lack of care in spreading hearsay about us that i think of making a big blocklist or callout, but its a foolish idea because callouts are only for making a spectacle and Other of someone in order to reinforce norms in the in group. transmisogyny callouts never spread to a large audience for this reason; as a rhetorical tool, they are not for enacting justice.
and even if they could, i stop myself, because they're a stupid way of trying to stop bigotry in the first place. we should be striving to be able to recognize bigoted rhetoric and challenge it ourselves, to stand with the marginalized in our communities, rather than making the victims have to point out The Bad Ones over and over since you can't see. and clearly, you can't see! because i cant hardly scroll this website and see an acquaintance reblog a post without recognizing op as either an open transmisogynistic themself, or a useful idiot for transmisogynists and spreading their callouts. (many of which included private pictures and nudes for "evidence" towards their evil kinks; to make this clear, revenge porn with a coat of progressive paint.)
but time and time again, nobody sees the problem when it happens to trans women. its all a pretense to voice preconceptions of disgust to trans women. they dont really believe that making shitty posts is equivalent to actual sexual abuse, just like they dont actually believe that wearing thigh highs is pedophile-coded, its all just excuses to hate trans women like they want to. for them, its just finding excuses to put in the keywords that turn peoples brains off and play into their bias. oh, sure, i cyberstalked literal years into her private nsfw blog to dig up that nude and match it with a selfie from her main and i put both in the callout im spreading around, but why would that be bad? dont you know she calls her girlfriend mommy in private sometimes? look, i did mental gymnastics to equate this consensual roleplay to real world harm, its totally pedo-incest coded! look, i said shes into raceplay apropos of nothing just to get people pissed at her, but you're not gonna check, right? why would spreading that and her nudes- sorry i mean evidence of her crimes to more strangers and exposing her to transphobes be bad? how can it be sexual harassment when the woman person really really deserves it i promise?
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soup-mother · 7 months
every single time there's a post saying "stop fucking calling trans women 'dude', stop fucking acting like masculinity is neutral" the notes are entirely full of "well... it's just how i talk", "i use it for everyone but if a transfem told me I'd stop using it", and absolutely noone who isn't a trans woman saying "yea you're right that's fucked. we really do just treat men and masculinity as the neutral default and should interrogate that".
literally every TME person on this website homing in on any given post about transmisogyny to completely miss the point or add exactly verbatim the same comment as everyone else.
if you see a post saying "stop treating gendered terms as gender neutral and getting defensive when ppl ask you not to" and you decide to leave some idiot fucking comment talking about your personal opinion on it and putting the stress on trans women have to ASK you not to misgender them, instead of just changing how you fucking talk and interact with trans women I'm not only going to call you a fucking idiot and think less of you but I'm also going to imagine you dying a very very horrible death and giggle about it with my friends.
AND if you feel the need to leave an idiot fucking comment about how "this but for girl(gender neutral)" I'm going to kill you. it's not comparable, it's not the place, fucking die.
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maxknightley · 6 months
confession: i still don't understand what tme/tma js and i dont understand the google definitions because im kinda dumb, so i dont understand the arguments ): i feel like its too late to ask. it means transmysongony exempt right? i just. i dont get what that meabs!!
broadly speaking, TMA - or "transmisogyny affected" - means "amab transgender and nonbinary people." i.e., people who are the "intended target" of transmisogyny in the same way that Jewish people are targeted by antisemitism or gay people writ large are targeted by homophobia.
TME - "transmisogyny exempt" - is basically Everyone Else, including cis people as well as AFAB trans/nonbinary people.
the idea of the construction is to describe the ways in which transfems are harmed by cis people & "TME" trans people as well. but I have a few problems with this language:
I think it's absurd to describe cis men as "exempt from transmisogyny" because a major purpose of transmisogyny is to socially discipline GNC cis boys and men. as a thought exercise, I like to point out that I could have had the exact same experiences as a child/teenager, but if I hadn't transitioned, I would have magically ceased to be "affected by transmisogyny". I think this is Fucking Stupid because a large part of my childhood was defined by transmisogyny I didn't even know was transmisogyny yet.
we already had perfectly good language for what "tma" is intended to represent. namely, transfem. idiots and jerks misusing that language, describing themselves as "afab transfem" or whatever the hell, doesn't matter to me when 1. people are going to play silly little word games with literally any terminology marginalized people use to describe our experiences, and 2. the replacement terminology is actively worse at describing things.
whenever people use "TME" they're usually referring specifically to other people in the trans community, making it a transparent - and, imo, Worse - replacement for "afab." just say "afab" or "transmasc." let's be honest with ourselves.
while I think the ability to describe transmisogyny is necessary in order to express what it's like to be transfem, I feel that people often treat transmisogyny as if it's a separate construct that happens to intersect with other forms of transphobia and sexism. and I think this is silly, because transmisogyny is sexism is homophobia. they're all parts of a self-reinforcing structure and cannot be properly understood until we accept that you don't slay the hydra by continually cutting off its heads
I'm an extremely spiteful person. Every time I see a post that's based on the idea that Everyone Who Dislikes This Is Transmasc, or that Transgender Women Aren't "Allowed" To Be Butch And Therefore Don't Exist At All, my anger gauge fills up a little more. someday it will hit its maximum and I will be able to unleash my ultimate. that or I'll have a stress-induced heart attack
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 3 months
some of my assorted Grian headcanons because I love her
combo OCD and autism - the way she needs to be in control and have authority but hates responsibility is so real
transfem duh. also figured this one out because mumbo said some dumb bisexual nonsense like 'I'd still like you if you were a girl haha :)', as a joke, and she was like Oh. I See.
gay divorced with mumbo (but they're still together). gay married with scar for tax benefits (except there are no taxes on hermitcraft and again they're still together as partners too)
on that note, polyamorous
chews on everything. if you are nearby you are getting bitten. is it a stim? is it cannibalism? you'll never know
she got those avian hollow bones (therefore gets injured way easier than other people) (but it's okay because she can fly and land on people's shoulders)
regressor. tell me she's not being a little kid when she gets all pouty and starts whining about having to do tasks
talks to inanimate objects like they're alive. and maybe they are
easily possessed
normal about her friends (lie)
things just seem to happen around her. she's unfazed by most of it
master of procrastination (this one's just canon)
curious beyond reason
gets the ick when mumbo talks too much about sports. not good at hiding her feelings on this
jealous idiot
mean without intending to be - speaks her mind perhaps a little too much, especially when comfortable with a person
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noemilivv · 8 months
hi! sorry if you don't write for this sorta thing but since ive had to do it a lot and I saw you write for husk just wondering if u would write for husk x a transfem reader who once husk started getting affectionate maybe even just words or a little kiss the reader gets a little scared because of things she had to deal with and worries about telling him she's trans, I just wonder how he'd react, I guess? If you don't write for this type of thing feel free to ignore no response needed, but if you do tysm
Sorry if bothered you or if too long,
Thanks :)
oh my goodness, hi!! ofc i will write this for you!! as someone who’s queer, i understand that we need some extra supportive sometimes, and i’m so willing to give that to you :)
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gender-blind ♡
husk x transfem!reader
Warnings: none(?)
It had been bugging you for the past week or so, well.. longer than that, but it had been a week or so since it really started getting under your skin.
You have been dating Husk for almost a month now, which in the grand scheme of things, isn’t too long, but with something like this on your shoulders, the weight of waiting felt like four centuries ago.
You know it’s not the easiest thing for Husk to open up, and you were very eager for that moment until it hit you in the gut way harder than expected.
You’re trans, and there’s nothing wrong with that, and you stand very strongly on that hill, but you can’t help but wonder, what would Husk think?
You fell out of your trance momentarily as Husk approached you, smacked a kiss on your cheek, but before he could say anything, you stumbled back slightly, not enough to fall over, but enough to shake ya a bit.
“Woah, you doing alright?” He asked, concerned, rushing to your aid, but being careful not to touch you again, as he figured it had something to do with that. “Yeah.” You said, steadying yourself, dusting off your mini skirt as you went to walk away.
“No.” Husk started, blocking your way out. “You don’t get to do that.” He added again. “I’m a bartender for a reason, I’ve noticed some shit was up, look, just… spill. Please.”
“It’s really complica-”
“Please.” Husk pushed.
“I’m trans.” You blurted.
Husk stood there in silence for a moment, figuring out his wording before speaking, “Hun.” He started. He was still using petnames. That’s a good sign.
“Let me show you something.” He says, walking over to a table in his room, he pulls a miniature pansexual flag out, “I’m gender-blind, none of that matters to me.” He said, putting it back in its drawer, before he approached you.
“What matters is in here.” He said, pointing to your heart, “And here too,” he said, flicking your forehead, “But not so much, especially considering the idiots in this hotel.” He said with a chuckle, “There’s room for everyone.” He said with a smile as he rubbed your arm. “Especially you.”
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HIHIHI THIS WAS ONE OF MY FAVE REQUESTS SO FAR !! also i used the (sorta) confirmed fact that Husk is pansexual so I hope that’s okay !!
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I'm ✨️completely fucking exhausted✨️ but decided I needed to do something for pride month anyway, so... take it. Take it and feast.
#:,) #im.so tired
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🐍 xviper-the-fagx
#pride #pride moon
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🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
Since it's that time of year (pride moon <3 the second moon of greenleaf is my favorite for a reason...) my brother and I decided to make a bisexual colors flower chain... which reminded me, I've never officially come out, have I?
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Well, there you have it. My brother (left) and I (right) found out we were bisexual at about the same time. I'm glad I live in a safe environment where I get to share that part of myself with all of my friends and my family.
#pride #pride moon #bisexual #queer #bi pride
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🌠 nightshade-tast3s-yummy Follow
>:3 so excited for pride moon, aka the one time I get to make all of my friends and family be extra nice to me because i'm intersex and therefore deserving of much love and appreciation for being queer.
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
Intersex isn't lgbt... intersex is a physical deformity. I hate when cats say things like this and just completely ignore the real implications... like, you don't get to be lgbt just because your body is fucked up
🌠 nightshade-tast3s-yummy Follow
Anyway, intersex is queer no matter what exclusionists say !! What do you think the "i" in "lgbtqia+" standa for?
To my intersex followers, I <3 you and we are all sharing tongues in a queer little circle.
#i just blocked her fyi #i advise my followers to do the same #idiots get blocked #intersex
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🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
In honor of pride, I took some selfies with the trans flag painted on with crushed flowers and herbs! ^^
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🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
Since posting this, I have recieved multiple asks stating that they would have known I was trans even if I didn't say because I don't pass very well/my face shape is too tom-like? I have also recieved several asks accusing me of faking being trans because I look too feminine and "calicos can't be amab" (I'm a chimera, fucking mouse-brains).
So yeah. Transphobes really will just say anything.
#trans #transfem #trans she-cat #trans issues #transgender
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🥬 rxttencatmint
So, it's pride moon... and I'm unable to be out to almost anyone irl except my mentor. And. It sucks. I hate not being able to be loud and proud like I feel like I'm supposed to be... but I'm looking forward to a time when I'll be able to. Someday.
#transgender #trans #pride moon #queer pride #pride
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🍲 ex-thunderclan-kipper Follow
My housefolk are setting up for pride moon... so here's a photo of my mate and I sitting underneath their decor :3
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#gay #gay pride #kittypet life #lgbt #queer pride #collar tw #collars #queer #id in alt text
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🔆 the-post-maker
Hope you enjoyed this post :)) likes/reblogs appreciated, and here's the discord server to talk about this world and the world within this world if you find it interesting enough.
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