#get it craig from nasa!
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thehollowprince · 2 years ago
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X-Men: RED #11 - Al Ewing & Jacopo Camagni
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rei-ismyname · 3 months ago
Resurrection of Magneto Highlights 1
RoM is a book that loses something in the highlight format as the big moments are truly earned and impactful. There's an ongoing narration, dialogue or soliloquy running through each issue tying everything together and to truly give context I'd have to annotate it. Lucky for us, Al Ewing and Luciano Vecchio are masters and every panel serves as a coda for Storm or Magneto from SWORD and X-Men Red. This is easily my longest Highlights yet, there's just so much to say.
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I wish I dreamt about Magneto
Ororo has a dream of a full page splash - Magneto, Max, saying 'I was wrong' surrounded by five of his iconic helmets. 3 red ones, bloody and facing towards the world. 1 black, 1 white upright behind his back. It's been quite a while since Uranos the Undying tore his heart out on Judgement Day but it's good to see Ororo has some measure of peace and love on Arakko with Craig of NASA.
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She's the deuteragonist of RoM so she chooses to follow her dream and seek Max in the afterlife. Ororo shows up at Adam Brashear/The Blue Marvel's underwater base and asks for help with exactly that. He lampshades how bozos like Reed would deem it impossible and leads her to a portal. He's in the middle of explaining how dangerous it is and requires... we don't hear because Storm takes a running leap and YOLOs into it. Tarn the Uncaring and a who's who of Marvel cosmology are there to greet her. Tarn is insulted that Ororo has come for the guy who exploded his head, but as above, so below - he loves to talk and she outwits him.
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Ashake is often obliquely referred to but very rarely directly, so it's lovely to see her magical ancestor here to help. As Ororo pets her black cat, Ashake confirms this is a place of magic. Symbols and metaphors are powerful here - something Mags could use help with in his current state. It's also connected to the Kabbalistic tree of life, but I'm not very knowledgeable about that.
Two redrawn and recoloured keystone moments of Max and Ororo's relationship down the bottom.
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She resolved to see this through and her thought carries her towards the Sphere of Judgement. Unexpectedly a bunch of Dominions bar her path, though luckily the two mutants are too small to truly be of interest to them. Still, a single mortal arriving in Overspace is significant and they prompt her to ask questions. The face of Dominions are shown but it's still fairy tale rules. The most important thing she learns is about Enigma, though she doesn't know it at the time.
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The Sphere of Judgement is hostile, everything is inverted. Lightning is red, the river is lava, clouds are black, everything is broken. She notices this spot from her dream and the charred frames of Max's five helmets still sit in blood. Magneto has been here for months by choice, bypassing the Waiting Room Wanda built but refusing to move on. He believes he deserves this.
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Finally she reaches Magneto weeping blood in front of a wall of names. Everyone he ever killed and he's counting every one, remembering their name. He's judging himself, punishing, and doesn't think he deserves to leave.
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He shares his greatest shames, his most recent cruelties. Worst, the ones he convinced himself was necessary. He's overwhelmed by the red in his ledger and in this place of judgement lashes out, flinging names off the wall at Ororo while naming the person. What snaps him out of it is the mention that something happened to Charles, heh.
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'The no-place of his heart' 👌
Max turns the judgement on Ororo but she rejects it, calling him out for extending Charles the grace he won't extend to himself plus a little hypocrisy. Magneto has always been prone to drama and that tendency can hurt as much as it heals.
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That really gets him going, but he's judging himself more constructively now. Love, friendship, accountability. The things that are keeping some part of tethered to the living world. He pulls one more name down to say the name aloud before he sends it at Ororo - it's his - Max Eisenhardt. Still, he cries 'it's out of our hands.' He truly wants to give up but I think a part of him knows his story isn't done.
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Ororo disagrees. Displaying why she's the only person who could assist in the resurrection of Magneto, she covers his eyes and remembers the rules of this place. The wall of the dead becomes its opposite - the wall of the living. Not those he killed but those he saved. It's enough to pull him out of punishing himself. Neither group should be forgotten but he can choose to save life rather than take it - to change.
Torturing yourself in a personal hell might appease some of those dead, but accepting responsibility to the living should be what comes after judgement. Suffering helps no one, and as he says to Logan as he's about to kill Charles much later - 'no more martyrs.' Part of why I enjoyed Magneto identifying Logan Behavior is because he himself is the king of it. Charles too. All three are prone to martyrdom but dying is easy. It's living that's difficult and worthwhile. Secluding yourself from the world, whether it's in the Sphere of Judgement, a mega prison, or with a pack of wolves - is senseless and selfish. Living is better.
Next time - what does that actually mean for both of them and how do they get out of this place? It's not as simple as turning a key. Choosing to live is hard work. Metatextually, change and rebirth requires a tour of all that he is, all that he's done. What's the point of killing a character and then bringing them back the same as they were? Comic books do it all the time, but Magneto's long history is a study of opposites and extremes. He, the writer and the reader all need to deconstruct Magneto so he can be reconstructed as a better person. With the benefit of hindsight we know he succeeds, but what does that actually look like for him? 60 years of his oversized influence on the world is a lot and it only gets better from here.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 1 year ago
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 15
The Tenth Doctor doesn't know what grand larceny is, but he thinks it sounds fun.
To the Delphon, the surgical removal of limbs is incredibly sexually alluring.
Brian Williams continues to look after the Pond residence to this day in case Amy and Rory ever return.
Mortimus once asked Ushas out and was so harshly rejected that he then believed she wasn't interested in dating anyone at all. This made him oblivious to the relationship that eventually developed between Ushas and Magnus.
The Silver Doctor is an automaton modeled after the Eighth Doctor. This automaton can sing, play the trumpet, and reveal dark secrets about the future.
The music the Fifth Doctor played on the harp to access the Time Scoop is called Rassilon’s Lament.
The Time Lord Letters is a collection of historical documents written by the Doctor throughout their life.
This collection includes a message from Theta Sigma to Borusa about a perigosto stick accident, a letter to Marie Antoinette prior to her execution, a message from the Fifth Doctor concerning a missing aircraft to the Airport Controller, a "Thank you for having me" note from the Eleventh Doctor to Craig Owens, and many, many more.
The Doctor has luck manipulation abilities.
The Master has literally tripped over the Fourth Doctor’s scarf before.
The Master was also once kneed in the groin by the Rani while in the same body (that body went through a lot, poor little cheetah man).
The Doctor was invited to the Rani's 94th birthday party.
When they were young, the Doctor collected blown glass bottles made from sand from different planets. The reason the Fifth Doctor and Peri went to Androzani Minor was because he lost his Androzani bottle and wanted another.
Donna sometimes purposefully gets pear ice cream, so she doesn't have to share with the Doctor.
A TARDIS will assault the mind of anyone but their Time Lord and the Time Lord’s familiars.
Ace lost her virginity to Sabalom Glitz.
The Master stole the Loom of Rassilon's Mouse in an attempt to weave himself a new body.
Regeneration was never meant to be an emergency procedure.
The Eighth Doctor once stole a NASA space shuttle.
Borusa has regenerated due to a falling stack of books, an unfortunate incident resulting from a misplaced decimal point, and a toenail infection.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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alottodix · 11 months ago
➼ Self-proclaimed LEGO whore
➼ He loves to make things with his hands and this translates to how he fidgets. Give him a paperclip and he’s set for days.
➼ Or, alternatively, let him use Tweek’s hands to fidget and watch how he systematically stretches out each finger and taps patterns into his palm that totally aren’t at all morse code (they are)
➼ Similarly, the guy is hilariously good at origami
➼ Like most Hephaestus kids he can communicate with machines and the bastard openly prefers this to chatting with real people
➼ Dude can roast marshmallows literally perfectly, it’s insane. The pyrokinesis probably helps – blue flames instead of red!! (Totally taking his Peruvian prophecy powers too seriously, fuck it this is fun)
➼ He smokes when the demigod stuff starts getting a bit intense (no spoilers from me, sorry guys) and with Hephaestus being god of smoke he can manipulate this smoke and create cool illusions
➼ Craig adores the process of planning and creating things but fuck is he disorganised
➼ HE IS THE MASTER OF PHYSICS!! Total fucking nerd. Athena kids either love him or hate him. (*cough* Kyle *cough*)
➼ Craig’s talent for problem-solving and innovation extends to his fascination with space exploration. He’s captivated by the challenges of designing spacecraft and solving the logistical puzzles of space travel.
➼ Basically he’s obsessed with idea of becoming a NASA engineer, love him for that
➼ His favourite place in the world is the forge. He’s happiest when he’s spending countless hours hammering away at glowing hot metal, lost in the creative rhythm.
➼ One time he got super bored so decided to try make a robo-pet for himself. He spent literally days perfecting this thing and making it adorable, with his dad being god of machinery he could even speak to it. He had created a guinea pig forged from metal. He named it Stripe.
➼ Will head to home depot and just exist there all day. Employees think he’s homeless. Nah, this kid’s just staring at the tools and materials with stars in his eyes.
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junkyarddawgz · 3 months ago
I'd love to know which of my fics (only one is currently up on ao3) I should prioritize based on what people like most, so I thought I'd leave it up to you guys here! Full descs are under the poll and cut.
Mortalizer: This fic gets deep but when things start to get chaotic outside of Kenny's own crisis, the action really picks up. I have so much plot going for this story and I'm really excited about it lol. Apart from dying, there will be lots of Crenny and Style, lots of character development, interactions with the Goth Kids, interesting disguises, hero-Cartman, friendly kidnapping, climbing through bedroom windows, etc. Currently there are nine chapters up on my AO3 (junkyarddawgz)
Heres the AO3 Desc
Kenny McCormick discovers he's been rejected by death. As denial drives him mad, he begins to toy with his own life- until a series of horrifying crimes remind him that not everyone comes back from the grave. Or... One year ago, Kenny's entire life fell apart, and the new version of it is not worth living. Every time he tries to end it, though, he only wakes up again; alive and with a beating heart. No one even remembers he was ever dead... that he knows of. After weeks of dying almost every day, two new things happen too close together to be coincidence; someone else is dead, and another anonymous someone seems to know Kenny has been too. He hardly even gets a chance to panic before things start to get way worse, and Kenny realizes he might be the only person who can stop whoever is behind it all. (Mysterion vs Serial killer)
Creek Fic (Untitled): When something goes way wrong with young NASA astronaut Craig Tucker's mission Feldspar, he finds himself trapped in an endless solo mission that should only have lasted 28 days. With NASA refusing to keep him in the loop about what the hell is even going on, he is surprised to discover he actually looks forward to those informationless ground-control calls each day. Maybe he just misses human contact, or maybe there really is something more behind his infatuation with that one twitchy, blond ground-control agent.
I wrote that desc just now, but it probably won't be the same one I write in for the eventual AO3 upload. No I don't have an outline or even really a full plot going for this one yet, but I do have a general idea of what it might be. Soooo.... slowburn, angsty, trapped in space Creek fic, anyone?
Children on the Edge of Forever: A tragic spin on the season 2 episode "City on the Edge of Forever" (which is itself titled after a Star Trek episode) in which instead of telling silly stories while they sit in the bus hanging off the edge of a cliff and wait for Miss Crabtree's return, the kids find themselves confessing deep honesties in their last moments before the bus finally gives in to the temptation of gravity. Confessions range from those of love- requited or not, personal identities, crimes, and final forgivenesses. Each chapter is written in the POV of one kid on the bus (I'll be doing about 12 of them) with a final chapter detailing their shared ending.
Yes, they do all die in the end, but that doesn't mean we can't have Style, Creek and Bendy fluff before their final demise lol. I haven't written an official desc yet, but the first chapter should be up before the end of December regardless of poll results (simply because it's already mostly written).
Totally Killer AU (Untitled): This one is based on the 2023 slasher film Totally Killer, which was ALMOST a good movie lol. I decided to make it actually good. Heres the AO3 desc:
When the decade of materialism and Madonna finally began to draw the curtains of a close, three teenagers at South Park high had their lives brought to their own abrupt ends. The face of their killer is never unmasked, slipping away through the cracks of passing time. 35 years later, as the third decade of the century hits a halfway point, a fourth victim is claimed to mark the killer's return. Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski find themselves thrown not only in the middle of it all (and maybe even at each other), but also back in time- to the point just before everything first began.
TIME TRAVEL STYLE!!! This one is going to be so good because I'll be writing their parents as teenagers and showing so much background. I feel like fresh characters (or fresh versions of them at least) in a South Park fic is something you rarely see, so I think it will be fun to try and pull off.
Anyway, this fic involves Stan and Kyle working together to try and prevent the first murders from ever happening so as to save the fourth victim from dying in the future. Theres angst and fluff to come no matter who dies lol.
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basilsnotemo · 1 month ago
WOOO HEY !! I hope I came up with a good question!!
What’s your favourite hcs for your favourite ships??? I’m keen to know yours now!
Ooooh ok. Im just going to do creek for now because if I do anyone else it’s just going to be too much. Buckle up this is going to be a long one.
Craig cooks, Tweek bakes. They can not switch or the fire department is going to be called.
Tweek works it out with his parents so that very Friday, Tweek doesn’t work so they can have a date night. Usually this consists of them going to 7/11 and getting a shit ton of snacks and drinks and going back to either his or Craig’s house (usually Craig’s, unless they want extra privacy because Tweek’s parents are never home) and watching movies and just hanging out. Every once in awhile they go out and have a “real” date and they go to dinner or a movie or some other activity. But they prefer their at home movie nights it’s more intimate and more, them.
Tweek gets sick like, all the time. And Craig is always right there regardless of whether or not he’s got a migraine, or a flare up of chronic illness, or the flu, craig is going to be right there by his side until he feels better. (Also side headcannon, I hc that Tweek and Craig’s moms are like high school besties, so when Tweek’s mom is working, if Tweek is sick and they are super busy and she can’t come home from work, Laura will come over and take care of him. )
They meal plan like crazy. Craig likes a solid routine, and he likes to know ahead of time what he’s going to make. Tweek just likes less pressure at the grocery store, he knows exactly what he’s needs to buy
Their wedding was insanely non traditional. Kenny married them in their back yard, they didn’t do vows, there was no cake, no drinks, they had dinner and everyone was hoke by 6. The only people there were Tweeks parents, Craig’s Parents, his sister, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Tolkien, Clyde, and Jimmy. They weren’t even going to HAVE a wedding because NEITHER of them like attention at. all. But their Mother’s and Clyde bitched, until Craig and Tweek relented and let them plan a SMALL wedding for them. It was really nice and they appreciated it later.
Tweek owns the coffee shop, and Craig works for NASA remotely from home. Sometimes if Craig is done early he will come help Tweek in the shop to keep him company
They have no children, Craig loves kids, but doesn’t want one in his house, he likes to play with his niece and then give her back to his sister and go home to his quiet house.
They have a guinea pig and two cats, much like how the guinea pigs are always named stripe, the cats are named after some sort of coffee.
Tweek can NOT sleep without Craig. At all. They discovered this in high school. So Craig made sure to invite Tweek over for a sleepover every couple days to make sure he got some rest. Even if they are fighting (which is rare) they still sleep in the same bed.
They are both blind af, Tweek doesn’t really have a preferred method of vision correction, but tends to go for contacts if he’s working because hot steamy things and glasses don’t mix very well. Craig on the other hand refuses to wear contacts and will only wear glasses (it’s a sensory thing.)
They are VERY good at taking care of each other. It’s almost like they are psychically linked they know exactly what the other needs at any given time.
Tweek has a lot of health problems, on top of anxiety and depression he’s got stomach issues, he’s got dental issues, he’s got skin issues. Most of that is related to the drug abuse forced upon him by his father, but I do hc him to have CVS outside of that.
Craig also has some health issues, he’s got depression, anxiety, lactose intolerant, I also hc that he develops lupus later in life because I’m mean and I like to project
Tweek loves to read, specifically horror novels, which is surprising to anyone who has met Tweek but it’s surprisingly helpful with his anxiety.
Tweeks got KILLER back problems from working such a labor intensive job from such a young age, Craig knows exactly where and with the exact amount of pressure to rub his back to make it feel just a little bit better, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
Tweek accidentally ruined his own proposal, what happened was Tweek got a phone call from the bank saying there was a $5000 purchase from the debit card, and Tweek was like wtf so he confronted Craig about it, but Craig was super cagey about it. and at this point Tweek has convinced himself that Craig is cheating, and he’s going to leave him and Tweek doesn’t know how to be alone, and he’s getting all worked up and about to have a panic attack in the middle of the mall and craig sighs and says “do you really want to know what I bought?” And Tweek nodded trying to calm down. Craig pulled a small black box out of his pocket and showed him what he bought. It was an engagement ring that Craig had picked out. Tweek just looked at it, started crying again, like omg you were going to ask me to marry you. And Craig’s like yeah silly, and then Tweek reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box, pissed at craig after the fact because HE was planning to ask Craig to marry HIM.
Anyway that’s all I got for now
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starrymako · 2 years ago
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Some adult designs for my absolute favs.. hehe (Mostly related to my own lil AU of Tweek x Craig’s future!)
I spent a lot of time working on them! probably my biggest project yet, haha. I had so much fun designing! I really wanted to keep their signature colors so I did my best!
Here’s some information about each character I have thought of while designing them! (adding below the cut)
Tweek Tucker
27 | 5′7 | Manager of Tweek Bros. Coffee | Happily Married
Tweek has been the manager of Tweek Bros. Coffee since graduating high school. He worked hard in order to help support his and Craig’s bills while Craig focused on his engineering studies. (Both wanted to move out quickly and be on their own instead of living at home.)
Tweek is extremely close with Tricia, the two frequently text each other / make plans to hang out. He even hired her to work at the coffee shop when she needed to make extra money during school!
When he’s not working at the coffee shop, Tweek writes and records his own music from home. He has a large following on social media for his music! (I hc he writes love songs based on his relationship with Craig.)
He became obsessed with self-care after Bebe, Wendy, Nichole, and Tricia introduced him to skincare routines during high school. He was one of the few boys who had the best complexion.
(Tweek also started wearing cherry flavored lip balm around this time.. Craig likes the flavor when they kiss LMAO)
Tweek paints his nails to avoid biting them, but he still bites them during his most anxious days.
He managed to cut back on coffee significantly after high school, and is able to sleep better because of it. (Also because he and Craig sleep better together in their very own bed!)
Tweek has a picture of Craig in his engineering suit hanging in the Tweek Bros. coffee shop next to his grandfather.
Craig Tucker
27 | 6′1 | aerospace engineer | Proud Husband
Craig decided to study engineering in order to work for NASA after college. For awhile, he felt guilty about Tweek working long hours at his parents coffee shop in order to support them. However, with the encouragement from Tweek and his family, Craig made it a point to study hard and later return the favor after graduating.
Craig proposed to Tweek almost immediately after high school, but the two didn’t get married until Craig graduated from college. They managed to save enough money for a decently sized venue and 
On lunch breaks, Craig likes to send flowers to Tweek Bros. to surprise his husband.. Though Tweek gets frustrated because he always does this during rush hour at the shop.
As much as Craig likes to fluster Tweek by buying gifts, he’s always blindsided by Tweek serenading him when he gets home from work.
In his free time, he likes to build things for their three guinea pigs at home, or work on his motorcycle. 
Craig keeps a picture of Tweek in his engineering suit and brags about his husband to his coworkers.
Craig still makes time to hang out with Clyde, Tolkien, and Jimmy on his weeks off.
Wendy Testaburger
27 | 5′5 | Harvard Alumni | The Smart One
Wendy first studied in Denver after high school, but later finished her P.HD at Harvard. She broke up with Stan during high school and has been focusing on herself and her education since.
Wendy frequently returns to South Park to visit her friends and family. She is still considered as Bebe’s best friend and the two are almost always hanging out.
Wendy was asked to be a bridesmaid at Tweek and Craig’s wedding and played a huge part at organizing the venue.
(One day Tweek called her frantic and stressed out over planning, and she made it a point to find the perfect venue / organized guest lists and whatnot so Tweek could catch a break.)
She takes pride in her appearance, and is probably the most elegantly dressed in her friend group.
Nichole Daniels
27 | 5′4 | Competitive Gamer | Social Butterfly
Nichole is a social media personality who focuses on beauty, video/board games, and the environment. She goes to school to eventually work in marketing!
Nichole attends various gaming events in both South Park and Denver, and her teammates consider her to be the most compassionate (and competitive) player. 
(Eric Cartman is her biggest hater, but she easily floors him in every game they decide to play at their local game center.)
Nichole was one of the few who stayed in South Park during her first few semesters in college. She decided to stick with community college to get her basics done while also managing her social media. It worked out well and she was able to save a lot of money for university.
I hc Nichole being that super smart, pretty, and friendly student who gets good grades without trying. LOL
Nichole becomes friends with Tricia Tucker during high school since she always came with Tweek to Wendy’s or Bebe’s house. The two like to go jogging together in the mornings.
Tricia Tucker
23 | 5′9 | Barista | Pilates Queen
Tricia is the tallest girl on her volleyball team during high school and is later given scholarships to play professionally in college. She is very athletic and is almost always seen wearing her leggings and sneakers around town.
She is almost always seen with a resting bitch face, however is always smiley around Tweek or her best friend, Karen McCormick. (They are also the only two she frequently texts on a daily basis.) Craig gets annoyed sometimes when he comes home from work to find Tricia on his couch talking to Tweek.. especially if it’s on a night where they have a date planned.
Tricia works at Tweek Bros. Coffee during the summers, mainly because she likes spending time with her brother-in-law and also because it’s a lax job. LOL 
She is the literal queen of sarcasm. Any snide remark that comes her way, she retorts with an even bigger insult.
Tweek had to scold her a few times for treating rude customers bad.. even though he finds it funny when they are taken aback by her comments.
Bebe Stevens
27 | 5′6 | Makeup Artist | Complete Diva
Bebe works as a makeup artist for various clients. She can pull off literally any look her customers desire. She is always on Coonstagram posting her artistry and has over a million followers both there and on TikTok. 
Tweek considers Bebe his best friend, and she was chosen as his maid of honor for his wedding. She helped him pick out dresses and makeup looks for the bridesmaids.
The morning of his wedding, he was so distraught over his skin looking paler than usual (due to stress) and Bebe saved the day by giving him a natural look.
Bebe is the main reason why Tweek became passionate for skincare / taking better care of his body. (Aside from Craig, but Bebe had a hands on solution for Tweek to use himself.)
Bebe has an on and off relationship with Clyde throughout high school, but as adults she discovers she truly loves him and they eventually get together permanently.
She’s also a supportive gf and wears shoes from Clyde’s shoe store in her instagram posts, tagging him and sharing business.
Bebe switches her style a lot, especially if trends change. She favors a more alternative look for the most part.
Clyde Donovan
27 | 5′6 | Business Owner | Professional Crybaby 
Clyde went to college for business and advertising in order to gain experience and knowledge in being a business owner, though slacked off way more than he should have in the beginning. Jimmy and Tolkien had to knock some sense into him when he almost flunked out of college because of his bad grades.
He brought them up, though! And managed to get a business degree.
Clyde dated several girls out of college, (most of them suspiciously looking or acting similar to Bebe..) but the relationships never went anywhere. He was almost always looking at Bebe’s Coonstagram feed for updates in her life, despite the two talking every week. 
Eventually, they hang out again in person while Bebe is in town and the two get together again later on.
He used to get annoyed when people called him chunky in school, but later grew indifferent after playing football and getting praise for being the best quarterback on the team.
He definitely has the “I peaked in high school” vibe when he brags about his high school football scores.
Clyde sometimes helps Craig work on his motorcycle if Craig helps him with his car troubles. haha
Jimmy Valmer
27 | 5′7 | Comedian | Beef King
Jimmy majored in fine arts and traveled the country doing comedy skits. Throughout his time in college and travels, Jimmy had several partners and was widely known as a heart throb. He can charm anyone with his witty remarks and jokes.
Jimmy is close friends with Timmy and returns to South Park to visit him on regular holidays.
Jimmy, Timmy, Tolkien, Clyde, Craig, and Tweek used to work out together, but Clyde eventually stopped going after high school and Craig would get mad when Jimmy benched heavier weights than him in petty contests. (Though Craig isn’t malicious, but Jimmy made him look the fool several times in front of Tweek, which embarrassed him.)
Jimmy is packin’ all the muscle and isn’t afraid to show it.
Jimmy and Tricia form an unlikely bond during the preparations for Tweek and Craig’s wedding. She even helped Jimmy come up with the best witty remarks during his speech in case Craig came up with a snarky response.
Tolkien Black
27 | 6′3 | Criminal Justice Major | The Voice of Reason
Tolkien studied criminal justice in university and graduated at the top of his class. He played college football on the side while also being part of several clubs in the process. He is considered a well rounded student with high goals and ambitions.
Tolkien stopped dating Nichole after high school due to their difficult schedules clashing, and being long distance. The two remained close friends afterwards, and always make time to catch up if they see each other back home in South Park.
Tolkien still has deep feelings for her, especially since she’s become so independent and carefree during their time apart. (If he’s in the area and Nichole has a game tournament, he attends to cheer her on like the simp he is. LOL)
Craig, Tolkien, Tweek, and Jimmy have a particular interest in reading and have their own little book club of fantasy / sci-fi related books they exchange to read.
Tolkien won’t admit it, but he enjoys reading fantasy romance novels and poetry.
Tolkien is the only friend out of Craig’s group who actually gives good advice. When Craig and Tweek or Bebe and Clyde fight, Tolkien is always the one who points out where the issues start.
Though, despite giving good advice, he has a hard time listening to his own advice. LOL
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your-divine-ribs · 7 months ago
Bonfire Night (Dad Van)
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November’s a way off but I still have a few Dad Van headcanons to post // What could possibly go wrong if Van and Larry are in charge of the fireworks at your family bonfire party?
Dad Van Masterlist Main Masterlist
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💥 It's a family tradition that you visit a local fireworks display every year on Bonfire Night, you've been doing it every year since Grace was born.
💥 This year however, Van decides that you should change things up. "Reckon we could put on just as a good a display at home. What d'ya reckon love?"
💥 "I don't know about that..." you scrunch up your face in disagreement. "Fireworks cost a fortune and at least it's safe for the kids going to a public one."
💥 "I can do safe!" He argues whilst you scoff and remind him why you've got a mini fire extinguisher under your kitchen sink. You purchased it after he'd nearly set your stove on fire the year before in an unfortunate egg frying incident.
💥 "Go on love, I'll make it really special... and extra-safe, I promise ya! It'll be bigger and better than that boring display we usually go to... and the neighbour's one too."
💥 That explains things.
💥 "Oh right, that's what it is then is it? You're in competition with next-door again are you?" You smirk at him teasingly whilst he hotly protests.
💥 "Nah it's not that I swear! But ya know, Craig was going on about buying this 40 shot exploding rocket thing online for a hundred quid. He says it's even better than the biggest ones at the display. Dead smug about it he was!"
💥 You roll your eyes but there's little point in trying to argue with Van. He's so stubborn when he gets an idea in his head it's pointless trying to talk him out of it.
💥 Your kids are beyond excited about the bonfire party, and Van's been hyping it up at every chance he gets. Larry's involved now too which raises concerns but you decide to give the lads the benefit of the doubt.
💥 "Daddy says we're going to have bigger rockets than NASA!" Grace squeals with excitement to anyone who'll listen. Before you know it all the mums on the school playground are sidling up to you, fishing for an invite. It's the talk of the town in no time.
💥 "Van... please tell me you're only buying fireworks that are suitable to use in a back garden," you worry as Van quickly snaps the laptop shut as you try to peer at the screen to see what he's purchasing.
💥 "Don't worry babe, it's all under control," he replies, but you don't miss the shifty glances him and Larry exchange.
💥 "I've got loads of experience Y/N," Larry pipes up. "Steve even put me in charge of health and safety on the last tour."
💥 This does absolutely nothing to quell your anxieties.
💥 "Daddy go BOOM!" Leo giggles, clapping his hands in delight as Van jumps up on the sofa, riling up the kids even further.
💥 "That's what I'm worried about," you groan, shaking your head in consternation.
💥 Over the next week you take delivery of several mysterious parcels which Van whisks away immediately before you have a chance to open them.
💥 For saying he hardly ever sets foot in the garden shed apart from to smoke a sneaky spliff away from the kids, him and Larry have practically set up residence in there. You've been banned from going in whilst they plot in private.
💥 Grace wants to make a guy to put on the bonfire out of Van's old clothes but he won't part with anything, even his old shirts with holes and rips in.
💥 "You're not burning my old stage gear Gracie, it's got sentimental value. Wore this shirt the first time we played Reading." He holds up what resembles a black rag.
💥 "But mummy says you need a wardrobe refresh!" Grace pouts, making a grab for the shirt which Van holds up out of reach.
💥 "Your mum doesn't know what's she's talking about, that's a bit of rock 'n' roll history there!" He counters, smirking at you.
💥 November 5th rolls around and the excitement in the McCann household is palpable. Despite your worries you can't deny how infectious it is and you get swept along with the preparations.
💥 You prepare a feast of hot dogs and burgers and jacket potatoes and there's marshmallows to toast on the bonfire. Everyone's in great spirits.
💥 You and the kids get wrapped up warm in your big winter coats, snuggly scarves and hats whilst the lads insist on braving the cold coat-less. It's a beautiful clear night and the stars are twinkling like diamonds and there's a cold nip in the air that paints little noses and cheeks pink.
💥 Van's eager to get stuck right into the main event and begin firing up the big rockets straight away but you pull rank and declare that you're starting off small, producing a pack of sparklers which you start handing around. "You can't have a bonfire party without sparklers!"
💥 "Sparklers?" Van huffs, turning up his nose, but you remind him that this is Leo's first bonfire night and he might get scared by the loud explosions that'll follow later on.
💥 "Think of everything don't I love?" He grins, placing a big set of ear defenders on your little boy.
💥 For saying Van was happy to dismiss the sparklers he certainly seems to be enjoying himself now, him and Larry spelling out swear words to each other with the fiery sticks in the darkness.
💥 "F for fish... U for umbrella... C for cat..." Grace calls out as she watches them, until you realise what she's spelling and you quickly distract her by stepping in front of the boys whilst drawing some pretty star shapes.
💥 "You're in the way mummy," Grace complains, trying to peer around you. "Daddy and Uncle Larry are helping me with my phonics!" You glare at the boys who are sniggering like naughty little children.
💥 As soon as the proper fireworks start being lit you attract the attention of your next door neighbour who seems to be matching Van and Larry's efforts by letting off progressively bigger and louder rockets as the night goes on.
💥 There's definitely some male posturing going on over the garden fence as the lads compete, bragging about how much they've spent on pyrotechnics and the decibels of the explosions.
💥 You can't deny they're impressive though. There's plenty of "oohhs" and "aahhs" as the night sky is filled with glittery showers of silver and gold and cascades of shimmering reds and greens.
💥 Leo's not phased at all by the deafening bangs and pops, screeching in delight as he points and claps. Grace is utterly mesmerised, speechless for once as she gazes upwards, mouth hanging open in awe.
💥 It's all going so well, a minor disaster quickly averted when the catherine wheel Van attached to the fence flies off on to the grass but Larry's there to quickly douse it with a bucket of water he has on standby.
💥 The lads seem to have it all in hand. Maybe you were too quick to judge. You feel a swell of pride and affection for your husband and a tiny smattering of guilt for ever doubting him.
💥 "It's been amazing," you tell him as you nuzzle up behind him, wrapping your hands around his waist. "The kids have had a great time and I have too. We should do this every year."
💥 He grabs hold of your hand, pulling you around so he can tuck you tight into his side, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. "Told ya I could pull it off didn't I? But it's not over yet... we're saving the best for last. Just you wait till ya see this last one!"
💥 "You mean there's more?" You gasp, wondering how they can top an already sensational display.
💥 His eyes are sparkling with excitement as he nods enthusiastically, then he's trudging towards the shed to emerge a few seconds later holding a huge box. You can just make out the word "ARMAGEDDON" splayed across the side in the torchlight.
💥 "Van honey, are you sure that one's safe?" You call, stooping to pick up Leo and grabbing Grace's hand, backing up towards the house, suddenly nervous.
💥 "It's all under control love!"
💥 Those are the last words you hear before an almighty thunderous cacophony fills the air and a dozen huge bursts of glittering trails shoot up from the ground like heat-seeking missiles.
💥 They don't all shoot upwards though. Several fly off at random angles, a fiery projectile heading straight for your neighbour's patio doors and another for your garden shed and you scream out in shock as it smashes clean through the window.
💥 "Fuckin' 'ell get the kids inside... QUICK!" Van cries, running down the garden at full pelt with Larry hot on his heels.
💥 All hell breaks loose as you all sprint up the garden amidst a shower of sparks and the loudest ear-splitting screeches that you've ever heard. It feels like your garden's under siege and you're fleeing a war zone.
💥 You watch on from the safety of your house as all the other fireworks Van and Larry have been stockpiling in the shed catch alight and start to explode all at once. Your poor garden shed doesn't stand a chance, flames quickly taking hold and licking up hungrily into the night.
💥 "Look what you've done!" You fume at Van who's staring down the garden slack-jawed, eyebrows singed off with a blackened face. Apologies tumble from him quickly whilst Larry stands frozen in shock.
💥 "I'm so sorry love, this wasn't supposed to happen. I'll buy ya a new shed I promise!"
💥 "The shed's replaceable but you and the kids aren't!" You admonish him, grabbing your phone to call 999. Van's offering to battle the blaze himself with your kitchen fire extinguisher but you refuse to let him go back out there.
💥 The excitement of having real-life fire-fighters at your home soon overshadows the panic and the kids are beside themselves watching them putting out the flames.
💥 "Mummy I want to be a fire-fighter when I grow up now, being a singer's boring!" Grace announces.
💥 Van and Larry get a strict telling off for their irresponsible use of fireworks in a family garden and you've never seen him so apologetic and subdued. Then one of the firefighters recognises him as he's a huge Catfish fan and the stern lecture turns into an impromptu photo-shoot with Van signing autographs for the whole squad.
💥 Grace gets a tour of the fire engine and Leo gets to sit in the driver's seat whilst he proudly wears a helmet. All of a sudden your husband's the hero of the hour despite the carnage he's caused and he's loving it.
💥 "I swear you'd fall into shit and still come up smelling of roses!" You laugh, finally seeing the funny side now you've calmed down and everyone's safe.
💥 "At least it'll be a night to remember!" Van chuckles, taking you into his arms. "And I promise I'll never do anything like that again. I love ya babe... you and the kids are my whole world."
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bonbonshideout · 10 months ago
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Craig Headcanons
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♤ He is a no sabo kid, his parents speak Spanish (and by that I mean his mom), and he wasn't really taught it, he kind of understands but he can't speak it for the life of him; he is Peruvian.
♡ He wears braces. From a young age, he was always the type to chew on things, eventually that damaged his teeth, which caused him to get braces.
◇ Of course, he is a space nerd. He has begged his mom to get him a Nasa patch that she sewed onto his hoodie sleeve. His backpack is COVERED in space pins and coffee related pins.
╰ He makes paper machete planets and hangs them in his room. He has almost completed the solar system.
╰ He has glow in the dark stars on his ceiling, he likes to stare at them at night to feel like he's stargazing, though it isn't the same for him.
♧ He LOVES stargazing. He has a spot he likes to go to on clear skies, and sometimes he takes Tweek there, usually ends up rambling about space and his favorite constellations.
☆ He at some point had to wear glasses; Cartman bullied his ass for it until he managed to get contacts.
♤ He tries to take Stripes with him everywhere, if he knows pets aren't allowed, he tries to sneak him in. It's his son after all.
╰ He talks to Stripes when he's alone and going through a hard time. He likes to vent, but he is usually never looking for advice, so he's always relying on his guinea pig.
♡ Craig likes to keep things that he is given by Tweek. Doesn't matter what it is, he has a little box with everything, from rocks to soda tabs and fidgets.
◇ He has a folder in his phone with things specifically for Tweek, from notes on him in general so he doesn't forget to pictures he would send Tweek to cheer him up.
♧ Craig travels out of South Park for the summer, he always makes sure to get something for his friends, though he never admits that he thought of them, he just says something along the lines of, "oh, I guess I got extras, you guys can have them."
☆ He always sounds sarcastic, even when he's actually upset or worried. He isn't usually taken seriously due to how his tone sounds. It annoys him, but he understands why.
♤ Before he started dating Tweek, he had a small crush on him, but he had some internalized homophobia due to his dad, which caused him to force himself to be interested in girls.
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roguestorm · 6 months ago
Stevie hunter could Craig from NASA it though
She could!! I think Stevie Hunter is probably Ororo's best option for a female love interest, unless we get, like, Jody from NASA.
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ask-tweek-and-those-guys · 2 years ago
The headcanons I promised!
-Exact opposite of Stan, he box dyes his blonde hair black
-He knits little hats for Stripe
-He knits big hats for Tweek
-He actually knits all of his gifts for Tweek
-He doesn't like coffee, he prefers energy drinks
-Autistic bc he is me
-Space and guinea pigs are his special interests
-Vans kid
-Although he prefers roller skating to skateboarding
-He has those glow-in-the-dark stars all over his ceiling and National Geographic space posters everywhere
-Stripe has a super awesome house/play area thingy
-He actually brings Stripe most places
-He sits in his hat
-Or his front pocket
-Lots of blue in his wardrobe
-He's got like 6 of the same blue NASA hoodie
-He also brings his knitting bag everywhere
-It helps with stimming and stuff
-That's also why he didn't ditch his hat
-He plays with the flaps to stim without bringing much attention to himself during class
-Tweek finds it super endearing
-He gives Craig crocheted guinea pigs in return for the knitted sweaters
-Tweek also brings his crochet stuff everywhere
-Helps with his anxiety
-He doesn't like the way energy drinks taste, they're too sour for him
-Coffee is nice and bitter
-He keeps his hair tied back so he doesn't tug on it
-Craig braids it sometimes
-He smokes a little bit when he's extra stressed
-Only cigs
-Never drinks though
-Hates the way alcohol tastes
-He doesn't like the idea of having a bad trip or just being alone while under the influence, so if he does smoke a little weed, it's always with Craig's supervision
-He rarely smokes weed though
-Doesn't need it considering what's in his parents coffee
-Craig's room makes him feel so safe
-If Tweek is ever having a panic attack, Craig gives him his hat
-It grounds Tweek really well
-If Tweek is panicking in class, Craig will literally drop everything to go get him from class
-They have a special text code
-If Tweek puts double exclamation points at the end of a message, then Craig knows he should call the school and pretend to be Tweek's father
-A bit difficult given his nasally tone, but he manages to fool the office
-Besides, Mr. Tweak calls him out enough to work at Tweak Bros. to make it seem real
-They usually go get Tweek's favorite fast food to make him feel better
-It's Jersey Mike's
-Subway stresses him out
-He loves subs though
-Craig always orders for him
-In return, Tweek gives him the cheese from his sandwich
-Tweek still tweaks, but not nearly as bad as when he was a kid
-Craig has taught him some grounding tactics and they work super well
-(Craig researched anxiety for hours after they got together)
-Silly fella
-He's a goofy guy
-He's strangely good at helping with anxiety
-He doesn't have it himself, he's just helped Tweek enough times to know some stuff
-Love cats
-Like his special interests are cats and comedy
-He will stim so much if a cat comes and sits on his lap or even near him if he's writing a new set
-He knows so many obscure cat facts
-He probably spent hours researching every breed he could
-Has an adapted vehicle so that he can go places without having to call a friend for a ride or get an Uber
-Likes to read
-He loves the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books
-His favorite though is actually a super sad book
-When Breath Becomes Air
-He may be a comic, but he can appreciate a sad biography
-He's got a green thumb
-He and Tweek run the gardening club
-He's also in the board game club with Tolkien
-President and head editor of the school newspaper
-Takes writing very seriously
-He unironically loves minion memes
-Like he just thinks they're so cringy and hilarious
-He also probably knows all sorts of cool friendship bracelet patterns from going to camp so much
-He def gives them out at the beginning of the year
-Does his stand up routine for the guys at lunch
-He hates having his crutches decorated
-Makes him feel like that's all he is, the kid with crutches
-He randomly wears suits and for the whole day he'll just do a stand up bit the whole day
-He's just a silly lil fella
-Kinda whiny
-He makes Craig drive him everywhere
-Tacos are his favorite food
-Scared of dogs
-(Not so) Secretly crushing on Scott
-He's captain of the football team
-Sportsy fella
-He's kinda stocky
-Not as bad as Cartman of course, but he's got a little weight on him
-Loves 80s-90s styles
-Def a crybaby, poor kid
-Still super sensitive about what happened to his mom
-Craig is his best friend
-Craig will beat up anyone that makes Clyde cry
-Huge flirt but he's def easily flustered
-Fidgety kid
-He's got ADHD
-Because I said so
-He's underrated tbh
-He and Jimmy run the comedy club for school
-He's a silly lil guy
-He always joins Jimmy on suit days
-He's really a good guy
-Huge TayTay fan
-Academic tbh
-He thinks reading is dumb though
-He likes when people read to him though
-He's also a huge Taylor fan
-He and Clyde run the school's fan club
-Although Tolkien would never admit it
-He wants to save a little face
-Loves cooking
-He cooks for the gang all the time
-He makes them all hang out at his house so that he can try a new recipe during movie night
-They always get to be the first ones to try it out
-I don't have much for Tolkien, sorry y'all 😔
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thehollowprince · 1 year ago
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Get it, Craig from NASA!
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archivxx · 2 years ago
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Note: my friends will find out and they will most likely hate me. For some reason, I don’t blame them.
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“Is it a prank? It has to be a prank. Am I on national television? Where are the hidden cameras? How do I look?”
“It’s not a prank. There are no cameras.” You adjusted the strap of your bag on your shoulder and stepped to the side to avoid being ran over by an electric scooter. “But now that you mention it, you look great—especially for this hour.”
Nichole didn’t blush, but it was a close thing. “Last night I did one of those masks that you and Craig got me for my birthday. That one that looks like a panda? I also got a new sunscreen that’s supposed to give you a bit if a glow. And I put on mascara,” she added under her breath.
You could ask her why she’d gone the extra mile to look fabulous on a run-of-the-mill Tuesday morning but you already knew: obviously Tolkien would be here today therefore she would be seeing him.
You hid a smile. As weird as the idea of your best friend dating your ex sounded, you were glad that she allowed herself to consider Tolkien romantically. Mostly, it was nice to know the indignity you’d put yourself through with Donovan on The Night was paying off. That, all together, with Pete’s very promising potential business offer had you thinking things might be finally looking up.
“Okay.” Nichole chewed on her lower lip, deep in concentration. “So it’s not a prank. Which means that there must be another explanation. Let me find it.”
“There is no other explanation to be found. We just—”
“Oh my God. Are you trying to get citizenship? Are they deporting you back to Canada because we’ve been sharing Kyle’s Netflix password? Tell them we didn’t know it was a federal crime. No wait, don’t tell them anything, we’ll get you a lawyer. And, Y/N I will marry you. I’ll get you a green card and you won’t have to—”
“Nichole.” You squeezed your friends had tighter to get her to shut up for a second. “I promise you, I’m not getting deported. I just went on a single date with Donovan.”
Nichole scrunched up her face and dragged you to a bench. She forced you to sit down. You complied, telling yourself that had the roles been reversed you would have absolutely had the same reaction. Hell, if you had caught Nichole kissing Donovan you would have enlisted her for full-blown psychiatric help.
“Listen,” Nichole started, “do you remember last spring, after the album release party, when I held your hair back while your projectile vomited the five pounds worth of spoiled meat?”
“Yeah. I do.” You cocked you head, pensive. “You ate more then me and never got sick.”
“Because I’m made of sterner stuff, but never mind that. The point is; I am here for you, always will be. No matter what. No matter how many pounds of spoiled meat you projectile vomit, you can trust me. We’re a team, you and I. And Craig when he’s not pissing off the population. So if Donovan is secretly a extraterrestrial life-form planning on taking over the Earth that will ultimately result in humanity being enslaved by evil overlords who look like cicadas, and the only way to stop him is dating him, you can tell me and I’ll inform NASA—”
“For god sakes.” —you had to laugh—“it was just a date!”
Nichole looked pained. “I just don’t understand.”
Because it doesn’t make sense. “I know, but there’s nothing to understand. It’s just…We went on a date.”
“But…why? N/N, you’re beautiful and smart and funny and have excellent taste in clothes, why would you go out with Clyde Donovan?”
You scrunched your nose. “Because he is…” It cost you, to say the word. Oh it cost you. But you had to. “Nice.”
“Nice?” Her eyebrows shot so high they almost got lost in her hairline.
She does look extra cute today, you reflected. Pleased.
“Clyde “Dick” Donovan?”
“Well yeah. He is…” you looked around, as if help could come from the bushes or the people rushing by on their ways to work. When it didn’t seem forthcoming you finished, lamely. “He’s a nice asshole I guess.”
Nichole’s expression went straight up disbelieving. “Okay so you went from dating someone as cool as Tolkien to going out with Clyde Donovan.”
Prefect. This was exactly the opening you had wanted “I did. And happily, because I never cared that much about Tolkien.” Finally, some truth in this conversation. “It wasn’t that hard to move on. Honestly. Which is why—please, Nichole, put that boy out of his misery. He deserves it, and above all, you deserve it. I bet he’s here today, or we’ll I know he is.” You gestured to the building. “You should ask him to accompany you to coffee when he’s done with the other business meeting and to horror movie festivals so I don’t have to sleep with the lights on for the next six months.”
This time, Nichole was flustered. She looked down at her hands, picked at her fingernails and then she began to fiddle with the hem of her shorts before saying, “I don’t know. Maybe. I mean, if you really think that—”
The sound of an alarm went off from Nichole’s pocket, and she straightened to pull out her phone. “Shit. I’ve got a “meeting” with Stan.” she rolled her eyes. “To discuss vocals for some of the songs.” She stood up picking up her bag. “Want to get together for lunch?”
“Can’t. Already promised Kyle we’d go grocery shopping.” You smiled. “Maybe Tolkien’s free, though.”
She rolled her yes. But the corners of her mouth were curling up. It made you much more than a little happy. So happy that you didn’t even flip her off when she asked “Is he blackmailing you?”
“Donovan. Is he blackmailing you? Did he find out that your an aberration and pee in the shower?”
“First of all, it’s time efficient.” You glared at her. “Second, I find it oddly flattering that you think Donovan would go to these ridiculous lengths to get me to date him.”
“Anyone would, N/N. Because your awesome.” Nichole’s grimaced before adding, “Except when you’re peeing in the shower.”
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Tolkien was acting weird. Which didn’t mean much, since Tolkien had always been abit awkward. Having recently split from you to date your best friend was not going to make him any less so—but today he seemed even weirder than usual. He came into the coffee shop next door to the record company, a few hours after your conversation with Nichole. And proceeded to stare at you for two good minutes. Then three. Then five. It was more attention then he’d ever payed you—yes, including your dates.
When it got borderline ridiculous, you lifted your eyes from your laptop and waved at him. Tolkien flustered, grabbed his latte from the counter and found a table for himself. You went back to rereading your two line email for the seventieth time.
Not twenty minutes later, Tweek walked in and took a seat next to Tolkien. They immediately started whispering to each other and pointing at you. Any other day you would have been concerned and a little upset, but Pete Thelman had already answered your email, which took priority over…anything, really.
Yes! You had several days to convince him to take on your project, which was much better than the ten minutes you had originally anticipated. You fist-pumped—which lead to Tolkien and Tweek staring at you more weirdly. What was up with them, anyway? If Tolkien knew what you were doing he certainly wouldn’t be giving you that look, besides there shouldn’t be any bad blood between you and him. Did you have toothpaste of your face? Who cared? You were going to meet Pete Thelman and convince him to let the band do work with for the charity. You were going to help cancer research.
You were in an excellent mood until two hours later. When you entered the apartment and Kyle was sat on the couch. Upon hearing your entering, he paused the show he was watching and looked at you.
“You sneaky little monster.” He hissed his green eyes were almost comically narrow. “I’ve been texting you all day.”
“Oh.” You patted the pocket of your jeans then your front pocket. “I think I might of left it here today.”
“I cannot believe it.”
“Believe what?”
“I cannot believe you.”
“I don’t know what your talking about.”
“I thought we were friends.”
“We are.”
“Good friends.”
“We are. You, Nichole, and Craig are my best friends. What—”
“Clearly not if the had to hear it all from Tweek, who heard it from Bebe, who heard it from Tolkien, who heard it from Nichole—”
“Hear what?”
“—who heard it from I don’t even know who. And I thought we were friends.”
Something icy crawled it’s way up your back. Could it be…No. no, it couldn’t be. “Hear what?”
“I’m done. I’m letting the cockroach’s eat you. And I’m changing the Netflix password.”
Oh no. “Kyle, hear what?”
“That your dating Clyde Donovan.”
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sluttysnails334 · 2 years ago
South Park characters college/university majors head cannons
Stan - he would either not go to college at all, and try to purse a career in music by playing at dive bars & gigs, OR he go into college probably undecided then major in veterinary science or marine biology but then realizes it’s not just loving on animals all day so he’ll drop out & go back to music but still volunteers at the humane society & has like a bunch of pets.
Kyle - pre law with entertainment business minor, wants to work in entertainment/film but was too scared to major in film out right, but is in the film club, and makes movies with them all the time. He’s also in SGA, and fights the board of trustees to give the arts more funding.
Cartman- He went to college for a semester majored in business but then flunked out but still tells people he has a degree, bc he “knows how to run a business” and works as a sleazy used car salesman, has to skip town a lot to avoid the fuzz.
Kenny - he goes into the military to afford college, and once he gets there he majors in finance & accounting so he can afford to care for his siblings. He went into the Air Force, because wanted to learn how to fly a plane lol.
Butters - Business & then gets his MBA, and starts up some sort of pyramid scheme. Think like Cutco Knives (iykyk) OR he majors in elementary ed, and minors in psychology to be a counselor at South Park Elementary. He tried to rush a frat, but wouldn’t make it past pledging.
Tweek- Double majoring in music and education, and technically says he is minoring in business just so his parents are happy but he really isn’t. He wants to become a music teacher. I think he’s in a music frat and takes Craig to their formals & date parties.
Craig - Mechanical Engineering for undergrad and then goes to get his masters in aerospace engineering, wants to build rockets and shit for NASA. He is so swapped with assignments, he practically lives in the library, he rlly doesn’t have time for clubs or greek life, so he just studies and when he isn’t studying he’s with Tweek or sleeping , when he parties which is rare, he almost always gets blacked out drunk. Everytime.
Tolkien - pre law with a minor in sport’s management, wants to become a sports agent. He’s in a frat but isn’t a total douche bag abt it, and in SGA with Kyle, overall really popular. Still plays bass and jams out with Stan from time to time. Ideal golden child college experience.
Jimmy - Acting, but drops out and moved to LA to pursue his comedy career. He liked college but decided it was a waste of money. When he could be getting more a real life experience. Still will go a frat party though
Clyde - Physical Education, he didn’t get any sports scholarships and decided that this was the best career route for him, he also ends up working at South Park elementary. He is a BIG frat guy lol, parties everyday. He is trying to get Craig to rush his frat. He is failing at this task.
Wendy - Pre Med with a minor in psychology, wants to be a children’s psychiatrist, and she SLAYS. She also joins a sorority but in an Elle Woods sort of way. I feel like she did her residency in San Francisco, and then sort of adapted that as her full personality.
Bebe - Journalism, wants a to be a news anchor. She is ur classic sorority girl, probably president, it’s giving Chanel vibes from Scream Queens but she way nicer, but will cut a bitch to further her career.
SGA = Student Government Association ( for my high school & Non American friends )
I’m currently in undergrad so these head-cannons are straight from my real life ahaha
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naturecpw · 2 years ago
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Areca Palm ranked as the top air purifying plant.  This plant, dubbed “the most efficient air humidifier”, can literally replace the need for electric humidifiers altogether.  It has been proven to keep the home or office moist even during dry times and continuously removes chemical toxins from the air. Lady Palm achieved the same high score for its humidifying and air cleaning effectiveness, as well as being resistant to most types of plant insects. Rhapis excelsa (Lady Palm) Bamboo Palm scored just a notch below the two top air purifying palms. The Bamboo palm thrives when kept moist (but not wet) in indirect sunlight. Rubber Plant was fourth on NASA’s scoring scale.  This plant particularly excels at removing formaldehyde and requires less light than its counterparts. (Note:  Rubber plant leaves can be toxic if ingested by pets or children)  Ficus burgundy or Rubber Plant Dracaena also called “Janet Craig” will start purifying the air as soon as it is brought into a room. Dracaena fragrans Dragon Tree English Ivy has been called “a fix for allergies“. It has been acclaimed for eliminating 60% of airborne mold in a room in just 6 hours.  Allergy and asthma suffers would do well to give English ivy a try! Date Palm Tree, while not as effective as its other palm cousins, is still very effective in lowering the concentration of chemical toxins floating around in the air. Ficus Alii is not as potent in its toxin-removing prowess, but still came in 8th on NASA’s list of air cleaners. Boston Fern has been called the “most efficient filtering plant” for its time-tested ability to expel mold and toxins from indoor air.  The Boston fern is considered one of the lucky plants. It is thought to purify the air and this helps to create a sense of positivity in any room. https://thegardeningcook.com/care-of-boston-fern/ Peace Lilly rounds out NASA’s list.  Keep this beautiful indoor air toxin killer healthy with plenty of water and modest amount of sunlight.
12 NASA recommended air-purifying plants that you must have in your house
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gladefreeze · 2 years ago
"Hello, my name is the Lock Picking Lawyer and today I have a unique lock that is sure to be quite a challenge. You see, I have been hired by NASA to investigate and open the Mars Lockbox and am not allowed to get back on the space ship until the container is opened."
"So, let's take a look at what we have here... Ah-ha, alright guys. It would seem that this lock is not as difficult as I first imagined as it seems to function on some sort of electro magnetic system reader. In lieu of having the proper key, I will simply use this standard refrigerator magnet that I stole from Craig in NASA's human resources department."
"Alright everyone, as you can see, the box is now open and it turns out that this was literally Pandora's box and hope has now fled humanity. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed, this has been the Lock Picking Lawyer and I will see you next time on Earth."
Humans have finally managed to land on Mars, only to find a locked safe buried in the Martian soil. The key is apparently on Earth, but no one knows where.
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