#style fanfiction
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lyntarts · 1 year ago
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South Park doodles!! Inspired by @purplepeptobismol Style Fanfic!!! You guys should totally read it !!!♥️
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monsteruderyourbed · 6 months ago
How kyman shipper(me) imagine Style fanfiction but I never read any (sorry for bad English, it's not my native language))
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cocoaconicoco · 10 months ago
I made this for the last chapter of my angsty fic Bend the Knee hehe
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I didn't write much about Stan's team to tell the truth, but I wanted to draw them anyway
with Stan are: Tolkien, Bebe, Clyde, Wendy and Sparky and with Kyle are: Craig, Ike, Tweek, Heidi, Butters and Kenny and Cartman
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junkyarddawgz · 3 months ago
Oh no, I had another idea again... well, you know what that means-
*airhorns and streamers*
Heres the desc:
When the decades of materialism and Madonna finally began to draw the curtains of a close, three teenagers at South Park High had their lives brought each to their own abrupt ends. The face of their killer is never discovered, slipping away through the cracks of passing time. 35 years later, as the second decade of the new century hits a half-way point, a fourth victim is claimed to mark the killer's return. Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski find themselves thrown not only in the middle of it all (and maybe even at each other), but also back in time- to the point just before everything first began. (A South Park adaptation of the 2023 slasher film Totally Killer)
Sound to you like something worth reading?
I'll be changing things (plotlines, not just characters) to differ from the original plot, so don't expect just a complete re-hashing of the actual movie (Which honestly could've been a lot better itself- seriously what was that CGI?)
And YES, Style will be a focus, not just a background plotline.
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skepticdoe · 4 months ago
laughing out loud suddenly like a maniac and looking like a psycho and you can’t admit what’s so funny cause you’re laughing over the South Park fic you read last night and no amount of explaining or retelling could do it justice 😋
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kuchipark · 5 months ago
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cryinltngnrbows · 8 days ago
Shameless Self Promotion
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Hey you! Yes, you; Do you happen to like the characters Stan and Kyle from the animated comedy South Park? Are you also obsessed with their dynamic and relationship to an obnoxious extent? If so, you should check out my fics!
I started posting on ao3 recently, and through sharing my stories on here, I was hoping I would get some more publicity for my writing. I would love to hear what you all think about my interpretation of style and how stupid they are.
Anyway, you can check out my ao3 here! Sorry for the shameless marketing, but if you do end up checking out my works, I would really appreciate it.
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electrik-blue · 4 months ago
hi there
i haven’t used tumblr in years, but i’ve recently started writing fanfiction again :)
i’ve been working on this one shot style fic based in the post-covid (good ending) universe, and i’d really love to get it out before the holidays.
would anyone be interested in beta reading?
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stylestiel · 1 year ago
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These are the chapter titles and snippets of my South Park style fanfic (so far!)
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Chapter 1: Coming Out is Totally Not a Big Deal, Right?
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Chapter 2: Homies Hugging Homies
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Chapter 3: But Like, In a Gay Way
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Chapter 4: Don't Think About It, Drink About It
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Chapter 5: Sick or Lovesick? (The Latter)
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Chapter 6: Pukecapades
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Chapter 7: Highyle vs. Kitchen Nightmare
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Chapter 8: Kyle Has No Cool(io)
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Chapter 9: For A Good Time, Call Stan
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Chapter 10: You Know What? Kyle Learned Something Today! (He Didn't)
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Chapter 11: The Consequences of Being (Half) Gay
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Chapter 12: What Does The Late Bird Get?
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Chapter 13: Confession Session
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Chapter 14: AP (Absolutely Pathetic)
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Chapter 15: Marry Kyle, Fuck Myself, Kill Kenny
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Chapter 16: Butchback Mountain (A Redneck Romance)
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Chapter 17: (TBD!)
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 7 months ago
Aight I lied it’s just goin on ao3 bc I didn’t want to be redundant and post the same fic twice, but here’s
Knock On Wood
Y’all want some honeymoon style? Them making flower crowns like the losers they are? Typical OJV style fantasy roleplay as foreplay? PCE not shutting the fuck up about Kyle’s chronic pain? Nature and shit bc I’m essentially Stan? Yup, here it is.
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kyman4lyfe · 1 year ago
kyman4lyfe writing a style fic with a happy ending? more likely than you think
(i’m a lot more active on twt you should follow me there if you don’t already, i’m kyman4lyfe over there)
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bhonk · 1 year ago
style comic idea based on something that actually happened to me and my bsf #4 (but it's also kind of a fanfic atp and i might make it one):
It had been a few days since their kiss or rather repeated kisses and everything seemed to be back to normal, more or less. Stan had noticed Kyle became a little more awkward as of late but hasn't brought it up, partly because of Kyle's refusal to show vulnerability and partly because he thought he was just overthinking the situation.
They had only seen each other in class since then and had behaved normally, at least to the public eye. Kyle's awkwardness and hesitance was throwing Stan off and, against his better judgement, he made the decision to drown his thoughts in alcohol, shutting them up even if temporarily. His parents were away so there would be no one to question the amount of vodka he drank.
The next morning his head was throbbing although he had expected it. Sharon invited him to breakfast but he felt his stomach churn at the idea of food. Despite this, he ate half his plate, not wanting his mother to catch on what happened. He pretended everything was fine, not even bothering to get some ibuprofen for his headache. He'd walk it off.
In class he was quiet. More so than usual. He didn't remember if he had texted anyone last night and checked his phone, just in case.
Stan: Heyeyy dudej look wahta i made (hey dude look what i made)
[insert photo of a badly drawn soda can]
Kyle: wow :)
Kyle: channeling your artistic skills i see :))
Stan: yeha
Kyle: are u ok?
Stan: hahaq yeah i amay haev had sa few beersa (haha yeah i may have had a few beers)
Stan felt as if he had been punched in the gut when he saw the little text that wrote "seen" at the bottom of the screen. Kyle hadn't replied after that. He was sitting at his desk, working way ahead of the class as he usually did.
Stan turned off his phone and looked out the window, hoping not to be talked to anymore, wanting nothing more than to disappear. Just then, his assigned desk mate, Butters, entered the classroom and quietly sat down after apologising for being late. Stan turned to him, probably looking a mess judging by how startled Butters got.
"Are you okay, Stan?" he worriedly asked, taking out his notebook.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Stan bitterly responded, immediately shutting Butters out. He was usually nicer to him, so Butters didn't push further, not wanting to piss him off more.
The break unfolded just the same, except for the part where Stan didn't speak much. Kyle walked up to his desk and asked how he was, but Stan refused to elaborate, only saying he had a headache. When he locked eyes with Kyle, he saw a concerned look on his face, one he hadn't seen in a long time. He felt a pit in his stomach, like he was going to throw up. He swallowed thickly and put his head back on his desk, fighting back the urge to slam his head against it.
Kyle walked him home. He'd did that since they kissed. It was strange but Stan couldn't say he was complaining. They used to do that before they drifted apart...
As they got to Stan's place, Kyle extended his hand for a fist bump, which Stan responded to, giving him a gentle bump.
"Could I also maybe have a hug?" Stan felt pathetic asking but he really needed one. Another punch in the gut when Kyle hesitated.
"...sure." He awkwardly shuffled forward, embracing Stan gently, him barely feeling the touch with all the layers he was wearing. He hugged Kyle back tightly, as if Kyle would run away if he didn't. Stan felt like he would.
They said their goodbyes and Stan went inside, grateful the house was empty. He sat on the floor in front of the door, feeling unable to move further. He couldn't put his finger on why Kyle was being so weird no matter how he looked at the situation.
A few hours later he decided to text him and ask him what was wrong. He wanted to create an elaborate text or even call him, make him feel just how worried he was for their friendship.
Stan: u good?
Stan: like idk
Stan: u've been weird
Stan cringed at himself after rereading the texts. Was that really the best he could muster? Kyle always knew how to talk to people, something Stab hoped to pick up as well from spending so much time with him. Unfortunately, he didn't. He threw his phone across the bed and curled up, wanting to sleep his problems off. Which he could. And he did.
this is turning into a diary damn
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nicosolancee · 1 year ago
“No Stan, you don’t understand love! You’re fucking confused because I’m the only person who’s ever given a shit about you! If you loved me you would have never gotten me pulled into this shit! Now I’m fucking leaving to clean up the goddamn mess you’ve made! So no Stan you don’t love me! You’ve ruined my life but I love you enough to still help save yours, I just need you to leave with me now!”
hehehe 🤭🤭 i will be updating this fic soon also planning on starting an invader zim fic soon but i dunno i need to get back into writing
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cocoaconicoco · 1 year ago
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Two kings who loved each other and are now enemies. Again I made an illustration for a fic I'm working on. I got so excited about the idea of villain Stan that I created a story.
I haven't finished the story yet, but it is making me suffer a lot by making them fight </3
Here is the story in case anyone is interested in reading ♡ ♡
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junkyarddawgz · 3 months ago
I'd love to know which of my fics (only one is currently up on ao3) I should prioritize based on what people like most, so I thought I'd leave it up to you guys here! Full descs are under the poll and cut.
Mortalizer: This fic gets deep but when things start to get chaotic outside of Kenny's own crisis, the action really picks up. I have so much plot going for this story and I'm really excited about it lol. Apart from dying, there will be lots of Crenny and Style, lots of character development, interactions with the Goth Kids, interesting disguises, hero-Cartman, friendly kidnapping, climbing through bedroom windows, etc. Currently there are nine chapters up on my AO3 (junkyarddawgz)
Heres the AO3 Desc
Kenny McCormick discovers he's been rejected by death. As denial drives him mad, he begins to toy with his own life- until a series of horrifying crimes remind him that not everyone comes back from the grave. Or... One year ago, Kenny's entire life fell apart, and the new version of it is not worth living. Every time he tries to end it, though, he only wakes up again; alive and with a beating heart. No one even remembers he was ever dead... that he knows of. After weeks of dying almost every day, two new things happen too close together to be coincidence; someone else is dead, and another anonymous someone seems to know Kenny has been too. He hardly even gets a chance to panic before things start to get way worse, and Kenny realizes he might be the only person who can stop whoever is behind it all. (Mysterion vs Serial killer)
Creek Fic (Untitled): When something goes way wrong with young NASA astronaut Craig Tucker's mission Feldspar, he finds himself trapped in an endless solo mission that should only have lasted 28 days. With NASA refusing to keep him in the loop about what the hell is even going on, he is surprised to discover he actually looks forward to those informationless ground-control calls each day. Maybe he just misses human contact, or maybe there really is something more behind his infatuation with that one twitchy, blond ground-control agent.
I wrote that desc just now, but it probably won't be the same one I write in for the eventual AO3 upload. No I don't have an outline or even really a full plot going for this one yet, but I do have a general idea of what it might be. Soooo.... slowburn, angsty, trapped in space Creek fic, anyone?
Children on the Edge of Forever: A tragic spin on the season 2 episode "City on the Edge of Forever" (which is itself titled after a Star Trek episode) in which instead of telling silly stories while they sit in the bus hanging off the edge of a cliff and wait for Miss Crabtree's return, the kids find themselves confessing deep honesties in their last moments before the bus finally gives in to the temptation of gravity. Confessions range from those of love- requited or not, personal identities, crimes, and final forgivenesses. Each chapter is written in the POV of one kid on the bus (I'll be doing about 12 of them) with a final chapter detailing their shared ending.
Yes, they do all die in the end, but that doesn't mean we can't have Style, Creek and Bendy fluff before their final demise lol. I haven't written an official desc yet, but the first chapter should be up before the end of December regardless of poll results (simply because it's already mostly written).
Totally Killer AU (Untitled): This one is based on the 2023 slasher film Totally Killer, which was ALMOST a good movie lol. I decided to make it actually good. Heres the AO3 desc:
When the decade of materialism and Madonna finally began to draw the curtains of a close, three teenagers at South Park high had their lives brought to their own abrupt ends. The face of their killer is never unmasked, slipping away through the cracks of passing time. 35 years later, as the third decade of the century hits a halfway point, a fourth victim is claimed to mark the killer's return. Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski find themselves thrown not only in the middle of it all (and maybe even at each other), but also back in time- to the point just before everything first began.
TIME TRAVEL STYLE!!! This one is going to be so good because I'll be writing their parents as teenagers and showing so much background. I feel like fresh characters (or fresh versions of them at least) in a South Park fic is something you rarely see, so I think it will be fun to try and pull off.
Anyway, this fic involves Stan and Kyle working together to try and prevent the first murders from ever happening so as to save the fourth victim from dying in the future. Theres angst and fluff to come no matter who dies lol.
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skepticdoe · 4 months ago
me when I really really want to get into writing sp fanfic but idk if I should 😓
these little eggchildren haunt my mind and what other way to cope other than making up little stories and writing them down
ummm anyways idk but maybe I’ll write a one shot and post it and call it a day! 😋
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