#genuinely i do not remeber. did i ever have a post like this
gertritude-art · 2 years
hey can you reblog the penis post. i can’t find your explosion penis post
hey, I checked in the back and no penis explosion, chief. We do have a penis stretcher and a ball peen hammer penis post though
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tulipsforvin · 2 months
I just remeber reading youre post about reader dying. The part with Louis hit HARD. While I can definitely see him and me as reader in that scenario, (dw I am fine– almost.LOL) I thought Albert would fit in this one soooo much better. (My opinion.... also Pre timeskip) OFCOURSE Louis fits in there GREATLY. AND I LOVE IT SOSOSOSOSO MUCH LIKE I LITERALLY CRIED BECAUSE IT WAS SO SAD AND BEAUTIFUL <333 ACTUALLY THANK YOU SOSOSO MUCH FOR SHOWING US ALL OF IT YOURE WRITING IS JUST– mhwa! <3 (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠) (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥ AND I KNOW YOU HEAR THIS A LOT RECENTLY BUT HONESTLY??? YOU DESERVE TO BECAUSE..... YOU..JUST!?!?! SO GOOD WRITING ???? Anyways– eghm... So what I was going to explain right now was how, you mentioned in one of youre post, Albert as a Boyfriend and that he wouldnt like someone who cant keep Hygiene. So I thought that, imagen, reader falling into depression (for whatever reason) and stopped keeping themself clean because of the lack of energy. They stopped showering, brushing theyre teeth etc.. and he started to feel grossed out by them. Not by choice ofcourse. He really doesnt want to feel that way, he loves them with his whole heart and soul. But he cant stand this anymore. He dont want to kiss them or sleep next to them in bed. So he tries to do the right thing and breaks up. He explains to them how he still loves them but cant stay with them any longer if they can't even brush their teeth . He doesnt want to hurt them much more and hopes that they can find help and get better. only to see them 2 days later lying in a cuddle of their own blood. He tries to crush to them, regretting every decision he has made earlier– just like Louis in that one hc. He doesnt want them to die. To think that theyre gross, annoying, stupid, useless, anything but beautiful and extremely Important. But hes too late. Youre already dead. Or so he thought. Just for the doctor to tell him that they had immense luck and that its almost a mirracle how you survived. He's relieved and his knees give way beneath him. This burden and the pressure on his shoulders falls away, almost in tears he asks the worried doctor kneeling next to him if he can see you. You're awake but you try to turn around when you see his face only to be follow by a huge pain in youre body as you tried. He obviosly doesnt care and rushes to youre side. He feels really guilty and apolegises to you. You dont care, you tell him to go away and add ' You left because you felt uncomfortable by the lack of my hygien. That was okay. But dont come back to me and say you care when that was the reason you first left me.' He accepts this and goes home at first. But eventully comes back with flowers while youre asleep. He wants to show you he really did care and peels you some appels. When he held you in his arms, unconscious and bleeing like a dove shot by hunters, he realised how much he could have done to help you. He could have talked, and or showered with you. But instead he just choose to not face it. He won't make this mistake again. Even If you will hate HIM for the Rest of youre life. He will show how much he loves you till get sick of it and just forgive him. He doesnt ever wanna let go of youre Hand anymore. He has experinced the feeling of youre abscence once, and he surely would never want to expierince this another time. Because he's confident that he wouldnt live that over.
Hahaha sorry that was loooong. I would like to hear youre opinion. I Hope you Liked it!! ♥️♥️
I can't even stop complimenting you honestly i absolutely love and am utterly and sincerely stunned at how you're able to incorporate two small things i said into creating this masterpiece of an idea??
believe me when i say i waited five minutes contemplating whether to even post this because i didn't want anyone to steal your idea. i'm being so for real right now if you don't want to turn this beautiful plot of an idea into writing yourself for some reason because if it was me i'd trademark this and stamp anything that states my ownership of a plot so delicious (since again, this is so good and has sm potential) then please, please let me at least attempt and and try giving this amazing, almost an artwork plot life someday. not sure if i would even do it justice bro damn but like you'll totally get the credits WOWOAOA. i can't even stop with the compliments because i'm genuinely baffled at how absolutely golden this idea is. god damn. LIKE OKAY SHAKESPEARE.
ANYWAY ARGH LMAOAOA don't mind me fanning over you and this.. i don't even have words left to describe just how good this plot/idea is but YEAH but this is genuinely so good. i'm somehow going back to babbling about how wonderful this is and i don't think I'll be able to stop if I don't end this here because holy shit the potential it carries is astounding and me personally, i love angst so this is.. FUCKKC I CAN'T STOP SAYING HOW GOOD THIS IS. LET ME END THIS HERE FOR REAL NOW — THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORDS + THE NEVERENDING SUPPORT LOL IM GRATEFUL YOU LIKE MY WRITING <33 I HOOE UOU HAVE THE BESY DAY OF UOUR LIFE
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blue-jisungs · 1 year
5k followers event !
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CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?? BC I CANR 😍 we hit 5k!!!! thank you all so so much from the bottom of my heart, i cannot fully express how thankful i am 🥹 it doesn’t matter if you’re new here or been there since the begging (well technically it does, you’re an OG!!! love u<;3), as someone once said: it doesnt matter whom you have known the longest, it’s about who came and stayed till the end (or something like that lol)
so to celebrate i decided to make a lil poll and txt won the voting! combining my first ever band that waltzed into my heart and stayed there (5sos) with one of the latest ones (txt) seemed like a fun idea! now, if i could i’d write it in a completely different way but my attention span isn’t the greatest + i have a couple of different projects going on (such as the july jam session which was inspired by it btw lol), so here’s how it looks: each member has a piece written (~1k words each) connected to a certain song from an album! i know, i know there’s no sgfg but i couldn’t match anything <\3 and i was having such a hard time bc i am biased, okay? i love youngblood and 5sos5 and it was SO HARD TO PICK A ONE SONG?!
okay i need to stop talking so much. anyways, here’s the masterlist that will be updated! (did u see what i did here? i put them in the order of release just like the way i’ll post my fics–)
good girls ,, huening kai — 2/07
the only reason ,, yeonjun — 4/07
better man ,, beomgyu — 7/07
best years ,, soobin — 10/07
HAZE ,, taehyun — 12/07
again. thank you so so much! i wouldn’t be here if not you!! :( i’d like to thank my moots, my beloved friends i’ve made on here. now bare w me bc why does it feel like i’m leaving or something 💔 i just love n appreciate you so much but, here we go:
thank you ola, my mother ☝️ (@l3visbby) for correcting my works even when i didn’t ask you to :( you’re always there to hear my rambling (literally) and you’re the grammar police muahaha also a big big inspo, i’m genuinely grateful that you’re here, bearing n somehow managing my bullshit
ZANNA! @slytherinshua, my loveliest friend, an angel, felix in disguise, biggest joshua and dk stan e v e r!!! what id do without you…? probably die (not to be dramatic 🙄). you’re such a inspiration and good person to be around, i love your reblogs and conversations with you! you never fail to me make me smile and it’s always a fun time screaming abt taehyun together <3 you’ve been with me since… what, like… forever!! (almosr a year actually i still can’t believe it) and i’m so happy that we met <3
KIMCHI!!! 김치 LIKE THE KOREAN DISH!!! KIMCHI LIKE NY BELOVED FRIEND @planetkiimchi!!!!!! you’re so sweet. like, always. thank you for introducing me to nct LMAO but in general, i love texting with you :( you’re so funny and always being such a positive vibe!!! not to mention your writing, it’s genuinely so amazing?? i still remeber the chan piece you sent to me before posting, it made me so emotional AND IF THAT DOESNT SPEAK VOLIMES THEN I DUNNO⁉️ thank you for popping in my inbox n making me smile so much <3
speaking of inbox @lipedaisy i’m looking at you 🫵 debs, you’re so so lovely :( i uh, tend to forget about things, ahaha! so when you pop in n say simple stuff like drink water i feel like… well, you’re a life saver lol! you’re always so kind and bring positive energy, i love chit chatting with you (even if i forget to reply💔).
i hope you won’t be mad i mention you in one paragraph but it’s only because it applies to you all!!! @fairyhaos ,, @mirxzii ,, @rubywonu ,, @etherealyoungk ,, @delcakoo ,, @crxzs and @enluv you inspire me so so much!!! not only you’re the loveliest and funniest people i’ve met but i love your writing!! i know i don’t reblog that much but i write more than i read <\3 but you have amazing talent, your works are always beautifully written. nia, roxie, skye, yena, ema, angie, coco you deserve all the happiness in the world and i’m so grateful we’re friends (even though i’m a dry n late replier sometimes <3)
and to my other moots — @yeonscity-main ,, @sieunsgf ,, @malarign ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @pnkvernon ,, @wqnwoos ,, @wheeboo ,, @ylliris-hanniehae ,, @icyminghao : thank you for being here!! even if we met only a couple days ago… you make me so happy, i love interacting with you n talking abt goofy stuff, you understand me so well and we get along so smoothly it’s making a lil heart really happy :( you make tumblr feel more like home <3
and to readers (if you made it to the end, wow. like, seriously. i personally wouldn’t 🏃‍♀️💨 so, thank you <3), my babies precious gems angels cuties patooties!! thank you so so much for supporting me and my work! i know i complain abt empty reblogs but it’s only bc they motivate me more lol!! i am truly grateful n blessed to have you, even ghost readers (i see you🫵)! without you, rhis blog wouldn’t exist today >_<
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midnightcreator12 · 5 months
Hi there! I just got into your au, and usually I really, really genuinely do not like oc's that are in canon. And it always takes me so many tries to get into it because it just seems so fun, however there's smth about it that I just never like and nothing ever works out? Came across your au, read first chapter and I was already in it. Read everything in one night, EXACTLY my cup of tea and I just don't understand? You added something, I don't exactly know what but I sure am loving it!
And the one-shots are my second favourite part! Nice to read, have a fun adventure in it (or gut-wrenching angst) and it's just so well written, having zero problems with following along. On the last chapter, in the comment section, you mentioned that you were gonna do a one-shot next. So if I may, could we get a small preview? Nothing big and if you don't want to or it's meant to be more surprise-like then, no need, no pressure!
Have a great day and night, drink some water and get plenty of rest, byeee!!
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Happy you like my AU, fic and Chula!
I don't think I added anything so much as...took something away. See, what a lot of people do with OC insert fics is that they essicially make their OC the main character. There is nothing wrong with that, of course, but the issue is that you're going to have a lot of people not want to read it within a few paragraph.
Because, simply put, we read fanfiction to read about an established cast and world. Even if a fic isn't focused on the main characters we still see that main cast as a large part of the plot and, thus, if a fic is focused on a minor character, it's like watching a sidekicks filler episode. It's why I only have 4 out of 54 chapter from Chula POV in the main story of Hunter and Turtles. I wanted to keep her as a side character so I could keep the feeling of the fic being like another season from the show....but with more bloodshed and angst exploration.
That isn't a hard rule, of course. The One-Shot Series starts with a Chula POV chapter and most of those one-shots are from her POV but I always intended that one to be mostly for me to write whatever I wanted and to roll with it (notice the number of non-canon shots in that). And I wrote my Mutant Mayhem fic from an OC's POV because I tried with a few other perspective and his was the best choice. Even then, I tried to keep him as an outsider to the main cast instead of front loading the fic with his life story or something like that.
As for the One-Shot thing. I want to do some Canon One-Shots with Leo and Chula before I start posting the third Arc for the series. Mostly because Arc Three is going to be....quite a shift and there are some one-shots that a few readers have been excited to see. It's a lot easier to crank out some short, single chapter stories when I don't have to juggle all the heavy main plot stuff at the same time.
And since you've left such a wonderful ask in my Inbox....yeah, I can do a lil preview for one of the one-shots under construction.
Warning; this preview is not edited yet so the sentence structure, spelling and grammar may be a little wack.
You have an awesome day/night as well! And remeber to sleep when binge reading fanfiction! And enjoy!
Chula had been gone too long.
The thought had flitted through his a few times over that last couple of hours but when the sun started to go down, it became a mantra.
When they landed on this planet, Chula had passively mention that she was going to find some work for a few extra cdit while the ship refueled and cooled down. And Leo hadn’t bat an eye at that because Chula did that a lot, ventured onto planets for some day-labor for some extra cash in her pocket.
Leo didn’t mind staying on the ship to wait for her to come back….and since she hadn’t called him out for occasionally sneaking off she didn’t know he’d sometimes explore a little.
But she didn’t ever stay gone the entire day. The longest she’d ever been gone was nine hours and even that time she’d stomped into the ship grumbling about contractors underselling the job to try and give her less money.
But it had been easily past that at this point and Leo was worried. And she wasn’t answering her comm. Either. Sure, she didn’t always have time or signal but Leo was pretty sure she’d find a way to reassure him if he tried to call ten times.
But he hadn’t heard a peep.
So he grabbed his hood, opened a picture of Chula on his tablet and ventured into the settlement.
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turn2tech · 8 months
what the fuck just happened
ok um sorry for posting this on tumblr out of literally anywhere else but i just got out of a really WEIRD relationship and im honestly not sure what else to do!!!
tws: possibly toxic relationships? (past) physical/emotional abuse
holy shit wow where do i even start
this all happened so fast!!!
ok me and my bf of 1.5 years have broken up!!! It was our homecoming dance i invited them as well as our mutual best friend, and when they got there they told me they thought it was going to be a date. They acted very upset throughout the entire thing brought down the mood all together. I'm not saying that they aren't allowed to express their emotions, but the thing is, they were there when i invited the best friend. After that, i broke up with them while we were waiting for our parents to pick us up (we're freshmen). We agreed to stay friends.
After all of that, i invited the best friend over to my house, mainly so i could complain about how they were kind of a manipulative asshole throughout the entire relation (dw, ill get to that later) and we got to talking, eventually coming to the conclusion they we should also stop being friends with them.
Me, being the irrational and impulsive prick that i am, told someone that max was close too! I told him the next day at school, not realizing i forgot to tell him that the confrontation itself was going to happen at a later date, and him, confused, went to class and asked my boyf what happened.
blah blah blah yada yada yada i said some stupid shit in a group chat, insulted them while trying to explain the situation, and was just kind of bitchy about the whole thing. Without hearing my side of the story, everyone immediately took max's side and kicked me. I understand it to an extent, but even to this day they refuse to get my perspective which is really concerning to me. I had someone i knew inside the group chat still, and they sent me screenshots of everyone saying how they never liked me in the first place and how AND I QUOTE "only ever talk about cartoons and video games." Like... damn. I would genuinely rather be punched in the face and have my nose broken by a complete and utter stranger on the street then to see that.
A few days after, the friend that started this all insisted that apologizing to the bf directly would fix everything. I gave a whole ass SPEECH about how i was in the wrong about the things i said, but i still felt our relationship was unhealthy for me. They didn't add me back to the group chat, nor did i ever have someone ask me for my side. Oh, and the inside friend? refuses to defend me in fear of getting kicked out as well.
The mutual best friend actually made amends with the bf so they aren't on bad terms, but in truth they are only there to report what he has said about me. He has said the following:
that i was emotionally distant
i ... smelled bad????
i didn't give them enough "physical affection" (i frequently said no to making out)
And that just got me thinking. The entire reason i was emotionally and physically distant was because of, well, physical and emotional abuse ive suffered in the past. Ive had terrible relationships, and even more terrible friends. I told them about this several times, and that it's not their fault im this way! clearly they don't care and have decided to take it personally, which is not my problem.
So you know what? ive got a couple of gripes with you too.
you never(rarely) showered and actively admitted that to me
you were a compulsive liar that lied about fucking EVERYTHING
you frequently emotionally presured me into staying with you, using the phrase "I'd probably kill myself if we ever broke up haha" frequently
you faked being scene (dressed the part, did not listen to the music LMFAO I JUST REMEBERED THEIR FAVORITE ARTIST IS MITSKI HELP)
yes, you read that last part right! the NIGHT we broke up they went to all their social media accounts and changed the flags in their pfps, as well as the pronouns in their bio, oh no, im sorry, HER BIO. I am pissed and angry and mainly sad that i didn't see the signs earlier. And hey, if you read this far, thanks.
Anyways, there's actually a lot more inbetweens to this story, including the collapse of an entire friend group, rumors, and a musical (not fucking kidding), but im tired and typing this just made me really sad. goodnight.
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faenights · 2 months
am going to rant about the uk mh services because i am angry about it always and forever and am having one of those adhd moments where i feel like i'll explode if i don't put it somewhere! It is under the cut dw <3 TL:DR I cannot begin to express how angry I am that the government tries to claim they care about trans people when the mh services are,, like this.
re: my last reblogged post... i am so genuinly concerned about the state of politics and the fact that the only thing that seems to remotely imply that the government cares about mh services is actually just people using it as an excuse to be transphobic.
There's little point in trying to break down whatever it is that they're saying atm but one of the main points (which we've seen in america a lot as well!!) is the what about the children?? question which makes me more angry than i care to articulate. Because, quite CLEARLY, none of this: making two gendered toilets manditory, making it difficult if not impossible for trans people to access healthcare, that goddamn report they did?? has anything to do with the children.
now i hope i don't come across as a terf for saything this but,, i do think there is a legitmate concern about the implications of prescribing hormone ultering drugs to children when they're still developing. We know that hormones do a lot to fuck with mh and its not something that should be given to anyone lightly. HOWEVER, if that was the genuine concern with any of this, they are coming at it in entirely the wrong way.
this is partially one of the reasons puberty blockers are prescribed for younger trans people. as far as we are aware, it doesn't have anywhere near the mh implications that changing their puberty entirely can and it has the added benefit for not forcing someone to go through a puberty that they have quite clearly expressed will be very distressing. puberty is a shitty thing to go through anyway, mh is especally volatile when hormones are involved. this is shown by,, literally every teenager ever. but you know whats also a great fucking example of this?? birth control!! which is something that many doctors are very happy to prescribe without putting in anywhere near as much thought/education or awareness of the impacts. If they truly gave a shit about the children and ~hormones~, birth control would not be prescribed so easily. but it is, because its not actually about child wellbeing. the same goes for the presciption of mh medications e.g. antidepressants. Below is mostly just me ranting about my shitty doctors. It's not entirely relevent but exlains why im so goddamn angry and convinced that this mh bs people argue is bs.
I, for example, have been taking antidepressants since I was 14. I do not remeber clearly what it was like to not be on them other than the fact that I was Very mentally unwell. I will be the first to say that they have so useful and, I do believe it may have genuinly saved my life at the time. But, I am now 22. I have reached the point where I am at the highest dose of my current antidepressants and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do when they stop working. I didn't care when I was 14 but, I am now old enough to consider the implications of taking antidepressants for so long, especally given that I was so young. No one has ever sat me down and talked to me about the implications of this medication for anything really, let alone the implications it may or may not have had given that my brain was still developing for the majority of the time i've been taking it. infact, the few times i have tried to talk to someone about it the process has been so infuritating i've ended up more distressed than I was to begin with and have just,, given up for the time being. I am not a doctor, and getting in contact with a doctor about it has always been very difficult, but I know antidepressants are not supposed to be a long term solution. they are a band aid that's used with other treatments. when you prescribe antidepressants and do nothing else,, they don't work. and yet,, here I am, a person that has been on this since I was barely a teenager, in a position where I cannot talk to someone about it despite trying to. because, and this is my main point in all this,, THE MH SYSTEM HERE IS FUCKING TERRIBLE.
I am in the wonderful position of living in one of the areas with the worst mh services in the UK so I hope that my expereince is just an especally bad one, but I know that it is likely very common. In fact, I'm lucky that I got prescribed antidepressants at all since most people don't even get that. the only reason I got them in the first place is because I'm lucky enough that my parents could afford for me to see someone privately. I have never managed to get an nhs doctor or wellbeing service to even remotely listen to me in the past 8 years I've been through that system. Unfortunately, in my expereince at least, trying to contact the nhs about my mh issues has lead to,, "come back when you're worse". Even when when I've quite openly said to them that if I get any worse I'm sure if I'll still be alive to come back to them. This has made no difference whatsoever. If i had had to rely on the NHS mental health systems, or the non existant "support" i had from schools (which also knew of my mh issues at the time but did nothing) I truly don't think I would still be alive to write angry tumblr posts about it.
What I mean to say is,, this has been my expereince with pretty "standard" mh issues (anxiety ect). We know that trans peole are a lot more likely to die when not given treatment or any form of support than most other groups of peole. How you can know that and still try and argue that taking away the one thing that might help people and hide behind the excuse that it's because you "care about their wellbeing" is beyond me. and, say Mrs TERF is right, and some kids that say they're trans are actually dealing with other issues that they later realise, the level of harm that is done to them by ignoring them or worse, telling them they don't know about their own feelings or expereinces, is so much worse than the possibility of someone detransitioning. People, especally young people, need to time and space to figure out who they are. denying them that does nothing but hurt them more and lead so many other complications later in life.
If the governement really truly did care about the mh of young people, these implimentaions would be different. They would centre trans people and focus on what trans people say they need. Not random cis women that have decided to speak over them. if they cared about the mh of young people, they'd review whatever the fuck is going on with the mh services in this country and not make trying to ask for help feel like you're fighting a battle with a thousand monsters just to get to the bottom of a mountain. they would change mh services so they actually fucking helped instead of told people to go away or prescribe medications to make someone shut up for a few months. They would give a shit that children keep fucking dying because they are asking for help and no one is helping them.
When the government or the nhs or whatever talks about mh they try and say that there is help out there and you can get better you've just gotta open up! They are 1) ignoring that opening up and speaking to peole about this is an incredibly difficult thing to do in the first place and 2) ignoring that they are seeming to do everything in their power to not help people.
if you read that, I'm very greatful, thank you. and I apologise for all the spelling mistakes.
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bruh what is going on in sans's head when paps confesses too him that he's been meeting a flower that is positive too him, frequently compliments him and seems to be an admirer.
Like, wtf sans.
Yeah, it hinges on the fact we know who flowey is, a bad guy.
But for you? I doesn't make sense.
All you tell us is positive attributes. Just cause he can make "predictions" ain't make him dangerous. You don't even know the guy.
What an asshole.
Like, "someone must be playing a trick on him, using an echo flower!"
Like, is this anyway creepy? Like, did papyrus tell you things, that flowey said, that was creepy, or red flagish?
Like, wtf man.
You tried to kill a flower cause he told you about his "powers~", but when we, the player tell you, you just.. Give us a key and a wink?
How is that fair?
Why us?
Wtf man? What did flowey do to piss you off? What did a tiny, harmless flower do to make you want us to watch out for it?
FLOWEY even remeber cute or stupid facts about papyrus, and says genuinely nice things about him.
You? Sans? Why does so many people like you? Cause you made them laugh?
I was having fun, and i thought he was cute and stuff. But now? What is wrong with this guy?
Dude, your this "judge" to see if someone is "worthy" or something, but i doubt you actually are. bro you worked with some royal scientist, who had the blue prints to amalagmetes and what ever the hell the core is, and is generally creepy.
You do actually criminal activity, yeah you work a ton, but your extremley unreliable, you drag your brother around and make him clean up after you, and when he finds a freind, AN OKAY FREIND, you tell us to "look out" for them?!
But yeah, you kinda funny, but i actually dont want tko be scammed, and i just made this whole post cause im mad im he attempted to scam me more than once.
He did it so many times, that im starting to grow very uncomfortable around the potato man. He's a little.. Weird.
Atleast i know that the deranged physcopath flower was nice at the beginning and is still caries that niceness with papyrus, as it seems their conversations have been going on for awhile, with no repercussions except for that one time.
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chrollo-tw · 4 years
Naruto Uzumaki+BPD
Naruto Uzumaki is such a misunderstood character, because many people judge him in the categories of normal, functioning person, even though he’s fucking insane, lol. I just saw someone calling him a whiny bootlicker and it pissed me off, so I had to make this post. I think everyone agrees that Naruto has adhd but I think it isn’t the only disorder he suffers from. By far I’ve encountered two people saying that they think Naruto may have bpd as well and I totally agree with them, so I decided to make a post about it. In short, if someone wouldn’t know, main symptoms of borderline personality disorder include: abandonment issues, extreme mood swings, unstable self image and relationships with other people, black and white thinking, tendency to perform risky behaviors etc. As a person with bpd myself I’ll make a rant about my own behaviors and symptoms I see in Naruto:
-bpd is the most often caused by a childhood trauma. In Naruto’s case it’s a lack of parents and ostracism he faced
-he experiences extremely intense emotions, he’s very impulsive, because he doesn’t control his emotions, they control him instead. that’s why he often acts without thinking it through.
-he feels like he constantly needs to prove himself, that he has to earn people’s love and acceptance. he’s desperate to get people’s attention.
-i always felt that i need to become a super famous person one day, because it’s the only way people are going to aknowlage me. does it remind you about something? naruto’s dream of becoming hokage is rooted in his insecurites, traumas and the compulsive need to be seen by others.
-crying and screaming like a small child when he is frustrated, random burts of anger. it’s all because he didn’t developed a healthy emotional patterns in his early childhood.
-he gets attached so quickly, he basically needs a one positive interaction to call someone a friend :p this is also a classic bpd behavior. someone is nice to me? wow, it means that we’re besties and i totally love them now!
-he idolizes people he cares about, especially when it comes to sasuke. sasuke is naruto’s favorite person. he means to him more than anyone. even though they’re other people in his life they don’t even come close to sasuke. he’s a center of naruto’s universe. all of his thoughts and feelings are focused on him. it’s so intense it causes an immense emotional pain. his happiness, his life, all of this depends on sasuke, because he’s this one person he puts above all the rest. naruto is even willing to die along with him, not considering the fact that his death could affect lives of many people. it also proves his fear of abandonment. he’ll do anything to bring sasuke back, bc he can’t stand the thought of being abandoned by the person he loves so much. it has a form of an unhleathy obsession, however what he feels is genuine. he just feels 100 times stronger than a normal person.
-there is a stereotype that people with bpd manipulate others. tbh, it’s true but not in a way people think. you see, we aren’t cunning manipulators who don’t care about other people’s feelings. we just have an emotional maturity of 5 year old kid and feel like crying and begging can solve something. it applies to naruto as well. for example: his behavior from the kage summit arc, especially the scene with raikage.
-naruto is hyper empathetic. he feels other poeple’s pain so intensively that it hurts him too. it is a bit of a self-centric behavior, sure. he projects his own pain onto them, that’s true. but it is still genuine. he relates and he wants to help them, because he does not want anyone to hurt like he does.
-he forgives people too easly, due to his black and white thinking. someone is either the best or the worst. for example: obito was an evil villian to him at first and after a few good things he did, he suddenly became the coolest guy ever, dattebayo.
-people with bpd are easly abused by others, because they have a hard time recognizing this kind of behaviors. even when they do, they forigve an abuser, after he starts acting decently again and often blame himself for what happened to them. it explains his relationship with jiraiya and how naruto still sees him as an amazing father figure, regardless of how awuflly he treated him sometimes.
-i believe naruto is depressed and suicidal. he’s just good at hiding it, because of his outgoing nature and the fact that he can be an extreme people pleaser. something i relate to as well :P
-when he is happy he is a walking, talking, breathing sunshine. the smallest things can make him feel like the happiest person alive and the smallest things can change his mood drastically again.
-he hates being ignored and gets jealous too easly
-he often participiates in risky behaviors. in contrast to crazy emotions there is emptiness. we feel so much and so deeply that when we don’t it feels wrong and unnatural, so we often do risky things like self harm, just to feel something. Remeber Naruto stabbing himself with a kunai? Or letting Karui beat his ass for no fucking reason?
Ok, i’ll stop here. I could discuss it for hours but this post is already long. I hope i explained it. I’m not a professional, i just based it on my own experience, so don't judge me, haha. This headcanon means so much to me, because people often associate bpd with some psychos and abusive yandere bitches, witch is seriously harmful and stigmatizing.
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theworldsoul · 4 years
Sorry guys, I'm gonna vent Again, so if you don't want to read it just feel free to skip this post
Okay so basically we have a Gecko. Don't ask, that's another story for another time. My dad has grown fond of it, and I used to think he was cool until a specific day. On that say I fed him worms with a tweezer. When I picked them up, I could PHYSICALLY FEEL THEIR PAIN. I dont really know what happened there, but I physically felt their pain and i squeezed them. My dad said, "squeeze harder, do it by the head", and i tried it and i felt a jolt of pain... I told myself "you are just imagining the pain, its okay" but then when I looked back at the worm, squirming and struggling... I connected some dots in my brain and this hard realization came upon me, that I was causing this poor creature pain. I began to cry and my dad had to feed the gecko that day. Ever since then I havent interacted with the gecko because every time I do it freaks me out a bit. I dont really understand what happened that time but I want to forget about it before I go near the gecko again. I've been trying to get closer to him but I always freak out.
So today I was on my computer, right? Drinking a tea. Trying to feel peaceful. Then all of a sudden my dad is there, all happy with the gecko, and I go "oh hi!!!" Because I am under the impression that the gecko will stay ON HIS HAND. Of course I'm wrong. My dad encourages him to go onto the table to see me. I EXPECT the gecko to walk onto the table and towards me, but TO MY SURPRSISE, the gecko basically jumpscares me by suddenly jumping from his hand onto and nearby watterbottle. I jump a bit, startled, and I spill tea all over my computer, the table, and my sleeve. As I'm processing what happened I'm overtaken by fear and I begin to cry.
Of course I'm fine and I'm just overreacting, but I was scared. I wasnt hurt, my computer mousepad barely works now but I wasnt hurt. So why was I so scared of a little gecko? I dont know. So I'm crying and trying to clean up the mess of tea everywhere and my dad is mad at me for spilling my tea and he asks why I did that and I tell him that I was scared since it jumped so suddenly, yknow I wasnt expecting it. I dont remeber his exact words but it was soemthing about me being 15, like "oh well since you're 15 now you should grow the fuck up" basically. Then he left. Like???? I am literally trying to get my breathing back to a normal pace because I'm SCARED, I was just JUMPSCARED, and you get MAD AT ME??? YOUR CHILD IS FUCKING SCARED AND YOU JUST LEAVE THEM?? the whole time I was cleaning I could hear him in the other room talking to the gecko, all carefree and happy... while I did my best not to cry. Damn okay. It almost made me feel like I was below human.
Usually this wouldnt be such a big fucking deal, but I'm an emotional person. And also I notice that,,, whenever my sister is scared they lunge at the chance to help her feel safe again. It's like they hate me specifically.
I know I'm making a big deal out of something that is really not a big deal. Really all that happened was a little gecko jumped and I got scared. I'm overdoing it. But that's just how I am now. I really don't want to believe that I'm broken or anything, but fuck i think i genuinely am messed up if stupid shit like this makes me freak out... reminder that this all began with EMPATHIZING WITH A FUCKING MEALWORM. I'm jsut so fucking broken. And in the moments I was left alone to console myself as quietly as possible so as not to make anyone angry, I felt my body become possessed with another soul.
This happens sometimes, where I will sorta have the mindset of a child. I force it sometimes to cope, but other times it happens on it's own whenever I feel unloved or otherwise bad like this. I'm not too sure if this is a normal thing. But I describe it as possession. The fact that that event made me get possessed is kinda a big deal. Usually that only happens at REALLY BAD THINGS.
But this wasn't really bad... I'm just being sensitive and overdoing it.
Honestly my parents are right... I really do need to grow up. But I think I have something wrong with me, with my brain, because there are just so many things about this story that are so... wrong. Like, what sort of person freaks out and cries for an hour because they got jumpscared? What sort of person then has their body SWITCH SOULS because they feel like their parents dont love them? WHAT SORT OF PERSON EMPATHIZES WITH A WORM??? it's all so weird. Like, who knows, maybe my parents arent that bad, maybe I'm just like... weird. I'm totally overdoing this. I'm totally overdoing this. I'm making such a big deal out of it... but I cant help it. That's just my emotions.
Shit, I should really get a therapist. All the ones I've been to so far tell me my emotional reactions are totally normal but THIS DOESNT SEEM FUCKING NORMAL TO ME. I've overreacted to shit my whole life. It's not. Helpful.
On another note, I notice that my crying doesnt induce a "concern" reaction in my father. It induces an "anger" reaction. They arent bad people, I just... I'm beginning to think they really fucking hate me.
They have all the reaosn to, but a lot of those reasons are things that couldve been fixed early on if the adults around me cared about my feelings enough to try to sort them out. It's been fifteen years and now I'm fucked up. Irreversible. Just. So.. so fuckinf damaged. I dont think I'll ever be normal. And I hate ft. But it cant happen.
Soemtimes I think it was a bad idea to choose to live after the party. It was the perfect time to die and I told myself no, dont do it. It was... perfect. Calling to me. I think it was my destiny to die that day. I think that now I am cursed since I dodged my destiny.
I try not to think that way. I tell myself that I am going to change so much. I tell myself that my passion will be my strength. But the way my life is going, it really doesnt feel like I will become anything good.
I'm failing my classes. They KNOW about my soul shifting. I cry too much. All I ever do is draw STUPID FUCKING DRAWINGS and play STUPID FUCKING MUSIC and play fashion designer in my room stitching things up... fucking hell. They're right to hate me. I'm a failure. But they're also wrong to hate me. A lot of the things they dont like about me are things that are THEIR FAULT.
Man, I dont even know what to think anymore. All I really ever wanted was their love. But it's impossible for me to get it now, so I should just forget about it. I cant though. It plagues me. The thought that they hate me. It hurts me. And when its confirmed to me... i'm sorry. All I ever do is complain about the most mundane bullshit ever. My parents are proabbly actually good people I'm just overdoing it because I'm I'm proabbly mentally ill or soemthing. And I'm a failure anyways so I cant fucking blame them for not liking me that much anwyays. God, fifteen is very old. And I'm a boy. I hate to say it but they're right. Fuck, they're right. I cant be crying... I'm so oversensitive. But wait, why am I trying so hard to justify their ideas? ITS BECAUSE I FEEL GUILTY CONDEMNING THEIR ACTIONS. WHY DO I FEEL GUILTY. goddamn it...
I dont know how I'm gonna fix this though. I kinda wish my parents would treat me with the softness that I NEED, that my mind NEEDS and has needed for a while now, but I know that wont happen and really I'm just this overgrown child thing and oh fuck I wonder who's fault that is??? Cos it isn't all on me. Oh shit, now I'm scared. If I get a bad mark on my test my parents will freak out. I think I'm going to cry again. Fuck man, I try my hardest, it's just I'm literally defective. I cant do any better. I've been set up to fail anyways. Fuck. I just... I dont know, I wish things were different.
This is stupid and I'm being stupid and freaking out over one little thing. Fuck.
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im-fairly-whitty · 5 years
If your still doing the Directors Commentary, I just remebered much I liked your "My Boy" oneshot you did for the Coco Fluff contest.
I sure did, and actually, I don't think I ever posted it to tumblr now that I think about it because the contest entries were anonymous.
Well, here it is on ao3.
This one was a lot of fun to write, it’s basically Ernesto’s POV thought process when he meets Miguel at his party in the movie. Since Ernesto is the villain there’s always a risk of people making him 2-dimensional and flat in his motivations, but I love taking a deeper and more nuanced look at his character. 
In My Boy he’s still prideful and selfish, but he’s also genuinely intrigued in the idea of having a grandson. In the movie he really does look delighted to have a descendant that he can impress and show off, and I wanted to look into his complicated mindset of “I only need myself in this world” but also knowing that he used to be a man who had a best friend and is still a man who thrives on attention and admiration (the superficial versions of love and affection, which he cut himself off from when he murdered Hector.)
Add to that a heavy dose of Ernesto’s own troubled childhood of unsupportive parents who hated his music as well, and you have a man who’s willing to put his doubts aside and revel in the feeling of supporting a young musician-to-be that he may or may not actually be related to, but for this one happy moment in time he can see enough of himself in Miguel to want to help him out. 
(Later on of course the scales are tipped away from Miguel when Ernesto’s reputation is on the line, but for now he’s willing to live in the moment. )
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entitynotincluded · 5 years
April 5th 2019;
2:56 am/4:05 am
I cant sleep and my whole body is physically aching. All these people that hurt me keep cycling through my mind.
First my dad... Luis... Why could you never show me love or even that you were proud of me. My youngest memories are of you being drunk and passed out. Yet I still loved you and idolized you with all my heart. You were my strong and hilarious dad! No one could stop you! You were out all day keeping the bad guys in jail so how could you be bad? When the divorce happened and you disappeared entirely. Any part of you that I thought I had was gone and I lost the dad I had grown so attached to. Any love that I felt you had for me left and it felt like an eternity till you said “I love you” to me again. I know you’ve said you love me before.. But that was when I was so young. I barely remember it. After all this time why? Why did you finally say it right as you left me again.
Mom... I don’t remember much before the divorce.. I wish I did. I wish I could remember you’re smile from back then. Who you were before my dads lies and cheatings were discovered. I see all these pictures of you back then. You looked so light and happy. Now when you smile I feel uneasy at times. When we left dad you started to drink and party... a lot. Living with Nana feels like the begining of the nightmare. That’s when you would go to work, come home to change and then head out again. Till you’d come home covered in the scent of booze, cologne and sweat. You’d just climb in bed, laughing because I had turned your creepy dolls away from me so they werent looking at me, then pass out. You never could tell that I had spent all night crying... worried you wouldnt return. I sat in that room staring out the window just waiting for you. I just wanted the mom that would read and sing me to sleep back. I wanted so badly for you to just be my loving mom again. I thought you being gone was the worst. Soon I learned you being there was living hell.
When you were with Luis still sure you guys would pull my ear and spank me... That was so rare though. After the split though... It was like a switch flipped in you and I became the punching bag to all your frustrations. It felt like everyday you would be hitting my ass raw. Pulling my ear so hard and constantly that it felt like it would fall off. Shaming me in public. Did you feel powerful bending me over in those stores, all those people watching, and just hitting me till I was screaming in pain because I could barely stand anymore. You would be worse behind closed doors. I wasn’t allowed outside a lot because I was always grounded or I hadn’t cleared my plans with you at least a week in advance. I lived in constant fear of you. When the front door opened.. what mood would you be in?? How long could I hide in my room before you came for me?? Some days you would just come home; tell me to go to my room, take off my pants and bend over. Thats you be there soon with the spoon or spatula. I can still remember how that wood felt on my bare skin. The marks that were left. The tears that would seem to never stop. “I’ll stop when you stop crying. Why are you still crying?” I learned to not cry because of that. Emotions would only bring me pain so why did I need them? After you would leave though and that door would close (that is if it was allowed to be closed, which it usually wasnt) I would just cry. Forcing myself to be quiet so I wouldn’t draw your attention again. I’m an adult now so you don’t do that to me now. Yet I still feel so much fear to you sometimes.
Harleigh/Zeih... You were supposed to love me. Did you ever really care about me? Or was I just someone you dated cause why not?? You were polyamourous, yeah I was ok with that. I just wanted to know I had a special part in your heart. You could do what you wanted with people and I would have been fine with it. BUT you hid it from me. You withdrew from me and slept with some of my at the time closest friends. I had to learn from your roommate that you were having sex with these people. Then to have your dad call me and defend you? All I wanted was for you to reach out to me.. Talk to me. For when you saw me.. AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!! To come after me and just show some form of guilt or caring. But no.. You iust watched me break every time and cry while trying to run and hide.
You probably never learned this but... one of the people you were busy spending all your time with... Romancing and screwing... That son of a bitch would later take advantage of me. Thats for later in this hell of a post though. First you Harleigh.. You get to know how what you did affected me... I already had trust and abandonment issues. You knew this... After this though... I just lost all sense of trust. Those I dated after you were because I felt the need to say yes not cause I wanted to. I remeber one guys name after you and thats cause I know I hurt him and for that I’m truly sorry. It took YEARS for me to finally, FINALLY feel attached to someone again. To fully love them. He is so much to me but god damn am I terrifed. I’m so scared of history repeating. You know why I’m so scared?? Because of you Harleigh... Harleigb you are the reason my heart fucking turned to dust. After you I stopped eating because maybe you found my body disgusting?? I identified as Asexual at the time but had been willing to have sex if that was what you really desired from me. I was willing to be that vulnerable with you. Yet you twisted it and shattered me. I stopped eating, my body would just start puking everyday... I lost all sense of time.
That is until Sam.
Sam... You through all of this had been there for me to go to and cry. When hugged me it felt like a shield. I thought you were my genuine friend. I called you my older brother sometimes for gods sake. But no... You took my trust and shattered it too. I just wanted a ride to my best friends house after a long day of guys being creepy and flipping my skirt up. You offered me a ride so I could avoid the creeps on the bus. Did you plan to take me up to that hill/mountaint that day? When did you deside that was the destination? All I remember is Ninja Sex Party playing in your speakers and driving past my friends house. I was so confused but I trusted you.
I got out of that car and looked at the view you had wanted me to see.
I sat on the rock like you told me to.
I was being the good little girl everyone told me to be.
Then next thing I know.. your mouth is on mine. Your hands just touching and clawing at my chest. Suddenly you had pushed my skirt up.. it felt like you were clawing at my tights... like you would rip them off at any second.. You had asked if I wanted you to go in my underwear. How many god damn times did I say no and shake my head??? Were my tears not enough for you?!!!! Apparently not. Your strong hands that had held me so many times suddenly were violating me. I remember your touch on my vagina.. You made a comment about how I shouldnt be embarrassed that I wasnt bare down there. You finallt took me to my friends house when you were done with me and after that you never spoke to me again.
Dylan... you were a minor part in all of this. You were just a boy that wanted his dick to get sucked. And I was just a boy that wanted some weed. Yet that wasn’t all... you knew I had a small crush on you... You joked about it to me. You led me along and ditched me right as one of my close friends that you liked started talking to you again. You left me like some road kill. Why couldnt you at least stay and be my friend?? No. You had to completely stop talking to me. So for that fuck you. You never cared when I cried. Never came when I was crying and on the verge. Just begging for some form of help.
After all this I tried to stop eating and existing. I went to an out patient program and acted like a good recovering depressed child. I just wanted to play happy until the day I snapped and killed myself. Now though... Now I feel so happy. Everyday I get to talk to the love of my life. He sees my pain. It scares him yes. But it doesn’t scare him away. If anything it brings him closer. He wants to be there for me and I want to be there for him. I don’t have to be fake happy anymore.
I just get to be genuinely happy!
He makes living through all of this worth it and so much more. There will be hard times in the future. I accept this. Yet I feel so much more prepared to face it as long as I have my soulmate, James. He makes me not hate the world anymore. In fact now I don’t hold hate towards any of these people except you Sam.
My mother: I love her dearly even though she terrifies me
My father: I want to trust you and feel a bond if that were possible
Dylan: We were both so young I just hope you learned and are a better person now
Harleigh: I hope you find joy in your life. Though it would bring me so much joy if you could see like once in public with my James. I just want you to see how much better of a person he is than you will EVER be.
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anarchist-billy · 6 years
Writer Process Tag
I saw this recently floating around and felt compelled to do it. I’ve tagged a few people at the bottom, to maybe start a tag train?
Apologies if this has already made the rounds and I just missed it. Anyway here we go…
1. What are your favorite genres and/or styles to write in?
Shit, dude. I have no idea, if I’m being honest. I’m really bad with genres when it comes to fiction, like I genuinely never know what’s classified as what. The story I’ve been working on the longest could (I think) be classified under Fantasy/Sci-fi. But I’ve dabbled in all kinds of genres over the years - fantasy, sci-fi, gothic horror, historical, contemporary…
2. What was the last writing project you finished and felt successful with?
I basically never finish any of my projects, but I did write a little 20k fic last winter that I was pretty pleased with. It’s not posted anywhere cause it’s for like an extremely rare ship and I wrote it primarily for my best friend who’s also into the ship. I re-read it recently and honestly, it wasn’t too shabby. *pats self on back*
3. If you have a WiP how do you feel it’s going? What stage are you in?
I have too many WIPs (some fics for various ships/fandoms, some original content) - But the one I’m most focused on at the moment is Harringrove and it’s nearly 100k. I’m very overwhelmed by it right now. I did like zero planning on it and it’s kind of gotten out of hand. Please send help.
4. What are your favorite places to write?
Curled up on my couch, at a coffee shop, at the park…I’m not all that picky.
5. Do you prefer to write with long hand or type? Or some other method?
Type. My brain goes too fast for me to write by hand, I also backtrack A Lot and I hate pencils so if I wrote everything by hand one page would end up being just a fuckton of scribbles and maybe four actual sentences.
6. Do you remeber your first character? If so can we meet them?
Honestly, no? I’ve been writing since I could read basically and have very few coherent memories of my childhood, and I haven’t held onto everything I’ve ever written. >.<
7. Where do you get your inspiration?
All kinds of things. Books, film, music, nature, people-watching, personal experiences…
8. Do you outline a story before writing it, or does it all live in your head until the first draft gets put down?
I’m really bad about outlining, so most of the time it just stays in my head until I finally sit down to write it out. That’s why I rarely finish anything longer than maybe 10k, and why I lose track of where I’m going once I get in too deep.
9. Where do you go/ What do you do when you’re feeling stuck?
My whole life has been a struggle with writer’s block. I tend to just bang my head against my desk a lot and then walk away to do literally anything else until I feel ready to try again.
10. What got you started writing/doing Art? (Because I always love origin stories)
Not really a compelling origin story but I was making up stories before I could even read or write. My siblings and I played a lot of games where we pretended to be made-up characters and run around our yard defeating evil or whatever. So when I started reading, I just kind of naturally fell into writing alongside it.
I’m going to tag some people that I know for sure write things, but if you see this and you write things please consider yourself tagged - @letshargroovetonight @stranger-ships @billys-camaro @flippyspoon @hoppnhorn @casualtornado @brawlite @heart-eyes-harrington
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deaf/HoH or blind sterek?
I see you, Nonny, sneaking multiple asks into one  :P  I do like these types of fics tho.  :P
anonymous said: Hii! Do you know any sterek fics where one of them or both are deaf, blind, or can’t speak? If you could put a mix of them in there that would be great (: thank you so much your amazing !         
This list fills your ask too, but also check out our mute!Stiles tag for those fics (cause this post is already kinda crazy long, lol).
Enjoy the fics!  -Emmy
First up:  Deaf
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(Ooooooh…he gives me Derek vibes :D )
You Don’t Have to Hear Your Heartbeat to Feel It by redhoodedwolf
(1,186 I General I Complete)  *sterek, college au, TA!derek, college student!stiles
It took Stiles longer than he’d like to admit for him to discover his TA for Mythological Studies was deaf.
Little Gestures by Stereksale7
(1,976 I Teen I Complete)  *sterek, driver!derek
Derek is a deaf Uber driver.
He’s hardly thanked by his passengers, and when he is, it’s seldom genuine.
In comes Stiles Stilinski, who changes it all.
Give Me a Sign by WhichWolfWins
(2,215 I Explicit I Complete)   *sterek, loss of virginity
Stiles decides to learn sign language so he can communicate better with Derek and he ends up using it to communicate his feelings for him.
Laughter is the Best Medicine by literaryoblivion
(4,432 I Teen I Complete)  *sterek, human au, doctor!stiles
He hasn’t always been deaf.
Although, sometimes, he wishes he was. Mainly because he knows what he’s missing. He remembers what the rustle of the wind in the trees sounds like, remembers what kids playing in the playground sounded like, what laughter sounded like.
He misses it. A lot.
Speak to Me by Ember
(9,168 I Teen I Complete)
Derek became deaf from the fire that took his family long ago, and has refused to speak since. But when he is forced to speak in the court case of the woman who betrayed him long ago, he begrudgingly accepts the help of a newly graduated speech pathologist. Stiles, however, is about to teach a whole lot more.
Bones Straining Under the Weight by weathervaanes
(15,645 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek, au, food blogger!derek
One of Stiles’ favorite things about life is Derek Hale’s food blog. He never expects to meet the man in person.
“Derek,” he says again, and the name feels very strange on his tongue. “You don’t mean Derek Hale.”
His professor’s eyebrows reach up, eyes widening. “You read his blog?”
“Uh. Worship. Would be a better more descriptive word. That is Derek Hale?”
Jimmy chuckles. “Good-looking guy, huh?”
“You mean to tell me the Food Network hasn’t snatched him up to dethrone everyone else from daytime TV.”
Jimmy smiles a small private smile. “I don’t think TV is his medium.”
Stiles raises an eyebrow. “Shy?”
The man laughs heartily at that. “No, I wouldn’t say that. He just has particular forms of expression, like eyebrows and chili powder.”
Counting to Infinity by artenon
(15,763 I Teen I Complete)  *sterek
When Derek goes deaf, he finds himself going to Stiles for help. Stiles does.
Want You To Shut Up (Even Though I Cannot Hear You) by ChairmanChurch
(19,487 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek, college au, roommates, alive hale family
“Wait, wait,” Scott scrutinized him suspiciously, “is all of this about the killer thing or just that you want to ogle at your roommate’s body?”
“No way, dude. I have my standards. Not the guy with eery green grey eyes, perfectly trimmed stubble and stupid bunny teeth.”
(Or the one in which Derek is deaf and Stiles doesn’t stop talking, and Isaac’s finally being helpful)
The Music Of your Body by GameCake
(2,389 I Teen I Complete)  *sterek, dancer!stiles
Derek inspected the paper with curiosity. It was a poster that seemed to be advertising a dancing event. There was a dancer in the middle, dressed in ballet clothes, body toned and hard, but the movement that was captured screamed smooth and melodic even from the picture.
I don’t understand. He signed with a frown.
It’s an invitation. I am one of the dancers in the group and I would like it if you came. Stiles replied nervously.
Hush by gryvon
(5,101 I General I Complete)  *scott/stiles, alive hale family
Scott becomes infatuated with Derek’s friend Stiles.
Heartbeats by lizleminem
(5,441 I Mature I Complete)  *scott/stiles
When they’re sixteen they steal some of Stiles’ dad’s alcohol. They’re a little tipsy when Stiles starts whining about how he’s still never kissed anyone. He makes a face and signs, “I’m sixteen, Scott. This is ridiculous. I’m gonna wither up and die before I ever kiss anyone.” His signing is a little loose and sloppy from the alcohol, and when he finishes he collapses backward on the bed, sighing like the world is crumbling around him.
Scott leans over him, rolls his eyes, and signs, “I’ll kiss you if it means you’ll shut up about it.”
Savagely Wicked by KrAuEd
(6,241 I Mature I Complete)   *sterek, model!stiles, nerd!derek, alive hale family
Stiles Stilinski, also known as the most famous model any underwear company has. He’s on billboards, magazines, covers of packaging. Anything and all. Most people say he’s popular just because he’s gay, others say it’s because he’s hot, or because he’s deaf. His life is busy and he works a lot, but it all changes when he meets Derek, a local man who treats him like a normal person.
(Previously known as ‘Really? That’s how you want to play?’)
Communication (And Lack Thereof) by impalagirl, wilddragonflying
(7,761 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek, proposals, weddings
Sheriff Stilinski has been waiting for this day for a long time. As he watches his visitor walking up the path, he thinks about everything that’s happened in the past year and his fingers twitch for his gun. But he can’t do that; he can’t shoot this man, as much as he might like to sometimes. Maybe he can go one worse, though.
Wild Tonic by officerstilinskihale
(11,010 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek
Stiles nodded and smiled again, his teeth flashing brightly and he signed something again, before looking frustrated with himself.
“You’re welcome,” Derek told him, feeling a wave of relief when Stiles’ face brightened. That would’ve been awkward if Stiles hadn’t been trying to say thank you.
“I had a really good time, so yeah. I’m glad you came with me,” he said, feeling his face grow hot. Derek wasn’t usually like this. He wasn’t confident. Sure, he had the looks and he could flirt shamelessly when he got hit on, but he always got shy around the people he genuinely liked, not that there was too many of those.
But Stiles didn’t let him dwell on that. He gripped Derek’s arm, grinned cheekily and pointed at himself before lifting two fingers. It took a while for Derek to get it but when he did, he couldn’t stop a smile from spreading across his face.
Me too.
And the Rest Was Silence by Reaping
(13,417 I Explicit I Complete)
April 16th: Noise
“Still can’t hear, go away.” He forms the words carefully, not sure how loud they are, but sure the wolves will get it.
Passing Notes to Say I Love You by AceLotti
(18,618 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek, college au
Love is Deaf. You can’t just tell someone you love them. You have to show them.
Silent by Handsofred
(28,313 I General I Complete)   *sterek, mates, kidnapped stiles
Alone, Stiles could feel the tiredness start to run through his body, the cuts on his body aching and other places hurting which made him wonder how they were hurting before he blinked a few times, eyes lifting towards the windows and the grey sky, Stiles hoped that the pack would find him. Slumping down in to the bonds, Stiles dropped his chin to his chest as tears gathered in his eyes, he felt scared for the first time since the car accident and he hated the fact that he couldn’t hear for anything which could creep up on him, hated that he couldn’t protect himself, squeezing his eyes shut tightly, Stiles tried to keep the tears away as he finally let the tiredness wash over him.
Silence is Loudest by codarra
(132,553 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek, human au, sick!stiles, hurt!stiles, first time
Monday dawned fresh and cool and with a lack of Stilinski.
The buzz in the school changed over the week, once Derek started paying attention to it. No longer was the student body talking about where the students were going on vacation, or lack thereof for the more middle-class populace. They were bandying about a different series of words instead.
“Car crash.”
“Hit and run.”
“Sick. Really sick.”
“Brain damage.”
“Brain dead.”
Tumblr media
Blind Guy Walking Here by foodunderstandsme
(1,141 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek
Stiles could remeber the last thing he saw, it wasn’t the car that was about to hit him it was Derek Hale. Stiles is now Legally blind hiding his secret from his friends for Three years now their back and his life is turned upside down and all he can think about is Derek.
It’s Just Like You To Come And Go (series) by wednesdays
(2,469 I Teen I Series WIP)
Stiles is blind. Derek may or may not like him a little lot.
Blind Trust by FairyNiamh
(3,255 I General I Complete)  *sterek, high school au, human au
Derek hates his life, hates moving, and hates that some kid keeps staring at him.
I see You Better by theroguesgambit
(4,686 I Teen I Complete)
He dreams, sometimes, of his last moments of seeing.
At the church in Mexico, Stiles is blinded by a Berserker. Derek uses his new wolf status to act as a guide dog, while Stiles adjusts to his new reality.
In the Darkness by Boy On Strings
(7,817 I Mature I Complete) *sterek
Stiles is blinded in the final showdown with the Alpha, Derek tries to comfort him after realizing he almost lost something forever.
Can’t Stay Away by mommymuffin
(10,689 I Not Rated I Complete)  *sterek, magic!stiles, mutilation
“It’s really quite simple, Derek,” Deucalion drawls. “You pick one to kill tonight, you kill the rest later, you become part of my pack.”
“And if I refuse?” Derek growls.
“We’ll kill one of them anyway.”
Heretics and Bastards by JusticeBanana
(13,229 I Mature I WIP)  *steter, historical au, medieval au, nobleman!peter, magic!stiles
Peter is sick of court and the drama it entails. His sister is creating a life for her and her children in a new and promising land that Peter finds cold and horrid. Soon he is dragged into something much bigger than himself and the usual royal court happenings. This boy he thinks he failed to keep from harm may not be safe but he is alive.
Love is Blind by super_queer
(14,238 I Not Rated I Complete)  *major character death, sterek, werewolf!stiles, alpha!stiles
Stiles loses his sight in a terrible accident, but Derek is determined to give him a good life regardless.
Sinking Like a Stone by iamnightbird
(20,012 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek
Derek Hale is convinced he can protect his pack from anything. Kanimas, other packs, even the supernatural that remain myths (like demons and the such), but an event hits him like a punch to the gut to remind him that the things he can’t protect his pack from are the everyday horrors in which life makes us her bitch. [Blind!Stiles]
What Big Eyes You Have (Series) by A_Lesbian_With_Pink_Hair
(20,978 I G-E I Complete)  *sterek, mates
An AU ‘verse in which Stiles is born blind and is Derek’s mate. The rest of the world is just going to have to adjust accordingly because if you think that’s going to stop the boy who runs with wolves, you are horrendously mistaken.
Serendipity by mynamjo
(45,141 I Explicit I Complete)   *sterek, artist!derek, magic!stiles, florist!stiles
Derek moves back to Beacon Hills to open up his new art gallery when he meets a blind boy who won’t leave him alone.
Cornerstone by Vendelin
(83,738 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek, marine!derek, ptsd!derek, human au
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
He Sees Me For Me by Karlarado
(23,999 I Not Rated I WIP)  *sterek, dad!derek
Derek and his adopted daughter move to Beacon Hills to try and start up a normal life. They meet Stiles in a park with his service/seeing-eye dog and while Malia bonds with the dog, Derek ends up bonding with Stiles.
Windows by dr_girlfriend
(83,015 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek
Derek has a new neighbor who won’t stop looking.
Definitely Actually a Love Story by saltyavocado (rainglazed) 
(2,057 I General I Complete)  *sterek, Scott and Derek are brothers
Second and final part to the Bigbro!Derek verse.
The Colors of the Rainbow by MagnusBanewood 
(3,425 I Not Rated I Complete)  *sterek
When Derek arrives at his new high school he is afraid that people will make fun of him again. But then he meets Stiles and slowly falls in love with his voice.
Feeling You by secretfanboy 
(6,158 I Teen I Complete)  *sterek,
When Derek loses his sight and hearing saving Scott from an attack, the Stilinski’s take him in.  As nurse and patient Stiles and Derek grow closer, but what will happen when Derek gets better?  Will Stiles be left with a broken heart?
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starship-imzadi · 4 years
S3 E8 The Price
Ah, and here we're introduced to Troi's love of chocolate, which I have mixed feelings about. Women can like chocolate but with how limited Troi's development is having her love of chocolate constitute a defining feature deserves some scrutiny.
I want more sass from Troi!
Riker offering his arm is sweet (because I know he's a feminist; I hate patriarchal chivalry)
I...fucking hate Ferengi.
Okay...so the last time Troi seemed interested in someone (even though it made me uncomfortable) it was the deaf mediator in "Loud as a Whisper" he was very direct in his interest and, before losing his translators, very arrogant. So now this new guy comes along, he's also a mediator and in his own way both very arrogant and direct.
Consent? That's a thing...does anyone care? Consent is not one of those permission/forgiveness things. Troi is not your object to do with as you please!
(those aren't champagne glasses, just saying)
That shuttle is tiny. It's really cute that Data's "bright side" of getting stuck in a shuttle forever is that he'd be stuck with Geordi.
This guy's demeanor is reminiscent of a used car sales man (what is Troi supposed to see in him again?)
I've seen a lot of people describe this episode as being the reason they like Riker. I like Riker for a lot of reasons but that doesn't in any way diminish the joy I feel every time I see a response to this episode acknowledging what a good human Riker is.
"my human physical response must be blocking them out... it's never happened to me before" and what is that a euphemism for?
Remember in "Icarus Factor" when Riker said goodbye and Troi said she didn't know how he was feeling, because her own sadness was inhibiting her empathy?
F*ck that little P.O.S. for asking about Riker!
"Will Riker and I are good friends."
So, is her inability to read him really because sex with him is so good? Is it a euphemism or did she forget about her feeling for Riker getting in the way too? Or is it some how related to his abilities?
Clearly Troi doesn't feel anything for Div like she does for Riker. She even says to Beverley that she feels out of control, and that's the fun of it, and she asks Div who he really is. (by contrast she knows Riker very well and her affection for him is deeply emotional even when their relationship is not overtly physical or sexual.) (Rather than continuing to try and make sense of this I might just call bullshit on the writers for poor character continuity.)
I hate these work out suits. Pass the leg warmers. On a more practical note, do Beverley and Deanna always meet for... aerobics? I mean, I don't need to see it again but who decided I needed to see it in the first place? Who made this a thing? It makes sense that Gates is flexible with her dance background but Marina seems fairly flexible too. Patrick used to box but outside of that I'm not really sure of any of the casts athletic capabilities.
"well, I gained an advantage by using it with you. You didn't seem to mind that." I think she's starting to...
And now the best scene of the episode. I love the snap of Riker's reaction, there is no question Div is treading on sacred ground. "I will remove that burden of responsibility right now. My relationship with Deanna stands very well on its own without any help from you."
Div says Deanna could have been Will's but that he didn't do enough to keep her (as if she is something to be kept.) Now, the last time either Troi or Riker had someone in front of them who could have been a long term relationship was "Haven" and it was Troi, not Riker despite his reputation, who looked to be commiting to a relationship. This scene brings up both a parallel and a strong contrast to the conversation Troi and Riker had on the holodeck about being "imzadi".
They have had an evident and consistent connection through the series thus far, with a few moments that specifically display the closeness of their relationship (like sitting on Picard's couch in "Manhunt" their goodbye in "Icarus Factor" and Troi standing by Riker's side when he almost died in "Shades of Gray"). Their relationship has remained, and perhaps even deepened ("Who Watches the Watchers"), from how it was introduced in the pilot episode.
However, Riker is remarkably more mature in his response to Div than how he acted in "Haven" but without any specific display of growth or maturation since then (I'll chalk that up to writers' negligence). When Troi was set up to leave the Enterprise with her husband-to-be Riker was a wreck, effectively it seems he saw her marriage as irrecoverably redefining their relationship (though at that point it wasn't clear why they broke up or what their relationship expectation were to know how their relationship was defined). Since Troi didn't get married, what changed to make Riker feel secure in what their relationship is now, and has been all along? Their relationship statues has remained the same since the pilot episode, and we eventually discover them to be good friends and past lovers (or perhaps they also discover they are good friends having only been past lovers). The only difference supported by the text between this episode and "Haven" is that neither Riker nor Troi have plans now to leave the Enterprise. The only other change has simply been time.
Perhaps that one scene with on the holodeck with Troi was the point of change. Her question, if she was no longer "beloved" to him, suggested that even through her marriage there was no reason he could not still care about her, that he was allowed to still care about her. That perspective would certainly apply here; he will love her always, regardless of who else loves her too.
Now Div quotes back to her "my human physical response must have been blocked my Betazoids senses." Effectively he's communicating that he genuinely cares enough that his feelings would get in the way. He has also clearly realised Riker was right.
Damn! What a good burn. She makes a fair point, she would benefit him but it would hardly be mutual.
Troi only ever calls Riker "imzadi"
0 notes
bigdumbenglishman · 4 years
Okay so here goes.
June 14th, 2016. I asked you to be mine. No more middle ground. Was it out of love? Yes. Was it out of worry of losing you? Yes. We started planning what would end up being the best two weeks of my life. They still are the best two weeks of my life.
July 22nd, 2016. You arrived for a magical holiday. Something we can hopefully get back to. Something I will explain further in this post.
August 11th, 2016. You left to go home. Where we sat in a coffee shop and wrote letters to each other.
August 13th, 2016. I left to go to Peru for two weeks for a charity cause with my University (Loughborough // epilepsy society).
Some where between August 25th and August 30th, I was in a restaurant with the rest of the team and I decided to look for Grant downstairs. He was with 2 girls. We were all talking for a bit when one of them got my phone and took a photo of us, she then added me on Instagram. They were going somewhere else and offered for us to come. I declined and I left to go back to our Hotel and slept. I felt nothing, I did not think I flirted with this person. I did not want to. I thought it was cool to meet some people that spoke English in the middle of small desert town in Peru, and it was interesting that she was backpacking with her friend across the America’s, but nothing more than that. No funny business.
September 2016. I came to the USA to visit you. Although challenging, still some of the best memories I ever had. In fact, our fort is probably the best. We got rings. Driving to the airport listening to ILYSB Stripped. Aside from that, you found messages to a girl on Tumblr. I did know the name of this girl, although I can’t remember it now. I did not know her age or what she looked like. Our conversations mostly consisted of generic conversation like favourite movies, we also talked about you and going to see Finding Dory for our first date. At some point between June, 2016 and September, 2016 I said “it would be an honor to talk with you tonight” to this girl. If I remember the situation rightly I was feeling anxious and wanted someone to talk to. Should this have been you? Yes. I probably did not want to bother you anymore than I already did, although a toxic and unproductive mindset, we both know that’s how I was and sometimes still am. Did I consider this flirting at the time? No. I said what I said so that person might talk to me, but in no way did I intend any flirtatious subtext nor romantic inclinations. Do I realise how those words portray flirtatiousness now?Yes, and I’m incredibly embarrassed by that. But I assure you none of what I said was meant. Now, one of the other issues is that when you discovered these messages, my initial reaction was to delete them thinking the problem would go away. How stupid, immature and darn right selfish of me to think that. I completely understand why these issues are still issues. There is no way to prove that they weren’t issues, and the evidence of me deleting the messages makes me look even more guilty. But I assure you, there was no foul play or messing around. None. Whatsoever.
September 29th, 2016. I came home to a barrage of abuse from my parents and I freaked the fuck out. I became more anxious, reclusive, externally abusive to those around me in regards to reflecting my suffering on others, including you.
October, 2016 - December, 2016. Lots went on during this time. I couldn’t seem to catch a break. And therefore, neither could you. We both tried to keep up with the pressure of being away from each other. You dealt with it even more than I did as you suffered for both of us and supported both of us, while I rotted in my room feeling sorry for myself. During this time I lied about where I was to get out of the house longer as being out felt like being able to breathe until being out felt like I was suffocating then coming back to you felt like I was able to breathe again. I went around Abby’s house a few times. I don’t think very many in all honesty. I did go shopping with her once to cook some food that evening too. I talked to her about my position with my mother and although supportive, was quite militantly practical and absolutist in her response to moving to America (if it doesn’t work out you can always come back kind of thing). I also went around Jack’s house a lot and went out for sports. Did anything go on between me and Abby at any point before or during our relationship? No. Nothing. Zilch. Genuinely nothing has ever happened. Around the end of that time, second half November, 2016, I asked to take the rings off. Every time I say or read or type these words my heart sinks. I know that sounds cliche. But I don’t think I can get over how sad I am of that. I really don’t think I can get over it. I was looking for anything to help with my anxiety and consistent tight chest and I thought maybe that would help. I don’t know why. I don’t what I was thinking and I will eternally be sorry for that. I wish I could take it back and I will forever regret it. For me, this is the lowest point in my relationship with you. It didn’t make me feel better. And it was punishing you for my suffering.
December, 2016, molly texted me, although I can’t remeber what, and I don’t remember my response, I can guarantee there was nothing that could be even mistaken as detrimental to our relationship. Should I have ignored it? Probably, yes. Do I know why I didn’t? I guess because at the time I had a god complex about myself being this nice person. At some point she phoned me after I told her to live her life with her boyfriend and stop talking to me the way she should be talking to him which got her angry and upset. She called to argue about it and at some point she said that I told her I loved her. I do not explicitly remember saying that. I remember we had been to several YLS events where everybody said it to everybody because positivity and expression is the whole point, but I do not remember saying that. However, I do remember deleting her messages too, again thinking it would dissipate the situation obviously having not learned from my previous mistakes.
January 2017, you arrived for your three month stay and again, although challenging, was a wonderful experience over all. We had a lot of ups and downs and was probably our first real test living together. I lied. I lied a lot about Molly, mostly because of our age difference. Some because I was anxious about what you would think of me. Some because I just wanted her to go away. That was not the way to deal with that situation and again I made you suffer for my short comings.
After you left, things got progressively worse into the summer. You started spending a lot of time with Stef and Landon, and I was jealous, anxious and incredibly inexplicably suspicious of Landon’s intentions. Instead of dealing with that the right way, I took it out on you. Which lead to other issues which we won’t talk about out of courtesy and respect to the context of that situation. This is just a footnote in the timeline to explain I understand my errors and how my issues pushed you.
Ever since then I’ve lied and lied and lied about petty insignificant things and big things. I wanted to write all these things because you kept saying that things for me weren’t real back then so asking for things to go back to the way they were is bad and silly. I have never cheated on you with another person and I have never intentionally flirted with someone in any kind of way.
I wish you could see into my head that everything was and is real. Yeah I’m immature and obviously wasn’t ready for the gravity of our relationship. But I don’t regret it one bit. And i hope to god, one day I can some how prove to you, it meant everything to me. I failed you. I failed me. And I failed us. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t mean everything to me. It did. It truly did. And it still does. I’m sorry and will forever be sorry.
I’ve held onto this for so long because I didn’t want to keep pushing new stuff into your pile of stuff to deal with. It’s not fair to keep pushing you. But I can’t have you thinking those two weeks in London weren’t real. I want our music back. And I want our life back. I want to be better for you. I want to be the best for you. And I will stop at nothing until I do just that.
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Affiliates Guide: Affiliate Programs 101
Hello Bellas, why don’t we all get affiliated with each other? Did I actually mean “acquainted” with each other? Nope. I mean affiliated.  With the launch of Bella Ella’s new Affiliate Program, we thought we’d take the opportunity to share exactly what affiliate programs are and why they can help you make some extra money!
What are Affiliate Programs?
Affiliate Programs are a way for companies, like Bella Ella Boutique, to partner up with online bloggers and influencers to market their products.  At the same time, Affiliates (bloggers and influencers) are able to grow their brand awareness and following, while also making a profit from the sales they drive to their affiliated brands.  
How Does an Affiliate Make Money?
Have you ever wondered how your favorite bloggers are able to showcase so many new clothes? Travel to all those exotic locations? Work as an influencer/blogger full time? Most likely, they are earning their money through Affiliate Programs. The truth is not every blogger/influencer lives every day in complete glamour like you see on their social pages and websites, but many of them still make a great profit from these programs! Now, how exactly do they do it?
When an Affiliate signs up for the Bella Ella Boutique Affiliate Program through ShareASale, or other affiliate programs, they agree to market that brand’s products through their website or social pages. Companies use sites like ShareASale to provide their affiliates with special affiliate links that track the sales that come from a blogger or influencer’s following. Many affiliates make a specific percentage of the profits from the sales that come from a customer using their affiliate link.  In some cases, like in Bella Ella’s Affiliate Program, the Affiliates are also rewarded with free products, gift cards, and cash bonuses.
Why Do Brands Want to Work with Affiliates?
Brands want their products to reach as wide of an audience as possible! Affiliates have the ability to help brands bring their product to audiences that are sure to love them. Your favorite blogger or influencer is always able to find you the cutest clothing and the best styles with the best quality, they want to help you and you trust them to do so! This means that Bella Ella and other companies want their products to be what bloggers can’t wait to share with their followers.
Who Can Be an Affiliate?
Like I said earlier, not every affiliate needs to be a jet-setter that spends all their time wearing the latest couture fashions to be a successful affiliate. The great thing about being a blogger or a social media influencer is that your brand can be whatever you want it to be! Thanks to the expansive internet community, there’s literally an audience for just about any subject you can imagine! Want to write about and share pictures of your latest healthy meal while wearing your favorite outfit? DO IT! Want to showcase your nifty DIY tricks and closet organization hacks? DO IT! There are no limitations to who can and cannot have a blog or a strong social media following, so there are no limitations to who can be an affiliate!
How Do You Become an Affiliate?
To becoming an Affiliate for your favorite brands, all you have to do is put in some hard work to build your brand and following, have a polished website/social feed, and show genuine passion for what you’re wanting to market!  Those three things may seem a bit daunting, but stay with me, and I’ll walk you through each one so you can feel confident in jumping into the world of Affiliates Programs. 
Build Your Brand/Following:  One of the most important things for any aspiring Affiliate is to know their personal brand they want to create. Once you’ve figured that out your following is sure to… well… follow! If your real passion is home decor, don’t spend too much time trying to write posts about cooking. If you have a passion for fashion and like to keep it local, don’t get caught up in trying to write about travel.  Figure out what YOU love to write about and your followers will love you                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Side Note: if you don’t have a million and one followers on social media, don’t think that means you can’t be an Affiliate! Many companies want to partner with “micro-influencers”, who have a close relationship with their smaller following! Don’t let the big-dogs scare you off. Just go ahead and put yourself out there!
Polish Your Website/Social Feed:  Any seasoned blogger or influencer will be the first to tell you that showcasing a polished website and photography is a must to launch yourself into being an Affiliate. Don’t have a fancy camera, though? No problem! Plenty of successful bloggers have made do with even just their smartphone. Do your research on how to take masterful pictures with your phone or how to do some basic editing! The important thing is to be consistent and showcase the best photos you can to show brands you can market their product effectively!
Passion for Your Brand:  One thing brands want to see from potential Affiliates is a genuine fire for what they do. They want to see you posting on your blog’s social and your website at least a couple times a week, if not daily when it comes to social media. Showcase meaningful photography, but don’t stop there! Write meaningful content as well that will encourage engagement from your followers and show brands you take your work seriously.
Now you officially know the basics of Affiliate Programs and how you can use them to boost your blog, social media, and bank account. Remeber there’s a ton of demand for micro-influencers, growing blogs, and blogging tycoons alike so that you can get in on the action even if you’re just starting out.  In fact, a great place to start your search for an Affiliate Program is Bella Ella Boutique! With our program, you’ll find competitive commission rates, monthly incentives and rewards, and a ton of support from our affiliates team. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned affiliate, the Bella Ella Boutique Affiliate Program will take your blogging career to the next level! Click below to learn more about our program!
Until next time Bellas <3
The post Affiliates Guide: Affiliate Programs 101 appeared first on Bella Ella Boutique.
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