#genuinely baffles why people do this
Me: looks up Steve Harrington x oc
Some fanfic: Steve had cheated on oc in the past but maybe oc can forgive him
Me: -_-
Me: y’all really don’t get Steve at all! my boy would never cheat on someone! He legit has trauma with people cheating and has a problem with people who do cheat. Also you don’t have to make your oc hate steve like you have options ya know. And it gives weird vibes that you actually want steve to cheat on someone when canon steve would never do that
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fisheito · 2 months
I just want to say your Yakumo art genuinely makes me smile. Thank you. Your obsession for him is very endearing.
?!?!?!!?!?!?!? oohhhhhh....... th...thank u..............;;;;;;;.... uhmm S . i. embarrassment wiggle. hmm.stares at ceiling this ask conjures the image of someone smiling at me while i endure something that doesn't affect them..... anon, i may be reading this ask wrong (and u actually DO main yaku) but.. lemme take this chance to show u how i view my audience:
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ariesbilly · 3 months
stranger things fandom never heard the phrase "every saint has a past and every sinner has a future" and it shows
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fortyfive-forty · 3 months
grabbing fistfuls of my own hair rocking back and forth repeating to myself like some kind of fucked up wizardly enchantment you should care about womens sports because its literally the same fucking sport why do i have to bend over backwards to convince you to care about womens sports like at an abstract level it is the exact same fucking thing and yet you cannot bear to possibly watch it unless you think the women are hot or there is some sort of social gain why is it so hard for you to care about womens sports when they are literally doing all of it better than the men
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lnights · 5 months
So 2018, Archie's entire band leaves in the middle of tour because they're done with his nonsense.
In 2024, Archie's band leaves the day of a show (presumably because they're done with his nonsense)
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
i will never stop being confused about people saying og lloyd was maltreated. like. what the fuck are you talking about. it's not maltreatment if you verbally and physically abuse and harass the people around you and then people start avoiding you and talking shit about you. that is called Consequences Of Your Actions and it's literally the least og lloyd should've gotten for the shit he pulled. like. someone very well could have decided not to take his bullshit and beaten his ass easily at any point. but they didn't. no one ever fucking did. javier is the closest we ever get to that and it was one (1) punch to get him to stop destroying someone's home and business. show me where is the maltreatment. cite your sources. tell me where can i find it. if you're gonna say something with your whole chest please tell me you've at least read the source material and aren't just explaining your headcanons as if they're facts. show me the fucking receipts ajsdhksf
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permanentreverie · 4 months
#ok so mini rant session#i am doing a bit better today - little less distraught over getting fired from a job i thought i was doing pretty good at and i was trying#really hard and genuinely enjoying#and just more baffled because truly i had no warning and i was completely blindsided#i was in the middle of a 3 month trial and i would have a review at the end in which i would be offered a permanent position if it went well#and i thought i was making my way towards that! granted i was still making mistakes but genuinely not of such a great scale i thought it#called for my immediate dismissal#that being said i was still VERY MUCH IN TRAINING. i had only been there A MONTH AND A HALF learning COMPLETELY NEW SYSTEMS#and i was told that i had been there a few weeks already and that i wasn’t catching on quick enough. that there were some areas i was#understanding and others i just simply wasn’t#and i asked what areas specifically so that i could learn more and try harder#and they didn’t give me a specific answer.#ok and so. so. i have this insecurity.#that at first impression people will like me. that they may think i’m pretty or kind or funny or whatever#but then they spend time with me or get to know me and realize that that’s all bullshit.#that i’m actually not pretty and im mean and loud and selfish and lazy and rude and etc etc etc#MASSIVE fucking insecurity in that like that’s why i genuinely don’t have friends or a significant other#and that genuinely i’m just a Bad Person#and when i was fired? i was told ‘a persons true colours show after a few weeks’#so that’s MAJORLY fucking me up.#when i was hired i was boasted to about my boss’s hiring process and how she’s ’only been fooled twice’#and the morning before i was fired in a meeting my supervisor told everyone that i was doing quite well.#so yeah i truly had no fucking warning. at fucking all.#hurt and confused and angry and baffled and did i mention hurt#anyways if you’re still here i’m sorry i know this is not a good look for me
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goldensunset · 7 months
uhhhhhhh so someone just responded to me on a discourse-ish post i must’ve reblogged or left a comment on four years ago saying they hope i get violently mauled to death by wild animals or something??????
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cow-wizard · 2 months
Y'all insisting Astarion is gay look like fucking clowns
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thevalleyoftriumph · 2 months
you know i just saw the strangest thing
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aligatorrageinator · 4 months
Sometimes the takes are so bad you gotta scan the tag in bursts, taking a second to doodle the correct [to you fiction is subjective yadda yadda] dynamic inbetween rounds.
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1o1percentmilk · 8 months
so yeah i think theres a problem/i don't personally like it with how loose the definition of roguelike is now and i feel like people use roguelike as a buzzword now? it's the trendy thing to do? increases replayability and whatnot? people see it and think its automatically a hardcore leetskillz game? and suree you can do whatever u want and make whatever game u want have a gimmick idc idc but if u put sum shit in the roguelike tag that isn't. like Rogue. i will judge you.
vampire survivors is not a fucking roguelike.
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abitofboth · 1 year
if you ever wanna know how much the english still suck, the brecon beacons national park in wales has very recently changed its name back to the welsh bannau brycheiniog and I have seen quite literally nothing but pointless uproar for it. it’s 2023 and people still think it’s ridiculous for welsh people to have a little bit of pride in their culture
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mylkteith · 7 months
big love for ethel cain but oh my god are so many of her fans fucking intolerable to me
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mumintroll · 1 year
am convinced that so many people on here dont put the clearly most obvious answer on their poll just to get more rbs
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zefforuins · 1 year
#made myself mad thinking abt characters and things that don’t matter yet again#going to type my thoughts out here and then distract myself so I get over it LMAO#anyway. a heem heem#at the end of the day it does not matter. how people draw fictional characters. I can always find artists who draw them how I like and I do#but. because I am in a bad mood today. I just think that people who. draw Jason Todd like. really skinny. drives me insane#not necessarily just like the existence of it cause I am used to it but like when it’s him with other characters who are also skinny#I’m like hey why is he the same body type as his 17 year old brother?#and listen. Gotham knights Jason is not my favorite Jason#they fucked up his hair real bad. he looks older than he should according to when the game takes place. but whenever I see someone comment#on his build in the game?? I’m baffled. it’s pissing me off at this point tbh. like I’m sorry 1. not everyone is a size 0 just because you#find it hot. and 2. do you seriously expect. the character who’s whole think is being very strong. and beating people up nightly.#who’s fighting style is much heavier than his acrobat brothers style. to…be skinnier than said brother?#genuinely I think that gk Jason is generally how Jason SHOULD be built 99% of the time. like AK Jason and GK Jason. that’s peak#and it’s always ppl who like. when you look thru their art that body type is the ONLY body type they draw. and I’m like 🤨🤨🤨 is this like#bleeding into fatphobia territory now? not that gk Jason is fat because he VERY much isn’t. but they just draw character sooooooo skinny#as if their whole deal isn’t being physically strong!!!#atp I would rather every character look like 90s xtrme comics drawn by 40 yr old men where their arms are bigger than their heads and you#can see every muscle cause at least it makes somewhat more sense given their jobs ・_・ even tho it is ridiculous in its own way#my post#and it is my least fav comic art style LMAO#but anyways#nothing matters and I surround myself with love and light and I and the smartest person in the world who knows more about my favs than them#<3
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