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thechembow · 7 months ago
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First Major Downpour of Monsoon Season
June 23, 2024
We recharged the medicine wheels and worked with the chembuster today to encourage the 20% chance of rain to become 100%. The sky started completely clear this morning, with no DOR pushback against the OR conditions and incoming storm. We only observed one very slow moving flight with no trail.
In the morning a few OR clouds began to develop, moving up from the south, an indication of tropical moisture and the monsoonal pattern. After working with the chembuster and recharging the quartz medicine wheels with water, we began to have some drops of rain in the afternoon. This was the OR splatter that precedes a storm. Thunder could be heard to the southeast.
At around 3:50 steady rain started, becoming very heavy. We had a strong rain for a half hour, which then tapered off. A flash flood advisory remains in effect for Kern County this evening. This storm was downplayed in the forecast, but came on much stronger than the models could predict, because geo-restoration has increased the strength and reach of the monsoon.
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The forecast quickly changed when the rain became inevitable.
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fatalquiete · 9 days ago
...come difendersi dalle scie chimiche e dalle onde nocive con l'aceto di mele. Ma da dove sono piovuti questi ?
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orgonechronicles · 5 years ago
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Dramatic Transmutation in the Sky
June 14th, 2020
Battle between OR and DOR. Fake clouds dissipating into natural, puffy clouds.
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skyovereuropeldkde · 5 years ago
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For our Mother Earth
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theorgonedonor · 5 years ago
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I'll just leave this here. --- #Orgone #mindcontrol #sheep #emf #frequency #parasites #geoengineering #crisishoax #haarp #5G #celltower #smartmeter #fakenews #governmentisacorporation #collectiveconsciousness #towerbuster #chembuster #obolix #pyramid #scalarwaves #wilhelmreich #nikolatesla #chi #prana #criticalthinking #analyticalthinking #realeyesrealizereallies (at Planet Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0yR6jCnRlo/?igshid=10pgj901u9o0a
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righteous-foot-blog · 7 years ago
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New Orgone Pyramid up on my etsy. AMETHYST NIGHT
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agape-philo-sophia · 3 years ago
Most of us suffer ill effects from the continual chemtrail fallout. The nano particulates of metals are hard to excrete especially if you have a sluggish immune system.
Keep your body alkaline, an acidic environment compromises your immune system. Try to “unplug” as often as you can from wireless as the cross domain bacteria (Morgellons) thrives in a wireless environment.
🌱 Liquid chembusting homeopathic. 🌱 Silica D homeopathic. 🌱 Potassium. 🌱 Krill Oil. 🌱 Bentonite Clay, in water or foot baths. 🌱 Epsom salt foot baths. 🌱 Collodial Silver. 🌱 Chlorella. 🌱 Spirulina. 🌱 Garlic. 🌱 Tumeric. 🌱 Dandelion root. 🌱 Nettle tea. 🌱 Pau D’arco Tea. 🌱 Taheebo tea. 🌱 Pine needle tea. 🌱 Neem Powder. 🌱 Juniper berries. 🌱 Shitake Mushrooms. 🌱 Shilajit Muschrooms. 🌱 Tea Tree Oil. 🌱 Oil of Oregano. 🌱 Cilanto. 🌱 Parsley. 🌱 Mint. 🌱 Ginger. 🌱 Evening Primrose Oil. 🌱 Hydroxychloroquine(HCQ) 🌱 Lemon water + chia seeds + ginger decoction.
🌱 Five Seeds: Cumin, Coriander, Fennel, Flax, Rye ground up and used 1 tsp at a time with water will cleanse the digestive system and support overall health.
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chemfailsaus · 5 years ago
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Powered chembuster. Tesla Purple Plate, Record Keeper Phantom Quartz, PVC pipe, 25mm Copper pipes, loads of crystals = shungite, rose quartz, beach sand, madagascar quartz, selenite, black tourmaline etc. Ongoing project but I'm super super happy with the look and more important the energy it is eminating!! Bye bye parasites 👊🛩🛫👽🛰
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thechembow · 2 years ago
Turn a Cell Tower into a Cloudbuster (for next to nothing!)
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Mar. 30, 2023
We have reached a turning point in the orgonite gifting effort in just the past few months, with this winter marking the start of a new climate for the western USA, especially California. This new climate is, in fact, really an old climate, or the original climate of California before weather manipulation. The manipulation of the weather was an ongoing process, covering millennia, and not just a modern phenomenon due to cloud seeding or “geoengineering.” The weather of the US west has been kept artificially dry and warm but now that is changing.
Many people are aware that something is wrong with the climate, but that the “climate change” rhetoric of the mainstream media is off base, but they don’t understand why. People can see that precipitation has increased, because this is obvious, despite the media’s constant attempts to pretend things have not changed or that this increase in precipitation is a fluke. People can also see that it’s getting colder in previously warm places and warmer in previously cold places, not “global warming” across the board, but an “evening out” of the weather. This change is the restoration of the balanced climate the world knew before energetic changes to the atmosphere caused today’s world of extremes, from deserts to rainforests, from drought to deluge.
Impact of Towerbusting on Weather and Climate
Eight years of orgonite gifting by Team Chembow (Gabe and I) in the US west along with the work of other orgonite gifters in North America and around the world has brought about historic weather changes worldwide. The impact of the energy devices increases exponentially with every piece of orgonite added to the grid. The closer together the pieces are and the more concentrated the grid, the stronger the field of protection for all of us, and for our planet.
As of early 2023, a new orgone threshold has been reached. We’ve seen record shattering rain and snow in the west from the summer of 2022 through the winter of 2023, and this is just the beginning of a whole new climate. Drought is a thing of the past, and wildfires will be less possible every year as the gap between the winter rainy season and the monsoon season narrows...
Read More at TheChembow.com
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Wilhelm Reich Cloudbuster
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girija-wzk · 8 years ago
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Instalado!!!👏 #cloudbuster #chembuster #casanubes #cazadordechemtrails #OrgonGigante #ambientesaludable Cloudbuster (cazanubes) o Chembuster (cazador de chemtrails) Dispositivo de captación y emisión de energía orgónica atmosférica de gran alcance, su función principal es neutralizar las nubes artificiales de metales y químicos depositados en la atmósfera conocidos como chemtrails. Restablece las condiciones climatológicas naturales para mantener la atmósfera limpia de contaminación electromagnética. También se conoce como forma nubes ya que al irradiar orgon positivo a la atmósfera favorece la formación de nubes y el régimen de lluvias natural. El Cloudbuster original es creado por Wilhelm Reich en los años 40. Aquel solo acumulaba orgón sin diferenciar si era positivo o negativo. El nuevo Cloudbuster aplica la tecnología del orgonite, ideado por el norteamericano Don Croft en 2007, que no solo acumula orgón sino que lo transforma en su forma positiva (POR positive orgon radiaction), evitando la saturación del dispositivo, permitiendo la seguridad de su manipulación y su simple puesta en marcha. Funciones: – Transformar el orgón mortal (DOR death orgón radiation) en orgón vital (POR positive orgón radiation). – Deshabilitar los tóxicos y metales fumigados con chemtrails. – Atraer lluvias y limpiar la atmósfera. – Desactivar las operaciones de modificación climática desde antenas HAARP (suelen estar en cerros y sierras). – Desactivar las operaciones de control mental desde antenas de paneles cuadrangulares (antenas de telefonía móvil) Características innovadoras de la base: _Base con bobina de ondas escalares en el centro, con cable para conectar pulsador de 15hz, esta nueva incorporación combina, la acción de los dispositivos radiónicos, como el 'Succor Punch' de don croft, usado para generar potentes campos de protección energética sutil contra influencias psíquicas intrusivas.
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skyovereuropeldkde · 5 years ago
dies war und ist ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt von freiesRadikal und mir. es folgen noch weitere infos zum Chembuster, um nichts zu verpassen abonniert den Kanal von freiesRadikal. https://youtu.be/r_vRJrChqZ4
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theorgonedonor · 6 years ago
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I suppose this is what I get for not trusting the plan or giving away patreon dollars to promote nothing burger developments while waiting for a savior to solve this mess using the same corrupt system that got us into this mess in the first place... --- If you're not one for sarcasm then the point I'm trying to make is that relying on someone else to solve your troubles will get you nowhere. Geoengineering IS breaking down and ending, but it's because of energy workers, conscious types, humans working together on tangible solutions, like gifting Orgone devices to EMF sources, rejecting the technology that makes weather modification and mind control possible in the first place (looking at you wifi and 5G), fighting vaccine mandates, growing their own food, and getting in touch with their inner being and intuition again. I believe the powers-that-were have hoodwinked a lot of humans into standing by idly, doing nothing to improve their lives as the house of cards collapses and the new and better world (not to be confused with the satanic NWO) is approaching. If you can make a difference in your life, get off your butt and step away from the YouTube video. Also, no amount of patreon is going to put Hillary or Barack in Guantanamo. --- In other news, it's been mostly clear and blue in Sedona (what else is new), the monsoon of thunderstorms is coming, and there's nothing the parasites can do about it, although here we can see them spraying and building a wall to try and cut off the healthy Orgone flow pumping in from the South/SW. They obviously didn't get the memo that there are no more towers around here that aren't bathed in and saturated by Orgone devices. --- #parasites #orgone #geoengineering #scalarwaves #mindcontrol #haarp #celltower #emf #dor #wilhelmreich #collectiveconsciousness #wilhelmreich #towerbuster #chembuster #obolix #pyramid https://www.instagram.com/p/B0FIZTonnVG/?igshid=wxtmhw5zpga4
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seedsherenow · 5 years ago
Buy Any Green Team Pack And Get A FREE 5 Pack!
Green Team Diesel x Dead Legend Bx1
By Green Team Genetics
Flower Cycle: 9-11 Weeks
Aromas: bitter floral citrus , pine cones & fresh asphalt , woody chem diesel
The Chembustion was made taking the Green Team Diesel & hitting it with the Dead Legend Bx1. The Green Team Diesel is a cross of Triple Diesel -Breckenrdge cut- which is a 3-way cross of East Coast Sour Diesel, Strawberry Sour Diesel & New York City Diesel with our Fruitbound. The Green Team Diesel combined with the DLBX1 will produce very unique diesel-dominant growing & looking plants. Tastes and aromas will range depending on pheno, but one can expect to see some OG traits pop up coming from the Deadhead OG, Legend OG & Face Off OG that make up the DLBX1.
Shop Now - https://www.seedsherenow.com/shop/strains/hybrid/green-team-genetics-chembustion/
#SeedsHereNow #Hemp #cannabis #Cannabiscommunity #weed #marijuana #cbd #thc #weedporn #cannabisculture #weedstagram #stoner #hightimes #kush #ganja #indica #sativa #highlife #maryjane #dabs #dank #life #medicalmarijuana #highsociety #WeedWise
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reflexivityspace · 2 years ago
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maverick96 · 2 years ago
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thechembow · 2 years ago
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Two Energies
June 14, 2023
 I found out that it has been raining in another area of the mountain, several days in the last week. They had monsoonal afternoon downpours, some lasting hours. I thought it was only hitting Mt. Pinos because it was not reaching my area but many people saw a lot of rain. 
These storms seen on the radar are very spotty. I’m hoping for another early monsoonal downpour here in the next couple of days. They come up suddenly in the afternoon, only hit a few places, and are hard to predict. There are, of course, forces fighting against rain, so we continue to keep our energy tools charged up and working.
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