#genu varum
cbphysiotherapy · 1 year
While many infants are born with bow legs, the condition typically resolves on its own by age two or three. However, in some cases, the condition may persist and require medical attention, as it can cause knee pain, loss of balance, and loss of flexibility.
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headcanonfalls · 3 months
Tourny 3: Round One!
our competitors:
headcanon that Stan is bowlegged
(bowlegs, also called genu varum, are a leg deformity wherein the knees are angled away from each other when they should not be)
headcanon that Stan sees Soos as his son
(no explanation needed)
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babydxhl · 2 months
BODY MEME: List 5 random/unique things about your muses body.
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had several surgeries as a kid, as well as intense dental work, growth hormone therapy and physiotherapy, to deal with various complications stemming from systemic hypoplasia, including crowded teeth, hip dysplasia, genu varum. still has some very faint surgery scars in places
limited mobility in her left shoulder from a stray bullet that went through — scarring there as well. the wound healed badly, roughly, resulting in a smooth divet of scar tissue she tries to keep covered
she can rattle off all of her measurements from memory without thinking about it, not just her height and weight, but very specific ones: her handspan, scapular height, foot width, sitting height, forearm depth, etc, from being measured so many times as a kid
chronic pain from early onset arthritis, exacerbated by how many times she's broken fingers, toes, dislocated joints etc
anaemic. deficient in several vitamins. immunocompromised. at higher risk of heart conditions, kidney conditions, the list goes on and on and on and on. her medical file is like six inches thick
tagged by : @halfdent <3 ilyyyy
tagging : I am so absolutely the last person to do this I feel like so anyone who wants to steal pls do and tag me <3
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kickingitwithkirk · 1 year
Greetings from Austin
Summary: Jensen and Jared are at odds over a monumental decision that changes their lives in a way they couldn’t have envisioned.
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen Ackles x Alpha!Jared Padalecki x Omega!OFC
Word Count: 1824
Warnings: a/b/o, J2 are married/mated, homophobia, bisexuality, biphobia, angst, cursing, jealousy, depression/anxiety, medical stuff, sexual dysfunction, infertility, IVF, surrogacy
*additional warnings to be added in future parts.
A/N: Here we go again with one my weird as hell dreams, series Inspired by this art.
A/N II: There is no intentional hate or malevolence intended towards any of the Ackles or Padalecki families. This is a purely fictional piece containing real and created persons/names/events set in the fictional A/B/O verse. Some dates/events altered to fit story.
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
*divider by @writeyourmindaway​​​​​​
*images found online
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Part I
Jared was about to speak when a woman in scrubs called out, “Mr. Bonham and Mr. Page.” they got up and crossed over to her, “Hello, I’m Sissy, Dr. Rodgers nurse, please follow me.”
They pass through the doorway leading through a maze of halls like any other medical clinic, except this one specializes in a particular service.
The nurse opens a door near the back of the clinic, gesturing for them to enter the spacious office, “Please have a seat. The doctor will be with you shortly.” She closed the door, and they sat directly in the pair of chairs before the large, dark mahogany desk.
Jensen, scenting Jared’s nervousness, lifts his right hand, kissing his palm, making him chuckle at the tickle of Jen’s soft beard before twining their fingers together and setting them on his left thigh. He smiles as the door opens, and a silver-haired Beta enters.
 “Hello, I’m Dr. Rodgers. How are we doing today?” He asks, moving to the chair behind the desk.
Jared gave him a tight smile, and Jensen remained placid.
The doctor raises an eyebrow, “Relax, Mr. Page. This visit is to review your paperwork before deciding how we proceed, not the Spanish Inquisition.” Jared released his held breath but couldn’t wholly calm himself.
“I know the process can be overwhelming, but I must ask, is there something we’ve done to make you uncomfortable?” Dr. Rodgers inquires.
“No, everyone’s been nice, very professional; we’ve had issues the first time attempting this.” Jared finished his sentence, but something terrible will happen in the recess of his mind, and it’ll be my fault. Jensen squeezes his hand tighter, instinctively sensing Jared’s mind is trying to spiral. “When we tried this before someone leaked our plans to the media, it wasn't conclusively proven the clinic wasn’t involved.”
We do everything possible to keep our client's anonymity protected here. All of the staff are vetted and sign an NDA. Your real identities will remain confidential, even if you choose not to proceed. It is why you chose this clinic, yes?”
“Yes, it is,” Jensen replied.
“How about we get this bit of paperwork out of the way? Then we can have a more relaxed visit,” he says, shuffling more papers.
“I’ve reviewed the applications you’ve submitted and noted a few discrepancies in the medical section that need clarification. Mr. Bonham, why did you omit Genu Varum from your medical record?”
Jensen kept his expression neutral and felt his stomach automatically clench. He remembered being mercilessly teased throughout childhood about his bowed legs by his older brother Josh and later his buddies when they’d come over to hang out.
By the time he was in high school Jensen’s striking looks and personality got people’s attention first, and nowadays, fantasies are composed in fanfic about his bowed legs.
“The questionnaire inquired about inherited genetic medical conditions; since mine isn’t, I didn’t think it was necessarily applicable.” Jared hears an edge creeping into Jensen’s voice and squeezes his fingers.
“Did you see an orthopedist, and could they determine what caused the condition?”
“I was born a preemie. The orthopedists my parents consulted decided my condition was attributable to that,” Jensen replies tersely, dropping his vocal range. Jared gripped his hand harder, telling him to cool his attitude.
 “Did they suggest surgical procedures or therapies to straighten your legs?”
“No, the doctor didn’t recommend surgery but sent me to physical therapy, thinking it would help them straighten as I grew.”
“So, no others in your immediate family have this issue?”
“Everyone in my family has straight legs, including my three children.”
Jared piped in, “he hates it, but he does this exercise regimen; stretching, strength training. He also takes several vitamins, omega oils, turmeric, and extra vitamin D to support his joints.” They watched the doctor scribble a few more notes.
“Mr. Page,” Jared sat up straighter, “I appreciate that you detailed your mental health status. You’ve recently been hospitalized and have changed your routine to an alternative regimen, increasing your therapy sessions. Has this helped?”
The interview continued for another twenty minutes as Dr. Rodgers questioned him and Jensen in depth about his depression and anxiety; feeling it was ratcheting up, he focused on Jensen’s thumb rhythmically moving over his and used every ounce of his acting skills to appear confident and in control.
Dr. Rodgers closed the files, “I only have a few general questions left, then we can discuss how you wish to proceed.”
After a more relaxed, genial conversation with the doctor, Sissy took them to a couple of private rooms with paraphernalia to help stimulate them into producing a couple of semen samples.
Jensen was getting close to finishing with his favorite spank-bank fantasy when he felt Jared across their bond.
Jared couldn’t get aroused.
He felt as useless as his flaccid cock.
His doctor warned him that losing his sex drive could be a possible side effect of his new regimen until his body adjusted to it. He had struggled with temporary impotence a few times on his old meds; always fearful Jensen would finally see him as undesirable, no longer a satisfactory mate.
Rationally, he knew it was his illness causing these exceptionally hard-to-deal thoughts recently, and the nagging idea this wasn’t the right thing for them continually kept creeping in. Plus, Jensen’s reluctance about having more children at his age also weighed on his conscience, warring against his biological longings.
They had a humongous argument when he told his husband about the appointment. 
Jensen said this was the wrong time to attempt it again, pointing out he was getting his equilibrium back set Jared off on a rant about how he no longer wanted him and would leave like Genevieve had because he was too broken to deal with anymore.
Unmitigated anguish crossed Jensen’s beautiful features. The notion that his mate could believe that he’d ever abandon him hurt so that no verbal language could ever express how that devastated him after everything they’d been through.
That bar fight to Jared’s first breakdown on set, the years of living as roommates while secretly a couple to finding wives who understood their unique relationship and still married them both in 2010.
Unfortunately, the joyous arrival of JJ three years later exacerbated Genevieve’s frustration of not being able to conceive, and it came out with a vengeance on Jared.
His unexpected breakdown in Switzerland was the final nail in their marriage. Gen was there for him, but it was all too much in the end, and she filed for divorce.
Shortly after, Jared’s iCloud account got hacked.
They believed but never conclusively proved Genevive was behind it since her lawyer was trying to break their prenuptial agreement; the videos documenting his intimate and explicit sexual relationship with Jensen were legally considered adulterous. In the end, the court upheld the legal document, but the ramifications that resulted after.
They were summoned to L.A. for the meeting from hell with WB executives, convinced it was the end of Supernatural and their careers. After the reaming out, they each received a week's pay suspension to cover some of what will cost PR time and money to deal with the inevitable repercussions and appease the show’s sponsors.
How would the show’s fans react? Would they still be able to accept them as brothers only on TV while in real life, they were involved in a highly stigmatized relationship? When they returned to work, there was an atmosphere of tension that hadn’t existed before.
It was an open secret that all shows had their share of bitchiness and backstabbing behind the scenes. Jensen may have thicker skin, keeping tighter control of his emotions, but Jared knew it hurt him just as deeply the loss of some of their friends because of society's prejudicial belief that two Alpha males shouldn’t be involved.
Alan and Donna showed up unexpectedly in Vancouver a few weeks later.
What started as a not-quite-comfortable visit quickly deteriorated thanks to his parents' religious conservatism. They had not raised him like this and blamed Jared, saying he had corrupted their son, leading him into a sinful lifestyle, and told Jensen he needed to repent and return to the wife he’d committed to before god.
Jensen blew up, replying it was none of their business, it was between them, and Danneel knew about them before marrying; he reiterated they better not say anything to her. Without another word, his parents left, and he later called them to make amends. His mother coolly stated that he was no longer part of their family and never to contact them again.
After the twins were born in 2016 came the finalization of Jensen’s divorce from Danneel, painful but congenial. They readily agreed on joint custody and still spent most holidays together. Jensen gave her financial security in their settlement, wanting to make sure she didn’t have to worry about working unless she wanted to.
They received support when publicly coming out as bisexual, then lost some of it when they married, and, to this day, get mocked for not coming out as gay, and Jared continually has nagging thoughts that they have let everybody down.
There was another knock at the door, and Jared ignored it, knowing it was that nurse checking on his lack of progress again turned into pounding, “Jared, open this door now, dammit!”
He flinched, realizing Jensen knew what was going on with him. 
Releasing the privacy latch, opens the door a crack and saw concerned green eyes. “Sorry, I thought you were that nurse,” he stepped away and sat back down as Jensen came in, re-latching it behind him. “She came to get me when you stopped answering,” Jensen said, walking over and running his thick fingers through his husband’s long hair, “what’s going on, babe?”
He knows that Jensen already knew, “It’s okay, Jar, take as long as you need.” He paused at the unpleasant scent wafting around him. “If you’d be more comfortable, we could do this at home.” 
Jared shakes his head, “There’s the risk of damage, contamination, and or unable to get it back in time that could make the semen unusable.” Jared quotes from a website.
Jensen softly chuckled, “Nerd,” and Jared noticed the bulge in his jeans, “You didn’t….”
“Drain the snake..choke the chicken..spank the monkey.”
“Fuck! Stop using old man slang.” He shook his head, smiling up at Jensen, intentionally goading him.
Jared reached up for the hand playing in his hair, grasping it to draw Jensen next to him.
“Jack, I don’t want to wait any longer on doing this. I love JJ and the twins, you know I do, but they’ll always be yours and Danneels. I know the timing could be better. I’m almost thirty-eight, and I want our pups running around the house, driving us crazy.”
“For the next eighteen years?”
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Part II
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @b3autyfuldisast3r  @lassie-bird @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Sam/Jared:  @idreamofplaid Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @akshi8278  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl  @siospins2
GFA: @babypink224221 @waywardjoy @let-me-luve-you @all-4-wincest
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childorthospinecare01 · 2 months
for more info, make sure to give us a visit at: https://www.childorthspinecare.com/
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mayomcare · 3 months
Best Orthopaedics in Gurgaon|Dr. Rajesh Thiyam
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At Best Orthopaedics in Gurgaon |Dr. Rajesh Thiyam, we are committed to delivering exceptional care tailored to people of all ages and backgrounds. Our hospital prides itself on offering the most advanced orthopaedic care available nationwide. Featuring state-of-the-art facilities including a laboratory, MRI, 64-slice CT scan, and Physical Therapy units, we ensure comprehensive orthopaedic solutions under one roof. Our team of physicians remains at the forefront of musculoskeletal injury care, employing the latest techniques to provide a range of treatment options.
We are uniquely positioned to provide comprehensive, quality care for you and your family. Not surprisingly, orthopaedic hospital has become the regional resource and preferred referral destination for orthopaedic problems. General physicians choose to refer their patients to our specialists because they know from experience whom to trust.
Our mission is to provide state-of-the-art care for patients suffering from bone, muscle, tendon, and joint cartilage disorders. Our dedicated physicians and staff are committed to restoring patients to their desired activities through innovative surgical and non-surgical interventions.
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It is our privilege to offer comprehensive care to you and your family. For more information on our services, please visit Best hospital in Gurgaon. For the best Radiologist in Gurgaon, trust our dedicated team to provide exceptional care.
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kidsorthopedic · 5 months
Understanding Bow Legs and Knock Knees: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
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Bow legs and knock knees are two common orthopedic conditions that affect the alignment of the legs, often leading to concerns about appearance and potential health issues. While both conditions involve deviations from the normal alignment of the legs, they differ in their presentation and underlying causes. In this article, we'll delve into what bow legs and knock knees are, their causes, symptoms, and available treatments.
What are Bow Legs and Knock Knees?
Bow Legs (Genu Varum): Bow legs refer to a condition where the legs curve outward at the knees while the ankles remain together when a person stands with their feet together. This creates a distinct gap between the knees even when the ankles touch.
Knock Knees (Genu Valgum): Knock knees, on the other hand, involve a condition where the knees angle inward and touch each other when a person stands with their feet together. This results in a wider-than-normal gap between the ankles.
Causes of Bow Legs and Knock Knees:
1. Developmental Factors: Both bow legs and knock knees can develop during childhood as part of a normal growth process. In infants, bow legs are often a natural result of being cramped in the womb, and they typically straighten out as the child begins to walk. Similarly, knock knees are common during the toddler years as children develop their walking skills, with the condition usually resolving by around age seven.
2. Rickets: Rickets is a condition caused by a deficiency in vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate, which can lead to soft and weak bones. In severe cases, rickets can cause bow legs as the weakened bones are unable to support the weight of the body properly.
3. Blount's Disease: Blount's disease is a growth disorder that affects the tibia, the larger of the two bones in the lower leg. It can cause the inner part of the tibia to stop growing, leading to bow legs, especially if left untreated.
4. Osteomalacia: Similar to rickets, osteomalacia is a condition characterized by softening of the bones, usually due to a deficiency in vitamin D. Bow legs can develop as a result of the weakened bones.
5. Genetic Factors: In some cases, bow legs and knock knees may be inherited, with certain genetic factors predisposing individuals to these conditions.
Symptoms of Bow Legs and Knock Knees:
1. Visible Leg Deformity: The most obvious symptom of bow legs and knock knees is the visible deviation from the normal alignment of the legs when standing.
2. Knee Pain: In some cases, individuals with bow legs or knock knees may experience pain around the knees, particularly during physical activities or prolonged standing.
3. Difficulty Walking: Severe cases of bow legs or knock knees can interfere with normal walking patterns, leading to difficulties in mobility.
4. Joint Stiffness: Bow legs and knock knees can sometimes be accompanied by joint stiffness, making it uncomfortable to move the legs freely.
Treatment Options for Bow Legs and Knock Knees:
1. Observation: In many cases, especially in young children, bow legs and knock knees may resolve on their own as the child grows and develops. Observation by a healthcare professional is often recommended to monitor the condition's progress.
2. Orthotic Devices: For individuals with mild to moderate bow legs or knock knees, orthotic devices such as shoe inserts or braces may help improve alignment and alleviate symptoms.
3. Physical Therapy: Physical therapy exercises focused on strengthening the muscles around the knees and improving overall leg alignment can be beneficial for individuals with bow legs or knock knees.
4. Surgery: In severe cases or when other treatment options have been ineffective, surgery may be recommended to correct the alignment of the legs. Surgical procedures for bow legs and knock knees typically involve adjusting the positioning of the bones to achieve a more normal alignment.
5. Management of Underlying Conditions: If bow legs or knock knees are caused by underlying conditions such as rickets or osteomalacia, treatment of the underlying condition is essential for addressing the leg deformity.
Bow legs and knock knees are common orthopedic conditions that can affect individuals of all ages, from infants to adults. While they may be a natural part of growth and development in some cases, they can also be caused by underlying medical conditions or genetic factors. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are important for managing these conditions and preventing potential complications. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for bow legs and knock knees, individuals can take proactive steps to address these issues and maintain optimal leg health. If you or someone you know is concerned about bow legs or knock knees, consulting with a healthcare professional is the first step toward finding the most suitable treatment approach.
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Addressing Common Orthopedic Issues in Children with the Best Ortho Doctor in Madurai
Orthopedic concerns in children are quite prevalent, but with the right guidance and treatment, they can be effectively managed. At Preethi Hospitals, Madurai, we understand the importance of addressing these issues promptly. Let’s delve into some common orthopedic problems seen in children and how our expert orthopedic team can help ensure your child’s well-being.
Understanding Common Orthopedic Problems in Children
Bow Legs in Children:
Physiologic Bow Legs (Genu Varum):
Physiologic genu varum is a common condition among children under two years old, characterized by bow-shaped legs.
While typically self-correcting within 24 months, persistent cases may require further evaluation, which our best ortho doctors in Madurai can provide
Knock Knees (Genu Valgum)
Age and Symptoms:
Genu valgum, commonly known as knock knees, peaks between ages 2 and 4, particularly in obese children.
Symptoms may include associated flat feet.
Healing Period:
Similar to genu varum, genu valgum tends to correct itself by around 4 years of age. However, continuous observation is advised.
Toe Walking and Intoeing
Evaluation and Treatment:
Persistent toe walking beyond age 3 should prompt a visit to our orthopedic specialists.
Intoeing issues, often stemming from factors like metatarsus adductus or femoral anteversion, can be managed with appropriate guidance.
Limping in Children:
Diagnostic Challenge:
Limping in children, often resulting from falls or minor injuries, can pose a diagnostic challenge.
Our expert orthopedic team is adept at identifying and addressing the underlying causes, ranging from benign to more serious conditions.
Parental Concerns and Aspirations:
We understand the concerns parents may have regarding their child’s orthopedic health. At Preethi Hospitals, Madurai, our best ortho doctor is committed to providing compassionate care and addressing parental aspirations for their child’s future.
Why Choose Preethi Hospitals, Madurai?
Comprehensive Orthopedic Solutions:
Our hospital offers a wide range of orthopedic services tailored to meet the unique needs of children.
Expert Orthopedic Team:
Led by the best ortho doctor in Madurai, our team comprises experienced orthopedic surgeons dedicated to providing top-notch care.
Patient-Centric Approach:
At Preethi Hospitals, Madurai, patient satisfaction and well-being are our top priorities. We strive to ensure a seamless experience for both parents and children.
Addressing orthopedic issues in children requires expertise and compassionate care. At Preethi Hospitals our best ortho doctor in madurai is equipped to handle various orthopedic concerns, ensuring your child receives the best possible treatment. Trust us to safeguard your child’s orthopedic health and future well-being.
Remember, for comprehensive orthopedic solutions, Preethi Hospitals, Madurai, is your trusted partner every step of the way. Schedule a consultation with the best ortho doctor in Madurai today for personalized care and peace of mind.
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cbphysiotherapy · 2 years
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Often Babies are born with bow legs due to the cramped quarters they were in while in the uterus (womb). Bow legs means the knees curve outward, leaving a wide space. Bow leg is a condition that toddlers normally grow out of by age 2. If it continues beyond age 2, a doctor consultation is a must. Above mentioned are a few Pointers related to it
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wvfrugalchick · 10 months
Do cloth diapers cause bow legs? Nope, not at all! Let's get that out of the way right from the start. Your little one’s adorable chubby legs aren’t at risk of turning into a bow-legged wobble just because you’ve chosen the eco-friendly route of cloth diapers. Phew, glad we cleared that up! Now, let's delve into the nitty-gritty of this age-old concern and discover the real scoop on cloth diapers and bow legs. Why the Fuss? First things first, the idea that cloth diapers could transform those sweet baby gams into something resembling a cowboy's swagger has been floating around for ages. But fear not, dear parents, because there's no scientific evidence to back this notion. Bow legs, or genu varum as the pros call it, is a normal phase in a child's development, typically occurring between the ages of 6 months to 3 years. It's like a pit stop on the road to those confident, sturdy legs your kiddo will eventually sport. Legit Science Talk Now, let’s do a bit of mini science class. Babies are born with a natural bowing of the legs. It’s part of their design, a clever feature to accommodate their curled-up position in the womb. As they start standing and walking, usually around the first two years, the legs gradually straighten out. Cloth diapers, my friends, play zero part in this natural unfolding of events. Your munchkin's legs are on their own timeline, regardless of what kind of diapers they’re rocking. Breathability is the Key One of the perks of cloth diapers is their breathability. Unlike their disposable counterparts, cloth diapers allow more air circulation around the baby’s bottom, which can be a game-changer in preventing diaper rash and other skin irritations. It’s like giving your baby’s bottom some fresh, breezy air to enjoy. And guess what? Those legs get to enjoy it too! No claustrophobic, sauna-like conditions down there. Movement Matters Another factor to consider is the freedom of movement. Cloth diapers, being less bulky and more flexible, enable your little explorer to kick, crawl, and wriggle without feeling like they're lugging around a diaper the size of a small backpack. This freedom of movement is essential for your mini acrobat’s physical development, as it allows them to strengthen those leg muscles without any hindrance. The Real Culprits: Genetics and Other Factors If we want to point fingers at potential culprits for bow legs, we should be looking in the direction of genetics or some medical conditions. Family traits can play a role, and so can certain vitamin deficiencies. If you have concerns about your little one’s leg development, it's always a good idea to consult with your pediatrician. They're like the superheroes of the baby world, armed with knowledge and ready to ease your worried parent mind. In Conclusion So, to wrap it up - cloth diapers and bow legs? Absolutely not. Bow legs are just a tiny detour on the journey to those sturdy limbs your little one will eventually sport. Cloth diapers are here to make that journey comfy, breezy, and free-spirited. So, keep calm, change diapers, and watch those chubby legs conquer the world!
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orthotv · 1 year
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🔰Fellows’ Academic Round by Orthokids
📚 Topic - Genu Varum - When to watch and when to intervene
🗓️ Date : Saturday, 26th Aug 🕗 Timing : 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
💻Click to watch: https://tinyurl.com/OrthoTV-Orthokids-38
👨‍⚕️ Speaker: Dr.P.N.Gupta
✳️ Interesting Case Presentations: By fellows
▪️1.Interesting Post traumatic Genu Varum : Dr. Deepak Khurana
▪️2. Will this Genu Varum improve by its own- A Dilemma- Dr.Joyance James
▪️3.Tibia Vara following FFCD- Dr. P.Godhasiri
Dr. Chinmay Sangole*
🤝OrthoTV Team: Dr Ashok Shyam, Dr Neeraj Bijlani
📺 Streaming live on OrthoTV www.orthotvonline.com
▶️ Join OrthoTV - https://linktr.ee/OrthoTV
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curemykneecmk · 2 years
Knee Surgeon In Delhi
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Bow legs (genu varum) is a condition where one or both of your child’s legs curve outward at the knees. This creates a wider space than normal between the knees and lower legs.
Bow legs are common in infants and toddlers. The condition is rarely serious. Babies born with bow-legged usually grow out of the condition by the time they turn 18 months old but sometimes it can occur in older children.
Keep following us to know more about Knock Knees and Bow legs causes, symptoms & treatment in children!
📞Talk to an expert: 8800200400
🌍 Website: https://curemyknee.com/
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childorthospinecare01 · 4 months
Comprehensive Pediatric Orthopedic Care for Knock Knee and Bow Leg at Dr. Child Ortho and Spine Care Centre, Gurgaon Delhi
In the bustling cityscape of Gurgaon Delhi, Dr. Child Ortho and Spine Care Centre stands out as a beacon of hope for families grappling with pediatric knee deformities, along with knock knee and bow leg conditions. Under the professional care of Dr. Sanjay Sarup, this specialized middle dedicates itself to offering comprehensive treatment and aid for these commonplace but often misunderstood orthopedic problems in kids.
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Introduction to Knee Deformities
Knee deformities in children, more often than not knock knee (genu valgum) and bow leg (genu varum), are situations that now not handiest have an effect on the kid's potential to walk but additionally effect their basic improvement and self-esteem. Knee deformity knock knee, bow leg Gurgaon delhi india. with the aid of an inward curvature of the legs, causing the knees to the touch whilst the ankles stay aside. Bow leg, on the other hand, involves an outward curvature, with a great hole among the knees when the ankles are together.
Expert Diagnosis Procedures
Early analysis plays a essential position within the powerful management of knock knee, bow leg Gurgaon delhi india. Dr. Child Ortho and Spine Care Centre, the diagnostic procedure is spearheaded by way of Dr. Sanjay Sarup, who utilizes advanced imaging technologies and a thorough scientific evaluation to envision the severity and kind of deformity. This meticulous method ensures that every treatment plan is appropriately tailored to meet the precise needs of the child.
Customized Treatment Options
The remedy modalities presented on the centre are numerous and are chosen based totally at the character situation of the affected person
Physical Therapy: A routine of specialised sporting events designed to bolster the muscle mass around the knees and enhance the leg alignment.
Orthotic Solutions: The use of custom-designed braces that resource in steadily correcting the deformity
Surgical Interventions: In instances where conservative treatments are insufficient, surgical alternatives which includes guided boom surgical treatment or osteotomy are considered to realign the leg structure efficiently.
Dr. Sarup and his group are devoted to employing minimally invasive strategies to limit recuperation time and enhance the consolation of their younger sufferers.
Preventive Care and Education
Understanding the basis reasons and early signs and symptoms of knee deformities is important for prevention. Dr. Child Ortho and Spine Care Centre places a strong emphasis on instructing parents and caregivers approximately spotting early signs and symptoms and attractive in preventive practices which can lower the danger of these conditions. Regular check-united states of americaand consultations are endorsed to screen the child's development and adapt the remedy as needed.
Why Dr. Child Ortho and Spine Care Centre?
Opting for Dr. Child Ortho and Spine Care Centre manner choosing a direction of relied on clinical know-how and compassionate care. Dr. Sanjay Sarup's specialization in pediatric orthopedics makes him in particular adept at coping with complicated knee deformities, making sure that each child gets the best feasible outcome.
If your infant is displaying signs and symptoms of knee deformity, or in case you are seeking professional guidance in this matter, Dr. Child Ortho and Spine Care Centre in Gurgaon Delhi is prepared to assist you. With a focus on revolutionary treatments and holistic care, Dr. Sarup and his group are dedicated to supporting your toddler attain premiere health and mobil.
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teachingrounds · 2 years
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Today's case is a lower extremity radiograph of a 14-year-old patient showing proximal shortening of the lower extremities (femurs are shorter than they should be relative to the tibias), bilateral varus deformity (aka genu varum), and metaphyseal flaring. Findings are diagnostic of achondroplasia.
Case courtesy of Dr Muhammad Essam, Radiopaedia.org, rID: 29184
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Clinique Chiropratique Sillery / Chiro à Ste-Foy, Québec - Douleur au genou : qu’est-ce que le syndrome fémoro patellaire et comment le soigner
New Post has been published on https://chiropratiquesillery.ca/douleur-au-genou-quest-ce-que-le-syndrome-femoro-patellaire-et-comment-le-soigner/
Douleur au genou : qu’est-ce que le syndrome fémoro patellaire et comment le soigner
Le genou est une articulation très sollicitée au quotidien : chaque pas et chaque déplacement l’impliquent. Sachant qu’un adulte peut faire en moyenne entre 7 000 et 10 000 pas par jour, nous vous laissons réfléchir à l’importance de maintenir cette articulation en bonne condition! Le syndrome fémoro patellaire est l’une des conditions qui la touchent fréquemment et aujourd’hui, nous souhaitons la mettre en lumière. Dans cet article, vous découvrirez comment elle s’installe et ce qui peut être fait pour vous aider lorsque vous en êtes atteint.
Le genou : bien comprendre l’articulation
Le genou est une articulation complexe formée de 3 os :
Le fémur (os de la cuisse)
Le tibia (os de la jambe)
La patella (la rotule, os qui bouge sur le genou) La patella protège le tendon du quadriceps puisqu’elle l’empêche de frotter sur les os. De plus, elle permet au quadriceps d’être plus fort puisqu’elle joue un rôle de poulie en augmentant son bras de levier.
La fibula (os situé sur le côté du tibia) est tout près, mais n’a pas de rôle dans le mouvement du genou.
Pour la compléter, d’autres structures s’ajoutent :
Toutes ces structures permettent au genou de produire ces mouvements :
Rotation interne
Rotation externe
La flexion et l’extension du genou permettent une grande amplitude, alors que la rotation interne et la rotation externe sont plus limitées.
Comme démontré sur l’image, la patella est maintenue à l’articulation par le tendon patellaire, qui, lui, est le prolongement du muscle quadriceps. Par le fait même, si un problème survient avec le quadriceps (ex.: hypertonicité, condition neurologique quelconque, élongation, déchirure ou autre), la synergie qu’il a avec la patella se perd. Le mouvement entre la patella et le fémur n’est donc plus optimal. Retenez cette information, elle vous sera essentielle pour comprendre l’origine du syndrome fémoro patellaire!
Le syndrome fémoro patellaire : bien le comprendre
Commençons par décortiquer ce diagnostic neuromusculosquelettique.
Syndrome : ensemble de symptômes associés à une condition pathologique
Fémoro : qui a trait au fémur
Patellaire : qui a trait à la patella (rotule)
Donc, le syndrome fémoro patellaire est un ensemble de symptômes liés à l’articulation fémoro patellaire.
Lorsque la patella (rotule) est maintenue à sa position dite “normale” par rapport au tibia et au fémur, l’articulation fonctionne optimalement. Dans les cas où la patella (rotule) est désalignée vers l’extérieur par rapport au fémur et que des symptômes sont présents, on parle de syndrome fémoro patellaire.
Différentes causes peuvent mener à un diagnostic de syndrome fémoro patellaire. En voici quelques-unes :
Mauvaise position du fémur (pathologique ou non)
Mauvaise position de la patella (pathologique ou non)
Hypermobilité articulaire (ciblée au genou ou généralisée, selon les cas)
Pied en pronation (diminution de l’arche du pied, ce qui peut entraîner un pied plat)
Trouble du ligament patellaire (ou trouble généralisé touchant les ligaments)
Déviation de l’axe normal du genou (ex.: genu varum, genu valgum, genu recurvatum)
Atteinte musculaire (ex.: faiblesse du vaste médial du quadriceps, hypertonicité du vaste latéral du quadriceps)
Généralement, les symptômes associés au syndrome fémoro patellaire sont les suivants :
Douleur au genou, le plus souvent à l’avant ou autour de la patella (rotule)
Douleur présente lors du mouvement de flexion/extension répété de l’articulation
Douleur qui survient lors de l’activité physique et qui peut persister ensuite
Sensation de crépitement ou de craquement lors du mouvement de flexion/extension de l’articulation
Douleur qui peut apparaître en position assise si elle est maintenue sur une longue période, comme lors des journées scolaires (en raison de la pression exercée entre la patella et le fémur par le quadriceps)
Genou qui lâche (parfois, le genou flanche de façon inattendue)
Ça touche qui, le syndrome fémoro patellaire?
Les sportifs peuvent développer un syndrome fémoro patellaire. Tous les mouvements demandant une flexion/extension du genou de façon répétée peuvent mener à l’apparition du syndrome fémoro patellaire :
Évidemment, le risque de le développer est accru lorsque les accessoires utilisés ne sont pas adéquats. Une chaussure mal adaptée ou un vélo mal ajusté peuvent à eux seuls contribuer à l’apparition du syndrome fémoro patellaire. Soyez avisés et n’hésitez pas à consulter un professionnel afin de bien pratiquer votre sport!
Fait à noter : puisque le sport fait partie du mode de vie de plusieurs adolescents, le syndrome fémoro patellaire représente le trouble associé au genou le plus fréquent chez cette clientèle.
Les travailleurs qui marchent beaucoup sont plus à risque de développer un syndrome fémoro patellaire. S’ils doivent prendre les escaliers de façon régulière, travailler en position accroupie ou même conduire de façon prolongée, les risques sont également présents.
Quel est le suivi proposé par mon chiropraticien?
Vu le nombre potentiel de causes associées à son apparition et le fait que certaines soient encore mal comprises, le diagnostic du syndrome fémoro patellaire repose majoritairement sur une anamnèse et une évaluation neuromusculosquelettique complètes. Votre chiropraticien, de par son doctorat de premier cycle en chiropratique, sera en mesure d’évaluer, émettre un diagnostic chiropratique, traiter et émettre des recommandations en lien avec le syndrome fémoro patellaire.
Puisque certains syndromes fémoro patellaires peuvent découler d’un pied en pronation ou même d’un mauvais alignement du fémur, une évaluation complète des membres inférieurs est indiquée. Dans certains cas, des examens radiologiques peuvent être nécessaires afin de compléter la prise d’information et valider certaines informations.
Une panoplie de diagnostics peuvent toucher le genou, alors votre chiropraticien devra faire la distinction entre plusieurs d’entre eux :
Trouble des ménisques
Trouble des ligaments croisés
Une fois le diagnostic de syndrome fémoro patellaire émis et la cause trouvée, le suivi approprié est entamé. La majorité du temps, on ne passe pas à côté d’exercices de réhabilitation (étirement ou renforcement) afin de s’assurer que la biomécanique du genou et du membre inférieur soit optimale, tout ça dans le but de favoriser un bon alignement de la patella par rapport au fémur et au tibia et ainsi diminuer l’irritation derrière la patella.
Vous avez des douleurs au genou? Pensez à consulter votre chiropraticien!
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kidsorthopedic · 9 months
Understanding Various Aspects of Bow Legs Treatment
Each infant is born bowlegged as he remained in mother’s womb in a folded position. Hence, bow legs are considered normal in children whose age is less than 18 months. As the child starts walking, his legs get straightened gradually. But bow legs are considered as a physical deformity if it is present when the child is about 3 years old. As a form of physical deformity, bow legs or genu varum is marked by bowing of the child’s lower leg in relation to his thigh.
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Bow legs may be caused due to a variety of illnesses. Normally, the physical deformity is caused due to abnormal development of bones or fractures that have not healed properly. However, bow legs are also caused due to Blount’s disease, or lead or fluoride poisoning. Sometimes the physical deformity is caused due to rickets, an illness caused due to lack of Vitamin D.
The parents can identify the physical deformity based on a number of symptoms. They can know if the child is bowlegged when his knees to not touch while standing with both feet together. Also, a bowlegged child can bow his symmetrically on both sides of his body. The parents must avail the assistance of a seasoned orthopaedic immediately if bow legs continue in a child whose age is more than 3 years.
A seasoned child orthopaedic can diagnose bow legs simply by observing the child’s knees. Some healthcare providers even diagnose bow legs by measuring the distance between two knees of the child when he lies on the back. However, the orthopaedic also perform blood test to check if the deformity is caused due to rickets. They even recommend x-rays when the bowing is extreme or based on the test results. But x-ray is recommended only if the child is older than 3 years.
The seasoned orthopaedics monitors the growth of the bow legged child constantly, and observe his knees once in 6 months. Also, they recommend treatment for bowleg only when the child’s condition is extreme. Many orthopaedics treat bow legs through special braces, casts, or shoes. The skilled orthopaedics also corrects the deformity in an adolescent child by performing bow legs surgery. However, the bow legs treatment varies based on the specific condition of each child.
The parents do not have any option to prevent bow legs. Hence, they must avail the assistance of a skilled orthopaedic to monitor the child’s condition and prevent his condition from becoming extreme. The orthopaedic will further recommend the best way to treat bow legs on time and avoid chances of developing arthritis in the knees or hips. Also, the parents must choose a skilled and experienced orthopedic to avail modern treatment, and correct the physical deformity with minimal scar and morbidity.
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