#get a rose toy yall
urkitty-girl · 4 days
when you cum so hard that your hearing is muffled, your body’s all tingly and limp, and your brains empty 🫠🫠🫠
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mariasont · 5 months
Office Sleepover 3 - A.H
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a/n: yeehaw this took me way longer than i thought but here she be
i feel like im so ass at writing smut so just bear with me yall
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part one here! part two here!
pairings: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: in which reader gets put on a hit-list and has to stay in the office (kind of based off when penelope got put on a hit-list by the dirty dozen)
warnings: 18+ MDNI, hungover reader, unwanted attention from some rando, awk as fuck reader, fingering, dirty talk, doing the dirty in the office, definitely illegal, definitely probably caught on cameras
wc: 4.2k
Everything hurt--your stomach churned, your head throbbed, and your eyes burned. You squeezed them shut, feeling your body tense against the stiff fabric of the pull-out couch. Fists curled tightly, you gradually let your eyelids part, casting a slow, sweeping glance around the room, trying to piece together what the hell happened.
Pain hammered around the inside of your head. You desperately needed a hefty dose of Advil--ten at least. As though your mind had materialized them, you rolled over to discover a bottle and a glass of water on the nightstand. You assumed you had JJ to thank, though the certainty of that was as fuzzy as your thoughts. Each effort to reconstruct last night's events was a stab to your already excruciating migraine.
You had all your clothes on, that was a plus considering your notorious history with wine and stripping. Stripping. Your hand slapped over your mouth, a floodgate of recollections bursting through--calling Hotch in a wine-induced haze, flashing your tits, asking him to stay.
You were in full-blown panic mode, the sudden urge to throw up clawing at your throat. The bed was empty, save for yourself, but you vividly remember Hotch laying down with you. This only left two possibilities: he left after you fell asleep or it had been a figment of your imagination. You were desperately hoping it was the latter.
But clearly, the universe had its own plan, because there he was, leaning against the door frame, a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and a paper bag that, by the smell of it, contained greasy food.
With a throat like sandpaper and sweaty palms, you met your boss's gaze. "Hotch," you croaked, pausing to swallow. "Um, good morning--or is it? My sleep schedule's always off after drinking. It feels bright in here, right? It's also kinda hot, is the AC working?"
You impulsively rose from the bed, a decision you instantly regretted as the room seemed to spin around you in protest.
"Sit down," he commanded, a firmness in his voice that brooked no opposition, and you promptly sat your ass back down, watching him with an expectant look.
You attempted to read his face, but it was a blank slate, making you that much more nervous. He must hate you, you figured, because you certainly hated yourself. Your boss had seen your nipples. A wave of heat washed over you, and you clenched your eyes shut, as if that could make this situation disappear.
"Here," he said, handing you the coffee and the bag, then gesturing to the Advil on the counter. "Take that, and I know you might not feel like eating, but it's necessary. The food and coffee will stabilize your blood sugar levels."
"Right, yeah, course," you nod, accepting the items with shaky hands, holding the cup with a grip that's a little too firm. "Listen, sir, I'm really sorry about last night. I promise I don't usually drink that much. I don't even know how I got that drunk, and I know I acted completely inappropriate towards you. If you need to file a complaint, I understand. Again, I'm just so sorry..."
You wanted to cry, but you held it back, knowing it would only make this whole situation worse. You deliberately avoided his eyes, focusing on anything but him while you absentmindedly toyed with the breakfast sandwich in your hands.
After a moment, he releases a soft sigh, the mattress sinking slightly as he settled beside you, his knee gently knocking yours.
"I'm aware this week's been tough on you. It's, uh, clear you weren't thinking straight, and I'm not about to make a formal issue out of a slip-up."
Your head dipped, as you tried to fend off the rising warmth in your face. "I don't think I can ever look you in the eyes again."
"That feels dramatic," he pointed out, a chuckle in his voice that made you glance his way. "Trust me, it's already forgotten."
That was a lie. He may have lacked Reid's eidetic abilities, but there was no possible, imaginative way that he would forget the image of you topless--it was imprinted in his memory. In fact, it had become the sole focus of his thoughts ever since. He silently thanked the gods that it was a Saturday, and he didn't have any pressing work issues.
"Somehow, that's not very comforting," you replied, a suppressed giggle breaking through as you met his gaze. "So, did you, um, end up staying over?"
Your cheeks glowed with a soft pink, hands unconsciously smoothing over your thighs--a nervous habit of yours he had quickly taken notice of. It emerged involuntarily when you faced tough cases, or when your computer took too long to start up, or even when the elevator made an unexpected noise.
"I did," he admitted, "You shouldn't have been alone."
Your whole body felt like it was on fire, and you were weirdly frustrated that you couldn't recall being the same bed as him, being able to feel his body against yours. You bet he was warm, and soft, and large against you.
"Thank you."
His phone went off. "Hotchner."
Your eyes followed his movements, noting the firm nods, watching as he stood, his expression hardening, jaw tightening, and hand coming to rest on his chin as he faced away from you.
The phone call was brief, and he quickly turned his attention back to you. "We've got a case."
And it was quite the case--three male victims, all in their forties. Each crime scene was close to Quantico, about twenty minutes, sparing the team any extensive travel. Though, after last night, you don't think you would have minded if they had been halfway across the country.
You were really banking on Hotch's ability to keep things professional, knowing full well that if Morgan caught wind of this, you'd be better off dead.
The team was huddled around the briefing table, absorbing Garcia's detailed rundown of the killings--they were violent to say the least--with heads bashed in and over twenty stab wounds per victim. Whoever was doing this was angry.
Hotch eventually split everyone up into tasks—Spencer and Morgan to the crime scenes, JJ and Emily interviewing the families, and Rossi was tasked with convening with the local police force. So, you know who that left at the office? You, Hotch, and Penelope. What a great group.
You avoided both of them, a pattern that had become all too familiar you had realized. Hunched over your desk, you were engrossed in sending Spencer images of your latest research on the town. True to form, he responded--Can you just fax that over to the police station?--because god forbid, he has to read it from his phone.
So, there you were, barely resisting the urge to slam your head into the fax machine. You wouldn't consider yourself technology impaired, but to say you were on friendly terms would be overstating it.
"Need help?"
"Oh, yes, please—," you began, but your voice trailed off as you noticed one of the guys from forensics hovering just a tad too close for comfort.
"They're always a bit stubborn," he noted, barely giving you space to breathe before his shoulder nudged against yours as he fiddled with the device, "just a slight...there we go."
The machine sprang into action, prompting you to step back and acknowledge his help with a nod. "Oh, thanks."
"Not a problem," he assured, stepping closer in the process, his fingers lightly brushing your thigh as he pointed out the correct button. "You see, it's all about timing," he added, his voice low and unnecessarily close, "these things can be so fussy, right?"
A subtle nod was your only response, hoping he'd take the hint that you weren't in the mood for small talk. The hangover clung stubbornly, and the whiff of his breath was a cruel taunt against the fragile peace you were maintaining over your stomach.
"So, do you find this kind of tech stuff challenging?" he asked, a little too casually. The question hung awkwardly in the air. You sought to put some distance between you, yet he matched your every move, keeping the space closed. "I mean, I'm pretty good with my hands, not just with machines honestly."
You mustered a smile, though you were sure it was more of a grimace. The room felt smaller, the walls inching closer. "I usually manage," you responded, the strain evident in your voice.
He leaned closer, if that was possible, it was like the concept of personal space was foreign to him. "Maybe I can show you a few tricks, help you manage a little better?"
His words were light, but his proximity was anything but, almost suffocating.
Just as you were firmly about to tell him to shove it, a sharp voice beat you to it--probably for the best.
"That won't be necessary."
The forensics guy, whose name you still hadn't gotten, straightened, his smile faltering under the weight of Hotch's piercing, don't fuck with me, stare. A look usually saved for unsubs and incompetent officers, but now it singled out this man.
The same look remained on the poor guy as he directed his words to you, "why don't you join me? We need to go over some case details."
It really wasn't a question.
The man backed up instantly, mumbling something under his breath about just trying to help, but Hotch's glare followed him until he was well out of earshot.
Surprisingly, a similar sharpness was aimed at you as soon as he opened his mouth. "I'd appreciate it if you chose to flirt on your own time, not the Bureau's."
His words landed with the sting of an unexpected slap. You blinked, taken aback. "What? I wasn't--,"
But he didn't allow you time to finish. Instead, he pushed a water bottle in your hands, his eyes scrutinizing your face with such an intensity that you wished the floor would swallow you whole. "Drink. You look pale."
"Gee, thanks," you grumbled, under your breath, more to yourself than him, as he wheeled around and headed briskly for the briefing room.
Your steps lagged slightly behind him, your forehead lined with a thoughtful frown. What was that about? The way he acted--the tightness that had formed around his mouth and the harshness in his words, it was so unlike him, well, at least for it to be directed at you.
The rest of the day unfolded just as you thought it would upon waking--like shit. Hotch kept his distance, his exchanges with you brief and to the point. Every time you tried to grab his attention, hoping to clarify things (why you felt the need you weren't sure), he was already looking else, focused on literally anything but you.
It was painfully evident that he was avoiding any personal conversation with you, a realization that bit deeper than anticipated.
The office slowly emptied, the case binding you and Hotch to the briefing room, the only sounds being the faint gentle tapping of your pen and the occasional snap of your hair tie.
It was late when you finally spoke. "Hotch, this says the victim had fibers under his nails that don't match anything from the suspect's home."
Hotch's gaze snapped up to yours. "Are you saying you think the forensics team missed that?"
You met his eyes squarely, cocking your head to the side at the tone of his voice. "I'm not saying anything. I'm just pointing something out."
He bridged the space between you, his jaw set in a firm line. You could feel the warmth spreading across your cheeks as the distance dwindled.
"I'm just saying I don't want you jumping to conclusions based on underdeveloped theories."
You met his eyes with a glare, your teeth grinding together in the process. "Underdeveloped? Is that how you see my contributions now?"
The space between you had now vanished, your heart racing, finger almost poking into his chest as you spoke.
Hotch settled back against the wall, arms folded across his chest, giving you a pointed look. "I didn't say that," he replied, his voice level, markedly different from your agitated one. "We just can't afford to investigate every insignificant detail."
"Every insignificant detail?" you scoffed, "these are leads, Hotch."
His shoulders lift in an indifferent shrug that made you want to wrap your hands around his throat, and not in the good way. "Maybe. However, we need to be sure before we pursue it."
Drawing in a controlled breath, you fought to stay calm, but he was making it very hard. The sensation was all too reminiscent of college, contending with the overconfident frat boys just to voice your thoughts. That comparison may have been a tad extreme--Hotch was far from being like those insufferable boys, but he was certainly pushing your limits right now.
"I am sure. Why aren't you listening."
"I am listening," he said, but his voice was distant. "I just... I just don't want to get sidetracked, that's all."
"Sidetracked? By what, exactly?"
"I'm just not sure you're all here right now."
You felt your cheeks warming with a tinge of shame, but you pushed back, fists clenched at your sides. "I'm here, Hotch. I'm focused."
"Because last night—,"
"Last night was a mistake, okay? I got it. I already apologized for that. But I'm not irresponsible, my focus is on this case."
A lengthy pause followed, his expression unreadable. "You're certain about that?"
"Yes, I'm certain," you snapped, moving towards him again. "And for the record, JJ said you were okay with us having a few drinks."
"I was," he admitted. "But I didn't think—,"
You didn't let him finish. "What, that I'd get wasted? That I'd do something stupid? I'm sorry I'm not perfect."
"Well, yeah."
"Screw you, Hotch."
You knew that was a mistake the minute his nostrils flared, his chest now a pressing force against yours.
Then, without warning, his lips crashed into yours. A muffled oomph of surprise left you, your hands hanging motionless at first, only to quickly melt, grasping at his jacket, pulling him into you.
It wasn't a gentle kiss, nor was it kind, but it was magic, exceeding anything you could have imagined, setting every fiber of you on fire. His lips pressed against yours with an intensity that drew out a breathy sigh, arousal tingling through you, and your passion rose to meet his, equally hungry, equally desperate.
Your fantasies had never done him justice--kissing him was intoxicating, and now you could feel yourself getting lost in the sensation, realizing it was everything you never dared to hope for.
Drawing back just enough, his hands drew you closer, pressing against the dip of your back, his breath fusing with yours in a dizzying blend, making the air seem scarce.
Against the soft pressure of his lips, you murmured, "I wasn't flirting."
There's a pause as his eyes locked on yours, searching, questioning. Then, his hand settled at the side of your neck. "You better not have been."
Any witty comeback you had dissipated as his lips crashed against yours again, more urgently this time, his hands tracing every contour of your clothed body with an insatiable curiosity.
His grip tightened around your waist, effortlessly lifting you onto the briefing table's cold surface with a resounding thud, his palms then cradling your thighs. Documents and files fluttered beneath you, hopefully they weren't too important. His eyes, dark pools of brown, were meticulously scanning your face.
"You," he breathes out, his voice a low rumble laced with something you couldn't quite place, "have consumed my thoughts since the moment I discovered you on my couch." He inches closer, his breath scorching your cheek as his fingers waltzed a pattern up your thighs. "Do you understand that feeling? The intense frustration?"
You were rendered motionless, frozen in place, scared to even twitch and risk this all being a very realistic wet dream. This was Hotch, your boss, the man defined by his lack of outward emotion. To think that you--of all people--could have an effect on him was an overwhelming concept. The room seemed to tilt on its axis as he gently guided your legs apart, positioning himself between them.
"Y-Yeah, I know," you uttered unevenly, your thoughts scattering as your hands tentatively reached for his collar.
"So, you know what it's like, huh?"
Your nod was subtle, a flustered smile briefly lighting up your expressions.
"And?" he prompts, while his fingers explore the shape of your thighs, squeezing gently.
You squirm under his gaze, the intensity of it making your heart race inside your chest.
"And... it's annoying," you confess, puffing out a breath, trying sound annoyed, but the delicate blush dusting your nose gave you away, you were sure.
"Annoying?" Hotch repeats, his hand tenderly angling your face upward, his smile laced with a taunt. "Is that all?"
You rolled your eyes, a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. "It's distracting," your voice was softer now, desire pooling in your belly as you grasp just how compromising of a position you were in.
"Distracting," he tsked, echoing you once again as he nodded solemnly, pulling your hips into his. Your mouth parted in an 'o' of surprise, your gaze lifting to meet his. "Have I been the subject of your thoughts, then?"
Your head dipped in a nod, your fingers brushing against his firm chest, a soft blush coloring your cheeks. "Maybe a little, in a totally platonic boss-employee type of way."
"Oh yeah?"
You caught your lip between your teeth, considering your next words very carefully. "Well, maybe more than a little, and maybe more than just a boss."
"Oh, wow," his breath was a warm hover over your lips, hanging in the space between you. You ached for the tase of him again, rich with dark expresso and spiced cinnamon. It was a lovely combination. "Sounds serious."
You released a hushed giggle, a light note floating between you as your foreheads met. "It's not like I can help it."
"And why is that?"
"Because," you paused, wetting your lips in anticipation, "you're infuriatingly unforgettable, that's why."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"You would."
He was kissing you again. This time a little softer, unhurried, and the whole reason for your argument faded into nothingness. Although if insubordination led to this sweet consequence, it might just become a habit.
His lips traced a path down your throat, prompting your head to tilt back, baring the expanse of your skin to his exploration. Your legs wrapped around his waist, drawing him impossibly close. The world seemed distant, the sensation dreamlike, buoyed by the soft lull of a lust-induced haze.
Reason gave way to impulse; your hands lost in the softness of his hair, your back arching to his hands grasping at your ass, your clothed pussy grinding against his erection.
His hands hesitated, hovering as he reached for your top, his eyes holding yours. "Is this okay?"
You nodded, more eagerly than necessary, but that still wasn't good enough for him.
"I need a verbal yes or no."
Desperation clung to you, a needy sigh escaping you as you squirmed into his touch, his hands halting your restless movements. "Yes, please, Hotch."
"You were so eager to call me Aaron last night. Say it again."
"Aaron, please, I need you to touch me," your voice rang out, imbued with such sweetness making his length constrict against the fabric of his slacks.
His fingers deftly navigated to the hem of your shirt, sliding it over your head with a fluid motion. Your bra was next, its clasp yielding effortlessly to his touch, your tits releasing with a gentle bounce, and he fought back a groan as his large hands enveloped them.
"Every bit as perfect as I remembered," he said, his fingers skillfully pulling and twisting at the nubs as you brought you forehead to meet his, a breathy gasp tumbling from your lips at the contact.
You arched your back into his heads as he let out a soft chuckle, loving the way your body reacting to him. Your eyes held a glazed-over look, lips parted ever so slightly, and you looked up at him expectantly in way that could surely kill him. 
His hands moved slowly down your sides before brushing the sensitive skin under your waist band. You swallowed a gasp, moving your hips into his again, rolling yourself against his stiff erection.
His palms pressed against your hips. "Slow down. Let me take my time with you, yeah?"
You were at his discretion; he could ask you to jump into oncoming traffic right now and you'd probably say yes.
A nod was all you could manage as you fought the urge to move, every muscle tensed, waiting for him to make the first move, but god was it hard. You couldn't really believe this was happening, until the solid press of his thumb against your clit brought the moment into sharp focus. 
"Aaron, god," you gasped, your hands tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck. Your teeth found your bottom lip harshly, trying not to show him just how easily you could come apart right now.
"Is that good, honey?"
Honey. You could practically feel the arousal dripping your thighs as you nodded eagerly.
The pad of his thumb glided between your folds, gathering the slickness to continue his assault against your swollen clit. You buried your face deeper into his suit jacket, attempting to stifle the embarrassing sounds that you couldn't seem to contain. 
A whine of protest filled the space between you as his hand slipped away from your pants. His eyes bore into you as he gathered the strands at the back of your neck, guiding your gaze to yours. 
"None of that. Let me hear you gorgeous."
"Aaron, please, I need your fingers inside me, please."
You were painfully aware of how ridiculous you sounded, knew that if anyone else was in the office right now, you'd be so screwed, fired probably, but as his fingers dipped into your cunt those concerns dissolved quickly.
"Since you asked so nicely."
He was torturing you--his pace aggravatingly slow, working in and out of you as you tried to fight the overwhelming desire to slam your legs shut. It was so much, yet not enough. You ground yourself against his hands as his other hand clamped around your back, keeping you from falling back.
"That's it, baby, fuck yourself on my fingers."
His eyes were dark, pupils dilated, his chest rising and falling in a way that only seemed to spur you on, doing exactly as he ordered. His words felt foreign in your ears, before today you could never imagine him talking like this, so vulgarly. 
"Aaron, I-I need—," you paused, your eyes falling to his pants, more specifically the hardened cock inside them.
"Yeah? Is that what you want?"
"Yes, fuck, please," you gasped as his fingers hit that one spot just right. Your head lolled back as you clutched at his collar, his arm behind you keeping you in place.
"Watch your mouth," he said, and for some reason that was enough to send you right over that never ending ledge, your stomach coiling, heat spreading under your skin, every part of you ached.
"Oh—, Aaron, I-I'm—," you were a blubbering mess, rocking without mercy against his fingers, his thumb brushing against your nub in a way that made you feel like you had met your maker.
"That's it, baby, go ahead."
That was enough for you, your walls clenching around his fingers, back arching into him and you swore for a minute you could see stars. He helped you ride out your high.
You were wholeheartedly convinced; this was heaven. You had died and gone to heaven and the first one to greet you was Hotch, his hands tracing soothing patterns on your bare skin in an attempt to bring you back down to Earth. 
Just as you were about to reach for his pants, determined to feel him inside of you, his phone went off. Of fucking course. He shot you an apologetic look, the sound a wake-up call, pulling you both from the lust-fueled moment. 
He moved back with a couple steps, offering nods and muted words to whoever was calling at 12 am. You were suddenly extremely aware of your appearance--topless and on the briefing table for crying out loud. 
You attempted to stand, your legs betraying you with a wobble that had him instantly clasping your arm firmly, his attention flickering from the phone to the tremors in your stance. You gave him a small in return as if to say I'm fine.
You reached across the table, grabbing your shirt from its discarded state, not bothering with the bra as you dressed quickly. He cleared his throat, causing you to turn, just in time to see his phone disappear into his pocket.
"That was the Stafford police chief, there was another murder," he explained.
"Oh, right, okay, um..." you started, your brain racing into overdrive as you instinctively moved towards the door. "I just need to..."
Your movement was too quick, a dizzying spin that resulted in you tumbling into Hotch's solid frame. His reflexes were immediate, hands clasping onto you once again, preventing you from landing straight into him.
"Whoa, hey, are you okay?" he asked, brows knitting in a frown, "take a second."
"Yeah, um, yeah, I'm good," you managed to get out, even as heat suffused your face. "Just need to get changed, uh, can't imagine either of us want to the team to find me like this."
He was still frowning, and you wanted nothing more than to kiss away the harsh lines of his forehead, but you were sure he wouldn't appreciate the gesture. 
You made a beeline for your office, the door's thud barely registering over pulsating rush in your ears. God, you were so screwed.
taglist: @chronicallybubbly @aremuslupinsimp @sky2nd @thisisdaisytrying @ryswritingrecord
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engstlersbueckers · 3 months
Phone Sex HC’S
(Emily Engstler)
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Paring:E.Engstler x Fem Reader
Warnings:smut,orgasm denial,phone sex
Synopsis:This was a request from a lovely anon of mine (i wish i could find the original inbox request💔.hope you enjoy this drabble tho!)
She’s a big talker..she knows her voice makes you weak. So she tells you everything you want- no…need to hear.
“There you go,baby. Lemme hear you slut yourself out for me…” She groaned,listening carefully as your fingers slipped through your soaking wet folds.
“Listen to that…you hear how wet you are for me? Im not even there and you’re drippin aren’t you?
She loves when you talk to her too.Even when you’re so overstimulated and can barely speak,she’s gonna make you use your words.
“Talk to me pretty girl,tell me what you want. You know I’ll give it to you c’mon,say it.
Constant edging…doesn’t stop until she’s satisfied with how many times you denied yourself for her. “Hm.. you sound too close..start over for me,baby.” She thinks it’s cute how frustrated you get,laying there all by yourself,holding it…
She lets you use toys..thats when the facetime calls come in.She loves watching you get yourself off for her with them. (I’m a firm believer in her buying a rose for you.)
“That feel good huh?,c’mon baby I wanna see you make a mess on it…use that toy for me,mama.”
While you’re making yourself feel good, she likes to tell you what she plans on doin to you when she comes home. Knowing exactly how riled up it gets you.
“You gettin my pussy ready for me huh? You know as soon as i walk through the door I’m takin whats mine? Gonna fuck you so damn good when I get back,baby…
A/N:AHH hi my babiess,i missed posting for yall but i’ve been so busy recently. Now that my schedules pretty clear I should have more time to post the stuff sitting in my drafts. This is also my first time writing Hc’s so I hope I didnt do too bad. lmk what you all think<33
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haechvn · 5 months
Dating Shuri Udaku Headcanons
Pairing: Shuri x F!Reader
Warning: Fluff, Toxic!Shuri, Angst and Smut since yall nasty asf
Summary/Request: I got so many requests for an update so here it is!
Word Count: 1k words
Author’s Note: I decided to make her mean since you hoes wanna be treated like shit or whatever. I'm getting back into my groove with this one for sure. 18+ MDNI fr or imma beat yall ass. NEED MORE SHURI GIFS WTH
Taglist: @inmyheadimobsessed @theblacksuccubus @melodykisses @blackhottie25 @tonakings @coalmistyy @szalipcombo @prettyluhlaiiii @yelenabelovasgf @callmeoncette @clqrosmgc @theblacksuccubus @cherios @shuris-whore @nut4shuri @gaspyghosttt @elliesdinosauar @idkhersposts @ziayamikaelson @trinthebean @sleepingnova @yunhofingers
Credits: @anitalenia for the super cute dividers get into itttt
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Cooks breakfast for you every morning after the two of you have sweet and reckless nights together 
Loves getting the two of you matching sets of grillz. Gold, silver, diamond studded. It doesn't matter
Brings you alongside her for all of her council meetings as she truly values your opinion and wants you to be involved and know your role in leading the nation with her
Has a throne for you next to hers 
Trains you with the Dora because she doesn’t want what happened last time with Namor to ever repeat itself
Buys you whatever you want right off each and every runway during all the major Fashion Week shows
Always get the biggest section when y’all got out and you betta be shaking that ass cause she gon be throwing them bills babyyyy
The amount of decorated hotel rooms you get from her is ridiculoussss. She’ll decorate a whole hotel for you just because she loved seeing your smile in the morning.
Always has her hand in yours no matter what the two of you are doing. Even hold your hand while you two brush your teeth
Never breaks eye contact with you while the two of you are speaking
Has more that 100 nicknames for you
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Purposely starts arguments with you because it turns her on to see you riled up and she can’t stop thinking about you putting her back in her place
Used a bit too much of her strength on you during training and you had to stay in the hospital for a few nights. She locked herself in her room and couldn’t even stand to look at you when you were released. 
Sometimes she lacks empathy because she believes she’s gone through the worse shit. She definitely gaslights you sometimes and walks away if you complain to her about having family issues
“Wow. It’s so sad you argue with your mom everyday. Where’s mine? Oh yea right. I’m done listening”
Tries to deny that she felt anything for RiRi but will constantly talk about how beautiful she is just to get you jealous. You end up beating her ass bc wtf
One of those lesbians that doesn't like when you talk to other women bc why the fuck would you?
Will look you dead in the eyes and tell you that you aren’t more important than her work and you should just leave her alone and spend the money she gives you. She sent 2 mil to your account while you stormed out of the lab
She’ll deny you sex because she didn’t like the way you spoke to the Dora earlier that morning. You said hi 
She sometimes embarrassed by the lack of strength you have. Like tighten up tf
“Can you stop touching me? Even the Dora don’t smother me this much.”
Hates when you constantly run your hands through her hair like she didn’t just get it done
Kisses her teeth when you try to shake your ass and it doesn’t move the way she want it too
“Try harder maybe? Ugh just stop actually. You look cringe doing that” LIKE WHERE'S YOUR ASS MA'AM????
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Shuri likes when you eat her pussy with her panther suit on. Yes. That part is cut out 
She has different grillz for eating your pussy and then ones for eating you ass— SHE A BOTTOMFEEDAAAA
Shuri loves pressing her kimoyo beads against your clit and sending intense vibrations there. Rose toy who???
She eats your pussy at night sometimes because if you look hard enough while she’s making your head spin, her inner bottom lip glows softly with her vibranium tattoo, being the only source of light in the room
Can literally eat you out for hours and against your (consented) will, she definitely does
Wakes you up most mornings with her lips sucking and teasing your breast bc babe she can’t get enough
SHE WHINES SO MUCH AND IS NOT QUIET AT ALL. Constantly getting complaints from everyone in the palace
Likes getting her ass devoured. SORRY NOT SORRY 
Kissing you alone get her wetter than river Niger omgggg (I’m African and this how we say it PLS)
Constantly talking you through EVERYTHING she does to you
“You take my fingers so well”
“Hmm, you know I love when you squeeze around me like that. Fuck, do that again.” (THE WAY SHE ROLLS HER R’S UGHHH)
“Please, I can’t take it. I-I… Fuck you feel so good. Don’t stop fucking me, put me in my place”
Never breaks eye contact with you when she’s drilling the shit out of you 
Literally she’ll be in the lab with her goggles on with all her tools scattered all of the table and gets wet picturing you standing over her and using her mouth like a toy OMG
Loves when you tie her up with pink and purple ribbons and stuff her mouth with your panties BYE
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ashen-char · 1 month
night goes quiet 🔞
ship: amber freeman (scream) x g!p reader, solo amber freeman
warnings: masturbation, mentions of bleeding
summary: alone, amber touches herself after you came inside her
notes: enjoy a simpler one while i work on requests for yall. i wanted to test shorter stuff, as well as past tense. tell me if you enjoy this too!
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Amber lay on her bed, alone in her room. She didn't feel like going on her phone for once, so she had to find another way to entertain herself without you. Her fingers traced over her body, idly touching herself. Her parents are out and she's all alone in her big house so the only sound was her own soft moans. The memory of your touch lingered, your scent still clinging to her skin, a reminder of the passion they'd shared.
Her heart ached at your absence. You unfortunately had to leave for work, but promised to call later. She slid on your t-shirt, content to breathe you in. But now, Amber needed release. The way you had filled her, the way you always take her to new heights, had left her desperate for more.
She spread her legs, her fingers slipping between her folds, coated in the evidence of their lovemaking. The way your seed dripped out of her, the sensation of you still inside her sent a thrill through her body. Your cum made her feel even more obsessed with you, if that was possible. Made her so fucking wet.
Amber moaned, teasing her clit, her hips rocking in a slow rhythm. She closed her eyes, envisioning your face, your voice, the way you had claimed her. The memory sent a shudder through her body, made her fingers move faster. She circled it, again and again, the wetness making filthy noises in her room. Her breath hitches when she rubs a particularly sensitive part. Blood was rushing down, making it peek out from under the hood.
Pulling your shirt up, she sniffed hard. Your sweat, the fragrance you sprayed on, your shampoo. It turned her on all the more. Amber grinned. Her breathing got heavy, her legs instinctively spreading wider.
She bit her lip, the friction between her fingers and her swollen clit sending waves of pleasure through her. Amber's body ached for you, for the way you could make her feel. She doesn't put anything inside her. At most, Amber dragged some of your cum down and rubbed around her hole. She only liked it when you were inside her. Her fingers, her toys, they weren't good enough anymore. God, she wished you were there with her, pleasuring her until she begged for mercy. Fucking her.
Amber moved and rubbed faster, her hips rocking in time, her moans growing louder. She could feel the pleasure building, the familiar tightness in her core, her nipples hardening. Amber's body trembled, the memory of you helping her get to that peak. That delicious, legs trembling peak.
"Y/N," she whined, voice thick with need. She was murmuring to no one but she didn't care. Felt too good. Amber bit down on her pillow. "I want you. I need you." Her eyes were clenched shut, desperately imagining how you tease her. How you'd wrench the pleasure out of her. What it felt like when you reached that peak, all over her, inside her, in her mouth. The hot ropes of your cum coating her. Made her go crazy.
Her fingers moved in a frenzy, her body arching, her climax building. Instead of the tight circles around her clit, she rubbed directly now. Hips jerking up, until she's basically grinding against her own hand. Oh my God, she could feel it. To Amber, pleasure was always overwhelming, something that took hold of her entire being. Shook her body. She knew you loved watching her cum so she stopped holding back.
"...Fuck!" Her head rose from the pillow with a jerk. It was getting hard for Amber to breathe but she didn't care. She needed more. More, damnit.
If you were here right now, she'd bite your neck, scratch your back. She'd nip all around your collarbones, sucking hard to leave marks all over you. Amber loved giving you hickeys. Proved you were hers. She fucking always wanted to make you bleed.
Amber's back arched, a scream squeezing out of her, her body convulsing. "Y/N!" she called your name like a prayer as she cums, her orgasm washed over her in tidal waves of bliss, fingers slick with her own wetness. She panted, her body still trembling, her thoughts filled with the lover who always left her aching for more. Amber collapsed onto her bed, her body spent, sated.
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fastlikealambo · 2 months
The third wife of rhaenyra targaryen.|| rhaenyra targaryen x black!fem reader
In the five years since Queen Rhaenyra The Conqueror, Bringer of New Valyria, triumphed over the usurper without losing a single dragon, the realm is at peace. Having no need of husbands and taking two other wives, Queen Alicent and Queen Mysaria, the dragon queen is in need of a third and final wife to rule the seven kingdoms at her side.
You were just a girl from nowhere, watching the sky fill with dragons at peace, destined to be a scullery maid in a vicious household and the future wife of a ratcatcher until fate and blood decide your future for you. 
History will remember Rhaenyra Targaryen as the great unifier, the second coming of Visenya Targaryen who brought another golden age of dragons out of war. But they will sing songs of you, the smallfolk who ascended to fire and blood as the queen’s favorite, the one they tried to kill so many times, the third wife of rhaenyra targaryen.
Some notes: Aegon, Aemond, and Daemon are dead but their dragons were saved, and Otto Hightower and Criston Cole spontaneously combusted, I don’t know what to tell yall. Luke lived, Jace lived, Helaena lived, Jaehaerys lived, Baela and Rhaena are happy goddammit.  During the short war, Rhaenyra married Mysaria and one year after the dance of dragons ended, she also married Alicent.
Some other notes: This is dark and I drew some inspiration from Cinderella and Hurrem Sultan (the fictional representation of her from the show's magnificent century but nobody I know watches that show). Rhaenyra is in her thirties and reader is in her twenties. 
Trigger warnings for violence, murder, abuse. MINORS DNI
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three: dawn.
Had the queen not been sitting at your side, you could have easily mistaken the scene before you for any family in King’s Landing.
Laughing children milled about with their nursemaids following close behind and there were several toys in your lap given to you by Rhaenyra’s youngest sons. It was loud and joyful and there was an ease to the dragon queen’s smile.
   “I apologize, I know you wanted to settle in first but I couldn’t not stop in, the noise is something we all have grown accustomed to as I’m sure you will with time.” Rhaenyra said, bouncing her daughter Visenya on her knee.
    “I don’t mind it all, Your Grace. It has been my mother and I my whole life, I welcome noise. Especially such happy noise after such dark times.” 
   “I’ve sent the Queensguard to bring your mother shortly, you need not feel alone here.  I was once known as the realm’s delight but somehow I believe that title will be passed to you. Know that here and when we are alone, I’m only Rhaenyra.” Rhaenyra said, taking your hand.
The doors swung open and in walked two women that Rhaenyra rose to greet and kiss. You had never laid eyes on Queen Mysaria or Queen Alicent but judging by the way they looked at you with curiosity and coldness that had to be them.
   “May I present my consorts, Queen Mysaria and Queen Alicent.”
You rose and curtsied, the fear creeping in once more.
Would they see you as a friend and lover?
Or a threat?
Mysaria came forward first with a raised eyebrow but a warm embrace. She seemed to breathe you in all at once and you felt her embrace shift to fit you with precision and intimacy. 
       “You are most welcome here, don’t be afraid.” Mysaria said, squeezing both of your hands before stepping back with a pleasant smile, studying you all the same. 
Alicent stepped forward elegantly and you felt more exposed beneath her gaze than Rhaenyra’s.  The redhead offered no embrace but her lips were soft and brisk upon your cheek, pulling away politely.
       “So many new faces around the keep but yours will be hard to forget, welcome.” Alicent said, voice like a lemon cake in another room,  distantly sweet with a sharp near sour undertone.
This was a woman who was used to getting what she wanted and you were not what she wanted.
For now. 
         The conversation was interrupted by a hairy prickling that slowly traveled down your sleeve. Mysaria let out a small gasp as you looked down to see a rather large spider on your arm and though you wanted to shake your arm and scream, something told you not to.
A younger blonde girl rushed forward without a word, carefully coaxing the spider off your arm and into her hands.
   “I’m sorry.” She muttered quietly but you smiled in return and relief.
   “You have nothing to be sorry for, the little one only wanted to say hello, no harm done.” You said.
    “This is Princess Helaena, my daughter.” Alicent said, the first real smile to cross her face since greeting Rhaenyra.
      “A pleasure to meet you Princess, I look forward to getting to know you and all the creatures I have yet to make an acquaintance with.”
   Helaena cocked her head to the side and looked somehow at you and completely through you before walking away.
      “Close your window  at night, there are lions in the rain.”  She muttered, low enough for only you to hear and was gone just as quickly as she arrived.
  There was no time to ponder what that meant as Rhaenyra kissed her wives again, lips trailing down Mysaria’s neck before inhaling her scent deeply. She then turned to Alicent, bringing her forehead to Alicent’s own, cradling the back of her head.
    “We’ll talk more at dinner but for now, let’s get you settled into your quarters, you must be tired.” Rhaenyra said and took your hand again.
  “Thank you both for welcoming me so kindly, I know I will be happy here.” You addressed Mysaria and Alicent with a smile that they both returned before going their separate ways.
  “You can breathe now, you did well.” Rhaenyra said, squeezing your hand as you made your way through the keep.
  “ They are both formidable, I understand why you would choose them to sit by your side. I don’t believe I am formidable but I know I will do my best.” You said and Rhaenyra stopped at a door, hand cradling your cheek. 
      “I have known you less than a day and formidable is a perfect word for you, among many more.”  
Rhaenyra threw open the door to the most beautiful chambers you had ever seen, a bed wide enough to fit all in the castle, a roaring fire, and a bathtub you could practically swim in much less bathe. 
It was all yours, there was no waiting, no looking over your shoulder, you would sleep well and so would your mother for the first time in years.
Why did it take an act of blood for the gods to favor you?
Rhaenyra led you to a mirror, wrapping her arms around your waist.
       “Mysaria is my star, Alicent is my sky, and you will be my dawn. Whatever you could want for is given freely, all I ask is that you remember the dignity of the seat you will hold, keep my counsel, and honor yourself. There can be no secrets between us now.”
You placed your hand over Rhaenyra’s hand, tiny flecks of dried blood beneath your nails.
  “No secrets.”
That’s it for this chapter! Thank you for reading!
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golbrocklovely · 11 months
hunger // colby brock
A/N: this may or may not be based on a daydream i've had for a while. or honestly, a fic that i would love to write a whole story to but probably never will. vampire colby will always be my favorite. hope yall enjoy and lmk what you think ! happy haunting !
prompt: you wake up in an unfamiliar place. seeking shelter inside of a castle, you suddenly realize that everyone you know is a vampire, and you are the only human around. no one is going to save you, especially not the prince. || fem!reader x colby brock
trigger warning: angst, cursing, waking up in an alternative universe, you and snc are/were friends, and now… they don't know who you are, vampire!prince!colby, blood drinking, mentions of manipulation powers (but they don't work on you), being aggressively manhandled a bunch, you are treated like shit by everyone for the most part, weird flirting???, overall some sexual undertones, passing out/almost dying, twist ending?
word count: 2970
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I was running as hard and as fast as I could through the thick forest. I had no recollection of how I got here. The last thing I remember was going to bed, then suddenly I awoke surrounded by trees as far as my eyes could see. I wasn't even in the same clothes I went to sleep in. I was now in an off-white dress that stopped just above my knees, sprinting bare foot through the woods. I could hear voices around me, almost getting closer any time I would stop. It's like they were toying with me, forcing me to run any time I felt like stopping. My feet were on fire, most likely bleeding, but I couldn't stop. I knew that if I did, I would be done for.
I would have screamed out for help, but it almost felt as if doing that would draw attention to me; attention that would get me sooner killed rather than saved.
I squinted up ahead, a clearing coming into view. A huge dark grey building of some sort was getting closer. All I had to do was get to it and maybe I would be safe.
I prayed that this was a dream, and I would soon wake up, but as the cuts in my feet told me otherwise. This was no dream. This was real, and I just needed to keep going.
I finally rested against a tree for a moment right at the edge of the building's property. As I caught my breath, I realized this was no ordinary building - it was a castle. Stone walls rose high into the sky, tiny windows adorning the tops of the towers. The doors to the castle were unguarded, at least from the outside, and the big iron doors beckoned me in. Seeking shelter or help was my only option. I knew staying in the forest wasn't safe. But something in me churned at the thought of what could be beyond the castle walls.
I trudged over to the doors slowly, glancing around me. No one was in sight, and I couldn't hear anything from outside to indicate there was life inside. But there had to be.... right?
I grabbed the handle, pulling open the door with all of my might. Medal cranking noises sounded off, reverberating inside the room. I stepped in and closed the door, turning around. No one was there. Not even a whisper of a soul.
I walked up the carpet that led to a thrown, embellished in gold and black accents. The plush carpets felt amazing against my sore feet. I observed the massive room, noting the other doorways and stairs leading to who knows where else in the castle. The marble floor sparkled in the light coming in through the stained-glass windows. There were gorgeous paintings hanging along the walls, assumingly of past rulers. What was odd was how almost gruesome the paintings were - depicting beheadings and blood and gore. Not only that, but every single ruler had red eyes. Some even had blood dripping from their mouths.
One painting in particular caught my eye. It looked recent, and the man was sitting on the same thrown in this room. His was not as gruesome as the others, but something in his eyes was colder than all the rest. He didn't have to have the blood or gore to come across as scary. He just was. But his face... it looked eerily familiar to someone I knew. Someone that was my friend.
There was no way it could have been him. It had to be someone else.
"Hello, precious child." A voice rang out sinisterly, causing chills to run up my spine.
I spun around, my eyes landing on a man. He was tall with dark hair, and his clothing was formal and royal in dark blues and blacks. His eyes were almost neon red. His wicked smile gleamed in the light; fangs sharp as knives glaring back at me.
That couldn't be right...
"Boo." Another man's voice whispered behind me. I jumped, ready to scream, but a hand covered my mouth. An arm wrapped around me tightly, almost taking the air out of me as he squeezed. The person holding me laughed maniacally, finding it hilarious as I struggled against his hold. He was taller than me as well, and from the corner of my eye I could see his dark red hair hitting his shoulder as he held me.
"Now, now, Theo. You know how he will feel about us playing with our food." The man in front of me stated nonchalantly, slowly walking towards us.              
"But Alek... she smells so good. It was so much fun chasing her outside," Theo snickered behind me. He pressed his nose against my neck, breathing in my scent deeply. "God, what I would do for a bite of her right now."
"I know it was, but you know what Samuel will say." Alek rolled his eyes, placing his hands on his hips, "And not to mention what he'll tell the prince."
"Screw them both! We found her first. We get first dibs." Theo growled bitterly, gripping me harder.
"Her fear is palpable.... that makes her blood all the more yummy." Alek's eyes danced across my body, his gaze lingering on my neck. "I not only thirst for your blood, sweetheart, but you.... have made me lascivious."
"Fuck you!" I spat, thrashing forward in Theo's arms.
Alek reeled back and slapped me, my face almost slamming into Theo's shoulder. "What a depraved mouth on such a tiny, little thing. For that alone I should drain you dr-"
"Are you two done yet? Because it is exhausting hearing you speak sometimes." Another voice cut through, sounding all too familiar.
All our heads turned towards one of the entrances. Standing there in all his glory, was Sam. My friend. But he looked... very different. He was a vampire, much like Theo and Alek. His hair was slicked back, and his clothing was similar to theirs, except in red and black with silver accents. His eyes were on me, but there was no sign he knew who I was.
My eyes widened at the sight of him, my breath hitched in my throat. "S-Sam?"
He cocked his head, raising an eyebrow at my voice. "How informal of you." He glanced at Theo and Alek, "Release her."
Theo's arms dropped me, my body almost crashing to the floor. Sam suddenly appeared in front of me, his hands grabbing at my wrists. He kept me close as he looked into my eyes. He searched my face for something, but I couldn't tell what it was.
"What is your name?" He asked calmly.
I thought for a moment of saying it but held my tongue. I grimaced at him, remaining silent.
"Oh, so now the wench has no words?" Alek snapped, grunting behind me.
"If I were you, I would be more like her." Sam narrowed his eyes at them both, "You as well, Theo."
"What did we do?" Theo barked, whining.
He blinked, annoyed. "You had plans to hide her away and feast upon her. You know the rules. The prince gets first taste."
"But we hunted her down. We found her in the forbidden forest." Alek argued, his voice hanging like venom in the air.
"And you allowed her into the castle when you should have been standing guard. You let a human in just to be food. We do not run our kingdom like that anymore." He gazed over at Theo, his voice just as pointed, "And your little comment, Theo… you are lucky King Henrik is not around. That sass alone would have gotten you beheaded instantly."
"May he rest in peace." The men behind me mumbled.
Sam finally turned back to me, a polite smile that did not reach his eyes resting on his face. "Where are my manners? My apologies. We were having a conversation. Now again, what is your name?"
I turned my head away, not knowing what else to do.
Sam hummed, his one hand leaving my arm. He brushed a finger against my turned cheek, forcibly turning my head back to him. "I'm doing everything in my power to remain kind to you. Don't push your luck."
"Fuck. You." I whispered harshly, a quiet tear streaming down my face. I didn't even realize I was close to crying, or that tears had welled up at all.
"You have guts, sweetheart. Too bad those with guts are killed first." Sam spoke softly, but with a vicious tongue. "The prince will be here shortly. Hold her."
Theo and Alek each took an arm of mine, holding me tightly. I tried to shake them off, to no avail. In a loud booming noise, the doors behind the thrown opened widely. A tall man walked through; his head held high. His eyes narrowed at the sight of all of us. Royal garb adorned his body, all black with gold detailing. As my eyes fell upon his face, my mouth gaped at him. It was Colby.
"What the fuck?" I uttered, stunned.
"Is that the only word you know how to say?" Colby questioned coolly. He stopped in front of me, taking all of me in for a moment. "Ever since you stepped foot into my castle, all I've heard from that pretty mouth of yours is 'fuck'."
"Bow before the prince, harlot." Theo hissed.
They dropped me onto my knees, forcing me down. My knees banged against the marble floor, a wince falling from my lips.
Alek snickered, getting low and near my ear. "Right where all human women belong."
Alek suddenly began to choke, his hold and Theo's letting me go. I picked my head up to see Colby choking him, his hand tightening to an almost death grip around Alek's throat. He looked bored, glancing around the room unamused. "I am exhausted by the two of you and your crude comments. Not only did you hunt this poor girl for sport, but now you have left me with no other choice but to use my powers on her or take her life. Cleaning up your fuck ups is the last thing I want to be doing."
"But sir, she just-!" Alek gurgled out.
"Speak another word and I will snap your neck like a toothpick, so help me God. Do you understand me?" Colby's cold voice made the hairs on my body stand on end.
"Yes, Prince Cole." Both Alek and Theo nodded.
Colby released Alek, his attention turning back to me as if he hadn't just choked out a man. "Now.... let me get a good look at you."
He bent down, his hand cupping my face gently. His gentle touch surprised me, my eyes fluttering. He studied me, his striking blue eyes taking me in.
"How come your eyes are blue?" I inquired lowly.
I heard Sam let out a soft laugh, Theo and Alek remaining silent.
An almost smile came to his lips. "My eyes are only red when I'm hungry. But I also have a lot of strength so I'm able to hide when I am hungry."
"Are you... hungry?" I gulped.
"I knew the moment you stepped into my castle because of the cuts on your feet. So yes, I am very hungry, darling." He gazed directly into my eyes, a sort of playful tone I was used to coming through. "Why, are you offering?"
My cheeks heated up from his intense stare. Dear heaven above, this was not the time to be blushing!
"You always knew how to make the ladies swoon, Prince Cole," Sam teased jokingly. "Maybe you can get her to say her name."
He turned his gaze back to me. "You haven't said your name yet? Why is that?"
"Is it really all that important if you plan to kill me?" I remarked rudely.
"I don't have to kill you. That's a last resort option," he replied sincerely. "So, why don't you tell me your name?"
"After everything I just went through, I'd rather not." I deadpanned.
Colby's gaze caught mine, his eyes flashing red. "Tell me your name, now."
I felt an electric surge course through my body when our eyes met, something deeper than just surface level. I could almost feel him in my body, in my soul, for a moment. But once the current dissipated, I was left still not wanting to say my name.
"No." I dissented.
All the men around me stepped back, mumbling incoherently. For the first time since he came into the room, Colby looked startled. Almost scared.
"How is that possible?" Sam questioned, amazed.
Theo whispered. "Witchcraft."
"There's no way your powers didn't affect her!" Alek exclaimed.
"Quiet," Colby hushed everyone, scooping me up firmly. He pushed me onto his throne, barricading me in with his arms. His eyes narrowed as he glared down at me. "How were you able to do that?"
"Do what?" I gasped.
"Block my powers. I come from the longest living vampire lineage in history, spanning thousands of years, and somehow.... my powers have no effect on you." He scanned me once again, his eyes lingering longer on my exposed skin. "You are nothing more than a human."        
"Lucky break, I guess." I sneered.
Colby scowled; his voice low. "Don't play cute with me, darling. You will not survive if anymore quips fall from your mouth. I am a patient man, but an indignant ruler."
"I don't know! I don't even know how the fuck I got here! I woke up in the forest and ran from those two lunatics and now I'm here getting berated by a bunch of vampires! You tell me how this make sense." I ranted, getting close to his face.
Sam chimed in. "Cole, she might be telling the truth."
"There's no way. Clearly she is a witch of some type. Or has her own abilities that are somehow stronger than mine. She might be a spy from our opposition." Colby argued, gesturing towards me.
"So, our only option... is the last resort." Sam breathed, glancing at me hesitantly.
I was going to die. There was no way around it.
Theo whined, "If you're going to kill her, can we please have a bite of her, sir? We are the ones that caught this intruder and-"
"You were the ones that let her in!" Colby thundered, his eyes red.
I jumped out of the throne, running towards the open doors behind me. I barely got close, being taken suddenly into Colby's strong arms.
I screamed, pleading with him. "No! Please let me go! I'm not a spy! I- Please!"
"There's no use fighting me, sweetheart. This is the only option left." He spoke calmly.
I shook in his arms, doing my best to fight against his hold. "Please don't do this to me! No, Col-"
"I will make it painless and quick if you want." He assured.
I raged, thrashing back and forth in his arms. "Fuck you! Let me go!"
He pulled my hair so my neck was on full display for him to bite into. "What a pity. I'm sorry, sweet girl. There is no other way."
Colby's teeth sunk deeply into my neck, my body freezing against his. The shock of the bite sent my body into overdrive, tears flowing down my cheeks as I begged for my life.
Sam, Theo, and Alek watched as Colby drank from me slowly. Theo and Alek glared but gazed at my neck hungrily. Sam observed, a sad expression coming across his red eyes.
Colby pulled away from my neck with a sharp inhale, an almost moan. "Oh Lord, her blood is divine. Unlike anything I've had before."
He plunged his teeth back into my neck, my eyes drooping from the blood loss. He sped up his motions, draining me faster. I kept trying to fight, but my limbs grew stiff and tired. My tears had slowed down and my voice wasn't as loud as it once was. I was inching closer to death. Black dots filled my vision.
"Please, Colby. Stop." I whispered, my breaths extremely shallow and labored.
He froze at the sound of his name. He removed his mouth from my neck, spinning me around in his arms. The world doubled, tripled, in my vision. My head whirled as I felt like I was falling.
He brought me down to the floor softly, cupping my face just like he had before. "What did you call me? Say it again, darling. Say it!"
"C-Colby. Pleaseeee." I slurred, my eyes unable to stay open.
The last thing I saw were his blue eyes, deeply worried about me.
"Take her to my bedroom, call Magnus. Tell him to heal her, quickly. Now! And if you harm a hair on her head, I'll stake you where you stand." Cole ordered, glaring daggers into Theo's eyes.
Theo took Y/N into his arms, running her up to Prince Cole's room hastily. Alek followed suit, disappearing with him.
Samuel grabbed onto Cole's shoulder, pulling him out of his thoughts. "She called you... Colby. But the only person that ever called you that was-"
"My mother. And she passed when I was a child. There's no way anyone knew of that name, but her." Cole's breathing picked up, his mind racing a million miles a second.
"Do you think this is the sign she meant to send you? She told you all those years ago she would send someone just for you." Samuel responded, looking into Cole's eyes.
For the first time in hundreds of years, Cole was unsure. And he would never admit it to anyone, but he was petrified too. "I-I don't know. But I have to find out."
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crimbabyops · 7 months
The Cumshot
Montai x F!Reader x Nixx Krios
The all awaiting fic i know yall have been waiting for. I do hope yall enjoy this and it gives you back shivers.
Warnings: NSFW this is an 18+ fic minors DNI p in v, face riding, anal play, Montai has two dicks, pussy eating, vagina play, funny ending, and that's it if i left anything out do let me know.
A/N: This is a little unedited so if theirs any typos anything like do let me know also i do have my request open so feel free to request anything
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The sun just settles as you get off of work tired, exhausted, and drained. Maybe even a little frustrated. You remember your encounter with the two demons separately.
You remember how the incubus had you craving for his touch and his attention. He gave you everything no mortal man could. You remember all the marks, the bites, and even the orgasms. 
But with the succubus she made you wish for more and more. She showed you the stars and even what your brain looked like. You didn’t think that was possible until her. 
They both made you their little pet and you wanted more, not separately though. What you didn’t know though was those demons wanted the same. They wanted you again and again. 
Nightfall came and so did you hoping your rose toy can bring you the same pleasure the demons did only for it to fail. With a huff you threw it back into your drawer. 
You decide to sleep the horniness off hoping it works. As you sleep four glowing eyes stare down at you. “Our precious little pet, we smell your desire and your frustration so we answer.” they both chuckle. 
You wake up around 4 am. You try to rub your eyes only for your hands to be restrained. Your legs spread, your body turns into this perfect star. You feel nails running across your thighs. 
Cold air runs along your breast, your nipples perk up at it. You look around only to not see no one. As your eyes deceive you, you feel fingertips running across your body. 
They get closer to your chest only to stop directly on your nipples. You feel lips running across your collarbone leaving small kisses. They continue to tease, rub, and kiss all on your body. You start to get impatient blaming it on the throbbing you feel in between your legs. “P-please!” You beg not knowing who and why.
A British accent you all so remember.  “Awww could our little pet not handle the teasing.” Montai runs his nails over your thighs and blows air on your clit. You hear dark chuckles around you. The demons appear, Montai in between your legs and Nixx at your head.
“I thought we trained you better than that, pet. If you want it then you beg for it.” Nixx says pinching your nipples. You arch your back towards her wanting more. 
“Please, I need both of you so much.” Your voice is a little shaky from the teasing you received. You continue your pleas for desperation wanting more and more for them to touch you. 
“Well should we give our good little pet what they so desperately want?” Montai asks Nixx, you hope for her to say yes. You close your eyes waiting for her response. 
“Mmm let’s do it. I missed our little pet screaming for pleasure.” She says just as Monati dives in between your legs. He continues to slide tongue all over moaning at your taste and the way you continue to get wetter and wetter with every move of his tongue. 
Your eyes roll as his tongue hits your g-spot over and over just as you were so close to reaching your depths only to be denied entry into heaven. Montai smirks at your whine and smacks your pussy.  “Shhh don’t worry, pretty girl ~he chuckles~ You’ll get all your desperate little orgasms and more.”  Montai says as two manicured hot pink nails starts pulling at your nipples. You whine at the tension Nixx causes wishing for more of her touch. 
“Ah Ah if you want more, use those pretty words of yours.” Nixx says take your nipple in her mouth, biting and pulling it. She rubs her finger down your body and ends in between your legs. She starts rubbing at your hole probing two fingers at your entrance. “Oh you're such a tight little petal, listen to the sounds you're making down here.” she pulls her fingers out. 
She moans at the sight of her fingers and holds her fingers out in front of your mouth straddling your waist. You take her fingers in your mouth tasting yourself on her. Nixx smirks down at you, her eyes shining a dark pink color while Montai’s eyes was shining purple. They both smirked down at you seeing you squirm under their gaze. 
It’s now 4 in the morning, your screams awaken the neighbors they pound at your door only to be met with Montai butt ass naked swirling wine in a glass smirking down at them. “How can I help you, little mortals?” Montai says to them. Your neighbors look at him and immediately run back into their loft frustrated and concerned. 
He chuckles and goes back inside watching Nixx use your rose bud on your clit and a vibrating dildo on your hole making sure you feel every pleasure imaginable and just as you come close to reaching your high, she stops.  You groan at this wishing begging and praying for her to continue but all you get is your tears wiped and soft kisses on your body. 
Montai switches out with Nixx and passes her the glass of wine. She takes a sip from it while moving to sit on your face to where she's facing Montai. He takes the glass back before ramming into your holes making you scream and claw at the ropes. Your screams are muffled by the rose smelling succubus on your face. Montai draws you down from the heaven you're in with small circles on your clit. You're so sensitive from the teasing you clench around him. 
“Tug on the ropes, little petal if you think it's too much.” Nixx says as she straddles your face ready to use it. Montai is ready to use both your holes as his personal little fuck doll. He thrust inside you slowly and carefully. Montai gives you some time to adjust while Nixx rides your face like a cowgirl, she coats your face with her juices. Montai gives you experimental thrust once he feels you are ready he starts thrusting inside you. His thrust starts slowly letting you feel all of him both of your holes get used to his size. 
You start remembering that Montai is no regular size especially with the way he’s thrusting. Your holes give him the best sensation he has had in a millennium. Nixx uses your tongue to her advantage, she treats your mouth like it’s her throne. Something she doesn’t want to get up from for a while. Your muffled moans and screams are like her personal vibrator and your tongue her personal dildo. 
Both of the scents fill the room your senses are in overdrive. You try to calm down so you don’t look like a bitch in heat but they only make it worse. “Mmm~ You like being our personal little toys. Don’t you?  So ready to be filled and stuffed with our scents. To be marked as ours.” He says to you while continuing to ruin you for any other toy, human, or anything you can use. They are both so tempted to mark you and keep you as theirs. So tempted to always keep you spoiled rotten with pleasure and lust. So tempted to leave you high and dry on their scents as their personal little cum bucket.  
“Maybe we should keep them as our little toy.” 
“And that ladies and gentleman is how I met my wonderful Succubus girlfriend and incubus Boyfriend.” 
Your friends stare at you with pure fucking shock on their faces just as the door to your shared apartment opens to reval your wonderful boyfriend walking out to come collect you from the stressful situation called your job. “You ready to go home, my little toy. ” You take his hand and wave at your friends bye ready to end the day in either pure fucking lust or sitting on the couch watching trashy drama shows with your wonderful partners. 
Love,  Crim-The-Writer
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redr0sewrites · 1 year
Kafka (HSR) Headcanons
🥀CW: Smut in the nsfw part, bondage, marking, overall kinky stuff, non-sexual nudity mentioned in the sfw part
🥀 minors dni with the nsfw portion
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god i love women
kafka is often very busy, so i see her love language as words of affirmation
she loves flirting with you and whispering sweet things in your ear just to watch you get flustered
she can often be very touchy and flirty, however if it makes you uncomfortable she is shockingly good with boundaries and will simply give you space why would u say no tho
she loves having your head in her lap while she plays with your hair
she enjoys taking baths with you, esp after long or difficult missions
she will go all out, she will light candles, put rose petals and bubbles in the water, epson salt cuz its soothing, anything you like. there WILL be romantic music playing softly in the background, i said what i said
she likes to give you back massages and will give you small kisses on the back of your neck
she is VERY protective of you, i wouldnt say to a super controlling level but enough where she gets jealous pretty easily
she is actually so bad at dropping hints like she will flirt with anyone and anything but the second she caught feelings for u she had no idea what to do
she legit just teased u and made fun of u, you would probably think she hated you for awhile until you figured out that she was obsessed with u
have u seen her fit? yall def share a closet
her clothes are your clothes and vice versa
seeing you in her clothes sets something off in her i swear
this often leads to steamy makeout sessions and yk what else
she will also let you do hers, but not super often since shes kinda busy sometimes and doesnt want to take forever getting ready
the type of person who can walk for hours and hours forEVER in super tall heels/platforms or "walk it off" after literally being beaten to near death in battle but will complain for days if she gets even the tiniest paper cut
likes giving back hugs
this is random but i feel like she eoukd enjoy puzzles and word games
she always, ALWAYS pays for u, holds the door for u, she will hold ur shoes if they're bothering u/she will carry u if she can, LITERALLY A MIX BETWEEN GENTLEMAN AND MILF BEHAVIOR
she will prob introduce u to the other stellaron hunters if u dont already work w them
her friends r ur friends now
yall have self care dates where u get ur nails, hair, and skin care done and go to fancy spas or get massages im too broke to do this idk what people actually do at a spa
overall amazing and wonderful we ignore the fact that shes insane bc its hot
here we gooo
switch energy SWITCH ENERGY
when shes more subby shes still in control, i feel like she would def be a power bottom at least
really enjoys commanding you and ordering you around, gets off on your obedience and your disobedience
she WILL wear a strap and use toys on you, putting a vibrator to your clit/cock while your tied down and watching you squirm and whimper, using leg spreaders to hold ur legs apart while she eats u out/sucks u off, paddles, rods/dildos, thrusting vibrators, she has it ALL
if u dont have stereotypically "female" genitals/or even if u do, she will peg u. there is no escaping it. she will overstimulate you and she will fuck u until ur begging for her to stop, thighs shaking, chest heaving, sobbing and pleading for a break
she very much enjoys riding ur face, seeing your face covered in her slick below her... godd ur gonna be up the whole night
"oh? your upset about them seeing us? so what? dont worry your pretty little head about trivial things like that dolly, i'll take care of everything for you~" *proceeds to fuck u until ur babbling and no more worried are forming in ur head*
into sensory play as well
ur tied down and blindfolded and she will blot hot air against ur cunt/cock, run an ice cube up and down ur thighs, leave hickeys or kisses on ur thighs, trace a feather around ur chest and trail it down ur abdomen, just above where u want her, so close but so, so far...
perhaps she has a mommy kink, but it would take a little while to discover it 👀
wears lingerie on a regular basis and will strip in front of u at the end of the day leaving u in flustered in shock she loves seeing u all flushed and embarrassed omg
tease teas tease sOO UNFAIR
hi guys cant believe i just wrote this anyways can u tell i have a preference LMFAOO shes just so cool <3 i might have a type *side eyes kindael, kafka, rosaria, and all the other pink/red associated women who r also fucking insane that i simp for* sorry i havent been super active lately, i prob wont be for a little while im going on vacation. however, reqs are still open i am BEGGING for reqs lmao😭 hope u enjoyed! lmk of any errors/gendering issues, hope u enjoyed
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NSFW Papa III Headcanons
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Obviously NSFW | To keep you lot fed
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He's a switch, fully going off of what his partner prefers! He's totally content to lay back and let you do whatever you want to him, but if you want him to he'll totally fuck you till you can't walk.
As for kinks, his cup of tea is almost every kind of tea. Again, it's what you want. Want him to be a bit mean? Sure! Gentle? Anything your comfortable with. Toys? He's got a collection you can choose from.
The atmosphere of his room is all romantic; scented candles, rose petals, everything is tidy, hell he might even have some old vinyl playing quietly. He needs to set everything to the perfect mood.
His dick is near perfect. Smaller than his brothers but with the perfect curve(and his perfect knowledge of using it) to have you screaming in no time. He isn't circumcised but he is squeaky squeaky squeaky clean. His dick is overall very pretty.
A biter, he loves leaving marks on you. from harsh red hand prints on your ass to the smudge of his face paint after gentle yet feverish kisses. He loves seeing all kinds of things like bruises littered over your thighs, chest, neck or anywhere else as proof of his love and determination for you. Turn that around, too. He loves being given hickeys or scratched.
Scent kink? If you've bought a new cologne, perfume or body mist or just took a shower with some nice scented oils or shampoos he'll be shoving his nose against your neck or into your hair. You smelling nice 100% gets him going and he will want to fuck you and have his face shoved into your shoulder the entire time.
Terzo's a cardiophile, he likes pressing his tongue or fingers into your pulse points to feel your heart race when he's working you up or fucking you.
He also likes pressing his hand to your throat when you give him head so he can feel where he moves inside you, or right above your pubic bone for the same reasons.
He's a smaller lad, and he's got a bit of a size kink. I mean, have you SEEN him and Omega? He might as well be a perfect cock sucking height and he's not even kneeling.
Positions is yet another thing he doesn't mind. He's totally into what his partner wants to try out. He does however love ones he can be as deep as possible.
His first time was when he summoned a succubus as a horny teen.
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A/N: Have this to keep yall nice and fed cause I can't plan
Divider by @gothdaddyissues !
Taglist: @sweatandwoe @papasmicstand @copias-girl @random-bl-fan @lightbluuestars @dearlymrme @thew0man
(Want to be added or removed from/to the taglist? Send an ask or dm!)
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nut4shuri · 2 years
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You are a well known Fasion Designer,and good friend of Ryan Coogler.(the director of wakanda forever)
He introduced you two together at the premiere of Black Panther.
And Talked about how Letitia was a big fan of fashion and how she should see some of your lines and workings.
Letitia already knew who you where tho,she talked about how she was a big fan and loved your workings.
She's always trying to make you laugh(she did the whole night)
You two talked all night and you even filmed one of her photo shoots and met once again because you where the costume designer for the Wakanda Forever Movie. (Not ryan tryna be Cupid in this bitch.🤣)
She takes you out a lot but not nun of the regular boring dinner dates.
She does cheesy shit like take you out on picnics,Camping and even took you to Nanuoya one of her favorite places to visit.
During dates you get nothing but princess treatment the whole day.. And all night of course.
She does not mind spending a band on you,Because anything her princess wants she gets.
She loves to pamper you with gifts and attention.
She knows you love the simple things so each time shes get she turns on the hot tub, brings out the roses and snacks and puts on a movie.
She loves taking you out of the city,and all over the world.
Getting yall nails done together is something yall do often.
She knows you love reading so she takes you on "library dates" often.
She loves peace and quiet so every now and then yall leave yall lives behind and fly out to different places.
Theater Dates All The Time.
She loves taking you cute photos while out on dates.
She buys you flowers all the time.
Shopping together is always a Promise.
Freaky Deakyy
As sweet and innocent as she looks,she's a freaky ass girl.
She never fails to make a freaky joke,no matter the conversation.
During interviews with you two she demands you to sit on her lap.
She loves making you cum in public,no matter the time or place.
She's definitely a Dom/Top but she does not mind you taking over every know and then but she knows you wont last long being a Top but she just lets you have fun.
She loves smacking your ass,she never misses out on an opportunity to smack that mf. Even in public.
She's a big EATER,and she swallows she loves to eat you out 24/7 and would do it for hours if you let her.
She loves to sit and watch you masturbate its very entertaning to her.
She also likes to buy lots of toys to use on you and one of her favorite things to do is handcuff you and eat you out.
She straps you down every day.
She hits it from the side,the back,the front,360,60 degree angle,34+35 ways..yall know.
And as little as she is shes strong as hell. She loves to pick you up and eat you out and strap you down against the wall.
Her favorite postiing is doggystyle cause she likes to pull your hair.
She keeps a pole in the middle of yall bed room..for personal reasons.
And in Oya,Balcony Sex Is Always a Thing.
Watching you work
Theres not a day where she dosent love to watch you work.
She loves how passionate you are about fashion and all of your dreams.
She loves your hard work and dedication and never lets you forget.
And when you doubt yourself she does not take a second to pull you over her legs and give you some repercussion.😏
She's very supportive of your dreams and always their for you even when she can't be.
When she's away on big days she calls every minute,every second of that day.
She helps around your warehouse and gives new ideas.
Shes always sad when she has to leave you but loves to watch you go.
She loves watching you model your outfits especially the bathing suit line.
Shes always talking about yall future and trying to better it.
Shes always lookin for better ways to communicate with you.
She tries to avoid making you angry or just not giving you your personal space.
(Because even though yall together its fundamental that yall give each other space from time to time.)
If yall get into an argument you both admit your wrongs and work it out.
She talks about yall future wedding a lot.
She talks about having kids and a dog,etc.
She knows you would be a part of her future weather yall are together or not.
so i tried..
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ghostmoon1 · 14 days
Love at First Sight || Part Three
I'm absolutely loving this series, and by the looks of it you all are as well! I have a few more ideas to do for this main part, then I'll possibly break it up into some smaller stories. I also plan on doing art on this ship as I get better at drawing. Also, I'd be happy to make a taglist of anyone wants to be a part of that for this fic and the mini stories connected to it! I wasn't expecting people to like it so much, but since yall do my tag list is open!
Soap x Florence (OC)
Summary: The date hasn't exactly gone as planned. Because of this, feelings have been discovered. Only problem is, are the feelings mutual?
Word Count: 2071
Warnings: Nothing much, again. Maybe a lil mental breakdown and crying. Mentions of accident (amputation)
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He stood there in silence. Such painful silence. She wanted to scream at him to say something. Anything. Anything would be better than this silence. Why wasn't he saying anything? Was he trying to think of a way to tell him that he didn't feel the same, or that this was all a sick joke? Maybe he didn't like her like she likes him. He was kind, he made her feel like she was an actual human being and not a toy, to play with once then throw at the wall and forget about for months. Toys grow dust, they rust, they slowly break down until nothing is left besides a broken mess. Maybe that would happen to her again. Maybe he really was like the rest of them-
“Lass. I’m so glad you do.”
He chuckles and cradles her face in his hands, looking directly into her eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes, it felt like they catched her poor soul, cradling it back to health. She focused on his rough fingertips surrounding her face. These war-torn hands have probably taken so many lives. More than she could ever imagine. But they feel as if they are giving her life. They felt warm and comforting, not something you’d expect from a trained killer.
“Lass, I think I fell in love with you from the moment I laid eyes on you.”
The world just stops. Her breath hitches in her throat. Love? Her? But…that's not possible, right? No one has before, why now? She could feel the warmth flooding her cheeks. The words kept replaying in her head. In love with me from the moment I laid eyes on you… in love… the moment he laid eyes on me…
Was this… real?
“W-what?” she managed to choke out, her expression portrayed as pure shock and surprise. “Really? This… isn't some sort of joke?”
His expression softens instantly. “A joke? No lass, I’m telling yer’ the truth,” John says as his thumb trails over her jawline once more. He notices the tears building up in her eyes again. “Lass, what sick bastard would make you think those sorts of things for every man you’ve been with…?”
The tears begin to fall. Of course, she didn't want to be crying in front of her date. Especially their first date none the less. But this was too much. He actually cared. He was different. 
The tears were warm, sliding down her face and onto John’s hands. The tears stung, making it painful to even keep her eyes open. 
“Oh lass don’t cry, you're okay… it’s gonna’ be okay…” he coos softly, moving his arms around her back and pulling her into his chest. She melts instantly, letting her head fall into his chest and staining his shirt with tears.
It was comforting. Much needed comfort. The soft fabric tickled her ear, the warmth softly radiating from his chest, the way his chest slowly rose and fell with each breath, his heartbeat seeming to echo through his chest. She could feel everything. It was like this spot was just made for her. Her little place to rest. 
She lets the clouded thoughts slowly escape her mind. He was her safe place now.
“That's it lass… breathe..” John whispers soothingly, letting his hand run through her hair. “How about… we go for a walk before we go back inside?”
“Hm… okay that sounds okay…” she replies, looking down to study her dress. It was a wreck.
John hums in thought, before grabbing his jacket off his shoulders and draping it around her. “Here… lemme, lass?” he says softly. 
She nods and he helps thread her arms through the sleeves, bunching it up at her wrists because of its large size. The warmth immediately surrounds her, his body heat transferring from the jacket to her skin, calming down her goose-bumps. He grins, his teeth shining past his lips. “Much better, innit it lass?”
“Yeah… thank you,” she says, hugging the jacket tighter to herself. 
“Lets go lass, calm those nerves down of yours”
He says, his charming smile still plastered on his face. Does it ever leave?
He takes her hand, calloused fingers against her soft and smooth ones. Her heart flutters. Was this normal? To feel so in love after not even a full date? They were really only half way through the date, and she felt absolutely head over heels for this man. Mohawk and all.
He gently tugs her down the footpath, crossing the road and to the park down the block. He naturally had long strides, probably something he picked up from his job. He notices how she had to hurry her steps to keep up with him, his expression softening further and slowly down slightly. 
He couldn't be so fast. He had to take it slow. Both literally and metaphorically. He wasn't used to such slow and calming walks. What he was used to was the fast paced action of the military. Now that job never slowed, if it were being deployed, training, and of course everyone's least favourite things, the paperwork. His team made it bearable, they were his family. They had to be so close. You can't be on the battlefield, fighting for someone’s life when you don't even trust them. He probably trusted them more than his actual family, although he wouldn't dare say that to their faces. His mother would pull his ear until he gave them the most full-hearted apology in existence. Speaking of his mother… he had to call her, before she hunted him down. That woman can be scary when she wants to be.
The darkness of the night stretched out in front of them, the light from the street lights softly illuminating their path. Florence let out a sigh, like she just had to breathe all of her feelings out. They still felt heavy, like a brick resting on her chest. But it felt as if he helped chip away at that feeling.
John noticed her sigh and had to hide a small smile. “Feeling any better now, Lass?”
“Yeah. I used to go on walks with my family. We… don't do it anymore,” she replies, rubbing her arm slightly.
He watches her movements and frowns slightly. There was more to this story he didn’t know. But he shouldn’t push it… right? It’s not his place to ask, not unless she shares it with him. But oh, how much he wanted to know what had happened. Maybe she lost contact, a fight? There was worse he thought of but prayed that wasn’t it, for her sake.
“Since my dad… lost his leg. We couldn't do it as a family, mum found it too hard to do it without him,” she continues, her eyes focusing on the ground. He could see the pain, the old feelings and hurt bubbling to the surface. She trusted him enough for her to open up like this.
“That’s horrible Lass…” his voice full of empathy, giving her hand a little squeeze. He sighs before continuing, “May I ask… how?”
Florence nods, her eyes narrowing slightly. “He was a construction worker, building a hotel. The cables weren;t tied properly, ones holding some pipes. Cables snapped… he was unlucky enough to be in the way of them. Shattered his whole leg. It was a bloody mess… they had to amputate it, there was nothing else that could be done.”
His eyes widen as he listens, his grip subconsciously getting tighter on her hand. Her eyes looked to be glazed over in thought, staring off at the ground. “I’m so sorry lass…” is all he can say. What else does he say? How can he comfort her? 
“It’s okay. It happened a few years back, we’re all doing well besides that. He’s his old self again.”
He nods, letting a comfortable silence fall between them. There was so much he didn't know about her. By the sounds of it, she’s gone through a lot and possibly much more that he hasn't even tapped at the surface of. 
The footpaths stretched on beyond the park, curling around buildings and into alleyways. He stops once they reach the end of the park, the lush grass becoming cold and hard concrete. The man-made jungle of the city. 
“How about we get back, and have that dinner, lass?”
She nods, a small smile creeping on her lips once more. Hugging his jacket closer, and letting his scent fill her nose. 
He led her back through the park and into the restaurant, their table now cleaned from the previous encounter. They get served their food (Now with another waiter, the first one was far too embarrassed by her mistake). They make small talk, tell stories, jokes, and learn about one another. John’s voice felt like an anchor, helping her feel grounded. She felt as if he really were interested in her. Maybe for once it’ll work out. What if he’s the one?
After their dinner, he walks her out to her car, hand in hand. “Thank you for that, lass. It was amazing,” he states, his charming smile still on his face. It might as well be permanently carved there. She thinks she hasn't seen another emotion on his face besides that.
“It was really nice. Thank you, for not bailing on me,” she replies, a sheepish smile spreading across her lips and bleeding out into her cheeks, her dimples catching his eyes.
“Of course! Any bloke who bails out on a sweet thing like yer’self, is a bloody dumbass!”
A giggle escapes her lips, pure, genuine laughter. God it’s been a while since I’ve laughed like that…
He grins as he listens to the sound of her laughter fill his ears. It was such a beautiful sound, so sweet, so pure, so innocent. It filled his heart with this warm, fuzzy feeling. Maybe he was too far in already. But he couldn't care, she was with him. She liked him too. But was it too quick?
He sighs, giving her hands a small and gentle squeeze. “I better let yer get home, huh?”
She smiles and gives his hands a squeeze in return. “I suppose so.”
Another small silence falls between them. It wasn’t exactly awkward, but he wished he had more to say. “Well, see you soon then lass?”
“Yeah, bye. Enjoy the rest of your night, Johnny.”
He watches as she gets in her car, turning the key to the engine and the engine purring to life. Enjoy the rest of your night… Johnny. The car soon drives away, down the road and out of sight. Johnny.
She called him Johnny. Johnny. It was pure bliss, hearing that one word roll of her tongue. So sweet and wonderful. It made his heart swell, it was going to burst from his chest. He makes his way to his own car, half dazed and lost in thought as the word continues to repeat itself in his mind. Johnny. 
His drive back to base went by in a blur, his mind focusing on that name. Johnny. He walks back to his barracks, passing the rec room, not noticing Simon’s large form standing in front of the fridge. “Johnny, watch your step. You look like you're about to run into a wall if you keep zoning out like that.”
He pauses and steps back into the rec room. “I ain’t zoning out… your. Imagining things.”
Simon just huffs and rolls his eyes as he turns to face John, his mask bunched up above his nose and a beer bottle in hand. “I know that look. What happened on the date?”
John sighs and flops down onto the couch, a dazed and dreamy expression on his face. “She called me Johnny.”
Simon raises his eyebrows at him. “You're seriously so dazed, because this chick called you Johnny? I call you johnny on the daily, and your not acting like a love struck puppy with me”
He snorts and playfully slaps his arm as he joins him on the couch. “Cause’ you ain’t a cute chick!”
Simon shakes his head and brings the beer bottle to his lips. “Damn right.”
John stares out at the rest of the rec room as Simon drinks his beer. “Y’know what L.T?”
Simon tilts his head slightly, questioning him silently.
“I think I wanna’ marry this lass one day…”
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natriae · 1 year
nsfw, Atsumu for t, i, & z 😖💗
ofc baby <33 reading back on my other tsumu one can yall tell im dyslexic lol :/
T: Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
i think at first toys aren't a thing he uses. I don't think he thinks about them a lot until you bring it up. I do think he would be so cocky (haha pun) about his cock. Like instead of just getting you a normal dildo the mf got you a custom made dildo THAT'S A MOLD OF HIS COCK. (he demands videos)
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
For tsumu it depends on the moment. We saw how he cries when someone is really loving to him (manga/anime) so i completely headcanon that when he is deep in his head and his emotions are everywhere he loves having sex as a way to show his love. He will hold you so tight and keep you close. He loves eye contact too that's extremely necessary. Whn he's close to you body and looking deep in your eyes he can't help but tear up a bit because he just can't believe someone loves him this much. For the romantic aspect he loves surpising you for special holidays like Valentines day i'm talking cliche shit. He'd be laying on y'all's bed in nothing but a rose in his mouth and candles all over the room because it's "sexy"
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
this man is knocked out after sex. He basically gets the zoomies while yall have sex and then once the high is over he's so fucking tired lmao. This ties into his aftercare....yeah good luck getting some aftercare with him most times.( ofc he'd do it if you brought it up to him cuz hes a cry baby and doesn't want you mad at him) You could literally not be able to move and call out to him and all you hear a snores cuz man is gone.
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Graham Dunne (nfsw alphabet.)
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~~ Requested ~~
A/N: bear with me this Is my first time writing something smut related so sorry If it's bad.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Aftercare king. He will immediately gives you cuddles and kisses and then runs you a hot bath. I love him.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite part of his body is his arms and fingers because of how proud he is with his guitar playing skills and his skills with you (wink, wink.) 
His fav of your body is your eyes, he just loves to stare into them for hours on end. Or your boobs to be honest he's a boob guy. 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Gonna be honest he has a breeding a kink, so he loves to cum inside you. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Luke I said this man has a breeding kink, I mean he is a family man soooo. But, otherwise I feel like he is kinda ashamed or embarrassed about a lot of things when it comes to sex because I feel like he really doesn't like to talk about with other people that aren't you. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like my man was a virgin before the band started but as the six got more and more famous he definitely got more and more experienced.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. Enough said.
I just feel like he loves to see your eyes and your facial expressions.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he's pretty serious but he can be Goofy, because if something awkward or cute happens Graham will flash a smile and laugh.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Lets just say the carpet does match the drapes, but i feel like he doesn't let it get our of hand like he trims and stuff. 
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Very intimate likeeeeee…. Duhhh have you seen this man has is very rom-com Rose pedals in bed esc.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon).
He doesn't do it that much because he has you but when he's on tour or just misses you he does it, and imagine phone sex 🤭
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I've said this like 3 times already but breeding kink! Hehe. And I feel like he has a thing for sneaking around.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Either your guys house or like when you guys are in public you'll find a closet or something like I feel like he loves fucking in the closet at the recording studio.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
This mother fucker like a God damn horny teenager so basically anything. 
When you say something sexually, when you lip your lips a certain way, when you keep eye contact, and especially when your cleavage is showing. Like I said mans a boob guy.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
No pain kink. He would not want to hurt you and even If you said it didn't hurt you he still wouldn't be up for it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
But when he does do it he eats you out like a starved fucking man, he loves the sounds you make and how your thighs shake from underneath him. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It depends on the mood you or him your on but usually slow and sensual.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Man's loves quickies.
Before practice, after practice, before you have to go to work, in the morning, before yall go to bed, ect. 
My man's lives for them.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Yes. Most of the time atleast. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Like I said: horny mother fucker. So, mostly average Stamina, but when he really needs you he could be lasting a while. 
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn't have any himself but If you do and use them around him he will be jealous of an inanimate object.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He does like to tease. Enough said.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He is average-loud but he tries to cover it up. you're gonna have to get it out of him and believe me it's not gonna take much.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He's a switch. 
(I wanna dom this man.)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Average. (Like 6-8 inches.)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
I feel like he does most of the time but not after taking care of you. 
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forever-fixating · 7 months
Some Sentences Monday?
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Tagged by the ever-awesome @priincebutt
Okay, so I know this is meant for Sundays, but ya boi was destroyed from work and completely overstimulated so I had nothing in the tank. But after hibernating most of today, I am emerging ready to share a new project I have in the works. Getting such amazing response for Love on the Menu has really invigorated my desire to work, and now my mind is running with ideas. I've been toying with the idea of writing a historical AU for a while now, so allow me to introduce:
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I don't have an official summary for it yet, but to overhype myself, this story has everything: childhood sweethearts separated by tragedy, rivaling nations full of political intrigue, magick because I've been dying to write a fantasy AU as well so por que no los dos, a tournament where the grand prize of the joust is the hand in marriage of our sweet Henry, a cliffhanger that I am so excited to write but that I know will enrage everyone that reads it...get ready, yall!
Below the cut is a massively long teaser. Forgive the roughness of it. I am just so geeked to share it, but just know I'll be working on it until it's ready. Enjoy! (If you'd like a soundtrack for this, might I suggest Surrender by Natalie Taylor?)
The air was perfumed with the scent of springtime blossoms. Beneath the shade of a great willow tree were two young lovers. One was flaxen-haired, his ivory skin rosy from the sun and littered with constellations of freckles. His body and limbs were slender and knobbly, still in that awkward phase between boy and man. His light blue eyes studied his companion with unguarded adoration. The other young man was shorter in stature, but rigorous exercise had already defined his physique. Atop his head was an untamed mass of sable curls, still wet from swimming. His unblemished skin gleamed a rich russet shade that his fairer companion couldn't stop touching. The pair had completed their lessons for the day and decided to take a refreshing dip in the lake near their school. They were naked, hidden among the willow branches, like two woodland nymphs from a fable and not two princes from separate nations. The dark-haired boy Alex lifted his lover Henry's hand and kissed the signet ring on his pinkie finger. The ring's face held not a family crest but their initials. A promise.
"When we are married-"
"You mustn't say such things!" Henry laughed even as his stomach fluttered at the very prospect. "It isn't proper."
Alex leaned down to press a kiss against rose-petal lips. "A man must state his intentions plainly, and mine are to marry you, cariño."
"You are not yet seventeen, cariad," Henry said as Alex trailed kisses along his jaw and neck. In this sacred space, it was easy to get lost in the rose-tinted fantasy of their future together. He tangled his fingers in Alex's curls, tugging at the roots. "Our parents would say it is unwise to speak of such things at our age."
"Why," Alex hissed as he climbed over Henry's body, "are you mentioning our parents when I am trying to ravish you?"
Henry arched his body into that of his beloved, gasping, "You have ravished me twice already this afternoon. Is that not enough?"
As the twin suns began their steady descents into the horizons, the young lovers got dressed and made their way back to the school. Fireflies glowed in hues of pink, orange, and yellow as the pair discussed their plans for the following day. Given their disheveled states of dress, they were wary of running into Headmistress Beaufort or one of their professors as they made their way back to their dormitory. Unfortunately, fate was not on their side, and they rounded a corner and nearly crashed into Professor Wagner. He was a squat toad of a man who taught history and hated Alex for his frequent interruptions during lessons. His face held a perpetual bitter expression, as though he had just sucked on an unripen lemon. He berated them for looking and acting beneath their station and gave them detention for the following fortnight working in the stables with Gerald the groundskeeper. (It wasn't the punishment the man thought it was. They enjoyed Gerald's company, especially when he was joined by Julian, the music professor. Henry was convinced they were in love, but Alex said he was delusional.)
They scrambled upstairs to their shared dorm room to change. Dinner was already in progress when they joined their social set in the dining hall. Alex's older sister June was discussing a novel with Henry's twin sister Beatrice while their best friends Percy and Nora played cards. As Henry took his spot between Bea and Pez, his sister poked at the poorly concealed love mark Alex had gifted him earlier and teased, "My dear brother, it would appear you have been mauled by pixies. Should we alert Gerald of a possible infestation?"
Alex, seated across from him between June and Nora, snorted into his goblet, and Henry kicked his skin beneath the table. Giving his sister a tight smile that told her he knew exactly at what she was playing, he said defensively, "It was only a single, annoying pixie. Hardly cause for alarm."
"Annoying?" Henry's stomach filled with regret the moment the words left his mouth at Alex's fallen expression. He looked away from Henry. "Perhaps the pixie will direct their attention elsewhere if they are such a nuisance."
Alex would not meet his eye for the remainder of the meal. Once Headmistress Beaufort dismissed the students for the evening, Alex was up like a shot. Henry felt the disapproval of their friends and loved ones as he stood and trailed after Alex like a lovesick puppy. When Henry reached the common room of their dormitory, he found Alex chatting with Liam, the son of a nobleman from his home country. While he knew there was no danger of them forming an attachment, jealousy sparked in his chest, hot and ugly. He strode over to them and said, "Alex, I wish to speak with you."
Alex's expression was that of cool indifference. "Yes?"
Ignoring Liam and tugging on Alex's arm, Henry insisted, "In private."
Alex rolled his eyes but stood, shoving past Henry to their dorm room. Henry didn't look at Liam but hurried after Alex. He passed some of their classmates roughhousing in the hallway. Alex's ire was quick to be provoked, but Henry hoped he could dampen it with gentle words of apology and a gift. Their dorm room was on the far end of the hallway to the right. When Henry entered, Alex was sitting on the window seal. Henry closed the door.
"You would be wise not to call me that right now," Alex snapped, not looking at him.
Henry bit his bottom lip. Pushing away from the door, he crossed the cross to retrieve a parcel he received earlier that day from his bedside table. Though he protested Alex's pure words down by the lake, Henry's heart ached at the very thought that Alex thought himself alone in this affection. Henry was naturally cautious when it came to matters of the heart. While his parents had a romance for the bards to write neverending songs about and supported his inclinations, his grandmother Queen Mary still held final sway over who her grandchildren would marry. While Alex's country was a rising power, full of untapped resources and potential, Mary looked down her nose at their progressive politics and rising status among the nations. But despite the perceived impossibility of their future together, Henry found himself desperately in love with Alex all the time.
Henry knelt in front of his wounded lover and placed the parcel in his lap. Alex finally looked at him before glancing down and asking, "What is this?"
"An apology and response."
Alex picked it up and tore away the plain brown paper. Revealed was a red velvet bag. Henry's heart raced as Alex opened the bag and pulled out a small golden key on a silver chain. The bow of the key, intertwined in delicate filigree, was their initials, much like the ring that rested on Henry's hand.
As Alex studied it, Henry said, "My words earlier were foolish and hurtful. The truth is that I am afraid of the end of term. Things as they are now seem too perfect and golden. I...I fear once we are parted, reality will make you realize I am not worthy, that you will find someone more suitable for-"
"You believe me to be easily swayed?" Alex snapped. Henry looked up to see frustration and sadness in his eyes. He reached down to yank Henry's hand that held the signet ring to eye level. "Is this not proof enough of my love for you? Is it not enough that I say I love you? If this is an apology, it is a very poor one, Henry."
Henry climbed on the window seal with Alex, desperate to be understood, tears in his eyes. "It is an explanation. I am scared, Alex. I know we are young, but I know in my heart I will never feel for another what I feel for you. But when my grandmother finds out about us, she will stop at nothing to keep us apart. Does that challenge not give you pause?"
"Cariño," Alex whispered, cupping Henry's face, the necklace dangling from his fingers, "I would slay a thousand dragons, cross the Great Salt Desert, and brave the bitterest frozen peaks if that's what it took to make you mine. You may fear your grandmother, but I do not. There is no one else for me but you."
Henry took the chain from Alex's hand and placed it around his neck. Pressing his hand over the key, Henry said, "As you are for me. I want to be brave like you. I want you to know you are not alone. This key is a symbolic gesture, the key to my heart. My promise to be true."
Two young lovers, bathed in moonlight and their love for one another, making a vow as true as the gods had ever heard. Perhaps it was their youth that gave them pause, or the sincerity in which the vows were given. Whatever it was, the gods took note and, in their mercurial way, decided to put that devotion to the test.
The skies were clear that night as Alex and Henry clung to each other, but they could not see the storm brewing on the distant horizon. A challenge.
Tagging @dragonflylady77 @onthewaytosomewhere @theplayfulfairy and anyone else who scribbles and is interested.
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sweetie-peaches · 8 months
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(ID: a brown hallway with two brown doors with lights above them. At the end of the hallway is a window with a potted plant on a table. A cat sits beside the table, there are missing posters on the wall beside the table. Beside the first door is crayon scribbles and a crown sticker, on the floor is a duck stuffed animal and two feathers)
Extremely rough painting of a hallway for the Qsmp apartments au! Sorry if it’s bad, I haven’t drawn or digitally painted in a lil bit lol. Still a wip so I’m open for suggestions to add!!
(!!! Please reblog my art !!!)
Below the cut I’ll talk about specifics
The crown sticker - when Tubbo first came home with Sunny, she wanted to “decorate” everything, which included sticking on stickers everywhere. Tubbo had to lift her up to get this one, there’s still stickers scattered around the building now curtusy of sunny
The scribbling - one of the kids had a lil bit too fun with crayons and decided to scribble on the wall. The landlord was pissed, especially after it refused to clean off even with the best blood cleaning cleaner
The missing posters - for a short period of time all of the children went missing. Posters still remain up even after they returned, it happened around the same time the observer took over as landlord.
The plant - listen yall..those were supposed to be roses. I don’t know what happened, I can’t even explain. But the roses are for tallulah and chayanne, they never seem to wilt
The feathers - phil seems to always drop feathers, there’s jokes that he’s hoarding chickens somewhere. Sometimes he forgets to pick them up
The duck stuffie - after the events of the kids disappearing they got gifted toys by the owners of the apartments, which didn’t fix anything but now there’s a bunch of duck stuffed animals lying around that are sometimes played with
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