#genuinely almost threw up i was so scared
cetoddle-archive · 1 year
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rillette · 2 years
Sometimes I think the Guardians are so full of shit because how dare they try to fit people into specific emotional categories. Then I realise that we do it all the time bc we call so and so person "sad" or "angry" or "happy" "all the time" and suddenly I lessen the Shit Grade of the Guardians.
Currently it's at a 9.5/10.
As much as I love to shit on the guardians, that's not actually how the various lantern corps works! Keep in mind that I haven't read the War of Light and Blackest Night events, so all my knowledge of the other corps comes from wikias.
The Guardians of the Universe harnessed the power of the green light that fuels the central battery on Oa. They have the power to give out Green Lantern rings, but only green lantern rings. They aren't responsible for any of the other lantern corps. Green Lanterns are chosen because they have the ability to overcome great fear. They're also supposed to be honest.
As for the other lantern corps, the Indigo Tribe members in particular aren't chosen because they have great compassion, they're chosen because they lack it. They're a group of villains forced to constantly feel the emotions of every living thing in the universe in attempt to "rehabilitate" them. (The Guardians have nothing to do with this.) As much as i love to hate on Geoff for sucking shit, this does in fact go hard. And the Sinestro Corps members are chosen because they have the ability to inspire great fear in others.
So yeah! The Guardians suck for a wide and ever growing variety of reasons but this reason in particular is not one of them i hate to say it. i would still put them at a solid 10/10 on the shit scale tho
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quillandrapier · 1 year
You could be having the most harrowing mental health episode and you just have to clean and be present.
#Tw for gender dsyphoria#Internalised fat phobia#And suicidal ideation#Anyway#So my brain is telling me I should detransition#Not because Im not a man#Is just the misgendering is too much#Im so heavy these days I'm medically obese and that's really fucking my brain up#My body doesn't move how I want and it's killing me#But im so depressed i cant bring myself to move my body enough#I dont even like food but I eat like an entire box of ice creams because I just do#Im £2000 in my overdraft and I can't control my spending to the point I cannot get out of it#Im too scared to even apply for any benefits because I almost got prosecuted for not filling in forms in time#Even with a world of leniency#People around me are telling me “oh but it's been so hard” but I've just been lazy#I cant find the motivation to do anything at all.#My sister is moving home in two weeks and we'd have to share a room#But i almost threw a glass at my mum the other day while I was fucking up trying to make food#So at this point I genuinely think i cant get out of these issues#I dont believe I can do anything but kill myself at this point#Im not even worth trying for anymore#I cant take testorone correctly so im just getting the negative effects#I cant take medience correctly#I really don't think I'll be alive in three weeks time#I hate myself for posting this because i hate being this person#But i dont have anyone I can talk to about this as depression has left me almost entirely alien#I've destroyed most my friendships with my procrastination#My ex was right to leave me#Im not someone who can be helped
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weasvlys · 9 months
Band Rehearsal
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Rodrick Heffley x Y/N (Fem! Reader)
Warnings: Smutty, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex, sexual graphic content, explicit language, interrupted sex.
Word count: 1579.
"Math..." you said under your breath as you looked for your book in your locker, until suddenly a hand closed it, "ahhg" you gasped, Your gaze immediately settled on the worm-eaten black nail polish, without a doubt, it was Rodrick Heffley, "What is your problem?" You asked him angrily, ever since you entered the band it seemed like he never got tired of bothering you, he had a smile from ear to ear, a bit mischievous, he clumsily put his hand on his head and his elbow on the locker, trying to... flirt?, “Band Rehearsal, at 6, and don’t be late!” he said, emphasizing the last sentence, and vanished.
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It was frustrating to be with him, his joking look and his mischievous smile, always feeling his gaze on you, it made your legs tremble, and when he reached his hand a little lower on your back, a little higher on your leg, or he came a little closer than normal, you could feel your heart beating faster, and the most frustrating thing was not knowing if he did it on purpose, to make you nervous and lose focus, or worst, it simply didn't mean anything to him and he did it accidentally.
You arrived at his house, expecting the garage door to be open, however, it wasn't, frustrated you went to the front door, you rang the doorbell twice and waited for the answer from his cheerful mother, who always welcomed you with a kind smile, and regularly a "you look beautiful today", however, you didn't receive that, you heard some heavy and fast feet coming down the stairs and when the door opened you saw an agitated Rodrick, "Hello…" you said in a sigh, you could avoid getting nervous at his look, "Can I come in?" you said in a sigh, you couldn't help but get nervous at his gaze, immediately Rodrick opened the door wider, letting you into his spotless house "It's the kitchen door" he said, referring to where the garage was, as soon as you walked in and saw that, again, you were the first to arrive, "They're late.. again" you said, "Today it's just you and me", Rodrick said, that, for some reason made you feel butterflies "How come?", you ask, and Rodrick gave you a look, confirming your biggest fear, on that occasion, it would be just you and him.
The practice started, you were the vocalist, and just that time you couldn't concentrate, and you couldn't reach any note correctly, so, by the fifth time you stopped Rodrick's rhythm, he got up from his stool so hard that it almost flew away, he threw the drumsticks to the wall in front of you, that genuinely scared you, "What's wrong with you?!" You asked upset, "Y/N, this is the fifth time we do this, can't you concentrate? Y/N?!" he said, putting in front of you, "What's wrong?", his voice was starting to calm down, he looked you in the eyes, that made your voice crack, "I-I don't know..." you said, his eyebrows raised, worried, he bent down a little to be right at your level, "Y/N" he said in a sigh, almost sexual, "What's wrong?", that tender and soft way he spoke to you made you let it all out, "I'm nervous, okay?!" you said, frustrated, "And if we perform in front of an audience, will you still be nervous too?" Rodrick said, "No! I-" you tried to retort, but that one couldn't seem to get out of your throat.
"Look, here's what we'll do" he said as he sat down on the couch in front of you, "I'll sit here, I'll look at you and I need you to forget the nervousness. I won't stop until you do..." those last words seemed to have a different kind of connotation, you decided to ignore him, there was no chance to think what could be inside his mind "One.... Two... Three..." as soon as he finished you started, looking him straight in the eyes, however, by the second verse, his mischievous smile made you lose your concentration again, you suddenly shut up and lowered your gaze, Rodrick snapped his mouth, sighed and said "Have you ever heard of when we are nervous we have to imagine the audience naked?" Those words made you tremble, you nodded your head without saying more, "We'll do that, but literally" his voice became deeper, he got up from the couch, and without taking off his lustful look, he lowered his hands by the edge of his shirt and lifted it, slowly, letting you see his thin, but marked abdomen, that took your breath away "Start again" he said, "Rodrick-" you try to reply "Just do it" he said interrupting you, you rolled your eyes and started again, but after a few seconds, the smile that was forming on his lips weakened you, "Wow, I didn't think it would be that easy", he lowered his hands again, this time to his pants, he placed his slender fingers on the buckle of his belt, he opened it slowly, with a mouth open, his fingers traveled to the button of his jeans, he opened it, and pulled down his pants, revealing his boxer, where you could perfectly appreciate his bulge, big and juicy, bigger than expected. 
You could not avoid looking at his crotch and he, looking at your reaction, laughed, "Do you like what you see?", he asked laughing, he knew what he was doing, he sat down again "Start again", he commanded, but the words were not able to come out of your mouth "Do what I tell you to...", that second reply made you feel weaker, you could not resist, and you started to sing, that situation, unusually, made you concentrate a little more, but not quite, you went out of tune again and Rodrick, without saying anything, got up from the couch, came closer to your face, gave a soft and sweet kiss on your cheek, then on your jaw, on your neck, and you couldn't resist moaning, he started to lower his kisses, and when he reached your crotch he knelt in front of you, he put his fingers in the edge of your jeans, unbuttoned them, and started to pull them down, without letting his gaze off, "Keep singing", he said, almost in a whisper, and you followed his order, every note was perfect while you felt his hot breath on your panties, and without further ado, he put his cold fingers on the edge of your panties, and he began to pull them down along with his kisses.
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He opened his mouth,letting his tongue out, which made a line right across your entry to your clit, where he dedicated some soft and gentle strokes, not taking his eyes off you for one second, to then the band rehearsal was officially over, and now your mouth only let out pornografic moans, which sounded across the four walls.
He stood up, looking at you to the eyes and said in a deep full of lust voice “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear”, took you by the neck and passionately kissed you, which you replied, you took your hands inside is boxer to found his big hard-rock cock, the moment you touched him he deliciously moaned, like he was dying for it to happen, “Yes~…” he said, he pulled his boxers down and you finally saw hies 9 inch dick bounced out of his jeans, with a red trobbing tip, waiting to be inside you.
“Get in the couch baby, please~…” he said, in such a desperate way, almost begging, you got in four, shaking your ass, waiting for him to enter, he places his tip on your crotch, and even he was desperate for it to happens, he started to torture you, letting it in a bit, your as soon as he did, que took it out, in exasperation, you gasped, “Please Rod… Let me feel you…” you said, you never thought you’d would he saying that, “You wanted in?” He asked, almost growling “yes… please” you responded, “how much?” He replied, letting it a bit more, “Aggh~Fuck… so much” you said, moaning, and with no further action he strucked his 9 inches right inside you, letting the wet noices out, followed by a fast in pain and pleasure “Awwh, you are so wet, and so hot…” he said, so loud that could be heard outside, he late his big cock out again, and stuck you, one more time, allowing him to feel your sweet spot, “Yes Rod!” You screamed, and all of the sudden, key noices started to sound, and the sound of the lock on the front door, “Rodrick?! I’m home!”, Mrs. Jeffrey was home, and with no hesitation you and Rodrick started to get dressed up, as quickly as you could, the steps came closer and door opend in a blink, fortunately, you where already all dressed up, “Oh! Hi hon’, didn’t knew you were home” she said, “where in a rehearsal, mom.” Rodrick said in a shaky nervous voice, “Oh, sure thing, I thing I heard you outside” she said and left the room with no further action, and laughs came out of the both of you, “Next time, we’ll do it in my place”, you said, “Next time?” Rodrick replied in that same teasing way.
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stories4thepack · 4 months
After putting off feeding to help find the Hyde, your instincts take over as the hunger slowly consumes your mind. But Wednesday is there at just the right moment
Warnings: swearing, blood, injury (the usual)
(apologies for any and all typos)
How long had it been since you last fed? Two weeks? Three? Perhaps a whole month! It seemed that every single time you were reaching for a blood bag, Wednesday would just appear at your side, informing you about a new clue or idea or daft theory. And every time, you would let her drag you to somewhere new. Whether it were to the woods, or a secret hide out or anywhere else even slightly dangerous.
Now, here you were. Taking step after agonising step as you walk through Jericho. The edges of your eyes tinted red and your fangs aching painfully, begging to be used. Your entire body howled for blood and, every now and then, a growl would crawl up your throat as a person got too close, scaring them away as their heart dared you to bite down. Every time, Wednesday would send you a look, a mix of frustration and curiosity at the sound.
It had been a while since you could properly focus on anything, the usually loud street replaced by a low ringing in your ears as Wednesday took you to the woods. The both of you remained silent, a moment you would assume Wednesday enjoyed, but the cold glances she threw your way said otherwise
“You haven’t muttered an incoherent sentence in more than 2 hours.”
The Raven hair muttered as she examined the burnt down barn you suddenly found yourself in. You shook yourself out of your thoughts, attempting to focus on something other than her beating heart.
You splutter, sounding almost like a drowned wolf gasping for air. Wednesday turned swiftly around, glaring at you from across the ruined building.
“Is there a problem with you?”
You couldn’t answer, your dry throat closing with hunger. You managed to shake your head, attempting a smile to hide your pain. You grimaced at the action, if even you knew it was bad then Wednesday certainly knew you were lying as well
“Mon Cher, you do understand I can always see through your pathetic lies. Even during your more…. vocal… attempts.”
She turned away from you, hearing your exasperated sigh and picturing your shoulders falling at the sound. She could feel the way her heart twisted inside her cold chest as she slowly put together the pieces. She glanced a few times in your direction as she continued her search, watching as you stare into space. Iris’s flashing red every so often as you attempted to control you hunger
The burnt wood shakes as Wednesday slams her hands against the worn pillars. She storms away, muttering and sneering at you and Thing. But all you could truly focus on, was the steady beat of her heart as you resisted the urge to lurch forward and sink your fangs into her flesh.
So when her beat drops, your head snaps in her direction.
You shout and use your speed to catch the girl before she hits the floor. You lowered yourself to the ground, holding the raven hair as she seized up, body jerking as she witnessed this new vision.
You dug your fangs into your bottom lip, watching as Thing attempted to distract you from how close you were to your girlfriend. Close enough to feel the blood running beneath you fingers.
Thing taps and dances, and while he is genuinely looking out for you, you know he’s watching you carefully. Ensuring you are not a threat to his…….master? He scuttles under a tree root when the first few raindrops begin to fall, keeping you in his view the entire time.
“Should I leave Thing?”
You ask the hand, pulling your girlfriend slightly closer as you fail to shield her from the rain. The hand taps a reply, being as reassuring as he can in this risky situation.
“But I’m a danger right now.”
You sigh, listening to his fingers scuffling amongst the leaves and the dirt as he signs:
“And she would help you if you told her.”
For a body less limb, he was very clever. You sigh, growing accustomed to the increasingly violent storm.
“Anyway, she would probably enjoy the pain.”
He jokes. You chuckle, though the noise you make is more like a snarl. Thing comes beside you, taking you hand in his (….yeah I know). You smile, licking at the blood you had drawn from your lip.
“Thank you.”
His thumb rubs the back of your hand in response, squeezing it firmly but comfortingly. You looked up, focusing on the drops falling against your forehead instead of the Warmth in your arms. Listening to the sound of the wind tearing through the leaves than her beating heart. Which was slowly growing steadier.
Within minutes she shot up, gasping for air, as if she were the starving one. You reach up to place a hand on her shoulder, but hesitate and leave it on the floor instead.
“Are you alright?”
You manage to growl, watching as Wednesdays face shifts from momentary bewilderment to concern (The expression you alone are witness to)
She mutters, her hand going to your face before you can protest. In the time she was “out”, your skin had grown far paler, your entire iris had been consumed by a ruby red and black veins trailed up every inch of your exposed flesh. Wednesdays eyes widen, the sight of your exterior providing her with the correct conclusion.
“You need to feed”
“I’ll get a bag when we get bac-“
You watch as the girl withdraws a blade from her boot. She lurches out of your reach as you attempt to grab the small knife. Uselessly begging her put it down as she presses the metal against the flesh of her palm.
You shout, watching as the weapon sinks beneath her skin. Blood flowing from the wound. Playing the role of Siren and luring your closer.
The sight. The smell.
The hunger makes you snarl, the sound making Wednesday dart to her feet, instinctively backing away from you. Your hungry eyes fixated on her bleeding hand, fangs bared as you begin to approach.
“I can give you some blood, there is no need to delay it further.”
She states, refusing to back away out of stubbornness as you grow closer. You snarl again, allowing you to reach her, standing steady and firm as your hands grasp her shoulders.
“Please….stop me”
You manage to gasp out, you morality and predatory consciences tearing you in two directions. Wednesday can see the conflict in your eyes, she sees how they plead, burn with rage then soften again. In an endless cycle. Like a broken record
She lifts her hand to you lips, watching as you grasp her forearm, locking it firmly in place as your tongue grazes the wound. Treading carefully so to not hurt her.
But when you pull away, after a few meagre drops. Your look far worse, the conflicting hunger eating away at you. While she appreciated your attempted gentleness. She wanted you to give in, wanted you to be sated and (while she would never say it aloud) she wanted to see that part of you. Wanted to see the part that could kill in a mortal breathe.
“Bite me”
She says…..No. She demands. The two words spoken with such power, that even if you had the strength to, you wouldn’t have argued.
You watch as she unbuttons her shirt, pulling the fabric down below her collar to expose her mouth watering flesh. Neither of you have time to think before your left hand grasps the back of her head, tilting it roughly to the side. Your fangs dig into her throat in an instant, wasting no time at all. You can hear her groan as you do so, her head sinking back into your hands secure grip.
You drink deeply, like a drunkard who was out of beer, feeling the weakness vanishes out of your body as the sweet, warm blood flows into your waiting mouth. You don’t realise as you push the girl up to the tree behind you, pinning her against the trunk. Your other hand leaves her shoulder, nails clawing at the bark as you attempt to steady yourself, trying not to lose control and drain the raven hair completely.
You pull away after a couple of minutes (perhaps a few seconds too long) pressing your head against the raven hairs chest as you calm your instincts. Wednesdays arms wrap around you, pulling you into a rare hug. You press yourself against her, mumbling apologies into the crook of her neck. Feeling your magic hum in her skin as it ties itself together, healing the wound.
“Thank you for trusting me.”
You finally speak, pulling away to look at her. Your eyes are back to their normal, glowing colour and your face looks as human as possible for a vampire. The sight pulls at the Raven hairs lips, creating the closest she may ever get to a smile.
“Come, now that is concluded, we must go find this monster.”
You step away from her, grinning as she stumbles, regains her composure and strides through the woods as if she hadn’t just had a shit load of her blood taken from her. You’re about to laugh at the sight before a loud roar echoes through the darkening area. Wednesday turns to you, excitement twinkling in her eyes. You both sprint into the trees, a thrilling mix of fear and joy driving the both of you.
No wonder you made such a good couple
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loveforeren · 2 months
Could you do Jjk men see b!ack reader take her weave out for the first time
JJK men seeing black!fem reader take her weave out for the first time.
I decided to write this one for shits and giggles and at the end I did the text version 🫡 hope you enjoy lovely and sorry for any spelling mistakes it's 4:25 where I'm at and I had work today.
This was the first time Gojo had ever dated a black girl. He wasn't familiar with it so when you asked him to come over while you did your hair he obliged.
"Y/N!! I'm here!!" He said as he scrambled into your apartment. He had also brought you some food.
"I'm in my room,Toru!" You yelled back.
Gojo walked into your room and set the bag down. Before turning to you, a startled expression etched his face.
"Your hair?!" He yelled in shock.
"What...about it?" You asked confused.
"It's falling out?! Why didn't you tell me?! Did that hair stylist you go to mess up your hair?!" He asked genuinely shocked and worried as he picked up the hair that did not know was weave from your braids.
"Toru! Calm downn it's not my hair" you laugh.
"Huh..?" He asked shocked.
You spent the next hour explaining how your hair is done as you also showed him how to take out your braids.
Nanami was very well educated in your hair. I mean he paid for it how couldn't he. But he's never seen you taken it off until today.
"Ughh this stupid ass hair." You groan.
"What's wrong my love?" He asked rubbing your thigh.
"It's not cooperating.." you whine.
"Oh I'm sorry my l-" before Nanami could finish his sentence the words "fuck this." Left you mouth.
He watched as you took off your lace front in one quick swift motion. He tried to hide the expression on his face as you ripped it off. He's never seen you take off the wig nor take out braids so this was a first for him. He watched at you threw the now separate wig away from you on the end of the bed.
You look at him and begin to laugh.
"Did that scare ya, Nami?" You giggle.
"What...no...no love.." he said looking away.
Getou and you had just started dating and you'd invited him over. He knocked on the door and you unlocked it using the security website you had linked to your door. He opened the door and walked in. He saw a little hair on the floor and picked it up in shock.
"Y/N? are you okay?!" He asked loudly.
"Yeaa!! I'm in the living room!" You yelled back.
He came into the room and looked shocked.
"Your hair..?" He asked confused.
"Oh? Yea I hadda take it out!" You said untwisting your hair.
"Take it out?" He said tilting his head like a confused puppy.
"Suguru...sweetie did you think this was my real hair" you asked lightly.
"Yes..?" He said, kind of red.
You laughed as you had to explain what you did every time you went to your friend Nene's house with with a new hairstyle.
Toji decided to pay you and unexpected visit (he wanted to eat your food). He walked in the house with a hum as he saw hair in the trash..? He looked at the trash confused he picked the hair up with 2 fingers holding it away from him in confusion. He put it back in the trash bought a snack and went into your room to see you taking out your goddess braids. His mouth hung open.
"Uh...Y/N" He said.
"Hii toji!" You said tossing the hair into the bag you had.
"Hair...? Where..? Why..? Uhh" He said.
"I'm taking it out Toji, no I'm not balding, that was never my real hair, I told you this, and my hair isn't this short it's shrinkage which means my curls are so tight my hair looks shorter." You said quickly.
"Ohhhh, you know I'd still fuck you if you were bald-headed" He said with a grin.
"Gee thank you, baby." You said sarcasm lacing your voice.
Choso had fallen asleep when he woke up to you taking out your hair. He shrieked and it was almost... girl-like.
"Your hair!!" He yelled.
"Baby...it's my weave..You've seen my natural hair." You said gently.
"Oh yea...well..uh..that was scary still I thought your hair was falling out from when I fed you that tracking device" he said.
Sukuna had walked into the bathroom to use it while you did your hair.
"What the fuck." He said eyes wide.
"Hmm..? I'm taking off my hair." You said.
"Humans can just peel...their hair off like skin to reveal a new layer...?" He asked confused.
"WHAT?" You ask.
"The hair.." he said about the wig you had just took off.
"Sukuna...no...no..that's no..oh my God what am I gonna do wit you" you laugh.
Text versions <3
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ripdragonbeans · 3 months
Aegon II Drabble
So episode 4 gave me big Aegon II feels. He just needs to be loved and UGHHHH my heart 😭 so I decided to give him some love here
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As King Aegon II’s wife, you stood dutifully by his side. Many people thought you were merely a figurehead, not one the King actually holds affection for. They were wrong. Little did they know, the King harbors much genuine love for you; a true love match.
You walked into your shared bedchambers. “How was the small council meeting?”
Only silence met you. Aegon was staring down at a goblet of wine.
“My love?” 
Still, Aegon didn't look up. 
“You're scaring me, Aegon.” 
This time you were met with a grunt.
“Aegon, my dear, please,” you walked to him and gently moved the goblet of wine out of his hands. “What happened during the small council?”
When he finally looked at you he dropped his gaze almost immediately.
“They don't care about me,” he whispered. He laughed mirthlessly. “I am nothing to them.”
You brought your hand to his face and he leaned into your touch. “What they think should not matter. You are the king, my love.”
“It does not matter that I am the king. They have not treated me differently since I have been crowned. Nothing has changed, they still look down upon me.”
“I don't. Since being crowned king, I have seen you grow. You are growing into a great ruler, a great husband, a great father.” You put your hand on your growing belly. “You do your best to protect us and that is enough.”
“They think me a fool instead of a king. They do not want to listen to any thoughts I may have. They do not tell me of any important plans. He threw his hands up in the air. "They expect me to sit there and do nothing!”
“If they truly think that way, then it is they who are the fools and not you. They were the ones who wanted you on the throne.”
Aegon went to bed and sat down. You quickly followed him. As you sat down, he huddled closer to you and rested his head upon your shoulder.
“I never wanted the throne, the crown,” he paused. “You are right, they are the ones who put me there. They crowned me as king yet expect me to do none of the sort.”
“Then it is their loss. I know you would be a great king if they gave you the opportunity to be one.”
“Dear wife,” a tear rolled down his cheek. “I am not worthy of you yet here you are. The gods have truly blessed me.”
You wiped the tear away with your thumb and brought you lips to where the tear once was. “Both of us have been blessed by the gods. I do not know what I would have done had I not been betrothed to you.” You looked into those violet eyes you loved so much. “I love you, Aegon. Do not forget it. I have, and will always, love you.”
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vanteguccir · 2 months
chris/matt’s gf confessing she feels anxious and insecure and is worried they’re going to leave her for someone else
── ୨୧ ! a small blurb where you confess your insecurities to Matt
        𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
Y/N sat on the couch, legs tucked beneath her, her fingers nervously twisting a strand of her hair. Matt was in the kitchen, his back to her as he prepared dinner. The rhythmic sound of chopping vegetables should have been soothing, but Y/N's mind was a storm of anxious thoughts.
She had been feeling this way for weeks now, the gnawing fear that Matt would leave her for someone else. It was irrational. She knew that. Matt had never given her a reason to doubt his love, even with all the girls who threw themselves at him for his fame or all the things she read on the internet about him. He was always there for her, always attentive, always caring. But the fear had taken root deep within her, growing stronger with each passing day.
"Hey, dinner's almost ready." Matt called out, turning to flash her a warm smile. His eyes crinkled at the corners, the way they always did when he was genuinely happy. It made Y/N's heart ache with love and fear in equal measure.
She knew she had to tell him. She couldn't keep bottling up her insecurities, letting them fester and poison their relationship. But the thought of voicing her fears made her stomach churn. What if he thought she was being ridiculous? What if he got angry or, worse, decided she was too much trouble and left?
Matt must have sensed something was off because his smile faded, replaced by a look of concern. He walked over to the grey couch, sitting down beside her and taking her hands in his.
"Hey, dove, what's wrong? You seem really tense."
Y/N took a deep breath, her heart pounding so hard she was sure he could hear it.
"Matt, I... I need to talk to you about something. It's been bothering me for a while now."
He squeezed her hands gently, his eyes searching hers, frowning in concern and worry.
"Whatever it is, you can tell me. You know that, right, babe?"
She nodded, tears welling up in her eyes.
"I know, but it's hard..." She paused, taking a deep breath. "I've been feeling really anxious and insecure lately. I can't shake the fear that you're going to leave me for someone else. I don't know..." She lowered her eyes in shame.
Matt's brow furrowed in confusion and concern.
"Why would you think that? I've never given you a reason to doubt me, have I?"
"No, no, you haven't. Never." Y/N said, her voice trembling. "You've always been amazing. But I can't help it. I'm so scared that you'll find someone better, someone who isn't as insecure and anxious as I am. Someone who is at the same level as you're, who's famous and rich... And who looks like a model."
Matt’s brow furrowed with a mix of sadness and worry. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before responding.
"Y/N." He began, his voice gentle yet firm. "You are amazing just the way you are. I don't care about fame, money, or looks. None of that matters to me. What matters is you, the person I fell in love with. Your heart, your kindness, your intelligence. Those are the things that make you special to me."
He paused, making sure she was really listening, his hands still holding hers tightly.
"I'm not interested in someone who’s just a pretty face or has a lot of money. I want someone who understands me, who I can share my life with, and who loves me for who I am. And that's you, Y/N. I don’t want anyone else."
Matt leaned closer, his eyes searching hers for any sign that she was beginning to understand.
"Your insecurities and anxieties don’t make you less to me. They’re part of what makes you human, what makes you real. And I love every part of you, even the parts that you find hard to love yourself. You're not just enough for me; you're everything I’ve ever wanted and more."
He cupped her face in his hands, his thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped down her cheek.
"Please don’t ever think you have to compare yourself to anyone else. You are irreplaceable to me, Y/N. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. We’ll face your fears together, one step at a time."
Y/N’s tears flowed freely now. She leaned into Matt's touch, feeling the warmth and sincerity in his words wash over her. She buried her face in his chest, the warmth of his embrace soothing her frayed nerves.
"But what if I push you away with my fears? What if I become too much for you to handle?"
He cupped her face in his hands, forcing her to look into his eyes.
"That won't happen. I'm here for the long haul, no matter what. We all have our insecurities, and it's okay to feel the way you do. What's important is that we talk about it, just like we're doing now."
Y/N sniffled, a small smile tugging at her lips.
"You always know just what to say."
Matt chuckled, brushing a tear from her cheek.
"That's because I love you, and I hate seeing you upset. We're a team, remember? We'll get through this together." He repeated.
She nodded, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders.
"Thank you, baby. I feel a little better now."
He kissed her forehead, his lips lingering against her skin.
"Anytime, love. Now, let's go finish dinner before it burns."
Y/N laughed, the sound light and free. As they stood and walked back to the kitchen hand in hand, she felt a sense of peace settle over her.
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voxlvrr · 8 months
˚₊‧꒰ა Adam with a work!alcoholic reader ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
`` ~ ୨ A/n : thank you all for 100 followers ! <333 also this is genuinely just pure fluff, may be a bit ooc ! ୧ ♡ ·
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ꕥ ; Adam HATES your bad working habit, you’ll stay cooped up in your room for literal hours and days! you never take your eyes off the papers on your desk. the only time you actually come out just get coffee. Adam will use every excuse he can in the book so you’ll actually stop overworking yourself and come to bed with him or just eat something. but usually he’ll barge in with food he bought and set it on your desk, and use the time to spend time with you for awhile. but once he genuinely gets fed up with it he’ll just go behind your desk and snatch you up from your chair while obviously ignoring your protests. he’ll honestly straight up tell you that you need to stop your bad habits and that it’s actually starting to “piss him off” but later he’ll mumble that he actually cares about you just wants you stop. and once you promise that you’ll stop he’ll end up dragging you to bed with him cause he knows how many nights and mornings you’ve stayed up. but before you do that he’ll let you take care of yourself, like taking a shower, getting a change your clothes and brushing your hair. once that’s all taken care of he’ll literally never let you leave the bed all night, he genuinely couldn’t sleep at night when you weren’t with him. Often also leaving him restless like you. hell! even lute noticed how he isn’t like his usual self cause Adam genuinely missed your presence and he’s so glad that you’re finally back in his arms <3
ꕥ ; also Adam will try to make sera not give you so much work, which she’ll probably agree too. and once she does, he’ll probably start trying to convince you to take a break for once in awhile, or he’ll just take you out for awhile knowing that you’re stressed about all the work you’ve been given for the last couple of weeks. he’ll get you whatever you want! food?, already bought!,you want new outfits? He’ll buy it for you! literally whatever you want, just don’t stress about work <3
A little one shot under the cut here :)
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ꕥ ; it was maybe 3:00 am or 4:00am..? damn it you lost track of time already. you’ve been overworking yourself even more lately since sera decided to move down the stupid extermination day. and now while that’s happening you have to approve some other rules for heaven and other shit that you genuinely don’t care about, as you looked at the window from your pitch black office only some moonlight shining in you could see some early risers up and about in the city. but mostly it’s peaceful and quiet which youre glad about. as you turn your head away from the window.
you then see Adam right in front of you, which scares the LIVING. shit out of you which you almost screamed but you were very. tired to scream you noticed that Adams mask was sitting right on your desk which was piled in reports and other things you forgot about hours ago, Adam then spoke “can’t you just hold off the work for the night? It’s literally fucking almost 4:00am, cmon! just come to bed alreadyyy!” You sighed profusely before you spoke in a low tired voice “listen - Adam. you know how i have to finish these reports and documents so I can bring them all to sera tomorrow, I can’t come to bed with you yet.” you responded before looking down at the papers before you and when you tried to reach the pen across the desk - Adam then snatched it and threw it somewhere across the room and before you could protest - Adam then gently took your wrist bringing you around from the table and towards his chest and then wrapped his soft wings around your figure. which made you even more tired than before. you then started drifting off until you fully fell asleep in his arms..
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`` ~ ୨ this is was probably the longest fanfic I’ve made ! ^^ hope you all enjoyed
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 5 months
The Lemon & The Apple (The Surprise, Part 7)
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, NSFW, sex, fingering, strap-on, oral, some explicit language, pregnancy times. established relationship, fluff, smut (let me know if I missed anything!) Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: Baby names, cravings, and more in the next few weeks of your pregnancy. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Morning sickness might be gone, but so is Emily, often. She's out on a case and the second trimester has your sex drive higher than ever.
Week 14: The Lemon
Emily walked out of Quantico and into the fluorescent-lit parking lot, holding her phone to her ear as she waited for you to pick up.
“Hi, lovely,” you answered, your voice bright. You were generally happy these days, having left morning sickness behind in the first trimester.
“Hey,” she said, smiling. “I’m just now leaving the office. Have you eaten?”
“Want me to bring you something?” she asked, plugging her phone in as she drove off, your voice filling the car.
“Yeah, I could eat,” you replied sarcastically. You could always eat right now. In fact, you had a hard time eating enough.
“What do you want?” Emily already knew the answer. These days, you wanted the same thing. Every day. Even multiple times a day. To the point that the restaurant owners knew you.
The line was quiet.
“Y/N,” Emily prompted.
“Umm…” You stalled. You knew pregnancy cravings were no joke, but it still embarrassed you a bit to be this obsessed. Emily had to be getting tired of El Rinconcito. This would be your fourth time going this week. And it was only Wednesday.
Emily smiled, knowing you were trying to be considerate of what she wanted. “You want pupusas, don’t you?”
“Yes," you admitted, a little guilty. “But we don’t have to. We can get something else if you want.”
“Ah!” Emily tutted. “Stop that. You’re my wife. You’re pregnant. You want pupusas, then that's what you'll get.”
You smiled to yourself. Emily was so good at spoiling you. “Thank you, love.”
“Same as usual?”
“Alright. I love you. I’ll see you in a bit.”
When Emily walked through the door at El Rinconcito, the owner, Ernesto, threw up his hands in greeting.
“Mrs. FBI!” he called. “The usual for your beautiful wife?”
Normally, Emily hated to be called Mrs. anything, but she found Ernesto’s nickname endearing. You came in multiple times a week, and you often talked about Emily, almost always referring to her as “my wife, she’s an FBI agent.” So when Ernesto called her Mrs. FBI, what Emily heard was that you talked about her constantly; it was a nice reminder that you were crazy about her, always thinking about her. So, for you? She’d be Mrs. FBI.
“Yeah, thanks, Ernesto,” she said, sighing and leaning on the counter. “All the pupusas.”
“And for you?”
Emily flipped through a menu without really looking at anything. She’d eaten so much Salvadoran food in the last few weeks. She was starting to get tired of it. “Honestly? Anything I haven’t had yet. Surprise me.”
Half an hour later, Emily was walking through the door with a plastic bag of takeout, grinning as you stood on tiptoes to kiss her on the cheek, snatching the food from her hand.
“God, I’m starving,” you groaned, flopping onto the couch and pulling out a pupusa, moaning as you took a bite.
Emily pulled out her own food–a container of some kind of heavenly-smelling soup–and sat next to you, watching you devour the pupusa.
“I think you’re more in love with pupusas than me right now,” she joked.
“Mmhm,” you mumbled through a bite. “Look out, I might leave you for Ernesto.”
Emily was quiet for a moment as you both ate before venturing, “I’ve been thinking about names.”
“You have?” You absentmindedly placed a hand on your stomach, which flipped in excitement.
Emily looked almost scared, like she was genuinely afraid to raise the subject. She bit at her fingernails, and you took her hand to stop her.
“What are you thinking?” you prompted, trying to put her at ease.
“I was wondering if… I mean, if you’re okay with it…” She stumbled over her words, which was so rare for Emily.
You rubbed your thumb across her hand. “Em, you’re fine. Just say it.”
She avoided your eyes, her voice quiet. “I thought maybe, if you liked it, we could name him after my grandfather.
You felt your heart soften as you watched her. “The one whose cabin we stay at in France?”
You smiled at her, still holding her hand. “I don’t know, Em, I was pretty set on another name,” you teased.
It was almost more than you could take when her face fell, but the joke was too good not to land.
“Oh, really?” she said, her voice low and sad.
“Mmhm,” you continued, taking another bite of pupusa. “I was thinking Ernesto.”
She glared at you, trying and failing to fight off a smile as you burst out laughing.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” you said, reaching forward to run your thumb along her cheekbone. “Babe, I love Julien. He’ll be Julien. If it’s a boy.”
“Ugh, not this again,” she complained, but you knew she was teasing. You both had grown to love your faux-feud over the baby’s gender. There was no question that the baby would be loved, perfectly and wholly, regardless of their gender at birth or their gender later on. But you both enjoyed a bit of competition and, god, you knew Emily’s correct “profiling” of the fetus would go straight to her head if the little lemon turned out to be a boy.
“So do I get to pick the name if it’s a girl?” you asked, smirking, your eyebrows raised.
“Did you have one in mind?”
“Maybe Eve? After my mom? It’s her middle name.”
She smiled softly, watching you pile the takeout trash into the plastic bag. “Yeah, I like that. But he’s a boy, so…”
You rolled your eyes, but stretched out on the couch, laying your head in Emily’s lap so that you were looking right up at her. There was so much love in her eyes when she looked at you, it took your breath away. She gave you butterflies. Nearly six years in and you still got butterflies when she looked at you like that.
“Play with my hair?” you asked, and she started running her fingers through. God, she could put you to sleep like that. You closed your eyes and sighed contentedly. “So Julien if it’s a boy, Eve if it’s a girl.”
“Mmhm,” she said, watching you in her lap. She loved the feeling of you there, the weight of you, the knowing that you felt safe and loved and comfortable. She loved making you feel that way. It was an honor, a privilege, a gift that you loved her like that. That you let her love you like that.
“So Julien it is, then.” Emily smirked, watching you frown.
You smacked her arm playfully, keeping your eyes closed. “You’re lucky I love you.”
“I know.”
But, really, it was you who were lucky to love her.
Week 15: The Apple
Another week, another long case for Emily. She’d been somewhere in Oklahoma for nearly ten days. It wasn’t the longest she’d ever been in the field, but it was close. And it likely felt longer than normal because you were pregnant and hungry and no longer had an Emily to run out and get food for you at any hour of the day or night.
After months of feeling disgusting and exhausted, your sex drive was also back in full force. What a time for Emily to be gone. Just when you needed her. Really needed her. You hadn’t heard from her in about 24 hours, which would concern you except that you had her location on your phone. You spent many an evening with your Find My app open, watching both the TV and the little dot that was your wife making her way around various cities. Mostly, you just wanted to be sure she was moving. And that she wasn’t at a hospital.
But the dot hadn’t updated in a few hours tonight. Still not necessarily cause for alarm, but you made a mental note to call Emily later and make sure she was okay. As for now, you sprawled on the couch, eating a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese (Spongebob shapes only) straight out of the saucepan, while reruns of New Girl played.
You sat up quickly when you heard the apartment door open and shut, a smile lighting up your face when you saw it was Emily.
“You’re home!” you called, meaning to leap off the couch but struggling–you still weren’t used to the added weight or the way your now-protruding stomach knocked you off balance. When you finally got to your feet, Emily was standing at a distance, just staring at you, her cheeks flushed, eyes bright and soft.
“What?” you said, reddening under her gaze.
“You’re showing,” she said, her voice rough, like she might cry. She moved closer and placed her hands on your waist so that her thumbs brushed over your belly.
You felt your skin shiver under her touch, your body already longing for hers. You put your hands on the back of her neck and pulled her down into a kiss. A heavy kiss, a hungry kiss, a kiss that set you on fire. Heated and heady and frantic.
You slid your hands under her shirt, pressing your fingers into the soft skin of her abdomen. When she pulled away, your breath was ragged, your face flushed. You whined, pulling at her collar.
She smirked at you. “I take it you missed me.” She grasped your face in both hands, her thumbs grazing back and forth against your jawline. You huffed, nearly dizzy with desire for her, as she pressed her lips to your eyelids, your chin, your cheekbone, then back to your mouth. You felt drunk on her. She pushed her tongue into your mouth, and you moaned, leaning your body into hers.
You were so dazed you couldn’t even bring yourself to open your eyes when she pulled back again, running her fingers along the bottom of your lip.
“Emily,” you said breathlessly.
“I want you to fuck me.”
She silently led you to the bedroom and laid you down on the bed, her hands all over you as she removed your sports bra and pulled down your shorts. She lowered herself on top of you, and you moaned as she ran her tongue down your neck.
“How do you want it?” she asked, swirling over first one nipple and then the other.
You arched your back and gasped. “Strap,” you said, your thighs already glistening. You wouldn't need any warming up tonight.
Emily furrowed her eyebrows and sat up, thinking. You looked up at her expectantly. “Hey.”
“Is it safe?”
“The strap,” she said, placing careful hands where your stomach protruded. “He’s getting bigger. I don’t want to hurt him.”
“You can’t be serious.” You groaned, shoving her off of you, and rolling over to rummage through her nightstand, emerging with your favorite dildo and her harness. You tossed them at her impatiently. “Em. You speak six languages. You’re one of the smartest people I know. You cannot be this dumb.”
Emily still looked hesitant as she strapped up, watching you with concern. “You’re sure?”
“Emily,” you chastised. “It’s big but it’s not that big. Come here.”
You grabbed her wrist and jerked her toward you, shoving her hand between your legs so she could feel how aroused you were, feel the slick coating your thighs and your center.
She exhaled breathily, shuddering above you. “Shit,” she hissed, unable to resist running her fingers through your folds.
You bucked your hips toward her, nearly incoherent with want.
“Please,” you begged. “I need you.”
And with that, Emily could resist no longer. She crashed her body into yours, her mouth and hands roaming all over you–your mouth, your face, your chest, your stomach. You cried out as she eased her fingers into you, collecting your arousal to coat her strap.
You squirmed as she teased your entrance with the tip of the strap. “Emily,” you whined.
“Shh,” she said, and you gasped as she pushed herself inside of you. Your chest heaved as you adjusted to the feeling of being filled, and she leaned down to press a kiss to the side of your head. “I got you,” she whispered, breath hot in your ear as she started to thrust.
Your body quaked and pulsed around her as she moved deeper, burying herself inside of you, your chests pressed together. Her eyelids fluttered and she trembled, her breath hitching.
You got tired of waiting for her to move, eager for the pleasure of her pressing against your walls, the way she hit every single spot perfectly until it drove you wild. You grabbed at her hips and pulled her into you.
She didn’t need any more encouragement, snapping her hips to reach as far back into you as she could. You quivered around her as she moved, pulling for more, more, more.
You were desperate for her, high on the feeling of her inside you, the taste of the sweat that dripped from her collarbone, the way her eyes burned into you then rolled back when a wave of pleasure hit her.
You felt your body winding up for release and chased it, chased it harder than perhaps you ever had, your back arched so high seeking her out that she had to hold your hips down. Unable or unwilling to wait any longer, you reached down to circle your clit with your thumb, moaning as you tensed.
Emily grabbed your hand and held it above your head. You whimpered. “Shh,” she said again, pressing her mouth into yours so deeply that you lost your breath. “Let me.”
She kept thrusting, kept hitting that spot she knew would drive you nearly over the edge, until you were nearly begging for it.
“Emily, please,” you gasped.
Finally, finally, she pressed her thumb to your clit–and that was all it took. You exploded, clenching rhythmically around her as you threw your head back. She swallowed your moans with her lips, fucking you through your orgasm and bringing you back down as you jerked and then fell limp against the bedsheets, spent and flushed red.
You breathed heavily, still shaking as Emily pulled out of you. She placed a kiss on your overstimulated clit and you groaned, pulling her mouth to yours. Emily smiled at you, brushing a sweaty strand of hair out of your face.
“Jesus, Em,” you breathed. “I don’t think I’ve ever come harder.”
“Well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you hornier,” she chuckled, kissing your head and cheek, then laying next to you, and pulling you in, her hands once again caressing the rise of your stomach.
You blushed. “It’s the hormones.”
“Well, I’m certainly not complaining,” she said, smiling, placing another small kiss on the tip of your nose.
You scrunched and grinned. Emily resumed staring at you, and she looked almost sad.
“You okay?” you asked, propping yourself up on your elbow and placing a gentle hand on her cheek.
“You’re just so beautiful. I mean, you’re always beautiful, but…” She looked down at your stomach, then pulled you into her so you could rest your head on her chest and she could run her fingers up and down your spine. She sighed. “I just really love you.”
You stared into her eyes, running your tongue along the inside of your bottom lip. “Keep that up, you’ll have to fuck me again.”
She grinned at you, smug, and held your face gently as she kissed you. “You’re beautiful,” she said again. “So beautiful. And your body.” She groaned. "I love your body."
“You do?” you cheesed.
“You do things to me,” Emily finished, pushing her tongue through your lips.
Your body started tingling again, and you grabbed at her waist, pulling her into you. “God,” you breathed. “It’s gonna be a long night.”
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connorsui · 16 days
Wired for you
Billy Kid x Reader
Genre/warning: Fluff, Comedy, shyness factor boosted to a hundred, Billy being a tease, a robot wanting to be kissed by his favorite human (cuz why not), no warnings tho …we don't Rip out wires around here
Synopsis: Billy Kid finds himself falling in love with you repeatedly, captivated by your ability to light up his world. He loves praise.
Note: I fell inlove with him ...and what do I find? ..barely any fics ..so I made my own ..
w.c: 900
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Billy Kid was no stranger to the thrill of a challenge. He had been built to navigate chaos, thrive in the fast-paced rhythm of battle, and laugh in the face of danger. But nothing, nothing, ever threw him off-kilter quite like you.
Your praises were like that first rush of energy when a mission began, crackling in the air between you two. Every word you said seemed to spark something inside him—he couldn’t call it a heartbeat, not technically, but it sure felt like one. It was almost laughable how an AI like him could feel so alive, so human, all because of the way you looked at him.
“You were incredible out there, Billy,” you’d say with a grin that could outshine the sun. His white hair would catch in the wind, and if he had a mouth, you’d see just how wide he'd be smiling. Instead, he had to settle for the flutter in his chest as he tried to play it cool. “You always manage to surprise me.”
But it was a big deal. Every time you believed in him, even after the smallest victories, it was like that rush of adrenaline, but softer, sweeter. He swore that if he had a pulse, it’d race every time you teased him. Your playful taunts after a rare misstep made him feel seen, like even his imperfections were worth loving.
You had this way of lighting him up, like a fuse to a firework, and it scared him how deep those feelings ran. They didn’t just short-circuit his systems but made him want to give you everything—the world, if he could. He tried to play it off as no big deal with that carefree attitude of his, but the truth? He couldn’t deny how you made his mind race and his processor hum differently when you were near.
“If I could, I’d show you how much I appreciate you every single day,” he’d say, his voice tinged with genuine affection. “I’d take on any challenge just to keep that smile on your face.”
And then there were the small things.
The way you’d laugh, soft and genuine, as you adjusted the collar of his red jacket. The way your fingers brushed the metal of his faceplate, where his lips should be, and how it sent an electric jolt through him.
“Uuughhhhhh—” he’d groan in a mix of frustration and delight, feeling the warmth of your touch.
“Billy, you alright?” you’d ask, concern laced in your tone.
“How much would it be to get a mouth implanted on this face!?” he’d joke, trying to mask his fluster with humor.
You didn’t even seem to realize how much those tiny gestures affected him. It was in those moments, those quiet pauses between the chaos, that he fell in love all over again.
He didn’t know how to express it, not in the way humans did. But he tried, in his own way. When your laughter broke through the noise of a hectic day, he’d turn towards you, eyes glowing with that unmistakable warmth.
“You’ve got a way of making everything better, you know that? I’d fight a hundred battles just to see you smile like that,” he’d confess.
You always made fun of how he’d grip your shoulders with that childlike enthusiasm, like you were the greatest discovery he'd ever made. But to Billy, that’s exactly what you were. His person. His constant.
“I’m not joking, sweetheart!” he’d say with a playful glint in his eyes. “If I had the Starlight Knight power, I’d use it just to make you happy!”
And every single time you cheered him on or smiled in his direction, Billy Kid fell in love again—just like the first time.
He loved, and loved, and loved so endlessly that if his hands weren’t already busy with whatever mission you both were on, he’d pull you close and show you just how much you meant to him. Instead, he opted for those softer moments. When the dust settled, he’d lean in just a bit closer so you could feel the quiet hum of his mechanics, hear the low purr of his systems running smoothly.
“You really are something special,” he’d murmur, his voice soft and tender. “Can’t believe I get to be around you.”
And you’d smile back, brushing your thumb over his faceplate, where his lips would be if he had any. “You’re special too, Billy. More than you know.”
If he could, he'd kiss you right then and there. But instead, he let your touch linger, letting it root itself deep in his core, just as it always did. For now, he settled for that spark between you, the kind that made his world light up in ways no program could ever predict.
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God I wanna kiss him so bad
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hearts4werka · 15 days
Starry Kiss
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Summary: you’ve always had a crush on your childhood best friend Chris but always thought your feelings were one-sided since he always had girls all over him and he could have anyone he wanted. One day you hosted a sleepover for your friends as well as Chris, night soon came and you two were the only ones awake and you go stargazing in the starry night where you confess your feelings to him and he responds with a genuine kiss you’ve always wanted to experience… Genre: FLUFF, childhood best friends, stargazing, sleepover, high school sweethearts, starry night, love confession, best friends to lovers, unexpected kiss & possibly more! Warnings: None! Just cutesy sweetheart best friends finally getting together!
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Me and Chris have been childhood best friends and I've always had a small crush on him but never thought my feelings were one-sided since he always had girls all over him and once I even had to help him with his first crush who became his first girlfriend who later turned out to be using him.
The poor guy was devastated after that and I had to be his personal therapist for almost two weeks after he got over her and found a new girl to thirst over, it ended up not being me.
I never was good at expressing my emotions since no one never asked unless it was evident something was wrong, only ever Chris saw through the fake smile I would put on everyday to hide the real emotions I would feel, that's one of the many reasons why I have a fat crush on him since childhood.
After school we walk together to my house or his then I would vent to him and show him the real me no one else saw besides him. We could talk and laugh together for hours on end, I always tried to somehow give him blank hints but too scared to actually confess since Im afrain of ruining our friendship I love so much and will cherish all of our moments together fondly.
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One day I decided to host a sleepover for my friend group, including Chris and some of his guy friends since I know he wouldn't survive being around all of my girlfriends so of course I made an acception for him.
And I’m sure my friends won’t mind.
Chris was the first person to get there since he came in early to help me with preparing all of the stuff that needs to be set up.
While setting up the designated place to sleep we got into a small pillow fight…
• Before Everyone Arrived…
When I was arranging the pillows with Chris’s help, I suddenly felt something soft hit my back and chuckling behind me. Slowly turning for dramatic effect I see Chris burst out laughing and I know he threw the pillow at me.
His laughter is soon muffled by a pillow hitting his face, I soon followed with the chuckles and choked out through the laughter filling the air.
“Thats what you get!”
He immediately went into action and started to throw more pillows at me and I followed behind, throwing pillows at him that were in my reach. We soon started a pillow fight.
I grabbed one of the longer and bigger pillows, he looked at me and put his hand out like eleven while laughing.
“Don’t you even dare!” He speaks between chuckles as I take the risk and hit him with the big pillow in my hand.
“Oh you’re gonna regret doing that”
Suddenly he tackles me to the floor, ending up on top of me with both of us laughing and pillows flying all around, he drops down onto the floor next to me as we continue to laugh at the whole playful situation.
I would be lying if the altercation didn’t fluster me even in the slightest.
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7:45 PM
As the time of the deadline for everyone to finally arrive, me and Chris are waiting by sitting on the couch a bit too close, my head laying down on his shoulder and a simple hand wrapped around my waist and pulling me closer to him.
The whole time I'm trying to hide the slight pink hue growing on my cheeks, its not the first time we sit in such position that could be taken as an intimate one.
My friends often tease me and say to just confess to him like its thats easy. I dont want to ruin our friendship as it could be the last type of friendship we get like this.
While we wait for the others to arrive, the doorbell finally rings indicating they have just arrived, I shoot up onto my feet and to the front door.
Chris follows behind as I open the door, on the other side there’s two girls, my best friend Kayla and Natalie, one guy whos Chris's standing with bags in hand, all being my friends.
I greet them and quickly let them inside, leading them upstairs into the guests bedroom where we’ll be all sleeping since there’s more room there for all of us.
They all put their bags away and we start the fun part of the sleepover...
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10:54 PM
After a little adventure around the night town only illuminated by old street lamps and a snack trip to the store for a small horror marathon we finally got back to my house.
I place the bag of snacks on the coffee table in the living room as all of us gathered inside of the room to start the horror marathon.
All of us take a seat on the couch, the guys sit on one side of the couch and the girls in the other. Me and Chris are in the middle separating the gender groups created.
Grabbing the remote I open the first streaming service I land on, which landed on classic Netflix.
I begin to scroll through the ‘horror’ section, everyone talking among themselves and suggesting what we should watch first before we finally decide on ‘Fear Street’ which is a horror series with 3 movies.
We get comfortable in our spots and I play the movie, some grab snacks and some grab drinks and then the movie starts…
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• After a Horror Movie Marathon
1:31 AM
After watching a god knows how much hours worth of horror movies everyone was finally starting to feel sleepy except for me and Chris for some reason.
“I’m tired…” Kayla yawns, making sluggish moves to get up from her spot on the couch. Everyone else agrees they’re also feeling tired and suggest we should already go to bed.
“Yeah we should go to bed already” Natalie suggests, slowly starting to get up as well to head to our designated sleeping place.
We all follow suite but when I try to get up, Chris decides it would be a funny idea to randomly throw we over his shoulder and carry me to our sleeping place.
I let out a quiet yelp as he throws me over his shoulder, his little giggles echoing through the room as the group looks at us a bit surprised but used to us acting like this with each other.
Trying to protest for him to put me down, sending small hits to his back as he continues to carry me and walk up the stairs with the group until we make it to the room.
He finally puts me down and I shoot him a playful glare which only fuels the stupid grin on his face, we enter the room after everyone and close the door behind us.
We make sure to not step on anyone before both of us got to our sleeping spot for the night and lay down, pulling the duvet over my body as the warmth of it surrounds my body but even with the warm feeling, I find myself not quite being able to fall asleep.
I pretend to sleep, closing my eyes to trick my brain into making me fall asleep but I just lay there conscious with my eyes closed and little did I know that Chris was having the same problem…
| - 🍂 - |
• Two Hours Later
3:09 AM
After a few hours I’m still laying there and staring at the ceiling while everyone’s shallow breathing fills the rooms air and hits my ears in a smooth melody.
A sudden quiet whisper and slight nudge on the shoulder taps me out of my small trance and I look towards the source of the noise.
“Hey, you awake?” I feel Chris’s warm breath hit my cold skin and send a small shiver running down my spine as he speaks.
“No, what’s up?” Answering his question I sit up on my bed and make some room for him to sit down as well so he doesn’t have to keep kneeling down on the hard wooden floor.
“I can’t quite fall asleep for some reason.” He confesses, taking the seat infront of me on the bed. It making a small indent and elevating my own seating from his weight overpowering mine.
“Me neither.” I agree, looking around the room I glance over at the window where the source of the moonlight that’s illuminating the room is coming from.
Noticing the especially starry night sky tonight I remember I was reading an article about that there was supposed to be a starry night.
I suddenly get an idea, since we can’t sleep and I wanted to go star gazing tonight anyway and might as well drag Chris along with me.
“It’s a pretty starry night tonight” I state the obvious before looking back at him and adding, “Wanna go star gazing?”
He glanced between me and the night sky and chuckles quietly then nods his head in agreement. “Yeah, sure”
A soft smile spreads across my face as he agrees and the thought of sitting on a hill with a perfect view of the starry night sky just enters my mind as I imagine the scenery.
We quietly get up from my bed and I grab a blanket on the way out of the room, slowly closing the door behind us than make our way towards the front door to sneak out of the dark house.
On our way down the stairs, Chris suddenly almost trips over something in the dark. Silently cursing under his breath as he out of reflex grabs the my arm and the railing, holding on for dear life to not face plant down the stairs.
I’m trying my hardest to not burst out laughing at his terrified expression at almost falling to his death and making a lot of noise when we’re supposed to be quiet.
Quickly making our way to the front door and almost exiting in a hurry to not wake the others up, I start to lead him to the spot I was thinking of that will have the best view of the sky.
“You gotta place in mind already, princess?” He finally asks in a hushed voice, leaning his head down to make me hear him better. The little nickname he always calls me whenever he wants to gauge a reaction out of me.
“You don’t remember? We used to always go there as kids!” I remind him also in a hushed voice as we walk under the beautiful night sky up a medium hill.
Seeing how his eyes widen in realization as the childhood memories flood both of our minds at once, a small smile growing on my face at the cute moments we’ve had there together.
“Ohh, yeah now I remember” He realizes, scratching the back of his neck in slight embarrassment for not remembering to which I give him a reassuring pat on the back.
We start to go down memory lane of all of the special moments we’ve shared over the past years of our constantly blooming friendship, knowing we’ll never be dumb little kids together anymore just makes my heart ache as I would love to go back in time and relive all of those memories.
Some memories brought laughter, sadness or embarrassment. When we finally made it onto the top of the hill, we were immediately met with an a amazing view of the starry night sky.
My lips fall in an inaudible gasp at how beautiful the scenery is, I look over at Chris and he’s in the same state of awe as I am.
The way the moonlight illuminates his facial features and his long brown strands ghosting over his forehead and slightly above his eyes makes my head go into a slight spiral.
Shaking my head and looking away from him to not cause a too much of a blush on my face than the slight staring has already caused.
A sudden idea comes to my mind, it’s the perfect time and place to confess my longing love for him. It may sound like a typical love story but who knows, he could still say no.
With that thought in my overthinking mind, I start to doubt my idea and bash it. It’s the right place but might not be the right time.
He notices me being lost in thought, my eyes darting over all of the stars on the sky as if I was tracing every possible pattern with them.
His face suddenly is placed infront of my vision, snapping me from the small world my mind had put me in and back to reality.
“Hey, you good?” He asks with concern lacing his tone, a shade of worry shading his features in the moonlight as his brows furrow.
I shake my head, a small embarrassed chuckle escaping past my lips to try and laugh off the situation to make it seem I’m fine. “Yeah I’m fine, just zoned out for a minute”
Him not fully believing me but just brushes off the worry for now, he casually drapes a hand over my shoulder in an almost comforting matter.
Leaning my head on his shoulder we start to walk around the hill to find our spot, soon enough we succeed at our search and lay our backs down on the grass.
We watch the stars, pointing out the constellations we notice the starts aligning to create. It was truly a beautiful sight to witness.
As we observe the starts, I try to get the courage to ask him the question I’ve been dreading to ask him for far too long now that I can’t keep it bottled inside anymore.
I sit up so suddenly a feeling of dizziness washes over me, he follows behind me and the same look of worry comes back to cast a shadow over his features.
“Are you sure you’re fine? Why did you sit up so suddenly?” He questions with concern now thick in his tone, raising an eyebrow at my current actions.
Taking a deep breath before the word vomit begins without my permission and I can’t get it to stop no matter how hard my brain screams at me to stop.
“I can’t keep this hidden anymore, sorry in advance but…” I pause for a second, contemplating my decision before my mouth grows a mind of its own and decides for me.
“I’m in love with you. And I-I am for years now but I was always scared to admit it because of all of the girlfriends you’ve had that were way prettier than I could ever be, I’m so sorry for keeping this from you when we promised to not keep secrets from each other and tell each other everything that’s on our mind…”
After my small ramble I grow out of breath and my breathing grows slightly heavy, looking up at him I see his expression is unreadable so my apologetic instinct switches on.
“I’m really sorry, I know you probably don’t feel the same way and might hate me after this. I’m sorry if this could ruin our friendship in any way and I don’t want it to, I’m so fucking so-“
My words suddenly get cut off by Chris grabbing ahold of my jaw and smashing his lips on mine, instantly shutting my moving mouth up.
I’m at a loss of all words that I wanted to speak in that moment, my mind becomes blurry as I melt completely into the kiss and slowly start to kiss him back.
The kiss feels magical, like taken out of a fairytale. Finally finding my Prince Charming or sharing a kiss that’ll save me and erase all of the problems I’ve ever encountered in my life.
When we finally pull away from each other, I look at him in complete shock but a hint of relief in my features is only visible if you look for it hard enough.
“Why did you do that?” I question, feeling confused by his actions since I was sure I would get rejected by him but am so glad I didn’t.
“To stop you from rambling all night long” He confesses the reason behind the unexpected kiss, a smile growing on his face as a reaction to my confused expression.
“I thought you would get weirded out and reject me.” I as well confess to the reason I’m so confused right now, the relief slowly becoming more noticeable on my face.
“It doesn’t matter now what I could have done, so don’t worry about that now” He answers, the smile growing on his face. His hand reaches and lands on my cheek, caressing it with his thumb in an almost loving way that makes a smile of my own form on my lips.
“You’re way to calm about this right now, it’s concerning” I slip out with a hint of joking in my voice to lighten the tense air surrounding us, we share a laugh together before his lips land on mine again. Both of us smilling into the kiss as we fall back onto the ground and share another passionate kiss under the starry night, almost like a starry kiss…
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authors note: i’m so sorry that writing and posting fics has taken me a bit longer than expected but I don’t really have motivation or the drive to write so my head has been a bit empty lately, anyway thank you guys so much for the feedback on any of my fics I seriously really appreciate it and I love every single one of you! 💋
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remiratboi · 23 days
Part 5! This is the first part that assigns more gender I guess to the reader, but it’s mostly g/n. Reader is afab, but she/they. Honestly I’m kind of indifferent to their gender, so if someone really cares that it’s they/them, not she/they, let me know and I can absolutely adjust.
First | Previous
You spent the evening alternating between disappointed, embarrassed and annoyed. It surprised you how hard it was to keep your mind off of it. Normally rejection rolled off of you. You were pretty used to it, unfortunately. Dating while fat was… something else.
But this was different somehow. You cared this time. It hit you like a truck when you realized it. For the first time, in a very long time, you cared.
You hated it. You hated giving someone that power. Being vulnerable wasn’t something you did well.
You had spend your entire life being “too much”. You were too big, both in personality and body. You were too loud, you had too many emotions, and thoughts. You talked too much. And people were not scared to tell you. You couldn’t even count the times and ways people had defined you as “too much”. The blatant words, the subtle actions, the micro aggressions. That was your life.
But not him. He had told you his favourite thing about you was how much you talked. Which, honestly, felt fake, but it was hard not to believe his genuine eyes. He had done so many things to make you think he…
You instinctively shut down that train of thought. You shouldn’t get your hopes up. He’s made it clear you read things wrong.
The next day came slowly. It was raining. You rolled over in bed, not eager to start the day. You debated going back to sleep, when you heard dishes clinking.
You shot up, fear ripping through your chest. Had you imagined that? No. You heard it again.
A chill settled in your bones as you carefully, silently, crawled out of bed. You wore a skimpy tank top that barely covered you. It was low cut, you never wore a binder/bra, you didn’t need to, you had been blessed with only tiny handfuls for tits, and it rested under your waist showing your lower stomach. The booty shorts you wore didn’t make things any better. They were practically underwear. You debated trying to throw more clothes on, but knew the closet doors creaked.
The little cabin was small, but the bedrooms were on one side, and the kitchen on the complete opposite. You made your way towards it, picking up a badminton racket on the way. It had been discarded in the hallway after another one of your activities with Ollie.
You raised the racket above your shoulder and took a deep breath to steel yourself. This was it. You slowly stepped around the corner. Your mind filled with monsters and villains.
The tall, pale green half orc bent over the stove with his back to you was not what you were expecting. You practically sobbed with relief.
“Ollie?!” You demanded, your voice cracking and sounding a lot more desperate than you’d like. He turned slightly, but didn’t look away from whatever he was doing.
“Good morning!” He said cheerily. “Sorry if I woke you. I just wanted to make you breakfast to make up for yesterday.” He continued. You noticed now milk and eggs on the counter. The smell of food wafted towards you.
You didn’t say anything. Your brain was struggling to compute. You had like 7 questions. How had he got in? Why did he do this? Why did he think it was ok? But most importantly, what does he mean ‘make up for yesterday’?!
Just as you realized you’d been standing there, slackjawed, not answering, for far too long, he turned. As soon as he saw you, he froze. His cheeks went dark green and the flipper he was holding clattered to the ground. You were confused for about .02 whole seconds before you remembered you were almost naked.
“Uh, I’ll be right back.” You blurted out and raced back to your room. You threw the door shut and leaned against it. What the hell was he doing here? In your cabin! While you were asleep!
Your mind raced as you threw a loose tee over the tank, and a pair of thin sweats on. You made your way back to the kitchen.
“Ollie, I think we need to talk about boundaries-” you started. You stopped when you noticed the front door was open. You looked from the door to the kitchen. He was gone. A thin plume of smoke started on the stove. Something was burning.
A quick toss of the pan into the sink dealt with that. You turned off the burner and leaned on the counter in bafflement.
No, fuck that! He doesn’t get to just run away from this!
You ran after him.
Hope you enjoyed it! :) the support I’ve been getting has been incredible! You’re all so lovely!! Next part of a bit more serious, and the part after is spicy! (If I follow my plan) I think it will be about 3-4 more parts. (Again if I follow my plan) Thank you for following along with me!
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c0ld0utside · 7 months
Hi! May I request a yandere vampire with a teen reader? (Maybe the reader escapes and the yandere ends up turning the reader)
Ily so much! Feel free to ignore if you want :)
This reminded me of Interview With The Vampire (1994). Thank you for that. I am now planning on getting all 13 books of the original series. 
Criticism is welcome!
Warnings (Let me know if I missed any): Suicide mentions, Suicidal thoughts, Possessiveness, Clinginess, Death, Reader gets turned non-consensually.
Holden had been alone for years. His family was long gone, and so was his sire. He was foolish at the start, befriending humans and falling in love with them. It was funny, really. Being immortal made Holden forget about his past life as a mortal for a while. Until his human friends and lovers got older and withered.
Some he had to end himself. They had either asked too many questions, grew suspicious, tried to sell him out, or thought he was some other unholy creature. Sometimes they found out but didn’t care. Those were rare. After years of pain and loss, Holden kept to himself and did the one thing he enjoyed: traveling. 
He didn’t know why, but constantly moving around made him feel safe. As time went by, new things popped up and old things either dropped or changed. Now, vampires were nothing but monsters from fairytales. Some people even liked them! …Some a little too much. The one thing that didn’t change was the rule Holden made for himself. 
Never get close to anyone ever again. 
Not even a pet.
Mortals had no escape. All they will do is wither away and die slowly. Holden didn’t want anything to do with them, either. Not anymore. They were all evolving backwards. 
There were hardly any other vampires around. On the chance that Holden came across one, they were either downright insane, genuine assholes, or wanted nothing to do with him. He’d hear through the wind that some couldn’t take it anymore and let the sun burn them away. Immortality was a curse, and Holden was a fool for thinking that the loss of food, drink, and sunlight was the only downside. Immortals weren’t so different from mortals. They die for eternity. 
He made a mistake. He should have never agreed to be that man’s fledgling. Here he was, walking through the streets that got dirtier and dirtier, standing out like a sore thumb. Holden didn’t even care about his businesses, his stocks, or his riches anymore. Holden would never make someone suffer the same fate as him and every other vampire out there. He would never get close to someone just to watch them die over the years. 
He should just find a nice spot away from any sort of civilization, drop his umbrella, and wait. 
Holden almost set out to do it immediately, had he not tripped over poor little you. 
“Oh- ah, sorry,” Holden said, stumbling over his words. He looked up and glanced around. …Where was he? He sees the sidewalks lined with tents and there’s a horrible smell in the air. Like piss and…oh, yuck. That brown stuff across the street was exactly what he thought it was. 
He still remembers poor little you, looking up at him with big, sad, tired eyes. Crying and begging him for help because Mommy wouldn’t wake up and you were feeling worse. Promising that you wouldn’t touch him because you knew how filthy your hands were. Poor little you… scared that he’d ignore you like everyone else. Clothes ragged and covered in muck. 
Holden tried to ignore you. Tried to focus on getting out of that awful part of town. Tried holding onto his rule. Someone else would take pity on you. …Surprise, no one did. God, humans really were evolving backwards. 
So, he finally gave in to the feeling in his chest and threw his rule out the window. Holden remembers how easy it was to scoop you up into his arms and carry you to his car. He ignored how awful you smelled. How dirty you were. How matted your hair was. He ignored the looks he got from others as he buckled you up in the backseat. Holden’s heart was singing joyfully the entire drive home.
No one is ever truly emotionless or happy with being alone. Part of Holden had realized that the moment he stumbled into you. Once he had fully accepted it, his life had meaning in it again. He didn’t care how long it took. He had cleaned you up himself and let you sleep with him that night in his hotel room. You were so small then…
The next morning, Holden bought an extra plane ticket and went out shopping for some new clothes. All for you. Everything he ever did was for you. Everything he does is for you. His precious child. His sunlight. All those nights helping you with homework, getting you private tutors, encouraging your hobbies, movie nights, game nights, going out into town, spa days, sleepovers, having you hang out in his office after school, taking you on trips with him…the list unsurprisingly goes on. 
Holden didn’t want to turn you at first. He didn’t want you to find out what he was, either. That was until the years started blending together again and you were getting older. His heart ached. He missed when you were so small, clinging to his side and wanting to do everything with him, seeking his approval. He misses you when he has to go away on trips.
 But here you were now, independent and relying on him less and less. Choosing your friends over him. That’s when he remembers it again. That he’s immortal and you aren’t. That you’re dying slowly and that he’ll lose you like everyone else. How could he have forgotten?
No, he thought. Forget the rule, forget his morals. He wouldn’t dare to try and replace you. He won’t lose you, too. Before he turned you, he figured he should deal with your “distractions.” Suddenly your friends abandoned you and your teachers started to fear you. Your tutors stopped coming around and your dear old dad started acting stranger. You’d smell something like iron from his wine glass as he watched you eat dinner. He’d sleep in later and later. He’d make you stay up late with him. Slowly, Holden exposed you to what being a vampire would be like. 
You never saw your father eat. Only drink water and wine. He was quite the night owl as well, always sleeping until noon. He was getting more clingy, too. Wanting to spend every single moment with you, talking about things you did when you were younger. Telling you to forget about your old friends and tutors and school. You wouldn’t need it anymore, he said.
Holden hadn’t expected one of your old tutors to show up one night. He hadn’t expected her to go off on him, saying that he couldn’t just get rid of her. Saying he couldn’t just give her a bunch of money and expect her to forget about you. 
Holden couldn’t blame her. You’re lovely and wonderful to be around! You always get so excited when learning about something you’re interested in, too. He couldn’t blame her at all, but he couldn’t let her get in the way. Holden tried to be quick and quiet about it, but she did scream rather loudly. Her blood didn’t taste that great, either. 
He didn’t know that you saw it all happen, either. He didn’t know that you couldn’t sleep and wanted to confront him about your education and his behavior. That you missed going outside and being with people that weren’t him. 
He didn’t know why you ran away from him. Or how you suddenly disappeared. It took him weeks to find you. Holden couldn’t help but feel a bit proud of you for staying hidden for so long.
“Believe me, darling, this is for your own good,” He says, his grip firm as he tugs you back inside. “Hey, enough with the screaming. No one can hear you, and you’re hurting my ears, sweetheart.” Holden chides lightly, guiding you into his bedroom.
“This reminds me of our first night together, you know.” He says. “I wish you didn’t run away. I was going to tell you everything, you know. Then you could’ve properly said goodbye to the sunlight and we could’ve chosen a nice spot to do this. …Ah, well. You’re my sunshine, and I’m your sun.”
Holden’s caught off guard when you snap at him. When you curse at him and say that you hate him. When you call him a monster and that you wish you never asked him for help. 
You rarely saw Holden get angry, but that pushed him over the edge. He had been so worried about you! He turned the entire mansion upside down looking for you. He thought he had lost you forever! 
“How dare you?” He hissed, pulling you close and glaring down at you. “You ungrateful little brat! I’ve done nothing but sacrifice for you! I stayed up for hours, just to spend time with you and to work to make sure I had the money to support the both of us! I let you have whatever you want. I gave you whatever you wanted! You wanted to go to school, I let you go to school. And how did that go? Everyone left you!” 
“Because you made them,” You butt in. “I overheard your conversation. I saw what you did to Ms. Caddel.” You say, face hot as angry tears flow down your cheeks. “She was probably the only teacher that actually cared about me. That made me like math. That was normal.  How could you even do that to someone!? She had a family-”
“Don’t talk back to me,” Holden growls. “Don’t you get it? You’re my family. You’re mine.” 
“Not by blood,” You point out. “Never by blood. You’ll never be my real father.” 
Holden stops. And then he smiles slightly. And then he laughs, making your blood go cold. 
Shivers run up and down your spine as he says your name gently. Despite the situation, his tone is full of love and care. Full of amusement, like you just said the silliest thing he’s ever heard. “My sunlight,” He continues. “If you saw what I did, you’d know what I am by now.” 
Holden cups your chin and tilts your head up so you’re looking him in the eyes, your neck exposed. “I’m not a fairytale, my dear. And there is one way that we can be related by blood.” He says, stroking your cheek with his thumb. 
“Now, now, don’t struggle. It’ll be okay. It’ll only hurt for a moment.”
“Hey, look, the sun is rising. Focus on that, yeah? It won’t hurt long, but it’ll hurt bad.”
“This will be your last sunrise, my dear sunshine. Make the most of it.”
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experimentfae · 8 months
Could you do yandere Adam with a small imp/succubus hybrid reader who's incredibly shy and selectively mute? They're pretty much a precious little kitten, considering they have cat-like behavior and instincts, but don't be fooled. They can and have killed many. I can imagine them meeting when they go with Charlie when she goes to meet Adam and Lute in her father's place. (This is pretty much my oc from my yandere hazbin hotel/helluva boss x oc fanfic. Ps, they write what they want to say on a small whiteboard they carry with them. They will hiss, growl, scratch, and bite you if they don't like you or are scared and in a state of fight or flight)
Yandere Adam x Shy! Imp/succubus hybrid! Reader
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
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You believed it would have been any normal day in hell not expecting Charlie to ask you to come with her to meet the leader of the exterminator’s.
“Wait really, but how? And why me?” “Well (y/n) I trust you and you’re the nicest demon I know.” she wouldn’t be saying that if she knew of all the killing you did but you kept that to yourself “I- um.” You looked as she gave you puppy eyes you could never say no, especially to your best friend.
“Sure I’ll go.” She then hugged “thank you, thank you now come on let’s get going.” You immediately as she sang her song the others watching you two leave.
After the song ended and you two made it to the Heaven Embassy, but when you guys walked in it was very creepy to say the least why were the light not on? “Uh a-are they available?” You questioned looking around “They should be, my dad never usually wrong about this stuff.” Just then a gold sign in sheet for in front of Charlie face.
This made both of jump in shock “totally not creepy.” Charlie spoke, she is definitely right this is weird but Charlie signed her name in and the letter suddenly lift up to the hell knows where then suddenly a door opened.
“This is still super creepy.” You whispers Charlie seemed to ignore it as she went through the door and you followed after “uh hello is anyone, here?” “Sup.” This made you both jump you hid behind the chair immediately, You see an Angel eating rips with another Angel behind him.
Charlie introduced herself and Adam seems genuine for a moment until he figured out he was just a Hologram “ha! I fucking got you did you see that shit?” “Yes sir.” He then laughed fucking hilarious. Just then his eyes moved to you “uh, who that with you there?.” This grabbed Charlie’s attention. “Oh this (y/n) there here to really sell the point that I’m making here.
You avoided eye contact. But this didn’t seem to faze him if you looked and if Charlie noticed you two would have seen the look of lust he gave you.
Then Adam suddenly talked about his life and his one night stand on the weekend just some other stuff. But then Charlie remembered the meeting was almost over so Charlie was talking about the hazbin hotel and the good it can from it, Adam didn’t seem to care half of the time he was looking at you or interrupted her.
Let’s just say he didn’t agree then he threw Charlie out but held you back for a moment “I need to talk to you… lute keep an eye on that one shrugging towards Charlie.
“Wait what a- Charlie got interrupted due to lute closing the door behind her. You let a cat like hiss feeling that you’re in danger what fucked up shit is he gonna do, cut your head off as a warning or something like that these thoughts fueled your anxiety until Adam spoke.
“Oohh feisty but chill out babes.” You felt your tail wag in irritation “let me give a little proposal I might give you a good word with upper management she also known as sera but I’ll only do it if you let me take you out.”
Your eye’s widen in shock “what?” He smirked “I know, someone as hot as ME taking you out, but yeah it’s the real deal babes, so I’m gonna take it as a - “n-no.” You clench your hands “that’s a weird joke or?” “I-it means n-no.” This shocked him “what, I’m fucking Adam the first man! I’m fucking awesome even princess what her face seemed to agree with that.” He growled out.
You did it bother to continue this conversation heading towards the door “Hey don’t walk from me so soon.” You felt him grab your wrist you now felt more terrified at the end of the day you knew he had more power in his hand then you would have you’re entire life.
“Or do I need to do something else? How about I consider her little passion project? Sounds good to you?” This made you hesitate “I… for the fist time you looked in the eyes and saw how he looked at you with hunger, but this could really help Charlie and her cause, you believe in her. “Ok I’ll… I’ll go with you on that date.” he smiled “perfect I’ll pick you up this weekend oh and no worry it ain’t gonna be down here on this dumpster fire, I’ll pull some strings and give you a day in heaven for the date, see a babes.”
You left without a goodbye feeling Shame, Charlie ran up to you “(y/n) are you ok?, what happened? What did I he do?” You didn’t have the heart to tell her “I… I don’t want to talk about it.” You looked away just wanting to go back to the hotel, thankfully Charlie siding push it even though she looked worried.
It’s been a week and today is the date. Well you u are going to heaven so maybe you should dress your best.
“(Y/n) what making you dress in such a fancy attire.” You looked to see alastor “oh it’s just I have a, uh date of sorts.” His smiled widen and his eyebrow arched “oh who is the companion?” You became nervous “it’s- it’s um some guy named Archer, he want’s to take me to… um bloodysteaks that new restaurant in the gluttony ring.”
He did it seem to buy it but this was entertaining enough to him so he riding question any further “if you say so, I guess we’ll see you later on.” “Yeah see ya later on Alastor.” Just then you heard a knock from you’re window. You looked to see Adam himself “who the fuck was that and wow sexy as hell babes, got dressed up for me that’s sweet.”
You groaned in annoyance and let him in “thanks, now let me open that portal and we are on our way.” He opens the heaven portal and you went through to see a beautiful city “wow.” “Yeah fucking wow this is paradise, now let me take you to ‘heavenly delights’ the most fanciest restaurant in town. you had to admit it really look like a paradise even the sidewalk looked super clean.
“But seriously who the fuck was that guy you were talking to?” “Wait alastor, he’s just a friend.” He rolled his eyes “what?” “What, what you mean what, he look like he wanted fuck you, I’m the only one who’s allowed to do that.” Allowed? This guy really is entitled but you didn’t stand up to him afraid of what would happen if you did.
You guys made it to the restaurant but realization hit you “wait how did you know I was in the hazbin hotel?” He seemed surprised by that answer “well I… let’s just order the food ok babes?” You didn’t push it thought if you had to take a guess he has been watching you this week.
Adam order for you due to your shyness You guys got your food and the food was really delicious, he guys made small talk, the worst part is you kinda liked his company, just that he kinda is a douchbag most of the time. “Alright but seriously let me pull some strings and you can be living here with me.” “I just need you to give the green light to the hazbin hotel Adam.”
He laughed “oh right that, I’m gonna be honest hot stuff I’m never gonna give green light to that thing.” You became frozen “what.” “I said what I said I’ll never agree to that.” “But you say- “I said I would consider it, doesn’t mean I’ll agree it. Ok now you felt stupid “and I know you said didn’t want to be here but, I already made arrangements and got your sexy ass into heaven.”
Your tail stood up in shock and felt your face contort to shock you really hard the Earle to chock him like your other victims. “yeah I know admit you love it, you love the idea of living here.” You immediately got up and left the restaurant “hey what the hell?!” Spoke Adam as he flew after you “I didn’t want that!” You yelled with tears in you’re eyes “oh come on you will be the first hell born into heaven but pretend that your a human, because sinner is no but a HELLBORN making it into heaven, a hell no, I had to tell sera some bullshit story.” He stated.
You looked away from him “oh calm on you love it up here eventually, you will look hotter then you already do and besides the effects are starting right now.” “Wait what?” You felt feather on your back and you touched your head to feel a halo “Oh no.” “Oh yes!”
“Wait can I at least say goodbye to my friend’s” you asked tears in your eye’s “hmmm, no, oh and don’t think about leaving me because if you do I’ll just make sure you’ll be a target in the next extermination.” You were shocked “yeah I love you babes put sometimes tough love is needed.”
“But I- I” he shushed you “now come on you will love it here and overtime you’ll learn to love me.”
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