#genma x oc
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cebwrites · 5 months ago
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red string of fate 🧵🍂
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tymns · 7 months ago
Had some OC x canon content in mind: What would it be like if Kino Sōden/Usuki existed in the Narutoverse?
Her story will take place in a brighter AU, unlike the original manga (I just want everyone to be happy)
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*Note: In case you missed who the hell is Inebi Sarutobi. I’m just too lazy to make another appearance for her, the same goes for Yūgen :p
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grgulya · 5 months ago
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I was thinking about wanting a non-ninja character in the Naruto world. I wanted to see everything happen from the perspective of a normal person surrounded by people who have a loaded gun inside them at all times haha So I came up with an angry woman in the hospital who nags at everyone~ Obako has a sweet romance with Genma and I think they are already married by the start of the anime
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lefia · 7 days ago
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So, uh, Valentine's Day is over, but
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soldalyte · 2 months ago
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AT with the super lovely @cebwrites ft. genhyou RAHHHHHHH
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issybee06 · 11 months ago
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Part iii
Warnings: swearing, the council, violence, blood, poison, field surgery, scars, body image issues, Hatakes has dog teeth, flashbacks of every kind!, drinking
(Adj.) pleasing to the eye
“I don't want to go to the academy, Ka-chan.”
The tall woman sighed, pushing her short red hair out of her face as she dragged the little 5-year-old.
“Chibi-chan…I know you don't want to go, but you have to.”
The little girl puffed her cheeks, glaring forward, “it's gonna stink.”
The red-haired woman sighed, adjusting her yukata as she walked, “and remember, Kushina-san is going to pick you up because I have to return to the capital.”
The little girl frowned, fist-grabbing her dress skirt while she willed tears not to rise. The Academy was in view and she couldn't help but look down at her feet as they walked.
As the got to the entrance the woman smiled, raising a hand in greeting, “Sakumo-kun, hey!”
The white-haired man jumped a bit, startled by the red-haired woman's loud voice. When he saw who it was, he returned the smile and nervously waved back, “Risa-Hime, Kon'nichiwa.”
He looked down at the small girl, who ducked behind her mother's leg. She peaked out, studying the white-haired man with calculating eyes. Looking to his side, she was surprised to she a mini version of him but with a mask.
She furrowed her brows at him, and he glared back.
The man placed his hand on the little boy's head, ruffling his spiky hair.
“You remember Risa-Hime, right Kakashi?”
The woman laughed lightly, “Probably not…been a while since we've been away from the capital…”
She nudged the girl out, “(Y/n)…this is my very good friend Hatake Sakumo, and his son Kakashi. Sakumo and I were on the same Genin team.”
The girl cautiously came out from behind her mother, cheeks red as she bowed.
“Its very nice to meet you!”
Sakumo nervously laughed, “gosh, last time you brought her to the village she was just a baby.”
He smiled down at the girl, “it's very nice to meet you too, (Y/n)-hime.”
He nudged the boy, “Kakashi, why don't you and (Y/n)-hime walk to the classroom together?”
The boy frowned but nodded silently, and looked at the Girl.
“…lets go.”
She nodded with a light blush, following him as he walked through the gate.
The parents watched, Risa biting her thumb nail as she watched the little girl disappear.
Sakumo huffed with a smile, “…never thought we'd be parents.”
Risa snorted, “I was never going to be a parent, but you? You were always going to be a dad Sakumo, your too…”
He huffed, “too what?”
She smirked, “dog like.”
He pursed his lips, looking away, “…im not dog Like.”
She chuckled, her teeth still butting at her nail.
He looked over at her, frowning at her nail-biting, “I see you still have that habit.”
She narrowed her green eyes at him, and he chuckled.
“I do not, Baka…”
Opening my eyes, I groaned quietly. Inching my way to my alarm clock, I died a little inside when it read “7:20am”.
Great, only 4 hours of sleep.
I rolled onto my back, staring up at the ceiling as Saké jumped onto the bed to great me. He cried, pawing at me as he demanded to be let out of my tiny room so that he could get breakfast. He’ll probably bother Genma for it, Genma usually spoils the Ragdoll by feeding him egg scraps.
I sit up, scooting to the end of the bed before sliding on slippers. Looking down at my cloths, I make a face realizing I slept in my work pants. I kick the slippers off before shimming out of my pants, kicking them to the corner. I go to my draw, pulling out cotton shorts.
After getting redressed, I open my door and almost get tripped as Saké darts between my legs to trot down the hall.
“Fucking cat…”
I stumbled down the hall, accidentally bumping the corner as I entered the kitchen/living room area, and groaned. After living in this apartment for four years, you'd think I'd know how to avoid the corners.
I opened the fridge, grabbing the egg crate and the wet cat food. I placed the crate on the counter before grabbing a small bowl from the shelf and putting a spoonful of wet food in it. I placed it on the ground and huffed a laugh as Saké raced over to pig out.
Genma yawned as he walked out of his room, bare-chested. He scratched his head, squinting his eyes, “w…why the hell are you up?”
I clench my jaw, cracking an egg before putting into the pan.
“Meeting about that S-class poison. Forgot all bout it…”
Genma hums, walking over to rest his chin on my shoulder, “Eggs for me too?”
I smile, patting his cheek, “yeah, you too.”
A lot of people thought we were dating since we live together and are very close, but it was only because we found comfort in each other's company. I wouldn't say I'd never date Genma, but as years have gone by he's become like family to me.
He hummed, “how late will you be?”
Shrugging, I dish out two plates of eggs, purposely dropping a good size piece for Saké.
“Not too late, it's just a meeting.”
He nods, taking his plate to the table as begins to eat. I sit down across from him, blowing on my eggs before putting them in my mouth. Biting down, I felt a crunch and frown when I realized shells had gotten in. Extra protein I guess.
Saké, having finished the scrap I dropped for him, now was weaving his body around our legs and loudly begging for more. Genma giggled like a 5-year-old, dropping more for the Ragdoll. He really did spoil that cat.
I stood, emptying the rest of my eggs onto Genmas plate. “Im running late, clean up for me?”
He made a noise, egg in his mouth and I took it as a ‘yes’. I go down the hall To the bathroom, closing the door behind me and locking it.
I pulled my shirt off, then unhooked my bra with a sigh of contentment. I really needed a bra with a better wire, this one stabbed my armpits and didn't support me at all. I than shimmied out of my shorts and underwear, kicking it to the basket.
I then to the mirror, pulling my short hair into a bun. I frown slightly, eyes catching the long ugly scar going down my front.
Rin… did a good job, but she was mediocre at healing scars. I owe her my life, but I couldn't help the itching in the back of my head that told me that the scar made me…ugly. I, of course, know scars are not meant to be seen as ugly, but as marks that show I was still alive…but I still felt that ich.
Jumping into the shower, I scrub myself down from head to toe in lavender soap. It was calming, and coming from a clan that had animal…characteristics on my father's side, the smell wouldn't be too overpowering. I was also thinking of the Inuzuka that would be present, Inuzuka Tsume, and the silver Anbu that would be hiding in the rafters.
After cleaning, I jump out and towel-dry before walking across the hall to my room, getting a low and teasing whistle from Genma.
I walked back out, hitting Genma in the head with a scroll. I walk to the door, pulling my shinobi sandles on.
He grinned, “aw, no good bye kiss?”
He began to pucker his lips, making loud smooching sounds as he tried to grab me. I giggle, pushing his face away, “you wish.”
He gasps dramatically, “Oh dear Princess of Konoha! You wound me so!”
I roll my eyes, “Ittekimasu, Genma.”
He smiles, “Ittekimasu, (Y/n). Be safe out there.”
I smile, standing and opening the door, “I always am.”
“…so as you can see, our research shows that the poison drives from Fungis. Now, if we can narrow down which one, we can create the necessary cure and/or antidote.”
I finish, placing my notes down as the rest of the visible people in the room nod, murmuring.
Tsume huff, “and you suggest that the Inuzukas find this mushroom, yes?”
I nod, “Hai. With your powerful sense of smell, this would be elementary level for you.”
Play her, paise her and she'll take the bait.
The older Kunoichi smirked, “hm, so the Chibi Hatake wasn't up for this?”
I bristle a bit, and Inoichi stands, “Anbu have more pressing missions, you however are free since you are just now come I G out of maternity leave.”
She huffed, “second one was harder to train then Hana, not my fault.”
I smiled, “so will you take the mission?”
She waved me off, and I frowned, “Yeah, yeah. I'll do it, just give me the sent so I can get this over with.”
Setsuko walks out, handing the wolfish woman a glass vial containing the poison. Tsume pops the cap open, and blue fumes waft out. She smifts the air around it, careful not to sniff the actual poison. With a shiver, she seals the Vail, “That's a strong smell, how do you work with this Senju-hime?”
My mouth goes into a straight line, and I don't respond. My father's Side was…a touchy subject.
She hums, handing the Vail back to Setsuko. She stands, and Inoichi and Ibiki stand as well, “Arigatō, Tsume-sama. This is very helpful for us.”
She scoffs, waving Inoicho off, “Call it a favor from an old friend.”
He smiles, and the crowfeet by his eyes become more apparent. He walks out with her, and Ibiki follows after. Setsuko and I begin to clear up the office room, gathering the extra poison vials and notes.
I look up, and I see that stupid dog mask smiling down at me as he crouches on a beam. Setsuko looks over, smiling, “ready?”
I roll My neck, “ah, not yet. I'm gonna hang back and read over the notes one more time. I'll catch up, kay?”
The younger girl blushes, nodding, “H-hai, Senju-hime. See you back at the lab.”
She leaves, slipping out the metal door and closing behind her.
“…shes cute.”
“Shes not your type.”
He jumps down, landing soundlessly onto the table, not even making a tube rattle.
“Maa, I wasn't talking about for me.”
“Shes Not my type either, she's 16.”
He huffs lighly, a laugh.
“16? And working in TI?”
I look boredly over at him, “look who's talking, Mr. “I joined Anbu at 13”.”
He leans back on his hands, crisscrossing his legs as he tilts his head playfully, “I was asked.”
I hum, crossing my arms, “still did it.”
He hums back, tilting his head to the other side, “saw what you did, with Tsume-sama. You played her.”
I scoff, “I did no such thing, honestly I'm appalled you'd even suggest I played a clan head.”
I was grinning, and I could tell he was too busy his his chakra warmed a bit.
I furrow my brows at him, “what?”
He gave a snort of a laugh, “your accent.”
I raise my brow, “accent?”
He raised a hand, gesturing to me, “When you talk for long enough, you say things in a snooty capital accent.”
I scoff, laughing as I shove him, “I do not have a snooty capital accent.”
He laughs, jumping off the table, “you do though! Ever since we were kids!”
I roll my eyes, opening the door as he follows After me.
“I don't have an accent…”
He huffed, walking with md to the lab, “It's gotten less noticeable since you first moved here, but it's there.”
I shake my head, opening the door to the lab and peaking in to make sure Setsuko east in there. Sighing, I open it more.
“It was a light accent when I got here! Barely noticeable.”
He scoffed, walking in as I shut the door. He sat down in my rolly chair, “it was so bad I couldn't understand you for two weeks, (Y/n).”
I shake my head, moving over next to him to place the vials back into their protective case. He leans back, watching me.
“It was not a bad accent...”
He chuckles, “no…it was cute, you used to get so frustrated when people picked on you for it. Never seen someone get so red.”
I scoff, looking down at the dog mask.
“Yeah? And was it cute when I punched Ebisu in the face because of it?”
“No, that was hilarious and I wish I had a video of it.”
I roll my eyes at Him, reading over my notes. Kakashi and I were close…we’d been closed since we first met, considering his close our parents were.
Sure…we didn't talk for a sold 2 years after the nine-tails, but now things started to feel normal…even if it was only when he had that stupid Dog mask on. When he didn't, he got quiet, barely speaking when he did talk, and couldn't hold any eye contact. Kskashi without inu…was the same Kakashi who lost his team and family.
But when he had that mask on, he was hiding that side of him. He was fearless, playful, and more open…
It was Inu, not Kakashi.
“Are you coming with all of us to Ichirakus?”
He shifted s bit, his chakra growing colder.
“Ah, no. I have a mission tonight, sorry.”
I frown a bit, concerned. He had been taking back-to-back missions more often, A and S class mostly. My eyes softened for him, understanding why.
It was his escape, however unhealthy it was, he needed the rush of a mission to keep him going. He craved it, like a drug, and no matter how many times he tries to quit he'd go back full force the next day.
The only way he was leaving the anbu was either being pulled…of death.
I burst out laughing, leaning drunkenly on Genma as we all watch Gai sing off toon to music from the karaoke massine.
We left Ichiraku hours ago and had stumbled in here after Asuma challenged Gai to a singing competition, and I've got to say, Gsi sure did have some pipes.
Maybe the ciggerets were ruining peoples voices, because Asuma couldn't hold a note to save his life.
Kurenai and Asuma burst out laughing, falling out of their seat as Gai began to dance magic mike style to the music. Gai Really was the life of every party, always so bright and good.
I smiled softly, and I looked over at Genma. Smirking, I follow his eyes to the bar area.
“You should go talk to her.”
His face turned Scarlett, “w-what?! I can't do that!”
I roll mg eyes, “go on. I need the apartment to myself something, you know?”
He kissed my cheek, “thank you wing man.”
I smiled as I watched him go, noticing all my friends were getting tired. Asuma, who was less drunk than Kurenai pulled her up, “I'll walk her Home, you got Gai?”
I nod, smiling, “always.”
I groan, coving the tall mans mouth, “Gai, my love, I beg of you to shut up.”
He smiled lazily, resting his head on mine and we walked to his apartment, “but that song is sooooo youthful.”
I laugh, shaking my head at Him as I help him up the stairs.
“Keys, Gai.”
He clumsily hands them over, and I giggle down at the little turtle charm.
I help him in, steering him towards his room. I wince as I bumps into a corner, but he just giggles.
As soon as he hit his bed, he was out, and I moved his trash can over to his bed if he got sick.
Walking to his kitchen I filled a glass of water up, then went to his bathroom to dig up Advil for his ragging headache that was sure to come in the morning.
After double checking the windows, I close the door behind me. I walk down the stairs, wrapping my jacket closer to my body to protect myself from the cold.
I walked home, eyes on the snowy ground. I was sobering up, and couldn’t help but let my thoughts wonder to my silver headed friend.
He…really was in a hurry to die. Back to back A and S class missions weren’t healthy for any shinobi, especially one with Kakashis mind. It was too…broken, off center.
“I swear, I’m going to force him into therapy..” I mumble as I climb my stairs, opening my door.
I draw back, my sensitive nose filling with the smell of iron.
I draw my kunai out, holding it at the ready as I scan my living room. No one.
I move forward, sensing Chakra from the bathroom.
I silently pad towards the door, kunai up and ready to strike. I twist the knob, and walk in with my sharp canines bared and my kunai raise.
My eyes widen, and I drop the kunai.
He looked over at me lazily, sitting in my tub as blood flowed out from his side. Saké, was next to him.
“W-what the fuck?! Why didn’t you go to the hospital?!”
I go to grab him, completely sober now, but he just snaps at me, baring his own canines at me and I only now come to realize both masks are gone.
“N-no. No hospital.” He glares, gasping air as he groans and hits his head on the back wall.
“F-fix me. I-I trust you.”
My eyes widen and I look absolutely terrified, “I-I can’t do medical ninjutsu! You know that!”
He grabs my hand, blood making stains on my skin. His mismatching eyes look at me half lidded, “I. trust. you.”
Then he passes out, slumped over himself and bleeding out in my tub. Of fucking course he does.
I groan, looking up as I will myself not to cry.
“You stupid asshole…”
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mysun-eyedgirl · 8 months ago
Throught The Looking Glass Chapter 4
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Kakashi goes on a mission and has to leave Faith behind.
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Read on Ao3
Over the next few weeks, I was trained heavily from before dawn to after midnight on Jonin tactics and Anbu strategies to include hand to hand combat-taijutsu, kenjutsu-sword wielding, ninjutsu-chakra nature wielding, genjutsu-control others cerebral chakra flow. I excelled at everything. I have never had innate talent; I have always had to work hard. Kakashi thinks it is in relation to my 15 years of study he calls it. He says, even though at the time it was a past time or for enjoyment, I memorized the teaching, the chakra natures, summoning Panzer, everything.
I think part of him working me into the ground is so that I become too exhausted to hold a conversation. I am passed out by the time he comes to bed yet every morning I still wake up to him holding me like a lifeline.
Tonight is my first night off, Kakashi had a mission all day and is supposed to be back tonight. My training was a bit off as I was worried. Everything is different now that I am here, there is no script. I don’t know what to expect.
I caught a senbon aimed at my head and threw it right back and Genma caught it with his mouth as if it was nothing.
“I bet you can do all sorts of naughty things with that mouth of yours.” I said, catching him off guard.
He looked me in the face, he didn’t know if I was flirting with him, he knows I am off limits per Kakashi but he doesn’t know why I am off limits. Kakashi has never had anyone he cares for intimately; he knows we live together under a matter of circumstances per Hokage’s orders Kakashi keeps saying. I say nothing one way or the other. That alone wouldn’t make me off limits.
I could see him calculating his next remark and thoughts as he tried to figure us out. He was wide open. I came up behind him from under the ground and had my tanto to his throat. I released my shadow clone.
“We’re done.” I said. I started walking away.
“That was a dirty trick.” He grumbled.
“Ninjas use dirty tricks Genma.” I rolled my eyes and sheathed my tanto.
“I am trying to figure you out. Why are you off limits? Exactly where are you from, you don’t look like you’re from here.” He said.
“No shit genius, I never said I was.” I said.
“Then how are you a leaf shinobi?” He asked.
“Why do I have to explain your own… excuse me, our countries politics to you. I emigrated dumbass.” I said.
“From where?”
“Around. Stop trying to dig, if it was something that mattered Kakashi would have told you.” I said.
“Hmm, why do you live with him?” He asked.
“Why indeed.” I stated while rolling my eyes.
I didn’t confirm or deny anything. That should get him off my back. He kept following me and I didn’t answer any of his questions. My guess is Kakashi threatened his life if anything happened to me. I walked into Anbu headquarters, the general public is not really allowed however, I am being trained so I am here rather often as of late. I made it to the mission desk.
“Is Kakashi back yet?” They checked the roster.
“He was due back two hours ago, he has not checked in yet.” They said.
“Alright, thanks.” I turned to Genma. “Let’s check the front gates see if he checked in.” I took off running. Kakashi wouldn’t leave me waiting and my life in someone else’s hand if he could help it. I could sense something was wrong. We reached the front gate and they said he hadn’t come back yet.
“Let’s go.” I said.
“We need permission to leave the village.” He said.
“We aren’t leaving the village. We are going back to the apartment.” I said. I took off running and he followed. I sent my chakra out calling Panzer. He was at my side. “Find him and don’t get spotted, stay with him if he’s injured. Stay in the shadows if there’s a fight.” I said. Panzer shunshin.
We go inside.
“You swore an oath to your Hokage, I have not.” I said. “I am getting him; you can come with or not.”
“We can get permission it won’t take long.”
“You wanted to know what makes me so damn special. Well, here’s your chance.” That stopped him in his tracks. He turned around.
I released the tension that holds back whatever gives me the ability to form portals to Kakashi and with Kakashi. I have not been able to do it under any other circumstance. We have tried cultivating it a few times but there have been other pressing concerns. It got placed on the back burner.
Wind started flowing through the apartment. I pulled out my tanto to be ready. I could feel Genma entering a defensive stance. The wall in front of us turned fuzzy and became clear. Kakashi passed out, bleeding out on the floor of the forest. Panzer next to him, in a defensive stance. I held my hand back as Genma went to move.
“There is incoming to finish him off and they will see us. I want them dead. I will heal Kakashi, and you will kill anyone that comes, got it?”
“My pleasure.” He grinned with the senbon sticking out of his mouth.
“40 meters. Three chakra signatures. Panzer, through the portal no discussion.” He went. I closed it.
I started healing him right away. My healing is different than that of the traditional shinobi, I don’t have glowing chakra, it’s faster and repairs, revitalizes and makes the tissue almost brand new. They closed in and I trusted Genma at our backs. He’s amazing in battle, however, these ninja to take on Kakashi must be incredible, or something is fishy. I finished and Kakashi came to.
“We have to stop meeting like this.” I said with a lopsided smile. “You good?”
“Yeah.” He flexed and went on the defensive.
“Report.” I said.
“They appeared out of nowhere, much like your portal. Several of them are dead, the one who conjured the portal is gone.” He said.
There it is, that fishiness. I thought.
“I don’t like this.” I said.
“Genma, fall back.” I said.
He had taken two down and appeared at my side. The other ninja took off once he saw me and Kakashi up and ready. I memorized his chakra signature. I will have to figure out this portal thing.
“I have his chakra signature. We let him go and hope they keep him alive long enough to find out where they are. We need to get back.” We opted for running back to the village in case we were being watched. I did not want anything to slip through the Leaf’s defenses.
We checked in at the gate and Izumo and Kotetsu said we never left. I said, ‘that’s right. We didn’t.’ That was the end of that.
Panzer had already informed the Hokage of the issue in case we needed back up. He was so worried. I love that boy. Our report was uneventful, Kakashi never made it to his mission. He was ambushed where we found him. He wasn’t the target, but they needed him to be alive. If I am the target, why? Would it be to study me? I didn’t see Sound Village headbands. Was it Pain?
I was sitting in bed mulling over in my head, this is new territory. I have no answers.
Kakashi came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist.
“I don’t know if I thanked you the first time either or this time but thank you.” He said.
“Always.” I said, blushing. “My abilities are just a product of your teachings, mostly. Is this my thank you gift?” I chuckled jokingly waving in his direction.
He said nothing but came to bed. I watched him like a hawk, every movement, every ripple of muscle. The expressionless expression on his face that told me everything and nothing. He leaned down over me towering over me inches from my face. My heart beating in my throat. Even with a fresh shower he smells of the forest after a rain. He took in a sniff and leaned closer. I placed a hand on his hard chest. I bit my lower lip to stifle a moan.
“My point still stands.” I said. He brushed my hair to the side as he started kissing my neck. I pushed him back to look at him. “Once I taste you, I won’t get enough. I’ll need you all the time.” I said. “My body aches for you as it is.” I stated, practically out of breath. “Once I let you inside of me, you’re mine. All of you.” I said looking into his eyes.
“I need you. I must taste you. I have been smelling your scent next to me for a month now. Waking up hard with you in my arms with no relief. I am going crazy. I need to fill you.” I bit my lip.
“Then do you accept my terms?” I asked.
He took a deep breath.
“You already know the answer.” He said.
“Say it.” I demand.
“I want you and only you. I want to be the only one you taste, the only one who you think about, the only one who gets to feel and see your body, be inside of you. It will happen now or later, but you belong to me.” He said.
My lips crashed into him, and I was soaking through my panties. He backed up from the kiss and scented the air. He lowered his head to my clothed nipple and started to suck and bite gently.
“You don’t have to be gentle with me Kakashi, I can tell how you like it and I want it just as you and I have fantasized. I won’t break.” I said.
He let off a primal moan, more of a groan and a growl.
“We have all night. I am going to take my time with you until we are both exhausted and your throat hurts from screaming my name and taking me in that pretty little mouth.” My hips ground into his knee and he pushed back. I moaned. He ripped my shirt off and started to work on my other nipple.
“I don’t want to go slow this first time. We can go slow later!” I ripped off his towel to see his glory before me. It was long and thick, held heavy and strained for release. I licked my lips and ground into him again. He pinned me to the bed with my hands above my head and sealed his lips over mine. Our tongues fought for dominance, neither of us winning the dance, but just tasting each other. I could feel him slide my panties to the side, he was kind enough not to rip these as I brought them from home.
“Please Kakashi.” I looked at him and his sharingan was open. He’s memorizing this moment. I blushed. He took his index finger and dragged in slowly along my folds collecting my feminine honey, dripping from his finger he shoved his finger in my mouth, and I sucked it clean. Tasting myself on him was something special I did not anticipate, very erotic.
Before I could completely swallow, he kissed me, drinking me out of my mouth. He’s as much as a deviant as I am, I should have known with him reading porn in public. He pulled back to watch as he entered a finger inside of me and his thumb rubbed sloppy circles across my clit. It wasn’t going to take long for me to go.
“Ohh my god, you feel so good.” I moaned and thrust at him.  I was about to come and then like a cold shower I could feel an unusual presence and shot up with Kakashi still inside of me. “What is that?” I asked.
“Foreplay?” He said. “No, I feel someone…” Before I could finish my sentence, I was transported somewhere else, and I lost the feeling of Kakashi. “You.” I said.
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arandomperson19 · 2 years ago
The sword in her heart-The Genin corporation training and first mission
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The first week in the Genin corporation camp was hard. They learned advanced techniques, jutsu, being discrete and how to quickly kill their opponents without wasting too much chakra.The teacher’s name was Daichi. He was the strictest teacher they ever had. He informed them about the different plants and animals they could find outside. They needed to know this if they wanted to be able to eat without being poisoned.
Many could not keep pace but Daichi-sensei didn’t seem to care. He said that they will be obliged to learn it by instinct on the battlefield if they want to survive. The camp was in the forest of Konoha. There was only one building , the one where they slept. They made their own food with what they found in that forest. There was enough space for 72 students.
They were divided into three groups.
The group who was the slowest to learn was called G1. They had to relearn their basics and control their chakra properly. Hikari was part of this group.
Pre-Genins who learn quickly without getting out of the crowd were in the group called G2.They learned what they were given and were quite good at combat. Jingū is part of this group with Yuki.
The strongest of the Genin corporation are in the group called G3. It is the students who learn the fastest and who could go to the next level. Takara was part of this group and did not fail to remind the others. Keiko was also one of them. Jingū knew that Keiko was strong, but not that strong.
Even if they were divided, all of them will sleep at the same place, eat the same thing and fight in the same division when they go to war. Jingū knew that Yuki hated being in the same group as her. Hikaru hated being considerate lower then her. They glared at her with so much hatred that she thought it was the instructor.Jingū knew that she could die during this war. Training was the only way to become stronger and since she had a sword, she needed to work hard on kenjutsu. She trained with a wooden katana like some of the other students. They sometimes spared and gave tips to others. One of them seemed to like spending time with Jingū. Her name was Himari. Himari was also part of the G2 group. The two of them wanted to be good at kenjutsu.
Keiko trained with them because she didn’t like training with Takara. He was the only person she knew from the G3 group. The three friends trained hard to survive on the battlefield where hesitation can be a fatal error.
At night…
Keiko, Himari and Jingū slept next to each other. They talked about ways to improve and what they will do when they come back from the war.
-“ I want to be part of the anbu. They are the best ninja after the hokage. Being one of them will be an honor for me.” Himari was really invested in her career. Her father was also part of the anbu. He died on a mission. She wants him to be proud of her “This is my dream”
-“Mine is to become a sensei, a jonin sensei. I want to have my own team and help them be the best ninja alive.” That was a surprise. Jingū really knew nothing about Keiko. Becoming a sensei? Having her own team ? This looks like too much work for Jingū. “And you Jingū-chan? What is your dream?” Lying or telling the truth? The dream of Jingū was now an illusion since she was forced to join the academy. What could she say?
-'' My dream… well my dream is hum… my dream is to be the best kenjutsu user?” That sounded more like a question than an affirmation. Jingū thought that that was the best thing she could say. Being an anbu or a jonin sensei was not the path she wanted to follow, and she couldn’t say that she wanted to quit being a kunoichi and open a shop.
-“This is a great dream Jingū-chan! What do you think about her dream Keiko-chan?”
-”I think this dream suits her well. Jingū-chan always had a fascination with sharp objects so I knew she would be good with kunai, shuriken, kenjustu and other things who involved sharp weapons .” Jingū didn’t know what to think about that. She said that without thinking. Kenjutsu was just the first word she could think about. Well it seems that now she has to be the best kenjustu user of her generation.
“ Can’t you guys shut up? People are trying to sleep here.” A voice next to them silenced them. They totally forget that they weren’t alone in this building. By looking at each other, they decided to sleep. They have a long day ahead of them in addition to the war outside Konoha. Sleeping will be their only rest time if you don’t include death. An eternal rest…
One week later…
The Genin corporation camp wasn’t that bad. They had good food and a place to sleep. The training was really hard but not impossible. The groups G1, G2 and G3 were progressing rapidly. Her past classmates still ignored her but Jingū didn’t care as always. She had two friends now and she never felt better. Having friends to talk to was nice. Jingū was happy and she didn't need more..The instructor had an announcement to give them in the afternoon. They were placed in rows and made no noise.
-“Today, the hokage sent me a message about the battlefield.” A letter from the battlefield? What could it say? They didn’t have any news from them for two weeks. Were they going to release them? Or…
-“They need even more soldiers than before, you will join the war in 4 days. On the last day, you will have 30 minutes of free time before leaving. Your division leader will be a Jonin named Haruto. You can go back to training.”
Jingū wanted to cry. Why? She knew that day would come but not that soon. She promised Sayana to not die but she didn’t know if she could keep her promise. She really didn’t know. She really didn’t want to die. If only she wasn’t born in this period…
• • •
The favorite part of the Genin corporation camp was the combat training. That was the easiest training since they just had to apply what they learned.
Hikari fought against Takara. It had to do about the group they are part of. Hikari surely didn’t like the idea of being part of the weakest group. He made the first move by throwing shuriken at Takara. Takara jumped out of the way and ran with a kunai in his hand in the direction of Hikari.
Hikari grabbed his kunai to clash it against Takara. Takara kicked his opponent in the face and put the kunai on Hikari's neck. The fight was already over with Takara winning. He took his kunai and got back to the group, he had a proud look on his face.Hikari got up with an angry look and also got back to the group.
The next fight was Keiko vs Himari. Himari used the camp sword and ran in the direction of Keiko. Keiko had one kunai in each hand. She was ready. Himari tried to hit Keiko but her opponent dogged. Keiko was using her kunai for offensive and defensive. She was fast and agile.
Himari followed her movements with utmost attention. Both were incredible. At a favorable moment, Keiko threw his kunai towards Himari's head. Himari dodged it and lost her balance. Keiko took the opportunity to bring her down.Keiko won. The two got up and walked back to the group.
Jingū wanted to congratulate them for their match but someone caught her from behind and threw her on the ground. It was Yuki.
-“You will fight me now.” Yuki seemed determined to win. Jingū didn’t understand Yuki's obsession with her.
-“ If this is what you want-” Jingū was still shocked about the announcement of the instructor. They've only been training for two weeks. They should had to stay a month.
-“ Shut up and let’s fight!” yelled Yuki.
Yuki made the first move and she launched four kunai towards Jingū. She also throws shuriken. Like Himari, Jingū used a wooden sword. She blocked all of the weapons thrown at her with it and ran to attack Yuki. Yuki tried to maintain the distance by throwing more kunai but Jingū just slashed them. When they were at a close distance, Jingū jumped and hit Yuki in the back. Yuki didn’t let it impress her and tried to cut Jingū with a kunai.
Jingū dogged by jumping back and took a kunai from her pocket to throw it at Yuki. In one arm, Jingū had a sword and in the other she had four kunai. She throws them at Yuki for a distraction. While Yuki was dogging the four kunai, she didn’t see Jingū behind her. Before she could see it, she was already on the ground with a sword on her neck. Yuki lost.
Himari and Keiko jumped on Jingū to give her a hug. Jingū didn’t understand why but she felt the same warmth in her heart when Sanaya hugged her when the two girls did. Yuki got up and gave a hard glare at Jingū and left to see her friends.
The next days would surely be harder for everyone since this will be their last 4 days before entering the battlefield. The ignorant were happy while the realists were fearful.
Four days later…
Today was the day they would enter the battlefield. Keiko and Himari didn’t understand Jingū’s worries. For them, it was an honor to fight for Konoha. Jingū didn’t know if she was the strange one or if the people around her were crazy.When she woke up, a ninja entered the room where the 72 genins slept to give them instruction. They needed to take their things and put them in a storage room. She didn’t understand why but she still took her things and followed what was ordered. They had to go into the secret passage in the hokages stone face to put their things.
After that, they were free for 30 minutes before leaving. Jingū decided to go on top of the hokages stone face. She sat on the head of Tobirama Senju, the second hokage. She could go spend her last 30 minutes with Sayana but she knew that the woman was occupied with all of the children in the orphanage. The view in front of her was beautiful, Konoha was beautiful. That was the last view of Konoha that she wanted to see.
After 15 minutes, she decided to go prepare herself. She made her way back to the genin corporation’s camp. There, she saw a woman with a bunch of boxes behind her. Jingū approached her.
“As part of the Genin corporation, you will need some equipment to complete your mission.” The woman gave Jingū a war uniform too big for her. “Your headband” She gave Jingū a headband. She took it and put it on directly. She didn’t feel any accomplishment by putting this on. “ On the left side of your Jacket, there are 20 scrolls. It’s for the ninja. The scrolls on the left are for you.” Jingū thanked her and left to change herself. She was right, the uniform was too big for her.
When she arrived at the front door with all of her things, she saw a bunch of people giving hugs to the new genin. She saw Sayana and the kids from the orphanage talking with Yuki, Hikari, Takara and Keiko. Sayana was giving her a sad look. Jingū approached her.
-“ Why are you so sad Sayana-san?”
-“ Please….come back alive.”
-“Don’t worry Sayana-san, I will do my best.”
-“I know Jingū, I know but…just be careful, alright?” Jingū was even more worried. What if she couldn’t keep her promise? What if she died during her first mission? she needed to stop thinking about things like this.
“Don't worry Sayana-san, I will be careful.” She will come back, she had to.
• • •
The Genin corporation was ready to leave. Their leader was named Haruto like the instructor Daichi told them. He made it clear that their only mission was to bring supplies to the shinobi. They needed to be discreet. After saying the last goodbyes to their families, they left for the battlefield. Jingū noticed the hokage never said a speech or an apology to the family who could lose a kid about all of this. Not even an announcement. She paid no mind about this. Maybe the old man was too preoccupied by the war.
The 72 kids of the Genin corporation were running behind their leader. That man had 7 other people with him. They were probably the replenishment team. After some time, they stopped for a break. The leader has something to tell them.
-“Okay. We will divide you guys in 8 groups to be more effective. We will stay together but with some distance between us. We don’t want the ennemi to see us. Moving by a little group would provide a great advantage.”Jingū was placed with the leader. Yuki, Takara, Hikari, Himari, Keiko and three random people were also with them.
After four days of running with breaks of course, they arrived on the battlefield. To not put them in danger, the eight adults made them take a detour to avoid fighting as much as possible. Actually, each of their 20 scrolls contained supplies like food and weapons for everyone. The leader had a different type of scrolls from what Jingū heard. He had exactly 12 scrolls with medical equipment to give to the 12 medic-nin teams on the battlefield. He made his little team run in the forest and they found ninja from their village. He took a scroll and gave it to a medic-nin who was hiding from the fight to heal the ninja. This team of medic-nin has nine people. The leader of this medic team thanks them.
The eight adults took separate ways to execute their mission. Haruto led the path for his little team. They ran on the battlefield where they could see people fighting. Some ennemis tried to attack them but Haruto killed them before they could. When they arrived at the base of their ninja village, each genin gave one of their scrolls. The ninja from this base thanks them. The little group left after this. One of their goals is completed. Nineteen are left…
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mayskalih · 2 years ago
welcome to my little crackship sanctuary!
My name is Sasha, I'm not yet 30+ and I have a long-term Naruto brainrot. Occasionally I dip my toes into other fandoms with jjk and atla being the most common.
Tags: #sasha arts, #sasha asks, #sashas ocs
It's a discourse-free blog where I post arts with my fav ships and blabber about my headcanons. I love age gaps, regularly entertain my daddy issues and will sell my soul for top quality enemy to lovers fic.
Please leave the character bashing and ship wars outside, otherwise just block me - it's free!
You can find my ongoing Zutara comic (no avatar au) here:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Comms: CLOSED. Requests: CLOSED. All characters I draw are 18+.
Since I keep getting repetitive asks, please check FAQ below before sending one <3
• Can I use you art as ...?
It's ok to use my art as pfp/headers, screenlocks and fanfic covers (as long as you don't edit it to change the ships or characters). Please credit me, though. AND DON'T REPOST ON TWITTER, PLEASE. I hate that place and even more the man who owns it.
• What do you think about ship X/Y?
I'm very multiship. If I ship something, then you will see me drawing them. My main ships of interest currently are: Kakasaku, Sasosaku, Deisaku, Kisasaku, Inosaku, Inohina, Zabukaka, Kakarin, Kakatsu, Shisaku, Itaino, Tobihina, Shitsu, Hidaten, all/Genma, Gojohime, Shokohime, Ginran, Howl/Sophie and ZUTARA. I will be happy to chat about these ships. If I don't draw them, then this means I don't care about the ship.
• What software/hardware you use?
Clip Studio Paint on Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+. Main brushes: SU-Cream, Magdas brushes, DAUB (their textured brushes are <3).
• Do you have OCs in Naruto universe?
No, I don't. I also don't like thinking about potential babies of ships.
• Do you have OCs?
Wohoo now I have OCs. But it's work in progress. I'm working on an original comic (academia, kinks, age gap - everything I love) so hopefully will soon share some designs!
• Which canon ships you like?
None, because being canon in shonen is a mood killer for me. The only one I like is ShikaTema since it made sense and actually had storyline.
• Can you draw character X?
I appreciate you liking my work, but requests and commissions are closed.
• Where can I find your nsf/w works?
Nowhere, I'm keeping it to myself right now.
Thank you and hope you'll enjoy! <3
P.S. You don't have to take my personal feelings into account, say whatever you want to me and I'll be fine.
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cebwrites · 3 months ago
nsfw headcanons (genma, kakashi)
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oc x canon | kakagenhyou | nsfw under the cut cw: knotting, marking, choking, fisting, double penetration word count: 2.8k
Genma and Hyou spent most of their early twenties flitting in and out of each other's living spaces, content with how comfortable they were with one another; making excuses to hang out when they had nothing better to do and finding that they enjoyed each other's company more than either really expected
They knew each other from early childhood, so in a way maybe their getting together was just as inevitable as the hiatus they went on to figure things out - now that they're back together, they're going to make it work, determined to hold onto that spark between them that formed so long ago
You wouldn't expect someone as laid back as Genma to get very worked up over anything, but something about his old friend and the competition Hyou incites just brings out the worst, most territorial parts of him
Bickering well and truly is a part of foreplay for them, if not the all out battles when they spar physically, it's a miracle they make it to home sometimes with how intense they get—but there may or may have not been instances where they were dangerously close to throwing out all decency and getting to it on the forest floor
They cover each other in marks and thank the stars for how much jonin blues actually hide - though sometimes one of their shirts ride up as they stretch or someone's collar slips a bit too low, and the break room gets another round of gossip for the next few days whenever they see Genma lean in just a little too close to listen in or when Hyou active grabs him close after a cheeky remark; neither of them particularly mind
They're adults in the arguable prime of their lives with needs, it only gets a bit cumbersome when mostly harmless giggling and snickers from friends turn into invasive questions from peers they've only spoken to once
Hyou started testosterone around their mid-twenties, the gauntlet of new sensations and emotions never felt before hit them like a freight train and while Genma was always going to be supportive, he did admittedly find a little amusement in his partner's struggle with strange smells, acne like they were twelve again, body hair in odd places (though they'd always had at least a noticeable amount as a proud Inuzuka, now it was worse), and a less than comfortable time with bottom growth
Up until he was the one needed to quench their near-constant insatiable desire, anyway
As it turned out, on top of giving them a functioning phallus, T also blessed Genma's partner going through the Horny Trials of Heracles with the ability to knot like some other members of their clan, then it suddenly wasn't so cute to watch Hyou pout and complain about their dick hurting
While Shiranui's libido was in no way lacking, it was hard to keep up with a man going through all the impulsive horniness a second puberty entailed; though what made it rougher was that Hyou only wanted to top for the time being and Gen's back, hips, and ass couldn't take much more back-to-back nightly friction
When Hyou's hormones eventually levelled out and they were able to return to normal, Genma made sure to repay everything in kind
They're both very territorial, maybe it's because of Hyou's genes on their end and maybe it's because Genma feels the urge to complete with them at almost every turn; this doesn't change when Kakashi gets thrown into the mix, if anything it gets worse - almost everything is a fight for domination with these three, they're like animals in heat near-constantly
When they've been away from each other for a while on a mission or simply haven't had the time or opportunity for deep intimacy, the jonin all meet up Hyou's place to drink, eat heavy dinners, and then fuck like wild animals for the rest of the night with the desperation of eon-aged-touch-starved primordial desire
Kakashi despite being the youngest out of the three is a beast with libido to match - this was the main reason for why he never really slept around with anyone, always afraid of accidentally hurting them, although he did have the occasional rendezvous with an Anbu captain or two back in the day - with Hyou and Genma giving him a run for his money now, he has very little to worry about on that front
Genma has bite scars on his left hand between his index finger and thumb from the time Hyou's teeth drew quite a lot of blood from him - Gen did unintentionally get them right back, however, since his hands weren't entirely clean from his shift in the poison corps just yet - Shiranui got away unscathed (not counting the open wound) because of the immunity he'd built from... accidentally poisoning himself many times before
Nothing about their initial argument was charged in any way, but the moment Genma felt Hyou's teeth sink in while they tasted iron on their tongue, taking their time with cleaning up the bloody mess with their mouth - whatever mood existed between them before, it'd definitely changed into something else now
Inuzuka spent a few days bedridden with nausea and mild inflammation but it was worth it to see Genma walking around with that bandaged hand for a while knowing they were the cause; Gen was also sent home with stitches and chewed out for not washing his hands properly, thank god these 20-something idiots hadn't gone any further that night or they would've had much bigger problems to worry about
Hyou's claws are indiscriminate but Kakashi is usually on the receiving end of them because of the kinds of positions they end up in; Hyou loves feeling the way his muscles shift, every hitch and twitch under their touch, the certain level vulnerability he's offering to them, it's all very hot and sentimental; and while they've been warned against using their claws on Gen's bare skin, Hyou's shredded quite a few of Shiranui's thickest flak jackets, at times down through the blue undershirts at times, even
Shinobi go through their uniforms quite frequently, being damaged specifically by enemy attacks plus the general wear and tear of being out on the field, but after a handful of occasions, the folks in charge of replacing gear start to notice a pattern in the way Genma's are always ripped up in the back by the same number of "claw" marks, usually in similar places too
That said, Genma gave them both the third degree after being called over a second time to heal wounds deep enough in Kakashi's back to pass as an enemy attack - Gen made sure Hyou clipped their nails after that, but within the week they were back to normal after a mission where they had to use their canine abilities - not that Hatake really minds (Genma minds)
Kakashi loves Hyou's thighs not only because its his favorite place to nap, it's also because intercrural with them feels so damn good—if Hyou isn't quite in the mood for penetration they'll allow him to lube up their thighs as a substitute and regardless of how they felt at the start of it, seeing the mess Kakashi makes between them, the mess that he turns into, always ignites something in their gut—Kakashi's more than happy to lap up his own cum at their discretion while making sure his partner reaches a climax of their own
Genma loves Hyou's dangerous, pretty little mouth; they bitch and jab at him and verbally spar so well - he can't help take at least a little pleasure when he's allowed to shut them up for the time being with heady, mind numbing kisses, running his tongue over the canines that've pierced his skin many times before, or watching them wetly catch a breathe around his pulsing cock, the ever-present threat of sharp fangs acting more of an enhancer rather than a deterrent for these freaks (affectionate)
Hyou loves Kakashi's broad back, partially why they insist on marking him there so much however they can—though it's mainly with their claws—staking the claim that he's theirs and these scars on their favorite part of him are proof of that
On Genma, it's his neck and collarbone, they tend to be more gentle with their markings here because of how sensitive these areas are compared to Kakashi's but Genma still has some visible nicks here and there from where Hyou's teeth have broken skin after he personally egged them on
While the focus most of the time is on their mutual partner, the two men do have preferences for each other as well - Kakashi likes how silky Genma's hair is, it's undoubtedly very pretty and soft for a shinobi, gives him more reason to pull it when he's deliberately pushing buttons to rile him up
Shiranui just thinks Kakashi has a nice shapely ass, tight too; Gen and Hyou have spent quite a while prepping Kakashi some days just to get three fingers in, Genma finds it a little endearing because he doesn't mind taking his time, Hyou just wants their man to relax already so they can get on with it, especially if they're particularly needy (in heat, insatiable, unbelievably horny for the Rokudaime's hole)
Genma's definitely had to exercise his duties as Elite Hokage Bodyguard by standing between a nosy visitor and Kakashi's office a handful of times knowing that Lord Sixth was busy being knotted behind those doors and it'd take a while before Hyou was able to settle down
Raidou's seen a lot of things in his tenure for each of the four Hokage he's served but putting up with his former juniors' seemingly endless libido may be the closest he's come to considering formal retirement; all things considered Minato and Kushina have definitely fooled around where they shouldn't have while he was in office too, but they just kept it away from the bodyguards, who were children at the time
That said, Gen's also been caught with his pants down (Hyou's knot in him and unable to move) at least once by an Anbu with suspiciously familiar spiky, silver who was sent to retrieve him for a mission; this was before they decided that polyamory was the right move for them and needless to say it was a frustrating week for all three shinobi, physically and emotionally
Hyou's favorite position is doggy; because their partners hit all the right spots like that - you'd also have to do a lot of convincing to get them to actually admit it, but they do enjoy the way Kakashi and Genma's height make both men completely tower and envelop Hyou from behind/around them - it feels oddly comforting
Kakashi isn't fussy about how he winds up with Hyou at the end of the night so long as they're together, but he is lazy, so his favorite position is whichever one that lets him sit back and watch them ride; though he once made the mistake of trying to sneak a peek at the next chapter of Make-Out Tactics while they were on top, Kakashi nearly fractured something when Hyou realized and turned up the pressure (a rib? a shoulder? his pelvis? who knows)
Kakashi also claims he's genuinely into it for the plot and captivating characters rather than just smut, which is true to him, somehow, but he hasn't been able to convince either of his partners to give it a shot just yet and likely never will, considering their complicated feelings about the author
Genma likes holding Hyou down and just intensely making out with them, grabbing their wrists and using his body weight to keep them pinned, any friction made is only because Hyou's legs are powerful enough to force it against Genma's strength, grinding fully clothed until they're aching, soaked, and he leaks through his uniform - or maybe he'll hover just out of reach to be an asshole about it
The sex from this tends to be just as agonizingly slow and intense, though sometimes Hyou breaks out of their restraints and takes Gen out for all his money's worth; his other favorite position is fucking them from behind with Hyou flat on their stomach in a partial sleeper hold, Gen likes the way they clamp down on him like this the most
As one might deduce from this, Genma kind of has a thing for choking; he doesn't mind giving or being on the receiving end, though he dislikes being excessively rough on others; when it comes to himself however? He'll press Kakashi's hand on his throat with his own against their arm and challenge him to go harder, Hyou rarely needs to be told otherwise—likewise when Gen's restricting their airways too—though they still worry about their strength every now and again
Kakashi loves temperature play; getting Hyou to pour hot wax on his chest, teasing their nipples after chewing on ice or using ice cubes while going down on them so that Hyou cums faster, he lives for all of that; primarily the flustered, fucked-out look that they get after he sends them over the edge with the help of some edible frost
This also means that the resident copy-nin does try to initiate funny business even when it's hot enough that Hyou's repulsed by any manner of warm touch by dangling the prospect of cooling off, even though they always end up sweatier than they were before and Genma has to monitor his idiot partners for the next few hours so they don't get heat stroke
His plans aren't as successful in the winter, however
Hyou has a fisting kink alright bye-- it was something they sort of stumbled backwards onto while dating Ibiki, bittersweet with an emphasis on the bitter as that relationship was, they did end up experimenting a lot together and though Hyou probably would've figured some things out sooner or later, the process was definitely expedited because of Morino
Genma mostly held his tongue when they hesitantly floated the idea over one night cuddled up on the couch while his dad was out, not wanting to scare them out of it or take their vulnerability for granted, but it didn't take that long for him to start actively teasing them about it—maybe around three knuckles deep and finding out Hyou still had plenty of space to fill—so they turned out to be a size king, sue them
Kakashi thought he knew what to expect that day when he watched Genma go down on Hyou; enjoying all the gruff noises, moans, and groans they made in answer to the show Shiranui thoroughly enjoyed putting on, though Hyou knew better than to ignore the mischievous glint in Genma's eye when he rose to smear their wetness all over Kakashi's lips with sloppy, open-mouthed kisses
Still partially clothed, his pants and boxers yet to go while Kakashi's watching his partners' foreplay when Gen asks if he wanted to try something fun; Kakashi was asked to hold Hyou's legs back, spread them wide open while Genma coated his hand in an awful lot of lube, then the rest of his arm
Kakashi then watches with a wide eye, mouth agape, how easily Genma slips three fingers into them and then carefully work the rest of his hand in, Hyou could feel through the dizzying pleasure how hot Kakashi's cock ran even through all those layers against their neck, something about the sight must've flipped a switch in his brain because they felt him throb
Hyou makes use of their mouth and brings Kakashi to a quick climax so he'd last longer later—and because it looked like he was on the verge of bursting on his own anyway—bringing him down for a messy make-out that'd get them both drunk off the scent of his cum while Genma preps their pussy for the real fun
All of this was in service of both men in their partner's pussy at the same time, they were quite tall for the average shinobi with pieces to match and Hyou was a little bit under; it'd be a real tight squeeze anyway, may as well help them along, right?
Hyou doesn't indulge in both often, they'd let one of them get up to almost the elbow in them one week and get double teamed the next but rarely do they allow it back to back, let alone in the same day like the first time; part of this is because of the obvious strain on their body yes, but the other half is just because Hyou doesn't want to give Kakashi and Genma the satisfaction of absolutely ruining them like that on a regular basis
Though finding alternative ways to achieve their goals really isn't that hard
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mothervvoid · 2 years ago
and if i write some genma x oc that is between me and god
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lefia · 7 days ago
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issybee06 · 6 months ago
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Part IV
Warnings: blood, stab wound, messy medical treatment, drinking, smoking, deep talk, scars
Pink is for horny people, and princesses…you are both.
Andddd we are back!
(n.) a hiding place; a place of safety and comfort.
Smoke swirled up into the night sky, replicating the old and forgotten Uzumaki sigel. Dawn would break soon, yet I never slept.
Looking back into the room, Kakashi lay motionless on my futon. He looked at peace, younger and unaffected by the horrors we had faced since we could remember. Kakashi was a strange man, and was a stranger child in his youth.
I sigh again, turning away from him and leaning on the balcony more. Inhaling, the familiar taste of smoke filled my lungs, and after they were filled I blew the smoke out, letting it swirl once again.
I rushed in, falling to my knees as I look over kakashis blooded body. He groaned, loud noises alwayed bothered him more then anyone.
“Shut up…” he mumbled, half knocked out. I scoff slightly at him as I check him over.
“You are so fucking stupid Kakashi…youre gonna die here..,” Not because I would just leave him there. No, id never do that no matter how much he pissed me off, he was going to die because he chose to go to the one Shinobi who couldn't do medical ninjutsu for shit…and he knew.
I stand up quickly, and rush to Genmas room. He was sure to have something in there, he was the medic in the house.
I open the door, and my nose curls. It’s no wonder he never brings anything girls here, he’s a slob even into his adult years. I sigh, and head to his desk to rummage.
“Come on Gen…give me something….” I open another drawer, sighing in frustration. Books he’s never opened. Scrolls he’s never used. Loose Chakra pills. “For fucks sake…!”
I open the lower drawer, and grin, “Finally.” It was a gift from Asuma, a small med kit that could fit into someone’s pocket. Genma had scoffed at it, dubbing Asuma an ass gift-giver because he had given him the same gift for Asumas birthday.
I grab the kit, and shut the drawer quickly. I stumbled over Genmas dirty clothes-or clean clothes- and rush out of his room and back down the hall to the bathroom.
“Got it!” I yell, forgetting he was unconscious. I fall to my knees before him, and with shaky hands peal the sticky skin-tight ANBU shirt. It was worse than I thought, long and gross. The skin was ripped, most likely from a curved blade. Clean going in, nasty coming out.
“Okay…okay.” I roll the kit out, and start looking for something to clean the wound-alcohol or some kind of infection killer. Shit. Whatever it was Genma must of thought it was the only good thing in the gift cause it was drunk, not even a drop remained. “Of course you used medicine alcohol as a shooter…”
I stand, and rush to the kitchen, it was a stupid idea but it might work.
I open the cabinet, grabbing the half drunk Sakè. I head back to the bathroom, and kneel once again in frog the tub. Kakashi groans, and he’s eyes squint open, “…that for me?”
My jaw tightens, and I glare at him, “you are such a fucking Baka, why did you come here of all places?”
I began twisting the cap, but my hands were slippery from the blood. I used my teeth, tasting the alcohol and blood on the cork, and he scoffed.
“Oh…I don’t know…death wish and shit…” he watches me as I pour some of the Sakè on my hands, sterilizing them. The lean over the tub, and shove his glove into his mouth, “bite.”
I pour the Sakè onto the wound, and he groans in pain. His eyes strew shut, and his head falls back against the wall but he doesn’t wiggle or thrash away. After the area is cleared of any blood, I pull away and he breaths heavily.
“Sorry…I think you deserve this.” I hold the bottle up, and he takes it. Removing the glove, he replaces it with the bottle as he greedily tries to numb the pain.
“H…how do I do this? Just…stitch you like I’m stitching a hole in a shirt or some shit?” I ask, looking up at him as I analyze the wound. He scoffs again, and with lidded eyes looks down at me.
��No…stupid…it’s different.” I scoff this time, glaring at him, “oh I’m sorry, I’ve never fucking done this genius.”
“Fuck you.”
“Not now…” he takes another sip, closing his eyes as he thinks, “you need to clean the needle first.”
“It’s never been used.” I huff, and he shoots me a glare, “right, right. Clean needle. Hand me the bottle.”
He passes it over, and I pour the alcohol on it. I pass the bottle back, and he sits it onto of his bent knee, “ya gotta thread it, then push it in at a 90 degree angle. 90 (Y/n).”
“I heard.” I snap, lining the threaded needle up against his skin. I swallow, and push it through. He winces slightly, but relaxes after its on the other side. I pull it all the way through, and wait.
“Knot it, tightly so that it doesn’t come loose but not too tight that it tears the skin. Then repeat.”
I nod, tying it. I continue, slowly but surely as my work turns less and less mediocre. He drinks, numbing himself as he stares off into space. He absentmindedly pets the cat, who had been oh so good at protecting the almost 6’ foot man who was bleeding out only a few feet away from the litter box.
I lean back, admiring my work. Tsunade always said I stitched like a drunk silk worm, but looking down at the closed wound all I wanted to do was send letter after letter to my mother’s cousin to stick it in her face.
I was not a drunk slick worm.
“So…you gonna tell me how the great Kakashi got in paled like a damn pig?” I ask, wiping my hands of his blood. He huffs, rolling his head to look at me. He’s eyes were tired, and he looked worn and beat. I didn’t know what he did on missions, the extensive stuff, but I did know it was swallowing him up and eating him from the inside.
I scoff, standing and he weakly tries to protest, “(Y/n-”
“No. If you don’t want to talk about it then we won’t talk about it.” I start cleaning the needle as the sink, and the dried blood on my hands. He watches me, I could feel his eyes, and they’re sad.
“…it was the same shinobi…from that night.”
My heart stops, and so does my hands, but I slowly move my hands again under the water, “…really?”
He stays quiet, the only thing breaking the silence was the water rushing and Sakè purring. Finally he moved to stand, wincing, “(Y/n)-”
I catch him, and let his body weight flood over me like a sack of sand. I cup his face, and push his silver hair away. He frowns down at me, and he looked so old in that moment, so tired.
“I killed them…”
I frown at him, nodding, “let’s get you out of those clothes, yeah?”
“I don’t think I’ll fit into your clothes…”
“Genma can learn to share.” I help him slowly step out of the tub, and lean on me as we shuffle down the hall to my room. I let him softly flop on my futon, and he groans. He watched me as I leave, heading to Genmas nest of horrors.
I come back a few minutes later, having to thoroughly sniff check the clothes before giving them to Kakashi. Even as a Hatake, he’s nose was so much more sensitive then any Hatake or Inuzuka or anyone from my father side.
“Here, it’s not the best but it’s Gemma-” I stop, and swallow. He was passed out on my futon, shirt and pants off. I sigh, and place the clothes on my desk. I head over to him, and brush his hair back and away from his face.
I took in ever detail, every line and divot, the long scar, the mole. Everything. I never got to actually see him anymore, even with the mask, so I drank up the time greedily.
I sigh, standing up and headed to the balcony. I needed a smoke.
I boredly play with the dumpling, not really paying attention as my best friend Ichibangase Kaori ranted about the latest hot gossip circling the village. I could always count on her to keep me up to date on things while, in her words, I was “hiding in my science burrow and turning into a mole”.
“All im saying is that I just know the Hokage is hiding porn up there, he can’t possibly be working the whole time-(Y/n)? (Y/n)!” She leans over, snapping her fingers in my face. I hum, looking up. She sighs, sitting back in her seat.
“You’re distracted, and when you’re distracted you slump into your hand and then you get a mark.”
I furrow my brows, “I do not have a mark.”
She makes a face, and sips her tea, “sure.”
I sigh, pushing my short hair back, “I’m sorry…I’m just tired and you took me to lunch, it’s not fair.”
“Oh I don’t care about Lunch, gosh you apologized so much we gotta look back on that,” I make a deepened face, “all I’m saying if you work too hard, you barely get out anymore. I don’t think I’ve seen you since Gais birthday and I barely saw you!”
“It’s a lot of work! I mean, we just started this project and we’ve only just scratched the surface of this-”
“(Y/n). You work too hard. I worry about you.” She says sternly, and takes another sip of her tea. Soon, she goes back to talking.
I frown, and go back to playing with my food. She was probably right. I did work a lot.
She hums suddenly, looking up at me expectantly, “has your brother sent a message about the wedding?”
Oh yes, my oldest half brothers wedding. Soichiro was the next head of the Takamori clan in Suna, the lions of the sand. The Takamori clan and the Inuzuka clan were said to come from the same common ancestor, but even if Tsume and I had a drop of blood binding us we never seemed to agree on anything.
“He wants it the fall, won’t be excruciatingly hot then.” I responded, thinking, “it will still be hot though. It’s Suna.”
She hums, “are you excited? You haven’t been back there in two years.”
I shrugged, “I guess…”
I was excited, I had always loved visiting my father’s family in Suna. It was big, and loud, and everything my mother and i’s two-man clan wasn’t. I loved sand sledding with my older brothers, beading with my cousins, aunts and grandaunts, polishing the silver blades before my granduncle hammered them into wooded handles.
My father, Takamori Pazū, was the head of the Takamori clan, and had been since he was 10. It was war, and my grandfather had died tragically in battle leaving his wife and three children. My father took up the mantle quite quickly, and has been holding the fort down ever since.
His two sisters, Saeko and Hachi, were two of the first and youngest women to go to war and never let any of us younger kids forget. If we ever complained about the heat or being hungry or hurt one of them would always be there to say, “you think this is bad? I was in the desert for two weeks without water once. Tough it out.”
Of course, they did exaggerate, Aunt Hachi most of all. Aunt Saeko was in the war longer then Hachi, not marrying or settling down till the Suna council forced her. Hachi married young, 16, and now works with her husband’s weapons shop where they make chakra infused blades.
Saeko is head of ANBU in Suna, and won’t be retiring anytime soon from what my cousin Hachidori says in her letters.
Hachidori is Saekos only child, a seer like our Grandmother, who won’t stop telling me that I will “grow from the seed you think you’ll always be.”
Hachidori was the cousin I was the closest too, and I was glad I’d get to see her again most of all. If the council agreed to let me leave, of course.
“It’s a big “what if”.”
“Huh? But it’s your brothers wedding!” She exclaimed, frowning.
“He’s not a Senju, and he’s not from Konoha, the council won’t see any reason for me to go and put myself in danger. Konoha and Suna might be allied now, but the relationship is still strained…they wouldn’t risk it.”
She huffs, crossing her arms, “…is it because of Danz-”
I hold up a hand, silencing her. I didn’t like talking about Danzo, in any scenario-with any person.
“It’s because I am the only Senju in the village. Kaachan is in the capital and Tsunade is Kami knows where, I’m…”
“…yeah, let’s go with that.” I sigh again, taking a sip of my cold tea. “I’ll figure something out, throw the guilt card at them, it’s worked before.”
“You weren’t engaged before.”
I throw her a glare, silencing her.
Oh yes, rule number “idgaf” of being a princess: get engaged to someone of equal or higher class then you to make more snobby rich babies.
She sighs, tucking her straight dirty blonde hair behind her ear, “youre a Senju princess, they won’t just let you leave no matter what your dating status is…this just adds to it.”
I hum, thinking. She’s right, they won’t just let me leave…unless…
I smile at her, taking a big gulp of my tea, “don’t worry, I have someone who owes me a big favor.”
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headoverheelss · 4 years ago
Somebody commented on my FanFiction that they like my Everybody Lives Au but honestly that’s the only Naruto I know how to write. Like I want everybody to be happy.
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arandomperson19 · 2 years ago
The sword in her hear-Prologue
Pairing: Genma/OC
Summary: An orphan had no choice but to become a shinobi. Her strong addiction to sharp weapons worries more than one but who can judge her, she's a war veteran.
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During a storm, a woman was running. Running away from her past and her destiny.The snow was freezing her physically and morally, but she didn’t care. She was escaping from her duties. She wasn’t ashamed of that. Why would she be ashamed? Their duties weren’t suitable for her. Why stay?
Regrets? She didn’t have any regrets.Freezing was better than supporting the glare from the people, the judgment from her friend, the disappointment in the eyes of her father. Their silence was horrible for her. They should have criticized her but they didn’t. They just looked and that says a lot.
Her only regret is about her father who will never know his granddaughter. But she didn’t have another choice, her honor was at risk for this family of two. Her and her daughter's new life.
Some years later…
In a orphanage…
There was a routine.
When you wake up you arrange your bed
Wash your face
Eat your breakfast
Do you chores
Eat lunch
Do the rest of your chores
Classes to learn how to read, count, cook and other things
Free time
Bath time
Everyday, it’s the same thing. All the children above 3 years old adopted this routine. When you finished your day, you were exhausted.Nobody could complain since there was a war. The orphanages were poor and sometimes, food was inaccessible. Children didn’t notice the tense atmosphere around them. For them, Konoha will win. There wasn’t another choice. They dreamed of being shinobi to fight for Konoha, dreaming of being the new God of shinobi. All of them.
Jingū didn’t have a dream. She couldn’t dream since her future was already decided for her. She will ��become a shinobi, a ninja. If she had a choice, she would have opened a weapon shop where sharp objects of all shapes and sizes will be stored. She loved sharp objects. A bad movement and you will cut yourself. She didn’t know where her obsession with this kind of object came from but she wasn't worried about it unlike her teacher and classmates.
The children of the orphanage already knew about that addiction so for them that wasn’t a big deal. At first, the kind guardian of the orphanage was worried but decided that each child developed differently.
Jingū was alone. Her classmates didn’t want to be associated with her. She was too “creepy” for their liking. Even the children from the orphanage avoided it. The only person who liked her was the nice lady, her gardien at the orphanage. She didn’t avoid  or insult her. She sometimes makes her favorite food and always asks how her day was. The lady's name was Sayana, she was a mother to her . Today wasn’t an exception.
-“ Sanaya-san!”
-“Jingū-chan! How was your day at the academy?”
-“That was mostly boring, but we finally began to throw shuriken! Even the teacher praised me!”
-“Ah! I’m so happy for you, Jingū-chan! Did you make any friends? I don’t want you to be alone.” Sanaya said it with a sad tone. She really didn’t want Jingū to be alone. The poor little sunshine was always alone.
-“Don’t worry about that Sanaya-san. I have a lot of time to go to the library. I already can heal animals and make little poison. I am pretty good at it.
-“ It’s good Jingū-chan but don’t overworked yourself, alright? I don’t want to find you in a hospital bed.”
-“Don’t worry about that Sanaya-san, I would be careful. I don't want you to be worried.” Jingū throws herself in the arms of her benefactor. She didn’t want her to be worried. She heard someone say that if you worry about a lot of things, you would get old faster. And if you’re old faster, you die faster too. She didn’t want Sanaya to die.
-“Alright, alright. I will stop worrying but don’t do anything reckless.” Sanaya gently removed her from her arms. Jingū looked at her with admiration. Sanaya-san was the best person alive, a woman to protect.“Can you help me make dinner?”
-“Of course! I’m the best person you can ask.”
• • •
The dinner was delicious as always. Jingū was happy that it was Sayana-san who did the food for everyone. The other gardiens weren’t that nice. It’s like they didn’t like her. Jingū knows it has something to do with how they find her. She heard them two years ago. Jingū was now eleven years old. She understood that they were avoiding her for no valuable reason, so she didn’t mind. The same case was present for the students. She just didn’t care.
Since she was part of the oldest child in the orphanage, she could wash herself alone. She had to do it fast because the other older children were waiting for her. She was always the first to wash herself and they didn’t like it. When she got out of the bathroom, the group of kids who usually ignored her were fixing her. She felt judged but she didn’t care.
-“You took all of your time there. Can’t you get out faster the next time you freak?” It was Yuki who was complaining. They knew each other since she could remember but the older girl dislikes her. She didn’t try to find why because she didn’t care.
-“Are you really going to ignore me? I don’t know why Miss Sayana is so nice to you! You don’t even have friends with that attitude of yours.” Yuki was persistant. She must like to try breaking Jingū.
-“ Her hobby too, don’t forget her hobby” Takara liked to mock her a lot. The way she dressed herself and the fact that she don’t have any friends.
-“Maybe you guys should leave her alone.” That was Keiko. She didn’t say it out loud but the bullied girl heard it. She is the only kid who don’t ignore her.
-“You’re right! Who is so obsessed with weapons except her!” That wasn’t that weird okay?
Jingū just continued to walk to her room. Responding to them was a waste of her time. She walked for a few minutes and arrived at her bedroom. Her roommate wanted to change rooms because she didn’t want to stay with the orphanage freak . She didn’t mind since she could do her homework and work without anyone annoying her.
That homework was pretty easy. The history of Konoha was that long so yeah easy. When she finished, she readed the book she got from the library. She knows that controlling her chakra would be really important so she needed it to be perfect. She also read about the different jutsu and techniques. Even if she couldn’t do it, she needs as much information as she can remember. She finished her book and noting everything she learned, She finally lay down in her bed. Before falling asleep, she thought about everything people told her today. Their words didn’t hurt but she could feel a little pain in her heart. Tears start falling before she knew it. What were they thinking about her? She didn’t care…
• • •
In the morning, she didn’t have the energy to do her bed. She ran to the bathroom and started her morning routine. She went down and ate her breakfast with the other children. Compared to the younger kid, the older had to go to school so they didn’t have to do any chores before school. When Jingū  finished, she said bye to Sayana and ran for the academy. Some kids from the orphanage were also in the academy. She preferred to walk alone so she always left early.
On her way, she saw the village around her. She saw the shop around her and remembered her past dream, opening a shop. That was now an illusion. A fat illusion.
She didn’t realize it but she walked really fast without looking in front of herself. She bumped into something, someone? She fell on the ground and sighed in pain. She looked up and saw a guy with a senbon in his mouth. He had a Konoha headband. A genin? He looked at her and helped her get up.
-“I’m sorry about that, I wasn’t looking where I was going, are you okay?” She gave him a little bow.
-“It’s okay. I’m not the one who fell on the ground.” Was that guy mocking her? She must have had a weird expression since he added: “And you? Are you okay?”
-“Yes, don't worry about it. Sorry about that but I need to go.” She didn’t even let him respond and ran to the academy.
-“Well, that was nice to talk with you”
At the academy…
Jingū arrived at the academy without a problem. She was the first in the classroom so she sat in the back of the room and looked out. After a few minutes, the classroom started to be filled with students. All of them were divided into groups. Jingū listened to their conversation without knowing.
-'' From what I heard when I passed by the teachers office, Kuro-sensei has big news for us!”
-“For real?!? I am so excited!”
What could be that big news. Has it something to do with their classes? With the academy? The hokage? The war? Something tells Jingū that she wouldn’t like it…
-“Everyone sit down now!!!” That sudden voice shocked everyone. They sat without protesting. Kuro-sensei seemed serious today. Normally, he would be a really lazy man. But now, he was speaking with too much energy. His wife cheated on him or what? “The situation on the battlefield has worsened. Because of that, we need more people than before. This is why genin and final year students will go and fight for our village!”
An awkward silence fell  in the classroom. After 5 seconds, the students yelled from excitement. Were they stupid? Even Jingū knew that wasn't good news.
-“We will finally show the other village what we can do” You will show nothing dude, they would kill you before!
-“Our enemies don’t know what will happen to them.” They will destroy you before you do anything!
-“I hope we will meet Kakashi Hatake on the battlefield. I want to impress him” He will be impressed by how fast you died. Yuki was really stupid from Jingū's point of view. Why would you want to search for love when your life is in danger? This is stupid.
-“Alright, alright class.” The teacher calmed the class. “You will be part of the Genin corporation. All of you and another class will have one teacher. During one month, that teacher will teach you the things you absolutely need to know. This isn’t a game, so do your best!”
At the orphanage…
Jingū couldn’t believe what her sensei just told them. They will go to the battlefield at 11 years old. Was Konoha that much in danger? She couldn’t believe it. When she entered the kitchen, she saw Sayana's face. A face of worry and sadness.
-“ You don’t need to tell me. I already know. A genin gave us a letter. You will need to take your things and move to the Genin corporation camp. You guys have to go, now” Jingū could hear Sayana sobbing when her and the other older children in the academy went up. She put all of her things in a storage scroll except for the library books. She will need to give it to Sayana. When she finished cleaning her room, which is not her anymore, she went down. All of the children were saying bye to Yuki, Takara and Hikari.
Nobody came to see her. Like always. She could see the stare from Keiko. She wanted to talk to her but she would be the new freak if she did. It’s what Jingū explained to her when they were six years old but Keiko promised that when she would finally live alone, they would be friends. Sayana came close to Jingū and gave her something. The gentle gardien took the book from Jingū and gave her a hug.
-“ I wanted to give you this when you would have finish the academy. It seems that you finished it a bit earlier.” Her tears were soaking her neck. Jingū wanted to cry but she needed to stay strong. She couldn’t show her tears when she would fight for her life on the battlefield, she couldn’t. “When we found you, this object was attached in the basket where you were. That object is your heritage. Take it and come back to me sometime after this war. Alright?”
Jingū couldn’t believe it. She had a heritage? Her parents thought about her before abandoning her. She didn’t know if she was sad or happy but that object will definitely help her.
She finally had her own katana.
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cafeinthemoon · 4 years ago
Kasumi - Chapter 5
Title: Kasumi - A Story from the Hidden Leaf Village
Genre: Fanfiction
Pairing: Genma Shiranui x Kasumi Saya (ofc)
Rating: Teen | up
Word count: 1543
Chapter (s): 5/?
Warnings: painful memories, childhood trauma, kidnapping, snakes
Symbols: ⭕ | ➕ | 💛 | ▶ ▶
Read the previous chapters here: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 , Chapter 4
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Chapter 5 - Proper Apologies
With her eyes half-closed, Kasumi stared at what was above her for a while until she recognized the white painting of the ceiling of her room. She turned on the bed and found out she felt little pain. Her body was heavy, and it was like her legs were going to be took over by cramps if she made the slightest efforts.
She remained in bed, trying to remember what happened the other day. It wasn’t difficult; her body might be tired and maybe it will take time for her to restore her chakra, but her mind was working as fast as her invisible blades.
First, he was coming back home with her colleagues and killed a snake hidden among the foliage; the memory of that animal sent chills down her body. After that, despite the growing cold of the night, she went to visit her mother’s tomb. Genma showed up right a moment later. They talked… about what? The nightmares, of course. For some reason, the restraint seal applied on her mind by the Hokage was broken, and she didn’t have more complications because her friend forced her to seek for the old shinobi that night. The Hokage reprehended her for her imprudence and then created a new seal for Kasumi. With this seal, her thoughts were purified and her mind was functioning without obstructions. But she couldn’t remember the whole process. Maybe she fell asleep before it was completed. Judging by her state right now, that was the most likely to have occurred.
And finally, she was at home. How? Genma might had brought her.
With big efforts, she sat on the bed and looked around. Silence. The room was empty except for her, but the window was left open. He might left through it.
Kasumi stared at the window. But the direction of the light coming in, it must be past noon. Of course, the sealing was tiring even when one was in their regular physical conditions and with a decent amount of chakra available; but, in her circumstances, she shouldn’t expect less than several hours of unconsciousness
She bent her knees and surrounded them with her arms, leaning her chin on them. She was thinking about the conversation she had with Genma at the cemetery, and the uneasiness she felt there was the same that sat in her heart now.
Kasumi has been reckless lately, which might had weakened the seal, but she didn’t think it was enough to break it; anyway, everything would be under control if she worked for it, and there would be nothing to worry about. She was sure of this; it was all she was trying to say yesterday. Convincing Genma, however, was another story.
Somehow, he always knew when she was doing less for herself than she should, but he never tried to induce her with words; instead, he took his time to motivate her to act. He always has been like this; the philosophy that moved him was that if someone has a problem and knows what it has to be done, there was no choice but to do it. Of course this had already been a reason for disagreement between them: when they were younger, his little inclination to long conversations used to annoy her; he seemed to not understand that the reason for his efforts not always succeed was that, to her, there is too much that one has to do before taking any actions.
But now that Kasumi counted on experience and comprehension, she felt grateful.
It was possible that Genma didn’t know, but he had already done more for her that can be calculated, even when he didn’t perfectly understand her. He might act as if it wasn’t that important because of their friendship, but she had a different opinion. And maybe it was the time for her to understand what he has been trying to tell her all this time: she should not lean on excuses and self-pity when she has a choice. If she didn’t want to feel that guilt anymore, a bit of action was a proper beginning.
When she felt capable, Kasumi left her bed and walked on the room to reach the window. The sunlight disturbed her eyes a little, and she protected them with her hand. The village was peaceful as far as she could see. That eased part of her fears.
She was about to leave the room when she stopped beside the bed table. She spotted some objects that weren’t there yesterday. The first two were identical: two small bottles with labels that identified them as medicines; under one of them was a piece of paper with instructions. But they weren’t the only ones.
The girl bit her lip when she recognized the last one: a senbon. If Genma had left it there, it was because he meant to come that day.
And she had to prepare herself.
That bath brought more benefits than Kasumi thought a bath was capable of bringing. Compared to the tiredness she felt every step she took since she left the bed, the freshness she felt now made her think she could float around the house; her muscles were restored and the pain was gone after a while.
She reached the kitchen feeling her stomach squirm inside her; her last meal was in the woods the last day. The clock on the wall marked 15:30. it was later than she thought when she looked at the room’s window. Was it possible that Genma already came and, seeing everything closed except for that window, he saw she was sleeping and left? She could never know. But, well, she sensed that he still didn’t come. And even if that was the case, soon or later he would come to get his senbon.
Kasumi got back to her room to take it and then put it on the table. She opened the kitchen’s window and left the afternoon sun enter. Then she started to separate ingredients and bowls, for she already decided what she was going to make.
She was concentrated on the task before her, immersed in the smell of the spices that she just mixed to what was already on the pan, but she knew the precise moment when he arrived.
- Is this really what I think it is?
Genma’s voice was so cheerful that Kasumi had to stop her work and turn to him, who was sitting at the window, his left foot on its stop, his right one dangling on the inner side. There were only a few things that lightened his mood as seeing someone making pumpkin broth.
She laughed.
- It seems that summoning you is not as difficult as you want people to think, right?
He left the window and passed around the table. Seeing his senbon, he took it back and put in on his mouth. He approach to see the pan’s content, but Kasumi pushed him, still laughing.
- Hey! – he complained, but with a smile – I want to make sure everything is okay!
- Take a sit on the table and wait to see!
He grumbled and picked a chair for himself. No one talked for a long time.
The table was ready, the plates and cutlery in their right places. Genma kept passing the senbon from one side to another on his mouth, then said suddenly:
- You’ve been on your feet for a while.
That was true, judging by the work Kasumi was already doing before his arrival: the organization of the table and the preparation of the recipe didn’t take little time, but the girl didn’t think this detail should be brought up like this. Anyway, she understood what was implied.
- I wasn’t feeling well when I woke up, but I’m better now – she replied without taking her eyes off the pan – I’m feeling strong enough to cook my own meals. But I know I’ll have to stay at home for some days.
- The Hokage knows that. And that’s exactly why he left those instructions. Well, actually he didn’t have the time to write them down, so I did it once I got the chance.
- I see – and, after a while – You know, I’m still tired, and I’d rather make something simpler. But I had to do this. I want it to work as a proper apology, so it has to be done.
Noticing that Genma didn’t reply, Kasumi looked over her shoulder and smiled.
- I’m talking about the soup, of course.
- Yes, I got it – he replied – But I can’t help thinking that you apologize too often.
The answer didn’t come immediately. She turned and approached the table. Then, taking the plate before him, she filed it with the broth and brought it back. She was no longer smiling.
- Yes, I think I do. But I can’t help it, since you always say it is not necessary – Kasumi walked around the table and took her own plate – Genma. I’d like you to understand that, to me, it is necessary. So, please, accept my apologies. At least this time.
He wasn’t smiling too. He left his senbon beside the plate.
- Very well. I accept them.
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