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sublimedevastation · 26 days ago
In the morning there is meaning, in the evening there is feeling.
- Gertrude Stein
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fixquotes · 2 years ago
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"Considering how dangerous everything is, nothing is really very frightening"
- Gertrude Stein
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sabinahahn · 4 months ago
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Gertrude Stein (1874–1946)
Miss Stein gets up every morning about ten and drinks some coffee, against her will. She’s always been nervous about becoming nervous and she thought coffee would make her nervous, but her doctor prescribed it. Miss Toklas, her companion, gets up at six and starts dusting and fussing around.… Every morning Miss Toklas bathes and combs their French poodle, Basket, and brushes its teeth. It has its own toothbrush.
Miss Stein has an outsize bathtub that was especially made for her. A staircase had to be taken out to install it. After her bath she puts on a huge wool bathrobe and writes for a while, but she prefers to write outdoors, after she gets dressed. Especially in the Ain country, because there are rocks and cows there. Miss Stein likes to look at rocks and cows in the intervals of her writing. The two ladies drive around in their Ford till they come to a good spot. Then Miss Stein gets out and sits on a campstool with pencil and pad, and Miss Toklas fearlessly switches a cow into her line of vision. If the cow doesn’t seem to fit in with Miss Stein’s mood, the ladies get into the car and drive on to another cow. When the great lady has an inspiration, she writes quickly, for about fifteen minutes. But often she just sits there, looking at cows and not turning a wheel.
From Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey
#dailyrituals #inktober #gertrudeStein @masoncurrey
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minimalist-quotes · 9 months ago
Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense.
- #gertrudestein #quotes #poetry #minimalistquotes #deepquotes #heartfeltquotes
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whatindarnation · 1 year ago
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Celebrating old places that make us new - lasting murals of plays directed senior year, reminders permanent on buildings and celebrated teachers who’ve shaped a generation of theatre makers. Here’s to using everything. may 28 2022 #TAPSatBrown #BrownUniversity #evertrue #professors #usingeverything #gertrudestein
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kaggsy59 · 2 years ago
"Life is tradition and human nature." #1940Club #GertrudeStein #ParisFrance
Well, I said I was going in a different direction today, didn’t I….? The 1940 book I want to talk about today is one by an author who can be considered quite divisive – a Marmite writer, really, one you’ll probably either love or hate. The title is “Paris France” and it’s by American author Gertrude Stein. She’s appeared on the Ramblings before: I wrote about her “Blood on the Dining Room Floor”…
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mantikutayr · 2 years ago
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sanat kutsalın neyidir?  
mathesis (okuyarak bilme), pathesis (deneyimle bilme)  gnosis (sezgi ile bilme) ya da gökyüzü altında söylenmemiş söz yoktur* meşrebinize göre ilmel yakin, aynel yakin, hakkel yakin.  
bana kalırsa bu kitapta sekiz tane (hissetmenin tözü, özgürlüğün biyolojisi, lezzetin özü, belleğin yönetimi, görme olayı, müzğin kaynağı,  dilin yapısı, ortaya çıkan benlik)     dile getirilemeyen ‘’öykü’’ (beden, bellek, görme, tat, koku, işitme, dil ve benlik.) hads var.
(hads: sen ve bilmek istediğin şey arasında direkt olarak gerçekleşen bilme türü, kavrayış, sezgi.)
arka kapaktan: marcel proust tüm gününü yatakta geçirir, eski günleri düşünürdü. paul cézanne saatler boyu öylece bir elmaya bakardı. auguste escoffier sadece müşterilerini memnun etmeye çalışırdı. igor stravinski müşterilerini memnun etmemeye çalışırdı. gertrude stein ise sözcüklerle oynamayı severdi. fakat aralarındaki teknik farklara rağmen, bu sanatçıların hepsi de insan deneyimine sonu gelmez bir ilgi duyuyordu. yarattıkları eserler keşif edimleriydi, anlayamadıkları gizemlerle bu şekilde boğuşuyorlardı.
jonah lehrer proust bir sinirbilimciydi’de kendi alanlarına damga vurmuş sekiz isim üzerinden, sanatçıların bilim alanında kanıtlanmış olguları bilimcilerden önce sezgileriyle öngördüklerini herkesçe anlaşılır bir dille anlatıyor. bunu yaparken duygularla düşünceler arasındaki ayrıma olduğu gibi, sanatla bilim arasındaki katı işbölümüne de karşı çıkıyor ve yeni bir yol, “dördüncü kültür” yolunu öneriyor. fakat dördüncü bir kültüre ulaşabilmemiz için öncelikle sahip olduğumuz iki kültürün alışkanlıklarını değiştirmesi gerekir. hepsinden önce, beşeri bilimler samimi bir adımla pozitif bilimlerle bağ kurmalıdır. proust bir sinirbilimciydi bu yolda atılmış önemli bir adım.  
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loynosca · 3 years ago
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Images from Gertrude Stein’s children’s book “The world ... is round” / pictures by Clement Hurd
Published / Created ca. 1939
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ginzyblog · 4 years ago
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Paul Bowles overlooking Jemaa el-Fnaa, Marrakech. Crowd circles on square listening to groups of drummers. I took train with him from Tangier and stayed a week, July 20-24, 1961 (photo & caption: Allen Ginsberg, courtesy Stanford University Libraries / Allen Ginsberg Esate) By the time of this photo, Bowles had lived in Morocco for over 10 years, having first visited in 1931 with Aaron Copeland at Gertrude Stein’s prodding. His best known book, The Sheltering Sky, had been a best seller in 1950.  Although he would make frequent visits to the US, Morocco had become his home until his death in 1999.   “Because we don’t know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, an afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you can’t even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four, five times more, perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps 20. And yet it all seems limitless.”  - Paul Bowles, the Sheltering Sky #paulbowles #allenginsberg #marrakech #Jemaael-Fnaa #theshelteringsky #ryuichisakamoto #BernardoBertolucci #morocco #letitcomedown #janebowles #gertrudestein #aaroncopeland  #writers #literature (at Jemaa El Fna, Marrakech) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKpbZrThd5W/?igshid=1f8j02lx7l3oo
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monriatitans · 4 years ago
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PRIDE QUOTE 2 OF 3 Tue, June 29, 2021
"You look ridiculous if you dance. You look ridiculous if you don’t dance. So you might as well dance." - Gertrude Stein
See the original post on Instagram! Watch WGS on Twitch and YouTube!
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rhyme-without-reason · 4 years ago
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runawaysqueen · 5 years ago
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Hey lovely people just wanted all the runaway fans to know the month of March is #saverunaways month let’s let them know we want are family back
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littleenchantedpixels · 5 years ago
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😱 #saverunaways we made it 900 sign on petition thank you all pleas keep sharing and sign next goal is 1000 #kevinfeige #marvelrunawaysedit #gertrudestein #deanorufanart https://www.instagram.com/p/B633lN3g24p/?igshid=1um1s1lheftqu
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lawrencefineart · 5 years ago
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“Un Coque en Plume,” John Ferren, 1933. What better approbation could a young American Artist in Paris in the 30s want than that of Gertrude Stein? Here is what she had to say about the young Ferren: “He is the only American painter foreign painters in Paris consider as a painter and whose paintings interest them...” During his time in Paris, Ferren befriended just about everyone there was to know, including Picasso (whom he helped with the preliminary sketches for Guernica) and Matisse, Miro, Mondrian, Miro And Hoffman. He exhibited with Kandinsky and Giacometti, absorbing elements of cubism, fauvism, abstraction and surrealism. He also participated in Hayter’s Atelier 17 experimental paint studio. Upon his return to the uS, he was included in the seminal 9th Street Show which introduced the New York School to the world. His work is in the Whitney (seven works), MOMA, Guggenheim and others. We are delight led to offer this rare example from his Paris years. Please contact. #johnferren #fauvism #surrealism #modernism #cubism #gertrudestein #newyorkschool #paintingoftheday #interiordesign @whitneymuseum @guggenheim @guggenheim_venice https://www.instagram.com/p/B8hdrOngy7F/?igshid=f8fgjw8669ob
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blairab · 5 years ago
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Gertrude X Gertrude • On the left, #GertrudeStein by #FelixVallotton, 1907. At right, #Picasso’s 1906 portrait. • #MetFelixVallotton #PabloPicasso #MetMuseum #MetropolitanMuseum #painting #portraits @metmuseum (at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5yaDMaFx4v/?igshid=1thd777pdgofu
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dachshundart · 5 years ago
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Maira Kalman
Hear a HA HA, 2017
Gertrude Stein With Her Dachshund, 2015
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