#get out of the Sylki tags antis!
alaskanna · 10 months
In response to the antis crowing (in the Sylki tag no less) that the Sylki’s lost because a certain somebody thinks that shipping it is weird because they’re like the same person.
Who’s opinion should I take on this matter:
A- A producer of the show, who’s opinions on Sylki being a romance in both seasons appear to be shared by the show’s other producers and writing staff, and have been for two years.
B- An actress, who has no producing credits on the show, no writing credits, and acts like she’s 1.5 sheets to the wind at any given moment.
I’ll take option A, thanks!
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If shippers are making you this pissed off, you need to stop interacting with them instead of being so fucking negative.
And if seeing negativity makes you pissed off enough to anonymously (lmao) send me a message about it, you need to adjust your filters accordingly to avoid posts that are specifically tagged as anti from blogs that have anti right in the name 🤷‍♀️
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woulddieforloki · 1 year
Are you ready to either delete Twitter/tumblr or block the Loki tag after October 6th?? I know I am!
(Seriously though I don’t wanna deal with all the negative bullshit, I don’t even like Sylki but the haters made me a defender)
being a Loki series fan on lokiblr is so hard like I unfollow people for the pettiest shit if they don't like the Loki series or if they hate any of the characters or ships like haven't I blocked enough tags to be free of the negativity 😭
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darklinaforever · 1 year
OK. I need to talk about it (particularly because I rewatched the entire series yesterday) ! Like many, I'm shipping Sylvie & Loki, otherwise known as Sylki, from the Loki series from Disney +.
However, I always manage to come across anti bullshit, each time I go to the tag dedicated to this couple. And it's unbearable. Especially with the bullshit being said there.
So already, people basically don't like Sylki and Sylvie, because Sylvie would treat Loki "horribly" and "use him"…
So… It's forgotten that Loki was probably planning to kill her at the start of Episode 3, but didn't because she was the only one who knew how to recharge the Time Pad. So technically, the two contemplated killing each other, and served each other up in episode 3.
Also, by the end of episode 2 and the beginning of episode 3, Sylvie is completely normal with Loki the rest of the time, and even cares about him. The two actually end up forming a willing partnership. Sylvie even wanted to face Alioth on her own, and for Loki to return to TVA. When he said that if she goes, he goes too, she made it clear that his plan might not work out, so she cares about his life and she always proposes that he go. with Mobvious. Hello for "treat him horribly / only use him".
Then clear me of doubt…
But isn't Sylvie a Loki variant ? So she looks like him in that fact, right ? Doesn't she go through almost the same arc, or rather similar (it's much more correct) to the one that Loki had in the films ? I'm guessing with that logistics, you mustn't like Thor and Loki's brotherly relationship either ? And that it's especially Loki that you should hate in this relationship, considering how he treated Thor at one point (even if Thor is not without fault in this whole complicated family affair) and even tried to kill him in the first movie ? Along the same lines, I guess you don't like the Frigga and Loki relationship, and therefore specifically Loki, since he emotionally hurt his mother in the second film and unwittingly caused her death afterwards…
Seems like these are two very popular relationships within the fandom, and Loki has never been hated for the slips he made in those relationships, not to mention the other bad things he did on the side . There are even a lot of people who ship Thor and Loki together ! So… If you hate Sylvie because she "wasn't nice" to Loki… Why don't you hate Loki himself for a lot of things that happened before the show ?! Because, technically, there is no difference ! And Sylvie did not watch Loki, only what he himself did to his relatives ! He says it himself : He betrayed all the characters he loved and who loved him ! That Sylvie "betrayed" Loki at the end of the series therefore had a certain obviousness, even if compared to what some say, it is not so much a question of betrayal as of being blinded by the need for revenge.
So why is Sylvie getting so much hate for not being "nice / loyal to Loki unfailingly" to Loki ? The only real difference technically is that she's a woman, and… Oh. That's the difference. Obviously !
Then, some hate this relationship for the "incest" aspect…
Sylvie and Loki are not brother and sister. They have nothing to do with family.
Yes, they're technically "the same person", according to the show, but it's a lot more complicated than that actually, and I imagine the rest of the show will expand on that aspect. A variant is not exactly the same person. It's more or less a mutation I think. And if I say no bullshit, even on the DNA level it is different. And Sylvie refuses to truly define herself as a Loki, and rightly so. They are different people, who have had their own lives and experiences on their own. They are not the same, but similar. Two different things.
Then there are other people who don't like it for the "narcissistic aspect", and I refer you for that to this article by the director of Loki which explains what "self-love" really means. through the sylki relationship in the series. Which ultimately has nothing to do with narcissism, you can imagine. There is also talk about the incest aspect that he refutes just as much !
Also, again, there are people who ship Thor and Loki. And they are brother. Yes, not biologically, but for the rest ? They are brothers in every way that matters. However, it doesn't bother anyone to ship them, and I've never seen anyone be scandalized by it like with Sylki, who once again has nothing to do with incest in the end...
And even if it was ! I want to tell you… who cares ? Yes, because, little detail that a lot of people seem to forget… It's gods, isn't it ? Isn't incest common among the gods ? Yes, I know, among the Nordic gods it was not very well seen, unlike among the Greek gods, or we don't care ! But ! However, if you look closely, even if the Nordic gods were not in favor of incest, at least for the Aesir, well it still happened, especially among the Vanir, who were totally in favor of it ! And that I know, like the Greek gods, it had no genetic repercussions ! Because… Well they are gods, again ! And the conventions of mortals and their constraints, who cares for the gods !?
So your moralizing discourse, you can keep it to yourself.
And then… The most pathetic aspect of the returning reviews is about the kiss, which apparently "doesn't make them romantically canon." So, despite the fact that the romance is very assumed throughout the series, it is not canon, and the only thing that could make it seem romantic would be the kiss, but which in fact is nothing romantic ! So it's not canon ! Compiled once again that by the way Sylvie has only used Loki throughout this story…
So, I've already refuted the "Sylvie having used Loki" aspect, so I'm not going to come back to it… But ! I won't refute that Sylvie used the kiss a bit to distract Loki and then send him somewhere else. Except… Well she didn't have to kiss him specifically for that. She could have chosen another method, which implies that she wanted kiss him somewhere. The director also explains that Sylvie actually kissed Loki to say goodbye ! Especially since it's not as if the series had already shown before that Sylvie had feelings for Loki ! People forgot the fucking Nexus in the beginning of episode 4 ?! Because, yes, I remind you that we are not talking about one-sided love in this mess ! It is always insunated that it is reciprocal ! They are referred to as a couple of Loki in the series ! Miss minute offers them a universe where they could be together ! If only the "shared blanket / tablecloth" scene damn it ! Oh yes ! It sure looks like one-sided love... ! Yes, because for some people ; Sylvie is not in love with Loki and has only used her personal feelings to distract him in this moment…
Are you being stupid or blind on purpose ?
Seriously, I keep seeing jerks say "What are Sylki fans celebrating in that kiss! It's not romantic canonization! She's just manipulating it! There's never nothing romantic between them in the whole series!"
It's on the same level as everyone who said Reylo was nothing romantic and the kiss finally shared at the end of all their romantic tension over 3 movies was nothing romantic and was just an impulse to thank him, or even worse a "brotherly kiss" !
The comparison is all the more relevant as some say that "Yes, Sylvie loves Loki, but like a brother ! Or, I prefer that she loves him like a brother!" !
It is pathetic.
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lovethistoomuch · 11 months
someone please tell me honestly if season 2 of loki is good so far? is it actually about loki this time? cause i don't know if i am seeing all these loki and mobius figuring things out together gifs because i follow the loki tag and have blocked sylki or if it is because loki finally gets to be the main character in his own show.
please someone tell me if this is better than season one and loki is the focus chatacter instead of being crushed by a totally unneccesarily complicated plot!
(tagging this anti sylvie just to be sure. i got nothing against her, just the way she was used in season 1)
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gloriousburden · 7 months
who am i and what is this blog for?
i’m grace. i don’t really like sharing many personal details, but i will state that i am 18.
i am obviously a loki fangirl, but i also like: the legend of zelda, splatoon, attack on titan, grimes, björk and more. i do also like other mcu characters as well but i’m just… more normal about them than i am about loki.
like i said in my bio… this is an anti loki series blog, and i am critical of ragnarok as well. of course if you like these things (specifically ragnarok) still feel free to follow. it’s just i definitely won’t follow back blogs that heavily reblog/post series content, blogs that strictly post the variant/do not post anything that has to do with the og loki, and blogs that reblog/post a lot of lokius/sylki content.
and i… maybe i kinda question why a series blog would follow me in the first place since i am so negative about it 😭 if i don’t follow back, know that it’s truly not personal. i just really don’t want any series stuff on my dash. i have my reasons for deeply disliking the series, and i am more than welcome to discuss/debate those reasons. i have many times on my blog using #anti loki series.
(ALSO a lot of my OWN loki rants/analyzations/whatever we’d like to call them are under #loki 💭 which i’ve added the tag on this post. do check that out if you’d like to understand some of my views on loki/the series better, or if you just want to read stuff about loki)
please feel more than welcome to send me an ask/dm about anything at all, or if you’d like to become mutuals! i sometimes forget to follow back others because i get a lot of notifs lol
i do not reblog or post any straight up nsft/suggestive content such as smut or suggestive fanart, but feel free to follow if you do interact with that sort of content. although if your blog is HEAVILY nsft, i will probably not follow back.
i don’t have a crazy dni list or anything just obviously don’t be weird
also… i do try my best to hide it, but i sometimes get very defensive/sensitive over loki. if i ever come off as rude when defending him from others who mischaracterize/misunderstand him, i genuinely apologize. he means a lot to me and i tend to get irrationally upset at mischaracterization.
some posts of mine that i think are interesting:
(aka a mixture of posts that are actually interesting, as well as just some of my top posts for easy access lol)
my take on the thanos brainwashed loki theory… [link]
poll on how the fandom would feel if loki from infinity war was revealed to have survived, and had a cameo in a future marvel project… [link]
wondering what it’d be like to be a normal asgardian witnessing all the events our little characters went through… [link]
avengers loki… save me… [link]
thor 1 loki, and avengers loki having the same face a year apart… [link]
(will eventually add more 😁)
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textsfromthetva · 2 years
See, I don’t think Sylvie/Sylki as a whole would be as bad if it didn’t take a shit on Loki’s entire character to make her look better. Like. Since forever in the comics, Loki has been genderfluid and overall very queer, yet in the show they threw that out the window entirely for… the chance to have a straight selfcest ship? What? Why even have a ship to begin with? Not every character needs one. Or just have Amora be the love interest? Since that’s literally who Sylvie was ripping off with her powers and appearance. Also Sylvie doesn’t have enough mischief or drama to be a Loki. Just make her Amora.
in all ways but physical, I am kissing you with tongue right now
they could at least have committed and made her look like a Loki, by which I mean give her black hair. but we all know why they didn't, don't we? because you don't want your straight selfcest ship to look too selfcest-y. that would turn people off.
also, if this is the show's attempt at a "Loki learns to love himself" storyline, metaphorically, it's a very disturbing way to go about it. learning to love yourself does not involve falling in love with a different version of yourself.
all that said, believe it or not, I don't particularly care if you ship Sylki, I just don't feel it as a romantic pairing. I will still throw the occasional bone in your general direction for shits and giggles. but the fact that I started adding the tag "but also pretty anti Sylki you know how it is" to most Sylki posts is pretty telling. I believe I once pointed out the most of my Sylki jokes are just three anti-Sylki jokes in a trenchcoat. that still feels true.
so yeah, I genuinely prefer my fanon characterization of their relationship, because I think it's super funny to have her show no emotional interest in the whole thing whatsoever. she just wants to get laid and then get on with her revenge plot.
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where-theres-smoak-2 · 10 months
Ok… This whole thing is killing me. So, I already apologized to the person in the post who had followed, explaining why I was losing patience :
Pour aller plus loin, à force de recevoir des messages polis ou pas polis (voire carrément insultants) de personnes qui tentent d'expliquer que vous avez mal compris la relation canoniquement amoureuse de la série (car oui, c'est le cas, que cela vous plaise ou non) ) eh bien, au bout d'un moment, la personne qui reçoit ce genre de messages s'effondre et peut elle-même se montrer impolie, ce qui arrive généralement parfois aux êtres humains, et peut-être pas du tout. le moment le plus propice, c'est vrai. Mais c'est comme ça. Parfois, cela tombe sur telle ou telle personne.
But beyond that, I'm going to say the same thing I said to this person. A gif is there to transcribe an emotion and generally exaggerate it. When we use a gif where we get angry and break things, it doesn't literally mean that we really want to and are going to throw things and break them. No. It’s there to express our anger in an extrapolated way. Nothing more. Same goes for this damn gif. There is a huge difference between writing directly to a person to commit suicide (which I already received for shipping a ship) and sending a gif where this is written with a person who does not seem at all serious in what she says. Essentially it simply transcribes the desire for the person to remain silent. I can't even believe that this gif could cause a person to be outraged, when literally it shows in the gif that this thing isn't serious for a single second?! But I don't even see why I would bother to explain such an obvious thing, especially when one of the two people explains that they support the harassment of part of a fandom ?!
Also, I can't speak for all platforms, but for tumblr, I have to say that I have never seen a single Sylki be the first to be mean to another person in the fandom. What I saw were Sylki complaining that the pro Lokius/other, and anti Sylki, were not putting the right tags on their posts, parasitizing this Sylki part of the fandom, which is a perfectly valid complaint.
Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I think.
This one is a difficult one because on the one hand I do understand what you are saying about reaction gifs being used to convey a feeling in a very exaggerated way, like I've posted gifs of a woman hysterically crying on the floor to convey my feelings over a ship but obviously that was an over exaggeration, I myself wasn't actually heaped on the floor in tears. So I understand that your intention behind the gif was to convey your frustration and anger and to basically tell the person to go away and shut up. I can also understand why you'd be frustrated and angry, antis are relentless when it comes to mis-tagging and jumping into the inboxes of sylki shippers and commenting on their posts trying to gaslight them into thinking sylki isn't real, its getting to the point where it feels like a daily occurance, I myself sometimes struggle to keep my annoyance in check.
On the other hand, unfortunately I can understand why your intentions behind the gif may be misinterpreted by others. It's a sensitive topic and one that can be very triggering to some, unfortunately there are some out there who do say and mean this type of thing, as you yourself has experienced. So I can also understand that, whilst it may not have been your intention, the person was upset, angry and hurt because they didn't understand that you weren't being serious about the gif, so to them it seemed like you were being aggressive and hateful, I think this is a case of miscommunication and the important part is that you did apologise.
As for the reblogger I feel like this person may need to take a step back or take a breather, I feel like if the sight of a pro sylki ship is making you physically sick and you can openly admit to wanting sylki shippers to be harassed you've got a bit too invested and I don't know, it doesn't sound very healthy. I do also feel like they were using the gif you posted as a way to justify their own negative feelings towards sylki shippers.
I do also agree with you that, from what I have personally seen here on tumblr, in the main loki tag it is common to see posts hating on sylki and their shippers and just general negativity towards the ship. Whereas sylkis seem to post about two things, sylki and asking antis to tag their shit properly. Just today I blocked yet another account that was posting negativity in the sylki tag. It is also getting a bit ridiculous how often they will come into sylkis inboxes because sylki have posted a positive post about their ship, in their tag and some anti doesn't like it. The harsh truth is that if antis stayed out of sylkis' inboxes miscommunications like this wouldn't happen in the first place. But my unsolicited advice to you would be to just be careful what gifs you post in the future, not only to avoid anymore miscommunications that may result in hurt feelings but because you don't want to give them more ammunition against you, because they will use whatever they can, and it'll only open you up to more harassment.
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Since this is my first post on this blog, I figured I’d layout some basic information about who I am as a fan and what this blog will be about. This will be a pinned post. (If I can figure out how to do that. I’ve been a Tumblr vet of 13 or 14 years, well before pinned posts were a thing. And if there’s one thing tumblrinas are, it’s stubborn as all hell and resistant to change. So I’ve never made a pinned post before.) I’m sorry it’s so long; I’m a rambler. But let’s jump into it. 
My basic, core text for my Loki fan-hood, my Gospel of Loki religion, if you will, at least in the comics and what I’m always trying to assimilate into the MCU and any other comics that I read is Loki: Agent of Asgard by Al Ewing, which started its run in 2013. That’s probably where I get most of my theories and headcanons and how I characterize Loki. So if you’re confused about something I’m stating as a fact, it’s probably because it’s something I got from Agent of Asgard, especially when I’m talking about Loki as a comic book character rather than in the MCU. Regardless of who wrote the comic that I’m talking about or if what I’m referencing was even in AoA at all, I’m probably stacking it against how Loki is characterized in that comic run. Though I will try to state that that’s where I’m getting that theory or assumption about Loki. 
Regardless of what source, even if I’m talking about the mythological Norse deity, it doesn’t matter, Loki is genderfluid (in my definition of the term as a genderfluid person, not the MCU’s definition of the term and in some cases not even the comics’ definition of the term) and either bisexual or pansexual. I usually say pan, but people are saying bi in terms of the MCU. The thing is, I don’t think we ever really get an explicit statement about one or the other for him. What we do get in the comics is him saying that on Asgard, there are sexual acts, not sexual identities. So he doesn’t even see himself as having a sexual identity, it’s just who he’s attracted to at any given time. So really it could go either way. Additionally, I tend to use he/him or they/them pronouns when talking about Loki unless I’m specifically referencing a moment in the comics (or one of my fics) when Loki is a woman, just because most of the time in anything (movies, tv shows, novels, comics) Loki seems to be presenting as a man. (He’s also said in the comics that any pronouns are fine whenever.)
I ship Loki with a lot of characters, both MCU and characters as yet exclusive to comics or Marvel-commissioned novels. However, I tend to ship him with a lot more guys than women. I do also ship him with one little known genderfluid character (I’ll probably talk about them in another post and why I ship them with him). This doesn’t mean I’m against him being with a girl. I just think that he has this running habit both in the comics and as we’ve seen a little bit on the show (and Mackenzi Lee’s Where Mischief Lies), where he chooses women who turn on him almost immediately. And I’m tired of it. Maybe I’ll get into that a little more in a later post (they say, continuing to make promises they likely can’t keep), about the juxtaposition between the men that I ship him with or that he canonically gets with for a little while and how they treat him versus the women that he is--because of the heteronormative world we live in--more often canonically together with, and how they tend to treat him. 
Which leads me to state, I am a Sylki anti. I’m sorry to those of you who may ship that (assuming there’s anyone who’s going to be looking at this blog). I won’t tag any of my hate, but it may come up in searches sometimes, when you aren’t searching the tag but mentions of the word, so sorry, I can’t control that. I’m not a selfcest shipper in general (with the small exception of Moon Knight, but that’s a conversation for a blog I’m not going to make). I’m not a Sylvie hater, though. I just hate the ship. I love Sylvie and would die for her and she’s perfect and can do no wrong, except for that one time she kissed Loki. Also I absolutely do think that Loki would fuck himself in a heartbeat, I just don’t want to see it and I don’t ship it. I probably won’t talk about it too much, unless I’m ranting about the show being so no-homo that they created selfcest. But again, I will never tag my hate; I’m not looking for a fight and that shit’s just petty. Don’t do it, guys.
So this blog itself will be a variety of things: rank lists, essays because I have a lot to say about this character (and right now I’ve been forcing my best friend to deal with all my feelings), photos and descriptions of my collection (because I recently put it all together in its own spot and I have a lot of shit and it just keeps growing because I cannot help myself), plugs for my Loki fics (I’m very nervous about going online and saying “I wrote this, please read it” but then I go on AO3 like “Why is nobody reading this? :(((” so this is the place I’m going to try to do that sometimes), as well as anything else Loki related that I feel like talking about. I might reblog some things I find elsewhere, but it’s not likely, at least not at the beginning. I’ll also do my best to source anything that isn’t mine. 
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goatmilksoda · 1 year
Fave shows tag game
Rules: List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
Parks and Recreation
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
What We Do In The Shadows
Thanks for the tag @ladylowkeyed
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Mobius tbh... I love Loki, don't get me wrong, he's AWESOME, and I think Sylvie has a lot of potential but isn't written the way I'd like her to be... BUT the chemistry between Mobius and literally everyone else? WONDERFUL. Also, I'm just a sucker for Owen Wilson.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Not to cop out, but Jeremy Jam... but if I have to choose main cast, Tom.
3. What's your favourite episode of 4?
The Casino my favorite episode so far, but I'm always hungry for more.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
Too easy. Season 3.
5. What's your favourite relationship in 3?
I hate the way I ordered this. None romantically, but I love the way Charlie plays off Dennis and Mac. They have a great energy.
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
None tbh. I used to be pretty vocally anti-Sylki but I think that's just because Sylvie has some weird writing flaws that don't work for me and just make her and Loki very toxic. However, I've read a lot of fanfiction that really makes it work while preserving both characters at their core and I think there is a lot of potential for it to work, so I'm no longer against it. None! I like all of the ships people come up with! (But I am partial to Mobius and Ravonna being divorced. Them being in love with each other just doesn't work for me, personally with what I've been given in canon.)
7. How long have you watched 1?
I think I picked it up in 2016 or 2017? I've rewatched it many times since!
8. How did you become interested in 3?
I love sitcoms and used to try to find good, not-so-family oriented network shows to share with my dad (on the level Seinfeld, The Office, Parks and Rec, not so much Roseanne or Friends if you catch me?) and It's Always Sunny kept coming up! So when I was 13 or 14 I started watching it and fell in love!
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Matt Berry 👌 (Although I like Harvey Guillen, too)
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
1 is my favorite. 2 and 5 have their issues. I actually never finished Community because so many cast members left, and Loki has some weird writing problems. Parks and Rec is ultimate though.
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
I guess Always Sunny but I've seen all of both.
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
I want to be Lazlo but we all know I'm Colin.
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
In the most narratively satisfying way possible, preferably in the form of a film homage. It's what Abed would want.
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Yes and it would be the best thing I've ever seen because of how much it doesn't. Nadja and Dee have evil plans, Jackie Daytona working the bar. Mac thinks Guillermo will understand things because he is also gay. Guillermo thinks he's insane and keeps looking at the camera. Dennis and Nandor try to kill each other. Charlie actively enjoys the vampires but not Colin, who he pushes off on Frank. The gang kicks Colin out of the bar.
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
I like all the pairings Parks and Rec uses but I'm going to say Anne and Donna. It would just be interesting to watch. Not good, but fascinating.
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
Oh... oh no... um.... 3? but only because SO MANY PEOPLE left Community so we're going from later seasons here.
Tagging: @babygirlthor @godoforeos
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kamwashere · 1 year
was just perusing the anti sylki tags and found your post on them and YES I'M SO HAPPY SOMEONE GETS IT
Actually disgusting
I personally think that unless they're like siblings or smth, Hollywood will find any way to make a boy and a girl romantic
EVEN if they are simply humans that have a deep connection, it's like... no. HOW can you be humans who get each other and not want to make out in a disgusting display of perversion? YOU ARE IN LOVE
sorry about ranting
and also what pisses me off too is when loki s1 was still ongoing, tthe writers seemingly couldn't agree on whether loki and sylvie are platonic or romantic. loki could have been so fucking great, if they only figured shit out. which sucks because i really like sylvie as a character and it feel so much more organic to be her own character rather than loki's romantic interest (barf)
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in-defense-of-loki · 3 years
An introduction to my blog:
My gamer tag is either SCP-953 or TheMorbidDoll, and my artist name is TheEccentricFox. So I am usually referred to as Morbid or Fox.
This is an anti-SessRin blog.
I don't support grooming or p*dophilia. If you see any of my posts marked with the SessRin tag, it's likely because someone wanted that anti post to show up and cause discourse in the tag.
This is an anti-Sylki blog.
The misrepresentation of queer is insulting and the insinuation of the incestuous ship supporting the queer notion is problematic. This ship is abusive and toxic towards Loki, and I'm not about that.
This is an anti-Lokius and anti-Frostmaster blog.
Lokius and Frostmaster are ships with abusers and their abusees—Loki being the victim—and I don't fly with that at all. As a survivor of such a relationship, no. Just no. I'm making this a point, so as to rebuke any homophobia accusations.
(For example, I'm fine with Hiei/Kurama pairing, I'm just unlikely to follow anyone else who likes it because yaoi fans tend to be zealous and fetishizing of their interests.)
If you support any of these, I will block you. If you follow me, I will check your blog out, and if I see support for any of these, it's an immediate block. (Primarily because shippers of these pairings are delusional, hateful, and toxic themselves.)
This extends to other fandoms that may have similar problematic pairings that I haven't listed. Though, if you give a follow, it's not guaranteed I will follow back though, seeing as I've had odd blogs follow me before. I follow when majority of your blog content is something I'm interested in, it's not personal if I don't follow back.
This is an anti-Thorki blog.
This is largely because Thorki is incest to me--which is gross--because I have a half brother, regular brother, stepbrother, and adopted brother, none of which I would EVER look at them that way (y'all are nasty).
This is an anti-Loki show and FatWS blog.
Both for reasons mentioned before, Bucky and Loki are abuse victims that haven't quite made it to survivor status because Disney/Marvel keeps shitting on them. And they're my favorite characters from this franchise.
Kurama and Shuichi Minamino are the same person, Kurama is not a being or voice in Shuichi's head! Shuichi is the human alias!
Kurama is the original, he was born a demon and gained enough renown to be known and titled as The Yōko. Youko/Yōko is NOT a name! And upon fleeing death, he astral projected right outta his og body and possessed a human fetus by kicking out the human soul. So he is a yōkai soul in possession of a human body that gradually adjusts to his yōki to regain the appearance of his former iteration. Stop this nonsense. I will literally block your blog, fanfic/fanart, whatever, I'm so tired of his misrepresentation and the fetishizing of the implication that situation has. It's really awful...
With nowhere else to put it, I greatly, greatly dislike Aerith Gainsborough, and it started with the original game (ask and I'll reveal). The remake has not endeared her to me, she's more annoying because she is pushy and doesn't take no for an answer (ignoring Cloud's lack of consent). And I'm tired of seeing "but it's canon!" Bitch, no it isn't. In the original games you get to CHOOSE who Cloud romances: Tifa, Aerith, or even Barret. In the remake, your dialogue options are still a favor system between Tifa and Aerith (Barret is now default if you score equally between the girls). But you still choose who tf Cloud gets with. Tifa being with Cloud is just as canon as Aerith. I'm also tired of seeing "but Cloud says mukae ni iku to Aerith!" That only happens IF you get the 1/3 resolution scene by scoring high enough with her. I didn't get that scene, I got Tifa. Know what's more cemented in canon? Aerith and Zack. Take it and go away.
Thanks for stopping by. May add more later depending on how things evolve.
My liking things are my bookmarks, sorry if that's off-putting; it means I haven't the energy to read it right then (ND), or it's something I wanna suggest/send to my friend, or I want my alt blog to reblog. Sorry for the bother!
Masterlist on Loki show negativity.
Also, this is a great masterlist on why I'm so against Taika Waititi, highlighting this and this, for these anons that keep bothering me...
It's just missing this tidbit o' info:
Also, to whoever the fuck tags pictures their favored ship when that ship is NOT featured in the art at all, you fucking suck!! Stop it!! ((I'm tired of seeing Loki art where. He. Is. By. Himself tagged Lokius, Sylki, and/or Thorki. I, and others, miss out on the art and artist because we have those problematic ships blocked. Like seriously I once saw kid Thor and kid Loki tagged as Thorki, like what the actual fuck....))
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love-is-a-dagger1 · 3 years
One day, I will block all the Sylki antis. Until that day:
Get your damn hate out of the main tag you uncultured Swine
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lowkeyed1 · 3 years
attention to lokius shippers and anti-sylki folk when i look at the sylki tag it is FULL of anti-sylki people who are either using parsed word tags (anti sylki) or full phrases with sylki in them, or even just straight up tagging their anti post as sylki. stop doing that, okay? your anti posts are pulling into the main tags. it is RUDE. if you hate it, hate it. just keep your hate out of everyone's face because people do go to the sylki tag for actual sylki content, not your dime's worth on why you hate it. you are hazing people and driving off new fans with this, get your shit together. either use antisylki as a tag with no spaces, or use character replacement in your tag (like sylk*e or sy1kie). if you are full on tagging your anti post with the ship name you are BAD at FANDOM and you should feel bad! i do not see anything like this occuring in the lokius tag so good job anti-lokius folks, if you do in fact exist. fandom is made by cooperation. having a ship you like doesn't mean going and hazing others. having a ship you dislike means you discuss it with like-minded folks, not people who ship it. this is fandom 101. this is basic etiquette. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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bookworm555 · 3 years
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I couldn’t decide which background I liked better, so here’s both! (I tried a different, more squishy chibi style for this. Not sure how well it turned out, but I do like how I colored Sylvie’s hair x’D)
Ep. 5 was definitely a treat for Sylki fans; I am still not over how cute they are! (Like...the blanket scene? The way Loki looks at Sylvie? And the way Sylvie subtly gets closer to him? GOOD STUFF. I never thought I’d see Loki be so...soft, but I am living for it, holy granola asdfjdfkj)
And that’s not even going into the very Shakespearean (a la Romeo and Juliet) way Sylvie pruned herself in order to get to where Loki was. -Chef’s kiss- Perfection.
Also, side note: the Sylki fandom is so sweet! I think this is the first time I’m actively posting art of a pairing I ship (and like, multiple fanarts, too!). I’m really self conscious of my art, so the nice tags I saw on the last two Sylki fanarts I’ve posted really made my week! Thank you!! :)
Every time I see anti-Sylki stuff, I lowkey (HA) roll my eyes; it just makes me ship them even more XD. Not to mention, in the actual mythology, Loki gets up to some...shenanigans...that are way stranger (to say the least) than the concept of Sylki. (Sylki seems rather on-brand for him, actually, X’D)
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lady-loki-laufey · 3 years
stop putting posts in the thorki tag like 'omg i can't believe thorki shippers have the gall to say sylkie is bad bc incest/i can't believe thorki has been popular for 10 years but sylkie is being attacked'. stop attempting to stir up drama that literally doesn't and will never exist.
a) thorki hasn't been a popular ship since well before thor ragnarok came out. thorki shippers have been getting attacked by antis for years, including this latest wave of hate sparked by sylkie becoming canon. (even tho thorki had nothing to do with that.) i would love to visit this anti-free fantasy land mcu fandom you have in your imagination bc it sounds way more chill and fun than reality.
b) thorki shippers haven't been attacking sylkie for being incestuous. check the tag for receipts. WE DON'T CARE. the vast majority of thorki shippers i've seen on my dash and in the tag don't even consider sylkie to be incestuous in the first place. accusing us of being hypocrites who are ok with m/m incest and not ok with m/f incest is stupid as fuck because most of us don't think sylkie is incest and the ones who do obviously don't care about shipping it anyways. a lot of us shipped lokicest before sylvie even existed. a lot of us also ship thor and lady loki. we don't care about selfcest, we don't care about m/f ships.
all the dislike of sylkie i've seen in the thorki fandom thus far has revolved around the fact that thorki shippers feel thor and loki have a deeper, more important bond and are a more interesting ship. it has nothing to do with ~ew incest~ and i have not found a single post saying anything even remotely like that. pretty hard to get up on your condescending high horse about how some people.... prefer a different ship for completely mundane non-moral reasons, huh. people are allowed to just prefer their previous otp, it's not a moral judgment on YOUR otp.
c) the reason y'all have this stupid misconception in the first place is bc you don't even ship thorki, so you have no fucking idea what the thorki fandom is doing or talking about. you don't even go here. you're making up a strawman to get mad at! you're so used to dealing with assholes that you can't imagine the existence of another ship fandom that simply... doesn't care about yours. i know it's a wild concept, but it's true. maybe instead of spamming the thorki tag with your inane mean girls-esque fake outrage over a non-issue, you could try it. we're literally just vibing, leave us alone.
[i know there are plenty of chill sylkies and sylkie/thorki multishippers. i'm sorry your fellow fans are being Like This™. every instance of 'you' and 'y'all' refers to the general obnoxious fan unless you're one of the people who have posted one of those stupid comments in the thorki tag, then i do mean you specifically. shut up.]
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