#gerlat x jaskier
darkverrmin · 1 year
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oh hello 👀
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annmarcus63 · 2 years
I really like the latest fic post! Very few fics deal with the calm acceptance that Jaskier's emotions for and relationship with Geralt are one-sided and have him actively take steps to put himself first and make himself happy instead of moping over the state of affairs before reluctantly accepting it while watching as Geralt plays happy families. I'm very into reading more of this if you want to write!
I'm sorry my dear and beautiful anon, this take more time than I anticipated.
Here's what happens when Geralt realizes Jaskier was right and needed him there with and for him. Is it too late, though?
Previous here In which Geralt fails once again
It's funny how loneliness comes in the strangest of forms. He's surrounded by dozens of people shouting his name from the square in front of the stage. Wasn't this what you want it? his mind supplies unhelpfully. Yes, he did want this, the love and admiration of the masses. He is, after all, the artists of the decade. But, well, in retrospective he was young and with little knowledge of life. It's only natural that your aspirations may change thru the years. Don't get him wrong, older Jaskier wants the same than younger Jaskier, but now, he understands that the love of the masses can't fill the void of being unloved unwanted by people close to him, or people he thought were close to him. So, he accepts the award with the biggest smile on his repertory, mocks Valdo Marx and goes to the tavern with a bunch of scholars like him. He drinks, he laughs, he sings a lot of his songs, flirts and play gwent.  And with every sip of wine and ale he peels a little bit of his sorrow, his wounded self-esteem, his beaten heart, and self-pity. He wished Geralt was here, with him, but he's not, so be it. Enough of wanting, enough of this ever-present loneliness. He's resolute. He'll find a place to call home, and he won't resent Geralt.
Maybe a little.
The celebration has reached the part where everyone is drunk enough to dance and sing at the top of their lungs. Jaskier is standing on top of a table surrounded by the locals, he's leading the song. He's sweating all over, his hair a brown wet mess. He's happy. When the front door swings open. It's Geralt. The witcher removes his hood and instantly locks eyes with the bard. Like a hunter finding his prey. Jaskier stops singing, right there and then, fortunately no one notices, the song continues its course.
No, no, it's too late. Jaskier thinks. I've already made my mind. The bard climbs down from the table and pushes through the crowd. His mind it's a volatile compass, pointing at his resolution and to Geralt. It tries to decide how to proceed. It tries to decide which path will hurt less.
"What are you doing here?" Jaskier is proud of his steady voice. Not even the ale could break it.
"I thought I'd make it on time" Reply Geralt, his eyes trying to find Jaskier's, but the bard is looking at a spot on the witcher's shoulder.
"You're late" In that moment the blue eyes look up to meet yellow ones, defying Geralt to name the issue. To name the hurt on Jaskier’s eyes two nights ago. To name the emotion that is now on the bard's eyes.
They both know this isn't about the ceremony, not anymore.
"I'm here now" Geralt sighs heavily and Jaskier laughs cause it's funny really. i'm here now so it must be enough.
And that's the thing, he forgave Geralt many times thanks to sporadic care and attention that would be forgotten later. His heart is screaming within his chest, the poor thing wants to take Geralt back. But no, Jaskier won't listen to it anymore.
"And you are late"
A girl walks past them holding a tray of beers, Jaskier takes one and drinks half of it in one go.
Geralt watches him, anxiety sewing itself on his veins. He can feel the goodbye hanging between them. He fucked up, again, but this time for good.
"I thought Yen’s message was important" Jaskier wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, cursing internally, his tongue is loose by the alcohol. He sounds bitter and resentful. He hates it.
"It is, but this is too" and oh the witcher is trying but instead of being charmed Jaskier gets angry.
"Oh, now it's important, I see. Well, maybe if you have arrived on time for the actual ceremony..."
“…I tried”
"Maybe it wouldn't be too fucking late" A young couple turn to look at them, feeling embarrassed Jaskier lowers his voice and continues. "I appreciate the effort, Geralt, but is an unnecessary one. I’m sorry, my friend” says Jaskier reaching out to place a hand on the Witcher’s muscular arm, trying to convey comradery, an olive branch if you will, for Geralt to take and be gone without blame. If Jaskier dared to look at Geralt's face one more time, he would find sadness, grief, shame, and fear. Every emotion that the witcher always tried to conceal from everyone, especially Jaskier.  “There's an open bar, enjoy the celebration. Rest. I'm going to sleep" In that instant Jaskier heart broke even more. How he wanted this man, how he long for him, decades on end. Even in his resolution he still wants him.
He needs to rest too. He's not young anymore, his feet hurt, and his thighs are trembling from the exertion. So, he turns around up the stairs to his room, closes the door behind and with clothes and all, he gets into bed and sleeps like death.
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maxkennedy24 · 3 years
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noahdeawesome · 4 years
Also I just wanna point out that Henry Cavill now plays 3 different characters that people (myself included) read as queer. We have Superman (the comic book version), Grealt of Rivia and now Sherlock Holmes... I don't know what this says about him or me but I needed to share this observation.
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itsgeraskier · 4 years
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“Modern!AU sort of, where Jaskier and Geralt are not officially a couple but they are living and traveling together like in the show and one day they have a fight and Geralt says some mean things to Jaskier (… like in the show).”
Jaskier had his concert and Geralt put his head out of… well, you know what 😂😂 
I’m honestly pretty happy about the result, I was a bit stucked thinking about how it would be resolved or how it would turn out the concert and… well, to be honest I didn’t think about Geralt proposing at the beginning, but then my hands just wrote it and here we are ❤️
I’m happy. I hope you like it too because after months, we are finally here.
It’s important, and it’s not the end yet, but it’s like a new turn of events. We will see what will happen (spoiler: 🔥🔥🔥), but I hope you’ll follow me in this “new” adventure!
Let me know what you think of this chapter, hope you’ll like it and thank you always for follow this little story 🌸
If you are curious about what Jaskier “wrote” and “sang” in the concert here is the list (click on the title to listen to it):
Army of Angels, The Script
Arms open, The Script
Make me feel my love, Adele’s version
I don’t wanna miss a thing, Aerosmith
The song Jaskier sent to Vesemir in the previous chapters was Make me feel my love.
Ps. The first song who inspired this chapter was a Tiziano Ferro’s song, Ti scatterò una foto. You can hear it here: CLICK!
Here’s the translation: CLICK.
@bw3694, @tinyphantomsalad, @ladyahiru, @becci-chan, @a-gay-loverrr, @marvagon, @xpixelle, @the-blondey, @the-not-so-silent-back-up hellooo, new update here, hope you’ll like it 💚💚
- Suneater
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jaskierwhumpweek · 4 years
Jaskier Whump Week
Announcing Jaskier Whump week!
This is a week open to all kinds of ships, au’s, and prompts that deal with hurting our dear bard, Jaskier. 
This will take place on July 25-31st of 2020.
This story must center around Jaskier being Whumped or emotionally hurt.
Ships of all kinds are welcome here! And don’t feel pressured to write a slash fic, gen fics are welcome too!
There are no word limits, so, write to your hearts content.
You are allowed to use all media that Jaskier is mentioned in ( The book series, the games, the Polish show, and the Netflix show).
It doesn’t have to be in Jasker’s POV, it can be in anyone's, but he must be the ‘main focus.’ He must be the one getting Whumped.
You can follow one of two prompts for that week day.
One will be for ship fics, but you don’t have to do it, it’s just here to make it a little easier.
One will be for general or solo fics.
The prompt are open to interpretation.
Post your stories under the hashtag #Jaskierwhumpweek
@jaskierwhumpweek on your posts so you can be re-blogged.
If these are uploaded to AO3, add the link. I will make a collection of the works gathered.
All endings are welcome, all archetypes are welcome!
Create to your hearts content!
Please do not hesitate to ask a question if you have it, I am more than happy to help.
Right People Wrong Time OR Goodbyes
Forced Apart OR Revenge
Survivors Guilt OR Betrayal
Ghost OR Nightmares
Broken Dreams and Promises OR Sacrifices
Insecurities OR Hatred
Abandoned OR Fear
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cobceinart · 4 years
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eldrichboyo · 4 years
Am I the only one who's heart hit the floor when geralt yelled at jaskier bc he walked in at the wrong time?
The look in jask's eyes were like a puppy that just got beat for the first time. 😰😰
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Prompt 4: Lights
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Candles for a romantic date, a spicy encounter in broad daylight, a festive activity under the Christmas lights, or a secret meeting under the moonlight, this month’s prompt revolves around lights to set the right mood for Geralt and Jaskier’s rendezvous. 
All kinds of content are accepted as long as they’re explicit, but before submitting your work, please read the rules. Make sure to tag your works with #geraskiersmutprompts and @ this blog, you can also find us on Twitter under @GPrompts (link in our bio/rules) for all your uncensored works. The next prompt will be up on January 1st, but we accept late entries as well, and feel free to combine prompts too.
Don’t hesitate to send an ask if you have questions, and have fun!
- @lankygeralt​ and @geraskier-hell​
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Braking Me Down by Escape the Fate
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Is a song made for Getalt and Jaskier
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darkverrmin · 3 years
King and Lionheart, Part 1
Geralt never gave it much thought, not until about the fifth year of their relationship.
It started one night, while Jaskier was preforming at a tavern in some small town. Geralt was sitting in the corner of the room, a pint of beer in hand, watching his lover play, smiling at him every time their eyes met.
And then it happened.
In the middle of one of Jaskier's sappiest love songs (which Geralt secretly really liked), one of the patrons stood up from his seat, and got down on one knee in front of the woman who was sitting beside him. He fished out a small wooden box from his pocket, asking her to marry him.
People around them started to cheer and to whistle, as the woman covered her mouth with both hands, crying and nodding. Jaskier looked shocked for a moment, before smiling sweetly and continuing his song, with the newly engaged couple dancing to it.
Jaskier couldn't stop talking about it all the way back to the inn.
"Did you see how his hands were shaking when he pulled out the ring? The poor guy was so nervous! I wonder if my song gave him the courage to do it!"
"Hm. Maybe. It is your sappiest one."
"Oh, shush!" Jaskier bumped into him playfully, and Geralt took the opportunity to wrap an arm around the bard's waist, kissing his temple. Jaskier grinned at the sweet gesture. "I know you love that song. I wrote it about you, after all. And now people are proposing marriage to it! Isn't that wonderful?".
"Always the romantic."
"I prefer to show my love in actions, not in words."
"Oh? Do tell more."
After a few hours of passionate lovemaking, Jaskier fell asleep with his head on Geralt's shoulder, snoring lightly. Geralt lay awake for another couple of hours, stroking Jaskier's back idly. At some point, Geralt gently took one of Jaskier's hands, pressing light kisses to his fingertips.
He took a moment to imagine Jaskier wearing a ring on his left hand. A ring that Geralt would give him.
He briefly wondered if Jaskier would ever want to go into something like that with someone like him. Or if he himself would ever have the courage to propose it.
to be continued
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His hair is made of moonbeams–
No, all wrong.
His hair is spun from silver–
His hairs’ a tangled silver web
He glanced up at the figure walking in front of him and chuckled. Make that a dirty silver web. He plucked out a few more notes, humming softly.
And his eyes gleam like a wolf’s
Wolf. What rhymes with wolf? Gulf? No. Skulf? Not a word. Werewolf? That’s just repeating himself. Maybe an–
The subject of his musings interrupted his thoughts with a gruff bark. Startled, Jaskier fumbled his lute.
Geralt rolled his eyes. “Look.”
Jaskier’s gaze followed his pointing finger.
Well, there went his hope for a peaceful afternoon.
* * *
Just a snippet I wanted to get out!
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runawaybabyblue · 4 years
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A little gif of Jaskier from The Witcher (tv show) with Hanahaki Disease.  It’s not perfect but well I enjoyed doing it.  Don’t steal don’t repost.
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Yennefer (talking about Geralt and Jaskier): These are my husbands dumb and dumber
Jaskier (talking about Yennefer and Geralt): These are my husband and my wife vicious and more vicious
Some Random: So who is vicious and more vicious?
Jaskier: Yes.
Geralt (talking about Yennefer and Jaskier): These are my two loves who are perfect and I will kill anything that touches them.
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witchingshcdows · 4 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Tissaia de Vries/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Sabrina Glevissig/Triss Merigold, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion Characters: Tissaia de Vries, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Triss Merigold, Sabrina Glevissig, Vanielle of Brugge, Coral | Lytta Neyd, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Margarita Laux-Antille, Vilgefortz of Roggeveen Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, university teacher ! Tissaia, university teacher ! Yennefer, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, probably abuse, Useless Lesbians, lots of references, Modern AU, Teacher Tissaia de Vries, Teacher Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg Summary:
Yennefer has just started her first year as the assistant and apprentice of one of the most outstanding professors at Thanedd University and an incredible doctor, unable to practice as a doctor herself. However, it is often impossible to separate work and private life and, to her surprise, the lives of the university teachers are a complete chaos.
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renee561 · 4 years
Geralt x Jaskier
BROTRP but could like be OTP. Like even toss in yennifer and you'd have a hellva OT3 party tbfh.
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