#geo storm 2024
amethystsoda · 4 months
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Regular Sky vs Long Exposure tonight 🥰
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aeb-art · 6 months
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they never went, but it was a nice thought at least
geo belongs you @8um8le as always 🙇
edit: realized this is a good soundtrack for this comic
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rostam-z · 4 days
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Blue Aurora, one of the most unusual and rare colours that you can get in aurora. As we see in the past events of this year, 2024, the blue and blue purple appear when storms are really really strong. Not confirmed in geo locations of Aurora Oval, but definitely confirmed at just above the 60th parallel, in other words, Stocholm area! Visual proof is here and in previous posts. Pure blue, Aurora mostly appear at 120 km. Also known as the second, most rarest aurora. This shot is taken 12th of August 2024. #NorthernLights #northernlightsstockholm #Norrtäljekommun #Norrtälje #SwedishLandscape #Landscape #SlowPhotography #LandscapePhotography #SlowPhotography #NorrskenSverige #Norrsken #Northern_Lights #NorrskensFoto #aurorareach #AurorOfTheDay #WorldAurora #IG_AuroraBorealis #FujixSweden #FujixNordic
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colinodonoghue · 3 months
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3Olympia Theatre: ✨Meet the cast ✨ Colin O’Donoghue will be playing the role of ‘Sam’ in the hit play ‘2:22 – A Ghost Story’ coming to 3Olympia Theatre this summer, running from June 20th – August 11th 2024 Colin O’Donoghue can most recently be seen in the highly anticipated Appian Way/Nat Geo series The Right Stuff opposite Jake McDorman and Patrick J. Adams. He has just completed filming in civil war spy series The Gray House for Paramount that Roland Joffe has directed. In film, Colin stars in Susan Johnson’s Carrie Pilby alongside Bel Powley, as well as the independent feature The Dust Storm. He also starred opposite Anthony Hopkins in Mikael Hafstrom’s The Rite for New Line, Johannes Roberts’ independent film Storage 24, Gary Fleder’s Identity, alongside Angela Bassett and Fairytale of New York, opposite Jim Belushi and Miranda Raison. In TV, Colin can be seen in Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis’ hit ABC drama, Once Upon a Time, recurred on the Irish TV series, The Clinic, which has won various Irish Film and Television Awards and appeared on Showtime’s The Tudors. Do you dare to join us? Book your tickets to 2:22 A Ghost Story now 👻🎟️ https://www.3olympia.ie/whats-on/222-a-ghost-story #222AGhostStory
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thechembow · 8 days
An incredible shift in the weather has turned the Sahara green
Sept. 13, 2024 - CNN
There isn’t much green in the Sahara Desert, but after an unusual influx of rain, the color can be seen from space creeping into parts of one of the driest places in the world.
Satellites recently captured plant life blooming in parts of the typically arid southern Sahara after storms moved there when they shouldn’t. It has also caused catastrophic flooding...
Rainfall north of the equator in Africa typically increases from July through September as the West African Monsoon kicks into gear...
The focus for this stormy weather – known as the Intertropical Convergence Zone – shifts north of the equator in the Northern Hemisphere’s summer months...
But since at least mid-July, this zone has shifted farther north than it typically should, sending storms into the southern Sahara, including portions of Niger, Chad, Sudan and even as far north as Libya, according to data from NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center.
As a result, these portions of the Sahara Desert are anywhere from twice as wet to more than six times wetter than they should be...
There is a lot of disinfo in this article about a "warming world" causing the increase of rain and re-greening of the Sahara, but it is actually orgonite gifting that has brought about this shift. And they do use the word "shift" like I do to describe geo-restoration and healing of the earth. They also say what weather "should" be doing but isn't. Maybe that's not what it "should" be doing and we're seeing a return to a natural climate.
Of course they call this change "a devastating sign of things to come" as it has also "disrupted the Atlantic hurricane season." You see that they need destructive weather, drought and deluge, to retain their control over the human race, and they're losing their weather control weaponry faster than ever now.
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mariacallous · 6 months
Editor's note: This is a translation of a piece that was originally published in German in Martin Meyer and Georg Häsler (eds.), “Sicherheitspolitik Schweiz: Strategie eines globalisierten Kleinstaats,” (Zürich: Schweizerisches Institut für Auslandsforschung, February 2024).
It is not difficult to list the contributions that Switzerland could make to Europe’s security; what is more interesting is the question of why it should do so. But one thing at a time.
Recently, Swiss journalist Roger de Weck told the Neue Zürcher Zeitung that his country is “the niche […] where things happen that are forbidden elsewhere.” The Swiss criminal law professor and corruption hunter Mark Pieth describes this somewhat whimsically as the “pirates’ harbor.” The aspects of Swiss politics they are referring to are well-known and regularly scrutinized in the established Swiss media. Their critique goes well beyond an understanding of neutrality that is increasingly alienating Switzerland’s neighbors and which—by way of example—prohibits even democratic neighbors from passing on armaments produced by former Swiss companies to a Ukraine fighting against a brutal aggressor.
Switzerland, which likes to see itself as a storm-tossed island of the blessed, is in reality the world’s largest (and very tolerant) offshore financial center. It has long been a hub for the global commodities trade and a huge magnet for seemingly endless flows of less-than-licit data, money, goods, and people that make up the dark underbelly of globalization. All of this is served by a dense and anything-but-transparent network of lawyers, consultants, and brokers.
Even before the Russian attack on Ukraine on February 24, 2022, this state of affairs was a nuisance to many other states. But in the context of Europe’s greatest security crisis since 1945, it allows the Kremlin to undermine Western sanctions (which Switzerland is at least participating in), thereby potentially prolonging the war. In geo-economic terms, this makes Switzerland a critical vulnerability in Europe’s security policy.
There are plenty of concrete proposals to close this security gap. Switzerland could create a supervisory authority for commodities trading; or even better, become part of international monitoring efforts. The G7 countries and the European Union would like to see Switzerland make more of an effort to close loopholes in the prosecution of sanctions-breakers; they are also calling for Bern to join the international REPO (Russian Elites, Proxies and Oligarchs) task force, which tracks down Russian kleptocrats’ hidden assets. After all, the Swiss Bankers Association itself estimates that at least 150 billion Swiss francs (approximately $171 billion) of Russian assets are held in Swiss accounts.
That leaves the question of why. Swiss media have a rather conspicuous habit of theorizing about “enormous pressure” from abroad. It is a bit reminiscent of Berlin, where policymakers or politicians often invoke “constraints” (circumstances, allies, norms) compelling them to act. And the Swiss banking secret was indeed brought down by the U.S. Treasury a decade ago.
And yet why would such a rich and powerful country, one of the 20 largest economies in the world and currently a non-permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, pretend that it is so much smaller and weaker than it is? Especially since Switzerland, unlike Germany, has elevated the principle of neutrality—the freedom not to take sides—to a raison d’etre. The contradiction is obvious.
Perhaps it is time for Bern to rethink the prerequisites for freedom of action in an age of strategic competition, a disintegrating world order, and the formation of blocs between democratic and autocratic powers. Switzerland is, of course, not an island, but rather a global player in a world economy that is becoming increasingly interdependent. It is also exposed to the weaponization of interdependence. Some might now point out that Switzerland is a passive beneficiary of the order of peace, law, and prosperity protected by NATO and the EU in Europe. But as a non-member, it has no voice or veto in the circle of these friends; it is a rule taker, not a rule maker.
NATO and the EU initially closed ranks against the impact of Russia’s aggression—which is directed not just at Ukraine but at the entire European order. Yet in light of the fact that Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are increasingly finding common ground and that the so-called Global South is by no means taking the side of the victim and its allies, the West is currently on the defensive. And should Donald Trump or a Trumpist win the U.S. elections in November 2024, Europe would be quite lonely in the world—and Switzerland with it.
Will that propel Switzerland to suddenly seek protection in alliances or the EU? Or to eliminate its geo-economic vulnerabilities in order to offer Europe’s opponents one fewer entry point? Hardly. But the notion that its exposure is a national security gap and should be closed in the interests of its own freedom of action has just become rather more plausible.
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laresearchette · 1 month
Sunday, August 18, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT?: OCEANXPLORERS (Premiering on August 28 on Nat Geo Canada at 10:00pm) BBQ HIGH (Premiering on September 01 on Magnolia Canada at 1:00pm)
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:30pm: Jays vs. Cubs (SN Now) 4:00pm: Atlanta vs. Angels (TSN4/TSN5) 7:00pm: Yankees vs. Tigers
WNBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 3:30pm: Storm vs. Fever
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN3) 7:00pm: Bombers vs. Lions
NFL PRE-SEASON FOOTBALL (TSN2) 8:00pm: Saints vs. 49ers
JUNGLE CRUISE (CTV) 8:30pm: Dr. Lily Houghton enlists the aid of wisecracking skipper Frank Wolff to take her down the Amazon in his ramshackle boat. Together, they search for an ancient tree that holds the power to heal -- a discovery that will change the future of medicine.
HIGH COUNTRY (Crave) 9:00pm: Andie visits her elderly mother who makes a shocking confession linking Andie to the criminal conspiracy she has been investigating.
TROPPO (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: A shocking revelation of an affair leads Amanda and Ted to focus their attention on Yoon Sun and Olivia as prime suspects; Ted is confronted to discover his past is still very much in the present.
SEX & VIOLENCE (Out TV) 11:0pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Social Work: A woman whose husband attacked her with an axe; a young mother disfigured by acid.
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sidewalkstamps · 2 months
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Norman F. Barber General Contractor Los Angeles (Photo taken by Rachel Hughes on April 14, 2024 around Downtown Los Angeles)
In 1912, Norman designed a garage and stable for Richardson, Holmes & Lamb Co., which was constructed by Barber-Bradley Const Co. I'm guessing Barber was the Barber in that company. In the same year, Barber was one of two architects for a concrete store and loft building in downtown Los Angeles for Alexander Meyer, again built by Barber-Bradley. Barber-Bradley were located at 1824 East 15th St. (Southwest Contractor and Manufacturer, Volume 10, Engineers and Architects Association of Southern California, 1912 and Engineering News, Volume 69, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1913). In 1909 they were located at 212 W. 3d. (Engineering World: A Weekly Technical Journal of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, mining and Architectural Engineering and Construction, Volume 5, Engineering World Publishing Company, 1907 and Brown, Charles Carroll. Directory of American Cement Industries, Municipal Engineering, 1909). They filed for incorporation on August 1, 1906 in Los Angeles (pg. 36, Annual Report of the Secretary of State, California Secretary of State, California State Printing Office, 1908). By 1907, they were already working on some big projects, like "erecting a manufacturing plant at 2620 Lacy St." for Talbert-Whitmore Co. (Engineering World, March 29, 1907).
In the 1913 Los Angeles City Directory, Barber is listed as a draftsman who lived at 4342 S Flower (Los Angeles Directory Co., Inc., accessed via LAPL).
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In 1917, Barber-Bradley was "awarded the general contract ... for the erection of a brick and concrete school building at West Vernon and Olive Sts. in accordance with plans and specifications by Archt. W.C. Pennell." This year also has the only bid I see Barber-Bradley lost! They were not selected to build the "training quarters and bleachers at the new Los Angeles High School site" Some other projects from this year: remodeling the Eisner & Co. store in the Hayward Hotel building, including all work except for tile flooring and including but not limited to "plate and prism glass and marble fronts, mahogany finish and fixtures;" "repairing the fire damage to the 1-story brick warehouse on San Fernando St., opposite the Southern Pacific freight depot, for the Union Warehouse Company; "fitting up a room at 330 S. Main St. for a barber ship (sic);" erecting a brick and concrete school building on the 24th St. school site; and "alterations to Miller's Theatre at Ninth and Main Sts" such as adding a store room adjoining the lobby and a women's bathroom (Southwest Builder and Contractor, Volume 50, F. W. Dodge Company, 1917).
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In 1919, Norman was a 'member' of Geo. F. Barber, Sons & Co, a general contracting business located at 4342 S. Flower St. The other member was George F. Barber, which I am guessing was his father (Southwest Builder and Contractor, F.W. Dodge Company, 1919).
Barber lost a bid to build Inglewood's new city hall building to W. M. Bell (Building and Engineering News, Volume 23, Issue 1, 1923) .
Norman F. Barber was the original owner and contractor of the 2-storey single residence at 2615 N. Commonwealth Avenue (Los Feliz Improvement Association Historical Residential Survey 3rd Edition Volume IV: Streets Beginning with Cl to Cu, Los Feliz Improvement Association, 2019).
There was a Norman F. Barber who wrote "Directional recording of swell from distant storms" with Walter H. Munk, Gaylor R. Miller, and Frank E. Snodgrass, as listed in Scripps Institution of Oceanography Contributions Index Vols. 1-39, 1938-1969.
In 1938, "approximately 25 tons of asbestos per month [were] mined from the Canadian mine, located near Chrysotile, Arizona, under the direction of Norman F. Barber, lessee, Box 1010, Globe, Arizona" by four men. The property was owned by the Globe-Los Angeles Mining Company (The Mining Journal for July 15, 1938).
Norman supervised the construction "of 100 unites for Marble Manor Housing, a Public Housing Authority project in Las Vegas, Nev." (Western Construction, Volume 27, King Publications, 1952).
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enterprisewired · 3 months
7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth
In May 2024, we witnessed the biggest solar storm of the past 20 years. Many people uploaded their POV of the aurora on social media. However, while the aurora borealis is a beautiful sight, the effects of the solar storms were drastic. Solar Storms (Geo Magnetic Storms) are the motion of accelerated charged particles in the solar environment with high velocities due to the coronal mass ejection (CME). Moving toward Earth at the speed of 3 million miles per hour, these storms can impact us humans significantly. Let’s explore how.
Impact of Solar Storms on the Earth:
As the storms reach the outer atmosphere or space, they might collide with Satellites or humans in space. The energetic protons in the storm could cause alteration or damage to electrical circuits or the biological DNA. At the most extreme solar storm, the passengers and crew of high-flying aircraft could be exposed to radiation risk. Storms could create intense currents in Earth’s magnetosphere and cause the ionosphere and upper thermosphere to heat up. This could create a drag for low-orbiting satellites and harm the power grid. When a solar storm reaches Earth, it interacts with the magnetosphere making it agitated and compressed, which allows energetic solar wind particles to cluster in Polar Regions. 
Very High-energy particles, like those carried by coronal mass ejections, can cause radiation poisoning to humans and mammals. When a coronal mass ejection strikes Earth’s atmosphere it causes a temporary disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field. Solar storms can throw satellites off course and cause them to fall on Earth’s surface putting many urban centers at risk. Many migrating animals like birds and honey bees are affected by solar storms as they use magneto reception to navigate. Geo-magnetically induced currents are produced in the pipelines due to rapidly fluctuating geomagnetic fields causing multiple problems for the pipeline engineers. Pipeline flow meters can pass wrong information and the corrosion rate of the pipelines can be dramatically increased. 
Solar Flares and its types
There are 5 types of solar flares. Here they are ranked from least to most effective:
A-Class flares – These flares don’t have any noticeable consequences on Earth. 
B-Class flares – These are 10 times more intense than A-Class flares.
C-Class flares – These are 10 times stronger than B-Class flares. They have few noticeable consequences on Earth. 
M-Class flares – These are medium-sized flares. They cause brief radio blackouts that affect Polar Regions.
X-Class flares – These are the biggest. They cause radio blackouts throughout the world. They also cause long-lasting radiation storms in the upper atmosphere. 
7 Most Powerful Solar Storms
1. The Carrington Effect: 1859
It was named the Carrington effect because it was observed by the solar astronomer Richard Carrington. He witnessed the storm through his private observatory telescope and sketched the sun’s sunspots at the time. It is the first and largest documented solar flare. It caused major aurora displays visible to the south as far as the Caribbean. It also caused severe disruptions in global telegraph communications, shocked some telegraph operators, and caused fires due to the discharge from lines ignited telegraph papers.
2. Solar Flare VS. AT&T: 1972
This is a major solar flare that erupted in August 1972. It knocked out long-distance telephone communication across many states including Illinois. NASA stated that this event caused AT&T to redesign its power system for transatlantic cables. 
3. Major Power Failures from Geomagnetic Storm: 1989
Source – Wikipedia
In March 1989, a powerful solar flare caused a geomagnetic storm that set off a major power blackout in Canada, forcing 6 Million people to spend 9 hours without electricity. According to NASA, the flare disrupted electric power transmission from the Hydro Quebec generating Station and even melted some power transformers in New Jersey. Although the flare was pretty strong, it was not nearly the same scale as the Carrington event. 
4. Bastille Day Event: 2000
Bastille Day event has the same name as the French national holiday because it occurred on the same day i.e. July 14, 2000. The event caused some satellites to short-circuit resulting in Radio blackouts. 
5. The Haunting Halloween Storms: 2003
From October till November, the Earth experienced continuous solar flares and coronal mass ejections in its atmosphere. NASA named it The Haunting Halloween Storms. The storms caused airplanes to be rerouted, affected satellite systems, and caused power shortages in Sweden. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) failed due to the solar storm which studies the Sun, its deep core to its outer corona, and solar wind.
6. X-Ray Sun Flare for Xmas: 2006
On Dec 5, a massive X-Class flare was seen ignited on the sun. The solar storm was so powerful that it damaged the solar X-ray imager instrument on the GOES 13 satellite which took its picture. 
7. A Very Expensive Storm: 2022
In February of 2022, the launch of 40 Starlink satellites was carried out but all the satellites got burned in the environment. The solar storm caused the thermosphere to get denser and eventually Starlink satellites couldn’t pull the satellites upward to their designated position. The satellites got pulled towards Earth and ultimately burned by the friction in the atmosphere, totaling a loss of 50 million.
Should we be worried?
While we are physically safe from solar storms, the economic damage can be drastic. Today, space agencies are trying to send astronauts on interplanetary missions. If we want to establish an interplanetary residence, we must learn how to protect ourselves from Solar Storms.
On the other hand, scientists are trying to develop radiation-resistant space suits for astronauts to protect them from radiation. Humans are trying to get to Ceres and Mars for exploration. In the long term, precautionary measures are necessary to prevent any damage from the storms.
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finishinglinepress · 4 months
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2024 Open Chapbook Competition results:
Winner: Fleda Brown of Traverse City, Michigan for Doctor of the World
Fleda Brown’s tenth collection of poems, Flying Through a Hole in the Storm (2021) won the Hollis Summers Prize from Ohio University Press and is an Indie finalist. Earlier poems can be found in The Woods Are On Fire: New & Selected Poems, chosen by Ted Kooser for his University of Nebraska series, 2017. Her work has appeared three times in The Best American Poetry and has won a Pushcart Prize, the Felix Pollak Prize, the Philip Levine Prize, and the Great Lakes Colleges New Writer’s Award, and has twice been a finalist for the National Poetry Series. Her new memoir is Mortality, with Friends (Wayne State University Press, an MIPA Winner and Midwest Book Award winner in memoir). She was poet laureate of Delaware from 2001-07.
1st HM: Anita Feng of Issaquah, Washington
2nd HM: Don Colburn of Falmouth, Maine
3rd HM: Latorial Faison of Chester, Virginia
4th HM: geo staley of Aloha, Oregon
Judge: Leah Huete de Maines
461 entries
In addition to the finalists, we selected some of the best entries for publication.
Thank you to all who entered the competition.
Finishing Line Press has no reading fee in November. FLP is a proud member of CLMP.
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holidayvisa · 5 months
6 April 2024 - (continued 3/3)
Kieran had suggested that we all pool our resources and have a big family dinner, and, of course, Elise and I said, "YES!" We all got back to the hut, and Kieran and Ryan wanted to share a sandwich. Elise and I joined Kieran and Ryan for a sandwich on the front porch of our hut, and that's when the rains started. We hung out on the front porch, protected from the rain, chatting about spearfishing, surfing, and sailing, and watching the storm blow in. We knew there was a storm coming, and there were high winds and a lot of rain predicted for overnight. There was an outdoor sink and counter and fish filleting station, so we went there and filleted our fish in the rain.
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There was only enough room for three people to work at a time, so Elise filleted her snapper while Kieran and Ryan worked on filleting their fish. I was appointed to the prestigious role of bagman (the person who hands ziplock bags to the filleters). Once Elise had finished filleting her fish, I filleted my blue maomaos. Once we were finished, we went inside. The girls had been cooking dinner. Elise cooked up some fish, and the girls cooked up some of Kieran's and Ryan's fish. We all sat down after dark and lit all the candles in our hut. We had an amazing feast of salad, potatoes, carrots, brussel sprouts, and several different kinds of fish. The whole time we ate, we could hear the roaring of the winds outside and the patter of rain on the roof of the hut. It was such a special experience! We shared an amazing meal with these friends that were total strangers a day earlier! We played cards after dinner with everyone for a while.
Later that night, the rain had stopped, and Elise and I decided to go on another kiwi hunt! We hiked up the hill, and we hiked back down. We whispered about what we thought might be the best way to see a kiwi, and as we're whispering about a plan, we look up, and right there in front of us was a kiwi!
We even got a video of this one! After the kiwi ran away, we hiked up and down the trail again with no more luck. We hiked back to the hut, feeling satisfied and accomplished with our mission.
I'm so grateful for every second of this day. I'm grateful to our new friends, Ryan and Ceara for inviting us to join them on their boat! I'm grateful to all of our new friends, Ryan, Ceara, Kieran, Jules, Jo, and Helen, for the amazing day, for sashimi, for sausages, and for our family dinner. I'm grateful for Elise, and I'm grateful to her for making this entire trip happen. I'm grateful for the two blue maomao that I speared today. I'm grateful for the amazing Nat Geo/Blue Planet experience I had with Elise at Teapot. I'm grateful to have seen a kiwi in the wild. I'm grateful for a PERFECT day. Best day ever.
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lovelypol · 8 months
🌍✨ Unearthed Trends: Navigating the Geohazard Galaxy 2024-2033! 🚀🌋
Hey Geo Explorers! 🌐🔍 Brace yourselves for a seismic shift in the Geohazard Market from 2024 to 2033! 📆📡 Let's dive into the forecast and discover the trends shaping the ground beneath our feet! 🏔️🌊
🌪️ Forecast Highlights: Hold onto your hard hats! The next decade is predicted to be a rollercoaster of geohazard innovation and preparedness. From earthquakes to tsunamis, we're gearing up for a safer, more resilient future. 🚨📈
🛠️ Tech Talk: The Future is Groundbreaking!
Early Warning Systems: Say hello to faster alerts and smarter predictions. Geohazards won't catch us off guard with advanced monitoring tech and AI-driven early warning systems! 🚨🤖
Drone Defenders: Drones are taking flight to assess and analyze disaster-prone areas, providing real-time data to aid in quick response and recovery. 🚁📡
Geo-Blockchain Solutions: The marriage of geohazards and blockchain tech? It's happening! Expect transparent data sharing, faster response coordination, and a decentralized approach to disaster management. ⛓️🌐
🌋 Riding the Wave of Preparedness:
Community Resilience: It's not just about individuals; it's about building communities that can stand strong in the face of adversity. Let's unite and empower each other! 🤝🏡
Climate Adaptation: With the changing climate, adaptation is key. The Geohazard Market is at the forefront of climate resilience, ensuring our communities can weather any storm. 🌍🌦️
Green Infrastructure: Integrating nature-based solutions to mitigate geohazards, making our urban landscapes safer and more sustainable. 🌿🏙️
📊 Market Marvels: Analysts predict a surge in demand for geohazard solutions, with the market evolving to meet the challenges of our changing world. Are you ready to be part of the seismic shift? 📈🌐
Drop your favorite geohazard emoji below and let's navigate this terrain together! 🌪️🌏 #GeoExplorers #SafetyFirst #GroundbreakingTech
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rostam-z · 4 days
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Blue Aurora, one of the most unusual and rare colours that you can get in aurora. As we see in the past events of this year, 2024, the blue and blue purple appear when storms are really really strong. Not confirmed in geo locations of Aurora Oval, but definitely confirmed at just above the 60th parallel, in other words, Stocholm area! Visual proof is here and in previous posts. Pure blue, Aurora mostly appear at 120 km. Also known as the second, most rarest aurora. This shot is taken 12th of August 2024. #NorthernLights #northernlightsstockholm #Norrtäljekommun #Norrtälje #SwedishLandscape #Landscape #SlowPhotography #LandscapePhotography #SlowPhotography #NorrskenSverige #Norrsken #Northern_Lights #NorrskensFoto #aurorareach #AurorOfTheDay #WorldAurora #IG_AuroraBorealis #FujixSweden #FujixNordic
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thechembow · 3 months
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First Major Downpour of Monsoon Season
June 23, 2024
We recharged the medicine wheels and worked with the chembuster today to encourage the 20% chance of rain to become 100%. The sky started completely clear this morning, with no DOR pushback against the OR conditions and incoming storm. We only observed one very slow moving flight with no trail.
In the morning a few OR clouds began to develop, moving up from the south, an indication of tropical moisture and the monsoonal pattern. After working with the chembuster and recharging the quartz medicine wheels with water, we began to have some drops of rain in the afternoon. This was the OR splatter that precedes a storm. Thunder could be heard to the southeast.
At around 3:50 steady rain started, becoming very heavy. We had a strong rain for a half hour, which then tapered off. A flash flood advisory remains in effect for Kern County this evening. This storm was downplayed in the forecast, but came on much stronger than the models could predict, because geo-restoration has increased the strength and reach of the monsoon.
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The forecast quickly changed when the rain became inevitable.
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rostam-z · 4 days
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Blue Aurora, one of the most unusual and rare colours that you can get in aurora. As we see in the past events of this year, 2024, the blue and blue purple appear when storms are really really strong. Not confirmed in geo locations of Aurora Oval, but definitely confirmed at just above the 60th parallel, in other words, Stocholm area! Visual proof is here and in previous posts. Pure blue, Aurora mostly appear at 120 km. Also known as the second, most rarest aurora. This shot is taken 12th of August 2024. #NorthernLights #northernlightsstockholm #Norrtäljekommun #Norrtälje #SwedishLandscape #Landscape #SlowPhotography #LandscapePhotography #SlowPhotography #NorrskenSverige #Norrsken #Northern_Lights #NorrskensFoto #aurorareach #AurorOfTheDay #WorldAurora #IG_AuroraBorealis #FujixSweden #FujixNordic
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rostam-z · 4 days
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Blue Aurora, one of the most unusual and rare colours that you can get in aurora. As we see in the past events of this year, 2024, the blue and blue purple appear when storms are really really strong. Not confirmed in geo locations of Aurora Oval, but definitely confirmed at just above the 60th parallel, in other words, Stocholm area! Visual proof is here and in previous posts. Pure blue, Aurora mostly appear at 120 km. Also known as the second, most rarest aurora. This shot is taken 12th of August 2024. #NorthernLights #northernlightsstockholm #Norrtäljekommun #Norrtälje #SwedishLandscape #Landscape #SlowPhotography #LandscapePhotography #SlowPhotography #NorrskenSverige #Norrsken #Northern_Lights #NorrskensFoto #aurorareach #AurorOfTheDay #WorldAurora #IG_AuroraBorealis #FujixSweden #FujixNordic
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