#gentapprentice week
boyslushie · 4 years
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gentapprentice day 6, “(boy)friends to lovers”. a late morning full of kisses.... all i can say about physical intimacy between mc!ross and julian is that there’s certainly no shortage of it 💘
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jjthebunbun · 4 years
Valanis Week - Day Three: Two Fools??
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A companion piece to @apprenticeofcups’ meta post ⭐️HERE⭐️
The inscription reads “A champion of New Beginnings... Self-inflicted or Otherwise...”
The Fool as a tarot card is ruled by New Beginnings.
Upright they’re messenger of change ready to accept and embrace the new path that lies ahead. Despite the uncertainty and potential risks and rewards, the Fool marches on, knowing that they’re the first of four transformation cards.
Reversed the Fool is a reluctant catalyst, one that resists the transformation they are inevitably drawing towards. Through avoidance, resistance, or even resentment the Fool attempts to rebel the natural order and refuses to rise to the occasion as a transformation card.
Cups did a wonderful job explaining the dynamic between Canis and Valentin as two men bound to the same Arcana, so definitely check that out ⭐️HERE⭐️
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ame-fanapprentice · 4 years
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@gentapprentices​ Gentleman Apprentice Week Day 6 
(boy)Friends to Lovers—  how do your apprentice and their LI celebrate their love? 
I wanted to add some other masc apprentices too!!  They’re all really wonderful artists and people and i’m really happy to be able to include them!! ;w;; 
Illian belongs to @lazyvoyager​ Zarco belongs to @apprenticefrombulan Andonis belongs to @idiotwerewolf Tashi belongs to @bastart13 and Kimoni belongs to @emilenn!!
Being akoiromantic, to put it bluntly, sucks. You could want so desperately to be in love with someone.  And, when it seems like the norm to be in a relationship you feel left out.  You just can’t bring yourself to find interest in someone romantically.  Or even worse, when someone you do like comes along, the second you try to commit yourself all of those romantic feelings disappear.   It’s a constant cycle of wanting but being unable to give.
Asra always knew that Desmond can’t express emotions as freely as he could.  But, seeing him cry when he tried to tell Asra how he felt, it just about broke his heart.  For the longest time some part of Desmond kept holding him back from expressing his love for Asra.  The most he could manage were little gestures: not flinching when Asra held his hand, making sure breakfast was always ready for when he woke up, checking up on Asra when he spends hours dozing, etc. The idea of romance was just too daunting, too much to even consider.   
But Asra still loved him.  He still loved the was Desmond would try to hide his smiles.  He loved when he’d catch Desmond nuzzling into the scarf he gave him.  For all his flaws, Asra couldn’t bring himself to love anyone else.   
It took some time to understand but eventually they became unofficial partners.  Every bit of romance that they could comfortably fit into their relationship they did.  And, when it became to much, they took a break to gather their feelings and came back with a clear heart and head.   
Just like Asra’s parents taught him, there’s so much more to love than just romance.  It’s so deep, so complex that it can’t be summarized into just one meaning.  Desmond and Asra might not be able to put it into words either, but they understand that what they have, is just that: Love.
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ilyamatic · 4 years
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Day One: Magic Man
Andrico: experienced apothecary, certified potions master, studied chemist. An expert in his own right. But even experts make mistakes.
“Are they even?”
Andrico turned from the mirror and looked to his friend mournfully. Jasna, who had been thumbing through a book, gave him a quick once over. She grimaced.
“No, but eyebrows are sisters, not twins.”
He allowed his head to slump forward in defeat. He had a date tonight and it wouldn’t do to show up eyebrowless. Maybe he could send Ralphie with a note cancelling? He was looking forward to spending some one-on-one time with his boyfriend after a busy week but he had his pride, damn it! No one looked good without eyebrows, great bone structure or not.
Jasna moved from the sofa to kneel in front of him at his vanity. With a quiet ‘let me try’ she wiped off his attempt and grabbed the kohl from his hand.
“How did you even manage to burn off your eyebrows,” she asked as she began to map them out.
“Well, do you remember those potions I’m making for your and Asra’s shop? Well it has fire root in it and fire root degrades rapidly in its raw form, so I decided to refine it.”
Jasna looked up at him with a droll look. “You wanted to refine fire root?”
“Theoretically it should have worked,” he continued. “Fire root tends to run acidic and a simple alkaline should have been enough to make it easier to refine.”
“But it seems that fire root is a little more volatile than I anticipated. So when I went to refine it…”
Andrico motioned vaguely to his eyebrows. Jasna sighed but made no further comment. They sat in silence as Jasna continued her work. After a few more minutes, Jasna patted his knee to alert him she was done. Andrico gazed in the mirror to find a far more natural looking brow than the blocks he had drawn on his face earlier.
“Thank you,” he said sincerely.
“No problem, just do us both a favor and stop treating magic like one of your experiments.”
Andrico smiled. “No promises Jasna. After all, magic is just science we haven’t discovered yet.”
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bastart13 · 4 years
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Start of Gentleman Apprentices Week!
Magic Man — What type of magic they specialise in
Tashi’s a tailor, specialising in modifying clothes to his client’s requests. While it can be stadard refitting, he uses his skills in magic and alchemy to add special effects such as heat resistance, colour changing, or even a simple magical shimmer. He’s trained over the years so the effects are potent and long-lasting, and he gets good reviews!
Aside from material magic, he uses it to propel his wheelchair in tough terrains and he has a mental connection with his familiar to the point where they can communicate over distances.
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gentapprentices · 4 years
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What does your apprentice look like? Show us your references, or click below for recommended masc picrews! 
Please reblog from the original or create a new post to keep this thread from getting too long.
Gentleman Apprentice Week is August 9-15 | More Prompts
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apprenticeofcups · 4 years
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🌠Happy Valanis Week!🌠
Since they share a canon, @canistheapprentice and I are dedicating our Gentleman Apprentices Week to celebrating Valentin & Canis’ friendship! here’s a sneak peek at the week line-up:
Monday, 8/10 - Basics & Beginnings: who they are, where they’re from, & how they met
Tuesday, 8/11 - BFFL..ATS (Best Friends For Life...And Then Some): their Plague-era relationship & deaths
Wednesday, 8/12 - Two Fools?: how they split the role of Apprentice, including the Fool’s power
Thursday, 8/13 - Two Magicians: a glimpse at how the canon works with two MCs
Friday, 8/14 - In Another Life: their relationships in Alternate Universes
Saturday, 8/15 - My Best Friend’s Wedding: how they feel about each other’s partners, and factor into each other’s happily-ever-afters
In addition, it’s AVA all week here at apprenticeofcups dot tumgle - for all of Gent Apprentice Week, Ask Valentin Anything! His life, his loves, his family, his friends - anything you want to know, ‘til midnight, GMT -5:00 on Saturday, 8/15. (Ask Canis Anything over at canistheapprentice!)
and of course, check out @gentapprentices this week to see more amazing masc apprentices! ☕
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devoraqs · 4 years
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Day Three: For The Boys A Celebration of Your Apprentice’s Friendships
Some relationships have their seeds planted decades beforehand, without either even knowing. 
Following on from yesterday’s prompt surrounding backstories, I kept thinking about what Alexander’s friendships were like pre-canon and when he was little, which then made me wonder... what if on his childhood travels he struck up a brief, blithe friendship with someone who would be very important to him later in life? Serendipity indeed!
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where-the-wind-is · 4 years
Saturday August 15th: Day 7 prompt
Dear Husband—your apprentice’s wedding or married life
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Weddings have always been a... complicated affair in Ember's eyes. For most of his life he considered weddings to be awful, binding, contractual things that he wanted no part of. It was even worse when it came to marrying back into the royal peerage, Lucio was a Count after all. Lucios first proposal was a very...Lucio way of proposing if you catch my drift. Flowers, people, pressure, and it did not go over well. 
How dare he?
How dare Ember stand in front of everyone and reject Lucio? How dare Ember embarrass him like that?
But Ember had some compelling frustrations as well.
How dare Lucio propose to someone he basically just met? How dare he do it in front of all of Vesuvia? With all that pressure...how could he jump right back into a marriage as if his first one meant nothing?
How could he embarrass Nadia like that?
They'd never fought so bad for so long.
It almost ended them.
Surprisingly it was Lucio who became the bigger person when it came to the prospect of them breaking up over it. He decided as long as Ember was in his life then it didn't matter that Lucio couldn't call him his Viscount.
If a wedding does happen for them, which Ember has grown enough to no longer denounce the possibility of, then it is far in the future. It is after a lot of things have been thought through for both of them. Years of work would be required to reach the level of understanding it would take. Lucio's first marriage was not as ideal as he would've liked, and he is determined to get it right this time.
The day he plans to propose he is wrecked with nervousness. What if they fight again? What if Ember still doesn't want to? All his worries are for not when Ember beats him to the punch the day before he planned the big event.
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"You still wanna get married?"
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Naturally, Lucio is furious he got one-uped and even more furious that Ember said it so casually...like it meant nothing
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Ember explains that his words weren't a proposal, simply the beginning of a discussion. One he might be ready to have.
They speak for a long time, they speak about many things.
And in the end.
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They hardly even remembered the ceremony
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theworldinthewheel · 4 years
Day 3 Prompt: For the Boys (And Asra)
A celebration of your apprentice’s friendships 
Asra - Ihsan considers Asra as someone between little sibling he never had, student, mentor, and good friend. Ihsan met Asra his first day in Vesuvia. Fresh off the boat and with very little time on his hands, Ihsan had been heading to his aunt’s to pay his respects when he came across Asra. The teenager’s magic and control impressed Ihsan and his personality sealed the deal. Ihsan mentioned Asra to his aunt, who would eventually take him on as a shopkeeper. Asra and Ihsan met in the intervening years mostly at Ihsan’s aunt’s biweekly teas. Asra took care of her when she started to sicken and Ihsan would always be grateful. In return, Ihsan passed control of the shop to Asra. The two of them nowadays just like to hang out and shoot the breeze together in their precious free time. 
Julian - Julian came highly recommended by Princess Nazali so it’s not at all surprising Ihsan eventually met and befriended the doctor. Ihsan appreciates his brilliance and dedication, Julian appreciates Ihsan’s people skills and ability to cut through the bullshit. While they aren’t drinking buddies, Ihsan and Julian have been known to get up to some high brow philosophy/ethics discussions or increasingly ridiculous magical experimentation when they’ve had a bit too much.
Valerius - His royal wineness, Ihsan’s best enemy, is the only member of Lucio’s court Ihsan can stand for more than five minutes. Valerius thinks Ihsan is too stiff and uncompromising, Ihsan thinks Valerius has the moral backbone of a chocolate eclair. Yet somehow through their years of sniping [before Ihsan left palace, caught the plague, and died] a grudging respect and friendship developed. After Ihsan’s return [which confused the fuck out of Valerius, I don’t think he knew that Ihsan had been dead but him coming back to the palace was definitely a sign to Valerius that Nadia was Paying Attention and oh shit, they might actually ferret me out], Ihsan basically devoted himself to turning Valerius into a respectable servant of the people again, mostly because after the whole route, Nadia needs all the competent, capable people she can get and, moral backbone aside, Valerius is one such person. 
Silas (and Portia) - Silas is Ihsan’s anger translator. While Ihsan feels compelled to be diplomatic, polite, and respectful, Silas doesn’t. This pair frequently gets together to bitch about the ridiculousness of nobility, corrupt court politics, the latest hat fashions, and the necessity of hope and idealism in the face of horror. Portia and Silas are together and she introduced the gents not too long after Nadia’s route resolves. Ihsan considers Silas a long lost brother.
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otheliame · 4 years
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holy shiznit i can’t believe i almost missed day 1 of @gentapprentices week, “Magic Man”! 
Jamie specializes in the magic of shapeshifting, physically able to turn his body into the body of an animal he has seen and knows well. His animal of choice is usually a wolf, as the trouble with this magic is that the farther it is from his physical form, the more painful it is to become it (i.e. it would probably kill Jamie to try to turn into a worm, but a wolf is something closer to his original form so it doesn’t hurt as bad to shapeshift into - think Animorphs). 
This bled out naturally into illusion magic and prestidigitation abilities, such as deepening shadows, once he started to learn more about magic under more proper channels later on. :0)
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boyslushie · 4 years
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gentapprentice day 4, “a man in love”!
the first meeting being pre-plague, of course. they knew one another before the plague struck. a few months into knowing him, seeing how dire the plague was, mc!ross had asked if he could apprentice under julian. the feelings were certainly already in place before they were ever working together, and maybe it was an unconventional and untimely place for love to bloom, but closer quarters and more time spent alone together only made it more obvious.
the first kiss was as tropey as they come. a late night at the clinic, julian walking him home in the dead of night, a trip over a loose cobblestone in the street...
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jjthebunbun · 4 years
Valanis Week - Day One: Basics & Beginnings
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@apprenticeofcups has written up a wonderful fic that the above piece accompanies, so be sure to give that a read ⭐️HERE⭐️
🐕🌠 Canis De Mila - 24 years old - ♋️♏️♊️
Favorite Color: Babydoll Pink
Favorite Fruit: Cherries
Favorite Ice Cream: Black Cherry Froyo
Favorite Season: Spring
LI(s): Julian; Lucio
💎☕️ Valentin Constans Laurenti - 27 years old - ♉️♌️♍️
Favorite Color: Turquoise
Favorite Fruit: Peaches
Favorite Ice Cream: Neapolitan
Favorite Season: Winter
LI(s): Muriel, Asra, Nadia and Portia
Canis and Valentin essentially met through their mutual friend, Asra. Canis met Asra when they were both children. Canis’ family lived in South End so when Canis was out playing he frequently ran into Asra either heading back to the docks or preparing to run around the city for the day. Asra was very hesitant to open up to Canis because Canis’ sunny disposition made Asra suspicious and nervous, as did Canis’ parents being interested in getting to know him. Eventually he came to trust Canis, and even though he didn’t take the De Milas up on their invitation to stay with them in their house, he and Canis continued to be great friends thereafter. Around the time they were fifteen, Asra mentioned to Canis that he wanted to own a metaphysical shop of his own— a place where they could better sell Asra’s talismans and charms, and have a house to call their own. Canis and Asra immediately set to work saving up cash until they were 17 and had enough to purchase an abandoned house in the center of the heart district. As Canis had family who could sponsor the two of them, the deed to the shop was put in Canis’ name. In return for helping his dream come true, Asra offered to help Canis learn magic to accompany his skills in fortune telling and astrology.
Meanwhile, on the wealthier side of the city, Valentin had grown up in a splendid house surrounded by his loving and albeit stern family which consisted almost entirely of highly respected architects and attorneys. Around the time Valentin turned 15 his father asked which of the two Laurenti career paths he intended to pursue. Thus Valentin spent much of his teenage life studying and preparing for law school. Valentin made it through three of his four years in law school before he realized something was.... wrong. The stress, repitition, and pressure of law school took a heavy toll on his mental health and physical health. Whole days slipped by him, his compulsive behaviors intensified, and Valentin ultimately cracked under the weight of his chosen career. While transcribing for the Vesuvian court, Valentin made friends with one of the only people even remotely in his age group, Asra the court magician. Asra dazzled Valentin with his magical prowess, distracted him from the pains of his work life, and softened Valentin enough that he confessed that he didn’t want to be a lawyer. Asra immediately invited Valentin to move out of the upper limits of the city and into his and Canis’ shop to study magic and help run their business... Without asking Canis first.
Again, be sure to read the companion story to this post ⭐️HERE⭐️ and be sure to check out @gentapprentices to see all of the other great masc apprentice content going around this week!
⭐️⭐️FOLLOW ME AT @anonbunnyart ⭐️⭐️
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ame-fanapprentice · 4 years
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@gentapprentices​ Gentleman Apprentice Week Day 6
Dear Husband—your apprentice’s wedding or married life
The idea of marriage was mostly Ame’s idea.  Muriel and Ame, after making their partnership official, had a sort of unspoken engagement.  They never sealed their relationship with rings or had any big proposal, instead they just quietly agreed that they would commit themselves to each other.   Asra was the one to break the question about marriage.  While Muriel wasn’t exactly thrilled over the idea of a big celebration, Ame really did love the idea of having a small ceremony.  There was only one problem: with Ame’s memory loss and the Kokhuri gone, neither of them had any idea on where to start in what their wedding should include.
They took to Ame’s shop first.  His Aunt had left all kinds of family heirlooms and books when she passed down the shop’s ownership to Ame.  In his youth, Ame also had a tendency to write in journals or to scribble details that he found interesting about certain topics.  Oscar helped find the first clue in an old cedar chest in the corner of Ame’s bedroom.  His father’s wedding coat neatly tucked away with colored powder stained into the fabric.   The Kokhuri traditions were much harder to figure out.  Ame and Muriel jogged their memories for whatever clues might’ve hid in the tapestries at Khamgalai’s hut.  A few scrolls in the depths of the library did have some clues from explorers who tried to make sense of all the mysterious tribes in the southern tip of the world.  They even visited Khamgalai in the arcane realms for help and she was able to piece everything together.   They ended up skipping a few steps in both of their family’s customs, mostly because it didn’t exactly make sense to reintroduce each other nor ask for the other’s hand in marriage when they had already agreed to it.  They didn’t want to be separated either, a tradition that goes back to Ame’s family that requires the spouses to not have any contact for three days.   Instead they settled for the ceremonial traditions.  Before their vows they announced their love with colored powder, each representing a different characteristic they liked about each other.  With each vow they took turns drinking from the same cup, sealing their unity.  Rehema (Oscar’s mother), Aisha and Salim acted as unofficial parents and witnesses to their marriage.  The after-party was mostly Nadia’s work.  She laid out a massive feast in the palace gardens.  Dancing and music filled the evening while Asra helped amuse the small crowd with flashy magic.  Ame and Muriel did end up sneaking off at one point just to wander the maze and enjoy each other’s company.  Muriel would grumble that there were too many people, but he really did enjoy every moment of their wedding.  
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ilyamatic · 4 years
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Day 2: His Daddy’s Son
May I interest you some angst?
"Papa, do you love me?”
Andrico can count on one hand how many times he has asked that question. He remembers asking once when he only reached up to father’s knee, frustrated with all the attention his new baby sister was getting. The next was when he was ten after being caught tailing Augustine soldiers (“Glorified thugs, his grandfather would bite out) down the road, curious as to why they were searching his neighbor's homes. He had never seen his father so angry before, not even when he and his siblings were at their worst. It scared him a little. He had yet to see him so angry again. The third time he asked was when he ran off to fight in the war full of youth and hope.
Each time he asked his father gave the same answer: “Yes, Dridri I love you. How could I not?”. His father had answered this between peppering his chubby cheeks with kisses. When he wrapped his arm around his shoulder, his tired eyes stern yet soft. His father said it even through his tears as he begged him not to go. But now?
Andrico stared out into the crowd gathered to watch his punishment. Where was Papa now? The only faces he recognized was his weeping mother leaning against his younger brother Jacques. His father was nowhere to be found.
The little boy within him began to cry. 
Papa, do you love you?
There was no answer this time.
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lazyvoyager · 4 years
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GentApprentice Week "(boy)Friends to Lovers"- On physical intimacy with their LI
Whoooops this took a long time 😅 Illain has an idea that something existed between him and Asra before he lost his memory, buuut he wasn't exactly sure what. Asra, ever enigmatic, hadn't been exactly crystal clear about it.
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