#and the batshit takes just turned me off it so completely
mylkteith · 10 months
big love for ethel cain but oh my god are so many of her fans fucking intolerable to me
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break up with your boyfriend
Yandere trans!fem cheerleader x fem reader
It was so shittily made but I need to pump out more fics or else my blog will die. Thank you all for 1k followers though! I'll rewrite this in the future maybe
Tw: mentions of blackmailing, nsfw, slight breeding kink, batshit crazy girlfriend,not proofread, another oc mentioned!?🌺
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💄Eva saccharine has been your girlfriend since she first started transitioning. You helped her style her hair, do her nails, pick her clothes, find good makeup, anything she needed to feel like the real her. So when freshman year rolled in, it came as no surprise to you she fit right in with the clique.
💐Ofcourse you had your fears she'd choose them over you but that wasn't the case, because she'd make you eat lunch with them and sit on her lap, not so subtly humping your ass while talking all about cheer practice
🛍️boys wanted to date her, girls wanted to be her. She just wanted you, to just be the two baddest bitches on the block. It didn't matter if you were just like her or the complete opposite, she gushed over you. Praising you for being her good girl, her sweet little princess, her obedient pocket pussy-
💄but at this current moment? She was busy bullying your insides, forcing her fat cock into your slippery hole as she held you steady by your waist. Biting and groaning everytime she'd feel you squeeze that certain spot on her dick
"fu-uuckkk.. baby cakes, 'yer squeezin' me so goood.. ah.. hah.. you wouldn't mind if I pumped a few babes into your tight cunny right? Wanna be my baby mama?"
💐that made you squeeze tighter, holding onto the bedsheets for dear life. She had you face down, ass up and damn near breaking your back with how hard she was going. Hearing the normally composed and playful eva turn into a drooling pussy-drunk mess had you feeling butterflies, just going plap play plap-
🛍️let's just say, by the end of it, you couldn't walk for days afterwards. But no amount of hickies and perfume would be able to scare away a rather persistent guy. He was on the football team, star quarterback, rich asshole. sam white. Eva hated his guts, he thinks he can just waltz in and steal her bitch? Not on her watch.
💄this little feud had been going on for a while, and more times than you could count you've been caught in the crossfire. Though it was kinda funny, seeing them screeching insults at eachother and bickering. Eva would sassily flick her blonde hair and grab you by the collar of your neck, Dragging you away while Sam hooted and hollered at your retreating form
💐you never questioned her morbid fascination with anything horror or paranormal related. She was just obsessed with regular girl things. wanting you to help her summon a demon once, but you aren't that stupid, making blood pacts with them could result in very unsavory ending's and you quite cherished your soul and body
🛍️Eva has more than one account on different social medias, pretending to be multiple different people and Stalking your posts. She'd slide into your dms and flirt, seeing if you'd really cheat on her. She's so happy when you instantly block the account, guess you'll survive not being sent to her basement for another week
💄she has the audacity to grab a frilly pink pen and make you wear clothes that purposely shows off what she wrote. In bright bold lettering, Eva's little cum dump ♡ . Maybe she'll let you bring a jacket, only if you beg her really hard with those big doe eyes she loves. She put a collar and leash on you too
💐don't try breaking up with her, she takes 'they go low, I go lower" to another level. Threatening to post pictures of you in rather compromising positions. When did she record all of this? Who knows. She won't refrain from spreading nasty rumors of you that just force you to come sobbing into her arms, if you try and get comfort from somebody else she won't hesitate to eliminate them. Don't you see? She's the final girl, and you're her love Interest
"I told you not to run pretty baby.. now look what you've done. I gotta fix your mess up~.."
moral of the story: be a loyal loving girlfriend and she'll spoil you rotten with her daddy's black card ♥️
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wannaeatramyeon · 6 months
Goo Kim x Reader: Cat
G/N. Silly. Fluffy.
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"You lil shit!" Goo yelps, sharply retreating.
It's a millisecond too late. His reflexes are beat. Fresh scratch marks litter his hand.
Eyes narrowing behind his glasses, he snarls "I'll kill y-"
And is cut off by another swipe, missing his face by a whisker.
"Yeah sorry he does that, he's a menace." You're half apologetic, half grinning that your other menace, the newly acquired blonde delinquent, has finally met his match.
It's an adversary Goo never expected: your fluffy little feline companion.
Goo's not heartless, okay? He's not completely resistant to cute charms (yours, for example). One second the cat had rolled over, exposing its impossibly soft and fluffy belly and who was Goo to turn down such an adorable invitation?
It turns out that the belly was as soft and fluffy as it looked.
For a brief moment, Goo and your cat were mutually (or so he had thought) enjoying the experience... The next-
Shit. This hurts.
He's had way worse directed at him, yet he didn't expect those little tiny claws to sting so goddamn much. Goo knows you shouldn't harm animals. Still, he couldn't help asking-
Nursing the scratches on his beautiful skin, "I can't kick it right?"
Judging from the glare you gave him, it's very much a no.
The cat is out to get him.
If cats were capable of plotting and scheming, which this one is, it absolutely is trying to get rid of the other being now taking up your time.
(No, Goo is not batshit and paranoid, thank you.)
Goo eyes the cat with distrust, currently purring in your lap.
"Sweetheart, I wanna put my head there!" he whines, and is given nothing but a chuckle in response as if he's joking.
To add insult to injury, he swears that stupid cat smirked at him too.
"No, not yet," You push Goo off you, the playful kisses now having taken a distinctly non-playful, and very much hot and heavy turn.
Readjusting his glasses, "Huh, why?"
"My cat’s there," You nod somewhere over his bare shoulder, and his head turns to follow your eye line.
That stupid cat is right fucking there.
"Shoo him out, sweetheart," Goo murmurs, lips grazing against your neck once more.
"I feel bad."
Goo stops. Looks at you with an arched eyebrow. Barely manages to repress a disgruntled sigh.
You know you sound crazy, and you know your cat won't hold it against you. Nevertheless, with a grimace, you tell him, "It's his bedroom too!"
Turns out it is the cat's bedroom, and also the cat's apartment.
Which it showed by arching his back and hissing everytime Goo appeared in his periphery.
Perhaps only when Goo was with you, did the cat tolerate his presence. Then you got called away for a couple weeks and Goo, like a lovesick idiot, offered to stay and look after your pet for you.
Now with him just on his own, he is proving to be very much an unwanted guest in claimed territory.
Luckily, the hostility and hissing from both sides calmed down after the first few days, eventually turning into an uneasy truce.
Only after feeding the cat, and offering treats (not that Goo wanted to, it was only under your instructions) during the first week did it seem to accept the blonde's presence. As if it somehow knows that this idiot is its final defence before starvation.
So the cat tolerates Goo, even if it is still a bit frosty and begrudging.
The most unexpected and surprising point though, arrives towards the end of your absence.
Soft meows stirs Goo from his slumber.
He wakes in time to see the cat pounce onto the bed, kneading his paws into your pillow.
"You miss Y/N?" He asks, and receives another meow.
It sounds distinctly like a yes. All frostiness, in the quiet darkness, has melted away.
"Me too," he murmurs.
Maybe it's because Goo is almost asleep again and his defences are down, or maybe they both just miss you. But when he reaches out to stroke the cat's head, he receives, for the first time, a purr. 
A low rumbling, contentment. Gentle pressure, nudging against his palm.
A shared understanding as they both eagerly await your return.
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bountycancelled · 10 months
how bada would handle being in public with her s/o
requested: yep!
genre + content: headcanons, gn!reader, me being delusional, lower case intended (I'm annoying, I know and im sorry), unedited because I can't be bothered
warnings: none i believe, just fluff!
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I still don't really understand the term, but I think I could describe a romantic relationship with bada as 'private but not a secret.'
she wouldn't want to keep you a secret, but she's also aware of the strife being in the public eye can cause, so how much/how little she reveals about the relationship is completely up to you.
and believe me, she tries so hard to keep her mouth shut about you, but sometimes it proves a bit too difficult.
hell, your relationship being revealed to the public was a complete and utter accident. bada was on instagram live as usual, and one of the comments had asked her for a tmi. she thought for a moment, before remembering that you had gifted her the very hoodie that she was wearing.
bada didn't even notice the comments going absolutely batshit at the mention of her having a partner, too focused on how much the hoodie smelled like you.
cue a now wide eyed bada watching a myriad of comments shocked at her statement fly in at lighting speed, as she slowly realises what she just said.
you bet your ass that she ended the live at that moment, entering to your shared apartment and flopping onto you immediately, squeezing any part of you that her hands could reach, she needed the comfort right now. when you ask her what happened, she begs you to promise to not get upset (which can't be promised but you do it anyway to ease her mind)
she realises a statement of sorts on her instagram, asking for the respect of her fans for your relationship and turns off her phone after posting it, cuddling with you and trying to sleep the day away.
from then on, you and bada start going out together more frequently, since you're no longer so well hidden anymore, you might as well enjoy this new found freedom. fans and paparazzi being outside of any location that bada is in is a given, but its still alot for you to take in.
bada always has a hand on you when you're out together, she just needs to know that you're close and that you're okay. whether it be a hand a hand on your waist or shoulders, a hand around your wrist or holding yours, it eases her. but she prefers you walking in front of her so she can have you in her vision also so she can check you out, two birds, one stone
call her a bit possessive (and you'd be correct) but she also likes when you wear something of hers over your outfit when you're in public, like a hoodie or a jacket.
as for interviews, she mentions you passively, usually by accident once again. but she will never take the bait if an interviewer tries to pry into the deeper parts of your relationship. she values intimacy with you far too much.
overall, your relationship is sacred to bada, and she earnestly tries to keep it under wraps as much as possible, although she may not be the best at that, since she also desperately wants to show you off. so basically, you get the best of both worlds.
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partycatty · 2 months
bit of a niche request but older johnny getting you an engraved tag/pendant to show others that you’re his? i just think it would be so cute if he did that 🫣 could be vaguely nsfw if you wanted ok im running away now bye!!!! 🏃‍♂️💨
dark star!older!johnny cage > mine all mine
warnings: ohhhhh evil sick and twisted and fucked up dark star johnny but hes the DILF THIS TIME!!!
notes: someone put me down where i stand im going batshit insane.,. also sorry this is small i only have so many ideas in my chrome dome.,. more fics otw if this gets received well :3
[ masterlist ]
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• older johnny is more emotionally mature than our usual dark star younger counterpart, he's just more... possessive.
• he was a fine man before he met you, kind and honest with a pretty smile, toned down after his youth escaped him, but you sparked some kind of life in him that ate away at everything he considered to be good about himself. you needed to be marked up, labeled, tacked to a wall with his name painted across your body or he'd lose it.
• johnny's intentions were pure at first but had gone completely unchecked, letting him spiral into madness at the thought of losing you. he knew he was an attractive star, it was others he was worried about. you were his.
• dog tags with his name, necklaces, anklets, rings, clothes with your anniversary stitched into the sleeve, this man will give you anything that shows off you're together. matching outfits are a must when you're able to dress up, and he will happily throw you every credit card under his name to get your hair and nails done. all you have to do is make a passing comment about being in disrepair and he's already licking his thumb to count the cash in his wallet.
• johnny's a tracker, always worried you'll be lost to him at any given moment. location sharing apps, maybe a tracker or two in your car... not that you knew they were there.
• hand on the small of your back, guiding you through the large crowd that's more focused on him anyway. he becomes animalistic, unironically baring his teeth at those who spare an extra glance at your form in that pretty dress he splurged on for you. his grip on your back turns into fisting the fabric, bunching it up between his fingers as he contains his anger.
• wants you to be no more than his trophy. even if you're functional and capable, johnny insists to be the sole provider of everything. everything. you barely have to lift a finger for the rest of your life. trying to offer otherwise may result in an argument that digs at his ego.
• to everyone else, you're the ideal couple. he's a hard worker, dedicated, strong, loyal, and literally so jaw-droppingly fine. you'd know he has a nasty side, one he fights to keep between the two of you.
• "you don't need me," he hisses through gritted teeth. "you think i'm just some weak man, can't provide for my woman? is that what you think?" his arms are crossed, looming over you with a foul expression. "what part of 'i'll take care of everything' is so hard to understand? it's like you try to test me."
• unlike mk1 dark star johnny, this version is focused solely on your pleasure during sex. for once, he feels irrelevant, drunk on your whimpers and squirms under his big arms. he hones in easily into your cunt, his fingers buried deep inside and pumping to the point of pain. if his arm is cramping, he's not feeling it. he's too occupied trying to make you cum... again... and again...
• you're all he lives for. you're above cassie, above the special forces, leagues above earthrealm as a whole. you're his universe, his oxygen and everything that keeps him alive. if anyone or anything spares a passing thought about harming you, or worse, taking you away from him, johnny would fully consider falling to darker tactics and morals to keep you by his side.
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barbies1shots · 3 months
part3 of toxic!sukuna , prt1 , prt2
this one is kinda freaky..
not proof read
@hazzelle-kento for the idea !! thank you😉 this might turn into a series ..
☆- predator/pray dynamics , size kink , overstim (cant help myself) , stalking , fem!waitress!reader, batshit crazy!sukuna, slight misogyny , degradation, non-con>dub-con , possessive themes , body shaming , hair pulling , name calling , unprotected secs (wrap your willy pls)
thinking about toxic!sukuna and his inability to keep you off his mind. the way you cuss him out because he didn't put up dishes like you asked. or the way you stare him down when he doesn't take his shoes off before entering the house.
thinking about toxic!sukuna, who denies that you actually want to break up with him. who said you couldnt break up with him.
why would you break up with him when he didn't do anything?
thinking about toxic!sukuna, who is just so unaware of the toxic things he did. restricting what you wear and who you go out with. lashing out at you when he asked a simple question. brushing you off when he came back late and smelled like alcohol.
thinking about toxic!sukuna, who told you a top looks horrible on you. that it wasn't your color, and it was too tight, making you look fat. all because he wanted you to change.
thinking about toxic!sukuna, who heard your sniffles from the other room but wanted to hear more of them. just because he's mean
thinking about toxic!sukuna, who is in denial and in complete confusion when you put a restraining order on him
thinking about toxic!sukuna, who claims he never put any hands on you.
thinking about toxic!sukuna, who quite literally has internal conflicts on what to do. leave you alone, let you have your space youve been complaining about or come pounding on your door and fuck you to sleep.
thinking about toxic!sukuna who wouldn't respect any boundaries you've made and would invade your personal space.
thinking about toxic!sukuna, who would contact you even when you blocked him on everything. instagram, SMS, twitter, tiktok, snapchat, facebook, google chat, EMAIL, yet the man still finds a way to messsge you.
' you still mad ? '
thinking about toxic!sukuna who doesn't care about your feelings at all. about how he only wants you for your mind- or for your body.
thinking about toxic!sukuna would try and corner you on your way back from a third shift at your work.
thinking about toxic!sukuna, who literally dreams about chasing you and making you love him again.
thinking about toxic!sukuna, who tries to explain that he's right wrong and that he only wants you.
thinking about toxic!sukuna, who wants to be in every part of your mind. he wants to corrupt you, break you in, and make you maleable. just for him and his dirty pleasures.
thinking about toxic!sukuna, who succeeds in his dreams of chasing you.
why would you ever want to run from him?
thinking about toxic!sukuna, who chased you down the alleyway with you screaming at him to leave you alone.
"get the hell away from me, you damn psychopath! youre fucking crazy! you stalk me, message me, call me- i dont want anything to do with you, Ryomen!" the sounds of your shrill voice bounce off the dry walls on either side of you.
he followed you from your work to the little 'short-cut' home, and now he got you cornered in a deadend. you had black wedges and a skirt on- courtesy of your uniform regulations.
of course, he knew where you worked, why wouldnt he?
"come back baby, you know better." he snickered. his taller form was hiding by the darkness of the alleyway as it was well past 11PM.
you shuffled through your purse in search of something to defend yourself. pepper spray, a pocket knife, maybe keys. but came up empty.
why would you need to defend yourself anyway?
it sounded like his footsteps got closer as your movements were more frantic in trying to find something to fight Ryomen off with. you hand came in contact with your phone, and you raised it above your head before looking up and straight into the eyes of the devil himself.
"what are you looking for-" he asked in your face, his breath washed over you. as your nerves spiked, you threw your hand down so your phone came in contact with his forhead. "argh- you stupid cunt!" he grunted out as his face contorted in straight fury and disbelief.
did you... just strike him?
you stomped on his foot with your heel, and you earned another pained groan. you immediately went around him to run off, run into someone to help you, run into the light- something. you ran, your wedges rendering your full ability to move, but you had to make due.
your phone layed cracked at the back of the alleyway but atleast you had your purse? the entrance of the alleyway came closer than before, and you made it about 2 full steps into the light of the streetlight before a rough hand pulled you back by the hair.
"no- no, oh my damn, let go, Ryomen!" you screamed in frustration. his other hand came in, covered your mouth before taking your struggling body and pushing you against the wall.
why would he let you go when he just got you back?
he held you there, his face red and burning by the way you swung at him without hesitation. his eyes didnt lie, and they were filled with hatred but longing.
"youre mine, im not letting you go." he growled into your face after his let his stinging grip away from your hair. his hand ran down his face and he sighed loudly, "you are just as predictable as any other woman." he looked bored.
"you hit me, step on my foot, and then try to run?" he asked. your eyes stung when he pressed your head harder into the concrete wall.
"sounds like you need to lean your place again, yeah?" he concluded.
his hand moved from covering your mouth to grabbing your chin roughly and forcing you to look at him. "been out of check for a while. ignoring me, blocking me, avoiding me, wanting to take a break from me? i think you have lost your mind, baby" he said as his fingers forced their way more into your skin.
"leave me alone-!" you tried to say before he pushed you roughly on the ground, you hit your tail bone, and he came in between your distraught legs and leaning over you. his rough hands came in contact with your body, tugging and pulling on your clothes. he ripped your blouse, and the bottons popped everywhere. he flipped uo your skirt so the waist band was up your tummy.
why would he leave you alone when you just look edible.
"ryomen- i asked you for a break for a reason!" you screamed at him as you tried to cover your body. you tried to grasp the last bits of your dignity, but as soon as he cupped your cunt through your underwear, it was left for good.
why would you ever want a break from him..?
the chase from the back of the alleyway and the adrenaline from him holding you against the wall made you wet. it turned you on that he was willing to chase and catch you.
he smirked as he slid your underwear to the left and slid a thick finger in between your soaked fold before finding your clit and pressing harshly into the little nub.
"uhh-" you groaned at the feeling, he went hard and rough, not caring if it didnt hurt or not. you squirmed as your hips jerked and tried to scoot away from the stimulation.
he put his other hand on your hip, pulling you close as his fingers dipped lower and probbed at your entrance. "youre about to be in for a ride, you little bitch." he growled and forced his two dry fingers into your cunt, immediately finding your g-spot and abusing it.
your back arched as your thighs came up to your chest and closed around his arm, "Ryomen- please! I cant do this.." you whined out as your hips grinded against his fingers.
he smirked over you as you whined and arched your back, "cmon' cunt- cum for me" he demanded. he pressed a thumb into your clit, rubbing it as he fucking your cunt wet.
as you were recovering from one of your intense orgasams, he looked over you. his eyes drifted from your blissed out face to your shivering torso to your trembling thighs and hips. he licked your liquids from his fingers and slotted himself between your thighs.
why would you ever leave him when he is just perfect for you?
"time for the main event, yeah baby?" he snickered and started unbuckling his pants, unzipping them and pulling his underwear under his ballsack. he grabbed your calf and held it up by his head as he leaned in and stuffed his face into your sweaty neck.
his large mushroom tip nudged your entrance, and you tensed up as he started to push in. he was reforming your insides just to match around him, "cmon, whore... take it all.." ryomen groaned into your neck. he resisted the urge to bite into you as he listened to your sobs.
he raised back on his haunches when he bottomed out and quickly set a rough pace. your pleas and little whines only egging him further the more your worked up.
he let go of your leg to rest on his shoulder and started to grope your tits, kneeding them in one hand while tweaking one in another.
"youre being rough, ryomen! ugh- be gentle.." you whimpered. he shook his hand as he smirked and started to actually plunge into you. thrusting his hips and pulling you back by your tits as leverage.
plap! plap! plap! was the wet sounds of his balls hitting your ass.
he only sped up as he got lost in the pleasure, chasing his and fucking you complete stupid. your neck stretched as you felt another orgasm take over you and your mind felt blank. only thinking about ryomen, ryomen, dick, dick, ryomen.
he saw your face and shook his head and took one hand from your tits to the front of your head and forced your head to look at where hes fucking you open at. your back in an awkward yet painful position as you started to groan.
"you can't escape me, your morsel. you belong to me! i will kill you before you ever get any other thoughts of trying to leave me again. I control you. You are mine."
left unfinished cs ive gotten lazy and unmotivated. let me know what you think !!
toxic!sukuna part 1
toxic!sukuna part 2
revenge on toxic!sukuna
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lustfulslxt · 11 months
Fake Boyfriend - Matt Sturniolo
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summary : out with your best friend, matt, you both run into your toxic ex. matt pretends to be your current boyfriend.
You and your best friend were now at the mall after deciding to go on a little fun shopping trip. You were just going to mainly browse, occasionally picking out a few things you both really liked, then go to get food.
Matt was walking beside you, holding yours and his bags, waiting for you to decide on what to eat. That was a struggle within itself, seeing as you're incredibly indecisive.
"I don't know why you're making me choose! You know I literally can't pick, Matty." You exclaim with a slight chuckle.
Matt shakes his head with a grin, "But you can though. You just won't."
"I'm actually physically incapable of it." You argue, causing him to burst out laughing, which led to you laughing with him.
"You're so dramatic, girl." He playfully rolls his eyes, before pointing directly ahead of you both. "We're getting Sbarro."
"Great!" You beamed at his undeniably easy decision. "Was that so hard?"
He stops in his tracks and gapes at you in disbelief, appalled at your audacity. "Apparently, it was. You quite literally act like it's the end of the world if you have to pick anything. I'm surprised you were able to choose what to wear today."
"It took me a good half hour." You sheepishly smiled, laughing at his bewildered expression.
"You're insane, kid." He chuckles, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you walk towards the food court. "Find a table, and I'll get our food?"
You hum in agreement, taking the bags from him. It only took a second to find a table away from the other people indulging in their food. You sat down, placing the two bags on the ground at your feet. While you waited for Matt to return, you just pulled your phone out to keep you occupied.
Your peacefulness was soon interrupted, not only a minute later. The sound of a deep voice clearing their throat, caught your attention. Your eyes trailed from their feet, up their body, meeting their eyes last.
It was your ex-boyfriend.
You had prayed to every God you could think of to never have to deal with this man again. Once you broke up, you cut ties with him completely, wanting nothing to do with him ever again. Of course, the universe had other plans.
"Long time, no see." He grins at you, as if you guys were old friends.
You couldn't help the expression that fell on your face, your eyebrows furrowed as you scrunch your nose in disgust. You were actually repulsed by him.
"What do you want?"
"Wow, that's harsh." He feigned hurt. "I miss you, Y/N."
His last statement caused a loud cackle to fall from your mouth, "Please be so actually for real, guy."
"Oh, don't be like that babe. I know you miss me and all our good times." He smirked, as if he knew you inside and out.
He couldn't be more far from the truth. Just his presence alone was making you uncomfortable, causing you to physically tense. You two ended on very bad terms, and honestly, at times he scared you. He was literally batshit crazy.
"Hey baby." Matt's voice spoke from the side of you.
Suddenly, your head was turned with soft fingers under your jaw. Not a second later, his lips were planted on yours in a soft and gentle kiss. As shocked as you were, you still kissed him back. As if you both got lost in the way your lips perfectly molded together, a scoff brought you both to reality and you pulled away.
"Who's this chump?" Y/E questions, his face full of anger.
"I'm her boyfriend if you must know. Kick rocks, kid." Matt glares, stepping slightly in front of you.
Y/E doesn't waste another breath before he's off in another direction. Matt sits in front of you, placing the tray of food on the table. Your eyes were wide, your mouth slightly agape, staring at him in silence. Once he noticed your state, he cleared his throat.
"I, uh.. Sorry, about that. I could see how uncomfortable you were, and it was honestly the first thought that came to my mind. Sorry, if I, you know, overstepped and made you more uncomfortable."
You swallowed hard, your throat suddenly feeling incredibly dry. "Why was that your first thought?"
He looked like a deer in headlights as he thought about what to say. He knew he couldn't lie to you, you could read him like a book. So, despite the anxiety that coursed his veins and made him sick to his stomach, he responded, truthfully.
"I guess because I think about it a lot."
Your eyes widened even more if that was possible, flickering around before landing back on him. "What's that supposed to mean?"
He sighs and gives you a look, "Alright, be for real. I think it's obvious how I feel about you."
Your lips turned upwards in an innocent smile, and you had to bring them into your mouth to prevent yourself from cheesing like a goofball. With a look of confusion, you replied, "Please do explain."
"You're so unserious." He laughs, shaking his head, but still elaborates, "I'm in love with you and everything about you, you dork."
Hearing that come out of his mouth had you ecstatic. It was like something within you ignited, and you couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. Your eyes shone with happiness as you stared at him. Without a word, you leaned forward, your hands reaching over and pulling him closer to you by his chain. Your eyes gazed into his, reading into every emotion displayed, hoping yours were showing the same.
They were.
Closing the gap between you, he leaned forward once more, smashing his lips onto yours. It was still soft, but passionate. As cliche as it sounds, his kiss set your whole body on fire. You couldn't help but smile into the kiss as your stomach danced with butterflies.
Once you pulled away, your eyes connected once again. "I'm in love with you too, you goof."
a/n : yuck, was this cringe? my first lil imagine or whatever. def not proofread, sorry bby <3 anywhooo, request whatever!
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ladykailitha · 1 month
Icarus Part 18
Hey, guys! I'm back!!! I had a great and very productive hiatus, the results of which can be found here.
But tl;dr is that this story is complete, so it will be regularly updated on Sunday until it's done. Then I will release the story that started this all "The Rise of The Fallen" in two parts, also on Sundays. Which will take us all the to December, if you can believe it.
I'm still working on the other stories and at least The Hellfire Exotic Club (stripper), The Caged Bird Still Sings (sugar!baby), and Of Butterflies and Backstrokes (Olympic swimmer) are all going to be fairly long so that should be exciting. Then I'll be working on the fun little game show story now called "A Love Connection". Which won't come out until one of the others ends. Sorry. But WIP Wednesday will show you teases of it until then.
I recommend rereading the previous chapter to refresh your memory and away we go!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17
Steve was riding on the best high. Their next song was “Kiss the Boys/Kiss the Girls”. The song was about finding love in whatever form that took. With a full verse on non-binary folks, despite the title. There was nothing in the world that could compare to crowds screaming your name. It didn’t even matter that the name they were screaming wasn’t Steve, it was Abbadon.
He stumbled into the green room that had all their stuff in it. Corroded Coffin had taken the stage and him and his boys were relaxing with their masks off, Hopper at the door.
“I’ve never been so nervous in my life!” Shane said after downing an entire water bottle. “That crowd was massive! And diverse! Usually we just get college aged kids but there were literal kids out there and old time rockers too.”
“Shit, yeah,” Spence said, pushing his hood off his head to splash a little water on his head. He didn’t have a spotlight on him but wearing all black still made for a hot set.
Shane laid down on the floor, sprawled out spread eagle. “Is this is what real fame is like?”
Steve slid off the chair he was sitting in, to sit next to him. “God, I have such mixed feelings about that if it is. Because the energy was off the charts and I’m pretty sure I sung my heart out...”
“But you aren’t sure you keep up with it for the whole tour?” Simon asked quietly.
Steve threw his head back to rest on the seat of the chair. “Yeah. I don’t want to burn out before I turn thirty, you know?”
“You should talk to Eddie about what they do not to burn out,” Spence suggested. “Because they’ve been doing this for ten years and longer tours than this.”
Steve hummed his agreement.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Celeste, incoming,” Hopper muttered, before opening the door.
Anyone in view of the door, put their mask over their face and then off again when the door closed behind their manager.
“Good job, guys,” Robin said cheerily and sat down on the floor between Shane and Steve. “I just got off the phone with Vickie and she says social media is going batshit insane about the song and Steve’s intro. And it’s good. Like really good. There are some assholes, but it seems that even the media and music critics are calling it the next gay anthem.”
“What are they saying?” Simon asked, sitting up on the sofa and scooting to the edge.
Robin grinned. “This is my favorite one: Heaven is where the assholes are, we always knew all the good people were in hell. Keep up the good work, Abbadon and all of the rest of The Fallen. From Metallica’s official Twitter.”
The room was deathly silent for all of two seconds before they all erupted into gleeful screams. They all jumped on her and started hugging her tightly.
“Get off me! Get off me!” she shrieked. “You’re all sweaty and gross!”
They deliberately smeared themselves all over her before they got off, giggling like children.
“Boys!” she huffed dramatically. “So gross. I swear you lot don’t grow up you just get older.”
Steve leaned over and gave a huge kiss on the cheek. “Probably, but you wouldn’t love us if we were any different.”
Robin swiped her cheek in an exaggerated fashion. “Maybe, but boys are still gross.” She went on to tell them all things that Vickie was sending her about the world’s reaction to the song.
Then after a while she bumped into Steve’s shoulder. “Go on. I know you want go watch some of the show, I’ll hold down the fort here.”
Steve smiled at her and gave her shoulder a squeeze. He got to his feet and put his mask back on. After checking to make sure no one was in view, he knocked on the door for Hopper to let him out.
Once the door closed, Robin let out a long sigh. “I worry about those two.”
“Who?” Shane said, sitting up for the first time. “Steve and Eddie? Why?”
She nodded, pulling her knees up to her chest and tucking her chin between her knees. “Being in the closet is hard. And I know Abbadon has come out, but he’s still in the ‘closet’ as it were about his identity and Eddie and Steve having to hide their relationship on top of Steve hiding who is... let’s just say that great relationships then theirs have crumbled under the pressure.”
The room was silent as they all took that in.
“Are we just doomed from having relationships?” Spence asked. “Are we all destined to be lonely?”
Simon’s lips quivered. “I hate that I have all these women throwing themselves at me but they really don’t care who’s under the mask.”
“I hit up every gay bar in every city we tour in as me,” Shane muttered picking at the skin around his nails, “and I don’t know if it’s worse they don’t know who I am than if I had gone as Astraeus.”
“I’m trying to have a girlfriend,” Spence said bitterly, “but all I can tell her is that I travel for work. And yeah it’s new enough she isn’t asking as what, but how much longer can I dodge that question?”
Robin let out another sigh. “I know, and it’s not as though I can really date either. Are they dating the goofy lesbian Robin, or the sophisticated fashion plate, Celeste? But with Eddie I think Steve has it harder.”
“It’s because Eddie is famous, huh?” Simon asked, sliding off the sofa to sit next to Shane on the floor.
Spence got up and curled up around Shane. Robin inserted herself into the pile and they just cuddled until the show was over.
Steve wanted to be on that stage more than anything, just singing with Eddie, happy and free. But he was Abbadon right now and while he might get away with it, Steve didn’t feel comfortable with the not being able to kiss his boyfriend senseless.
He waited until the it’s almost time for the encore before he slipped back into the green room. Everyone else is already changed and gone. It’s just Robin as Celeste waiting for him.
“How did he not have a boyfriend before now?” Steve muttered as he pulled on the khakis and blue polo shirt of his ‘uniform.’
Robin snorted. “For the same reason you went pretty thin on the dating field. He was hung up on a special someone.”
Steve blushed and ducked his head. “I’m assume you think it’s me.” He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to get it lay straight after being hidden under the hood for so long.
Robin got to her feet and leaned down to look him in the eye. “Are you telling me you don’t?”
Steve looked away. Robin gently lifted his chin and then held his face her hands. “Steven Kincade Harrington, you listen to me close. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of care. You are worthy of attention. And Eddie Munson is one hundred percent onboard to give all three. Of course he was waiting for you. Any person with eyes can see how much he loves you. Fuck, Simon bristles every time he’s brought up now because instead him being your protector like it used to be, it’s Eddie.”
Steve stared at her with his mouth wide open. “Simon’s jealous of Eddie?”
Robin laughed and kissed his stupid head.
“Babe,” she said fondly. “Spence and Shane have been beating him off with a stick every time Eddie comes around.”
“But Simon doesn’t protect me,” Steve said tilting his head to the side. “I protect him. He’s so painfully shy outside of the band and he’s always curled up on my lap.”
“Please tell me you aren’t that naive,” she said. “He is always sticking up for you about your writing, about your singing. When it comes to band stuff Simon is the biggest mama bear of them all.”
Steve blinked at her for a moment and then mouthed the word “Oh.”
“You are such a dingus,” she said shaking her head. “But you’re my dingus so that evens it out a bit.”
He pushed her playfully. “I’m going to get out there before people wonder where the missing EMT is.”
He slipped out a different way from when he came in and she watched him go. Steve was brilliant at a lot of things, people included. But he always had a blindspot when it came to when other people caring for him.
She sighed and then made her way out of the green room so that Corroded Coffin could unwind now.
Robin passed Chrissy on the way out.
“Hey,” Chrissy said with a huge smile. “My boys want to go afterwards with your boys, you think they’d be down?”
“Of course they would!” she replied. “As The Fallen or no?”
Chrissy slapped her palm to her forehead. “Shit I forgot. As The Fallen. But they have casual masks to go in right?”
Robin smiled back at her. “It’s fine, of course they have casual masks. I’ll let them know. It’ll have to be much later because they have to be see as normies for a bit before they slip back into The Fallen.”
Chrissy winked and tapped the side of her nose. “I got you.”
Just then all the Corroded Coffin boys came bursting from the stage into the wings, whooping and screaming. They huddled together, arms around each other and counted to twenty.
Once they got to one, Eddie screamed whooped again and all four of them ran back on stage.
Robin blinked at them for a moment. “Didn’t they just have an encore?”
Chrissy threw back her head and laughed. “Depending on the city they can do anywhere from two to five encores.”
“Holy shit!” Robin said in genuine awe. “That’s insane.”
“It’s not even their record,” she said.
Robin’s eyebrows shot up. “There’s no way.”
“Six in Salt Lake City,” she explained. “Just coming off their third album, the one with eight singles. Which was too many in my opinion but apparently a couple radio stations thought there were a really good deep tracks and played. Then it got around, yaddy yadda. You get the drift.”
“But six?” Robin asked a little unsure.
Chrissy nodded. “Salt Lake is crazy for that shit though. I’ve heard bands go there if they want their ego stoked.”
“Any bands avoid it for that reason?” Robin giggled.
“I have no doubt there are,” she said with a hum. “Most of the time bands whine about the lack of boobs and booze when they refuse to go back.”
Robin rolled her eyes. “Men are so gross.”
“Agreed,” she replied with a wink. “Go lesbian power.”
Robin fist bumped her. “I’ve got to go look like a PA schlep for awhile. I’ll text you when they’re free.”
“You’ve got it girlie!” Chrissy said.
Eddie was not pleased that they were at a bar. A bar was the last place he wanted Gareth to be right now.
But he insisted he would be fine and seemed for the most part to be sticking to a cherry coke, but Eddie was keeping an eye on him.
Things were actually going well until...
Astraeus let out a yelp of pain.
Abbadon and Azrael were on their feet in an instant, Asmodeus close behind. There was a little action going on so Eddie couldn’t see what happened, but oh boy did he see the aftermath.
Standing behind The Fallen’s bassist was an asshole with his phone up, filming and another guy yanking on Astraeus’ hood.
“Get off of him,” Abbadon hissed. “Or else.”
Abbadon was the shortest of his band, but fuck in that moment, he looked the most intimidating.
The dude with phone scoffed. “Or what? I’m filming you, you can’t do shit.”
Steve let out a huge ear-piercing whistle and yelled, “Security!”
The two dudes’ eyes went wide as they turned to scramble away from their table, but ran into two very meaty looking guys flanking Hopper.
“You two boys going somewhere?” the head of security asked, low and dangerously.
“We weren’t doing anything!” the one dude said. Not the one with the phone, but the one who had pulled on Astraeus’ hood.
“Yeah?” he asked. “And would these boys say the same?”
The asshole with the phone scoffed. “They’re just a bunch of weird, rich assholes, they’d say whatever.”
“And the security cameras won’t show you filming your friend here, yanking on this man’s hoodie?”
The two dudes looked at each in actual fear for the first time.
“And by the way, that’s assault,” Hopper continued to press. “So unless you want to be arrested, you’ll delete that little videos of yours unless you really, really want to broadcast your crime to the internet.”
The guy with the phone had Hopper watch him delete it off his phone.
“Good,” he said, “now these two gentlemen are going to escort out of the building, a building you’ll never be allowed to come back to ever again.”
After Hopper left with the bouncers and the two idiots, Gareth turned to them.
“Shit,” he said, “that was fucking terrifying. Does that happen a lot?”
Abbadon and Azrael exchanged a glance.
“More than it really should,” Azrael said. “It’s why Ellie designed a hoodie that would be harder to yank off. The trade off unfortunately is that hurts like a bitch when it’s pulled.”
“That fucking sucks, man,” Jeff said. “The next round of drinks is on me.”
Eddie nodded, but inside he was screaming. He didn’t know that this was something the band experienced at all. And even if he didn’t know who they were, that would still freak him out. But it was worse knowing it was Steve that they were doing this to.
Abbadon squeezed his hand under the table. It didn’t reassure him, not really, but it was still nice that Steve recognized his turmoil.
The night was a little more subdued after that as the Corroded Coffin boys thought about the implications of what just happened and The Fallen boys because all they wanted was a fun night out and it was ruined.
Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22
Tag List: CLOSED
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence
3- @goodolefashionedloverboi @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @irregular-child @blondie1006
4- @yikes-a-bee @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten
5- @genderless-spoon @y4r3luv @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt
6- @disrespectedgoatman @eyehartart @dawners @thespaceantwhowrites @tinyplanet95
7- @iamthehybrid @croatoan-like-its-hot @papergrenade @cryptid-system @counting-dollars-counting-stars
8- @ravenfrog @w1ll0wtr33 @child-of-cthulhu @kultiras @dreamercec
9- @machete-inventory-manager @useless-nb-bisexual @stripey82 @dotdot-wierdlife @kal-ology
10- @sadisticaltarts @urkadop @chameleonhair @clockworkballerina @garden-of-gay
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ravenbloodshot · 1 year
Pick a Card- Your True Personality
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Instructions: Take a deep breath, and get rid of all thoughts. Then choose a number or decide by looking at the photo, I don't recommend choosing a pile based off your liking for the celeb in the photos, but do as your heart desires. Let's hope your heart steers you to the right pile
Pile 1:
This most definitely is the pile that attracts a lot of PAC veterans (aka ppl who follow a lot of PAC readers). I'm getting the vibe that you may seek a lot of validation from not only people in your life but from PAC's as well, you can get really offended by negative traits that come up in these types of readings and also likely hate all forms of criticism. You are the type to romanticize life and have an inflated ego, thinking of yourself as on a higher pedestal than others. You guys are above average in the looks department and tend to get what you want using your looks/charm. Your not going to have much trouble attracting a romantic partner, but you will have problems making them stay. You can become quite violent and hysterical when you don't get your way and that can turn your partners off. It's as if ppl will find you attractive but once they get to know you, think your batshit crazy and wish to get going asap. I'm definitely getting the vibe that you act high and mighty and like your the queen/king bee out of deep insecurities. Like a person that gets told their pretty/handsome so they go along with that but lowkey live life not 100% sure that's the case. Not calling you a bully but I do see some case of that, if your not a bully could be that you were a victim of bullying or bullied others in the past. Either way you have some aggressive, bullying ways about you.
You may not hold a healthy view of love, believing that it's your partners duty to love and care for you but you don't have to particularly do anything for them. It's the energy of a person who's married to someone completely unconditionally in love with them, while they're just there for the money/gifts. I do think you take good care of yourself (going to the gym, nails done, hair done, skin care on point, closet full of clothes your size and also smaller sizes that your working out to eventually fit into etc...). Your likely single and not happy about it, although you'll never truly admit it to yourself and neither would you to your friends.
This is the pile that has dealt with a lot of heartbreak and may have turned to a selfish but self conscious attitude to cope with it.
Pile 2:
Ooooo, very passionate and powerful. Im seeing a duality with the feminine and masculine energy (remind me of Ryujin). You guys may be my favorite, I just get this warm tingly feeling and this random burst of energy (If I could meet with you irl, ik I would love you 💕❤ )
You are very elegant and sophisticated, giving rich girl vibes and if not rich you strive to be (and not in the way almost all ppl strive to be rich but I actually feel like you have set plans in place for yourself, your not fucking around when it comes to you getting what you want). I'm getting this real sense of knowing who you are and what you want so your quite easy to understand, you may speak bluntly and get to the point. The femininity I mentioned before shows itself in how you care for others, you protect your loved ones and you won't hesitate to stand up for those weaker than you or just in a worse off position. It's like yeah you know your Queen bee but you don't think your above others in and of itself , you just know your above certain ideas/actions of others (I mentioned this queen bee energy for pile 1, but they seemed more 'fake it till you make it' types while you seem more relaxed and confident in your own crown and still willing to fix other's crowns). Now for the masculine energy. I keep hearing the saying "I rule with a iron fist", so you guys may be quite stubborn and set in your ways. I'm also seeing a bit of a temper, you guys give such Taurus vibes, but it takes a while for it to really show its head. I don't think you blow up for every little thing but once your temper ignites, there's no putting out the flames until the fire runs its course (I'm seeing Canadian fires, how terrible and drawn out they were, it's the same as your temper).You do hold this view of "I deserve.....", which can help you to have the confidence to go after who/what you want but when your entitlement is extreme/irrational, you can come off as just a pushy asshole.
You definitely have this healing vibe to you along with this innocent love of animals, plushies, kids and all things cute and cuddly. You may talk to your pets (if you don't own a pet, you should, they will bring you a deep sense of peace/happiness). You love to feel like you've fixed people and things, you can become obsessed with helping ppl get out of their troubles and try to tend to their mental/physical health. One thing I will say is I think your the type to love the chase in relationships (you may become obsessed with being with a person who doesn't want you).
Last thing is , you can be quite the chaos bringer. I'm seeing some type of trolling on social media, if not trolling, you could just be quite aggressive with how you write on social media. I'm seeing a lot of hidden actions and secret accounts 😏
Pile 3:
This pile has the energy of air signs. Your the type to overanalyze and over think everything. Even when it comes to things that you say, you may think about your words quite carefully before you say them. You may be an empath or bc you analyze ppl so intensely, you can pick up on others emotions/intentions and change the way you speak to fit others state of being (for an example: if a friend was in a depressive state and quite down and out, you would know better than to try to joke around, you would communicate with more kindness in your tone and try to be understanding). You can be quite humble and the humanitarian, wishing to do good for others/society (you have the energy of a therapist).
Your sarcastic and witty, quick with the comebacks and yk how to roast ppl (lol). You could have been a victim of bullying or just grew up in a tough environment and later you learned to stick up for yourself by using your words (insulting your bullies, roasting them etc...). Your words are very powerful, likely magical. Your the type to speak things into existence, so if I were you, I would be careful with what I say (which i think you do anyways, I'm just putting this out to warn you). I do see you can be quite vengeful and you have a mindset of "I'll get them before they get me". This makes you very defensive and hostile at times. Not just that but you have some jealousy issues.
You could be dealing with a break up and your heart is not open to love rn. I do think you do try to stay in a positive mindset but you could end up hiding your pain behind your laughs and smiles. Not really the type of person to deal with your emotional pain head on. You don't like to stay in one place for too long, preferring to move/travel often.
Pile 4:
You are very much in your power and know your worth. You could be after an unconventional career that many have told you that it could never come to be but you do as you wish not as your told. I'm seeing that your quite an attractive and sexy person, very well shaped body as well (could be quite curvaceous or your obsessed with having curves) but either way you look good. You command a lot of respect and admiration from others. A lot of ppl wish to be you, look like you, or have you. Your very talented in some kind of musical sense, your likely gifted at singing (or your voice is quite enchanting). You express yourself well, a lot of ppl feel compelled by you and the way you speak (you could live in a country where your accent is different from most). You definitely have the power and the influence to get what you want, it's giving 7 rings by Ariana Grande, " I see it, I like, I want it, I got it" 💅.
I do think you could be too attached to your looks though, it's like you believe if you gain too much weight or you don't keep/get the curves you desire, Noone would find you attractive. I also see some idolizing of others bodies as well (keep off of social media as much as possible, its okay to post yourself but try not to scroll mindlessly. That fake social media shit gets to you and messes with your spirit). You may have been on your own since a young age, having to learn how to navigate the world and its evils/goods on your own. Your very independent due to this and also street smart.
Your in a stage of your life where you may be sleeping around a lot, playing seductive games, being flirtatious and plainly dating. Your likely viewing love as a game rn, and not taking anyone too serious. (If you are wanting to be more serious with love and attract a committed partner, refrain from sex when you date, your an enticing person so your partner will drive themself crazy trying to please and be with you). Most of you in this pile are just having/looking for fun though so that only pertains to a few of you.
Unfortunately, you may be the type to get into a lot of relationships in which your partner cheats or turns out to be pyscho. This may be the reason why I don't think you believe in 'true + unconditional love' (could be parental issues, childhood trauma as well). Your romantic relationships will be the thing in this lifetime that bring you the most headaches and loneliness
Pile 5:
I got a vibe that this pile will attract a lot of fans of Niki instead of ppl who actually feels this pile will resonate to them, so those who picked this pile.
Turn around
Pick a pile
Okay. I feel like your quite young, probably in highschool or college. You've been through a lot in your life, in which at times you've felt abandoned or ostracized. But I think those experiences have made a stronger, more resilient you. You don't play a victim in life (even if you once were) and you don't encourage others in your life to hold onto victim hood as well. You know that you have to persevere through obstacles, not stay stuck in a pity party. You do have some codependency issues, you can be too clingy and hold onto others too tight. You fear others would leave you. You fear disappointing the ones you love. (I feel like you were "the nail that stuck out and was promptly hammered in"). So I think you may have anxiety about standing out too much or appearing too different from others. You have problems with understanding and respecting others boundaries (I just keep seeing an image of you holding onto a person, with strong grip, as they struggle to push you off). Instead of making ppl feel free and relaxed around you, you could make them feel uncomfortable.
Your a very book smart person. You have a fascination with unique things that most ppl would never think about and you come up with the most creative ideas. I think your more of a hoarder of knowledge and that you feel uncomfortable sharing your ideas with others, likely afraid they would laugh at you or say the idea is worthless. I feel like your not entirely moving forward with your life, your still haunted by your past. You could even recall voices of those who've insulted you or said very discouraging things to you and that can cause you to hesitate a lot in life.
I think this the ppl in this pile may be more sensitive and I want to make sure you don't feel hated or like I'm just another person confirming your own worst thoughts. I'm here to tell you to MOVE FORWARD in your life, don't let the haters win, don't hide yourself away. Prosper like the beautiful flower you are and always will be. 🌻
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capsicle-evans · 1 year
The Make Believe Ms Evans
Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: A PR marriage between Y/N and Chris Evans has skyrocketed their careers but their sex lives has never been this low. Up until now.
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex, ass play, swearing.
Part 1
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“Stay still” Marina, my make up artist warns me as she applies my eyeliner. “Can’t fuck this up now”
“Claire would probably murder you” I grin as I feel the weight of Marina’s hand on my cheekbone. “Did you know that you make funny faces when you are doing my make up?”
“It’s my concentration face” She winks at me before setting the pen on the table. “There, all done”
“Just in time” I whisper as Claire enters the bathroom, a stern look on her face.
“Y/N, can you join us in the living room, please?” Claire, my publicist, asks me.
“Depends” I twist my mouth to the side. “Am I getting lectured?”
“Depends” She gives me the same look I just gave her. “Are you going to comply?”
“Ugh, fine I’ll join you” I roll my eyes, standing up from my makeup chair. “You know, you need to stop being so grumpy all the time. It’s not good for your health”
“Yeah well that’s what working for you gets me” She turns around, guiding me towards the living area of the suite.
I grab the train of my dress before following her steps, making sure not to step over the hem. As soon as I enter the space, I notice Chris standing in front of the mirror, his eyes fixated on his tie, completely oblivious of my presence. I walk pass him, towards the chair next to the window, sitting down gracefully just to make sure my dress remains intact.
“I’m here” Polly appears from the adjacent room, a lot of papers in her hand and her phone between her ear and her shoulder. “Gotta go, call you later”
I take a couple of seconds to look at Chris, his black suit and black shirt hugging his entire frame. I turn my eyes to Polly before Chris can look back. “What’s going on?”
“What the fuck is going on with you two?” Polly asks as she places her phone down over the coffee table. “And why is this the fifth call I receive today about you two?”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about” I pout, reaching for a chocolate truffle but setting it down after thinking of the mess I might make of my dress.
“Well, enews is asking if you guys are getting a divorce, people magazine is asking me who cheated” Claire snarks back at me.
“Well, we know the answer to that one” I smile sarcastically.
“Seriously, Y/N? You’re still on that shit?” Chris rolls his eyes, running his hand through his hair.
“What? She asked and it’s not like I actually care” I tell him before turning back to Claire and Polly. “But for real, what’s up with the questions? We haven’t done anything”
“Yeah, that’s the problem, you two don’t look at each other or even talk to each other during events and people are starting to notice it” Polly says as she takes a seat across from me. “Guys, we know this wasn’t a love match but for fuck’s sake, you guys are actors, try to pretend at least”
Chris and I got married about 4 months ago after a lot of campaigning on Polly and Claire’s part. Every since Chris and I did a movie together two years ago, our fame skyrocketed and our teams thought that it would be a great idea if we dated. Or at least we pretended to. But in reality, we hated each other but apparently that’s what our movie needed since it was an enemys to lovers story. Fans went batshit crazy after a picture of Chris leaving my apartment at 3 am went viral. Truth was, he was there to apologize after a massive fallout we had during shooting. So we pretended to date and our relationship became like crack for the fans. It only took a couple of months before they were selling us the idea of marriage and only an idiot would deny the good press that our relationship brought to our careers, so we agreed.
“She basically chops my hand off as soon as I even try to step close to her” Chris waves his hand at me. “Take it up with her”
“Nice, put the blame on me” I chuckle. “Fucking prick”
“See, this has to stop if you guys don’t want to end up doing lifetime movies for the rest of your lives” Claire glares at us accusingly.
“If I’ll put me out of this misery” I exhale loudly but soon stop when Claire gives me a stern look. “Kidding”
“Guys, please” Polly sighs. “We know this situation is not ideal but I need you guys to cooperate”
“Fine” I shrug. “We’ll be more lovey doveys with each other”
“Chris?” Polly looks up at him with pleading eyes.
“It’s not like I have a choice” Chris turns to me. “No offense”
“I’d have to care in order for it to offend me” I snark back before turning to Claire. “Sorry, from now on I’ll be a good wifey”
“God help us all” Polly looks up at the ceiling as if God can give her any guidance.
The limo pulls up right at the edge of the red carpet, flashes and shouts already making me feel anxious. Chris opens up the door from his side and steps out, waving immediately at the people who have turned their attention to our car. He turns to give me a hand, his free hand reaching for the train of my dress.
“Thank you” I whisper as he bends down to spread the train nicely so it can be appreciated in its full glory.
“That’s what lovey dovey husbands do” Chris grins as he places a hand just above my butt cheek. “Try not to chop off my hand”
“Try not to tempt me” I say with a tight smile in my lips.
Chris guides me towards the red carpet, our names being shouted from every angle. With his left hand still on my back, he pulls to his side to pose for some pictures. He then turns to me, leaning in to whisper something in my ear. “Pretend I just said something funny”
“That’s hard since I don’t have a point of reference” I pretend to giggle as Chris hand pinches my skin. “Jerk”
“See, that’s why we make a lovely couple” He grins down at me, his lips pressed against my temple. “We are both assholes”
“Chris, Y/N” A pap calls our attention “look over here”
We keep posing for a couple of minutes, every once in a while looking at each other and giving a fake smile. After a while, Polly and Claire guide us to the inside of the theater where Chris’ movie is premiering. It’s about a war veteran who comes after being presumed dead. It was a heavy movie and it took a big toll on Chris but it all payed off because people where even mentioning his name along the word “oscar”.
Half way through the movie, after crying a bit over a really hard scene, an almost naked Chris came on the screen, and there was a bunch of gasps heard around the room. Chris looks good, no one could deny it, but this scene in particular really made it difficult for me to not gape at him. It was really intimate and sexy, and it focused on him going down on his estranged wife.
My hands went to the armrests, gripping a bit as Chris’ mouth hid between his costars legs. Every since we started the agreement, there was no one else. At least on my part. Mostly to avoid gossip. That meant that my sex life was basically non existent, unless anyone counted the vibrator in my bedside table.
A couple of eyes turned to my direction, hoping to see a reaction from me as I watch my husband be so intimate with another woman. I fidget a little in my seat, a warm feeling setting over my abdomen as I listen to Chris’ moans over the speakers. I need sex. Not with Chris, obviously. Just sex.
“Stop moving” Chris grunts, placing a hand over my shaking thigh. His palm is hot against my skin, making me gulp.
“Get your hand off me” I grit my teeth, trying hard not to push his hand away.
“You are moving like a worm and it’s distracting me” Chris looks down at me before taking his hand away.
“Sorry, the dress is too tight” I lie. I don’t want him to think that this is about him.
“Whatever, just stop squirming” He almost grins when I send him a death glare. “Childish”
“Idiot” I call him through my teeth.
“Both of you shut up before someone else listens” Polly pokes her head from Chris’ side, giving both of us a pointed look.
I huff before settling my back against my chair. Thankfully, the scene is over and my skin has stopped tingling. I manage to put my attention back into the movie, tears forming every once in a while. Soon after, the credits are rolling and everyone is on their feet, clapping at the whole crew.
I stand up and clap along before Claire softly pushes me to Chris’ side. Biting the inside of my lip, I wrap my arm around his waistline and look up, faking a smile. “Pretend that I just said something sweet” I whisper only form him to hear.
“That’s hard since I don’t have a point of reference” Chris grins, throwing my words back at me. “But I’ll try”
“God she is so pretty” I cry as I stare up at Taylor Swift as she walks around the room. Every since it was announce that she was going to be in the movie soundtrack, I nearly fainted.
“Stop being a creep” Chris gives me a weird look before going back to his whiskey.
After the movie was over, we traveled to the after party to loosen up a bit more and enjoy the cool LA night. I switched my dress before arriving, opting for a short black dress.
“Can you leave me alone? Please?” I try to not to make a face in case anyone is watching.
“Trust me, there’s nothing that I want more than to be away from you” Chris says, still holding his glass to his lips.
“You’d rather be with her?” I ask, reaching for my vodka soda.
“Seriously? Are we going there?” I can see the anger in his hands as it grips the glass. “Nothing happened”
About a month after the wedding, I started receiving texts and screenshots from one of Chris’ costars on a film. They were from a conversation between her and Chris and about how they couldn’t wait to be alone and fuck each other’s brains off. I obviously never cared about it out of jealousy but out of anger because he was making me look like an idiot. Claire and Polly had to intervene, so, after she got a deal on a movie thanks to them, the messages stopped coming.
“Whatever” I roll my eyes before going back to looking around the room. “At least she was pretty, I would actually murder you if you cheated on me with an ugly person”
“I didn’t cheat” He exhales harshly, really annoyed with me.
“Glad to see you are not biting each other’s heads off” Claire joins us at the VIP table, a glass of white wine in her hand.
“Come back in 5 minutes and we’ll see” I give her a sarcastic smile. “It’s really tempting”
“Maybe you should fuck the anger away” Polly smirks as she sits next to Claire.
I immediately tense up, remembering that scene from the movie. “I’d rather shave my entire hair and eat it before doing that”
Chris laughs, clearly amused by my comment. “And they say romance is dead”
“When it comes to this relationship, they are right” I flop back down on the couch. “Anyways, enough about our wonderful marriage. I want to dance or do something fun for once”
“Let’s go” Chris stands up, stretching his hand to me. I stare at his hand for a couple of seconds. “Before I change my mind”
“You want to dance with me?” I blink up at him.
“That’s what couples do, Y/N” Chris rolls his eyes before reaching for my hand and forcing my to stand up.
“So romantic” Polly teases, earning a giggle from Claire.
“Oh shut up” I glare at them before following Chris to where there are some people dancing.
Taylor has been singing for a while now, the tunes of Dress starting to slither through the speakers. Chris pulls me against his chest, his hand landing on the curve between my ass and my back. People start to turn their attention to us.
“People are staring” I whisper against his jacket.
“Ignore them” Chris whispers against my ears. “Just remember you have to look like a madly in love wife”
“Yeah, because that’s easy” I chuckle. “I’ve never been married before and I’ve never been madly in love either”
“Never?” He asks me, his breath fanning my skin as we sway with the music. “A high school boyfriend?”
“I mean I’ve had boyfriends” I explain. “Just never that serious. You?”
“Not really, I mean, I enjoyed my past relationships but never enough to wish to marry them” Chris spins me around just as Taylor starts singing the chorus.
“And yet you married someone you actually hate” I laugh, seeing the irony.
“Yeah, well, at least you are hot” He pinches my back softly.
“Christopher Robert Evans, is that a compliment?” I fake gasp. He has called me this before. And so have I. Just because we are not particularly fond of each other doesn’t mean we are blind.
“Don’t let it get to your head” Chris rolls his eyes. “I’m trying to get along here”
“I mean we are making progress” I look around the room, scanning the crowd. “This is the longest we have gone without giving each other an insult”
“Don’t tempt me” He chuckles. “No but I’m serious… We should try to at least get along”
“Yeah, I guess” I bit the inside of my cheeks. We stay pressed against each other, surrounded just by Taylor’s sweet voice and some chatter.
“I never cheated” Chris breaks our silence, his muscle tensing under my hands. “I know that I don’t owe you an explanation and I know you probably are not going to believe me. But I didn’t. I promised to respect you, and I plan on sticking to that promise, fake husband or not”
I fix my eyes on the button of his shirt, not daring to look him at his eyes. “I know… I guess I just chose to believe it to have a reason to hate you. I’m sorry”
“Okay, let’s just put that behind us” Chris relaxes, his back slouching a bit. “We can be friends, Y/N. God knows how long we are going to need to keep this going, might as well get along”
“Pains me to say this, but you are right” I finally look up at him, his blue orbs staring down at me. “Hi, I’m Y/N. And you are?”
Chris throws his head back, laughing. “You have my last name, Y/N. We can start over without weird introductions”
“Indulge me, Evans” I poke his chest. “I don’t know that much about you”
“What do you want to know?” He raises his eyebrow. “Ask away”
“What’s your favorite color?” I blush, realizing how stupid my question is. “Sorry, I’ll try again”
“Green” He ignores my second statement. “Yours?”
“Blue, but like light blue, kinda like your e-“ I cut myself, my cheeks flaring.
“Here I was asking to be friends and you are just laying it out on me” Chris grins hard. “You waste no time, Ms. Evans”
“Idiot” I slap his arm playfully. “I meant I like the shade, that’s all”
“Sure sure” He nods, a smug look on his face. “My turn… Favorite animal?”
“Mmm tough one… I really like raccoons and-“ I stop myself when Chris’ laugh erupts from his chest. “What?”
“Who the fuck likes Raccoons?” His eyes are still tingling with amusement.
“They are cute and funny” I defend myself. “They are like just so hilarious”
“Fuck that’s good” He shakes his head. “You are weird”
“Many people like raccoons” I fight him. “You need to learn to appreciate their beauty”
“Yeah, no thanks” Chris stops moving and grabs my hand. “Why don’t we go back to the table? Seems stupid to try to have a conversation while dancing”
“Okie dokie” I follow his lead back to our VIP table.
Polly and Claire are deep into a conversation, probably some gossip or something like that. PR people always know everything about everyone. We sit down across from there, getting back their attention.
“Oh look, you guys made it without a scratch” Polly nods proudly. “Who would’ve thought?”
I roll my eyes before turning my eyes back to Chris, falling back into our conversation.
“Hi, bub” I lean down, my heels in on hand and the other one petting Dodger behind his ears. “Where you a good boy to uncle Scott?”
Scott was our designated dog-sitter most of the nights. Neither of them minded, Dodger loved him so much, he actually listened to him.
“He’s always a good boy” Chris bents down to plant a kiss over the dog’s head before walking away from the entry way.
I make my way to my room, Dodger following right behind me. I hear Chris yell “traitor” before I disappear into my closet.
A couple of minutes later, I’m tucked in my bed, Dodger at the edge, his head over my feet. Chris’ footsteps catch hims attention, his head snapping up. “You traitor”
“Let him be” I pull the dog closer to me. “He always sleeps with you”
Chris and I have separate rooms and I only sleep on the masters bedroom whenever we have other people around. People that don’t know about the whole fake marriage thing. Mostly the maid and the cook and both of our families. Even Scott believed we were happily married.
“Yeah, cuz he is mine” Chris sasses. “C’mon boy”
But Dodger stays put. “Just give up already”
“Fine, just this once” Chris drops the subject before snapping his head up. “Uh, I forgot. Do you have any spare razor? I forgot to ask Mayra to restock my shelf”
“Yeah sure” I move slowly so that dodger won’t sprint out of my bed. I push the covers away and step out of the bed.
Quickly, I reach the bathroom and pull a pink razor from the cabinet under my sink. “You’ll have to settle for this pink one” I stretch my hand before looking up, Chris’ eyes not exactly meeting mine.
Fuck. I forgot that I chose the pink nightgown. The one the gave me too much cleavage and barely reached under my butt cheeks. Nervously, I reach for my rob that’s draping over my night stand, snapping Chris’ attention away from my bare legs.
“Uh, yeah no, thanks” Chris mutters, snatching the razor from my hand and walking away from my room a bit to fast.
I shake my head a bit before moving back to my bed, Dodger still sprawled on the edge of the bed. “Let’s sleep this off, buddy”
About 10 minutes have passed since I turned off the lamp over my nightstand, when a weird sound startles me awake. I squint my eyes, as if that’s going to help me decipher the source of the noise. A couple of seconds later, right when I’m about to drop it, I hear it again. A moan. A moan from Chris. His bathroom shares a wall with my room, sounds slipping into my area really easy. I can hear his muffled moans a bit clearer, connecting my ear to the wall.
“This fucker” I feel anger bubbling inside of me. He brought someone home. After saying he wouldn’t cheat on my. Well not technically on me, on the promise of respecting me.
I push away the covers from my frame, earning a glare from Dodger before he moves to settle over the free side of the bed.
I walk fast towards his room, ready to rip him a new one. I push pass his door and head straight to the bathroom. I keep waiting for a pair of heels or some panties dropped somewhere on his room but my eyes remain cleaned from that sight. I’m about to burst into the bathroom when the imagine forming on front of me stops me cold on my feet.
Chris’ has his back against the wall, the shower head splashing his face, water dripping down his torso. His hand is pumping his swollen dick, curses coming out of his mouth along with the movement.
It’s like I am being hypnotized. I want to move my eyes away, but the scene in front of me so fiery, my eyes remain glued to his member. I feel a warm spreading in between my legs as Chris pumps harder. He lets out a hard loud moan as white loads burst from the tip of his dick. He huffs, rolling his head back, letting the water wash away all the produce of his effort.
I snap out of it, walking backwards fast before sprinting back to my room. I close my door slowly, making sure not to make a sound before hiding under my bed spread. I close my eyes hard trying to remove the picture from my head but the heat in between my legs not allowing me to.
I give up after 5 minutes, poking my hand out from under the bed covers. Without even looking, I dig my hand into my nightstand, searching for my pink vibrator. This will have to do for the night.
I have a plan for tomorrow.
“Let me get it off, bub” I bent down to release Dodger from his leash, the pup ready to sprint to the backyard.
Dodger and I love to go on hikes together, just the two of us and the sun rising over the horizon.
I hear from clattering from the kitchen so I step into the area, spotting Chris over the stools that surround the kitchen island. “Hey there”
“Morning” Chris looks up at me, as he sets his coffee down. “How was the hike?”
“Pretty good” I reach for the top cabinet, looking for a glass. Chris probably put the dishes away because the glasses are to far back, forcing me on my tip toes.
I can feel Chris’ eyes burning a hole over my ass as the my tennis skirt rises enough to expose the underside of my cheeks. I turn around and Chris snaps his gaze back to his omelet, his cheeks turning red.
I fill my glass with water and gulp it down, not taking my eyes from him. I settle the glass down before moving to stand in front of him, the kitchen island separating us.
“Let’s have sex” I say hard, so hard that Chris starts coughing as a piece of egg gets caught up in his throat.
“I’m sorry, what?” He looks up at me, his breath a bit hard from the chocking and maybe from my statement.
“Let’s have sex” I repeat myself. “You said you were not going to cheat and neither will I. But we both have needs and I think it’s a good idea”
“What are you even-?” Chris starts but I roll my eyes.
“I heard you last night” I confess. His face turns a deep shade of red, the vein on the side of his neck pulsing. “Look, I won’t judge you, I did it, too.
“You- what?” Chris’ breath hitches, his knuckles turning white as he closes his hands.
“C’mon we are not five” I step around the kitchen island, closer to him but still leaving some space between us. “We can get each other off, and we are married so it’s not like we are doing harm to anyone
“I don’t- I’m” Chris stammers a bit. “I’m not sure it’s a good idea”
I stare at him for a couple of seconds before finally speaking up again. “Fine, I’m not going to beg. I still have my vibrator. It’ll probably do a better job, anyways”
I turn around to leave but Chris’ hand flys up to my neck, gripping the back to turn me back around.
“What did you just said?” He brings his face close to mine. His grip tightening a bit. “Repite it”
“I can do a better job with my vibrator than you” I breath out, focusing my eyes on him.
Chris grunts before crashing his lips down to mine angrily. A moan scapes my mouth as he bits into my lower lip, making way for his tongue to punish me. His free hand travels down to my leg, pulling me up to place me on the kitchen counter.
I push my hands into his hair as his tongue swipes my bottom lip clean before moving down to my jaw and the to my neck before settling on the spot right under my earlobe. He sucks hard as his hands start pulling at my sports bra. My sweaty chest makes it a bit hard so I pull away to help him. As soon as the textile is not longer covering my boobs, Chris dives right in for one of my nipples, forcing me to arch my back. While his tongue polishes my hard nipple, his right hand moves to the other unattended bud of flesh. First his palm rolls against the harden button, his calloused skin sending tingles straight to my core.
“Fuck” I moan as I his salive drips down a long my nipple. I can’t keep my eyes away from the scene, my burning gaze forcing Chris to look up at me as he pulls my nipple with his teeth. “Oh god”
“Lay down” Chris pushes me down with his hand until my back connects with the cold granite of the counter.
I bring my hands to his shoulders, tugging at the fabric of his shirts, signaling him to take it off. “Get rid of this, Christopher”
“On it” He groans against my skin, stepping away just enough to pull the shirt over his head. His hard pecks and abdomen glistening in front of me, the pants forcing his muscles to look more prominent. “Satisfied?”
“No” I pull him down against my lips, my tongue making a mess of his bottom lip. “Take me like a man, Evans” I mutter against his lips.
“As you wish” Chris groans before moving his mouth down along my skin until it reaches the edge of my skirt. I wait for him to take it off but instead he just pushes it up and tucks down my underwear along with my leggings. He steps back a bit to pull his pants down, his boxers following the same fate.
“You know how many times my eyes were glued to your ass as you skipped around with this fucking skirt?” Chris growls as his spreads my thighs as my pussy radiates heat right in front of him. “How many times I picture your ass red after a good slapping, only this thine material covering the swell of your ass?”
I moan loudly as his hands grab my thighs, my ass hanging slightly over the edge of the counter. “I want you to be loud, Y/N” Chris pinches my butt cheek before lining himself up to me. “Moan my name”
“Yes, Chris” I throw my head back as he rubs my entrance with his tip “Rip me open”
Chris pushes just enough for his head to enter my pussy, my folds hiding his pink tip. “Yeah stretch me open” I throw my head back as he sways back and forth, entering me slowly.
“I can’t hold it anymore” Chris grips my thighs. “Brace yourself”
I grab the edge of the kitchen counter, my knuckles turning white as he pushes hard into me. There’s a sting that makes tears form on my eyes. I’ve never had someone this big inside of me, my pussy throbbing at the new feeling.
“Look at you” Chris presses his thumb against my clit. “Taking me so good” He throws his head back as his entire cock disappears into me. His thrusts are hard and slow, building up the tension in my lower belly.
“C’mere” Chris stops, pulling out so I cry at the loss of him. “Let me turn you around”
Chris puts me on my feet before turning me around so my ass is pressed against his hard cock. “Bend over, Y/N”
I do as I’m told, pressing my chest against the cold tiles. Chris grabs both of my hands and holds them behind my back, using the as support to hold himself as he re enters me. “That’s right. So tight”
I’m lost in my own moans when I feel Chris spit on his hand, before pressing his thumb against my asshole. “Chris” I tense up immediately.
“I’m not going to fuck you there, Y/N” He massages around my hole. “I just like to see the way you clench up” he caresses my butt cheek, trying to get me to loosen up again. “Do you want me to stop?”
He waits for my answer as I take in the sensation, his thumb placing a soft pressure over my hole. It’s not bad. “No, it’s okay”
“Good” Chris grunts as he picks up his pace, plunging hard against me. This new position really allows him to go in deep, reaching a new part of me that has me whimpering.
“Chris” I whine when he angles himself so that I can feel him fill me up to the point where me knees are shaking under me. “I won’t last”
“Yes, cum around my cock” He reaches down to grab my pony tail in a fist, making me arch my back. His movements become erratic as he speeds up, encouraging the orgasm out of me.
“Yes yes yes” I cry as I feel the tightness around my pussy before the release finally arrives. The cries that come out of ny mouth are filthy, so filthy that Chris drops down and plugs in his thumb into my mouth. I bit at his skin, the waves of pleasure still rocking my core.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck” Chris groans as he pulls out, his entire load landing on my back. “Fuck yes”
I’m still shaking, waiting for him to catch his breath so that he can help me stand up. “Chris, fuck that was…”
I’m so out of breath I don’t even finish my sentence, Chris doing it for me. “So hot”
I feel him pull away from me, a cool breeze replacing the warmth of his body. “Don’t move” I hear him move around the kitchen, looking for a clean towel before running it down the the warm water that pours out of the faucet.
Chris walks back to me, cleaning his entire release from my back. “I think you need to wash your hair” I can hear the grin on his smug face.
“Seriously?” I groan, standing up. “Aim better next time, Evans”
“You want a next time?” He throws the dirty towel at the floor where my sweaty clothes are.
“I’m game if you are” I shrug, tugging the elastic out of my hair.
“Then let’s play, Y/N” Chris grins hard as his dick starts twitching.
New series coming your waaaay🩵 hope you guys like this
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chemerr2 · 4 months
eyeless jack headcannons :O can be sfw or nsfw <3
thank you anon I NEED THIS MAN. i need all 4 of his legs in front of my face. -SEXYPAPINOQUE
SFW !!
ik this is probably one of the most popular headcanons but he’s warm. He’s THE heated blanket everyone needs during the middle of winter. He’s usually warmer in places people wouldn’t normally touch or go near. Like his armpits for instance but that’s ok cause he’s comfortable with you being THAT close to him and on top of that he’s not musty!! yay!
best head massages known to man. those longs nails of his make you foam at the mouth when he slides them through your hair, on your scalp and the back of your neck.
very clean. like VERY. he cannot stand having a cluttered space especially when it’s his work area we’re talking about. he doesn’t go batshit crazy tho if his room has like 2 socks on the floor 💀 just doesn’t like to be surrounded by complete filth. Even tho he can’t work well in small spaces given his physical appearance and amount of equipment— he reminds himself to clean as he goes.
responsible but only for himself and you ofc. His reasoning for this is because he’s grown, toby is grown and so is jeff plus the others so he shouldn’t have to tell a 23 yr old to clean up after himself or wipe the toilet after he pisses cause he didn’t aim in the toilet.
always pampers you and chooses you over anyone else. sometimes he end up favoring your priorities over his own and forgets to do important things for himself. You wouldn’t even have to tell him because he’ll snap back to reality once he realizes he hasn’t done a chore or task he told himself he’d do.
like the cool older brother or the older brothers cool friend who takes you to the store and buy things for your mom when she’s cooking dinner
speaking of cooking, he can’t make anything past a traditional american breakfast dish (eggs, bacon, toast, grits or rice) other than that he’ll warm up a corn dog or reheatable pancakes in the microwave
if he has tomatoes on his burger snd he knows u like tomatoes he’ll give them to you. He’d give you a whole jar of pickles and drink the pickle juice (vice versa if u love pickle juice as much as me)
he stands in front of the tv likes he’s made of glass💀
DRAGS you by your arm, shirt, or ear if he even slightly thinks ur gonna get into an argument with anyone, For the sake of you and himself because 1. doesn’t want u to fight anyone AND 2. don’t want you to get ur feelings hurt. yep
rmbr when i said i need all 4 of his legs? 🤭 yeah he’s got 2 FATASS DANGLING COCKS.
ok let’s keep it realistic, he’s inexperienced but he’s not a vulnerable virgin, he knows what boojaina is, he knows what ur cervix is— he knows all of it and how much the female body can take.
his dick is wide so 1 inch of his demomic- hybrid 8inch cock takes up the full capacity of ur hole ifykwim.
it looks like he’s always had a boner but it’s just his thick and heavy cocks finally getting a good nights rest when you aren’t around.
Loves when you trace the veins on his cock and kiss his ugly circumcised scar on both his cocks. See i can get all into detail about the scar but y’all probably would get turned off. ANYWAYS
humps you. dry. all night, every night. Your smaller than him, even if someone says your big— to HIM your a delicate feather in his hand and he tosses you like a salad gently. He proceeds w caution when he gives you the nasties backshots
idc idcccc ur butt may not be big but when he gives u backshots it sounds like poseidons trident causing hell on sea.
horny dog?? nah horny bear. He literally locks you both up in his room or office and breeds you heavily like he’s trying to form a football team.
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crow-aeris · 4 months
Part 3 of the au my brain worms gave me 😔
Part 1, 2, 4
"I keep forgetting about you being a literal trash rat," Jason scoffs, poking at the single pitiful skillet at sat innocently in the giant pantry. He sighs, taking it out, rinsing it, before setting it on the stove.
"Shut up," Tim sighed, pressing his face into the countertop, "You're such an asshole."
"Language, birdy," Jason scoffed, grimacing as he looked through the fridge, "Is there nothing organic in here? You're supposed to be rich, Tim!"
"It's too much work!" his brother complained, "I can't bother with cooking when there are Batmen and Robins to stalk!"
Jason deadpanned, turning over to pin Tim with an unimpressed stare, "Really, kid?"
He shrugs, "You called me a stalker, Jay, I'm just leaning into it! Also, do you want to deal with Dick or Damian next?"
Jason scoffed, "You're the genius, figure it out."
"You lie to Batman once!"
"Oh shut up," Jason rolled his eyes before deciding to make scrambled eggs, because those were the only thing in the entire fridge that were even slightly healthy. Everything else was either frozen meals, exotic fruit juice, and even more frozen meals. God the amount of salt here is atrocious, "We both know you've lied to all of us at least three times."
It was very telling when Tim didn't respond.
"Alright, you make the plans, I make the eggs, and I'll veto anything that sounds utterly batshit insane."
"Do you want to call your mom first?" Tim offered, "She's probably worried sick."
Jason turned, his expression pinching as guilt churned in his chest... He... He doesn't know if he should. He knows she'll die, that someday she'll overdose and leave behind a shaking, trembling, wide-eyed and fearful son, but- but he doesn't think he could deal with it again. Sure, she's his mom, but he- he doesn't know her, this version of her, at least.
"It's okay if you don't-"
"Shut up," he hissed, shocking himself at how strangled and strained his voice sounded, "I- I don't know if I can."
And Tim, with an infuriatingly patient expression, nods.
Jason sucks in a breath through his teeth. He came to peace with her death all those years ago, the faint memory of his previous life overlapping with this reality's.
But... he still owes it to her...
"...Do you want to come with me?" Jason asks after a few seconds of silence.
"Yeah," Tim responds, "Let me go grab some money, and we can buy something instead."
Jason nods shortly before shoving the skillet back into the pantry before going to wait by the door.
A few moments later, the pair of boys sat side by side on the back of the bus. They made have been at each other's throat all those years ago, but now- god help those who ever try to sever them.
As the bus slowed to a stop, the pair wordlessly stood in tandem and strode off the bus. Years of carefully ingrained memory allowing the pair to work together like a well-oiled machine.
"What are you kids doing out here?" a strange man drawls, striding forward to stand in front of the two.
Jason tensed, shifting forward to place himself between Tim and the strange man, "It's none of your business."
"Don't be like that," the man continues, stepping forward with hungry eyes trawling down Jason's face, "are you two brothers?"
Tim's hand pressed against his shoulder, and Jason relaxed to allow Tim to work his stalker magic.
"Yes, we are!" Tim chirped brightly, his currently tone at complete odds with Tim half an hour ago, "I'm so sorry about my brother's attitude. He didn't get enough sleep last night, you see, so he's just a little grumpy."
"I can speak for myself, Al," Jason huffed, feeling acutely aware of the eyes pinning against his skin.
The man looked interested. It was all Jason could do to keep himself from lashing out at the man for his predatory gaze, "What's your name, kid?"
"I'm Alvin John," Tim says brightly, nudging Jason's side with a careful look, "What's your name?"
"How about your brother first?"
"...Thomas," Jason huffed.
"Why are you two out here all alone? Where are your parents?"
"We were out on a walk," Tim nods, "Don't worry, we're safe! Our mom is expecting us, so we should really be on our way."
"You still haven't told us your name," he interrupts.
"Bright kid! You'd be great if you smiled more," and Tim's hand tightening around his arm was the only thing keeping him from brandishing his pocket knife and pulling a Damian, "my name is Derick Gleisner."
"It was nice meeting you, Mister Gleisner," Tim smiles, "I hope you have a good day!"
"You too, kid."
Jason allows Tim to lead them into the crowd. The pair losing the eyes against their back before heading toward Jason's child hood home.
"Robert Shawn," Tim hisses, barely loud enough for Jason to hear, "arrested on account of human and drug trafficking. Batman will find him six days from now and turn him in to the GCPD."
"You want to use him?" Jason replied tightly.
Tim, to Jason's chagrin, nods, "It's the fastest way, short of breaking into the manor, which would just raise their suspicions. If you want to do this another way, I don't mind."
"You already have plans in place, don't you?" Jason groaned, swatting at Tim's arm with a tired sigh. Tim gives him a side-long look, and Jason's question was promptly answered.
They reached the house a minute later, and Jason pushes open the door with his spare key.
"Mom, I'm home!" he calls, freezing as he received no response, "...Mom?"
Tim freezes suspiciously beside him before cursing under his breath, "Jason!"
"What?" he snaps.
"You were here last time, right?" Tim says softly, "You were home."
Jason nods jerkily, dread pooling in his chest as he sees Tim's expression pinch in worry.
He tears away, the carpet bunching under his feet as he scrambles toward the kitchen.
"MOM?" he calls. She wasn't in the kitchen. Maybe her room? "MOM! MOM, WHERE ARE YOU?"
Jason shoves open the door, scrambling at the doorknob in his haste. He bursts in only to see Catherine slumped over on the floor.
This- this wasn't supposed to fucking happen yet! What the FUCK.
He screamed. His knees aching as he lunged forward to grapple with his mom's body. Her skin cold and limbs stiff- his mom- his mom.
Shit- what- this wasn't supposed to happen yet! It- it was august, she wasn't supposed to die until february. God DAMNIT.
"I've called the ambulance," Tim says from the doorway, "Jay..."
"Shut UP. SHUT. UP," Jason screams, shoving his forehead against chilled cold skin as hot tears burned against his eyes, "Mom...This- this wasn't supposed to happen yet! Tim- what- why?"
"It's... it's most likely because of the disparities between timelines," his brother says, somehow making his technical blabber sound fucking sympathetic, "i think in this timeline, since you weren’t here to stop whatever from happening…”
“…Fuck,” he hisses, flinching slightly as he hears sirens wail in the distance.
“Do you need some time alone?” Tim asks hesitantly.
Jason grits his teeth. He- he doesn’t want to leave her alone- but, but damnit, Tim. Knowing the stupid little fucker would skitter off and do something so utterlyfucking effective yet idiotic. He sucks in a breath, “Just- just give me a sec, kid. I- i need to say goodbye…”
“Okay. Take your time…”
Part 1, 2, 4
and the directory
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pupyuj · 1 year
[cw: smut, oral, cunnilingus]
can't help but want to be wonyoung's cuz baby definitely has an oral fixation 😵‍💫😵‍💫 doesn't matter if she's domming or subbing, she will eat your pussy and you can't ever say no to her, not to that face 🥺
she can literally eat you out anywhere and everywhere 😭 ur car, in a bathroom stall, a changing room at the mall, and her favorite: in your room bcs you would just sit and let her do her work on your mouth 🤭 and she's so random with her timings too, bcs she just can't help but be turned on whenever you're doing anything, or even when you're not doing a lot at all :(( like maybe the two of you are watching a movie and it could the sweetest, most tooth-rotting film ever and yet beside you, wony is super horny bcs you look so cute in ur pajamas and before you know it, your hands are buried in her hair while she's taking you to the stars using her mouthh ugh 🫠🫠🫠
but like imagine doing some work in your room one day and you're so busy that you don't really talk to wonyoung, who's sitting in your bed with her arms crossed and pouting bcs she wants your attention sooo bad she's such a needy baby i swear 💔 and bcs you absolutely refused to take your eyes off of your laptop, you don't notice your lovely girlfriend sneaking underneath your desk until you feel her tugging at your panties (which was the only thing you decided to wear that night bcs you were well on your way to going to sleep after you were finished)... and she's using her teeth to pull it off 😭😭
"oh don't mind me baby, just keep doing what you're doing," she says in between licks, smiling at how you've actually neglected your work and instead focused on her, just like she wanted all this time.
her just completely hoisting your legs up on her shoulders, face completely buried in your cunt :((( she's sucking on your clit and dipping her tongue inside your hole, all while looking up at you, feeling herself get wet at the sight of you becoming such a mess for her 😳
SHES SUCH A SLUT FOR FACERIDING !!!!! wonyoung going batshit insane because you're rolling your hips and drowning her in your cunt, and she loves it so fucking much that it all just makes her want to work harder at making you cum 😩😩 and she definitely cums untouched at the taste of your juices and the sound of your moans while you're riding her 😵‍💫
and wony's definitely into 69 cuz sometimes she needs to be taken care of too, but you literally cannot separate her mouth from your pussy so the position is nearly perfect, one of her favorites!! 🤭🫠
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enriquemzn262 · 2 months
It’s turboweeb shit time, so be advised.
Anyway, with the new anime season finally settled, let me share with you what I’m watching, or what I at least tried, so in case any of this is of your interest, you may check out:
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Mayonaka Punch
A v-blogger has a falling out with her old friends, leaves her channel and accidentally gets involved with lesbian vampires, who now join her in her quest to reach one million subscribers in order to take revenge on her former partners, with the promise that once she does, she will let the main horny lesbian vampire suck her dry (of blood).
Great animation, weirdly deep character developments, an underlying plot of anxiety and denial, and even an exploration of what happens when an immortal vampire gets too close to the spotlight, all the while keeping an overall comedic energy.
8/10, its an original anime so the story will probably warp up by the time the season ends, hopefully they don’t fuck up the landing.
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Dead Dead Demon's Dededede Destruction
What I originally wrote off because I’m sick and tired of high school anime, it turned out to be quite the fascinating show about life after an alien invasion, with tons of Roadside Picnic vibes, a great cast of screwball characters who are actually as relatable as they are realistic, and for once its a show set in high school that doesn’t give a single shit about glorifying that era of education, you will not see any mention of any school council, festival or any of that tired nonsense.
Plus, there’s always an inherent darkness brewing around the story, with episodes 0 basically setting up how everything will go to shit at some point, and the story slowly moving towards that endgame, it’s great!
Oh, and if you’re a fan of Doraemon, you’ll be pleasantly surprised too.
10/10, I’m absolutely glued!
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No Longer Allowed in Another World
In an era where there’s 10 million isekais about the most boring male main characters who go into your standard fantasy world to get harems and be overpowered, here we have a story in which the MC actually wanted to die (by double suicide with his lover), and accidentally got summoned into said standard world, only to say fuck it, I want to die, you fuckers deal with this shit on your own.
No overpowers, no useless harems, no boring MCs, it’s so far a hilarious story about the one guy completely incapable of playing along with the world, and how said world, which keeps getting standard boring guys who do fuckall and just end up indulging in their newfound powers, deals with him, including the love interest, which the guy barely acknowledges, and the standard cute cat girl that’s now the jobber of the group.
7/10, could have tried to make a more unique world, oh well.
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Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan
Not gonna lie, I too fell for the earworm of a theme song that dominated memes for a good month before release, and while it does have its moments, it hasn’t really lived up to the potential of it’s wacky premise, mainly because it tries too hard to go for the “cute girls doing cute things” angle, instead of completely embracing the batshit insanity that pops up in every episode.
I’ll still watch it, if anything, I want to see what else they come up with in between the boring school life shit.
6/10, needs more nuclear deer antlers.
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Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian
There’s a good number of romcoms this season, and while all are set in high schools, since DDDD showed me there was a chance I could watch a show set in one and not deal with the usual bullshit, I gave it a watch.
It deals with the usual bullshit of school councils, school festivals, clubs and the like.
Honestly, the russian part is what made it somewhat interesting, but that hasn’t led nowhere, so now I have a female love interest that’s nothing more than your standard tsundere, and your standard male lead who at least doesn’t lack a backbone, but that overall remains boring.
5/10, the weird sister is the only interesting thing, but in a car crash sort of way, may end up dropping it if they actually try to be serious with her.
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Too Many Losing Heroines
It’s garbage, had an interesting setting of following girls who are basically third wheels in their own love stories, and it could have worked, have they not chosen to tell the story from the point of view of the most boring, spineless, stuttering betamale in existence, the usual curse of the romcom, somehow turned up to 11.
It’s a pity really, overall the animation is really good, and while it gets too horny for its own good many times, it’s still cute to see those girls dealing with their unanswered feelings, a pity we can’t just follow them and instead have to stick with mister whatshisface.
3/10, dropped it after not being able to finish the latest episode (4? 5? I can’t be arsed to check), seriously, just write off the dude and the show will at least be 6/10.
I tried a couple more shows, and iseaki I didn’t know was one that I dropped after the first episode (oh no, I’m actually trapped in a VR game!!1exclamation point), and another about a drunk V-tuber who reinvents herself around alcoholism (good premise, extremely boring execution).
Not gonna lie, I only really like the first two, the other two may drop the ball really soon, and I’m another school council episode away from dropping the russian girl one, so overall it’s been a pretty underwhelming season.
Do watch DDDD though, that one truly is the absolute gem of this season!
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fic rec friday 35
welcome to the thirty-fifth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Send Down the Rain by @azapofinspiration
Lance missed rain. As much as he missed his family and his home, he missed rain almost as much.
However, rain has to exist somewhere out in the universe, right? Even if he can't go home, Lance should be able to feel rain and soak it.
Five times Lance tried to find rain and the one time he did
lance should have gotten the rain in canon. he needed that. and god did azap fucking deliver!! this fic is sweet and this fic is sad and this fic is melancholy and this fic makes you want to throw up and this fic makes you feel alive. i fckn love this fic
2. Brawler by @admiralcanthackett [GORE WARNING]
I have no summary for this beyond Lance and Keith get ambushed and Lance is a determined motherfucker who fights dirty. Keith is mildly turned on and largely impressed.
you ever want to see lance, feral, thinking only of protecting his family, rip someone’s throat out with his teeth? no? well, i didnt either, but it turns out that i needed to read it, so. and just to clarify this series isnt just lance going batshit insane, although there is plenty of that, it also has some tender klance gong over trauma so thats fun
3. nobody has to know (nobody but me) by xeah
Lance has a secret, and he’s taking it to the grave –except, he didn’t think the ‘taking it to the grave’ bit would happen quite so soon.
When the team head planetside on a diplomatic mission, Lance can’t decide if he’s ecstatic about it, or about to endure an intense bout of homesickness. Sure, the planet looks cool, the aliens themselves are pretty chill considering they’ve singlehandedly fended off Galra attacks up until now. But thanks to Pidge making the team clocks that run on Earth time, Lance knows that it’s almost his nineteenth birthday.
Yeah, he’s gonna go with the homesickness.
Unfortunately for him, the aliens they visit have two distinct qualities that, in any other circumstance, Lance would find cool; the ability to sense emotions, and the complete inability to keep secrets. That extends to their allies, as well.
He probably would have continued thinking those were pretty amazing skills –until the aliens sense negative emotions between the Paladins, and demand that to secure an alliance, the team must heal the dissent brewing in the fine cracks between each other thanks to the secrets they’re keeping, no matter how trivial.
Yeah. Homesickness probably wasn’t the right way to go.
okay, full disclaimer, this series isnt finished and i doubt it ever will be. HOWEVER. this fic is, and this fic is fucking stellar. magical realism has always been a fave of mine, and of course add vld and klance to that and ill always go feral. if you want to see amazing mcclain family backstory and tension so thick you could gnaw on it, swallow the L and read this fic you’ll only be a litle devastated that you won’t see how the series ends
4. Bruises by @admiralcanthackett
Lance is cornered by a Galra, cut off from the rest of his team. When he hears their disparaging comments, instead of asking for help when he can, he hides how hurt he is. He doesn't want them to think he's anymore useless than he already is.
you can tell that the author was mad when fae wrote this and honestly? yeah. yeah, sometimes u just have to be mad. sometimes thinks go to shit and its everyone’s fault and your pain becomes physical and you just have to grit your teeth and tell everyone to go fuck themselves. thats what lance goes thru here
5. Hybrid by @admiralcanthackett
Lance overhears one of the aliens insulting Keith after a successful mission and loses his temper.
yes another admiral fic but let me live i have always been obsessed with these fics and there are just so MANY of them okay. there will be more. but i like this one bc who doesn tlike protective lance??? who doesnt like keith realising that he’s worthy of being defended??? like cmon now
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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sufrimientilia · 4 months
"Help me."
Failed Escape | On the Run | alt prompt: “Who did this to you?” @juneofdoom Day 1
cw: referenced captivity, noncon drugging, violent death, mind control, see above
His breath came harsh and fast, pulse beating high in his throat. He didn’t have enough blood in his body for this type of exertion, but it didn’t matter. He pushed and pushed, kept running even if he could barely see straight, fueled by nothing but spite and desperation and the sheer panic buried deep in his bones.
The hypnosis was usually enough to keep him from even considering it. The chronic blood loss prevented the rest. There hadn’t been a day in weeks where he had been lucid enough, and able to walk, and completely alone all at the same time. This had been his only chance. He wasn’t about to fuck it up.
The village wasn’t far. He had counted the seconds from the car rides down winding roads, every turn made past the sounds of civilization, every step he needed to make to get back. He thought about the way to freedom every time he could think, and right now it was the only thing rushing through his mind. Freedom, freedom, freedom.
Glass doors burst open. The chime of hanging bells gave a cheery announcement of his entrance despite just how erratic he looked—whipped by branches, disheveled by wind. Pale and sweaty and trembling all over. “Help-“ he gasped out, barely able to catch his own breath. “Help me. Please. I… Do you-… do you have a phone?”
It was a little after sunrise, probably just minutes after the quaint diner opened, and there were only two, three people there: a waitress, a cook, and some man at the counter with freshly poured mug of coffee. For a split second, they all stared at him like he was batshit insane.
The waitress was the first to react in earnest. “Oh my, dear— are you alright?” She set aside the pot she was carrying and moved around the counter with a cautious sort of haste. Like approaching a skittish animal. “What’s goin’ on?”
He knew what they all saw. Wild eyes, pale sunken skin, those garish bite marks and bruises and friction burns all up and down his arms and neck. He didn’t think about grabbing something at least long-sleeved before taking off. “I just… I need to make a call. Please.”
“Why don’t you take a seat, son?” The man sitting at the counter suggested, concern written into his weathered gaze.
It was refreshing to be around genuine empathy— so refreshing it caught him off balance, had him staggering forward until the waitress reached her hands out to stop him, his breaths so ragged and weary he could barely catch up. He didn’t fight as kind hands directed him into the nearest booth and dark spots scattered all over, noises going muffled in one giant roar. His elbow caught the edge of the table and he ducked his head. “Sorry… m’sorry.”
Maybe he wasn’t as ready for this as he thought. Still, he’d made it this far, and this seemed like far enough. For now.
“…how…for help…him some water…” Voices floated down from somewhere overhead, a broken frequency of noise fading in and out.
He needed to get himself together. Slow long breaths, his pulse slowing down. In and out, in and out. He wasn’t sure how much time passed until a glass of water was placed in front of him, but he took it with shaking fingers and guzzled it down in one go. More fluids in his body was a good thing right now.
“Who are you runnin’ from? Hmm?” The man was somewhere next to him now, offering that overbearingly concerned took and prodding for information like he had asked a few times over. “Talk to me, boy. Who did this to you?”
“Someone bad,” he breathed out, and then he shook his head. He couldn’t say more than that. “A phone… please. I jus’ gotta make one call.”
“We’re gettin’ you some help now, don’t worry.” The man was trying to be reassuring, but he was too close, too close too close too close too close—
He looked up and saw the waitress standing somewhere further back with the cook. She was talking on the phone. Maybe they were doing the reasonable thing and calling 9-1-1, which really wouldn’t be the worst idea… except it was immediately clear they weren’t.
Call him paranoid. But he’d been in captivity long enough to distrust faster than he could catch his own senses.
he’s here he’s here he’s here
He pushed to a stand. “Fuck—”
“Woah, hold on now—“
He shoved past the man and stumbled out of the booth. “No, no! I can’t stay here… I can’t…” Everything tilted one way, and then the another. He staggered in tandem and just barely caught the nearest table for support, clashing into some chairs. “What the—“
The lights brightened into slim glittery bursts. Everything slowed to a blurry haze.
Oh. The water.
The man caught his shoulders when he swayed all the way sideways. “Careful now. Jeez, you really ain’t well. Just take a seat, alright?”
“Jus’ lemme go,” he protested, words coming out heavy and uncoordinated. Like swimming through syrup thick in the air and thick in his veins.
“Of course. I understand.” The waitress’s voice floated closer, so calm and pleasant. She was still on the phone. “Yes, we’ve got the situation under control.”
“Under control? I think he needs an ambulance!” The man demanded. “Who are you talkin’ to?”
It took one horrifying realization and the next to piece together that the man really did have good intentions here.
The man was the only one with good intentions.
The waitress moved in one smooth motion and stabbed the man in the throat with a kitchen knife. Her chirpy attitude didn’t skip a beat, smiling wide as he went toppling over and crashing into the tables, one ugly gurgle following him on the way down. She had that same dumbass head-in-the-clouds look that usually came with a vampire’s compulsion. “Of course, Mistress. I’ll keep him safe in the meantime.”
“Ffu- fuck,” he sputtered out, lurching back so suddenly that the only direction was down, down, down. Hard cold tile against his face.
The waitress wrapped up her phone call, and then her voice floated from somewhere overhead. "Careful now. Let's get him somewhere comfortable."
He tried to drag himself away from the reach of grabbing hands. Like paddling through the deep end. "No..."
Of course. Of course of course of course she’d have the entire town hypnotized. The locals, not the poor randoms passing through— not that writhing heap of limbs down here on the ground with him, blood going slick and sticky over tile.
He should’ve known. He should’ve kept going.
The thought floated away from him. Everything floated away, became distorted and indistinct, so heavy and muddled it no longer made sense. Hands pulling him somewhere, streams of color dragging into tails, warmth drifting sideways slipping sinking buried into darkness.
Darkness that lingered, festered, and receded right back into her arms.
Like he could ever get away.
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