#genuinely curious peoples onions!!!
bruqh · 6 months
what are peoples experiences with the dropout discord?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 10 months
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+3 friendship with Jin Ling: He actively tries to dissuade you from further embroiling yourself in the homosexual allegations.
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mischievousmoony · 3 months
𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚎
𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸 ⟡ 𝚓𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜' 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕
⟢ james potter x fem!reader
⟢ summary: modern restaurant au; after training with james for a few weeks, people have started calling you his . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁1.3k
⟢ warnings/tags: coworker!james, coworker!marauders, slightly anxious!reader, not proofread
⟢ the new hire masterlist ⟡ main masterlist
note: i hate seafood but i keep putting it on my fictional restaurants menu ? kept this one pretty simple so i could get it out there <3
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"Crab cakes, go." James says, eyes darting up from the menu he's holding to look at you from across the rickety staff room table.
You don't miss a beat, describing the dish as you would to a customer, "The crab cakes are one of our most popular appetizers. They're pan seared and served with sofrito escabeche, a zesty blend of onions, bell peppers, and tomatoes—so I highly recommend them if you're looking for something tangy—and they have a to die for berbere aioli drizzle."
"Tell me more about the berbere aioli. What is that?" James questions, playing the part of a curious customer.
"The berbere aioli is a spicy-chili sauce that I'd say is just shy of medium in terms of spice level. It complements the crab cakes really well, but you could always order it on the side if you're not too sure about it."
"That's my girl," James praises, "You're a quick learner, you know that?"
"I don't know about that," you protest, looking down at your hands that lay politely folded on the table in front of you. You try to mentally will yourself not to blush at James' approval.
"It's barely over a week since you started and you know this thing like the back of your hand," James argues, gently tossing the menu down as he leans back in his chair, "And there's so little time to sit and study here."
You have a funny look on your face when you meet James' eyes again, eliciting a gasp from him.
"You've been studying the menu outside of work, haven't you?" he squints, speaking in an accusatory tone.
"Shouldn't I?" you ask, and the fact that it's a genuine question has James clutching his chest over his heart.
"No! You never think about work unless you're getting paid!"
"How else am I supposed to learn this whole menu in a timely manner?" you cross your arms defensively.
"Who said anything about a timely manner, Love. I was weeks out of training before I had the whole thing down."
"Yeah, well you're more..." you trail off, trying to find the words.
"More what?" James is quick to sound defensive.
You put your hands up as a sign of innocence, "Just laid back. You're a go with the flow kind of guy. As opposed to me, who's more-"
James interjects, "Stuck in your head," nodding along without a doubt that that's what you were going to say.
You look at James, a bit of surprise and alarm swirling around in the pit of your stomach. He was spot on, but how could he possibly be? He barely knows you, after all.
"What?" James seems to sense your confusion, "I've noticed the turmoil in those eyes of yours. You're doing it right now."
You look bashful, so James graciously changes the subject.
"Whatever, just promise me you won't ever think about this place when you're off the clock again!"
"Promise," you agree, despite his request being impossible.
For whatever reason, your mind seems to always be on work. Not even in a stressed, overthinking way like you'd expect from yourself. It seemed to be little random tidbits from work infiltrating your mind throughout your days. Like sometimes, you randomly think of a joke James said once. Or you see something funny and want to show it to him. Or you think about how nice James is when you mess something up.
Okay, maybe they're not so random after all.
"What're you thinking about?" James interrupts your thoughts.
Just as you're about to start stammering through an excuse, Mary pops her head into the room.
"There you guys are!" she says, "I just sat you guys. Table six."
"Thanks, Mary. We'll be right there." James responds.
"I had Peter bring them some waters because I couldn't find you guys for a while—oh, he's back today by the way, did you know?" Mary asks, but doesn't stick around for James to answer, "I have to get back. Table six, guys!" Her voice echoes the reminder as she's already disappeared from your sights.
James shakes his head at her, amused by the way she jumps from one thing to the next without taking a breath.
"Peter?" you question as you and James begin to stand from the table.
"Yeah, he does bussing and some food running, a helping hand for us servers, really. He was on vacation." James explains as you follow him out into the dining room.
Your eyes fall on table six, a table for two that beholds two kind looking older ladies.
"You think you can handle this?" James juts his chin in their direction.
"Yeah," you say confidently. You have already taken the lead on some tables while James supervised. So far, it's been going well. Your first table you had to ask James to help answer some questions—maybe that's why you wanted to learn the menu so quick, it made you feel sheepish—but after that one time, James hasn't had any notes.
"Alright, I'm gonna check on our other tables then."
"Wait," you gave yourself whiplash with the way you craned your neck swiftly to look at him, "You meant handle it alone?"
"Yeah," James looks down at you reassuringly, his eyes filled with warmth, "You can do it."
"Uhh-? No, what if I-"
"Get out of that pretty little head of yours," he interrupts, "You've got this."
The sincerity in his tone incited a bit of confidence in you.
"Okay, okay. Okay sure," your shaky voice became a little more steady with each word, and you started walking to the table.
"Wait!" James carefully takes hold of your wrist. The progress you had made in easing your nerves is out the window.
"You'll need this," James slides his server book out from his apron and held it out to you.
"Right," you say quietly, smiling as you took it from him.
His hand fell from your wrist as he bid you good luck. He watches you for a moment as you greet the table, a proud gleam in his eyes.
Marlene appears beside James, a tray of waters and soft drinks balancing on her palm, "Your girl's taking orders on her own now?"
"Just the one table for today," James replies.
Marlene hums approvingly and saunters off to deliver the drinks.
James registers her words only when she's already left, "Wait, my who now?" he asks the wall.
His furrowed brows relax as he decides he kind of likes the sound of it.
After checking on your other tables, getting refills and putting new food orders in, James notices a congregation of his coworkers at the host stand so he decides to join in.
"Who's that?" Peter asks, swinging a rag over his shoulder.
Lily follows Peter's gaze to you, who's delivering some bread and butter to table six.
"James' girl?" Lily questions, "She started last week, she's been doing pretty well so far I think."
"Any reason in particular we're calling her that?" James decides to ask on his approach, having heard that phrase twice in under ten minutes.
"Ah, well, she hardly talks to anyone else." Marlene drawls.
"Eh, she's just a bit skittish," James provides an excuse for you, "it's kind of cute."
Lily and Mary share a look.
James continues, "She'll get used to you guys soon enough, just be nice." He really only says the last part to Marlene.
"I am nice," she defends.
"Well, you're not mean," Mary offers and Marlene scowls at her.
James chuckles, and turns to Peter, "How 'ave you been, mate?"
Peter opens his mouth to share details of his vacation, but he's interrupted.
"What are you all doing up here?" Nate hisses, appearing suddenly as if out of thin air, "You know how bad it looks for nearly my entire staff to be slacking off in the front of the restaurant?"
Before anyone can disperse or defend themselves, Nate continues, "And you're supposed to be training, Potter. Where's your girl?"
"Me?" your choked voice rings from behind him.
Everyone peers over at you, standing there shellshocked and blushing with a pitcher of water in your hands.
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what-even-is-thiss · 10 months
european here (genuinely curious): in reference to your “american home-cooked food isn’t just fast food, it’s a lot like french/italian food” post, could you give some examples? I don’t know what foods are american home staples, but your post piqued my interest
Well stews and soups for one. When I read recipes for stuff like beef bourguignon it’s quite familiar to me. Less wine perhaps but the principles of the dish are similar.
Italian-American food often also makes for easy quick food on weeknights. Pasta is something that can be just as easy or complicated as you want. You can make it from scratch at every step or just make sauce from canned ingredients and boxed pasta. Tomato paste, flour, pasta, and dried herbs are staples in most kitchens. Pretty much every household has their own way of making pasta sauces.
Roasts are popular during the winter. Both roasted veggies and roasted meat. Potatoes are popular year round but in the summer things like potato salad or fries or bagged chips are more common than stewed, mashed, or boiled potatoes.
Americans commonly cook with butter and olive oil, though canola oil is cheaper. In recent years though there’s been health questions about canola oil and some people only use it for deep frying now.
French cream sauces are pretty similar to American white gravy which we make with cream instead of milk. We do also make white sauce too and will put it on most things. I find it especially good on pizza instead of red sauce. A lot of people also put it on pasta or vegetables.
A lot of the way we eat potatoes is pretty similar to some French dishes. What we call scalloped potatoes is very similar to a French dish called potatoes au gratin. Not identical, but extremely similar.
Stuff like French onion soup and duck a l’orange is also decently popular here even if not everyday food and are things you’d more commonly make yourself than buy from a restaraunt.
French style breads and pastries are also quite popular here. Baguettes are common things to cut up to eat with dip. Croissants with coffee are common things to eat for a small breakfast or an afternoon snack. French style breads both sweet and not are also common breads used for sandwiches. Italian style coffee is also more and more popular these days but that wasn’t true until relatively recently.
A lot of similarities really lie in the ingredients we use. We often cook things in butter for example. Or add flour to stews to thicken them. Or add milk to things. Or use wine to deglaze pans for the flavor.
A lot of home cooking in the US is affected by other immigrant populations. Tacos or curry are staples in my diet for example. But when you get down to more traditional comfort food it’s potatoes, cream sauces, stews, herbs, roasts, and pasta. Stuff that’s not identical to French or Italian cooking but is very heavily influenced by it.
TLDR: It’s butter!
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Everything will be okay...💜
Johnny Cage was always cheerful, arrogant, self-centered and a joker, but part of that was a mask to hide his worries and weaknesses, he is not someone who is vulnerable in front of anyone and we see him with a smile all the time. But a famous actor like him must face criticism all the time, the pressure of having to do everything well and not make any mistakes since he is in the public eye, studying hundreds of scripts and perfecting his performances so as not to let his career fall, among others things.
Before he was completely alone, he did have dates or invite women to his dressing room, but all that was superficial, a temporary distraction, but even in those moments hid his true emotions behind a façade of arrogance and flirtation. He kept everything to himself until he ended up drowning his sorrows in alcohol or other things that the Hollywood world itself offered him.
Everything changed that day when he went to a town far from the city to distract himself and practice his fighting skills, in addition to taking a break. The monks helped him realign himself on the right path while the pure air purified him. There he met some other townspeople who showed him something different from what he used to see on the streets of California, and among those townspeople, thanks to his temporary mentor Bo' Rai Cho, he met his daughter, Araceli, who made him curious from day one, being the daughter of someone so important to the people of the town and also a fan of his movies.
Johnny began to approach her and talk often with her, forging in those days a genuine connection and friendship that he had rarely had, although he was a little disconcerted every time he tried to advance with her and she didn't understand his advances. Her naivety was a little worrying for a fighter bartender, he thought.
Before leaving town to resume his normal life, he decided to take the risk of taking her as his assistant. At first he doubted his decision a little because she was not only inexperienced but also clumsy and sometimes still smelled of onions and fields, but after a few weeks of scolding and frustration, everything improved more than he expected.
With this, he little by little began to loosen up a little more, since he had already gotten used to being more direct since if not, she would not fully understand his words. He could be himself without feeling that he would be seen as weak man because for her it was normal to show emotions openly and be honest, everything was different in the town where she came from and she reflected it in her way of being, infecting a little of these customs to the actor.
Even though Araceli sometimes seemed to not understand anything about her surroundings or even know where she was standing, she immediately noticed when Johnny felt frustrated, sad, angry, there was no way to hide it from her, she already knew him very well and it was difficult not to notice (especially when he was quieter than normal and scolded her for silly things). Those months working together served as a healing for both of them, as she had her own internal problems that he would soon learn about through her own words.
While Araceli learned about the world out there away from her town and matured little by little, Cage now had loyal support and someone to whom he could show his vulnerable side knowing that she would see him the same way no matter what he said. Even though the actor was constantly keeping her busy with work and asking her for favors all the time, she had become his emotional support and the feeling was mutual. He no longer had to hide from his own feelings.
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Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat)
Araceli Cage (my OC)
Mortal Kombat (c) Netherrealm Studios / WB / Midway before
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emeraldspiral · 2 months
One thing I really appreciate about the writing for Dib is that the writers never rely on cheap tricks to characterize someone who's supposed to be smarter than they are.
Usually when a character is supposed to be a genius writers tend to convey this by having them reference famous smart people, or use technobabble or overly obscure or technical vocabulary where a common word would've sufficed. Or by giving them a broad range of stereotypical interests in things like classical music, classic lit, and chess, in addition to mathematics and every hard science known to man from particle physics, to engineering, to computer science, to biomedicine. But because the writers don't have any in-depth knowledge on any of these subjects they only ever make surface-level references. You see this kind of writing used for characters like Jimmy Neutron or Alex Dunphy from Modern Family while Glass Onion actually uses it to characterize its villain as a moron using cheap tricks to fool everyone into thinking he's smarter than he really is.
With Dib though, they never do that. You know Dib's smart because they show him making complicated devices, or hacking alien computer systems, or modifying alien tech, or breaking into secure locations after studying their systems, rather than trying to tell you he's smart by having him use stereotypical nerd speak or giving him stereotypical nerd interests. It's actually a big part of Dib's character that he finds conventional "smart person" interests dull, but you can still tell that he's supposed to be intelligent because of the way he talks about the things that actually do interest him. He's genuinely curious about the paranormal and wants to actually understand the biology of cryptids or the mechanics of alien tech or the mysterious workings of magic on a deep comprehensive level. He doesn't like these things just because he thinks they're "neat" the way most people "like" music or movies without actually understanding or having any desire to understand how "good" music or film is made or what makes them "good". He doesn't want to prove these things exist purely to get vindication, but because he believes there's something of value to be learned from studying them that could benefit humanity if only they would recognize their legitimacy.
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emerald-chamomile · 3 months
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Full Name: Valeria Halcrow
Nickname: Leri, Leri-chan
Stand: Queen of Pentacles
Age: 17 (SDC), 28-29 (DIU), 40 (SO)
Birthday: June 11th 1970
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Gender: Female
Height: 152cm (barefoot) 155cm (with shoes)
Weight: 45-49kg
Blood Type: O+
Ethnicity: American-Japanese
Birth town: Boston, USA, Tokyo, Japan (age of 9)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Green mixed with grey
Occupation: Student (part 3), Housewife (part 4+)
Food: spicy food; cherries, onion, peaches etc. (regular); Roast turkey dinner (Bostonese); Sushi, Tantanmen ramen (Japanese)
Dessert: Boston Cream Pie (Bostonese); Mochi (Japanese)
Love interest: Noriaki Kakyoin
Japanese Voice Actor: Ryoka Yuzuki
Personality: Leri is a smart but more talented, caring, empathic, peace-loving girl, with a good sense of humor. Sociable, sensitive, curious, loves freedom. She also likes to make good friends. She shows affection to them and her family, but most of all to her boyfriend (later, husband), especially when they are alone, although in the first phases of their relationship they were rather awkward, but then they're getting closer to the middle and starting to love each other a lot. More affection is shown when they got married a year after they with others traveled to Egypt and defeated DIO and after their dating.
Leri tends to take things to heart and sometimes acts on impulse, especially when Jotaro says something that upsets her or snaps at her. She often responds in a similar manner.
Leri occasionally feels down, but she keeps her emotions to herself and avoids sharing them with anyone, especially Noriaki, as she doesn't want to upset or worry him. However, Leri eventually changes her mind and decides to open up to him, giving him the opportunity to comfort her.
Leri tends to be a bit clumsy, especially when her mind is preoccupied with thoughts of Noriaki or other things. This distraction can sometimes lead her into trouble. Her clumsiness is also evident in large crowds, where she may lose confidence and stumble a bit.
Relationship with Noriaki Kakyoin:
Noriaki and Leri shortly met when he was in the fleshbud during his first appearance, though he covered it until the battle with Jotaro, which wasn't long, but their genuine meeting was after he rid him of that fleshbud in Kujo house and they started talking to each other.
The first few moments of their trip to Egypt were kind of awkward especially when both of them were alone in their relationship and they were trying to find common ground. But after that, their relationship deepened through time. Noriaki was head over heels in love with Leri because of her kindness and beauty etc., but he was quite hesitant and kept it a secret. Leri was the first to fall in love with him though, because she saw him trying to protect her in some moments, and noticed so much intelligence, which is what she was starting to like about him. Noriaki and Leri eventually confessed their love to each other. There were so many things these two went through, but in a happy ending after the trip they ended up getting married a year later and are living together.
Their childhood:
Noriaki sat on a bench and watched his peers playing and having fun. He seemed withdrawn, he had a hard time making friends, he could never fully open up to them and the people around him, so he wasn't making friends at the moment. Suddenly, he saw his mom walking home with an acquaintance, and next to her was a daughter his same age. This girl's name is Leri. Leri looked at Noriaki and decided to approach him, having previously told her mom that she supposedly forgot something. When she approached, the red-haired boy was embarrassed and looked away slightly. Thankfully, however, things turned out differently. Noriaki finally looked at her and to his surprise, he noticed that there was another stand right in front of her. He couldn't resist asking if Leri had her own stand, to which she nodded and chuckled, noticing his reaction. The two then began to get to know each other better. Their moms were pleased to see that their children were able to find common interests with each other. So Noriaki and Leri found common ground and began to build a friendship.
Then their moms decided to introduce them each other and they were walking home together.
They had so much in common, Noriaki and Leri spent a lot of time together, drawing, playing, watching TV in the evenings, and just talking to each other.
Noriaki felt a little sad when he found out that Leri was leaving after spending a week and a half with him and his family. He really hated to say goodbye, because they had had so much fun together and had become very good friends. They promised that they would meet again soon, but life had a different plan. It was only eight years later that fate brought them together again.
For the first few minutes, Noriaki was hesitant to admit how much he missed her. Fortunately, she felt the same way. They acted like they barely knew each other, but eventually the time came when they revealed their true feelings mid-trip. As they shared their feelings, their hearts opened up again, allowing their love to grow even stronger.
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 4 months
theres seems to be this undertone w inutade about how she wants to be useful because she knows shes not stealthy and would not be a good ninja in the way izutsumi is. And how she seems to admire izu and is happy she interacts w her. And also, the reoccurring theme that both giving and receiving food is a sign of connection; that even tho izu only saw giving the green onions to tade as offloading stuff she doesnt want to her, tade saw it as a sign of friendship. N izu sucks at insight but I think she cared about tade too—notably she asks tade why she injured herself working on the roof and i think its a consistent trait that izu is curious! Shes interested in other people and why they do things. She cares 😔 in her own way, and its clumsy to be sure but its genuine!
And Tade desperately wants izu to like being at the household and even tries to convince her. And notably, izu gives it some thought and then is able to concisely state why she dislikes it in a way Tade can understand. That even tho the household means safety, izu wants to be free to make her own choices, even if she suffers for it. It really is such a big step for a kid who cant really process her own past. Like she is capable of connecting w others!! She can do it!!!! And she needs to do it to take the first steps to understand herself. Shes a good kid who will respond w thought and care as long as you come to her with respect. And tade respects it in the end even tho she doesnt get it entirely!
But by all means Tade seems like she would be a pretty good samurai. Its kinda puzzling but also not that maizuru didnt figure this out—but shes inflexible w her thinking and slots ppl into roles rather quickly even tho shes also brilliant. She seems to be a when all u got is a hammer everything looks like a nail type person and the hammer is ninja-ing. And yet there is a samurai in her retinue that seems like he'd be chill w showing inutade the ropes if asked and seems like he would really like to have a positive impact. And even if not him cuz hes a potential heir, there seems to be samurai in the house on retainer who are chillin.
Also interesting that she seems much nicer to tade then she is w izutsumi; I wonder if theres an undertone that she pushes izutsumi so hard on the ninja training front bc she sees promise in her she doesnt see in tade (this is such an asian parent thing to do. U know theyve either given up on u or uve been diagnosed w a serious illness when theyre suddenly nice to you as a child SMH. ) but theres something interesting there - she gave izutsumi a collar, which is something u give an animal, but later the story subverts this by her saying she put it first on toshiro — so she sees this as a cool innovation shes very proud of that she came up with to rear children and shes like look at toshiro he turned out great!! (He didnt.) But its an interesting play on the reoccurring theme that if u label someone inhuman, you can justify any kind of treatment. But also, if you label someone a child, you can completely disrespect their autonomy. And izutsumi walks that line — treated like an animal at shows and then purchased as a cat by toshiros father. But maizuru for all her xenophobia seemed to have instantly recognized shes a human child. Interesting nuance to her in all the ways shes awful but also the ways shes willing be flexible in her thinking. It really makes me think, taken together with the other characters, that kindness is trained out of ppl in that household and a lot of the characters would really like to be kinder. Complicated messy situation. But the maizuru slots her intensely in the role of a human child and for her theres only one role for a child —being a ninja retainer (help.) and punishes her for her cat like behavior. This did not help izutsumis complex about how badly she wants to get rid of the cat side n views it as a curse. She has two hearts !!! She is 100% cat and 100% girl!!! And like izutsumi is a child! But shes at the age where she should be deciding what she wants in life and making her own choices even if theyre questionable. I think the way maizuru treats shuro like a child even tho hes 26 years old really sets the stage for how she treats izutsumi. Its interesting how their arcs play together even tho theyre from the top and the bottom of the hierarchy respectively and how maizuru plays an interesting connection between the two. Senshi something something every tier in the ecosystem affects one another. Interesting that their both associated w golems (ice golem being the first dungeon monster izu fights, shuros show defending the golems in a flashback and then again in the finale) which are magical creatures designed to serve their masters but are also capable of sustaining life on their backs and even seem to care about them when given the chance. But also funny how izu killed one of them and then shuro came in and killed the last last three. Good job guys.
U see this in how rin was treated like an animal under the elves and kabru was treated as a child and even tho kabru had food, shelter, and safety, they both gave it all up to go to the dungeon and die several times rather then stay. And izutsumis been treated as both; and even in the party shes still treated as both at times. But shes willing to grow with them bc they slowly try to respect and include her.
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theajaheira · 10 months
pls explain the jennyangel thing because i truly do not understand
yes absolutely! my jennyangel tag is a mess. it would help all of us as a society if i consolidated my thoughts.
so let's start from angel's perspective. jenny is someone who in a lot of ways metaphorically represents the enduring spirit of the girl he killed -- the girl who also changed his life by being loved, because her family made him who he is. the fact that such store is placed in that girl as a martyr to the point where her descendants are willing to serve one of their own up on a platter to angelus, putting her in close proximity to him in such a way that will place her in serious danger should he feel inclined to hurt her -- a young woman with lots of potential, her life ahead of her, moving through this world with genuinely good intentions -- is so fucking loaded. jenny being here and believing in him is really significant considering what he did to her family. she represents a chance at redemption. being forgiven by her means that there is a possibility that he, as he is, can be seen as a good person. her belief redefines his curse as something given to him to resurrect a man who she believes can do good in the world -- and i think angel would find that tempting in a whole lot of different ways.
and also -- hello! amends! jenny as the most constant face of angel's torment! jenny as the one who is most effective in pulling him down into the darkness! leaning in all close and being all touchy and whispering about how nice it would be to fuck buffy and give up! jenny represents SO MUCH to angel, even if he doesn't ever actually articulate it!
meanwhile, on jenny's side of the equation, angel is literally the same thing to her that he is to buffy and drusilla. she was introduced to the concept of him in the formative years of her life -- possibly even earlier than buffy and dru, as we'd ballpark their first encounters with him as in their teens, & jenny has known about angelus since CHILDHOOD -- and while she initially comes to sunnydale to watch him, we don't see her as ever actually dedicated to that mission. she's mostly just living her life before the (poorly written horrible bad) backstory kicks in. which, sure, retcon consequences, but also: there is this accidentally created implication that this has never been a mission jenny's wholeheartedly believed in, & that angel saving her life was really the final nail in the coffin (in more ways than one! ha ha ha). she has spent her entire childhood with the threat of him hanging over her head, and i think it would be more than natural for her to be curious in a lot of different ways, including (privately) sexually. there is nothing more Gothic Romance (and also nothing more jenny) than the allure of the forbidden, and this is a mysteriously murderous older man known as "the one with the angelic face" who ostensibly took an interest in one of jenny's family members. AND, again, this is exactly the same sitch as buffy and drusilla! she grew up in the shadows of what was done to the people around her. so much of what she became was in response to shit he did. he had a huge hand in shaping her and i think she'd have very complicated feelings about that.
i say very flippantly sometimes that i think making out would solve them, but my honest onion is i think it is such a compelling and fucked up and deeply weird dynamic & there's definitely mutual unresolved/unrealized sexual attraction in canon. i don't think it's ever anything either of them would pursue or even want to admit to -- and i also don't think that in canon it ever really becomes A Thing -- but i do absolutely think that at the very LEAST jenny considered the notion of being courted by angelus in her teens (in a subconscious sexual fantasy kinda way), even if she's mostly let go of that by the time canon starts. they have had a huge hand in shaping each other's identity and that is so weird and i think they should kiss about it.
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ennyan · 2 years
Misa de Gallo | onionthief & reader
Simbang Gabi nanaman~
Tags: onionthief, reader-insert, might be ooc...
Notes: Simbang Gabi/Misa de Gallo szn so,,, KAJHDKCADHJ I already posted this in twitter +++ i forgot i have a tumblr lmfao AHAHASHDASKJHD--OH! Also! Reader is non-religious but attended a series of masses in church (iirc it’s possible to do that !! ) with onion =) !!!
Short (silly) Summary:  You attend same Uni with onion and maybe share some classes, that's why the two of you gradually grew close to the point wherein you can easily joke around with him and see past his prim and proper mask! You've always been kinda impulsive though, and he's the one usually keeping you in check. Which is why he was surprised when you suddenly broke the news that you wanted to attend simbang gabi masses (since you've already had a talk about religion and beliefs). Now, in these 9 nights leading up to Christmas, can we expect something to bloom? Find out now in this oneshot by enyan
Story under cut!
The jeepney ride pulls you into some sort of reverie, abruptly disrupted when a yawn leaves your mouth. It stops, as a passenger leaves, before continuing on—stopping once more for either another leaving passenger or a new one. Leaning slightly towards the other’s body, just to sneakily take a quick nap, you hoped oh so dearly that he wouldn’t notice. Or if he did, he wouldn’t mind, which would be impossible. Eyelids growing heavier, you leaned your weight against him. You’ll just apologise later…the finals season simply took a toll on your body. 
You felt a light tap on your shoulder. The sudden contact made you soundlessly jolt up, as you warily looked into the other’s face. Ah…just like usual, he doesn’t seem mad. Concerned purples met your eyes, “We’re near the church. Wake up.”
Sending a genuine thanks, you simply hummed to yourself. With the jeepney gradually getting more and more vacant, the streets turn more and more familiar. “We really are near…” all slowly dissipating into the certain peace that the atmosphere in between gets; a comforting silence, you might say. It was still a miracle how you managed to befriend someone like him, a soft smile formed on your face. “Why are you smiling?” 
“I was just thinking how lucky I am,” he raised a brow, confused. “To be friends with you.”
He paused, a slight tinge of panic or embarrassment becoming visible on his face. “I…I see.”
“You don’t have to say anything back, you know?” you said, cracking a smile on your face. Gaze turning to the side to look if it would be suitable to get off now. The tinge of recognition makes your eyes go slightly wide, and while you are about to go—”Para po.” Ah, he beat you to it. You imaginarily shook your head at this loss of the non-existent rivalry you had with him. Feeling the jeepney slowly lose its momentum and heading into a halt, he rose out of his seat and went on first as he held out his hand for you to hold. “Thankie!”
Holding his hand as the two of you got off, you lightly stretched your limbs. The contrast of the warmth of bustling people and the nightly air, making everything just seem just right. “Oh!” A gasp left your mouth, gingerly removing your hold onto his hand. The two of you slowly made your way into the church, slightly taking in the artsy architectural history it has, voice gradually growing softer as to pay respects to others who were praying ahead, “I’ve never actually attended these.”
“These?” he paused a bit, staring at the church the two of you were heading into before looking back at you directly, continuing on. “Misa de Gallo?”
“I haven’t done so too, in years.”
You looked at him, curious as he slightly resigned to his fate and continued on. “I try to still be a devout follower, attending masses as much as I can, but…”
“Uni stuff?” He nodded at your statement, as you gave a pitying look with a couple of comforting pats on his back. He…didn’t seem to protest. “I’m sure your God will understand.”
“For me…well, I’m not really religious—as I’ve already told you before.”
“That is why I was wondering if you lost your mind when you suggested this.” He cut-in, making you laugh. You quickly lightheartedly interjected back, “It was out of impulse! I swear!”
“But yeah, I just thought it would be nice. I heard bibingka tastes good.”
“Well,” he starts off, choosing the perfect pew that isn’t directly near the front. Just right, while you nonchalantly trailed after him. Sometimes, you tend to forget he is actually fairly tall. Stopping, he lets you sit first before shortly following. “It has a perk.” A playful smirk became visible on his face, making you more and more curious. You’ve never heard of a perk in attending this mass. “If you completely attend the masses,” you nodded, as he continued on, “On the very last day, you can ask for a wish. And it will come true.”
“Have you tried? Wishing?”
“It…somehow works. Comes true.” You felt like you shouldn’t dive deep about that topic, especially with that distant stare he has straight on ahead. “Well, I’d wish I would pass this sem.”
“...really.” He stared at you as if you’ve grown two heads, “just how tough is the sem for you.”
“Very,” you said, all determined. Making him stare once more before looking away, “I’m sure you would pass. I see how much you work hard.”
“But not as much as you,” you huffed, before melting back into your earlier easy attitude. “It depends if I finish it.”
“The misa de gallo?”
“Yes.” you stared towards the entrance from your seat, people wearing costumes catching your eye. “Well,” he starts off, making you turn to him. “I’ll make sure you do.”
“Boo! What if I get sleepy, what then?”
“You can rest on me.” 
You almost thought it was a joke, before seeing how earnest he is being, making you feel…strange. In a positive manner. Somehow. What was this…?
“W…Well…sure. Will do!”
He coughed awkwardly, embarrassment visible on his face, “I’m used to it since I usually bring my siblings along. So that’s that.”
“It’s starting.” 
The once well-lit church had some of the lights turned off, as the ceremonies started. Attendees slowly going smaller and smaller, feeling everything go on. A strange process of the ritual slowly unravelled all around, wherein he was not annoyed with you asking what to do next and what was happening. “They are going to reenact some chapters, throughout the nine days of the misa, leading up to the birth of Jesus.”
“So that’s why they are costumed…” 
“The actors are mainly church servers, so they are,” he hesitated. “Not good.”
“Hopefully it will be funny,” you said, staring straight ahead. He responded, “I cannot say if they are funny, my siblings fell asleep through it.”
“Well, at least we can critique it?”
“It is less boring than the Father simply showing well made videos from Youtube,” he slightly pointed towards the projector. “They show there.”
You stared ahead, looking at the awkward yet stiff movements of the actors. “I get your siblings now.” Sighing tiredly, you continued on, “Damn, you’re so amazing at being able to stay awake,” you started to subtly lean against  him, feeling more and more sleepier. “Does the pillow offer still stand…?”
“Of course, I’ll wake you when standing is needed.”
And that was it, all throughout the masses. 
A sense of energy flowing inside of you as you recalled the softness of his gaze, as the Ama Namin came on. Hands held up by each other, as you mouthed the words to this prayer based on the words shown through the projector. Slightly perking up as you heard him sing along, you’ve never heard him sing much before! This was the perk of the Simbang Gabi, you thought to yourself jokingly. It was…really nice. You still wouldn’t like to participate much in the religion but spending time with your friend was really, really nice. It felt as if the two of you became closer, with this shared experience. 
Laughing as you recalled how patient he was with you, despite his obvious annoyances with you not wanting to go anymore, only to feel bad as you’ve already spent too much time in this endeavour. Leaving the church for the very last time, as the nightly streets near the church became bustling with newly made and heated food, you felt a slight pang of hunger. “Are you hungry?” You start to question if he could read minds, “Yeah…”
“I’ll buy something for us.”
“Can I join?”
“Alright,” the two of you head into the elderly lady selling kakanin, leche flan, kutsinta…oh, is that the bibingka you’ve heard so much about?! “I wanna try the bibingka.”
“That was what I was planning to buy for us.” Perhaps, you too, can read minds. 
“What a cute couple.” the elderly lady laughed, making you laugh back in embarrassment. “No, nay. We are only friends!”
“Sure, sure.” She smiled knowingly, making you feel confused, while he remained quiet. Asking around the prices, as you set off to buy the kutsinta for your house. He pulled up his wallet and successfully bought the bibingka. Separated into two plastics, so you could easily dig-in without worrying much, you both thanked the elderly lady before heading away. You stared off onto a familiar looking area, “I think they sell drinks here.”
“Warm drinks go well with this.”
“Chocolate? Or Coffee?”
“Coffee,” you set off to buy, blowing raspberries at him as it was your turn to treat him. Even with just these drinks, which cost less than the bibingka. Before gesturing to him to come near where you were, as there were free available seats nearby. Settling into the seat, alongside the table, you mused, “That was an eventful nine days,” before taking a sip of your warm drink. “If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have continued on.”
“You made it more fun.” You smiled at him, before taking a huge bite. “I got to witness different sides of you, and it was nice.”
“Normally, people would think this would be repulsive.”
“They just have no respect,” you frowned, “I can see that what you have going on helps you in a way. And I respect that.”
“...thank you,” looking away, as he lightly flushed. “I admire you too.”
“C-Cool! We admire each other.”
He lightly cursed, becoming more and more embarrassed. Muttering, not the right time yet. As you confusedly stared at him, “It’s nothing.”
“I hope we can go again next year.”
“I give you permission to drag me,” you smiled, earning a small chuckle from the other.
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genshin-hater · 9 months
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Most Likely To Eat A Bug Tierlist
I spent so so so much time looking through voicelines about fave/least fave foods so I can say with 1000% confidence that I am correct and will NOT be accepting critique at this time
Explanations under the cut:
Has To Be Physically Stopped From Eating Random Bugs
Enthusiastic bug eaters. Will see a bug and pop that right in their mouth if no one stops them. I feel like these ones are pretty self explanatory. Razor because he's absolutely feral, Klee because she is very small and if you've ever worked with little kids... you know. Xiangling because she is an insane person when it comes to testing the limits of food. Qiqi has no sense of taste, I'd imagine Baizhu probably has to stop her from eating genuinely inedible things from time to time. Diona, Kirara, Lynette because, well, have you ever met a cat?
"Bugs are a regular part of many cuisines around the world it's not a big deal"
Smarty, well travelled types. They're worldly, they're cultured! They're also not terribly picky eaters! Beidou likes anything spicy, Kazuha and Haitham like anything that's flavored well (and Haitham isn't all that fussed about how food looks, either). Nahida is just naturally curious (though she is scared of fish and doesn't like them lol), so I think she'd be willing to give a well prepared bug dish a try. Faruzan is used to oooolllld Sumeru cuisine, and I image she would not turn her nose up at a traditionally prepared bug dish. Baizhu cares more about a foods nutritional density, and Tighnari lives in the woods and definitely definitely eats bugs.
If there's nothing else, food is food
May not be thrilled to eat bugs, but they know not to turn down a meal when the going gets tough. Almost everyone in this category is operating from the same logic, whatever is necessary to continue their journey or mission. There are some notable entries. Mona is only opposed to food that leaves her still feeling hungry, or is too fancy and frivolous. I think she'd appreciate the value in a nutritionally dense and protein-filled bug dish. The only food Gorou can't eat is onions, and otherwise is open to whatever is available. Collei noted that she'd eaten a lot of things while struggling on her own to get by, and isn't picky at all really. Cyno actually states that bugs and bug related foods are his least favorite of all, but he will still eat them when necessary.
Would try a bug once if dared or curious (or tricked into it)
The easily fooled and the boldly curious. People who would, knowingly or not, give a bug a try. Bennet is just unlucky and probably has accidentally eaten several already. Sucrose cares most about the nutritional density of her meals, and Albedo would have a scientific curiosity about it. Chungyun is absolutely getting played. Yun Jin eats the same thing every day and hates it, she'd be willing to try it just for something new. Yaoyao greatly admires Xiangling's cooking, and if Xiangling made her bugs she would eat them without question. Ayato loves trying weird food and also making Thoma try weird food, 10000% they have both tried bugs before, probably more than once. Itto has two brain cells that rarely work together, easily tricked into eating bugs (probably by Heizou tbh). Ei notably prefers sweets, but is generally just curious about what humans get up to in the modern day, and would try a prepared bug dish if offered. Navia is also a very adventurous eater, and her favorite food is anything new and interesting.
Would NOT try a bug themself but will dare/trick others into eating a bug
Tricksters, schemers, mischief makers the lot of them. Don't let these ones play you for a fool, they definitely would not eat bugs themselves but they 100% want to make some poor unsuspecting victim do it. Venti has absolutely tried this on Morax, more than once, despite repeated threats of death. Xingqui and Hu Tao have on more than one occassion gotten poor Chongyun to eat a bug. Yae Miko is... Yae Miko. Dori is just trying to turn a profit, selling bugs as a trendy new health food. Heizou loves nothing more than to be other people's problem. Lyney loves a mild amount of mischief, me thinks.
Would not try a bug, but wouldn't freak out about them
Politely declines bugs when offered. They aren't gonna freak out or be rude, because someone made this dish and clearly put in effort, but this is still a step too far out of the comfort zone then. This category was harder to pin down, and a lot of the deciding factor here was their voice lines for receiving a food they don't like. Gentle refusal, or apologies for being unable to eat what you've made (Amber, Ayaka, Nilou). Or otherwise, just people who aren't very reactive to begin with (Rosaria, Ningguang, Xiao), in which case, the answer is just a firm No, but no real fuss about it. Not much by way of notable entries here, but a few details stand out. Layla only seems to consume warm milk, sleeping pills, and take-out (girl get some HELP). Xiao actually ONLY eats Almond Tofu, so he'd refuse anything you bring him. Wriothesly refuses to drink Sigewinne's healthy smoothies, he's definitely not eating a bug but he won't make a stink about it.
absolutely will NOT eat a bug, and will resent you for even offering. Fussy eaters, or just otherwise squeamish, these ones wont even entertain the idea. Kaeya is prissy, it's not happening, and the same goes for Fischl. Zhongli strongly dislikes fish or anything that reminds him of fish, and gives off the air of a quietly picky-eater. He would do his best to politely refuse, but internally is going "Ew Ew Ew". Yanfei's favorite food is tofu for its mild flavor and gentle texture, bugs would be... way too much for her lol. Xinyan is notably squeamish, one of her idles is freaking out over a frog coming too close. Definitely anti-bug. You can't even get Sayu to eat her veggies, she's NOT eating a bug. Kaveh is ALSO prissy, and Haitham would make fun of him for this. Wanderer barely eats as is, and he is constantly calling people 'unsightly insects'; he is not trying a bug. Furina is Furina, and Neuvilette only likes food that could be described as 'soggy as all hell', neither of them would be down for bugs. Ganyu is a strict vegetarian and bugs are not a vegetable, so a hard pass for her as well.
Will physically prevent others from eating bugs oh my god please don't do that
Would not eat a bug and will not let other people eat bugs around them. Not on their watch, put that DOWN. Jean believes knights should never be picky about food, but I highly doubt she would consider bugs edible just because of how unfamiliar they would be in Mondstat cuisine. She'd probably scold you for consuming something potentially hazardous. She and Lisa both also share the duty of stopping Klee from eating things she shouldn't so they're very very used to stopping people from doing this sort of thing. Diluc and Eula are both fancy well-bred folks who definitely definitely do not consider bugs food, and they're not about to let someone eat that in front of them. No. Absolutely not. If you're hungry, they'll buy you a meal but you shan't be eating that beetle, put that down. Keqing finds Xiangling's cooking extremely suspect, and doesn't approve of any unusual foods. If you're eating together, she's not gonna let that slide. Kokomi would probably immediately offer you something else, ANYTHING else. There's no need to eat that, please, surely even army rations would be better than that.
i'm not even kidding when i say i put just. way more thought into this than was warranted. Truly there is something wrong with me for this. I literally spent my whole evening on this. I think whatever is going on in my brain needs to be added to the dsm5. Even so, i know i am entirely and indisputably correct.
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swifty-fox · 5 months
In personal life he may do cnc play, and would quite enjoy some forms of CNC play, but not rape play. Which ARE two different things I am happy to explain if anyone is curious.
yes pls🙏🏽
also if u don’t mind, i’m curious as to why kink manifests itself in different ways for people so like two ppl could both be into spanking but one person wants to do it and one wants to have it done you know. what is like. i guess the pysch- y logic behind both
so rape kink is rape kink and consensual non consent is another thing and while rape kink IS cnc there are other things that aren't rape that are considered cnc. Like say your Dom wants you to sit and kneel for an hour and you don't want to but you've agreed to listen to them. Thats CNC. You don't want to but you're doing it anyways. it's a milder form sure, but generally that's what its categorized under
Or youre being caused some pain like, say, biting and it hurts like it genuinely just hurts and your body is saying hey make that stop. But you bear it bc you're expected to or bc your partner is holding you down so you cant stop it. That's also cnc kink.
Stuff like that might appeal to Gale!
I dont know if theres a specific psychology behind it honestly? i could ask my gym buddy since he's actively getting his masters in it but...lmao. I don't think there's any tried and true reason.
people cope in different ways, sometimes theres a reason sometimes not. I like being choked bc I was harmed as a child. I have an ex who was assaulted and we had to stay away from talk of choking. people are different!
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foxglovesound · 2 years
lemon + onion for parsnip, potato for my beautiful boy sprite
beautiful is one way to describe him <3
🍋 [LEMON] What is their kryptonite/ultimate weakness?
Aha<3 This is a hard question, but I think it would have to be her family and Thornwood Sound's opinions of her as a whole. I won't go too in depth on this for plot's sake, but Parsnip actually does genuinely care what Thornwood Sound thinks of her, and negative opinions of her tend to send her spiraling.
🧅 [ONION] What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information?
Bringing up Mole, most likely. There's a few ways to make Parsnip cry, I think, but the first one that comes to mind is her aunt. Mole was close to both Parsnip and Blackthorn, and her loss hit them both extremely heavily, and Parsnip in particular blames herself somewhat because she agreed to go along with Mink's plan. Doesn't help that Sedge threw so much responsibility onto her shoulders at such a young age :/
🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don’t care about?
Ohhhuhughgu idk where to begin on this one LMAO. To name a few: his level of curiosity, and his staring. There's nothing wrong with being curious inherently, but Sprite tends to take it to a next level; he's super fucking nosy and also very flippant and uncaring with the welfare of others so long as it's satiating his curiosity. He got in trouble with his parents a few times for feeding toxic foliage to livestock (not like cows but like. hares and rabbits) when he was young just to see a. what would happen to the rabbits and b. what would happen to cats that ate said rabbits, for example. Sprite doesn't see anything wrong with this because he's testing theories. And then his staring! Sprite loves to just stare at people wordlessly for like. a while. It's very intense and uncomfortable for a lot of cats in Openheath Hillock, but he thinks he's just being observant.
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astoldbyaja · 21 days
The Blossom surrounded by Fire - Ch. 3 (Warrior AU- HBO MAX)
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A group of Hop Wei men were coming in, led by a shorter China man with a slick combed back hair that stood up a bit. Ah Toy grinned and looked at me.
“Well it seems I need to get tonight’s girls ready. Amaka as my guest, feel free to take in the sights of my brothel. Excuse me.” she said smiling at Chao and I before moving to meet the group of men. I stared at the group of ten. They walked in asserting power and fear into the room.
“The one in the front, is Young Jun. He’s hot headed and quick to anger. He always uses knives when fighting. His father, Father Jun, currently runs the Hop Wei. The onion in the back is Ah Sahm. He’s a good fighter, but I don’t trust him. His loyalty is to himself, not to the tong. The one to the side, is Bolo. He can scrap and he is just as strong as Young Jun. He’s a fierce hatchet man.” Chao explained as he pointed discreetly to the three men. I nodded watching as Ah Toy smiled and spoke with Young Jun.
“I will do my best to steer clear when I can.” I replied lowly now sipping my water. The tong easily spread out, as women approached and easily disbanded the group. I noticed the brothel owner was still talking to Young Jun. Bolo and Ah Sahm remained behind him. She motioned her head at me and now the three men were looking at us. I turned my back toward the bar. Well so much as steering clear. Chao had just finished his glass of whisky when a few of the Hop Wei began to surround us some.
“Chao, I didn’t think I would see you out here tonight.” Young Jun said before immediately eyeing me. These looks are all starting to look the same: Fascination, interest, lust…
Chao nodded.
“Well, I figured it was best for my associate to meet a few people in case she ever finds herself in need of help, she knows where she can go.” he said. All of the men in black and red were looking at my face and already I knew they were staring at my ears. Young Jun smirked and faced me now.
“And who is this cute blossom with the strange looking ears?” he purred and raised his hand to touch one of my ears. I immediately leaned back from his fingers.
“I am not an animal you can touch when you’d like.” I said, trying to keep my voice from trembling. He was almost stunned at my words. Chao took a step closer to me.
“Young Jun, this is Amaka, Amaka, Young Jun of the Hop Wei. His hatchet man, Bolo and this itchy onion is Ah Sahm.” he introduced. I was mildly tensed as I looked at them and nodded. Ah Sahm seemed genuine in his nod as he smiled at me. Bolo, however had a clear look of interest in me. Young Jun grinned more.
“Amaka… that’s a sexy name. How do you come to speak Cantonese?” he asked.
“My former master taught me many languages.” I replied. Now the young leader nodded.
“Former master? What brings a slave all the way to Chinatown, and what African tribe do you come from that has ears like that?” he asked. I inhaled calmly wishing some girls would come steal everyone’s attention.
“Maybe that’s a story for another night. Tonight, is a night of sex and fun.” I replied. Young Jun bit his lip stepping closer to me now.
“And which are you offering: the sex, or the fun?” he asked. I looked him over some noticing I was a few inches shorter than him.
“I don’t think you are ready for my type of sex and fun.” I replied. He laughed now.
“Oh, I think I am.” he challenged. Now Chao leaned forward with a shake of his head.
“No, you are not.” he warned, and I grinned at Young Jun’s look of shock toward the salesman and then at me.
“Oooh now you got me really curious and excited!” he said. Two girls from the second floor were leaning over the balcony cat calling to the young tong who looked up at them and smiled. He then looked up at me. “Guess I need to go get some practice then so that I can get ready for you.” I just smiled with respect, and he turned and hit Ah Sam and Bolo on the shoulder before separating from the group to meet the women up at the top of the stairs. I glanced at Bolo to see that dark look hadn’t changed. After the tong separated from us, I looked at Chao.
“You don’t have to stay here, and baby-sit me.” I replied. He hummed in disagreement swirling his third cup of whiskey in his cup.
“Um yes, I do. There are a lot of men both yellow and white who have been eye fucking you since we got here. This is a whore house and if I leave you alone, you’ll be seen as a whore as well.” he said. I leaned over toward him placing a hand over his.
“For a man who has loyalty to only himself, you have been hell bent on keeping my form hidden from other men’s eyesight. I can tell you’ve been tense as of late and are in desperate need of release.” I replied as he threw back his drink again. He finally looked at me.
“What about you? Are you in desperate need of release?” he asked lowly, yet seriously as well. I knew my answer would determine if we left this brothel early or not. I smiled and gently shook my head.
“I want to explore upstairs. I have your knife hidden beneath my dress if anyone gets… handsy.” I replied. He nodded looking down at my legs before nodding.
“Fine. I have a girl in mind. But you do not leave this brothel. If anything happens to me or shit hits the fan you hide or go find Ah Toy.” he said. I was stunned by his sudden command. We don’t go out together enough for him to put precautions on me. I nodded and watched as he finally leaned off the bar and looked down at me and I looked up at him. He then shook his head.
“But whatever you do… please do not fuck Young Jun. I’m pretty sure you’d be his first African, and I do not need him busting down my door demanding you come and stay within his tong.” he said. I chuckled at his joke.
“Do you really think I have that effect that he’d do that?” I asked, yet he didn’t smile to indicate he was joking.
“I would.” he said, and my smile slowly fell as he turned and walked away down the hall. Now finally I was alone, looking out at the see of unfamiliar faces. Now I looked up at the second floor and made my way toward it ignoring the whispers about me being here.
“What’s a colored girl doing here?”
“Look at her ears, do they all have ears like that?”
“She’s a walking demon!”
I moved up the stairs and looked at the numerous closed doors, the sounds of heated moans of pleasure escaped them easily. I looked at the art on the wall and took in how beautiful it was. I then walked over to the railing and looked over it. My body tightened and I felt knots forming in my stomach.
“You never answered my boss.” I gasped and turned to see Bolo standing there with a mischievous stare. Once again, I was wary of him as he looked me over. He had slicked back hair, a muscular build, and broad shoulders. “Which are you offering: sex or fun?”
I looked him over and refrained from rolling my eyes.
“I don’t offer either to tongs. I am sure doing anything physical with a woman like me would lower your gangster status.” I replied trying to keep some distance between us by walking around him.
“You’re already the talk of the brothel. I’ve already overheard five men who are looking for Ay Toy right now to offer money to fuck you.” he said. Now I paused and turned to face him as he remained in his spot, only turned to me.
“What is it with this town and people talking?” I asked. He grinned and faced me fully.
“Can you blame them? You’re a colored woman and you have some crazy looking ears. Of course, they’re going to talk. You’re an anomaly here.” he said. He took slow strides over to me watching me once more with the eyes of a predator. “You don’t belong here. Why don’t you go and stay where your people stay?”
I felt my body tighten at his words, my heart pounding with anxiety as I looked away for a moment.
“I don’t have people. Right now, I only have Chao.” I replied lowly.
“And you think being in his protection keeps you safe? He’s a black-market salesman… he has loyalties only to himself.” he said. I bit the inside of my cheek and nodded. “But you also have been taking care of many of the sick here. It hasn’t gone unnoticed by the tongs.” I shrugged.
“It’s a nice thing to do that’s why I do it.” I replied.
“You helped some members of Hop Wei. My boys say they’ve never felt better have you took care of them. You’re a good healer.” he said. I nodded.
“Well my knowledge has been passed down from many wise healers.” I replied. A door across from us opened and a woman, bare breasted was laughing. A naked white man came up behind her laughing as well.
“Get back here beautiful!” he laughed before the door closed again. I gasped and felt my cheeks flushed as I quickly moved toward what looked like an empty hall, but there were more closed doors with sex on the other side. I then feel his calloused hand on my shoulder, stopping me from walking, and gently pressed me into a wall. Bolo stood over me and smirked.
“Squeamish of the human body?” he taunted, and I sneered.
“No.” I replied and looked away not wanting him to be much closer to me. When he didn’t say anything, I glanced up at him noticing he was looking at my ears.
“Are there more of you with ears like this?” he asked lowly. I faced him now and shook my head.
“No.” I replied. This made his eyes lock on my ears now. His hand moved up my shoulder blade and lightly toward my neck. I felt a jolt of electricity shoot up my body at his touch. I was still now as his fingers slid up my neck and over my cheek and finally, I could feel the tips of his fingers at the shell of my ears and as he made his way to the top, I could feel the sensitivity growing. I let out a whimper, my eyes closing and my body tightening into the wall, my chest pushing into his now. I hear him let out an airy laugh and I just peak my eyes opening noticing the amused smirk.
“Sensitive.” he said.
“Don’t-” I said lowly but groaned when I felt him apply a bit of pressure to the tips. I closed my eyes trying to remain still. My stomach tightened again, the muscles clenching up quick. I didn’t want to pull my ear from his hold out of fear he would just pinch my ear tighter. I didn’t want that sensitivity to turn to pain. He now rubbed my skin between his thumb and pointer finger. I was so busy focusing on the feeling, that I didn’t notice his body had pressed against my own, and something was poking into my pelvis. My eyes open and finally his face was so close to my own, his only free hand, wrapped around my wrist and pressing it against the bulge in his pants. I was quickly completely frozen, not expecting to be in a position with this man.
“Sh-shouldn’t you be doing this with a Chinese girl?” I asked heatedly. His earthy smell washed over me, his breath tickling my lips.
“I could be. But I want to be the first Hop Wei to fuck you.” he said huskily. Before I could even think of a response, his lips captured my own, and his tongue attempted to force its way into mouth. When my lips refused to part, he then applied that pressure to my ear. I gasped out at the feeling and immediately, his tongue darted into mouth. Different feelings immediately filled me as his hand on my wrist was moving against the erection in his pants. He was hard, really hard. I could feel all thoughts leave my body as I applied more pressure into his crotch. With my other hand, I wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him closer.
We moved against the wall, to the closest room. His lips were dominant, he wanted all the power I could tell. Already he was pulling at my dress, and I was pulling his coat off his shoulders. I found my back against a door, and I moved to open it. My body was going in, and he didn’t want his lips to leave mine as he followed me in. Thank God this room was empty. He immediately kicked the door closed behind him.
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pennywaltzy · 1 year
Myrene, 1, sapphire
@strangelock221b picked Myrene, 1, sapphire for my 25th Anniversary Prompt-A-Thon, which gave me "'As the old adage says...'." I paired it with the prompt "Write about a concert" from the 30 Day Writing Challenge.
Layers - Two enemies enjoy a choral concert together. Or are they really enemies?
“As the old adage says, keep your friends close but your enemies closer,” Mycroft said as he stood behind a woman in a stunning sapphire gown with jewels of the same hue dripping from her ears and throat.”
“Mycroft, must we be enemies?” Irene Adler said as she turned to face him. She was pouting, which he had to admit made her look even more attractive, and most women couldn’t pull that off.
“The last I heard, you were making a play for my brother.”
“And I failed. He’s got his mind stuck on someone here in London. My feminine wiles did nothing to impress him.”
“You must mean Dr. Hooper…” he murmured, and Irene looked intrigued. Damn. He should have kept his mouth shut. “You are to leave her alone.”
“Now Mycroft, whatever makes you think I want to go after him anymore? She can have him. I have my sights set...higher. Older. More mature.” She extended her hand. “Sit with me in my private box?”
He knew he should refuse, but as he had just told her: friends close, enemies closer. “Very well. But try anything and I’ll leave.”
“I suppose I can behave,” she said, her voice nearly a purr. He offered her his arm and she took it, and they made their way from the foyer to the upper levels of the opera house. She chatted a bit with people she passed, and he saw that only a few paled when they saw her. Perhaps the rumors were true, that she had retired from the secrets game.
The dominatrix game? That remained to be seen, and not by a Holmes.
Her box was one of the best at the Royal Albert Hall, with an unobstructed view of the stage and close enough to see with or without opera glasses. His own seats were one level higher so if nothing else, he would get a better view of the Royal Choral Society from here. She sat down, placing her small clutch under the seat, and he sat next to her.
“Now admit it, Mycroft. There are perks to being a friend of mine,” she said, giving him a small smile as she turned to face him. She place her hand on his knee and squeezed it gently, but made no move to remove her hand or move it anywhere else.
“I said if you tried anything…”
“I know what you’ll allow me to get away with. Nothing of a sexual nature, nothing of a sensual nature, nothing provocative…” She gave him a curious look, one he had trouble reading. “But comfort? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen an opera with someone.”
“I suppose, but you hand must be removed,” he said. She moved it away and he found himself offering her his own hand. She looked surprised, then took it, his larger hand engulfing her smaller one as the opera house lights dimmed and the show began.
When he went to the opera he usually went alone, or Anthea accompanied him if it was a show she wanted to see. But watching the opera with Irene was certainly an experience. She took in the music so vivaciously, feeling it with her entire body. Watching he was a lovely thing, almost as lovely as the performance on the stage.
When the performance was over, she let go of his hand and turned to him, a wide smile on her face. “I had a lovely time, Mycroft. I’d suggest that we have a drink at the Laurent-Perrier Champagne Bar, but that would be too intimate. But this was a lovely experience. Thank you.”
“I suppose...a drink wouldn’t hurt.”
“The look of surprise on her face was genuine. “Why Mycroft, I think we may be friends after all.” She stood up, as did he, and she took his again offered arm. “After you.”
He wasn’t sure why he was allowing her this extra time with him, but there was something beneath her surface that intrigued him. She was like a sweet onion, full of layers that should be peeled away to be revealed. And, perhaps, he could do that.
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mralexsan · 2 years
Best Original and Adapted Screenplays 2023 Oscars
I love the Oscars. No, the Oscars don't represent fan or audience opinions. No shit. This is filmmakers celebrating their own work and success. This is by design. I'm genuinely sick of people getting upset about something that's been true for 95 years. Sorry you're just finding out now. Anyway, sass aside. This is a year of screenplays I'm genuinely fascinated about. I'll leave the full lists at the bottom. This is the first time I've seen sequels get "Adapted' screenplays for being sequels... that's.... weird. Glass Onion and Top Gun: Maverick. I mean fun screenplays but I swear that's a new one on me. And a remake of Ikiru too?! That kinda hurts me.
Other than that I don't have much to say about this category. All Quiet was fine, but nothing to write home about. Don't even know what Women Talking is about so... I'll report back once I've watched all of thee. ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY THO...
I heard about The Banshees of Inisherin through work. Martin McDonagh, the writer, comes from a theater background. I love movies made my theatrical directors and writers. Nearly everything is conveyed through dialogue, and the visual storytelling is just added fluff. And is so often used in interested ways to tell a story. When I realized McDonagh's background I immediately powered up HBO Max and started it up. I really like this movie. So much about the character is conveyed through the acting and dialogue and it's amazing in that way. Two characters sitting around a table or having a pint and talking. I love it so so much. This really taps into my film background. This will no be a movie for everyone since it's an old man movie, but I adore it. Everything Everywhere All at Once kinda came out of nowhere, but the movie very much does with movies what you can't do with other stories with it's visual storytelling. And boy what a ride. Never expected the boys who made Swiss Army Man would be going for an Oscar. It's so awesome and I truly hope they sweep these Oscars. The Fabelmans - Steven Spielberg and Tony Kushner coming together to tell an autobiographical movie about Mr Spielberg himself. It's SO RARE to get such a personal story from a truly defining filmmaker. I'm really curious to see where this goes. I haven't enjoyed many of his movies since then, especially Ready Player One and BFG, but this is one that might be a true culmination of his work.
Tár and Triangle of Sadness I only heard about through their nomination. I don't have much to say here - Tár might be worth a watch, sounds very Black Swan. Triangle of Sadness is the one I'm not curious about but I'll still give it a watch.
Best Original Screenplay
The Banshees of Inisherin – Martin McDonagh
Everything Everywhere All at Once – Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert
The Fabelmans – Steven Spielberg and Tony Kushner
Tár – Todd Field
Triangle of Sadness – Ruben Östlund
Best Adapted Screenplay
All Quiet on the Western Front – Edward Berger, Lesley Paterson, and Ian Stokell; based on the novel by Erich Maria Remarque
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery – Rian Johnson; based on characters created by Johnson and the film Knives Out
Living – Kazuo Ishiguro; based on the original motion picture screenplay Ikiru by Akira Kurosawa, Shinobu Hashimoto and Hideo Oguni
Top Gun: Maverick – Ehren Kruger, Eric Warren Singer, and Christopher McQuarrie; based on the film Top Gun written by Jim Cash and Jack Epps Jr.
Women Talking – Sarah Polley; based on the novel by Miriam Toews
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