#german shepherds… hard to draw.
callsign-zero · 9 months
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he’s back folks
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cavity-collector · 1 month
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loyal shepherd and sacrificial lamb
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jarate-pissman · 8 months
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Silly Doodle of TF2 if they were dogs. I wanted their accessories to resemble their human counterparts, but it can be difficult because putting a dog into human clothes is hard to draw.
Scout: A Boston Terrier. A breed known for being lively and happy, it's friendly and open to strangers. Scout as a guard dog would show you where his owners keep the valuables if you give him even a crumb of attention. Also, they can be bug eyed and derpy at times.
Pyro: A Dalmatian. Duh. With a bag on their head that resembles pyro.
Soldier: Solly is an American Pitbull Terrier. The fact that it's a controversial breed makes it an even better fit! ABPTs were used in combat missions in WWI and II. In WWII they appeared often on war propaganda posters. One of the most well known ABPT was named Sgt Stubby in WWI, and he earned himself numerous medals. Stubby is probably the deciding factor. Soldier has an American flag bandana and his food bowl over his eyes. He smells faintly of rotten bbq ribs.
Heavy: An Ovcharka (Caucasian Shepherd) while originally the breed hailed from Georgia, the USSR pushed to have the breed standardized. The huge dog breed was originally bred for guarding purposes, and has a serious and protective nature. Perfect for guarding his medic. He greatly treasures his Sandvich, a stuffed squeaky toy from the bargain bin at the pet store.
Demoman: A one-eyed Scottish terrier with a sturdy body and a manly beard. My personal experience with Scotties as a dog groomer is that they are absolute assholes who are wary of strangers squeezing their ass glands. I'm pretty sure Demo would bite me too if I touched his asshole. Demo has a squeaky bouncy ball that resembles a sticky bomb, one eye, and a hat that looks like a beanie.
Engineer: An American Bulldog. Mainly this was influenced by their stocky body and their friendly personality. Bulldogs are also a very intelligent dog breed that possess high endurance, agility, and strength. American Bulldogs were bred with the intention that they would be a farm dog. I would have gone with the Blue Lacy, but it didn't feel very Engie, despite being the only breed outta Texas. Engineer dog has doggles.
Spy: A french bulldog. Both the French Bull Dog and the Boston Terrier both descended from the Bulldog, so in a way they are related. While a poodle would have fit Spy as well, Frenchies are pretty expensive in their own right, and the cost of their medical bills might as well cost 5 poodles. They're like the luxury bulldog, and I feel like the fact that Spy and Scout's breeds resemble each other makes it better. Since dogs don't usually wear balaclavas, Spy-dog got his face stuck in a pair of red/blu underwear and started wearing them ever since.
Medic: What dog is more demanding, bratty, and sadistic than a Pomeranian? Pomeranians are extroverted, lively, alert, and highly intelligent dogs of German origin. They can be aggressive to humans and dogs to try and prove themselves. They don't seem to realize how small they are, and somehow wind up ruling the house anyways, even if there are other dogs. I can just imagine Medic-dog commanding Heavy-dog, and Heavy-dog going along with whatever he says. Medic has tiny glasses and a stray hair curl.
Sniper: A dingo. Aloof, mysterious, and a bit scrawny for his size, he's an excellent hunter who can brave the scorching bush and all Australia has to offer.
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simp4konig · 1 year
"Can I sit here?" König X Gender-neutral Reader
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Word count: 3060
*Part one?
*Slow burn?
*Strangers to Friends (to Lovers?)
Not decidedany of those yet 😶
Edited on 23/8/2023 for some grammar tweaks.
*!!Fanfic inspired by @theeggrollslord's drawing on Twitter!! I really wanted to use their art as the cover for this fanfic, but due to me not having an Twitter (or X 🤮) account, and not knowing whether the original artist consents to people reposting their art, I held back. 😿 If anyone knows whether they are able to give me permission or are cool with it, please let me know!! ☺️
*Author has played MW1 + 2... but not the newest reimagines. 😭 all I remember from the campaign is that Shepherd shot Ghost in the face,but in NO way did he look as fine as he does now ☠️☠️
*Author does NOT speak German... but can use Google Translate !!😊
As is customary with all foreigners, English is not my first language!. Pls do not bully me if my grammar  is bad i will cry 😢
König sat by himself in the cafeteria.
Three sausages, a spoonful of beans, and two eggs alongside a 500ml water bottle were all that consisted of his daily breakfast. Hash browns would be served raw, and the bagels were solid enough to break teeth when bitten into. He didn't even want to consider the sandwiches, as their stale, stinking cheese and slick ham made him gag. A pity that they didn't serve Bratwurst or order authentic — hell, even half-decent — eggs, as the meat in his sausages tasted out of date and the yolks were a dull yellow. The beans weren't even Heinz.
Looking at the cheap slop on his tray made him lose his appetite. At least the water was drinkable, but its taste was peculiar at best.
König sighed.
Every day "eating" the same breakfast, sitting in the same spot, at the same time.
To say that he enjoyed the routine of the barracks would be an overstatement, as he felt oppressed by the monotony: rigorous and thorough briefings pre-missions; intense training three times a day; shooting drills and target practice right after the sun barely opened its eye or into late hours of the evening when it was hard to see. Yet he couldn't complain, and forced himself to appreciate the predictable structure of the barracks.
After all, routine meant safety.
Knowing the details of the misson and the intel required guaranteed a flawless operation. Knowing how exactly to eliminate an opponent in any given situation meant that it made the job even easier. Knowing when to dive for cover to avoid a rain of bullets and the rumbling thunder of machine guns in an active shootout equalled survival.
And knowing that you intimidated everyone on base at least made social interactions easier. All of these extended his life expectancy, yet by how much was anyone's guess.
Being a 6'10 wall of a pure muscle made him the perfect human bulldozer, and paired with his animalistic instincts taking over while on the battlefield, he struck fear in even his own teammates.
Most of the time, König didn't even need to use a gun, as he could snap an enemy's neck faster than they could blink; and, even if they could do that, they wouldn't be able to react fast enough as he manhandled their body like a rag doll and snapped their spine in half over his knee. Quick and easy kills. Other times, frantic stabs in the abdomen, chest or neck finished with a harsh cut of the throat sufficed when sneaking, and allowed him to release any pent of frustration he felt that he wouldn't have been able to relieve through strangulation alone.
Yet, all of the time, seeing König's brutality first-hand made his teammates lose their balance and struggle to collect themselves during the mission, fearing that he would turn to indiscriminately killing anyone that had the misfortune of entering his field of vision. Compared to König's animalistic instincts taking over in an active firefight and causing bloodshed, his allies putting down enemies with a bullet to the head seemed merciful, and even kind.
Unlike friendships, killing people was easy. Keeping good relations with people was difficult enough for König to begin with — with his first hurdle being his social anxiety, and the hurdle of others being getting used to his frightening exterior — and it grew more and more into a challenge as he moved up the ranks, until his position as Colonel made him feared, not respected. People avoided his eyes, and kept conversations to a minimum, bowing their heads in fear, not respect.
After witnessing him maul enemies like a feral animal, König walking down the barracks had people scuttling away like rats in opposite directions, a horde of people dissipating in an instant. Crowded rooms with rowdy laughter suddenly were brought to silence once he made the mistake of entering, with people speaking in hushed whispers or not even speaking at all, opting to escape before their colonel addressed them.
Truth of the matter was, König never wanted to be a colonel. He'd had rather been the one receiving orders than the one making them, as his social anxiety in front of innumerable pairs of expectant eyes put pressure on him in the moment and made it near impossible to let a single word out.
He was not a natural born leader: he knew it, everyone knew it; but he kept his position solely due to his ruthlessness in action and his cold efficiency, as there was no one like him that could come close to imitating his behaviour.
Then, to say that he enjoyed the daily routine of life in the barracks was a stretch to say the least. The thrill of killing on missions and the primal adrenaline that took over his veins and clouded his senses could not be more of a contrast to this boredom and overwhelming isolation on base: of every day sitting in the same damned spot; of every day pretending to eat the same damned food; and, of every damned day being avoided by the other operators to be at a peace he was forced to accept, whether he liked it or not. What a miserable life to live.
The beans on his plate looked menacing, and he had the urge to crush each one individually until they'd stop sneering at him so, as being judged by off-brand beans was running his patience thin. Yet, he wouldn't do that, as everyone else would view him as not only a brute but a mentally unstable lunatic who was now using food scraps as an outlet for his temper; so, he resorted to just picking at the rations instead. His head was in his palm, and his gaze went elsewhere, his pale blue eyes drooping.
So engrossed in absentmindly pushing the beans on his tray with his fork and contemplating what went wrong with him that he did not hear the footsteps walking towards him.
You cleared your throat. "E-excuse me, sir, but can I sit here?"
König looked up, and saw a young recruit hovering over him with a small brown paper bag in their hands. Your face was one he hadn't seen before around here, and you weren't in the standard military uniform, so he assumed that you were perhaps a groundsperson of sorts.
Your ignorance of him was probably the only reason you dared approach him, as any other person would have avoided his table at all costs and gotten whiplash from how quickly they'd turn their head the other way. However, he was glad that he didn't intimidate everyone that encountered him, and was internally thanking you for giving him a chance. Some hope.
Feeling uncomfortable under his scrutinising stare, you tugged the collar of your t-shirt and struggle for words.
"S-sorry," you begun, sheepishly looking down at the floor. A rub of the neck and a shuffling of feet. "It's just... all of the other tables are crowded, and I don't know anyone here well. And yours—" You looked at him, shooting him a lopsided grin, "—yours is empty."
"I understand," he stated, before looking back down at the mush on his tray. "Not a problem."
You gulped, feeling like he was dismissing you, and beginning to regret approaching him. "Are you sure, sir? I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable."
Look at you, he thought, so thoughtful over his feelings. When was the last time anyone bothered to ask him how he felt, or treated him like a human being?
"Ja. I am sure."
Still standing, unsure as to how to interpret the tone of his statement, you shot him a shy smile and sat down at a reasonable distance from the man, beginning to unpack the contents of your bag.
König kept stealing glances of you from under his eyebrows, trying to be discreet. Although he actually was uncomfortable — not used to company in the slightest, especially with someone so polite and courteous — he was oddly drawn to you.
He was thankful that you were oblivious to his status around these parts, and he wanted to leave a decent first impression on you before you finally overheard the true rumours about him, and paid attention to how quiet the cafeteria had gotten now that you two were sat together.
The thing was, he didn't know where to begin.
Communication was not his strong suit. He mused over potential ways of starting a conversation, yet not only had he never been faced with a situation like this, the language barrier was ever so present. Perhaps if he could speak to you in German he'd be able to formulate his thoughts better, yet at the moment it felt like all his knowledge of English seemingly evaporated in an instant.
"You prepared well your breakfast," he stated plainly, angling for any kind of small talk. He internally cringed at the order of those words and how wrong that sentence sounded in his voice, but there was nothing he could do about it now.
An awkward smile. "—W-wow. Thank you, sir!"
König felt his chest tighten, but he didn't know why. 
"My first day on base I had the misfortune of being served breakfast," you continued, "so, from then on I decided right then and there "never again". The food—" you laughed weakly, "—sure is something."
"Du hast recht," agreed König. "I mean... You are right. If I had a dog, I never would feed it this— these... scraps."
You could sense König hungrily devouring your food with his eyes. Although he tried to be subtle, he was not good at going unnoticed. Really, stealing glances of this behemonth in front of you, you kind of pitied the man, especially when the next edible meal would be in precisely 5 hours. With his breakfast beaten and bruised into an unrecognisable pulp, it was definitely too late for him to consume.
Mourning your sandwiches, you silently bid them farewell and took a deep breath:
"Well, sir. I would assume that you're hungry."  You took out the contents from your bag and slid them in front of him, smiling meekly. "You can have my breakfast."
He looked down at your two sandwiches and his eyes visibly widened under his hood; four thick slices of sourdough bread, a generous slather of butter, cheese, rocket lettuce, and thinly sliced pieces of meat, topped with tomatoes, and most likely seasoned with spring onion and pepper.
They looked so appetising, and he felt his mouth salivate, yet he shook his head vehemently. "Nein! Ich sollte das nicht tun, nicht, wenn du dich so sehr bemüht hast!"
You tilted your head in confusion. König mentally facepalmed.
"I-I mean... you tried very hard, and it isn't right of me. They are yours."
You waved a dismissive hand. "Honestly, you need them more than me. Have them."
"Einer wird ausreichen," He shook his head again, and picked up one slowly. "One will be enough."
He reached over to take one and you looked at him expectantly, patiently waiting for him to take a bite and give you his thoughts, yet it hit you. He was wearing his mask. He probably wouldn't eat in front of you.
A cough. "S-sorry. I'll look away while you eat it. Tell me what you think about it."
König practically shoved the entire thing in his mouth the moment your back faced him and and started choking. He saw you turning back to assist, but he raised a weak hand to stop you.
Getting over his coughing fit, he could finally appreciate the freshness and the flavour of the sandwich. It tasted of... nostalgia. Like the sandwiches his Mama would make for him after school to reassure him and to take his mind off the day's events. He felt like a young boy again. When he closed his eyes, for a split-second he imagined he was in the kitchen with his mother chatting energetically, taking his plate and ruffling his hair when he had finished and feeding him another, insisting that he "was a growing boy".
"So köstlich..." he said, and was disappointed to see that the sandwich was gone from his hands, already eaten. "Mein gott, that was perfekt. A sandwich of the Gods."
You turned around and you were beaming so brightly that König swore he would need to shield his eyes from the sight.
"Thank you so much! You don't know how happy that makes me."
You looked at him, your smile unwavering. "Do you know what would make me happier?"
He gave you a blank look. "...No?"
"If you ate the other one," you said, and König's eyes widened comically. "Though, please, be careful. Sandwiches can sure be a choking hazard," you dared tease him, and was actually surprised when he let out a quiet chuckle.
After savouring his second sandwich, the two of you were quiet. Although the tension had evaporated, the silence was deafening, and you felt suffocated by the lack of conversation.
"Uhm... Sir. What is your name?" A hesitant start, your hands folded neatly in your lap. "If it isn't too much of a personal question, of course."
He deliberated for a few moments, before responding with a quiet "König."
"König," you repeated, making sure to pronounce it properly. Your eyes widened in realisation, and you smiled broadly. "That's King, in German, right? That's so funny, because I go by King!"
König froze up like a statue.
"Holy fucking shit, what are the chances?" You rambled, not realising how quiet König had become. "Honestly, what are we doing here? Where are our castles, our riches? Our chariots led by silver horses and our toilets made of 24 carat gold?"
König shrugged stiffly. "Blown up by a grenade, I suppose."
You looked at him, dumbfounded, then burst into laughter. Like, fits of giggles, too many of them and too strong for his unbelievably dry response. Maybe that's why you were laughing so hard.
Either way, König couldn't believe it at first.
It was so... beautiful. Almost angelic in a way, despite you holding yourself up with a palm on the table and unable to contain your pig-like snorts. He could get used to hearing you laugh more often.
And, just like that, he dropped his guard. Slowly, all of his stiffness melted, and he became more of his confident self, this trait only ever coming out when he was actively shooting.
The two of you spent the entire length of breakfast chatting, joking, and telling each other things about each other. Although König insisted that his English wasn't good, you assured him that you understood him just fine — if anything, his confused looks and furrowed eyebrows at idioms you used were adorably endearing, each time earning a sympathetic giggle from you.
At some point — and though he would've been ashamed to admit it — he tuned out the babbling that came out of your mouth as he admired your face, noting all of your features: the colour of your eyes and how they'd crinkle in happiness whenever you smiled; the way your hair flowed and framed your face; taking the time to count all of the freckles on your nose and committing the number to memory.
He'd only catch himself staring when you'd suddenly finish talking. "But what do I know, I'm kind of stupid if you ask me. It's a wonder I passed the tests to qualify for this job in the first place."
You locked eyes with him, interested in hearing what he had to say. "What do you think, König? I bet you know the answer!"
To which he'd quickly clear his throat and respond with, "Ich weiß nicht. I don't know. To be... frank, though that is strange for me to say when I am not "Frank"—" 
You struggled to struggle to contain your laughter, and quickly apologized as soon as you stopped shaking, before attempting to explain to this clueless Austrian man why it was used. König didn't feel demeaned by your explanation, though, as he thought that his blunders would be worth it every time if it meant hearing you laugh so sweetly.
To König's dismay, half an hour flew by in minutes, and it was time to part ways as you began your daily duties.
As the two of you stood up, you initially had realised that König was taller than the average man based off how his knees could barely fit under the table.
You sure as fuck did not expect to see this.
He towered over you, casting a shadow down below. You had to strain your neck to make eye contact with him, and a painful cramp was already forming.
"Ha—ha.... you're pretty, uh... big."
That statement had more than one connotation. Gott sei Dank für diese Maske, he thought. Thank God for this mask, otherwise you would have seen the blush from his neck up to his ears after his mind went to a place he hadn't thought it'd go, especially not with a person he had formally met not even an hour ago.
"Oh well, I can finally put those 4-inch combat boots in the bottom of my closet to good use," you laughed, playfully nudging what meant to be his shoulder but your height difference meant that you instead touched his pec. Not that you minded though.
With your arms behind your back, you shyly averted your gaze. "Well... It was nice to meet you, König."
"You too... King."
Furrowing of brows as you tilted your head. "How do you say it in German? "Auf Wiedersehen"?"
"Ja, das ist es."
"Well then, Auf Wiedersehen, big guy. I'll see you around!"
Big guy... In more ways than one...
God. König had to get a grip.
Yet, with the way he was looking at your backside and fantasizing about your next meeting, he already knew that not even Gott could help him.
Note: I HATE this fucking fanfiction WITH MY SOUL 🤬🤬. This fucking thing was NEARLY FINISHED and I was in the process of tweaking yet my phone decided to erase half of my progress !!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
My phone 📵 and God 🤬 didn't want this fanfiction getting published yet guess what!!! 🖕🖕🖕🖕Fuck you!!!🖕🖕🖕 Ive gotten it out anyways🗣️ fucking shaved a decade off of my life trying to recovervthe opening part of this fic,,
,,,,literally why did I get punished for writing a very mild and unextreme fanfic 😭😭😭😭 like the first half was just in Königs perspective and Ur telling me that i can't do that?????
I mf get fucking crucified like Jesus  on the cross, only this time I sarcificed my sleep and sanity to not be ressurected again,, bitch I would have rather died if I had known tjis would happen ☠️☠️ I could have actually SLEPT?!! 🤬🛌
Never again writing fanfictiosn on my phone, I can't trust this evil technology!!  I'm gonna draft them with PEN and PAPER bitch!!!! Typewriter!!!!!!!! Chalk On Pavement™!!!!!!!!!!!! PERMANENT MARKER ON MY FOREHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you read this rant of mine, I hope you have a lovely day/night, beautiful person. <33 (please wash your eyes after reading that,,I needed to release my anger somrjow don't judge me hhhhhhhHHHH—)
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dragonsdendoodles · 1 month
first of all, Love the video, jacob being a very very weird horrible creature rehabilitation is extremely funny, and second of all, have you shown your hollow design before that video? i think this is the first hollow ive seen by you, what are your design hcs?
Thank you!!! Jacob loves his big scary creatures lol
I actually have! Never on this blog (because these are older than it is) but here are some 1.5-2 year old hollow drawings from my Instagram, featuring a VERY old Jacob design and peculiarity swaps
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As for design headcanons, they read as being Very Big but I saw something about them being only a bit taller than regular human, not sure if that’s canon or if someone and/or I made that up but I’m deciding “slightly bigger than a human” ranges from a foot to like twice the size of a person for the bigger ones at the end
That and I’ve always imagined them with glowy yellow eyes and long hair. I dunno why.
Also as seen in the last picture I like to think they walk on all fours most of the time and that if you can sufficiently distract them from their hunger I think they’re very curious creatures. They wanna know what you’re up to they just. Also are literally starving that’s kinda hard to ignore ya know
(Aka my mom has two black German shepherds I joke are my hollowgast and so I write hollowgast like them)
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kelperings · 20 days
kelper i heard you wanted kmhn related headcanons. this is kind of that but also its own thing
looks you dead in the eyes. hajime hinata dog coded. do you hear me. do you he’s. he’s a dog he’s puppy dog he *pointing* please do you hear me that’s dogy that’s a DOG th
he’s a german shepherd to me. he’s fiercely loyal to those he cares about, protective. if you come for his family he will attack without remorse or regret, with a booming bark and and sizable bite force, but when he cares about you he is nothing but kind and gentle, soft fur and worried nuzzling. intimidating and rightfully so but a big sweetheart deep down
there’s a police dog metaphor with izuru somewhere— his own loyalty to a corrupt institution used against him, training the soul and love out of him until he’s nothing but a tool, a weapon that immediately and inevitably falls into the wrong hands
but he recovers and postgame he’s a lot like a rescue, cautious and distrusting of new things but still so so sweet and full of love and loyal underneath it all. he may lash out sometimes or be afraid of seemingly random things but he’s getting better and finding happiness and he’s so so overjoyed to be loved and alive.
his classmates are his pack. they’re his family, and he’d do anything for them. he works to keep them fed and safe and healthy, and if he sees you as a threat to them you best believe he’s getting between you, growling and snarling to stay back, sharp teeth bared and ready to defend them.
he wants to be helpful. he does things for people and brings things to people in an effort to make them happy, works very hard to contribute to his pack responsibilities. he needs to help, he needs to be useful.
he craves praise and recognition from others, and gets giddy when he receives it. he relishes appreciation and nothing makes him happier than knowing he’s good, he’s doing a good job, he’s being good, he’s a good boy. he needs to be told he’s good
whenever he’s sick or injured he gets quiet, reserved. he’ll go off somewhere quiet on his own for a bit to get better, and he’s hesitant to tell anyone. he won’t stop anyone from taking care of him, but he’ll insist they don’t have to, and he won’t ask for help unless it’s an emergency.
when he plays he’s energetic, all excited barks and full-body wiggles. zoomies. sometimes he plays a little too rough and someone gets hurt but he always stops afterwards, checking in on them and apologizing and making sure they’re okay before play resumes
to get some komahiners in here he cuddles like a dog too. he likes to rest his head on nagito’s thighs, or his shoulders. sometimes he’ll just walk up to nagito and press himself into his side (doggy hug), and of COURSE he loves when nagito runs his hands through his hair being petted is a universal dog joy
i’m so insane about this. hajime is a DOG do you understand. he’s. he’s a DOG that’s a fkcuhing DOGGGGG he’s a dog can ANYBODY hear me for the love of god hello
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firm believer in german shepherd hajime hinata i believe that german shepherd hajime hinata and fang hajime hinata are one. same person. its all hajime hinata at the end of the day. the world is hajime hinata.
i have a feeling he’s super uptight after noticing how often he does it, in his classic hajime hinata wayHEY GUYS HOW MANY TIMES CAN I SAY THE NAME HAJIME HINATA IN ONE POST LETS FIND OUT.
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springlock64 · 3 months
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Introducing my JJBA Mythical AU!
Yes I have done this in the past with my KH mythical AU but! My mythical AU can be put to many different fandoms so of course I had to make a Jojo one. I actually drew out the main JoJos and JoBros as mythics YEARS ago that I didn’t share on here (and never will) but now I’m redrawing it for myself starting with my favorite part, Golden Wind
Fugo and Giorno Manga colors and explanations for why the characters are the mythics they are in detail under the cut :3
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Giorno: Shapeshifter - A pretty strong start for Giorno but he has a lot of different Mythic DNA at play here with Centaur, Vampire and Harpy just to name a few so it makes sense, his favorite forms to be in is a Dear Syter, Rosy Maple Moth and a Dragon
Mista: Werewolf - due to his friendly and loyal nature it only felt natural to make Mista a werewolf, I based him off of a german shepherd but I’m up to feedback if that not the best choice
Narancia: Harpy - plane stand flys so Narancia must fly, simple as that. in this world there are two types of harpies, wings on the back and wings on the arms, Narancia is an arm winged Harpy
Bruno: Mermaid/Merman - Being the son of a fisherman and his knowledge of sea birds didn’t make this decision very hard to make, Bruno was practically made to be a Mermaid… his color palette did give me a bit of trouble lol
Abbacchio: Dragon - Coldblooded yet warm on the inside? Yeah he needed to be a dragon, but in this world Dragons are very rare due to poaching in the ‘20s for their scales especially if they had pretty colors, Abbacchio didn’t tell anyone that he was a Dragon, not even Bruno
Fugo: Syter/Ram - it seemed fitting to make fugo not only one of the more stereotypically angry animals but also an animal often associated with demons and hell cause let’s be real Fugo has probably been called a “Demon” or “Hell Spawn” before, plus I also like drawing hooves
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sdentii · 6 months
Hi :) I haven't posted in a WHILE, but despite that I still get interactions on some detco dogs AU to this day and I've been drawing dogs more and more so.. I've got some new art!
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Redesigned Rei as a mix because of his unknown past :) his texts read: "Akita Inu + Sakhalin Husky" , "Rounded trim to blend in & look more Akita than mixed" , "Has a subtle brindle"
As for the FBI trio, Camel is a Great Dane, Akai still a Dobermann, and Jodie Is still a Golden retriever and German shepherd mix! Both Camel and Akai have cropped ears and docked tails due to their job!
I hope to draw more soon but motivation can be hard to come by, so I'm not making any promises
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poledancingdinos · 4 months
Soundtrack of Debauchery - The Trio as Dog Breeds
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This post idea popped into my head so here is what breed Sy, Mike and Jessie would be as dogs. If I could draw I would make a cartoon of them as a puppy pile but alas, I do not possess that skill so please use your imagination.
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Story Masterlist
Nathan Beau Syverson: German Shepherd
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I don’t think it comes as a surprise that Sy would be a German Shepherd. This boy is fiercely loyal and protective of his family. He’s hard-working and focused but is also loving and affectionate when circumstances allow it.
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Michael Lucian West: Bernese Mountain Dog
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Now, at first glance, Mike may look like your typical Golden Retriever boyfriend. However, if we take into consideration that he is a big goof, very food-motivated and thinks that no boyfriend is too large to be a lap boyfriend, it leads me to believe that he would actually be more of a Bernese Mountain Dog.
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Jessie Louise Delaney: Rough Collie
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Our leading lady can be a little shy in new situations but is very caring and devoted to her family and friends. That doesn’t mean she isn’t capable of herding her boys (especially Mikey) when the situation calls for it.
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meiko3323 · 3 months
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Maxine (Arlefuri kiddo)
finally decided its time to sit down and finish designing her! you may see this is just a sketch, as ive yet to finalize the colour scheme of her outfit, im still weighing my options. split bw black and lavender/ purple for the dominant colour. the former looks cool, but the latter prob fits her motif better. anyway, for now let me tell you a bit more abt her:
Name: Maxine (prefers Max for short)
Pronouns: she/ her
Vision: (undecided)
Weapon: (undecided)
outfit details (in case its hard to read):
- has an arm band on her right arm, gifted to her by her friend [REDACTED]. it has the (teyvatian) letter M embroidered on it, for her first name
- has a side pouch on her belt w some basic first aid stuff and dog treats
- short fingerless gloves on both hands
- has both elbow and knee guards that are in a water drop shape w an X inside
- has a dagger strapped to the top of her left boot
- forgot to note: the center bit on top of her tie is a romaritime flower, to mirror the one on her head
About Max (childhood):
due to Arlecchino often having to be away on Harbinger/ Fatui missions, Max was raised mainly by Furina. that said, Arle does try her best to be there for her daughter, spending time w her whenever shes free, and often brings Max little souvenirs from her travels.
while Max was a baby, Furina took a sabbatical from her directing work to raise her. she instilled in Max an appreciation of the arts, with her skillful reenactments, and puppet shows of various plays and stories. once Max is a bit older, Furina starts taking up jobs again, leaving her child in Neuvillettes care at the Palais Mermonia, and picking her up at the end of the day. Neuvi doesnt mind, as Max is a well-behaved kid and either brings books w her to read, or draws while shes there. Sedene and the other melusines take a shine to her, making sure Max never has a shortage of snacks and tea throughout the day.
About Martin:
Martin is her loyal canine companion. she found him as a puppy, tangled in some fishing nets. of course she begs her parents to take him in, and they acquiesce on the condition that he is her responsibility now. since then Martin never leaves her side, even accompanying her on Hearth missions
About Max (hobbies): Max really likes nature, and ever since she found Martin stuck in nets carelessly left behind by some fishers, she took to cleaning litter in her free time.
i think thats all ive got for now ^^
im a sucker for animal companions, so ofc i had to give her a dog. he is named Martin after my dads german shepherd he had when i was a baby 🐶
Max's redacted friend that gave her the arm band is a future oc im working on cuz yes, shes gonna have friends, two of them in fact! no spoilers as to which genshin couples theyll be kiddos of, but any of yall that know me will probably have some good guesses 😸
still cant believe i went from thinking id never design an oc, to having a whole 3 now
thank you to my entire hoyofam for inspiring me and cheering me on thru this process, yalls fervent support means the world to me 💕
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nocturnalchaos · 1 year
JayRae Pregnancy Fanfic - Chapter 1
Summary: Life was finally at a good place for Raven. She and her longtime boyfriend, Jason Todd aka Red Hood, had created a comfortable routine and were both happy with their relationship. However, Raven has unexpectedly become pregnant and it feels like the world has decided to empty a dump truck of problems onto her head.
For those that did not read the prologue of this fanfic please go to this link here:
(Author’s Note: This fanfic draws a lot of inspiration from BluBooThalassophile’s Hopes For A Bastard Universe, Xaphrin, and other JayRae fanfics. In this fanfic, I have altered a lot of Jason’s storyline after the “Under The Red Hood” story arc. Also, Trigon’s sealed state does not allow for him to initiate contact with Raven or anyone outside of his gem prison. And, finally, in this fanfic Raven is a bit more expressive in this story. This is because she is no longer a teenager who is still getting a handle on her abilities and emotions or affected by teenage hormones plus Trigon has been sealed for about a decade now.)
Chapter 1
9 months earlier
Raven looked down at Jason’s jean clad butt as he bent over his motorcycle. She sat perched on the nearby workbench as she stared at the 29 year old man. Pulling out a part, he grunted as he straightened up while fiddling with it.
While he was not completely covered in grease, Jason’s fingers were liberally coated in the brown substance.
The mid morning light streamed into Jason’s partially converted warehouse located in New York City. Short unruly black hair with a white streak topped his head. He was not conventionally handsome - life had been too hard on him for that. His face was one that had more character and strength in it than symmetrical perfection. He had a strong unshaven jawline and multiple small facial scars. The only decoration he wore on his head was a swipe of grease on his left cheek. He had removed his earrings because they had a tendency to bother him whenever he put on his Red Hood helmet. He was dressed in an old Rise Against concert T-shirt and light blue jeans that had both, thus far, avoided the grease. His cobalt blue eyes with a ring of green were currently focused on his hands. But, ever so often, they would flick over to her.
She silently thanked Azar that Jason was wearing clothes as he modified the motorcycle. Not many people knew this but Jason Todd liked to wander around in his underwear when he was home alone or it was just the two of them. This tendency of his came from the fact that he hated being hot and the man was usually a furnace. She didn’t mind this quirk of his as she thought he had a great body and liked looking at it. And since Jason’s roommates were out of the warehouse for the weekend, Jason allowed himself to indulge in the habit. But even if it was just the two of them in the warehouse for the weekend, his dressing tendencies posed a safety hazard when he was fiddling with stuff … like bombs and vehicles. But previous experiences that had resulted in a few more scars decorating his body, finally taught him to put some damn clothes on when he was working on one of his gadgets or vehicles. When he did dumb shit like this she was reluctant to use her empathetic healing on him if it wasn’t too serious as she felt it would teach him bad habits… like not being an idiot.
That morning, as usual, Jason had made breakfast waffles for them as she prepared their morning beverages. Ace, Jason’s dog, was fed and let out to do his business.
Currently, the German Shepherd dog was trapped in his penned section of the mechanics bay so that Jason could work in peace. Ace was a highly trained dog but had a penchant for eating random things if the dog was ignored for too long or didn’t have Jason in his line of sight for a couple of hours.
As Raven was a slow eater, she was still munching on her second helping of waffles that morning. The plate of waffles sat in her lap as she watched Jason work. Jason had finished eating breakfast and drinking his morning coffee an hour ago. His time growing up in and on the streets of Gotham taught him to eat quickly. It was a habit that he still held onto even after leaving the streets of Gotham more than 15 years ago. The plates and dirty cooking supplies sat soaking in the sink waiting in the kitchen for Raven to come and wash everything once she was done eating. This was all part of their established routine for the weekends that Raven decided to stay with her boyfriend.
The plate of waffles in her lap was momentarily forgotten as her mind went off on a tangent analyzing the similarities between her longtime boyfriend, Jason Todd aka Red Hood, and surrogate big brother, Victor Stone aka Cyborg, as both men shared a love of tinkering with vehicles.
She found it mildly amusing that both of these important men in her life were mechanically inclined and made excellent waffles yet would sometimes fight over the silliest things. Like they did last month.
Vic had come over to Jason’s house to see if he could advise Jason on a problem that was plaguing his truck. But they didn’t start working on the truck until later that day because they got into an argument for about an hour and a half over which decade produced better music the 60s or the 70s. She loved both of them dearly but they could be such idiots sometimes.
She loved hanging around both men when either one was working on their own mechanical projects. Helping Jason when he was working on his latest vehicle reminded her a lot of her time helping Vic as he worked on the T-Car. To her, her time in the garage with either male was bonding time and provided companionship. When she was with them as they worked on their latest mechanical endeavor, she didn’t feel alone and was surrounded with a feeling of comfort and calm.
When it was her and Vic, they would just talk about their problems or whatever was on their minds. Raven became Vic’s little sister. She might ask him for some advice or give some of her own when he is missing the female perspective on something in his latest relationship.
When she was with Jason, there wasn’t always a conversational aspect to her time with him. She would sometimes read or meditate while Jason did his own thing and they would enjoy the companionable silence. They would also talk when the mood struck.
Whenever she was with Jason, outside of their superhero roles, they weren’t their labels. They were Jason and Raven. Acceptance was a huge part of their relationship and was a main factor in what made them work. They both had trauma and issues that they were both working through.
She came back to the moment when Jason swore a blue streak as he looked down at the part in his hand. Her empathy told her that he was just annoyed and frustrated. As there were no surges of anger or an overwhelming wrath in the emotions coming off of him; she knew that the Lazarus pit’s side-effect of rage was not impacting his emotions currently.
He put down the part on the work table and went to wash his hands in the nearby sink.
He never stopped swearing until he pulled out his pack of cigarettes.
“Please do that outside. Remember that Roy brings Liane here when she isn’t with the Queens.” This was stated calmly and politely with little emotion in it.
“Shit. Fuck. You’re right.” Jason let out a sigh and stomped out of the warehouse to smoke.
Raven let out a soft sigh and let a small smile creep onto her lips. Finishing her last bite of waffles, she placed the plate and fork onto the work table. Walking over to the area that currently penned in the dog. Raven gave the dog a head pat and snoot boop. The small smile was still on her lips when she was done adoring and bugging the dog.
After grabbing her dirty plate and utensils, she began her chore of cleaning the dishes. Internally, she thanked Azar that the dishwasher existed to make this task easier.
It was as she was closing the dishwasher door that Jason came back into the warehouse. Not seeing Raven in the mechanics bay, Jason got Ace from his pen area and entered back into the apartment area.
Hearing Jason walk into the kitchen, Raven asked, “Wanna talk about it?”
Raven looked up from where she was drying her hands to the doorway that Jason had just walked through with the dog. Her empathy indicated that he was calmer than before but wasn’t back to normal.
“Not really.“ Jason responded with an audible sigh as he pushed his hair back off of his face.
“Ok.” Raven shrugged as she put down the towel.
“Hey. Have you seen Constantine lately. Usually he pops up every few months to visit you, right?” Jason asked.
He had walked over to the kitchen island and was leaning towards her with his forearms on the table as he talked to her.
“Well, it’s been about 3 and a half months since you last mentioned seeing him. So, aren’t we due for a visit from your surrogate father figure?”
Please let me know what you think in the comments or reblog. If there are any grammatical errors or constructive criticisms please feel free to let me know. Your comments and likes are appreciated and what motivate me to continue posting and writing. Also, this is my first fanfic. Please be kind.
P.S. I have been continuously been making small edits to these chapters as I spot them so please keep that in mind when you read the typos and changes in the reblogs.
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matoitech · 3 months
asking for a fursona design that doesnt change is asking a lot from me i think, ive just always had a hard time w it, ppl r always changing anyway yknow lol. my ideas change and what i think might be fun to try changes. ive had so many dif dog breeds for fursonas over the years. wheni was a kid 4 sonas i had retrievers and border collies and german shepherds and huskies and wolfdogs and stuff. i have another dog fursona rn thats a doberman which i also have always associated w me, his design hasnt changed much tho cuz hes not the 'main' one. ur perception of urself and how other ppl see u can change and fluctuate and influence ur 'self' representation, YOU change and fluctuate. and i like having reasons and like a sense of relating to the animals i pick for myself. even if its just 'i like them'.
i always envied ppl who had set fursonas and designs tho bcuz id never be able to like get a fursuit of a fursona for example (and i rly like dog fursuits so its a bit of a bummer), and i dont rly commission art of my fursona much, i put all that onto my favorite oc (blue) instead bcuz his design changes have always been super minimal and mostly just like shortcuts i find that make him easier to draw, or ways i figure out how to draw him better. compared to my fursonas which i love messing with lol. not all of them as much but definitely like my 'main' one. sonas r all me and look like me but i like having one thats like what i think i would truly look like as a furry, as close an approximation i can get
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aislingsurrow · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
Aaaa I got tag-teamed! Thank you both Ube and @shibaikyatto!
Five things that make me happy....
I just got out of the shower, so let me say my Sleepy lotion from Lush! I like the soft, lavender scent and it makes my skin feel nice.
I don't want to pick one animal, so I'm gonna lump them all in on this one- all of my animals! Jackson, Marble, Chesapeake, Granite, aaaaaaand Yuri! They're all adoptees which makes me happy. Marble and Chesapeake, our two lady cats, chose US by coming up to our front door during a holiday and crying at us. On two separate holidays, at the same house, years and seasons apart. Marble we rescued during one of the coldest nights of the year just before New Years, and Chesapeake we saved during a party.... I think it was around Labor Day! We got the boy cats (Yuri and Granite) from folks who were looking to re-home them. And Jackson we got from a White German Shepherd Rescue! We think he's mixed with like Carolina Dog or smthn. He's just so..... he's so DOG. Like ask a kid to draw a dog and he's what they draw. Love those pets.
My favorite of all webcomic Unsounded which is an epic fantasy tale about a zombie and a girl with a tail and it updates M-W-F and it's about memory and life and death and morality and legacy and what it means to be alive and to live! I honestly feel like the FFXIV free trial meme whenever I talk about it lol. Of course, if anyone decides to check it out CONTENT WARNING CONTENT WARNING! It deals with hard topics including assault, murder, child abuse (both physical and sexual), rape, war, etc. I think it balances it all really well- I think the author doesn't revel in the shit that shouldn't be reveled in, and I think she has a good eye for empathy and humanity. Of course, with all things that are of this nature, your mileage may vary but if you can handle like Berserk I think Unsounded isn't too crazy.
I saw a post this morning that reminded me Dola Re Dola from Devdas exists so that makes me sooooooo happy hehehe time to listen to it and watch it again.
Honestly the fact that I'm getting stuff in my ask and my messages. Even though I get nervous and anxious every time I see the notification because of mental Illinois reasons, I'm happy to keep pushing myself to interact and connect with people, and I'm happy that people are reaching out! SO THANK YOU BOTH!!!
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chatgroove · 1 year
Lol so uh, hi, I'm Pulse, and I don't use my personal tumblr as much as I should and I would like to change that. I recently made a decision to get rid of a side blog that made me pretty happy because the people who partook in said k!nk community made me want to rip my hair out after a while. To save you the suspense I had a blog focused around my tickling kink lol It's still something I think about lately but my interests have changed and I don't want to associate my OCs with just k!nk anymore. They're so much more than that.
I want to finally write my book one day. Maybe even get the drive up to work on the comic. Idk something, I want my babies out there. And it feels weird trying to do that with my n/sfw blog hanging over my head with these characters that is totally...ooc for most of them lol. So if you're following me from said blog, hi, it's good to see you again and sorry I've been so sparce. Life has been kind of mean this past month.
Idk if I mentioned it but but we lost our 7 year old German Shepherd Lucy to stomach cancer later in September. She was the light of our life and currently as I'm typing this I'm weeping once again for her. That's because it was a combo of my mental health taking a nosedive after deleting a blog I had for 8 years, a pit of depression I fell into, and ofc, OF fucking course losing our precious Lucy.
But today was the tipping point. Mandy, the dog we adopted from the pound, had to be taken to the vet one final time. The bastards at the pound knew she had kennel cough and they wouldn't wait on spaying her so she got aspirate pneumonia from the procedure. We tried so hard for a week to nurse her back to health, get her to eat, get her to take the meds, anything. She just like...tanked overnight. And we had already fallen in love with her.
Today fucking sucked. Losing Mandy is making the feeling of all my other loses hit me all at once and I woke up from a nap unable to stop crying. I know this is just a rough patch but wow this hurts. This hurts really bad. I just want Lucy back. I want Mandy back. I wanted to give Mandy a good home. She was so sweet and she was taken from us too soon.
Again, I want to get into the swing of using this blog more and posting art but currently I'm just trying to keep my head above water man. I can't even draw or do anything that I love to do.
It'll come back to me, I know it will. I just. I'm hurting right now so I guess please be gentle with me haha. For those on discord who reached out to me, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart but I'm so bad at having friends see me having a mental breakdown that I'm kind of just hiding away. But thank you guys for being so kind.
I'm gonna hug Dante and watch some movies I think and eat my pizza and try to feel better. Thanks for reading <3
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the-kr8tor · 5 months
One last thing before I go:
Dick Grayson/Nightwing
-So nice
-Golden boy
-Damian would still be a child menace
-Can bond over mutual trauma
-Fun romantic
-Golden retriever
(+(If Evangeline has blue eyes) They can both wear blue)
-Steve Rogers
-Baby, babe, sweetheart, any silly nickname
-Can be besties w Starfire
-Oldest sibling (prolly has ✨communication issues✨)
-Could be spooked ab settling down (only for a while tho)
-Can be a manchild
-Would let you die to save the world
-Steve Rogers (can be boring)
-Can't really see him as anything other than mid/late 20s
Jason Todd/Red Hood
-Classic romantic
-German shepherd
-Switch up
-Will read you to sleep
-So loyal
-'Touch her I'll kill you'
-Would save you over the world
(+(if she has white hair)Mutual white hair)
-Bucky Barnes
-Built like a fucking beast
-Damian still in his demonspawn era
-Doll, chipmunk, sweetheart
-Potential for some good angst
-Prolly his first relationship (so fucking cute and awkward)
-Could be overprotective
-Runs a cartel/drug ring/smth idk
-Bucky Barnes
-Not rly a lot of dynamics to play w outside of the Batfam
-Could be overbearing
Damian Wayne/Robin
-Switch up
-Can possibly be child menaces for a little bit
-Loyal af
-Damian Al Ghul (> possessive)
-Enemies to lovers
-Beloved, idiot, any Arabic nickname
-Demon head! Damian
-Very territorial cat
-Natasha Romanoff
-Artist (will draw his S/O fight me)
-A decent amount of dynamics outside of his family
-So much potential for the best angst/fluff
-Evangeline would be best friends w Jon
-Could be clingy
-Batcow therapy
-Can be annoying/ooc if done wrong
-Idk what her design would be
-I like guard dog energy more than cat energy most of the time
-Lacks the 'can strangle a full grown man with brute strength alone but treats you like you're made of porcelain' aspect of the switch up compared to Jason
-Maybe too not-clingy (not Demon head! Damian tho)
I made a list :D
It was honestly fun lol
You got them to the T!!!
May I add for the con on dick?
-he's a cop
Also I laughed so hard at the 'name' bc that is so real 🤣🤣🤣
I still vote for Jason!!!
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starset21 · 1 year
Sincerely, Yours
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Standard disclaimer: I only own my original characters, I've done some research but there will likely be Navy/military inaccuracies, and I do not consent to the posting, translating, or publishing of my work to any 3rd party site, the only place it may be found is on tumblr and Wattpad under @.itswildflower Warnings: N/A Summary: Ria goes back home for an afternoon Looking for previous chapters? Sincerely, Yours Masterlist  
Chapter 4:
Ria arrived at her family’s San Diego home a little after 11 a.m. the next day. The door was opened before she could even get halfway up the driveway, her german shepherd dog was running for her, with Mari standing in the doorway. Ria grinned as she greeted her pup with lots of affection. Once he was settled she walked the rest of the way with him on her heels. “Sorry Ria, he just bolted as soon as he heard your truck door,” the thirteen-year-old told her. “It’s alright Mari, Atlas wouldn’t have gone any further than me,” she told the girl as she brought her in for a hug. “Ma, I’m home,” she called out, hanging her keys on the designated hook. Two sets of footsteps were heard coming down the stairs. Sarah Kazansky smiled as she walked into the main foyer, opening her arms for a hug. Ria obliged and wrapped her own arms around her mother and squeezed tightly. “My oldest baby is home, safe and sound,” she murmured, drawing back to look at her. Indira Kazanksy, coined Ria at a young age, the oldest Kazansky child at 29, knew how much those words meant to her family after her twin Everett or just Rhett for short was KIA. Her mother had tried so hard to convince Ria to pursue something with her engineering degree instead of aviation. Neither of the twins would listen. Their father had taken them to base one too many times when they were younger and they had both gotten bit by the aviation bug, though Rhett had gravitated towards weapons systems, much to their uncle Slider’s joy, Ria had a natural talent for piloting that both her father and Maverick did their best to nurture when she was young. She was then enveloped in a hug by 17-year-old Junior. The middle child. “Hey kiddo, how’s school?” she greeted, patting his back. “It’s good,” he told her, bending down to pat Atlas on the head. “Thanks for looking after him, Tj,” she told him. “We all know I’m his favorite, after you of course sis,” he teased. “Dad up in his office?” she asked. Her mother nodded and gave her a sad smile before heading into the kitchen while Tj and Mari went to go play some soccer in the backyard.
Atlas followed on her heels as she headed upstairs to her father’s office. She passed her room, and Mari’s before stopping at the door to the study and knocking. She heard the automated voice say come in. Tom Kazanksy was diagnosed with throat cancer 6 years ago. He had beaten it and gone into remission but it’s come back, and now it’s much more severe, leaving him in pain when he tried to speak. “Hey Dad, How’re you feeling?” she asked as she pushed the door open. Just fine, he signed. The entire Kazansky household had learned sign language as soon as it had gotten painful for Tom to speak much more than a few words the first time around with cancer so he wouldn’t have to rely on computers, phones, or notebooks to hold conversations with the family. Ria frowned. I don’t want to talk about it, he added as she took a seat in the comfortable leather chair across from him looking at the various photos on the walls like her and Rhett’s senior portraits, Junior and Mari’s school pictures, pictures of the whole family, their academy graduation, and even their wing-pinning ceremony when he pinned the wings on her chest as Slider pinned them on her twin. “Fine, what do you want to talk about?” she asked turning her attention to him fully. Atlas curled up at her feet and stared up at her with his adoring brown eyes. How’s training? “It’s fine, I got tone on Mav during the dogfighting exercises.” That’s my girl. Ria smiled but her father could see that something was weighing on her heavily. What is it? “It’s training for a suicide mission at this point Dad, and we don’t even have all the details yet. I don’t know if we’re ready for this,” she admitted. You’ll be ready when the time comes. Her dad coughed causing her to look back at him, he had stood up and walked around his desk so he was next to her, and Ria stood too causing Atlas to stand, wanting to get a few pats on the head from the older man. He coughed a few times more before clearing his throat. “I’m so proud of you Ria, you’ll get the job done and you’ll come home to us.” Water rimmed Ria’s eyes, though she didn’t allow them to fall. “You’re not supposed to be talking Dad.” Tom shook his head and opened his arms to her and she stepped into them, allowing his embrace to take her back in time to when she was little and the safest place in the world was in his arms and she then allowed a few tears to fall. He held his daughter tightly until she stopped crying then promptly signed at her to go get cleaned up and to go play some soccer with Mari, as she had been dying for some real competition. Ria offered him a wary smile and a nod before leaving his office, Atlas again at her heels.
Mari was giggling as TJ chased Ria, who had just stolen the ball from him, and ran towards her. “C’mon Mari, shoot!” She cheered as she passed the ball to the younger girl. She scored and Ria rushed over to her, picking her up and spinning her around, eliciting more giggles from the girl, Atlas barking happily as he followed them around. Meanwhile, Sarah is opening the door again. “Maverick,” Sarah greets, pulling him into a hug. Maverick glances out the back door to see Ice’s kids playing soccer and laughing, all with wide grins on their faces. That’s good, after the week they’ve had he was glad to see Ria relaxing with family. Sarah wrings her hands together. Maverick noticed and frowned. “It’s come back?” he asked. “No one knows but the family. There’s nothing else they can do. Speaking is painful,” Sarah tells him and Maverick softens. “Sarah, I’m so sorry,” he said. Sarah nods towards the staircase, “he’s upstairs.” Maverick made the trek up the stairs and he knocked as a courtesy before opening the door, hearing him coughing. “Admiral.” Ice turned to him, gesturing to the old chair that was against the wall. “How’s my wingman?” Mav asks as he takes a seat. Ice smiles before leaning over and typing. I want to talk about work. Maverick shakes his head. “Please don’t worry about me, what can I do for you?” he asks. Ice points at the screen again and Maverick chuckles. “All right,” he sighed. “Well, Rooster’s still angry with me about what I did. I thought eventually he would understand why. I hoped he’d forgive me.” Ice nodded and leaned forward typing, There’s still time. Maverick shook his head. “The mission is less than three weeks away. The kid’s not ready. None of them are.” Ice’s fingers hovered over the keyboard for a moment until he typed out, Then teach them. “They don’t want what I have to give.” Ice waved him off. “Ice, please, don’t ask me to send someone else to die. Please don’t… Don’t ask me to send them. Send me,” Maverick practically begged. It’s time to let go. Maverick’s jaw clenched and unclenched as he thought about how he was going to respond. “I don’t know how.” Ice pursued his lips. Maverick sighed. “I’m not a teacher, Ice. I’m a fighter pilot. A naval aviator. It’s not what I am. It’s who I am. How do I teach that?” he asked. “And even if I could teach it, it’s not what Bradley wants. It’s not what the Navy wants. That’s why they canned me the last time. The only reason I’m here is you. If I send them on this mission, they might never come home. And if I don’t send him, he’ll never forgive me. Either way, I could lose him, forever.” The ‘It’s time to let go’ on the computer blinked at him. Maverick sighed. “I know… I know.” Ice exhaled deeply before clearing his throat with a few coughs. “The Navy needs Maverick. The kid needs Maverick. That’s why I fought for you. That’s why you’re still here,” he said hoarsely. The two men embrace. “Thank you, Ice, for everything,” he said after a moment. “One last thing. Who’s the better pilot? You or me?” Ice asks, a soft smile on his face. “This is a nice moment. Let’s not ruin it,” Maverick replies with a chuckle. 
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