#genuinely like wow so so cool to hear that project stuck w him like that . what an angel
alittleemo · 1 day
man they rlly said we are going to make your grocery store experience so miserable and hangry bc the rest of your day will be so overwhelmingly good we need to balance it out brother. and wow it rlly was great what a 180
#lee’s bullshit#art was great pre grocery store too my prints turned out rlly good and I started on my next project#then in studio I had three separate incredibly kind interactions regarding my project#first where a guy referenced a project I did FRESHMAN YEAR that I didn’t even remember to back me up I was so honored#genuinely like wow so so cool to hear that project stuck w him like that . what an angel#the second was when everyone in the group was arguing over a different local building during my presentation#a guy in the front turned to me and started quietly asking me questions about my design and giving advice on what I should do next#which was also so appreciated bc everyone had been talking over me and he had good points too#then third once I was done and filling up my water my old friend passed me on the stairs#and said come see me I have a building you need to see for your project#which was also a) so cool that he’d think of smth for me and b) v sweet since we haven’t been close since first semester#and he showed me a building w rlly cool unique comments on how I could apply parts of it which I rlly appreciated#then we talked abt radio too bc I had been thinking abt asking him and this opened that door !! so so great#this semester has been so much better in terms of making friends and talking to people thank fucking god#and then in my history class I knew two obscure answers (random building and doctor who (thank u smith)) which was great#and my class crush is back in that class which is also great 👍#overall big improvement to my day thank you everyone :]#if you read this far I love and miss you all <3 take care#ALSO found out our friend who came from scotland to work in my town this summer is going to come back next year thank god !!!!!#another huge win for the me community in so happy <33
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
acquainted | three
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summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: (2nd bts member to be revealed later on) x reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut (to come)
words: 2.0k
warnings: hoe-ish thoughts / implied sexual content, cussing, mentions of death/car accident, your friends being extra like always
notes: flashback scene towards the last half of the chapter. start and end of flashback will be indicated!
tags: @laurynne5​, @yiyi4657​, @bluesharksandfish​, @miinoongi​ @teamtardis-notdead​ (pls msg me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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It was a cold morning, with the wind slowly picking up, bringing the clouds over from across the bay. You grabbed yourself a cup of coffee and sat on a table near the food cart on campus, finishing up your last items on your to-do list for work. You didn't wanna sit in the office for remainder of the day, and luckily, your job gave you that flexibility. You rubbed your hands together, hoping it could provide some relief to the cold taking over. You were too lazy to make your move at this point, and Mr. Kim's [or shall we say Jin since we aren't in a classroom right now] class wasn't too far away from where you were sitting. It'd be an easy, breezy walk.
Your brain felt foggy; even though you didn't have much left on your to-do list, you couldn't seem to focus and you knew why. Chance's death anniversary was coming up, and it was always something you dreaded. You wish you could skip the day and continue on with the week without having to revisit shit like this. Your friends are your biggest support systems, but they too, have their own lives to tend to. And as much as they tried to physically be there for you, sometimes it just didn't end up happening that way.
"Miss Y/N, are you doing alright?" You looked up to see Jin standing in front of you, a concerned expression plastered on his face while he held his cup of coffee.
"Oh yeah, sorry. Just spaced out trying to get things done for work."
"No need to apologize. I feel that, 100%." He chuckled. "Mind if I sit for a minute?" You shook your head and moved your things closer to you so he had some room for himself. "Glad to see you got home in one piece."
"Sure did." You smiled at him, tilting your head slightly to get a good look at his handsome ass face while he brings up his foot to rest on his knee. Honest question: is it ever too early for hoe thoughts to make an appearance?
Did I put on deodorant today?
"You work nearby?" He sipped on his coffee and glanced at you.
"Yeah, I work for a cloud-based software company as a project manager. Sometimes, I'll help chime in with graphic design projects too, if I'm not too swamped." He nodded.
"That's pretty amazing."
"What about you? I assume this isn't your only gig." He chuckled.
"You're right, it's not. I, uh-" He paused. "I'm a CFO for a tech company in the city." Your eyes widened. Handsome, and a fucking boss? You have got to be kidding me.
"W-wow. Holy shit." You quickly shook your head and shut your eyes in embarrassment. "Sorry, holy crap." You corrected your previous statement.
"Y/N, I don't care if you cuss." He laughed. "I'm a 30 year old man who still finds the need to slip it in between every other word when I'm not in class."
"Sorry, just— holy fuck. I wasn't really expecting that, but good on you!"
"What do I look like to you? Honest question."
"Oh, I mean. I just thought you worked in business or something like that. As someone important, but not that important. I-I mean—"You sighed and pursed your lips into a fine line. "You know what I mean, I hope."
"I think I do, don't worry." He smiled, feeling slightly amused with how cute you were acting.
"You must be really busy all the time."
"Mm, no actually. I do have quite a few meetings and deadlines to reach but other than that, it's not too bad." You rested your chin on the palm of your hand. "Are you from here?"
"I am, born and raised. Are you?" He shook his head and slightly pouted.
"I moved here a couple of years ago from Seattle when my fiancé Grace started to get serious about her cooking. She wanted to open her first restaurant here."
"Oh, that's neat. She's a chef?" Stupid question, but you weren't sure how else to keep the conversation going about his soon-to-be wifey.
"Yep. She's a wonder woman, for sure." He pauses to sip more of his coffee. "Do you have family members that live around here?"
"Yeah I do, my parents live about 30 minutes away from here. I go and visit them when I can. But sometimes, I get too occupied with work and school that I just long for time to myself. Being 25, you'd think I could handle more but I'm still learning how to balance my time, I guess." He nods. He's a little relieved to hear you aren't that far off in age, to be honest. He wasn't sure if he was being weird harmlessly getting to know his students. He genuinely wanted to build relationships with them so they didn't think he was a professor they couldn't turn to. However, when it came to you, he couldn't help but feel slightly captivated. He was impressed with the way you carried yourself, down to how you'd participate in class and how you didn't come off like a student who hated every fucking professor they came across in their academic career. He appreciated the tiny details. "Not gonna lie though, I do get a little homesick whenever I don't get to visit for awhile, even though they don't live far. Truly makes me appreciate having my friends around."
"Ryujin, Taehyung and Jimin? No siblings?" He asks. Impressive. He paid attention.  Although, it's definitely not hard to figure out when you four were constantly [for the most part] stuck at the hip.
"Yup, those punks. I'm the only child so they've become family to me." You smiled hearing your friends' names. They honestly meant the world to you, and you weren't sure where you'd be without them.
"That's sweet. It's good to have people like that on your side of the court."
There was silence for a moment, with Jin looking at you over the rim of his cup, while you tried your hardest to keep yourself together. You felt the heat radiating throughout your body the longer you kept your gaze on him, the tension slightly building. You were a little relieved he didn't bounce the question back about your love life or anything regarding the matter. You almost feel guilty that you're digging pretty deeply into this situation yet again, but you felt comfortable with the way the conversation was going and the energy he was exuding.
"I, um--" You pause as you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. He keeps the same gaze on you, almost like he's trying to figure out what you'll say next by reading you and your body language. "I hope--"
"Y/N!" You hear Taehyung's deep ass voice yell for you from behind. "Oh fuck, sorry dude. Am I interrupting something?" To be quite frank, you were happy Taehyung interrupted when he did because you were just about to tell Jin how good he looked, respectfully, of course. You were going to keep it PG and comment on the tie he was wearing and how the pattern complimented him and the rest of his outfit.
"No, not at all." Jin chuckles. "We were just wrapping up, I have to get going." He stands and smiles at the both of you. "See you both in class soon."
"Peace out, Mr. Kim." Taehyung throws up the peace sign like a dumbass as you both watch him take his exit and walk towards his classroom.
"Peace out, Mr. Kim? Really, Tae?"
"I mean, he seems cool enough for me to do that, don't you think?" You shake your head and continue finishing up your work on your work laptop. "What was that about? Are you in trouble already? What'd you do?"
"Why do you have like, so much fucking energy right now?"
"I downed two redbulls before I got here."
"You're an idiot."
"Me and Jimin were up all night hunting."
"I stand corrected— you both are idiots." Taehyung clicks his tongue before raising his eyebrow, manspreading and leaning back into the chair.
"So, what was that really about?"
"We just had a chat!"
"Sure. You both were definitely eye-fucking each other. It was weird to walk into."
"Not everyone is like you, trying to fuck everything they see." You rolled your eyes. "He had just sat here for a minute and we talked about work and where we were from."
"Okay." He snorts and shrugs.
"You're being so dramatic. It was harmless."
"Definitely looked otherwise."
"You weren't even here for the majority of our conversation?"
"Didn't have to be, sweetheart." He winked, playfully caressing your chin. "Your secret is safe with me."
"You are so full of shit. I don't know how I've dealt with you for so long."
"Who's so full of shit?" Ryujin comes strolling along, with a tired Jimin who was sipping on an iced americano. He wore a cap and sunglasses with sweats and a fitted crewneck, looking like he just rolled the fuck out of bed.
"Taehyung, who else?" You both stood up to start slowly walking towards Mr. Kim's classroom. "Are you okay, Chim?" You asked, genuinely worried about him, but also trying to change the subject.
"Tired. Just tired." He shakes his head, lowering his the brim of his cap even more. "This dumbass kept messing up our hunt last night."
"I didn't mess anything up, you just weren't clear on the directions." Jimin smacked him upside the head. "And Y/N's just mad I caught her and Mr. Kim on a date." Ryujin gasped, while Jimin choked on his iced americano and coughed trying to get himself together.
"Excuse me, come again?" Ryujin squeezes your arm, causing you to slightly wince in pain before you can shake her off.
"Tae, really?" You rolled your eyes. "It wasn't a date! He just sat with me for a minute and we talked for a little bit. That's literally it."
"You forgot the part where you both were eye-fucking each other when I came along."
"What the fuck is even going on right now?" Jimin finally chimed in, making you sigh deeply.
"We were not!" You pushed Tae. "You're such an instigator."
"First, helping you with your groceries, now this? I didn't think you had it in you, girl! Actually pursuing an engaged professor." Ryujin joked, making herself laugh out loud. Jimin is now walking alongside of you, while Taehyung throws his arms around both you and Ryujin, swinging his big ass head back and forth between the both of you.
"He helped you with groceries last night? What?" Jimin is honestly so confused and is unable to keep up with the chaotic conversation.
"Look, I just ran into him at Trader Joes and he offered to bring my groceries to my car since it was getting late. And today, we just ended up talking for a little bit. That's it. Can we drop this?"
"Mr. Kim has the hots for Y/N!" Ryujin teased.
"That's it. I'm going to find new friends." You shrugged. "Unbelievable." Did they not listen to one word you just said?
"You should go for it and have fun." Taehyung winked.
"No, no. She shouldn't go for him or do anything." Jimin states loud and clear, making sure he grabs both Ryujin and Taehyung's attention by waving his hand in the air.
"Ah, come on Chim, it's just a little fun."
"Ry." Jimin says sternly.
"Okay, kidding." She rolls her eyes.
"This is getting so out of hand." You say as you all approached the door to Mr. Kim's classroom.
"Hey Mr. Kim." Ryujin waved her hand playfully, followed by Jimin and Taehyung who simply nodded and gave him a toothless smile. He happily returns her greeting, then flashes a small smirk as you pass him while arranging the papers on the front desk.
"Hmph." Ryujin smirks. "Told you so." You roll your eyes.
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Chance's death anniversary arrives quicker than you'd like, causing you to pick yourself up and force yourself to get on with the day whether you like it or not. After work, you quickly visited his grave at the cemetery, balling your eyes out as you spend quite awhile sitting in silence, staring at his photo on the tombstone. Every memory, every good and bad moment that you shared with Chance flashed right before your eyes.
It was irreplaceable.
[ start flashback ]
"So, who would you want next to you if the end of the world was coming?"  You kept your gaze on the 'List of questions to ask your significant other' photo on your phone.
"What kind of morbid question is that?" Chance laughed as he continued to hug you tightly while you laid on his chest. "You, of course."
"Aw, thanks bebe. Same here."
"Are there any happy questions in there?" He scrolled down the list. "Like this one - what's the cutest thing your partner has ever done for you?"
"When we had dinner on a boat and you sang to me and everyone else having dinner." You laughed.
"Yeah, that was pretty cute wasn't it?"
"Shut up." You playfully covered his mouth. "Your turn."
"The cutest thing you've done? I don't know sweetheart, you've done a ton of cute things. I'd have to say you waking up next to me. It reminds me how real you are." You smiled and pecked him on the lips.
"I love you, chance."
"I love you too." He says almost at a whisper while caressing your chin. He was pulled out of the moment when his phone rang. "Ayo." He says. You watch as his facial expression changes. "For fuck's sake man, alright. Hang tight, I'll be there. Yo, don't be stupid and drive home drunk. I'm about to leave, okay? Your ass better be there by the time I get there." He sighed as he hung up the phone.
"What's wrong?"
"Josh is drunk as hell. I'm gonna go pick him up before he does something stupid."
"Can't he find a ride there?"
"Everybody left him. I can't just leave him there."
"I know, but--"
"It's gonna be fine, okay baby? I promise. I'll be back before you know it."
"Alright." You sighed. "Be safe, please."
"I will."
[ end flashback ]
When you finally arrived at school, you checked out your appearance to make sure you looked decent enough to get through class. You were hoping your psychology classes would go by quickly, just so you could get out of there and feel less suffocated.
"I'm sorry I can't come over." Ryujin pulls you into a tight hug and caresses your back. She had planned to spend time with you, but her sister called her last minute to ask if she could babysit her niece until late night. "But let me know if you need me, okay? I don't care if it's 1AM, I'll be there as soon as I can."
"Same. I'll do what I can to get out of this family thing." Jimin gives your arm a gentle squeeze. Jimin's family was visiting from Korea on a whim, so he had been pulled into some family festivities for the evening.
"Look, you guys. I'll be fine, okay? Don't worry about me. You know I love you both no matter what, do what you need to do."
"I'll text you when I'm on my way?" Taehyung is the only one who is able to spend time with you tonight, after he helps his younger brother with a project. You simply nodded before you split ways with your group and headed for the library. You were going to stick around and do some work at the library until Taehyung was free because there was no way you were going to go home alone, feeling the way you were feeling. You weren't going to get anything done, and you weren't going to have the energy to pull yourself together.
Today was heavy.
The library wasn't any better for you because your thoughts seemed to be louder in such a huge, quiet space. You were looking at the clock time and time again, hoping Taehyung would text you, letting you know he'd be on his way with tons of dessert and wine. Just cause that's what you wanted, right at this moment.
You sighed and cracked your neck from side to side, getting yourself into Steph Curry "Lock in" mode so you can push through your assignments that needed to get done. But, it just didn't happen that way. You were becoming frustrated and restless, so you quickly packed up your things and shoved them into your bag before walking out. The campus was lit with street lights, with barely any students walking around. It felt a little eery, but the walk to the lot wasn't too bad being that the garage was well-lit, with security guards on every level. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, causing you to try and reach for it even though you were hauling the rest of the books that didn't fit in your bag. Next thing you knew, you had your phone, but your books had fallen to the floor, the papers stuffed in them falling out and getting wet from the wet grass next to the concrete walkway.
"Fuck!" You groaned to yourself as you quickly glanced at Taehyung's 'be there in about 30 minutes or so' text and bent down to pick up your mess. You really had no reason to cry over this shit, but all of the pent up frustration and emotions you had been feeling today pushed you over the edge. You aggressively wiped your tears away as you stuffed your wet papers back into the books and stacked them on top of each other.
"Y/N?" You look up to see Jin, tears still falling from your eyes. "Are you alright?" He bends down to help you gather your books, towering over you as he gathers the majority of your things.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you." You slyly wiped your tears once more as you grabbed the books from him.
"Hey." He placed his hand out to prevent you from walking any further. You look up at him, watching as he dips his head down to examine your face, your eyes still wet and glossy from the tears. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
"Look, I'm fine and I don't wanna take time away--"
"You clearly aren't." His expression fills with worry. "And you aren't going to be taking time out of my evening." He finishes your statement for you. You sigh and close your eyes as your head dips lowly.
"It's just been a tough day, that's all."
"Let's talk about it." You look up at him as he nods for you to follow him to a bench near the parking garage. "Come on. I really won't forgive myself if I went home without trying to help." You silently follow him and place your things down before sitting. He sits next to you, with enough space placed between your position and his. "What's on your mind, Y/N?"
"Um." You pause and look at him. "On this day 3 years ago, I lost the love of my life to a car accident." You wiped your tears in between words. Jin's expression softened as he watched you break down in front of him, his heart breaking seeing you in pain like this. He wanted to do everything in his power to comfort you, hoping it would relieve some of the pain even though he knew it was something that would forever be embedded in you. But if he could provide any relief, then that would make him feel a little better.
[ start flashback ]
"It's been close to two hours, where the hell is he?" You said as you looked at your phone, sitting on the couch as you, Ryujin, Taehyung and Jimin watched a movie. Suddenly, breaking news flashed through the screen, cutting the movie to another commercial break earlier than expected.
"Breaking news - a white Lexus sports car and a Ford truck were involved in a head-on collision early this morning on Highway 101."
"O-oh my god." Ryujin says, as they look at the totaled cars. The Lexus was completely sandwiched at the median, while the truck was wrecked, but still stood in one piece off to the side.
"T-that's Chance's car." You said as you put your drink down on the coffee table to take a closer look at the car.
"Y/N, I'm sure Chance is fine and is on his way back." Taehyung chimed in from behind you.
"N-no." You stuttered, the feeling of despair in the pit of your stomach growing bigger by the minute. "N-no, I know his car."
"We might just be overthinking this." Jimin says, gently grabbing your wrist to pull you back down onto the couch, but you continued to stand.
"There was said to be one intoxicated passenger in the white Lexus, who is in critical condition and is being taken to the nearby trauma center. The driver of the truck was also intoxicated and injured, but is expected to survive. However, the driver of the white Lexus was pronounced dead at the scene." All of a sudden, you felt weak and dizzy because you just knew. You knew Chance wasn't okay, and you knew he wasn't on his way back to you. Soon after the news announcement, loud knocks came at the door. You looked back at your friends before making your way to the door, revealing two police officers standing before you. At this point, you felt like your entire life had been sucked out of you as you fell onto the floor, crying loudly while your friends tried their best to comfort you and speak to the officers for you. All you could remember hearing was the "i'm sorry's" from both police officers before everything turned into white noise. Everything felt numb.
[ end flashback ]
"I am so sorry, Y/N. I know my apologies are going to do much to ease the pain, but please know that I'm here for you whenever you need someone to talk to. I wanna do what I can to provide some relief." Is all Jin says as you continue to divulge about that night's details.
"You know," You looked up at the moon. "It's been 3 years, but it feels like it just happened yesterday. The pain always feels so fresh and it still feels so painful to think about it. It used to make me question why I was so deserving to continue living my life. I'm not an angel, I haven't been perfect. You know? Yet, someone who was so close to perfect, someone who was always so selfless and never hesitated to put others before himself was taken away from this world so easily? How did Josh survive, but Chance didn't? He was just going to help his friend out because he didn't want anything to happen to him, yet he ended up getting the short end of the stick. I was so mad." You shook your head. "I was so mad at Josh for awhile. I never understood and I still don't. I still don't fucking understand this." Your tears fell as you looked back at Jin.
"I can only imagine. There's things we'll never understand and quite frankly, it fucking sucks. But, I really don't want you to beat yourself up over this. I'm sure Chance wouldn't want you to, either. A lot of things happen for a reason, whether we like it or not, and it's hard to look at it in a different perspective. He's still with you, all the time. You're strong, and he knows this."
"I just don't know how I did this without him. It hurts so bad."
"I know, and it's okay to let yourself ride it out. Don't try and suppress the feelings just because you feel the need to act strong. If you don't let yourself process these feelings, it'll never get easier. It's okay to not be okay." He nods reassuringly. You smile at him toothlessly before sighing and getting yourself together. Although it had been quite the day, you felt a little relieved being able to talk to Jin about what's been going on. You felt a little more put together than you did earlier in the day and that's all that mattered. Baby steps.
"Is it okay if I give you a hug?" You asked shyly. You didn't know how else you could thank him for listening to you. You were sure he had tons of things on his plate, yet he still took time to sit with you out in the cold just to make sure you were okay. He chuckles and stands, his arms wide open, ready to envelope you. You wrap your arms around his torso, taking in his scent and breathing him in. He gently rubs your back before you pull away and smile up at him.
"I'll take a hug any day."
"I hope Grace won't be upset with you for coming home a little later than expected."
"She'll be fine. She's at the restaurant working late." His lips were pulled together in a fine line.
"Thank you again." You pull out your phone to check the time. 30 minutes from the last time Taehyung texted you was almost up, so you felt the need to get going sooner than later.
"It's not a problem." He puts his hand out, signaling for your phone. "Do me a favor and just let me when you get home, though? I'd feel better knowing you're safe and sound." You nod and hand him your phone. You knew you couldn't get wrapped up in whatever this was, no matter how flattered you were from the attention you were getting from him. He was still engaged, and he was still planning a life with Grace. The last thing you wanted to do was ruin that for someone genuine like Jin.
But God, was he making it difficult for you.
"I can do that."
"Thanks." He smiles toothlessly at you. "If you're ever in need of company or someone to talk to, don't hesitate to let me know. I'll be there in a heartbeat."
"Okay." You grabbed your things before walking away. Jin stood there, watching you walk deeper into the garage, feeling good about having been there at the right time. Something as simple as the hug you gave him had his thoughts running wild, just feeling your touch and your body against his. Albeit, it could be the lack of attention between him and Grace causing him to feel this way, but it was enticing all at the same time.
You were enticing.
And he could pick up on your little habits that made him want to know more. The way you'd look at him inside and outside of class. The way you always dressed so nicely when you had to take his class. The way you passed closely to the front desk, allowing him to take in your scent. The way you and your friends acted around him, knowing they were teasing you.
He knew, and he also knew what he was doing when he put his number in your phone.
He gets home and just as he mentions, Grace is still out at the restaurant working late. He kicks his shoes off to the side and heats up some leftovers to eat before retreating up to the master bedroom to call it a night early. As he's getting out of his clothes from today and heading into the shower, he notices his phone vibrating on the bathroom countertop, signaling a text.
[unknown number] 9:37pm: Hi, I'm safe and sound at home. :)
He smiles to himself before responding and heading into the shower.
[jin] 9:38pm: :) Goodnight Y/N, see you tomorrow.
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deans-haunted-baby · 4 years
The Last Rites
*So, many fans including myself were unhappy with Adam Milligan and Michael’s exits out of Supernatural. This is my fix-it or at least my interpretation of what happened after 15x19 and 15x20. Enjoy!*
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Summery: Chuck now human is a bitter bin collector and part-time serial killer stalking his latest victim. Little does he know that the dynamic human vessel/archangel duo Michael and Adam have been stalking him.  
"Damn that Sam and Dean and that little brat for making me human! But I'll get the last laugh," he says as he makes his rounds and choosing his latest victim. Plotting all the terrible things he plans on doing to the Winchesters. “I’ll get them all for this!”
As Chuck follows this person out to their car in the middle of the night, knife in hand. All off a sudden he hears wings flapping and turns around in horror. His eyes bug out when he sees a figure standing before him in the shadows.
"W-who's there?"  
Michael/Adam step out of the darkness wearing a "surprise-bitch" look on their face: "Hello...father" by the darkness of his ton Chuck knows his son hadn't forgotten the last time they saw each other. By that lakeside where he'd killed him for helping the Winchesters.
"No i-its impossible... You're dead I killed you. You should be in the Empty."
Michael hesitantly shakes his head. "Not anymore."
"Let's just say I made bail thanks to my nephew and Castiel as they needed my assistance in Heaven's rehabilitation. And I humbly obliged."
"Castiel? He's alive too?! And you're working for them?! Why? That little brat took my power!" Chuck screams in anguish. "NO you both should be suffering in the Empty for all eternity!"
Michael/Adam looks at his hands flexing them into fists. Recalling the last second he drew breath being smited by his father. Regretting his decision to ever forsake his duty for humanity for his father. And his anger burns like acid.
"After what you did to me the last time we spoke...all I've cherished was this moment," the archangel Prince darkly replies. Adam's soul quietly astral-projected is in the background roots on his buddy. "Jack and Castiel offered me a chance to atone myself for wrongly choosing you over that which I’ve swore an oath to protect. That I could leave the Empty and reclaim my throne in Heaven if I stayed on Earth and helped the Winchesters clean up your mess."  
Chuck glares "So you're their bitchboy now? Ha, pathetic." He chortled in his throat. "I always knew you were weak, Michael. Being in that cage all those years with Sam and Dean's forgotten little bro has made you soft."
Michael's cheeks throb angrily. But he maintains his restraint. "Oh I'm not doing this for them," he reveals; stepping a little closer to his father. Shoulders squared. "Being stuck on Earth is also my punishment. But I've accepted it...I deserve my fate...just as you deserve yours right now."
Chuck then scrutinizes his son suspiciously. Looking from the archangel's fists to the face of his vessel Adam.
"What so you're like an archangel superhero now?" He can't contain a laugh. "Wow those Winchesters must be really desperate to resort to sending you here instead of facing me themselves."
Michael shook his head. "As I've already stated...I'm not here for them, he says. "The one called Dean, my original sword, has already fallen in battle and has inherited his place in my nephew's paradise. And his brother Sam sought out his other brother Adam, my chosen vessel. They've been working together ever since."
"And that's when Jack sent you."
"Dammit!,” Chuck swears this wasn't suppose to happen. If he killed a Winchester in his story the other brother left alive was suppose to take his own life in grief. No this couldn't be happening. They changed his ending AGAIN. "THIS WASN'T THE ENDING I PLANNED! I DIDN'T WRITE THIS!"
Michael cocks his head sideways; basking in his father's frustration. It was music to his ears. Then he's serious; raising his hand and forwarding his palm in a power-up.
"Your reign if tyranny is over father. You will not be scribing another's fate ever again. Not while I'm around."
At that Chuck's face is ghostly white. "Wait, what are you doing?" He puts up his hands submissively. "I'm human now, you can't just smite me. I'm part of the humanity that I created for you to protect!"
"Oh you don't have any rights here," growls the archangel sternly. "You gave up those privileges when you chose to use your newfound humanity to blindly murder others. Your arrogance and hatred for mankind was your own undoing. And now your death shall be your punishment, father."
Chuck trembling now resorts to begging for his son's mercy. "Michael, wait son we can talk about this." He showcases a nervous smile. "We can still make this right."
"No we can't." Michael scoffs. "The centuries of my allegiance to you have also perished. And I've wanted nothing more than to watch you beg forgiveness as you draw your last breath."
"Wait please show your father mercy, my son! Please!"
"Like the mercy you demonstrated to me that day by the lake shore?"
Chuck nodded still keeping his hands up. Okay so Michael was still pissed about that. "Fine you're right that was a mistake. I should've never hurt you like that. I was wrong and I see that now."
Michael's expression is smug, giving a mild throat chuckle. Then his cold expression shifts into anguish. "I hate myself for ever believing in you and turning my back on humanity. I will never be able to forgive myself for making that choice. For allowing you, Lucifer and my devotion to you to manipulate me from doing what was right."
"This doesn't have to get ugly Michael, we can still talk this out." Chuck begs. “Come on, what do ya say?”
"No we're done talking father." Michael's eyes glow like silvery blue light.
Chuck back peddles "Wait j-just give me another chance. I can prove to you I'll change I will."
Michael chuckles darkly, "Like the chance you were about to give that civilian you were following just now? Or the others you’ve murdered since?"
He eyes the knife in his father's hand. Suddenly Chuck realizes this and impulsively drops it onto the pavement.
"No, this isn’t what it looks like. I-I wasn't going to hurt anyone else. I swear!"
"You'll never learn will you father," Michael shrugs apathetically. "It's a shame. You were given a gift by your own flesh and blood and you've squandered it."  
No, no the archangel Prince was done talking. He'd said all he needed to say and with that throws Chuck's own last words to him right back in the short man's face.
"SAVE IT!" smiting him instantly on the spot. Blasting his father in a blinding light, erasing him from existence. When the dust settles Michael eases his tense shoulders releasing a sharp intake of breath.
Adam's projected soul then takes it upon himself to console his friend. Who is clearly bitter about destroying his own father even if he was an evil bastard.
"You did the right thing you know," the pre-med student/hunter in training reassures him. "Your dad would've killed that person if you hadn't intervened."
But Michael doesn't want to hear it. "I didn't do this for that person. I did it out of my own volition. I wanted my father to pay for what he'd done to me and my broken vow."
"It still doesn't change the fact that you saved someone tonight, Michael,” Adam insists. “And you proved that you can be better than Chuck ever was."
Michael frowns lowering his gaze to the ground melancholically.
"Or maybe I've just demonstrated that I am no better than him. I betrayed my sworn oath," the archangel squeezes his fist tightly. Putting all his anger into that hand. "And for that transgression alone I shall never be redeemed."
Adam recognizing the sadness in Michael's expression, throws his celestial pal a genuine smile, kneading his shoulder. "There's always redemption for all of us," he says gently. "I believe my brothers were capable of that, even if they never cared about me. Knowing you and even getting to know Sam has taught me so much more about myself, my family and what I'm meant to do with my life."
"What like being a hero?"
"Yah and it's kinda cool I get to kick some ass with an archangel."
"So, you want to honor your family. Despite what fate they'd left you to."
Adam shook his head. "Sam and Dean were far from perfect. I don't think I'll ever fully forgive them for what happened," he reveals. "BUT I think it changed me for the better. I got to become friends with Heavens MVP and I care about their cause now. They wanted to protect the world from evil and that's what I want to do. It's not about honoring the Winchester's legacy I want to do some good in this world. And you know what...I think you do too."
The archangel smiled to himself. "Well I did get some amusement out of watching my father squirm," He says lightly then adds. "Alright kid, you win. We shall continue our eternal quest for justice."
"Good, but we can continue that quest another night," the pre-med checks his wristwatch. "I gotta get some rest I have classes in the morning."
Michael scrutinized Adam. "You do know that you no longer require rest now that I've possessed this vessel or has that notion escaped you?"
“Oh yah I forgot," Adam laughs. "I guess I won't be needing sleep anytime soon then. Let's go home anyway I want to check out the bunker some more. Find any hidden passages or something."
"As you wish. I imagine your canine companion is also getting famished without us around to feed it."
A light bulb went off in his head. Right Sam and Dean's dog Miracle was in his care now. He loved that scruffy mutt even if he did drool a lot. Time to get home.  
"Miracle, okay we gotta get home stat!"
And with that Michael flew back to the bunker.
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 4X7 It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
wow working off of....a very fun...adrenaline crash
I’m so tired, panicking is a bad vibe 
let’s do this, I hear Sam meets Cas in this episode
wow look at this nice and lovely family, can’t wait to see how they FUCKING DIE
why is the candy shot like this, what happens to the candy
just my luck it’s a scary one and on the big screen
the *holds up spell bag and then hides it once Sam sees and starts questioning* was smooth, I like when they do the teamwork thing
Dean why are you eating candy, there are razors in the halloween
oh lovely that’s a Cursed Hex Bag
“he made vanilla look spicy” is a funny line
These people look so young 
ah I see love triangle or something
they’re high schoolers ah 
because the hail bait comment wheeee
Sam does the hold up this time!
Samhain! Halloween origin! that’s kinda neat
600 years! “and the next cycle is” “Tomorrow” “naturally”
so it raises All the Supernatural that’s fun
Of course her name is Tracy
never heard of Luke Wallace my ass
“if you could pick any costume to come back in, wouldn’t you pick a hot cheerleader? I would”
ooo flashbacks to hell in the mask!
Sam asks if it brings back memories of being a teenager, Dean interprets Hell
...what...brings back memories?? DEAN?
huh the Occult Drawings that’s interesting
“emancipated teen” DID NO ONE FUCKING CHECK THAT
“Trick or treat” “This is a motel”
Dean just wants to eat candy
Dean stop antagonizing the kid
Castiel what the actual fuck you’re adorable but fucking terrible at communication 
“we’re working on it” “that’s unfortunate” KILLED ME
That was a Significant Look of Uriel 
of course it’s a seal
“purified a city” aka kill 1000 people wheee
“you’re bigger picture kind of guys” oooo interesting
“have faith” 
heh puts it in context of his daddy issues but Dean’s been growing past that
Uses his own life as a bargaining chip AGAIN DEAN
Although to be fair, that works
Castiel takes! chance! on DEAN!!!
Angels are assholes, time to figure ir out
“they are righteous that’s the problem”
“there’s nothing more dangerous than some asshole who thinks he’s on a mission from God” OHHHH COME ON THAT’S SO LOADED YOU CAN’T JUST LEAVE THAT THERE
Sam figures out where to go based on the burning of the bone wow!
Sam being smart Sam being smart!!!
“you shouldn’t call them that” Castiel #1 human stan
Why stand and then sit, why stand and then-
disobey orders oho
ah so Tracy’s the sacrifice, and Don’s the Evil One and used her as a scapegoat? ?
of course the perving on the teenager why wouldn’t we god fuckign dammit kripke
...that’s her brother? what the fuck?
ok the eye glitter/lighting was neat
no ok but Magic Witch Lady is kinda a fun character too bad she’s gonna die
Sam do ur magic
Dunks them in blood? Sam what are you doing?
kills her? I feel like kills her?
bro that’s your brother’s body technically
Still kinda funny tho
heh they play dead
“you gave it a shot” god i love that, I love when Sam just tries Wack Shit 
“BeCauSe thE aNgEl SaiD so”
Angst Teen Sam
bUT DEANNN Why can’t I use my POWERSSSS
just gonna kill the teenagers and trap them with the corpses
oh sweet jesus
oooo CLASSIC horror iconography
And then they graduate to fistfight but still
Dean’s just going on the Murder Train
November 2nd is the day AZAZEL killed Jess and Mary, making the day before, day after, day of, two days before thing Neat
“you were told” THAT’S NOT COMPELLING H E A V E N 
~wing flap~
“ask Dean what he remembers of hell” oof
ordered to follow Sam and Dean?? what?
the ripped jeans by the way, good
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen tomorrow” he never knows, that’s why-
the angel that loves humanity ~too much, the way God told them to 
Aziraphale and Cas should hang
“I’m not a hammer” “daddy’s blunt little instrument” DAOFIHADSPIASFSIP
and then just the Disappear is so good
ok uh first
1. Sam praying. I don’t really know why this one got me, but the fact that Sam believes in a higher power, or tried to believe with his entire soul, and Dean desperately tries to get his brother to believe in something(unbroken? tries to make sure he’s ok because Dean never will be? Something like that?) feels important? Or maybe it’s that for Dean, Dad’s Orders and Consequence hit as the Ultimate Punishment, whereas Sam got to relax about it a bit
Look am I directly finding parallels to my own experience now? yes of course, it’s my unparalleled media experience and I can project if I want to. I’m WAY more scared of my parents/dad and what they do than I am of any higher power(crying while driving home as Vibe Music that I generally enjoy vs the Season 3 finale scene wheeee), whereas my sister actually tried to give religion a fair shot and used to pray. It’s not a direct parallel, but it’s been a bad day, I wanna put that in there somewhere
(also if it genuinely wasn’t my fault and I just assumed that I would never be able to explain my way out of anything so I shouldn’t try, leading me wishing to never be perceived so I don’t get punished for things that weren’t my fault. If true then Pain)
*insert Paws Meme*
2. Smart Sam. I liked Sam being smart, doing shit for the case in interesting ways, and I really like his powers plot line! Like you’re right dude! Heaven has no compelling reasoning other than “because I told you so” and it’s way more practical to just do it! His mom and girlfriend are already dead there’s nothing else to be done now! Like! Sam’s Antichrist arc is actually interesting! And I like him getting to be a character! The mask Idea was SO NEAT!!
3. bad apples+mission from God. I. Ok. Listen. This is just that one loaded conversation with “bad apple”(I’d like to point out that at some point it shows Cas as the Only Good One, right? dismantle the institution type thing, right? Is that what they were going for?) and also that “people who believe they have a mission from God do bad thing” LIKE SO CLOSE ! To SO MANY! lOADED THINGS! A G H
Look I’m too tired to type out all my thoughts to this, but I think you get the point that this is shit I wish they’d explored more
4. I entirely forgot that whole thing where they tried to show Dean objectifying teen girls and accidentally made Dean sound like he wanted to be a girl. Like even if that’s simply sexuality, or both gender and sexuality...like that’s. how did you do this. How did you accidentally make him like this.
5. Cas/Cas+Dean. Ok first off, having him desperately try to save humanity(reminds me of aziraphale) is so interesting! like It feels like Dean(who's working on not taking orders blindly anymore following that demon deal) doesn’t like seeing Castiel and Heaven because it reminds him of that part of himself he’s worthing through! and that one scene where Cas said “I’m not a hammer”(Directly parallel to “Daddy’s blunt little instrument”) is like. Dean started that journey in Cas. Getting him to question things. 
that whole thing about “I know this was a test, but we don’t know if you failed it or not” because I don’t know what God would want because God’s the ever present father figure for Cas, and Dean’s lack of faith in God, and Cas’s lack of faith in God and
ok they have an INCREDIBLY compelling story currently, and I am kinda excited to see where they go with it.
yknow before the queer bait REALLY sets in
6. I was ready to write this episode off with the horror but the iconography at the end with the seal/witch/Sam and Dean scene was rEAlly fucking cool and I loved it.
7. the beginning of the stares
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