#mini rant lol
boromorous · 2 years
having many thoughts about Dain today
I've been reading a bunch of fics with Dain in them lately, and it's got me feeling like fanon Dain isn't enough of a chad- especially regarding his relationship with Bilbo.
Like, I've read so many fics that have Dain dislike bilbo- whether because he doesn't like hobbits, or Bilbo in particular, or disapproves of Bilbo's closeness to Thorin etc., but its pretty clear in the books that Dain likes Bilbo! and thinks he's super awesome!
I'm not sure how this got turned around? maybe he makes a good scapegoat- perhaps having an even bigger jerk makes Thorin look better? (sorry Thorin but it's true) Anyway, I don't know for sure, but there's about one million characters in LOTR u can pick to be an asshole- but Dain shouldn't be in there XD
Especially regarding Bilbo! like, Dain did SO MUCH for Bilbo- even when he barely knew him!
Looking at the events in LOTR, as told by Gimli in the council of Elrond, we can see that even 60ish years after only meeting Bilbo once, he still cared greatly about his safety.
Gimli tells everyone about how Sauron sent black riders to Erebor, and the riders were basically like “i'll give you THREE dwarven rings of power, and MORIA if u tell me where Bilbo Baggins is.” and Dain, the chad he is, was like “umm, no” and sent Gimli and Gloin to WARN BILBO! He fucking waged war against THE GREATEST EVIL EVER- refusing literally the greatest gifts that could possible be offered to dwarves, for like, the safety of a hobbit. especially after ALL the dwarves have been through to get back Moria!! Dain was in the battle of Azanulbizar (aka the battle to reclaim Moria)!!
And yet he refused!
TBH of the great figures in middle earth his track record is actually amazing- like, so many Kings in LOTR history have fallen pray to Sauron's will. DAIN? The dwarf? A race known in middle earth for greed? He wouldn’t stand for it! Stood up to Sauron for a hobbit! I cant get over it.
Additionally he's SO honorable! Dain DIED in the war of the ring- fighting alongside Brand, Bard's grandson. He signed his death certificate because he stood up to Sauron- and paid for it with his life to help the men. He literally died PROTECTING Brand's body!! Additionally the only reason all the men of Dale lived is because they were given protection by seeking refuge in Erebor.
Also even disregarding the events of LOTR- he is EXPLICITLY nice to Bilbo!! Dain says to Bilbo after the battle of five armies: “'This treasure is yours as much as it is mine... I should hope that the words of Thorin, of which he repented, should not prove true: that we should give you little. I would reward you most richly of all.'" -Dain in "The Return Journey" He gave Bard a fourteenth share!! MORE RICHLY THAN THAT? THAT’S A LOTTA GOLD FOR ONE HOBBIT!
This is, I think, the only explicit dialogue ever exchanged between Bilbo and Dain, and it's pretty obvious he respects Bilbo. So it makes me sad when fanon Dain is like "get out of our mountain Bilbo" XD
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simplydifficultme · 1 year
Bro, posting on twitter is literally so pointless, like ZERO attention XD I came back here, put my Wesper comic page up, added the usual tags and suddenly it was everywhere and ppl found my blog and actually talk to me (ILY <33) .istg how is twitter so popular, either you have 30k followers as artist there or -40, don't get me started how hard formatting sucks there, stuff is always ugly croped.
The only reason I'll put some of my art there too, is so I can fuel the the SaB and SoC tags a bit. But exposure, heck non existent if you are not blessed to be retweeted by a popular person.
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Me: looks up Steve Harrington x oc
Some fanfic: Steve had cheated on oc in the past but maybe oc can forgive him
Me: -_-
Me: y’all really don’t get Steve at all! my boy would never cheat on someone! He legit has trauma with people cheating and has a problem with people who do cheat. Also you don’t have to make your oc hate steve like you have options ya know. And it gives weird vibes that you actually want steve to cheat on someone when canon steve would never do that
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hwasong · 2 years
i love yeosang but the grip those face editing apps has on him makes me wanna fly to korea and destroy his phone goddamn U ARE SO HOT!!! U are literally the last person to ever need those face editing apps yeosang 😭😭
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wryhumor · 1 year
Literally one of my least favorite things a customer can ask is “When do you close?” because every single time they ask like an hour or so before closing and you just KNOW it’s because mfs are gonna keep you there until the very last millisecond!!
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lukall705 · 1 month
Can we make NOT romanticizing and normalizing Yandere and pretty much any type of toxic or unhealthy relationships a thing, i'm so tired of trying to find chuuya fics just to see "Yandere chuuya x reader!!" Shit come up, like no chuuya wouldn't rape and beat the shit out of me if i tried to break up with him.
its so annoying when a ship w two character is toxic and people just call it like "Toxic Yuri!!! 🥵🥵🥵🥵😍😍" like its a good thing and that its hot. I hate how 'normal' its become to have unhealthy relationships is, its not hot that your bf or gf doesn't let you have friends of the same gender, its not hot that they make you tell them where you are at all times and its not hot that they try to control your life.
Can we normalize calling out weirdos who post shit like "I want a gf who would lock me up in her basement" "Stalking him to make sure he isn't cheating or talking to any other girls" "Killing any girl that tries to come near him>w<!!!" You're admitting to wanting to commit crimes! Being a yandere isn't hot, kidnapping, murder, stalking ect isn't hot!
And i have a feeling this might also start an argument like the post i made about incest writers🤦‍♂️ i dont wanna see anyone even trying to excuse this type of shit
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vrtuallsoul · 2 months
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ICE WENT LIVEEEE EAYEYYAYSUAYW🤭 also maybe i’m just thinking too much but some of these fans bro like y’all coming in ice’s live and asking to show paige like the whole time😭🤦 and all the people js straight up going “tell paige to say hi to (name)” over and over again like😐maybe this sounds mean idk i was js thinkin abt it
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manikas-whims · 1 month
my friend genuinely got mad at me for having Xavier as my fav from Love and Deepspace..saying how he's the least popular amongst the 3
she stans another love interest, and she wanted us to have the same..i get it but I'm not sorry lol
I understand the appeal of characters like Zayne who appear cold n aloof but are big softies who care alot. He's a perfect blend of tsun and dere.
Meanwhile Rafayel may seem flirty and playful but one touch and he'll be a gooey puddle in your arms. He's such a babygirl!
like i really get it! but idgaf if Xavier is the least popular at all..lol
I've liked him since Day 1 of playing and that won't change..
See Xavier comes off as a sweetie pookie upon first glance (which he still is!).
But as you play further you realise Xavier is what one calls "Gap Moe" or Gap-saicin in korean? (used for BTS Jimin)..or literally just King of Duality.
For example: a tiny girl with a giant claymore weapon or a beefy man running a small flower shop or a quite gentle person being the strongest fighter in an anime, etc..
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Xavier's personality is so dual. He'll let you hold the reigns, thinking you're in control but the next moment he'll do or say something that'll make you realise he's been in charge all along 🤭
And he'll forever be in charge of my heart ♡
y'all just like whomever you want but don't police others like my friend tried..this is a game ffs! not a competition 😆
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fazbearcorporation · 3 months
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Ill make proper designs for everyone else eventually but for now :] these guys who are spinning in my brain 24/7
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telffiin · 5 months
i feel like i'm legitimately going insane. early damian wasn't running around constantly screaming about how he was the 'blood son' and how all adopted children were illegitimate!!!! the blood son thing was from the animated movie. and he only said it ONCE. it's not his fucking catchphrase.
flanderization my greatest enemy
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maihonhassan · 3 months
Dressing sense bohot hai bas dresses nahi hai.
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fangxin-guoshi · 9 months
Ok so this sort of goes hand in hand with the pro konoha anti Uchiha sentiment in Naruto, but I am sorta irked by Madara and Sasuke's character arcs ending how they did. They basically ended admitting that hashirama and Naruto were right and they were evil and bad, which personally I feel like completely disregards their own values and beliefs, as if to say their philosophy was inferior and inherently wrong. Yes, Madara and Sasuke were very destructive and definitely didn't go about fulfilling their goals in the most diplomatic or peaceful way, but to say they were acting out of pure hatred as opposed to Naruto/hashirama's actions from love completely misses the fact that they were grieving BECAUSE they felt so much love toward their families. The series is basically saying that the way they felt is wrong, and they should conform to konoha's "will of fire" and how they should just "let it go" after their families were murdered. And they did. That's literally how Sasuke and madara's character arcs went. Complete lack of acknowledgement or validation for them. Kishi ily but whyyyyy!!!
Anyways here's a madara
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riviuus · 6 months
Oooh opinions on the new pjo show so far? Specifically the most recent ep?
oh my god it is so great
like the show overall is everything i wished and more, even tho, yes there are scenes that arent in it that wouldve been great BUT we got sooooo many other scene we never wouldve gotten
like the scenes in the most recent episode. because we have to think realistically here, you cant make the transformation from the book to the series perfect and have everything like it was in the book so the best thing is to have the author do these necessary changes so it wont fuck up the story too much. thats exactly what they did ( they also made it more modern, like not everything that was fine in 2005 is fine now, they also show more modern struggles)
and the most recent episode is just so important to me tbh. walker and leah especially absolutely killed it! the ares casting is literally perfect (THATS MY FATHER RIGHT THERE!) and grover is just so special and everything we needed.
also the seaweed brain... i screamed... loudly... my family was concerned for my wellbeing
baby percabeth is everything
so this sums it up i think (:
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echosandroses · 13 days
How dare we as humans think we are above fruit flies and other insects. Like WE get mad that they are in “our” home? Bruh we built on THEIR land! No wonder they’re flying in and out like like own the place, they basically do🤷🏼‍♀️
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dailydoseofrant · 18 days
The next time a man starts yelling at you, cut him off and tell him you just can't talk to him when he's being so emotional
Bonus points: Tell him you think it's cute when he gets so angrey
Extra credit: Ask him if he's on his period
I'm raising my followers to be savages 🫶
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mysteryboy1249 · 8 months
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Finally went and watched Zero Tea Time and like, how is this man still functioning at all??? If we're to assume that Furuya sleeps about 2 hours a night regularly, I'm sorry but this man would in no way shape or form be able to do what he does. - Sincerely, someone who has legitimately slept 3AM to 5AM regularly for several months due to having pre-existing sleep issues and a job that started at an ungodly time.
Like, yes I get that I shouldn't be thinking too deeply since anime logic, but also on this same schedule I felt like I was about to die by week 3 and was essentially a human zombie with my mental health down the sink by week 6(and technically I was sleeping more than 2 hours since I would take some naps as well) so I have some strong feelings about this. Hell, there's no way this man would be able to keep track of what time it is let alone all his jobs and secrets with that amount of sleep. Even if we go under the assumption that he sleeps 3-4 or even 4-5 hours usually and the 2 hours was a special case this man would still not be able to make all those deductions and chase all those criminals. Sure you won't feel as shit, but you definitely will still be feeling quite shit.
No wonder this man depressed and insane with a sprinkling of anger issues and seems to be constantly lowkey disassociating in Zero Tea Time. Yes most of it is because he's the only one left and is horribly traumatized but also like Furuya, have you considered taking a nap? It doesn't solve the trauma, but give yourself 8-10 hours of proper sleep and you'll be waking up ready to take on god.
As a side note, are there fics where Furuya is severely sleep deprived and how that impacts him? Because so far I haven't seen any but I also don't usually go out of my way to find Furuya centered fics. Because if there isn't I'll write one myself, not enough chronic sleep deprivation rep round here in general. Mans mother hens everyone around him, he deserves someone to mother hen him back to force him to sleep because the world will not in fact end if he takes some time off.
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