#rwby volume nine
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kitty8804 · 4 months ago
Doing another RWBY hatedom rant because people seemed to like the last one and I have more to say:
I absolutely despise it when people call Yang selfish and a terrible sister in Volume 9 when it came to Ruby’s struggles with her mental health. I have two main issues.
1. People seem to think that because Yang is Ruby’s big sister then she needs to always be at her beck and call. She can’t disagree with Ruby. She can’t let Ruby do things on her own. She can’t focus on herself or her happiness. She must always be focusing on Ruby. That’s not how relationships, especially sibling ones, work. People seem to think that Yang must sacrifice everything for Ruby and if she is anything less than that then she is a terrible sister. Do people forget how much Yang had given up for Ruby?! She raised her! She sacrificed her life for her! As soon as she was ready to went to go find Ruby in Volume 5 instead of her mom, which she had wanted to do for most of her life! I fully believe that if Raven didn’t have her portal semblance, which made finding/getting to Ruby MUCH easier, Yang would not have bothered. Yang loves her sister so much! But just because she’s a big sister does not mean that she isn’t allowed to struggle or focus on herself.
2. Here’s the big reason. As someone who has had to deal with a VERY similar experience in my life it absolutely infuriates me when people call Yang a terrible person and sister. I won’t go into too much detail because it’s not my place and I’d rather keep the information private but a couple years ago my sister hit a very low point mentally and it got very scary. (She’s doing much better now don’t worry). Here’s something that most people don’t realize when someone very close to you is going through something like Ruby did: You don’t tend to realize how bad it is. I knew that my sister had her struggles, but I genuinely thought she was doing alright. Afterwards I felt like such a terrible person because I wished that I noticed more and wished she had told me what was going on. This is exactly how Yang felt! She knew her sister was struggling, but didn’t realize just how bad Ruby’s mental state had gotten. She would try to comfort Ruby, not realizing that it was making it worse. She wished that Ruby had told her so that she could help her. It’s a really shitty situation to be in. This is on top of the fact that all of team RWBY were in a very stressful situation after having witnessed the fall of Atlas. I don’t think any of them were in great headspace’s, Ruby was just in a much worse place.
Honestly the entirety of Volume 9, in my opinion, was very realistic in its portrayal of mental health issues both as the person struggling with it and as the people around them. These situations are messy, complicated, and are never straightforward. Trying to treat it as anything else really shows that people don’t know what they’re talk about.
Yang is a good sister. She’s not perfect, but guess what? No one is! Remember we as an audience know so much more than the characters do. Just because characters don’t handle a situation perfectly doesn’t mean they’re garbage.
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kazookazu · 2 years ago
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Just found this absolutely insane of a impact frame in the Volume 9 finale, Neocat MENTALLY SEPARATING is such a cool bit to hide in there
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guardianjameslight · 2 years ago
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Nothing like turning the optimistic and happy protagonist to depressed and self hating protagonist.
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lil-red-reaper · 2 years ago
So thanks to Erin Winn posting this concept art we’ve learned that the official name of Summer’s weapon is “Sundered Rose” !
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This essentially means Ruby named her own weapon in homage to her mother’s 🥹
Aside from that though, the naming of both weapons is very interesting to me
Sunder(ed) is a verb which means to divide, split apart, etc
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While Crescent is typically associated with a noun to describe a curve, bend, etc. Such as the crescent phase of the moon
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However, a literary adjective for Crescent can mean growing, increasing, or developing
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While the more likely answer is that Summer’s weapon is named Sundered Rose because it’s an axe that cleaves or splits things apart, and Ruby’s is Crescent Rose because of it being a scythe which is curved, a deeper perspective could be that Summer had to split apart from her family to go on that mission and Ruby had to go through some personal and emotional growth and development in the Ever After
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thewhiteraven2020 · 1 year ago
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So… what are you?
My final project for the semester!! The prompt was ‘fragile’
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lord-of-rain · 1 year ago
Jaune's Ever After Logs
Page 66
Saw some man-sized rats in one acre. Friendly?
Page 67
Not friendly! They Have guns!
Page 68
Maybe we got off on the wrong foot?
Page 69
Nope, they tried to eat me!
Page 70
They're trying to take over the Ever After!
I gotta stop them!
Page 71
*the rest of the page is dominated by a rough sketch of a mushroom cloud*
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 1 year ago
???: Hello? Who are you?
Ruby: I ... My Name's Ruby.
???: That's a lovely Name, you share it with my younger daughter. Where are you?
Ruby: I- I- ... You sound familiar ...
Summer: *Walking into view* What do you-
Ruby: ... Mom?
Summer: RUBY?!?!
Ruby: *Tearing up* MOM!
Summer: *Also Crying* RUBY!
They rush together, holding each other close, hugging so tight it had to be painful.
Summer: How- Why Are you here? You shouldn't- I-
Ruby: Mom, I'm sorry- I'm sorry- I did my best-
Summer: Ruby, Take a Breathe, and if anyone should be apologizing it's me. What Happened? Why are you here?
Ruby: I- I followed my dream of becoming a Huntress- I got into Beacon Early-
Summer: You What?
Ruby: I .. Got into Beacon ... Early?
Summer: Do you know what Ozpin's Deal is?
Ruby: I know that The Maidens and the Girl in The Tower are real. That and The Girl that fell through the world.
Summer: *Pinching her nose, clearly upset and worried* Okay. Is that why you're here.
Ruby: We- we were getting the Staff of Creation while Salem was actively attacking Atlas, and we made a path to Vacuo.
Ruby: Me, Yang, and our Teammates - and a Friend - Fell off the Path into the Ever After.
Summer: ... So the Jabberwocker got you?
Ruby: N-No ... Someone we fought along the way wanted me dead so ... she made me give Up. I drank her tea, which had a leaf in it- I-
Summer: You weren't killed?
Ruby: .. Not ... I ...
Ruby: *Crying again* I- I decided not to be me anymore ...
Summer: *Holding her cheek, also crying again* Oh, Ruby, I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry you got caught up in all this. I'm sorry I couldn't stop Salem for you- I tried, and I'm sorry I failed. I'm sorry you chose to end your life ... But ... You haven't. Not yet.
Ruby: What do you mean?
Summer: You ... Aren't dead. You're ascending. Somewhere between Life and Death. You can still live.
Ruby: How? After every way I failed everyone-
Ruby: I made Atlas Fall! I Watched a Friend Die right in front of me Because I wasn't fast enough! Another friend sacrificed herself to save others, and She'd already Died once! Hell! My best friend since Day one got stuck here for half his lifetime, and now probably hates me!
Ruby: I've Gotten people Killed Mom! What good are Silver Eyes if I'm not good enough to save people without them!
Summer: ... Ruby. Did your plans fail because they were bad or because people got in the way of them? Have people died because you got them killed or because you were exhausted and got blindsided?
Summer: I don't know how old you are, but I'm guessing you can't drink yet, given how long I think it's been.
Summer: You're young. Just over half my age at most.
Summer: You got your hands on a Relic?
Ruby: On the Lamp and the Staff, but Salem stole them back, and she's got a maiden on her side.
Summer: Ruby, I never even saw the Relics. I never met a Maiden. I was born into a quiet life, and disappeared, with the amount of people knowing where I was able to be counted a hand that's lost three fingers.
Summer: You have gone so far and beyond what I did. I- I don't know that full story, obviously, but it feels like you're putting all the blame on yourself. You're amazing. You're strong, and smart, and kind.
Summer: Ruby Ginosa Rose. You are my Daughter, and I love you. I don't know what you have to do, but please, please don't let go of yourself completely just yet.
Ruby: ...
Summer: I can only imagine how hard it's been on you, But I trust you to pull through. You've gotten help if you've got a team at your back. Even if you don't, someone else will. Try and find the people that would keep walking after you fall and try to team up with them. you'll make even bigger strides together.
Ruby: ... Thanks Mom. I ... I needed to hear that. Thank you.
Summer: ...
Ruby: ... Yang's got a girlfriend!
Summer: That's great to know Ruby, But I think it's time for you to head back out.
Ruby: *Beginning to fade from this place* Yeah, YEah! I can do this, The world can do this! Thanks Mom! Love you!
Summer: I love you too rosebud, and Tell Yang I miss and Love her a lot too!
Ruby: *Continuing to fade*
Summer: Oh and one more thing!
Ruby: *Almost gone to the Blacksmith* Hmm?
Summer: If I see you within the next Fifty Years You are grounded Missy!
Ruby: *Fully disappearing* You got it Mom-
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hwangdahlia · 2 years ago
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Summer Rose
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nazis-get-punched · 2 years ago
I haven't seen anyone mention how jaune's voice sounds when he's yelling at ruby
Like most of the time when he's yelling he's in a lower register, literally a grown ass man with a grown ass man voice screaming at a teenager
But when he screams about the paper pleasers being the only thing he feels like he can protect, he goes into his high, cracky young jaune voice because that's shit he's carried with him the whole time and he's dealt with in all the wrong ways
He just doesn't see that he was the hero when he thought he was failing, but with the paper pleasers he felt like he could finally be a hero and have it work out but in fact he was basically abusing them as a terrible coping mechanism
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monster-creator-12 · 2 years ago
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Here is a shitty meme I made in 10 minutes because I’m still bad at photoshop. I’ll try and make a few more later but don’t expect high quality. @pilot-boi I hope it’s to your liking.
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thefoolishnighmare · 2 years ago
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So....it was planned since 2013... I'm so happy for the bees right now. And one debate ended with this.
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feralportalmaster · 3 months ago
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theanonymousclown · 2 years ago
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I’m surprised I’ve only seen two people make this joke did you SEE his face during that group shot-
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guardianjameslight · 2 years ago
So Raven will appear in V10 (if it's greenlight), and we're probably gonna find out what happened to Summer.
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kitty8804 · 2 years ago
As a RWBY fan it can be really upsetting to see so many people criticize the show and try to undermine every little thing about it. Bumbleby being a prime example.
But I will always remember my mom watching volume 9 with me after the kiss scene. This wonderful woman is in her 50s, has zero FNDM involvement, is new to LGBTQ+ content, and has watched volumes years apart from each other with no refresher due to waiting for the next volume. Despite all this her response to me telling her that there were a large group of people who didn’t like that Bumbleby became canon, but also called it lazy writing was amazing.
She looked at me with a confused look on her face and said: “There are people who watched the show and didn’t think these two were going to get together since the beginning?”
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tired-ass-nerd · 2 years ago
We got to see Oscar and Ozpin again but at what cost 😭😭
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