#genuinely cant imagine reading the us versions
starlightparks · 4 months
kay so im currently reading good girl, bad blood in anticipation of the AGGGTM tv show coming out soon and i Have tm to share my findings...
(mild spoilers under the cut but they aren't even really spoilers but oh well)
im just going to rewrite the quote because it actually had me howling with laughter at a dead tree.
(in chapter 9)
[Ravi has handed Pip a Coco pops cereal bar]. "Eat that please, madam. Now."
Pip shot him a look of surrender and unpeeled the crackling wrapper.
"Breakfast of kings, that is," said Ravi, "Nice and softened by my arse-heat."
I love this book so fucking much! I haven't laughed at a book this hard possibly ever
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weirdmageddon · 1 year
some thoughts on dave lalonde
so note this isn’t a kidswap au, just a strilonde guardian swap au; a plausible au wherein dave’s meteor(s) are set to land in upstate new york and rose’s in houston tx where they are discovered by mom lalonde and bro strider respectively. so it’s not even really an “alternative universe” so much as “alternative circumstance” because that’s literally all that changes
their interests aren’t swapped; their interests are a natural result of a mix of what they were always predisposed towards (we can look at their post-scratch versions for constants) combined with their living environment. rose strider is still gothy and writes, knits, and has an interest in the zoologically dubious. perhaps rose might handcraft some delirious puppets for her brother-slash-ectofather’s enterprise as a “gift” in one-upmanship. probably has good rapport with the crows that fly into her ironic knockoff disney-princess themed bedroom (see the post i linked above) and get them to fuck with bro passively in exchange for peanuts. she also keeps all the things the crows gift her, pickpocketed shiny things and whatnot
dave lalonde is still the knight of time, still makes sbahj, likes photography, still loves cooking up unbelievably ill jams, still into post-ironic expression, however he’s not irony-poisoned by bro so he’s more comfortable being genuine. his interest in dead things and paleontology comes more to a forefront because of mom’s predilection towards science and genuine encouragement from her. after all she’s made many a mutant kitten herself
i feel like since dave fell to earth with maplehoof, crushing the pony instantly on impact, instead of using its hide to make a bib like a fucking weirdo, mom would paradox clone maplehoof. so dave has a pet pony with a ribbon and little pink heart on it. a knight needs a loyal steed. and hes been attached to maplehoof since his literal first few minutes of existing. so maplehoof wouldnt be bought anywhere, it would originate from itself
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i mean he’s seen with the pony at his side in the post-scratch universe so…..
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would make sense if the pony mom gifted to rose in canon was more of an involved thing with dave in this circumstance
the only issue is maplehoof cant become his sprite, otherwise that would break the timeloop (they need to come unaltered to earth with dave on the meteor in the first place during the reckoning). also [S] Ride with dave and the scarf would absolutely be a thing at some point
i was thinking maybe instead of a crow, since they aren’t as “everywhere” in upstate new york as they are in that high rise in texas, dave has something more prehistoric put into a sprite. like a parave theropod. can you imagine parave davesprite. maybe an archaeopteryx or something
i guess mom would indulge in a living museum/zoo for “domesticated” ancient organisms all jurassic parked like a weird ongoing experiment but the ectobiology wouldnt be perfect especially because the dna wouldnt be able to be fully read from fossils and specimens. i feel like jurassic park should be dave lalonde’s sort of in-universe media reference the way con air was with john and putting the bunny back in the box. like his friends would just rip on him for living out jurassic park in an imperfect domestic way
and he accidentally kills it through some fetch modus shenanigans. dave still has the bladekind strife specibus but not because he does rooftop battles but because swords are unironically cool, and flings it out the window by accident and it strikes one of the parave theropods in the enclosed zoo below outside his window and dave feels kinda bad
when jade sees it as his server player shes like “oh nooooo :(“ and dave is like “oh god no dont put that in the seizure kernel while i take a piss in one of the many fancy bathrooms this household has”
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rainswept · 1 year
you ask for Fontaine brain rot/reqs, I deliver.
So idk if you've done the recent archon quest and lyney/lynette story quest so if you haven;t be careful caus i will be spoling !
That part where Lyney is freaking out over Freminet and Lynette had me SCREAMING especially since ive done their story quest AND ALSO FRIENDSHIP 10 LYNEY SO I HAVE THE LORE AND IT HURTS SM but I won't spoil all that for u-
so anyways, i started thinking, imagine Lyney has a lover who's been with the siblings for years (and also works for Arlecchino) and is considered another sibling by Lynette and Freminet. They were also diving with Freminet when they encountered water from the primordial sea
now imagine clorinde can only take one person with her at a time when she pulls them back, and she saves Freminet first, later going back for Lyney's s/o
Eventually Freminet wakes up like he does in the quest, but the reader just.. doesn't. Hours pass and the siblings are freaking tf out because they don't want to lose anyone.
(now I can't decide if I crave angst or if I want to comfort my babies so ill give my headcanons for both shiguegoe)
angst: Lyney's lover keeps deteriorating, parts of them gradually turning blue and quite literally withering away (caus you know the water and the dissapearances- yeah-) and the siblings can do nothing but watch
Lynette shuts down more frequently and for longer periods, not even saying anything to Lyney
Freminet blames himself for not noticing sooner, for not getting them out sooner
And then there's Lyney.. he blames himself for not only putting his siblings in danger, but losing his lover...
He sits by their bed watching as they wither away, holding their hand. He knows Father will be upset by his lack of comitment to the mission but he can't bring himself to care
The day they pass, no one says a word. They continue with their mission, report to Father, go on with their Fontainian lives until they're alone and they cry. they cry and scream and curse whatever archons or god's are listening.
After days of not waking up, they finally open their eyes.
Lyney is fretting over them asking if they know where they are, who he is, what happened etc
now to throw in a tidbit of angst, what if they awoke with some disability? like they cant see anymore, they can't hear properly, cant walk properly etc
Lyney and Freminet would devasted because they blame themselves. Lynette would be quick to remind her brothers at least everyone is alive.
It'd be bad because with a disability, they can't work for Father anymore, or at least not the way they used to
AHHEOGUHEOG im stuck in a neverending brain rot my guy
Anyways. I was actually going to request for you to write your own take on this but you don't have to if you dont want- even just hearing your take would be nice lmao
also if its ok i reallly wanna be mutuals! I just found you blog and im obssesed!! I really wanna be friends<3
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NO BECAUSE I SCREECHED SO LOUD MULTIPLE TIMES READING THIS !! THANK U SO MUCH YES OFC I WANNA BE MUTUALS/FRIENDS!! genuinely absolutely made my day to have u ask that oh my god??
also don’t worry about spoiling anything for me, i’ve read every little bit of lyney/lynette/freminet lore out there 😭 and i’ve done all of the new fontaine archon quests already (i need help. it’s okay though!)
as for angst — u know me so well already this is my forte. cracks knuckles here i go
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freminet feels as if something is off.
already beginning to panic, he turns to you in a hurry. the water swishes in his ears. when you meet his gaze, wide-eyed, the gut ‘feeling’ turns into a full-blown punch to it. oh, now he realizes; he can’t breathe. his heart’s racing, chest tightening and throat feeling as if it’s closing up.
you reach out, and exchanging unspoken words, you two turn around and make to retrace your patterns with haste. hand in hand, you race against frittered time; but even your best efforts are not enough, and the both of you are forced to acknowledge it when freminet’s vision begins to turn spotty.
he got in the water first; he’s gone before you are. his body floats limp beside you as you drag him along through the water, even as the surroundings grow hazy for you, too. a cold tingle runs up your spine as you consider the possibility; is this the end?
(when you had left for the pipes, the most you had exchanged with lyney was a quick kiss on the cheek as a goodbye. that wouldn’t do.)
but even as you try desperately to cling to life .. the “sea” is a cruel thing, and it does not care for your mortal frivolities. (a proper goodbye? .. foolish.) with cold, disorienting water enveloping your senses from all sides, your only grounding thing being freminet’s (rapidly cooling) fingers against yours — it didn’t take long before you succumbed to the “sea”, too.
(your last thought as the world went dark was “i’m sorry.”)
(even in your barely conscious state, you feel another wave of panic surge through you when freminet’s fingers slip away from yours — but you don’t have enough energy to hold on.)
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reader lives:
the incessant thrum of the water rushing through pipes rattled in your ears. your whole body was sore, weak and tired; and all of your limbs felt like lead attached to you via shoddy workmanship. your head hurt like hell, and what’s worse is that the moment you opened your eyes, you were immediately met with the sight of the three people you cherished most.
first, there was freminet, who was sitting on the bed opposite to yours. his posture fixes from a slouch into proper the moment he spots you, perhaps in.. excitement? shock? you weren’t sure. his eyes lit up, though.
second, there was lynette. she was .. a bit more on edge than usual. that was .. to be expected, of course, but really. you were out for.. what, an hour or two? come on, all four of you put yourselves in danger all the time. what was different about this?
(what was different was the fact that you were not out for an hour or two. no, make that days. they were sure to remind you of this.)
then, there was lyney. for him, the world seemed to stop.
lyney, who was pacing the room in sheer desperation. he walked and walked, boots timed and in tune with the clocks and dripping water from the pipes. in his nervousness, he had unwittingly created a quite fitting melody.
(the only sounds once he ceases walking are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.)
lyney, who had rushed to your bedside the moment he had noticed you were up. he looked exhausted, but the second you were awake the mask was .. attempted .. to be put back on. however .. it didn’t take someone as observant as you, or even one who knew him so well, to notice that it was placed crooked.
(how absurd he looked, trying to put on a front everyone in the room knew was one.)
why, even, you would have bet that it could’ve been surmised by a child. once again, emphasis on ‘you would have’, for there was no time for thinking about that when he rushed to your bedside and enveloped you into an embrace. you didn’t miss the way his fingers grasped at the back of your shirt in downright desperation.
(in clear, bold letters, it reads; “if nothing else, please let this be real.”)
he slots himself beside you and, wordlessly, holds you close. he doesn’t need words — neither of you do. this is enough.
lynette and freminet looked on, neither of them opening their mouths when lyney buries his face into the crook of your neck and stays there for just a bit too long. he doesn’t cry. instead, he whispers shakily against your skin; “i thought i’d lost you.”
(the only sounds once he ceases speaking are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.
(no one speaks up just yet.)
(the only sounds in the room are the clocks and the water dripping from the pipes.)
(you’re starting to think those were the only sounds ever there.)
when he finally pulls away, you notice he’s fixed his mask. lyney now smiles, and the shake in his voice is gone; but you know it’s not all better, not when he refuses to leave the infirmary even after sigewinne and the traveler inquire. you know it’s not all better, not when the four of you are alone again. lyney sits beside you on the bed, refusing to so much as stand up (he doesn’t want to let go of your hand. you don’t comment on it, but his fingers are still shaky as he holds onto yours like they’re a lifeline.)
you don’t exchange as much as a single word after that. you just bask in each other’s presence, apologies and pleas and “i love you” shared during every lingering glance between everyone in the room.
the four of you don’t need words. this is enough.
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reader dies:
seven mistakes went unnoticed. seven signs went unfollowed. seven things (and five people) went wrong that day.
one: freminet.
it was entirely freminet’s fault, he thinks, it was. if only he had gotten you out of there in time. no — he shouldn’t have even brought you. he sits on the infirmary bed opposite to yours, knees pulled up to his chest, and he clutches pers with a death grip. he dips his head in such a way that his face is hidden with his hair; he doesn’t want to let lyney and lynette see him in this state. they have enough to deal with.
two: the primordial sea.
but they were bound to notice eventually, right?
“it was entirely the primordial sea’s fault,” lynette would remind, hand on freminet’s shoulder. “it wasn’t yours.”
the primordial sea. the cold and vicious waters were such a contrast to those he held so dear; what was typically calming and merciful turned to something suffocating and terrifying. but that didn’t change the fact that it was an inanimate thing.
he drops pers at the contact; it clatters to the floor; he looks down, wide-eyed and apologetic; he reaches down to pick it up. lynette does not put her hand on his shoulder again.
three: wriothesley.
“it was entirely wriothesley’s fault,” lyney wants to scream. he’s frantic, pacing the infirmary and voice cracking every time he speaks. lynette and freminet have seldom seen him so panicked. he needs to do something, he needs— he can’t. he can’t leave. once he gets his hands on wriothesley, he swears he’ll—
four: clorinde.
it was entirely clorinde’s fault. it was entirely her choice to pick only one of you to save. no one can bring themselves to be upset at her, for she did try to save both of you. but the realization slowly dawns upon the three children of the house of the hearth still with a steady heartbeat; it was either going to be you or freminet.
they realize this at different times. every time they do, they exchange a silent, quick glance.
freminet would’ve gladly given up his life. lyney and lynette, however .. they would not have been able to choose.
five: the gods.
it was entirely the gods’ fault. curse the gods, lyney thinks. he’s still pacing the room, and while he never put much stock in the divine, he was practically yelling at them now. he knew it wasn’t logical. but he needed something. what was the point of a god if not to help their people? what was the point of a god if just to watch people suffer like it’s an opera?
was she here now? was she watching? was this a “twist” for her? did she delight in this?
six: lyney.
it was entirely lyney’s fault. he shouldn’t have let you or freminet go. he shouldn’t have. he shouldn’t have let wriothesley play him like he was a deck of cards in his hands. this was all his fault. all his fault. he knew of the prophecy, dedicated his whole life to it — and yet hadn’t managed to save you from its clutches?
seven: you.
in truth — it was no one’s fault. but lyney is still pacing the room, breathing getting heavier and more rapid every time he steals a glance at you. lynette’s eyes still trace his every move, conveniently ignoring the sight of you as best she could; and freminet still has his face buried in his knees as to not look at your decaying body.
none of them can deal with the fact that it was simply an accident. no one meant for this to happen — there was no one to blame.
they needed someone to blame.
so each and every one of them blamed themselves. as lyney’s fingers grasped your cold ones, he squeezed them softly even as they began to turn blue beneath his grasp. he couldn’t bare to let you go.
and after three long days, the sun rose to find your bed empty where you had laid. you were nowhere to be found. for a moment, lyney’s heart practically leapt out of his chest, wondering .. did you get up?
but as he rushes to the bedside, his face falls. he should’ve known not to get his hopes up.
the blankets were damp where you had laid, soaked with water just as the stage in the opera epiclese had been.
lyney didn’t cry, nor did lynette or freminet.
they didn’t exchange so much as a word the day you died.
instead, they put their aching hearts and empty souls into the mission at hand. they worked twice as hard to distract themselves, and they provided excellent results for “father” — but they had barely worked together to do so.
they exchanged cold words and they held each other at night, when the pain became too much — because as much as they tried to pretend like nothing happened, that was a lie, just as the rest of their existence — but there was no mistaking it. they were now divided.
there was always you. and now there wasn’t.
lynette was the one who informed “father” of your .. whereabouts. lyney couldn’t bring himself to.
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steven-has-exploded · 1 month
ive yet to really see anyone else point this out but i think fyodor is going to end up being one of the most gut-wrenchingly unstable and sympathetic (to ME atleast) characters in bsd. what i perceive as foreshadowing for this has all been pretty vague, but thats really only further ammunition considering the way asagiri likes to write via throwing the wildest shit at us out of nowhere at 50mph and expecting us to deal with it. how did i first come to this conclusion? harukawas eye thing
this is going to be long please proceed with caution if you read slowly or just not at literal supersonic speed. rant under cut u know how this works
for those unaware or who have since forgotten the exact details, here is the image explaining harukawas thing with eyes, click to read;
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so. fyodors eyes are usually very light, which a few other people have pointed out is probably due to the fact he genuinely believes his goal of ridding the world of abilities is following gods will; almost everything he does is a necessary evil to acheive the idealistic dream of a world without abilities. he understands his actions are wrong, but you cant go through with a goal such as that without doing morally reprehensible things in the process. anws so as user wildflowerteas pointed out his eyes are extremely dark after hes resurrected
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now, could this just be signifying that fyodor can now continue doing his fucked up little deeds via his functional immortality? yes. but asagiri doesnt seem to write that way and i need an excuse to defend fyodor because im insane
asagiri generally doesnt write characters, especially important ones, as subscribing to one specific side of the moral compass. sure, there are characters that are more morally good or bad or gray than others, but not every one of their actions is as such. characters arent straight heroes or villains in their actions, and sometimes not even narratively; fitzgerald did everything for his wife to finally be happy and see her daughter again, dazai still trained akutagawa the way he did despite knowing it was abusive because his circumstances couldnt allow him to change before oda died, et cetera
so, lets interpret it another way. fyodors eyes being dark after resurrection may not be a reflection of his sinister personality, but rather the way he views and experiences his own countless deaths. he is purified in death and tainted when hes brought back; at peace in his last moments and destroyed when hes alive again. so what conclusion did this realization bring me to? fyodor is a suicidal maniac and hates his ability hear me out Please
in hindsight it seems really obvious to me now; what other reason could have spurred him on to try to desperately to erase abilities if not because he himself despises his own? his ability is truly the purest act of cruelty someone can experience when driven to the point he has been; it lets him bask in the calm of death, the comfort of everything finally ending, the solace that hes going to be finally rewarded for his actions by god. but only for a moment. once that moment is over, hes torn back into the world of the living, in the body of his own killer, the corpse of his last vessel staring him in the face as if to mock him for what he could never have. it deprives him of the human right to even die. what kind of person who claims to love all humanity wouldnt want to free the world of abilities, if others' have caused them as much pain as his has to him?
okok i apologize for making u hear me wax poetic about an anime twink version of fyodor dostoevsky but if youre still not convinced, which is ok i can see why this would be very insane to someone who isnt obsessed with this guy, i want you to just imagine for a moment how living with that kind of power would effect you. while we dont know fyodors exact age, we can assume that hes been alive for at least about 500 years due to his ability. fyodor isnt some kind of immortal being that has a conveniently human form, he is an actual human being who was first murdered presumably just in his twenties based on his appearance, who then had to slowly come to the realization that he will experience small spots of death before having to continue the same cycle of immortality for forever. human beings cant grasp the concept of infinity; our brains arent wired to deal with the idea, because everything in our own lives comes to an end. fyodor will never experience that. even if you view him as plain evil, pure and simple, no human being wishes to have their brain broken by the hands of infinity. and yet thats what fyodor is experiencing
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typekiku · 9 months
thoughts on TYPE MOON stuff
well these are my the type moon stuff i have read or watched or whatever so far. this is my opinion only so its inherently correct argue with the wall or touch grass as the youth say SO here it goes drum roll
boring as shit. no joke im sorry its just booty cheeks but of the not sexy kind. its beyond mid its so mid i cant even act like i enjoyed it. it has an interesting concept and world sure but everything else is doo doo butter.
only good part is nero being hot asf and ig whatever servant there is because i only used nero (lmao i aint playing it all over again) she was funny at times
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see shes hilarious at times... im sure CCC will change my mind... right? it has sakura what am i saying its PEAK
also fuck them for including arcueid in this crap
i honestly dont have much to say about this one it never really clicked with me nor did i ever feel anything about it... BESIDES TOUKO
clears throat
that aside yea i genuinely dont have any opinion on this series of movies good or bad besides movies 3 and 5 which were my favorites
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maybe i need to rewatch em one day and really try to get into it
my favorite spin off in the whole fate franchise. it has some of my absolute favorite characters and GIL like what else would one even want in life amirite
some of my favorites are:
Richard: the absolute goat and one of my fav servants ever
Enkidu: i want a spinoff of gil and enkidu... is that so hard to ask??
Flat: my son
Jack: my uhhh child ig
alcides: the closest we will get to archer herc but just pure cool regardless
hansa: cyborg priest. nothing gets cooler then that
and many more im already too ti- FILIA - red to mention
i've only read up to volume 7 so i gotta get to reading the rest soon
its just pure chaos and is fun while doing so despite being slow as shit
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ok this is the most complicated series here in a way since its so incredibly mixed.
there are some of the highest peaks in fate and then some of the lowest lows so lets see
Highest peaks:
lb5 (YES olympus and atlantis im tired of acting like olympus isnt peak NO heian kyo its mid)
the rest of the lostbelts are good but not that good
goetia is an incredible villain
lowest lows:
first five singularities
solomon im sorry the stuff with goetia was peak but the rest was average
serious lack of male summer servants like cmon i wanna see them abs
overall fgo is alright but some parts of it is straight up incredible HOWEVER all of it is seriously held back by being a gacha mobile game and has to work around that limitation
also it has barghest whom i absolutely adore
also fuck fgo for forgetting medea...
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now this is peak. the most gorgeous tm work by far i have to say its simply an incredible read all around. even tsukire did not look or work or sound as good as mahoyo did even tho it came out almost ten(?) years after
on the story front i loved it too with a special shoutout to soujuuro being one of my favorite characters in TM (i say this often not my fault type moon keeps releasing bangers)
however mahoyo has two issues for me:
the story is clearly incomplete: i dont mean its just nonsense or whatever but when nasu said its the first of a trilogy you can just feel that in the story with alot of things being left in the air. this wouldnt be an issue really if mahoyo 2 wasnt basically dead....
i didnt vibe with the slice of life scenes as much as i usually do in nasu works: this isnt a flaw in the story more so i just didnt like em idk how else to word that
mahoyo is a great read however and i highly highly recommend you read it or else
it also has touko enough said
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TSUKIHIME (original version)
Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction
ok fr tho its actually incredible and you should read it right the fuck now
all of the characters are simply chefs kiss. while the visual novel is incredibly dated and the art is even worse you have to understand this is nasu and takeuchis first ever visual novel made on a barely existing budget.
boy do they make up for that.
the vn is split into two with a near side and far side.
while the near side is really good with arcueid and ciels route (ignore how ciel was actually really fucked over even in her own route its laughable and my girl deserved better) the far side is so much more better and really is where the soul of tsukihime and shiki the main character lies
i cba to review it properly besides saying PLEASE READ IT RN or ill cry and you dont wanna see that do you....
heres my ranking of the routes btw best to worse:
shoutout to satsuki you finally are gonna get the route you deserved
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um it has some cool lore and some really good short stories and... yea thats about it...
dont have much else to add...
play it with a guide because the structure of the game is abysmal
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what is there to be said about such a masterpiece? what else could be written about fsn that hasnt been written before? i am but an ant in the shadow of the giant that is FSN only seeking some crumbs to feed and live off of. idk what that means but it sounds cool.
FSN is simply tms best work all around. while i prefer tsuki over it and find the tsuki side of TM more interesting FSN overall is much stronger on most fronts but especially its main characters
Shirou emiya is simply the goat nothing else to be said tbh
heres my ranking of the routes:
issei route
heavens feel
we need more medea and kuzuki holy shit are they cute
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thank you type moon for making a good kagetsu tohya. its actually impressive just how much better this is then KT like seriously what the fuck did they take to drop this banger of a vn
KT had such shit comedy i didnt even giggle throughout it but THIS
THIS is a emotional rollercoaster of a whole different kind.
introducing the third (arc and medea are first and second) love of my life Bazett and angra we go through an incredible main story intermingled with hilarious and wholesome slice of life scenes that never overstay their welcome
this vn completely changed my opinion on some characters especially illya who went from someone i was kinda 50/50 on to adoring her overall
ALSO MEDEA SCENES YES I WON MOTHERFUCKERS I WO- huh? whats that? fgo basically replaced her with medea lily?
one hour of sobbing later
if you have read fsn and not FHA then i must ask you.. wtf is wrong with you psycho? you like missing out on good things? that wouldnt be me is all im saying
read it.
(in case you're wondering yes there is someone i deliberately didnt mention because my opinion on them is too complicated)
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im not a fan of remaking classics on the level of tsuki. with all its flaws i still find the original to be good enough to not need a remake...
this is how you do it folks. the story was elevated on nearly every level and if it was the complete story id say its the best ever in existence ever forever fr. its just that good.
there are three things i really want to point out:
while maybe goin overboard i really liked the buffs all the characters received and in general the whole worldbuilding is so much better now with idea bloods and principles and vampire hierarchies and arcueid inflation scenes (heh) its just epic
ciel got a so much better route that actually feels like a ciel route and not just arcueid route 2 electric bugaloo (and getting fucking cucked)
noel is peak
this is peak type moon and when red garden comes out it will be even BETTER especially with satsuki route because satsuki deserves it
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there are some other short stories i havent mentioned like garden of avalon, notes, MAGNITUNING (look it up you wont regret it) its all great and worth the time of reading
eventually i wanna play CCC and read some other stuff like maybe prillya DDD, fgo jp like lb7 traum and whatnot
i just wrote this for fun so dont really take anything i say seriously except for the teeny little part where im inherently correct.
uh if you are reading like or share or whatever tf it was idk
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I re-read my post about chapters 22-30 and I realized that theres so much I just fully forgot to mention, mostly relating to the inner circle so heres a quick summary of my thoughts about each ic member now that Im about halfway through the book and have spent some time with them. To briefly recap my previous thoughts, I think their group dynamic is insanely uncomfortable because of how apparent their hierarchy is and also none of them seem to actually like each other all that much
I dont dislike her in the sense that I dont dislike her personality or the basic concept of her character, but I do hate that shes in the inner circle at all. Like, whats this eldritch creature trapped in a body thats not her own doing hanging out with all these boring people ass people FOR 500 YEARS dude, if I had to spend 500 years with Rhysand I would destroy the entire night court regardless of whether or not I had Amren-levels of power. Like, why on earth would she be satisfied playing second fiddle to Rhysand and living in an APARTMENT in his stupid °•~City of Starlight~•° when shes supposed to be like a billion years old and a thousand times more powerful than him. I feel like itd be interesting to explore that but I know that we really dont from watching cari can read's summaries, so she just ends up being a character thats supposed to be interesting because shes so mysterious but is actually so shrouded in intrigue that it turns around and she just becomes boring again
When I first met her I said that something about her bothered me but I couldnt put my finger on what it was, but that I still kinda liked her because she atleast annoyed Rhysand. She really hasnt annoyed Rhys in any way since her and Feyres first meeting so I like her less because of that and also because shes mostly just boring to me at the moment. I think another reason why I dont particularly like her is that she feels so intrinsically tied to the misogyny of this world that just suddenly materialized in this book and its really annoying, I would like to avoid that subplot as much as possible. She basically just exists to give Feyre a female friend at the Night Court and to show her that you can totally girlboss your way out of a misogynistic system! But you cant dismantle the system because uhhhhhhhh. change is like a glacier because its slow
Also, shes obviously meant to parallel Ianthe, like shes supposed to be the better version of her, but I cant even imagine her and Feyre making out sloppy style toxic yuri edition so I cant really see her as any kind of improvement. sorry
One of my least favourite character types is Fratbro But You Put Him In A Fantasy Setting so Im not the biggest fan of this guy ngl. The one redeeming quality he has is that hes very obviously crushing on all of his friends bisexual style, especially Rhys and Azriel. Its almost a little sad but mostly its just very funny. Like whyd you wanna take their clothes at the illyrian camps so badly huh? You like seeing pretty boys squirm around naked?
Unfortunately, I know that hes gonna end up with Nesta and that hes not even gonna treat her well, my guy is gonna go from being gay because he likes men to being gay because he hates women and I am not looking forward to it
Speaking of Nessian, a lot of sjm critical anti nessian people say that Nesta and Cassian used to be so good and so genuinely romantic in ACOWAR and that their relationship got completely ruined in ACOSF and. I mean, granted they dont ever talk about Cassian behaviour towards Nesta during the meeting at her house in ACOMAF but I hated the way he was just so angry at her on Feyre's behalf when she wasnt even that mad herself, she just felt weird and bad. Of course, I havent read ACOWAR yet and I might change my mind in the future but right now, I'll just say it doesnt surprise me that Cassian would laugh at Nesta falling down the stairs
My favourite guy!!! Out of this bunch I mean. My favourite guy in the entire ACOTAR series is probably Lucien, but if we're just talking about the jokers from the Night Court, then this guy is my favorite
I really wasnt expecting much from him, I thought he would have absolutely no personality from what Ive heard other people say about him, but hes basically exactly what I want in an edgy traumatized shadow boi. Ive talked about this before but I really dislike Rhysand and part of that is that I normally really like the archetype of the tortured edgy love interest with shadow powers but he makes it so goddamn annoying by being so flirty and cocky I just want to see him dead. But Azriel is quiet so he doesnt bothr me and also theres some intrigue about his backstory and the extend of his powes but he feels like a solid enough character that he doesnt become boring to me like Amren
I will say though, theres something particularly uncomfortable about watching anyone from the inner circle interact with him and vice versa, I think its because he seems like he doesnt actually like them more than anything else. Ive said this in a previous post, I think Cassian wants to be in a relationship good friends with him and he seems to think they have some good sunshine guy/grumpy guy banter going on but to me it just seems like Azriel genuinely dislikes him. And then he obviously doesnt trust Amren and I feel like hes in love with Mor and has been for a really long time but doesnt actually like her, I honestly feel like hes just sticking by Rhysand because he feels like he owes him and because it gives him an excuse to be close to his crush
Yknow, that I think about it maybe thats why I like him so much. I dont like the Inner Circle, he doesnt like the Inner Circle, thats a relatable king right there
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rookisit · 1 year
That which they offered
() is just me speculating/clarifying something
No one really talks about it any more but, what are the prizes and punishments? What could they offer that would be rewarding enough?
An illegal item?
Freedom from the island?
Being able to keep your egg if they do end up getting taken away?
For the first, I don't think that the players would be able to choose the items themselves. I think their pasts and backgrounds would be evaluated to give them what the federation thinks they need most.
Using Philza as an example, what is he know for? Builds, hardcore, w e e b , and his talent in flight. And out of those you can only really build off of one.
So elytra
Stated in a recent stream (I don't remember which one) Canonically, his wings are clipped, and this is why he cant fly and why he can't escape the island
So for the prize, if the federation stopped clipping his wings, (gave him an elytra) he would be free, and, able to pursue the binary monster into the air when it takes off. If its still around by that point.
However it wouldn't just be so he could better protect the eggs
If you haven't watched his streams before, mans loves to fly. He genuinely enjoys it, and I could write paragraphs of the feats that he's done with elytra just because he wanted to. Because he loves flight
I don't watch others pov's that much but I think that every player has some little tie to a item, to a thing that they love. So I think rewards will be like that
But the punishments. As unique and personal as the rewards, these would be a bit more complicated, however they bring up a fair question. After the pain of losing your egg, what would they do?
And I have no fucking clue
After hearing jaiden's anguish and genuine grief, im not sure if the pain that bobby's death caused would be able to be matched
The punishments would involve the eggs somehow, possibly hurting a fake version of them and forcing the parents to watch (the players wouldn't know its not actually their egg). Or making the parents relive the moment of their eggs death/moment they found out their egg was dead. Which, reading that back now I cannot believe I just came up with that (wtf???). But I know I'm right. Some sort of psychological torture that violates the Geneva convention
I can only imagine what kind of fucked up thing they have planned
Theories and comments are appreciated :3
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infernaltenor · 1 year
am i trying my hand at a shitty fyodor analysis? yes. yes i am. this may be slightly deranged as it is also 3am where i live but i wanted to take a closer look into the similarities/asagiris line the fyodor is based on the joker. specifically, he mentions the dark knight joker, and imo this is where everything gets a little muddled.
personally i havent seen the joker (as in the movie) and i havent watched the dark knight in a while, but the difference between the imaginings is very focused in backstory. the dark knight features much more as a backstory for two face and not the joker, its just the joker who backs batman into a corner: either you make the city turn on the greatest politician its had, or you sacrifice yourself. from my understanding of the joker’s version, hes a much more anti-societal character, and while an argument can be made for fyodors dislike of abilities and wish to destroy them and the similarity there, i genuinely am not qualified enough to say.
but dark knight joker does make a good argument. for one, the introductory story of the joker changes every time. the repeat line of “do you want to know how i got these scars?” is the only part of his story that does not change. the only reason i point this out is because of the mystery behind fyodors backstory and his ability. this also ties into what i would argue to be the strongest point of fyodors inspiration by dark knight!joker; his introductory scene on ace’s ship and the ultimate killing of everyone on it.
why do i cite this scene in particular? routinely when joker shows up he tends to spin a small story about himself before killing everyone in the room, including allies. during fyodors introduction on ace’s ship he proceeds to follow this closely. spins a lie about his ability and kills every member on the ship, including karma, who’s pov we follow.
in relation to the most recent chapter, i think fyodor is hopping on this plan a bit as well. screw with sigma with some indication of himself (i.e., that of the split personalities) but ultimately he does plan on killing sigma and dazai, and (possibly?) chuuya as well.
but not only do i think this relates to fyodors introduction, oh no, i think this also sheds more light on nikolai and fyodors relationship, purely due to the fact that the dark knight is a movie which shows the origin of two face and how joker fits in. obviously i could go on with how dark knight!joker is much better of a manipulator than other characters (the use of harvey dent as two face, cornering batman, etc) but nikolai and fyodor are referenced to have a past together, and nikolai is flighty in an almost similar way!
without confirmation, i cant say for sure that nikolai and fyodors dynamic was 100% meant to be read as that dynamic from the movie, but i think it can shed light on the particular way the characters interact. of course nikolai comes to the conclusion of killing fyodor to release himself from his birdcage, whatever trap nikolai feels he is under could be implied to have been caused by fyodor, and i only say that due to the connection with the dark knight. harvey dent only becomes two face because his girlfriend gets literally blown up by the joker. so why does nikolai become, well, nikolai?
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adetheenby · 1 year
none of this is serious cohesive or credible do not give me critism cause i probably dont even remember writing this mostly me rambling on a blog i do not understand how to use goodnight i should sleep
-love the movie and comic in diffrent ways comic is kinda giving adventuretime tbh love it i wish it was a little longer? like i feel like more interactions with ballister and nimona or ambrosius? like i loved how fast paced it was though - i WISH we got nimona changing her hair in the movie????????????? i get it cause they would have to change the animation models or something idk how it works but imagine in the scene where shes back at the layer shes throwing the table it couldve been a cool concept for her to turnmore cooler colours based on how she feels might be the sleepdeprivation but i think it wouldve been cool -i loved the endng honestly of the comic like genuinely i love it it fits -the credits of the movie saying INSPIRED by the comic is really true the thing is they more so took the idea of the nimona story then the story itself and made it work -the comic is a lot more fucked up and i love it for that like they murder people BUT only for good reason overal i like it A lot - i like how they didnt really expand on gloreth at all i think i like it better this way so its more an open ended thing where you can imagine what actually happend -the movieambrosius shouldve had maybe atleast a little longer hair propaganda has now convinced me bc of the comic - i LOVE the artstyle??????? its so just fun and chaotic -i might actually try to get the real life thing of it like i would love to have a copy tbh -ambrosius was such a little shit love him he was so unserious i swear -science person i forgot pronouns its midnight so im kinda tired but they so remind me of raine just cause glasses and white hair and both into science things ish raine is more eh on the science? -i love the movie sm for its little refrences like it went aWHOLE diff direction obviously but like the little refrences like nimona morphing into a toddler that very much looks like her comic version of it -i loved the little moment she turned into a cat so he would carry her so fun -i want nimona to be friends with the science dude like i feel like they would be so fun - litterally cant even pick which i liked better - i REALLY thought i would like the comic less tbh cause got told it had a bad ending and nimona died???? she did but also did she really???? cause i mostly like silly lighthearted shows or sometimes more dramatic things that have good endings but i LOVED the comic its fun and silly and is fast paced i love that sm
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onlyjaeyun · 8 months
hello my dearest zadie !! i really hope that this reaches u (and that u don’t respond to it😭 only sending this as quick reminder since u did say that u read the messages in ur inbox but don’t have time to respond them ! for this one i’m asking u to not to respond and just read it :] <3 ) after reading some of ur most recent posts regarding ur own personal life i just really felt the need to share this— i genuinely and from the bottom of my heart am hoping that you’ve been taking care of yourself and not skipping on any meals and also taking care of your sleep during these times of your exams because gosh i cannot imagine the absolute stress and anxiety you must be going through— and pls always take ur time to make new updates !! we’ll always be here waiting for your newest updates but please don’t risk your health or academic work for updates i beg :( you staying up to work on certain chapters really showed your dedication and effort yet i genuinely hope that you won’t do that again and instead leave us with no update and with a more energised version of yourself. i really hope that what i said doesn’t come off as rude or anything? because that genuinely isn’t my intention but as someone who’s been with you since hype boy, your health and academic work will obviously come first to me rather than your updates, we have all the time in the world to read about cold hearts !! so please don’t ever feel pressured to update or keep your updates daily / consistent :) and again i wish you the best of luck during ur exams !! may allah make all of them easy for you and give you all the strength, attention and focus that u need during studying and while taking the exams. and again pls take care of yourself as well !! never neglect ur sleep especially during exam seasons (had to learn this the hard way) anywho, sending u so so much love my sweet zadie and so many hugs & kisses !! <3
- a very calm ⁉️
🥺 now this definitely made me tear up a little and i cant even explain or put into words how much i appreciate messages like these 🥺💗
thank you SO much baby, honestly the fact you've been with me from the very beginning is smth i will treasure forever bc readers and friends like you make this journey so, so much more special 🥺 i really am so grateful to have you and i hope you know how much your messages mean to me. knowing how loved, appreciated and supported i am on this blog is what makes this my safe haven and i hope you guys are aware of how much i appreciate everything you send my way.
i really needed these kind of words and i feel like you always know what to say so again, thank you so much baby. sending you all this love right back and adding a fat kiss to it, i love and appreciate you SO much 🥺💗💕🩷
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
AHHHH SO EXCITED!!! I lowk forgot proofreading was a thing LMAO enjoy the rest of your activities though!!!
The headers always look so clean and nice….i love how you format them LOL the bfb one slaps hard!!!
I feel like it’s been hinted that we’ll get a Kunigami comeback in just really hoping that kaneshiro doesn’t pull a gege and leave us hanging!!! You don’t even know when gege just dropped some basic mentions of Inumaki’s background and never even gave us a flashback of baby toge I LOST IT
LFMAOO STOP IM CRYING I totally forgot that since they’re both six foot and from the Kansai region AND both have animals in their name (yup!! Sheep hiori canon LMAO) AND play for Bambi Osaka….goodbye just a collective face palm everyone is so done HAHAHA
MIDAIR well now you have a very unique experience to talk about if you ever get thrown into an icebreaker game LMAOOOO I like how they like prepared barf bags for the ride?? Maybe it’s more common than you’d think LOL and omg…yk maybe the gimmick for these meds is that they knock you out so you CANT feel anything but yesss we love flat nice roads that don’t induce motion sickness!!
OH YEAH ok that’s definitely one moment that caught me too I just couldn’t think of it but the way that he and zantetsu just bonded and got to know each other a bit in the bath scene…the team v trio truly would not have existed without that duo first!! I wish we got more moments between them!! Wait speaking of….zantetsu ln…? I completely forgot that maybe that’s a possibility???
NIKO HAIRCUT i can imagine the wavy white hair just like obscuring his vision like a sheepdog LMAOO
No trust after everything we’ve seen that LN is about to just be a carbon copy of bfb LMAOOO ok but genuinely I feel like even if it is a bit different it’ll still be just as good, kinda just like exploring a different avenue of a character beyond the scope of BLLK premises! And tbh like fully truly literally based off our whole convo and what’s happened I can’t imagine Karasu being super different from what we’ve been discussing like if anything it might just feel like an expansion of a certain aspect of his character? But yeah I agree I think your safe HAHA trust when that LN comes out I’m dropping everything to read and tl….
Also you’re going to have to excuse my chronically online speed replies I somehow have a bunch of down time or time in transit that I just use to catch up and write back and doom scroll LMAO
-Karasu anon
LMAOO to be fair i barely proofread so there’s always more than a couple of mistakes in my stories but i think it’s fair considering how much i write…if i extensively proofread everything it would take forever for me to upload so i do two quick readthroughs just to catch anything super egregious (first for grammar, second for awkward bits of dialogue/sentence structure) and that’s about it. typically for something in the 5-10k range it takes me an hour or so?? but given the length we’re working w here it might be a bit longer
i think it’s so fun experiment!! the bfb one is super fun i agree…the karasu version has me drooling though like as much as i love otoya karasu is SOO handsome it just automatically looks sm better w him
oh 100% i do think he’s going to come back!! i just hope it’s in a satisfying way and not one of those gege-type comebacks where nothing is actually resolved and then they just die/become irrelevant again
i think at that point karasu would enlist otoya to help him set reader up with hiori because otoya has like girl experience?? the plot continues to thicken LMAOAOA at this point ego probably gets involved too somehow…he’s like “karasu you don’t have enough EGO 😩😤 you have to chase after the girl you want and think she’s obsessed with you” meanwhile everyone is like is that not harassment…
LITERALLY like ykw i’ve thrown up in worse places at least this was scenic!! and yeah i do think it must be pretty common because the guy wasn’t even stressed out about it 😪 ig it’s one of those things where you can’t know if you’ll be affected by it until you’re up there and once you are it’s kind of too late?? so they have to be prepared LMAO
omg wait how did i forget abt him too!! tabieita plus zantetsu would make sm sense especially considering they’re getting sm attention in epinagi rn…wait also the way karasu and zantetsu are being so focused on in epinagi is making me super hopeful for them in bm vs pxg!! like maybe they’re going to do smth soon 😳 one can hope anyways 🙏🏻
PLEASE not the sheepdog…yk what that reminds me of
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CANONICAL baby nagi!!
HAHAH tbh given our track record kaneshiro will probably even name karasu’s sister yayoi atp 😭 and i agree i think it’s fun to explore characters in diff ways!! bllk doesn’t even exist in bfb so it’s automatically different already and honestly people have written all of these soccer freaks worse and more ooc i’m sure it’ll be alright!!
DON’T WORRY i just have been chronically offline so i don’t use too much data 😰 but normally i am the number one chronically online queen so i don’t mind at all
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misqnon · 6 months
hi. march. slowly shortening this introduction to my posts. sorry if this is a little incoherent i woke up in the middle of the night and im getting sleepy again
i tried looking up fanfiction involving hannyabul and magellan the other day and there was almost none??? i really thought theyd be .. at least a little popular ... the dynamics... arent the dynamics similar to zosan or cavendish and bartolomeo.. dont people like that.. (i wouldnt know since ive never really been a fan of the enemies/rivals to lovers trope)
im pretty sure kidd wears a beast pirate disguise? and like .. good for him... (good for me).. hes got the titties out. i love men. i also rly enjoy the few frobin moments we get when theyre in disguise, theyre super cute!! it seems like u havent been spoiled on the Biggest Moments in wano so im very very glad to hear that. it also kind of has a mystery aspect so i think its probably way more enjoyable to go in blind. there IS a special kind of anticipation when u know what's coming but.. imo its more fun to guess how things will go rather than know and be excited about it
honestly i didnt care for the setting either. in the anime tho .. big mom's introduction is so good. theres a song that plays (its in the manga too but it's way better to hear it rather than... read lyrics) and when i started wci i was still watching the anime, so i got to listen to the song. it was stuck in my head for days. very catchy. i love how theatrical it is and it really made me excited for the arc .. and then i ended up barely enjoying it LOL. also i do actually love pudding but her age also makes me go... ewww. oda made an awful decision making her 16 . gives me kyros flashbacks.. although sanji doesnt seem to be genuinely interested in her. but still like why did oda do that... why... what is the point ... wci does pick back up a bit imo after they get sanji back (which i think is the part ur at? or a little bit after?) and i honestly think it wraps up quite nicely. and yeah.. most importantly.. katakuri is introduced in the second half. lovely guy. i heart him
robin's va did that in. one take??? that is Insane?? she genuinely channeled robin in that moment wtf
i will definitely talk abt opla if/when i watch it. even if zoro doesnt have his goofiness at least i can thirst over him. am i into mackenyu? no.. zoro? yeahs........ also i can definitely see how jacob being too hot is an issue for usopp LOL. some people just.. ooze confidence.. and are too smooth. i think ill probably enjoy his characterization anyways tho cuz i adore usopp
i cant draw women for the life of me but transfem sanji is haunting my brain and.. she made me attempt .. attempt to draw a lady. its her. shes the lady.
YOU THOUGHT OF ME??? im so flattered U have no idea aikfjshdjd. law.. i.. hes a little fucked up.. human art pieces . actually as someone who's done a bit of sculpture (but not abstract art. and it was ceramics) i can appreciate it. if he didnt use real living people in his art i would definitely appreciate it more.. but i imagine seeing a severed head on a sculpture and then they start talking to u.. i imagine that would be a Little.. scary... just a little . i think he should go to therapy probably. ur mental illness is showing law .
i think its semi canon?? theres a moment in the anime (idk if its in the manga or not) where bepo gives law.. puppy dog? eyes? but like .. polar bear version. and law is clearly weak to that. also he calls chopper a tanuki even after being asked not to bc chopper has a cute reaction (he gets mad). so i think he IS weak to cute animals. he is very similar to robin like that... they would definitely bond over choppers cuteness. and they both have weird taste.. in cute animals. its not bunnies or idk. dogs or cats. robin likes pathetic animals (the dragon that had to carry them all up to zou) and law likes . bepo. a 7 foot tall polar bear man.
THATS SUCH A STRANGE COINCIDENCE. this is my first time moving since ive lived in the same place my whole life .. so its kinda exciting and also kinda scary.
OH so u can send images but it just cant be on anon. im.. one day... one day for sure.. (soon). i grew up on twitter tho .. yeah. and before that it was youtube. i have been on the internet since the beginning of time (since i was in single digits. like 5 maybe idk, but i do remember being able to make my own youtube account at 7, and i had been using my brothers before that). my dark past. since ive been on the internet so long i just accept that theres probably a load of my personal information out there for anyone to see. and also a bunch of embarrassing things I've said from years ago. sometimes i come across a youtube comment from when i was like 9 and its always a bit shocking LOL
I HEARD WHAT HAPPENED WITH SESSHOMARU. when i found out .... it .. it .. i.... i dont have words. its so upsetting 😭. actually ive kind of been trying to get into vocaloid bc i recently (like 2 years ago) found out i had been listening to it.. and i didnt know. i didnt realize it was vocaloid
LOL, i say IT COUNTS. i dont draw in my mind cuz i have slight aphantasia. i imagine drawing in ur head is way more relaxing than actually drawing... cuz like... the struggle of anatomy.. proportions.. lighting.. colors.. yeah art is so hard.
there havent been any sbs's recently i dont think?? like they stopped at some point during wano and .. idk what happened. i miss it .. i want to ask about the giant snails that pull germa's ship... well i want someone else to ask about it really . not me. but yeah i have a lot of questions and i just hope it comes back soon 😔. maybe im just missing them somehow but i have checked multiple places. but for some reason i dont see anyone mention it.
RIGHT?? RIGHT???? dont worry the colorism stays /s. they have characters in the latest episodes that are dark skinned and they made only the girl lighter skinned. oda didnt do that. oda made them all the same in the manga. its infuriating.
an issue i have post timeskip is that i actually cannot tell the women apart half the time. they all look pretty similar in the manga, although theyre distinguishable by their clothes and hair. but there was a spread (not colored) that had the main one piece women all in different clothes and with different hair and i sat there for multiple minutes trying to figure out who was who. like i genuinely couldnt tell. i miss nami's short hair,, it had so much character.. and i also miss robins short hair.. again.. it had so much character.
even on a colored cover i had a moment where i was like "is that vivi or is it nami" because it was just a solid blue. i assumed vivi based off context clues and bc.. blue. but if i hadnt had that.. i dont think i wouldve been able to tell. i have no problem with character design changing but oda makes most of the women next to indistinguishable from one another now. its really upsetting. if they had different skin tones or even just. different eye shapes. or different figures. it wouldnt be that much of an issue. but nooo he cant do that. all women who are supposed to be attractive have to look the same.
YEAH ive seen that video!!! u show up a lot on my feed but most of the time its just... the same few posts... which is kind of funny. I ALSO LOVED THE NEWKAMA!! like wow!!! queer representation??? i feel a kinship with these characters?? bon clay literally made impel down for me. my favorite boygirl girlboy. i adore u bon clay.. i adore u.
im a big fan of fukaboshi so i think anytime he was on screen my enjoyment was elevated. also zoro fighting hody(is that who it was) underwater was so cool . like how are u better than a fishman in water??? and the moments with noah... it felt like it was setting up some rly big things and i always love stuff like that. LOL YEAH sanji was even grosser on return to sabaody. i think its just not talked about as much because it wasnt a long arc and he wasnt on screen for a lot of it
oh they for sure have some good points. i also miss the silly shenanigans of pre timeskip. but overall im enjoying post timeskip more, and i do think theyre at least a LITTLE BIT blinded by nostalgia. its hard not to be tbh. i do really miss seeing all the crew together. i dont exactly mind them splitting up but .. i feel like a lot of them end up kind of sidelined. we dont get to see (just some examples) brook or chopper or nami fight much and i. i love them.. i love them just as much as the rest of the crew. i think nami has a really interesting fighting style. and brook is just fun. and people complain (validly) that chopper has been mascotified. which i wouldnt mind so much if he got more cool moments but he doesnt!! we dont even get to see him being a doctor that often :(.
like the writing is still fantastic but yeah. i agree. oda has basically run the jokes that were already pretty tired. into the ground. sanji being the one who suffers most from it. i dont mind robin having more moments where she imagines a really gruesome thing has happened to someone, for example. because she barely did that pre timeskip, and now she only does it occasionally so its not like "oh my god STOP". its still enjoyable. but. idk if theres even a prominent example of someone's character joke being awful other than sanji. like hes the only one who has a consistently awful joke. that in my opinion has never been funny. and its been made into a huge part of his character. i still love post timeskip to death bc. look at everything thats happening!! but i have a lot . lot . lot of gripes with it.
fellow impel down and dressrosa lover 🫡. i do rly like water 7 but . i dont know why but i never enjoyed enies lobby all that much. i think thats probably super controversial LOL. oops.
oh friend... u have no idea..... i have SO many one piece thoughts ... i have paragraphs upon paragraphs of one piece thoughts... the hyperfixation is actively killing me /j
wait let me. find . some.. i send them all in my private (as in its just me and my irl best friend) discord server so its not only in chronological order from when i sent the messages but its also extremely disorganized.. hmm a lot of these are/involve huge spoilers LOL
wait. how do u feel about sanji with heterochromia. one eye is blue and the other is brown . u get the best of both worlds... i felt like i was smart for this but ur the resident sanji lover. u have the say (in my mind) of what is best for him,,,
i saw someone say usopp would get conquerers haki and i big time disagree. he has the best observation haki in the crew and i feel like him getting conquerers haki would kinda cheapen that. and it cheapens his growth. why does he need to have conquerers haki to be a brave warrior of the sea? hes doing perfectly well without it. and also i dont think it fits his character. hes cowardly, has no self confidence, runs away from battles sometimes out of fear, and definitely has a huge sense of shame. from what i know, people with conquerers haki are usually super self assured, strong in a pretty traditional sense, and dont have much self doubt. usopp is like the opposite of that. i think hes very brave because he fights despite how scared he is, but the character archetype just doesn't work imo. like usopp without those characteristics is. to me. not usopp. tell me what u think!! also im like 90% sure none of this is spoilery but if it is i am so so sorry
obviously i havent seen the live action yet but live action shanks looks too hot to me.. like hes too conventionally attractive. i want him to be.. a rat man.. greasy .. but extremely charming.. and hes NOT!! hes just regular hot!??
do all places in one piece just have extra chairs or tables that are bigger? cuz there are some characters that arent of the giant race but are huge. and yet they fit on regular chairs. do u have a 8 foot tall guy walk into ur bar and u have to say "wait a second, we need to get out the big chairs" and then drag out a chair twice ur size? is that the case EVERYWHERE? or do some places not have big chairs so if ur extremely large u just have to sit in a chair thats too small for u.. or maybe u just sit on the floor. or stand.
that scene in sabaody of usopp asking rayleigh if the one piece is real, and luffy gets mad and tells usopp that he doesnt want to know, and if he finds out he will quit right now because he wont go on an adventure that isnt any fun. luffy is such a chill, silly captain, that im sure him snapping like that must be scary. usopp looked so shocked. i love their relationship. i think moments like that. really solidify how real the characters feel. like yeah, they have strong, defined morals. and they will argue and be childish and yell for the sake of their morals. i feel like a lot of media has characters with morals but it doesn't ever show them actually disagreeing with someone. let alone a friend. idk im not wording this great but i think this moment is so good. i love the moments of childishness in one piece. its very humanizing to have immaturity in ur characters
ok thats what ill leave u with for now :)
IM GLAD THAT MADE U LAUGH!! i felt really called out by constantly seeing it bc.. yeahm.. admittedly .. cannibalism is sexy sometimes.. i recently admit this to myself...
"i think he should go to therapy probably. ur mental illness is showing law ."
i think he should go to therapy probably. ur mental illness is showing march .
*nods* march 🫡
i dont think i’ve ever actually met someone who doesn’t like enemies to lovers before?? ik its popular bc its one of my favs and im happy about that bc im always nosedeep in the content SFNKJDN. valid tho. i cant speak bc ive written two 50K+ zosan fanfics and will probably write more 🧍I’LL USE THOSE SKILLS TO WRITE HANYAGELLAN FOR YOU. HAHA JK …UNLESS
so ive only met kidd once or twice right. i met him in sabaody pre-timeskip when the worst generation got introduced and he’s had a couple small moments since then. but i just feel and know in my heart that i would be a kidd girlie. red haired angry anime men are one of those specific niches i’m like YEAAA YEAAA [CHEERING] and people are always talking about his tits in the one piece server i’m in so. DFJNVIDJ HELL YEAH IM READY FOR THAT
and frobin…hell yea…theyre so cute…my weirdo couple…
actually!! im reading the manga on tcbscans and there’s a comment section under every chapter that i like to read bc its cool seeing ppl’s reactions (as i’ve said) and in big mom’s intro chapter someone was like “if ur manga only look up her song rn its actually so good” so i did and YEA. ITS SO FUN?? AND THEATRICAL?? AND I LOVE THE MELODY?? like ok big mom go off
yea i already knew pudding was 16 bc i was all up in sanji’s business and reading about wci when i joined the fandom but I DIDNT KNOW ABOUT KYROS AND I WAS SO MAD WHEN THAT REVEAL HAPPENED!??!!? I WAS LIKE DAMN ODA HAS DONE THIS SHIT LIKE 3 TIMES NOW?? for the third one i count shirahoshi. even though she didnt have a love interest it was nasty for him to make a character so obviously meant to be so beautiful and sought-after and sexualized and then make her a teenager. plus vander decken . existed.
“am i into mackenyu? no.. zoro? yeahs........” this is so real
i have an art degree and tbh i support law and his human sculptures wholeheartedly. its very dada of him imo. but abstract art seems more up his alley. regardless i know some of my professors would have been like “live human sculpture…wow…that is so Art” very marina abromavic of him as well. but um yeah he should still go to therapy tho. yea
robin and law 🤝 “cool and collected” characters thinking fucked up weird animals are cute
i’ve moved like 9 times in my life this is just another day in the life [eyebags the size of dinner plates]
(looks at the other ask in my inbox) oh yeah…very soon
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omg. i started getting on the internet in single digits but to like. get on mylittlepony.com and play facebook games. i started being more “ONLINE” around probably 10 or 11 though and i made my tumblr account when i was 12 💀 i, too, sometimes see something old i posted and just go Oh God 
and i DEF had/have too much personal info online bc of that but i’ve tried to cut it down lately in the interest of ~ internet safety ~ . i dont use my first name online as much (hence going by mont in addition to the. trans-ness) and i took all my selfies off my blog. but who knows what else i put up and have forgotten about
I LOVE VOCALOID!! i’ve been into vocaloid basically since i started being online (although i dont keep up with a lot of CURRENT vocaloid news so im like an old man who didnt keep up with the times. i love the original crypton 6 (miku, rin, len, meiko, kaito, luka) + gumi and gakupo but until a couple years ago i was like “What The Fuck is a Fukase” jbfvhjdn
i’ve caught up to date a little bit and still consider myself currently a vocaloid fan but yea im like a genwunner of vocaloid but just bc im lazy not bc im pretentious djsnkj
i actually saw kikuo (my fav vocaloid producer) in concert in january!! my first and only vocaloid concert…(but only bc he happened to be touring with bo en. no miku hologram for me)
ur like the third person ive met with aphantasia! and. yea its much easier in my head </3 why did i major in that shit </3 
WAIT REALLY?? THEY DONT DO SBS ANYMORE?? I LOVE SBS :( I ALSO HAVE SOME ONGOING QUESTIONS I WANT ANSWERED!! (that i want someone else to ask kjvfnkfn) i looked it up and didnt see much at a cursory glance aside from the fact that sbs happens every volume instead of chapter (?) who knows but i hope they didnt stop completely…
toei feel my wrath re: the racism. oda also feel my wrath re: the sexism. and the racism (why do you use the same skin color for everyone in the colorspreads…oda PLEASE) and the worst part about the nami clone thing is that we know he can draw women differently. have u seen how he drew young big mom. she was so hot. and yet he chooses NOT TO!!
YEA I WAS ACTUALLY SURPRISED HOW WELL DONE THE IMPEL DOWN REPRESENTATION FELT?? THAT WHEN WE GOT TO KAMABAKKA I WAS LIKE why did we go…backwards…but they cant take the impel down newkama land away from me. that scene where iva makes a speech about gender and does a little performance made me feel so seen on screen even if oda meant for it to be tokenism or something. i think he thinks we (gay ppl) are cool but doesnt quite get it. like he saw gay ppl and went “this would work with my silly art style so well. transgenderism is a thrilling character trait” and then did not attempt to understand much after that KDCKJS
FUKABOSHI MY BELOVED actually all 3 of the fishman princes…when they cheered up shirahoshi during the scene where their mom was murdered i actually cried as they danced and sang through their own tears. like wtF. AND YEA ZORO ALMOST DROWNED SO MANY TIMES THAT ARC BUT HE WAS STILL COOL AND HOT 😔 the noah was also a cool concept!! you see the noah’s arc thing come up a lot in anime for some reason?? like my d gray man loving ass was like huh…okay two nickels…
ur so right about the sidelining (its like anyone that isnt the east blue 5) and especially about chopper. aside from being mascotified i wish he wasnt baby-fied too (which stems from the mascot problem). like…he’s 17. chopper is a full ass teenager, not a child. I GET that he’s a reindeer and also very naive but imagine how cool he could have been post timeskip…horn point chopper is my fav bc i just love the design but IMAGINE IF HE LOOKED LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME!!
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and he could have so much more development in terms of constantly seeing his crewmates near death and always having to fix it…or just him improving as a doctor! i dont think we get to see chopper doctor enough but we also dont get to see him struggle! (m really just over here advocating for more depression and more hardship for chopper im so sorry king)
a lot of the running jokes i can still get behind (zoro getting lost will never not be funny to me idk how it hasnt gotten old but it hasnt okay) maybe bc its so harmless?? robin’s gruesome joke i agree, its not overdone so i still like it. mean nami slapstick i’ve never liked but can get a chuckle out of me every once in a while. brook panty joke L 👎brook skull jokes would be funny but they’re always too easy 👎 and yea sanji is the worst victim. i found it somewhat funny/endearing pre thriller bark when it was mostly harmless swooning and heart eyes but nowadays uhhh [beating him to death with hammers] 
u know what i see ur point on enies lobby. for water 7 it had great new characters and an AWESOME bright and beautiful water city setting but enies lobbies is. just a bunch of white government buildings on an island. the high point is definitely just robin’s moment. and kaku saying “I LOVE GIRAFFES. GIRAFFES ARE AWESOME” 
one piece brainrot is ruining me i have MUCH IDEA !!
OKAY LISTEN . I HAVE HEARD BOTH ROBIN HETEROCHROMIA AND SANJI HETEROCHROMIA AND LIKE. I DONT THINK EITHER ARE / COULD BE CANON BUT. robin heterochromia is so fun. and sanji heterochromia although for some reason i dont feel like it fits him HAS POTENTIAL bc imagine when he comes back post timeskip with his bangs covering the other eye now and the crew is like “🤨 wait i thought you had blue eyes?” ugh i need it. ive seen a LITTLE art and like 1 fic of heterochromia sanji and its very entertaining for sure i always eat it up even tho i dont necessarily headcanon it. i am so glad i have authority on this in ur mind btw. [clanging my sanji gavel] order in the court
i agree about usopp and conqueror’s haki! like damn we already got two of them with it dont we…although i saw someone on youtube somewhere suggest he could have “conquerer’s observation” ?? idk enough about haki to understand that but it sounds cool 👍 its not spoilery so dw! although that yt comment made me think like “if there’s multiple types of conqueror’s haki it it like..all based on one guy? one original conqueror ?? and who was it…” who knows…i mean i know zoro has conqueror’s haki bc of spoils but idk how or when that happens (wano, i assume. idk how i feel about that yet bc much as i love the green guy sometimes i feel like he’s favored a bit for the op stuff) and you made some really solid points about usopp’s character too!! part of me was like “damn sanji the only monster trio member not to have conqueror’s haki…” but he could not have it for. several of the same reasons u listed for usopp lmao AND THATS OK!! THOSE THINGS ARE REASONS I LIKE THEM BOTH 
“live action shanks is too hot” ok then explain this
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you know what. that is. a good question. why do they get so big btw. like humans come in all sizes but why. is it to do with the gravity of the planet cause its so huge and got so many moons…thats how i explain half of the unrealistic things in this show lmao. maybe they just stand. its more Intimidating™. sorry villains dont get to sit (although that makes me think about that time doffy was just sitting on the table in the middle of the warlord meeting?? did u see that post?? its a screenshot like why did they let him on the table like that. evil cat behavior from local bird man)
THATS A GOOD SCENE TO POINT OUT. YEA YEA YEA YUOU GET IT. i loooove the serious luffy moments. ive said it a million times but luffy is intelligence 5 wisdom 20. luffy is actually very selfish but in a way that i dont hate…he just wants to be free. and free others. and he lives so in the moment. he’s so different from so many people that he’s very fascinating as a character to watch, esp bc he DOES have moments like u mentioned that make him feel real and have boundaries. u know its funny bc luffy is like the most open accepting character that its hilarious how many times ive seen something oda has written/done and been like “luffy would never do this. the character u made up and continue to write would be more accepting than this.” like luffy is totally chill with women, doesnt see them as lesser, never even hints at this like even zoro does, luffy’s super chill about bon clay and the newkama, luffy doesnt discriminate based on characters’ races etc etc etc. and yet oda DOEs do all this its like. oda u have to see if bc u MAKE it so why cant U BE MORE LIKE THE GUY YOU MADE UP FDJVKND. i think the only moment i can think of that even vaguely implies luffy knows what a gender role is is when he’s in amazon lily and they put him in a frilly shirt and he’s like “i dont wanna wear this. this isnt my style at all” but its all about his OWN preferences and not about anyone else’s. u get me??
“cannibalism is sexy sometimes” u get it. u get it. u understand. we are kindred spirits rn. join me
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to end off here are some of my one piece headcanons (some of which probably will never be canon and im okay with that)
first off sanji is a repressed bisexual and u can tear this from my cold dead hands. post kamabakka he’s gnc too he just wont admit it bc hes a scared little baby bitch. ik it was anime only but that scene were he’s fighting in a dress and caroline keeps telling him to accept himself or some shit as a flower slowly blooms metaphorically in the in-between footage was transgender as hell. also that time someone sent a message to oda in sbs saying like “i’m so glad sanji is girl crazy and not boy crazy” an oda responded “uh, totally” …like is the translation just coming off sarcastic or am i reaching-
i think zoro is gay. he just gives me that vibe ok. 2nd choice he is aroace and luffy is like his qpp or somethin ok (i dont ship zolu but i can admit those bitches got a point bc MAN they really love each other. i like it much better as friendship tho) and on that note luffy is aroace too.
nami is a lesbian. im aware all 3 of these are the popular fandom hcs but idc. this one i have actual evidence for have u seen how she latches onto every woman in each arc. she’s just as bad as sanji she’s just more chill about it /hj
contrary to fandom hc i think robin and usopp are probably straight. robin would make a very dignified lesbian or bisexual but i think she’s just a weirdgirl straight who’s being a supportive ally with franky. 
brook is probably straight but i think he was also simultaneously in love with yorki a little bit and doesnt talk about it bc yorki is gone now so its not like its gonna happen ever again. soul king “im straight but i had a boyfriend one time” brook
chopper is a reindeer
god what else do i have aside form sexuality headcanons. OH !! this isnt a headcanon but i have a running theory that many of the strawhats are based on classic characters from fiction/pop culture…i keep meaning to make a post about this but im busy
zoro is inspired by zorro. okay easy next
chopper is inspired by rudolph, obviously
usopp is inspired by pinocchio but I DONT SEE THIS ONE MENTIONED AS OFTEN: CYRANO DE BERGERAC!! down to the lying and the long nose and the crush on the rich girl out of his league!!
robin is inspired by matilda in my mind. weirdgirl with mind powers abused by her caregivers and obsessed with books…like okay oda just tell us u read roald dahl
i know sanji was inspired in looks by mr. pink in reservoir dogs but i havent seen that movie so i cant speak on anything else LMAO
i feel like its possible the others were inspired by more that i just am not aware of / might be japanese pop culture and therefore harder for western fans to spot…thoughts?
0 notes
2022animalfarmg2 · 2 years
(Farm)bidden love
Students’ names/author's names: Lorena Azevedo e Sophia Fuchs
Synopsis:  Have you ever imagined a secret affair between the characters of ''Animal Farm"? In our narrative Mollie doesn't leave the farm. Considering this, what if Snowball and Mollie were deeply in love and falling for each other? The only problem was if the pigs found out, because it was forbidden to have a relationship between a horse and a pig,  since they were from different species, and different social classes. The pigs were considered the highest in the political hierarchy, while the horses belonged to the working class. Keeping this in mind, what do you think would have happened when Snowball was exiled? Would they find a way to be together ? Read our fanfic to find out. 
In their secret spot, Mollie is comforting Snowball,  saying she believes in him, that he is the true leader of the farm and she hopes Napoleon doesn’t exile him. 
Napoleon and his followers indeed drive Snowball from the farm and he is exiled. Mollie and Snowball bid each other goodbye. Mollie promises him that it is a short goodbye and they will meet soon no matter what or how. They embrace and Snowball runs away. 
After  he leaves, Molly is devastated  , she even thinks about killing herself, because cant stand the pain of living without him. Molly feels genuinely drained, tired of working and to pray for strength to get up in the morning. The animals start to see the change in her behavior and in her attitudes. They go talk to her, no one knew about the secret affair, so she couldn't say anything. 
Every night, she used to dream about Snowball, and in one of  her dreams she sees that they are living a happy life with a happy family together. In the middle of the night she wakes up feeling different. She knew she couldn't take it anymore, so she decided to run away to find Snowball, even not having any idea of where he might be.
Mollie leaves the farm, and starts looking high and low for Snowball, everywhere; Roads, forests, fields , other farms, both operating and abandoned. A while after searching with no rest to find him and already losing hope. Mollie was in complete distress but couldn’t go back to the animal farm she ran away from, she was completely lost.  
One day the mare stops at a random farm which at first appeared empty, where she heard a very familiar sound. She decides to go into the farm and explore. There she notices that in some parts of the farm there are fields of crops, of corn, wheat, and some fruit trees, all growing. In the distance she recognizes the noise and the shape of her beloved. She finds herself overwhelmed with happiness when her eyes set upon her love, Snowball. That moment she started crying, and so did he. They got closer and hugged each other, that didn’t feel real to them. 
They didn’t know how to start talking, they looked at each other deep down in the eyes and started hugging. Then, they talked for hours and hours. Mollie found out that Snowball had been building his own farm. With his own fields, trees and house for them to one day start their grounds together. 
At first Mollie didn’t like the idea of living in that farm forever, it wasn’t as luxury as she liked, but the idea of living with Snowball without having to hide their relationship and finally be free of Napoleon and his followers made her accept the idea of living there. 
After a while, Mollie and Snowball found a way to balance each other's interests. Although they were very different from each other ,their love was bigger than everything. And with that, they really started complimenting themselves and even catching habits that weren't theirs. When they both were together , they were the absolute best version of themselves.
One year after Snowball got exiled from the farm, their first child was born.The couple thought that with that they couldn't be happier, but that was until they found out that they were having twins. A boy and a girl, Olaf and Beyah. With that, Mollie's dream had literally become the reality. Their farm was also growing the productions and becoming more beautiful everyday. The pig and the mare wanted to provide their kids the best things possible, and they achieved that.Olaf ,Beyah Snowball and Molly lived happily ever after!
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0 notes
sophiaf · 2 years
(Farm)bidden love
Students’ names/author's names: Lorena Azevedo e Sophia Fuchs
Synopsis:  Have you ever imagined a secret affair between the characters of ''Animal Farm"? In our narrative Mollie doesn't leave the farm. Considering this, what if Snowball and Mollie were deeply in love and falling for each other? The only problem was if the pigs found out, because it was forbidden to have a relationship between a horse and a pig,  since they were from different species, and different social classes. The pigs were considered the highest in the political hierarchy, while the horses belonged to the working class. Keeping this in mind, what do you think would have happened when Snowball was exiled? Would they find a way to be together ? Read our fanfic to find out. 
In their secret spot, Mollie is comforting Snowball,  saying she believes in him, that he is the true leader of the farm and she hopes Napoleon doesn’t exile him. 
Napoleon and his followers indeed drive Snowball from the farm and he is exiled. Mollie and Snowball bid each other goodbye. Mollie promises him that it is a short goodbye and they will meet soon no matter what or how. They embrace and Snowball runs away. 
After  he leaves, Molly is devastated  , she even thinks about killing herself, because cant stand the pain of living without him. Molly feels genuinely drained, tired of working and to pray for strength to get up in the morning. The animals start to see the change in her behavior and in her attitudes. They go talk to her, no one knew about the secret affair, so she couldn't say anything. 
Every night, she used to dream about Snowball, and in one of  her dreams she sees that they are living a happy life with a happy family together. In the middle of the night she wakes up feeling different. She knew she couldn't take it anymore, so she decided to run away to find Snowball, even not having any idea of where he might be.
Mollie leaves the farm, and starts looking high and low for Snowball, everywhere; Roads, forests, fields , other farms, both operating and abandoned. A while after searching with no rest to find him and already losing hope. Mollie was in complete distress but couldn’t go back to the animal farm she ran away from, she was completely lost.  
One day the mare stops at a random farm which at first appeared empty, where she heard a very familiar sound. She decides to go into the farm and explore. There she notices that in some parts of the farm there are fields of crops, of corn, wheat, and some fruit trees, all growing. In the distance she recognizes the noise and the shape of her beloved. She finds herself overwhelmed with happiness when her eyes set upon her love, Snowball. That moment she started crying, and so did he. They got closer and hugged each other, that didn’t feel real to them. 
They didn’t know how to start talking, they looked at each other deep down in the eyes and started hugging. Then, they talked for hours and hours. Mollie found out that Snowball had been building his own farm. With his own fields, trees and house for them to one day start their grounds together. 
At first Mollie didn’t like the idea of living in that farm forever, it wasn’t as luxury as she liked, but the idea of living with Snowball without having to hide their relationship and finally be free of Napoleon and his followers made her accept the idea of living there. 
After a while, Mollie and Snowball found a way to balance each other's interests. Although they were very different from each other ,their love was bigger than everything. And with that, they really started complimenting themselves and even catching habits that weren't theirs. When they both were together , they were the absolute best version of themselves.
One year after Snowball got exiled from the farm, their first child was born.The couple thought that with that they couldn't be happier, but that was until they found out that they were having twins. A boy and a girl, Olaf and Beyah. With that, Mollie's dream had literally become the reality. Their farm was also growing the productions and becoming more beautiful everyday. The pig and the mare wanted to provide their kids the best things possible, and they achieved that.Olaf ,Beyah Snowball and Molly lived happily ever after!
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esther-dot · 2 years
Something I really like about the Jonsa fandom is that so many of us are actually OK with the possibility that Jonsa will not happen in the books. Jon and Sansa will be alive and they will have the possibility of future interactions. But Dany is dead, dead, dead, and will be dead because Jon had to kill her. How does anyone get around that except by denial and rationalizing?
Me @ the start of this message: so sweet, we love our chill Jonsa fam! So much positivity today! 🥰
Me @ the “dead dead dead” part: “actually, being a petty bitch is a rewarding pastime. Don’t mind if I do” 😂🤣
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I know after s8 a lot of Jxnerys fans wrote post canon fics to fix things and apparently as long as Jon groveled and/or killed Sansa, shippers found a way to get them back together (I didn’t read, this is secondhand information) which is amazing to me because a lot of Jonsas stopped shipping Jonsa after s8 because they were so appalled by Jon’s behavior, but mass murder and the subsequent assassination weren’t insurmountable obstacles for the other shippers 😂 I cringe when I see pics of Jon stabbing/holding Dany in the finale, I cant imagine wanting them to be together after that. And weirdly, for show shippers, a disturbing amount are more upset with Jon for killing Dany than they are with Dany for murdering kids. They just have a wildly different moral reference point than I do, so I can’t offer an explanation.
For book fans, from what I’ve seen, most Dany stans reject the idea that Dany will go bad/burn KL in the books, so it’s easy for them to imagine a happy ending or at least a tragic love story for her and Jon—one in which Jon doesn’t stabby stab her. I might not like that they’re ignoring or defending all the crap she’s already done, but I actually find that less disturbing than the ASOIAF fans who know she will burn KL but still think she’s a good person and will end up with Jon after that. At least the former genuinely believe that their version of Dany and Jon can offer each other good things, the latter sounds like a really fucked up thing to wish on book Jon!
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verxsyon · 3 years
@winwinverse​ love that i’m just sending all my fic ideas to you instead of writing for them on my own blog lmfao 🤡 N E WAYS. 
for my baby chongyun, imagine ghost hunting in a graveyard with him except no ghosts want to come near u guys because of his yin (is that what its called? i cant remember lol) powers and you guys find nothing.
or like buzzfeed unsolved where you go spirit hunting and stuff (and again cant find anything lol).
also maybe this can be the same or maybe a different AU but what if you dress up as a fake spirit and/or pretend to be the voice of one just to make him happy because you guys cant find any and you dont want him to be sad.
and since jae sent this pic, try and include some version of this image too lmfao pls and thanks ok love you byeee.
✧ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠. chongyun x gn!reader
✧ 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭. drabble ; 0.8k
✧ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞. established relationship au, modern au ; comedy, fluff
✧ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬. swearing
✧ 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. buzzfeed unsolved + chongyun’s hangout event
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“Are you sure there are evil spirits here?” Switching the camera on, you slide the view over to your boyfriend, who is adjusting his own attached to his head.
“Wuwang Mansion is said to be teeming with huge scores of them,” Chongyun says. “Well, according to Xingqiu. Right, Xingqiu?”
The blue-haired boy shushes him by waving the flashlight at his face. “Guys, as you can see here I’m on ‘Do Not Disturb’. I just reached the fighting scene between the main character and the queen of the opposite kingdom. It’s very well written.”
“How convenient,” you say sarcastically. “Hey, Xingqiu. You said Wuwang Mansion is haunted, right?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Xingqiu says dimissively, which annoys the hell out of you. “Now shush, let me read in peace.”
Fed up with his imcompetency, you snatch the book out of his hands and smack his head with it. “The love interest appears during the battle. Turns out that they have been working under the queen all along, stabbing the main character in the back. Literally and figuratively. You’re welcome. Now give me the damn flashlight.”
Xingqiu gapes at you dramatically for ruining his genuine excitement. He is quite shocked to keep talking — not that he has anything nice to say, so he just lends you the flashlight. After receiving your thanks, he senses another presence brushing his shoulder, causing him to jump and hide behind Chongyun.
“Ghost!” he screams, gripping tightly onto his best friend who remains amazingly unfazed.
“Where?” you ask hastily. Snapping the flashlight to the area Xingqiu is pointing at, no ghost is nowhere to be found. Although, you do hear a thud nearby that results in you immediately joining Xingqiu into hiding behind Chongyun.
“Don’t worry. A chair just fell over,” your boyfriend deadpans. He grabs the flashlight from you over his shoulder and directs it the source of the noise. “There are definitely evil spirits here.”
“Huh. Surprised that you didn’t lose your shit unlike me and Xingqiu,” you chuckle nervously at thoughts of being murdered by an evil spirit tonight circulating your mind. “You got this, Yun. Uh… don’t die… please?”
Chongyun presses a quick peck on your cheek for reassurance, causing Xingqiu to fake gag. “All you have to worry about is to confirm the existence of the spirit in action. That’s the reason why we’re here, right?”
Before you could agree with his statement, a chill runs through your spine. You’re guessing the dynamic duo feel the same one as well judging from their stiff expressions. You turn to the direction they are looking at, and there it is: one of the evil spirits Xingqiu must have been talking about, and one of the evil spirits you and Chongyun are trying to capture on camera.
“God, I wish I was kidding,” Xingqiu wails. “We’re so fucked.”
“No, we’re not. Thank you so much for bringing us here, my good friend.” Chongyun is wearing a special smile that indicates his victory, one you have not seen in a while ever since you lost a game to him in Mahjong. “Eat my ass, spirits.”
Despite knowing your goal that made you and Chongyun come here in the first place, you’re not all about your boyfriend risking his life to that evil spirit he is trying to intimidate. So what you have done is throwing Xingqiu’s book at it, landing in between the eyes. “Not today, Satan.” 
The evil spirit squeals, curling into a ball on the floor from the pain it received from the book. “Ouch, that really hurts. What the hell was that?”
Chongyun gives himself a moment to identify the voice before taking off its head. Or rather, mask. “Hu Tao.”
“In the flesh,” the resident trickster of the Liyue District groans, rubbing the spot where she got hurt. “You got pranked...? Ow. Xingqiu, this was not part of the plan.”
Both you and Chongyun glare at your mutual friend, who is sweating nervously from being exposed by his partner-in-crime. “Haha... I’m sorry? Please don’t kill me.”
Your boyfriend sighs in disappointment. “So I guess there are no evil spirits here.”
“Therefore, the mansion isn’t really haunted to begin with,” you say, pecking his lips as a participatory award. “At least we had fun together, Yun.”
“Yay for happy endings,” Xingqiu cheers as he helps Hu Tao taking off her costume. “Well, it was fun while it lasted. Hu Tao tapping my shoulder certainly woke me up.”
“I didn’t touch you. Never did,” Hu Tao confesses. “I was the one who knocked down the chair that scared you and our other dear friend here shitless.” 
“Wait...” Chongyun says as he wraps an arm around your neck. “So if you weren’t the one who touched him, then who did?”
Then the realization dawns upon the four of you.
“Well, shit.”
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